reevespieces · 4 years
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4.23.20 // Homeschooling
Lance and I have always thought about homeschooling are kids. It’s been a discussion we had for a long time and now that we are technically doing it, homeschooling is definitely a no. I’m literally going crazy with doing school work with them. Trying to help with their school work is making me feel dumb lol.
I can barely help Aiko with her school work. She’s pretty much on her own and using google. The triplets basically have to share a computer and tablet. I can somewhat help them. Jaxon is only in kindergarten so helping him is literally the best thing ever lol.
I can’t wait for school to comeback but I know that won’t happen until like September. The only thing good that came out of this virus is that the kids don’t have to take their state standardized test. Until then, y’all pray for me during these last two months of the school year lol.
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mommaneedssomewine · 5 years
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08-12-19 : First Day Of School
Hey cutie pies! Long time no see! Last week was the last week of summer break for the kids so we spent much of our time together. Didn’t have enough time to post about their last week of summer but today is the first day of school everybody and the kids are excited about it. Kind of hard to wake up Miyoko because she absolutely love sleep but the twins was up earlier than usual today because it was the first day of school.
Miyoko is now a 5th grader and the twins are now in Kindergarten. Just can’t believe how big they are getting. They’re all going to the same school now which is so overwhelming. Just can’t believe how old they’re getting.
Kiah had to go to work early in the morning and couldn’t take them to but he’s making sure to get off early so he can pick them up. I really hope they have a great first day and a great school year.
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sialatersquad · 5 years
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Eden and Elli are off to Grade Two and Pre-K!
I’m a blubbering mess! I have to admit, I was more than excited when I shipped Elli off to Daycare last year. I was pregnant and in a different headspace. This year I feel like my little baby is growing up too fast, right before my very eyes. This picture was taken bright and early as we got up and had a nice large breakfast. No I didn’t let the girls wear those shoes to School. They both wore a pair of running shoes to School but I picked these adorable little boots up when we were shopping because I thought they would be a cute addition to the outfit. They also of course had to take their hats off before entering the School.
Elli has grown up so much in the short little while. We worked on a lot over the summer; she can spell her name, she can count to 10, she knows her address, and she makes it to the bathroom every time now! When Elli grows up she says she wants to be a Baker like her Aunt Candy! 
Eden has come a long way too! Over the Summer we’ve been working on Math books to get her caught up with her age group. Last year one of the subjects she struggled with was Math. She’s finally starting to come out of her shell as well around other kids! She loves ballet and is convinced when she grows up she’s going to be a Dancer! She’s thinking a Ballet Dancer right now but say she may be a professional Tap Dancer.
As for me. I’ve really enjoyed the Summer with the girls; yes tragedy started it off but as a family we were able to push through and come together. I’ve been super busy trying to set up my shop; but the kids and I were still able to do some amazing things! We went to a really fancy hotel just before Summer was up and we had a blast in the indoor waterpark. Sadly (for me) the kids had to spend a lot of time at my Mothers due to the shop taking up a bunch of my time this last month. They didn’t mind however, they loved being at Grammie’s. I’m going to spend the whole day just sitting home with little Cas and just cry a bunch. I miss my kids. I hope they are having the best time at School!
((I wasn’t going to post these until tomorrow but I caved in!))
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wearetheparks-blog · 5 years
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June 29, 2019 - The Twins Are Here👶🏽👶🏽
Hey guys, it’s Nyla! The twins are finally here! I went into labor last night around 10pm which was great timing since Eric was at the hospital working. I was in labor for 16 hours and at 2:23pm our blessing Asher Dean Park was born and then at 2:27pm our miracle Amari Scarlet Park was born.
We really didn’t get to hold them that long. We cuddle with them for a little bit and then they both had to be put in the incubator in NICU since they were born 5 weeks before their due date. It’s kind of scary and stressful for us but Kris and I are really hopeful and are praying for them. I mean they been through so much and I know they’ll get through this too.
Kris and I really hope we don’t have to stay at the hospital for a long time especially since the kids want to see them and meet them. Just pray for our little miracle babies<3
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kalejaredkid-blog · 5 years
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We have lift off!!
Raine has started waddling about over the past few weeks, she’s been standing up and falling back down but she started to walk a week ago when I snapped this picture of her! we are all doing well as of me and sammy we have both be working both in and out of od the house over the past weeks and trying to spend equal time with the kids and looking after them, it’s hard you know juggling everything, I have great news that stuff will be coming soon to the shop so please bare with me! we are also looking to book a holiday this year and get away!
I hope that you are all doing well!
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ittybennibugs · 6 years
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One of the best parts of my line of work is getting to travel! Recently, the girls and I traveled to this gorgeous little island called Mirth where I ran into this amazing woman who introduced herself to me as Heather Adams. We hit it off almost instantly! We decided to stay another day, we were actually scheduled to head home later that evening, so we could get our children together at the park. It was a beautiful day, the girls got a long great and major plus, I’d made a new friend! Fast forward to almost a month later, Heather called me to tell me that she and her children would be in the states and would love it if they could come and see the farm!
I was so excited! I just hoped our little slice of heaven could measure up to how much I gushed on about it! Farms are not for everyone, so, I wasn’t sure how she’d like it! I felt silly after seeing Hunter and Luna Rose’s eyes light up when they saw all the different plants and of course Kevin (our three legged cat) caught Luna Rose’s special attention. Of course, he jetted off to goodness knows where before anyone could touch him, lol.
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Thankfully the kids were easily distracted. We’d just had a batch of egg’s hatch and the baby chicks were out soaking up those vitamin d rays! Hunter seemed a little bored by it so while the girls petted the baby chicks, I introduced him to Mertle. Our milk cow. He was amused by her, but then Duke had caught his eye. I am fortunate enough to own a horse that is extremely patient and tolerant of small children and loud noises! Hunter wooped and hollared as he ran over to Duke’s fence and immediately reached out for him. Duke was delighted to have attention though and of course he was searching for his candy (he has a think for gala apples). I showed Hunter how to properly feed him and he helped me clean his hooves (from the other side of the fence). It took some convincing to get Heather on board with it, but she finally agreed after 15th millionth time of looking into the big blue eyes of her sons, to allow Hunter to ride Duke as long as I accompanied him.
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The girls were restless though so after a bit of time had passed, I told her to take them inside and make them lunch. Hunter and I would join them in a spell. Of course, I wasn’t realizing this meant 2 hours of riding Duke. He seemed out with it though. We were sad to see them leave, but are looking forward to our next visit with the Adams’ Family <3
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boujisimmer-blog · 8 years
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Tattoo looks $$ ask for cc
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sims3greyfamily · 8 years
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I love to  aimlessly wander around the city and take pictures. Spring in Lucky Palms isn’t very different from the summer. Only the sun less. I'm so glad we moved to this warm town and i'm so happy that my kids will born here. ooh...i can't wait to see them and to hold them in my arms.  They will be here in 14 weeks♥
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reevespieces · 4 years
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4.6.20 - Guess who’s back again?
Yes, the Reeves Family is back. I’m pretty sure a lot has changed on this site since the last time I posted something but I miss you guys and hope there’s still some simumblrs out there.
I guess I should re-reintroduce myself lol. I’m Mikelle and I’m the mother of 5 and the wife of Lance. Lance and I are real-estate agents and are also artists on the side.
Aiko is the oldest, who just turned 14 years old in January and she’s a freshman in high school. Aiko actually my sister’s daughter but my sister passed away. Lance and I adopted her and our life couldn’t be any better.
Then there is the triplets who are 10 years old -  Shyanne, Jezika and Aeryn and they are in 5th grade now. You’ll know their personality really soon. Shyanne is the girly triplet, Jezika is the smarty triplet and Aeryn is the sporty triplet.
Then we have our youngest and only boy Jaxon. Jaxon just turned 5 in February and I already missed him being a baby. It seems like everyday more and more of his personality is coming out.
I’m glad to be back and I really hope everyone is safe during this COVID-19<3
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mommaneedssomewine · 5 years
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07-26-19 : Work Out Grind
Hey cutie pies! How has everyone week has been? I hope all of you guys had a great week and I hope you guys have a great weekend also. Everything in our household is the same. Kids still enjoying their summer break even though it’s slowly coming to an end. I’m kind of glad about that. I mean I love my kids but I would at least like some time to myself lol.
When I do have some time to myself, it’s usually to workout. I’ve been working out every day for the past week with @reevespieces. Mikelle has really been the best work out buddy. I’ve been slowly getting rid of this baby weight and I can finally say that I back to where I was before I was pregnant with Kenzo.
I’m still going keep going to the gym to tone my body and just have some girl time with Mikelle. Love you and thanks for being my work out partner. Hopefully I can get in even better shape :)
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sialatersquad · 5 years
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  Cas waking up from this morning nap, it’s amazing how much you’ve grown little guy! You look so much like your Daddy already it’s unreal. He would have been so excited to watch you grow, but unfortunately life had other plans for Daddy. You’re such a soother boy, take it and you cry bloody murder. I’m going to have fun getting it away from you when you’re older; we shall cross that bridge as it comes. 
  I can’t get over how different you are from Elli when she was a baby. I couldn’t get her to gain weight. You on the other hand are such a chunky little man! You’ve got rolls for days! We’re going to blame Daddy on this one, he was a chunky kid. You’re already in 3-6 month clothes. It’s hard to believe newborn ever fit you; correction I think newborn fit for a day.
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wearetheparks-blog · 5 years
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June 30, 2019 - My Babies Shower🤰🏽👶🏽👶🏽
Hey guys! It’s Nyla. I hope everyone has been doing well. I had my babies shower that yesterday!
Thanks so much all of you for coming. Especially a big thanks to @charliesimss @mommaneedssomewine and @reevespieces for coming! I had such a fun time talking to you guys about being pregnant and going though labor. Very helpful and made me realize that I shouldn’t be scared lol
We played a lot of games and ate a lot of food. I also wants to say thank you for the gifts. I really do appreciated it.
I had a lot of fun even though it was very small which I liked. Very happy that you guys came to my babies shower
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kalejaredkid-blog · 6 years
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life lately 
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sims3greyfamily · 8 years
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Pregnancy updates 26 weeks♥
How far along - 26  lovely weeks
Stretch marks - uh...yes..
Weight gain - 10 kg
Sleep - not so good last week cause i need to go to pee each 10 mins
Food craving - apple and pineapple
Belly button in or out - out
Materinity clothes -  only materinity
Symptoms - heartbeat and backache
What I’m looking forward to - nothing special
Happy or moody most of the time - happy, but a bit emotional 
Ring always on
Sorry for lack updates, guys... i’m soo so lazy last time... I hope that it will pass soon and i'll can  post blogs  more often ♥ With love
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reevespieces · 4 years
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4.11.20 // Quarantine Shopping
These last couple of months has been so crazy. So much has been going on and I really hope everyone is coping and doing well. The stores around my neighborhood has calm down with the crazy shopping but it’s still kind of hard to find the essentials items. The main store I go to is Publix and they make sure you don’t stock up on items which is great. I seen so many people that bought so much stuff and their family isn’t as big as mine. I always buy what we need for that week because I know there’s people out there that need some essentials stuff too.
One thing that has help this family a lot is “Home Chef”. “Home Chef” is a company that sends you and your family dinner for a week. It has help us a lot with not having to buy food for dinner at the store and saves us money.
I really hope by this time next month that everything will be back normal. Be safe everyone<3
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mommaneedssomewine · 5 years
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09-14-19: Movie Day
Hey cutie pies! How are you guys doing? I hope everyone is doing well. Sorry I haven’t been posting. Kiah and I have been so busy with work. The kids have been pretty busy with school too. We just been pretty busy and haven’t really had family fun time until now.
I brought the kids to the movies to see the Dora movie while Kiah was taking care of Kenzo. Kiah usually doesn’t like the movies because he always end up falling asleep (especially watching kids movie.) Miyoko has been begging me to watch this movie so she was so happy to see it. The twins were pretty excited to watch it too. It was actually pretty good.  I’ll even recommend for you guys to watch it. I wasn’t expecting it to be that good.
But overall, it was just great to spend so quality time together instead of being too busy.
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