#since I finally convinced her to be jin biased
meliakim · 3 years
Already Dating Awhile
Seokjin and Mun tell the others they’re dating.
*Seokjin’s POV*
It’s been over a week since Mun and I started dating… and no one has realized it yet. I’ve honestly been in love with Mun since the first week I met her, but I kept that to myself for the longest time. I suppose I’ve been rather obvious about my feelings though because all of the members have at some point figured out about them… but it was a conversation with Yoongi that finally convinced me to take the plunge and tell her how I truly felt about her.
“Seriously, Jin-hyung, if I hear that you’ve gone on another ‘platonic’ date with Mun, I’m going to tell her how you truly feel about her myself,” Yoongi said. “Yoongi-ah! But it is just platonic!! We’re not dating!” I retorted. At this point, Yoongi was getting annoyed. “You’ve been saying that for almost two years now, and it’s been almost two years that you’ve been acting like a couple, so just make it official already!!” he whined, getting up from his desk chair and striding over to my side of our shared room.
“She spends time with your family, you talk to her for hours at a time, the two of you spend any moment you can together, you find every excuse to hug her or put your arm around her, you go on dates, even double dates with Jimin and Min … You literally cannot convince me that you two are only friends,” he said, getting fired up. “So what? Am I to just tell her out of the blue that I love her?” I asked. “Use whatever method you want, just make it official! You’ve been dating for at least a year now already,” he said before disappearing to his side of the room.
I’m thankful that I took his advice and told her how I’ve been crazily in love with her… it was the only thing I’ve hidden from her, and now I could be perfectly open with her… and she still loves me!! Anyways, soon after we made it official, we discussed how we should tell the other members that we had finally gotten together. We thought of a lot of different ideas but decided to just act like a couple to see how long it would take for them to notice.
As I’ve said, it’s been over a week and no one has noticed yet, even though we’ve tried so many ways to make it obvious. We’ve held hands around them, wore matching outfits, never left each other’s side, and I’ve even kissed her on the cheek a couple times, despite us not liking too much PDA. We were having a game night at the dorm tonight, so our attempt tonight would consist of wearing matching PJs and cooking the meal together like a couple would.
Mun looked so cute wearing a pair of my RJ pajamas, a style that I had two pairs of. We spent about an hour in the kitchen cooking together, being extra cute with each other when someone would come in. “Mun-ah! How does this taste?” I asked her as Hobi came in. I brought a bite of my seaweed soup over to her and gently fed it to her. “Seokjinie, it’s so good! You’re honestly the best at making soup… almost better than my mom’s! And I’m saying that without being biased,” she answered, winking at me with a smirk.
After looking in the fridge for a drink, Hobi found a water bottle and then left the kitchen without saying a word to us, though we were purposefully being extra. As soon as he left, Mun looked at me with a shrug and a face that said, “oh well!” We fixed the table together and set the food out, calling all the boys to come and eat. “Mun and I made this food together, so we hope you enjoy it,” I said after everyone had arrived and had sat down.
All the chairs were taken around our little table, so I pulled up an extra one and sat down, then Mun came over and sat down on my lap. I nuzzled my chin into her neck as she sat in front of me, and everyone passed the food around and filled up their bowls. They all ate and talked about their days and other random things, as if no one even noticed Mun and I acting very much like a couple. I tapped her on the shoulder, and she got up so I could stand up.
“Is no one going to comment on how cute of a couple Mun and I are? We’ve been dating for over a week, and no one has noticed!” I said, causing my ears to turn red slightly, as everyone was now giving their attention to me instead of eating. Hobi had a slightly confused look on his face as he slowly lowered his chopsticks. “A week? I thought you had been dating for months now,” he said, looking around at all the other members’ reactions.
“I know you always said you were just friends, but I thought that was one of your running jokes,” Jungkook said, genuinely. Joon nodded in agreement and said, “I honestly didn’t see anything different in the past week, I thought you guys were always a couple.” I looked around at everyone, and they all seemed to agree, much to my surprise. “The only people that you were fooling were yourselves,” Jimin added with a laugh.
I shrugged and said, “well, I guess we’ve apparently been already dating awhile,” facing Mun who had taken possession of the chair we had been sharing. She smiled and stood up, shrugging as well. “Works for me,” she said with a laugh, letting me sit back down in the chair, then her taking her place back on my lap as she fixed us a bowl of bulgogi and rice to share. I looked over her shoulder and met eyes with Yoongi, who had a smug grin on his face that said, “I told you so.”
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theflowergirl · 5 years
❄️ Untamed Winter Fest 2019 ❄️
Day 4: Decorating
[Roommates AU]
“Careful now, A-Ling.”
 The three-year-old climbs up the step ladder slowly but resolutely, Wei Ying’s hands hovering safely around his little frame. Even as he stands on the last step, his nephew barely reaches his chin, but that’s enough. On that day, with paint in his little hands, A-Ling is just the right size to be the artist in charge of decorating the walls of Wei Ying’s brand new attic.
 He stays close as A-Ling stretches his little body so he can start as high as possible. All the while, he sings a song that Wei Ying is already halfway to memorizing, even if it hasn’t been a month since he moved back to Yunmeng. The little hands form clear prints on the surface of the wall, then the child drags his masterpiece down, in a creative smear. Wei Ying follows him as he goes up and down the ladder, dipping his hands in different colors to spread them from the bottom to the farthest spots he can reach in thick and thin brushes of his fingers. Yanli had mentioned that A-Ling can make the most intricate color fusions and while he was never one to doubt his elder sister, he really can see it there, on his walls.
 “Uncle, look!” A-Ling calls, and he laughs, because he’s been doing nothing but that, and he lets the toddler run from one end of the wall to the other, drawing tortuous trails, making sounds while he moves. At one point he wants Wei Ying to join, and since he never really thought he’d escape this little endeavor unscathed, by the time Lan Zhan gets home, his clothes are thoroughly ruined.
 “Sorry I’m late,” he says, still dressed in his office clothes. Wei Ying chuckles, motions him to stay back with one hand, while he draws stars with the other.
 “That’s okay, we’ve been having lots of fun together, right, A-Ling?”
 “Lots of fun!” A-Ling repeats, dropping his hands heavily on his paints and making a mess on the floor. By then, they had already been going for hours and there wasn’t a single wall without a splash of color on it, even if A-Ling favorite certain spots over others.
 “I really think he’s going to be an artist, Lan Zhan, takes an artist to recognize another.”
 He punctuates his phrase with an exaggerated pride and rouses a chuckle out of the other.
 “I see. It’ll take an artist to cover all of this up later.”
 His next laugh is a little sheepish as he crouches next to his nephew.
 “Maybe we can leave it as it is. It doesn’t have to be a serious room or anything.”
 They hadn’t really decided what to put there. They didn’t have that many belongings together, Wei Ying not having accumulated many since he moved out of his parents’ house in college and Lan Zhan not being the kind of person to own that many things to begin with.
 Wei Ying has an inkling; and since that’s all it is, he keeps it running inside himself until it’s a full-blown thought.
 “How’s your sister?”
 “Glowing.” He absentmindedly tucks his hair behind his ear and then cringes at the resulting stickiness. “She says dinner won’t take long, but I told her to take as long as she needs, we’ve got A-Ling.”
 A-Ling’s clothes are definitely a trouble, his hair even more so, but until he burns all of his energy or gets bored of painting, Wei Ying just lets him do his thing, Lan Zhan nodding, standing aside and out of the range of A-Ling’s working space.
 A few minutes pass with nothing but Wei Ying encouraging his nephew, both of them getting paint in places that will be difficult to wash later. Lan Zhan stays in place and in silence, watching the sun and the moon that the other two draw on opposite sides of the same wall, until he says, “Would you honor me with your thoughts, Wei Ying?”
 He’s a little startled, for just a moment, before he’s brightened with a laugh. What a lovely echo of something said so long ago.
 “What makes you think I’m thinking about anything?”
 “You are.”
 “Not this time though,” he singsongs.
 “Mn,” is the response, prompt and accepting and thoroughly unbelieving.
 Wei Ying stands behind A-Ling, his hands behind his back, looking down at his little head. He says nothing but his smile tells a story.
 “I just remembered father,” he says. “He liked seeing me paint too.”
 Lan Zhan adds another Mn to the conversation, and Wei Ying gives him a side-glance.
 “Are you psychoanalyzing me, doctor?”
 “I’m too biased for that.”
 His chuckle is cut short when he notices Lan Zhan approach, but his surprised “Ah, don’t” does nothing to stop the other. The soles of his shoes are definitely going to amuse a few patients in the near future, if he doesn’t bother to clean them. He’s both a really neat person but also uncaring about other’s opinions, so Wei Ying figures it could go either way. He’ll have to look forward to that development.
 “It’s just... Yunmeng.”
 As if it explains everything.
 “Yunmeng,” Lan Zhan agrees, so maybe it does.
 How many years have they known each other again?
 “Yunmeng and re-adjusting and thinking about the past and the future, I guess.” He shrugs. So many clever things to talk about others, so few words about himself. Did he even know himself the best as he used to think he did?
 When Lan Zhan speaks, after a pause that feels both too long and too short, he knows that he was wrong.
 “You’re thinking about adopting a child.”
 His smile feels weak as he dons it.
 “Lan Zhan, I currently draw webcomics for a living. It’s certainly not the time—”
 “There might never be a perfect time.”
 Jin Ling is singing again, and Wei Ying forces himself to pay as close attention to the toddler as to the man that stands beside him with his hands clasped behind in back, looking at the art of a three-year-old boy on his recently purchased new home. Their home. In Wei Ying’s Yunmeng.
 “Lan Zhan, this is why your uncle said I’d be a bad influence on you when we were fifteen, look at you encouraging my reckless impulses—”
 “It’s not an impulse.”
 It’s not. Neither is it an itch or a fancy, but it’s all and more, in Jiang Fengmian’s voice, calling from purple-tinged clouds outside the attic window. Jiang Yanli is her happiest with all of her family close to her and with little A-Ling clinging to her skirts, and even Jiang Cheng seems to smile more since he moved back. A-Ling’s weight when he picks him up and swirls him around and cleans his cheeks and hands is both something new and something long coming, and even if he just has a roof over his head because he’s been Lan Zhan’s roommate for so long that neither of them remember what it’s like to not live with the other anymore, it’s...
“Wei Ying?”
 With a sniffle, he turns to A-Ling and exclaims, “Ah! Mom should be getting home any time now, Jin Ling, time for a bath!”
 “I’ll do it with you.”
 He wants to make fun of his phrasing, but he’s too stunned to speak. A-Ling pretends his uncle never said anything and continues to play.
 “I’ll... help you. If you want me.”
 Lan Zhan, isn’t there an order to these things? First comes love, then comes marriage, isn’t that how the song goes? Except no one knows him like Lan Zhan does. His habits, his preferences, his moods and the worst sides of him. Isn’t that a little like marriage? Except they didn’t share a bed. Except they weren’t in...
 “Lan Zhan.”
 His smile is lopsided, playful and full of hope.
 “Aren’t you supposed to confess before proposing?”
 It’s ridiculous how an accomplished man of Lan Zhan’s age can avoid his gaze in such a clearly embarrassed way like they’re fifteen again and he’s teasing him about never having kissed anyone. Have you? How long have you liked me, Lan Zhan? He licks his lips. Lan Zhan doesn’t meet his gaze but remains right where he is.
 They look down at where A-Ling has spilled paint all over the brim of Lan Zhan’s trousers, making a mess of his shoes. Yeah. He’s not going to be able to wear those anymore. Wei Ying sighs.
 “Come on, A-Ling. Let’s have a nice, warm bath since it’s cold!”
 He throws his hands in the air with a Yay! and A-Ling mirrors him before he picks him up. And just like that, with A-Ling perched on his waist, he takes Lan Zhan’s clean hand in his dirty one, and it’s amusing and delightful and it makes him smile all the wider.
 “Honor me with your thoughts tonight?”
 Lan Zhan swallows whatever it was that caught his voice then nods and smiles back.
 Wei Ying walks away, playing with A-Ling, and wondering if his bed will finally be warm enough in the winter from then on. And if he convinced Lan Zhan that the recently decorated attic could make a good playroom?
 Well. They’ll have to buy new furniture.
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needtherapy · 4 years
A Time And Place For Us (pt 4)
(Since Tumblr is being a jerk about outside links, I’m going to try it this way. It’s also on AO3 if you want to read it there.)
Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 (Explicit) / Part 4
It’s Xichen’s birthday, and what a coincidence, the Qinghe Nie sect leader is taking a tour that just happens to take him to Cloud Recesses.
Unsurprisingly, it’s an exciting few days.
In this story you will find: Mingjue breaking things; Sword fighting; Xichen’s issues; Mingjue’s birth name; Embarrassed younger brothers; Monsters; Birthday presents; Kissing…and more.
A follow-up to Mingjue Falls and Xichen Remembers.
Chapter 9: Xichen
Xichen did not sleep, even after he went back to his own rooms and cleaned himself with shaky hands. He could still smell Mingjue on his skin, could not stop remembering the sound of Mingjue’s hoarse voice calling his name and the unbelievably intoxicating feeling of being so deeply joined together. Xichen knew he could not let himself want more, but he wished he could have at least stayed until morning. Not for the first time he resented this life he had been born to with no choices given and no deviations allowed.
He still had not gotten out of bed by the time dawn lit his room, a small rebellion that ended up making no difference. There was a gentle knock on his door he could not ignore. When he opened it, one of the servants was fidgeting nervously on the other side.
“Zewu-Jun, the Nie zongzhu…” the servant trailed off, brow furrowed. “The Nie zongzhu requires someone to braid his hair and we have not been able to find anyone he deems acceptable.” Xichen’s lips twitched. He was going to have to chastise Mingjue for flustering the servants.
“Thank you, I will see if I can determine what he would find acceptable.”
At the steps of the guest house, Xichen met the servant delivering breakfast and tea and took the tray from her. He dismissed the rest of the hovering servants, who looked very relieved, and Xichen wondered what Mingjue had done to alarm them.
Mingjue didn’t look particularly intimidating, although Xichen supposed he might be biased. He was merely sitting in the middle of the floor with a frown on his face and Baxia laid across his lap. But with his hair unbraided and wearing only pants and a single robe, he did look a little feral.
Xichen closed the door behind him and set the breakfast tray on the table. 
“I was told the Nie zongzhu needed assistance. Can I help you?” he asked mildly.
Mingjue gave him a sheepish grin.
“Xichen, I swear, I didn’t try to scare them, but the first one came in while I was meditating and Baxia was...not pleased. She was hoping to see you as I was hoping to see you.”
Xichen moved to sit on a low stool behind him, picking up a comb and starting to brush out the tangles. Mingjue’s exhale sounded like a tiger’s purr, and Xichen’s hand twitched. He scolded himself for being so infatuated he couldn’t even manage this minor task without throwing himself at Mingjue.
His hands moved swiftly and deftly, parting the hair and twisting the thick plaits at the top of Mingjue’s head. He was finally engrossed in shaping the smaller braids when Mingjue interrupted him.
“I want this.”
Xichen’s hands stilled. 
“This?” he asked, afraid to guess what Mingjue meant.
With a patient sigh, Mingjue turned to pull Xichen onto his lap.
“This. You. Having breakfast with me. Braiding my hair. Being with me.”
Xichen’s blood was pounding so hard it hurt. To be confronted so baldly with this thing he could not even let himself consider wanting left a raw wound across his heart.
“You know that isn’t possible,” he said a sharper tone than he meant.
“Ah, Xichen, I’m saying this badly.” Mingjue frowned and touched Xichen’s cheek. “I know there are expectations about the future, for me and for you. I will eventually fulfill my obligations to my sect. But I want there to be something for us, too. I don’t want to hide that you are a part of my life. That you are vital to my happiness.” Xichen softened and leaned against Mingjue.
“Shi-ge, there is nothing I can promise you.” “I could swear brotherhood to you, and you to me,” Mingjue said, in such a casual voice, Xichen knew how much the answer must mean.
He turned to take Mingjue’s face in his hands, pressing their lips tightly together, not caring if anyone came in. After yesterday, there were probably a few people who wouldn’t be surprised to find their future sect leader sitting in the lap of the Nie zongzhu kissing him as though it was his dying wish.
“Beloved, if my life was my own to give, I would give it to you gladly,” Xichen said gently, unable to resist laying his fingers on the bare skin of Mingjue’s neck. “If my future was my own to hold, I would hand it to you. If I could, I would promise anything you asked me.”
When the words came out, Xichen was afraid they sounded like rejection, but to his surprise, Mingjue smiled, the wide, dimpled smile that was Xichen’s favorite. 
“Someday you will be able to, and I will ask you again.” He kissed Xichen. “Or you won’t be able to live without me and you will ask. Either way, knowing it is what you want is enough right now.”
He tugged the trailing ends of Xichen’s forehead ribbon.
“Will you finish my hair? I have three more days with you, and I hope there are many dark and hidden places in Cloud Recesses you have not yet shown me.”
But Xichen wasn’t quite ready to go back to being Zewu-Jun. He slipped his hand inside Mingjue’s robe and nuzzled the hollow of his neck.
“I could ward the doors now and braid your hair later,” he offered.
With a whoop of laughter, Mingjue pulled Xichen to the ground with him, barely giving him enough time to set the talismans that would keep the rest of Cloud Recesses from hearing exactly what he wanted for his future, even if he could not have it.
Chapter 10: Mingjue
Mingjue had only been back in Bujing Shi for a week before the letter came. He closed his eyes in sorrow after he read it. They were going back to Cloud Recesses. There was a new zongzhu.
Mingjue only took three other men and they traveled faster by sword flight. It was dusk by the time they arrived. Although it was after the usual last-entry time, Mingjue did not bother to be acknowledged by the guards, letting his jade entry token part the wards.
He was surprised that Lan-er-gongzi was the one who met him on the path. The boy bowed and beckoned for Mingjue to follow him. It made Mingjue smile to see that he tucked his arm behind his back the way Xichen did. 
He wasn’t sure if he would get an answer, but he asked anyway. 
“Are you well?”
Lan-er-gongzi turned to regard him. He nodded once. 
Mingjue tried to decipher his expression but it was too complicated for a single word. Relief? Sadness? Regret? He would have to be satisfied with yes.
“Lan Wangji, thank you.”
Mingjue wasn’t sure what he was thanking the boy for, but he knew it was necessary. This time, he recognized the softening of expression as acceptance.
To his surprise, Lan Wangji took him to a small house far from the others, set behind a walled garden. The leaves were falling from the trees, and a path of gold led to the door.
Mingjue could hear Lan-xiansheng’s voice from inside.
“You will have to move there eventually. What difference does it make if it is today or tomorrow?”
Xichen’s tone was clipped.
“Shufu, it makes a difference to me.”
Lan Wangji had stopped, so Mingjue had stopped, and Lan-xiansheng nearly ran them over when he burst out of the house, an exasperated expression on his face. He stopped and blinked in confusion at the two of them for a moment.
“Chifeng-Zun, maybe you can convince him.”
It was Mingjue’s turn to be confused. He glanced at Lan Wangji who just flicked up one of his eyebrows before moving to walk away with his uncle. Mingjue had never been so grateful to be dismissed.
Mingjue hadn’t been sure exactly what to expect, but he found Xichen sitting at a table writing, the strokes quick and confident. Xichen looked up and smiled at him.
“Shi-ge, I was not expecting you so soon.”
To Mingjue’s shock, Xichen stood and kissed him intently, slipping his tongue between Mingjue’s lips and threading his fingers through his hair. Mingjue didn’t resist, but he was puzzled.
“This is apparently to be my last night in my home,” Xichen told him, a tight set to his lips. “Will you stay with me?”
He stayed. There was never any question. 
He stayed and let Xichen demand pain and pleasure and love.
He stayed and did not regret a moment of it.
“I am sorry about your father. Are you upset?” he ventured when he could think again, and Xichen shook his head.
“No. I am not.” He laughed lightly, dancing his fingers across Mingjue’s chest. “Is that terrible? I am not upset that my father is dead.”
Mingjue considered the words and the bitter tone of voice. He wondered which of them Xichen was trying to convince. He changed the subject.
“Your brother said he was well?”
“Wangji is not even pretending that he is not relieved.” Xichen chuckled, and this time it sounded genuine. “And I can not blame him. Maybe it will give him a chance to...be someone different. He has hidden himself away from Qingheng-Jun for so long, I think he has forgotten that he does not have to hide from everyone.”
Xichen leaned up on one elbow, brimming with sudden excitement.
“I am planning a Gusu Lan sect lecture session for next summer. I plan to invite the Lanling Jin and Yunmeng Jiang disciples who are Wangji’s age. And Huaisang, of course.”
Mingjue rolled his eyes.
“You want Huaisang to come to Cloud Recesses to learn something? You are ambitious.” 
He remembered the wild and noisy Jiang boys he had met and thought Lan Wangji might at least get along with the Jin heir.
Without warning, Xichen melted into tears. He covered his face and turned away from Mingjue, sobs shaking his body. Mingjue was so startled, he didn’t know how to react. When he reached out to touch Xichen’s shoulder, he flinched, so Mingjue withdrew his hand and waited.
“I am not sorry he is dead and I should be.” Xichen’s voice was muffled, but he sounded belligerent rather than sad. “He was my father. I should have loved him. He should have loved us. But all he could see was the ways in which we disappointed him.”
Mingjue stroked Xichen’s hair gently, and this time, Xichen did not pull away. There was nothing he could say.
“I am so angry with him for the way…” Xichen sat up abruptly, curving forward to protect his pain. “He should have thought about what it would mean to find him.”
Mingjue’s breath caught in his throat and he sat up too. He had wondered.
“Xichen, did you…”
Xichen shook his head.
“No, shufu did. He tried to keep it from me but…” He shrugged. “Qingfeng-Jun chose to leave us a long time ago. I was not surprised.”
He leaned back against Mingjue, the tears subsiding, and Mingjue held him tightly, not knowing what else to do.
“I did love him,” Xichen whispered. “And still I am not sorry he is gone. I do not have to live my life by his judgment anymore.”
He curled inside the ring of Mingjue’s arms and sighed with the last shudder of grief.
He was too fragile right now, Mingjue realized, and so he held his tongue. He did not say, whatever your father believed, your kindness is not a fault. He did not say, come with me and let me protect you. He did not say, I will love you until I die.
Someday he would tell him. When Xichen was ready. Someday he would ask him to share his life again. When they had more time.
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cupsofsuga · 5 years
Hi honey, can i ask for a reaction from bts yandere when a friend of his girlfriend tells them that (member of bts) is not normal because he is very obsessive and those things, but she defends them saying that they are not like that (because she she loves him and trusts him, she's naive too) Excuse my English since it is not my mother tongue and if the orders are full I will understand Thank u
WARNING - This is a yandere au, meaning the following may be triggering to some viewers.  I am not trying to discriminate the boys in any way, this is for entertainment purposes. Viewer discretion is advised!!!
Thank you for requesting, my sweet dove! You’re English is phenomenal! Also, buckle up cause this ones LONG.
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━━━ This was never supposed to happen.
Before he could even think to react, he has been caught in this state of infatuation, like a butterfly in a net. No matter how much he spreads his wings, there is no escaping this need for you.
Seokjin craves and desires every fleeting moment of intimacy, creating havocs of emotions that whirl within him. The melding of colors in the boundless azure sky, the soft glimmer of stars that twinkle in the sky as well as your eyes. He inhales, tasting the sweet fragrance of the early spring, he then exhales, and litters of stars and flower petals fly in the air. Jin has set out the seraphic variety of emotions sat on a dome plate. All for you, every fiber or fragment of emotion held within his body was all made for you.
Every little bit of blood spilled from those who dared separating you from him was all in the name of love; all in the name of his dear Y/N. Without these heathens, he can finally settle in his home tucked away in the woods with his little doe to where they spend the remainder of their days in peace.
And this fellow “friend” of yours was nothing like the others on his hit list. He tried convincing you to leave Jin, throwing insults spiked with venom about his behavior towards you, trying to feed you these lies that he called “the truth”. This angered Jin severely. How could anyone say such vicious things to his angel? And once night fell, as he stood under Jin’s motionless, hardened gaze, time seemed to stop. Birds became silent, every flower died. The whole world seemed to stop spinning.
But now Seokjin returns home, hands bloody and his blood boiling, but once he catches sight of you sleeping soundly in your shared bedroom, all of this built-up rage seems to melt away. You sleep like the sweetest, little fawn, he thinks. And once he washes away his sins in the sink, he’ll then cradle you and care for you as if you’re a porcelain angel who now lies in his arms.
“Don’t you worry, my little doe… I will protect you from these blasphemous hellions; I will keep you safe for eternity.”
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━━━ You pleaded to go see a distant friend, meaning no boyfriend, only the two of you. This intimacy shared with you is obsessive, but he obliges the part for your sake.
It has felt like years since you’ve seen your childhood friend. You’ve almost forgotten how you bloomed like an unseen poppy in the first few seconds of April when you two venture together. A true, genuine bond you two have. 
But Yoongi is in your life now, and you must forget these memories. 
Your friend disagrees and there is this darkness that follows. He begins to tell you how unhealthy and mentally draining is it to cope with Yoongi’s behavior. You stop, question and drown in your own pool of realization. Was he right?
He pulls you into an embrace when the brunch date ends. His touch is so warm, you feel yourself start to melt with his arms locked around you. It’s been a quick minute since you’ve felt heat like this. Quickly pulling yourself out of this hazy daydream, you share a quick farewell, and then you’re off, the cold, brisk air sharing no sympathy for your exposed skin.
You stare silently at your feet as you keep pacing forward. You’re far too engrossed in your thoughts to think of a practical destination. Was he truly right? Was this relationship unhealthy or was he just feeding you biased lies? Should you return home and spend the rest of the time thinking in that man’s embrace? Or should you run for it and hop on the bus before it’s too late?
And just as you reach the bus spot, a cold hand has gripped your forearm. You turn around, spotting the same face you see every morning. Heavily panting, feline-eyes which are watery with fear, icy chills spreading down his spine and the glimmering of tears on his pink cheeks. How was he here? How did he find you? Had he been here the entire time? Better question, was he listening to every word spilled?
“Y/N, please… It’s so cold without you… A-And what he said, it isn’t true. None of it is true..! We’re meant to be, can’t you see…? I love you, my Aphrodite.”
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━━━ You two barely fit in the same category. You’re a dove who flies freely without any flock of birds to return to or a cage to be forced into. You’ve never needed Hobi’s affections and constant sweet nothings, but you find them amusing. To you, it’s just a short summer fling that would turn to ash once Autumn comes and the leaves start to fall. To Hoseok, this love is eternal and will last for many summers to come.
“He’s kinda creepy, don’t you think? I mean, it’s quite obsessive how much he demands to be by your side… Don’t you get tired…?” 
Is that what the outsiders think? That he’s some sort of mythical demon of some sort? Being around him during the times the sun shines most and the times where the moon glows in all of her glory wasn’t ever tiring, simply entertaining. Having somebody that didn’t see your cold demeanor and shiver or awkwardly avoid you was somewhat refreshing. Never have you seen someone, not even your own mother, look at you with such intense love in their eyes. And you took advantage of it.
Maybe you’d let the truth settle underneath a bed of leaves, like a trap, and as soon as he prances over to see you, the sickening reality will catch him and the sorrow in his eyes will glimmer. The idea of breaking his heart excited you, but when you returned home you expected him to come rushing to the door like a cheery golden retriever, not in this state.
Hoseok sat curled up in your living room, head buried into his knees while the faint, ominous sound of his crying echoed, almost like a ghost in a horror movie you’ve seen before. His gaze shot up towards you in surprise after hearing the creaking of floorboards. Eyes watery, cheeks wet with tears, lips quivering. A beautifully tragic sight plastered in front of you. Almost like a broken angel. 
And as soon as he recognized your flabbergasted expression, the waterworks were let loose. Slowly, he waddled his way over to curl up and hug your legs, still crying as you stood in uncomfortable silence. Incoherent mumbling across desperate cries was all that was heard.
“I-I-I heard what she said at the skatepark… That I’m “obsessive”, “creepy”. B-But it isn’t true! Y/N, I’m not any of those things…! You’re my everything, you are my sun… And I need you for many seasons to come”
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━━━ Like a lion, you cannot be tamed. You won’t drop your guards and submit to those two will throw you in a circus for humans to pay and gawk for. You won’t be the obedient animal who lets human purr and coo at. You are rare, entirely a human of complete chaos. You chase thunderstorms and run from the rainbow afterward. You call the rain and the lightning against your skin your lover and you call the sun which kisses your mortal enemy.
You’re a god, all bruised knuckles and broken hearts littering your path. Nobody owns you, you simply are in control of your own soul.
And as Namjoon listens to your junkie friend blabber about the dangerous acts that your boyfriend has committed, he sits, listens and seethes with rage. You’re a human of your own opinion, though, and brush off his comments, but not without spitting out a protective threat over your lover (which warms Joon’s heart).
Namjoon watches; stalks like a cheetah about to pounce at his prey but there is no violence in the air, only the complete, wholesome lingering of feather-touched devotion that swarms within his mind. He has forgotten about the skater boy with a pea-sized brain that made his blood boil. There was only room for you in his head, anyway. 
And in a hushed whisper, his emotions leave his lips beautifully.
“Your heart may not be pure, but it is mine, all mine… Just like how my heart is yours.”
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━━━ Jimin’s entire cherub essence, so pure, so sweet. His eyes reminded you of pearls, ones you’d find strung upon the neck of Audrey Hepburn or some other angelic celebrity of the time. You listened and often reminisced of his laughter, like an echo of harmonious melodies that reverberates in your ears; a truly angelic noise. Or his touch, so silky and velvety like fingertips against the naked sky that glows in hazy light, not too bright, but bright enough to illuminate the blinding darkness that surrounds you.
Park Jimin, entirely a soul which turns seraphic with his own heavenly heart.
But what is this? What is this rumor, this hearsay of your angel doing such sinful things? Such violent manners?
Your sweet, sweet Jimin could never possibly make such horrible, horrific actions. But he was an angel gifted a sword, a child of the night, the utter darkness. He will travel to such measures, measures unspeakable for his love, his dearest rose. And now that someone is attempting to take you from his gentle, soothing embrace, the sharp tumultuous ring of his battle cry echoes.
“Ah, my sweet dove, never listen to such deadly lies… They aren’t good for your soul.”
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━━━ His gaze stayed locked on you during the aftermath of the movie, your close friend caught on, you didn’t. She warned you when you two were alone (or so you two think), spitting out supposed acts so horrendous that you visibly shivered of his unknown presence. And you not knowing Taehyung, being afraid of him almost lets the most melancholy cry escape his throat.
You don’t remember him.
Taehyung should have expected this, expected his dearest Y/N to give in to the lies that swarm around her like annoying flies; like mosquitoes picking at her skin. But this sudden wrath of reality penetrates him, shakes him awake from this daydream he’s been so caught-up and utterly infatuated with.
Tae, now sitting at his desk hours later, grasps hold of his red pen, scribbling out blabbers of emotions that have been bottled up within him. He writes in cursive, as always, just messier this time. It doesn’t matter, though, because of the true, genuine, honesty in each word makes up for the sloppiness. Tears begin to stream down his cheeks so beautifully, so ethereal the way they seem to shimmer in the light of his desk lamp.
Finally, he holds up the card, slightly stained with tears that turn the ink distorted, but it doesn’t matter. It’s perfect. 
Maybe he’ll slip it in your locker tomorrow or into your backpack. Taehyung then shivers feverishly from the excitement of finally taking action for this fantasy he’s been chasing for too long.
“Y/N, my Y/N, I was internally born the moment we first met. I no longer have a past, I no longer need anybody else. I just need you, you, and you. Only you…. I only have a future, which will be illuminated by your love.
Sincerely, Your One and Only Lover, Taehyung.”
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━━━ A sudden revelation embarks on a journey within his mind. The revelation of who you truly are, what makes up of you entirely. He has finally figured out why storms are named after people and how much destruction one person can cause. You swallow those unlucky whole and spit out their emotions, no source of envy or guilt held within you. Your eyes are cold, so is your heart. You are a cruel being, a wretched human who enjoys suffocating on their own renewed vitality. 
But it’s different with Jungkook, you’re softer.
He lets the light, your light wash over him like ocean waves to where he is reminded of eternal peace and drowns in his own joy. You hold the beauty of every microscopic star seen in the sky within your soul, but come closer and you see the glitter and dust that rival all things that shimmer in our world. He sees it, he sees it every day and yet, it never grows old. Every fragment of a moment with you is all fleeting palpitations in his heart and cheeks as red as two ripe cherries.
But someone, one of those pesky insects you call “friends” that constantly zoom around you believes you should leave him. And Jungkook is then reminded of every little reason behind his need for you and the eternal life he desires for the both of you only. But, don’t fret, your feelings are mutual as you spit back and defend Jungkook to the imp before you.
“Oh, Y/N… I knew I could trust you.. I’m your dandelion, aren’t I? And we’ll be with each other forever, won’t we?”
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BTS Reaction: Their s.o has a child from a previous relationship
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There’s always one member’s reaction I get carried away with and write so much 😅. In this case it was Yoongi’s. Oof I just love soft father figure Yoongi so much I couldn’t help it. I changed it up a little bit so in some of the members’ reactions you have a slightly older child. 
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Namjoon would honestly be a little nervous, but he would be accepting. It wasn’t the fact that you had a kid from a previous relationship that made him nervous, but he confided in you and told you that he was afraid what would happen if your child didn’t like him because you already meant so much to him. “Joon I am sure she will love you. Trust me on this okay?” When he did finally get to meet your daughter his heart just melted. She looked just like you. Namjoon knelt to the ground and held out the stuffed animal he had bought for her. Your daughter toddled over to him and grabbed the toy from him hugging it tightly to her chest. Your daughter looked up at you and smiled. “I like him. He has dimples.” Namjoon couldn’t help the laugh that escaped him as you laughed along with him. “Well that’s great honey because I really like him too.”
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Jin would be so excited to meet your kid. “Jagi why didn’t you tell me you had a child?! When can I meet them? Oh man I can’t wait to tell them all of my dad jokes this is amazing I have been WAITING for this moment!” You couldn’t help but laugh as you invited him inside to finally meet your son. “Hey there little man! My name is Jin but you can call me Jinie. I’m so happy to meet you”. Your son was very shy and held tightly as he gripped your leg and stood behind you. “Well since you’re shy and don’t seem quite ready to talk yet maybe I will go stand outside. So if anyone asks I am outstanding”. At that Jin began laughing at this own joke and your son let out a shy giggle. “He’s funny. I like him.” You and Jin shared a fond look at each other as you both headed into the living to spend the afternoon letting Jin and your son play together.
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Yoongi is honestly going to be very nervous. He feels like he has no idea how to interact with kids and he is convinced your daughter isn’t going to like him. With his music career taking up most of his time he doesn’t know if he is ready for the responsibility of having a young child in his life. When he expressed his worries to you, you instantly reassured him. “Yoongi I understand if this is too much for you right now. I know how busy you guys are with your comeback. I may be a little biased but she’s very sweet and I’m sure she’ll love you. She’s a part of me after all and I happen to love you very much.” Having been comforted by your words he agreed to meet your daughter. You brought her to the studio later that afternoon. The moment he saw your daughter all his worries went out the window. He instantly loved her she was so precious and reminded him so much of you. “Hi princess. My name is Yoongi.” You daughter giggled at him. “I’m not a princess Yoongi.” He feigned shock. “What? No way! But you’re as pretty as a princess!” Your daughter let go of your hand and walked over to him to hold his own and he thought for sure his heart was going to melt onto the floor. “What do all of these buttons do?” He lifted your daughter up and placed her in his lap as he started explaining what his recording equipment does. He even let her mess with some of the buttons and began laughing when she changed the pitch of Namjoon’s voice and he suddenly sounded like he had sucked in a helium balloon. He was so sweet with her and you felt yourself starting to tear up. Yoongi turned around in his chair when he heard you sniffle. “You okay angel?” You wiped your eyes and smiled widely at him. “Yeah. More than okay Yoongi. I’m just really happy.”
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Hoseok is so excited to meet your baby daughter. When he first sees her nestled in your arms he can’t contain his happiness as he looks at the both of you. He comes up to you and lets your daughter wrap her hand around his finger and his heart is so full. “Hi there little one. I’m Hobi. It’s so nice to finally meet you.” You hand your daughter to Hoseok so he can hold her and he carries her so gently. She starts to fuss a little bit and when Hobi starts singing softly to her you swear you’re about to break down in tears because of how sweet he is. A few tears escape your eyes and his own. “She’s beautiful. Just like you jagi.” “Hobi how did I get so lucky to have you in my life. Seriously you are so perfect.” He smiles at your praise and gently kisses your cheek as he continues to sing to your daughter.
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Jimin can’t wait to meet your daughter and absolutely spoil the heck out of her. He treats you like a queen and he is going to treat your baby girl like a princess. Jimin is so kind and gentle with her, and the moment he meets her he silently promises to always protect her and keep her safe. He thinks she is the most precious and adorable little girl. Because of his kind and caring nature your baby seems to instantly be comfortable with him. She becomes quite attached to him and throws a fit every time you have to take her out of his arms. Jimin always kisses her forehead with a promise that he will see the both of you soon and it fills your heart with so much joy and love for him to see how quickly he accepted your daughter into his life like she was always meant to have a space there.
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Taehyung LOVES kids. So when he found out you had a baby son he was absolutely ecstatic. He’s already planning fun things to do and places to take him before they even meet. “But baby, we have to take him to Disney please! Imagine how adorable he’ll look in the Mickey ears. And how excited he will be to meet all the characters!” “Not yet Tae he’s just a baby he’s too young! He won’t even remember anything. Maybe when he’s a bit older okay?” The second Tae sees him he has the biggest grin on his face. “He looks so much like you y/n!” Your son immediately starts squirming in your arms and you hand him to Taehyung. He starts to tear up a little bit as he speaks to your son. “Hey there little guy! You can call me Taetae when you’re older. I am so happy to finally meet you!” Tae’s friendly and inviting nature instantly had your son warming up to him and he smiled at him. Taehyung refuses to let go of your son the entire time he’s with you, already having so much love in his heart for him.
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Jungkook is accepting that you have a son, but he is so incredibly nervous. He is still quite young and he is worried that he won’t have any idea how to interact with a baby. He’s another one that is going to be terrified that your child won’t like him. “Kookie, he’s a baby. I don’t think it would be even possible for him to dislike you and besides. I am sure he will absolutely love you.” Jungkook immediately softens at the sight of your baby son in your arms. He can’t believe how adorable he is and he starts gushing over how cute he is. “Do you want to hold him Kookie?” You show him how to hold him and Jungkook starts rocking him and singing to him. Your son just stares at him in absolute wonder at the sound of his voice and smiles up at him. He starts to tear up a little bit. “I think he likes me. Or at least my voice.” “He loves you Kook. Probably because he can tell how much I love you too.”
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My top 10 Korean OSTs of 2019
I feel the last few posts I’ve apologized for not posting and truth is I took a break from dramas for about three months so by the time December came I was so behind and I felt I couldn’t do my usual end of the year top 10 lists. However the past few weeks I’ve been catching up and now I feel ready to pick my favorites of 2019. I’ll start with OSTs, as I’ve done in the past, I only chose songs from dramas that started in 2019 and one per drama otherwise the whole list would be Hotel Del Luna OSTs.
Honorable Mention. Chen-Rainfall. It was so hard to pick this list and I could probably pick another 10 honorable mentions but I feel this song of the Chief of Staff drama felt so epic and I just had to add it
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10.  Kim Feel-Fallin’. Abyss was such a fun drama and the romance was so sweet just like this song.
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9.  Punch-Like a heroine in the movie. I’m not going to lie. This is not Punch’s best OST of 2019. She sang three Hotel Del Luna OSTs and they all were so good however there’s just too many good OSTs from that drama. I know John Park’s Foolish Love is the most popular song of When the Camellia Blooms but this was my favorite one. I just love Punch’s voice.
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8.  Seulgi-Always. The Crowned Clown had so many ups and downs to the point I’m not sure if I liked it at all, however there’s some really nice OSTs and my favorite one is this song by Red Velvet’s Seulgi.
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7. Jannabi-Take my hand. I was so convinced I was going to love Romance is a Bonus Book just because Lee Jong Suk was part of it but somehow I just never connected with this drama. So actually my favorite part of this drama is this song by Jannabi. They are an indie band that was getting really popular last year but a few controversies got in the way. Nevertheless their songs are just so my style of music.
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6. O3ohn-Milky Way Between Us. WWW: Search was one of my favorite dramas of 2019 and it was one of those dramas that had so many good songs. WOW by Mamamoo and Kim Na young’s I get a little bit lonely are a must listen but this song by O3ohn felt like it capture the essense of the drama.
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5. 10 cm-But it’s destiny. Crash landing on you is probably my favorite end of the year drama and I’m just obsessed with this song. 10 cm has so many great OSTs and this one is no exception. This drama has some really good songs including Jaehwan’s Someday and Yoon Mi Rae’s Flower.
4.  Ha Sung Woon-Think of you. Her private life is one of my favorite romantic comedies of 2019 and Wanna One’s Sung Won’s vocals really shine in this sweet song. It was actually hard pick only one from this drama because I also loved Lee Hae Ri’s Maybe.
3.  Chen-Make it count. I feel like every year since I started picking my favorite OSTs of the year Chen releases an amazing OST and this year is no different. I know I’m biased but this song by EXO’s Chen just puts me in a great mood and it’s probably the OST I listened to the most in 2019 given it was released in February. Touch your heart was a fun drama and it featured some interesting songs. Check out Wendy’s What if love and Jeong Sewoon’s Good Night.
2. Ha Jin- We all lie. SKY CASTLE was probably the most talked about drama of the year in Korea and this song was just iconic. From the first second it just grabs your attention. Princess maker by Cheon Dan Bi and It has to be you by ABOUT are also a nice listen.
1. Taeyeon-All about you. Hotel Del Luna, in my opinion, had by far the best OSTs in 2019. I could even make a top 10 favorite OSTs from Hotel Del Luna. It was one of my favorite dramas of the year as well so picking just one of the OSTs was almost imposible. I still can’t believe I didn’t pick Heize’s Can you see my heart or 10 cm’s Lean on me however there’s just something about Taeyeon’s vocals on this song that just feel grand and when I look back at this drama I have flashbacks of scenes where this song was featured. Make sure to also listen to Red Velvet’s See the stars, Yang Da Il’s Only you, Chung Ha’s At the end, Gummy’s Remember me, and finally Another day, Done for me and Love Deluna all by Punch.
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svtmatokis · 5 years
Matchmaker P6
I couldn’t go to bed without posting this. Literally worked on it for like 4hrs lol~ hope you like it!
Plot: You’re a small name model who is close friends with Joshua and Taehyung and just moved to Korea after signing with an agency. You’ve been a fan of BTS for as long as you could remember and biased Yoongi. Little did you know, despite not being well known, you had caught Yoongi’s eye a long time ago and now you guys get to meet. Even though the two of you become friends, Yoongi’s apparently too shy and you’re just apparently oblivious to his feelings. Will it take a push from Taehyung and the rest of his members for you two to finally get together or will Yoongi be able to do it on his own?
Words: 4010
1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5
Warnings: This particular chapter contains alot of swearing~
Genre: flufff/ slight angst
Pairing: You x Yoongi
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“So have you heard anything from the other side since you left?” Jihoon asked as the two of you sat at one of your favorite restaurants that you used to go to a lot.
“By otherside, I assume you mean my old agency?” you asked playing with the napkin on your lap as Jihoon nodded. “Only from what I know from Hara...It’s kind of put me on edge though…” 
“How’s Hara associated with all this again?” he asked confused. You only told him that she knew who your old manager was but not the connection between but he had a feeling that if Hara sparked this much fear into you, that it was a serious thing.
“She’s his younger sister believe it or not...Did I tell you that she cornered me during the show yesterday?” you asked with a small frown and Jihoon almost spat out his drink,
“No? When were you going to tell me this?” he asked with clear shock, “After she did something stupid? Do you know if she has access-” 
“One question at a time.” you said holding up a finger, thankful that you were sitting in a quiet corner at the back of the restaurant where no one was around. “It was the main reason why I wanted to hang out today...If I went out with Yoongi, I would’ve asked you to meet up after...Josh and my sister are the only ones who know...” 
You looked down, “I walked out of the bathroom yesterday and she was right there. She didn’t say anything...she just held her phone up and all the proof was there...She threatened me again...she said that if I don’t stay away from them, she’ll go to the press...We all know that as long as there isn’t any written proof, we can’t accuse her of anything. There’s a part of me that’s going crazy and struggling to stay sane through all this but another part of me wants to say fuck you because it’s really none of her business but if those get leaked, it would reflect badly on me and the agency...I just wanted to leave that part of my life behind so I could have a fresh start...but it’s actually followed me here.” You let out a big sigh and felt tears well up in your eyes and shut them tightly. You refused to cry over this, you were stronger than that. “Why do you think I keep my friendship with Yoongi so casual and secretive? Even if we went out today, I wouldn’t want to take it any further knowing…” 
You shook your head as you remembered the scene you saw today at the cafe today, “And it’s not like it matters anymore anyways. They looked really comfortable today and they’re in the same agency…Maybe it’s just best that I leave it alone now and let this all go...If anyone found out I was associated with Yoongi romantically and things got out, think about how negatively it would reflect on him as an artist...I can’t let that happen to him...” 
Jihoons eyebrows furrowed when he saw your true state of mind. Knowing that Hara threatened you was one thing but knowing that you were willing to let your feelings go for someone whom you felt strongly for in order to protect them was another thing. He could see the pain in your eyes and it was the same pain he saw before, you were so desperate to have a fresh start, you waited so patiently for your contract to be over to start a new life and now you were once again crumbling before his eyes. At least this time, he didn’t have to fly across an ocean to be there for you.
He reached over and put his hand on top of yours, his thumb gently caressing the top of your hand as you muttered.
“I don’t know what to do anymore Ji...I like this guy so much but I can’t be with him if it means putting his career and image in jeopardy…” 
Jihoon frowned and thought for a while, “Would you...consider telling him? Like everything? From start to finish...it’s Yoongi, Y/N...he’s probably the most sane next to Namjoon...he would understand…” 
You shook your head quickly, “I can’t...not while this is still happening. Imagine how he’d react...he’d go to his agency, they wouldn’t believe him because he has no proof Haras threatening me...it’d make him look bad...I just can’t” you said as a tear slipped from your eye and Jihoon leaned over to wipe it away.
“Let’s finish eating and then I’ll take you home.” he whispered, “We’ll stop by for icecream again along the way.” 
Meanwhile, none of you were aware of the people standing outside the restaurant who were watching the scene with a different idea in mind.
“Hey, isn’t that Woozi and Y/N?” Hoseok asked pointing to two people at the back. They had just finished eating at a different restaurant and happened to pass by. You had your back facing the window but they all had a clear view of Jihoons concerned face and many thoughts invaded their mind.
“How do you know it’s Y/N?” Taehyung asked as Yoongi watched the scene intently with his fists semi clenched.
You had yet to respond to any of his texts and now here you were with Jihoon at one of the more upscale restaurants in the city. There was a bottle of wine between the two of you and Jihoon’s hand was still resting on yours. 
“The tattoo on her back.” Hoseok stated pointing at the orchids, “Plus, isn’t it a fact that those two are close friends?” 
“Looks like they’re closer than they’re letting on.” Jin observed, “I wonder what’s wrong...the conversation looks serious…” 
“And look at Woozi’s hand on top of Y/N’s.” Jungkook pointed out, “Did he just reach over to touch her face?” 
“Guys, it’s not right to stare.” Namjoon said though he was doing the same but looked at Yoongi from the corner of his eye, “We should leave them alone...whatever it is, is between them.”
“Have you talked to her at all today Hyung?” Jungkook asked Yoongi who shook his head.
“She said she was busy today.” he muttered while shoving his hands in his pockets.
“Well obviously if she’s out with Jihoon right now…” Jimin said, “Maybe we should go say hi?”
“No way, they look like they’re about to leave. If they see us staring they’ll think somethings up. Let’s just go.” Taehyung said looking down at his phone as his eyes widened after seeing a text from Minyoung. Though he was curious about what you were doing with Jihoon, he didn’t want to intrude on an obvious private moment. 
Yoongi must’ve obviously thought the same thing because he just said he was heading to his studio and left without another word leaving the rest of his members to stare after him with concern.
“If anything, it looks like a date.” Jin said finally voicing his opinion and most of the guys nodded their heads.
“I don’t think that’s the case…” Taehyung muttered as he continued to look at his phone with texts from Minyoung and the puzzle pieces were slowly coming together.
[8:45pm] Minyoung: So I left my phone at home today during my date with Chan and I come back to see this?
[8:45pm] Minyoung: -Sends a photo attachment-
[8:45pm] Minyoung: What the hell is going on? I thought you guys had a meeting with your agency today?
“Shit, shit, shit, shit, shit!” Taehyung said as he started responding to Minyoung quickly but he also caught the attention of the other members who were now looking at him weirdly. 
“Tae….?” Namjoon asked as the group started walking back to their dorm.
[8:46pm] Tae: It’s not what it looks like I swear! We had a meeting with the agency today but Jin, Jungkook and Yoongi went out for lunch! They were there too, I swear! Hara must’ve been there already and saw him while the guys were getting coffee! How’d you get the photo anyways?
[8:47pm] Minyoung: Y/N and Jihoon saw them...they were hanging out today after Yoongi cancelled on their supposed date. Jihoon sent me the photo.
“FUCK!” Taehyung yelled making everyone stop in their tracks. 
“What the hell Tae.” Namjoon said, “What’s going on?” 
“I need to go find Yoongi like right now.” Taehyung said as he continued to text Minyoung, “I’ll see you guys later.” and with the final word, he was gone but the other members caught the tail end of his muttering.
“Why the heck didn’t he say anything?”
[8:50pm] Tae: It HAS to be a misunderstanding, I’m going to find Yoongi right now to clarify everything. We just saw Y/N and Woozi at a restaurant having dinner and Yoongi left in a huff...Now I’m understanding why Y/N hasn’t responded to his texts…
[8:51pm] Tae: I swear Minyoung, it’s really not what it looks like…
[8:52pm] Minyoung: Good luck trying to convince Y/N of that...according to Jihoon, she shut herself off fairly quickly and it took him a few hours for her to at least smile…
[8:52pm] Tae: She can’t be THAT upset over this can she? I mean….
[8:52pm] Minyoung: Tae, she has severe trust issues and I’m sure you know that Hara hasn’t been the nicest person to her...It runs deeper than you think…
[8:53pm] Tae: But Hara’s just a trainee…there’s something you aren’t telling us….
[8:54pm] Minyoung: It’s not my place to tell...Just...try to figure things out on your end and I’ll see what I can get out of Jihoon. He’s taking her home right now.
[8:54pm] Tae: I’ll be at the agency in  bit and once I talk to Yoongi, I’ll let you know...Fuck I swear, he really like her Minyoung...She’s all he ever thinks about…
[8:55pm] Minyoung: And she likes him...but that doesn’t mean that she can be with him just like that either…I’ll talk to you in a bit.
As Jihoon walked you home, it began to rain and  thankfully, you made it right before it started pouring.
“Are you sure you’ll be okay to get back?” you asked Jihoon as the two of you stood in front of your apartment.
“Of course, I have my umbrella in my bag so you don’t have to worry...Are YOU going to be okay?” he asked with pure concern and you gave him a tight smile.
“I have to be.” you said, “Thank you again...for being there…” 
“I always will be Y/N.” Jihoon said as you opened your door, “Have a good night and call me if you need anything okay?” 
“I will...thank you again Ji…” you said and gave him a tight hug and watched as he walked down the path knowing he was heading back to the agency to finish what he was supposed to work on for the day. Even though you felt bad that he had set this time aside, you were thankful that you could get a lot off your chest.
You entered your apartment and checked your mail. You found an odd envelope addressed to you and opened it. Your eyes widened as you skimmed the contents and the note that came with it.
Suddenly breathing became an issue as you read the note and the next thing you knew, you were taking your phone out.
“I-I need you to come back.” you said breathlessly as the panic started to get the best of you, “P-please be quick.”
Around the same time, Taehyung was back at the agency and barged into Yoongi’s studio without knocking. He knew that Yoongi would get pissed at him for it but he could really care less at this point. This was more important.
“What the hell” Yoong said as he sat up from his position at his desk as Taehyung took deep breaths since he practically ran to the agency.
“Were you and Y/N supposed to have a date today?” Taehyung asked right away and Yoongi raised his eyebrows.
“Don’t make me repeat myself again Yoongi. Were you at Y/N supposed to go out today?” Taehyung asked and the look on the older members face answered it.
“Why didn’t you say anything?!” Taehyung almost yelled, “We could’ve gotten you out of the meeting! You two could have-” 
“It doesn’t matter anymore does it? It’s done.” Yoongi said cutting him off. He was agitated since you had yet to respond to any of his messages he had sent and even though a tiny part of him felt worried, his jealousy was over playing it. “You saw her with Jihoon today…” 
“Yea, like how she saw you with Hara.” Taehyung stated bluntly and that threw Yoongi off.
“She what?” Yoongi asked as Taehyung took out his phone and showed him the photo. “What the hell? Who showed her that? “
“No one…” Taehyung said, “She and Woozi were hanging out and saw the two of you. According to her sister, who has been in contact with him, Y/N saw more than she wanted…”
“What the heck?!” Yoongi yelled, “Hara literally showed up there when I was with the guys...it’s all a misunderstanding...thats why…” 
“She hasn’t responded to your texts...there was a hair ruffling or something like that?” Taehyung asked, “Yea, Y/N saw all that and got the wrong idea…” 
“She should’ve said something instead of jumping to conclusions…” Yoongi muttered, “Why…” 
“It’s about Hara…” Taehyung said, “Mingyoung wouldn’t tell me the details but Hara hasn’t been the greatest person for Y/N to be around and according to Minyoung, it runs deeper than we all think…” 
“Yea, Hara’s said some shit to her and we’re all working on that right now.” Yoongi stated and Taehyung shook his head.
“I think its worse...Y/N’s been avoiding this topic for a while apparently and I’ve noticed that she’s starting to push us away. I’m not sure what’s up with her but I know that it has something to do with Hara…” he said and looked Yoongi in the eyes, “You need to go to Y/N and explain...if she won’t talk to you over messaging and won’t answer your calls...show up at her house...just talk to her...I have this really bad feeling right now and I can’t explain…” 
Yoongi stared at Taehyung for a moment, “Bad...feeling?” 
“The vibes I’ve gotten from Hara...the way she’s been acting recently and the fact that Y/N’s avoided our agency like the plague as of late...I think it has to do with Hara..” Taehyung muttered with his eyebrows furrowed as his phone went off. 
Looking down, he saw a text from Minyoung, Josh and Jihoon to the group chat and suddenly he wanted to curse again.
[9:45pm] Minyoung: Let’s call this whole thing off. I don’t want my sister around Yoongi anymore.
[9:45pm] Woozi: I agree. 
[9:46pm] Josh: Sigh...I STRONGLY agree
He didn’t want to show Yoongi the text or else it would set him off. What the heck was going on? Why the sudden change of heart?  He looked back up at his older member and said, “If you really like Y/N, go talk to her, the longer you prolong this the worse it can get and she may not be yours anymore…” 
Yoongi didn’t need to be told twice, there was something in Taehyungs eyes that set him off and after grabbing his phone, he was out the door with no regard for the current weather outside.
Taehyung looked down at his phone as the other people in the group started questioning everything and he only hoped that things were going to be okay.
[9:46pm] Kookie: What the heck?! Why? We’ve worked so hard these last three months
[9:48pm] Jin: We saw you two at the restaurant in Gangnam today, you were on a date weren’t you…
[9:49pm] RM: Guys...lets not jump to conclusions here...but why? What’s going on you guys? Yoongi REALLY likes Y/N...you can see that he’s changed since they started hanging out
[9:50pm] Minyoung: I’m saying this as her MANAGER, I don’t want those two around each other anymore. For fuck sakes...I can’t talk right now, I have to deal with stuff. Josh, I’ll meet you and Jihoon at the agency.
[9:51pm] Jimin: What the hell Minyoung, you can’t leave us hanging like this without a good reason
[9:52pm] Josh: Guys...please understand...it’s not what we WANT to do...it’s what we HAVE to do...I’m sorry we wasted all this time…
[9:53pm] Jin: You were literally on board with this two months ago? What do you mean you HAVE to do? What aren’t you telling us?!
[9:54pm] Jimin: Yea, something doesn’t seem right...what the heck is going on?
[9:54pm] Dino: They’re both busy now...it’s not our choice...it’s what Y/N wanted...Like Namjoon said, lets not jump to conclusions...but I REALLY think it’s best they aren’t around each other anymore...I’m sorry, I gotta go…
[9:55pm] Tae: Tough luck you guys, Yoongi’s on his way to Y/N’s apartment right now
[9:55pm] Josh: Fuck
[9:55pm] Dino: Fuck
[9:55pm] Woozi: Sigh…
The knock on your door was quick, you and Jihoon looked at each other from your position on the couch and he nodded his head to open it knowing exactly who the person on the other side was.
You slowly opened your door and was shocked to see Yoongi who was soaked to the bone on the other side.
“What are you doing here” you whispered as Yoongi stepped in and saw Jihoon sitting on the couch looking perplexed. 
To him, it looked like you two were having a moment that had just been interrupted but something about the looks on both your faces didn’t feel right.
“Yoongi.” Jihoon said standing up and picking an envelope up off the table, “I’m heading back to the agency to meet with Minyoung and Josh. You need to talk to him and tell him. If you don’t I will kick your ass myself.” he said to you as he grabbed his coat before stepping closer to you, “Everything’s going to be okay, just tell him…” he whispered and showed you the envelope, “I took a picture of the note but I’m taking these just incase and I’m giving them to our team. I’ll contact you if anything comes up.” 
You followed Jihoons figure with your eyes as he said his goodbyes to Yoongi and the moment your door was shut, you realized that Yoongi was still standing in your living room soaked. 
You quickly went and grabbed a towel out of the closet, you could literally feel Yoongi’s eyes following your every move and when you put the towel over his head to dry his hair, he grabbed your wrists to stop you.
“What’s going on.” he whispered, “What happened in the last twenty four hours that has everything so fucked up?” 
“Nothing.” you said softly not meeting his eyes, “You shouldn’t be here Yoongi…” 
“Jihoon said we needed to talk...so we should talk….” he stated as you tried to free your wrists but Yoongi was obviously stronger. “Y/N…I know you saw me and Hara today…”
Hearing that name made you gasp and made you remember why Yoongi shouldn’t be in your apartment in the first place and you used whatever strength you had to break free of his grasp before pushing him towards the door.
“You can’t be here Yoongi...please...just...you can’t.” you said but Yoongi was unmoving as he took your pushes.
“We had a date today...you haven’t responded to any of my texts or calls…” he stated and held you in place  by wrapping his arms around your body. He could feel you struggle against him but he rested his head in the space between your neck and head. “What’s wrong? Why can’t you tell me?”
Yoongi sounded so vulnerable to you that it almost made you cave...You wanted to tell him everything, everything that was going on in your mind. You wanted to tell him about the thoughts that haunted you but you couldn’t help but think he’d look at you differently. 
It took everything in your being to say these words to him and you tried your hardest to make it sound convincing.
“I don’t want to see you anymore.” you said coldly and tried to push him off of you but that only made him tighten his grip. “I don’t like you like that.” 
He had to pretend like those words didn’t break his heart, they sounded so convincing yet he knew you were lying.
“Bull fucking shit Y/N.” he said slightly muffled, “Because I like you… a lot and I know you feel the same way.”
You put your hands on his chest to push him away but the moment you did, he connected his lips to yours and even though you tried to fight him off, he was still stronger. You felt your resolve melting as his lips moved against yours and instead of pushing him away, you felt your eyes drifting close and your hands fisted the front of his shirt. 
After a few moments, breathing became an issue and Yoongi pulled away but kept his arms securely around you as he rested his forehead against yours and the two of you gazed into eachothers eyes. 
You were both breathing heavily and after a few minutes, Yoongi finally spoke.
“Talk to me baby girl...you know you can trust me…” he whispered, “I know about Hara...and what’s she’s been trying to do...I know she hasn’t been the nicest to you and I swear she ambushed me at the cafe today...It’s not what you think...It’s not what you saw…I need you to know that.” 
His eyes never left yours as he spoke and you could tell that what he was saying was the truth. “Yoongs…It’s more complicated than that…” you looked to the side as you felt your heart crack,, “After today, I think it’d be best if we don’t see each other anymore…”
“You don’t mean that Y/N.” he said as his arms tightened around you, “Look me in the eyes and tell me that.”
You couldn’t.
“Yoongi...I-I’m sorry...I have to…” you whispered, “I can’t keep doing this knowing that it might hurt you in the end.”
“You won’t hurt me though Y/N…” he said softly, “What you’re doing now...that’s what’s hurting me...Y/N please…” he begged, “Stop hurting yourself… for the sake of others...somethings going on and I want to know what it is...I promise I won’t look at you differently, I promise that I’ll listen...I just don’t want us to end what we have like this.” 
You looked in Yoongi’s eyes again and saw the sadness, sadness that you were causing him. You felt so conflicted on the inside that you couldn’t help but let the tears well up and fall over the fact. 
You used your hand and cupped his cheek before leaning up to meet his lips once more and he responded immediately. You allowed yourself to wrap your arms around his neck as the kiss got more passionate and you swore that you had never felt like this before but it ended too soon as you pulled away and Yoongi tried to claim your lips once more but you pushed him back slightly.
“Okay.” you whispered taking his larger hand in yours, “I’ll tell you what’s going on.”
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darkzorua100 · 6 years
Geez, I’m starting to think I might be psychic. Second time now I’ve hit the nail on the head when it came to the summaries. At least for 56 anyway. 57 I didn’t see coming at all since we already had this duel and I didn’t think we were going to get a rematch for Playmaker vs Bohman at all unless it was going to be a tag duel with Playmaker and Soulburner vs Bohman and Haru. I mean, it makes sense in a way since Playmaker thinks that Bohman still has Jin’s consciousness, which he doesn’t, but it still seems way to soon for a rematch. Playmaker has only had two duels this season: Bohman, then Blood Shepherd, and now Bohman again. Really don’t know how to feel about this in terms of dueling action but I think we could be learning more about Bohman during this episode and 58 if this duel continues into that episode which is going to be interesting just to figure out how screwed up his mind truly is because of all the memories rewrites. Plus, if he is one of the Lost Children, I can see it being confirmed during this duel. 
Now onto the big topic: Soulburner vs Blue Girl confirmed for 56 with my guess it is going to start at the end of 55. Yep knew this was coming a mile away with how Soulburner has been following Playmaker’s season 1 pattern. If the pattern continues to hold true, he should be dueling Revolver next or one of the big bads of the season. Maybe Haru or the shadow guy maybe?
However the thing I wasn’t expecting is that Aoi, as Blue Girl, is still using Trickstars. Okay, I knew it was a long shot on her using a Water archetype but I was convinced she was going to be using a new archetype because of the whole new Blue Girl identity. In my opinion, this is just really stupid. I get it from the card game perspective. Trickstars are the top deck at the moment in the TCG when they are combined with the Sky Striker archetype and I believe they are still doing well in the OCG as well regardless of the fact that Trickstar Reincarnation is at 1 for them. There was no way in hell Konami was going to allow the writers to have Aoi switch archetypes considering she is their cash cow at the moment but when you are looking at it from a writing standpoint, what was the actual point of her assuming the Blue Girl identity in the first place? Blue Girl was made for her to go under cover but she isn’t actually hiding the fact that she is Blue Angel when you allow her to keep using the same archetype!
I swear to god, if Soulburner figures out that Blue Girl is Blue Angel just because of the fact that she is still using Trickstars, I’m going to face palm so hard because Aoi, you walked right into that one.
Other then that stupid complained of mime, I have been looking forward to this duel for a while now and I can’t wait to see how it plays out. Of course, we all know Soulburner is going to win because as long as he has Flame, he can’t lose unless the plot is heading in the direction where the Ignises are starting to get captured for something, but I am very interested to see how he is going to bullsh*t his way out of this. We have a Fire deck vs the literal burning you to death deck and when you really think about it, Soulburner shouldn’t be able to use his Skill. Burning Draw drops his life points to 100 and if Blue Girl has Lycoris on the field for example, he literally is going to lose just by using his Skill. Just anything he is going to do is going to burn him so unless he pulls out a monster that negates Burn Damage or instead makes him gain Life Points instead, in RL, Takeru should honestly lose this duel.
Well calling it now, Soulburner is going to summon a Fusion Monster that does one of those two effects because there is no way in hell he can use Burning Draw without it killing himself.
As for Blue Girl’s side of things, I can’t wait to see how the writers are going to make Trickstars lose again. Again best deck for a reason and all the writers are doing is showing that Aoi is a terrible Trickstar player for anyone that plays the game competitively. Geez, if they are just making Aoi continue to play Trickstars as Blue Girl just for the card sells, they aren’t doing a very good job of convincing people to play them if she continues to lose with them. The summary did however say that Blue Girl is going to be using some new tactics so maybe she is going to using a different Extra Deck summoning as well. I can see Trickstars getting any of them besides Xyz since they don’t have many monsters that share the same levels.
Or, you know, Aoi finally got herself a play set of Droll & Lock Bird during the three month time skip and is now putting them to use. Very doubtful but I would laugh my ass off if she actually did pull off the Reincarnation lock. Soulburner’s reaction to that would be gold XD
The interactions between these two is what I’m really working forward to. If Akira told Aoi that Soulburner is one of the Lost Children, I wonder how she is going to react to him considering her reaction when she found out about Playmaker’s backstory. Then there’s Soulburner and once he finds out about Blue Girl being Blue Angel, this guy is just going to be fanboying like crazy. I feel like this duel is going to be something similar to Selena vs Yugo and that’s just going to be amazing.
There’s also the fact that they could be Speed Dueling in a windstorm still because of Windy and considering from the preview of 55 showed that Blue Girl looked to have fallen off her board already because of the wind, I can honestly see if happening again dueling this duel with Soulburner saving her. Does that look good on Aoi’s character? Nope but that would still be adorable regardless. However that might just me being biased because I’m really liking the idea of Aoi/Blue Angel/Blue Girl x Takeru/Soulburner.
And speaking of the whole Aoi situation, I seen some people not happy about this duel since Aoi is definitely going to lose and that just goes back to the whole females getting terrible treatment in Yu-Gi-Oh. However, I look at it this way. After this duel, Aoi has officially dueled three of the Lost Children: Yusaku/Playmaker, Spectre, and Takeru/Soulburner. No one else at this point has dueled all of the confirmed Lost Children (Jin doesn’t count until he duels). I feel like that’s an accomplishment on its own and she did put up some memorable fights against them, regardless of the fact that she did lose to Playmaker and Spectre. Plus, look at it like this, if something should happen to the boys, like they go hivemind for example because of their Ignises, Aoi has the connections to them to at least free one of them from their control, giving her the big win she truly deserves. Of course, that’s just speculation at this point, who knows if that plot line will actually happen, but she does have the connections to do something. But no seriously, if she doesn’t get her rematch with Spectre, I will be very disappointed and I will so be fixing that in my Dark Signer AU for sure.
So yeah, I’ve got a lot of expectations for this duel and I can’t wait to see it play out next week. Same for what is going to lead into this duel during episode 55 which I’m very much looking forward to that as well. 
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Honey x Drama Review: Laughter in Waikiki
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Brief Summary:
Laughter in Waikiki revolves around 3 men—Kang Dong Gu (Kim Jung Hyun), Lee Joon Ki (Lee Yi Kyung) and Bong Du Shik (Song Seun Won)— who are struggling to make their dream of writing / directing/ acting [in] a movie come true while running an almost failing guesthouse named Waikiki. And as if the problems at hand wasn’t enough to make their life chaotic, they were surprised to wake up one morning and find a baby left by a customer under their care.
An organized mess; an adorable chaos coupled with love and heart-warming moments, Laughter Waikiki is a perfect drama for those who are looking for a chill weekend of binge watching. No head hurting plot twists, just love and laughter (and cuteness, courtesy of baby Sol). <3
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I have no expectations with this drama, to be honest. I just gave it a try since most of the k-drama people around me kept on recommending LIW. I finally gave in and watched episode 1. And before I even know it, I was already binge watching the show even at work!!! (No kidding! This drama made me do it because I just couldn’t stop.)
This is also the first time I’ve watched the whole cast in a show, except for Lee Yi Kyung who has few supporting roles in different dramas I have watched before. Though, I really barely remembered him so there was no biases about him on my part (which is a very goooood thing because I don’t want to compare his role here to any other show). Butttttttt, after this drama, I found myself soooo in to him and Jung In Sun. For reference please see :https://www.soompi.com/2018/04/16/actors-lee-yi-kyung-jung-sun-reportedly-dating/
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One thing I really like about this series is the simple plot.  As per the premise these 3 men are out to make the dreams of their life come true--and that’s it. But what made this really stood out is the injection of comedy and reality in one that made the viewers like me laugh while realizing that what happens to them can happen in real life too--or well, most of them. There were incredulous scenes that are just made for laughs. 
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Moreover, along the way, the viewers also get to meet the four (including our baby Sol) women who have the their individual goals—to realize what their dreams are and work hard for it to come true.
Laughter aside, I love how they depicted the shenanigans and ruckus of different issues these characters has to face for their dreams--rejection, finding out your dream isn’t for you, rejection, taking a wrong turn, rejection, (almost) giving up on life--and still finding the right passion and amount of courage to get out of there and chase your dream again. There were loopholes and (too) fast paced parts of the story, but I just it all slide simply because I just love the show for being chill and light. :P There is no denying that it definitely touched my heart by just simply being simple and light. 
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Love, aside from the goals of our characters is a very tangled aspect in the story. But again, all the struggles they have to go through for the love are too funny that I just have to it slide. The road to love isn’t all hard, I might say, for these people. It is hard, but full of laughter. 
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Kang Seo Jin x Lee Jun Ki
Probably, the ones who struggled the most for their love are these two--Kang Seo Jin (Ko Won Hee) and Lee Jun Ki (Lee Yi Kyung) all thanks to her brother Dong Gu that kept on making threats AKA “YOU WILL NO LONGER BE ALIVE” just to keep them apart. But this did not stop the lovers even and they over came Dong Gu, after a few episodes of pretensions and an almost drowning scenario (AHHHH, please do watch out for this on ep 15. IT IS WAYYYY TO FUNNY HAHAHAH)
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Min Soo Ah x Bong Du Shik
With constant bickering and bossing each other around, Du Shik and Soo Ah’s (Lee Joo Woo) love story started blossoming in the latter part of the series. There was no definite ending for these two (which left a lot to imagination, an aftermath of the left over kilig feels) but you’ll enjoy watching how they’d develop themselves as an individuals first-- Soo Ah, finding her dream and purpose; Du Shik, gaining confidence and standing up for himself--before they slowly find themselves caring for each other. (Ahhh, really I could imagine myself writing a love story like these two~~~)
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Han Yoon Ah x Kang Dong Gu
Main romance happens with these two but its a little slow at first. I do get why they both needed to establish the characters who both came from a major heart break, but I really find this side of the story a lacks that little “omphhh” factor. But nonetheless, though the kilig is served late in the series, it is still satisfying to watch them fall in love with each other after all the push and pull scenes. These characters deserve it. 
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My favorite character in the series would be Kang Seo Jin simply because I can relate to her. She’s been an aspiring journalist / reporter and as seen all throughout the series. She had experienced a lot of setbacks and rejections, but still, she pursued and succeeded her dream of becoming a reporter.
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But it doesn’t mean that at some point, she didn’t thought about giving up. She almost did gave up and she gave herself an ultimatum--a one last shot for that dream. I guess, that’s what really made me admire her, she wanted to have her dreams, yet she also know when to give up. It takes a lot of courage to do so, especially if you been having doubts about yourself and your skills. It’s hard letting go of something you really want, but some point you need to recognize when to stop and find a better way. 
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I guess anyone would agree that Lee Yi Kyung indeed stood out in this drama. All those random derp expressions and body gags gave me  breath stopping laughter in the course of watching the series. I really have to give it to Yi Kyung for portraying Jun Ki with enthusiasm and passion. Heck, he even shaved himself for real for the role!!!!  I really couldn’t imagine anyone playing the role better than him. hihi! :P
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Would I recommend you to watch this series?
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YESSSSS! In fact, I’ve already recommended it to some of my friends and they have been telling me that it’s my fault that they couldn’t stop watching and laughing at the same time! hahaha! So there, if you’re not really convinced, I here’s a little photo of Sol to encourage you to watch the series :P 
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PS: Actually, I felt bitin after the ending that I ended up watching the bts as well on YT. hehe! Still on the process of moving on, right now!
RATING: 4/ 5 Honey Stars
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The World Isn't Our Enemy Anymore | Izumi | Epilogue
When the ghosts are finally able to catch up to the living, Izumi is still frantic, bristling as she holds several charged cards including a damaged Bind card – evidently, she’d made an attempt to stop Kanade much earlier. She’s prepared to continue that confrontation, angry words on her tongue, before she realizes that it’s already all over.
Celine flaunting her superiority keeps that anger fed. Oh, sure, she’s more trustworthy than Hex is, but Izumi’s faith in any Great Witch has been low ever since she learned about the gag order forced on the last group – the order that ended up giving Kanade motive for all of this. And here comes another witch (Izumi is thinking of a slightly different word) giving orders with little regard to what the people most directly victimized by this want. Natalie brings up a good point about how this is just going to cause even more pain, and Celine’s first reaction was to get upset that she swore.
So Celine is like Nico who is like Yushin who is like Jin. All people who’ve told Izumi at one point or another that it doesn’t matter what she thinks or feels, if she isn’t perfectly calm in expressing it then she is nothing more than a child not worth their time.
Well fuck that. Izumi is so tired of being expected to just smile and bear her pain – last time she did that, she foolishly let Kanade get too close to the time machine. As people start to state their plans for the future, all the anger Izumi’s been hanging onto since Kanade absorbed the magic, since long before then back at the moment Izumi fell from the bridge, finally boils over.
She says: There was something she realized on the way here, ruminating on how Kanade did all of this to save her relationship, but destroyed God knows how many others in the process. Every timeline abandoned to an uncertain fate, every motive and trial and punishment that drove wedges deep between even people that were close friends. Kanade’s lost every friendship she made in those nine prior timelines, and she stands to potentially lose even more now.
Izumi’s rant picks up in intensity as she shifts focus to the relationships in this timeline and tries to highlight all the people who’ve suffered immensely thanks to Kanade – and more than once, it becomes clear that Izumi sees it all from her very biased, very limited point-of-view. Her trauma flares raw and furious, and somehow it all goes back to those twenty-three minutes she laid on the ground dying, and how it is all she can think of whenever she sees someone hugging Nico.
Somehow it all goes back to the argument they had just before her death – it goes back to how Izumi wishes she could express her frustrations openly. But she can’t, because she’s somehow fooled most people into thinking she is a paragon to rely upon, and the rest are people like her uncle and Celine who’d use her anger as evidence she’s not worth their time. Izumi doesn’t feel safe when she’s angry like this, because every time she gives in she ends up hurting someone. Like when she hurt Nico by rejecting his apology, or when she hurt her ex by mocking his trauma. There have even been times when being such a brat has gotten people killed – like herself on that fateful afternoon – like her mother on that fateful night.
Those who’ve been to Izumi’s mindspace might recognize that last point indicates that the progress they made there is slipping backwards. All the work to convince Izumi that it wasn’t her selfish immaturity that caused the car accident, undone in a single afternoon.
Izumi finally stops carving out the ugliness that’s festered in her ever since her death, now left feeling hollow. She wishes there was some indulgence she could fill this void with, but ghosts can’t even have a glass of water, much less anything stronger. Spent of her fury, Izumi simply falls to her knees, her intangible form not quite sinking into the mud.
“I think I need help.”
- - -
Staying around as an apprentice gets her free help, and that’s reason alone to stay aboard. Of course, she also genuinely wants to learn magic, having grown increasingly fascinated with its potential applicability to the wider world.
The two weeks Izumi spent in the Mirror Realm has left her lagging behind half the group, and without the accelerated growth from trauma it’ll be months before she’s ready for a second element, but she’s sunk too much to want to give up now. She becomes used to exploring liminal spaces, and she finally gets to experiment with potion-making and card-charging like she’d theorized with her fellow apprentices. In her time off, she leaves for ‘home’ – a somewhat arbitrary place for one that technically has none. But she does make trips back to Sapporo to get back in contact with her friends and her father, though she doesn’t stay long at the Meihara residence in fear of another confrontation with her uncle Jin.
Instead, she gets a new home in Manchester with Monty, Maribelle, and their housemates. Her work with Team 5MCs as a beta tester and future translator will come more naturally if she’s physically present, and if she really is going to be a godmother then she should get to know everyone there better. Izumi still feels out of place: Even as her English lessons progress, it’ll take her a long time to get used to how different life in Britain is from Japan.
At least she’s in good company there, given Mari’s own family history. (Izumi tries not to blush too much around her. She really is hopeless, always crushing on people who she thinks are unavailable to her…) It takes a while to acclimate, and Izumi bears a lot of laughter from her friends when she sometimes says “innit” the way she’d usually use “desu”, but she does eventually find her place here, becoming the cool aunt who always has some novel candy to give to her godkids. Even if Izumi is unlikely to ever adopt children, she’ll still always have a family.
- - -
But back to the most important thing: The mandated therapy. Izumi would’ve asked anyway after that outburst of hers, but accessibility turns it into reality. Even so, Izumi doesn’t have an easy time unpacking everything going on with her. The stigma against seeking treatment was particularly strong in the Meihara family and it was expected for every one of them to simply endure their pain and grow from it. Fine for those of them whose bad coping mechanisms made them appear stoic, pious, or hardworking. Less so for people like Izumi and her parents, who’d all expressed their trauma by lashing out in frustration.
Sometimes therapy feels like two steps forward and one backwards. Izumi doesn’t follow all the advice to the letter, and that unlocks a whole detour on her troubles with academia. Her family is frequent subject, interlinking with her present-day beliefs about death, anger, and authority. Her treatment plans are adjusted to better suit her mannerisms, and Izumi finds herself using liminal space as therapy, able to break setpieces and yell at constructs in relative safety. She is eventually granted her second element and picks Dream, and while she’s mortified when her uncontrolled magic causes her dreams to bleed into other people’s, at least it forces her to have conversations about the issues that plague her. Which sort of counts as progress.
Izumi gets to a point where she’s finally able to discuss her grievances with people without immediately falling apart, and where she can accept both that her trauma is not her own fault and that it does not override the trauma of other people. On her next visit to the Meihara residence she doesn’t run away this time when she calls her uncle out on how he’s treated her, and it ends on a bittersweet note: Jin stubbornly insists he was only trying to make Izumi a responsible person, and she decides to minimize contact with him from now on. But at least she’s able to convince her father to move out on his own and seek help for his own unresolved grief.
It’s just one of many great hurdles Izumi has to overcome during those months in the swamp. Later, she goes to someone else who’s hurt her deeply: Nico. Izumi still finds it difficult to forgive him, but she tries. She’s finally starting to accept that while she’s right to resent what happened to her, Nico was as much a victim of the killing game as she was. And while Izumi’s frustration in the aftermath was valid, what wasn’t acceptable was guilting people for still talking to him.
Even back in high school she’d pushed people away because she tried to make them choose between her and her ex-boyfriend – and she shouldn’t do that again to the friends she’d made here. And besides, isn’t Izumi a hypocrite for standing by Mao and Monty after all the harm they caused? In another timeline, maybe it was Nico who she stood by in tough times. She admits she did like him at first this go around, too. In a way, it’s yet another friendship lost.
Izumi doesn’t know if she’ll ever be able to fully forgive Nico. But she tries, and it marks another milestone in both of them finding peace. The wound finally stops eating away at her, giving way to healing.
- - -
Eventually, Hex’s temporary apprentices move on to greener, less swampy pastures. Izumi’s home in the magical community is with Beacon, and she’s grateful that the old woman is patient with her and does not seem to pressure her to go anything grand. Her trust in the Great Witches still hasn’t fully recovered, but Izumi learns to trust in Beacon in spite of that.
It helps that she doesn’t have to rely on just one person to support her. Even if she somehow lost both her magic and her new family, Izumi has a place to stay in California, thanks to Star giving her a set of keys and an invitation to crash at her house even when she’s away on business. And if she lost that, Izumi’s still got other friends in the US that can help her. For the first time in years Izumi’s life has stabilized both economically and socially.
And she makes the most of this, finding time between her work to travel. There are people who are dear to her that she wants to see as much as she can: Tomi and Mao, whom she’s started to think of as her little siblings, and their respective partners. Fran and Wolfgang, who’ve become part of their own found family too. Star and Natalie and Haven, a trio that feels like they’ve always been there for each other and for Izumi.
She vacations in the US often, fascinated both by the urban landscape of California and the sprawling forests of Georgia. Sometimes Izumi goes to Russia too, to celebrate music and dance with the Dupuis family. Many times she goes back to Japan to meet with her father and with friends both new and old. Her former coworker Shion has moved on with her life too, having left Hokkaido after graduating university. Izumi offers to get back at Yushin, thinking that maybe there’s a crime he can be dinged on, but… at Shion’s request, she doesn’t follow through. If there is a legal case against him, it’ll center on what he posted specifically about Shion, and she doesn’t want to relive that. She isn’t recognized where she lives now, and she’d rather continue living in peace.
(This does not stop Izumi from utilizing her connections to raise some hell in his life. What’s Yushin gonna do about magic-users breaking into his apartment when he’s away? She finally gets back every item she and Shion had to leave behind, plus some extra when Haven steals Yushin’s TV by yeeting it into a mirror. Izumi makes sure to leave a hidden, temporary trinket of Dream magic, just enough to give Yushin a few nightmares about women laughing at his cowardice.)
Izumi eventually visits someone she hasn’t seen in a very long time: Her ex-boyfriend, now a university graduate, professional caterer, and husband. Just as it was in liminal space, their conversation is awkward, but it brings closure to them both. Both Izumi and Kenichi were products of their trauma, but that doesn’t mean they are defined by that alone. They’re able to finally discuss the contradictory desires that made up their relationship and reach understanding, parting as distant friends. Izumi offers Kenichi advice on child-rearing (he and his husband plan to adopt, and he’s stunned to learn Izumi gained a form of parenthood before him) and Kenichi offers Izumi one last bento meal, just like he used to make for her back in school.
She takes it with her when she arranges for a trip into the feywilds.
There, she finds a Kanade who has also made her own steps towards recovery. Izumi doesn’t think it’s enough to atone, and she doesn’t know if there will ever be a way to atone, not to all the timelines whose fates are unclear to her even now. But Izumi is finally well enough that she can talk to Kanade without wanting to scream or cry (not too much at least, the urge is still there but Izumi’s gotten better at quelling it). She talks about her studies in magic, her travels from country to country, her pride in how her godchildren are growing (even if she won’t say their names or show pictures, just in case any fey are eavesdropping). Izumi talks about this bright future of hers, never explicitly pointing out that it was a future she almost didn’t get to have.
She asks Kanade questions about the other Izumis, how their magic developed and what fates they met or were heading towards. She asks Kanade if she genuinely thought of Izumi and the rest as friends – and, when she’s told yes, Izumi admits that she genuinely believed Kanade was her friend, too. Someone she could confide her secrets to, and could have Kanade could do the same.
But it’s the past now. Izumi wishes well and says her goodbyes, rarely visiting the feywilds again. It will be enough for her to know that Kanade is not dead. It means she gets to have her own future, too, and it’s the best that Izumi can ask for her.
- - -
The downside of having Beacon as a mentor is that magical growth is slower than is it under other Great Witches. Between this and Izumi setting a relaxed pace for her studies to avoid burnout, it takes years before she’s cleared to have a third element. But the moment she is, Izumi already knows what she wants to specialize in next: Death. She approaches it the only way a former ghost hunter can, as a mystery to solve. The Great Witches have addressed the peculiarities of death publicly before, but it’s still not well-understood by mundane society.
When Izumi can finally stop hallucinating the sight of corpses she saw during the murder game (it’s rough, but she’s prepared for it this time and has enough people to help her calm down), she sees the world with new clarity – mostly, the clarity to realize that many supposed “ghost-hunting” tools are little more than meters that read changes in atmosphere. But she knows very, very well that ghosts do exist, and now she can identify which séance techniques are the real deal.
And that’s just scratching the surface of the mysteries. There are some things even Great Witches know little about: What constitutes a soul? And what happens to the soul when a ghost stops haunting this mortal realm, or if it never becomes a ghost in the first place?
She doesn’t know what answer she’s going to find, but she’d be a fool not to take advantage of this. Camera in hand, Izumi returns to social media under the new moniker c4ndyZoom, a partial complement to her brother’s gamertag.
- - -
Izumi might not have the production value or raw starpower to draw in crowds, but there are plenty of people who want to see any apprentice of a Great Witch stream, even if her content is directionless. Some days she travels out to different locales to verify if they live up to their haunted reputation. Other days she stays right at home and streams her clumsy attempts at some new hobby that’s holding her passionate but temporary interest.
During lulls in her streams, she tries to promote her dear friends’ causes, be it the technology they’re inventing or the social and ecological reform they’re petitioning for. Today, on her way to the countryside, Izumi talks about how the spirits that supposedly haunt her destination are of people who, regardless of if they ever had magical connections or not, are nowadays thought to be victims of socio-political machinations. And with that, she segues into promoting petitions calling for explicit protection of the rights of supernatural entities – while many of them understandably don’t feel safe being in public even with these efforts, it’s better to keep working on this now than to wait for a tragedy to happen.
Izumi knows she isn’t the brightest student, nor the most dedicated worker. Her friends are all more skilled at that than she is, and they’re out there accomplishing great things. What Izumi is good at is using that charming persona of hers, once used to cultivate regular customers at a diner, to bolster such important matters. And she’s happy being able to give this much back to the people who supported her through her lowest moments. After years of healing, Izumi has finally found a healthy balance between her conflicting wants. In this way, she can be kind without overextending
- - -
When she’s on her way back to Manchester the next day, she texts Monty to ask if he’s up for a family trip to Beacon’s orchard this weekend; Amaguri is happiest any time she’s with Izumi, but being out on the farm is better than trying to force her to stay indoors at their house. Maybe afterwards they all can stop by that new roller rink that recently opened up in town, too?
It’ll be the kids’ first time on skates, but Izumi will make sure to hold their hands tightly and keep them safe. She promises.
0 notes
Too Sweet. Part 8- BTSVampire!au
Genre: Angst/ Fluff? (I’m sure there will be some elements of fluff eventually) / M(Mature themes) / Descriptions of blood and…other things/ Supernatural
Biased: You X Yoongi X Jungkook X Vampire!au BTS
Type: Vampire!au
A/n: Hii~ like I said the drabble blueberries is apart of this so yeah 🌸 this is probably the longest chapter I’ve ever written for Too sweet^^ enjoy~
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I INTRO/Prologue I Part 1 I Pt. 2 I Pt. 3 I Pt. 4 I Pt. 5 I Pt. 6 I Pt. 7 I Pt. 8 I Pt. 9 |  Pt. 10 | Pt. 11 | Pt. 12 |
“Are we done? My brain hurts…” 
“We’ve been here for less than an hour, but if you want to take a brake go ahead.” He finally let you go. You went to the chef who always took requests for snacks and tasty treats.
“Hi, can I have a bowl of blueberries?” The chef took your requests and went to the back of the kitchen. You stood there, waiting for the bowl of blueberries and low and behold Jungkook was walking over to you. “Y/N.” He said your voice with a singsong tone, a lollipop between his lips and a grin. 
“What do you want?” He retorted, glancing at him briefly before taking the fruit back to your table.
“Oh, you know what I want.” He chuckled, his hand coming to brush your hair from your shoulder. “I see you’ve been pretty busy. Is there any place they haven’t bitten you?” He was referring to the multiple night wounds, littering your skin beautifully. You rolled your eyes, trying to get away from him by taking your books and going to the study area. Namjoon had left and you were cursing yourself for leaving him for a stupid bowl of blueberries.
“I’ll be there in a minute Y/n.” Namjoon spoke walking past the hall and you hoped he’d come soon. Jungkook prowled around, there weren’t many students and the area you were sitting was somewhat secluded. He kept staring at you.
“Can you stop staring at me?” 
“Uh, no.” He laughed, closing your book and getting in your face. “I can stare at you as long as I’d like. If it wasn’t for Jin Hyung I’d be doing far more than staring, trust me.” You glared at him, getting up and attempting to leave but he pinned you to the wall by your shoulders, a cocky grin plastered on his face. 
“You’re such a-” He silenced you with taking the lollipop and pressing it to your lips before tossing it somewhere.
“You’re such a sweetheart.” He quipped. “Y’know,” he leaned in, twiddling with your hair, “there’s no reason for me not to feed from you. They just don’t want me to have a good thing, there’s nothing wrong with us…Us doing this together. I personally think you were meant for me, a gift from above per se.” If there was one thing they all had in common it was their eyes, all of them had such mesmerizing eyes. “Your blood smells so good…” He brushed his nose against your neck, making you wince at the feeling.
“That’s nice isn’t it?” He blew air on your skin, sending shivers up your spine. 
“Jungkook, we’re not supposed to be doing this.” You mumbled, praying that your voice sounded convincing enough—his teeth were touching your skin. “Why does it feel so right then?-”
“Jungkook. Get off of her.” Jin spoke, all 5 of the boys staring at you and Jungkook. Jungkook glared at them, then looked back to you.
“Ah, they found us…” He sighed. “Do you not want this? You want it from Yoongi…” He asked, grinning.
“I- Jin said you weren’t allowed to-” He cut you off. “Do you or do you not, that’s the question. Simple question really. You don’t seem to-” 
“Get away from her right now Jungkook! I won’t say it again. Jimin take him to his room and make sure he stays there.” That’s the first time you’ve seen Jin show any type of anger. Jungkook was dragged away from you, all of the boys following him except Jin and Yoongi.
“Are you okay?” Jin walked closer to you, inspecting you for any physical harm. “Jin…why is it so bad for Jungkook to feed from me? It seems harmless to me. He says there’s nothing wrong with us-” 
“Don’t ask me about that Y/N. It’s nothing you need to worry about.” Jin ran his fingers through his hair.
“Don’t ask me again. Sleep in one of our rooms tonight, or just until I can talk to Jungkook.” With that he was gone, Yoongi was silent, not saying anything with his lips but his eyes told all. It was a look of condemnation, frustration, selfishness, you weren’t sure why he would feel that way. They all wanted one thing from you, how was Jungkook any different? How could he hurt you?
“It’s called jealousy Yoongi, we’ve all experienced it before.” Jin was steadily typing on his computer as Yoongi laid sprawled across the couch, contemplating his life. It was the day of the gala and he wasn't looking forward to it, he was obligated to attend but if you were gonna be there he may be able to tough through the boring event. Jin had told him that you were busy preparing for tonight and despite how hungry he was it was inappropriate to feed on special occasions like this, Yoongi knew that already. Jin kind of chuckled at him. It was funny to see the normally mature and calm vampire in a predicament like this. 
“Since this is a student event, all of the head families won’t be there, I assigned specific seating for you to be with Namjoon and I. The event starts at 7, that's less than two hours from now. We should get ready.” He looked to Yoongi, who didn’t have anything to say to that. Jin only wondered how you might respond to this, you not being familiar with events like this. This was going to be a fun night.
“Jungkook, sir, your parents sent your suit, I'll lay it on your bed.” One of the maids came by Jimin's room, which Jungkook and Taehyung were currently in. Jungkook couldn't resist the urge to roll his eyes at her statement, of course, his parents had the suit arrive just moments before the gala. He was known to complain about every little detail on his custom made suit, just so he wouldn't have to go—it worked up until now.
“You're just now getting your suit? I picked mine weeks ago.” Taehyung looked to Jungkook, who was pouting on Jimin's bed. 
“The only reason I'm actually going to this thing is because Y/n’s gonna be there—and it's mandatory.” He huffed, sitting on the edge of the bed, ruffling his hair a bit.
“We've been doing this for a few years, why must you go through this every time Kookie?” Jimin was being dressed by two maids and he looks ravishingly handsome. The suit he wore was top of the line and custom made, like most of the students here. 
“I’ve only been once, remember the incident two years ago...” Jungkook had a complete meltdown, complaining about everything, fighting some butlers, just acting out. Later they found out that his feeding cycle changed and he was not reacting well to the changes, that was the last time he went. Eventually, he had to get ready and there was no point in prolonging it. 
“I'm gonna get ready...” He drags his feet as he walked off towards his room. On his way to his room he heard a conversation coming from Jin’s study, being the curious person he was, he tiptoed over to the door.
‘She’s really a miracle mom.’
Jin is talking to his mother?
‘I just hope this doesn’t become a problem. Yoongi will be set for life...’
The stylist lady went all out with everyone’s makeup, accessories, and nails. You insisted you could do it yourself but she said it was her job and to just enjoy the pampering. You were so nervous, you weren’t sure how this whole royal vampire thing worked. 
“Y/n? Are you ready?” Jin peeked inside your room, just in time to zip up your dress. He walked in when you gave him the okay to come in. “Wow. Do you like your dress? I think it’s really flattering on you. You look beautiful.”
“Thank you, I really love it. But, um, can you zip it up for me?” You turned your back to him, waiting for him to grab the zipper and pull it up so you wouldn’t have to feel the cool air on your back. He took the little metal price and zipped it up, you really did look stunning right now.
“So, I heard the other students were going with friends or family members...I don’t know who to go with-”
“You’ll go with us.” 
“Oh, okay.” You smiled, suddenly remembering what you wanted to tell him. “Jin, I had a weird dream last night, do you mind if I tell you about it?”
“Go ahead.” He stood back, showing that he was all ears. “What was it about?”
“Okay, well, it’s kind of weird to say out loud but...Yoongi was in my dream- it was for a split second though. I was in this small dim room with one window, by myself, and it was like I could see the whole universe, and it felt so peaceful and real. It was only me until I felt him touched my shoulder and I fell out of the window, then I woke up. Do you think that’s weird?...” You gave him an uncertain look, hoping your dream wasn’t a sign of anything bad.
“The falling out of the window part is a little different but it’s not weird, it’s interesting. I’ve never heard of a dream quite like that...” He furrowed his brows in thought. “You know what, I’ll get back to you on what might have caused that kind of dream.”
“Hyung, we’re ready to go- Y/n...Wow, you look really nice.” Jimin looked at you, smiling at the elegant attire that graced your body, he didn’t think it was possible to look even better than you normally do. He didn’t look too bad himself either, his suit did more for him than you’d think, given he always looked perfect.
“Thanks.” You smiled, holding your hands in front of your waist and turning from side to side like a little girl.
“Okay.” Jin walked out after Jimin and you followed. There weren’t many people out, you assumed they were already on the way, and you were trailing behind them. The limousine was outside and all of them were in it, Hoseok, Yoongi, Jungkook, Namjoon, and Tae. You, Jin and Jimin were the lasts to get in and you felt so anxious. Not only from having to attend something so new and different but from sitting in this car with basically seven princes. Who all wanted your blood. Of course, they weren’t gonna bite you but you couldn’t help but feel a bit out of place. All of them are aristocratic, wealthy and important people—you could compare to them, yet Jin is showing all this favoritism towards you. How are you supposed to feel? Honored? Uncomfortable? You didn’t know.
“You look really pretty Y/n.” Hoseok spoke suddenly, smiling from ear to ear when you looked his way. It was no secret that they thought you looked stunning, they all looked at you fondly.
“Yeah, you look adorable~” Tae purred, making you smile nervously, he always had a way of sounding so suggestive. You were the only one to see it but Jungkook rolled his eyes, seemingly unfazed but secretly he thought the same things Tae was thinking. He’d never say it though.
“Yeah kitten, you look pretty,” Namjoon added.
“Thank you. You all look very handsome.” You sat between Jimin and Tae, and they were both stealing glances from you, it was kind of cute. Jungkook sat right across from you, his all-black suit with beautiful embroidery on the front, he looked like a real prince. His eyes would follow every time you made a movement, and he would just scoff to himself. You thought that was hilarious. 
The drive wasn’t too long, it took maybe 30 minutes to arrive at what looked like a palace, it was huge. You wondered if anyone actually lived in this extravagant abode, and if so, how were they able to navigate through it. The driver finally stopped at the front entrance and got out to open the door. 
“Ladies first.” Jin extended his hand in the direction of the open door. The driver held his hand out for you and you took it, slowly getting off of the car to see other familiar faces. 
“Have a wonderful night Miss.” He grinned, tipping his hat kindly. You returned his thoughtful gesture with a sweet smile as you waited for direction.
“Y/n, I arranged for you to dine at my table so stay near one of us so you know where to go.” Jin situated his suit and got out of the car. You saw quite a few heads turn when they saw the group of handsome men getting out the luxury vehicle, and there you were, just tagging along.
Suddenly, doubtful thoughts came to my mind. What if I get weird looks? What if some of the donors don’t want to talk to me? “But Jin-” 
“I have to talk to a few people so socialize for a little bit and have fun!” With that Jin with a few stately looking people, probably talking about high Vampire society stuff you wouldn’t know about. Yoongi followed Namjoon, to where ever they were going and Hoseok went off with Tae. That left you with Jungkook and Jimin, at least you were left with someone who cared.
“Y/n, I’ll show you around, this place is pretty big and I don’t want you to get too far from us.” Jimin began to walk with his arm around your middle and Jungkook on your tail. Gigantic chandeliers hung from the ceiling and the place was nothing short of magnificent. The ballroom was ridiculously spacious and packed with people, in beautiful dresses and suits—this was a dream come true for some but it was more overwhelming for you. This was a lot to take in. Jimin’s hand went to your waist, keeping you near him while his touch eased your nerves a little.
“Jimin! Hi!” Some guy to your left called out to Jimin and his face lit up, it was his old friend from junior high. 
”Oh my- Hey!”He smiled, already leaving you and walking in that direction. “Sorry, I’ll be back Y/n, I haven’t seen them in ages.” He ran off to embrace his group of friends and you stood there, not really knowing what to do now that you were on your own. Except for Jungkook, but that basically meant you were on your own.
”Well, you’re on your own for now sweetpea,” Jungkook said suddenly and you almost forgot he was walking right beside you. He tapped your lower back with his hand, making you jump a little. “Have fun.” He gave you a smirk before leaving you as well.
”Okay Y/n, you can do this, go meet someone.” You mumbled to yourself, trying to get the motivation to go and socialize. The only familiar face you saw was Chaeson and she was on the opposite side of the room, with her family you assumed. You went a little further into the ballroom, walking past a group of guys—they all stop their conversation to gaze at you. It creeped you out a little.
”Hey,” The guy with white skin and pitch black hair grabbed your forearm, pulling you near the group of people he was with, “what’s your name?”
“U-uhm, Y/n.” You tugged your arm away, rubbing the skin a bit. Your eyes skimmed over the boys, seeing that they all looked as high profile as you expected. 
”Where are you from Y/n?” One of the guys with bright yellow hair asked—you think you’ve seen him before...could it be Jungkooks friend, Yugyeom?
”Um, the city. You know not far from the CB institution...” You refrained on giving them any real details.
”Wait- Are you that donor at Kim Seokjin’s university? The one with the crazy good blood.” The curiosity was now and your blood and that was a sign for you to get out of dodge—but then again, you could just dismiss the statement in a cool way.
”What’d you mean ‘that donor’? Many students at my school became donors at his-“ Before you could properly finish your sentence someone’s hand snaked around your waist and swept you away.
“Hey!? I was in the middle of a conversation!-”
“I know but I want to introduce you to someone.” Jimin had brought you to someone you’ve never seen before. 
“This is Y/n. Y/n, this is my cousin, Lee Taemin.” He had colored hair, distinctive features, and pretty full lips, he stood right where the VIP table was—he must be really important. “He owns this estate.”
“Oh, hello.” You bowed timidly. “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Sir.” Trying not to bite your lips so much out of habit.
“No, please, call me Taemin.” He gently took your hand, “And the pleasure is all mine darling.” He pressed a soft kiss to the back of your hand and you couldn’t help the blush that came to your cheeks when he flashed you a heart fluttering smile after. ”I’ve heard good things about you Y/n.”
“Oh have you?” You grinned nervously.
“Mhm, more specifically about your blood.” He smiled, showing those white, razor-sharp points in his mouth, reminding you of what he really was. He got closer to you, sort of pushing Jimin out of the picture. “There’s not that much information on you but from what I’ve heard, Seokjin has taken quite a liking to you. I normally don’t talk about feeding at such a formal event but you have a very distinct scent, it’s distracting.” He kind of laughed a little—that kind of rich laugh you’d hear on tv. “Are you a universal donor? Here, this is the best champagne.” He grabbed the strawberry champagne from the waiter and handed it to you.
“Yes, I am...” You brought the glass to your lips.
“Well, I'll have to sample you sometime.” You honestly didn’t even know what to say to that—given you were still considered food to these people, you shouldn’t have been surprised. “Would you like that?”
“Um, I uh, I don’t really know you that well.” 
“Donors don’t normally know who they're feeding that well, not my donors anyway. And do you know who I am Y/n?” His brow crooked.
You tilted your head in thought, trying to figure out what kind of question he was asking. “You’re Jimin’s cousin, right?...”
“Okay, yes, but what else?” You just shook your head, you really didn’t know. “You really don’t know.” He just laughed, crossing his arms in disbelief. You were oblivious to his identity, and his identity was of great importance.
“You’ll find out soon.” With that, he left you and it was just about time for everyone to take their seats for the dinner being served, and you don’t even know where you’re supposed to go sit. You looked around, feeling lost now that everyone was walking to their assigned tables.
“Guys?” You looked around, hoping you’d see him nearby. You saw Jin sitting by Yoongi, you ran up to the table, some of your dress fabric in your right hand. “Sorry, I was talking with Jimin's cousin.” You took your seat beside Yoongi and Hoseok. Jungkook, Jimin, and Taehyung were seated at a different table.
“You met Taemin?” Hoseok asked and it seemed the table's eyes were on you.
“Yes, he was very nice...Is that a surprise?” Before you could get your response the servers began coming to tables with dainty plates of gourmet dishes you’ve never seen before, and soon an older gentleman went up to the mic and spoke.
“Let us congratulate Lee Taemin on his new position as head of his family company.” The man smiled gleefully as you waited for the prince to make his appearance.“Let’s give a warm round of applause for, Prince Taemin.”
Prince? You almost choked on your drink at the mention of a prince, a prince that you just talked to. You were in awe, the way he gazed upon the crowd at their applause was so poised yet snarky. Yoongi side eyed you, he could pick up on your thoughts now but he wished he couldn’t. The ‘Lovers of Blood’ Vampires are a bit too excessive and forward at times. They can charm the pants off of anyone, Yoongi would agree that he didn’t want one of those people to be you. 
Dinner was served and everyone had picked up a good conversation, you found yourself pushing your food around with your fork. You were in a daydream, getting distracted by the random thoughts you had. You were sitting where most of the donors weren’t allowed to be seated and you felt a bit out of place. 
“Y/n, what’s wrong? Do you not like your food? You’re very quiet...” Jin was the first to notice your isolation from the table, Yoongi too. Given they were the two oldest at the table, they’re more aware of the emotional or mental changes and signs. 
“What’s the matter Y/n?” Namjoon had noticed it too.
“I was just thinking how my parents would have loved to see me all dressed up. I never went to any school dances so I never had to get dolled up like this.” you giggled a little, remembering how you insisted that you never wanted to go but secretly, doesn’t everybody want to go, at least once? “I wish I could see them...” You noticed how Yoongi eyed you with an almost empathetic expression, that’s the first time he’s acknowledged you today, you wondered why.
“I know how you feel, you are making a big personal sacrifice to be here. Being homesick is like an incurable disease. The break is in a few weeks though, you can go and see them then.” Jin gave you a comforting smile, one you’ve become accustomed to.
“Yeah, that’s true.” You put your fork down, uninterested in the meal now but more interested in the ballroom dancing. You wanted to go out there but you weren’t sure who you’d dance with, you pouted a little. 
“Y/n,” Jin got out of his seat and extended a hand to you, “may I have this dance?” The glimmer in his eyes, his handsome face, dashing smile, and broad shoulders.
“Yes, you may.” You gave him your hand and he leads you to the dance floor. When he found an empty spot he proceeded to grab your hand and place it on his shoulder. For some reason that gesture stunned you a bit, you’ve never done this before so you were jittery with adrenaline.
“Have you ever ballroom danced before?” His hand went to your waist and he started to lead the dance, starting with slow sways from left to right. 
“No,” You chewed on your bottom lip out of habit when you're nervous, “is it that noticeable?” You had to chuckle a little to make it sound like you weren’t that conscious about it.
“I ask because you’re such a natural, you just gracefully follow the music. I had to be taught how to do this, I’m not that coordinated in the area of dance.” He laughed genuinely, Making you giggle at his amusement. 
“You’re better than me Jin, I’m just winging it really...” Despite his statements he danced you around like you were as light as a feather, you were all smiles because of him.
He cleared his throat. “There are a few things I want to discuss with you.” 
“Yes, regarding your position as a donor, I’m sure you’ve noticed how I treat you differently.” 
“I wasn’t gonna say anything but yes, I’ve noticed. Can I ask why? I’m sure you’ve never treated other donors like this, it probably looks weird to others...”
“Donors are special people, they sacrifice their blood so Vampires don’t have to result to our ancient ways of just taking blood. Some people were born with exquisite blood, and you are one of those few people. I keep you so close because I know there are people that will try to take you for their own personal use. They’ll see you as an object of nutrition, and other things, I won’t let that happen to any of my students.” He twirled you around and your back was to his chest.
“What do you mean by that?” 
“It’s common for universities to sell their best donors, they can start bidding in the millions if the donor is that good.” Jin swayed, moving the two of you to a different spot on the marble dance floor. “And you are really a miracle for me...” You looked up, wondering what he meant by that until he spoke again.
“You're like an antidote to Yoongi, your blood puts him in a stable condition, I’ve been working my whole career as a doctor to find a cure for him. The first time I’ve ever come close is with you.” He smiled.
“Who is the young lady Dr. Kim Seokjin is dancing with? I’ve never seen her before.” Dr. Jinyoung got the pleasure to Walt’s with Chaeson, but his focus was mostly on you and Jin.
“Oh, Y/n? She’s a donor at my school, we’re friends.” She grinned cheerfully, not thinking much of his curiosity.
“Jin, it’s been a long time!” Suddenly Taemin approached you two and greeted you with a sweet smile. “It’s nice to see you.” Could he be any faker?
“Likewise Taemin.” Jin glanced over at Lin, beckoning him over in just the nick of time. “Y/n, it’s been wonderful but I’ll let Taemin take over, you two have fun.” And with that your ideal prince was gone, leaving you with the man who reminded you so much of Jimin’s flirty tendencies. He mainly left out of respect for the prince, he had the right to dance with whomever he pleased.
“May I?” You nodded—that was probably the most crucial decision you’ll make tonight. His hand went to my waist and when he did that it was almost as if you were under a trance, his very touch reminded you of Jimin. He knew it too, he could smell your scent get warm, he could feel his the flavors probably changed just by your surroundings or company—that was more intriguing than you’ll ever know.
“So you’re a prince...” Your cheeks were a tinge pink since everyone on the dance floor made sure to give you two all the space you needed.
He looked down at you, finding your height difference to be adorable. “Yeah, I am. I live on the other side of this estate, this is my palace.” He pulled you against him, making you trip over your heels a bit.
“I’d like to show you something Y/n, would you like to see it?”
“Sure...” In the blink of an eye, he had you beside him in what looked like a museum.
“My family started this gallery centuries ago, and all of these pieces are originals.” You two strolled along the museum like hallways and you were in awe of how beautiful it was. Paintings well known from even the renaissance era graced these walls, and they were all real.
“It’s very beautiful, you’re lucky to have grown up around such treasured pieces of history...” You spoke softly, walking with your hands to yourself.
“You see that painting right there.” He pointed to a painting of flowers in a vase. “It reminds me a lot of you, not only is it pretty but it’s symbolic of your situation.” He paused to smile, walking towards you. “That vase holds something so fragile and precious. You’re the flower and I’m the vase...once you’ve been plucked and placed into my hands, that’s where you’ll belong...” He took your hand, causing you to shy away but he just gently used his finger to move your jaw so that you were facing him.
“That’s an interesting way to look at it.” You smiled awkwardly, trying to divert his attention—it didn’t work.
“You’re scent is really tempting right now.” He moved your jaw so he could see your neck clearly. “Has anyone ever told you how pretty the space is right below your ear? It’s so cute.” He knew what to say to get you as red as a tomato, his charm was lethal. “I don’t think I should wait any longer to have a taste, I’ll try it now.” Quite literally he wasted no time, he went right for it, sinking his teeth into your cold skin. You pressed your hands to his chest, already feeling like you were getting dizzy by the second. His eyes went wide, was this real? Was blood like this really kept from him for this long? He normally wouldn’t indulge like this but he wasn’t about to let you go now—but he had to get back to the party. He detached his fangs, causing you to whimper at the sudden sharp pain. “Your blood is incredibly perfect, no wonder Jin keeps you on such a tight leash. I like you Y/n, I think I want to keep you...” 
“Taemin...” Your glossy eyes blinked slowly as if you weren’t all there—it had to be the same venom Jimin gave you. Taemin knew it too, he knew you’d probably fall victim to his symptoms.
“Yes, my love...” He brushed a strand of hair from your face, getting a good look at your innocent expression.
“My head, it hurts-” You whined but he shook his head.
“Sorry dear, I hate to go now but I’m needed elsewhere...” And he just left you, feeling a bit off. When you went back to your table Jin said it was about time to leave and you were glad. He was having a pretty private conversation so decided you’d go stay by yourself and eat a little. 
“So, how is your donor program going? I heard Jinyoung already sold two of his best donors to the Mir family.” He grinned, sipping his glass of wine.
“It’s going well, my donors are all healthy and are enjoying their education.”
Jinyoung walked up to Lin and Jin, a soft smile on his lips. “Jin, how are you?”
“Jinyoung, what a surprise, I’m fine and you?” 
“Fine, I wanted to ask you about that new girl, Y/n, your donor.” 
“Okay, what about her?”
“The CB board will want to take a look at her, you can’t avoid that.” Jinyoung sipped his drink, giving Jin a judgemental look. Jin scoffed, he didn’t want to hear about this, he knew Lin had loose lips and the word would get out that he had a prized donor. You weren’t someone’s property to just pass along, you were special and not just anyone could have you. You were Yoongi’s medicine basically, you weren’t going anywhere, not if he could help it. 
“Well, it was nice talking to you two but it is getting late. I’m going take my students back to my university, have a nice evening.” He got up from the table and bid the men farewell. He couldn’t wait to leave those guys. 
“Jin,” You scurried up behind him as he walked around seeing his students were following the dismissal announcement, “are we-” He whipped around, making you stop what you were saying in surprise. He furrowed his brows, scrunching his nose for a split second.
“Did Taemin bite you?” He lowered his voice and said it near your ear so no one would here, he looked serious and for the first time you actually were a bit afraid to say something.
“Yes...” You looked down at your shoes, not knowing why he looked at you that way. Jin didn’t say anything else, the rest of the night you didn’t dare say a thing. It wasn’t really out of fear, it was more like out of confusion and not knowing what he was thinking. Not only were you worried about Taemin biting you but you were also worried about Yoongi. He hasn’t even spoken to you, and you couldn’t imagine why. Was it because of Taemin?
Taemin bit you—why did that statement come with such unexplained guilt?
“Where is she?” Taehyung asked, seeing Jimin was just as clueless until he saw a pretty little figure, walking aimlessly around the university.
“Hey.” Taehyung ran up to you, you looked like you were in pain. “What’s wrong, bunny?” He puffed out his lower lip upon realizing you didn’t feel well. “You look like you don’t feel good...” 
“Y/n,” Jimin came up to you, running his hand through his blonde hair before furrowing his brows at your obvious predicament. “Are you okay?” Jimin’s expression was worried.
“I’m fine, I just feel a bit light headed is all...”
When you went off to your room you were halfway down the hall when you saw an all too familiar person standing in your path, Jungkook. Oh no...
“Y/n, you’re ridiculous. You let Taemin, of all people, bite you?” Jungkook made long strides towards you, grabbing your wrist with a steel-like grip. “You let everyone bite you except for me and I’m sick of it.”
“I’m sorry...” You looked down and he was shocked, to say the least, you just apologized, to him. Your heart pounded with every step he made. 
“What?” Jungkook watched you place your hand over your chest, breathing in and out with deep breaths. He literally dragged you to his room, you couldn’t properly protest because you were in such a daze. You saw that you were in his bedroom, he did some things to the door before he walked over to you. He cornered you to the window, not in a rough way but just so you couldn’t escape. “Now, isn’t this a turn of fate in my favor.”
“I’ve waited a long time for this, you don’t know how hard it is to get you alone, it’s very difficult. They keep me from you, even though I need you, more than anyone. They think I won’t be good for you but they’re wrong, we were meant for each other, and I won’t let anyone keep me from our inevitable fate...” Jungkook saw where Taemin bit you and scoffed, he couldn’t stand the scent of him, it was just flat out atrocious to him. “Let me drink your blood.”
“J-Jungkook, I don’t know...”
“I’ll die without it Y/n, I can’t go on anymore.” He had a slight whine in his voice. “Your blood will save me Y/n...please.” 
You surely weren’t in your good mind to be agreeing with this. “Okay, if you really need it– But what if you get in trouble?...” 
“I don’t care about that, you’re meant to be mine...” He said simply. That was all he said before his teeth were going into to the same wound, attempting to erase any traces from Taemin. You were in shock, you had nothing to say, not a word, It seemed like all the breath in your lungs was being constricted by Jungkooks bare hand. 
“J-jung-...” You clamped your hand over your mouth, trying not to make too much sound.
Your voice was a distant whisper to him, he wasn’t listening to it at all. Your blood was without comparison, he’s never had anything so overwhelmingly satisfying, yet he couldn’t get enough. He removed his mouth for a few seconds, panting a little. He moved to your shoulder, biting into the flesh rather feverishly. He was taking a lot, maybe too much. You got extremely lightheaded suddenly and you could barely keep your eyes open, but that fatigue quickly turned to pain. “Oh my- it tastes better than I imagined, shit, it’s so sweet...” He sighed, his hunger still needing to be satisfied. He bit you again, and again, and again...It was too much.
“Hoseok, did Y/n come in with you?” Jin peeked into Hoseok’s bedroom, seeing him unbutton his dress shirt.
“No, I haven’t seen her. Tae and Jimin said they saw her going to her room earlier...”
“That’s funny, she’s not in there.” Jin was clueless, where could you have gone? He left Hoseoks room and went to group study, hoping he’d see you beside the sleeping beauty called Yoongi.
“Yoongi, Namjoon, have you seen Y/n?” Jin asked.
“No, I haven’t seen her. I can smell her scent though, it’s pretty potent right now.” Namjoon answered him nonchalantly. 
Yoongi shrugged. “No, but I can smell it too...”
“Me too. I need to talk to her, and she’s taking my room tonight.” Jin went in his way and Yoongi followed him.
“Where could she be?- Wait...where’s Jungkook?” That question made everyone pause, before they could say more Jin burst off into a sprint. They were just as curious as Jin to find out where you were. But Jin followed your scent and ended up right where he needed to be.
“Jungkook! Is Y/n in there!?” Jin banged on the door but got no response. 
“Ah, why can’t they just leave us alone for once?” Jungkook looked back at the door that he had skillfully barricaded, knowing that would keep them out for a little while. 
“I heard that! She’s in there- Damn it.” Jin cursed, knowing Jungkook was finally drinking your blood and he needed to stop that as soon as possible.
“What’s going on?” Jimin walked up with Hoseok and Taehyung. Jimin had to do a double take, did he really smell you and Jungkooks scents, together? “Is he feeding?” Jimin frowned. “That bastard is gonna get it.” 
“Jungkook, open up or I swear you’ll regret it.” Namjoon threatened.
Jungkook just scoffs, looking down at you since he had thrown you to the bed. “How could I regret this? She tastes like heaven...” He laughs, pissing his hyungs off further. He kissed you, and you cringed when you tasted the irony bite of blood on his tongue, it was far from sweet to you.
“Taemin fed on her at the gala,” Jimin rolled his eyes when he heard that, his cousin was no joke when it came to what he liked, “she’s gonna go into shock if we don’t stop him.” Jin ran to get the master key from his room. He came back and in rush, shoved the key in the lock and quickly opened the door, but Jungkook wasn’t lying when he said barricaded. He had his 6-foot dresser in front of the door.
“Seriously Jungkook!?” Hoseok went on the sides of it with Jimin and pushed it out of the way.
And there you were, below Jungkook who was forbidden from having your blood. You didn’t look like you were all there and that’s how he determined you were in shock. Donors with sensitive blood can suffer from a physical shock if fed from by different individuals too fast, especially if they had a pre-existing bond with a different feeder. That would be Yoongi for you.
In a split second, Namjoon and Hoseok had to yank him off of you. “Get the hell off of me!” Jungkook protested, trying to get free from them and back on you. Blood dripped down his chin when he got pulled away so suddenly.
“Jungkook!” You were shocked when that name left your mouth but for some reason, you called for him. “W-why're you trying to stop him?...”
“He’s already taken effect on her. Taehyung, talk to her to calm her down,” Jin ordered.
“Okay. Bunny, hey, it’s okay...Jungkook is fine.” He hesitantly tried to sit beside you, but you got up, trying to get to Jungkook. “Y/n-”
“No, you guys are punishing him unfairly,” tears began to well in your eyes, “he needs my blood, he said he’ll die without it...” You were just about to walk towards him but you paused, Yoongi was standing right there. And suddenly the only desire you had was to let Yoongi bite you.
“Yoongi...Yoongi, please.” You weren’t sure why you were begging, you just needed to get to him. He stared at you, scrutinizing your every move and word. 
“No, Y/n, you’re in shock right now.” Jimin came behind you, wrapping his arms around your waist to keep you from pouncing on Yoongi. Taemin’s along with Jungkook’s side effects were really hitting you hard. “Calm down baby, calm down.” 
“No! Let go of me! Let go!” You tried to thrash around, anything to get to Yoongi or Jungkook but Jimin held you in place.
“Look what you did! This is why I forbid you to feed on her, her blood is not something to pass around, you’re a hybrid for goodness sake! You could kill her if you’re not careful.” Jin was fuming he couldn’t even be in the room anymore, not with Jungkook.
“I am apart of the head family, I can have any blood that I want!” Jungkook shot back.
“I’m not arguing with you. Namjoon, Hoseok, take him to the downstairs testing hall and keep him there until I say otherwise.” Jin spoke and Jungkook has whisked away, despite his resistance and boisterous cursing, Tae followed the chaotic scene.
Jin took a deep breath before walking over to you. “Y/n, you need to calm down.”
“No! Let go of me! Why’re doing this!?” You were almost sobbing and he realized he needed to take extreme measures, he didn’t want to do this but you left him no choice. He placed his hands on your shoulders, calming you a bit before biting into your shoulder. This took both Jimin and Yoongi by surprise but they were also relieved, Jin quite literally has the special touch. He’s releasing healing energy and directly influencing your mind through this. Him taking some of your blood will help rid some of the imbalance caused by those two. Your blood really is a treasure, it is the sweetest thing he’s ever tasted, he could see why Jungkook couldn’t resist. But he had self-control, he had taken enough and you were completely silent before passing out in Jimin’s arms.
“I’ll take her, you go help with Jungkook. ” Jin scooped you up bridal style, carrying you off to his bedroom.
It was pitch black outside, you laid comfortably on a king size bed that wasn’t the slightest bit familiar to you. Your neck, and everywhere you were bitten was sore, but the wounds were pretty much healed. You sat up, seeing as this was the biggest room here, you gathered enough information to assume it was Jin’s room. 
“Are you okay?” Yoongi’s voice startled you. You looked beside you and there he laid, inspecting your face for any signs of discomfort or pain.
“Yoongi?...” You sighed, you could finally ask why he’s been ignoring you so much. “You’ve been avoiding me all day, why?...” He didn’t respond, his hand went to cup your jaw and you weren’t sure why he was so fond of the silent treatment. 
“When I saw those bites on your neck, I don’t know, I’ve never felt more inclined to physically hurt someone in my life...” He mumbled, his thumb rubbing in a circular motion on your skin. “I think I need you Y/n, and that’s something I’ve never felt, the need for someone else...it’s hard to process for me and I don’t know how I feel about it...” He sighed, leaving you alone in this room. Jin walked in the room, peeking at you with curiosity. 
“Y/n, I brought you some clothes to change into.” Jin sat them at the foot of the bed.
“Thanks.” You sat on the edge of the bed, putting your hair into a bun.
“Look,” He took your hands into his own, “I take full responsibility for all that’s happened. My job is to protect you and I’m sure you’re not feeling that safe, so for that, I do apologize. And for biting you, I only did that to rid the imbalance in your blood that was putting your body in shock. I wouldn’t take advantage of you or use you in any way, I want you to know that.” He pats your shoulder in a friendly way.
“I understand Jin, thank you for your concern, I really do appreciate it...I’m just tired now, I’m gonna get some sleep...” He nodded, leaving his bedroom as you got up to change into something more comfortable than this gown.
You didn’t know what was happening to you—what was your place? Who were you supposed to trust? If everything was planned at the beginning of time, what was your fate?
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bykth · 7 years
WHOO I just returned from MuBank Sg. I'm just gonna write down everything even tho no one asked because I need to release the feels somewhere Bogum: The fucking CUTEST egg. His smile, oh my god. His English is not bad at all! At one point he teased us for not understanding what he was saying (after he said a whole bunch of stuff in Korean) and it was fucking cute I want a fairy to kiss him Mamamoo: BITCH. FUCKING. HWASA. I couldn't deal with her. Obviously, their vocals are top tier but bro, BRO, she was gorgeous. So gorgeous. Tanned skin and amazing body I was envious. Wheein and Solar were amazing, of course. I screamed a lot for Moonbyul as well, what a babe. Their performance set the tone pretty well for the rest of the night. Red Velvet: Their voices are so high!!! Especially Yeri omg when she spoke I was really surprised. She has the chipmunk voice, for real. It's kind of cute, I guess? Kind of threw me off because I couldn't believe that was really her voice. The other girls were gorgeous, of course. Wendy did most of the talking but was really nervous, bless. I think the one that stood out the most was Joy, goodness. She was SUCH a babe! So tall, really great skin, very beautiful face. Her red hair complemented her face really well! Couldn't stop staring at her. They had these special shows in between so after RV there was a K drama special, basically Wheein + Jonghyun singing one of the songs from Moonlight drawn by clouds (but of course) and Onew fucking owning You are my everything from DOTS. CNBlue: I LOVED THEM. SO MUCH. I think it starting peaking from them onwards. Yonghwa is such a natural on stage, you can tell he loves performing. He's hilarious, too, and isn't awkward at all even though he's not fluent in English. Really cute interactions with the audience, and their songs were BANGING. They played their older songs as well and got the crowd really excited Another special, sort of like a Singapore special. Wendy performed a Corrine May song, owned it, of course. She's very elegant on stage and pretty small/skinny. Fragile looking? Really cute smile. Then Solar and Yonghwa came out with a JJlin duet, and their mandarin was really good! It's a difficult language in general, especially if you haven't been continuously exposed to it, so they did really great. Yonghwa I expected a little, since he collabed w JJlin before, but Solar, damn. I was shook she was REALLY good. BTS: Highlight of the night. May be a bit biased. But for real, the screaming was intense af. Everything was intense af. Oh my God. I have to rewatch videos of their performance because so many things were happening and I was not ready. I was not ready at all. Okay, one by one. Jin: gorgeous. Got the loudest screams of the night. I think people were screaming whenever he was on screen. Plenty of his trademark kisses, crowd went nuts for him including my weak ass, ofc Namjoon: did most of the speaking. he didn't stand out a lot, but he worked hard. didn't come to my side a lot, went to the other side so couldn't see what he was doing Jhope: So cute. So hyper. A puppy. He was the moodmaker I was laughing even when he wasn't being funny. At one point there was a lull in conversation bc of the game (I'll explain this later) and he just yelled 'JHOPEEEEEE' and got the crowd hyped, lol Suga: spoke the least, but aura was legit. on stage, his presence is no joke. he was just wearing a white cap and the fire outfit, yknow, nothing too eye-catching but gosh, i couldn't stop staring at him. really gorgeous. came over to our side a lot and at one point I was convinced I made eye contact w him so I guess I have to marry him now Tae: Cutie. Didn't notice him much also during the performance since he didn't come over to our side a lot, but he hosted a bit with Bogum and they played up their friendship a bit. very puppy-ish, the whole thing. obviously gorgeous irl. obviously. Jimin: Pink hair!! Stood out bc of that, imo. Very cute and interactive with fans. Also rude cause when the whole thing ended all the celebs came out to say goodbye and he did some dirty dancing to the music. Handsome, of course. I think he looks very much like how he does on screen. most of them do, tbh. I think he was wearing lifts? Confused me a little cause when they stood in a line he was almost same height to JK. I didn't think he would be as small as he looks on screen irl but idk it threw me off lol Jk: Ugh. Bf bod goals. He came really close one time and I was so in awe because he's more filled out than the rest of bts and I appreciate that. wore a cap to hide the comeback hair and I was thankful because jk w a cap is a thing that I need all the time. Handsome as hell. oh my God he's real They played some game where two lucky fans get chosen to take a pic with them on stage and I was very envious the whole time. jimin was the most flirty, tbh. got soooooo close to the fan in the pic everyone was screaming (pretty sure he smirked a little when the fans got rly loud at one point) oh, and they announced the September comeback. SHINEE: tbh I felt a little bad for them. they are legends, obviously the crowd knew that, but the energy was a little lower after BTS came in bc fans were tired out. they still kept waving their lightsticks and balloons, though, so the atmosphere was really nice. most of the older fans were there for shinee too. overall it was a great night and I finally got to see BTS/CNBLUE in person, yay! my seat was a bit far bc I bought the tickets late, but it was close enough to the stage. I'm not sure if whatever I recalled happened in the correct order but that's the gist of it
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akaashirabu · 7 years
‘Are you my Dongsaeng?’ - BTS JK Pt. 1
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This oneshot story is connected with the EXO BH Oneshots. I made it way back Bangtan’s debut in 2013, when I just started stanning them (I’m Jimin biased btw) but JK is a year older than me hence deciding to write a story dedicated to fans who were younger than him (Well, back then during their debut there are more JK noona fans than dongsaeng fans but I guess right now there are a lot more JK biased who’s younger than him lol) Warning: Fetus BTS portrayal throughout the story lol.
Today, you didn’t attend half of your classes because your brother’s girlfriend told you that you should go to the airport to meet your brother. You didn’t understand why but she says something important came up so you ended up walking inside the huge airport with no particular destination. You sighed as you felt this was a really bad day for you.
“Curse this day” you mumbled under your breath when you received a text message.
[Your name], don’t forget that the fan signing is in Myeongdong. BTS will be there at 3pm, don’t be late so that you’d be first in line. Don’t you dare not go because you owe me big time when I helped you sneak out earlier okay?
You rolled your eyes at your best friend’s text message. Earlier when your brother’s girlfriend texted you that you needed to go to the airport, you were in the middle of Science class so you asked Jiyul to help you sneak out of the campus. Jiyul agreed but there is one condition, you would go to the fan signing of BTS and ask for their autographs for her. Of course you had no other choice and accepted the deal so you pretended to have a stomach ache to get out of the class and Jiyul gladly escorted you to the infirmary and both of you ran to the campus’ gates so you could sneak out.
You blew off your bangs “Where is that stupid brother of mine?” you hissed.
“Who’s stupid?” someone asked you from behind.
You looked back with a frown and saw your brother.
He ruffled your hair and said “Aish...Aren’t you happy to see your handsome brother Byun Baekhyun?”
Yes, your brother is the oh-so-popular main vocalist of EXO, Byun Baekhyun.
“No, not even a bit” you rolled your eyes at your brother.
“Aww I’m so fluttered my dear dongsaeng” Baekhyun smiled at you.
“Why do you need me here? Why are you here? Aren’t you busy? You even asked your girlfriend to call me! Don’t you know I’m in the middle of class earlier?” you bombarded him with questions.
“Hey chill…” He patted your back.
“I.AM.NOT.GONNA.CHILL.BYUN.BAEK.HYUN” you glared at him.
You were 6 years younger than Baekhyun but sometimes you can really be like this especially when he annoys you.
“Okay, I called you here because Mom and Dad told me to do so” he says and you just look at him with a bored expression.
“I’m going to tell you some good news…but let’s get walking first, I don’t want someone to see us here” He says and you follow him behind.
“What’s the point of asking your girlfriend to call me and tell me to come here? Why not call me on the phone and tell me the oh-so-good news?” you said.
He ignored what you said and continued “They’re out of country for a month and you are going to be alone in the house”
“Okay?” you answered and looked at your wrist watch.
“It’s a month young lady! Can you handle things by yourself? Remember don’t let strangers in, be careful, you should call me every time and you can also call my girlfriend if you need anything” he said.
“U-Huh I’ll call you both when you were in the middle of making love with your eyeliners?” you sarcastically said that it earned you a firing glare from Baekhyun.
As Baekhyun continues to blabber about the safety precautions and other reminders you should know so that everything’s going to be fine for a month you are going to be alone, your eyes almost bulge out of their sockets when you looked at your watch and it said 2:30pm.  Oh god Jiyul’s fan signing. You thought.
Looking back at Baekhyun who is so into his talking you stopped walking and turn left, leaving him.
“Sorry oppa” you mumbled as you were running your way to the exit.
You waved for a taxi and quickly get on.
“To Myeongdong please” you say.
I sneaked out of the campus earlier for oppa and now I’m sneaking out of his nonsense talking for a boy group that I don’t even know. You thought.
Meanwhile, it didn’t take long for Baekhyun to realize he was already talking to no one.
“Hey where did she go?” he scratched his head. “That sneaky girl”
Baekhyun read her text message.
Hey Oppa! I’m sorry I need to go somewhere important. Take care okay? P.S. your girlfriend told me you should buy eyeliner because she emptied the last one :)
-[Your name]
Arriving at the venue, you were glad that you were on time and you quickly went to line up.
You read Jiyul’s new text message.
Here’s what you’re going to do, ask them to sign the albums okay? Oh and don’t forget to ask Jimin to write my name in dedication okay? And tell him I love him and he has great abs. And you should ask Jungkook what does he prefer, a Dongsaeng or Noona Girlfriend. Good luck and don’t you dare make a fuss there.
Again, you rolled your eyes at your Best friend’s demands. You don’t know BTS and you’re not a fan yet you had an album of them since Jiyul bought you one. One thing more, you don’t know who the members are, you know their names but not their faces. Luckily, you already know Jungkook but how are you going to know who is Jimin? You remembered what Jiyul said, Jimin is the guy with oh-so-great abs. What would you do? Lift up each of their shirts to see who has that abs?  
Oh God I’m having a mental breakdown. You thought.
Finally, you were next in line.  The persons you got an autograph first was Jin, Suga and J-Hope and you greeted them just to be polite, you also take note of their faces once you honestly told them that you don’t know their name for you were here to get an autograph for a friend.  The next one was Rap Monster, you suddenly remembered that he was the leader and an idea came into you.
“Uhmm May I ask something?” you whispered.
Rap monster smiled “Sure”
“Who is Jimin between the two who are next?” you asked.
He laughed before he answered “The one next to me is V and next one is Jimin”
“Thank you” you said and bowed.
After getting V’s signature, you walked in front of Jimin next.
“Annyeong, what’s your name?” He asked as he smiled.
“No, kindly address it for my friend please” you said.
“It’s Jiyul” you said and Jimin gave you another smile and write it down along with his signature.
“Here you go” he said.
“Oh uhmm my friend has something to say to you”
“What is it?”
“Uhmm I should just whisper it to you” you shyly said.
“Oh Okay” Jimin said and leaned forward so that you can whisper and it caught the attention of the other 6.
“Jiyul says she loves you and you have great abs” you whispered with flustered cheeks.
Jimin laughed “Tell her thank you and I love her too” he says and smiles.
Finally, you were on the last person, it was Jungkook. You actually like him the most even though you’re still not a fan, you could say he’s your bias.
“Annyeong, is Jimin hyung your bias?” Jungkook asked and you were taken aback by his question, he must’ve seen the thing earlier.
No, you are my bias. You thought.
“Actually No, I-I’m a ne-new fan...so I-I still don’t have a bias yet…yeah that’s it” you stuttered as you lied, of course you didn’t want to say that you were not yet a fan of them in front of him and you won’t tell that he’s your bias either since you’re too shy.
“Oh okay…” He said not really convinced by your answer.
“Oh uhmm my friend wanted to ask you something” you said.
“Hmm what is it?” Jungkook asked as he looked up at you.
“It says, ‘what do you prefer, a dongsaeng or a noona girlfriend?’”
“Are you really sure it’s asked by your friend?” Jungkook smirked at you.
Aish…Don’t smirk at me you look more handsome. Gaah. You thought as you bit your lip.
“I’m sure so just answer it please” you lightly smiled at him and looked like you’re panicking.
Jungkook almost laughed at your expression and continued to sign but when he looked up at you again, he noticed your facial features. She’s beautiful. He thought.
“Excuse me?” you looked at him and Jungkook quickly avoided the gaze, nervous if you actually caught him staring at you.
“Are you my dongsaeng?” Jungkook asked out of the blue as he examines you and noticed you’re wearing a school uniform.
“Huh?” you weirdly look at him but you answered anyway “Uhmm I think so”
Jungkook then again wrote something “Well then, I prefer a dongsaeng girlfriend” He said and smiled at you sweetly.
You were left speechless but then you noticed it has been a long time that you were standing in front of him.
“Oh Uhh I need to go…Thank you” you quickly said and left.
“Wait, you left your album!” Jungkook stood up and followed behind you.
You were still running and you didn’t know why. Did Jungkook indirectly tell you that you’re his type? That he likes younger girls like you?
You felt yourself blushing just by thinking of it but your trail of thoughts left when someone held onto your shoulder, stopping you from walking.
The person walks in front of you, and to your surprise it was Jungkook.
“Hey, you left your album” He said and handed the two albums to you.
“Oh, Thank you” You bowed at him and sheepishly smiled because of embarrassment. How stupid of you to leave the albums behind, Jiyul will definitely kill you if Jungkook didn’t follow you and gave the albums to you.
“No problem. What’s your name?” he asked.
“[Your name]” you answered.
“Well [your name], I hope I’ll see you next time okay? Promise me?” he said.
“Oh uhh Yes I promise” you answered as you can feel your cheeks burning.
“Take care and see you soon dongsaeng” he said as he ruffled your hair and gave you a warm smile.
“Nae, see you soon” you answered and waved goodbye.
He watched you left as you were scanning the albums.
You looked at Jiyul’s album and only Jungkook’s picture has no sign but when you looked at your album, Jungkook had signed it and wrote something:
‘To my beautiful dongsaeng,
Nice to meet you!
Love, Jungkook oppa who prefers a dongsaeng girlfriend like you’
You felt your cheeks burning 10 times than before and you smiled at yourself.
I’ll see you soon Jungkook oppa. You thought.
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thezombiemamma · 8 years
We’re barely a week into March and already I feel like my poor fangirl heart is about to explode. Between the overwhelming number of K-Pop comebacks that have already happened since the beginning of the month, and the number of comebacks I’m looking forward to, it’s kinda hard to imagine how I’m going to survive the coming weeks. Of course, being the devoted fangirl I am, I’m determined to muster my strength and soldier on as best I can. (Though it might not hurt to keep a defibrillator on standby, just in case.)
Actually, I’m not sure even a defibrillator will save me from the teasing Monsta X has just started. HOLY FLIP! We’re only 1 day into this nonsense and already I feel like I’m dying! Of course there’s a very good reason for my wildly beating heart and sudden lack of breath and his name is Minhyuk.
It seems so fitting that the final chapter to The Clan series is titled “Beautiful” as there isn’t a better word in the world to describe this first pair of photos. Seriously! Who knew glittery sparkles could be so darn lethal? Now I’m left wondering what the next 6 sets of photos will be like and honestly, I don’t think I’m ready! Just imaging the release of Hyungwon’s photos makes me shiver in excitement. And I.M’s? (Oh help!) Kihyun’s? (AUGH!) Jooheon’s? (EEEP!) Wonho’s? *SWOON* Shownu’s!?! OH CRAP! *falls over dead* I feel like counting down the days until March 21, is like counting down the days to my death. But really, that’s okay. After all, what makes life more worth living than the daily dying over a bunch of beautiful biases?
Speaking of biases… I have to give mad props to GOT7 for stopping my heart on a daily basis. The steady release of photos and album guides and track lists has done a fine job of turning me into a sobbing mess of a fangirl. (Though most of those tears have been shed over the fact that Youngjae continues to try to mess up my bias list and I can’t make him stop!)
At least GOT7’s teasing is coming to an end, as Flight Log: Arrival and the “Never Ever” MV are both scheduled to drop on the 13th. Of course then we’ll have comeback stages to deal with but for now, I’m just going to ignore that fact and instead adopt the Scarlett O’Hara mentality as I remind myself that “tomorrow is another day.”
While certain bias groups may have snatched a good bit of my attention, I haven’t been so distracted as to overlook some of the other K-Pop comebacks headed our way. Romeo, in particular, has caught my attention with all the teasing surrounding their 4th mini album, Without U. Both the EP and MV are scheduled to drop in the next day or so and I’m so ready! The trailers for the MV sound great, which means I’m all kinds of excited for its release!
I’m also looking forward to Eric Nam’s collaboration with Somi as it marks the first track (of who knows how many) to drop in Nam’s newest project, “Spring Note.” The project itself is a series of collaborations between Nam and various artists, all of which will be released each spring. This first track, “You, Who?,” is set to drop on March 9 and I can’t wait to give it a listen!
I know I give a lot of attention to K-Pop teasers and comebacks which isn’t fair to the drama lovers out there so let’s take a second to talk about OCN’s upcoming time-traveling, murder mystery, thriller, Tunnel.
I have to admit, I was a little unsure as to whether or not I’d be watching this drama but the more trailers I watch, the more excited I am for it to start airing. Will it live up to my expectations? Who knows? But I’m certainly not opposed to giving it a try! (Especially not if it means I get to see Choi Jin Hyuk being a hard-nosed, time-traveling cop. *squee*)
I will admit, I was a bit disappointed when I learned VIXX’s N’s negotiations with this drama fell through but the more I think about it, the more convinced I am that things may be better this way. As much as I love N, I’m not sure he’s ready to step into such a heavy role. At the same time, I can’t deny that I’m very much looking forward to seeing Lee Yoo Young make her first drama appearance. Having won multiple awards for best new actress in 2015, I have high hopes for her and am interested to see how she brings this new character, a professor of criminal psychology, to life. Tunnel is scheduled to begin airing on March 25 and I’m so ready!
With so much going on in the world of Hallyu, it’s sometimes a bit hard to keep up but that doesn’t keep me from trying! From K-Pop comebacks to upcoming dramas, there’s certainly a lot to squee over. The question is, what is it that’s got you more excited? Let me know in the comments below!
TUESDAY’S TEASE: Time-Traveling Cops and Too Much Pretty to Handle We're barely a week into March and already I feel like my poor fangirl heart is about to explode.
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