#since I took like? a month break from genshin
twinsyy · 4 months
You consider quitting genshin sometimes
(very self-insert)
when life gets busy, or when you get bored of the game, you genuinely consider quitting.
because it eats up your time and wears down your attention. and recently, the game hasn’t been very rewarding lately.
you’re ar 60, and you’ve done everything in the game. you’ve maxed out the exploration progress. did all the quests.
farming for characters isn’t going good either. your artifact rolls keep getting worse, especially for the ones that you really hoped would be good.
getting primos isn’t easy either. and it doesn’t help that the characters you want aren’t coming home. you either keep getting weapons, or lose the 50/50.
this game is adding more stress than necessary to your life. you already have a lot going on.
so you’ve made it a habit to take breaks from this game. whether it was for a day, week, month or more.
sometimes, you don’t notice how you’ve forgotten about it. especially during your longer breaks.
and you even frequently feel… free of it.
but it never stays that way. you are constantly reminded of genshin (stupid ads). constantly beckoned back. tempted with better rewards and new characters.
and it works everytime. even if it sometimes takes a while. you always go back to them. something in you feels like you have a sense of responsibility to come back. what does this mean?
it doesn’t help that the longer you are gone, the sadder the welcome back message becomes. and odd.
“Welcome back, we missed you!”
“We are relieved you came back. We thought you wouldn’t.”
“We apologize . We’re trying to be better.”
“We’re sorry.”
“Please stay.”
You encounter these messages, different each return, but have never heard about anyone else experiencing this. Guess you’re a special case.
Very special, indeed.
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a headcanon where genshin bois broke up with you but saw you years later with thier child at 3 yeares old? Scara, xiao, zhongli and tighnari
Oh, you have an evil soul, I know that for sure. You want suffering, oh you drink my tears as coffee, I like you. I'll have fun with this one a bit. Also, sorry for the spelling errors, I try to fix them when I see them, however, I tend to type wayyy to fast. Or messy.
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Scaramouche: ══ ❀•°❀°•❀ ════ ❀•°❀°•❀ ════ ❀•°❀°•❀ ══
You guys broke up because at some point in the relationship, it was getting too overwhelming, and toxic.
Scaramouche outbursts or his snide remarks became a ticking time bomb for you.
It was hard for you to feel loved at this point, and apparently it was hard for him to show it because he wanted to be stubborn.
The breaking point was where you came to him, head to head, this was going to determine your break up with him.
"Say something nice about me, say you love me, say anything, please do anything." You were pleading. You didn't want to leave but, it was starting to get to you.
His response? "What is wrong with you? Are you some kind of child?"
That was it, you broke up with him. This made his jaw drop, of course he protested, he grabbed you a lot, yelled at you. But you finally got free and left him, you went into hiding because he wasn't going to give up.
Along the way, you found out that you were pregnant, with twin boys, with his kids. In your head, you are like "How???" since he is a puppet.
Years later, your two little boys are grown and they are playful happy innocent toddlers. They were holding your hands and laughing. They both had Scaramouche face, but a happy and child like face.
You were happy, until you backed up a tiny bit and bumped into someone. You turned and saw it was Scaramouche.
You immediately panicked and picked up both of your boys and held your weapon to his face.
"W-What is this...? Who are they??" He was angry already and confused. He didn't understand why there are two little him. Was he being replaced, by better versions of himself. He grabbed her shoulder and shook her and yelled at him.
"They're your sons!" You yelled and cried, You pushed him and took her books and ran away.
He was left behind stunned, after a few minutes, he clenched his hands into fist. If you want him to be apart of the twin's life, you need to be patient. He will take a while to come around, and he will be difficult about it.
However, when he does, he becomes the most protective father, he would shield them from the past he had. He would never abandon him, he would teach them his bad attitude as way for them to stand up for themselves.
He won't admit it, but he grew fond of his boys because he felt they were children, just as him, and they understood him despite not realizing it.
As for you though, he still has issues getting along with you and would pick fights with you. He is sometimes loving but you are a little drained.
Xiao ── ⋅ ⋅ ── ✩ ── ⋅ ⋅──── ⋅ ⋅ ── ✩ ── ⋅ ⋅──── ⋅✩
You guys broke up peacefully, you both agreed it was for the best, he can't provide for your mortal needs and you have nothing to offer a troubled Adepti
You two parted always peacefully.
A few months later, your belly was getting swollen, but you had no idea why, after all, there is no way you could give birth to a half adeptus and half mortal right?
Well surprising motha fucka, nature is fucked up.
You were surprised and stressed, you don't know how to take care of a baby who is half Yaksha. How do you handle Karmic Debt?
Like does he poop spirits or dreams?
Once you gave birth, you realized the little girl had his dad's Yaksha marks on her arm and his diamond on her forehead. She had his green hair.
Overtime, you ended up figuring it out, thanks to taking care of Xiao time to time, you are aware of the child's needs more than enough.
You are dealing with a teleporting Child who can throw a tantrum to the size of a stadium but you have your ways.
Years ahead, you were feeding your little girl food ordered from Wanshu inn. You wanted her to enjoy the best of the best.
What you didn't know is that Xiao was watching, he was horrified, one for that he isn't the only Yaksha anymore and moreso, that this little girl looked like him, had his demon slayer markings.
You let your little girl use the bathroom, as you waited outside for her, guarding the door to prevent anyone from entering. You wanted her to be more independent in public places, this was one way.
This was Xiao chance to catch you alone, he appeared in front of you, he was very close to you, and you jolted and got scared.
"Who....Who is that little girl?" He looked into your eyes, scared but wanted to know more.
You stuttered a bit. "U-Um..."
He comes closer to you where your chest his touching his chest. "Tell me now." He asked sternly. He was upset of course, because why did she never tell him? They never had much fights but he at least deserved to know.
You felt a hug on your leg and crying. "M-Mama!" It was your little girl. You immediately picked her up and began to comfort her. "Shh, it's okay, mommy is okay."
Xiao immediately backed away, guilt was heavy on his chest, he never meant to scare....her.
You sighed and showed her to him. "Little one, do you know who is this?"
Your little girl will mostly by shy and scared of him, and Xiao will immediately show sadness to this, however, with your encouragement, she would try her best to look at Xiao. "This is your father, sweeite."
Your little girl touches Xiao's face and Xiao blushes and smiles, as he can't help it when it comes to little hands on his face.
He was hesitant at first but, he gently put his hands up and looked at you for consent.
You nodded and smiled, he passed your little girl over to him, where your little girl became his too. Your little girl naturally snuggled into his neck, sucking her thumb as Xiao shushes and coo's her gently.
As soon as Xiao held this little girl, he immediately sworn to protect her with his life, and held her protectively. He looked at you and placed his arm around your back and pulled you in for a group hug.
He asked if he could talk to you on what he can do to fix the relationship with you, and what can he do more as a father. He immediately fell in love with you little girl and even if you don't get back together, he would often visit, with presents, he would take her with him when you need breaks. He is a good dad, with co parenting or not.
Zhongli ┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈
You guys broke up because you just happened to not feel connected anymore. You guys just fell out.
You guys lived in differently eras and world and its hard to connect with him on some things.
You guys never really had a fight, but you used to talk everyday and now, you guys barely talk at all, touch each other or even just, try.
Zhongli brought this to your attention, and he isn’t a time waster, so and he doesn’t want to waste your time, so you guys broke up and moved on.
Until few months later, you found you that you were pregnant, you were in between telling him or not, but you realize that he is on vacation...he wants a break, so you kept this to yourself.
You raised his son by yourself, he looked exactly like you, but his powers are no doubt Zhongli's, and his dragon habits and nature as well.
You were eating out with your wonderful son, he was running around and saying hello to everyone until he ran into Zhongli. He bummed into Zhongli and fell back.
Zhongli looked down and offered a hand and kind smile. "Are you okay, little friend?" The little boy smiles cheerfully and took his hand and got up.
Once you came and bend your knees to check for wounds and see if he is okay, Zhongli was surprised and would greet you. You would greet him back and you would smile at him, while picking your son up.
However, once Zhongli saw the little boy do his dragon habits such as teething, or biting your shirt, he recognized it immediately.
At first he won't say anything and would act like nothing happen, he actually wait for you to reveal it.
However, once you didn't and you were gonna leave him, he immediately grabbed your shoulder, and will call you out. "This child...he is mine kin isn't he? Why weren't you willing to reveal this to me?"
Zhongli wants to be in this kid's life, he wants to pass down his knowledge and memories to him, he wants to teach him everything, this was new to him but he wants to be responsible.
Despite how harsh it is, a child between two lovers is a contract where they both need to parent, and he is happy to do it. He would really want to show his son the world and his victories.
Tighnari ── •✧• ──── •✧• ──── •✧• ──── •✧• ──
There would be two reason why you and Tighnari break up, one would be because he was too busy to even be in your life, and second would be that his scolding makes it hard for you to connect with him, as he was too nitpicky at the smallest things. This can be at small things such as how you handle things like chores, to bigger things like how you store items to quest to other things.
Things ended sadly, not miserable but, just it was sad and heartbreaking. It was hard to move on, the relationship you guys had was different but special.
You found out you were pregnant at a doctor check up one day, also because Sumeru had free healthcare so why not go to doctors as a hobby :)
You were freaking out, how do you take care of a fennec fox hybrid? What do they even eat? Should you only feed them veggies? Or feed them meat as well?
A lot of things were running in your head.
Years later, you got accustomed to your little girl, you groomed her tail and ears, and fed her what she liked.
You often go on walks in Sumeru forest, you wanted her to be in touch with her fox side. You want her to be free.
You patted her head, as you held her hand and walk, you stopped by a beautiful waterfall and watched. Your little girl was playing in the water.
Tighnari was behind you, stunned, he was processing, he already put two and two together, since he is a smartass from the smartass skool.
You turned around and jolted. "O-Oh, y-you are here..." You were startled.
It took him a few minutes to look at you and back at the little girl. His ears flopped a bit as she slowly pointed at the little girl speechless.
You sigh and nodded, knowing you can't outsmart him or lie to him.
You went to take your little girl's hand and brought her to him.
Tighnari kneeled down and took a good look at her, despite never meeting her, he knew, this little girl was his.
He would questioned and ask if you were a single mother and if you are seeing anyone, and would ask if maybe he can try being in her life, however he is just as busy, but he thought maybe take her on walks with him.
You were fine with it either way, you desire nothing from him though, if he wanted to be in your daughter's life, that's fine, but you want nothing to do with him.
He noticed this and felt conflicted.
Overtime, he would try and get you to trust him again, spend time with you and her as a family, but you would refuse and keep your distance.
Tighnari would be frustrated and sad over it, you can tell that his tail was losing hair, he understands why you refuse to take him back but Fennec Foxes mate for life.
It's in his nature, he wants to be dedicated to you, and he is becoming stressed from the rejection from you.
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senanatheskenana · 9 months
Sorry if this is weird but I haven't seen anything like this before but could you maybe do some sort of headcanon for genshin characters with a s/o that had a cryptic pregnancy. Like they leave for one day or come home after a couple hours and s/o is just like "yeah I didn't know" while holding a newborn. Again sorry if it's weird
Sure, this sounds super interesting! Also sorry if this took a while i haven't been as active recently but ill try to get more into the fandom soon <3
(Ill only be doing the male character since the nature of this would be a little hard to plan out for the female characters, hope that's ok)
Genshin Men Reacting to Cryptic Pregnancies
Kaeya looks at you like you're crazy. He legitimately believes that you've just picked up some newborn orphan to baby-trap him without getting pregnant.
Well, at least that's what he believed until he saw what the tiny child looked like up close.
There was no room to deny that the child looked strikingly similar to him; dark blue hair and tan skin. The only difference between them was that this tiny baby had your eyes.
And as his tiny fingers grab the air in front of Kaeya, he becomes increasingly aware of what has happened.
You were pregnant for nine months. You gave birth.
And he wasn't even there when you did- he was drinking like his social life depended on it at the tavern.
"I'm a terrible husband," he laughs, incredulous of himself.
He couldn't turn such a child away, even if he wanted no children. It would be obvious who had fathered one of the two blue-haired people in Mondstadt.
Diluc is at a loss for words.
He doesn't doubt you, he's known you so deeply that he can see in your eyes and in your body that you've been through something.
So when you hold the tiny infant out towards him, he carefully takes her into his arms as if she were a treasure so valuable he could not bear the idea of tarnishing it.
He presses her warmly against his chest and looks at you in such a way that you know he is not at all upset with you. In fact, he then looks away and places a triad of light pecks on her short red hair.
"I wish i had known" he says ruefully- and for a moment your heart sinks as though you think he was disappointed in such an outcome.
"If i had known sooner, we could have prepared a nursery"
Venti isn't quite sure whether he wants to run away from you or towards you.
It wasn't that he didn't like you anymore, or that he didn't want children.
He simply worried that he would not be a good parent, staying late into the night in bars playing music and over-drinking. He could see those days flying away from him in the eyes of the child.
But still, he could not harbour resentment for such a young, uncomprehending thing. Something that depended on him so greatly- far greater than any normal mortal had ever depended on him as an archon.
No, to him this was special.
He thought about it. Yes, his days of drinking every day were behind him. But something new would soon replace them. He traded wine for a son who loved him like no other would.
Venti surely had never planned on this, had he known you were pregnant he would have tried harder to break his ugly habit of day drinking.
But what is done is done, he thinks.
Now he just had to raise a child. How hard could it be?
He sums it up as a curiosity, rather than sentimentality. He admits that yes he loves you, but this thing, surely he was only keeping it alive- feeding it, burping it, changing it- to satiate his curiosity of how it came to be in the first place.
Firstly, he was under the impression that he was infertile, let alone thinking you were pregnant. It simply wasn't something he accounted for.
But you see it differently to him. You can see that what Albedo is denying as intrigue was really paternal love. You weren't quite sure whether he was trying to deny it, to keep the child at arm's length, or whether he was just dense. That wasn't something anyone had really associated with Albedo.
He supposes that, in a way, the baby was rather cute. It abstained from taking on many of his attributes, which he found himself thankful for. If he was honest, the baby was more similar to you in appearance. The only thing he theorised may be a piece of him showing was the fact that the child seemingly could not take their eyes off of their surroundings.
Its a gradually thing, a feeling that develops over weeks of caring for it. What started out as wonder at how it happened slowly melded into the realisation that he no longer cared, and the point was that it did happen, and he was content with that answer for once.
Xiao very nearly drops off the earth after you show him the child. It could not be his- or yours- he's sure he would have been able to sense the pregnancy if you were.
The weeks after are filled with worry and Xiao's absence. He sits atop the roof of Wangshu Inn, looking out at the city in the distance, wondering if you and, by extension, 'your' child is still there.
He's desperate to take another glance, to put his guilt to bed, to prove to himself that the child could not be his. He's also terrified it could prove the opposite, leaving Xiao in more guilt than before and with more responsibilities.
Xiao may have never seen you again had it not been for Zhongl's insistence that he appear to him. With you sat beside him.
At first glance, he comes to realise that it is undeniable that the child is his. He could feel it, stronger than any feeling he had ever felt before. He felt his heart clench painfully inside of his chest as though it were crying for the moments they had wasted.
But he still can't bring himself to touch his child, too afraid to stain it with his sins.
He cries against you that night, sobbing apologies into your shoulder and muttering promises to his son.
Bro straight up does not even question it. He's heard of such things before and he's so sure and secure in your relationship that the idea that it isn't his or yours doesn't even cross his mind.
If he's honest, its obviously his. The ginger hair was a big hint.
Ajax is honestly incredibly happy- he's always wanted a family of his own and he feels as if this was a gift from the archons. A child that no one outside of him and you know exists yet. He's aware of how good a position that is given how high his place in the fatui is.
He cannot resist telling his family, asking them to keep if close to their chest for the baby's sake.
He didn't get the chance to look after you during the pregnancy, so he's making up for it now. He won't let you do anything in the first few months.
"Stay here gorgeous, I'll feed her!", "You worked so hard you deserve an hour where you aren't looking after our child", and "I just found the CUTEST little outfit in the boutique- look!" are all common things to hear now.
He hasn't brought it up yet, but he really, really wants another one. One that he can help you with during the pregnancy and anticipate.
I feel as though there is no way for you to be pregnant and have him not know at some point.
In fact, he tries to hint it to you in the beginning and later outright asks you if you're pregnant. When you deny it, he's astoundingly patient, waiting for you to realise it yourself.
He understands that it must be absurd to hear that you were pregnant when you have no symptoms of it.
So he makes it a point to always be close by, or to have someone (usually Xiao) keep an eye on you.
It's just an average walk through Liyue Harbour when you drop to the floor and groan in pain. Your husband is immediately there to steady you, offering his strong hand for you to crush.
People gather around you both in concern, encircling you like you were some spectacle. Zhongli tells them to step away, and as people start to realise the gravity a green-haired doctor slips past the crowd.
You give birth in the street, never realising you were pregnant before leaving the house.
Kaedehara Kazuha
Kazuha has always been fairly good at going with the flow and this was no exception.
If he was honest, he knows that even if it wasn't related to you both, and you just picked it up off the street he would never refuse it.
He does his best to accept things and help you with things after, to make sure you heal well.
He's never cared for a child, let alone his own but he's willing to try his best in doing so.
And he's an outrageously good father given he had no time to prepare.
He fashions a baby bed on the crux, sleeping with the baby on his chest every night before finishing it.
It's you who finds out that your child will only sleep when sung to, after Kazuha has been doing so for the first few weeks.
Kazuha hadn't expected this but he has to admit that having a child has made him feel at home in every place as long as it is with you.
Immediately Thoma panics. Though not for the reason you expect.
"Now I have to give short notice when asking for paternity leave"
Of course, he doesn't make it your fault, he's aware it's half of both of you.
When the Kamisato siblings find out, Ayaka is extremely excited. Thoma is given paid paternity leave, and Ayaka gets to coo at your tiny baby, marvelling at how it managed to occur.
Thoma is a wonderful father and he always volunteers to get up in the night for feeds and changes.
Fatherhood suits him well <3
He may have one moment of apprehension about the pregnancy, briefly questioning whether you had really given birth.
Before he reigns himself back in and realises that he knows you would never do something like that.
Arrataki Itto
Cue five minutes of pure silence while he tries to understand what you just said <3.
Bro didn't even know that was possible, like no way.
But at the same time, he understands that you wouldn't joke about this sort of thing. Plus the baby has horns just like her father.
He's in a state of shock for a few hours, a dumb expression painted on as he sits down cradling the baby oni.
And then finally he responds.
"Wait so this is like mine? I have to keep it and like look after it and stuff?"
Gorou could smell something different with you from the beginning but with nothing to go on he didn't press it.
And at some point he just stopped noticing it, there was no reason to assume when he saw no real change in your behaviour.
Until he sees two resistance members charging towards him and beckoning him to follow them as they run off once more.
And that's when he finds you, sat low against the wall of a hut, sweaty and tearstained.
And then he hones in on the babe tucked between your arms and chest.
And then the guilt hits him. He could have known this might be the case, surely he should have made you leave just until he was sure of the outcome.
"I- I forced you into battle... And-and you were pregnant."
Kamisato Ayato
Ayato is very sure that you would never lie to him but he knows that the circumstances will be suspicious to many and that those who doubt may spread rumours given your unmarried status.
He loves you and he'd sooner die than have people spread vicious lies about you like you were some harlot.
But he really can't bear the idea of giving up your son.
So he bites the bullet and he, you, and Ayaka make a public appearance when you both introduce your child and the godmother, Ayaka <3.
People talked about you both but he couldn't care less when he had something so beautiful to look forward to now.
Tighnari is also there to watch you suddenly give birth. However he remains calm, easing your pain with herbs and scents.
He kisses your forehead and squeezes your hand to reassure you of how well you're doing.
He has never had experience with one in person but he knows of them, and he takes the subsequent weeks observing you and the baby, all while caring for you both.
He hadn't expected a child so soon but he had desire for a whole family someday so he took it in stride.
He takes great pleasure telling Collei, knowing how excited she would be.
Cyno feels his whole heart thump when he comes home from a week of work away from you to see you in a chair, rocking a baby back and forth.
"Are you babysitting for a friend, sweetheart?"
You jump as if you didn't hear him enter and then relax when your eyes find him in the doorway.
"Not quite," you murmur as you play with the baby's tiny hand/
He grows curious and gingerly steps closer until he is beside you, looking down at the child.
He'd recognise that hair anywhere. And those eyes.
He felt as though he was looking back at himself from his past.
Instinctively he reaches out to gently caress the small face that peers up at him.
And then he looks back at you as if asking for an explanation. How did this happen? Surely, he would have realised you were pregnant.
No. He's unwilling to even entertain the idea that you were pregnant with his child, to begin with. He was sure he was infertile. there was no way this thing was his.
And its that simple to him, you think. He leaves and you never meet again.
What you don't know is that Scaramouche, now Wanderer, is none the wiser to your existence, and the child you share.
Sorry, that's quite a sombre ending. I would like to mention that with Scara, he would ultimately return to you if he knew you <3
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lovelynim · 1 year
Genshin Impact - Kaedehara Kazuha x Shinkanoin Heizou
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A/N: Look, I'd love to say there is some really pretty backstory behind this, but truth to be told, my brain just hyperfixed on them and I was craving for lee!Heizou. That's it. Enjoy :D
Summary: After teasing his boyfriend to his breaking point, Heizou's plans to get some attention ends up backfiring on him.
Word count: 1504 words
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Kazuha wasn’t sure when it all started, but this was becoming a problem. Well, not really a problem, but rather bother him. Not that he actually minded it, but, ah, you get it. Anyway, the thing is: Heizou could be really flustering whenever he wanted to.
It’s been around a month or so since their flirting led to them dating each other and, now as a couple, Heizou seemed to grow comfortable around Kazuha, really - really - comfortable. Which, in fact, wasn’t necessarily bad. After all, the samurai had strong feelings for the detective, so knowing that Heizou liked him just as much and felt safe around made Kazuha even happier.
But there is one thing about dating Heizou that Kazuha was struggling (in a good way) with. Whenever they were together - be it in public or by themselves - the detective would take each and every chance to tease him.
Whispering dirty things into his ear while they were hanging with friends, smacking his butt out of the blue just to make him squeal and even showing a little too much skin to Kazuha. There was no bar too low or too high for Heizou when it came to make the samurai’s cheeks turn pink.
“What are you thinking about?” Heizou muttered,unamused, as he sat next to his boyfriend in the open field. Kazuha, who had already felt the presence of the other, smiled fondly, keeping his eyes closed as he took a deep breath.
“Nothing. It’s the purpose of meditation, after all, to empty one’s mind, is it not?” The samurai sighed, feeling the warm sun light bathing his skin. Despite not seeing it, he could tell Heizou was pouting - and probably bored. What was he up to this time?
“I suppose,” the detective practically whispered. While Kazuha was sitting in a seiza posture on top of a rock, Heizou sat down on the ground, stretching his legs and feeling the light graze of the grass blades on his skin. Using his arms to support his body behind him, the detective crossed one ankle over the other, tilting his head to the side to look at his boyfriend. He chuckled and Kazuha sighed again.
“Your mind doesn’t look so empty now.”
“That’s because you are taking all the room for my thoughts, dear,” Kazuha shook his head, looking back at the detective.
“So romantic, heh,” Heizou sounded satisfied, already plotting his next move. Fixing his posture, the detective leaned forward, looking down, “I wanted to do something with you, since I have my day off,” he mumbled, fiddling with the grass between his legs.
“And have you decided what you want to do?”
“Not yet,” he said with a pout, “but I’m feeling too lazy to get up and do something now that I’m here…” the detective whined, stretching his arms over his head as he let out a long - and purposefully - loud yawn.
With his attention caught by the sound, Kazuha couldn’t help but give his boyfriend a glance with the corner of his eyes and, as soon as his eyes landed on Heizou, he could feel a slight heat taking place in his face.
Because of his rather revealing clothes, the samurai could feast his eyes on his boyfriend’s body, with his sides, ribs and even some of his chest exposed. Heizou held his arms up high, pretending to be surprised when he caught Kazuha staring at him. “Hey, sweetie,” he scoffed, already smiling, “my eyes are up here.”
The comment made the whole scene even more flustering, with the samurai widening his eyes as he was caught red handed. “W-what? I wasn’t st-”
“Oh, please, Ka-zu-ha,” Heizou cooed, slowly lowering his hands, giving his boyfriend a teasingly look, “I don’t mind this kind of attention from you, but I wasn’t expecting you to be this naughty…”
“I’m n-not!” Kazuha protested, clenching his hands on top of his thighs as he looked down, trying to calm down. “It’s not like that…” He could hear Heizou approaching, sitting closer to him.
“Hm, no?” The detective giggled, sitting next to the samurai on top of the rock, leaning his head on his shoulder, wanting to mess with him even further, “then what were you looking at? I’ve a pretty good intuition for this things, you know~”
“Yes?” Heizou smiled, tilting his head to try to have a better look at his face.
“I was, ahm… worried about you.”
“Ah, really now?” Heizou laughed, “about what? Me?”
Kazuha could feel a knot forming on his throat. Heizou was pressing him more and more against an invisible wall and he was running out of things to say. As the detective kept teasing him and demanding an answer, amusing himself with the samurai’s flustering struggle, Kazuha snapped.
With his cheeks tainted with a shade of pink, the samurai threw himself at his boyfriend, tackling him down to the ground and rolling with him on the grass until he was on top of Heizou.
As fast as it could possibly be, Heizou didn’t manage to react in time. Kazuha straddled his waist with ease and latched his hands on the detective’s bare sides, tickling him. “Yes, dear, with you,” he chuckled, now having the upper hand.
“K-KAhahazuhaha!! W-wahahait, stop! AhaHAah!!” Heizou tried to protest, using one hand to try to shove his boyfriend away while the other to defend himself from the ticklish assault. Well, none of them succeed. “I mean,” Kazuha continued as his fingers danced along the detective’s bare ribs, pressing into the space between each of them and driving his boyfriend up the wall, “with clothes like this, you are really vulnerab-”
“AHAHA!! NOHohOHo mOHOHore!!”
“…nerable to tickle attacks,” Kazuha continued, keeping a calm voice tone even while Heizou was squealing under him. The detective weakly pushed his face away, as if not wanting Kazuha to look at him, but it only left more spots exposed to the tickling.
Planting his heels on the ground behind the samurai, Heizou could feel as small tears formed on the corner of his eyes while Kazuha restlessly tickled his ribs, taking him to the edge whenever his fingers roamed a little too close to his underarms - which he kept trying to protect at all costs.
“Just look at you… What if someone exploited this? Your clothes don’t help you at all,” the samurai continued, singing his words, “you get so helpless, Heizou ~”
“SHUHU- AhahaHAhah, s-shut uhuhup!!” Heizou cried out, thrashing his head from side to side, his cheeks burning in a bright pink. “AhahAHarchons, lehEHEhet me gohOHoh!!”
“I’m afraid that’s not possible,” Kazuha warned him, moving his thumbs in a circular motion that made Heizou want to crawl out of his skin, “it was not very nice of you to tell me to ‘shut up’, now, was it?”
“K-KazuhahAHAh, plehehease!!” The detective whined, already fearing - and feeling - what was about to come.
“What is it, love?” Kazuha grinned, trying to worm up his fingers under Heizou’s arms while the other tried to protect himself as much as possible. “Ticklish? ~”
That word alone made the warmth return to Heizou’s face, giving Kazuha just the opening he needed to reach his armpits. The detective let out a loud, high-pitched squeal, pressing his head back into the grass as he roared in laughter.
“I will take that as a yes,” the samurai hummed, wiggling his fingers in the little room left for them as Heizou clasped his arms down against his sides as if his life depended on that. “Do you see the problem with your clothes now?”
“AhaHAHAha, I cahAHahan’t!!” Heizou howled, his laughter almost going silent. Each touch felt like a lightning drumming on his nerves, sending the ticklish feeling all over his body.
“I know, that’s why I was so concerned with you,” he giggled along his boyfriend, continuing to tickle the sensitive skin of his underarms while tilting his head left and right to avoid Heizou’s flailing limbs.
“O-OKAHAHAY!! AHahAHAh, I g-gehEHEhet it!! StahAHAhp!!”
“Very well,” Kazuha muttered pleased, withdrawing his hands and resting them over his boyfriend’s middle. He looked down at him with a smug on his lips, lightly tapping his stomach, “are you okay?”
“Y-yes… I think…” Heizou wheezed, still feeling the ghostly and tingling sensation over his sides. The tapping was enough to make his stomach quiver in anticipation, placing his hands over Kazuha’s to stop him from any attempt to continue the tickling.
The samurai smiled, tilting his head to the side and leaning over until he finally laid by the detective’s side, using his arm as a pillow.
“You wanted to do something together, didn’t you?”
“Ah, yes…” He muttered, looking up to the sky. Pulling Kazuha close into his hug, Heizou let out a deep sigh, slowly closing his eyes with a smile on his face. It was a win, after all, even if his plan backfired on him, he still got to spend the evening with his boyfriend and, for him, that was all that mattered.
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remimibanana · 9 months
A bit about Paradox
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So, I wrote a massive story with Furina and Neuvillette, which you can find here!
I didn’t want to make the notes section too long with all my thoughts regarding the story, and so I decided to write all here in this one post!
If you’d like to learn a bit about my thought process behind writing the story, then you’ve come to the right place.
All below the cut!
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First of all, this story wasn’t meant to be as long as it is.
I originally wanted to beat my record of 17k for a story, so I aimed for about 20k. Maybe 22k? Like…25k at the most?
That sounded feasible, right?
And then it became longer. And longer. And longer the more I wrote…
I thought I’d never reach the end. It just kept going, aha.
I kept writing until it felt all complete to me. I wanted to tell a cohesive story, which requires a lot of words!
This is why this story took so long to write! Apparently, it took me over a month to write this….
I made the document on the same day 4.2 came out. But I think I started writing a few days later.
I was meant to write one more fic before the end of the year, but I think this might be final one for the year!
It took longer than I expected to write it. But I’m very proud of what I’ve written!
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But let’s start from the beginning. What made me write this story in the first place?
I started writing this story after I finished playing Act V and Furina’s Story Quest.
I knew I wanted to write something as soon as I finished the quests, because that’s what I do lol
For example, that’s what I did when I played Neuvillette’s Story Quest. I get really inspired after playing!
I love Genshin's Archon Quests and Story Quests so much.
I always want to play everything first to learn more about the characters before jumping right into writing.
I don’t want to butcher their characterizations. I always try my best to stay as close to canon as possible, but add my own headcanons as well about things like powers because well…I can!
I knew this time around, I wanted to write in Furina’s POV!
Since I wrote in Neuvillette’s POV for Resolution of Water’s Complexity. I thought it would be cool.
And after the events of Act V and Furina’s Story Quest, I knew that I wanted this story to be sad. I surprised myself at how sad this story can get.
Sorry. I break hearts aha.
But it also has its funny moments too! I love humor, and I try to add into my stories in the hopes I can make you all laugh.
This is why I set it after Furina’s Story Quest in particular. I wanted Furina to have her vision since it does play a part in the story!
When I started writing this, I had a very, very basic idea. You know the summary for Paradox?
That’s all I had.
Along with this one thought of Furina dancing on the stage.
Nothing else was planned. I just wrote and it became what it is now!
It’s how I usually write.
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I wanted dreams to be a major aspect of the story. I love the concept of dreams, and how they can feel so real.
It's like what they said in Thelxie's Fantastic Adventures.
Perhaps fantasy is not just fantasy after all.
A decent of the fairytale world into the real world. It temporarily became reality, and influenced real things in our world.
I think that's how I'd describe my story, although it was a total coincidence that the event sort of has the same ideas as my story lol
Let's talk about the dream Furina has at the beginning of the story.
As you can tell, it plays an important part throughout it all. It’s referenced explicitly multiple times.
It was the first thing I wrote, which basically set the trajectory for the rest of the story.
I wanted to catch your attention from the very start, which I hope I managed to do!
The dream goes deeply into Furina’s thoughts while she is dancing for her people, which are rather dark as you can see.
On the outside, she's being what her people want her to be. On the inside is another story.
I based this off the things we see in Act V, and what I thought Furina would think about her role.
She mainly didn’t want to fail Fontaine. She received an important role from Mirror-Me, as we know as Focalors to play as the Hydro Archon.
It’s why she worked so hard to keep up her act. Even if she suffers, she would suffer for all of Fontaine.
Everything and anything to protect them from the prophecy. But in the dream, she fails. They realise she’s not the Archon.
Even though she didn’t fail in reality.
It’s what she keeps dreaming about, even if she doesn’t want to keep dreaming of such scenarios.
It’s hard to let go of the past, especially after 500 years.
You feel really bad for Furina in the dream, right? I felt bad writing it aha
As you may have noticed, it’s sort of a parallel with what happened in Furina’s trial!
Particularly the end where everyone looks away from Furina. There are a lot of parallels within this story, which I hope you were all able to get!
It sounds like I planned all this extensively beforehand but I really didn’t lol
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Let’s talk about Fillian!
Just like in Resolution of Water's Complexity, we have a character I made up for the story. I hope you liked Fillian!
They/Them pronouns because yes. We support our non-binary friends here.
Honestly, I started writing with those pronouns and it sort of stuck so I kept it that way. I hope I didn’t mess up the pronouns anywhere!
They are a producer and a pretty good actor that plays a huge part in the story.
Pretty much, I wanted a character that was genuinely nice to Furina.
Furina deserves to have at least one person she could truly consider as a friend.
They weren't initially going to have such a huge part, but just like I did in Resolution of Water's Complexity, I wanted to make everything connect.
The name Fillian just came to me while I was trying to work out what name to give them. It's a bit strange, but I feel like it's something you would see in game.
Fillian was the one who danced with Furina at the Fountain of Lucine at the beginning of the story.
Even from the beginning, they were so kind to her. That’s just how they are.
It looks like that they like her, but not in a romantic sense! Although people seem to take it the wrong way, as seen lol
They truly care for Furina. The kindness of them is something Furina can’t truly understand at times.
The interaction when they meet again near her house was so fun to write. It sounds bad what Fillian tells her, and just kept getting worse and worse for her…
It made me laugh. I hope it made you laugh too!
My favourite part is when Fillian gave her the dress she wore in the second act.
I saw that so vividly in my head. The way they would hand it to her, and the way Furina took it...
The fact that they said the same words they did back at the Fountain of Lucine…they truly are something.
Fillian was so fun to write!
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Let’s talk about the play next!
This idea came about when I was writing Fillian and Furina's first interaction after the Fountain.
I needed a reason as to why Fillian came up to her. It was the only thing I could think of, so I made them a producer who was also an actor who wanted Furina to act in it.
As you can obviously tell, Filia is Furina and Neuron is Neuvillette. I wanted it to be obvious lol
The initial plot of the play took over 1000 words to explain as I tried to make the plot.
I wanted the plot to loosely resemble Furina’s life. Only if you knew Furina, you would notice.
Particularly, the fact that Filia was playing a role as her older sister who was named Flora.
The name Filia came about because I wanted it to sound like Furina somehow. I couldn’t think of a better name that wasn't too obvious.
Flora was a name I chose because it starts with F and it alludes to Focalors in a way. Even though we already have an NPC named Flora in game lol
Even though Furina played as Filia, I still wrote Furina as you may have noticed. It might be a weird choice, but I felt like it made more sense since Furina was pretty much playing as herself.
I mentioned how Furina has different hairstyles and outfits for the play. This all came about from the concept designs for her!
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When I saw these, I fell in love with them. They’re all so good! I had to add them into the story somehow.
Luckily for me, I had the whole play idea!
So Furina can change her appearance drastically because of her vision. I mean, it’s not that far-fetched since she can change between her Ousia and Pneuma forms.
This was the only way I could think of justifying how Furina changed her hairstyle.
For Act 1 and 2, Furina has this hairstyle and this is the outfit that I described!
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For Act 3, Furina has this hairstyle and outfit.
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That's what I hoped I conveyed!
At the beginning of the play, Furina freaks out because it reminds her of her dream. See what I meant by parallels? There's another one right there!
It affects her so much so, that she breaks down in the middle of the second act.
That was painful to write, the fact that she thought she ruined the whole play too?
Fillian was the true MVP here. The way they comforted her, and didn't belittle her for anything. They even wanted to shut down everything in the middle of it!
But Furina couldn't do that. She wouldn't. Even if she was all hurt, she would finish waht she started.
And then it only makes things harder for her at the end of it all when she sees Neuvillette up there.
He was truly up there, by the way. He only left because he couldn’t handle the intense emotions he was feeling at the sight of Furina crying.
Unfortunately, Furina didn’t know that. And that was the final straw for her.
Furina running out of the Opera Epiclese was something that I wanted to make as emotional as I could.
I used a lot of mirror imagery and ideas in this story, and it is quite evident with when she goes to see herself in the Fountain of Lucine's waters.
Hands drag Furina into the Fountain. I chose hands because I feel like hands are pretty scary?
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Let’s talk about what the hell happened at the Fountain of Lucine. I’m sure you are all wondering.
I’m going to refer it as a crazy dream here.
Neuvillette explained it as an overflow of the Hydro energies within the Fountain of Lucine. It reacted to Furina’s emotions, and caused manifestations within the waters based upon past memories, and Furina’s own ones.
I hope that made sense! I literally just made up the explanation because uh…I had to justify why that all happened!
Pretty much, Neuvillette’s emotions were in such turmoil that it affected the Fountain of Lucine, since it was in close proximity to him.
He can control the whole Hydro Element now, after all.
If it was just the skies before, why not something as powerful as the Fountain?
It was shown before in Neuvillette’s Story Quest that he could look through the memories there.
Since it’s where all the waters converge, the Hydro energies within it became unstable.
Furina’s deep emotional pain resonated with the unstable energies when she was next to it, which caused this crazy dream to occur.
Yet this dream truly could hurt her.
It was so unstable that it made her memories come into reality with the past.
It’s like how Vacher saw the people he killed with the Primordial Seawater.
This part was heavily inspired by two things:
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Sailor Moon by Naoko Takeuchi and ENA by Joel G!
A bit of a strange combination, but let me explain.
I got really into ENA around the time the video Power of Potluck released. I love how strange but interesting it is. It’s really good, I recommend all the videos!
That’s where this whole part came to be after I watched said video.
I stole the whole act idea from it, and wanted to make it as weird and crazy as I could.
It’s so strange but interesting at the same time, right? Just like ENA. Or it’s just weird and you question why I wrote it at all aha
The acts were named after each of the Archon Quest names.
Prelude of Blancheur and Noirceur
As Light Rain Falls Without Reason
To the Stars Shining in the Depths
Cataclysm’s Quickening
Masquerade of the Guilty
I suppose it would be best if I went through each of the acts one by one and explained a bit about them!
1. Prelude
This one is practically a parallel to the first act in Power of Potluck, it was my major inspiration.
ENA is sort of floating through this place full of pipes. And in my story, Furina is floating within water.
Neuvillette appears as a voice! I wanted to bring Neuvillette in somehow, and I thought that would work the best.
A voice Furina can listen to and follow, even if she didn’t recognize it was him in the first place.
The reason his voice was cutting off was because his own powers going out of control in his haste to save Furina.
As Neuvillette explained at the end of the story, the light was a memory he accessed for Furina to go into, although it was rather random.
2. Rain
Since this act is called Rain, I wanted to relate it somehow to the idea of it.
And that’s when I thought Furina could go back in time to when Neuvillette’s predecessor, the Hydro Dragon was alive.
I made her assume Egeria’s form, because that’s what the memory was.
Egeria meeting the Hydro Dragon in Fontaine somewhere.
I made up everything here by the way, who knows if Egeria was even close to the Hydro Dragon back then?
The reason the Hydro Dragon's form became Neuvillette was when he entered the memory, he took over the Hydro Dragon in the memory.
When did he take over it? Around the time Furina reached out her hand towards the Hydro Dragon, probably.
So Neuvillette heard all her thoughts and feelings. I assume he has full control of the memory, but even so...those hands never stop do they?
I hope it was interesting to read!
3. Stars
This one was heavily inspired by Sailor Moon. I stole the whole hooded figure and River of Forgetfulness idea from it.
I was trying to think of what I could do for this part, and I was reading Volume 12 when it came to me.
In this volume, Sailor Moon and her companions go to a river of sand in order to reach their destination. They meet a hooded figure in a boat.
Sailor Moon and her companions go on the boat, and the sand turns into water and drowns them all in the River of Forgetfulness, doomed to forget everything about themselves.
I made the hooded figure Focalors, since I did say that she could be seen within Furina’s reflection.
I also foreshadowed it when Furina thought “You’re here, aren’t you?” before those hands took her into the Fountain.
Her role was to be cruel and crush Furina down until she was all broken.
I had a lot of fun writing the conversation between Focalors and Furina.
Once Furina sinks down to the bottom of the river, Neuvillette comes to rescue her. Furina has forgotten herself pretty much, but comments in her head about what she hears.
I used this as a chance to hear Neuvillette's side of the story. All this time, I made you think that Neuvillette wasn't truly there any of the times before.
But he was! And we find out his true feelings about everything, including his love for Furina.
He tells her his true name, and it makes her remember! She wakes up, and then Focalors appears again.
Neuvillette here finds out that he did hurt Furina. We don't get to see his reaction to it until later on, but it was the catalyst.
Surprise, surprise! Focalors is actually an Oceanid! And every single fragment of Furina you've been hearing about.
Uh, I'm not sure how much sense it makes, but I was trying to make it sound like each of these fragments were one of the people lost in the Poisson incident.
Or uh...I don't really know lol
The ending of this was abrupt because Furina was forced into another memory.
Even though Neuvillette tried to protect her, everything is still too unstable.
4. Cataclysm
This one, uh...I don't really know why I wrote what I wrote lol
I wanted to reference the first dream again, but decided to bring in Filia and Flora? And the Guillotine that ended Focalors?
It's probably the strangest one out of all the acts, but I like it!
The Personified Fear and Fearful Harmony Filia and Flora talk about are references to the PS1 errors. I love console errors, and these two are some of the coolest ones.
The ending was also pretty much cut (get it) short by the Guillotine shooting down.
Who knows what really happened at the end?
5. Masquerade
This one was just an excuse for Furina and Neuvillette to dance. I really like dancing!
I was imagining something like this for Furina's look for this act, but I couldn't be bothered describing it all lol
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Furina dreamt about this whole scenario before. I thought it would be something she would dream of lol
It also sells the fact that this was all real and that it was based on memories, as Neuvillette explains later on.
It also foreshadows the future kiss if you know what I mean 👀
Here, Neuvillette asks the same question regarding love.
Was it love that made him hurt her?
Of course, it all ends before Furina could actually give her the answer. I like to make things painful.
And that's the end of all the acts! I hope they were cool to you!
I really like them.
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Let’s talk about what happened when Furina “woke up” from the crazy dream.
This is the most emotional part of the entire story, it hurt to write it.
I made Furina think it was all a dream. And this was the final straw for her. She breaks down completely.
She goes to the mirror once again, and tries her absolute hardest to smile. She thinks that smiling would help, but she couldn't do it.
I had the idea of Furina pounding against the glass very vividly, and had the idea of making it actually shatter but I thought that would be too much.
Still hurt to write it.
I did have a bit of trouble working out how to bring Neuvillette in. So, I made him a wall.
Furina did say he was like a stone wall, right?
The reason Neuvillette hugged Furina right away is because he was basing off what he saw in the play.
When Furina was crying there, she hugged Fillian tightly. So it was the same idea here!
When he says to lie down, it made me laugh for some reason. It just sounds out of place, so much that it was perfect.
I feel like the rest is pretty self-explanatory! I hope it was a fitting end to it all. It hurt me to write the part where Furina basically tells him to go away.
I made them kiss because yes I needed kissing.
When Neuvillette mentioned how it looked like Furina would disappear, and the whole star in his chest comment and Furina;s explanation...that I stole from Sailor Moon too lol
The disappear part was from Volume 4, when Usagi is with Mamoru in his place after Chibi-Usa wanted to stay there. Mamoru hugs her from behind, thinking how it looked like Usagi was about to disappear.
And the star in his chest was from the very end of Volume 10, where Mamoru put a hand to his heart and wondered why his chest was so warm, as if there was a star inside of it. And Usagi explains how everyone has a star in their heart.
That was sort of the end to this saga!
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Let’s talk about the very end.
I wanted to write something a bit more lighthearted as an epilogue.
Here, Furina is finally getting that cake Fillian said they would save a few slices for her.
She's wearing the dress she wore in Act 2 of the play, with her vision attached as well!
But of course, we have Neuvillette appear, who looks like he's a scary dog from afar lol
I wanted them to dance again. I like dancing, and I feel like it's a good parallel to what they did in Act 5 of the crazy dream, and what she did with Fillian.
I keep doing the whole "Neuvillette is a wall" thing, sorry. I just really like the idea.
I wanted Furina to know that it was him who gave her vision to her. I mention the vision multiple times, so I thought it was a good way to end it all off.
My favourite part of all this is when she says 'I love you" to him, and the waters shoot up. It's so darn adorable!
And with that...the story is complete. Basically 43k words later.
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After all this time, I managed to finish this story. It took me forever!
Thank you for reading all of this, I hope you enjoyed learning about my thought process behind it all!
I love these two to bits.
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sandboxscenes · 1 year
For you, I'd break the world.
A/N: It's my first time doing something like this. But this got a foothold in my brain and would not let me go. Inspired by this post from @skylovs and partly based on real life shenanigans with the 3.2 photo glitch a couple of months ago.
Honestly, Ayato was the main reason I started Genshin, and he was the first character that I went all in for.
Every action has an equal and opposite reaction.
It should've been impossible for you to meet, but yet…
When you first saw Ayato in his trailer, he captured your heart. The mysteriously shrewd Yashiro commissioner, who operates in the the shadows - Kamisato Ayato. You weren't sure if it was the white official outfit he wore as part of the Kamisato Clan, his elegant movements, his personality, or his voice - equal parts calming and mysterious, that caught you, but you fell for him.
You were well aware of Ayato's status as the Yashiro Commissioner and the responsibilities it came with, and his sister, Ayaka, as the Shirasagi Himegi. In addition, you had devoured every single tidbit about him and the Kamisato clan that you could get your hands on. Even with the constraints of the game locking you out of his story quest, and even Inazuma, you read everything about him - his past, and his stories, and committed them to heart.
You wanted him.
You needed him.
And you were willing to break all of the rules to do so.
"If I can get to Inazuma without going past AR 25, I will pull for him. I want him. I won't ascend my world level until I get him."
The words quietly left your lips. It was a mantra of sorts. A phrase you'd say to yourself often, when you were exploring around the world of Teyvat.
For you, it was also a reminder of the goal that you set for yourself. Ayato's original banner had long since passed, but you were hoping that he would be getting a re-run soon. That singular piece of hope is why you were hunting. You wanted to gather enough primogems, in the hopes that he would come to you on a golden star.
When rumors swirled online regarding the reappearance of a glitch that would allow beginning players to make their way to the closed nation of Inazuma, you were intrigued.
A way to make it to Inazuma? Without getting struck by lighting? Impossible.
It must be too good to be true, you thought. You shook your head and heaved a heavy sigh. You weren't necessarily the best at video games in general, so the thought of being able to essentially break the game, by being somewhere where you weren't supposed to be was a hard ask. But you also couldn't help your curiosity.
After a few days, your curiosity won out, and you decided to put the glitch to the test. You watched endless tutorial videos on the glitch. After multiple failures, you ended up with a success, and watched as your character walked on air.
"Yes!" You loudly yelled as your character maneuvered around, defying gravity.
The success spurred a fire in you. You needed to repeat the conditions and do additional testing to master the glitch. But you did not care how many hours it would take. You were determined to travel to Inazuma, no matter what.
The first place you touched down in Inazuma after walking on air, was the Kamisato Estate. A fitting place for you to touch down. After unlocking the wavepoint right by the Kamisato Estate, you hunkered down and continued to hunt down primogems.
Then, the fated day of his banner arrived.
You opened up the wishing window. You took a deep breath. With all of the primogems that you gathered, you put your hands together and whispered a silent prayer. You clicked the button to wish, and you closed your eyes, hoping for a miracle.
The first ten pull you did, you saw a purple star shooting across the screen. Not him. You knew it was unlikely for you to meet him, but a part of you hoped that you could meet him immediately. That did not happen. Ten pulls turned into thirty pulls that turned into eighty Pulls, but still, he was nowhere to be found.
Your heart tightened. Anxiety swirled in your thoughts. Even though you knew that you had enough offerings for him, you made sure of it. You couldn't help when your thoughts turned doubtful.
"Why can't I get him? Why?"
Your muttered to no one in particular. You laid your head down on your desk as your eyes fell on the wishing screen in front of you. Ayato's visage seemed to be taunting you the more you looked at the screen. As if in a trance, your fingers lazily clicked the button for another ten pull.
Ninety pulls. Hard Pity.
You sat up with a start when you saw the golden star fly across the screen. The anticipation built up in your chest as you held your breath to see who would appear on your screen. One by one, the pulls were revealed. But you couldn't concentrate on them. You wanted to know if you could meet Ayato.
When the golden star was revealed to be the Yuheng of the Liyue Quixing, Kequing, your heart fell. You knew of Kequing and liked her fine enough, but she wasn't who you wanted. You wanted Ayato. You knew that if you continued your offerings, you would be able to meet him. But still, a small part of you disliked how things played out. You wanted Ayato to be the first one you met.
You laid your head down on the computer keyboard, as you mentally tried to psych yourself up enough to continue to pull. The keys dug into part of your face, but you didn't care.
"Ayato, please come home."
Your soft words floated on the air. You knew it was futile to say, but you couldn't help yourself. Perhaps, despite Genshin being a videogame, you wanted to lose yourself in the hope that he could hear you, and that your sentiments would reach him.
The sound, followed by a blue notification, popped up on your computer, informing you that the computer was about to run out of battery. You looked around for the power cord. You plugged it into the computer, and felt a small shock jump up your arm. You looked at the cord and then at your hand. You flexed your hand to make sure there was nothing out of the ordinary. It felt fine.
That was weird.
Your computer had only been on for a few minutes, but it was weird how the battery drained so quickly. You knew that you played Genshin last night, but you were sure that you left charging before you went to bed. You thought so, at least. You shrugged. Maybe you are making a big deal out of nothing. Your memory may have been mistaken, and you forgot to plug it in last night. It was an honest mistake that you've done before.
"Alright, Ayato. I promise you, I'll bring you home. I'm ready."
Are you?
You hesitated for a second, before you shook your head. You thought you heard something, but dismissed it. Your mouse clicked the button as you started to wish once again. The pulls started to rack up - Ten, Twenty, Fifty, and then finally, nintety pulls. Hard pity again.
Despite your rotten luck, you couldn't help the grin on your face as you watched the golden star shoot across the screen. Your heartbeat rang in your ears. This is what you've been waiting for. When the shadows dissipated, you found yourself looking face to face at the handsome face of Yashiro Commissioner himself. The words slipped out of your mouth, unbidden.
"Hi, Ayato. Welcome home. I've been waiting forever to meet you."
Sorry for being late.
You blinked. There it was again. You couldn't help feeling uneasy. You thought you heard something - twice. But nothing seemed to be making noise around you.
You turned to face the screen again, and you were in the character menu, looking at Ayato. You were mesmerized as you watched him elegantly materialize his sword and sheath it. You swore that you saw a mischievous twinkle in his eye and sly smile on his lips. Or did you?
You blinked, and Ayato went into his other idle animation, the one where he was drinking Boba. You raised your eyebrow. You knew that you wanted to check out his idle animations after getting him, but it was odd how the game seemed to predict what you wanted to see. If you didn't know any better, you could've sworn that he was aware of your presence, or worst yet, reading your mind.
Now that you think about it, when did you log out of the wishing screen?
You don't remember clicking the button to exit the screen.
You shrugged. Maybe it was just your laptop acting up again. Even laptop troubles couldn't dampen your mood now. You had Ayato now, and he was the one you wanted from the very beginning.
You outfitted him with all the gear that you saved for him, and started to play. Perhaps it was a trick of the light, but you could've sworn that you saw Ayato's strikes do even more damage. They seemed to take care of every obstacle you faced as a player.
"Thank you, Ayato."
My pleasure.
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nobodylivesson · 2 years
Telling Them To Take Rest
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Fandom : Genshin Impact
Pairing : Dottore x Male! Reader, Tartaglia x Male! Reader and Pantalone x Male! Reader
Requested? No
Entering the castle where harbingers work was a tedious job
A high wall surrounded the whole castle, keeping the inside hidden from the eyes of the citizens of Snezhnaya, and the iron gates at the front were the only entrance through the wall
Visiting hours were closed in the evening, and only very few special authorized people from outside could pass the castle gates after that. And on top of that carriages were forbidden beyond the gates of the wall, meaning you had to walk to the entrance
All of this was done under the order of Her Majesty, Taristha
I took long strides to reach the entrance as small puffs of fog escaped my mouth, an oversized fur coat covering my whole body
As I finally reached the top, the guards who were guarding the entrance door got alert and waited for me to come to them
“Halt! Nobody is allowed to enter this place at this time, so we must ask about your identity and the purpose of visiting the headquarter under the orders of Taristha. If deemed as a threat you would be removed from the premise!” The Fatui agent standing at the left of the door said with his hand going under the coat to take his weapon out, the agent at the right doing the same
I raised an eyebrow at this as I had informed the headquarters beforehand of my visit but not wanting to fight, I pushed the hood of my coat back to show my short fluffy hair before removing the mask covering my eyes
“I’m pretty sure I had informed of my visit, agents” I said as I looked at them questioningly
Immediately both the agents froze in what seemed terror to me
“Lo-Lord [Y/N]!! We are so sorry sir, we didn’t recognize it was you, sir!” both the guards shouted as they bowed 190 degree
“Agents it’s alright but I hope you do correct the way of interrogating people as you might offend someone important in the future again and get into big trouble. Now I hope you can let me in or do I need to call someone from inside to clear this dilemma?” I said with a sigh leaving my mouth, already very done with this
The guards turned even paler before with a quick shake of their heads, both of them pushed the gigantic wooden door causing it to open with a creaking noise
I quickly walked past the still bowing guards and entered the castle causing the door to shut again behind me
I shake my head to remove the little amount of snow that had gathered on top of my head during the banter I had earlier before using my hand the push back my hair that had fallen forward due to the shake
My eyes shifted to the two guards inside who were guarding the entrance and both of them avoided my eyes instantly, they must have heard the little conversation earlier
Without caring much, I continued to walk toward the destination I had come for after returning from my trip
Worn out and a little irritated after coming back to Snezhnaya from the business trip Her Majesty Taristha sent me on for half a month I was expecting my lover to be waiting patiently in our room so we could cuddle all night to forget my stress
Only to find my lover immersed in his work and has been cooped in his office for the last 4-5 days without taking a single break
So I decided to come here personally despite my fatigue to drag my lover back to the warm embrace of our warm room where they can take a goddamn break and eat some food
He should be happy I loved him so much
The castle for the harbingers was a collection of hallways, rooms, and staircases even if smaller compared to Her Majesty Taristha
If you were new to the place you would end up lost and maybe stumble upon a very unwanted room since all the harbingers liked doing a lot of their job in the castle
But for me, every route of the enormous castle was memorized and the route to his office has become part of my memory of every other day
I smiled a little as I have almost reached my destination and now all that was left was to grab my man
Let’s hope he goes back with me without having me drag him back for real
[Y/N] have finally reached the far end of the hallway of the westside where there wasn’t any more path ahead and it looked like he just entered a wrong area
But it didn’t seem like a mistake as [Y/N] went for a door that could only lead to an empty room but instead opened a path a winding staircase downwards
Walking into the stairway after closing the door behind [Y/N] couldn’t help but shiver at the coldness
Pulling his hood back up,[Y/N] started to walk more down the stairway, making sure he won’t trip due to the poor lighting of the area
“I’m asking Pantalone myself to install lanterns here and……..heaters as well” [Y/N] mumbled as a puff of fog again escaped his mouth
Dottore always liked the coldness and silentness of Snezhnaya so his lab was located deep below the caste
And it also meant the minimal use of heaters or lanterns since they only seem to increase the heat but it wasn’t good for health to stay this way
So [Y/N] was done with his boyfriend’s tantrums and was going to do this himself
During all these thoughts,[Y/N] has already reached the end of the stairs
The clicking of tools, the bubbling of liquid, and the crackling of fire brought [Y/N] out of his thoughts
[Y/N] stood at the end and observed the man before him who was working on the table with his back turned toward him
The man didn’t seem to sense [Y/N]’s presence due to being so concentrated on his work so [Y/N] decided to call him first
“Do you even know how to take a break?”
The man immediately stopped working and turned around to face [Y/N], tools still in his hands as a neutral look adorns his face
But [Y/N] could see the man relatively relaxed as a lazy smile comes to his face perfectly showing his sharp canines
“You have come back from the trip, I didn’t realize” Dottore says softly which was so uncharacteristic of him compared to his unhinged self
“Of course, you won’t realize due to being stuck underground for god knows how many days now since I left Dottore. I had thought you at least knew the basics of taking care of yourself” I angrily spew as I quickly walked up to Dottore
He just shrugs and the softness from the moment before disappears replaced by his usual professional smile
“To much work was piling up so I had to take care of them and I guess I forgot that I had to go out” Dotttore says as he returns to his work from earlier
[Y/N] quietly observes his lover and feels a headache coming soon as irritation took over him
A hand slammed itself in front of Dottore on his table another forcibly made him look to the side toward his lover
Now again neutral faced Dottore faces an annoyed [Y/N] who was also the one to slam his hand
“Throwing a tantrum just cause the sake of it, isn’t nice Dottore. Her Majesty wanted the job to be done nicely that’s why she chose me and you know I can’t refuse her. But see I came back earlier than we had thought” [Y/N] says while turning Dottore’s whole body to face him
A sigh leaves [Y/N]’s mouth again before the hand grabbing the face goes to gently caress it as the slammed fist went to remove the mask from Dottore’s face
Finally, blood red eyes meet [Y/C] eyes
Dottore seemed to look at his lover for a long before finally leaning his face toward the touches
[Y/N] smiled a little sadly at this before whispering “I’m sorry that I left you like that even when we were supposed to have some time together. Will you forgive me?” as his free hand softly touched the dark circles under Dottore’s eyes
Dottore seemed to relish these touches before finally again softly saying “I missed you but you came back to me early so it’s alright” making [Y/N] chuckle
“Oh dear I got myself such a child-like lover” he thought as he brought Dottoreclosee to him with both his hand looping around the taller male’s neck to hug
“Let’s get some rest back at our house then” [Y/N] whispers again and instead of saying anything Dottore just simply slumped his head on his lover’s shoulder
“Oh, such a child you are, Dottore…..”
When you reach the central area of the castle, you can see three different stairs leading to different places
If you were to take the stairs in the middle it would lead you to the dungeons 
A place where all grim deeds of the harbingers were done inside its icy cells
But the place also served another purpose
I descended the stairs carefully because this area was so dimly lit and I didn’t want to break my bones with a slip
Finally, he was meet the floor again and looked in both directions towards his right and left
“Towards the left were the dungeons and towards his right were the-” my thought was interrupted when I heard a big clang
Straightening myself I walked towards the left, the sounds of the clang got louder and even a few words of curses mixed in between them
As I finally came to the end of the dark hallway and entered the brightly lit area, I joined an area just like an arena
The other purpose of these dungeons was the training arena
In the middle was a small group of people who together were sparring against a single person
The said person was smiling crazily in excitement as he eases defeated those attacking him
I silently stood at the entrance to look at the fatui agents who looked like they would faint any moment soon from the amount of exercise they had been made to do
With a huff, I shouted “Agents! Halt at once as training is over!!” making everyone jolt in surprise before turning their heads toward me
All the agents looked like I was a godsent angel while Childe’s face just kept open
I quickly walked to the group and despite their exhaustion, they straightened themselves into a line when I reached them while Childe recovered from his shock only to have it morphed into pure shame
“At least this bastard knows I’m not pleased with this” I think as I stare at Childe who seems to find the floor more interesting than looking at my face
My eyes then trailed to the agents who were all looking at me with hope so I asked them the question to make this procedure easier “How long has this training been going on?”
At once all the agents started to look at each other as if trying to see who didn’t have the fear of their heads flying from their body
My unimpressed eyes dart to Childe who only started to sweat more from nervousness
“Alright! You all can leave for the night and take 1 day's rest from training as compensation for your leader's selfishness. Please get out of here now”  [Y/N] says while folding his hands under his chest
The agents looked at each other in confusion before jumping into action when [Y/N] shouted “RIGHT NOW LEAVE!”
[Y/N] kept his eyes on the still silent Childe, ignoring the agents shuffling around
Even when the agents started to leave the arena both [Y/N] and Childe didn’t look at each
Finally when they were the only ones left there, [Y/N] walked before he was standing in front of Childe
“If you don’t look at me in my eyes I’m gonna whop your ass till you’re ready to look at them” [Y/N] angrily growled having been done with this situation
Childe instantly looked up to meet [Y/N]’s
“He-hey! I didn’t know you have returned to the city [Y/N]! I was just about to end things here and go home” Childe says while trying to give his best smile
But [Y/N] wasn’t having any of it and just continued staring at his lover
Despite Childe trying, he couldn’t keep smiling under [Y/N]’s intense staring so he just gave up and told the truth
“I-I was getting very restless due to you not being here so I-uh decided to train with soldiers to keep my thoughts traveling back to you and end up making me lonely again. Just lost time while I was here due to that and yeah forgot that you were coming today” the boy mumbles as embarrassment burns down his face
[Y/N]’s anger finally subsided a little and his eyes softened at these childish thoughts of his lover
But letting him go without punishment will be futile
So his fingers go up before harshly flicking Childe’s forehead causing a voluntary ‘ow’ to leave his lover’s mouth while one hand went to rub on the spot
“Stupid Ajax, if you feel lonely just say so to me and not drown yourself in work. I will try to come faster and maybe stop taking jobs that require going too far away. But I hope you stay put in the house like a good boy the next time I return after a long time” [Y/N] says with a smile as his hand snakes to grab Childe’s open hand
Childe couldn’t say much except for nodding his head like a kid, the blush still on his face for a reason different from earlier
Chuckling a little, [Y/N] starts walking with pulling Childe with him who just silently follows him now
“Let’s go back home to cuddle 'cause I’m tired as hell. The rest of the people here can deal with the cleaning and whatnot. Also, let’s go on a date tomorrow to visit your family since I haven’t seen Treucer for so long….” [Y/N] continued his rambling without care for Childe’s reply who just kept listening to his lover’s talk
A feeling of affection and the sense of finally his home returning engulfed his heart
So he just gives a squeeze to their joined hand which was returned by [Y/N] and was enough for his soft eyes to continue looking at his lover’s beautiful back
The hallway was lit with lamps mounted on the wall at its left while the snowy weather of Snezhnaya can be seen through the glass windows on the right
These lamps somehow gave a sense of warmth in the hallway to the otherwise cold castle
[Y/N] walked the hallway while observing the lamps which were powered by magical cores and immediately remember his conversion with his lover before leaving where he had told him it would be much more comfortable to get to his office if the hallways were a bit warmer
A chuckle erupted from his lips at the image of his lover immediately installing these after his departure by misusing his position despite hating to spend a penny on useless things
At last, the door he was looking at came into view, and the simple fact of being able to see him made [Y/N] walk faster
Without waiting, he pushed the door open to be greeted by rows of books stacked perfectly in selves, tables with chairs of pine wood neatly kept, and chandeliers hanging from the ceiling to give light to this gigantic room
To say it simply it was the personal library of the harbingers which seems to have enough materials in it to match any nation’s official archive
Despite its importance agents dislike guarding this area due to the infamous temper of a particular harbinger who likes to do his work here
That was the person [Y/N] was looking and he didn’t have to search much as the rustling of papers from the far end of the library indicated his presence there
[Y/N] walked around the selves hiding the tables and true enough Pantalone was sitting on the last one, going through the stack of paper near him without a glance at who came
[Y/N] shakes his head in disapproval and goes near his table before knocking on the table startling the man who was even more surprised to see his lover standing there
Pantalone blinks a little before he sighs, removes his glass, and rubs his eyes while saying “Sorry about this [Y/N], I got immersed in this urgent work that Her Majesty required by the day after tomorrow and forgot about your return”
It was [Y/N]’s turn to sigh before going around and standing in front of Pantalone before taking his face in his hands
The man relaxes in the hand of his lover and wraps his hand around [Y/N]’s waist, bringing the other man closure to him
[Y/N] runs his finger through the soft navy blue hair while the other hand creased the cheek
“I loved the new magic lamps that were installed on the way here. But I didn’t know the other harbingers required those at this point” the man says with a teasing tone to which Pantalone just chuckles
“Maybe the cold was starting to get the better of me and I thought more warmth was to be given here” was all he said as he looked up to stare directly into [Y/N] eyes with a softness that was uncharacteristic of him
Well anything Pantalone does with [Y/N] wasn’t his usual self but that was for both of them and the other harbingers to know
With a raised eyebrow, [Y/N] asked “You’re feeling cold? Are you sure it wasn’t any other reason since you don’t seem to be wearing your coat?” as eyes traveled to the discarded coat on the seat beside, a black thermal being the only clothing on Pantalone now
The man just huffs before closing his eyes and [Y/N] chuckles now before eyeing the stack of paper
“How much work do you have to do before being able to go home?” he asks making Pantalone look at him again then detaching himself with a sigh
“An allnighter would be enough for this but-” Pantalone stops and stares at [Y/N] “maybe Her Majesty won’t mind if I take today a little bit of rest before completing it tomorrow. And who is going to complain? Not my men” with a smile
“You shouldn’t misuse your position so much” [Y/N] says with a laugh but doesn’t oppose the idea when a thought comes to his mind
“But going back and forth would be too much of a waste of time” he thinks when the memory of the couch at the back of the library
With a grin [Y/N] grabs Pantalone and his coat, taking him to the back and he didn’t seem to mind whatever was [Y/N] thinking
Seeing the couch Pantalone seems to get a general idea of what they were going to do
Reaching it,[Y/N] pushes Pantalone to sleep on the couch before shredding his coat, getting on the couch, and then finally using their coats as blankets to keep themselves warm
[Y/N] snuggles close to Pantalone using his right arm as a pillow while bringing the left hand to hug his waist, making Pantalone laugh yet  burrowed his face into my head
They stayed like that as the winter wind outside seem to slowly start to make [Y/N] drift to sleep
But it seemed Pantalone had something to say before he fell asleep
“I was hesitant about the work and could have not agreed to do it but the thought of coming to bed without you there made me feel terrible and I didn’t want to feel that, that’s why this happened” he mumbles while stroking [Y/N]’s back with the hand around his waist
[Y/N] smiles before mumbling “You don’t need to say that to me silly, I already know and I’m sorry I made you feel like that” and then finally falls asleep
Kissing [Y/N]’s head gently, Pantalone mumbles “Goodnight to you love” falling asleep as well
Have I been dead? Yes. Would I continue to stay dead? Maybe. I just had the inspiration and that's why I wrote this despite having a lot of request in my inbox, I just haven't been able to do anything all cause of my finals. It's important but well I guess I am also having writer's block. Let's see how it all plays out. Also I do apologize if the they all seem out of character
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to-myalphonse · 8 months
Sentient Chapter 3: Disdain
Long time no see! Happy New years Everyone.
It took me so long to figure out the ending to this Chapter, but I figured it out.
Sentient is supposed to be a wacky Self Aware! AU type of series, so I try to maintain that sillyness.
New Team comp: Scara. Nahida, Kokomi and Kuki Reminder: Masha is the name I chose for Scara
I was rushing to just get this out, so expect me to re edit or take some things out ^^.
3k+ (tried to make it long, to make up for my abscence and how long it's gonna take for me to think up the next chapter.
Hope you enjoy :3
Disdain- a feeling of contempt for someone or something regarded as unworthy or inferior.
A/N: After this chapter, I will not be tagging you individually for this series.
If you want to be tagged, follow here
First Chapter is Here
“Your eyes are like topaz, pure, precious, and lovely; I like them.”
4.0 came with the release of a blonde magician who has been stealing everyone’s hearts by the name of Lyney.
He works as a magician part-time alongside his assistant and twin sister Lynette. After taking a break for months from playing Genshin, you heard a small commercial of him and his sister advertised on the new region trailer.
“Ladies and gentlemen, she did it. This has been Lyney and Lynette’s magic show!” His cheerful voice reverberated from the speaker on your phone.
You could not help but smile at the way his art looked and how much energy he gave off.
He resembled Joker from the Black Butler Circus arc and Kagamine Len, two of your favorite characters.
The trailer continues as you see the Fatui harbinger of this new region, who also piques your interest. The black and white hair and attitude resembling Cruella Devil.
‘What role would she play as someone who is connected to Lyney and Lynette?’
‘Also,what is the Traveler going to get into this time?’
You ponder, not expecting the answer that would soon come with that.
Not too soon after the trailer dropped, the chapter and the Archon Quest came out. You boot up the game on your PlayStation, only to groan at seeing the update sign. You press X as you wait for it to download.
A ping comes from your phone as you pick it up.
Them: Hey.
You glance at the number for a moment before locking the phone once more. You shake of the negative emotion, as your head excitedly, grabbing one of your anime plushies.
“I’m so excited.” You cheer, grabbing one of the plush toys in your room and dancing around. Her aroma catches your nostrils as you spin with the plushie. You lean into the plush unconsciously.
“Hey, F/N, what are you excited about?” Your smile drops as you put the plushie back down. Grabbing your phone, you check the text again before going through the other contacts.
Friend’s Name
You stop as you get to a name that’s not on the top. “Aisha?” You click the name while going through the text messages. The name clicks as you scroll up further.
It has been a while since you last saw her, huh? You click on a message and send her a small text.
“Hey.” Sent at 17:30
You turn off your phone as your PlayStation dings and loads the game. A picture of Scara and his team from your photos is shown as the advertisement image. Scara glares at Childe, who winks at the camera, gripping the shorter man’s hat. Nahida, Kazuha, and Kuki remain in the background, watching the situation ahead.
The image remains as the promotional photo, unlike last time, as the screen goes black.
The game loads through quickly as the door appears. You click it as the game loads through.
“Welcome back (player name)!” Green text floats on screen as the background changes to Vanessa’s tree.
‘Wait, where were you last time?’
Your answer gets solved as the camera moves up the tree, stopping just directly in front of a certain bard. He stops playing the game theme as the camera zooms in on him.
His teal eyes met yours as a small smile grew on his face.
“Hey (player name)!” He gives you a small wave, greeting you. Small wind chimes sound from the speakers of your television.
The anemo archon was one of your characters that you traveled with, but only rarely. You were too busy trying to build your beloved Masha so that he could one-shot enemies.
“Hello Venny.” A small smile appears on his face.
“Where have you been? We’ve all been worried about you.”
“I was busy with work and home stuff.” He nods in an understanding manner.
“You know that’s interesting, because I heard from a small pigeon that you had free time as of recently.” You froze in place, causing his cheerful expression to grow.
“I was so worried about you. I think Masha was as well.” Your ears perk up upon hearing the blue-haired man’s name.
“Yeah, he sometimes stands by the entrance of Mondstadt city, just waiting.” He lets out a small laugh as he dodges an incoming sandal thrown.
You hear Masha’s flying sound as he comes into the cut scene from the bottom of the screen. The scene looked similar to people in a co-op jumping in the background of a cut scene.
“Shut up, bard.” He becomes part of the cutscene before turning to you.
“Come on, let’s go.” The camera pans towards him as he leads the way.
After teleporting, you both make it to the cliff that overlooks Fontaine.
The city sits almost floating from the distance that you both stood. You could hear the music change as you both grew closer.
“The fishes!’’ You stop along the way looking at the design changes in the new region.
He rolls his eyes at your excitement, continuing forward.
“Hey!” He ignores you as he flies forward, reaching the dock in the area. You could see an albino-haired girl, whom you assume is Lynette, standing near the edge of the dock, watching for something.
You were about to approach when, Paimon dragged you both into a scene. She walks over to the girl and begins her dialogue as you watch it play out.
The camera pans back to where the traveler is supposed to be; instead, it is Masha. The screen blacks out for a momentarily.
“Ah! When did you get there?” She looks back at the Traveler to see Masha in her place. He raises an eyebrow at her and continues the dialogue that the traveler is supposed to have.
“Hey, Paimon is talking to you!” She stomps her foot in the air. The girl glances at her before explaining herself. Paimon is cut off when a blonde-haired man entered the conversation, calling to the girl.
“I don’t think we’ve had the pleasure of meeting; are you Lynette’s new friends?” He takes his place next to his sister. He glances at Masha and towards the white-haired pixie floating in front of him.
“Thanks for looking after my sister. Oh, allow me to introduce myself. I am Lyney, and this is my sister Lynette.” He paused mid-dialogue at the sound of screaming. He looked around, concerned, before glancing towards where the imaginary camera would be.
“He’s here!’’
He gives a small smile towards your direction further, causing your cheers to gain traction from the others.
Masha sighs. tipping his hat down, trying to pretend you weren’t traveling with him. He waits for a few minutes before continuing the dialogue as Lyney follows his queue, ignoring you as background noise. Before their conversation continues, the archon comes into view.
Everyone claps as she does a small curtsey, going into her speech.
Masha tunes out her speech, resembling that of the girl and that bird illusion he met a long time ago.
His left eye twitches slightly as she takes a long time to get to the point.
“As the Hydro Archon, I Focalors, welcome you to Fontaine.” You clap at her introduction along with the characters.
Compared to the past three archon quests after Venti, it’s been awhile since an archon and their people have welcomed Traveler.
She’s number one on the welcoming committee of Genshin, compared to Amber’s cut scene from the beginning of the game.
“Now if you have no objections, then in the name of the Hydro Archon, I order your arrest.”
“Wait what?”
The scene changes to the teleportation ping as Masha takes you back to Mondstadt.
“How Irritating.” The speech bubble pops up on screen before disappearing.
You tried teleporting back to Fontaine, but every time you click on the teleporter there, it says access denied. You roll your eyes, pulling up the wish menu for Lyney’s banner. At least you could travel with the cute blonde in the meantime.
After 36 pulls, the star turned goldish-red as Lyney appeared on screen. You stare at it before checking his character, before checking the splash art once more.
Going into characters, you click on his hello line.
“This is no mere illusion, tis I, Lyney! The greatest magician in all Teyvat!”
“Oh, it’s you again. You left abruptly last time, and Lady Furina was so in shock that she left immediately, thinking that you went further into the city.” The message ended after that, as he moves in his voice over menu tipping his hat towards you with a wink.
You change back to Masha, who goes back to his idle position as you click back to him.
It’s time to go farming, it seems.
Atk, Pyro Dmg goblet, Crit Dmg.
It was easier to build Lyney than Masha. Masha’s artifacts took months to farm, whereas Lyney’s required only a few weeks.
His Maurchausse Hunter set was more difficult to get items from, so in the meantime, you give him Masha’s flower and feather. After farming for him for a month, he was at a high enough level to rival Masha as the strongest character.
“Good morning, Lyney.”
You remove the mismatched artifacts from him, fixing his build. 2 pc Shim and 2 pc Wanderer’s Trope, and an off-piece crit DMG circlet.
You let out a small hum, looking over the stats of his shim flower and feather comparing it to Masha’s. Masha’s has more crit DMG, which Lyney needs. Shrugging, you swap Masha’s flower and feather for Lyney’s.
As you exit the main screen, Masha is standing there, glaring up at you.
“Give it back.”
“Did you think I didn’t notice my power draining?” He pulls up the menu to his character screen. He stops mid-idle to turn to the stats.
“My atk and crit went down.” He points out the lower-crit DMG. Instead of being 60/130, it went down to 100, which is fine, but he doesn’t crit as often at 100.
“I was doing some tasks for the radish when I saw my DMG going down.” You notice a bruise on his arm. It looked fresh, tainting his pale skin.
“Sorry. I was testing Lyney’s dmg.” He sighs, pulling up the menu once more.
“Ever since you got the Knave’s brat, he’s been taking my shit.”
“Give him something else.” He glares off screen like Lyney would pop up around the corner.
You wouldn’t be surprised at this point if he did do that.
The characters have begun to gain more power over the game. Mainly Wanderer, who would take you out of bounds areas.
The paimon menu pops up again, changing to the character menu and Lyney. They switch back to his original set, as the menu exits back to the game.
“Don’t move them again.” He sighs, getting back into his idle pose. His fake smile rises on his face as he stares ahead blankly.
You stared him down for a good minute, waiting for him to say something else. His eyes only glance at you and back ahead, giving the indication for you to move.
“Okay, let’s travel shall we?”
The abyss lights up as the scenery changes from the out-of-bounds room to the nameless crescent island. Moving forward, Masha presses the button as you enter the menu.
“Plunging dmg and normal atk damage increased.”
Scara. Nahida, Kokomi, and Kuki enter the room as the challenge begins. A group of enemies from Nahida’s nation popped up surrounding the group. Some are working quickly to attack you while you are charged. Pulling out Nahida, she uses her E and does her dance as they fade as quickly as they spawned.
Things began to tighten as more enemies were dropped in.
“Everybody hold hands.” Nahida points her fingers towards the enemies as they disappear in a cloud.
Mitachurrls approach as Nahida dodges on time. Sprinting around, things are thrown at her. She pauses, pulling out her chain, when she gets hit head-on.
“Owchie.” She mutters, rubbing her head. She does her little dance as Dendro hits the mitachurrls, burning them quickly. Darkness surrounds the room as she teleports to the waiting room.
“Is it our turn next?”
Lyney asks as he and his team prepare for the next session. The abyss music plays softly in the background, like elevator music.
When off screen, the characters remain in a small lobby in between matches to get themselves together.
“Yes, (player name) is waiting for you.” Lyney and his crew gather their things as they make their way to the exit she came from.
“Is everyone prepared?” Lyney asks before opening the door. “His team checked before nodding.
“Let’s go.”
The door closed as they were teleported into the next match. A small monitor above the lobby played as the match began.
“It looks a bit rough this time.” Masha comments as they watch Bennett flinging around. A mitachurrl is flung back from Lyney’s burst in retaliation.
The battle continues smoothly for everyone on the team except Lyney. Bennett successfully kills his enemies, continuing on to the new ones. Thoma, providing shields for his teammates.
“It’s Showtime!” Lyney transformed himself as he hit the enemy, doing a small 25k at best. They advance through the last few as the stage changes.
Kokomi stands, approaching them with a small medical kit. Being in the spiral abyss prevented her from healing the majority of their injuries.
Smaller ones, however, could be wrapped up or healed with bandages.
Kokomi, Nahida, and Thoma helped the injured teammates while Masha remains seated.
A small menu pops up in front of Lyney as he uses his good hand to navigate through it. He checks his artifacts and finds two pieces missing from his set.
“Masha, did you happen to take my artifacts?” He smiles at the raven-haired man with a feral grin.
“No, I have all my artifacts here.” He displays the slots where the artifacts he is wearing are. Lyney clicks on the flower and feather.
“Last time I checked, our dear (player name) gave those to me.” He clicks on the feather and flower and exchanges them for his own. He has them returned to his missing slots as his DMG goes back up to 230 crit DMG.
“You need to get your own.” He takes those back artifacts as the next floor loads out. Him and his team exit into the domain.
“Break a leg.”
“Ah!” Kokomi Is hit repeatdly by the hilichurrls that spawn in the room. As you got to dodge it, your phone rings distracting you.
You see your Friend’s name pop up on the screen as Kokomi eventually dies. The next character spawns in moving the controller to dodge and aim. You look back to see Masha with a pissed off look dodging the characters and killing them all.
As the next wave pops in, you take control dodging clumsily at the last moment causing him major damage.
“You can’t aim for shit. Give me this!” He takes control again not letting them land a single hit on him.
The floor changes again as Lyney and his team get you to the last floor of the current level. Not distracted by her, the gameplay goes smoothly as the characters crit and do major damage. Lyney jumps out of his hat as the stage changes.
Masha loads in with half damage. You got to control him, when nothing happens. He glances back at you with an annoyed look.
“Don’t even try it.”
He presses okay on the menu as he begins the trial. You watch as he quickly clears through the damage of the current boss for the spiral abyss. He switches control to his other team mates not even allowing you to control.
Your phone dings again with a small hum.
Missed Calls (10) from Friend’s Name. You sigh, getting up and exiting the room.
10-3 Cleared
Next Level?
Friend name is Tying.
*’Hey (*Friend).*’
*’How are you?*’
Read @8:36
Name is Typing.
*’Well I guess.*’
You weren’t exactly sure what she wants, considering last time she broke off your friendship.
*’Do you have time right now?*’
You glance back towards Lyney’s team who were glancing at you. They stood attentive at the domain symbol waiting for you to get off the phone.
*’Yeah, I can drive over to see you.*’
*’Great, meet me at the café near the library.”
You exit the room to change clothes. You turn on soothing music to calm your nerves as you change. You grab an outfit that resembled something she would wear, and tie your hair up in a cute ponytail.
“(Player name)?” You whip your head around looking for the person who called you. Checking every corner, you calm down and continue getting dressed.
“(Player name) can you hear me?” You hear the voice again. You slowly and sees Nahida’s face on the screen of your phone.
“This is new.” She lets out a small laugh as your other characters came into view, in a storage room you assumed.
“It’s a rest room that we stay in, between matches.” She corrects you.
“Lyney and his team left the Abyss. They said that you were unresponsive.” Your heart squeezed as a small smile lifted on your lips.
“That’s sweet of you Nahida. I have to go somewhere for a while.” She pauses listening before nodding.
“Alright then, we’ll return home.” You could hear talking in the background as they move out the door. Whatever device Nahida was holding was moving as she walked.
You saw the room turn into the bright sky of Teyvat. You see the abyssal portal as they exit the domain. Nahida presses on something that you couldn’t see, as the teleportation screen was shown.
Your device turns back to the regular wallpaper as the game exits itself. You decide to head out to see what she wanted to get out the way.
The restaurant was an expensive one, that was a bit out of your budget. The interior seemed like it was a place usually occupied by influencers or other bougie people.
“Reservation for (Name)?” The waitress nods leading you to the table in the back where your Friend is.
“You’re here!” She cheers, waving towards you. You grimace taking a seat across from her. She looks towards the man in the back not even sparing you a glance.
“So what did you want to talk about?” She turns towards you excited.
“Isn’t that man attractive?” You glance at the man with a blank stare.
“I guess?” She looks at you blankly, muttering something rude under her breath.
“So, what have you been up to?” You listen to her as she tells you her current troubles. You frown hearing that things have been going down hill for her. You pat her on the shoulder and promise her that she can vent to you anytime if it helps.
“What about you?” She remains engaged in your conversation. You smile, hoping that things remain positive like this.
“So there was a new episode of my favorite series that came out the other day.” You pause before continuing. You hesitate to bring uo Genshin, in case she would call you out for being weird.
“So there’s a new episode next week if you want to watch.” You look up only to see her focusing on her phone.
“Hey, did you hear me?” She shushes you, focusing on her task. She gets up approaching the man that she kept glancing at. She has a conversation with you that you can barely hear. They both glance at you, before he lets out a small laugh. They continue talking as he exchanges phone numbers with her before walking off again.
She walks back over with a sad look. “He says he doesn’t like you like that.” You look at her confused expecting her to explain. She continues texting, not even glancing at you.
“Can you come hang with me and my friends next week if you have time?”
You leave money on the table exiting the restaurant. Merting her after that fight you had last time was a terrible idea. You make your way to your car, when the phone pings again.
What more does she want? You glare at your phone as you check your text messages
Aisha:*’ Long time no see, how are you?” 🥰’
Previous Chapter
A/N :This is the last time, i'll be tagging you individually @reblogs-of-selfawareaus @thedevioussmirk @endlessmari @iruiji @the-psychotic-blueberry @genshinings @yuumaofc
Not too many of you on this list, but ye.
As always ty for your continued support.
I have a discord if ya wanna chat!
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frogchiro · 1 year
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Okay to address this dumpster fire. I've got many messages (and I send my thank yous' to everyone who took their time to screenshot those and send them to me) and the accusations are that I apparently stole very obvious concepts and wrote something suggestive about a teenager.
I won't post the screenshots but I've been accused of stealing content like hubull(?) whatever that is, stray cat au and the infamous pervy!141 au and let me tell you this. I truly regret that you, simonrileyscockring, couldn't have messaged me like an adult and openly talk to me about this since I have a very open policy about messaging me and it really pains me that you've resorted to spreading rumors about me.
The thing is, I've never written anything about a 'hubull', I don't even know what that is and if you're talking about minotaur type of thing been there done that with Childe like 8 months ago, and stray cat!au and pervy! au? Well guess what, I've been writing about that since the dawn of time, waaay before the CoD era of this blog and back when there was Genshin here, I even have a full length one-shot about stray cat Ajax and many thirsts about him and with the pervy!au is literally the very same thing, been there done that and it was way more nasty too, CoD only spread my wings lol
And guess what? This blog was basically active since July last year and the vast majority of those concepts were written in that timeline. Pervy characters in *fandom* is one of the most popular tropes along with many others like panty stealing, breeding kinks, possessiveness etc so basically all I've written about and me stealing their concept is just ridiculous because...why would I? It really wouldn't give me anything and I have no desire to steal someone elses work.
As for the much more vile teenager accusation, can I ask where did that come from? In which post did I mention someone with a teenage model because I honestly can't remember, like cross my heart I have no idea what you're talking about so if you have any issues, dm me and talk to me like an adult.
I'm really sad that this situation escalated like that and that I had to find this out from incredibly friendly anons and not the people accusing me of those things. That being said, I'm taking a small break from this blog/writing due to incredibly hectic times before me and I don't want that to impact my writing, plus this whole petty drama put me off too so yeah, that all I really have to say. Once again thank you to all the people who send me kind messages and informed me of this, love you and bye <3
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hyunribbon · 1 year
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texts and kisses- felix x reader
includes- some jeongin x reader, jealous lix, make up kisses
genre- oneshot, friends to lovers, slight angst, fluff
warnings- none except slight cussing
a/n- this is my first fic on tumblr, so I hope you enjoy! ♡
You sat infront of Felix, your best friend of two and a half years, crossing your legs and putting on your best poker face. It was Saturday and you were on the floor of Felix’s living room for game night. A few weeks ago, you told him about your minor crush on Jeongin, a boy you met through one of your other friends, Han. Once you took a break from playing Jenga is when you decided to tell him what had happened yesterday.
His eyebrows raised, slightly surprised at the use of his first name since you always called him “Lixie”. “Why are you looking at me so seriously?” he lightly chuckled.
You raised an eyebrow, “because this is serious.”
He rolled his eyes and rested his chin on his palm, “okay, what is it then?”
Your mouth suddenly broke into a giddy smile, “okay, so.. as you know, Jeongin and I have been talking for about a month. Well, he finally asked me out yesterday and I said yes.”
As you watched Felix’s face, waiting for a reaction, you noticed that his mouth turned into a slight frown, but not enough for you to make a comment. The truth was, he felt like his heart just got ripped out of his chest.
“Oh, when you told me that you liked him I thought it was just a little crush. I didn’t know you would actually, like, date him.”
You raised an eyebrow, surprised from his unexpected reaction. You thought he would throw his hand across his mouth and you would excitedly gossip for the rest of the night.
“Well, I like him a lot. don’t you think this is great?”
He shook his head a few times once he understood the impression you were getting. “No no, yeah, of course! I’m so happy for you.” His tone almost seemed ungenuine. You nodded swiftly in response and Felix opened his arms, joining you for a hug.
Jeongin’s hand lightly brushed against yours, which caused your cheeks to turn a rosy pink. You were walking down the street to a small cafe he had recommended, he also mentioned something about the fact that his friend, Hyunjin, owned the place.
Your thoughts were interrupted once you felt Jeongin’s fingers link with yours. Your head rapidly moved so your eyes met his.
“Is that okay?” he asked cautiously.
You smiled, as if this was the happiest moment in your life.
“Yeah, it is.”
You got up from your seat and made your way to the door with Jeongin. You had been dating for a few weeks and made a habit to have mini coffee dates at Hyunjin’s cafe every Thursday.
“see you next Thursday, lovebirds!” Hyunjin hollered, waving from the counter.
You felt yourself cringe at the name but simply waved back and chuckled when you saw Jeongin flip him off in the corner of your eye. You walked out to the street, hand in hand, approaching his car. You made your way to the door of the passenger seat and crawled into the seat, closing the door behind you.
“I had a nice time, despite Hyunjin bugging us the whole time.” He giggled as he got into the driver’s seat.
You giggled in response. “Me too. Maybe we should sit at a table far from the counter next time.”
He nodded in response and you felt a subtle warmth creeping up your cheeks as he started to get lost in your eyes. He took your hand in his, stopping you as you tried to untuck your hair so he couldn’t see how red your face was. You felt a wave of confidence rush over you, as you leaned so that your lips would meet for your first kiss.
Moments later, he pulled away, awkwardly chuckling. He smiled warmly at you before he turned on the car engine to take you home. You pulled out your phone and opened snapchat, going straight to Felix.
☀️💛 Lixie💛☀️
what do u want im in the middle of genshin
wait arent u on a date with jeongin rn why r u texting me
ok ok
wait what
damn u had that much confidence?
also are we still on for game night tomorrow?
of course
okay, talk later!
Before you knew it, Jeongin was parked infront of your house. You shyly turned to him, “Thanks for taking me home.”
He pulled you in for a short hug. “No problem, I’ll text you later, okay?”
You nodded and pulled away, giving him a kiss on the cheek before stepping out of the car.
Felix hasn’t showed much emotion regarding the fact that you were dating Jeongin, but every time you brought him up it was like he got punched in the chest. He kicked himself for not confessing his feelings for you sooner, before you had laid your eyes on someone.
Your traditional game nights every Friday have often been cancelled because you scheduled some dinner plans with your boyfriend. He wishes he was the one who took you out to dinner. Who holds your hand everytime he sees you, cuddles with you as you drift off to sleep, places gentle kisses on your soft lips. The same lips that he had a hard time taking his eyes off whenever your eyes slipped his gaze. Once you told him you kissed Jeongin, he tried his best to sound excited through text but knew it should have been him who kissed you in that car. It should have been him who placed his hand on the side of your face to pull you closer into the kiss.
Once he heard a knock at his door, he briskly got up from his sulking in bed and went to answer the door. His eyes met your face, remembering how gorgeous you were from the amount of days you haven’t spent time together, due to planning hangouts with Jeongin.
“Hi,” he said, an unfamiliar wave of shyness washing over him. He had never felt shy around you. Maybe it was caused by the days on end of him imagining you as his, which were now separated with reality right infront of him.
“Hey, Felix! It’s been a while.” You joined him for a hug, soaking up the feeling of being with him again.
He felt a sick feeling in his stomach as you addressed him by his first name again. Nonetheless, he tightly hugged you back, breathing in your scent and wishing he could wake up to the same scent every morning. Interrupting his never-ending thoughts, you pulled away and stepped into his house. He closed the door and followed you to the living room, sitting next to you on the couch.
“What game are you in the mood for?” you asked.
Felix blushed lightly, knowing that he bought Twister last night for this exact moment. Hoping that it would bring you close together and create some type of tension that would finally encourage him confess to you.
He cleared his throat, “Well, I bought Twister last night and I thought it would be fun to play it.”
You rose an eyebrow, knowing that this game could get interesting but didn’t think much of it. “Yeah, sure!”
Felix set up the game with you and after deciding who would go first, he spun the arrow and moved one of his legs to a yellow circle. You followed after him, moving one of your legs to a green circle directly infront of him. A few minutes later, the position you were in had your body right above the ground with both of your feet firmly next to eachother, while one of your arms was reaching behind to touch a circle. Felix spun the arrow and he felt his stomach do a few flips, as the instructions would end up with him hovering over you and his arm reaching behind you. He followed, slowly, trying to keep you from feeling uncomfortable.
You felt a familiar warmth rise in your cheeks, and your eyes wandered over Felix’s face in thought. Your face has never begun to heat up around him, and your stomach has certainly never been filled with butterflies when you’ve been near him.
Felix’s eyes lowered to gaze at your lips, for a split second. You felt his breathing slowly begin to speed up, which is when you realized how close his face really was. You started to admire how beautiful his freckles were, scattered on his cheeks and nose. Your eyes slowly moved down to his plump lips. His lips. You’ve never taken time to admire how pretty and full they were, how gorgeous they looked when slightly parted. Before you knew it, Felix’s legs started to loose stability and he fell ontop of you, breaking the tension.
He stumbled to his feet, blushing in embarrassment. “I’m sorry!”
You shook your head, “No, no! You’re fine!”
He looked down at his feet, regretting everything and hoping he hadn’t ruined your friendship. You opened your mouth, expecting something to come out but nothing did. A few moments later, you gathered your thoughts.
“I know it’s game night, but do you want to watch a movie?” you cautiously said.
Felix looked up, surprised that you were even still standing there. “Oh. Sure.”
The both of you sat on the couch and decided on a k-drama. About seven minutes into the movie, you snuggled up into him and layed your head on his shoulder. You had always cuddled on movie nights, but this time it felt different. He wrapped an arm around you and pulled the blanket up so you could get more comfortable.
Slightly started by your phone, you pulled it out of your pocket and saw that it was from Jeongin. You unlocked your phone and went to text him back. Felix’s eyes were glued to your phone, as he felt anger rise inside of him.
“What’s wrong?”
He rolled his eyes and moved away from you, trying to contain his anger. “Nothing.”
Your eyebrow rose and you decided to confront him. “Goddamit, Felix. You’ve been acting like this for two weeks. Why won’t you tell me anything anymore?! It feels like you’re just pushing me away.”
Your phone went off again, Jeongin’s name popping up on the screen.
“It’s because of him!! Fucking hell. You only ever spend time with him. Don’t act like I’m the only one causing us to be isolated.”
You raised your eyebrow, moving away from him and throwing the blanket off of you. You were fighting the urge to just walk out. “You’re fucking jealous that he’s hanging out with me more??”
Felix shook his head, “No. You don’t understand, it’s not about you hanging out with him more. It’s more than that. You’re his girlfriend. You’re not m-”
“I’m his girlfriend, exactly. Why are you even surprised that I’m spending this much time with him?? This is the happiest I’ve ever felt and you’re not happy for me. Felix, fuck.” You stood up and begun to turn away.
His hand grabbed your wrist and pulled you down again, smashing his lips against yours and using his other hand to hold your face. You gasped and strangely enough, started to kiss him back with more force. Without even attempting, you felt your leg link over his and your hands moved up to pull at his hair. He moved his lips with yours, passionately, and it hit you. The same feeling you felt earlier while playing Twister arose, except even more strongly.
You finally parted, panting against each other. Felix rested his forehead against yours and caressed your back. “I love you.”
Slightly taken aback, you pulled away to meet his eyes and took one more moment to catch your breath. “I’m sorry, Lixie.”
He furrowed his eyebrows but the corners of his mouth lifted at the nickname as he took your hand in his. “Why, beautiful?”
“For not seeing how you felt. For not listening. It’s a new feeling, but I think I’m in love with you, too.” You placed a kiss at the corner of his mouth and he sighed.
“I’ll forgive you if you do one thing for me.”
You smiled, “And that is?”
“Kiss me again?” He smirked slightly.
“Will do, Lixie.” Your lips met in a softer, more gentle kiss but still with a hint of passion.
He smirked against your lips when your phone went off again and threw it off of the couch, grabbing your waist and continuing to kiss you. You chuckled against his mouth as you kissed him, letting the night slip away as you melted in his touch.
Hope you enjoyed my first fic!
I’ve wrote some fics a couple years ago but I’m kinda rusty. I’m not a professional writer at all, so I tried my best with this one. I HAVE NOTHING AGAINST JEONGIN AND WILL MAKE IT UP BY WRITING A SHORT FLUFF FIC ABT HIM SOON.
Please let me know if you liked this! 💗
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dreamsofminnie · 2 years
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Pairing -> Alhaitham x Reader
Summary -> You go on an evening date with Alhaitham looking over Sumeru city from a distance. A small camp hidden in the hills of foliage where you enjoy each others presence away from busy work. They show their adoration with words in the 20+ languages they learned together.
Notes -> Used google for translations so they might be incorrect sorry. I wanted to do 20 languages but I don’t know what other languages would fit his persoanlity. Also this can be modern au or genshin theme, they both fit well. This is my first fic on tumblr, praydge.
Word count -> 1,023
“Alhaitham’s eyes narrowed, this has now become a love language contest. A contest that has transpired over the 2 years, 10 months, and 30 days together.”
Alhaitham always loved working with you beside him. He seems to work much better with you than alone nowadays. Alhaitham without a lover from the past would be bewildered by not working in solitary. Like he had used to.
Besides work and studies, they enjoyed the many joys of life. You dragging him to those activities that is. Hiking has been both your favorite so far. Reaching the peak of the hills was the best part of it. The view of the city and villages is ethereal. Light of every house glimmering from the nests of your feet from the cliff. You hand in his while you stared down below, enchanted. And his gaze enraptured by you.
“Tell me, why you are so needy today?” Alhaitham scribbles notes nonstop while the other hand is around your waist but holding his book. You grumble adjusting yourself in his lap.
“We haven’t gone on a date in so long. And you terribly need a break.”
You caress the space under his eye while giving him light pecks on his cheek. Alhaitham subtlety leans into your touch. Eyes flickering to you with slight cresses to his eyebrows at how much a distraction you can be when in need of his affection.
A sigh escapes his lips, that you quickly pecked away, as he closes his books and puts down his pen. “What have you planned then, ...mi amor?” Alhaitham was very bad with affection when you both started dating. It took him 6 months to initiate hand holding let alone saying ‘i love you.’ He prefers to show his affection through words in many other languages. And he has gotten better at appreciating every part of you. He pressed his forehead to yours, fingers busy drawing diamond shapes into the fabric on your hips. It sent shivers down your spine which he noted how you shook.
Mi Amor (Spanish: My love)
You beam a bright smile and shot a quick whistle. A beautiful silver falcon darted in and landed on Alhaithams head. He flapped his wings in Haithams face, however careful of swatting your face.
“This bird has foul human tendencies. Awful jealousy and obsession.” Alhaitham grabbed the bird by the wing and dangled him while he cawed in frustration. You stood up while they did that and grabbed a large bag turning to them with enthusiasm and glee. “Hiking, mon chéri” The two tense human and bird looked at you, eyes sparkling with excitement.
Mon Chéri (French: My dear)
The sky painted the sky hue after hue in reds-oranges and blues-purples. Stars were rushing in glimmering against the heavens. The trees shook with the billowing winds light enough against your body. Soft enough for leaves drift and flutter around, while some crunched beneath your shoes. A long inhale of the crisp air sent both your moods much lighter as you held hands all throughout the hike. His fingers subconsciously stroking your knuckles which melts your insides from how he can be so unknowingly loving towards you.
You had asked him to ditch his soundproof headphones—which he did not hesitate to do since he was going to take a much needed break with you—and now you were admiring his supple ears. Very much sensitive since he covers them all the time, just not too often with you around. He loves the way you would kiss his ears when he would read to you, your ears listening to his lips but his ears buried in your kisses. If Alhaitham ever blushes, it would be the base of his neck.
Sitting a few feet from the cliff edge but enough to gape at the view, the small picnic campsite proved to fit both figures in the beauty of nature. An open tent, enough to give you shelter and also letting you look above and see the stars. Your falcon chose to be on patrol, though occasionally butting in the romantic moments which unnerved Alhaithm from further touches with you.
Your laughs when the tension between the two occur makes it worth the barrage of bird attacks he gets, as long as you are happy.
When the sweet silence fell and stargazing commenced, adoration induced his system, his hand shifting to your cheek while you adjust yourself to gaze at your lover, both laying down in the tent. “Ana ouhibouk.” If your eyes can soften even more than now, they doubled 100 times more.
(Arabic: I love you) انا احبك
“Mahal kita.” You placed your hand atop of his, stroking on of his digits.
Mahal kita (Filipino: I love you)
Alhaitham’s eyes narrowed, this has now become a love language contest. The love language that you both shared, displaying your affection in the 20+ languages learnt together. A contest that has transpired over the 2 years, 10 months, and 30 days together.
“Timi ra timi nai.” He pulled your waist closer eyes lidded drunk on your affection.
(Nepali: You and you only) तिमी र तिमी नइ
“Pragmatiká ómorfos.” Your fingers teased and prodded his ears, seeing his neck burn red your smugness increased.
(Greek: Truly handsome) πραγματικά όμορφος
“lumina vieții mele.” He lower his hand down to steady your neck and pushed your foreheads together.
lumina vieții mele (Romanian: Light of my life)
“Người duy nhất có thể yêu tôi là bạn.” You snuggled up closer and fished the book from his back pocket, an unsaid sign for him to read to you. You declared your win with a kiss.
Người duy nhất có thể yêu tôi là bạn (Vietnamese: The only one who can love me is you.)
Alhaitham’s face soured a bit. This is your 14th victory, he really has been actively studying the art of love, hence you knew the book he kept with him was one of the romance section. He however needs to partake the study harder.
He sighed in defeat and kissed your forehead before prying the book open to his latest chapter. Your falcon nuzzled between the heat of your bodies which provided a semblance of comfort for you both.
“Love may makes humans lead with their hearts instead of their heads...”
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arisewanekosuki · 1 year
In another’s shoes
(Genshin School AU x Fem! Reader) A month has passed since you started your life in Teyvat High School, while struggling with your own insecurities and unpleasant memories with past 'friends', your schools days were passing day by day, until one day after going back home you had an accident. Thinking this is the end, you wake up... but wait, why are you in the body of the most popular girl in your school - Lumine? previous | next
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Drawing by @fusaex3​​​  Author’s note: I started writing it before I wrote Bakeneko!Kunikuzushi, so this story may be worse than the previous one, I’ll be honest, I’m not sure about this one. I may end up deleting it after some time. Tbh I wanted to add some Genshin boys x reader here, but it may end up being more about friendship if I continue this story, I’m not sure, at first I thought to make that at the end some boys will have special chapters when you end up being with them or something like that. But like I said I’m not even sure if I’ll continue this cause I don’t know if anyone will like this story. I’m sorry for any mistakes, English is not my first language.
The annoying alarm in my phone woke me from a dream. “What was that dream about again?” It wasn’t a good one that I’m sure. Then why it feels like I should try to remember what it was about? Looking at time in my phone I realized that if I won’t get up soon I’ll be late for school. While dressing up I couldn't help but look at myself in the mirror. -“…” Before any negative thoughts would consume me I shook my head and went to the kitchen to get my breakfast. -“Good morning!” my mom said. I didn’t respond, I went to my mom to hug her, this is my way of saying ‘Good Morning’ when I'm not awake properly or just not feel like talking yet. Mom smiled and hugged me back. I started to make breakfast for myself, after awhile I finally ask: - “Do you have day off?” -“No, but today I start later, so don’t worry I’ll take (little sister name) to school. Also I made lunch for you too!”  -“Thank you.” -“So…How is school? It’s been month since it started, did you make some friends?” I sighed, not feeling like talking about it, yet I don’t want to worry my mom. -“It’s fine I guess… there is one girl in my class, Yoimiya, she’s really nice, sometimes we spend school breaks together.” -“That’s great! You should invite her here sometimes!” mom smiled, happy that I finally made a friend. I got up and got ready to go. I took my backpack and say goodbyes to my mom. “I don't really want to go to school…”  If I think about it Yoimiya was the first one to approach me, no, she’s the first one to approach everyone, she’s a very nice and friendly person. I’m grateful that she wanted to be friends with me, I only wish I would stop worrying about stuff so I could get along with her better. I want to talk more with her, hang out more with her but I still feel slightly shy and the thought of her other friends being more interesting and fun than me is not helping in that matter at all. “Ah, that’s bad! Don’t think like that (y/n)!” Well, it’s hard to not think like that when her friends like Ayaka and Kokomi are really great. Sometimes I was invited to eat lunch with them and Yoimiya. They are kind, smart and of course they are pretty… so pretty that it felt like someone like me shouldn’t sit with them. It's like a potato lying next to beautiful flowers. I would say I’m average person if I’m being ‘nice’ to myself, but I know, compared to them I’m not that interesting at all. -“Good morning!!” someone said, snapping me from my previous thoughts. Turning back I saw a little boy with cute smile. -“Hello Ruu.” I smiled to him “How are you?” Ruu’s smile got wider “At least he’s in good mood”.   -“I’m fine! Today I got up earlier so I could go and see miss Kapatcir and ask if she needs something from shop!” Ruu is truly a sweet child, he’s a kind soul, so kind that scary old miss Kapatcir accepted only him in our neighborhood. I’m glad the old lady is kind to him, compared to his father who always complains that Ruu didn��t finished his duties or that he shouldn’t spend so much time on playground. I understand that as a son of priest he has to learn, so that he could inherit the role in future and take care of shrine but Ruu is still a child, he shouldn’t be that strict with him. At least it seems his father is afraid of miss Kapatcir too, if she is sitting on the bench close to playground then Ruu can spend much more time there playing and goofing around like a kid should do. -“ (y/n)? Are you alright? You look sad today…” -“Ah I’m fine! Sorry! I just… um… had a nightmare, so I didn’t sleep well today haha!” Ruu looked at me, deep in the thought, then he searched for something in his pockets. -“I got something that will make you feel better!” he took my hand and put something in it. It’s a candy. Lavender Melon flavor. -“I hope you like this flavor but if not… then I can give you another one!!” -“This one is fine! Thank you Ruu! You’re the best!” I smiled to him and he showed me his smile again. “He’s so precious, I want to hug him!” -“Oh! Lumine! Aether! Good morning!” the boy run towards twins that came from the corner of street. Lumine and Aether, the most popular twins in our school, normally I don't care about people from other classes but even so I end up knowing who they are, thanks to  Yoimiya and other people from my class. Them being friends with Yoimiya is not surprising, knowing her, but what I heard from her, Ayaka and Kokomi, they made friends with other popular or eccentric kids in our school. How did they do it? They came two weeks after school started and in one week they become so popular. It would be a lie if I said that I’m not jealous of Lumine. She’s very beautiful, smart, confident, she can make friends with anyone, I’m sure many guys have crush on her as well. Her twin brother is good looking too, I understand why some girls from class would talk about him, his face, no, both twins are like angels. I sighed and continue walking to school, passing quickly by Ruu and twins and saying goodbye to little kid. I don’t really want to be noticed by twins but I would feel bad for not saying ‘bye’ to Ruu. After arriving in my school I sighed. “Just survive this day, and another, and another…till the end of school year weh”. While going to my class suddenly someone hugged me from behind. -“Eek!?” I made a weird sound. -“Hehe! Goood Moorning (y/n) ~” Of course it was Yoimiya. -“Good Morning” I said a bit flustered. “It seems that you are full of energy today, did something happened?” -“Nope!~ Can’t I be happy for just seeing my friend?” she said with a smile, still hugging me. Recently, she started hugging me as a hello, I always liked this form of welcoming with people I feel comfortable with. The first time she hugged me, she surprised me that much that I froze in place, she panicked and started asking if she make me uncomfortable, I remember feeling warm and said that I don't mind that. Back then I felt like our friendship improved a little bit. After releasing me from her hold we continued our way toward class. Yoimiya would talk about many things, sometimes I had hard time follow her stories, but it was nice, to listen, to talk with someone. In previous school I did had people who I could call ‘friends’, but things happened and now they are reason that even if I want to make more friends or open more to Yoimiya, those unpleasant memories stops me from doing that. When we reached our class Yoimiya took my hand and guided me to where Ayaka and Kokomi where sitting. The smile that Yoimiya gave me was saying "I won't let you just go to your sit yet!" -“Good Morning!!” Yoimiya said loudly to two girls. After her, I greeted the girls. -“Good Morning to you two too” said Ayaka, bowing politely. -“Ayaka! Stop with this formality! We are friends here! Right (Y/n)?” Yoimiya said and hugged Ayaka, the blue-white hair girl become red on her face, probably not used to others to hug her like that. -“Y-yeah!” at this moment I realized Yoimiya plan, she wants to make me talk more with them. “Too bad my friend, I’m not ready to talk with them without being awkward!” Kokomi giggled, probably amused for what is happening in front her. -“Yoimiya, I think our Kamisato Lady won't be able to take it any longer, if you continue holding her like that” said salmon pink hair girl, smiling at two other girls. -“Sorry Ayaka!” said the light strawberry blonde hair girl, finally letting go of the daughter of Kamisato family. -“I-it’s okay.” Replied the girl with still red face, I think it’s first time for me, to see her losing her composure. We didn't talk that long with each other, before the bell rings signaling that class is about to start. The day in school went slow, too slow. This time Yoimiya went to eat lunch with her other friends from other classes, I didn’t know them and to not feel like third wheel, I decided to spend lunch break alone. Sitting at my regular place outside school building and eating in silence, I was enjoying the peace. Till I heard two loud boys, probably arguing about something. I noticed that Lumine is with them too. One of them was a big guy with long white hair with some parts being red and red horns “I think I heard about him. What was his name again? Amaraki Otto? Anataki Ritto? Eh whatever” and other, slightly smaller than previous one but still taller than Lumine, with ginger hair “Isn’t that guy from Fatui gang? Lumine could even befriend someone from them?”  The boys starting getting louder and louder till Lumine looked at them saying something, making both of them quiet. Then she went towards gym building, while the boys followed her and start probably arguing between each other again. “Being that popular must be tiring sometimes.” After lunch nothing special happened till the end of classes, when the last bell rang  I was happy to finally go back home, but then I remembered that today is my turn to clean class. “Better finish fast.”  I sighed and started cleaning. At least today my cleaning partner is Kaedehara Kazuha. "At least he won't try to make some small talk". While we were cleaning, it was silent, but suddenly Kazuha said something that I couldn’t hear. -“Sorry, can you repeat? I didn’t hear you.” I ask, thinking he was talking to me. -“ Ah don’t mind me, I was coming up with new haiku.” He smiled and looked at me, Kazuha is another lovely looking person in my class, his red eyes are stunning and warm, his voice is gentle too, I think I wouldn’t mind if he now started to read his haikus or maybe even a whole book. -“I-I see!” I said flustered, realizing that I have been staring at him for too long without response. I turned around and went back to cleaning, not wanting to see his face anymore “He probably thinks that I’m weird…” . I really wished I had more courage to speak with him, I’m not good with poetry but I would like to hear about his haikus. “It’s not big deal! Just ask him about that! Maybe we can even be friends?!” I looked at him, at this moment he was cleaning the board. -“….” I opened my mouth to say something but nothing came of. He had to sense my staring cause suddenly he turned around to look at me. -“Hm? Is something wrong?” he asked, looking at me with cute, confused face. -“I…no…well…” I felt my face being warmer and warmer “…fox….” -“…Pardon?” I felt like running from this class and bury myself in our school garden “Fox?! Why did I say that?! It’s so random! How hard is to ask about silly haiku! Stupid!” -“I think I saw fox outside the class.” I want to go home, I feel so embarrassed that I don’t know anymore what I’m talking about. -“Oh? Really? That’s surprising, the forest is very far away from school…” he said going to the window to look for the fox that doesn’t exist. -“Right? Maybe he got lost, poor thing, I hope it will find way to its home.” I finished cleaning the floor so I went to put broom and dustpan away. I just wanted to get far away from him at this moment. I got so nervous, that my body started to tremble. “I can’t believe myself, this was probably the worst interaction that I had with someone and I still have to come back to the classroom to put tables on their places.” When I calmed down, I came back and with Kazuha's help, we put everything on their right places. Gladly he didn't say anything else, so I could save myself from further embarrassment. After making sure that whole classroom is clean, I said goodbye to Kazuha and went quickly to lockers, to change my shoes and finally left school, to go back home, wanting to forgot about this whole interaction. - “Ugh today is Tuesday I need to study for test that is on Friday, I don’t wanna!” I muttered to myself, not being happy of the thought of studying and doing homework. I took candy from my pocket, to eat it but before I opened the sweet in my hand, I noticed something red passing in front of me. It was little girl with blond pigtails and red cap, she looks to be around age of my little sister, she was going after something round, some kind o ball? Before I knew it, everything went fast. The ball rolled into the street and the girl still followed it, without looking if there were cars. I felt something hitting me and then nothing, I was lying there, the candy from Ruu wasn't in my hand anymore, I think people started to gather around me, everything started to be blurry, I heard child crying, was it that girl? I can't believe it, my body moved on its own to try save this child. "Haha..those that means I'm not such a coward? I can do some things right too?" I think I started to hear someone calling my name but I'm not sure.” Ah… so this is how my life will end?” this was my last thought before everything went black. --- Thank you so much for reading untill end. If everything goes well Chapter 1 will be out tomorrow. 
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2baddiesfanfics · 22 days
Practice Makes Perfect (Final Chapter)
Pairing: Shenhe x Yelan
Tags: Training, Fights, Oral Sex, Vaginal Fingering, Teacher-Student Relationship, Mentors, Improper Use of Visions (Genshin Impact), Improper Use of Cryo (Genshin Impact), Battle, Masturbation, Friends to Lovers, Liyue Lantern Rite (Genshin Impact)
A mock battle leads to real results. Fireworks signal a new future.
Read on Ao3
Final Chapter: Reunited
Months had passed since the two had even given Cloud Retainer a second thought. In the back of their minds, they knew they hadn’t seen the last of her - there would come a time when they’d need to provide concrete proof of Shenhe’s progress.
And what better way than to invite the adeptus to Liyue for the Lantern Rite?
With her shrewd mind, Ningguang had prepared an event in which Yelan and Shenhe would face off against one another. With their consent, she sent an invitation to Cloud Retainer and readied what they would need.
The match would take place in the courtyard of Yiyan Temple. The incense burner that would normally take part in the summoning of Rex Lapis had been removed to provide plenty of space for a makeshift arena. Ningguang enlisted Beidou’s help in placing fliers around the city to hype up the match. The people of Liyue buzzed with excitement. It wasn’t every day they’d get to see these two powerful women show off their skills.
Shenhe stood on the temple steps and watched the crowd begin to gather. She played with her hands as anxiety threatened to take over. Thoughts flooded her mind.
What if I fail? What good was all that training if I end up hurting Yelan? What if master still isn’t convinced? What if I completely lose control? Her breathing was becoming more ragged as she felt her body break out into a cold sweat.
Noticing a change in her behavior, Yelan made her way to her. Grabbing her hands, Shenhe snapped back to attention.
“Hey. You’re okay, little crane. You’ve got this. We’ve got this.” Yelan reassured in a hushed voice as she squeezed. “I trust you.”
Shenhe looked back into Yelan’s eyes. Letting out the breath she was holding, a gentle smile graced her face. “You’re right. I know I have better control over my abilities and strength than ever before…and it’s all thanks to you, Yelan.”
“I did very little, love. It was all-”
She was interrupted by Beidou’s booming voice calling for the mob’s attention as she stood front and center in the arena.
Ningguang approached the women from behind. “Are you two ready? Cloud Retainer has arrived. She’s perched herself on the roof of the temple, so let’s give her a show, hmmm?”
“It’s now or never,” Yelan responded as she clasped Shenhe’s hand once again before dropping it to walk away.
“Let’s get this over with,” Shenhe said with a sharp exhale.
Beidou looked up and, with the signaling nod from Ningguang, called a start to the event.
“People of Liyueeeeeeee! Are you readyyyyyy?” she shouted to the swarm of people who cheered in response.
“Our first fighter is someone most of us have seen but a shadow of. She’s mysterious…she’s scary…she knows how to get answers out of you that you didn’t even know you had. Put your hands together for wielder of the hydro vision, Yelannnnn!” Beidou yelled as Yelan approached her with a glare. The audience erupted in applause.
“Was that intro really necessary?” She whispered harshly.
“Oh, come on! You gotta let me have a little fun here. Relax! It’s not like anything I said was a lie...” Yelan gave her a side-eye as they waited for the group to calm down.
“Now, for her opponent! Give a loud, warm welcome to the lovely…the contemplative…the serpent killer hero of Liyue…cryo vision holder, Shenhe!”
She slowly approached Beidou with a puzzled look. “Hero of Liyue?”
“Well…you did help us take out Beisht,” Beidou responded over the roar.
The two competitors faced each other, bowed, and took their fighting stances.
“Let’s make it a nice, clean match! FIGHT!” Beidou instructed.
Yelan immediately threw a punch at Shenhe, who swiftly dodged it with ease. Shenhe launched a kick in retaliation, but the nimble archer jumped back out of her reach. The polearm user ran quickly behind and elbowed her in the back just hard enough for it to look convincing from an outsider’s perspective.
Shenhe couldn’t help but giggle. They had agreed to not put full force behind their attacks, but rather aim to entertain. Naturally, this would still demonstrate her ability to control her power without risking the crowd’s safety.
Whipping her bow off her back, Yelan rapidly fired three arrows Shenhe’s way. Using her spear, she snapped them in half mid-air. Twirling the polearm at a rapid speed, she swung it around to snag her opponent’s side. Yelan kicked the spear away from her but miscalculated how fast Shenhe would be able to reposition herself.
The tip of her weapon scratched Yelan’s shoulder before she could move out of its path. Shenhe looked at her wide-eyed realizing what had happened. A patch of crimson bloomed against her skin, but judging by the look in Yelan’s eyes, she knew it was alright to proceed.
Yelan shot two arrows down towards Shenhe’s feet. With her rival distracted by the need to dodge the hydro darts headed her way, she took the opportunity to dash towards her and kicked the polearm out of her hands and far from reach. Using cryo, Shenhe carefully froze Yelan’s hands to her bow. As Yelan tried to think fast about her next move, Shenhe came up behind her and ran her fingers above the cut.
“I’m sorry,” she whispered, her voice quivering.
“I’m fine…let’s finish this.” She reassured her as she threw her frozen hands around Shenhe’s neck. In what was more of a hug than a headlock, Shenhe squirmed in her arms. Feigning to look as if she was struggling before quickly pecking her cheek, she maneuvered out of her grasp. After freeing herself, she swiped Yelan’s ankles with her foot, knocking her to the ground.
“One! Two! Three!” the onlookers chanted as Yelan lay on the concrete floor. With a final flourish, Shenhe took her polearm and drove it into the stone next to her opponent’s head. Beidou hurried over to the two of them, grabbed Shenhe’s hand, and thrust it into the air.
“The winner is Shenhe, hero of Liyue, disciple of Cloud Retainer, and student of Yelan!”
The audience let out a deafening roar as Shenhe felt any remaining worry melt away. There was no longer any doubt she belonged here.
As the attendees started to file out of Yinyan Temple, Shenhe dropped to her knees to help Yelan up and used her control over cryo to unfreeze her hands.
“That was a good move, stopping me from being able to use my weapon and hands altogether,” Yelan complimented Shenhe.
“Well, I did learn from the best,” Shenhe responded with a blush. “I apologize about your shoulder. I didn’t expect you to move that way.”
“It’s just a scratch. No big deal,” Yelan reassured her. Shenhe worked her teacher’s hands with her fingers, gently massaging her nerves back to life. Yelan had frequently wondered how, despite having a cryo vision, Shenhe’s palms were always so warm.
“One has to say one is impressed,” Cloud Retainer’s regal voice interrupted the moment.
Shenhe quickly stood at attention and bowed deeply. “Thank you, master. I’m honored you would come all this way to observe.”
“Although it pains one to admit it, it seems one was wrong about you, Yelan.”
“You don’t say,” Yelan smarmily replied.
Ignoring her sarcastic tone, Cloud Retainer continued. “It seems an apology is in order.”
“No need. I know how it must have looked to someone outside looking in. It was never my intent,” Yelan answered.
“Master…may I?”
The crane nodded her head.
“I want to thank you. If you hadn’t agreed to the training arrangement in the first place, I wouldn’t have met Yelan. While I will never forget all you have taught me, I now know I have much more to learn in terms of what it means to be human. You provided me with a mother’s love…but Yelan has given me something I’ll never be able to find in the mountains.”
Cloud Retainer stood looking at both of them before speaking, her eyes shining with the wisdom of many years. “One has watched over you from the time you were but a wee child, Shenhe. It is apparent to one you have come a long way. One must say Ningguang was right about you, Yelan. You both have my blessing.” The two women gripped each other’s hands with excitement. “That being said…Yelan, if I sense any wavering in your soul, one will not hesitate to destroy you.” Yelan was tough, but the malice in Cloud Retainer’s voice made even her hair stand on end.
“Now, one must be going. The sky grows darker by the minute and one must not be caught flying when the lanterns are released.” And with that, she took her leave.
“Bravo, you two! Seems you were able to prove Shenhe has everything under control,” Ningguang applauded. “With that resolved, let’s head up to the Jade Chamber together and watch the last of the Lantern Rite.”
The two couples ascended to the palace in the sky and found the best place to watch the festivities. As they surveyed the glowing light of the townsfolk’s dreams floating past them, Ningguang’s assistant brought some to release for themselves. They watched quietly as their lanterns floated out of sight, taking their wishes with them.
Beidou and Ningguang stood hand in hand as they watched the iridescent night glow with promise for the future. Yelan wrapped her arms around Shenhe’s waist as fireworks emitted a muffled burst in the distance. Pulling her in close, their lips met under a sky that reflected their journey together - what once held only darkness now shone brightly with hope.
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lucyhasnoidea · 1 year
just watched the new honkai pt2 trailer, and i have uh... mixed feelings. I havent played hi3 for a month or 2 now, although my blogs full of it (mostly im still attached to the og cast) but i have a basic idea of whats happending before ch 40.
Anb basically, i started playing during kolosten, but theres a huge contrast in pre-kolosten and post-kolosten stories, a feeling i got from just playing through old stories.
Anyway, the thing is that its starting to feel more and more like genshin. Personally I dislike genshin, its not my thing (although it WAS my first gacha game).
Now, it feels like hoyo decidet to "unite" their branding and have the same style over all their games. And I think most players dont wasnt their game to look like hsr/genshin, because theyd play HSR/GI if they wanted to?? It feels like they tried to do this ever since kolosten finishied.
Personally, I loved APHO. It was fun and stuff, and even with new mechanics, it felt clearly honkai. I could take a look at the environment and tell its honkai (hi3 and hsr have some subtle differences in ow style, i like hi3s more). But this?? It feels like they finally got the perfect chance to finish "uniting" their brand into a single recognizable style and took it. Whenever that's bad or good depends on liking genshin/hsr. I think with the whole turning a new page thing, they want to attract players of those two games.
As my closing note... whats the deal with giving every non-loli woman a large bust??? Like, every single woman since "new Flame-Chasers" has a large bust?? First it was Himeko (and kinda mei) of the old cast, but now its everyone exept the lolis?? (Using loli as cover word for both kids and kid-short adults like Theresa.) Like, I am not against it, but on every single character it becomes boring. Give me some variation, please?? Even genshin has more veriety in body types (read: bust sizes) and genshin sucks at that?? Are we just going to have the 3 same models plastered with different hair and outfits????? Sorry, this has nust been bothering me a lot.
As I said, I havent played HI3 in some and never spent money so I dont think they really ever care for people like me. Ive "took a break" playing, but after this I think Ill neeet to quit for good. It was nice when it lasted. (To clarify, I took a break because I got bored and it felt tedious to play.)
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roleplayfinder · 2 years
(I feel like my ask keeps getting eaten 😭 sorry if it's still in there!)
Hello hello! My name is Kat (20 enby, she/they afab) and I am looking to do some Genshin Impact roleplays! I've been playing since the game came out, but I took a several month break and now that I'm back, I'm entirely obsessed again.
What I'm looking for:
-Anyone 18+ who's willing to write canon characters (or even ocs!) from Genshin Impact!
-Anyone who'd love to talk ooc and world-build, gush over characters, maybe even exchange UIDs, ect.
-Anyone who's literate, and enjoys length replies that really set the scene and help build the story.
- Anyone who is willing to understand that life is busy! Sometimes I won't respond for a couple days but I'll always let you know what's going on and when I should have the next reply out.
What I bring to the table:
-I've been writing for 7 years and I usually stick to multi-paragraph, literate rps. I write at least 2 paragraphs per reply, but I usually write 5-7, sometimes more depending on the scene. Don't worry! There's absolutely no pressure to match me, as long as you give me a couple paragraphs to work with that's fine ^^
-I roleplay on discord in either DM or servers, just let me know!
-I am open to smut! I like a good mix of plot and smut, but smut is something I'm very okay with! I can write tops/bottoms/switches, ect. We can talk about limits and triggers before we get started so we're both comfortable!
-I will write canon characters against your ocs! Also, I will double if that's something you'd like. And hey, if we write well together, who knows? I'd be fine with having more than a few rps if we really click ^^
-I will do most pairings (none of the minor characters obv), and absolutely love rare pairs! I'm fine with fxf, mxf, and mxm (also, nb and trans ocs are very welcome!). Also, I'm definitely down for either canon verse or aus!
Characters I have written:
-Diluc, Kaeya, Lisa, Ayato, Amber, Ayaka
Characters I'd like to try writing:
-Dottore, Itto, Ei, Yoimiya, Eula,  Kokomi, Sara, Beidou, Heizou, Ganyu, Kazuha, Gorou, Sucrose, Thoma, Childe, Miko, Zhongli, Venti
Ships I enjoy:
-Diluven, Chiluc, Eulamber, Thomato, Eimiko, Kaebedo, Chiscara, Kokosara, Ittorou, Itteizo, Itthoma, Jeanlisa, Zhongchi, Yoimiyayaka, Thomayaka, Beigguang
I look forward to hearing from you!! You can like this post, shoot me a message here on Tumblr, or add me directly on discord at @♡𝘒𝘢𝘵♡#5580
(Thank you mods for all you do- you're awesome! 💜)
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hiraya-rawr · 2 years
Uhh idrk if I can even ask this but anyway, if you can see this ate, thank you so much for being a role model to me as you are one of the first people I followed on Tumblr!
Anyway, my question is, how do you cope when something bad happens? I've been in a bad place recently and I'm considering asking my mom to go to a psychiatrist with me, but I'm not really comfortable with that at the moment.
I iust really needed an opinion from someone who wasn't me or my friends
hello! it's been a couple of days and I hope im not too late in replying but hmmm alright, here's my raw opinion (i'll be straightforward so as not to sugarcoat anything). whether it's the most tragic thing that could ever happen in my life or some silly fight with a loved one, here's how I cope
1. seeking a professional is always a good choice (I understand if it's not something you want atm though). Still, if you have a school guidance counselor then I highly suggest it (they're less formal than actual psychiatrists so i lean towards them more)
2. something that worked for me is rationalizing my emotions? like, I do research, analyze, self-reflect, and try to pinpoint things... it's basically self-medication but it does help when you feel like things are just too challenging to face. think of yourself as homework- the more you study yourself the easier it gets.
3. again, rationalize and understand your situation!! like "oh? of course this terrible thing happened to you, not everything can be smooth sailing. and of course you're sad about it! now go and be sad! cry everything out, cry some more, scream about it and break down over and over because you're in a terrible place trying to process such cruel emotions. go ahead and let yourself feel sad. then, enjoy the happiness of an ice cream. or calm down with the view of a sunset. rest."
3. probably the mindset that comforted me the most is the fact that we, as humans, live such colorful lives?? like, all those cheesy quotes of "life is a rollercoaster" or those films with various genres- when I'm in a really bad place, I think about how this page or chapter fits in my story.
4. if you've been following me since mid-2022 then you'd know there was this mini hiatus I had bc of some life-changing terrible moment which took me months to recover. i still grieve when I think of it. i don't think I could ever get over or move on from it, but as the saying goes; time heals all wounds (wounds will reopen, and new ones will be added, but it doesn't change the fact that time goes on). i had zero motivation to do anything for my tumblr at that time but even so, I still placed a "be back soon" in my status because i knew i loved my tumblr and the genshin fandom.
5. and lastly, this isn't exactly a mindset I would suggest but it's something that helped me during my struggle era so: you don't have to live every day with purpose or excitement– just continue to exist and that's enough. if you're living in fear or pain, then grit your teeth and live. if you're struggling or spiteful, then still, live.
i seriously hope this makes sense :,) aaah I think im rambling iwudksahjfxi
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