#since I’m doing itemized car deductions this year
dinasilvertongue · 2 years
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0 notes
mycrofts-gunbrella · 3 years
Caring is the Greatest Advantage- Mycroft Holmes x Reader (Part Five)
Word Count- 3921
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Morning had come around a lot quicker than you had hoped it would, the sunlight peeking through the curtains and birds singing outside making drifting back off an impossible task. Though you felt well rested, you simply just didn't want to move anywhere any time soon. Last night had begun with Mycroft shyly placing his hand on your hip as your back pressed close to his chest, but this morning had ended with Mycroft on his back and you with your head resting between his chest and shoulder, hand crossing over with fingers hooked over the pyjama's pocket. You'd never expected to be the type to wake up earlier than Mycroft Holmes, particularly not two days on the bounce, but you wouldn't complain. He looked so peaceful as he slept, the sunlight turning his auburn hair far more ginger, his freckles on his nose matching. You slowly reached one arm backwards, blindly feeling around for your phone on the bedside table and reading through your messages. You grinned seeing a text from Greg and had to fight the small laugh that threatened to escape you.
'Hey, just thought I'd check in on you both and see how you're getting on. I hate to feel pushy but we do really need to start that paperwork, today ideally. Figured I'd pop round later if it's alright- I need a sodding nap first though. Spent the majority of last night receiving phone calls about mysterious activity around St James', load of dodgy cars sending people away, loads of papers.. don't suppose you saw any of that down your way did you, makes life easier?"
Your fingers typed a response- 'Uhh..guilty as charged.. Myc was in jeans and a Who top, daren't be seen by the public..I'll get him to fix it when he's up x'- a grin playing on your face. Yeah okay you felt a little bad, but Greg had dealt with worse. After pressing send, you scrolled further through your notifications, spotting one from John. Nothing major, just checking in and inviting you both over for late lunch, mentioning briefly how it'll do Sherlock some good seeing his brother, even if he doesn't believe it himself- evidently also receiving a message from Greg as he also explained how it would make Lestrade have to do one less visit for paperwork if you popped over a little earlier. Before you could type an answer, you felt Mycroft shift beneath you, stretching out the arm that wasn't trapped beneath your body.
"Morning Sleeping Beauty." You teased, turning your head and placing a small kiss on the Holmes' chin. Mycroft blinked, rubbing his eyes and offering you a 'good morning' in response as he eyed up you typing on your phone.
"Needed to be whisked away to catch a criminal mastermind already?" He asked, sitting up a little as you moved to give him a little more space, his arm still loosely tucked behind your back, though his torso now free.
"Your deductions in the morning are lacking.. though close. Mastermind, but not criminal. John and Sherlock have invited us to late lunch, Greg's popping over to start the first part of paperwork handling, only the basic stuff this time round, so figured it would make it easier on him only having to go to one home before we left." Mycroft breathed deeply, fingers raising to pinch the bridge of his nose.
"I think I'd have rathered the criminal." He spoke, already mentally planning the afternoon, the conversations he would likely have, the way Sherlock would behave. What if he still hadn't forgiven him? It was surprising enough that you had let him off so easily, but Sherlock was different. Sherlock was a Holmes, and someone of whom already had feudal tendencies with Mycroft, it was bound to end terribly. As though you had read his mind, you moved your hand to take his from his face as you noticed his fingertips whitening as he pinched harder.
"Hey, it'll be fine. He doesn't blame you, he's been far too silent for that to be the case. From the way John sounded, it actually seemed more like he was worried about you, though you know he'd never admit that." Mycroft hummed in response, not being able to find the right words to say before reaching over and grabbing his own mobile. "World ending yet?"
"Not yet. Though with any luck, quarrels could happen before lunch." He mused, one side of his mouth raising slightly in a playful smirk.
"Mycroft you can't wish for conflicts amongst empires to get out of a meal with your brother."
"Can't I?" He raised a brow.
"Anthea wouldn't allow it anyway. We're on strict instruction to not go into work for the next couple of weeks, nations be damned. Lunch sounds far more appealing too." You slid yourself out of bed and grabbed one of the bags from Anthea that you brought upstairs last night, taking a handful of clothing items and tucking them under your arm.
"But it isn't lunch, is it? It's LATE Lunch, settled approximately around 3pm, too late for lunch, too early for dinner. It's impractical by any means; you starve yourself at real lunch so you do not ruin your appetite, and then by dinner time you're hungry once again. And if you eat at both of those times as well as the late lunch, your feeding schedules become on par with a bloody Hobbit." You rolled your eyes and headed to the bathroom. "Though you may be more accustomed to such choices given the height similarity between yourself and Mr Brandybuck."
"Cheeky sod, not all of us have glorious Holmesian legs. I'm sure you'll survive a few hours.. Oh, you also owe Greg an apology." You chuckled, opening the message back up and tossing your phone in the general direction of Mycroft's lap before going to get dressed. After reading the message, you heard Mycroft let out a laugh from the other room, the rare kind that you knew made the sides of his eyes crease and his head tip back slightly in amusement; you were sorry you missed it.
Leaving the bathroom, you couldn't help but notice the silk pyjama clad man standing mindlessly in front of his open wardrobe, glancing over each individual item of clothing. Wandering behind him, you moved up on your tiptoes and peered over his shoulder at the rows of suits. You were still dressed relatively comfortably in a pair of skinny jeans and a t-shirt, which you felt was appropriate for the later meal that would likely be somewhere like Angelo's- but you equally knew that Mycroft's idea of 'comfort' lay within his three pieces, pocket squares and oxfords.
"Don't panic, I'm not going to begrudge you of your precious suits today. You deserve it after actually going through with my wardrobe choice for you.. I didn't actually expect you to do it." You laughed, squeezing his shoulder fondly. "We slept in late again, there's barely any morning left." You commented, glancing over at the clock that read 10:53am. "Can I tempt you in Elevenses, Mr Baggins?" You grinned, your Lord of the Rings reference not being missed by Mycroft. He cast you a playful glare, fighting the urge to childishly poke his two fingers up at you. "What? Not judging my bedside manner this time?"
"It is useless to meet revenge with revenge; it solves nothing." He quoted Frodo without hesitation, bastard probably already planned that you'd quip back with something smart and already armed himself with Shire related comebacks. You, in contrast to Mycroft, did have the tendencies to become childish and did opt for the two fingered response, an adoring smile unnaturally paired.
Not many people got to know of Mycroft's little nerdy side, and you took pride in being one of the few that did, though you took more pride in him for being able to easily reel off the quotes. Though he had told you before that The Lord of the Rings trilogy had been his favourite of everything you made him watch, then when he read the books? You wouldn't hear from him for hours at a time while he binge read through them for the tenth time round, and of course you had noticed the varying editions of the three books on his bookshelf in his personal office, rather than lining the shelves in his small library room. If anything, it just made him more endearing.
Though it was nothing compared with his love of Doctor Who. Bless his heart, you had taken him to watch David Tennant's Richard II a few years ago for his birthday and he was insistent on waiting behind after the performance to catch David leaving and got him to sign his special edition box set of his DW seasons. He even had a photo taken with him, his expression being easily comparable to the likes of a child who just got a puppy for Christmas- and, much to his dismay, the photograph had had a prime place on your desk at NSY since the event.
You made your way downstairs, calling out something about making omelettes and leaving Mycroft alone to get ready. His fingers skimmed across the expensive fabrics, tugging out an olive green suit and red tie and pocket square to match. The smell of the food you were preparing began to fill his nose, making his stomach growl as he rushed to the bathroom to get dressed. After removing his pyjama top, Mycroft caught a glance of himself in the mirror, prodding at the pudge of his stomach that settled just over his pyjama bottoms, before sucking in flat and looking again. Maybe he should forego the omelette and just wait until later.. another growl.. okay maybe just a little, just so he didn't raise suspicion. He sighed, stomach relaxing back to its natural state before finishing his morning routine, tugging his trousers up a little higher than usual to tuck away the offending belly fat.
Mycroft had always suffered with his weight, he knew that. He also knew of his past, how he would skip meals, or spend hours upon hours on his treadmill, or the time he was under Doctor Chinnery for just shy of three years following his habits of completing his meals with his fingers down the back of his throat over the toilet just after his job promotions exceeded and he found himself in much higher rankings- public appearance being far more important than any personal preference. Though his eating disorder had improved, the years of therapy didn't miraculously improve his self-confidence. It was one of the many reasons he preferred inviting others for dinners, or at the very least having his days to himself when he knew he would be going out later in the evening. Spontaneous meals out like the one he would be attending in a few hours, or having somebody at home with him while he waited for said meals threw him off balance completely- his usual routine of fasting beforehand as to not appear rude or raise suspicions when he ate in public being disturbed significantly. You knew of his past, deduced it, actually, and had been nothing but supportive, trying your best to convince him for years that he was perfectly healthy and encouraging him to eat better, to actually consume meals. He was thankful, of course he was, but it didn't help his insecurities around you, no matter how welcoming you had been or however many compliments you gave him. His body was covered in stretch marks and areas of loose skin from his weight loss over the years, his chest hair, though scarce, was a coppery ginger and his body was covered in so many freckles he looked like an explosion at a dot to dot factory. It led him to remember the other reason why he had never previously attempted to pursue a relationship with you; if he was disgusted and horrified at the appearance of his nude body then what on earth would you think when that time eventually came around? He daren't even try to imagine your face. You'd worked with Sherlock long enough to have seen him wander around naked and Mycroft had to admit that his brother at least had a body worth parading about in the nude, then there was Gregory who, despite not having an exactly chiseled body, still had the rugged good looks and toned chest- a physique that clearly represented the physical aspects of his occupation- there was no doubt you'd compare him to them and he would come up short every time.
"Myc? You gonna be long? Yours is going to be freezing!" Your voice had knocked him out of his thoughts and he quickly shrugged on the rest of his clothes, straightening his tie in the mirror and plastering on a small smile as he headed downstairs and into the kitchen.
"Apologies.. the cufflinks failed in succession to cooperate at first." You had eyed him suspiciously, knowing that Mycroft had worn enough suits in his lifetime that he could probably find a way to put one on to completion in 5 minutes in the dark with oven mitts on.
"I know I've been so against the suits, but I have to admit that you look incredible.. I think that one's my new favourite." You commented casually, placing a quick kiss to his temple as he sat at the table. "That colour is lovely." He quirked a brow.
"New favourite? You've had old ones?"
"Obviously." Imitating Sherlock. "Charcoal pinstripe with that light blue shirt- brings your eyes out wonderfully... and your bum." You winked, positively enjoying the pink that dusted the man's cheeks, and the way he would open his mouth to speak and then close it before any words came out. In his defence, he was really not used to receiving such compliments. And in your defence, you weren't particularly used to giving them, not like that anyway. You'd blame Greg, he was a terrible influence and an incredible flirt- using his charm to at the very least try and make you laugh when you had shitty days.
You lay his plate in front of him, a coffee to its side, before beginning to tuck into your own meal. You had learned early on that if you didn't wait until Mycroft was able to eat then he likely wouldn't eat at all. While drinking his coffee fairly happily, you hadn't missed that the vast majority of Mycroft's breakfast was still on the plate, cut in smaller pieces and rearranged to appear as though he had eaten more than he truly had. Frowning, you didn't press- knowing better than to point out his behaviour and just being thankful he had eaten anything at all (about a third of the omelette and half a slice of toast if your judgements were correct) but had elected to keep an eye on him. You finished your own food in silence before crossing the cutlery over on your plate and beginning to speak.
"I figured if we left now we could have a bit of time for you to go through the first set of paperwork, Greg should be getting there in the next 10 minutes or so, and then by the time we finish and have a cup of tea it'll be time to go out." You suggested, taking Mycroft's plate to clear away after he had sent a nod to show he was finished. He made a small groan at the need to go at all, but soon acquiesced, sent a text for a car and stood to go to the front door. Tugging on a hoodie, you opened the door and took a step back, the wind shooting in your face and making you scowl. Mycroft made an amused sound and offered you the scarf of his that you had worn last night. Rather than taking the garment, you stood and waited for him to wrap it the same expert way that he had the night before. "I also text Greg to run by my flat and grab my coat so I'll be able to stop stealing your expensive scarves soon.. though this one feels so lovely I may text him again to leave it on the tube." You laughed, stepping back outside once again and walking with Mycroft to the end of the road where a car was waiting. Mycroft had wanted to respond, to make a comment about how he didn't mind letting you wear his things, how he actually quite liked it. But he stayed silent, offering a small smile instead and a soft hand at the small of your back. Mycroft opened the door for you, climbing in after and settling against the plush seats of the lavish car.
As the car began to move you tensed a little, a thought popping into your head.
"Myc.. does Sherlock know yet? About us? I might have hinted at it a little when I spoke to Lestrade earlier but I didn't press.. I just.. I didn't know if you were telling people." You asked awkwardly. Christ it made it sound like you were in some forbidden relationship. Mycroft's jaw clenched a little.
"I wasn't aware it was secret knowledge, if that's what you are asking Y/N. In response to your question, no. I haven't spoken to Sherlock at all since.." He trailed. "And I am not the sort of man to walk into a room and actively announce that kind of thing. But you should know that he will likely deduce it the moment we walk through the door being as you are wearing my clothing, your hair smells like my shampoo and your skin still has traces of the scent of my soap. So if you didn't want anybody to know, then I strongly suggest we rearrange our plans for this afternoon." Who was he kidding? Of course you didn't want people to know that you were actually together now- you would look ridiculous being such a pretty young woman with a man like Mycroft in tow. You opened your mouth to speak but he cut you off. "If you are going to say you could argue the soaps then it would simply be futile, he knows I have your regular brand at your disposal; he'd know you used mine in the form of... sentiment." The last word felt wrong on his tongue now, knowing you had hoped to keep your.. relationship.. behind closed doors. Mycroft Holmes was a very private man, but he'd be lying if he said he didn't want knowledge of your relationship to be at least semi-public, having felt a little giddy when you'd chosen to cross that line with him.
"What? No, I wasn't going to talk about the sodding shampoo." You grinned, reaching a hand over to place on his knee. "Jesus Myc, I asked because I didn't know if YOU were comfortable with people knowing. I'm pretty sure everyone inside that flat knew I fancied you the last few years, I'd proudly walk in and show that my pining eventually paid off. I just know you have appearances to keep up and I didn't want to ruin that, or embarrass you in front of Sherlock." For what seemed like the millionth time in the last few days, your words surprised Mycroft. He felt his jaw loosen and he took a breath, moving only to briefly place his hand over yours for a small squeeze and moving back again. You didn't expect him to say much, he was Mycroft Holmes, not Romeo Montague, but the small smile you sent back his way let him know that you understood his thoughts. The drive to Baker Street was only 10 or so minutes from Mycroft's home so you soon arrived in no time at all, the slick black car smoothly pulling up outside number 221.
"I can only hope my dear brother deduces our relationship correctly and doesn't make a vast attempt to embarrass me in front of his peers.. again." Mycroft knocked on the door, his words casting you back to a Christmas you had all shared a couple years ago.
It was a small gathering, consisting of the pair of you, the Baker Street boys, Greg and Mrs Hudson, and a few weeks beforehand, after multiple arguments of whether or not presents should be shared, Mrs Hudson had come up with the wonderful (terrible) idea of secret Santa which, incase you wasn't aware, isn't a fun game when played with two Holmes' that knew everybody's present and Secret Santa before the packages were opened. You had pulled Mrs Hudson and couldn't have been more thrilled, neither could she when she opened her new tea set- a simple floral design decorated its sides, but she was thankful no matter the pattern, the last teapot having been found at the hands of Sherlock housing human eyes. Conveniently enough, Mycroft had pulled your name and elected to subtly buy you a personalised travel mug for work. After you had opened it, Sherlock had scoffed, muttering something along the lines of "Mycroft isn't that shit at buying presents. He bought you a necklace at first but felt too embarrassed to give it to you in such a public setting and panic bought that cup." Continuing on about how Mycroft had put a lot of thought into your original gift and how it was unusual and how it "obviously" meant he favoured you and was attracted to you. Mycroft had left shortly after that, not making eye contact with any of the silent people in the room and climbed into the back of his car, but you had followed suit and clambered in after him- easing the tension by ignoring Sherlock's allegations and giving him the envelope that you had in your pocket. You had told him you had bought him something special anyway, even though he wasn't who you were supposed to buy for, because you cared for and appreciated him- he had opened the envelope slowly and his eyes widened, that rare smile appearing on his face when he was presented with the Richard II tickets. After your exchange Mycroft had given you the necklace anyway, spouting derogatives about his brother's deductions as he did so. It was a small silver chain necklace with a sparkling silver pendant that, upon closer inspection, you had noticed was a police badge.
You smiled fondly at the memory and instinctively placed your hand above your sternum, feeling the small piece of metal beneath your clothing that you hadn't taken off in two years. You turned to face the man beside you a little more, placing a hand on his shoulder and reaching up on your tiptoes to place a lingering kiss on his lips, moving back only when you heard the latch unlock in front of you, and noticing the ever so slight pink tinge to Mycroft's bottom lip from the lip balm you had put on earlier. "That should make it easier to get it right." You commented, fighting the small grin from your face as you noticed Mycroft standing in the same way, lips parted slightly from where your own had been moments ago, a matching pink dusting his cheekbones. The door opened revealing a smug looking Sherlock.
"Be careful Mycroft, you'll catch flies like that if you aren't cautious enough."
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thurisazsalail · 4 years
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So... yeah. It’s been a fun ride since January. $3k on a new transmission, ONE MONTH before the fuel line of my old car has a major issue... so I had to buy an entirely new car. Can you just return a $3k transmission? No. No you cannot. So I had to drop $4-5k we didn’t have on a new car (I lied to raise credit limits). THEN we had to move months ahead of schedule because our apartment was fucking illegal, which we knew but we couldn’t afford to leave. SO CUE $2K ALONE in moving deposits and the truck and all that, almost $4k in all because I had to pay professional cleaning services for the old apartment OR my landlord could get me for TWO MONTHS RENT for breaking an illegal lease in Florida... I mean, I could try to fight it in court, but this is a Republican pro-landlord place, so that could take years even IF I win, so just pay the money and go yeah? Fuck Florida. Then Seraph died last week. Hundreds of dollars later for those vet bills. Seraph was our tortie-Siamese, and we knew it would happen sooner or later. We treated her for thyroid problems for a year, but she developed kidney failure anyways, like old cats do. She was 16. 
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I took Alex to the vet on Thursday, since now that we aren’t paying for Seraphs’ meds, maybe we could see what’s wrong with his leg. Abnormal x-ray in late 2019, but the 501c3 vet couldn’t do the kind of followup he needed, so I had to pay a specialist vet $700 (also on credit...) Bone cancer. Fucking bone cancer. He’s from a series of neglectful, abusive homes. Oh, and also he has a series of old spine fractures. Someone hurt this cat. He’s always waddled like an armadillo since we got him, but we figured arthritis since he was already considered ‘senior’. Nope, injuries and then bone cancer. So how in the fuck. I don’t even know. Palliative care is looking like the best option. The other ones involve invasive, dangerous biopsies and amputation, and with spinal damage already, and he’s around 10-ish now, he won’t adapt to losing a leg. I cannot even.
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All in all, I’m still considering us very lucky. We were able to find a place to move to at all. It was way more expensive than we can really afford, but it’s a roof over our heads, and it’s about the same price our landlord was raising our rent to at the end of the lease anyways. We could be stuck there paying, or be here paying. Seraph got to spend her last days in great comfort here, where she was miserable there. We’ve been able to help friends and strangers, despite everything. But fuck. Realistically, financially, this year has Absolutely Positively Sucked. And I can’t even get ‘regular’ work because of being disabled and I *still* don’t have SSI... because the office fucked up my paperwork and then just... ???? didn’t...??? reopen the case???? until my lawyer and I called for six months about it???? and now I have to re-file a bunch of stuff that takes me days to do?????? fml forreal. In the meantime, I’m trying to stay positive. I’m listing what I can to the online shop. That means kimono, fabric, yarn, beads, scrapbooking supplies, my handwriting services, vintage jewellery, crystals, and so much more. I’m trying to keep a schedule of at least 10 new items a week!
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Clearance has dropped to 40% off. You can get a discount on the rest of the shop with code FCKCANCER which is 20% off except Clearance/sale items, herbs, and mystery lots, which are almost sold out at this point. I try to update inventory every other day, based on what’s in the mystery lots vs. “regular inventory”. FCKCANCER because my friend’s constant pain?? hahahah yeah it’s cancer. She needs at least three surgeries. Will health insurance cover them? Suuureeee.... except for like, $5k deductible ON JUST ONE SURGERY. Not including meds and aftercare and lost wages during recovery. hahahaha yeah, banner year for our little group. But we’re gonna make that cash. Before her insurance runs out with her job. Or something worse happens with the diagnosis. PerthroSupplies.etsy.com   <—– Follow me! Keep checking back for different sales!
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maryellencarter · 4 years
So for about ten days now I've been playing around with the budgeting app Mint (along with a Google Sheets yearly budget template and a lot of manual work with a calculator, a calendar, and a succession of blank Google Docs because that's just the kind of person I am), and so obviously I have some Thoughts.
* I picked Mint because it's the budgeting app all the financial reviewers talk about, because it's run by Intuit who also own TurboTax so I knew their security and interface would be good, and because it does not come with built-in shaming over any of your ~unnecessary~ purchases.
* Mint is a free app which makes its money by offering you sponsored ads for financial products it thinks you might like, and getting paid by the advertisers when you accept one of the ads. The most intrusive location for these ads is on your dashboard, feed, whatever you want to call it, where the ad tile is required to be the third tile down and cannot be shuffled to the bottom or turned off.
* (There is also a desktop browser version, Mint.com. I have poked it very slightly but couldn't get it to do anything useful. More on that later. I don't remember noticing how the ads are arranged there.)
* The app's general design is very sleek and intuitive, what I'd expect from the parent company of QuickBooks and TurboTax. Other than the intrusive ad tile, it lets you rearrange everything however you want.
* Mint is designed around importing transactions from your bank account for you to do budgetary stuff at, so obviously security is really important, which gives Intuit an edge up on the competition because I'm already used to trusting them with my tax returns. It only seems to sync new transactions during banking hours, which for someone like me who does most of their shopping on Sunday is kind of frustrating. It also won't let you edit or recategorize a transaction till it's finished "processing" a day or two down the line. I don't know if these pitfalls are common to all budget apps but it would probably make sense if they are.
* One thing Mint does that's incredibly handy for me is it lets you put all your recurring bills in one place and even sync them with your phone calendar. I actually had to turn off the phone calendar sync because it was alerting me constantly on the day before payday when I couldn't do anything about the bill that was due on payday, but if you can find the setting to change the alert frequency it might be useful. And having a nice chronological list of what the fuck is due when, is extremely helpful to my brain, because previously I was trying to remember everything in my head and I kept losing bills.
* Going down my tiles as I have them sorted in the app, I don't have much to say about that list of transactions itself, except that you can recategorize them and split them into different categories -- which is handy if the rent included $105 late fees which you don't want befuckening your future averages, or if you bought groceries and also a barbecue lighter at Walmart, to take two recent examples.
* You cannot, unfortunately, rename or edit categories. On desktop only, you can supposedly add categories, but you cannot then use those categories in any of Mint's other functions, which really defeats the purpose. And their ideas of what categories you might need are pretty... idiosyncratic, not to say WASPy, so e.g. I'm currently categorizing Patreon income under "Reimbursement" because the other options were things like "Investment Income" and "Returned Purchase". And transfers to my savings account can either be "Credit Card Payment" or "Transfer for Cash Spending".
* (I suppose I could put my savings under "Investment: Deposit" or something similarly grandiose, but that seems like... a lot for the 31 cents rounded up from getting a pizza at Little Caesars.)
* Anyways. So then, after the obligatory ad tile, comes a nice colorful pie chart of my spending for the month, which I can open up and tab through to look at all the categories. I saw one finance blogger saying you should use the Miscellaneous category for some things rather than getting too granular, but I like seeing the little individual entries for my haircut and my cloth mask and my pharmacy copay. (That last one's going to be a more substantial pie slice now that I can actually afford to start taking most of my meds again. Turns out my prescription for diabetic test strips expired, though, so I have to get ahold of my doctor and get a new one sent over, and I'm looking skeptically at the copays. :P I've been ignoring my diabetes since January, it can wait a little longer till I'm financially caught up from COVID.)
* I can see list-style breakdowns by category and merchant, too. This is one of the few places in the mobile app that my income shows up, other than the actual paycheck transactions. The desktop version has some more places to budget projected income, but the handling is clunky as hell.
* Next up is the tile where I've been spending a lot of my time, Budgets. This is your basic "envelope method" where you create, say, a budget for haircuts and another one for groceries. Each budget has to be for one of Mint's pre-created categories, and when you have a spending transaction in that category, it puts the expense against that Budget. The desktop version has you also creating a line item for expected income in Budgets, and then becoming stroppy when you attempt to adjust parts in the wrong order, so I prefer the app which simply tells you e.g. that you have spent $900 of an allocated $1000 with an airy unconcern for whether the $1000 has arrived in your bank account yet.
* My single biggest frustration with Mint is that you cannot create Budgets based on user-created categories, nor can you delete, rename, or even collapse categories in the list. So if I go to create a new Budget for, say, "Housewares" to account for the $1 barbecue lighter I finally bought (I have large hands and a tall jar candle that has burned down farther than I can reach, okay, it was a necessity), then I'm stuck scrolling all the way up and down past "Investment: Capital Gains" and "Kids: Child Support" before finally settling on "Home Supplies" because it doesn't really seem like a "Home Furnishings".
* After Budgets comes Accounts, which just shows me my current net worth across all my accounts. I actually unlinked my savings account because it was confusing the hell out of me to see a 31-cent transfer out of checking paired with the same 31-cent transfer into savings, so this doesn't show me anything I can't get through my bank app, but if I had current credit card debt or non-retirement investment accounts it might be more useful.
* (I have not linked my 401(k) to Mint. I haven't even figured out how to get into my 401(k), either before or after it transferred to a different handler a couple months back. I feel like those are problems for a later time than "okay how much groceries can I buy and still pay the rent".)
* On the desktop version of Mint, you can also put things like your car in under your net worth as Property. I tried that, found that I both did not believe their Kelly Blue Book valuation at all (it didn't have any option to take into account "was totaled two years ago and looks it but still mostly runs") and that I find it extremely stressful to have non-liquid property listed as part of my net worth. Interesting to know. You learn all sorts of shit about yourself when you try to manage money.
* Next there's a tile that attempts to break down my "cash flow" by month. It doesn't seem to have noticed the Paypal transfers on which I was largely subsisting for the three months it was able to pull from my bank account, even though they show up fine in Transactions, so it's deeply confused about whether my cash flow is Healthy or Unhealthy. For now, with my acquisition of a second paycheck for August, it seems to have settled on Healthy. I might turn that tile off though. It doesn't really... offer much, I guess?
* I have turned off the tile that shows me my free credit score. That's a problem for a much later me. Right now I have more urgent problems, like catching up on my deferred car insurance and my deferred cell phone bill and my deferred healthcare deductions.
* You also can't turn off the tile for the Mint "Life Blog" or the one asking you to rate the app, but at least they sit at the bottom of the app as you scroll down.
* The desktop version also has an entire segment not found in the app, for "Goals", where you can supposedly put in your outstanding debts and figure out payment schedules for them. It sounds really good in principle, but I found that section of the site unworkably glitchy, on both laptop and iPad; I couldn't even get past the screen where you try to first enter one of your debts, as it required me to choose answers from two dropdowns neither of which would actually do anything. I was able to get an estimate from the "saving for a rainy day" goal, anyway, by putting in the amount of a debt and telling it I'd like to save up that much money in a year, but that's nothing I couldn't have done with a calculator and a bit of mental effort.
* Jumping back up to the top of the app, one other thing that does intermittently drive me bananas about the app is, when you put in a bill you get a dropdown where you select how often it should recur, but then it... doesn't recur. You have to manually put in the next occurrence. It's still a handy list of upcoming bills, but I actually had to resort to my phone calendar (which properly handles recurring events) to get a good visual on future months' bills.
* And because there is nowhere to put in your projected income and get a nice projection of "On X date you will have $XX in your bank account", or even better a daily graph of your expected cash flow so that you can see "yeah don't put that $300 in savings you'll need it for rent in two weeks", I've been reduced to, as mentioned above, manual daily projections through the end of the year using my phone calculator, phone calendar, Google Docs, and eventually my damn iPad drawing app (came with a Bluetooth stylus I never got working) because I couldn't find any physical graph paper.
* So. Um. Summary. I guess it's a good app? It's very sleek, it has nice charts and graphs and a good interface. But it thinks you can do a lot more with it than you can actually do. Its main uses for me are probably going to boil down to "stop forgetting bills" (the rolling list format works a lot better for my brain than the phone calendar format, even if I do have to re-enter data every time I mark a bill paid) and "finally figure out how much I spend on food really".
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Uchitama 7 - 8 | Eizouken 8 - 9 | ID: INVADED 8 - 11 | Iruma-kun 22 - 23 (FINAL) | BnHA 82 - 83
Uchitama 7
Lemme guess…this is the ve-Yep.
The name of this segment is Ottamake. The ke means fur/hair, but it does seem like it’s referring to Tama otherwise.
For some reason, Bull’s really into cats…
LOL, you can see the cat food right there is a real brand. I dunno how they got away with that.
Hmm, this show has something to say about idol business…and it does it better than some of the human idol shows! That says something.
It even comments on the “graduation” system. Whaddaya know.
Welp, I never thought an anime could pull off this with a commentary on gender presentation, to boot. (It’s not as pervasive as Stars Align’s, but it’s still one of the better ones. I guess I shouldn’t expect it as a norm though.) I thought Kai was a dude though and so Bull’s interactions came off to me as massively gay. I’ve been thinking, maybe he’s pan? Can dogs be pansexual???
Why do I get the feeling Kai is going to be introduced into 3-chome? Update: Doesn’t happen.
This song sounds very idol-like.
Uchitama 8
Aww…I feel like we’re going to learn Nora’s backstory soon. I think it’s going to be real sad.
…Yup, there goes my kokoro. Smol Nora is cute~!
Genki can mean “healthy” as well as “energetic” – the latter is why it’s translated as “spunky”.
Why do I get the feeling Nora’s owner died…?
Oh, smol Nora has a bandaid on his leg.
Let me ask the essential furry question – they hav human ears and animal ears. Which of those sets of ears do they hear with?
Yuuki Kaji does a good job as Nora.
This song’s so sad, it almost got me crying…  
Eizouken 8
This anime is like something from Studio Trigger!
The magic of Eizouken is that you get sucked into the anime they make and never look back.
Tomodachi vs. nakama, I think it is.
Id: Invaded 8
Lately, I’ve been thinking about practical cosplay (everyday wear that also doubles as a cosplay outfit). So basically, I’ve been thinking about Sakaido and El-Melloi II’s outfits a lot, since they’re rather practical while still looking cool. All I’m missing for El-Melloi’s outfit with the red jacket is a black button-up shirt, for El-Melloi’s outfit with the black jacket I’m missing a red scarf and I’m missing a brown button-up shirt for Sakaido’s (although the yellow scarf I got today to get one step closer to two of those isn’t the right mustard colour, it’s more of a lighter yellow).
Also, I noticed it’s (according to the katakana) meant to be “Id: Invaded”, but heck, it’s been ID: Invaded for so long for me, I don’t care either way.
Kiki was born in Fukui.
I always thought Mister Fixer sounded sad and now I think I know why…the bit I remember the most (the line that goes “Mister Fixer” and the bit around it) sounds like the singer is lamenting their life. Now that I see the visuals again after a few weeks (I’d get fatigued if I watched all that Fate/ and still managed to keep up with simulcasts, so I’ve been taking the simulcasts in a few eps at one time), Mister Fixer does quite sound like a crime drama song, but not as much as Thought I Knew (from Stand My Heroes).
I’ve seen images of Anaido and Sakaido in the same well for a few weeks now, so this cooperation bit is no surprise at all.
I believe Fukuda is asking why Narihisago is a –san to her even though they’ve worked together a while.
The words “data profile” are in one corner of the titlecard.
Does Anaido remember who he is in the ID Well? I presume not, but it’s hard to tell since we haven’t had as much time with him as we have Sakaido (not to mention I’ve been regularly filling my head with Fate/ and other things as well lately…so it’s hard to remember).
It’s interesting. Fukuda has the same piercings as Anaido (and even a ring on one pointer finger that matches them!), so he must’ve tried experimenting with…more legal holes, to put it one way…before getting his most iconic one.
Kaeru’s nails are chipped. Hmm.
In #Brake-Broken, which I read the first chapter of earlier (there’s a sample on the Young Ace website), Sakaido notices he doesn’t have a phone with him to call anyone or a licence (because in that manga, he wakes up in a car). It’s likely this will work the same way and Anaido won’t have any possessions on him, aside from the clothes on his back, accessories and the item that was stolen from his wrist/s.
Rings on both fingers…so I should be talking about them in plural. Update: I like how Anaido’s off-the-wall thought processes break up the inherent seriousness of Sakaido’s deductions and utilitarian way of doing things.
Anaido, you grimdark f***er. Update: For trying to eat a dead girl.
Okay, so for the sake of my practical cosplay, I knew I’d need this episode. Sakaido wears a long-sleeve brown shirt with some kind of shirt under that (either brown or black), plus a mustard-coloured scarf. (Note El-Melloi II wears a black shirt under his black button-up shirt, so I went with black as well.) In Brake Broken, I also noticed he wears dark socks (or that could be the leggings) and runners with a lightning bolt on them (I had to make do with generic black runners with a white stripe on the bottom), plus the iconic brown shorts over those (with a triangle pattern)…Why does Sakaido have a scarf anyway, versus Anaido and Miyo who don’t? As much as I like scarves, especially where colder weather is involved, getting a specific colour scarf was a bit of a headache to be honest, since I took 3 trips before deciding on the one I was going to buy (and even then, someone got it before me! The scarf I have now was my 2nd choice). Update: The shorts, leggings and undershirt are black, but I don’t know if Sakaido is wearing any socks or if they’re black too.
Just to note what Anaido has as well (although a coat like that, with the red detailing and flaps, would be hard to find…), he has a blue coat, suspenders, a white button-up top, a string tie (had to google what that was called, although its name is pretty obvious now that I know), black pants (which kinda look like leggings, but they’re not) and leather boots.
Now Sakaido can go into the loony bin…he’s talking to Kaeru.
Is Anaido going in circles? Sakaido caught up real fast…
Um, hey, protip: When stuck in quicksand, try to “float” on it. If you move, you’ll sink into it more. I don’t know how I know that, but I did stick it into my mind for times like this.
Notably, Anaido is about a head taller than Sakaido. Either Sakaido is unnaturally short and Anaido is average…or Anaido is just tall in that way some men are.
Did the bird get to this dude…?
There appears to be a man with a bun facing Hondomachi in the ED, although you can’t tell who it is from silhouette alone…Maybe he hasn’t appeared in the show yet. (Can’t be Matsuoka though. Might be the old guy who’s the head of Kura, actually.)
Update: Is the dead guy Momoki…?
Id: Invaded 9
It’s the familiar ceiling scene from Evangelion! (Okay, I’m kidding, but it’s a similar deal.)
I think the rules of Fate/ are “do it all, until you can no longer do it” (i.e. Everything is the same, until it’s different). It seems it’s the same here too.
Huh? Momoki?
“It doesn’t seem friendly.” – Yeah, and people die whe they are killed…in murder mysteries like this, usually speaking.
I noticed Narihisago’s tie is the same colour as his Sakaido jacket, if not the shirt under that.
Where did the Challenger’s clothes go after he took them off??? Hyperspace??? He wasn’t shown tossing them.
So Kaeru was Asukai all along, huh?
“Look at this.”
“It makes me think about him.” Subbers, that’s two mistakes in less than 1 minute…
I saw a fanart where Narihisago had his arm broken. I didn’t know why, but now I do. Also, TV Tropes is bad if you want to avoid spoilers…I know that already, but I go there anyway sometimes...
“It makes me wanna puke.”
Iruma-kun 22
The anime’s final episode is next week…but there’s already a season 2 in store for next year, so hopefully I survive the coronavirus and sort out all my issues this year in time for it.
Dat OP though. I’ve grown used to it and it’s actually endeared itself to me…which is odd, since I didn’t think I’d like it at first.
Demdol = akudol. Obviously, from “demon”.
Was that…Clara’s mother???  Kuromu’s older bro doesn’t look too bad, either.
Ohmygosh, this is fabulousssssssssss (and hilarious)! I’ve been waiting for this moment for many episodes, as you can tell if you’ve been following along, and I finally got the payoff!
Clara ends her sentence with –akuma (devil), hence the translation is matching it the same way.
Oh my gosh, Ryouhei Kimura (Azz-kun) sucks at being feminine, but that’s exactly what the role requires for this!
If you just pretend Azz-kun isn’t dressed in such an outlandish outfit, he looks really good…! Ayumu Murase does a pretty good falsetto, although you can tell there’s one point where Kimura’s voice gets really manly-sounding for a lady.
“Little imp” – Koakuma.  
Oh! The Keroli family is all cute.
Ooh, Kuromu’s nails are blue. Never noticed that before.
Eizouken 9
Chojugiga are ancient pictures normally depicting animals. As for sepak takraw…
I wonder if Eizouken will tackle the Manabi Line one day…?
That’s a parallel for Comiket, LOL.
“A colossus that no one can see!” – Gridman, is that you?
When did Kanamori meet Asakusa again…?
Kanamori with a bun is cool.
“There is nothing fun about social media!” – Well, social media is fun for me because it’s where I escape reality, but sometimes you gotta be like Kanamori and use it for publicity’s sake.
LOL, the username for the Eizouken is @eizoukenn.
I just realised Mizusaki’s hairstyle is irregular…it’s much longer on on side than the other.
“Mizusaki bump” – I think this references the Colbert bump. (TV Tropes link)
Kanamori – she with the word “gold”…or “money”…in her name – struggles with maths? Wow, that was something to hear. (I guess it’s kinda like me and IT (cybersecurity) – I suck at it because I suck at modulos…or division in short…and even though I can be found on my computer a lot, that’s why I don’t pursue it any longer. I was decent at accounting, but man, I’d be bored out of my brain if you made me do business IT and I have zero skills in games and multimedia.)
“Was it thuggery?” – What’s thuggery? That word sounds funny.
Did you see how Asakusa fell off the tank?
I did CR’s Eizouken quiz sometime in the past and it gave me Asakusa. That’s true, basically. I like thinking up ideas and how cool they are, but because I can’t stop from elaborating on them, they get out of hand and that’s why I have a tonne of dropped projects. (Then again, with how freely I can imagine motion, I could’ve gotten Mizusaki too.) Update: Tried again and I actually did get Mizusaki…whaddaya know.
Id: Invaded 10
People have been comparing this to Minority Report…now I see why.
I almost feel like this is a discussion of euthanasia and suicide as much as it is memory and the consciousness.
Ohh…she remembers! Hondomachi!
You can’t see Muku’s face! Ohh, scary!
Aww, the music really sold this montage. By the way, that sign didn’t say “entrance ceremony”, it said nyuugaku omedetou, “Congratulations on your entry [into school]”.
It…this singer almost sounds like Bruno Mars, but that would be basically impossible, no?
Oh my gosh…when the song swelled, I absolutely cried. That’s rare, man – that’s rare.
BnHA 82
I think the leftmost figure might be Miruko, the rabbit lady. I’ve never read anything about her outside of wiki pages ad other small spoilers, but I roughly know what she looks like.
What does Gentle mean by “Anglaise”? Surely it wouldn’t refer to cream…(crème anglaise)
LOL, Disneyland parades…
Whew…that was dangerous. I almost agreed with Mineta there (to get the festival over and done with).
I swear Midoriya gets together with All Might, just like this, at the end or start of a climactic arc. He did it in the last season of BnHA, remember?
BnHA 83
Hmm…It’s interesting that the author likes to point out who has and hasn’t met Eri. Then again, it’s good for consistency.
LOL, Amajiki my boy…you’re so relatable.
Hmm…amidst the coronavirus concerns…this cancellation business seems quite timely.
Oh! It’s a drone.
For some reason, I thought Sero was drinking vegetable juice…? Eh, no matter. They have vegetable juice in Japan – I remember seeing some on my trip.
Hmm? Gentle is like a phantom thief, I just realised. Mostly harmless, but bound to cause a big stir if he gets his way.
What is Gentle’s Quirk, anyway…?
Work Son…LOL(…?)
Who bets their moustache on this stuff, anyway…? (LOL)
Iruma 23 (FINAL)
I don’t get to see Iruma become evil this season…but he will next season! That visual I’ve been seeing by the original mangaka confirms it!
Marathon - the demon puns are back.
Demonicon =Oricon chart.
Demon Star Platinum…was that…a Jojo’s reference?! *scare chord*
Oh! Maguro (tuna).
Azz-kun being afraid of fish? That’s news to me.
Okay, subbers. Whose idea was it to translate Iruma’s words as “My feels…”…?
There’s a post-credits segment. Keep watching.
Yay! Evil Iruma-kun!...In spring 2021. (I’ve never once been so excited for a character to turn evil than this! I also like how evil Iruma said it’s the “buttcrack” of dawn…but that’s just my immature side showing.)
Id: Invaded 11
“…being taken for a ride!” – Well, you’re in a car, so you’re getting a ride nonetheless. (LOL) I hadn’t heard of the term “being taken for a ride” until…what? 2016, I think? When I was still doing language anaylsis.
Sakaido used Headbutt! It’s…kind of effective? (Writing up these pseudo-Pokémon battles is fun. I should write more.)
“…put a drill to your head…”
“The victims of John Walker’s serial killers…”
I noticed Hondomachi is touching the side of her head which had the hole in it…if I remembered it right.
Is it “the Kura”? Or just Kura?
August 15th is a popular date for anime, huh? It’s in the middle of summer. (Refers to Kagerou Project.)
That ‘who knew you needed to lose something to be complete’ thing…I think I get it, but for some reason I only ever seem to get that feeling when it’s me trying to read asexuality into things (since that’s how I learnt to interpret asexuality), so…yeah, way to go, me.
Wait…Togo visited Momoki’s bedroom?!
Yep, so I was right about that being the side with Hondomachi’s hole.
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abybweisse · 5 years
LONG VENT POST: Family issues, part 1 of ?
So, a bit ago I said I’m not as active right now, due to family issues. I didn’t want to fill the thread of that post with all the long, sordid details.
Right now I’m trying to get my mother into an “assisted living and memory care” community (nursing home, basically) and doing everything I can to stop her credit union accounts from hemorrhaging from all her incompetence (she’s been scammed a bunch and generally taken advantage of).
Yesterday’s biggest takeaway was the discovery of numerous scams she fell for over the past few years... plus three months worth of fraudulent Uber and Uber Eats charges... and the fact that she pays about $550/mo on car insurance but the last couple times (at least, maybe more) she got collision repairs done? She didn’t file claims and pay a $500 deductible. No, she paid in full, out of pocket. Out $7k instead of $1k for two repairs in just a few months’ time. How can you pay huge insurance premiums and never notify them when you need collision repairs?!
Found out just recently that about a couple years ago, someone scammed her for an easy $5k. Found out she never deposits the full amount on car payments I send her. She never makes full deposits on the rent a tenant pays her. Instead, she cashes much of them out, and I have no idea what she does with the cash.
She buys stuff in bulk but cannot use most of it before it goes bad, but she refuses to toss out expired foods. Her hoarding tendencies have gotten worse. Even though she tells my sister and I not to send her gifts that would add to the clutter in the house, I found out yesterday she’s been dropping $200-$300 on random stuff from places like TJ Maxx and Tuesday Morning just because they made her “happy”. She hasn’t even unpackaged the hanging glass butterflies or other things. I told her she can take them to the “home”....
She’s wrecked two brand new Priuses (about $30k each, each paid up front/in full with inheritance money from my dad, who died five years ago) within about two years’ time. The first was “totaled”, but I have yet to verify whether she ever opened a claim to get money for it. This one hasn’t been officially declared totaled or repairable. I had to file the claim on it on her behalf. For all I know, the $550/mo premium might be on both cars. I’ll know for sure soon. If she’s been paying insurance on a car that was “totaled” two years ago instead of getting market value of about $22k, I will definitely break down and cry. For at least the 50th time in the past few days. Seriously, if she just found out the previous one couldn’t be fixed and walked away from it without filing a claim and getting the huge payout... and is therefore also still paying for insurance on it? I’ll probably scream, too.
The latest (and last ever) car wreck was last Wednesday. We’ve been telling her for over a year she shouldn’t be driving. Her doctors have told her the same for at least 6mo. My sister and I were planning to visit her and take away her keys, but the wreck happened before we could even finalize our travel plans.
This time, she was trying to get to dialysis (she goes three days a week), and she couldn’t use Uber anymore, so she was determined to drive herself. Just before 5 am, she was driving down her own residential street and blacked out (apparently) and hit three parked (and unoccupied) vehicles. Police showed up and she got out of her car and told them she needed a ride to dialysis. One of the officers took her. She can’t recall hitting three cars. Told me she hit a curb and one car. Later told someone else she only hit a curb. I don’t know anything about the curb, but probably. However, I definitely believe the police report that three parked cars were hit badly and had to be towed away, too. After the police spoke to her tenant, they said they’d make things easier for us and revoke her license. Phew.
I convinced dialysis staff (actually, they completely agreed without question) to send her to hospital afterwards instead of letting yet another friend take her home. Good thing, too, because before dialysis was even up that morning, she was in a lot of pain; she had told them earlier she didn’t need to be looked at. Well... no broken bones, no major injuries, and her labs were ok except slightly low potassium. However, a brain scan showed something I already knew just by dealing with her: it showed ischemic changes associated with dementia. Monday of that week, I had called her renal doctor to tell him I worried about her mental health and wondered if it had anything to do with the renal failure. He said he didn’t think so; it’s got to be something else causing the mental decline we are seeing. When I told him she’s still driving sometimes, he became furious and said he’d refer her to get a full dementia evaluation. Well, before he could even get the referral to her, she’d wrecked again. He’s seen her now, but I haven’t heard any updates from him. Mom says she hasn’t done the evaluation (that she knows of), and she heard someone at the hospital mention “dementia”, but she doesn’t recall what they said about it. 😔
I didn’t take photos when I finally saw her car, but I’m going back up to Dallas tomorrow and staying in a Motel 6 overnight (with my dog) to take care of as much financial matters for her as I can in these next two days. I’ll get another chance to see the car (to clean out items), so I’ll take pics then. I might not get back to Austin until sometime Wednesday. Not sure about Wednesday yet, but I already requested Monday and Tuesday off from work by email and left a vm with coworkers. I’m about to run out of annual leave because of this. I know I’ll be making many weekend trips coming up until my sister and I have gotten her moved into the nursing facility. And for a while afterwards, too, since we have to clean out the house, put some of her stuff into a storage unit, and sell the house ASAP. Plus, we need to visit often, at least at first, to make sure she’s settled in, isn’t hating it too much, and is being taken care of properly.
It’s a good thing my sister is paying for my hotel charges and has also offered gas money (though I haven’t asked for gas money... yet). This is still way cheaper for her than booking herself flights back and forth between Olympia, WA and Dallas, TX. The more leg work I do on this, the happier my sister is to help with my travel costs. Honestly, she really doesn’t want to come down here until it’s time to move our mom, clean the house, and put it up for sale.
And, since we have so little time to get her affairs in order, we are placing her in the only community my mom and I have toured, so far. I told her if it turns out to not be a good place (at all) once she moves in, we can keep looking at others (while she still lives at that one) and move her again. But, honestly, this place does seem nice enough, and none of these places are perfect. Plus, it’s right next to the hospital where she always goes... the one where her doctors are associates. I joked that if they needed to send her to the hospital, they could put her on a gurney and wheel her down the street. She laughed at that and said the location is perfect.
Sigh. She’s being compliant and has even said thanks for us (her two daughters) stepping up to help her and get things taken care of. We were afraid she would refuse to leave her house of almost 40years. She’s not even batting an eye at us deciding to sell the house to make sure she can afford the rent and services (the suites at the community are rented out like apartments, but with three meals a day and unlimited snacks, weekly cleaning service, weekly laundry service, landline phone, cable, and internet included. We will have to pay more for “memory care” and probably for medical transport they provide (unless that’s included, too), plus whatever else. She might take her cat with her, or she might leave him with a friend of the family. But it’s a one-time, non-refundable fee of $500 if she keeps him. I kind of hope she gives him up, and they just bring him along on visits to her. She would have trouble taking care of him.
She’s never shown me her finances before. We had no idea how bad (completely uncontrolled) her spending was. It was probably bad enough before our dad died, but afterwards, she started going downhill fast. Now she’s in renal failure and requires dialysis three days a week. She’s recently lost an unhealthy amount of weight in a very short time, apparently because she can’t remember to eat and sometimes she’s too disoriented to get up. She can’t cook anymore, and she’s hardly done cleaning chores since she had kids (that’s what us kids were for: housework). So she’s a money-wasting hoarder in a house full of dirty dishes, dirty clothes, clutter everywhere, and $100’s — maybe $1000 worth — of groceries she can’t get through but won’t throw out when they go bad. And she won’t let anyone else touch them while she’s still living there.
I have so much to do the next couple days, I had to write a list of each thing I need to look into and take care of before I return home. I still have some stuff to get ready for the trip, so this is the end of the first vent post.
I hope I get more sleep tonight than I have the past week....
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Lexus NX Cheap Insurance
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kragbrady32-blog · 6 years
Air ride suspension & Insurance?
Hello, I am male, nearly 18. I want to buy a 2004 / 5 Mini cooper for my first car. Insurance at about 1000 - 1500 quoted. When I get it I want to do some visual mods such as new rims, possibly a colour change, window tints. I know I have to notify my insurance company, whomever it may be and it probably wont effect what I'm paying. But I also want to lower the car, so I researched this and came across these air - ride kits that are air suspension that can be lowered and raised all from in your car with buttoms. These arnt hydralacs, there quite slow to adjust. This would be great for me as I live in a town but I have to drive on a lot of moorland roads, so I could raise it on the moors, lower it in the cities and on motorways etc... Would this effect my insurance at all? Its quite an expensive mod but would it change ( increase ) my insurance costs? Cheers, Alex. I suggest that you try this web site where one can get quotes from different companies: http://insure4car.xyz Which insurance carrier could be the cheapest to get an 18-year old? Iv passed my examination, and bought a citreon saxo 1.1, iv been on many evaluation websites along with the finest quote i get is 3500 third party just which is a lot of. Can anybody help me find a better offer Cheers" Are you currently in support of getting rid of medical insurance if you have preexisting situations? Are you currently in favor of eliminating health insurance for those who have pre-existing conditions? "Just how much per month may be the regular homeowners insurance payment over a 100,000 residence? Cheers a Marine but automobile insurance as well as 20 firmis need to charge me 500$ a month??? HELP? I simply got my certificate two months back I'm while in the marines and registered after I was 17 and in florida it cost 350$ to truly get your certificate before you are 18 and that I couldn't afford it. I'm a guy that is very busy and it took time before i could obtain it. Every two weeks i make 600 and i am planning to obtain a vehicle i am stationed at camp lejeune NC. For that vehicle loan i will be spending about 350 to 400 monthly. Its not that I'm paying interest to the mortgage for 11 for devoid of any credit that bad. However the insurance companies need to impose me everywhere from 450 to 700 per month i have simply checked out a couple of companies but it takes forever to fill in the knowledge and some of them do not read my target because i am on a military platform so i need to call them-and you all no how that goes. Thus my problem is what is a companie that will not be superior. I've to get full-coverage because of the mortgage. please simply considerable answerer's and from personal experience. I'm an, sorry basically wrote things wrong I'm not in a reputation faculty. But assume you for the aid a fantastic evening, and have." "Does anyone understand of getting your newborn stay, the typical daily charge?" I know many people have insurance that helps cover a particular %, but what sum may be the genuine cost the clinic expenses the insurance carrier along with the patient pay?" How come motor insurance therefore pricey for an 18 year old? I was looking at estimates and so they all range from 1000-1400 simply for half a year over a Nissan Sentra SR - E spec v. Which insurance may be the cheapest and you also could recommend. Its to get a scholar only for university and work. "WHERE MAY I FIND CHEAP AUTO INSURANCE ON MY FIRST CAR, iM 17?" I DONT WANT TO COVER 8000 I WOULD LIKE CHEAP,, AID:)" I want affordable health insurance. & cheap? Actually im browsing a cheap and affordable for my gf. She's working careers with all the annual income of $ 16,000, but she doesn't get any company gains... She has been sick alot lately and im genuinely worried for her, specially when she is only 20-year old dwelling her step parents. Her stepparents got 2 children of their own so her requirements are completely ignored by them, so it is up to me to accomplish my far better assist her. She's disqualify with medical since her step parents make alots of money. Can someone please supply me about getting affordable health insurence for your low income, some information? Perhaps some link there? Thankyou" Looking for a health insurance? I'm 23 and my spouse is 25, we are in excellent wellness, and therefore are trying to find health insurance. I would like an affordable strategy, but in addition the one which is generally accepted. I understand insurance isn't just affordable, but I really hope you-all can go with what I'm saying. Cheers" Co-Consumer Autoinsurance? All, I assisted ex GF to purchase a car. I thought I had been cosigning for loan but apparantly I'm a co customer of vehicle. The enrollment is her or me. I dont mind being in charge of loan. If she messes up mortgage I'll make funds. She informs me she's vehicle correctly covered etc. What worries if she lets insurance mistake or cause a significant incident could I end up in difficulty me is. Can I guarantee myself against her making insurance mistake or creating major injury/destruction? I actually have no individual automobile insurance (have business automobile). Is there other things I can do to safeguard myself? Im very focused on this. Do I need to be? Terry" Insurance companies that dont enable pit bulls? Does anybody know what insurance companies defianatly won't insure you when you have pit bulls. I am aware some that'll I simply wish to know those that definately wont." "From these vehicles, what type can have the cheapest insurance? Suzuki Forenza 2007 Mazda3 2005 I had hail damage to my car and my insurance carrier did an estimation which can be 100% less than 3 reput I had my car ruined by hail and I have comprehensivr coverage. My insurance carrier had an adjuster do the estimate and his appraisal is 100% less than 3 additional calculated I'd completed (a few of which weer by merchants they work with...CRP). They are telling me it can be taken by me in and they will pay the merchants an extra look for the excess charges. I really don't need to consider it in as a result of my deductible and they are informing me just about the only method i can actually recoup the cash owed to me is to have it set...I buy my plan so when I am aware it, I'm eligible for the settlement of the damage and it is my selection to possess it fixed or not...am I appropriate or inappropriate in my own knowledge????" Is it too simple to get onto disability insurance while in the United States? 8,753,935: Employees on Impairment Collection Another History in September; Exceed Populace of 39 States the amount of individuals acquiring national disability insurance obligations struck still another file in September, improving to 8,753,935 throughout the month from the past document of 8,733,461 emerge August, according to freshly launched data in the Social Security Management. The 8,753,935 employees who got national disability insurance obligations in September realized the 50 states' populace of 39. Colorado only 11 statesCalifornia, Ny, California, Illinois, Philadelphia, Iowa, Mi, Georgia, North Carolina and New Jerseyhad more individuals inside them compared to amount of individuals about the national disability insurance rolls in July." Car-Insurance need advice? I've one car with 24 years no claims and am likely to function as policyholder for my daughters vehicle. Can i set down that i have 24 years no-claims or do i have to begin again (in the feeling set 0 along??)Im very confused by the approach as i haven't needed to do this before, plus it is very difficult for him to afford insurance if we-don't get it done in this manner so if anybody knows of any good cheap insurance firms" Medicare or additional health insurance that is affordable? I live in NY, merely moved below and have to find somewhat inexpensive medical insurance. Up till now was covered by strategies through employers. Is Medicare protection that is reasonable? Can it be very different from others?" Inexpensive auto insurance safe to possess? Iam likely to purchase car insurance along with the premiums Iam finding are very minimal, $72.00 per month (Modern) and $92.00 (Geico). But I had been thinking whether it's secure, and I picked the stateis lowest minimum coverage that was accessible /ok to achieve that? Thanks:)" Sweetheart experienced crash has insurance/SR 22. Whose insurance will soon be responsible? My boyfriend has received an insurance plan having an SR 22 about it for pretty much annually. It finishes in 6 days. He was driving my auto to function and got into a collision that has been his problem. My car has hardly any damage and that I don't believe the other vehicle was severely damaged. My mother has an insurance policy on my vehicle (I live along with her) But because my sweetheart was driving and he has insurance with all the SR 22 doesn't which means that that it will go on his insurance? Isn't that the actual explanation he had to really have the SR22 within the first-place? Cheers. "Do you want proof insurance when receiving certificate in alabama?" I cant have it by tomorrow although i know you will need it. Since they have the info stored within the computers is it okay? i need support!!" How much would insurance cost for my moped? Therefore I'm likely to be 16 shortly and Iam planning to get a 50cc scooter. Could someone tell me what insurance's average-cost could charge please? Cheers "Because she got 9 penalty items our children car insurance has more than doubled. she wishes?" Me get her wear that insurance then to acquire insurance on her vehicle. While she is under my insurance, if she gets points could that influence the insurance on my own cars' price or could provided that she caused a collision produce my insurance increase. I really could get a years insurance on her car for less than the buying price of 1 regular payment she'd have to pay for her own insurance. what you think. She will be disqualified from driving if she gets 3 more points. what i have composed mightn't seem sensible. I wish to learn easily do that on her behalf while being on my insurance could that put up my insurance prices for what or several my vehicles and he or she gets disqualified if a collision is caused by her or wouldn't it just result my insurance. while shes on my insurance. * 41 minutes ago - 3 days left to reply. Additional Facts 40 minutes before we live in the UK. Sorry this really is extended i found it difficult to publish what I used to be really looking to ask. 33 minutes ago i know if she causes an accident while she's on my insurance ot might influence my insurance fees but when she was to acquire disqualified while she's on my insurance could that effect me inurances oin anyhow. She don't be on my insurance anymore if she gets disqualified. 14 minutes previously only 3 of her penalty factors are for rushing. she explained the other 6 things are because there is a mixture up along with her insurance last period and he or she was uninured for 4 nights and was grabbed by the police. She got 6 details for that in court a few months ago. She hadnt visited work to signal for this so she got captured for that although she said she that she had called them and approved the coverage they assumed it would continue quickly and sent her to restore it. She was merely uninsured for 4 nights as a result of her mistake that time. Sorry if you answerd this-but i put it on US bing responses by way of a mistake plus it didnt appear in UK google answers and so I desired solutions from people that knows about motor insurance in the united kingdom" Do you have medical health insurance? Just how much is it per month in that case? how old are you? What type of deducatbale have you got? Feel free should you choose not have insurance, to reply additionally? Furthermore, do you assist obamacare?" What's insurance expense? A review of the ledger of Khan Company at December 31, 2006, provides the following data regarding the planning of yearly adjusting entries. 1. Prepaid Insurance 800, $9. The organization has individual plans on its structures and its particular automobiles. Coverage B4564 to the building was obtained on July 1, 2005, for $ 6. The plan has an expression of 36 months. Coverage A2958 about the cars was purchased for $ 4. This plan features a phrase of a couple of years." What motor insurance coverage is actually essential? And just how much of each do you really require? Where may I acquire medical health insurance? Iam possess a low-income and Iam buying correct insurance policy. Thus my boss won't get an insurance for me personally, I are a component time career. Please if everyone knows any...show more" Air ride suspension & Insurance? Hello, I am male, nearly 18. I want to buy a 2004 / 5 Mini cooper for my first car. Insurance at about 1000 - 1500 quoted. When I get it I want to do some visual mods such as new rims, possibly a colour change, window tints. I know I have to notify my insurance company, whomever it may be and it probably wont effect what I'm paying. But I also want to lower the car, so I researched this and came across these air - ride kits that are air suspension that can be lowered and raised all from in your car with buttoms. These arnt hydralacs, there quite slow to adjust. This would be great for me as I live in a town but I have to drive on a lot of moorland roads, so I could raise it on the moors, lower it in the cities and on motorways etc... Would this effect my insurance at all? Its quite an expensive mod but would it change ( increase ) my insurance costs? Cheers, Alex. I suggest that you try this web site where one can get quotes from different companies: http://insure4car.xyz How can I get my insurance? I'm 17 years of age. Insurance ca n't be afforded by my dad since he's 4 kids plus they wont offer him free insurance. I reside in Georgia. I would like insurance cause I end-up paying out WITHOUT ANY HELP like 90$ to visit the doctor. I don't think it really is alright not to have insurance. So what do I actually do? Where do I do this? Could they allow a 17-year old to get insurance by their home (being a modest)" Do you think aero updates may cause my insurance to move up? I wished to then add aero upgrades for my car and stay near Va international raceway. I also want to decrease it and get performance wheels. You think my insurance will be increased by this considerably? I'm simply curious what others believe although I cannot call until tomorrow. 16 yr-old Insurance question.? On what auto insurance might charge every six months/ from the year for a 16-year old child who has already been in an accident, not with another car, what could the insurance cost on the 1994 camaro v6 any guesses." What's the top website review and to reseach autoinsurance rates? What's a good website when studying autoinsurance, touse. One where each other and I can get numerous rates from numerous insurers and compare them?" Who offers reliable and inexpensive car insurance? Money is truly tight at this time, and my car insurance is around $120 a month with Liberty Good. I am considering different agencies that provide great support and are less expensive. Is Geico great? Any kind of other firms I should have a look at? Our history isn't too good. One racing ticket." What's the least expensive motor insurance to have to get a 22-year old for full coverage? What's the cheapest car insurance to get to get a 22 year old for full-coverage? Question about Auto Insurance Prices? I'm had my drivers license for about 2 months, and 17 years old. Insurance costs are not mad low for me personally at this time. I want to understand how long does it take for your costs to reduce? I've Allstate today, nonetheless it may change, and if it affects anything I live-in California. Cheers" Auto insurance yay...? Therefore first-off let me only say I know that the cost I.e will be changed by all the variables going into this. Sort of auto I've, range I will be driving etc. I was just curious if anybody can inform me just how much I'd expect to pay per month for car insurance easily was voided the final time around? I used to be spending 90 a month $ time me over charged another month, therefore I did not pay it I quit my job. I know smart! Lol.) Would it not increase just because in the past I've shown that I'm false? Does one also HAVE to have full coverage over a car you havenot fully paid off yet? This could be dif state to state. (MN) worthwhile info would be appreciated cheers:)" Insurance appraisal?15?Sportbike? I will be 9 and 15 weeks with a permit. I'll have a Honda CBR 600RR and that I wondered just how much would my insurance be? What the chapest and how can i have the cheapest. Become a carefull rider. https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/how-get-temporary-car-insurance-one-week-florida-irene-davies in Arizona? My father and I have not been in decades to a doctor, he is almost 55 and it's definitely time he gets a checkup. We create a lot to get state insurance although unfortunately, we are not the wealthiest the folks. If you'll find any inexpensive insurance options I was wondering. The lowest priced I Have had the opportunity to get is $133 per month which is still not pretty low for us. Oh be 19 in a few months, which appears to be the cutoff household insurance era." "Does anybody know where-to get cheap UK motor insurance for a 17 year old guy, preferable uder 1000.?" Does anyone know where-to get cheap UK motor insurance for a 17-year old male, preferable uder 1000.?" Motor insurance lowering (OFFICIALLY!!!!)? Right, i inform the entire history. Im 17 in a few months, thus my parents have granted me 000 for insurance and a vehicle, 5, which i imagined could be lots for something decent. however, as i need to insure the automobile myself (no fronting), as well as an organization one heap of c**p expenses over 3,000 to ensure. I understand I really could get move plus, but any kind of other ways to reduce the payments that are ridiculous legally? And what are the providers who give a superior value for individuals that are new? Cheers for your aid:)" "To get a 17-year old, simply how much about is auto insurance (relatively) and which sites are cheaper? We were imagining Place or State Park "Just how do I get the best offer on a rental car, and what about insurance?" I do want to get the best price I could, although I'm likely to Orlando for 3nights, and want to rent a car while I am there. What is the easiest way to accomplish this...recommendations/suggestions? I am also somewhat confused about the entire insurance problem, since this can be my firsttime hiring a vehicle. I really do not want to pay double just to get insurance basically don't actually need it. Please clarify. Cheers!" Are bank holidays operated on by insurance companies? I'dn't mind getting some insurance for my moped tomorrow, but I observed its bank holiday monday...Can this stop me getting through to them?" Paying for Insurance problem? Alright, how is it possible for me personally to fund insurance for only a few nights rather than a month at the same time? If so, how?" Whats the top motor insurance site to review? Trying to find cheap auto insurance, plz:)" Rental-car insurance? I simply offered my car (02/04) and am looking to rentacar until I choose the new-car (02/05-02/15). What happens towards the auto-insurance that I'd with all the car that I recently bought (I settled the coverage until 02/16). Was it immediately fired once my automobile was bought by me? Because my plan handles the insurance for your rentalcar also, if it will proceed until 02/16, I dont need to pay for added rental insurance at a rental store (I really believe I paid around $13 per-day before). Likewise, does debit cards (from nearby banks) also usually address the insurance for your rental car too (I am aware most of credit cards accomplish that)." "I am discriminated against by motor insurance organization because I had been not blessed in the united kingdom?" I had a quote for auto insurance via a well-known national company. They were informed I talked to your agent and had no beliefs, claims etc. I rang and had a UK permit for 5 years and he or she confirmed the offer. I decided to take and named them, the next time. We experienced my info and the adviser claimed, so that you were delivered in the UK? I said no, I am a UK homeowner but I was born abroad. I talked to a manger who explained it was legitimate when I told him I was specific it was illegitimate because the only information that had transformed was my place of start and took issue, he ultimately stated the initial offer would be honoured by him. The coverage was subsequently acquired by me with a one off transaction. Insurance is just a racket and I do not think they should be alllowed to acquire by with this. Does anyone know anything about that and so what can be performed next-to make sure it doesn't eventually other folks?" Motorcycle Insurance 16yr Old? I'm 16, about getting a crotch rocket, I'm thinking, and only wanna know about insurance. State: Minnesota Year of cycle: 1995-2005 I'm considering 650cc - 750cc I've encounter on cycles (dirt bikes) I do realize their is some difference I've a grade average of Bis or more." Hard expense of insurance class 17 cars? Hi all, I am looking at a Lotus Elise for my next vehicle. Its insurance group 17 and I'm 25 with almost two years no statements. Anyone know around exactly what the insurance could be? Thanks xx" Sports car with minimal insurance price? I'm 16 and i'm planning to get yourself a vehicle when iam 18. I'm keeping more income up so i will get a great car. I get vehicles very seriously. I thought of getting even a car or a 1990-1996 miata like that. I need a need a superb hunting automobile that's rwd transmission." Car crash today what? insurance problem? I used to be in my own first major car crash, my car was totaled. I used to be waiting at the light to make a left turn, the natural arrow emerged on and that I went plus some one from the other part of the lane inside the opposite way went a red light and hit me, he promises about the document he does not understand how the incident happened. I recently wanted to know what do you think can happen? His information is not on my police record although a was talking to the police. It has to go through his insurance what are the chances not me and that they will realize that he was within the wrong??" "Just how much could be the annual average insurance to get a sixteen year ?" Simply how much is the yearly normal insurance for a sixteen year . Liability only. And if you need to understand insurance and the vehicle corp 21st insurance, and its a 1995 Ferrari f355. Please offer authentic averages and that I am serious so please severe and authentic solutions. The reason is please inform me the price only for per year. Please true solutions and severe." Health Insurance Distress? Iam a college student at the time of right-now and I'm covered under my mother's program. She's an OR nurse pretty much anywhere I get in this town I actually donot need to pay considerably to have a scheduled appointment because all of them are with people who perform for a medical facility she works for. Within the slide I will attend a two states aside where my choice to get college medical insurance or enroll to acquire it can be waived by me. Considering my health insurance for this specific spot do I enroll for your college insurance only truly works? or renounce? Since I am aware I will be receiving checkups and such on campus anyway." Air ride suspension & Insurance? Hello, I am male, nearly 18. I want to buy a 2004 / 5 Mini cooper for my first car. Insurance at about 1000 - 1500 quoted. When I get it I want to do some visual mods such as new rims, possibly a colour change, window tints. I know I have to notify my insurance company, whomever it may be and it probably wont effect what I'm paying. But I also want to lower the car, so I researched this and came across these air - ride kits that are air suspension that can be lowered and raised all from in your car with buttoms. These arnt hydralacs, there quite slow to adjust. This would be great for me as I live in a town but I have to drive on a lot of moorland roads, so I could raise it on the moors, lower it in the cities and on motorways etc... Would this effect my insurance at all? Its quite an expensive mod but would it change ( increase ) my insurance costs? Cheers, Alex. I suggest that you try this web site where one can get quotes from different companies: http://insure4car.xyz
1 note · View note
actualtext · 3 years
Two weeks ago, two of my tires needed to be replaced (one had a nail, another had an air bubble from a horrendous pothole on an exit ramp in Austin) Today, a rock flew from who knows where onto my windshield only hitting one specific place, but causing at least an 18” crack. I called my insurance to file a claim, when I learned that my deductible was going to be $1000. I cried a bit and then resolved to simply work until I could make the money. It hurt a lot. Since I needed so much time, I scheduled to get it fixed on 09/03/21.
So, last year I signed a lease at this apartment that was suggested by a friend who happened to need two roommates when me and my roommate at the time also needed a place to go. oof. The time came for us to move, and holy shit did we run into some issues! So first, just so everyone (not that anyone actually reads this) knows, it was student living. My friend that suggested the place is a student currently. Anyways, we're in the process of moving in. I tell my roommate (the one I'd lived with before) that we can move his stuff first for since he lives further away from our new place. It would just be better to get it over with. But I'm still checking out my new room. I check the welcome package I was given, and I only have one key, the mailbox key. So I asked my three other roommates if they had the house key and all three of them say yes. So I have to go to the office which is really busy cause all of the other new students are also moving into their apartment at this time. I stand there for what feels like forever to find out that I also need to take a copy of the key that I need in order to have it replaced. (I don't know, I guess I thought they had a whole fuck load of copies. lmao) So I go back, ask one of my roommates for his apartment door key, then head back to the office where I also request a copy of my room key. They check their key ring and they cannot find a key for my room door. They tell me that they'll have to change the lock. It's fine, it's not locked and I don't need to lock it any time soon. I take the copy of the apartment key and plan to simply keep moving my stuff until they need to change the lock. While I'm out and about, one of the staff members takes the master key to my apartment and tests it on my room door to see if it will work so they can make a copy. In order to test the master key, they need to lock my room door to see if it will unlock. Freakin turns out that the master key doesn't work on my room door. I return with a few items I plan on moving in, I put some stuff in my room but don't plan on staying there that night since I don't have any bed sheets on my bed. I plan to go back to my old place, pack up a little more and return the next day to continue moving in my stuff. As I leave, I close the door to my room, but then remember that I need to grab a coupon that I wanted to use. The door was locked. There was no key and I wasn't able to enter. The following four days are literally just me going to the office, letting them know that my door is locked, them telling me that I need to put in a maintenance request, and me just staring at my door waiting for it to be unlocked. Finally I get fed up and go to the office one last time to let them know that I haven't been able to move in this entire time and it's making me sad. They freak out and get the ball rolling on my lock changing process. Bam, door's open and I can move my stuff in. I love my room and the view that came along with it.
On the 13th of August, I gave a ride to a guy. It was a normal ride like any other ride I've given. We had a regular conversation, I dropped him off and went about my life. The following morning I received a text from my driver app letting me know that he had forgotten something in my car the night before. I let him know that I had since had multiple people in my vehicle and had even had it washed. I didn't find what he had lost. He gave me his number and told me to message him if I found anything in the future. I said I would, and said my good byes, and then he said his... followed by a wink. I messaged him instantly thinking he was trying to bait me to do so anyways. "A winky face, really?" He gave a good explanation saying that he was at work and his hands were slippery from working with the zucchini that he was loading onto the display at the grocery store he worked at. Maybe I was just naive, but I totally believed him.
He was charming. Funny and sweet. He told me about himself during the car ride the day before. He told me that he had a bunch of babies with his ex wife, wasn't really looking for anything serious, that he was ex military, that he had an 11 year old tumor in his leg that was cancerous and would be the death of him, but that he had to stay positive. I try not to talk about myself too much to my passengers for my own safety, so I didn't really take into consideration that he didn't really ask about me. But looking back, that should have been the first red flag.
He messaged me regularly, asking about my day, telling me about his, how much he was in pain and how shitty having to go to chemo was, and how lonely he was, and how badly he wanted to just be held. I let him know that knowing about all of his pain made me sick to my stomach. I'm an empath. I feel everything very strongly. I told him not to tell me how badly he wanted to be held because I was a people pleaser and that I would be tempted to go hold him. This budding friendship was growing on me way too quickly and way to strongly for me to feel safe, but I didn't want it to stop. It was like yearning death and then being diagnosed with cancer. It was scary, but I wanted it.
And then I actually saw a red flag. It only drew me in more. We had been texting and he had asked for a ride, offering to pay for it of course. I had responded in multiple messages cause he never got back to me. Then at the end of the day, I let him know I was going to sleep and he said it was okay, that he knew I wouldn't be going to drive him since I never responded (which I had, he simply hadn't received the messaged). I showed him proof that I had responded and yet he proceeded to say "I had to spend so much money just to get to and from work" as if it was my fault, when it wasn't anyone's fault that our phones weren't cooperating. I should have left it at that, but I liked him, and I think my reasoning for doing so might be sick af.
I have this theory that I might only like Jake because he's dying. Now hear me out. I've always been into sickly looking pale dudes that look like they're on the verge of death. Since I was about 12, believe it or not. Initially, I thought maybe I was just attracted to him. However, upon further analysis of the situation, I think the people pleaser in me might just feel sorry for him and his situation, and might wanna just make his time left here on the planet as enjoyable as possible. Which is totally fucked up and I don't know what the fuck is wrong with me. I'm sick.
I say this because... I continued to talk to him, overlooking the red flag. After the whole phone thing happened, we agree to start messaging on instagram instead, since it seemed to be a more reliable method of messaging each other. We discussed how he wished he would just die already. He was tired of being sick and tired. I apologized and explained that I wish there was something I could do to help him. This led into the conversation about (red flag #3 but who's counting?) how people (me, myself and I) always make everything about themselves. This man was a manipulator pro because I believed him. I FUCKING APOLOGIZED FOR MAKING A (supposedly two way, but obviously one way) CONVERSATION ABOUT ME. I felt so shitty. This guy is dying and all I can do is apparently talk to him him about myself and try to help him get to know me. After I apologized profusely (like an idiot), I thought things were better. But of course he felt like shit and I felt like I needed to help him somehow. So then we discussed what he felt would help him and low and behold *CRINGE WARNING* it was physical connection, sex, intimacy. He said he wanted to be held but that he could never get that from anyone. I asked if he had bothered asking anyone to help him in the way he needed to be helped and he said NO. -_- So I explained to him that in order to receive, he would need to ask first. He said rejection would simply add to the stress he was under. My simp self let him know I would totally love to help him but then my insecure self jumped right in and said some bull shit like "but I'm ugly and fat and you probably have higher standards than the likes of me" GROSS. I don't believe I would talk about myself like that. Seeking validation from a fucking man. UGH but you'll see, it's a fucking common occurrence. Me and Jake are toxic for each other and to our selves with each other. Enablers. Its sick. He said some really sweet things, to which I responded sassily, which upset Jake of course. This was all in text so he read my sass as anger. Then he got upset with me. I told him I didn't feel like I was making his life any easier and that I was sorry for the stress I put him under and that I would leave him alone. I genuinely felt bad yet again. This guy was dying and I was trying to be sassy with him? Monster. I left him alone for quite some time, during which I wrote and rewrote potential apologies in order to gain this tortured soul back as a friend. I never sent any, surprisingly. But it crushed me. I wanted him in my life. I felt like all the independence I had gained while being single SIMPly vanished, and I needed his friendship, his companionship, to make me feel like my days weren't being wasted, to make me feel needed. IM SO SICK.
But then... the unimaginable happened. He messaged me "I feel like giving up today" and of course I don't want him him. I live for this toxic exchange. He says "I want to be held." &My naive, people pleasing ways gave me the perfect push to tell him I could be there for him, to hold him. "I wanna be fucked and held." Of fucking course. I mean, I totally already wanted to fuck his brains out anyways, and I already knew thats what the fuck he wanted ultimately. And this was the perfect thing I needed in order to feel needed. Ugh. It was glorious. I'm sick, I know.
So we plan it. We set a day and start making arrangements, and then something weird happens. I have to ask for his address at least four times. I give up after he just doesn't respond. I tell him "It's probably for the better. I feel like I might be coming down with something" which was the truth, and I wouldn't have wanted to get him sick. Just in case he's not receiving my messages like last time, I send him a screenshot of all of the messages I've sent him through instagram. I'm not gonna lie. I felt blown off after he had just asked me to fuck him. I felt like a damn fool being made to wait when I was ready to go.
The following day he messages me asking if I'm okay, and I respond coldly "I'll survive." He says "ok" which I just leave on read cause fuck that two letter piece of shit response. There was a chance I could have had COVID-19. Jerk.... But then that night he messages me at like 2am. I, of course, was already thinking about him so I got excited like a fool. I made him feel bad about not giving me his address which he swears he tried, but that I never got anything. I said, not fucking around, "if that's true, give me your address right now." and the mother fucker did. On top of that, he tried to guilt trip me. I explained that I was still getting over my sore throat and he was like "you're good," saying like "don't worry about me then" and so I was like "okay" BUT THEN he was like "I'll just be here.. ready to go... and still feeling all shitty like the other night.. and thinking about how it's the one year anniversary of my grandma's death" AHHHH haha and yes, I said "I'll be right fucking there" or something along those lines.
So I get there. I shower real quick cause I'm all full of germs. get out and lay next to him and he's just stiff. He seems nervous. He just keeps talking, which is fine. While his voice isn't exactly my favorite, I know he has a lot to get off his chest and so I just let him talk. I caress his arms, and his chest, and his face. I have my mask on just in case. And then I reach down between his legs and start caressing his dick which is already hard, of course, and he starts touching me. I pull down my shorts and panties and he works my hardened nub, and I just want him inside of me already, so I dip his fingers inside of me. The whole time, I'm panting and holding onto him so tight, all while caressing him still. He pulls his shorts down and I continue the assault on his cock, and he asks if I wanna taste, to which I say yes, of course. Cause I really do. I do my best, and I hear him moan and its as rewarding as you would think :) and he uses his big strong hands to guide my head, and the whole oral thing is just wonderful. 10/10 would do again. And then I ask if he has condoms, and he does, thankfully. So he slips one on, I get on my hands and knees on his bed then he plays with me a little and slips it in. Mmm. He honestly felt really good. He's an average sized dude, with no hair obviously (thanks to chemo), so he felt so comfortable inside of me, and I'm just genuinely enjoying him taking me from behind. He does that for a little while, and I guess before he can come, he pulls out so that he can eat me out (ugh, what a fucking gentleman). And I'm all self conscious cause I have a hairy puthy, but he doesn't seem to mind. I just see his cute bald head nodding no, and licking away at my gal, and man he feels so fucking good. I can't help but moan his name. I just wanna hold him there forever but he has other plans. Once he's full, he comes back up, puts my legs on his fucking shoulders and just rams his cock into me and continues to drive himself deeper and deeper, making me feel closer and closer to him. I know I'm a fucking psycho. This is honestly the first time that I've admitted it to myself, and I don't let myself get this way with many people, so it is just as surprising to me as it may be to you (the endless abyss) that I would feel this way about a man I met two fucking weeks ago. So anyways. My mask obviously came off to give him head, and it stayed off. But he fucking kisses me while fucking the shit out of me and I lose my shit. Did I come? No. I never cum unless its with myself. But I felt so fucking good. It felt so nice to feel so wanted for fucking once.
After everything went down, we put our clothes back on and laid in bed for the next few hours just talking like nothing had ever happened. It was wild. My mask was forever lost, or so it seemed after searching for it vigorously. After I left, he gave me a kiss on my cheek, which I feel like I should have reciprocated, I just hadn't ever experienced what I had just experienced so I didn't know exactly how to react.
When I left, he sent me a few texts to let me know that he found my mask, but also to thank me. he said "Thank you. I needed that. To get all of that out. I really do appreciate you lending your body and your time to me. If it sucked for you I'm so sorry. I know you're driving. I'll stop. I hope it really didn't suck that bad, or that you're not mad." and my heart, man.. it just exploded. He was so willing to be vulnerable, and I was thinking to myself, "baby, whenever you want it, it's yours."
Then the next day came around and I was all stupid in love or something cause I drove an hour to drive him 7 minutes away from his house and then drove an hour back home to finish moving my stuff to my new place. What kinda of fucking stupid am I? Why do I feel so strongly about this Jake?
Today, I started feeling insecure. It could be the lack of sleep, or the lack of food or just my general lack of health. I messaged him the lamest thing because wanted reassurance. "Do you by any chance think less of me? heh. Just curious"
To which he responded sarcastically, and broke my heart. I literally cried. Over a boy I've known for two weeks. I haven't been so stupid since high school. I let him know how he had made me feel and he called me manipulative, stating that I was claiming he was a villain and that I was the victim. I was simply communicating how he had made me feel.
I was such a simp for this dying boy and I'm truly ashamed. Part of me wants to believe that he really did like me and that he really just couldn't put much effort into what could have been a great relationship. But part of me, my gut feeling, believes that he just wasn't that into me to begin with, and no matter how much I care for him or about him, it won't change the fact that he doesn't care about me back. I messaged him apologizing for catching feelings cause he had specifically stated that he wasn't looking for anything serious, and yet I caught the feels. I felts like that was a good reason to apologize. I told him I understood that he just simply didn't have the energy or time for someone like me who was yearning for nothing more than an "I miss you too" text. I let him know that ghosting him wasn't an option, but then he told me that he wished I had.
So that's the short story of Jake. It wasn't a happy ending, but it never could have been anyways.
A long time ago, I had actively taken part in the whole scrolling and swiping left and right thing. I had seriously given up on dating. It was depressing having to reject so many people in such a short amount of time, compared to doing it in person with months of buffer between each rejection. I just kept my profile up to make friends cause it was taking a told on how I viewed myself. I felt like a bad person, but I also didn't want to lower my standards.
Tristan and I had matched a long time ago. He was so attractive to me that I told him "Sir, you look like a supermodel, unlike my profile RN" trying to be funny. I never got a response, probably cause he had plenty of other options out there. But one day, he messaged me apologizing for the wait. It was really weird and honestly I feel like a last resort.
Francisco just recently matched with me. He also made the first move to message me. He has a cute dog, likes to eat vegan junk food, and is mildly attractive, just being real. He snaps me every day, although really sporadically and sparsely, but he makes that attempt to at least reach out once a day. And that is really refreshing. However, he is moving to Sicily in about three months. heh.
I'm not sure where any of these will go but hopefully I'll end up with at least a friend.
0 notes
onlythreelines · 3 years
So my refund has been calculated and this is what I’ll be getting this week.
With addition to what I currently have in my account ($490.32), I’ll have in total: 
The following will be immediate payments I must make regardless of the situation. 
Chase - $457.4 - Already paid for 8/15 minimum payment.
OpenSky - $279.06 - DUE 09/02
Upgrade - $1,691.42 - DUE 08/25
Living Spaces - $877.30 - Already paid for 8/15 minimum payment.
American Airlines - $663.82 - DUE 09/10
Progressive - $748.84 - ASAP
Gloria’s Rent - $900 - whenever
So after deducting the following expenses from my overall account, I will have:
I’m expecting to get the rent Claudia owes me, but I’m not counting on her for shit since she’s unreliable. 
So I’ll schedule my move and have the following items deducted from my account as they are necessary. 
Uhaul, Movers in Maryland and in Pittsburgh (291 Miles) - $365.95
Shipping my car - $453 Average Price
Gas - $150
Total (Rounding up with the case for error) - $1020. After paying Uhaul and paying to have my car shipped with the combination of saving for gas, I’ll have left over:
Luckily, on the 30th of August (probably the 27th), I will have my check coming in from work which will be $2,146.91. Adding to my total in my account I will have:
$4,937.89. -By August 27th.
However, don’t fret because I still have one more paycheck coming in, which is set to be September 12th or 13th. 🙃 So with an additional amount of $2,146.91, I’ll have in total:
$7,084.8 - By September 13th.
What this means, is the following, I will immediately pay my car for the following next four months. (September - December) which costs $3,440 so after I will have left:
$3,644.8 - By September 17th. 
So car is taken care of for the next four months which is fantastic, however I need to consider rent. 
We’ll worry about next fiscal year later. Now time to find places. 
Union on 5th:
is 13 minutes driving and 17 minutes biking, but literally a hour walking. It’s rent is the cheapest I could find, with the monthly rate being around $1300 with short term leases. It’s a two bedroom so that sucks. 
The CommonWealth:
This actually might be a great place, only 11 minutes from campus but I still need to figure out if they offer short term leases. Their phone number is 
412-571-8762 and website is https://thecommonwealthbldg.com.
Helm on the Allegheny:
Seems like another good place, it’s only 10 minutes from campus. Same price a little more but still need to call to see if they offer short term leases. Their phone number is 
412-450-8886 and website is https://helmapartmentspgh.com
I might have to buy time, meaning this... If UTSA tells us mid September that we are going to have Spring 2022 online, you know my happy ass is going to wait and take another month with gloria. I got this, I fucking do. I’m going to get one of those internships and make up for what I’ll be doing. I got this.
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simplemoneyman-blog · 6 years
The Things You Own End Up Owning You
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More and more I’m starting to believe the more we have, the more we spend on maintenance, repairs, replacements and excuses to buy even more things.  For example, several months ago I sold and extra car I had. When asked about it, I said to my friend that I didn’t really need and it was somewhat controlling my spending via random expenses.   When I owned it, I had to get an oil change for a car I wasn’t even driving that much because it was past due and I didn’t want to damage anything in the engine.  So I felt like it owned me and I didn’t like that feeling. If we go through our home, slowly and methodically, I’m sure we can find several things that we can donate, sell, or just throw away because we may be hoarding onto them; perhaps for no good reason. The point is to let go of things that we think we may like, but instead the reality is those things actually own us.  
Sold an Extra Car 
    It felt like my car was controlling me and I wasn’t in control. It was a 2009 Mercedes C-300 4-matic. Fortunately, I didn’t need to or get any major work done to it for the almost two and a half years I had it. There were just oil changes and a couple of new tires. During the time I owned it, I got an offer in the mail for free wiper blades from the dealer. I knew that if I went to the dealer, sure they would put on the wiper blades but they’d also give me an estimate of all the additional work I should get done.   And sure enough they did and it didn’t seem that critical to me. One of the items they recommended to replace and I kid you not was the HORN on the car! The horn was working fine, but according to them, it had a “dull” sound and should be replaced – are you kidding me?! Nevertheless, guess what?   It was at this point that I decided I don’t really need this car,  I don’t really want this car, I don’t really want this car to own me, I want to own myself (wait does that make sense). Anyway, so I sold the car invested the proceeds in an ETF and never looked back! six months later, I’ve made over a couple hundred in dividends, in contrast to probably a couple hundred or more I would have lost in depreciation and probably some other kind of maintenance.   A study mentioned in Time magazine suggests that material possessions may be obsessed if you lack love from others and for others in your life. It made sense to me as it stated “when someone suffers from “social deficits” (i.e., loneliness), he’s more likely to grow attached to possessions. This sort of love may, in turn, lead to further “deficits,” causing a chicken-egg situation for those in the throes of materialistic love.” It’s interesting because one cause mentioned is that you can control the material possession, but instead unknowingly it ends up controlling you!  
Other Items Donated (hello tax deduction), Sold, or Straight Up Trashed
  Donated – Two large trash bags of gently used clothes Donated – Two VCR/DVD combos Donated – Brand New Laser Printer (I already have a printer). Sold – Entertainment Table (5 years old and I got $10 more than what I originally paid) Trashed – Three worn out suitcases   One item I currently have on Craigslist and Offer-up is my leather couch set. I’ve had it for more than 5 years, didn’t buy the best quality I’ll admit and now it’s falling apart, literally. I’ve patched it up as mentioned above and am trying to sell it.  But at the same time, since I’ve patched it up, it doesn’t look half bad, is still totally functional (can still recline to almost 180 degrees) and comfortable. Usually we put a red blanket on top to hide this too. Take a look at this picture (back and head rest on the right side):  
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  Trashed Useless Things From The Attic
  Yes! This was one of my goals for 2017 and I can proudly say it’s done! I ended up throwing away an old bike, some beat up chairs, three suitcases (where either the handle or one of the wheels broke off), and a few empty boxes that I didn’t need (e.g., big Dyson vacuum box which I bought years ago had the box just in case). I’ll say that it definitely feels a bit liberating to get rid of things and simplify your home a bit. Now that I don’t have it, the area is nice and uncluttered and it makes my mind feel a bit nice and uncluttered well.   Recently I came across a very interesting video from the Minimalists. They talk about how less in life equals being more happy and rich in a sense of fulfillment. Check it out:   Even though I’m not quite at the minimalist level, I do see how having less can translate into happiness. Gary Belsky and Thomas Gilovich authors of Why Smart People Make Big Money Mistakes discuss the conundrum of do we own our money or does our money own us? Particularly in terms of spending, they go into the psychological reasons as to why we spend on so many material things and decide to love them as illustrated in the endowment effect and then the logical reasons for why we shouldn’t or at least scale back a little bit. So is there something you value so much that it may be controlling you a bit? Have you freed yourself from a material possession and as a result felt liberated?   The Things You Own End Up Owning You – Tyler Durden, Fight Club   __________________________________________________________________________
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I use  because (1) it’s free, (2) it tracks all of my accounts and overall net worth, (3) my account balances automatically update, (4) it shows how my investments are diversified and allocated in various sectors, and (5) can use built-in tools like “Investment Checkup” to get….wait for it…free personalized advice!   Read the full article
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pieloudrowsrads1973 · 4 years
allstate insurance dover nh
BEST ANSWER: Try this site where you can compare quotes from different companies :insurance4hquotes.xyz
allstate insurance dover nh
allstate insurance dover nh and they have better rates than the average car insurance. i don t do a lot of insurance on my vehicle as it r in my car. my parents pay $30k total insurance for 2 cars and their on the policy. how many people do this to and i have about $35k worth of worth on my vehicle. a quick quote is. My car insurance company charges me an average of about $1k for insurance and about $1.1k total on the vehicle. how much does would you be asking of that? so, is the total cost to you to have for a full coverage car insurance and a 15 year or older, i a no cost car insurance? do I find that the price is reasonable to me. and if I are the other insurance companies, you will get more coverage. (I am looking for) if I get that insurance, will it make it better as for in an insurance with $90,000 deductible and a $50,. allstate insurance dover nh. This is all I can do to save the best rates on these. No good driver, no bad insurance. My boyfriend is in my court records. If he is found guilty to one of these charges, I will be on the hook. I would like to know my options. I need a that will give me the best rates, but their rate is a little higher. My name is on the insurance. Is it possible? I am sorry to hear about. I feel it is insurance. The best car ever. It is a very inexpensive insurance. Thanks for your help. I am very confused and confused. First I am 18 years old, do I have to know how do i save money on insurance rates? Do people drive their cars to school? I just have to make sure I don t have a driving license to be in the US and live with family. This is also a bad idea. I only have the license and registration so I am very confused on which. allstate insurance dover nh insurance company have a good customer reviews from home, a small increase from the 1st to most of those I deal with, the better with auto, etc.... it is my experience, at the start of a year I bought my insurance for my own insurance. I paid to have insurance on my car. I want something and have a car. And I wanted to buy a new insurance that was right for me. In the first days we had to take the car to my own insurance and after about an hour for a change, I bought the new car and signed it (not sure which would be better, however, I had no idea. There was only one thing I could do!) but I had to buy the car before they said I could get a car insurance policy. And I did it, I got it. All this after years of paying off a car I still couldn t get a car insurance policy, I told me that would happen again for other insurance.
Insurance Learning Center
Insurance Learning Center. (MCC) is dedicated to connecting people with insurance providers who fit their budget and want to know how to get the best possible rate on the auto insurance they need, regardless of their driving record. By making sure your car is working for you, we can find the right auto insurance for you. Finding the right car insurance doesn’t have to be difficult. Get a free car insurance quote today by entering your zip code in the quote box on this website. Our services can definitely find you the best prices for your circumstances. But we can’t change your driving record or other aspects that affect your insurance options. Here are a few items that can help get your insurance price lower. The better your credit, the easier it is to get a quality insurance policy Cars with safety and anti-theft features can help out your insurance prices Tell us how much you saved on your car insurance policy, and we might just feature your insurance savings right here on our company site along with our.
I make insurance everything it should be: easy and unintimidating.
I make insurance everything it should be: easy and unintimidating. When I did my insurance company on my house, it was very easy and easy to get a quote, that they took care of the rest. When I was looking for a car, I had never imagined that I would actually need the insurance. People are so grateful right now that they have gotten the car and have found the best deal for me. The only thing that is different is that they are doing so professionally. I’ve been in the insurance agency for 3 years so we know I understand your situation, how you feel, I understand it has never happened and will never be an issue in the future. I’m really upset I was hit by a driver who has insurance on my car and was the only person that I was on the other side of the car. They didn’t ask for the insurance ID, they just have your number on it and they don.
PagesBusinessesFinanceInsurance CompanyInsurance AgentMatthew J Gennaro: Allstate Insurance
PagesBusinessesFinanceInsurance CompanyInsurance AgentMatthew J Gennaro: Allstate Insurance, Inc., Co., Inc.D.C. is an independent insurance agency, which is owned and financed by The State of New Jersey, and is dedicated to providing all of our customers with affordable insurance rates for their auto, home, business, farm and personal insurance. We operate 24/7 and will get you involved with the family, home, business, and community when it most needs it. I m a customer of and friend of State Farm Group. They insure my car, and it was a no-brainer to insure me when I was young, because of my other s, auto. Also they ve told me I haven t had a claim yet with their insurance since I was younger. No questions asked for any of them for auto, home or something like that. And I was fine with it for as long and never asked questions to the insurance representative. All state farm. I know that a company is based on what you insure, and I m an Independent Trader, that has.
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