#since Thor only had like four friends in Asgard the other half is Lady Sif and I’ll die on that hill
k1ranishf4 · 7 months
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My Loki doesn’t look very Loki but that’s fine because I’m actually proud of how this turned out (click for better quality)
I need more Dashingfrost content in my life, so I’m just providing for myself lmaoo
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avengerscompound · 4 years
The Tower: The Queen of Asgard - 9
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The Tower: The Queen of Asgard An Avengers Fanfic
Series Masterlist PREVIOUS //
Pairing:  Avengers x OFC, Bruce Banner x Bucky Barnes x Clint Barton x Wanda Maximoff x Steve Rogers x Natasha Romanoff x Tony Stark x Thor x Sam Wilson x OFC (Elly Cooper)
Word Count: 1989
Warnings: Canon typical violence, smut (MF, vaginal sex)
Synopsis: The twins are now three and while the Avengers know that Clint and Thor are the biological father’s none of them know or care which blond, blue-eyed baby is related to which man.  When Riley gets the power to control wind and it becomes evident that she is the heir to the Asgardian throne, Elly, Steve, Thor, and Tony take the twins to Asgard to train her.
Not every Asgardian is happy with their king’s choice of consort, nor the impurity of the heir’s blood.  While others expect Thor to make things more official.  What’s clear is, the role of Queen of Asgard is not easily filled.
Author’s Note: Written with @fanficwriter013​ who refuses to go to bed regardless of how tired she is.
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Chapter 9 - The Rightful Heir
I stood in the hall holding Riley against me while the man who was supposed to be protecting us stood threateningly in front of me.  He smiled at us darkly and pulled out his sword.  “Oh god, Heimdall. Please be watching this.”
There was a soft rustling behind us and I wheeled around.  A woman stood there in bright gold armor and winged crown that her dark red hair cascaded out of.  She was tall,  6’2 at least, and she looked very strong, even for an Asgardian.  “Heimdall can’t help you.”  She snarled.
“Stay behind me, baby girl,”  I said putting Riley on the ground and backing us up against the wall and raising my fists.  In my head, I just went through all the combat training Steve and Natasha drilled into me and hoped that I could at the very least stay alive long enough that Thor or Loki would get here before they got to Riley.  “Are you planning on killing us?”
“That’s cute.”  The woman said pulling a large sword from her hip and swinging it lazily.  “Don’t try and fight us.”
“Loki!”  I screamed as Riley held on to the back of my leg.  Around us, the wind picked up and rustling our hair.
“You think she can help you?”  The woman asked taking a step towards us.
“Loki!”  I screamed again.
“You dow away!  You scarwing mommy!”  Riley shouted as the wind began to knock things down the hall.
“That’s the little half breed heir’s power?”  The woman asked, sneering the word heir.
I pushed Riley back behind my legs.  “She’s just a baby.  Leave her alone.” 
“Just wanted to know what the competition was.”  She snarled putting the sword away and taking a few steps closer.  I squared off and raised my fists.
“And why do the two of you think that you have anything to compete for?” 
They wheeled around to see Thor standing in the large open arched window behind them.  Blue plasma leaked from his eyes and dissipated in the air but his words were delivered with a terrifying calmness.
“Daddy!”  Riley said trying to wriggle out from behind me as I kept holding her back.  “They being mean to mommy.”
“Close your eyes, little bug,”  Thor said gently.
I turned and crouched down over her, pulling her tight as I shielded her from what was happening.  There was a large cracking boom and the sound of fighting before everything became deadly silent.  Footsteps approached and I shivered, hoping that this wasn’t the end for me.
“Okay, my girls.  It’s okay.”  Thor said gently.
I opened my eyes and got up, lifting Riley up who reached for Thor.  The man and woman who attacked us were being escorted away by a group of elite looking guards.  “I’m sorry, this is all my fault.”
He pulled me into his arms and I melted into him, trembling as he held me close.  “No, it isn’t, Lady Elly.”
“But I left the others with him and then I took Riley from Loki.”
He rubbed my back.  “You couldn’t have known.”
“I don’t know what they wanted.  Did they want to kill her?”  I asked.
“I don’t know.  This is new to me too.  We’re going to have to question the guards.  Some changes will need to be made.”  Thor said seriously.  “For now, you’re going to be guarded exclusively by Sif or the warriors three.”
“Oh god, Tony is gonna freak.”
“Loki is not going to be pleased either.  The twins are the only two people I’ve ever seen her show her affection for since our mother.”  Thor said. “We’ll get to the bottom of this.  For now, let’s take you both back to the rooms.”
He led us back and I flopped onto the couch.  Riley went straight to playing as if nothing had happened.  I watched her as Thor held me and gently played with my hair.
“Tony is going to think this is all his fault for not going to make me that bot.  Or for staying shopping when I wanted to leave.”  I said.
“I feel the burden is with me.  I brought you here.”  Thor said.
“It wasn’t your fault.  This is your home.  It’s part of her.”  I said taking his hand and playing with his fingers.  “Besides, it won’t change how he feels anyway.”
“Would that I weren’t the king.”  He said gently and pressed a kiss to the top of my head.
“There are risks for them on Earth too.  That’s why Nat is all wild cat over the idea of people finding out about them.”  I said.
There was a knock on the door and a woman and three men filed in.  “My lady, this is Sif, Fandral, Volstagg, and Hogun.  For now, we trust them exclusively.”
“My lady,”  The blond one Thor had identified as Fandral said bowing.
“Nice to meet you.   Thank you for agreeing to this.”  I said.
“Don’t worry,”  Sif teased.  “You’ll regret that eventually.”
Riley chose that moment to dramatically flop on the floor with a sigh.
“What’s the matter, little one?”  Sif asked.
“I’m borwed.”  She huffed.  “I wanned to see daddy do the -”  She made a large sound like an explosion.
Sif crouched down in front of her.  “I am sure your father will show you soon.  You have many tricks to learn, princess.”
Sif looked over to Thor and then the warriors.  “How about the warriors take the princess out for playtime, you look like you need to unwind a little.”
I shifted nervously and looked up at Thor.  He cupped my jaw and caressed my cheek with his thumb.  “I promise, she will be perfectly safe with them.  These are my friends.”
I nodded and Frandral came and bowed deeply.  “Let us away, princess.  We have many adventures to have.”
Riley looked at Thor like she was getting confirmation it was okay.  He nodded and Riley held out her hand.  Fandral took it and kissed the back of it making her giggle before scooping her up.  “Alright, my lady.  Let’s the four of us get up to trouble.”
“Be good, bug,” I called as they carried her out.
“Don’t destroy my castle,”  Thor called before pulling me closer to him.  He ghosted his lips up my neck and kissed just below my ear.  “Perhaps I can help you relax a little.”
I shivered and nodded my head and he scooped me up and carried me into the bedroom.  When the door closed he placed me on the ground and began to undress me, as I ran my hands over his large arms.
“Aside from this, how are you faring?”  Thor asked as he undressed me.  “Why did you leave the others.”
“Shopping didn’t really go very well.  I didn’t feel comfortable there,” I said, frowning.
“Something that requires words from the King?”  He asked.
I shook my head and he guided me to lie on my stomach on the bed.  “No, please, don’t,”  I said.  “I don’t want to make more trouble.”
“As you wish.”  He said.  He went to my dresser and took an ornate bottle of oil from the top and drizzled it on my back.  It was warm on my skin and smelled a little like vanilla and pomegranate, but not quite like either.
His hands began to move over my back, massaging the oil into my skin.  I moaned softly as the tension began to give.  “It’s good here with you, that’s enough for me.  It’s still exciting to be here.”
“I’m glad,” Thor said.
“It’s really beautiful.  I never thought anything like Asgard was even possible.”
“There are many places within the nine realms that are like this.  Or even more beautiful.”  He said as he kneaded the knots from my shoulders.
“Will you take Riley someday?”  I asked.
“Yes,”  He said.  “She will see it all.”
“I can’t even imagine what her life will end up like,” I said.  “Thor, can you promise me something?”
“If I can.”
“I worry about some of us.  Steve, Bucky.  Possibly Nat and Bruce.  They’re going to have to see us all die.  They will outlive Pietro and eventually Riley will leave them to live with you.  I worry about what is going to happen to them.  How they will start seeing and interacting with the world.  If you see them pulling away can you bring them here?”
He leaned over me and kissed my cheek.  “That I can promise.”
He slowly moved his hands over me and I began to relax more.  I moaned as the knots released in my back.  They moved to my thighs and slipped between my legs, stroking my pussy.  I hummed and shifted, spreading my legs a little and his fingertips worked over my clit. I moaned pushing against his hand and he chuckled.  “You are always so impatient for more, my love.”
I whined.  “Feels so good.”
“I know,”  He said as his fingers circled my clit and then pushed inside of me.  I groaned as he slowly fucked me with them.  There was a sudden heat and my core muscles clenched completely out of my control.  “Fuck!”  I gasped, my toes curling and my cunt flooding.
He laughed a deep booming laugh.  “I love how strongly I affect you.”
“Mm… I love it too.”  I said rolling over.  “Now enough with the hands.”
He chuckled and began to strip off, I rubbed my clit as I watched him undress and slowly expose his perfectly muscular body.  When he was naked he pumped his cock a couple of times in his hand, pushing and pulling the foreskin over the head and climbed up over me.
I wrapped my arms around his shoulders and dug my fingers into the thick corded muscle.  His lips met mine and we kissed, slowly and deeply and he rolled his hips against mine.  His thick cock rubbed up and down my folds.  I rolled my hips with him, the weight of his body of mine, pressing me into the mattress, was reassuring and comforting.  He had me. I was safe with him.  I moaned and lifted my hips, he pulled back and slowly sunk in.
His cock stretched as his considerable girth filled me and he stopped just before hitting my cervix.  “Fuck.”  I groaned out, arching my back.
“I do love how you feel, lover.”  He purred as he began to thrust.  His whole body rolled over mine and I moved with him.  The base of his cock rubbed against my clit with every roll of his hips.
I couldn’t remember a time when Thor and I had just been together like that.  Just the two of us, making love.  It was new and it was good.  My skin prickled with the static of his body and heat spread through me from my core.  I came shuddering around his cock.
Thor picked up his pace and I began to see why I’d never just gone one on one with him.  I came again and again, and each time he picked up his pace, fucking me harder and harder.  He pulled out and flipped me over, thrusting in from behind and pounding me into the mattress.  The whole time he kept kissing me and running his hands over me.  Even as hard as he was going, we felt connected.  I’d never experienced anything like it before.
I came over and over until all I was was a shuddering sweaty mess under Thor.  Endorphins flooded my system so I felt high from them and fuzzy.  With a hard thrust inside me, he came, groaning as he did.
He rolled off me and I curled up into his side.  “Holy shit.”  I panted.
He kissed me tenderly and ran his hands through my hair.  “Feeling more relaxed?”
“Mm…”  I hummed.  “Gonna need a nap after that.”
“Go ahead, my love.  I’ll be here.”
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coyotesongwriting · 5 years
When It Rains, It Pours, Ch 3
Avengers - Bucky Barnes/Reader
Chapter 3 - A Fresh Start
Chapter Summary: It’s time to start over in a new world. What will you do as your pregnancy moves along?
Author’s Note: Thank you guys for reading this! All mistakes are my own!
Disclaimer: I don’t own the characters so don’t sue me please. I just really like them haha
Tag List (if you want to be added or removed let me know!):    @he-is-chaotic-she-is-psychotic @queenoftheunderdark  @samsgoddess @redfoxwritesstuff​ @iheartsebastianstan​ @alexakeyloveloki​ @fookingmuffins​ @yasnooshka24​ @redfoxwritesstuff​ @amazon-belle​ @shootingstarsaretearsofheaven​ @kinkywitchy​
Not sure why tumblr is bugging out but it won’t let me tag @avengemari, I’ll keep trying to tag ya though!
Previous Chapter
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It had been three weeks since Bucky had broken up with you and your life imploded. You’d been nervous when Heimdall first brought the two of you to Asgard, but that didn’t last long. Just as Thor had said, you’d been welcomed from the start. Thor had immediately settled you into a guest suite next door to his own rooms and you’d quickly begun to adjust to life there. Apparently, Thor had regaled his fellows with tales of the battles you’d all fought in and many wanted to hear the tales retold by you as well.
It hadn’t taken long for you to fall into a routine. In the mornings, you’d train with Lady Sif in archery and knife throwing. At first, she’d tried to get you to practice hand to hand combat with her, but you’d managed to convince her that you were recovering from an injury so you weren’t quite ready for that yet and she’d let it drop. The two of you had quickly become friends and it was clear from the start that you were two peas in a pod!
In the afternoon, Thor joined you for training and with the help of him and the Warriors Three, you were able to practice using your powers. They’d take turns trying to ambush you, and you’d do your best to defend yourself. You were pleasantly surprised to find out that you could decently hold your own, and your powers were actually beginning to grow stronger thanks to them.
After four days of pleading, you’d managed to convince Loki to teach you all about Asgard. Your evenings were spent in the library with him, learning their customs, rules and history. Loki was a surprisingly good teacher, and he made it easy to learn. Your knowledge grew in leaps and bounds as you learned courtly manners, holidays, and the tales of battles long past.
While you’d never quite been Loki’s biggest fan, you were quickly learning to think of him like a brother. He’d been sullen and uncomfortable around you, but after you stood up for him when others had been mocking him, he’d begrudgingly begun to care for you as well, although he wouldn’t admit to that out loud. It definitely helped that you guys were spending hours locked together in the library each evening.
During the day it was easy to pretend everything was okay. You were always surrounded by your friends, and for the first time in a long while, you didn’t feel like death was waiting behind every corner. When you retreated alone to your room each night though, it was like a punch to the gut. You’d grown so used to sharing a room and bed with Bucky, that falling asleep alone was foreign. You often spent hours tossing and turning, wondering where everything went wrong before you fell into a fitful sleep.
Morning sickness was beginning to hit you hard, and even Thor was starting to worry. You hadn’t told anyone here you were pregnant, and you were nervous about how they’d react. Soon, you’d need to see a doctor to make sure everything was on track, and you weren’t sure that they’d be able to help you here. Perhaps Midgardian pregnancy was too different from Asgard? You needed to find that out, and soon.
One morning, after a particularly brutal training session with Sif, you decided it was time to do something about. It was time to stop hiding, and tackle the situation head on, you couldn’t pretend forever.
“Lady Sif, I have a favor I’d like to ask of you” your voice was steadier than you felt, and you fought to meet her gaze.
“Of course, [Y/N]. I’d be glad to help you if I can” she watched you curiously, it was clear something had been bothering her for weeks and she was hoping you’d finally tell her.
“I am… I am pregnant. On Midgard, we typically see our doctors routinely throughout the pregnancy. I was hoping perhaps you could help me figure out the customs here, and perhaps find a healer or midwife or whoever would be most appropriate?”
Lady Sif said nothing for a long moment before she burst out laughing, a smile gracing her face, “Here I was worried you were dying, you looked so serious!” After a pause to catch her breath, “Congratulations, and I’d be glad to help you. I do have to ask though, who is the father? Is it Loki?” she’d noticed the two of you spending time alone in the evenings, and you seemed close.
You blanched at her suggestion, “God no, Loki? He’s just as much a brother to me as Thor. The father is back on Midgard, and is not a concern of mine anymore. In fact, he’s why I left.”
She nodded, putting her hand on your shoulder, “Then we shall speak no more of him. There’s a midwife in town who should be able to assist you. Have you told Thor or Loki yet?”
“No, I haven’t. Truth be told, you’re the first person I’ve told” you smiled softly at her, “I know I need to but with everything that happened, well, I’ve been a bit nervous.”
“I appreciate the trust you have in me. I’ll keep your secret, but I’d recommend you tell them before you start to show. It will be much easier that way. I can assure you however, they are your friends and they will be just as excited for you as I am.” Lady Sif draped her arm over your shoulder and began to lead you into town.
As you walked, she explained the customs and technicalities of pregnancy on Asgard. Luckily, from what she said it sounded rather similar to Midgard. She brought you to a stern, older woman who introduced herself as Bitra. She was a well trusted midwife, and she was happy to discuss everything with you. Bitra explained that she’d be happy to assist you, but since she had no knowledge of Midgardian pregnancies she could only do what she could do.
Later that evening after your lessons with Loki, you asked Thor and the trickster if you could all speak privately. When you’d all arrived in your room and shut the door behind you, you motioned for them to sit and you began to pace. Despite Lady Sif’s reassurance, you found you were still exceedingly nervous. The two watched you as paced back and forth, shooting each other curious glances as they waited for you to speak.
“I’m pregnant” you blurted finally, turning to face the two of them. 
An odd look quickly flashed across Loki’s face before he schooled it back, it was so quick that you half doubted you had seen anything at all. However, he said nothing and as the silence dragged on, you began to wring your hands. 
“Is this why Barnes ended your betrothal?” Thor’s voice was cold, dangerous.
“No, Thor” you quickly explained, “Bucky didn’t know I was pregnant. I was going to tell him that night but, well, he dumped me before I could.”
Thor got to his feet, you’d never seen him look so angry and for a long moment you worried he was angry at you until he spoke, “I’m going to murder him for hurting you, Lady [Y/N].”
“Woah, hey now Thor. You can’t do that” you stepped directly in front of him, placing your hand on his chest. 
“Why in the worlds not? He can’t just have his way with you and get away with it!” he growled.
“Hold on bud. It takes two to tango, Thor. I wanted it too. Bucky did nothing wrong. He doesn’t even know” you sighed, hating that you had to have this conversation at all.
Thor looked at you shocked for a moment, “Then you must tell him! Perhaps that is the thing that will make him come back to you!”
You snorted, “Having a baby together does not fix a relationship, Thor. This is my choice. My child. He doesn’t know, and he can’t know. You can’t tell him. That goes for you too, Loki.”
Loki nodded once in agreement after a long pause, “Congratulations, Lady [Y/N].”
“Thank you, but you know I’m no Lady” you smiled softly at your teacher, “You’ve taught me it is against etiquette to call someone Lady if they don’t hold the title.”
Thor looked at Loki who shrugged before turning back to you, “We were going to surprise you this weekend, but I suppose we could tell you now. The feast on Friday is to celebrate you, as you are being granted the official title of Lady.”
Your jaw dropped and you stared at him, “I’m sorry, you’re what? Why?”
“You have served side by side with me in battle. You are a formidable warrior on the battlefield, and I would trust you with the lives of any of my people” he smiled at you kindly, “And, you are family. You’ve earned the title.”
Tears began to creep down your face and you grabbed him in a tight hug. He held you while you softly cried, overwhelmed with everything that had happened in the last weeks. 
It had been two months since you’d left, and the pregnancy was coming along fine, or so you thought. Bitra wished she knew more about Midgardian Pregnancy, but it seemed to her like everything was okay. Overall, life was going well, and though you missed Bucky more than you could say, everything was going well. 
It had been too long, and Thor needed to go back to Earth to make sure everyone was alright. He had asked you along, but you had quickly refused. Your pregnancy was clearly evident, and you couldn’t stomach seeing your old team. With a hug and a promise to be back soon, he left.
Thor arrived back at the tower to find most of the team lounging around. They’d gotten back from a long mission the day before yesterday and were taking advantage of the down time. Steve, Nat, Bucky, Tony and Clint were all hanging out in the lounge watching a movie.
Clint jumped to his feet when he saw Thor, “Hey! Is [Y/N] with you?” he was eager as he looked around for you, like a puppy waiting for his owner.
“I’m sorry, Clint. Lady [Y/N] decided not to accompany me. However, she asked me to pass this along to you” Thor said, holding out his hand.
Clint raced over to him, grinning. He looked confused as he got closer and saw nothing in Thor’s hand. Before he could say anything, Thor scooped Clint up into a tight hug. Clint grumbled and fought to get out of his grasp, and the others laughed as they watched him struggle.
Clint jumped back like a startled cat, glaring at him, “What in the hell was that?”
Thor looked at him confused, “Lady [Y/N] asked me to give you a very large hug for her. She said she misses hanging out with you, and she wanted to have me hug you for her.” 
Tony snorted with laughter as Clint stomped back to the couch, “Sounds like she’s up to her old tricks.”
Bucky refused to take his eyes off the screen, and Steve turned to Thor, “How’s she doing? Is she okay?”
“Lady [Y/N] is doing great. She’s been training with Lady Sif quite a lot, and her powers have continued to grow in strength now that she’s using them daily” Thor grinned, proud of his adopted little sister.
“Why do you keep calling her Lady [Y/N]?” Tony asked curiously.
“She is now a Lady and warrior of Asgard. It would be disrespectful for me to address her as anything else” he explained.
“Sounds like she’s doing just fine” Bucky muttered as he glared down at the floor.
Thor turned to Tony, looking at a small piece of paper he pulled from his pocket, “Can you show me where a seller of books can be found? Lady [Y/N] sent me with a shopping list, and I would like to get a start on it.”
Tony shrugged and held out his hand, “Just give me the list. I can have everything delivered here today and you can take it with you.”
Thor grabbed the list tighter to his chest, “I apologize, Tony but I swore to her that I would go myself to purchase the items she requested. She specifically requested that I do not allow any others to do the shopping.”
Everyone looked around puzzled, but Steve got to his feet with a shrug. “I’ll take you, no worries.”
The walk to the bookstore wasn’t too far, and the two of them made friendly conversation as they strolled. The mid summer heat was heavy over the city, and everyone in the city was doing what they could to avoid the miserable heat wave.
Steve watched Thor walk up to the salesman, and handed him the list. He remained by the door, watching as the salesman led Thor throughout the store to the medical section and then over to the maternity section before ending in the cooking section, collecting a large basket full of books.
When Thor returned, carrying a rather large box of books, Steve caught a glimpse of the medical textbooks on top and looked up at the God of thunder, “What’s this for? I thought you said everything was okay?”
Worry shot across Thor’s face for half a second before he covered it with his usual grin, “She’s fine, but since she is a warrior of Asgard, it only makes sense for our healers to learn how your Midgardian bodies work.”
Steve frowned but asked nothing more as they continued back to the tower. His thoughts were racing, and he was beginning to wonder if you were ever coming back, if they would ever see you again.
Next Chapter ->
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Two Weeks Vacation
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Darcy Lewis, unofficial SHIELD fun coach, isn't going to miss Loki introducing Jack Rollins to the All-Father. Part II of “Two Weeks & Something...”
”When do we get out of here?” Brock Rumlow asked. Darcy looked behind her. She was in line at SHIELD’s on-site cafe, getting coffee.
“Hey. Eager to leave?” she asked.
“God, yes,” he said. He’d kinda become her sidekick in the last several months. He was bored, now that his work as a triple agent for SHIELD within HYDRA was over.  SHIELD was doing a very straightlaced PR routine for Congress, post-Nazi infiltration. Rumlow had complained that they were giving him twice the reports and half the bullets.
“I need my coffee fix, but Jane said to be there at ten am,” she told him.
“Hurry,” he said. “That’s only twenty minutes, Lewis.”
“Calm down, Brock,” she said, rolling her eyes. Just to hear him get antsy behind her, she made her coffee order extra long and painstaking: “I’d like a venti skinny mocha--wait, can you make that a skinny caramel mocha? Or is a mint mocha a possibility?”
“We can also do a marshmallow mocha,” the barista said.
“Oooooh,” Darcy said.
“We call it a Fireside Mocha. So good,” the barista said.
“Oh, my God, we’re going to be so late,” Rumlow fretted behind her.
“Did you want coffee?” she asked innocently. “Don’t worry, Heimdall will totally hold the plane. He sees everything. He’s not Delta, we won’t be left at the gate.”
“So, the BiFrost is fixed, huh?” Brock said as they walked.  They were headed towards the grounds with the helipads. The four of them--Darcy, Rumlow, Loki, and Loki’s boyfriend, Jack Rollins--were going to Asgard. Thor and Jane had gone ahead to check that there were no dire threats, wars, or bad moods from the All-Father. Jack was meeting Odin for the first time. “Absolutely, for sure fixed?” Rumlow added, sliding aviators over his nose.
“Yup,” Darcy said. She grinned. She’d bought him those sunglasses and wondered if he’d wear them, since they had a gradient and were a little flashy. Part of her friend job was teaching him to have more fun, so she’d expanded her mandate to include adding fun to his clothes. She might have gone overboard, though: the other day, she’d caught Fury eyeing his new tattoos and the scarf Rumlow was wearing with his tactical gear dubiously. Or as dubiously as you could with one eye.  “Did you bring Stuey?” Darcy asked him. Stuey was her Minion Light Up Talker toy. He sang. In Minion.
“He’s busy,” Rumlow said.
“Busy?” Darcy said.
“He’s watering my plants,” Rumlow said. He nodded at another field agent.
“Sure he is,” Darcy said. Brock steadfastly refused to return him to Darcy’s custody. Which was a shame. Darcy wanted Stuey to meet Fandral and Sif and Hogun.
“It’s an important job, Lewis,” Rumlow said.
“Is Jack nervous?” she asked. Darcy was a little nervous. Odin could be a jerk. He’d called Jane a goat. Plus, she was 99% sure that Asgard had a bunch of retrograde sexual politics. She’d heard about Odin barking orders at Frigga (too damn good for him, in her opinion) and Sif was the only lady warrior. How in the realms would Odin respond to a human boyfriend of Loki’s?
“Eh,” Rumlow said. He scrunched his nose and did a so-so motion.
“Evasion,” she told him. She knew all his faces.
“Did I tell you about this movie I saw advertised the other night?” he asked. “I thought you might want to go see it when we get back?”
“Total evasion!” Darcy said.  They rounded a corner and almost ran into Sharon Carter. Talking to Captain America.
“Hi,” Sharon said brightly.
“Hello,” Steve said, a fraction less bright, but perfectly politely and smoothly. Darcy assumed Sharon didn’t know about the brief fling she and Steve had. It had ended when it became clear that Steve didn’t want to go public with anyone.
“Hi,” Darcy said cheerfully, to both of them. She really wasn’t bothered by it. It was a smidge weird pretending not to have a history with Steve, but she’d jokingly called her big espionage job.
“Cap,” Rumlow said. “Sharon.”
“Rumlow,” Steve said.
“We’re going to be late,” Rumlow said, putting a hand on Darcy’s lower back and half-turning so that her view of Steve was blocked. Darcy grinned. He had an oddly protective habit of physically blocking her from direct sightlines with Steve whenever they were together. Rumlow had guessed that Steve was her Secret Hook Up Guy (well, guessed because Jane referred to him as “Dirtbag Captain America” when Darcy was out of earshot).
“Yup, gotta go,” Darcy said. “See you in a bit!”
“Enjoy your vacation!” Sharon called back.
“They’re going on vacation together?” Darcy heard Steve ask quietly.
“I think it’s a casual trip to Asgard?” Sharon said, as Darcy and Rumlow turned the next corner.
“I can’t believe he asked about you,” Rumlow muttered, when they exited the building.
“Huh?” Darcy said. She’d been concentrating on walking while drinking her Fireside Mocha. The barista had been right. It was great.
“Cap. Asking about your plans?” he said.
“Oh, don’t worry about it,” Darcy said. “He doesn’t upset me, really.”
“Really?” Rumlow said.
“You have to stop being all worried I’ll cry when I see him,” she told Rumlow. When the breakup first happened, Rumlow would get a slightly panicked look whenever she and Steve were in the same room, as if the very sight of Steve might upset her. It didn’t; at a certain point, Darcy had realized that while she liked Steve a lot, she wasn’t in love with him.
“Oh,” Rumlow said. “Isn’t that a girl thing?”
“Not this girl. Besides, I’m not in love with him. I never was,” she said. “He’s attractive, but it’s--” she struggled to articulate what it was.
“Eh?” Rumlow offered teasingly.
“Possibly. But that was a very sexist assumption, by the way,” she said.
“He’s a famous celebrity,” Rumlow said, as if that explained something.
“So, my emotions are famewhores?” she said, laughing. “Look, there’s Jack and Loki.” They were standing on a helipad. Loki looked tense, Darcy realized. Jack had his usual feral expression, but was rubbing Loki’s back slightly. “Awwwwww, Jack is comforting him,” she whispered to Rumlow.
“It’s kinda cute,” Rumlow admitted, “for an ex-genocidal maniac and the only rabid animal found in Australia.” Darcy burst out laughing.
“What?” Loki said as they approached. “What is the joke?” Darcy shook her head.
“N-n-nothing!” she said, between giggles.
“What’s this going to be like?” Rumlow said.
“Like a rollercoaster, but with more colors,” Loki said.
“You went on a rollercoaster?” Rumlow said.
“We went last weekend,” Jack said.
“Heimdall,” Loki said, looking up. Brock followed the Asgardian’s gaze and scrunched his nose again. The sky looked normal. Just blue. With clouds.
“Without me?” Darcy said. “I’m hurt-slash-offended.” She put one hand on her hip.
“We’re doing that?” Rumlow said, but he was distracted by something shimmery over his head. A second before the rainbow roller coaster hit, he grabbed Darcy.
Read more on A03.
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gh03st-writer · 5 years
Summary: Reader comes back to Asgard after a century to attend a banquet at the royal palace. Her past with the Princes haunts her and calls her back to try and right the wrongs she committed. Reader was in a secret relationship with Thor but when the God of Thunder starts to turn his affection on Lady Sif, reader turns her attention to Loki and ends up more tangled up with the Princes than she planned on ever being.
Pairing: Loki x Female!Reader
Word count: 7974
Warnings: Implied smut (more like referenced tbh), a little bit of angst
A/N: This can be read as a standalone fic or as a part 2 to “He Can’t Be Replaced”. I didn’t plan on writing any more for this, but you guys inspired me (I got a little carried away >.>) so here it goes, let the drama begin!
Also, your last name will be Valgardsdottir because your father’s name is Valgard.
I inserted a read more link because this got so much longer than I planned on it being and there will be a copy of it on AO3 if that is easier for anyone if tumblr is being weird
*There is a traditional bread made during Ostara and there is a reference where someone breaks the eggs needed for the bread one year
       It had been nearly a century since you had last seen Asgard and walked the gilded halls of the palace; a distant memory that felt like a dream the more you thought about. You could still recall the day you left for Alfheim as if it was just moments ago; you left with very little notice, not wanting to make a scene. The sooner you left, the sooner you could forget, and that was all you wanted. You wanted to forget about all the mistakes you made that led you to leave Asgard, all the pain you had caused without a thought for anyone else but yourself.
           Your time at school in Alfheim taught you to be a world class diplomat, even earning a place among the school staff. After your graduation, the school offered you a position as a Professor of Diplomatic Affairs and you gladly accepted; one more reason not to return to Asgard.
           A few more years passed, and you wondered if anyone even bothered to remember you back home, your family sent you a few letters asking if you had any plans to return but that was all you had heard from anyone in Asgard. You felt a twinge of loneliness as you were handed another letter from your parents, it was hard to learn that your memory might have been nothing more than a passing thought in the minds of those you considered your friends, but it was something you had come to terms with many years before. You moved to open the letter from your parents when the courier stopped you, handing you another, “One more, Professor Valgardsdottir.”
           You hesitantly took the letter, the paper was much finer than your family would have used, “Thank you.”
           You ran your fingers over your name in gold lettering as you flipped it over in your hands, a part of you knew where this letter was from and another part of you wanted to keep wondering. You placed the letter beside you, trying to ignore it while you read the one from your family, partially hoping the strange letter would go away.
           It did not.
           It was hard to focus on the letter your family sent with the other letter siting no more than a foot away. You could barely make it through half the page before you grew frustrated and decided to open the strange letter. Placing your family’s letter down, you picked up the foreign letter and carefully opened it, greeted by an invitation to the royal palace of Asgard. The invitation was nothing short of what you would expect from the royals of Asgard: gold writing, paper finer than the sheets you slept on, and a filigree border that could put most gardens to shame. You ran your fingers over the letters, admiring the work put into making such an invitation as you began to read its contents:
To Lady Y/N Valgardsdottir,
You are hereby invited to the Banquet of Ostara at the royal palace of Asgard as an honored guest and daughter of Valgard, trusted advisor to Odin.
           “What in the nine realms,” you whispered to yourself as a second letter fell out from the envelope as you lifted it to place the invitation back inside. Picking the second letter up, you noticed the hand writing right away, it belonged to none other than Loki Odinson. You hesitated to read the letter, you hadn’t heard from Loki or heard anything about the Prince since you left Asgard.
           From one emotion to the other, your mind and heart did summersaults as you tried to understand why you would hear from the God of Mischief after a century of silence. A million thoughts ran through your mind as you tried to reason with yourself about reading the letter, whether it would be a heartfelt confession or an anger laced admission, you weren’t sure.
           You decided to go back to reading the letter from your family instead, placing the one from Loki to the side, hoping to take your mind away from the confusion and surprise of hearing from the Prince. The letter was nothing special, the usual gossip of the week along with the wellbeing of everyone. Since your father earned his position as Odin’s advisor last year, your mother sent you a letter every week to discuss the gossip among the noble diplomats and it quickly became repetitive. It offered little in the way of distracting you from the other mail you received today, you wished that your family had more to write you, but it was hard to find something new to write about when they insisted on sending you a letter every week.
           Your eyes continued to stray to Loki’s letter and you finally gave in, deciding that if the letter was truly terrible you could always burn it and pretend you never received it. The letter was light, his message short and to the point:
           Lady Y/N,
I am uncertain if you will read this letter, I understand that it has been a century since you left Asgard with little notice and we have not spoken since the night I asked for your hand in courtship. I was unsure if I should even include this letter when I learned that your name had been included among the names of those invited to The Banquet of Ostara, but I suppose a letter that has taken a century to write is a letter worth sending.
Perhaps I should have begun with pleasantries rather than uncertainty, but none the less, I do hope this letter finds you in good health. Your presence has been greatly missed here, I hope to see you at The Banquet.
           It was neither a heartfelt confession nor an anger laced admission; it was a letter from one old friend to another and it made you miss him more than you would like to admit. Time only turned the pain of memory into background noise that soon became the only thing you could hear as you read Loki’s letter. You missed both the Princes if you were being honest with yourself, but you missed Loki much more than his older brother. Your relationship with Thor was different from your relationship with Loki. Thor was your first everything, someone you can never replace; but Loki is the one you can never forget. It was your late-night conversations with Loki that you missed the most, not the comfort of Thor’s bed. You wondered if your relationship with Loki was something that could be salvaged or something you could start over, his letter gave you a strange sense of hope that maybe he still cared for you. A hope that you were not familiar with, you rejected Loki for his brother the last time you saw him so why hope the younger Prince cared for you, the thought left a heavy feeling in the pit of your stomach.
           A week passed, and you ultimately decided to make an appearance at the banquet of Ostara, deciding that it would be nice to see your family (and Loki). You wrote your family, telling them about your impending arrival and attendance at the banquet, you debated to write Loki as well wondering if he would welcome your reply. In the end, you decided it best to reply to Loki with a letter much like the one he sent you:
Your letter was unexpected but not unwelcome, for a brief moment in time I wondered if you had forgotten about me and I am glad to see that is not the case. There is a century worth of conversations we have missed, I hope we can have at least one when I return.
There is something I need to tell you, but it is not something I can send in a letter, it is something that must be spoken. Something I should have told you before I left Asgard, that I was too young to understand.
I hope that our friendship has not been broken beyond repair, but I understand that may be too much to ask.
I look forward to seeing you at The Banquet.
           You left for Asgard at the end of the month, your mind filled with all the possible outcomes of your trip. The trip was far from relaxing as your mind jumped from conclusion to conclusion, knowing full well that Loki will have gotten your letter long before you made it to Asgard, you wondered what kind of welcome awaited you.
           When you arrived, your mother, father, and younger sister welcomed you with open arms. The four of you talked about what you missed over the past century as well as what was in the many letters your mother sent you. Your sister quickly ushered you into your old room as the four of you reached your family’s home. You laughed as you set your bags down, “What has got you in such a fuss, did you break the eggs* again this year?”
           Your sister huffed, “That was one time!”
           “Sure,” you chuckled as your sister playfully swatted your arm.
           She put her hands on her hips triumphantly, “I know why you’re here.”
           You rolled your eyes, “I was invited to the Banquet of Ostara because of father’s new position as one of Odin’s advisors, it doesn’t take a master strategist to figure it out, little fox.”
           Now it was her turn to roll her eyes, “That’s just what they want you to think, and stop calling me little fox, I’m not a child anymore.”
           “Protest all you want, but you will always be a child to me baby sister,” you smiled, “So tell me, Asa, what is the real reason I was dragged all the way back to Asgard?”
           Asa smirked, “A suitor.”
           You stared at her, any semblance of a smile gone from your features, “Excuse me?”
           “You heard me correctly, a S-U-I-T-O-R,” Asa replied.            It took you a moment to process what Asa was saying, but as soon you realized the weight of her words you immediately stormed out of the room in search of your parents.
           “Mother, father, I just heard the most interesting thing from Asa,” you called out.
           Your mother peeked her head out from the next room, “Y/N, what are you talking about?”
           You walked into the room to find both your mother and father sitting by the fireplace, “Why was I dragged all the way back here?”
           Your mother knit her brows, “You weren’t dragged anywhere, you were invited to-“
           “Yes, I was invited to the Banquet of Ostara, I know,” you interrupted her, “But Asa seems to think otherwise, so correct me if I’m wrong, but are you planning to hand me off to a stranger tomorrow night?”
           “We’re not ‘handing you off’ to anyone, we found a suitor for you to marry,” your mother replied as if it were nothing.
           “Why,” you nearly shouted in reply to your mother’s indifference.
           Your father stepped in, “Watch your tone, our family has done this for generations, and you will be no exception.”
           Your mother placed a calming hand on your father’s arm, “She has every right to ask why,” she looked at you with kind eyes, “For generations our family have been in marriages that were arranged by their parents, I’ve always told both you and your sister that your father and I would make sure you would always be happy and safe.”
           “I didn’t think you meant that you would marry me off to some random lord with a wallet the size of his ego,” you replied as a sigh escaped your lips, “May I, at the very least, know who you will be showing me off to at The Banquet?”
Your parents shared a look, your father being the one to tell you the name of your betrothed, “Fandral.”
You tried hard not to laugh, really hard, but a giggle managed to weasel itself out of your mouth, your parents were not nearly as amused as you were. The look on their faces mirrored each other as your father addressed your amusement, “What is so funny that you can barely contain yourself?”
You weren’t sure where to start, “I’m not sure how I should say this, but Fandral has quite the reputation among women, both on and off Asgard.”
Asa had been listening in on the entire conversation, never able to resist family drama, and made her presence known only by the sound of her laughter, “Mother, father, you must be joking, Fandral of all people!”
You echoed your sister’s sentiment as the both of you started to erupt in a fit of laughter. Your parents weren’t nearly as amused as the two of you were and simply frowned at each of you with disappointment written all over their faces. They echoed each other in agreement as your mother began reprimanding the two of you, “Girls, despite the rumors, I’m certain you both will be absolutely delightful at the banquet, and not incapacitated by laughter by this time tomorrow.”
The two of you did your best to nod between your laughter as you reassured your mother, “Yes, absolutely delightful, we wouldn’t dare disrupt The Banquet with our obnoxious laughter.”
Your mother gave you look that told you to watch what you said as she dismissed the two of you, “You should go rest, tomorrow will be a long day.”
The two of you left with more laughter than silence escaping from your lips. Asa nearly tripped over her own feet as she rushed to shut the bedroom door behind her, “So, what’s the plan?”
You looked at her with confusion written everywhere but on paper, “What are you talking about?”
She huffed and folded her arms in front of her, “C’mon, Y/N, I’ve known you since the day I was born, you can’t tell me you don’t have something bouncing around in that brain of yours that will get you out of this mess.”
You thought about what your sister said, she was right, in your younger days you would have caused a storm of trouble that would embarrass your parents enough that they would think twice before trying to hand you off to someone again. Asa had the same twinkle in her eyes that you used to have, but time has dulled that mischievous spark in your eyes and certain consequences remind you what too much mischief will bring, “Little fox, the days of causing mischief to get out of obligations are over, I have learned that there are some things that you cannot change.”
She sighed, worry creeping into her voice, “What happened to you on Alfheim, before you would have caused such a storm that no one would want to marry you without your verbal permission.”
Asa watched your thought process as memories of your life before Alfheim played through your mind. She took hold of your hand as she realized why you have changed, “Not everything was your fault, Y/N, you can’t carry the burden of others on your shoulders,” her arms surrounded you in a warm embrace as she let go of your hand, “You are no Atlas.”
Your sister was the only one who knew about your past with the Princes and why you left Asgard for Alfheim. You accepted her embrace happily, thankful that there was at least one person you could talk to without judgment and seek some form of comfort, “You’re right, but I certainly could have taken more care with my actions.”
She sighed as the two of you parted, “No one, except Heimdall, can see the future.”
You laughed, “Then he should have at least given me a warning of some sort.”
“Oh, I would pay to see that conversation,” she laughed with you, “Heimdall stops you while you’re slinking through the palace one night to warn you about the consequences of your actions.”
You shook your head, “I’m certain I would have died from embarrassment alone if that happened.”
“I thought so,” she agreed.
Asa began to leave the room and head to her own room for the night as you started to move your bags about the room from where they had been conveniently placed while you were walking in the door when a letter fell out of one of your bags. She picked it up to hand it to you when she noticed the quality of the paper, “Who sent you this?”
You took the letter from her quicker than you would admit to, “No one important, it came with my invitation.”
She raised her eyebrows and stared at you in disbelief, “Wow, I didn’t know a Professor of Diplomatic Affairs could be such a terrible liar, do you teach the students that truth and honesty can conquer anything, is there a separate class for learning how to manipulate the truth?”
You mocked offense, “I’ll have you know, I teach my students to be the best damn debaters and negotiators in the nine realms.”
“Then what the hell was that sorry excuse for a lie you just told me,” she knew you better than anyone, the only person in all the nine realms that you could never lie to.
You took a deep breath before answering her, “Loki sent a letter with my invitation.”
Asa’s eyes nearly fell out of her head as she processed what you told her, she scrambled to get the letter back from you, “By Odin’s beard, you have to let me see that letter.”
You threw it in the top of your shirt in an attempt to keep it from her grasp, “Have I ever told you the story of how mother dropped you on your head as a babe, because you must be crazy if you think I’m going to let you read that letter.”
She placed her hands firmly on her hips and rolled her eyes, “That story must be about you because we both know you sticking it down your shirt won’t stop me.”
“You wouldn’t,” you gasped.
Her eyes narrowed, “You either tell me what’s in the letter or I go bodice diving.”
You sighed and raised your hands in surrender, “Alright, I’ll tell you what’s in the letter.”
She placed herself happily in the center of your bed, her smile smug and her eyes expectant. You pushed her over, making room for yourself, “I said I would tell you about the letter, not give you my bed.”
           She laughed, “The sooner you tell me, the sooner I’ll give your bed back.”
           You sighed, “It isn’t anything scandalous, he simply stated that my presence has been missed and he hopes to see me at The Banquet.”
           Asa looked at you like you had just grown three heads, “There is nothing simple about what you just said to me.”
“Nonsense,” you laughed, “Besides, I don’t want to overthink anything and make assumptions.”
“Sis, I don’t know how to tell you this, but being a professor has turned you into the dumbest woman in all of the nine realms,” Asa stated.
You punched her arm, “I’ve done nothing but care for you and support you since the day you were born, and this is how you speak to me.”
She laughed, “You better hope my arm doesn’t bruise, I’m just telling you the truth.”
“I don’t want to get my hopes up, Asa, I just want to be able to try and clear the air a little bit,” you told her.
Asa rolled her eyes, “Yeah, okay,” she replied as she started to get under the covers of your blanket.
You started to pull the blanket out from her grasp, “What are you doing, aren’t you a little old to be sleeping in my bed with me?”
Asa took the blanket back from you, “Not tonight, big sis, we are having a sleepover and getting you mentally, emotionally, and fashionably ready for tomorrow.”
You laughed, “Fine, although is it really a sleepover if we live in the same house?”
She hit you with one of the pillows behind her, “It’s a sleepover if I say it’s a sleepover.”
“Whatever you say,” you agreed with her for the sake of not wanting to argue about nuances as you settled into bed, “I don’t know about you, but I’m going to try and get some sleep, enjoy your sleepover by yourself.”
Asa ripped the covers off of you, “Absolutely not, no one in this room will be sleeping until tomorrow has a plan so fool proof that your title will be changed from Professor of Diplomatic Affairs to Professor of Strategy and Execution.”
This bickering went on for another twenty minutes until you gave in to your sister and let her plan out your entire evening tomorrow and rummage through the dresses you had brought with you from Alfheim.
She looked at all two of the dresses you had brought with you to wear and shook her head, “Seriously, you brought two of the plainest pieces of fabric I’ve ever seen.”
“It’s not like I exactly went shopping before I left Alfheim,” you replied, “I do have other responsibilities than impressing every noble on Asgard.”
Asa quickly left the room, still shaking her head, and returned with a dress that was much dressier than what you brought, “Try this on, I got it last year as a gift, but it never quite fit me right.”
You sighed and took the dress from her, indulging her, “After this, I’m going to sleep, and we can finish in the morning.”
She barely heard you as she rushed you behind a wall divider, “Fine, just hurry up.”
You tried on the dress and weren’t sure if it was because of how tired you were, but it looked like it was made for you. It hugged every curve of your body like a glove, the gold and green tones brought out the color in your eyes and made it look like you were almost glowing. You stepped out from behind the divider to show Asa, “What do you think?”
Her jaw nearly dropped to the floor, “I think you have a tailor hiding back there, that dress looks amazing on you and if Loki doesn’t notice you the minute you walk in the room then he must be blind because I know everyone else will.”
You felt slightly anxious at the thought of having the eyes of everyone on you, “Asa, are you sure this is necessary, the dresses I brought are nice enough, I don’t need to show off to every noble in the room.”
She slapped your arm playfully, “You must be joking, this dress is absolutely necessary and the only thing anyone will be talking about for the next century.”
“I was hoping to be old news by now,” you replied jokingly.
She motioned for you to change back into your clothes, “You were, but talk about a comeback.”
           You laughed, “Thanks, Asa, I was really shooting for the return of a century when I came back to Asgard.”
           Her voice sounded as smug as she looked, “You’re welcome.”
           The two of you chatted for the rest of the night as you started to fall asleep, Asa did spend the night in your room, The Banquet being the only thing she wanted to talk about. Telling her about the letter Loki sent you were either going to be the best or worst thing that had happened to you since you came back to Asgard.
           The morning came quickly, and The Banquet came even quicker, time seemed to stop and speed up all at once as your family arrived at the royal palace. Asa helped you get ready and argued with you about which shoes to wear for at least an hour before your mother had to interject and ended up choosing the pair you wore.
           Asa was right when she said that your dress would be the talk of the century, more than one noble admired you as you stood by one of the many banquet tables that lined the room. It made you second guess coming back to Asgard at all, but none the less, you were determined to speak with the dark-haired prince before the night’s end.
You were nervous to say the least as your mother took your arm and guided you to a nearby table with more nobles standing around it than you cared to count, “Darling, I know it can be nerve-wracking to meet the person you are told you will spend the rest of your life with, but trust me when I tell you, it won’t be as bad as you think.”
“I’m sure you’re right, I guess I have the pre-engagement nerves,” you laughed, hoping she would take that excuse and not probe you for more information.
She patted your hand that was rest on her arm, “It’s alright, we all get them.”
She believed your excuse and you sighed in relief, how were you going to tell her that the one person you were most nervous about the meeting was not the one you were promised to marry.
The exact person she was walking you over too.
When you realized where she was leading you to, you held your breath for a moment, taking a mental tally of everyone present at the table. There stood the Warriors Three, your father, your sister, and a few other nobles you couldn’t remember the names of. You weren’t sure if it was disappointment or relief that you felt when you saw that neither Prince, but you finally started to breathe regularly again as you reached the table. Your father and the Warriors Three were stuck in a match of who could tell the best battle story and your father was losing, badly. Your mother cleared her throat to announce your arrival but the laughter at the table easily swallowed her attempt at a gentle announcement. She started to laugh with the group softly and touched your father’s arm, “Dear, I’m sure that these men have more stories about triumph in battle than we have time to tell them.”
Your father looked in the direction of your mother and cleared his throat, noticing both of your arrivals, “Of course, I just get so caught up in all the tales of glory that I miss my old warrior days, being the King’s advisor is prestigious but it doesn’t quite measure up to the feeling of being on an open battlefield with your brothers behind you and your enemy staring you down.”
You chimed in, knowing that your father could easily get carried away with the subject, “Yes, but sitting at the table of advisors across from the other advisors can feel like a battlefield, I find.”
           Your father scoffed, “Says the Professor of Diplomatic Affairs.”
           Your mother cleared her throat once again, much louder this time, and your father took the hint, “Yes, well we didn’t come here to discuss old war stories, gentlemen, you already know my wife, I would like to introduce you to my daughter Y/N,” he motioned towards you, “She just returned back from Alfheim where she is an esteemed Professor of Diplomatic Affairs.”
           You curtsied, “It is a pleasure to meet the Warriors Three after all the stories I’ve heard.”
           They paused a moment, and you hoped they did not recognize you, the last thing you needed was your parents finding of your past at a formal banquet from three of the closest people to the crown prince. There was a pleading look in your eyes that they seemed to have caught as each introduced themselves to you, Volstagg and Hogun introduced themselves first, a twinkle of recognition played in their eyes and you were thankful they did not voice it. Fandral took your hand and brought it to his lips, “A pleasure to meet you Lady Y/N, I am Fandral, hopefully, your parents have told you about our engagement.”
           You smiled, laughing lightly, “They have, although a surprise, better to find out before than at a public event and risk embarrassment.”
           Your mother started to reprimand you as Fandral laughed, “That it is, I am sure we will get along wonderfully.”
           Your mother shot you a look that said this was not over, you shot her a look in return that suggested it had only just begun. Fandral offered his arm to you, “I hope your parents do not mind, but I want to get to know more about you without curious ears listening.”
           You hesitantly took his arm, “I’m certain my parents would be more than happy to see you walk away with me, although I’m not sure your fellow Warriors feel the same.”          
           Volstagg and Hogun laughed at your remark as the two of you started to walk away from the table. Fandral leaned slightly closer to you, “In that dress, there are very few men that would be happy to see you walk away with me.”
           “Then I have succeeded in making the entire Banquet either jealous or envious,” you replied.
           He laughed as the two of you walked to the outskirts of the room, near the gardens, “That you have, although it pains me to know that I am not the one you put that dress on for.”
           You smiled and took a glass from one of the nearby tables, “What gave me away?”
           “It took a moment, but I remember you,” he replied, “And green isn’t exactly my color, I prefer purple.”
           You laughed, “So you walked me all the way over here for what, to confirm that I am the woman you thought I was and that my feelings for one, if not both of the Princes, are still very real.”
           He looked off into the garden, “No, I already knew who you were, and I know about the letter that was sent in your invitation.”
           You nearly spit out your drink, “What letter?”
           He smiled smugly, “Don’t act like Loki didn’t send you a letter with your invitation, I saw him sneak it into the envelope, all I had to do was get you over here.”
           “What are you talking about,” you questioned.
           He motioned for you to head into the garden, “For a Professor, you can be awfully dense, Lady Y/N.”
           You knit your brow and started to head into the garden, “Lord Fandral, I swear on Odin’s beard that if this is some sort of weird trick you’re playing at-”
           “Tricks are what I’m known for,” the voice that interrupted you took your breath away. Loki Odinson, God of Mischief, was sitting near the center of the garden. The look on your face must have given away your surprise, the god chuckled, “At a loss for words, I see.”
           You weren’t sure if you were this was all an elaborate dream or not, but you didn’t care, “You could put it that way, I thought I would catch a glimpse of you at The Banquet, but it seems you found a way to sneak off to somewhere away from the crowd,” a small smile played at your lips, “Like always.”
           The words coming out of your mouth weren’t the ones your brain told it say. You brain wanted to ask him a million questions, but your mouth had other ideas, “I remember this garden, its where I used to find you when no one else could.”
           Loki sighed and examined one of the many flowers that were in bloom, “Y/N, I got your letter, what did you need to tell me?”
           You took in a deep breath, not sure if you were ready to tell him everything that needed to be said. You started to look at the various flowers that lined the seating area of the garden, “We’ve missed a century worth of conversations, of all the conversations to have with you first, I don’t know why I didn’t imagine that this is the one we would be having.”
           Loki watched you, confused, “Y/N-“
           “Why aren’t you angry with me,” you interrupted him as tears threatened to make themselves known, “Why did you let them invite me here, is this some elaborate trick to embarrass me once and for all, are these the consequences of my actions that I have dreaded for so long?”
           Those certainly weren’t the words your brain told you to say or the words your mouth wanted to say.
           Your heart was the one pulling the strings, it had taken full control of your decisions from here on out, your brain and mouth were just along for the show.
           The tears that had threatened to come out were starting to trickle down your face, Loki stood from his seat and reached for you, but you rejected his offer of comfort, “I’m sorry, I thought I could handle this, I thought time had eased the pain but it only dulled it.”
           Loki’s looked at you with worry written across his face, “Y/N, please sit down and take a breath,” he motioned for you to sit on a nearby bench, “This is no trick, I only wanted to speak with you away from prying eyes and ears.”
           You wiped the tears from your eyes, “You should be angrier, I led you on and then rejected you for your brother after I told myself I wouldn’t fall for either of you.”
           Loki moved towards you but stopped what he realized what you, “Did you just say, ‘either of you’, as in both of us?”
           You nodded your head, “Yes, that’s what ‘either of you means’, I didn’t mean to have feelings for Thor or you but now I’m stuck with these feelings that I wasn’t able to make sense of before and I can barely make sense of now and I know that this is a lot to drop on you all of a sudden but I had this whole conversation between us planned out in my head and now it’s all gone to pieces and I just-“
           “Y/N, breath,” Loki had taken hold of your shoulders as you started to ramble with no end in sight, “I’ve been waiting a century to speak with you again, a conversation that has waited a century to have can wait a little longer.”
           You laughed as you remembered the letter he sent you, “Just like the letter that took a century to write.”
           He laughed with you, “Yes, and I’m glad I finally did, I had a thousand versions of that letter drafted, some angrier than others, but after rewriting it for the thousandth time, I decided that I missed you more than I was angry with you.”
           You listened to him, not fully believing the words coming from his mouth. These were words you never imagined he would say to you. Both of you stared at each other for a moment before realizing he still had you by the shoulders. The two of you parted with a slight air or embarrassment as you began to laugh. Loki looked at you like you had finally lost your mind, “Y/N, I don’t understand what is so funny.”
           You continued to laugh, “It’s funny in an ironic way, I was supposed to the one with the heartfelt confession, not you,” your laughter began to quiet itself as you started taking deep breaths, “I had a plan, Loki, I was going to tell you everything I was too young to realize when you asked for my hand in courtship and then I was going to listen to you yell at me for leading you on and thinking I could just come back and everything would be okay.”
           Loki ran a hand through his hair, he wanted nothing more than to embrace and comfort you, but he didn’t want to drive you away, “You keep saying you lead me on, stop saying that, you didn’t lead me anywhere, if anything you lead me to believe we were friends.”
           This was the only time, during the entire conversation, that Loki had come close to yelling or being angry. You were shocked at his words, “What are you saying, that I had nothing to do with giving you the idea that you should court me?”
           Loki sighed, frustration starting to get the better of him, “I told you on that night, and I’ll tell you again as many times as you want, but my decision to ask for your hand in courtship was all of my own doing, if anything, it was my own delusions and fantasies that gave me the idea, not you.”
           You listened to him, considering everything he was saying, your heart deciding that now was the perfect time to jump the gun and open your mouth before consulting the rational part of your brain, “I should have said yes.”
           The world around both of you stood still as he listened to your words, “What?”
           You let out a breath you didn’t know you were holding, “I should have said yes, all those years ago, I should have said yes,” you finally took a seat on the bench and stared at a nearby flower, “Loki, it was hard for me to admit that my feelings for you had grown into more than just friendship because I was so infatuated with Thor, but after I left Asgard I couldn’t forget you.”
           It was Loki’s turn to stan in disbelief at the words you were saying, you refused to look at him as you continued to speak, “Thor was my first everything, first love, first time, first kiss, and no one will be able to replace him,” you finally turned your attention to Loki and noticed the look in his eyes of disbelief and even a spot of hope, “But I can’t forget you.”
           Loki stared at you for a moment, taking in everything that you were saying, all the words pouring from your mouth that he had dreamed of hearing you say in one way or another. You watched him, unsure what his silence meant, “Loki, say something because now I’ve laid my heart out in front of you and I just want to know if you’re listening or if this is all some elaborate dream that my brain has cooked up.”
           “What does that mean,” Loki replied.
           You ran your hands down your face, “It means, I guess it means,” a long sigh escaped your mouth as you tried to explain yourself, “It means that Thor might have been my first, but I want you to be my last.”
           Loki stood there a moment, unsure if was hearing you correctly. You rose from the bench and hesitantly placed a comforting hand on his arm, “Loki-”
           The next thing you knew, Loki’s lips were on yours as his hands held your face. Instinctively, you wrapped your arms around his neck. The kiss seemed to go on forever before the two of you parted, out of breath. You smiled and looked up at him as he rested his forehead against your own, a smile playing on his lips as well, “I’ve waited a century to kiss you.”
           You giggled, “A century is a long time to wait, I hope you don’t wait a century for our first night together, I’m not sure I can take a century of teasing.”          
           His eyes darkened, “Well, darling, in that dress you might not make it through the night.”
           “Loki Odinson, I’ll have you know that I am a decent woman and do not let any man into my bed on the first night,” you playfully reprimanded him.
           His smile widened wickedly, “That’s alright, my bed is big enough for two.”
           You gasped and laughed, untwining yourself from the mischievous god, “Before we end in either bed, we need to take care of my very recent and very unexpected engagement to Fandral.”
           Loki took your arm and linked it with his, “I’m already way ahead of you, in fact, Fandral lost a bet to me and owes me a favor.”
           You looked at Loki with an eyebrow raised, “What kind of favor?”
           Mischief played in his eyes as he led you back into the banquet hall, “The kind that will solve your engagement problem.”
           Your jaw nearly touched the floor as you took in the scene before you: Fandral dramatically kissing your sister in front of the entire banquet hall.
           Loki chuckled as you rushed over to your parents who stood just as shocked as you were, “What is going on?!”
           Your mother looked as mad as you should have been if you actually cared about your engagement with Fandral, “Y/N, don’t worry, your father is going to take care of this,” she looked pointedly at your father, “Right, dear?”
           Your father nodded and walked over to the kissing pair, “Show’s over,” he pulled your sister from Fandral’s reach, “So is your engagement to my daughter!”
           You tried to reach your father before things got out of hand, “Father, there’s something I have to tell you and mother…”
           Fandral barely looked phased by your father as he called out to what appeared to be no one, “Alright Loki, you heard the man, the show’s over.”
           You father looked more confused than you had been all night as Loki made his appearance known to the banquet hall, “Thank you, Fandral, although that might have been a little too dramatic, even for me.”
           Fandral winked at your sister as he left to talk with the rest of the Warriors Three, “It was my pleasure.”
           Your father suddenly straightened himself at the appearance of the young prince, jostling your sister that was just managing to get away from him. You held your head in your hand as Loki came to stand behind you, “You could have just told him to verbally break the engagement, ya know?”
           “Where is the fun in that,” Loki replied, obviously pleased with himself about the mischief he was able to cause.
           Your mother stared at the two of you, “Is there something you want to tell us, Y/N?”
           You turned your attention to her, guilt written in your features, “Mother, there is so much I’ve been wanting to tell you, but let’s start with right now and then I promise to tell you everything.”
           Asa rushed herself to your side, excitement bouncing off of her, “I told you the dress would work!”
           Loki snaked a hand around your waist, “Yes, the dress certainly helped.”
           Your father chimed in before your sister could say any more, “Apologies, your highness, but I have to ask what the meaning of all this is.”
           Loki moved to offer your father his hand, “I understand you are one of my father’s advisor, allow me to formally ask for your daughter’s hand in courtship.”
           Your father had very few words after that, he accepted Loki’s hand, “Well, I can’t imagine saying anything less than of course.”
           You laughed at your father’s words, “I’m so glad that the two of you have found common ground and are able to get along.”
           Loki’s hand found its way back around your waist as your father found his place next to your mother as she addressed you, “Y/N, I can’t tell you how happy I am that you were able to find someone you actually like to be your suitor, but I am rather displeased with how it was brought to our attention.”
           You look at your mother apologetically, “Mother, I’m sorry but trust me when I tell you that it will all make so much more sense when I tell you everything.”
           The rest of The Banquet went off without a hitch, your parents were mingling with nobles from every family. Thor and Lady Sif made their appearance with Freya and Odin soon to follow. You nudged Loki curiously, “Why were you the only Odinson here this whole time?”
           “I had someone special to meet,” he replied.
           You rolled your eyes playfully as the banquet hall welcomed the royal family. The night went smoothly, even when you met with Thor again. It was awkward at first, but if the century away from Asgard did anything, it had certainly eased the pain and feelings you had related to the crown prince, much to Loki’s satisfaction.
           You spent the rest of your time split between the company of the young prince and the company of your family. Your time back on Asgard felt like it got away from you before you were needed back on Alfheim to finish teaching future nobles how to be diplomatic with others. Loki was more than reluctant to see you go, “Do you really need to go?”
           You smiled, “Yes, I have responsibilities and students that are expecting me, I’ll be back after the school year is over.”
           Loki frowned, “You make it sound like it’s a weekend away and not at least another four months.”            
           You started to double check that you had all the bag you came with, “We could always, I don’t know, write each other letters.”
           Loki wrapped his arms around you, “Hmm, maybe, or you could just not go.”
           You turned around to face him, “You make a compelling case, but I have to see the rest of the school year through, I owe it to my students.”
           Loki sighed, “Fine, at least promise me you won’t get engaged to anyone while we’re apart.”
           You laughed, “As if I was the one who proposed to Fandral and cried about it later.”
           “That’s how I remember it,” Loki teased you.
           Your trip back to Alfheim was as bittersweet as you expected, but for a completely different reason.
           Months passed and Loki did write you letters, and you wrote him back. The courier noticed your increase in letters and who they were from, offering you nothing more than a knowing look at each weekly delivery. You were convinced that the courier read the letters before they were handed off to you, but you never had any proof.
           At the end of the school year, you handed in your resignation, much to the disappointment of the students, and happily packed your things to head back to Asgard.
           Your welcome back to Asgard was much more festive than your first. Your family, Loki, and an entourage of people you don’t quite remember but look familiar were waiting for you on the other side of the Bifrost. You were surprised by the large group of people welcoming you, Loki was the first to step forward, “Welcome home, love.”
           The two of you embraced and it was like that night at The Banquet all over again, you missed him during those months back at the school and the letters only made you miss him more. You parted from Loki to greet your family and wave to the large entourage of people. You looked at Loki and pointed to the group of people you didn’t exactly recognize, “Who are all these people?”
           Loki smiled, “They’re here for the big announcement.”
           “What announcement,” you asked.
           Loki pulled you in close and dug a ring out of his pocket, “Y/N Valgardsdottir, will you marry me?”
           You weren’t sure if you wanted to laugh or cry, maybe a little bit of both, “Yes, of course I’ll marry you.”
           He kissed you and slipped the ring on your hand, “I knew you’d say that.”
           “So why the fanfare,” you asked.
           He chuckled, “It was this or a parade organized by none other than my brother.”
           You nodded, “I’ll take the fanfare.”
           The two of you laughed as your family congratulated you and the large entourage of people behind them cheered. The years to come were a mystery to you but you knew that the only thing left for you to regret is not saying “yes” sooner.
Tags: @fire-in-her-veinz
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pass-the-bechdel · 5 years
Marvel Cinematic Universe: Thor: The Dark World (2013)
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Does it pass the Bechdel Test?
Yes, at least four times.
How many female characters (with names and lines) are there?
Four (23.52% of cast).
How many male characters (with names and lines) are there?
Positive Content Rating:
General Film Quality:
Surprisingly dull.
MORE INFO (and potential spoilers) UNDER THE CUT:
Passing the Bechdel:
Darcy tells Jane about the scientific anomaly. They check it out together. They pass when Jane reappears. Frigga instructs Jane. To be honest, I forgot to notice if they actually passed once Jane came back to Earth, but it’s ok because we already confirmed that the film achieved multiple passes anyway. There were definitely some.
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Female characters:
Jane Foster.
Darcy Lewis.
Male characters:
Erik Selvig.
Odin is encouraging Thor to have a relationship with Sif, aka his One Female Friend. What a cliche. It comes to nothing in any direction and I don’t know why they bothered to even mention it.
They bother to give Frigga something to do (ever-so-briefly) in this movie, just in time to kill her off. Nice.
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They spent so much time having Thor and Loki trade quips while they’re escaping Asgard, I straight-up forgot that Jane was there. Bad editing, y’all.
Erik is ~crazy~ and then he sees the convergence is happening and he’s spontaneously better and it’s all just very...poor.
Thor’s whole take-the-aether-to-Svartalfheim plan goes astronomically badly and I feel like they kinda...gloss over that. He and his buddies all commit treason, they deliver the aether straight to Malekith, and Loki DIES (as far as Thor knows, anyway). It’s just kinda weird that they don’t take a moment to be like ‘wow, really fucked that one up’, y’know, lean in to the emotion a bit, give it some weight? I feel like they played Frigga’s death like it was the more desolate moment, which is nonsense from both a narrative perspective, and in terms of character (since the audience is three films in with fan-favourite Loki, as opposed to this being Frigga’s second appearance but the first in which she actually did anything (recall in the first film she was not actually given a name, let alone anything to do)). Whatever. 
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I’m not gonna linger overlong with this one, because there’s really not a lot worth saying. For the ladies, I will say this: I think all four of them have more utility in this film than they did in the first Thor. Jane is less prominent than last time, but she gets to do more than just talk excitedly about science this time (though for the middle portion of the film, she is rendered a damsel and spends a lot of time either unconscious or just weirdly silent and being totally forgotten by narrative and audience alike (pro tip: reaction shots of all involved parties are important. No one is ever just hanging on the sidelines of a major action event doing and thinking and responding to nothing). Nevertheless, she gets to actively participate in science-ing a way to win the day at the climax of the film (using Selvig’s tech, admittedly - I can’t give points to any aspect of Jane’s handling in this film without also adding a caveat), and at least that’s better than standing around yelling and wringing her hands over Thor? It’s something.
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When I say Sif had more utility this time, that’s...maybe an exaggeration. She had about the same amount as last film, really: she does at least one (1) thing in her function as ‘one of Thor’s group of friends’, and she gets at least one (1) scene where she has a personal conversation of some description with Thor so that the film can play with the possibility of using Sif as a love interest. It’s not a thrilling effort, and I can’t pretend that there’s any real evidence of a character there, just a placeholder standing in until someone with an actual personality shows up to take over (it doesn’t happen). Darcy continues to be that mix of fun and annoying that only sometimes works as comic relief, but at least this movie gives her some minor action to perform (getting Selvig out of the psychiatric facility) as opposed to just tagging along being chatty for the sake of it all movie long. It’s not much - and frankly, Selvig’s whole storyline is useless - but at least it allows anything at all to be happening on Earth while Jane and Thor are away. It’s...something.
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And then there’s Frigga, who, as noted, is briefly given something to do so that the film can shore up some meagre emotional capital in order to buy a fancy funeral scene and some tasty manpain for our Asgardian royals. Yippee. An inordinate amount of attention is given to the death of a relatively minor character with whom the audience has been given little opportunity to forge an attachment, and while it works fine enough at that point in the film, the fact that the movie never reaches that same tempo again is egregious. Normally, the primary emotional intensifier in the film is the event which prompts the final act, but this movie misplaces that event way early with Frigga’s death and then Thor’s treason-plan which ensues; there’s a whole other action set-piece on Svartalfheim and ANOTHER (much more major) character death, and THAT is what spurs the final act of the film, but it is handled in a much more low-key (pun not intended) fashion, with very little response from the characters past the immediate moment. After Loki’s death, there’s no evidence that Thor is particularly bothered, there’s no indication that he’s emotionally driven to avenge his brother (or his mother, now, because we already spent that arc) by defeating Malekith at last, and there’s no hatching of a reckless Hail-Mary ploy to beat the bad guy, they just kinda...go and plant some gravitation rod thingies. Wowzer. The primary emotional intensifier of the film happens at the half-way point with Frigga’s fridging, and there’s not nearly enough fuel in that to keep the story running to the end. 
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Essentially, this is the problem with the entire film: it has no emotional cohesion, and that renders events that should feel compelling/exciting/original perfunctory and empty instead. It also has the same problem as the first Thor in that the majority of the characters feel flat and fairly meaningless as individuals, existing more as plot devices than anything else, but unlike the first film this one doesn’t even muster a good villain plot (Christopher Eccleston’s Malekith has presence, but he isn’t given anything dynamic to work with, he’s literally ‘evil, because’. Also, I’m annoyed that they had Adewale Akinnuoye-Agbaje as Malekith’s lieutenant and failed to do anything cool with him as a character, he’s just The Muscle (who is also ‘evil, because’)). The adventure to Svartalfheim is the best part of the film because it has the sense of escalating stakes that the actual final act lacks, so it’s the only time that the tone of the film feels like it’s on-track, plus it is notably the only time that the narrative utilises Loki (fan-favourite character and easily the best asset from the first film: you kinda want to lean in to that - the other best character from the first movie, Heimdall, remains woefully underused this time around). Once Loki is out of the picture and Thor’s not real worried about it and the characters on Earth are fooling around with planting a handful of itty flimsy spikes in Greenwich to disrupt the cosmic alignment of the nine realms (who knew it was that easy?), the film lapses into the same old predictable beats with no emotional core, and while there’s some basic fun in the portal-hopping of the film’s climax, there’s no sense of any genuine jeopardy for any of the characters, nor is there a clear idea of what they actually have to do to beat Malekith or how that can be achieved, so the action isn’t building toward anything more defined than ‘super-powered aliens whaling on each other’. As the MCU already learned (but evidently, failed to internalise) after The Incredible Hulk, just having rubber characters bounce around breaking stuff and being invulnerable until it becomes convenient for them to stop does not a good finale make. Well. At least this movie isn’t as ridiculously contrived as Iron Man 2? It’s less fun, though, and for all its spectacle, it’s not even as good as the first Thor movie, and considering how very generic that film was? That’s a dire conclusion. The MCU track record for sequels is presently, not good. Just you wait, though - we’re about to have an exception to the rule.
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occasionalfics · 6 years
Homecoming (Thor X Sif)
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From @loverofthor: “would you mind doing Thor/Sif? I haven’t seen much of them from authors and I ship them ENDLESSLY. Smut would be fine. Perhaps a little fluff?”
A/N: So I can’t remember the last time I really saw Sif in the MCU outside of Agents of Shield and I’ve been trying to play around with the idea that she’s just been on Midgard the whole time doing...god knows what? And I went with that here. I didn’t end up getting to smut but if I had, this would’ve been SO. LONG. And I’m trying to work on getting to the point of things and not meandering too much. Either way, I legit love Sif and would 100% write more for her, both with Thor and with a Reader. Just...for reference.
Warnings: Nothing, really. Lots of Thor almost being sad but also being Thor and genuinely finding the light in every single tunnel he’s forced into.
Words: 3,010 (like I said...long for a drabble)
When Asgard made its way to Midgard, Thor thought I have lost everything. But he hadn’t. He had a kingdom, his brother, his friends...all except the four he’d left on Asgard when his father had banished him all those years ago.
Three of those friends were dead. He missed Hogun’s advice and guidance, the contemplative stares as he observed all he saw. Thor missed Fandral’s flirtatious attitude and the resilience with which he fought. And he missed Volstagg’s booming laughter and the fearlessness he brought to every battle. He missed his friends, who he couldn’t protect from his own sister.
But there was still one. He hadn’t seen Lady Sif in so long - he couldn’t remember the last time. It was probably when he’d brought Jane to Asgard, and he barely spent any time with Sif then. He regretted it now, since their friends were gone and he had no idea where she was.
When everything had settled and his people were taken care of, he felt comfortable going to Heimdall for assistance. Heimdall found her in no time, as Thor expected. She was in New Mexico, not far from the town he’d had fallen into years ago. So close to Jane Foster, though he knew she had moved on with her life. He didn’t blame her, didn’t harbor any anger or detestation. He was a different person than he’d been since the last time he’d seen either of them. He could only expect as much from both Jane and Lady Sif.
He needed an excuse to call her to New York, other than needing her friendship. Heimdall said she was doing important work, but not exactly what work. She would come for very few reasons, so he picked the best one he could.
“You want me to fund a homecoming party?” Tony asked upon his proposal.
He didn’t say it was really meant to bring Sif home. Or rather, to introduce her to their new home, should she wish to return to Asgard. Still, he begged Tony to help him, and eventually, he did. They planned a grand ball and sent an invitation - by USPS, rather than a raven (in Tony’s words) - to the address Sif had given to Heimdall.
He was nervous the whole night, though he couldn’t say why. Sif was his friend. They’d fought together, celebrated together, learned and grown together. She was his peer, and one of the only people as skilled in battle as he or Brunhilde. He knew her well, and yet, he was anxiously awaiting her arrival. Hilde kept laughing at him, giving him her usual smirk as if she knew something he didn’t and wasn’t about to share the information. Her wink told him she thought it was more fun to watch him suffer.
He was the only one to notice when she did arrive. His Avenger friends didn’t know her, and his Asgardian subjects were too far into their celebration to notice. But he did.
She looked spectacular, and she was wearing his colors. Her dress was red, her shoes were gold, and her earrings were blue. She towered over most of the people she passed, and her face was a stoic portrait of all the things he remembered of Asgard - the place. Grace, strength, capability.
He enthusiastically made his way to her, calling her name above the din of conversation and music, desperately trying to catch her attention. Her sharp features turned up into a pleasant smile when she found him, and as they neared one another, he held his arms out. She called his name, and he felt something stir in him that he hadn’t felt in some time. He’d later call it attraction, although that felt too shallow.
He moved to embrace her, but she stepped back half an inch and bowed instead. “It’s quite an honor to see you, my King,” she said, always the formal soldier.
He rolled his eyes and waited until she stood at her full height, nearly taller than he was in her heels. “No need for such formalities,” he told her. He couldn’t name the lightness in his chest when her eyes met his again because he’d never felt it with her before. But she was his dearly missed friend. She was one of his last reminders of home, the last of their group to survive Hela. That had to be the cause of the feeling, certainly.
“Of course there’s a need,” she said, her lips turning up into a smirk. “You are King now.”
He shrugged. “Kind of,” he said.
Her brows turned up in the middle, though her expression lost none of its playfulness. They stared at one another for too long before she tore her gaze from his and looked around the room. Stark had done a good job - or rather, his party planner had done a good job at transforming the recreational space of the compound into a ballroom. They’d even managed to fit the Valknut into some of the bannisters, creating a sense that this new place was home, no matter what it looked like.
“I’m afraid I’ve missed a lot,” Sif said, her dark hair falling over her shoulders like Thor had never noticed before.
His smile fell, but hers did not. He hesitated, unsure of what to say. Sif had been gone from his life for so long that he couldn’t remember where to start. What had she missed, exactly? The end of the world as they knew it. His sister, his being stuck on Sakaar with Loki and Hulk, his raising Surtur to save Asgard, despite destroying it, too. He wondered what her response to such an explanation would be.
Sif had always been one of his group to question the motives of Loki. That seemed so out of place until Thor thought about Loki’s moral compass. She was usually right in that case, and she was always focused on justice and the right way of doing things. She was a perfect warrior and a friend that Thor was grateful to have back...and still, there was something more, but he couldn’t touch it.
So he simply said, “Welcome home,” because he had nothing else.
She stared at him until her expression dropped, then she looked around and surveyed the guests at the ball. He figured she was beginning to recognize some of the people. She turned in a circle, then came back to him and asked, “What’re they all doing here?”
“Same as you,” he said, slowly turning so he stood next to her. He bent his arm so she had room to wrap hers around his, and she did, though a tad reluctantly. “They’re here to celebrate.”
“But...everyone?” she asked as he lead her across the room.
Thor nodded and looked toward the floor. “Like you said, you’ve missed quite a lot, Lady Sif.”
She looked around again as he continued toward the bar. She would need a drink if he was going to tell her the whole story all at once - and he would, too, honestly. He wasn’t nervous anymore; he felt calm, actually. It was the idea of reliving everything that had happened since Surtur had captured him that put him on edge, but he did it. He owed it to Sif, who’d lost just as much as he had and didn’t even know it.
She listened with her usual level of focus. Her eyes never left his, even as he told her what Hela did to the Warriors 3. When he finished telling her everything, she sighed and reached for his forearm. His skin tingled under her touch, and for the first time, he thought to himself of how really beautiful she was.
“I’m sorry I wasn’t there to help,” she said, her dark curtain of hair falling over one shoulder. “I should have-”
“No,” he said, moving past the confusing thoughts in his head about her cheekbones. “You would’ve faced the same fate.”
“But I could’ve fought. I could’ve made her work difficult, or tried to help Heimdall or-”
Thor shook his head. “She took them all without blinking.” He pulled his arm from her, only to grip her fingers in his palm. It was odd to be holding her hand like that, but it didn’t feel wrong. He thought he saw a similar reaction in her eyes. “I’m glad you’re still alive.”
She was silent, trying to read him, but he had a hard enough time understanding what was happening inside him. Sif was his friend, and had been most of his life. He’d never felt like this for her before, and he wondered how much of it had to do with the fact that she was the last of his group alive. But something inside him said no, these feelings were genuine. The little skip in his heart when she’d smiled at him, the trembling of his skin under her touch, it was all real, not just a side effect of their situation. He had to trust his instincts on this.
“This is a celebraiton, though,” he told her, gesturing to the party with his free hand. “We’re meant to partake in revelry.”
She sighed and slunk into her smirk again. “As usual,” she said. “Where’s Loki? Revelry is never truly had until he’s involved.”
Thor chuckled because she was right. When they were much younger, Loki was the one that brought the fun with him. The real fun, the mischievous fun. He wished that were still true, but in the meantime, he shrugged and stood from his barstool, refusing to let her hand go until she pulled it away. She didn’t, and he couldn’t help but notice. “Dance with me,” he said, half a question and half a suggestion.
He thought he saw her blush, but she’d always been good at hiding such reactions. “Thor,” she said as she shook her head gently. “You know I’m more skilled with a sword than these awful shoes.”
“And you know I’m good with both,” he responded, stepping back so that she had to stand from her own stool. He was reminded of how long she was - everything about her was elongated and elegant in a way he’d never took the time to record for himself before. But now he did as he backed up once again, pulling her into the crowd of people, both Asgardian and Midgardian.
Sif put up no walls, no fight whatsoever. He wondered if she was obliging because he was king, but he knew her better than that. Even if she never showed disobedience to Odin’s face, he knew how cunning and creative she was behind his back. She did things the way she wanted to, even if his father didn’t know or like it. Besides, she was his friend before his subject, even if he couldn’t say as much.
He brought her to the dancefloor and led her through a Midgardian ballroom technique, though she seemed to know how to do her part easily enough. He didn’t know exactly how long Sif had been here, but it was long enough to wear the clothing, know the dances, and have a particular favorite drink to order. He’d be impressed if he didn’t know how capable Sif was of...just about anything she did.
As the songs changed, Thor leaned closer to Sif. She didn’t move back, but her face became serious all at once. “You look beautiful, Lady Sif,” he said, as it was the only thing on his mind.
She forced a smile, but he could actually see her cheeks flush this time. Her smile was for him, but her body had another reaction entirely.
“You know, in the,” she paused to think, raising an eyebrow, “Milennia or so we’ve known one another, you’ve never said such a thing to me.” Her smile returned, though it was more of a smirk as she teased him. When he didn’t respond with an explanation - other than a slight shrug - she continued with, “But I am flattered, and I must say that this eyepatch look is really...quite something.”
He rolled his eye, but they laughed in sync anyway. They danced and joked and fell into a comfortable rhythm, as if nothing had passed between them but time. After a while, Thor believed that nothing had. The feelings he had for Sif didn’t feel new anymore, just refreshing. She was a piece of home returned to him, and in some way, he had always loved her. If his feelings shifted now into a different form of love, he would follow them because he’d already denied himself happiness enough for three lifetimes. Maybe he was getting ahead of himself, but he didn’t care. They danced until she couldn’t stand her awful shoes anymore, then they went and found a quiet hallway, still laughing as if they weren’t the only two left of their little gang.
They sat along the wall, their legs stretched out in front of them. Thor had to stop himself from reaching for Sif’s hand, reminding himself that he didn’t have her yet. He wanted her more than he could ever remember wanting her before, but he didn’t have her. She’d come into New York from across the country, and she was likely going back soon after the party. He didn’t want her to, now that he was close to her again. He needed her skill to keep Asgard safe, but more than that, he wanted her company. Her companionship. Her lovely smile and intelligent, serious eyes.
“I know Heimdall said you were doing important work out West,” he said, his voice low but still echoing off the metal walls. “But would you consider staying here? To help resettle Asgard?” For me? he wanted to ask, but he kept that to himself.
She sighed and looked at the slit in her skirt, and he fought not to follow her gaze. “I don’t know,” she whispered. “It’s hard to imagine everyone...here...after everything, you know?”
He nodded, unable to stop his hand from moving toward hers and keep his gaze on her face at the same time. He wanted connection between them. He wanted something - anything. If she looked at him, he could breathe again. He forced himself to say, “We need you.”
They both knew she had a duty to Asgard, but she was a determined woman. If she was expected to finish her job in New Mexico, she would. Maybe she would come back to New York after. He didn’t know where else she was supposed to be, but he did know that he wanted her with him. He couldn’t get the idea out of his head. She was suddenly inescapable, a part of his destiny that finally felt like light, rather endless darkness.
He sighed and told her, “I need you, Sif.”
Slowly - so slowly - she turned to look at him again, her expression unreadable. If he had to guess, he’d say she looked shocked, but there was something else in her eyes that made him second guess his assessment. Maybe fear, maybe hope.
“I’ve wanted to kiss you all night,” he told her before he could stop himself. “And it’s not simply because of the distance and time and whatever else was between us. My gut is telling me that I really, truly want to kiss you.”
“Thor, I-” she started, but she didn’t continue. She didn’t look away from him or stand up and leave, either. She bit her lip, looking much more like the young maiden she’d once been than the warrior Thor knew her to be. He was baffled that she could be both, but she could. If anyone could, it was Lady Sif.
He finally allowed himself to reach for her hand. She didn’t pull away or show any sign of discomfort or repulsion. This he could do without her express permission, but he needed her word to kiss her. He was her king, but he wouldn’t use that to get what he wanted. He wanted Sif on her terms, as his friend and companion and comrade in arms. “I want to kiss you and I want you to stay, but I won’t take what’s not mine and I won’t force you to do anything you don’t want to do, Sif. Just know that I’m glad you came tonight, and that I missed you more than I can say.”
“You’ve always been a beautiful fool,” she said softly, with not a hint of derision in her voice or on her face. She leaned against him so their shoulders touched, then brought her face even closer. “You can’t imagine how long I’ve waited to hear you say anything like that to me.”
He could, actually, even if he hadn’t seen her behave the way he felt before. Not to his recollection, anyway. But they’d known one another for so long, and if he thought hard enough about it, he could imagine just how long she might have felt for him what he was only now feeling for her. “I’m sorry I’ve been making you wait so long, my Lady,” he said, still waiting for her direct consent. It was important to him that she wanted Thor, her friend, to kiss her.
When she did, his heart nearly gave out and quit all together. “Stop apologizing. You’re torturing the both of us,” she told him, and then she connected their lips herself.
Thor’s only thought was that he loved the feel of her soft lips against his. He loved the weight of her shoulder pressing into his, and the fact that their hands were still intertwined. And he absolutely loved that she felt like home and smelled like lemons. He knew she was right; he was a fool, and he had been for so long, pretending that this wasn’t inevitable. He pulled back only to ask her, “Will you stay, Sif? For Asgard, for me, and for us?”
Her smile returned. “Of course,” she said, gripping his hand between both of hers. “Of course.”
Tags! (link above to add yourself)
Global/Permanent: @infinityblogger @champion-ofthe-sun @hopefulblazetriumph @httpmcrvel @capsheadquaters @samanthasmileys @sunigyrl
Thor: @thewayilookatbacon @athorable-and-deanlicous @baileythepenguin @mysweetcookie99 @girlwhoisfearless @tegan-eva @loveavengersandspn
Sif: None yet (but she’s been added to the list!)
Drabbles: @athorable-and-deanlicous
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musikat18 · 6 years
Light of Valhalla, Fire of Hel: Chapter Four (Skurge x Reader)
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Pairing: Skurge/Reader
Warnings: Some language, mentions of death/murder, mourning, jealousy, SLOW BURN
Summary: You’re the best friend of Thor and Sif, a high-born Asgardian lady with a penchant for running off into battle, enchanted halberd blazing. The battle of Vanaheim brings your secret close to being discovered, but when the goddess of death arrives in Asgard, you must examine how far you are willing to go to preserve both of your lives when her new assistant happens to be the one man outside the Royal Family who knows the truth about how you spend your time.
A/N: Y’all this one is LONG AS HEL(L). Also, some jealous!Reader, because it’s time to be PETTY and ADD CONFLICT.
Light of Valhalla, Fire of Hel
<Previous Next>
Chapter Four: In Hot Water
You were both numb and silent as you sat in the cell beneath the palace. Emotionally, physically...you couldn’t tell just how much you couldn’t feel.
Watching you folded in on yourself, elbows on your knees and head in your hands as you sat, stoic and bowed, on the bench, Skurge felt a pang in his chest. He couldn’t bear to see you like this.
“You could at least talk to me,” he said. Hela had let you and him be— she knew just how cowardly he was, just enough to ensure loyalty— so there was no reason not to comfort you. “At least you’re alive.”
“I’m alive?” your voice shook with intensity as you looked up at him, eyes rimmed red. “At least I’m alive?!” With one stride, you got as much in his face as the wall of transparent energy would allow; the veins in your arms were gilded with light and heat. “I would die a thousand deaths rather than stand for my father to be executed in such a heinous, honorless way!”
He didn’t even flinch.
“I’m doing all that I can to protect you,” he frowned. “I’m not asking for gratitude. I don’t even expect your forgiveness. We both know that’s never been your strong suit.”
“At least you’ve managed to grasp something about me,” you snarked back, the fire not leaving your blood.
“Y/N,” he said, as gentle and firm as he could muster in the face of your fury. “You’ve got to calm down.”
“Since when have you ever been one to-”
“You’re burning again. If Hela finds out…” he stopped. You stepped back. He was right. Even in your rage, you knew what the consequences of her discovery of your...unique gifts would do. It would be over for Asgard, over for the universe.
“...This doesn’t mean I don’t care that you didn’t even stop her,” you took a breath, but you couldn’t stop anything that was coming out of your mouth. “I can’t believe you didn’t stop her! My father was the damned head of the Defense Council! He would have known exactly what we’re up against and-”
“We’re?” he almost had a little half-smirk.
“So, you do want my help? Because I heard a hard ‘we’re’ just now.”
“I don’t need your bloody help!”
“Really? I mean, I’m on the outside of this cell, and you’re inside, so if we were actually on the same side of this-”
“Stop teasing me! We as in Asgard!” your cheeks were puffed in frustration, and you rolled your eyes as he chuckled at you.
“Don’t think I don’t miss the back-and-forth,” he said. “Although, you’re normally better at it.”
“...Don’t get sentimental on me, either,” you frowned and took a seat on your bench.
The feast was extravagant, that was for sure. There was no way it wouldn’t be. Your family’s solar crest hung on banners, gleaming in the beautifully-lit grand hall. Amora was the belle of the ball, as you expected, and you hardly minded. You were much happier with the company of Sif, Heimdall, and the Warriors.
“Any news from Thor?” you asked Heimdall, lifting your drink to your lips.
“Still travelling, I believe,” he responded. “He moves in and out of my sight as he travels through the universe...the more he moves, the harder it becomes to trace him. You both share a habit of restlessness.”
“Not that I’m surprised,” Sif said. “Probably off showing the Midgardian girl how wonderful the universe it.” She was still bitter, you could tell; you knew she’d harbored a quiet affection for the older Prince of Asgard, and when Jane had come to Asgard, you remained by her side.
“I might take up travel, myself,” Fandral suggested, grinning jokingly. “I mean, look at how it has made your cousin. She’s certainly less exaggerated.”
Your eyes, however, weren’t on your cousin. They had fallen to the warrior and his father speaking to the Einherjar guards at the door.
He didn’t respond to your almost bittersweet critique, simply heaving a sigh before he left you be.
You had no idea what Hela’s plan was, but you had a pretty good idea of what didn’t need to happen.
“Heimdall,” you whispered, clutching your necklace as the solar charm burned and buzzed in your closed fist. “If you can hear me, we need to talk.”
Orange overcame your eye color again, and you were suddenly standing before Sif in the woods; not having seen your friend in the better part of a year, you were relieved to see she was still the same and different, just as you were-- swathed in a red cloak, with her hair cut shorter, and still with that same fierce, protective gleam.
“I saw her,” Heimdall nodded from his position across from you. “Hela.”
“Who is she?” you breathed.
“A monster from before your time...before Thor...before Asgard knew peace. What is the status of the city?”
“Hela has killed all the guards and warriors,” you informed him, hesitating only a moment, “the Warriors Three, the palace royal guards, even….”
“Where are you now? Can you reach us?”
“Not without alerting her to your presence,” you shook your head. “She has me placed in the palace dungeons. Skurge...Skurge convinced her to spare me.”
“Well,” Sif quirked her lips bitterly, “at least he’s done you some good.”
“I fear she means to take the Nine Realms,” you quickly changed the subject. “She cannot open the Bifrost.”
“I have figured as such. Are there survivors?”
“Possibly,” you mused. “Most are likely headed your way.”
“Sif,” Heimdall said sternly, “wait here for any refugees. I will see what can be done about the Bifrost.”
“And me?” you asked.
“Stay where you are. Keep her distracted as much as possible. You make just as keen a speaker as a warrior,” Heimdall said. “When we can manage a plan to escape, I will contact you.”
Without another word, your old friends vanished, and you were back in the dungeon cell. With good timing to boot, because Skurge was leading Hela toward your holding chamber.
“Enjoying your accommodations, child?” Hela’s voice was condescending.
“Not really,” you admitted, hugging your arms in a move of false discomfort. “It’s...not as roomy as I’m used to.”
“Prove yourself loyal, and perhaps you can be moved up to the palace to advise your queen,” she smiled. “Skurge did mention what an eloquence you have.”
“When my temper stays in check,” you admitted.
“One moment,” you excused yourself. Sure enough, it was Skurge and Halvar at the door.
“Forgive us, Halvar,” one of the guards said, not noticing your approach. “But we must ask that your son not enter.”
“For what reason?” Halvar looked tired.
“He is of questionable character...given his history.”
“My son is a warrior of Asgard, just as you and the other soldiers are,” Halvar pressed.
“The vargdr-”
“Gentlemen,” you interrupted, catching the guards by surprise. “I don’t like to hear that language in my household.”
“Lady Y/N,” one bowed.
“You may stand,” you said. “The entire kingdom was invited to this feast. If they are seeking entrance, allow it.”
“With all due respect, my lady-”
“I am the lady of this household and I command that you allow them in,” you said with finality. The guards moved aside; Skurge didn’t meet your eyes as he and his father entered the grand hall.
“My thanks, Lady Y/N,” Halvar smiled. He took your hands in his calloused ones and bowed his head respectfully, “I would never seek to create a scene in your home.”
“You have done good work in this kingdom for many years, Halvar. They were in the wrong, not you,” you insisted. “You are no outlaw, and your son is no child of one.”
He looked as though he didn’t believe you, which stoked your curiosity. This wasn’t the place. You could not ask here, not where so many would judge.
Later, you decided. You would ask later. Instead, you waved Skurge aside, away from prying eyes that would question how a high-born lady knew the warrior son of a humble stonemason.
“I’m sorry about the lack of door hospitality,” you said. “Some people are just bull-headed and rude.”
“If I’m not mistaken,” he chuckled, the levity returning to his eyes, “that’s exactly what you said I was the last time I-”
“Ears are a thing, you know,” you quickly hushed him. He nodded, understanding.
“Sorry. So, all this hoopla is for your cousin?”
“Yes, over there,” you pointed at Amora, chatting amicably with King Odin over mulled mead. “She usually gets special treatment, anyway, though, since...Skurge?”
Your friend was still looking at your cousin, seeming surprised. You furrowed your brow, not prepared for his distraction.
“Skurge, are you listening?” you asked, and he turned his attention back to you.
“Sorry, I just...she’s not what I expected,” he said, his voice softening. Something unpleasant knotted in your stomach.
“That is the usual reaction,” you replied, voice developing an edge it didn’t usually. You called over a servant for drinks, but even as you tried to maintain conversation, Skurge’s eyes kept wandering over to Amora.
“What are you looking at?” you asked. His lack of attention almost stung-- what was going on?
“Why, cousin, I didn’t know you were courting someone,” Amora smiled, somehow having worked her way over to you and your companion.
You and Skurge stumbled over each other to explain her accusation away.
“Amora, no-”
“We aren’t-”
“This isn’t-
“I’m not-”
“Skurge is Halvar’s son,” you said quickly. “I was just asking him what he thought of the statue of Loki that just went up.”
“Overblown, in my opinion,” Amora sighed, “but very fitting for that tricky man. I don’t believe we’ve met. I’m Amora.”
“...Hello there,” Skurge floundered in the (likely unfamiliar) formal setting. Amora thrust her cup at you to take his hand.
“I didn’t know Halvar had such a strong son,” she said; the more you talked, the thinner your mouth got, and the more you wanted her to go away. “Your armor is remarkable, though I’m sure it doesn’t do you justice.”
“...Thank you,” he puffed himself up slightly. You tried to keep your boiling disbelief off your face. “I...do train regularly.” You almost couldn’t believe his immense hubris.
“Well, I hope to see you again as long as I’m here,” Amora dipped her head with a small smile. “It’s alright, Y/N, you don’t have to hold that for me.”
You didn’t notice the scalding orange-red in your veins as Amora took her cup back, and she suddenly yelped and dropped the cup to the ground.
“That burns!” she frowned. “How did that happen?”
“Someone probably charmed the mead to be funny,” Skurge offered, leading Amora off to tend to her hand; you were too busy staring at your own as the color in your veins faded.
When you looked up, your father already had a concerned frown turned in your direction.
“I like her already,” Hela smirked your way. “Bring her to the throne room, Skurge. The three of us have some redecorating to do.”
You released a soft breath as the energy wall came down, and you made yourself walk forward and behind the woman up the stairs and into the throne room. You turned your eyes up to the portraits of Asgard’s history...the art almost seemed bittersweet with Queen Frigga dead and Odin somewhere only the brothers of Asgard knew.
“Ugh, the lies sicken me,” she snarled. “Father wants to portray Asgard as a benevolent nation? Didn’t he remember how we made it as great as it stands today?”
Hela blasted several blades into the ceiling, cracking the art, and Skurge moved to shield you with his body as the mosaics came crashing to the floor...revealing a darker stone tapestry underneath. Hela, riding a wolf, at the side of Odin, the side of your father...slaughtering realms with Mjolnir.
Your father had worked with this monster of a woman holding your captive now. Your father had known how deadly she was, and he had faced her down, anyway.
When the proud tears sparkled in your eyes, you had no idea how much Skurge wanted to wipe them away.
“Now,” Hela settled herself on the throne, dissipating her headdress to reveal sleek black hair, “you, Skurge, tell me your story.”
“Well,” he began earnestly, “my dad was a stonemason, my mum was a-”
“No, no, no, spare me the bitter details. What’s your ambition?”
You almost felt sad for him as he heaved his shoulders, “I’m just trying to make a name for myself.”
Almost was the key word for you.
You knew where his quest had led him.
“I like it...interesting...you know, Skurge,” Hela leaned almost casually on the arm of the throne. “When I was younger, every great king had an executioner. Not just for executing people, but also to execute their vision...but, mostly people…. I was Odin’s executioner, you know. Perhaps you’d like to be mine.”
It wasn’t like he was in a position to decline, but you didn’t look at his as he nodded, and when Hela produced a powerful ax, he didn’t hesitate to take it.
“What about you, dear?” she turned her attention to you. “What is it about you that makes you so indispensable?”
Skurge tensed, wondering if you’d reveal the one thing he’d hoped Hela would never learn about you.
As the guests trickled out of the hall, you had taken refuge on a balcony to collect your thoughts. Had you made Amora’s drink so blindingly hot? How was that possible? Daybreaker was the only thing that gave you any power...this was impossible.
“Y/N,” your father said tersely, and you turned around to face him.
“I noticed that you seem to have...figured something out.”
“What do you mean?” you feigned innocence. Your father came to stand before you and took the hand you’d been scrutinizing, carefully tracing over the flesh with trembling fingers and a sad look in his eyes.
“Did I ever tell you how your mother died?”
“She died when I was a baby,” you recounted.
“Half the truth,” he said, sounding regretful. “Your mother was...ill in the final months of her pregnancy. Helsickness, we called it...your birth was such a labor for her in her weakened state that you did not cry nor move...Odin dipped you in the Eternal Flame itself in hopes that you would breathe.”
You felt your breath now stop. You were dead on arrival...and now you had fire in your veins.
“We expected that all would be well with the healing flame,” your father sighed, “but your mother’s Helsickness stoked flames in your veins. Y/N, you have no idea how dangerous this power is. You must not try to summon this power again.”
“I wasn’t-”
“Y/N,” your father’s voice was more stern than you’d ever heard before. “Promise me.”
You bowed your head and sighed.
“I promise.”
“I’m no one,” you insisted after a moment. “I have the trust of my father and the people of Asgard. Other than that...I’m nothing.”
Hela’s dark lips curled into a dangerous grin.
“Trust can be a dangerous weapon. I may have use for you, yet. There are fires to stoke within you. You’ll be a fine chess piece...we’ll call you...my Fire of Hel.”
You didn’t speak. Skurge looked at you with concern, but you made no acknowledgement of his betrayal of emotion. If Hela had read the silent exchanges between you two, you were doomed already.
You were not about to let your father’s killer make Skurge a weapon and you a pawn.
Tagging:  @bkwrm523 @goingknowherewastaken @lauuerodz @space-helen @aubinkey @atomicdna @annathewitch @gladheonreads @waterbabybel @goodnightwife @dirajunara @skosmo @boldlywritingtrek @snow-leopardfetishist @battlebunnyteardropsinthesun @antiscocialfanwarrior @maydayfigment @curiositywillbethedeathofme @earinafae @star-trekkin-across-theuniverse @eyeofdionysus @feelmyroarrrr @janora00 @courtneyann @mad-girl-without-a-box @chook007 @bucky4cap45 @taylorjacksonandtheolympians
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bioticgoddess · 6 years
Exiles of Asgard (3/?)
Notes: Well...I finally finish this section. Heheh...now...to the show! Also, I took a few liberties with the actual myth this is based on. Sorry not sorry. 
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Exiles of Asgard: The Wedding Job
Long ago...
 “How exactly are you planning to explain this to father,” Loki asked, running his hands through his short black hair.  As Thor vomited for the third time, the other Odinson had to stand and take several long strides towards the balcony of his rooms. His brother was definitely hung over, painfully so for Loki to bear witness.
Belching, Thor glared menacingly at his little brother. Face pale, eyes narrowed and brows furrowed, he grabbed a goblet of water and took a swig. Audibly he swished the water around in his mouth before spitting into the bucket containing the contents of his stomach. “I do not,” he belched again, “Require your patronizing tone, brother.”
“Just because I’m not drunk doesn’t mean that I’m patronizing you,” he shot back, taking deep inhales from the mint that Althea had insisted they grow in planters on his balcony. Had the best light, she’d said, and – at this moment – he was thankful to have its smell. It mitigated that awful acidic and half-digested smell that permeated his once clean sitting room. Closing his eyes and taking a deep inhale of the herb he said, “I am asking because you know father is going to want an explanation about why you no longer possess Mjolnir. And we both know that there’s no avoiding him either. If our father, the All-Father, wants to know something -”
Thor sighed heavily, spitting more water into the bucket, “Then he’ll find out what he wants to know. Yes, I am aware of this Loki.”  His patience with the green and gold robed god was wearing thin. Though the mint leaves being shoved in his face were a welcome change in smell and, as he greedily stuffed two in his mouth, taste. “Thank you brother,” he mumbled.
“Thank Althea, she insisted it be grown here,” he countered, regarding his brother cautiously. His eyes narrowing, Loki repeated his initial question, “So how do you intend to explain this to father?”
Before Thor could answer there was a loud banging knock on heavy double doors. A moment later, one of the Einherjar opened the door. He spoke, “The All-Father summons you both – Prince Thor, Prince Loki – to the throne room. You’re required to appear immediately.”
“Looks like you’ll find out when he does,” Thor grinned wryly, chuckling as he wiped more spittle from his fledgling beard using the edge of his cape. A confident, stalwart expression cemented itself on his face. It spoke volumes about Thor’s ability in combat and his status as Asgard’s next king. Loki, however, knew better. He knew that at the moment his brother was terrified. Odin would not be pleased, to say the least.
Swallowing, Loki muttered, “Fantastic.”
The pair dragged themselves from the sitting room in Loki’s rooms. Adjusting themselves, the pair made the long trek towards the throne room. Even with their father seated on his throne in the centre of the palace they could feel his eyes on them in the corridors. It was unnerving. Pushing the doors open, Thor bellowed, “Father, you summoned us?”
“What in the name of my father Bor did you do! How in the nine realms do you lose the mighty hammer Mjolnir! You are unworthy of being called a warrior, let alone a Prince of Asgard!” He wasn’t asking, he was demanding. It’d be a miracle if he stopped yelling at Thor – and Loki by association – long enough to get an explanation from the blonde. “How dare you return to Asgard without it! And you,” his attention turned to Loki, “You! It is your responsibility to ensure that your brother does not make a fool of himself and this Realm!”
When Frigga rested a hand on her husband’s shoulder, looking at her eldest son – disappointment filling her face, Odin relented. The old king sang into his throne, voice heavy, he demanded, “Tell me how you let this happen Thor.”
“Well, Father, we were celebrating our victory over the renegade dwarves and their siege weapons. The great show of strength and courage from our warriors,” Thor began, eyes darting between both his parents and his sibling. Loki, by contrast rolled his eyes. Quickly shooting his brother a dark glare, Thor continued, “I was served a drink potent enough to send even Volstagg spinning. Unbeknownst to me, it was more than any Asgardian could drink. Before I knew it, I was passed out – slumped over the table like when we were children first learning to drink. When I woke, Mjolnir had been stolen from my side!” Quickly he continued, before Odin’s rage filled face could turn to words, “Loki has even volunteered to help find it.”
 Eyes wide, blinking in disbelief and shock, Loki stammered, “I what?”
“There will be no need for that,” snapped Odin. “The Giant who stole Mjolnir, Thrym, has made an offer regarding the return of Mjolnir. One that I am loathe to grant him since he only has the hammer thanks to the arrogance, stupidity, and hubris of my eldest son.”
The looked between one another,  Loki spoke, “What does he wish of Asgard, father?” His words were deferential despite the patronizing hand raised that silenced Thor.
“He has demanded the hand of Lady Sif in exchange for Mjolnir,” he paused, letting the weight of his words sink in. Loki understood why his mother looked so disappointed in her sons as the surprise crept across his face. By contrast, Thor’s reaction was almost immediate. His eyes darted around the room, panicked and his words melted into little more than outraged grunts. Oh yes, he was certainly his father’s son. Then in hit Loki, a plan to redeem his brother and have a little fun.
Regaining his composure ahead of Thor, or even their revered mother, Loki spoke quickly, “May I make a suggestion father? A way to get the a hammer back without sacrificing our dear friend Sif.” He had to fight the smile tugging at the corners of his lips. It didn’t matter that he’d had no role in this debacle, if he got too excited about this then he would be blamed for the disappearance of Mjolnir and this Thrym’s plot to wed Sif. He continued, following Odin’s gesture to do so. “Perhaps we could give this Thrym what he wants.”
“Loki! You would abandon –“
“You did not let me finish brother,” he hissed, “No, I was thinking that you and I might go on her behalf. Say as if we were the Lady Sif and her handmaiden.” Silence fell thick over the four. “It wouldn’t be  complicated magic to make Thor appear as Sif and I could easily be perceived as a handmaiden. And the Warriors Three could come along as her escort. It would be the perfect ruse.”
 Thor hissed at his brother, adjusting the dress – it was uncomfortable at best and chaffing at worst. Not to mention embarrassing for him to wear, “Why did Mother and Father agree to this?” Turning to Althea and Sif, the elf adjusting the latter’s hair, “How do either of you...do anything in these!?”
 “Because it was clever, and we just do” Althea giggled, hands clamped over her mouth as she tried desperately not to cackle madly. Sif wasn’t having as much luck as the Elf – both were going along as additional handmaidens for SIf’ stand in. Loki used one of his shapeshifting spells to make himself appear female - and stolen a dress from Althea. Her wardrobe had the widest variety of gowns and most were more forgiving. Especially when all three - Loki, Sif, and Althea - would need to have weapons of some kind tucked away under the gowns.
 Sif swatted feverishly at Althea’s hands as she finished knotting and braiding the other woman’s hair. Thanks to the her actual handmaidens (and Queen Frigga), Sif’s hair had been colored a shade of blonde-red and her makeup done in such a way that she didn’t look like herself. She looked more like a sibling or other relation of Fandral - on any other day that would have made her skin crawl. Today, however, she was thankful for the disguise. It was far better to play the part of a handmaid who may/may not be kin to their womanizing friend than it was to be ransomed as a bride to a giant.
 “Well then,” Loki said, his voice going from his usual timbre to a falsetto closer to Frigga’s tone. All three of his companions turned their heads so quickly they nearly hurt themselves. Eyes wide, he wasn’t sure surprise was the correct word to describe the shared expresion. “Oh like none of you have ever seen me pretend to be a woman or speak as one before,” he said waving it off as he walked away.
 Sif regained her composure first, “Um, no, I’m afraid none of us have seen...this…” She waved her hand at him in circles, voice trailing off.
 “You as a woman is quite the sight brother, but Sif you’re mistaken my lady, he used a similar guise to sneak us out of Nornheim the last time.” Thor was grinning, ear to ear.
 Accompanied by the warriors three, “Sif”  and her wedding party made their way to Nidavellir for her wedding to Thrym. The giants living in the Dwarven realm circling the small group of Asgardians like vultures. Loki and Althea stood close together, combining small spells to keep the giants from coming too close. All the while disguising Thor as Sif while the shield-maiden-herself stood close behind the Elf.
“Ah,” Thrym hummed when the six Asgardians entered his halls, “The lovely Lady Sif! How I have longed to see you again!”
Elbowing her brother in the side, Loki hissed, “Remember what we practiced…my lady.”  She forced a smile that, despite being absolutely on edge, looked serene and natural. Only the god of mischief could claim such skills.
Thor, by comparison, fumbled and stumbled over his words. The magic of Althea and Loki making his voice sound like Sif’s. “Thrym, how wonderful to be in your…um…magnanimous presence. You are a…a…um…”
“A warrior of greater strength than even Mighty Thor,” Loki’s voice echoed softly in Thor’s ear. She hovered by her brother’s side, leaning close to give some illusion of modesty on the part of both Sif and her retinue. It also allowed her to feed lines to Thor whenever necessary.
Despite his disguise, the elder Odinson wanted to glare at his brother. For once, however, he knew the deception was necessary. Forcing the most girlish giggle he could, Thor continued, “A warrior greater than even Mighty Thor.” It made him want to vomit. Correction, to punch someone and then vomit. - It took everything the others in the Asgardian retinue had not to laugh. Though Volstagg did have his ever impressive beard to hide in.
A grin spread across the giant’s face and he motioned for “Sif” to come sit beside him. Robotically, she did just that – handmaidens in tow. On cue, composure returned, Volstagg spoke with a level of performed deference usually reserved for formal audiences with Odin, “Master Thrym, the All-Father has met his portion of your marriage contract request. We would humbly request that you reciprocate with the presentation and return of Mjolnir as it is sorely missed in Asgard. Just as you would miss Lady Sif’s radiance were she not here.”
Both Sif and her decoy glared daggers at the practiced politician.
Roariously he laughed, leaning over the arm of his chair farthest from the bridal party he pulled the hammer from a compartment in the alter table. “After the ceremony,” He chuckled darkly, laying the hammer across Thor’s lap. They could all hear the spears and longswords being drawn by the giants around them. “After all, we wouldn’t want my lady to be absconded with now would we,” he ran the back of his hand along Thor’s cheek as he spoke.
The group held their breath as Thrym smiled almost lovingly at Thor – never once suspecting he wasn’t Sif.
 “No, we would no,” the disguised shield-maiden snapped as Thor wrapped a hand quickly around Mjolnir’s handle. Before she could take the sword, wrapped in ribbons and scarves, from where it was secured at her back the very daintily dressed Asgardian Prince called down a blast of Thunder and LIghtning. Hilariously graceful, Thor moved with Mjolnir as he struck out at Thrym - sending the Giant flying headlong into stone pillar. His tribesmen, startled by the revelation that Thor stood before them all froze in place.
 A few laughed at the sight of him in the gown. Everyone saw the lightning flash in Thor’s eyes and the rage bubble into his face and voice as he roared and brought further electric fury down upon them. As tended to happen in situations like this, when the Asgardian Heir’s temper took hold, and everything went to shit.
In Asgard’s healing rooms, wrapping bandages around Loki’s bare midsection Althea snapped, “I am not explaining this to your parents.” Her words were directed at Thor.“But I -”“No! No! No! You can explain why that gown is charged to bits, your brother has three broken ribs, lady Sif a broken arm, Volstagg’s beard is burned off, and why Fandral has a burn along his back! I am not going to be the messenger of this folly Prince of ...of...Sparklers!” The elf had not only raised her voice, but was yelling. It echoed off the vaulted ceilings as her eyes shonw like angry embers over Loki’s shoulder when she glared at Thor.
 Thor’s mouth flapped open and closed a few times, eyes wide and blank. “I...um...uh...ah...um...very well,” he stammered, slinking off towards the throne room with Mjolnir clutched in his hands.
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mirkwoodshewolf · 7 years
You are mine, mine to me; Loki x child reader pt.1
Here’s a nice little crossover fic for you guys. Inspired by the clips that came out just before the 2016 The Jungle Book came to theaters the scene where Raksha talks to mowgli as he leaves the pack had me in tears when I first saw it and I thought “God this would be Loki if he had to give up his child to their rightful parents” and so this was born. I do NOT own Loki, Thor, Legolas or Thranduil they each belong to either Marvel or Tolkien.
Part 2
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During a peace treaty visit through Vanaheim, Thor, Loki, Lady Sif and the Warriors 3 were speaking with the high council who just happened to be Hogun’s father.  They spent over 2 hours discussing their treaty between their realms as well as discussing about the invaders that had threatened to strike any day now.  Completely bored with all this political stuff, Loki illusioned himself out without anyone noticing and now appeared in the forests of Vanaheim.
As he walked around the clear his head, the silence of the woods was broken by a strange sound. He had heard crying and it sounded close by.  Loki went to investigate and soon came across a small baby.  She was wrapped up in a blanket but to his horror it was stained in blood.  He didn’t know why he did what he did next but his heart was telling him to take care of the child and heal her from this pain.
Once he picked her up, her crying seemed to diminish and she just looked up and whimpered at him with red teary eyes.  Loki removed the blanket hoping he wouldn’t find what he was thinking of what would be there, fortunately there was no wound but the child was practically freezing to the touch.
“How long were you out here little one? Poor child you’re half frozen”.  He then took his green cape and wrapped it around the child for extra warmth as she whimpered softly.  “Shhhh, shhh, it’s okay, it’s okay”.  Once she was wrapped up nice and snug, he gently rocked her close to his chest and said, “How did you get way out here?” As he looked down at the child who was now cooing happily up at him, he began to think if she had been abandoned by her parents? If not then were they dead and she was taken for ransom?
Either way he found the child so she was his responsibility now.  Plus looking down at her so happy filled Loki with something he thought he had lost long ago when his jealousy for Thor had overcame him.
Happiness and love.
He smiled down at the baby and he held her close and whispered softly to her.
“I promise you, whatever life you’ve had before, will be forgotten. I’ll take care of you as if you were my own, my sweet little dove”. Loki kissed her forehead and the baby yawned tiredly and snuggled into Loki’s chest gripping some of his armor with her tiny hands.  His heart seem to just melt at the sight of her and he couldn’t help the smile that spread across his face as he held her closer to him and rocked her softly.
Meanwhile back at the Vanaheim council palace, the Asgardians left the building and Thor said.
“Wait, has anyone seen my brother?” Lady Sif and the Warriors 3 looked around and Volstagg exclaimed.
“Damn, now he’s probably causing some trouble and soon we’ll be at war and lose another allied realm”.
“Easy Volstagg, I know Loki is one for tricks but he couldn’t possibly be thinking of something like that here”. Fandral stated.
“Never the less we must find him before something does happen” Lady Sif said.  Then speak of the Devil, Loki had appeared out of the woods holding the something in his cape.
“Brother! Oh thank Valhalla you’re alright!” Thor exclaimed.
“Brother please! Anymore louder and you’ll wake her up!”
“Who up? Loki what is this about?” Lady Sif asked.
“Well, I went to clear off my head and through the woods I heard her crying and half frozen, so I couldn’t just leave her there to perish alone”.  Loki then lowered his arms so that the five other Asgardians could see the baby in Loki’s arms.
“Loki! Are you mad? What if this child has a family? You can’t just take her!” Fandral exclaimed softly as to not wake the child.
“As I said before I found her alone in the woods, there were no parents around, no bodies, just her freezing with only rags to cover her with”.
“Are you sure there was no one around?” Volstagg asked.
“Yes, I waited for a good hour, no one came for her”.
“What do you think of this Hogun?” Thor asked.
“No one in my homeland has reported a baby missing, maybe she really was abandoned by someone who might’ve came here thinking since this realm is filled with woods, that the child could stay here and perish to the elements. I will run it by my father and we’ll find out about this, you all should return back to Asgard and speak to the All-Father about this matter”.  It was then decided.
The four of them called for Heimdell to open the Bifrost and soon they vanished from Vanaheim’s world and soon appeared at the gates of the Bifrost. As they arrived, Heimdell then said.
“My princes, the All-Father has been informed of what has happened, he wishes to meet with you all straight away”.
“Then we haven’t time to spare, we ride with haste!” Thor proclaimed.  They saddled back on their horses and rode across the rainbow bridge back to the golden city of Asgard.
They entered in the throne room to see King Odin sitting on his throne with Queen Frigga at his side.
“I’ve been told you have found a baby, Loki?”
“Yes father, abandoned in the woods freezing, I still fear she might be sick, she still feels as cold as Jotunheim itself no matter how tight I wrap my cape around her”.
“Get her to the healing wing”. It was then Frigga, Odin, Thor, Loki and the warriors soon ran off towards the healing wing and soon the baby was soon prepped for a check-up. After a couple of hours, the baby’s temperature began to rise signaling that she would live another day.
“Who would dare leave a baby so small to die alone?” Loki snarled angry at the parents of this child as he sat by the bedside they now had her in. Odin and Frigga looked at each other, then Odin said.
“It matters not, if she was abandoned then that makes her your responsibility now Loki. You will raise this child and give her the love she deserves”.
“Yes father”.  Loki said as he turned to his father then back to the child and held her tiny hand in hers.  As the others left him alone with his new daughter, Loki leaned forward and kissed her forehead and vowed, “I promise, I won’t let anything happen to you nor let anyone take you away from me. (Y/n). For you are mine, mine to me”.
Later that night after being released to Loki’s request, the head healer pulled aside the All-Father just before he retired for the night on some news about the child.
“All-Father, I had run some tests on the child’s blood sample and I have discovered that this is no ordinary child. This girl is of Álfheimr”.
“Not only that, but this child—my king—this is the child of your old friend Thranduil”. Odin was shocked as he looked up at see the visuals of this child’s bloodline that was shown before him.
“That’s not possible. The crib was burned alive nothing but ash remained. This can’t be his child!”
“I know it’s been 100 years since the supposed death of his daughter, but this is his child, I’ve run both blood of the child’s DNA and of Thranduil’s. And they do in fact match up. She is 100% his child”.  Odin remained silent then he said.
“This does not get out, not until I say so. Let Loki raise the child and when she is older, we’ll take her back to her real father”.
“Yes my King”. As she left, Odin continue to stare at the DNA matches of his old friend and of the child’s and it was still in fact the same.
“Old friend, you no longer need to grieve any longer, I shall return your child to you, when she is good and ready”.
*900 years later 1st POV from here on out*
I was crouched down beneath the grass in the gardens eyeing my dad who was perched up against a tree reading one of his books, having no suspicion of me behind him ready to pounce.  I stalked closer to him and readied myself for the attack.  I growled playfully then leaped out from the grass but what I didn’t expect was that dad turned around and caught me in his arms and pinned me down to the floor.  I playfully struggled as he said.
“Well, well what have we here? A wild beast trying to hunt me?” I then shapeshifted into a small wolf cub and playfully gripped onto my daddy’s sleeve of his armor with my teeth growling showing him that I was predator and he was prey.  “Oh, so that’s how you want to play huh? Well then my dear, you picked the wrong God to hunt” it was then daddy turned into a large black wolf and soon he chased me around the gardens until he caught up to me and picked me up by the scruff of my neck.
I barked as he walked me back over to the tree he was at before and gently set me down and pinned me down softly as I shifted back to my normal form but daddy remained a wolf pinning me down by my shoulders.
“And I thought I would’ve gotten you for sure, it isn’t fair!” I whined.
‘God of Mischief darling, never assume I’m not listening, plus you still make too much noise before you pounce’. He spoke to me through our minds. I turned and pouted sourly then daddy said, ‘now darling, you know how I feel when you pout, you better smile or else the deserving punishment will come’ he grinned wolfishly. But it was too late as I was now being licked by my father wolf in my most ticklish spot, my neck.
I laughed and tried to get as far away as I could from him but I soon succumbed to laughter from my dad’s wolf tickling.  After a while he let me up and shifted back to normal and held me in his arms.
“Oh how I love your sweet laugh my little one”.
“You say that about everything about me daddy”.
“But I speak of it because it’s true. I love everything about you my dear”.  He kissed my forehead gingerly and he perched back up against the tree and grabbed his book and began reading it.  I love it when he reads to me, his voice is always so lulling and when he reads the character’s words, he brings them to life by speaking in different voices based on the character’s actions or physical appearance described in the book. 
That night, dad and I were in my bedroom sitting on my bed and I was holding my doll while ada was brushing my hair with a gentle hand.  I looked at the mirror just a few feet away from my bed and took notice that while papa was brushing my hair, he made sure that it was pulled back revealing my pointed ears.  I shamefully looked down from the mirror and fiddled with my doll.
“Daddy, please don’t brush that far back”.
“Why not?” He asked as he stopped for a moment. I slowly raised my hands up to cover my pointed ears embarrassed and ashamed.  “Darling, why are you covering up your ears?”
“Because they look like mule’s ears and I should eat hay!” Daddy knelt down in front of me and said as he gently removed my hands from my ears.
“Where is this coming from?”
“All the kids in town say it, I never made fun of their faces, why do I have these ears? They’re not normal, I’m not normal”.
“(Y/n) Lokidottir, don’t you ever say that about yourself!” Father snapped at me.  I flinched frightenedly, seeing him get mad scares me so I try not to make him angry but now I guess I’ll be feeling his wrath now.  “Darling, look at me”.  I slowly raised my head up to look at him and he continued this time in a softer tone, “those peasants don’t know who exactly they are insulting, if you tell me who they were, I’ll be glad to let them know to never insult royalty ever again”.
“No daddy, I don’t want to be in any more trouble than I already am”.
“You’re not in trouble though, but I understand why you won’t tell me their names, you’ve got such a kind heart and a good soul. And as for your ears, they are not like a mule’s ears. They are what make you, you. And you are one beautiful young girl who will soon grow up to become a beautiful young woman who I will need to defend with my life from the boys who will try to win her hand in courtship one day”. I giggled as he chuckled softly. He then leaned his forehead against mine as our usual affectionate gesture and finished off with, “not only that but you are my daughter, and I will always love you no matter what”.
He then picked me up and placed me further up my bed towards my pillows and tucked me in with my doll right next to me.  He leaned forward and kissed my forehead lovingly and said.
“Goodnight my sweet little dove”.
“Goodnight daddy”.  He then blew out my candle and quietly shut my door leaving me to finally fall asleep.
The next morning, daddy and I were just leaving to the dining area after having some breakfast when one of the guards summoned daddy to the throne room to speak with grandpa and grandma.  As daddy set me down he said.
“Okay darling, why don’t you go ahead into my room and just make yourself comfortable there before we begin your next magic lesson”.
“Okay daddy hurry back”.
“Patience my young sorceress” he kissed my forehead gingerly then gently patted my back gesturing me to leave for his room while he left with the guard to the throne room. 
I got out daddy’s magic books and readied myself for our next magic lesson, teleporting. After what felt like forever (a/n you all still thinking a couple of minutes is like an eternity, esp. for children) I decided that I would head to the throne room and find out what was taking daddy so long.  As I walked down the corridors towards the throne room, I suddenly heard daddy screaming.
“Loki please don’t make this worse” I heard grandmother say.
“Why do you twist the truth?” I heard grandfather say.
“You could’ve told me who (y/n) really was why didn’t you!? Why didn’t you tell me that she was truly the lost daughter of your old friend Thranduil of the Light Elves?!”
My heart sank to my chest.
My daddy wasn’t my really daddy? I was really the daughter of the King of the Light Elves. Judging by how angry and hurt daddy sounded I knew I couldn’t be angry at him because he didn’t know about this either.  I soon hid behind the pillar as daddy soon stormed out of the throne room and down the hall.  I soon ran to my room and bolted my room shut and ran to my bed and hid under the covers.
I soon heard a knock at my door and I muttered.
“Please go away”.
“(Y/n) it’s me sweetheart, may I come in?” It was grandma.  I sniffled and knew she would continue to keep asking me to enter my room if I refused so I said.
“Yeah”.  I unlocked the doors with my magic and soon grandma came in and sat down by my bed.
“(Y/n) sweetie, we need to talk”.
“Please grandma I—”
“You don’t have to stay it (y/n), I already knew you were spying on us”.
“No I wasn’t!”
“I know, but I still knew you had overheard us trying to explain to Loki the truth about you”.
“So he’s—he’s not my real daddy?”
“Now (y/n), you must know that when Loki found you that day, he didn’t take you in out of pity or a good deed, he has had a rather difficult time growing up by being in the shadow of Thor and Odin, but when he found you, you brought something that I haven’t seen in Loki ever since he was but a boy. You brought out the love in him. He took you in because he felt a deep connection with you, and that he could raise you to become a bright, caring young woman”.  Grandma Frigga said as she wiped away the tears that were gently falling from my face.  I smiled softly then asked.
“Was I really not loved by my real daddy?”
“Of course not (y/n). King Thranduil loved you with all his heart, as did your older brother Legolas. You see, your mother died giving birth to you, but even in his grief-filled heart, Thranduil still stayed strong to love not only you but your brother as well. Shortly after your birth, there was a war going on between the Fire giants and the Light Elves, with the deep friendship that has lasted for centuries on end, Odin lead Thor, Loki, and our armies to help Thranduil. But while out on the battlefield, there was a sudden fire from the camp, apparently some fire giants had planned a secret ambush to slaughter any Asgardian or Elf reaming at the camp while the soldiers went to war.  Fearing for your safety, your father charged back to camp to see the entire camp destroyed, but when he got to his own tent, he was shocked to see his entire tent had been shredded and your crib burned with nothing but ash. Thinking you had died, Thranduil soon isolated him and his entire realm away from the world including Asgard. But 100 years later, that’s when Loki found you on Vanaheim as a baby, how you managed to survive we’ll never know, but you are a little miracle (y/n) and you have been my granddaughter, as we all love you”.
Hearing grandma’s tale made sense to me I guess, but I couldn’t help but ask her this.
“Does—does this mean I have to leave? Leave daddy? Leave you and everyone else?”
“I’m afraid it’s for the best my dear”.  I sniffled and crawled into her lap and hugged her.
“Can I still come back and visit?”
“You are always welcome back to Asgard anytime my dear (y/n)”. Grandma and I hugged each other tightly as tears came down both of our faces.
Later that night as rain began to fall, almost as if it was setting the mood of the royal family. We all waited for Thor to return with news from Álfheimr to see if Thranduil would accept me coming into his land. Heimdell soon activated the Bifrost and soon Thor stood there before us.
“I’ve managed to discuss this matter with the Prince of Álfheimr himself, he said he and the guards will take her to see the king”.
“No” I heard daddy mutter.
“Brother I know you were the one to find her, and now I’ll be the brother to return her where she belongs”.
“I won’t let you Thor! She’s my daughter!” Daddy said as he picked me up and held me tightly almost like he was shielding me from everyone else.
“It’s already been decided” Grandpa Odin said.
“I am her father and I know what’s best for her!”
“Loki!” Grandfather shouted.  Grandma placed a comforting hand on grandpa’s shoulder and calming down he stated in a blunt tone, “What’s best for her is to be with her real father”. Hearing grandpa say that, daddy’s face dropped into pure sadness mixed with anger. Wanting to comfort him, I placed my hand on his cheek to turn him to face me and I choked out.
“It’s okay daddy, I won’t be far, I’ll come back and visit”. Daddy set me down and kneeled down before me and choked out as he cupped my face in his hands and tried to not cry in front of me but it was sure enough even with the rain, I could see tears falling down his face.
“Never forget this. You’re mine, mine to me. No matter where you go, or what they may call you, you will always be my daughter”. I cupped his face in my hands as I leaned forward and he leaned downward so that our foreheads would touch in our affectionate gesture.  Tears falling down both of our faces but even though my heart was hurting beyond any other pain, I could only imagine what daddy was going through.
With a final kiss to my forehead, I was soon picked up by Thor and taken into the Bifrost and Heimdell was ready to send me back to my real home.  As I looked to see grandma standing by daddy’s side trying to comfort him, I waved goodbye to daddy as tears still kept falling down my face and daddy waved back and that was the last thing I saw before my vision was filled with brightly colors flashing by.
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