#since everything became official ive been so incredibly excited
learn-and-accept · 1 year
Moving is a crazy fucking experience jesus christ
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ectodog · 4 years
it’s the 4th anniversary of the premier of vld which of course means i have assembled a rough timeline for my descent into voltron special interest hell. it goes something like this:
- june 10 2016: vld season 1 premiers. i am none the wiser
- january 20 2017: season 2 comes out. this fact is irrelevant to me
- august 4 2017: season 3 happens. still not entirely sure what a “voltron” even is
- mid-august 2017: one of my friends cosplays keith. that’s cool. who’s keith?
- october 17 2017: season 4 arrives. that’s fine i guess
- march 2 2018: season 5 has entered the building. i am vaguely aware that i have known people who watched it at some point. the fandom is apparently “terrifying” but i survived homestuck, so i scoff at the concept and go on with my life
- june 15 2018: season 6 drops. i see a bunch of cool gifs and pretty fanart. coupled with the hype i have absorbed from the lead up to it, i wonder if i should give the show a watch
- june 16 2018: i start watching vld. two (four) episodes in and i love it. i can already tell i’m a hunk kinnie, and this brings me no end of joy
- june 28 2018: within two weeks, i have caught up entirely. i am thriving in the post-s6 hype
- july 20 2018: at sdcc, the Big Reveal happens. shiro is gay. he is a disabled main character of of colour in a wildly popular show for kids, and he is kind and brave and the pinnacle of masculinity, and he is gay. no matter your shipping opinions, this is incredible news and it’s hard to Not ride the high, so why bother trying? they show a trailer and announce the release date for season 7, and within hours a bunch of booted recordings of s7e1 are floating around online
- july 23 2018: my interest level has gotten to the point where i need to make a separate twitter for it, so i do. (fun fact: as of today, less than 2 years later, said twitter has over 7300 posts on it. my main, 4x that old, has ~30k)
- august 10 2018: season 7 is online at 1am my time. im selling at an artist alley all weekend, starting the following morning. i binge half the season anyway before passing out, and completely avoid the internet until i can watch the rest later that day
- october 5 2018: at nycc, the trailer for s8 and release date are revealed. i immediately book the announced day off work because i know i will want to watch the entire thing at once the second it’s out
- mid-october 2018: “leaks” of s8 start appearing online. pretty much no one in the fandom believes them, because no one Likes them. they seem ridiculous. people start making “leakverse” fanworks to feed some of the finale anticipation into, including me. no one really thinks they’re plausible at all
- december 14 2018: season 8 airs. i post a quick but heartfelt fanart before gearing up for 1am. it starts, and i cry. the first time they form voltron, i cry some more. things keep happening, and i keep getting tears on my screen, and i have to pause and start it over and over, but i live tweet the whole thing anyway. the leaks were... real. i come out of it unsure how i feel, exactly, but i am exhausted from the marathon and so immediately pass out
- the same day, after some sleep: im upset and confused as to why the finale season was so hollow. i see im not alone. it’s a rough week, feeling like something i love so deeply let me down so much. i realize it’s only been 6 months since i got into it - but, clinging to a deep sense of betrayal, i cry some more anyway
- the immediate aftermath: there are petitions and accusations of censorship and conspiracies about where the “real” s8 is. it’s hard not to get caught up in, or at least dragged down by, the lack of hype. no one who worked on the show says anything for days, weeks, months. fix it fanwork starts cropping up, and i surround myself in them. none of the excitement from before is there, not the same way it was. i start a new and highly ambitious piece of art out of spite. it’s left unfinished
- january 2 2019: lion forge releases the third volume of vld comics. no one really cares. i certainly don’t
- the intermediate aftermath: it becomes clearer by the day that the season was, simply put, a failure and a flop. no one liked it. kids cried over it and parents had no idea how to explain it to them. the fandom and community dim for a while, but i keep immersing myself in the trove of fanwork that already existed, and i start trying again to make some of my own
- may 29 2019: lion forge comics announces that they are not renewing their license to make more vld comics. that, coupled with the abysmally rated final season, seems to be the nail in the coffin for this iteration of the ip. there won’t be anything else official for vld. somehow, this sparks a renewed interest in me. despite everything, im more dedicated than ever before to preserve and proliferate my good experiences. i know this won’t be a blip in my history as a fan, so i’m determined to be happy with it, as best i can be
- the rest: is, as they say, history. as of now, i have something like 20 fanworks of my own in progress for vld. my ao3 bookmarks number in the 100s, and my to-read list is at over 250. ive made a concerted effort to be more active and engaged in the fandom, because it came so close to fizzling out, for me and maybe for everyone, but it’s brought me so much goodness that i cant and Won’t let that happen, not without a fight
it’s been just under 2 years since i decided to watch voltron on a whim. and it has honestly become a central part of my interests and identity in that time - but for the majority of it, it’s been because of fandom and fanworks, and that’s maybe what made it stick so well to begin with: the creative, varied, amazing parts of it that no network mandate could have offered on its own
this started as a way to catalog my journey into and through vld but honestly it kind of became a love letter to the fandom (at least, my corner of it). that’s what’s made these last years so special - what’s made them simultaneously fly by and feel like a solid constant. a dedicated, talented fan base who are capable of so much more than the constraints of the source material
it’s amazing to look back on, and incredible to keep looking forward to. we’ve all been told - “go, be great”
we have been, and continue to be. like the stars, and like my love for vld, it’s inevitable
so thank you all for the years of “great”. 🖤
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devilssnarerp · 7 years
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Charlotte has been competitive since she was extremely young. Being surrounded by professional sports for a large part of her life automatically breed the trait into her. Whenever it comes to Charlotte’s personality at school, she is often singularly focused, and reaches the point of near obsession when it comes to her quidditch team. Although she was bad before whenever she was just a member, ever since becoming the captain towards the end of her fourth year, Charlotte has always put almost all of her energy into quidditch and making sure that her team wins.
Whenever it comes to anything but quidditch, and especially when it comes to her schoolwork, Charlotte can be quite the procrastinator. It doesn’t matter how early an assignment is given, she will almost certainly be up finishing it late the night before it is due. If things don’t catch her interest, it is incredibly difficult for her to care about them or put time into them, and it is rare that she ever feels a connection with her schoolwork.
Her impulsiveness is something that Charlotte has tried to get under control for a number of years, but it is really unknown how successful she has been at achieving such a feat. Charlotte often speaks before she thinks, and more often than not this can get her into trouble. When paired with her tendency to be judgmental, it can definitely cause quite a few issues in her day to day life.
More than anything, Charlotte is stubborn and passionate about her beliefs. Once she has decided on something, it is almost impossible to change her mind or opinion. She is almost always stuck in her ways, and trying to change her thoughts is something that can only be done by Charlotte herself. Sometimes even if she knows she is wrong she’ll stick with her original ideas if only to prevent herself from having to admit that she was wrong in the first place.
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Less than two weeks after he had graduated from Hogwarts, Charlotte’s father, Roger Davies, was on his way to the United States. With all of the drama going on in the United Kingdom, his parents had wanted their only son to get out of the country, and after performing well during his Easter break during a showcase for up and coming players, the offer made by the Fitchburg Finches to have Roger come and play for them starting in the next season was just too good for him to pass up. After a successful career at Hogwarts as the Ravenclaw captain, it seemed like a natural step of progression, and he was all too excited to take part in the next phase of his life.
Roger met his future wife, Stephanie, after the young witch and a few of her friends from Ilvermorny came to watch one of the Fitchburg games. Their relationship started off rather casual, but Roger couldn’t help but fall fast for the young witch, and after she finished her last year at Ilvermorny, the eighteen and nineteen year old quickly married. Roger had grown up in a climate of war as he had gotten older, and with so many of his friends back home getting married, it felt only natural.
Their daughter, Charlotte, was born just a couple years after they were married while the young family was back home visiting Roger’s family in Scotland. With his dedication to his American team, Charlotte grew up spending a lot of her time in the United States with occasional holidays spent in Scotland from time to time. She grew up on the side of the quidditch pitch, and her love of the sport is something that she can’t remember being without. Whether it was a match or just practice, she threw a fit if she missed a single one, and as she got older she quickly became an almost constant presence at the Fitchburg events. She was even allowed to help as she grew, although her helping was mostly just picking up equipment, but it helped her to feel useful and a part of the team.
Charlotte first made the Gryffindor quidditch team as the backup keeper halfway through her second year. Although it was far from the starting position that she wanted, she knew that it was better than most other students could hope to achieve. Even now, she contributes a lot of her early success to the help and casual training she received from the members of her father’s team who, out of the kindness of their hearts, allowed themselves to give Charlotte the time of day even though she was just a kid.
As time passed, Charlotte grew, and eventually her father transitioned from playing for Finchburg to becoming one of the coaches for the team instead. Charlotte’s presence is now almost always in Scotland, but she does try to make it to the states at least once a year to both see her dad and his team as well. It’s almost odd now that the players are about her age, and it’s a far different dynamic than the one she had had when her father was just a member of the team, as opposed to her now being the coach’s daughter.
Much to her mother’s occasional frustration, Charlotte’s focus has always been more on her sports than her education, and she doesn’t see a future for herself besides playing professional quidditch. She officially became the starting keeper for Gryffindor at the middle of her third year, and she was elected captain in May of her fourth year after the reigning captain had to step down due to grades. It’s a position that she has clung to vehemently, and having the captain badge fills her with a sense of pride more than anything else.
With it now being her sixth year, most would assume that Charlotte now would have her NEWTs to worry about, but although she knows that they are important, the last thing that she wants to do is waste her time studying for the tests, especially a year early. What she really wants to do in her future is play quidditch, and she can’t help but worry that taking time away from her team will do nothing but hurt her chances. After a devastating injury in the final quidditch cup match last year (which Gryffindor ended up losing), Charlotte truly feels like she has something to prove, and she won’t be completely happy until she feels that she has redeemed herself once and for all.
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(I.) Charlotte’s favorite quidditch team in the world is obviously the Fitchburg Finches because it is the team that her father both played for and now coaches. However, because the majority of students at Hogwarts don’t exactly care about the United States league, Charlotte’s favorite team in the British and Irish Quidditch League is the Falmouth Falcons. She knows more than anyone how much they suck, but since she picked them as a child, she can’t just turn her back on them no matter how many games they lose.
(II.) Charlotte spent a large part of her childhood in the United States, and because of this when she first started attending Hogwarts, she had a rather strong American accent that oftentimes overpowered her Scottish one. As the years passed and Charlie spent more and more of her time at Hogwarts, her accent gradually reverted back to that of her father’s. Sometimes if she spends a lot of time in Massachusetts she will begin to develop a slightly odd combination of the two, but for the most part now, her Scottish accent is the only one able to be heard in her daily life (though she has clung to American curse words more than those popular in the UK).
(III.) One of her worst memories is actually a memory that she has little to no recollection of experiencing. She remembers the Slytherin player flying towards her, but after that everything goes black until she woke up in the Hospital Wing. Charlotte was absolutely devastated to learn that her team lost the Quidditch Cup, and although she won’t admit it to her team, she is fully of the belief that they would have won if she would have been playing. Ever since she has become all the more determined to win the cup in her final year, and she’s ready to do whatever it takes to achieve her final goal.
(IV.) Charlotte goes by quite a few nicknames, and people are usually more likely to call her by her nicknames than her actual full name. Granted, there are a few that still call her Charlotte, but they are few and far between. Charlie is the most common throughout the common room, and there are also a few members on the quidditch team refer to her as Charles or Char after a joke from two years ago that just never went away. She does, however, try to stay away from the nickname Lottie after it was used a few years ago to try and draw an irritated reaction out of her. She’s also just not quite sure how she feels about such a cutesy name being used by her friends. As far as she is concerned, Charlotte is already girly enough without making her sound even more like a Kindergardener.
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'Dancing With the Stars' Season 24 Preview: Best Team Names, Elimination Predictions and More!
Dancing With the Stars fans, are you ready for an all-new season?
Ahead of Monday's premiere, airing at 8 p.m. ET on ABC, ET's filling you in on everything you need to know about what to expect from season 24. From what's been happening in rehearsals to who has the best team names, we've got you covered.
WATCH: 'Dancing With the Stars' First Dances Revealed -- Here's How Each Contestant Feels About Them!
So from the time the dance pros find out which celebrity they're paired with to actual show day, what exactly happens? ET caught up with Witney Carson last Friday, who broke it all down for us!
"We'll actually start rehearsing about three weeks prior to the premiere date, and that is usually a little sporadic," she explained. "Usually [the stars] are still traveling and trying to get their schedules cleared so they can be available. But for the most part, we practice every day for 4-5 hours, and a lot of that is getting to know each other, finding their music, learning their likes and dislikes, getting to know their personality and what they're OK to do, finding their strengths and weaknesses."
"A LOT goes into these practices because we really need to gauge, as choreographers, what we can do to make them look the best, and what we need to stay away from," she continued. "It's a lot of test and trial, and a lot of just teaching them basic techniques so they're ready for when we go into the season, [when] we only have four days to teach them the routine. It's really important for us to get the groundwork started beforehand. So, those three weeks are really crucial for us. I don't know how we would do [it] if we didn't have those weeks."
Fans of the show have known for a while now whose competing with who for the coveted mirror ball trophy, but what are the stars really like in rehearsals when the cameras aren't rolling? Well, we got the scoop!
Mr. T & Kym Herjavec
The nostalgia factor will be way turned up when Mr. T and two-time mirror ball champion Kym Cha Cha to the theme from The A-Team on Monday night. But the real reason the retired professional wrestler has already won our hearts is his enthusiasm for the show. Mr. T has tweeted about his DWTS journey 35 times (and counting!) since the cast was announced earlier this month, gushing about the other contestants and thanking the fans for their support. Here are some of our favorites:
Fun fact: Mr. T is this season's oldest male contestant. His 65th birthday is on Tuesday, just one day after the season premiere.
Bonner Bolton & Sharna Burgess
The professional bull rider and red-headed beauty are going country for week No. 1! Although choosing their team name, DenimNDiamonds, was fairly easy (Sharna told ET last week that it was Bonner who came up with the name), selecting a country tune proved to be a bit more challenging.
Sharna said she actually reached out to her season 20 partner, Noah Galloway, for song suggestions via text. In the end, the team chose "Move" by Luke Bryan, which they'll Cha Cha to. "I love country ballads because I think they’re some of the most incredible romantic songs in the world, [but] rock 'n' roll country, I've never done a Cha Cha to in my life," Sharna explained, teasing the choreography will be sexy. "There's probably going to be a twelve-pack in there somewhere."
Fun fact: Bonner, 29, has always been a real cowboy. He was raised on a ranch in West Texas, and his father was a rodeo cowboy for nearly 20 years. Like Sharna's partner last season, James Hinchcliffe, Bonner also suffered a near-fatal injury after being bucked off the back of a bull in January 2016.
Heather Morris & Maksim Chmerkovskiy
With no elimination during the first week of the competition, this talented pair is already looking ahead to week No. 2 and Heather's most feared dance, the jive.
"I know it's supposed to be fun, but I'm nervous about it," the former Glee star admitted to ET when we visited the pair during rehearsals last week. "I'm going to work my [butt] off to get it done, but it's going to be hard."
For their first piece of choreography, Heather and Maks are taking on the Viennese Waltz, which the pro dancer describes as a "safe choice" to ease them into the competition. Because Heather already has prior dance experience (she's performed with Beyoncé!), they've been focusing their rehearsals on turning her into a ballroom dancer by breaking old jazz habits that don't pertain to this style.
Fun fact: Heather and Maks are both parents. Heather shares two kids, Elijah, 3, and Owen, 1, with husband Taylor Hubbel, and Maks just welcomed his first child, son Shai, with fellow pro dancer Peta Murgatoryd two months ago.
Chris Kattan & Witney Carson
According to Witney, the Saturday Night Live veteran is up for anything -- including the sparkles! "He's pretty fearless," the blond beauty told ET. "There's nothing he's really said 'no' to."
Witney also revealed that Chris has been a longtime fan of DWTS, explaining just how hard he's been working to get ready for their Cha Cha to Haddaway's "What Is Love." But even Witney was surprised by how far the A Night at the Roxbury star's enthusiasm for the show goes.
"I put him in this just plain suit this week -- it's really normal," she said. "And I thought he'd be happy, but he was kind of a little disappointed. He wanted more of the bling, and a little more pizzazz. I was like, 'Wow, I don't think I've ever had a guy celebrity tell me that before.' It's very rare. He's ready to go full-force with it all."
Fun fact: Chris was super pumped when he found out he was paired with Witney. He's been cheering her on for a long time, and even talked to her about watching her season 19 journey, in which she took home the mirror ball trophy with Alfonso Ribeiro.
Charo & Keo Motsepe
At 66 years old, Charo is this season's oldest competitor, but you wouldn't know that from her dance moves. The famous international actress and flamenco guitarist has everyone doing her signature "cuchi-cuchi" dance, including fellow competitor Erika Jayne.
For week No. 1, the actress and comedian will take on the salsa to Mambo Compañeros' "Cuban Pete" with Keo. It's pretty safe to say, we can expect some spice!
Fun fact: This is only Keo's fifth time dancing as a pro. Could this be the season he takes home a mirror ball trophy?
Rashad Jennings & Emma Slater
Spray tans and barely-there costumes are a way of life on DWTS, so it's no surprise that staying fit is part of the job. The NFL pro and his partner have already been keeping us entertained with their workout videos, which they post at the end of each rehearsal. The pair will be performing to Bruno Mars' "24K Magic," and we have our fingers crossed in hopes of getting a glimpse of Rashad's abs:
For further proof of just how in sync this team is, just look at their handshake:
Fun fact: Back when Rashad was in high school in his hometown of Forest, Virginia, he described himself as a "270 lb. chubby kid with asthma and glasses." It wasn't until the very last game of his junior year that he got any playing time on the football field.
Nancy Kerrigan & Artem Chigvintsev
The 47-year-old former Olympic figure skater is trading in her ice skates for dancing shoes, and couldn't be more "excited." Although she says she's "having fun," she's also "nervous" about making her ballroom debut on Monday.
Fun fact: Figure skaters have an impressive track record on DWTS. Meryl Davis and Kristi Yamaguchi both won their seasons, while Evan Lysacek placed second and Charlie White came in fifth when they competed. If Nancy and Artem look as good on the dance floor as they do on the ice, they should be in the competition for quite a long time!
David Ross & Lindsay Arnold
David certainly knows how to go out with a bang -- he retired from professional baseball after 15 seasons and became the oldest player in MLB history to hit a home run as the Chicago Cubs won their historic World Series title in 2016. But will his skills translate to the dance floor? He and Lindsay have the notoriously difficult quickstep for their first dance, to Steve Goodman's "Go Cubs Go."
Fun fact: David is the first professional baseball player to ever compete on the show. Does he have what it takes to make history again, by bringing home a DWTS win?
Nick Viall and Peta Murgatoryd
Peta's got her groove back, and we're psyched! After taking some time off and giving birth two months ago, the two-time champion is returning to the ballroom with Nick to defend her season 22 title, which she won with Nyle DiMarco.
Her fiancé, Maksim, gushed to ET last week about how much this competition means to his lady, saying, "her making this comeback is a big deal."
Fun fact: During rehearsals last week, the pair -- who will be dancing the Cha Cha to "Let Me Love You" by DJ Snake and Tiesto featuring Justin Bieber -- received a visit from Nick's fiancé, Vanessa Grimaldi, and baby Chmerkovskiy for the cutest social media moment of the season so far.
Erika Jayne & Gleb Savchenko
Erika & Gleb already have one guaranteed fan! Earlier this month, DWTS co-host Erin Andrews told ET that she's a huge fan of the reality star, and is really excited to see her on the dance floor. Additionally, Sharna said the pair "have a really fun chemistry between them." That comment had us wondering -- is it possible we could get another iconic choreography moment from Gleb? After all, who could forget that steamy shower routine he performed with Jana Kramer last season?
Fun Fact: Erika and Glen are dancing a salsa version of the reality star's own single, "XXPEN$IVE," on Monday. We can only hope the piece will feature some of the same sexy moves she performs in the track's official music video.
Normani Kordei & Val Chmerkovskiy
Reigning champ Val is hitting the road for the second season in a row! The pro dancer will be following his partner, Normani, and her Fifth Harmony bandmates all over the world as they continue their 7/27 tour. The tour, which began last year, is heading to Asia next and will wrap up in May.
Like Lindsay and David, the pair's first dance is the quickstep.
Fun fact: In case you missed it, Normani taught Val the moves to 5H's "Work From Home" dance during a break from rehearsals. Perhaps he'll make a surprise appearance onstage during one of their tour shows?
Simone Biles & Sasha Farber
You know what they say, "Be careful what you wish for."
When rumors swirled last year that the Olympic gymnast may be joining the show's 23rd season, Simone told ET that she would love to be paired with Sasha. Now officially cast in the season 24 competition with Sasha, things appear to be going well.
The pair have been dancing, laughing and flipping together while training for their tango to "Untouchable" by Tritonal and Cash Cash in Texas.
Fun fact: If the duo makes it to the finals, this will be Sasha's first appearance in the top group. With Simone's winning track record (the girl's got five Olympic medals!), we feel pretty safe about putting our bets on this pair.
From season to season, the team names keep getting better. We've organized all of the pair's official social media hashtags, in order from most to least creative:
1. #TeamBabyGotBach
Peta just gave birth to her first child, son Shai and Nick just competed on The Bachelor. This team name is pure genius!
2. #TeamDenimNDiamonds
We couldn't think of a better possible name for glam goddess Sharna and casual cowboy Bonner.
3. #TeamGoldenGiggles
No explanation needed - this name is just as cute as Simone and Sasha!
4. #TeamPrettyXxpensive
We see what you did there, Erika and Gleb! For DWTS fans who may not be familiar with the reality star-turned-pop diva, "XXPEN$IVE" is the name of her sassy new single.
5. #TeamMangoTango
One of Chris' most iconic characters from his Saturday Night Live skits was the brightly dressed, exotic male dancer, Mango. And, we can only hope that hilarious accent comes out, too, when Chris takes the stage to dance with Witney.
6. #TeamLadyAndTheGramp
Lindsay, the blond beauty. David, now a retired Chicago Cubs player nicknamed "Grandpa Rossy." Makes total sense, and we love it!
7. #TeamMaksimumHeat
Who doesn't love some fun wordplay? Maksimum = Maks, Heat = Heather. It's not incredibly creative, but it does stand out.
8. #TeamDancingFools
If you don't understand the epic "fools" reference here, it's time to do some research on Mr. T before he and Kym show America what they've got!
9. #TeamShadSquad
"I've been inspired by how much Rashad likes to give back to the kids in the community," Emma said of the inspiration behind her and Rashad's name. "He has an amazing foundation, and the [volunteers] from that foundation call themselves the Shad Squad."
10. #TeamValMani
Val and Normani were originally going with "Booty and the Beast," but changed it last minute when Val's former partner, Zendaya, suggested a name tweak. "I luh you sis @zendaya," the Fifth Harmony starlet tweeted. "Thanks for convincing me that Booty&TheBeast wasn't it lmao."
11. #TeamCuchiCuchi
Although this is a perfect fit for Charo and Keo, we're ranking this low on the list because it was exactly what we expected from the pair.
11. #TeamBladesofGlory
Nancy and Artem are only last on our list because they literally just came up with their team name at the last minute. We're still rooting for you though!
We have yet to officially see any of the stars step foot in the ballroom, but if we had to make predictions on who will be taking home the season 24 mirror ball trophy our guesses would go to Heather and Maks, Normani and Val, or Simone and Sasha.
Vegas Odds
Based on professional picks from the Wynn Las Vegas, Erika and Gleb, Chris and Witney and Charo and Keo are expected to be the bottom three couples, and the first to face elimination.
Simone & Sasha - 3 to 1 Normani & Val - 9 to 2 Heather & Maks - 5 to 1 Nancy & Artem - 7 to 1 Rashad & Emma - 9 to 1 Bonner & Sharna - 14 to 1 David & Lindsay - 16 to 1 Mr. T & Kym - 20 to 1 Nick & Peta - 22 to 1 Charo & Keo - 25 to 1 Chris & Witney - 35 to 1 Erika & Gleb - 40 to 1
Battle of the Athletes
Having athletes on the show is nothing new, but this season features SIX stars who were all pros in their sports at one point -- Simone, Rashad, Nancy, David, Bonner and Mr. T!
Reality Star Showdown
It's The Bachelor vs. Housewives! Nick and Erika are both stars on two of the most popular reality shows we've ever seen on TV. Now we'll finally get a chance to see them outside of their elements (no roses or drama here!). But who will be the more talented contestant?
Are YOU excited for season 24 of Dancing With the Stars? Which team will you be rooting for? Let us know on Twitter (@desireemurphy_ & @angelique814) or in the comments section on our official Facebook page! And be sure to follow all of our DWTS coverage all season long, right here on ETonline.com.
WATCH: 'Dancing With the Stars' Season 24 -- See the Official Cast Photos!
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'Dancing With the Stars' Season 24 Preview: Best Team Names, Elimination Predictions and More!
Dancing With the Stars fans, are you ready for an all-new season?
Ahead of Monday's premiere, airing at 8 p.m. ET on ABC, ET's filling you in on everything you need to know about what to expect from season 24. From what's been happening in rehearsals to who has the best team names, we've got you covered.
WATCH: 'Dancing With the Stars' First Dances Revealed -- Here's How Each Contestant Feels About Them!
So from the time the dance pros find out which celebrity they're paired with to actual show day, what exactly happens? ET caught up with Witney Carson last Friday, who broke it all down for us!
"We'll actually start rehearsing about three weeks prior to the premiere date, and that is usually a little sporadic," she explained. "Usually [the stars] are still traveling and trying to get their schedules cleared so they can be available. But for the most part, we practice every day for 4-5 hours, and a lot of that is getting to know each other, finding their music, learning their likes and dislikes, getting to know their personality and what they're OK to do, finding their strengths and weaknesses."
"A LOT goes into these practices because we really need to gauge, as choreographers, what we can do to make them look the best, and what we need to stay away from," she continued. "It's a lot of test and trial, and a lot of just teaching them basic techniques so they're ready for when we go into the season, [when] we only have four days to teach them the routine. It's really important for us to get the groundwork started beforehand. So, those three weeks are really crucial for us. I don't know how we would do [it] if we didn't have those weeks."
Fans of the show have known for a while now whose competing with who for the coveted mirror ball trophy, but what are the stars really like in rehearsals when the cameras aren't rolling? Well, we got the scoop!
Mr. T & Kym Herjavec
The nostalgia factor will be way turned up when Mr. T and two-time mirror ball champion Kym Cha Cha to the theme from The A-Team on Monday night. But the real reason the retired professional wrestler has already won our hearts is his enthusiasm for the show. Mr. T has tweeted about his DWTS journey 35 times (and counting!) since the cast was announced earlier this month, gushing about the other contestants and thanking the fans for their support. Here are some of our favorites:
Fun fact: Mr. T is this season's oldest male contestant. His 65th birthday is on Tuesday, just one day after the season premiere.
Bonner Bolton & Sharna Burgess
The professional bull rider and red-headed beauty are going country for week No. 1! Although choosing their team name, DenimNDiamonds, was fairly easy (Sharna told ET last week that it was Bonner who came up with the name), selecting a country tune proved to be a bit more challenging.
Sharna said she actually reached out to her season 20 partner, Noah Galloway, for song suggestions via text. In the end, the team chose "Move" by Luke Bryan, which they'll Cha Cha to. "I love country ballads because I think they’re some of the most incredible romantic songs in the world, [but] rock 'n' roll country, I've never done a Cha Cha to in my life," Sharna explained, teasing the choreography will be sexy. "There's probably going to be a twelve-pack in there somewhere."
Fun fact: Bonner, 29, has always been a real cowboy. He was raised on a ranch in West Texas, and his father was a rodeo cowboy for nearly 20 years. Like Sharna's partner last season, James Hinchcliffe, Bonner also suffered a near-fatal injury after being bucked off the back of a bull in January 2016.
Heather Morris & Maksim Chmerkovskiy
With no elimination during the first week of the competition, this talented pair is already looking ahead to week No. 2 and Heather's most feared dance, the jive.
"I know it's supposed to be fun, but I'm nervous about it," the former Glee star admitted to ET when we visited the pair during rehearsals last week. "I'm going to work my [butt] off to get it done, but it's going to be hard."
For their first piece of choreography, Heather and Maks are taking on the Viennese Waltz, which the pro dancer describes as a "safe choice" to ease them into the competition. Because Heather already has prior dance experience (she's performed with Beyoncé!), they've been focusing their rehearsals on turning her into a ballroom dancer by breaking old jazz habits that don't pertain to this style.
Fun fact: Heather and Maks are both parents. Heather shares two kids, Elijah, 3, and Owen, 1, with husband Taylor Hubbel, and Maks just welcomed his first child, son Shai, with fellow pro dancer Peta Murgatoryd two months ago.
Chris Kattan & Witney Carson
According to Witney, the Saturday Night Live veteran is up for anything -- including the sparkles! "He's pretty fearless," the blond beauty told ET. "There's nothing he's really said 'no' to."
Witney also revealed that Chris has been a longtime fan of DWTS, explaining just how hard he's been working to get ready for their Cha Cha to Haddaway's "What Is Love." But even Witney was surprised by how far the A Night at the Roxbury star's enthusiasm for the show goes.
"I put him in this just plain suit this week -- it's really normal," she said. "And I thought he'd be happy, but he was kind of a little disappointed. He wanted more of the bling, and a little more pizzazz. I was like, 'Wow, I don't think I've ever had a guy celebrity tell me that before.' It's very rare. He's ready to go full-force with it all."
Fun fact: Chris was super pumped when he found out he was paired with Witney. He's been cheering her on for a long time, and even talked to her about watching her season 19 journey, in which she took home the mirror ball trophy with Alfonso Ribeiro.
Charo & Keo Motsepe
At 66 years old, Charo is this season's oldest competitor, but you wouldn't know that from her dance moves. The famous international actress and flamenco guitarist has everyone doing her signature "cuchi-cuchi" dance, including fellow competitor Erika Jayne.
For week No. 1, the actress and comedian will take on the salsa to Mambo Compañeros' "Cuban Pete" with Keo. It's pretty safe to say, we can expect some spice!
Fun fact: This is only Keo's fifth time dancing as a pro. Could this be the season he takes home a mirror ball trophy?
Rashad Jennings & Emma Slater
Spray tans and barely-there costumes are a way of life on DWTS, so it's no surprise that staying fit is part of the job. The NFL pro and his partner have already been keeping us entertained with their workout videos, which they post at the end of each rehearsal. The pair will be performing to Bruno Mars' "24K Magic," and we have our fingers crossed in hopes of getting a glimpse of Rashad's abs:
For further proof of just how in sync this team is, just look at their handshake:
Fun fact: Back when Rashad was in high school in his hometown of Forest, Virginia, he described himself as a "270 lb. chubby kid with asthma and glasses." It wasn't until the very last game of his junior year that he got any playing time on the football field.
Nancy Kerrigan & Artem Chigvintsev
The 47-year-old former Olympic figure skater is trading in her ice skates for dancing shoes, and couldn't be more "excited." Although she says she's "having fun," she's also "nervous" about making her ballroom debut on Monday.
Fun fact: Figure skaters have an impressive track record on DWTS. Meryl Davis and Kristi Yamaguchi both won their seasons, while Evan Lysacek placed second and Charlie White came in fifth when they competed. If Nancy and Artem look as good on the dance floor as they do on the ice, they should be in the competition for quite a long time!
David Ross & Lindsay Arnold
David certainly knows how to go out with a bang -- he retired from professional baseball after 15 seasons and became the oldest player in MLB history to hit a home run as the Chicago Cubs won their historic World Series title in 2016. But will his skills translate to the dance floor? He and Lindsay have the notoriously difficult quickstep for their first dance, to Steve Goodman's "Go Cubs Go."
Fun fact: David is the first professional baseball player to ever compete on the show. Does he have what it takes to make history again, by bringing home a DWTS win?
Nick Viall and Peta Murgatoryd
Peta's got her groove back, and we're psyched! After taking some time off and giving birth two months ago, the two-time champion is returning to the ballroom with Nick to defend her season 22 title, which she won with Nyle DiMarco.
Her fiancé, Maksim, gushed to ET last week about how much this competition means to his lady, saying, "her making this comeback is a big deal."
Fun fact: During rehearsals last week, the pair -- who will be dancing the Cha Cha to "Let Me Love You" by DJ Snake and Tiesto featuring Justin Bieber -- received a visit from Nick's fiancé, Vanessa Grimaldi, and baby Chmerkovskiy for the cutest social media moment of the season so far.
Erika Jayne & Gleb Savchenko
Erika & Gleb already have one guaranteed fan! Earlier this month, DWTS co-host Erin Andrews told ET that she's a huge fan of the reality star, and is really excited to see her on the dance floor. Additionally, Sharna said the pair "have a really fun chemistry between them." That comment had us wondering -- is it possible we could get another iconic choreography moment from Gleb? After all, who could forget that steamy shower routine he performed with Jana Kramer last season?
Fun Fact: Erika and Glen are dancing a salsa version of the reality star's own single, "XXPEN$IVE," on Monday. We can only hope the piece will feature some of the same sexy moves she performs in the track's official music video.
Normani Kordei & Val Chmerkovskiy
Reigning champ Val is hitting the road for the second season in a row! The pro dancer will be following his partner, Normani, and her Fifth Harmony bandmates all over the world as they continue their 7/27 tour. The tour, which began last year, is heading to Asia next and will wrap up in May.
Like Lindsay and David, the pair's first dance is the quickstep.
Fun fact: In case you missed it, Normani taught Val the moves to 5H's "Work From Home" dance during a break from rehearsals. Perhaps he'll make a surprise appearance onstage during one of their tour shows?
Simone Biles & Sasha Farber
You know what they say, "Be careful what you wish for."
When rumors swirled last year that the Olympic gymnast may be joining the show's 23rd season, Simone told ET that she would love to be paired with Sasha. Now officially cast in the season 24 competition with Sasha, things appear to be going well.
The pair have been dancing, laughing and flipping together while training for their tango to "Untouchable" by Tritonal and Cash Cash in Texas.
Fun fact: If the duo makes it to the finals, this will be Sasha's first appearance in the top group. With Simone's winning track record (the girl's got five Olympic medals!), we feel pretty safe about putting our bets on this pair.
From season to season, the team names keep getting better. We've organized all of the pair's official social media hashtags, in order from most to least creative:
1. #TeamBabyGotBach
Peta just gave birth to her first child, son Shai and Nick just competed on The Bachelor. This team name is pure genius!
2. #TeamDenimNDiamonds
We couldn't think of a better possible name for glam goddess Sharna and casual cowboy Bonner.
3. #TeamGoldenGiggles
No explanation needed - this name is just as cute as Simone and Sasha!
4. #TeamPrettyXxpensive
We see what you did there, Erika and Gleb! For DWTS fans who may not be familiar with the reality star-turned-pop diva, "XXPEN$IVE" is the name of her sassy new single.
5. #TeamMangoTango
One of Chris' most iconic characters from his Saturday Night Live skits was the brightly dressed, exotic male dancer, Mango. And, we can only hope that hilarious accent comes out, too, when Chris takes the stage to dance with Witney.
6. #TeamLadyAndTheGramp
Lindsay, the blond beauty. David, now a retired Chicago Cubs player nicknamed "Grandpa Rossy." Makes total sense, and we love it!
7. #TeamMaksimumHeat
Who doesn't love some fun wordplay? Maksimum = Maks, Heat = Heather. It's not incredibly creative, but it does stand out.
8. #TeamDancingFools
If you don't understand the epic "fools" reference here, it's time to do some research on Mr. T before he and Kym show America what they've got!
9. #TeamShadSquad
"I've been inspired by how much Rashad likes to give back to the kids in the community," Emma said of the inspiration behind her and Rashad's name. "He has an amazing foundation, and the [volunteers] from that foundation call themselves the Shad Squad."
10. #TeamValMani
Val and Normani were originally going with "Booty and the Beast," but changed it last minute when Val's former partner, Zendaya, suggested a name tweak. "I luh you sis @zendaya," the Fifth Harmony starlet tweeted. "Thanks for convincing me that Booty&TheBeast wasn't it lmao."
11. #TeamCuchiCuchi
Although this is a perfect fit for Charo and Keo, we're ranking this low on the list because it was exactly what we expected from the pair.
11. #Team... ???
Nancy and Artem have yet to come up with their official team name, which is why they've landed last on our list. Sorry, guys! We're still rooting for you though…
We have yet to officially see any of the stars step foot in the ballroom, but if we had to make predictions on who will be taking home the season 24 mirror ball trophy our guesses would go to Heather and Maks, Normani and Val, or Simone and Sasha.
Vegas Odds
Based on professional picks from the Wynn Las Vegas, Erika and Gleb, Chris and Witney and Charo and Keo are expected to be the bottom three couples, and the first to face elimination.
Simone & Sasha - 3 to 1 Normani & Val - 9 to 2 Heather & Maks - 5 to 1 Nancy & Artem - 7 to 1 Rashad & Emma - 9 to 1 Bonner & Sharna - 14 to 1 David & Lindsay - 16 to 1 Mr. T & Kym - 20 to 1 Nick & Peta - 22 to 1 Charo & Keo - 25 to 1 Chris & Witney - 35 to 1 Erika & Gleb - 40 to 1
Battle of the Athletes
Having athletes on the show is nothing new, but this season features SIX stars who were all pros in their sports at one point -- Simone, Rashad, Nancy, David, Bonner and Mr. T!
Reality Star Showdown
It's The Bachelor vs. Housewives! Nick and Erika are both stars on two of the most popular reality shows we've ever seen on TV. Now we'll finally get a chance to see them outside of their elements (no roses or drama here!). But who will be the more talented contestant?
Are YOU excited for season 24 of Dancing With the Stars? Which team will you be rooting for? Let us know on Twitter (@desireemurphy_ & @angelique814) or in the comments section on our official Facebook page! And be sure to follow all of our DWTS coverage all season long, right here on ETonline.com.
WATCH: 'Dancing With the Stars' Season 24 -- See the Official Cast Photos!
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