#technically 9 years old
learn-and-accept · 1 year
Moving is a crazy fucking experience jesus christ
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newobsessioneveryweek · 5 months
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A little redraw for @apollosgiftofprophecy she's been deprived for too long
Here's the Original
Which do you prefer? I think Commodus looks wayyy more sinister in this version and Lester looks more... Scared :(
The song I imagine playing in the background of this scene is "Bad Blood" by Taylor Swift 😄 it just fits
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venusaria · 8 months
15 year old me: I need him
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21 year old me: I need him
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doctorbrown · 11 months
DOCTOBER '23 ⸺ 「 20 / 31 * REAR-VIEW MIRROR 」
June 12, 2025
❝Are you sure you can't spend the night, kids?❞ Marty asks as Ellie breaks the long hug with her father. ❝We've got the spare rooms and it'd mean a lot to your mother and I.❞
❝I'm sorry, Dad,❞ Ellie starts, and to her credit, she does look genuinely upset. ❝But Dan and I are travelling in the morning since this is my last open vacation for a while and—❞
❝And I've got to be in by five,❞ Emmett says, ❝to make sure these bojos don't screw something up. We open Saturday.❞
Marty sighs and moves to give his son a hug, patting him twice on the back. ❝I know, I know. You're adults now with your own lives. I just miss you.❞
Ellie pouts. ❝It's not like you never see us, Dad. You can call on the vidphone anytime you want.❞
❝No, no, I get it,❞ Marty says, a hint of a smirk ticking up the corner of his lips, ❝it's not cool to be hanging out with your parents anymore.❞ Before either of the kids can protest, Marty laughs. ❝Have a safe trip, Ellie.❞
❝El, Dad, El. Ellie's such a kid name.❞
❝And you're still my kid.❞ She groans dramatically and drops the point there, knowing there's no arguing with her father on this.
❝Break a leg this weekend, Emmett.❞ Marty nods at his son who smiles.
Both kids shuffle towards the door in an awkward line, reaching over each other to grab bags and sweaters. ❝And would you actually use the gift we got you?❞
Marty glances over his shoulder to the small box and envelope on the living room table and puts a hand on his hip.
❝Hey, I'm only fifty-seven! And I still look good for my age.❞ Apart from the soft age lines typical of a man in his late fifties and his greying hair, Marty still manages to carry a youthful energy tempered some by wisdom and experience. ❝I don't need to start thinking about that yet. Ask me again when I'm sixty-five.❞
Ellie makes a disapproving sound as her brother shoves her out the door and as the door slams shut behind them, leaving behind a deafening silence, Marty lets out a breath and shakes his head. He makes his way over to the couch and plops down, reaching for the piece of paper on top of the old-school birthday card.
A voucher for your first rejuvenation.
❝Really, those kids. What, do they think I'm gonna die tomorrow or something?❞
Before he can finish his thought, there's an urgent knock on the door in a sharp staccato rhythm that causes him to purse his lips. That sounds familiar, Marty thinks, but neither of the kids knock like that when they come over.
❝I'm coming!❞ he shouts, dropping the voucher back on the table without a care as to where it lands. He makes it halfway toward the door when the person on the other end knocks again in the same precise rhythm, causing Marty to grumble under his breath.
Whatever he had prepared to say when the door swung open immediately dies in his throat when the perpetrator's identity is revealed. Marty's eyes are blown wide, so much so they're in danger of falling out of his head. His breath catches in his throat and he would swear that, in that moment, he looks more like a fish gasping for air than a person.
❝Doc,❞ he breathes out when he finally remembers how to, and when the rest of his senses return, Marty barrels into his friend, capturing him in a tight hug which, after a second, he returns with the same warm affection Marty has always associated with him.
❝Doc, it's been—❞
Emmett immediately shakes his head, removing a hand from around Marty to hold it up, palm out. Stop. ❝Don't tell me, Marty. I don't know yet and I don't want to know.❞
Marty nods. ❝Right, yeah, future knowledge. But God, Doc, I missed you so much. What are you doing here? Why now? What's going on?❞ Before an endless stream of questions can spill from Marty's mouth, Emmett silences him again.
❝I have the answer to all your questions right here.❞ Emmett lets go to dig through the inner pocket of his overcoat. He produces a small rectangular gift bound in silver paper and hands it over to a very confused looking Marty.
❝Happy birthday, Marty,❞ he says, pushing the gift into his hands. ❝I've kept this secret from you for almost...forty years and now that it's completed, I figured this was as good a time as any to give it to you.❞
❝You came f—all these years into the future just to give me this? What is it?❞
❝I suppose the act of giving wrapped gifts must be obsolete by now if you're asking me what to do with a gift,❞ Emmett says, smirking. Marty gives him a look that very clearly says, you know that's not what I meant, Doc, but flips the gift over in his hands anyway.
Printed in what is unmistakably Emmett's handwriting is 'Do not open until June 12, 2025,' and Marty snorts at the familiar irony of it all.
Questions are clearly written in the lines of Marty's face and before he can even ask them, Emmett says, ❝Forty years is a long time for you to have seen results on this; you may not even remember insisting I do it, but I took your request to heart.❞
Marty's fingers curl around the edges of the gift. ❝Tell me you're at least going to stay for a little while, Doc. Come in, I'll grab Jen a-and—❞
To Marty's dismay, Emmett shakes his head. ❝I'm afraid I can't stay much longer; this was only intended to be a short stop, but I'm so glad to see you, Marty. You look well and I always knew that your future was going to be bright.❞
❝But Doc, there's so much I want to tell you. Jen and I, the kids—❞
❝Yes, I saw young—well, I suppose they're not young anymore; they've grown into fine adults.❞
❝What about Jules and Verne? And Clara? Are you going to see them while you're here?❞
Again, Emmett shakes his head. ❝No, that wouldn't be wise. Besides, I—❞ A high-pitched alarm screeches from Emmett's watch and he jumps, abandoning his train of thought as his eyes widen. ❝Damn! I'm late!❞
Marty blinks. ❝I'm sorry, Marty, I have to get going.❞ Emmett quickly pulls him into a crushing hug and Marty takes a moment to bury his face in his old friend's shoulder while he still can. ❝I think you'll find you have your hands full for a while with your gift. At the risk of repeating my past self, I'll leave you with these parting words: I'm proud of you.❞
Emmett pats his arms once before hurrying off. Marty stands there, dumbstruck, watching as his old friend climbs into a '76 Chevy Aerovette that he knows is the DeLorean in perfect disguise.
He stands there for some time even after the car and Emmett are well out of sight, gone back to whatever point in time he departed from to get here. Marty hugs the gift to his chest and quietly shuts the door, walking in a half-daze to the couch.
The clock reads 00:09 and Marty tears the paper off his gift.
It looks like a journal, but as Marty inspects it closer, he notices that the edges are worn from years of touch, there's a faint coffee stain on one of the corners, and the journal is at least double the size it started, torn apart and re-bound in a way that looks like it's ready to fall apart at any moment.
A piece of paper falls out from behind the cover, landing on Marty's lap.
First, let me tell you in writing, Happy Birthday, Marty. I expect I will have told you in-person as I delivered your gift, but one can never be wished well enough on their birthday.
By the time this gift finds you, I will have passed. If you ask why I chose to wait until this particular date of June 12, 2025 to present it to you, I'm afraid all I can say is that it felt right. As I do not know the precise date of my passing and have no intention of learning this information prematurely, I can only hope that enough time has elapsed where my delivering this to you will not open too fresh a wound.
But that is not the focus of this letter, nor do I intend to make it such.
You have always believed in me, Marty, even when nobody else has, and the enthusiasm with which you begged me to write this could not go ignored. So this is what I have been working on for the last several years with the knowledge that it would one day find its way to you.
You have been the greatest friend I could have asked for, and I hope that you will remember me fondly, even after some of the things you read here. This first-hand account of my life is yours to do with as you please, and I have been as detailed as circumstances will allow me to be. You will find no instructions for how to re-create the time machines within, though I do mention their existence in order to accurately recount our travels together.
I am proud to have called you my friend and just know I have treasured all of our years together.
'Doc' Emmett L. Brown
Marty blinks furiously against the tears welling up in his eyes. ❝God, Doc, you never change... I didn't think you'd actually do it.❞ The book weighs a ton in his hand and makes his chest weigh just as much.
The weight of his best friend's life story...
The journal's spine cracks as he opens it and there, in black ink, is something that threatens more tears.
For Marty, My partner across space-time. For Clara, Jules, and Verne, Who have made me the luckiest man to have ever lived.
He flips to the first page.
Every story follows a pattern. You start at the beginning, proceed through the middle, and then eventually reach the finale, in which everything wraps up, for better or for worse. A life story is no different, though the steps taken to reach said finale vary wildly between each individual.
So, as stories go, it is only fitting this one starts at the beginning.
❝Jen! Jen, you've gotta come down here! I just got a birthday present from the Doc!❞
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pinacoladamatata · 2 years
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Waava weekend ✨ and the world was gone
ending waava week on a sad note this time. It always fascinated me how the field where wan died is the same field zuko travels through in zuko alone. like i remember watching that episode and just thinking something terrible went down there but assumed it was maybe from the recent*current war? not one from 10,000 years ago, but the mountains in the back and the big earth discs are too similar. im fine. its fine :')
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cat-fandom · 2 years
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Everyone look at this 9 year old
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talontheacedragon · 6 months
constantly torn between
wanting to play good girl characters who just want to help everyone they come across sometimes to the detriment of themselves who over the course of her story learn to love herself a little bit and say no and figure out that she can't always please everyone but that is okay and she can put herself first
wanting to play as evil stinky bastard man that somehow everyone likes and believes is redeemable who only truly cares about what he wants and will do anything to get it at the expense of everyone else who learns that being on the outside and alone in the world is not what he wants and all the riches of the world cannot make him happy when he is so deeply alone
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blusandbirds · 7 months
i think miguel or robby or tory should get to win the sekai taikai but then to fulfull eli and sam's little line about "maybe next time both of us will win" they should give sam a summer birthday and canonize eli's 6/9 (nice) birthday so they're still under 18 for the all valley in may, thus allowing them to steadily crush the competition while devon and kenny stand there like damnit, next year i guess
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heich0e · 2 years
What’s on your mind today Livie 🫶🏼
i know this is probably not what you're looking to hear but today i have been thinking a lot about paul delaroche's 1883 painting the execution of lady jane grey
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emeraldcreeper · 1 year
I love men who love obscure shit it’s so nice to google the most specific combination of things hoping it’ll work out the way I want and some guy will be like ya! It works! I did it like this! Or no, but here’s this thing that has the functionality you need that does slightly better than what you’re looking at that’s not like that much more expensive considering the trouble of syncing your shit with a script being a total pain in the ass
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fastestb-tchalive · 2 years
Damian: How old are you, five?
Irey: Months, yeah!
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whatimdoing-here · 2 years
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sonic-adventure-3 · 2 years
msrble blast
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whoslaurapalmer · 2 years
I think everyone should do something a little silly. I have once again resurrected my middle school era journals where I wrote out of character self insert script style fic, because it's silly!!!! and that's fun!!!! and it's good to write weird shit on the fly sometimes. does it pain me to write so out of character? YES. but are they CONSISTENT in their out of character-ness?? somehow, by god yes. middle school!me created a solid out of character vibe. also it's naruto characters (couldn't be anything else. it's the history. like, i could never do it with lemony.) and what's even character, there. kishi wishes itachi and deidara were in a jazz band!!
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t0omanyeyes · 4 days
Hey, could i get someone to do me a favour please?
Just, send me an ask or reply to this post or something and tell me to kick my ass into gear (or however else you'd prefer to tell me to Do The Things, phrasing doesnt matter lol)
For context: im joining what amounts to my first real D&D campain on monday, and i still haven't made my character 🙃
basically the problem is that im SUPER excited but that excitement means more anxiety and the lump of meat i call a brain has noticed that trying to work on my character causes anxiety, so now every time i even try to think about it i hit a wall of executive disfunction WHICH JUST GIVES ME MORE ANXIETY ABOUT IT AAAAAAAAAAAA
TLDR: i have Things I Need To Do, but the executive disfunction is hitting HARD rn and i could use some encouragement from anyone who's up for it
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thundertide · 15 days
✼, ❝ ❞, ✄, ◑ The last two for Kag, Saiki, and Cee especially <3
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It's Munday~! <3
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✼ When it comes to worldbuilding, what are some ideas you’d like to explore in rp?
The units under the Fatui control, for one. I know we've talked about this recently, but I'd love to explore more of the ranks of the Fatui? I want to explore more about Snezhnaya, how the Knights of Favonius work in Mondstadt, how Northland Bank works and continues to operate in Liyue especially after the AQ there- How exactly does the Akademiya work, with more detail? On top of that, all these gods and beings that 'once existed in Teyvat', I want to explore all of that! <3
And while I know we have some plans already in the works that link up ridiculously well, there's just so much that gets left as either a mention or never expanded on, or even just dropped after being made out to be a big deal at first (like the Akademiya, we get to know so much about the security but not how the school itself really runs? The ages of the students, how people are sorted into darshans, etc? Why is a darshan a big deal and people talk about which one they want to be in, but never tell us how people get sorted into them or if they choose their own?), and it's never gone back to. I want to expand on these? I want to make them make sense and be able to explore it so that writing threads and drabbles and such is easier to understand and follow, but I also LOVE linking things together and it making sense from a canon perspective, too. Which is why I have so many plans in the background I'm not going to explain here for Reasons(tm) >w> <3
But yeah, I have a lot of ideas that all revolve around filling in gaps for completed plotlines and how my muses fit into these gaps, or how they affect the muses, and that's why I'm starting to come up with worldbuilding tags~!
❝ ❞ Is it easy for you to write dialog for your muse? Do their speech patterns come naturally to you while writing?
Yes and no! For Kagota, it's super easy? She can be super blunt and blurt things out as they come to her mind, and she's more calm with Childe and her unit and their family, but Kag doesn't often think for long before she speaks unless she needs to be cautious with her words, or she's relaxed. And for the most part, this applies to most of my muses - They're chill and reasonable and while mostly they think more than Kag does before they speak, their dialogue and way of speaking is very easygoing, and it's pretty natural to write them.
But there's certain muses I'm not as in tune with, and those are usually the ones that're newer or I haven't written in a while, resulting in dialogue specifically being a little harder to write - ESPECIALLY canons. Thoughts, mannerisms, actions... Those are still easy to write either way, but if they're a newer muse or one I haven't written for a while, it's harder to get back into writing/learning how to nail their dialogue and not making them sound like a cardboard cutout, or exactly like another muse of mine - And this is doubly so with canons, who're more difficult for me to learn how to write in general. Muses like Rosalee and Mizuki are a little harder right now because they haven't been around as much, while Ayaka is just because she has a very specific way of speaking I haven't completely figured out yet, too, but I'm learning and working on this. <3
Tl;dr: No if they're a muse around fairly often, yes somewhat if they're a brand new muse or if I haven't written them in ages. <3
✄ What is an idea you originally had in mind for your muse, but ended up scrapping? Why?
For Kag, that was actually how I started writing her - That she and Childe just couldn't stand each other and yet somehow fell in love despite a lowkey relationship brewing in the background for a while. She was also a lot more of an asshole for the general sake of being an asshole, bucking literally every authority figure she could, and was from somewhere else in Snezhnaya, far from Morepesok. I originally was thinking of keeping her more magic aligned than sword, a nod back to her origins years back for a totally different series I like, but... That got dropped super quick, too, right along with the idea of making her just a random side soldier. A lot of this really got shelved because Kag grew as a character pretty quick, though, and was all because I was still new to the game when I added her into things, so it's more like the entire original version of Kag got scrapped instead for one far more fleshed out and detailed. <3
For Saiki, when I first created her, she was far more of a 'I'm not listening to anyone and doing what I want' kind of girl? So when I originally added her to a different blog, I kept a part of that intact, making her more independent and on her own, and basically making her 'that knowledgable camper you find when lost in the woods who helps you get home', and more earth-alligned. The earth/Geo allignment got scrapped pretty early on, but I can't say the 'knowledgable camper' part did completely - she's still smart and really skilled at being on her own? But she's evened out in her temperment, and the 'I'm FINE ALONE' side got scrapped completely for something softer and more easygoing.
Also a fun fact: Saiki was originally made with her 'I'm looking for my twin!' backstory for the Soul Calibur series, but got that standoffish "I CAN DO ANYTHING I WANT' personality scrapped HARD before I ever put her on any blog, not just here. Major rehauling happened and has continued to happen to make her the Saiki she is now, a MUCH better and stable character. <3
Cettra though... Cee is kind of a special case in that I originally made her yeaaaaaaars back as a character for a friend's ( @velveteenlop ) story she was writing, based around wolves and shapeshifting. From what I remember, the story itself didn't get too far off the ground, it's been a looooong time since she started it, but Cee's entire mature but lowkey silly and kind of 'well if you won't then I WILL' mentality got roundabout adjusted to the more playful and silly but reasonable and concerned wolf she is now. There's still remnants of the original 'Cee' in there in how she acts when serious, keeping her mature and focused outlook in place, but everything else got not quite scrapped, but more adjusted into a shapeshifter who just wants to live, and the original story that friend was writing got scrapped overall, with permission to take Neil alongside the shapeshifting wolf ideas granted a few years later.
Neil on the other hand... Cee's backstory got entirely scrapped and rewritten alongside her brother's personality with only a few nods to the original left, and I was going to rewrite Cee into being a totally human form only youkai with a tail and wolf ears, but... Nah. <3
◑ What is a side to your muse you want to show off, but haven’t had the chance to yet?
For Kag, that's more of her abyssal side, but also her with her loved ones overall. She's always with Childe and I love that, but I want a chance to show off her with her kids, with Kyr, Ren and Rei... I want to show off her with her unit and her feelings towards them, and just how much of a big sister/mother figure/guardian she can actually be. I'd also love to show off her more work-focused side and how she tends to her job despite her feelings towards it, and how she actually works, but also I'd LOVE to explore and show more of her feelings towards her abyssal abilities and the tightknit bond she actually has with Childe, Leandros, and Kalistratos as a small group. Some of these we've started showing off but they get a little sidetracked? Or I don't get to delve as deep into them as I'd love to? But that's definitely some Kag I'd LOVE to show and explore more <3
I'd also love to explore/show more of Saiki with the Kamisatos and her comfort and relaxation with her found family and husband. I want a chance to get to show Saiki's braver, bolder side, her ability to stand on her own and deal with things, how she deals with the stress and strain of being the bearer of her mother's actions when they can't get to her mother... I want to show just how much she's grown since marrying Thoma and finding a home and work within the Yashiro Commission. I also want to show how much of a big sister she is with Gaming and let the siblings reunite in full (she'll never be sorry Heizou <3) and how well she can/does/could work with Heizou? She's finally on her feet after recent events again, so I'd love the chance for her to be able to show it while she navigates "I'm learning who Saiki is" and "what's okay for me to do/say, actually" over a lot of things~!
As for Cettra, I want to show her more serious side, be it dealing with family stuff, working with Heizou, of dealing with Neil and her clan hunting her down. She's so much more than just this goofy dork of a wolf who chases chickens and loads them up into the house to get them out of the rain and such, so I'd love the chance to show more of that? There's been a few signs of it, like her debates with Heizou and when he questions her to test the skills she's been learning, but I'd absolutely love to get to show off any side of her that isn't 'no, I didn't sleep with the local sheep and then spook a Nobushi into jumping into a stream for fun'. XD Don't get me wrong, goofy wolf is a BLAST, but I wanna let those around her see she's not just a dork living off fun, too! <3
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