#since leaving a lot of tags seems to attract weird people who search for stuff i didn’t realise people would search for
fingertipsmp3 · 2 years
Do I have to add ‘thinspo blogs dni’ to my header now. Is that something I have to do
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scandeniall · 4 years
cause u were my baby
pairing: atsumu x (implied black)f!reader (ur Aran’s sister but if u wanna imagine youre adopted go ahead no physical descriptors)
summary/warnings: honestly just based off my boo by usher. ur life around atsumu over the years (from kids to adults)/implied nsfw at the end when ur adults, bad words, thats it./timeskip spolier 
a/n: format might be weird because i was initially doing these as headcanons but kept going and it changed. also also started with a sakusa version based on this song so um tune in next whenever i finish it oop-
It started when we were younger, you were mine 
You’re not exactly sure when you’d met Atsumu. It seemed like he was always around. From the first day Aran came home trailing two considerably shorter twins behind him you’d been intrigued. 
“Aran you never told us ya had a sister!” When they found out your name and exclaimed how cool it was there was no way you could’ve predicted your future. 
Eventually it became a tiny school girl crush, on one of them as kids (you couldn’t quite tell them apart for the longest). You’d be overly happy whenever Aran brought them around, and always asked to tag along with him, but only when he mentioned he’d be seeing the twins. 
You’d watched over the years as your brother only grew closer to them and as a result so did you, sorta. In middle school you’d come back from hanging with your own friends to hear the twins bickering while your brother just continued in with his homework. Being in the same year, you’d occasionally be dragged into helping them out, or sharing answers when it was too hard and “they’d learn it later, but need the answers now.”
At some point during middle school you’d grown an official crush on Atsumu, opting to take his side more often than not within his competition with Osamu. Despite that, nothing ever came of it as kids. 
The older you got, the more attractive they’d seem to get, but you never paid much attention. After all, once you reached the world of high school, your young crush practically disappeared. Instead you’d taken a liking to all the new people you were exposed to.  
As they got more and more passionate about volleyball and you parted class ways you never really saw them, except for the occasional times they’d come to your house. Even then, the conversations were short. Growing more confident, and friendly you’d still jokingly take Atsumu’s side to which he’d parade around like he’d won the lottery. “At least someone thinks I’m right.” 
Of course you’d heard about Atsumu’s lack of popularity among his teammates. You’d overheard Osamu telling him at lunch one day to be nicer, and you couldn’t help but laugh at the lack of care he showed for others thoughts on his personality. As long as he was doing his job as a setter all’s good. 
“Don’t think you’d say that if they decided to throw you in a ditch one day,” you’d tease hovering over their lunch table. “Maybe you should be a little nicer,”
“If they suck, then they suck.” 
For the rest of your first year your conversations took on similar natures. One of you’d overhear something then butt in for a few moments before returning to your regularly scheduled lives. 
You’d watch as the two of them grew into their volleyball skills, alongside your brother cheering from the sidelines as much as you could. Come your 2nd year Their notoriety and your connection to them caused a spike in your popularity. It was something that came to the irritation of your brother. 
“Another date?” Your brother eyed the way you searched for the perfect pair of shoes while you waved him off. 
You’d heard about the twins biggest fight. Osamu admitted that he’d be quitting volleyball after high school. Heard about the way Atsumu reacted, seen the way they stopped sitting together at lunch
“Shouldn’t ya be with yer friends,” the blonde twin mumbles, continuing to stab at the rice he’d brought for lunch. Or that Osamu packed, which is precisely why he couldn’t eat it. You slid into the empty seat in front of him, not even phased. 
“Atsumu you need to make up with your Osamu. You two are driving Aran mad. And more importantly you need each other.” Your hand stops his that were previously stabbing at the food, by knocking the chopsticks out. With a sigh, you move the bento he’d been messing over and replace it with your own lunch. “Since you’re on your whole anti Samu stance, figured I’d get you some non Samu food. I’ll be eating this by the way.” You were intentional in keeping your voice light not wanting to further upset the firecracker. “I’m waiting on my thank you.”
“For what. Tryna get me to talk to the traitor-“
“Atsumu. He's your brother. Grow up. I’m just trying to help out my friends-“
“Yer just Aran’s sister who has a stupid crush on Samu. That’s why yer taking his side,” at that your eyes widen and the annoyance starts to set. Before you could refute he cuts you off.  “We’re not friends. Never have been and never will be. Go hang out with Samu if you’re that desperate”
Silence settled upon the two of you before you swallowed the lump that had started to form. 
“You’re right. We’re not friends and I’m just Aran’s stupid little sis how could i forget,” your tone is mocking as you gather up your own food. “You clearly have some issues to work through with Osamu and you’re upset but I’m not gonna be your verbal punching bag. Keep the lunch,” you sigh before standing. “I’ll see you around, maybe.” Atsumu couldn’t pinpoint it then but there sense of finality in your voice might’ve aided in the further irritation he carried through the rest of the day. 
You’re not even sure when the twins got back on good terms. One day they’d started hanging back out at your place with Aran however you made it a point to never be around. It wasn’t until your brother’s graduation months later that Atsumu caught you for more than a few fleeting seconds. 
“He’s really graduated huh-“ you were sitting in the empty gym after the ceremony. Everyone else had gone outside before you ditched your family with the promise of catching up and being back for Aran’s celebratory dinner. However Atsumu had watched you slip back in and curiosity killed the fox. 
“Hey Tsumu,” you hummed, eyes glued on the chairs covering the floor. You only glanced at him once you felt the bleachers creak and did as he settled next to you. 
“Why’re ya in here (Y/N)”
“Just thinking. I’m gonna miss him-“
“Arans really leaving us for the big guys huh- they grow up so fast.” The lightness in Atsumu’s voice has you smiling before shaking your head before focusing back on the gym floor. 
“Not Aran. Well- yeah I’m gonna miss him too but I’m talking about my boyfriend. Well ex who kinda broke up with me yesterday. Something about going off to Uni and needing something new. Seeing him here too was weird.”
Atsumu just nods. He’d heard that you’d started dating some 3rd year shortly after your disagreement. According to Aran and even Osamu the guy wasn’t necessarily a bad guy but wasn’t really a good one either. “(Y/N) could do better but if she’s happy,” he’d listen to Aran complain before, a rarity from a guy who tried seeing the good in people. And it was true, you were happy. Extremely so. 
“Sorry about that,” you just give him another nod before he sighs. “M’sorry about blowing up at ya a while back too. Saying that we weren’t friends,”
“Is Miya Atsumu apologizing for someone.” Your fake shock is accompanied by you turning your body to face his. “Do I need to get this on camera for proof. Where’s Rin.” The way you pull out your phone pretending to film has him laughing before jokingly telling you to shut it. 
“You worked things out with Samu?”
Atsumu only shrugs. “I’m still pissed but we still have 1 more year. And I gotta focus on being happier and more successful.”
“Do I even wanna know?”
Instead of responding Atsumu just stands before offering you a hand. “Ya going to the party?” He was referring to the one the parents had planned to celebrate the graduates. It was at your house but you weren’t sure if you were gonna actually show or just hang with a friend for a few hours. You still hadn’t taken his hand up and he looked at it expectedly. 
“Hadn’t decided. Kinda sad ya know,” you joke before taking it. 
“All the more reason. Forget about that loser. Besides if Aran finds out I knew ya were sad and did nothin’ he’d kick my ass.” You thought for a moment before caving, not even noticing had neither of you had let go. 
That was the start of it all for you two. Following the party you’d rekindled your friendship with the twin and as break started the two of you grew closer. There’d been many nights when you two would sneak out and go on late night adventures. Convenience store runs. Scooter rides or even to parks to help him practice. You’d even started hanging around when they had official team practices to where he’d started walking you home. 
Your first kiss happened on one of those walks. Your arms had brushed several times as he complained about poor spikes or missed serves and how they weren’t gonna be Karasuno with that performance. 
“They’re stressing you out just how you stressed Kita out captain”
“And yer brother,” you nod as your hands brushed again. “How’s he doin anyways,” 
“Pretty good. Just practicing a lot and stuff. He’s always tired when we talk.” Another brush. You start tuning Atsumu out as you debate on making a move. The two of you had gotten considerably closer to the point where people had teased calling him your boyfriend. However you could’ve been imagining it and the chemistry. Maybe he just saw you as a sister much like Osamu but picked up on your feelings and didn’t wanna hurt them and ruin things. 
“Hey Atsumu,” the way you stopped had him confused. However before he could question it you started. “Do you like me? Like-like me?”
He thought for a moment before answering just with a shrug. “Well yeah. Course Aran would kill me for some of my thoughts but—yeah.” You weren’t even sure why you were so surprised with the ease of how he admitted it. He always said what he meant and all you could do was nod before managing to could out something that sounded like “good”
“Good. That’s all ya gotta say? C’mon (Y/N) give me something. Do ya like me?” With a nod from you he finds himself surprisingly flustered before doing the same as you. Only this time he’d moved closer head lowering. “Well that’s good”
The two of you started dating shortly after and into your last year. It wasn’t something that went unnoticed either. The way he’d lean against your locker trying to be cool, definitely falling more than once. The few people that had been privy to your quick makeout sessions when you’d meet up in empty hallways while you were supposed to be using the restroom. The way you’d started eating lunch together more often and if people played enough attention they’d noticed that you often shared drinks because “things taste better when they aren’t yours.” Then the most obvious, how you’d hang around early at games and stayed after and how he was so excited to beat Karasuno at nationals that he’d actually made out with you in public. (Aran had nearly murdered him upon finding out about that)
After graduation you two had gone off to different places and it was a struggle. There were arguments about not making time for one another. Between your academics and his pursuit at going pro, it was a struggle. But things were always made worth it. The time you’d created and sent him a care package and he texted you back a selfie with the basket with tears in his eyes. Or how you made the 3 hour train ride down for important matches or during your school breaks because he’d sounded super down about not being able to nail a new serve. 
There were times where he’d stay on video call with you long after he should’ve been in bed because you were stressed about finals and up still studying. Then the time he surprised you by coming down for a milestone birthday. He’d showed up at your apartment at some odd hour completely exhausted and ready to fall over the second you opened the door. 
“Surprise baby,” he slurred using the last bit of his energy to hug you tightly. “Happy birthday”
“Tsumu what are you doing here,” you’d pull away however he attached himself back to you arms locked around your middle and face buried in the side of your neck.
“Talk later, sleep now.” You find yourself nodding before prying his hands off your and intertwining them with yours. 
“Let’s get you some sleep Tsumu”
There were the late night drives as young adults listening to old school music and singing your hearts out just having fun. It was during the holidays and you two had both gone back home to be with your families. 
“Hey babe technically this is us.” Atsumu is the one to turn the radio down as a familiar song starts. “And you were my babyyyyy,” His screeching fills the car causing you to laugh and swat the hand that had been casually resting on your thigh off. “It started when we were younger-”
“Atsumu shut up and pay attention to the road.” You smile as his hand immediately finds its way back on you. “But you are my boo.”
The night the Jackals beat the Adlers you were sure Atsumu would want to go out and party and you were more than fine with it. However while waiting for him to finish up you’d gotten word of his celebratory plans from a post game interview. “Just gna hang at home. Watch a few movies, eat a cheat meal, ya know.” 
It’s about an hour later before Atsumu meets up with you at the stadium's entrance. You notice how his hair hadn’t fully dried as he shifts his duffel bag to the other arm to grab your hand on your preferred hand holding side as the two of you make your way across the parking lot. “Are you sure you don’t wanna go out with the guys?”
The squeeze of his hand confirms his decision. “I’ll see em’ tomorrow. We haven’t spent much time together these days. As the two of you approach the car you let go before asking him if he wanted you to drive. After he confirmed he was good to you slipped into the passenger seat listening as he tossed his bag in the back before sliding into the driver's seat. “Besides,” his hand makes its way towards your cheek, guiding your face to his. “I can think of a much better way to celebrate.”
“Is that so?” Your tease is quiet as you inch closer lips only a hair away. He’s the one who closes the space and you immediately reciprocate. Your lips immediately move against his mumbling a “congratulations” against his lips. You indulge it for a moment before pulling away to press kisses up his neck until you reach his ear before whispering something. 
“Are ya serious?” At your nod he lets out a groan that you can’t help but laugh at him. “Yer gonna be the death of me one day”
“Love you too.”
The day he found out he’d made the Olympic team had been cause for celebration for more than one reason. The two of you had been getting ready for a regular day of running errands when he got the call. After hanging up he yelled for you so loud it could have gotten a noise complaint from neighbors. 
“Atsumu why are you yelling. Im in the bathroom not fucking Antarctica.”
“I’m on the Olympic team baby.”
Following that you decided to turn the day into an Atsumu day something that made his heart swell. From the way you kept telling him how proud of him you were to watching his favorite movie even though you hated it. Once you insisted on making his favorite for dinner he knew it was time. In return he convinced you to get dressed in something other than sweats to eat dinner on your couch. “I just think we should take some pictures so I can show off my biggest supporter,” is what he told you with a shrug when you questioned it.
You also shouldve known something was up when he insisted that he had desert covered, because the man couldn’t bake for shit. “It's a delivery, cmon have some faith in me.”
“I do baby. In everything except for baking.”
You’d just finished eating dinner and the two of you were cuddled on the couch watching another movie, one of your boyfriend’s choices. You’d shifted uncomfortably for the fifth time before looking at Atsumu. “Can I change yet, these jeans aren’t comfortable anymore.” You were caught off guard when he moved so that he pulled you so that you were straddling him.
“Not at all,” you rolled your eyes while he just laughed, fingers squeezing at your hips. 
“Just wait til desert, yer brother’s on his way with it now.” He placed a quick kiss on the skin of your collarbone before pointing at his phone for you to hand to him. “Did he tell ya he's on the olympic team too?”
“He's my brother. I was gonna treat him to dinner tomorrow. You tell Samu yet?”
“Not yet. Was gonna do it after Aran left.” You don’t miss the way Atsumu tries to hide the messages on his phone, his brightness all the way down, something he usually hates. Before you can question anything he's pulling you so that your lips meet his. “Stop looking so concerned,” he whispers against your lips. 
“Yer so fuckin pretty baby,” the way his fingers tighten against your sides and the way his tongue slips into your mouth has the quietest moan coming out of your mouth. You pout as he pulls away settling for kisses along your neck instead. “You’ve been so good to me today. Can’t wait to get to bed with you.”
Before anything could go any further a knock on the door interrupts. “It's probably Ojiro,” you whine, mildly annoyed at your brother for interrupting you from where things were headed. “Tsumu let go,” you frown at the failed attempt of getting off him. You've met with a quick kiss before his palm comes firm against your ass, a yelp escaping. With that he lets you go laughing at the scowl you shoot him as he goes to get the door. 
You don’t even bother to look at the two yet you can hear Aran’s scold that the two of you were disgusting.
“How’d ya know we were even doin anything”
“Your lips are swollen.” After that the two of them get into a whispered conversation that you can’t pick up on no matter how hard you try to listen. Before you know it your brother crosses through the apartment to place a box in the kitchen before joining you in the living room. “Congrats big bro,” you stand hugging him slightly before plopping down on the couch. He gives a smile of thanks before changing the subject.
“Miya here isn’t corrupting you too much right.” You both ignore Atsumu’s exclaim that he isn’t the one corrupting anyone has you hear him shuffle around in the kitchen. 
When he gets back he brings the box, some plates and a few utensils. “What is it?” He nearly trips trying to set it all down before you get up to help him. After helping him you notice that he doesn’t sit back on the couch and looks off. “Tsumu are you ok?” You give your brother a concerned look but he just shrugs. 
“(Y/N). could ya,” he nervously motions for you to stand back up and you comply confused. Grabbing his hand you watch him carefully, silently trying to check in on him. When he doesn’t answer you lean up to place a quick kiss on his lips. A silent “I love you,’ something that seems to calm him down. “I I love you too”
“You wanna sit down now?”
“Yeah just let me get this off my chest first?” Your nod is his signal to continue. “I don't remember when I met ya. At all. All I know is that there was this super cool guy with a super cool name and me and Samu kinda just followed him around. Then we found out he had a little sister.” You were used to some of Atsumu’s mindless babbling but the reason for bringing that up right then and in front of Aran was still going over your head. 
“Somewhere along the way I fell in love with ya. I can tell ya that the first day I realized my crush was after Aran’s graduation. You were sittin in the gym and we just talked. You were sad about some loser and I didnt like that. Course I couldn't say anythin cause we weren’t even really friends then.” That pause is when what might be happening hits you and you freeze. It’s something Atsumu notices right away, eyes looking at you with concern. “Ya alright?”
The only thing you could do was nod offering a slight squeeze of his hand prompting him to continue. “Alright—where was I —ok. Then we got together and I knew it was love. Ya made me feel like I was I’m top of the world even when I was a jackass.”
“I almost thought we wouldn’t make it when ya when off to university. It was hard but we made it. we used to argue so much about stupid shit back then too. You were there before anyone knew who I was as a kid and have stayed with me all the way to being an Olympic athlete.” 
At this point you watch as he begins to kneel and you’re hit with the fact that he’s really about to do it. You’re nodding before he even asks which causes him to laugh. “Let me finish alright.”
“I’m so in love with everything about you and after the announcement I realized we weren’t gettin any younger. You’ve been my boo since we were 17 and here we are almost a decade later. You’re still my boo and I want it forever. So (Y/N) will you marry me?”
You’re not even sure real words came out before you’ve tackled him to the ground in a hug immediately pressing kisses all over his face. Your eyes are teary as his hand rubs comforting circles on your back. The two of you are there for a few moments before Aran finally clears his throat. 
“I can't believe my little sister is engaged. And to Atsumu no less.congratulations you two.” He shoots you both a warm smile as he watches the two of you. After getting up your arms fling immediately around Aran. 
“Did you know about this,” the tears finally begin to fall as he just laughs confirming. “I can't believe you let him ambush me like this.” You feel your brother's arms embrace you at the mixture of laughing and crying. 
“Hey, I knew he was proposing soon, not the day. He just called me up earlier claiming today was the day. Now stop crying and look at the cake.” Confusion crosses your face until you’re turned around to see Atsumu holding a cake that reads: marry me? (pls) the ring placed right under the words. 
After you'd calmed down the three of you just sat in the living room catching up when you realized something. “Atsumu, you were so corny with the song reference.” Looking at Aran the two of you immediately burst into laughter. “I can't believe you referred to me as your boo. Out loud and in all seriousness”
“I got it on camera too. Got him in 4K” Aran shakes his head. 
“I can't believe this. I propose and yet still clowning me. I miss when ya were all emotional,” your fiancé huffs. Despite that he doesn’t move at all from sitting so close that your legs touched. His eyes kept shooting at the ring on your finger and the desire to get you alone grew by the minute. At some point his hand slipped from the back of the couch to your thigh offering a squeeze. 
It was then that Aran cleared his throat. “That’s my cue to head on out. I’ll see you tomorrow sis. Congrats again you two. Don’t—I’m not ready to be an uncle yet, s’all I gotta say.” 
“After the Olympics work better for ya teammate?” 
“How about never Miya” 
The two of you bid your brother one last goodbye after the warning and before the door is even fully closed your fiancé is pulling you back into his lap. Your heart swells at the way Atsumu’s eyes look at you with so much love and your voice comes out way quieter than you intended. “Still can’t believe you quoted Usher”
Atsumu groans at that The hand that had been plaing with your, ghosting over the ring comes to a stop. . “I’m never showing anyone else that video.” 
“It’ll be our little secret.” 
“You're lying”
The smirk on your face tells him all he needs to know and all he can do is shake his head. “If yer gonna tell my deepest secret I’m gonna need you to make it up to me.” His hand slip around your waist, fingers skimming the space where your shirt had ridden up. you return the touch by trailing your hands until palms are placed again his chest. 
“I think we can arrange something. Isn’t that right pretty?” The touch and hushed words were enough to cause heat to flare across your skin. 
“What’d you’d have in mind?”
“A few things,” Atsumu leans close, placing kisses everywhere except your lips. First your close one. Then along your jaw. Right on the corner of your lips. “Think we’ve got some celebrating to do, fiancé.”
Atsumu forgot to tell Osamu that night and was ambushed the following morning after watching his private story in which Atsumu made you flash your hand to the camera with an obnoxious number of zooms with the caption: made the Olympic team and got my forever boo 🤪
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iheardarumorxxx · 4 years
Midnight Sun, Chapter 9 - Port Angeles
Right. I remember this chapter from Twilight. I also have heard quite a bit about this chapter. This is gonna be a ride. 
Eddie starts off this chapter saying that he used to be the ‘responsible’ one. I would like to remind everyone that Edward Anthony Masen Cullen spent a few years eating people he percieved to be horrible criminals because he didn’t like animal blood and was being a whiny baby. But go off, Eddie.
SM is still trying to paint Jessica as a rude bitch and I still don’t buy it. It is extremely clear to anyone with eyeballs that Mike has a thing for Bella, and it is pretty obvious that this date he’s going on with Jessica is because Bella said no. So her thoughts come off as insecure. She’s a teenage girl, so I think insecure is a pretty standard thing. Not always, but SM has painted these kids as the stereotypical teens, so.
Basically, I still don’t buy the attempt to make Jessica seem evil.
Bella has wandered off to go get that book she wanted, and Eddie is simply freaking out because he let his daughter out of his sight for one minute and she wandered off. He’s about half a second away from considering getting a leash to put on her. Seriously, though, that’s how this reads. A parent frantic because they lost their child in a crowded store or park. We all know she’s gonna get a serious scolding for this one. Maybe even grounded.
a volly of snarls erupted from my throat
Okay, we’re still not to the big rant about vampire instincts in this universe, yet, but I want you guys to remember this for later. It absolutely aides in the point I plan to make there. Also a ‘volly’ of snarls. That sounds so forced and I genuinely laughed out loud when I read it. Anyway, Eddie has found Bella and she is with the Evil Bad Guys Who Have Ill Intentions. 
I would see how he enjoyed the hunt when he was the pray. I would see what he thought of my style of hunting.
Technically a spoiler because it hasn’t happened yet in this book, but not because we’ve seen it in Twilight. Eddie literally does not do anything to this Lanny guy or his friends. He gets out of the car, makes a mean face at them, and then gets back in the car and drives off. Maybe SM has Eddie go back out and hunt them later after he drops Bella off, but that doesn’t fit in with his squeaky clean good boy persona that Daddy Carlisle puts on him, so I doubt it. The scene as we know it comes off as very ‘man, if my girlfriend wasn’t here I’d kick your ass’. Because Eddie is a lot of bloated, puffed up talk.
When SM uses dialogue tags like ‘ordered’ to describe how Eddie says things, it just really hammers home that point I’ve been making about red flags. Even if it’s practical, like him telling Bella to put on a seat belt, especially since Pires bend the will of cars to their inane and idotic physics.
We went on a tangent about one of Eddie’s kills from his Vampire Batman days, and like honestly? I watch a lot of Criminal Minds. I see a lot of this kind of stuff, and it is absolutely awful that people like that exist in the world. I’m not saying that they shouldn’t be stopped. HOWEVER, this idea Eddie has that he was playing a good guy by taking justice into his own hands, I don’t jive with that. Now, I am aware of how faulty the criminal justice system is, especially with victims of sexual assault and domestic violence. I’ve lived that, myself. But if Eddie is so comfortable taking another life, no matter how he tries to justify it, he is no better than the people who he’s deciding to kill for their crimes.
a highly justifiable murder
See, this. This is why I don’t buy that SM’s Cullens are the paragons of good that she is constantly trying to say they are. There is no such thing as a justifiable murder, no matter what. Solving heinous acts with heinous acts simply perpetuates a cycle of heinous acts. 
I wasn’t giving her a chance to say no.
This is a trend that will continue throughout the entire series. I will point you to all of the times that Edward never gave Bella a choice in a matter, including leaving her in New Moon, and DISMANTLING HER CAR ENGINE IN ECLIPSE SO THAT SHE COULDN’T GO SEE HER FRIEND. That one in particular rubs me the wrong way for reasons, but we won’t do that here. Just know that Edward never actually lets Bella make a choice in this series, and even when he pretends to, he does everything in his power to make the outcome go his way.
And now we’re at the restaruant. I’ve heard some stuff about this scene and god, can I not WAIT, but for now, let’s just talk about the one off waitress character. She is clearly only here to be a rival to Bella for this scene. Brief, unimportant, underdeveloped. And honestly? One off characters don’t actually need that development, not really, but what I can’t stand about this one is that she is literally only here, both in this book and in Twilight, so that SM can puff up how clearly Bella is so much better than she is. Because, you see, Eddie doesn’t find the pretty hostess attractive, he only has eyes for Bella. Her entire point is so that Edward can look at Bella, and therefore, the audience as Bella is their SI for this world, and go on about how much better and prettier and more perfect she is than this woman. It’s just gross.
“Do I dazzle you?”
This is still, in my personal opinion, the best and most iconic line in a series full of iconic lines. Eddie the Dazzle Machine. Charming the pants off people when he’s trying to scare the shit out of them. It’s hilarious, and so fuckin’ romance novel cliche, and I love it.
This restaurant is apparently a real place in the real Port Angeles. And from what I understand, at least when the Twilight craze was in full swing back in 2008, they got a lot of extra business and a lot more people ordering the mushroom ravioli. Even put something about Twilight on their menu. Good for them, taking advantage of that free marketing. I have never been to Port Angeles, and am allergic to mushrooms, so I can’t say I’ve experienced the dish, but if any of you have, please let me know if it’s worth the hype.
Its so funny that right now, Eddie is worried about Bella being cold and going into shock, while Bella is over there huffing the fumes off his jacket like it’s a paint can, and he can’t even tell that that’s what she’s doing. The girl is doing everything short of just shoving her whole face in it and inhaling, but he’s too thick to get it. 
And here we are folks. The meat and potatoes of this chapter. The big comparison. The reason the cover has a pomegranete on it. Edward Anthony Masen Cullen has the absolute GALL to compare Bella, the boring, walking video game avatar to Persephone. Lets break down Persephone for a second here. There’s a lot to break down, but let’s stick to the basics, for fear that this rant gets wickedly out of hand before I can stop it. Persephone radiates optimism and hope. Persephone is soft, sweet, but has a temper that could kill a man. Persephone is sympathetic. When in the ever loving FUCK has Isabella Swan ever shown any of those characteristics? She is NEVER optimistic about anything. She fucking exists in a constant cloud of negative thought and assuming the worst. She isn’t hopeful about ANYTHING, not even her future with her PRECIOUS Eddie because she’s always questioning his intentions and feelings for her. She is not sympathetic in the slightest, no matter what SM tries to shove down my throat. She treats her friends like shit, she manipulates and lies her way through conversations so she doesn’t have to deal with them, she compares Mike to a FUCKING DOG. Bella is not comparable to Persephone, and it’s fucking beyond ham-fisted, it’s fucking EGREGIOUS to try to make that comparison. 
I could see more of an argument for comparing Eddie to Hades, since, ya know, Hades fucking stole Persephone to be his wife and most stories about Hades paint him as kind of a moody, brooding dickbag, but I’m still calling fucking foul on this attempt at comparison, SM. No dice.
Moving on.
Eddie describing Bella’s skin as ‘velvety’ gives me war flashbacks to those grocery store checkout novels with Fabio on the cover that my mom used to read. Eghhh.
So, Bella touches Eddie’s hand and it’s described in a way that gives me very G-rated sex vibes. Which just makes me wanna tell them to get a room because they’re in public right now, and also don’t do that in front of Bella’s salad ravioli.
Eddie is still being super controling and weird about Bella eating, and honestly, I super wish that Bella had had the good sense to get the hell out of there with Jess and Angela. Or that she would have the good sense now to excuse herself, find someone on staff, ask to borrow a phone, and call her dad. Because this guy is literally throwing out every red flag that exists. I know I say this a lot, but if Bella were a normal girl, she would not be charmed by this guy, she would be freaking creeped out and trying to get away from him. He isn’t even subtle about his creep factor or charming enough to play it off.
Edward thinking he has any edge at all is like white bread thinking it’s the right kind of bread for a hamburger.
Anyway, chapter ends with Eddie paying the bill and the pair getting in the car to head home. And the drama chord of the last sentence that’s supposed to play in your head when you read it falls flat. They’re on the way back to Forks and Eddie is chomping at the bit to hear Bella’s latest theory that we know from Twilight isn’t actually a theory so much as she heard a story from Jacob and then did some searching on some shitty Angelfire website. Or Geocities. Either way. And then she just went ahead and had a big old prophetic dream about it. 
Next time, we get the awkward car ride home and more. Thanks for hanging around guys. As always, feel free to message me (though, please note to anyone who has sent me anon messages that are rude or angry because I’m making fun of this book, I’m gonna ignore you.), recommend what books I should put on my list for my next recap series, and feel free to buy me a snack using the CashApp tag in my bio.
See you next time, babes.
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pennys-th0ughts · 5 years
The Unexpected
The noises and tremors woke me up once more with a start. It became some sort of habit since many years ago modern times hit Derry in the face, turning it into a small buzzy and hectic city.
It was the year 2057 and technology was like a new acquirable sickness. After my last meal I went to sleep my usual twenty-seven-years nap and by the time I woke up everything was beyond different and the smell of the world up there was also overwhelming. The sound of cars coming and going, motorcycles and who knows what else, seemed unstoppable. Thousands of voices exchanging words, laughs and strange sounds were like hearing a hive full of bees in constant struggle to keep up with the chaotic rhythm.
One night, intrigued by all of it, I decided to poke my head out from one of the sewer holes and take a look. The dark sky was barely visible since the lights filled every corner of the city and it was like they were pushing the stars out of the nocturnal sky, forcing them to hide behind the moon. The sound of the crickets, the peacefulness and the smell of wet dirt because of the morning drizzle were long gone. The more time passed the more I felt compelled to run away from all the uneasiness I was feeling and everything that also ended up inside the sewers. Oh, the rainy days were now the worse because of the garbage threatened to flood my home; what once was only paper it now was plastic, electronic devices, toys, stuffed animals, fake jewelry and many other things I didn’t even know how to call them. One day I heard some kind of melody coming from below a pile of stuff I had started to classify, at first I felt curious about the sound until it began bothering my ears. After quickly rummaging among the trash, I found the source where that annoying sound came from; the small thing was what humans use to call cellphone and the object wasn’t only sounding but it was also vibrating. I took it all intended to smash it against the wall but before I could throw it something caught my eye. On the screen there was a picture of a girl named Emilee, her features were nicely attractive despite the weird color of her hair and a couple of accessories in her nose and ears. I dared myself to press a green button and then the sound went quiet followed by a slightly hearable voice.
– ¿Hello? – I heard her say-. ¿Robert, can you say something? – She spoke again-. I can barely hear you…
My heart skipped a beat and made me let go the cellphone but I did my best to catch it in the air as if it was a hot potato bumping from one hand to the other. I quickly pressed the red button located down this girl picture and the screen went silent, a few seconds after, it went black. ¿What on earth was that? I asked myself while looking at the object now quietly resting in the palm of my hand. I felt a large amount of curiosity racing through my veins so I decided to take a peek at this new acquisition. I figured out how to turn it on and then I found out that that the object worked when the screen was pressed with my fingers. I went through many sections of this modern device, from its calls history to its gallery. It turned out to be that this person called Robert was someone close to this girl or he was becoming one, she had already tried to reach him for several times and apparently he couldn’t pick up his cellphone. Checking their exchange of messages they should have met at what it seemed a specific part of the city but it wasn’t Derry, this new place was called Chicago somewhere in Illinois. Now the question was ¿why this man’s cellphone ended up in the sewers? ¿could he has just dropped it? Or maybe he threw it away…
Three hours later…
After taking my time to process all the information I just got by reading what I needed to know to be prepared in case this girl called back again, I stood up and began pacing inside my wagon like a caged lion. I had something stuck inside my head and I knew it wasn’t a good idea but it was thrilling at the same time and maybe it deserved the chance to be put in motion. To impersonate someone was one of my best qualities and perhaps the adventure will worth it so I picked the best picture and began with the transformation, afterwards I would only need to get some new clothes.
I opened and old chest in which I kept some common clothes and started to try one after another so they could fit in this new profile. The most uncomfortable part of all was to put on some underwear since I never needed them before. Once my outfit looked pretty similar to this young man I finished the attire by searching for the shoes. When I was ready to get out I took the cellphone and began my way out of the sewers. “This is going to be fun” I mischievously told myself while walking towards the noisy and luminous belly of the beast the humans used to call city.
After spending so many decades under the old town I got the chance to collect lots of money which allowed me to buy some things before I could start my way to the new destination, among the new clothes, I needed a suitcase so I bought a cheap one. The distance between one state and the other wasn’t so long and taking a bus wouldn’t be a bad idea, it would let me keep a low profile until I got there. The plan itself was quite risky but exciting and if something went wrong I could always go back to the darkness of the sewers, the bigger the place the more chances I had to not be found.
The bus station was pretty calm since the night was slowly falling and there weren’t many people in it so it was a good moment to buy the ticket to leave Derry. According to the clock on the cellphone screen it was half past six, it wasn’t too early or too late and the last bus to Chicago had to arrive soon according to the arrival time board. The person behind the counter in charge of selling the tickets was a pretty blonde woman with some freckles on her cheekbones and light blue eyes. She smiled at every future passenger but when it was my turn to get my ticket her smiled widened considerably and her cheeks got slightly red.
– Good evening, sir – she greeted me trying really hard to keep at bay her shyness- ¿What can I help you with?
I told her what my destination was and hoped she wouldn’t ask me to show her any kind of identification since I didn’t have one but unfortunately she did. I pretended to search for it getting my hands inside my pockets and even inside my suitcase, I growled a couple of times in sign of frustration but then she put her hand on mine and said almost whispering:
– Don’t worry, sir, only this time you can have your ticket without showing me your identification but next time I will need you to show it to me ¿okay?
Nodding with a provocative smile, I picked up my luggage and looking at the girl’s tag, I finally said:
– Please, don’t mind the change, keep it to yourself… Peggy.
I winked an eye at her making her fully blush this time; I grabbed the ticket from the counter and went outside to wait. I sat down in one of the benches next to the bus station entrance, took the cellphone and made my best to send this girl Emilee a credible text message telling her that I will be on my way shortly. The device battery was getting low and I figured that soon it will shut down but before that could happen I had to make sure to get this man’s voice right so I listened every audio or voice message I could find. After putting my vocal chords in order, I put the cellphone inside my pocket and took one of my favorite books. I had a long night ahead and I needed to stay awake, just in case.
The beginning of my trip started pretty good, I was sitting alone and it seemed the next sixteen hours would be the same. Or that’s what I thought. While looking out of the window I received a reply. This girl looked very excited and even nervous at the fact I was traveling to meet her for the first time. The text message she answered me with was full of little faces and different types of hearts, something that made me tilt my head since I didn’t know what they meant but after scrolling for several minutes through the many tabs this messaging section had, I realized that this tiny figurines represented a feeling or state, a place or an object. Suddenly a new noise started to sound; the battery was running out of charge and after some minutes making that slightly annoying noise a hand with delicate fingers landed on my right shoulder.
– Your phone is barely hanging on – a female voice pointed-. You should put it to charge.
I turn my head and my eyes got fixed with a pair of hazelnut eyes looking straight at me, I didn’t know what to answer and before I could elaborate a proper sentence, the girl offered me a little object she called charger.
– ¿May I join you? – She asked me with a tender smile on her lips while looking at the empty seat next to the window.
Her kindness was such that I couldn’t say no and, taking the empty seat, I let her sit down next to me. She took the charger and connected it to my cellphone then bending towards where I was sitting, she plugged in the device to the electric outlet.
– There – she said giving me the cellphone back-. This charger isn’t like most, this one has speed charge and your phone will be fully charged in thirty minutes.
– I left home in such hurry that I forgot to bring mine with me – I pretended to be embarrassed-. Thank you…
– ¡Annie! – The girl quickly said waiting for me to shake her hand-. My name is Annie Wilkins.
I looked at her and sensed something peculiar that made me feel a sweet taste in my mouth, and then I saw her cheeks changing their color into a subtle red. I gently shook her hand and returned the smile introducing myself to the shy, but no less, brave stranger.
– My name is Robert, Robert Gray.
The next couple hours I had this girl tirelessly talking about her life like if it was the last day of her existence, although she seemed to have enough “battery” to keep talking the rest of the night, she explained to me many things from the modern world I wasn’t aware of. Once my cellphone was fully charged I returned the charger to this girl that now was a little quiet, she grabbed it, put it inside her purse and remained quiet. I sighed in relief and opened the book I started reading at the bus station, minutes after I felt Annie’s head drop dead on my shoulder. I couldn’t help but roll my eyes and let her sleep so I took the coat from one of her bags and cover her with it. I spent the rest of the night reading the book and looking from time to time outside the window when the view got interesting. Night and its wonders have been always my favorites.
We stopped at some gas station before arriving to our destination, although we still had a couple hours ahead, I thought I could use a few minutes to stretch my legs and use the bathroom. The break lasted around ten minutes and it was more than enough to do what I needed to do, when I got back to the bus I found Annie laying down all across the seats. She apparently didn’t even noticed when we stopped and when I got out but somehow she decided to occupy my seat. I didn’t want to wake her up but I needed to sit down so I gently lifted her head and sat down, in-between her dream and her slightly consciousness she took over my lap and kept sleeping. I crossed my arms over my chest and sighed, last hour of the trip would be a bit uncomfortable but there was nothing I could do since she looked pretty cute. Annie had a very bright hazelnut eyes and a black charcoal like hair, her skin was soft and smooth like silk. My indiscretion took over me and my eyes traced the sinuous path of her breasts, slightly visible under her blouse, until they reached her hips and the more I look at her, the bigger the tickles in my lower abdomen spread. I closed my eyes and instinctively bit my lower lip and, for a brief moment, I let myself be carried away by the waves of desire, imagining, wondering. I was getting too aroused by the thought so I opened my eyes to dissipate the heavy and lustful cloud it was forming in my head; fortunately, we have just arrived to Chicago. I gently shook Annie’s shoulder to wake her up.
– We are here – I said with a little smile-. ¿Did you sleep well?
– ¡I did, yes! And, to be honest, I'm very sorry about that, – she apologized looking quite flustered– I must have been really tired to have fallen asleep like that. I usually never do that and…
I raised my hand in sign her explanation was enough and told her I didn’t mind, she gave me one last shy smile and thanked me for being so kind despite we didn’t know each other. I took my book and got out of the bus, picked up my luggage and started my way to the nearest hotel, it was almost noon and I was going to need some rest before meeting this girl, I was also going to need some identification and getting it wasn’t going to be easy. But the more close I was from this girl Emilee the more confident I was feeling about my plan.
To be continued…
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Hope you enjoy the beginning of our new adventure @sunflowerskissed. Know that one piece of this cracked heart belongs to you 💕
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real6lacktony · 5 years
How To Grow Your Blog Traffic Using Tumblr
Eli Seekins
— Get updates of new posts
That’s the social media dream, right? To set it and forget it, and gain thousands of followers without even trying or thinking about it?
To be honest, getting 8k followers on Tumblr in 5 months without ever logging in was never my intention.
Tumblr was distracting me from my “real work” so I thought I needed to take a break. I actually forgot about my account. Then months later thought I’d check up on it. Imagine my surprise when I saw how much it had grown.
The last time I was on I only had 500 followers. I spent that entire day studying analytics, reblogging cool pictures, and optimizing my Tumblr page to drive traffic back to my website.
Though it seems like my Tumblr blew up on its own, there was actually a very important seed that I planted, and several strategies that I implemented, that made it’s growth possible.
Let me show you how I did it. I’ve broken it down into 7 easy steps.
Oh and here are some pictures so you know I’m not just blowing steam.
This is my account back in early 2016 with only 300 followers.
And here’s my account in Oct 2016 with just over 8,000 followers.
And just since rediscovering my Tumblr and writing this article I’ve gained another 500.
Steps to grow your Tumblr account
Choose your niche
The very first step to growing your Tumblr blog is to narrow your niche. Blogs that have specific topics tend to do better and attract more attention.
Colorful Gradients and Ghost Photographs are both examples of a super narrow niche.
But you also want to make sure to choose a niche that you’re passionate about — I mean that’s kinda the whole point in the first place.
Your niche determines what sort of content you will be posting.
Also, you don’t necessarily have to use the same exact niche as your main blog or website (if you have one). For example, my main blog Launch Your Dream is about following your dreams and it’s mostly focused on how to start a successful blog.
My Tumblr blog, Eli Seekins, is also about following your dreams but is more focused on travel, adventure and lifestyle.
The trick is to find something narrow that you enjoy.
For more tips on picking your niche, check out my post: How To Discover Your Perfect Niche (the Blogging Wizard — Adam — drops a mega helpful tip over there as well).
Know your brand
Your Tumblr is an extension of your brand, whether you are just starting one or already have one.
You want your brand to have a clear message. You need an edge — something that other brands don’t have. You need to know your values, what you stand for, and your mission.
That way you will always know what sort of content to post. Your brand will be clear and thorough, and people will get it.
When people get it, they have a better chance of connecting. And when they connect, they have a better chance of engaging and even sharing.
Knowing your brand also means knowing your audience. Who are you trying to reach? What sort of content do they like most?
(My brand is about following your dreams, travel, adventure, and lifestyle. I’m reaching out to young people who want to do something big with their lives. I value things like working hard, taking risks, and making a difference in the world.)
Here are 3 brands that are crushing it on Tumblr:
Sesame Street
All three of these brands know who they are and who their audience is, and they do a great job of translating that over to their Tumblr.
For more help with branding, check out: 9 Tips for Creating an Awesome Brand
Follow popular accounts in your niche
A great way to find good content to repost, and to find out what people in your niche are responding to, is to check out the popular blogs in your niche.
It’s pretty easy to find them. Just look for the blogs who are posting a lot every day, who get lots of notes, and have a large following.
To get started just search for different keywords.
And check out the different accounts.
I’d follow anywhere from 50 – 100 blogs right away.
Reblog quality content 1 – 3 times a day (by using your queue)
One of the greatest tools in Tumblr is your queue.
You can fill it with up to 300 posts, and set a certain amount of those posts to automatically publish throughout different times of the day.
In my opinion, your queue is perfect for filling up with loads of content to reblog (reblog means to repost someone else’s content on your Tumblr blog). And I just schedule my original stuff. That way I’m always sharing content, and I can schedule my content to post whenever I want and at peak times.
I often experiment with reblogging anywhere from 1 – 50 posts a day.
For those 5 months that I didn’t log into my account, when I gained 8,000 followers, I had about 200 reblogs in my queue set to share 1 photo a day at 9pm. And I wasn’t even sharing any original content.
Typically the bigger your audience grows the more content you can post. I don’t recommend sharing more than 3-5 posts a day until you get your first 1,000 followers.
You can find good content to reblog on the popular blogs that you’ve followed, by searching keywords in the search bar, or just by checking out your dashboard feed.
Then all you have to do is hit the queue button.
You can change your queue settings over in the menu on the right.
Include relevant hashtags
Hashtags in Tumblr are the keywords that make your posts searchable. They’re very important for getting your content seen.
You can find popular hashtags by doing a search and seeing what people are looking for.
And by typing in different tags in a post to see what people are using.
Make sure that you use tags that are popular and relevant to your niche AND relevant to the content you are tagging. Just so you know only the first 20 tags that you use are actually searchable (source).
Use a call to action
I was surprised by how few people were using call to actions when I first started implementing these strategies. Since then, it seems like some popular accounts in my niche have caught on though.
That’s because call to actions are powerful. It’s how this post has gotten almost 15,000,000 notes, by simply saying “pass it on”.
It’s great if your posts get a lot of attention, but if your viewers aren’t doing anything after they see your content what’s the point? Don’t you want them to take action?
All of your posts should include some sort of call to action, whether it’s to bring viewers to your Tumblr blog, to your main site, or somewhere different — or even to just get likes and reblogs.
At first, I felt kinda weird putting call to actions on other people’s content that I was reposting, but it’s ok to do if you do it right. And it can make a big difference. Just make sure to be genuine. For example, don’t repost someone’s original photo and use it to promote your ebook or video course. That’s kinda sleezy. But leaving a call to action on reblogs to like, reblog, or check out more of your posts is totally ok and can increase your engagement and get you more followers.
Always ensure that the creator of images you share retain credit. It can sometimes be difficult to to figure out who originally shared something on Tumblr – reblog’s usually link to the person who you reblogged it from. But we recommend trying to credit the original author if you can. And whatever you do, never remove a credit link. And try to share original content when you can – you’ll get more traction if you do.
For more tips on how to write good call to actions check out these posts:
Hook, Line, and Sinker: 7 Tips for a Killer Call-to-Action
5 Ways to Write Magnetic Call-to-Actions in Just 5 Minutes
21 Call to Action Examples and 3 Rules for Effective CTAs
31 Call-to-Action Examples You Can’t Help But Click
Use keyboard shortcuts to supercharge the speed of your workflow
I’m gonna be honest, filling up your queue with hundreds of posts is a lot of work — it eats up your time. I even considered quitting Tumblr for good because of how much time it takes.
One of the things that bothers me the most is that you can’t copy paste hashtags. You have to type each one in individually. And if you’re using 5 – 20 tags per post and have 300 posts in your queue…. that’s a lot of typing hashtags.
It took me a little bit of time to figure out, but I have my Tumblr workflow down to a system. I can’t even imagine how much time it saves me.
It’s all based on Mac Mastro (I use a mac, but if you’re a pc guy check out AutoHotkey or Quick Macros). This app allows me to save multiple different presets of titles, tags, and call to actions into keyboard shortcuts. So all I have to do is press a button combination on my keyboard and everything is automatically typed out for me. That way I don’t have to keep typing the same things over and over again hundreds — even thousands of times.
I’ll show you what I mean…
Here’s an example of my workflow, hotkeys, and scripts that I use.
1. Find a post to reblog
2. Add a call to action with a hotkey
Mac Mastro allows you to save multiple different actions to one hotkey, that way when you press the hotkey you can just click whichever one you want to use, then it types it for you.
3. Format your CTA and add a link if appropriate (again using a hotkey)
4. Add tags (using a hotkey)
5. Add to queue and you’re done
The whole process takes a matter of seconds and dramatically decreases the amount of time it would normally take.
To create a new hotkey with Mac Mastro:
1. Go to File and then New Macro.
2. Add a new hotkey trigger. And then press whatever keys you want your hotkey to be.
3. Add a new action
4. Search for and click “ Execute an AppleScript”
5. Insert your script
Here are examples of the different scripts I use in Mac Mastro.
This is what I use for all my CTAs and links.
on run tell application "System Events" delay 0.25 keystroke "What You Want Typed Here" end tell end run
And this is what I use for all my tags.
on run tell application "System Events" delay 0.25 keystroke "tag 1" keystroke return delay 0.1 keystroke "tag 2" keystroke return delay 0.1 keystroke "tag 3" keystroke return delay 0.1 keystroke "tag 4" keystroke return delay 0.1 keystroke "tag 5" keystroke return end tell end run
Just put whatever you want your hotkey to type between the quotes after “keystroke”.
Tags are a little more tricky because you need the script to press enter after each one. That’s why there are delays and extra keystrokes.
And that’s it. Whenever you hit your hotkey it will type out whatever the script is set to type.
Extra Tumblr tips
Don’t try to sell
At Least not at first when you are trying to grow. You can’t focus both on selling and getting followers at the same time. And honestly it’s pointless to sell when you don’t have an audience yet.
Plus people get on Tumblr to be entertained. People choose Tumblr over places like Facebook and Linkedin because it’s hip — it’s cool and artistic — it’s where the trend setters and young people go.
And they’re very good at detecting and filtering the content that they want to see. If they see your post, and get any sort of sleazy vibe, they’ll scroll past it without thinking twice.
Use Tumblr as a creative place to experiment and try new things — and especially as a place to post original content.
If your goal is still to sell, think of Tumblr as the top of your funnel, where you create awareness and grow relationships, not where you make your pitch.
Get a custom theme and domain name
Tumblr has a big creative vibe. Creativity and good design is important to a lot of its users. On top of that, Derek Halpern, Hubspot rated the design as the:
#1 thing that influences a viewer in those few seconds when they decide to stay on a website or not…
A study done by Elizabeth Sillence that found 94% of the participants who distrusted a website distrusted it because of its design.
That’s why getting a good looking and practical theme is important.
Just do a quick Google search, or click here to check out some different themes.
Using a custom domain name isn’t necessary. It’s more of a personal and brand choice. And it’s definitely not going to make a big difference when you first get started. But if you want to stand out a little more, go for it. I didn’t start using my personal domain name until my blog caught on and started gaining momentum.
Check out this easy guide by NameCheap for using a custom domain name.
Create original content
Tumblr is a great place for content curators. But anyone can reblog other people’s posts. If you really want to stand out, post original content specifically for your audience on Tumblr that aligns with your brand. It’s also a good place to share your content from other platforms.
For example, I take photos of all my hiking and travel adventures. I pick out individual photos, write small 100 – 500 word micro blogs to go with them, and post one daily on Tumblr.
And I don’t post them anywhere else. I also post daily original quotes that align with my brand.
And I also share all my YouTube videos on my Tumblr blog, as well as all the articles that I write.
Oh and make sure to add a source url of your blog or website whenever you post original stuff, that way you’ll get credit for it. And it will help drive a little bit of traffic for you. Plus getting your links shared on social media will help build your SEO.
So Tumblr is great for 3 things: reblogging quality content, posting original content, and sharing your content from other platforms.
Like I said though, creating original content specifically for Tumblr, is what makes certain bloggers stand out from the rest.
And posting content that’s visual — like photos, videos and GIFs — is a must.
If you’re afraid to post original content because you don’t think it’s good enough, don’t be. Everybody has to start somewhere. You’ll get better the more you create and the more you post. If you look at the original content I first posted on Tumblr, it looks horrible compared to what I’m posting now. Every great blogger and content creator started out bad — seriously. They just practiced and increased their skill as they went along.
So get to work.
Drive traffic
I’m still learning the ropes when it comes to using Tumblr to bring traffic to your main blog or website. But since revamping my Tumblr, linking back to my site, and writing this article, Tumblr has brought 56 visitors to Launch Your Dream, which is more than Twitter, Facebook or Pinterest brought for me during that same time.
One thing to note is that I’m focused on growing my Tumblr following right now, rather than driving traffic to my website. So only something like 1 out of every 50 of my Tumblr posts link to Launch Your Dream. Almost all the rest link back to my Tumblr blog. How much traffic do you think I’d get if I linked to my main site more?
Maybe we’ll find out later.
Only time will tell how effective my new Tumblr will be at driving traffic to my website. But I’m excited to grow this new following, and to see how it impacts my main blog in the future.
Over to you
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Dear Friend - Part 3
Dean x Reader
Summary: Dean meets a girl on a new hunter website and begins an online romance. The only problem is, they don’t know who the other person is. Could their love for one another last only in the confines of the computer screen or will their desire for something more lead them to finally meet?
Warnings: Language. A bit more of a slow burn
A/N: This is part 3 of my little series based on “You’ve Got Mail” and “She Loves Me.” I hope you guys are enjoying it as much as I am. A big thank you to the wonderful @hannahindie for betaing this for me. I’d love to know what y’all think of this, so please feel free to let me know. Enjoy!
Series Masterlist
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“Y/N, what are you thinking about?” the young woman named Christina laughed and waved a hand in front of her friend’s face to try to pull her from her trance. 
Y/N gave a laugh of her own and shook her head. “Nothing. Just turkey sandwiches with lettuce and tomato.” 
“Turkey sandwiches with…” Christina’s words trailed off as she continued eyeing her friend. “You’re a strange bird sometimes Y/N/N. Anyways, thanks for your help with this hunt.” She lifted her beer bottle for a toast. 
Y/N lifted hers and clinked the necks. “Anytime, girl. Besides, you know I love a good werewolf hunt.” She gave an innocent wink. 
“What’s on your mind that’s got you so distant? And don’t tell me it’s just sandwiches. I mean, they’re great and all, but not that great.” 
Y/N gave a sigh and set her bottle down in front of her. She took a moment to fiddle with its placement as she thought about what she was going to say. “Have you heard of that new hunter website?” her friend nodded. “Well, I go on there from time to time and I sort of met someone on there. A guy,” she clarified. 
“Oh really now? What’s his name? I’m sure I’ve heard of him.” Christina knew all sorts of hunters, both socially and biblically. She took no shame in it. 
“That’s the thing, I don’t know his name.” Christina started to give a look but Y/N continued anyway. “I said I didn’t want to know names. Keep a sort of mystery about things. I thought it was just playful and harmless until we started talking more. Now I want to know his name because he’s a really nice guy, but I feel like I can’t turn back on my rule. He could be anyone.” She picked a little at the label on her beer. 
“It could be Garth,” Christina said with a laugh, to which Y/N threw her bottle cap in response. 
Later that night Y/N sat at her computer biting her nail as she waited for her favorite website to load. She held her breath as she waited to see if there was a little number hanging above the envelope icon. Sadly there was nothing. It had only been a day since she last wrote to BabyDriver67, so she wasn’t very disappointed. But still part of her was disappointed there was nothing new to read. She looked away from the computer screen and to the photo of her and her niece sitting framed on her desk. She thought for a moment of the cute little girl, then turned back to the computer to click on “New Message.” 
I sometimes wonder about my place in this world. Does that make any sense? Like how there are people sleeping right now who have no idea of what we do for a living, and probably never will. They just live their lives going to work or school and go along their merry way. I feel like I can’t remember a time before I heard of werewolves and ghouls and all those other things that go bump in the night. What a strange life I lead. I’m not really looking for an answer on this. I went out tonight with a friend and had a little too much to drink, I think. I like to throw questions into the Void when I’m drunk. Goodnight, dear Void. 
“Goodnight, dear Void.” The words glowed from Dean’s computer screen. He was falling more and more in love with her with each new message. But his heart also ached for her. He knew that even drunk words had a bit of truth to them, so somewhere deep down she was feeling this insignificance. If only he could meet her and tell her she was’t insignificant. Not to him. 
“Hey, I think I found a haunting in Texas,” Sam said as he joined his brother in the library.
Dean shook himself from his thoughts and looked up from his laptop. “Texas, huh?” 
“Yeah, a hotel in Galveston.”
Dean frowned in thought. “Well, I have been wanting to see the beach lately.” Sam only then seemed to take notice of what his brother was doing. “Any new messages from her?” he hammed up the question a little to Dean’s annoyance. 
“Bite me,” was all Dean could think to say as he closed the laptop and got up. “We’ll leave in twenty!” he shouted as he walked down the hall towards his room. 
The case, on paper, was fairly run of the mill by Winchester standards. The hotel had long had legends of being haunted – harmless cold spots and creaks in the night – but now guests and staff were getting seriously injured. It was only a matter of time before it escalated to someone’s death. 
HellsBelle25 was still on Dean’s mind as they checked into their room at the hotel. He was so deep in thought he didn’t even hear what Sam was saying to him. He was brought back to reality with a pillow hitting his face.
“Dean?” Sam scoffed from his seat on the bed. “You’re not listening to a word I’m saying, are you?” 
Dean threw the pillow back at his brother as a reply. “I’m going to go talk to some locals. How ‘bout you get to work on the research. We’ll meet back up again later tonight to do some poking around.” 
He put on his cheap suit and grabbed his FBI badge as he headed out the door. Up the street he saw a sign for a seafood restaurant, which gave him a sudden craving for shrimp. When he walked through the door, he was greeted with the usual nautical scene that came with beachfront locales. He made his way to an empty booth and took a seat. 
“What can I do for ya?” the waitress, identified by a name tag as Judy, asked. She was an older woman who seemed to have seen her share of sailors and tourists pass through town. She looked like she would have her finger on the pulse of what was going on at the hotel. 
Dean ordered the shrimp and introduced himself as Agent Tyler. “I’m here looking into all the nonsense happening over at the hotel.” 
Judy twisted her face into a frown as she looked over his badge. “That hotel sure is drawing a lot of attention. First that reporter and now the FBI. What’s next, Secret Service?” 
That caught Dean’s attention. “Reporter?”
“Yeah, she’s sitting over there.” She pointed her pen towards a booth a little ways down from Dean’s. All he could see was the top of a ponytail that popped out from a downturned head. 
Dean nodded his thanks at Judy as she walked back to put in his order. He slid out of the booth and made his way over to the young woman. He found her hunched over a notebook scribbling away in a purposeful manner. “Excuse me,” he cleared his throat. 
The woman looked up from her work but kept writing as she slowly began to comprehend who was speaking to her. A half second too late, it seemed, she gave a warm smile. “Hello.”
“I’m, uh, Agent Tyler,” he flashed his badge again. “I hear you’re a reporter here to look into the hotel?”
She kept her eyes on his badge for a few seconds. “Uh, yes, I am.” She set her pen on top of her notebook. “I’m Y/N Y/L/N.” She held out her hand.
Dean took it in his and gave a shake, impressed by the firmness of it. He stood in silence for a beat longer. “Do you mind if I join you for a moment?” he finally asked. 
“Not at all, please,” she motioned for the seat opposite her and he took it. She brushed her Y/H/C hair away from her face, “How can I help you, Agent Tyler?”  
“Well, how about you fill me in on what you’ve found out so far about the hotel?” 
She eyed him for a moment as if searching for something. She must not have found it, or maybe she did, because she shrugged and began to share what she knew. “The hotel used to be an orphanage, back around the time of the hurricane. Kids from the city and even as far as Houston would be bussed in to live there. Guests and staff have talked about hearing things or feeling cold spots for years. Basic urban legend stuff. But over the past few weeks, people have been getting hurt. Staff members and guests with slashes and knife wounds on the arms and chest. Really interesting escalation.” 
Dean jotted down notes in his notebook and nodded, “Anything else?”
“Well, I’m still working on it,” her eyes narrowed on him. “So what brings the FBI out here?” 
“We go where the weird goes, and this is weird.” 
“Maybe I should start calling you agent Mulder instead,” she said with a lift of her eyebrows. 
Dean laughed off the idea and thanked Y/N for her time, returning back to his booth and his shrimp. 
“There’s an attractive reporter here looking into the case,” Dean casually mentioned back at the hotel later that evening as he swept the EMF reader in front of him. The device chirped and flashed red. “There’s definitely some ghosts here, too.” 
“Leave it to you to find an attractive reporter while doing recon,” Sam sighed. “And what about mystery girl?” He poked his brother’s side with the flashlight. 
“Oh come off it, man.”
They made their way down to the ballroom floor. All was still and quiet, the guests having gone to bed long ago. Dean’s EMF reader chirped back to life as the lights in the hall flickered. The brothers noticed their breath fog up in the cold air. 
Suddenly they heard a thump coming from the ballroom ahead of them. They ran over to fling open the doors and found a familiar Y/H/C young woman shooting a sawed-off shotgun into the ghost of a young child. 
“Fuck!” she cursed under her breath. 
“Y/N?” Dean asked incredulously. 
The young woman swung her head around to the brothers and her brows knit together. “Agent Tyler?” 
Before Dean could answer, the child reappeared behind Y/N and made his way quickly towards her. He held a knife and flashed a menacing smile. “Hey! Behind you!” Dean yelled as he shot his own shotgun at it again and it disappeared once more. He walked over to her and poured a circle of salt around her. “Reporter, huh?” He gave her a long look. 
“Agent, huh?” she returned the look. “Who are you guys, anyways? And why are you invading my turf?” 
Sam walked over and joined them. “I’m Sam Winchester, and this –” he pointed to his brother – “is my brother, Dean.” 
“The Winchesters?” Y/N scoffed. 
“Your turf?” Dean scoffed back. 
Y/N rolled her eyes. “Yes, my turf. I’m from Texas and this is a job in Texas. You’re invading my turf. Since when do you guys travel south of Oklahoma?” She stepped over the line of salt and walked towards the doors, her gun falling to her side, “I can handle this myself.” 
“Maybe we can help you,” Sam called after her. She turned to look back at him and he shrank a little under her glare. “It, uh… it would go faster,” he added. 
She rolled her eyes at them, “Fine. We’re looking for a teddy bear. It’s somewhere in the basement, I’m pretty sure.” 
“How do you know?” Dean asked. 
“Because I’ve been here for a week and I’ve done my research.” 
They made their way down to the basement. Every question Dean had for Y/N was met with curt responses; she seemed inconvenienced to be with them. When they got to the basement, they found it filled wall to wall with boxes. One of them contained the teddy bear they were looking for. 
“I guess we just pick a box and get started,” Sam shrugged. 
The three split up taking different sections. After about a half hour of searching, Dean was becoming irritated. 
“Find anything yet?” he asked. 
Y/N gave a loud huff. “No, Dean. I think I would’ve said something if I had.”
Dean stood up from the box he was searching. “You know what, Y/N, what’s your problem?” 
She looked up at him. “You are, Dean Winchester.” Dean was taken aback, but she pressed on, “You think you’re God’s gift to hunters. Swooping in and saving the day for a frail little hunter like me.” Her last sentence was dripping with sarcasm. 
Dean gave a wry laugh and licked his lips. “Me? God’s gift? Yeah, you’re right, sweetheart. Abso-fucking-lutely. We came all the way down to the fucking coast to help some inconsequential hunter I’ve never heard of with a simple haunting because she’s too weak but full of herself to handle it on her own. Woe is me, because this girl is going to come in and steal my thunder.” His words dripped with disdain. “Get over yourself,” he scoffed. 
Y/N stopped rummaging through the box in front of her and stared at Dean in shock. She was at a loss for words. 
The room grew cold again and the ghost appeared in front of Sam. It slowly made its way towards him, still brandishing the knife and a menacing smile. “Uh, guys? Can you hurry up with the search?” he swiped his iron pipe at the ghost and it dissolved once more. 
“We’re working on it!” Dean yelled over to him as he turned back to his search. Y/N still stood dumbstruck for a few seconds more before shaking herself back into action. She finished searching the box in front of her before moving on to a trunk in the corner. It was old and worn, and seemed like a good bet. 
“Guys?” Sam questioned. The ghost was back and getting closer than before. It seemed to grow stronger and more deliberate each time he appeared.  
Y/N and Dean continued rifling through their boxes and trunks. Her hand brushed against something fuzzy and she grabbed the paw of a tattered old teddy bear. She clumsily pulled out her phone to double check the picture she had and confirmed it was the one they had been searching for. “Got it!” she exclaimed. 
Dean stood up and joined her in an open space of floor. She dropped the bear to the ground and poured salt and lighter fluid over it. She looked up at Dean as he flicked open his Zippo and dropped it on the bear. They turned to look in Sam’s direction as the ghost began to catch fire and burn into nothing once more. 
“Aren’t you glad you had our help?” Dean cockily asked Y/N.
“So glad,” she bit back with a roll of her eyes.
The next morning the brothers caught sight of Y/N as she was packing up her car. 
“Heading out?” Sam asked as he walked over to her. Dean reluctantly followed behind. 
She closed the trunk and squinted up at him. “Yeah,” she shrugged, “the ghost is gone, and I’m not really one for the beach.” 
Sam gave a weak chuckle. “Yeah, we never get to see it, so we thought we’d stick around for a little bit.” 
“Thanks for your help, Sam,” she reached out to shake his hand. “Dean,” she turned to shake his. 
He looked at it for a moment before taking it. Once again, he was impressed with the firmness of it. 
“No offense, but I hope I never see you again,” she said.
“Likewise,” was all he managed to say in return.
Tags: @pinknerdpanda @hannahindie @wheresthekillswitch @emilywritesaboutdean @trexrambling @narisjournal-blog @jensen-jarpad @notnaturalanahi @simplydaisys @keepcalmandcarryondean @mrswhozeewhatsis @katymacsupernatural @boxywrites @ellen-reincarnated1967 @ravengirl94 @amanda-teaches @thing-you-do-with-that-thing @masksandtruths @just-another-busy-fangirl @sis-tafics @eyes-of-a-disney-princess @not-so-natural-spn @feelmyroarrrr @sherlock44 @jobean12-blog @diariesofthebeautyobsessed @akshi8278 @wonderstruckbyfandoms @wildfirewinchester @mogaruke @whimsicalrobots @winchesternco
130 notes · View notes
wests-wow-gang · 6 years
Seratoph is Asked Questions by a Disembodied Voice
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Art did by me but I’ll make some better stuff in the future i swear
► Name ➔ “Seratoph. Just Seratoph. There are nicknames, but that’s basically it.”
► Are you single ➔ “Uh, y-yeah! I mean, I joke here and there, and I like thinking about it, but it’s nothing I actively search for. Maybe I’ll run into it some day.”
► Are you happy ➔ “It’s a weird mix. I’m dealing w-with a lot right now, but at the same time, I feel like my friends have my back. Emotionally and physically, th-that is.”
► Are you angry ➔ “Alright. Again, it’s a weird mix. Old gang showing up? P-Pisses me the hell off. And scares me. But again, friends help.”
► Are your parents still married ➔ “My birth parents? I don’t know, they can die in a hole in all h-honesty. My. . “ A deep, regretful sigh. “Old dad, Harph, was never married while I-I was with him.”
► Birth Place ➔ “Darkshore. Don’t remember it much. I-I probably am not going back.” 
► Hair Color ➔ “Purple, kinda. All natural.”
► Birthday ➔ “I remember it was in February! It was. . . O-Oh. Oh shit. . . Aww fuck when is my exact birthda--” A few moments pass. Probably just him going through a foolish panic. He eventually comes around. “Twenty-seventh. Let’s just say the twenty seventh.”
► Mood ➔ “Skeptical. I’m s-still on the lookout. I’m planning a strike against the Abandoned Moonlight. Making sure we weren’t followed from the first mission. B-But yeah. I’m just keeping an eye out.”
► Gender ➔ “I’m a boy. A very, very boy. . . B-Boy. I’m boy. Yeeeaaaaaaahhhhhh boooooyyyyyy. . .”
► Summer or winter ➔ “Winter. The wilds are beautiful, animals become more inclined t-to cuddle, and nights come sooner.”
► Morning or afternoon ➔ “Afternoon, p-probably. I like the night, but the sun’s out, just soaking on your skin. . . It’s the best.”
► Are you in love ➔ “Not at the moment, but hey, a-again, still open to it if I happen on it.”
► Do you believe in love at first sight ➔ “I-I don’t know. Maybe at the moment, because I’m younger, yeah. But maybe when I’m a thousand or something, it’ll t-take more than just a look. But I do see some people sometimes, and I-I’m just thinking. . . Damn. You’d be nice t-to be held by next to a campfire. That’s very specific, b-but next question.”
► Who ended your last relationship ➔ “I-I’ve never had one before. I mean, non-romantic ones? The one with Harph ended because h-he thought I would be better off as an assassin and thief than as a kid!” A moment passes. “Okay. . . Deep breaths. . . Deep breaths. . .”
► Have you ever broken someone’s heart ➔ “Well, to bring up Harph again, yeah. He seemed pretty sad when me and my friends ditched him through a portal. I also broke his hand. With a blade. Wrist down. Th-Thought he’d be more pissed about that. . .”
► Are you afraid of commitments ➔ “I don’t know. So far, with all my problems, I just ran away. But I think the keg taught me th-that I need to face them sometimes. So I think that might’ve indirectly helped me w-warm up to that idea.”
► Have you hugged someone within the last week? ➔ “Yeah. Friends, family, friends-that-became-family. It feels good to be able to say that I’ve hugged someone. I-It makes me feel. . . Wanted? Which is great after going it solo for so long.”
► Have you ever had a secret admirer ➔ “No. But I’ve secret admired. Not like, intensely o-or with anyone I talk to. But as I have said earlier, once in a blue moon I-I’ll see someone who treats me and everyone nicely, and they look amazing, and they are amazing, and I’m j-just. . . Wow. How do y-you exist.”
► Have you ever broken your own heart? ➔ “I mean, I guess so. S-Set my expectations high, thought something was going to go my way. Then. . . Plop. Just a hard slap on th-the ground.”
► Love or lust ➔ “Love, probably. I mean, while I wouldn’t mind, y-you know. . . Having a special n-night some day. . . I think love takes priority.”
► Cats or Dogs ➔ “C-Cats. I love dogs as well, but cats have always been a comfort zone of mine. Both as an animal and as for my druid form.”
► A few best friends or many regular friends ➔ “A few best friends. Basically wh-what I have now, with a few familiar faces thrown in. I like my friends circle small. I feel closer t-to them, and more connected. And I know for a fact that th-they’re safe.”
► Wild night out or romantic night in ➔ “While the latter has it’s appeal. . . Wild night out. It’s a-always guaranteed fun.”
► Day or night ➔ “D-Do. . . Do I really need to answer this?”
► Been caught sneaking out ➔ “Well, with my old parents, no. The only time I snuck out w-was the one time they would never see me again. Then with Harph, no. Not only did he teach me how to sneak, b-but I never needed to sneak out. As long as I didn’t lead anyone back t-to where we were sleeping, I could leave whenever I wanted.”
► Fallen down/up the stairs ➔ “Like, once in a while? But I’m used to rough terrain, s-so not too often.”
► Wanted something/someone so badly it hurt? ➔ “Food, yeah. That’s when I st-started eating tree bark, which is consumable alongside meals, by the way, and i-it isn’t just me being a weird outsider! Other than that. . . Uhh. . . Friends. Th-That hurt. But I have that now.”
► Wanted to disappear ➔ “Well, yes. And t-technically, I did. For six years, before I eventually gutted up a-and walked up to the keg.”
► Smile or eyes ➔ “Uhhhh. . . Smile? I-I mean, I can read a smile more. And they usually mean someone’s happy. So when I see someone smile at me, I-I feel a bit better.”
► Shorter or Taller ➔ “If I had t-to choose, then taller. I don’t really mind, but something about someone wh-who’s just towering, but in a non-threatening way, m-makes me feel a bit safer. Like they’d be able to beat back anyone who tried to start something nearby.”
► Intelligence or Attraction ➔ “I g-guess. . . Intelligence? But not like, how long they were in school, or how many techniques they know by heart to put me in a ch-chokehold. More l-like, how well they know how to navigate life. And what they do with their experiences.”
► Hook-up or Relationship ➔ “Probably relationship. I-I mean, I guess the former has their place, but. . . Yeah. I think I’ve become more accustomed to relationships.”
► Do you and your family get along ➔ “The keg? Y-Yeah. My birth parents? No. Last th-thing I did to them was left them a note saying ‘fuck you, from Mr. Seratoph’ and smashing a window. Then with Harph. . . Well, last time I saw him before that m-mission, I cut off his hand. I have. . . Complicated relationships.”
► Would you say you have a “messed up life” ➔ “I mean, people have it worse, and it’s getting better. If my life only w-went until I was about thirty? Probably yeah, then. But I have thousands upon th-thousands of years ahead of me. The rest could treat me l-like royalty for all I know.”
► Have you ever ran away from home ➔ “. . . No. Never did. Why would I ever run away from-- By Elune yes I ran from home!”
► Have you ever gotten kicked out ➔ “I mean, unless if being kicked out after you ran away counts, th-then no. Also, I-I think I should use ‘fuck you, from Mr. Seratoph’ more often. Th-That was the coolest thing a twelve year old could have ever said.”
► Do you secretly hate one of your friends ➔ “N-No. I’d bring it up to them before it g-got to that level. And if I did hate them, th-they’d know.”
► Do you consider all of your friends good friends ➔ “Y-Yeah! I really feel better when I’m around them, even if I was feeling good before.”
► Who is your best friend ➔ “Hmmmm. . . I-I mean, the other day, I was on a sugar high, and i-it was almost against my will about how much I thought Jax was a great friend. Pryn hired me as a bodyguard when I was low on jobs a-and just first getting into Stormwind. Ash and Jiira reluctantly took me in despite their better judgement, a-and basically helped kick off my new, better life. A-And they’re helping me now. Cel has b-been a great friend overall and I think sh-she’s really comforting to talk to and hang around.” He sighs, and rubs his face in frustration while trying to think. “G-Get back to me on that, one of these centuries.”
► Who knows everything about you ➔ “Cel, surprisingly. Sh-She’s really easy to vent to whenever sh-she’s willing to take it. Jax and Ash are also big players for th-that field. Kae as well, especially since she’s helped me get testosterone. Pryn was the one who recommended I talk to her about th-that.” 
I got tagged by @actionjaxkol who held me at gunpoint while asking me these questions and forced me to answer them in character.
I tag @engineermermaid, and @riizendraconis if they’d like to answer! (I’d tag more but Jax got’em. RIP)
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Truth comes first ~P.1
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► Summary: 
Despite the fact that the reader is just a teenager, she has bigger problems, some of them unable to handle. 
Also when the Jason Blossom’s case starts to become an attractive mystery to her, she looks for someone else to help her which leads her to Jughead Jones. 
► Pair: Jughead Jones x Reader
►  Word Count: 1,668
► Warnings: none
► A/N: Hello and welcome to the first part of the new Jughead Jones’ series. I hope you like and enjoy it, if that’s the case, let me know! I will appreciate it a lot and also I would know if I should start working on the next part! Tags are opened! 
Riverdale high school. First class in the morning.
The students start to fill the classrooms. Some of them are sleepy, as if they still were on their beds. Some others were ready to keep learning another day more and the rest just hated to be there.
You couldn’t be put in none of the groups mentioned before. You were just there. Ready for the classes? Of course. Eager for them? Not that much, at least usually. First class on Mondays were always an exception. Your favorite subject; psychology.
You were sitting in the placed you always used to occupy since the very first day without a partner by your side. Not that you didn’t have friends at all, you just knew how to enjoy loneliness most of the times.
The teacher was about to begin when a new face entered in the room. Whispers started almost immediately allowing you to know who the new girl was; none other than Veronica Lodge.
While everybody else in the classroom kept whispering and looking at the brunette your eyes lowered to your notebook. You had heard about her and her family but it was none of your business and probably the girl was probably uncomfortable enough without your participation. Seconds later you felt someone by your side. Knowing who it was you just raised your head to look at Veronica’s dark eyes.
“Hi” she greeted with a wide and friendly smile.
“Hello… and welcome to Riverdale” You greeted back being a little bit sarcastic. You couldn’t help yourself but to look at the rest of empty chairs on the classroom before turning to her. “Why here?” She smiled, knowing exactly what you were asking to her.
“Well, you’ve been the only one who hasn’t started judging me when I’ve walked in. I appreciate that” She smiled again and you imitated her but your little conversation was cut when the teacher faked a cough.
 When the class ended you could finally have a proper conversation with Veronica. She was nice and really different from what usually could be found in those corridors.
“Veronica!” You instantly closed your eyes in annoyance when Betty Cooper’s voice sounded right behind you. “I’ve been looking for you. We need to…” She froze when she realized that you were Veronica’s accompanist. “Oh… Hello Y/N” Your lips became a thin line. What an awkward moment…
“Hello Betty” You could felt Veronica’s eyes wandering between you two in a very curious way.
“Uh… Veronica, is it okay for you to start the tour now?”
“Sure” The brunette one answered.
“Well, I’ll leave you two alone so you can…”
“Wait” Veronica interrupted you “Why don’t you come with us? If that’s okay for you” She turned to Betty. Obviously she was fully aware of what she was doing. She felt the awkwardness between you two before and certainly wanted to know why. Betty and you locked eyes for a second before she spoke.
“Of course. It would be great if you joined us” There was truly honesty in her words. Veronica turned to you with a please say yes smile.
“I don’t know…”
“Please…” Who could say no to the puppy face Veronica was giving you?
The blonde one started to explain multiple things about the school and its story while you were walking through the corridors.
Another really awkward moment happened when you stumbled with Archie Andrews. The situation was pretty uncomfortable for you already but when Veronica talked about flirting with Archie and how attractive he was it didn’t improve. Not a bit. Luckily for you Kevin appeared to save the day.
Just moments after that and announcement was made through the public address system. All the students had to reunite in the sports hall.
 It was about the Blossoms.
Jason Blossom had disappeared on July 4th and no one seemed to know anything about it. It was a mystery no one in Riverdale could comprehend.
Betty, Veronica and Kevin were listening to Cheryl, Jason’s sister and the one who saw Jason for the last time. You were also listening to her, but you seemed to be the only one to find Cheryl’s words a little bit weird.
What the Blossom girl was saying was that despite her brother’s disappearance the ball programmed for that same night couldn’t be cancelled because that’s what Jason would have wanted. You frowned. Cheryl didn’t seem the same one you saw on the corridors before the classes started. Not to question his sadness and pain about her beloved brother but still, weird.
Looking around you searched for someone who was or at least seemed confused as well but everyone seemed okay with what was happening. Everybody except the guy at the end of the stands. The brunette one with the same beanie as always and his laptop on his lap; Jughead Jones.  He was staring at Cheryl the same way you were.
The words the red-haired was saying were confusing for him as well.
Your thoughts got interrupted when the crowd started to clap and cheer, happy about the ball still happening that night.
 That afternoon you had your books opened in front of you but your head was not really interested in what you had to study and do as homework.
A lot of things had happened in the same day…
Veronica Lodge, the famous one, had arrived to Riverdale high and apparently you two got along together.
What about you and Betty talking to each other again after… One year? Probably a little bit more than that.
Cheryl’s speech and everything related to Jason. The weirdness of the situation in general.
The last big thing that happened that day was Veronica convincing Betty to ask Archie for the ball and when everything looked bad, Veronica convincing them both to go with her as a trio.
Of course she had tried to convince you as well to go to the ball with them, but you refused the idea every single time she tried.  You just didn’t want to go because that sort of public exposition was not something you liked. You thought of it as something unreal. Everything had to be perfect for one night and then you could go back to your teenager problems. How you missed that time when the only worries you had were being a teenager.
Annoyed and frustrated you closed the books and grabbed your jacket to hit the streets. The only thing that could calm you that day was a lonely night walking.
After approximately half an hour of walking and enjoying the magic the night always have you found yourself in front of Pop’s. The time was perfect for a little snack.
When you entered the place the bell seemed to sound louder than usually. Just by looking at the entire establishment you could see that the ball was happening that night because Pop’s was almost empty. The only people there were a couple of old age, a group of men you could see working at the building site near the high school and last but certainly not least, Jughead Jones.
“Goodnight Y/N” the waiter behind the bar saluted “So you haven’t gone to the ball uh?”
“No… Thank you” He slightly laughed.
“What can I do for you?”
“To be honest… Onion rings would make my night”
“Five minutes” he winked
“Wait! Eh… Could you please bring me those to that table?” Your index pointed to the table where the boy of the beanie was.
“Sure” You smiled to him as an answer before turning and started walking towards Jughead. He was so concentrated in what he was typing on his computer that didn’t seemed to feel your presence. “Mind if I join?” His blue eyes raised to meet with yours. His face told you that he was thinking about it. His answer ended up being his arm raised to point the sit in front of him with his hand as a yes. “Great, thanks”
You sat right in front of him and he lowered the screen of his laptop, giving you all of his attention.
“Fine. I’ll go straight to the point. I’ve heard that you’re writing a novel about Jason’s… case” Jughead remained silent but he nodded with his head. “And… I’ve seen you today when Cheryl was giving her speech. I will dare to say that both of us thought it was kinda weird.” His brow raised and his torso bent down a little bit, with that he was showing interest by what you were saying. Time to drop it. “I want to help you”
“Help me?” He finally talked.
“Yes. Look if you’re writing a novel you’re needing information, if you need information research has to be done and it would be easy for you to have someone else. Besides, in this particular case you’re going to need a little bit of psychology and criminal stuff knowledge which leads to me. I want to help you and I need you to help me as well.”
“Why?” You sighed.
“Look, I don’t feel the confidence to tell you about the reason yet but… I can say that one big part of my reason is the truth. It should always come first.” Doubts were clearly running through his mind, you could see them written in his forehead. “Would it make you feel more comfortable about this if we signed a contract where I promise not to steal your novel ideas or similar?” Again, he remained silent but you could see a little and playful smile appearing on his lips.
“Just one condition Y/L/N” The fact that he called you by your last name surprised you but you didn’t show it.
“Whatever we find out, even if it’s the slightest detail we’ll…”
“We’ll tell each other first” You ended the sentence at the same time, which surprised him and made you smile.
“I guess we have a deal then” He said settling you two as a team.
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santanalo · 8 years
Come Take A Walk With Me
TAGGING: Santana and Finn
WHEN: Sunday, June 25th
WHERE: Outside the Desert Hills Motel
NOTES: They got on a walk to chat and catch up.
Santana was annoyed that all of her friends seemed to be either sleeping or in their own little couples. Of course that first person that came to her head to search for was Finn. She could probably convince him to hang out for a bit. She headed for the motel room she was sharing with him, Quinn, and Rachel, hoping that’s where he’d be. “Finny,” she exclaimed, walking over wrapping her arms around him. “Come take a walk with me.”
Finn had been relaxing in the motel room after Rachel and Quinn had gone out to grab some vegan food for Rachel. He hadn't cared about the museum or anything. So he'd kind of just gone along and now he was enjoying the quiet of the room. Then Santana showed up. He smiled and stood almost immediately, hugging her back. “Yeah? Okay,” he agreed easily. “Where have you been all afternoon?” he asked as he slipped his shoes on.
She was glad that he agreed so quickly. This was one of the main reasons they were such good friends. They were usually on the same page and liked to simply hang out with each other. “Just museum stuff. Then I was with Sugar for a bit.” Santana wasn’t sure if she should just straight out say she had been having sex, so she figured she’d leave that detail out unless he asked about what they did. “Now I came to find my favorite person to spend some time together.” She smiled up at him and grabbed his hand. “Plus I need a big, strong man in case any animals are out there.”
“Did you and Sugar have fun?” he asked conversely as they left the room. He let her lead the way, following just beside her. “I'm your favorite person? Am I just your favorite person because I'll protect you from animals?” He didn't mind being seen as the protector, but it wasn't the only thing he could do.
“Yeah. It was definitely fun.” She stopped when she heard his other questions. Turning to look at him she shook her head. “No, Finn. Of course not. You’re my favorite person for a lot of reasons.” Santana placed both of her hands on his cheeks to make him look at her. “The protecting me from animals is just a bonus.”
“Definitely fun? What did you guys do?” he asked as a follow up question before Santana stopped.  Her words made him smile. He was her favorite person. That wasn't something Santana just said to people. It made him feel really good. He stepped forward when she cupped his cheeks and looked into her eyes. “You're one of my favorite people too. You're like up there with my mom.”
Santana shrugged one shoulder. “Just had a little quickie. You know how it goes.” She smiled when he said she was one of his favorites. “Your mom’s awesome, and I know how much you love her, so I'm totally cool being towards the top of your favorites list with her.” She grabbed his hand and started walking again. Hopefully he wouldn't mind.
Finn’s brow furrowed when he tried to make sense of what she was saying. “A quickie?” He could only think of one thing that people called “a quickie” but then he realized that that was what she meant. “Oh! You guys had sex? Oh..oh.” That was a little weird, but mostly because he’d had sex with both of them the week before, but whatever, he wasn’t dating either of them. So it wasn’t his problem. He squeezed her hand gently and walked along with her.
She laughed at his reaction. “Yeah. Wasn’t the first time.” They walked a bit until she spotted a little bench by the entrance of the motel. She pulled him over to it before sitting down and pulling her legs up to cross underneath her. “How are you? You know, after the whole military museum thing. We’ve never talked about it but I’m here if you want to.”
“Right…” Well he definitely didn’t want to talk about the first time it had happened. That wasn’t a good memory for him. “I’m good. I thought it was a nice place. I liked being in the Air Force.” He’d actually loved being in the Air Force, but given who’d just recently been elected president and all of that, when his three years were over, he’d decided to get out and go home. “There’s not really anything to talk about? I don’t know. I went to Germany and worked on base. I was gonna go to Italy after, but I decided to come home and help Burt with the shop. My mom was worried because of his cancer.”
Santana nodded, glad to hear that he’d enjoyed his time. So many people got home and regretted it because of the crazy situations. “Good,” she told him honestly. “I’m really proud of you, you know. That was a big deal.” She turned a bit so she could look at him easier. “How’s Burt doing? And your mom?” When they were younger, Santana spent a lot of time at Finn’s since she didn’t always get along with her parents. Carole had welcomed her and always made her feel like she was at home.
Finn gave her another smile, but he grew serious at her question about Burt. “He’s doing good. He’s been really trying to stick to the diet my mom has him on, but he’s still cancer free. And his blood pressure and cholesterol are down thanks to some of the recipes Rachel gave my mom. I work full time at the shop. My mom wants him to sell it and retire, but I don’t think I wanna buy it. And I think he’s hoping maybe me or Kurt’ll like have a grandkid for him to pass it onto.” It was complicated, and Finn felt guilty for not wanting to own the shop, but he didn’t think he wanted to be a mechanic for forever. And he knew Kurt definitely didn’t want to be stuck there.
“I’m glad he’s okay. I agree with your mom though. It’s probably too much extra stress for him to be running the shop all the time.” She took one of his hands in hers, knowing it’s all a tough subject. “I mean, he has to realize that he’s not getting a grandkid anytime soon.” She paused for a second and raised an eyebrow at him. “You’re not looking to knock a girl up, right?” Santana assumed he didn’t have anyone he was really looking to settle down with, but who knows. There could be someone.
“Knock up? No way!” Finn didn’t even feel like a grow up most of the time. He definitely couldn’t see himself with a kid anytime soon. “I mean, I’ve been thinking it’s time to get a girlfriend again, but not a baby...not for a little while.” Most of his military friends were getting married, however, so that had been on his mind a lot. His mom had been about his age when she’d married his dad. So he thought it might be time soon.
Santana laughed at his reaction. “Relax,” she told him. She absentmindedly started to play with his fingers, holding his hand against hers. “Yeah, I get that. I feel like I'm at the age where it's time to actually find someone to settle down with. If only I wasn't easily frustrated by most people.” She’d attempted to be in relationships, but she always ended up breaking things off with them before it got to anything serious.
Finn was surprised to hear her say that. He’d never really pictured her as someone’s girlfriend. It was part of why they hadn’t worked. She didn’t seem to like being tied down. “Maybe you just haven’t found that one person that makes you wanna be with them for a long time. I’m sure they’re out there somewhere just waiting for you to walk into the room and make their brain melt with your hotness.”
She looked down at her lap for a bit. It wasn’t like she’d never had someone she thought of being with for a long time. It was just that she’d realized that a little too late. “I’ve tried,” she admitted. “There’s been a few people that wanted to be with me. I just wasn’t feeling it.” Santana smiled at his brain melting comment. “Your brain must be really struggling then, huh? Since you’ve been hanging with me for a while.”
“Then they weren’t the right people,” he said easily, shrugging. When she mentioned his brain, he grinned. “Nah, my brain’s used to your hotness. I got to see you naked like four days ago, and all of the melting happened then.” He laughed a little and nudged her. “If I didn’t have all that practice in high school, I probably would’ve passed out.”
Santana playfully rolled her eyes. “I’m really happy you didn’t pass out. That would’ve just been weird.” She looked into his eyes and tilted her head slightly to the left. “Have you found anyone that could be the right person? Has anyone interesting moved to Lima? Anyone attractive?” She didn’t really want to know about his love life, but she figured it’s what friends did.
Looking away for a moment, Finn considered the question. “Not really...I thought maybe my ex, Marley, but that didn’t work out. I was having more fun with Sugar,” he admitted with another shrug. “I think if I liked Sugar more than maybe her, but we’re just friends.” And if she wasn't in love with Puck. Finn had had no desire to go after someone who was in love with someone else. He'd already been with one girl who'd refused to love him. “So...I guess not. I don’t know. I haven’t really been looking, but with all this wedding stuff, I think I might when I get home.”
“I’m pretty sure Sugar has a thing for you, but I haven’t asked her about it.” Knowing he was going to be looking for someone to be in a relationship with made her feel a weird punch in her stomach, but she ignored it. They weren’t together and they weren’t going to be, so she needed to learn how to share Finn with someone else. “You need to find someone amazing. I doubt there’s even a girl in the world that deserves you.”
“Nah, Sugar doesn’t think of me like that,” he said confidently. No, Sugar was in love with Puck, but he wasn’t going to tell Santana that. It wasn’t his place. “I could say the same thing about you, you know? No guy is ever gonna be good enough. You need someone that probably doesn’t even exist. That’s how special you are. I’m just looking for a girl that likes me and wants the same things as me.”
She shrugged. “I don’t know, Finn. It’s weird.” Him saying she needed someone that didn’t exist made her smile. “I’m sure he exists, Finn. Unless you’re just trying to say I’m going to be alone forever.” She laughed a bit. Unfortunately it wouldn’t surprise her at this point. As much as she tried being with other people, things just never worked out. “I really hope you find someone,” she told him. “I’m sure you will. Everyone in the world wants to be with you.”
Finn laughed along. “No, I’m not saying that. I’m saying no one’s ever gonna be worthy of you as the queen.” He bumped her shoulder. “You know that every guy in the world would give their left nut to be with you, right? Like you’re usually the hottest girl in any room, but it’s more than that. You’re so funny and kind of scary, but I always liked that. Plus, you’re super smart and just a really nice person when it’s someone you care about. Seriously, what guy is worthy of all that? I can’t think of one person.”
Santana could practically feel her heart melting at Finn’s words. It was probably one of the sweetest things she’d ever heard. “You’re the best, you know that?” She moved closer to him so she could rest her head on his shoulder. “Maybe we’ll just have to be single friends forever since there’s never going to be a girl that I think deserves you. You’re honestly the best person I’ve ever known and I know for a fact that she’d be the happiest girl in the world to be loved by you.” What she wanted to say was that she regretted not being able to be that girl for him, but she figured that part was irrelevant.
“Eh, I’m not that great. I mean...I’m awesome, but I’m not like the best person,” he said, brushing off the compliment. If he’d been a better guy, he’d have been able to keep her, but he hadn’t. “Sure single friends...that doesn’t sound sad or anything,” he joked. “I’m sure we won’t be single pringles for forever. I predict the next trip we take all together will be for your wedding.”
“Excuse me. You’re one hundred million percent the best person.” She turned her head so she could quickly kiss his cheek. “We can be single friends but still fuck so it’s not like we’re completely miserable. Plus I think spending the rest of my life with you would be pretty nice.” Santana didn’t really realize what she had said, and how it could seem. “Yeah, okay. Because I’m so good at keeping guys.”
Finn shook his head. “Slow down because you just said a lot of things. So now we’re gonna be friends that fuck and get old together? How does that work? And you haven’t met a guy you want to keep yet. It’s not a big deal,” he assured her, unlacing their fingers and wrapping an arm around her shoulders.
Santana smiled and curled her body a bit so that she was closer to him. “What do you mean how does that work?” It upset her a bit that he didn’t think there was ever someone she wanted to keep. “Finn,” she said softly. She closed her mouth quickly after that. Maybe she shouldn’t say anything since they were good now. They were friends and she didn’t want to make things weird.
“I don't know. I'm not sure how to explain it, but it doesn't matter I don't think. Like we won't be single forever, and until then, I get to kiss you anytime I want. And I'm not complaining about that,” he said with a silly grin.
She lifted her head again so they were face to face. “It’s gonna suck when you find someone and have to stop kissing me.” She quickly closed the space between their lips, kissing him gently. Now if only she could freeze time and stop that from happening.
Finn let his hands rest on her waist as he kissed her back. It really was gonna suck when he had to stop kissing her, but he just wasn't going to think about. He wanted to enjoy their time together now.
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