#since they know people who’ve played the game are gonna watch it
chelseasdagger · 2 years
womp womp
4 notes · View notes
Queen of the Halfpipe 🏂 | Jake Seresin Imagine
Takes place before, during, and after the events of TGM
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TGM Masterlist
Characters & Pairings: Lt. Jake ‘Hangman’ Seresin x pro snowboarder!reader (romantic), the dagger squad (platonic)
Content Warnings: fluff, profanity, | female!reader (she/her) | wc: 10k
Requested 📨 yes/no—for @gizmodear 🤍 (rules for requests)
Premise: Dedication, determination, blood, sweat, and tears. That’s what athletes put in when they say they want to compete on the world’s greatest sporting stage. Years of hard work that come with sacrifices. At a young age Y/n L/n knew she wanted to be the best when it came to snowboarding, devoting herself to the Olympic dream. Love wasn’t something she thought would happen for her as she was so focused on her career. But, as someone once pointed out to her years after she did in fact find her happily ever after, she was living in her own little Hallmark movie.
Note: ah I’ve finally finished and I’m so happy with how it turned out! @gizmodear I apologize for the long wait (i think you sent this request at the beginning of February) but I hope you like this and I delivered with everything you could’ve imagined 🥹 I really love writing the athlete!reader x dagger squad paring fics so this was so fun to write. I did so much research to be as accurate as I could since I am not familiar with snowboarding. I did watch Chloe Kim in 2018 & 2022 so a lot of what reader accomplishes in this fic was inspired by her so I hope you don’t mind that I did that (except the ending since the 2026 Olympics hasn’t happened yet obviously 😂). Please let me know what you think!
“So one last run, huh?”
“One last one,” she confirmed, hoping he couldn’t pick up on the slight sadness in her tone. All good things must come to an end.
“Better make it count,” he encouraged her. “You got this, okay? Don’t think about it-like I always tell you: don’t think, just do. That gold medal is calling your name.”
“I better go claim it then.”
“We’ll be cheering when you do, babe. Go show them who’s the Queen.”
Some people like the heat. Going to the beach and riding the waves of the ocean. Others enjoy the rain. The soothing sound of water hitting the pavement brings comfort to their ears. Then there are those who prefer the cold. Not as popular as the other two. People feel the only way to enjoy it is by staying indoors to sit by the fire and watch the snow fall through the window.
Y/n L/n loved the snow. Having grown up in the mountains of Colorado, she was used to blizzards and snowstorms. But she loved it mostly because of the sports associated with it. You know, the ones millions of people gather across the globe every four years to watch at the Winter Olympic Games. Athletes who’ve spent their entire life working to achieve their dream of glory. People who are not even patriotic rep their colors. Children watching for the first time think, “That’s gonna be me one day.”
That’s how it was for ten year old Y/n Ln watching the 2002 Winter Olympics on the small tv screen in the living room of her home. It was a special year of the Games. Hosted on US soil in Salt Lake City, Utah. Taking place in the months after the country was met with tragedy following the attacks on the World Trade Center in September 2001. Not a dry eye in the stadium or on those watching from home as the flag that flew on Ground Zero was brought into the arena by members of Team USA along with the NYPD & FDNY.
The Olympic torch was passed by members of the 1980 gold medal winning hockey team, coach Mike Eruzione lighting the cauldron. One of the most notable teams in US Olympic history. They were just college students up against the number one team in the world in 1980, which ironically enough, was also on US soil in Lake Placid, New York. Anyone who watched them play could recall the chills they felt when the buzzer counted down to zero with sportscaster Al Micheals yelling, “Do you believe in miracles? YES!” Winning that game didn’t deliver the gold medal, no, it only secured their place in the final match. There they defeated Finland 4-2, shooting themselves into history.
Y/n was familiar with many of the sports she grew to love watching. Her family owned and lived on a ski resort, so the art of skiing and snowboarding came to her at a young age. She was around four years old the first time she went down hill with her father. By the time she was around eight she could do it on her own with little help.
While her parents enjoyed skiing, Y/n was drawn to snowboarding. More specifically, the halfpipe.
At a whopping 11 to 22 feet in the air and slopes between 16 to 18 degrees, the halfpipe brings fast momentum to snowboarders allowing them to perform difficult spins and skills as they pass from wall to wall. For the Olympics, 22 feet was the typical height of the walls.
The first time Y/n attempted to drop in on the halfpipe was at the age of ten. After watching Team USA sweep the medals in the mens and watching Kelly Clark win gold for the women, Y/n was determined to one day stand on the podium and be crowned the queen of the halfpipe. Nerves were present, as they usually are when one tries to do something they’ve never done. With her parents and a snowboarding instructor present, Y/n became the little daredevil she was and tried her best.
Of course she couldn’t be bold and attempt spins and jumps just yet. Surely that would end her career before it could even start. No, instead they would work on getting used to traveling down the slopes first. On top of that Y/n would have to unlock her inner gymnast so she could do the flips when she got air.
Her preteen years were dedicated to training. Homeschooling became a thing. Everyday she was out working tirelessly to the point her legs would ache. Often there would be a bad run where getting up from the snow would take an arm and leg to do. Balancing a social life as a teenager was impossible. Y/n pretty much sold her soul to snowboarding. But that’s what one has to do when they dream of Olympic glory.
By the time Y/n was 15 she was already making a name for herself after joining the U.S Snowboarding Team. She won titles left and right that people were coming to her family's ski resort just to watch her train. A competitor of the Winter X Games at age 16, Y/n secured the gold after her second run in the women’s superpipe final with a score of 83.75. Rumors speculated she was going to go for the 2010 Olympic Trials. Having just turned 18, Y/n was a leading contender for the Games.
But you know how there are always bad runs? Yeah….the Trials seemed to give her that.
Y/n was hoping to be the first woman to land the 1080 in competition since no one had done it before. Men had been doing the trick since 2002, not as difficult as some of the other moves they were keen to do. While practicing Y/n had successfully landed it a handful of times. So once she felt she was confident, she planned to put in her trial runs. Her coach insisted she’d wait, but Y/n was determined.
And unfortunately it was going to cost her.
After failing to land on her 1080 on both attempts, Y/n was left at the bottom of the leaderboard even with the lowest and highest dropped from her scoring. Embarrassed and humiliated, Y/n made no effort to hide how devastated she was. Tears fell from her puffy cheeks, the cold doing nothing to help. She tried to avoid the cameras but they followed her everywhere she went.
“Y/n, what does this mean for you going forward?”
“Are you going to train for Sochi?”
“Can we expect to see you at next year’s Winter X Games?”
Returning home from the trials, Y/n spent the first week watching the footage back to see what went wrong. Her coach of almost ten years was with her, scribbling furiously on the white board the error and how to fix them.
“You opened too late,” he told her, circling the area in bright red where Y/n messed up. It made her glare at the spot. “When you do that you come in contact with the snow much quicker than you want—that’s why you lost your balance and fell. You didn’t give much time to stop the momentum from spinning. You need to hit this mark—,” another red circle appeared just above the marked one, “to land on time on your feet without losing balance.”
“You’re gonna make me run this at least twenty times today huh?”
“You bet your ass I am,” he flicks the cap at her, “Now go get ready—we’ve got work to do!”
And so for the next four years Y/n worked harder than she ever did before leading up to the 2010 trials. She’d been snowboarding almost fifteen years at that point, nearly seven at the competitive level. 1080s were what kept her up at night. One of the most difficult moves in women’s halfpipe, Y/n spent the four years working to perfect it. Kelly Clark, the 2002 Gold medalist and 2010 Bronze medalist, ended up becoming the first woman to land it at the 2011 X Games, Y/n taking second place and becoming the second woman to land it the following year.
“Remember what I told you,” her coach squeezed her shoulders just before her turn at the 2014 Winter Olympic Trials. “Let the snow and air guide you, don’t guide them. Keep steady and eyes open—you’ve trained for this and you can do it, Y/n. Just do what you’ve been doing the last four years.”
Taking the advice sure as hell paid off. When Team USA marched into the dome of the opening ceremonies at the Sochi Winter Olympics, Y/n was amongst the 222 athletes representing the red, white, and blue.
Qualifications were nerve racking, but Y/n put her blood, sweat, and tears into the competition. The 1080 had everyone buzzing since it was to be the first time competed in women’s snowboarding at the Olympics. “Just get on your feet,” she told herself, placing her goggles down as she prepared to drop in. “Don’t think about it too much, just do it.”
“And here is 22-year-old Y/n L/n from Aspen, Colorado gearing up for her first run in the women’s halfpipe qualifications. This has got to be a big moment for Y/n, having missed out on the Olympic team four years ago for Vancouver. Here in Sochi she’s a favorite to make the podium after great runs at the Winter X Games, becoming the second woman to land the 1080–which we’ll see her in a moment. Y/n’s been snowboarding since the age of four—as one does when their family owns a popular ski resort. We’re excited to see what she’s got for us today.”
“For those of you watching at home who are new to competitive snowboarding, here’s how the scoring works. The athletes are given two runs—or attempts to score big by doing tricks between each wall as they go down the slope of the halfpipe. A team of six judges will then determine the scores through amplitude, another word for height, difficulty, variety, execution, and progression. The highest and lowest score are then thrown out and the remaining four are averaged together for that run. The highest of the two runs is what will determine their position on the leaderboard.”
With her first run of 90.00 and second a 86.75, Y/n advanced to the semifinals along with Kaitlyn Farrington, and Hannah Teter. Kelly Clark secured her place in the finals as the top qualifying score after qualifications. During the semifinals Y/n brought in a 92.50 and 93.50. Her coach was jumping up and down, her parents screaming and Y/n ran over to them when the results came in.
She was heading to the finals.
A silver lining moment was what she was met with after claiming a score of 91.00 following her two runs. Team USA sweeping the podium: Kaitlyn with the gold, Y/n taking silver, and Kelly the bronze.
At the press junket following the podium ceremony, Y/n could not stop smiling. Even when she was asked the question, “How does it feel to be wearing the silver medal after what happened at the trials four years ago?”
“It feels amazing as you can imagine,” chuckles erupt from all sides. “I try to erase the 2010 trials from my memory, but ultimately that is what made me determined to work so hard these last four years. Being able to represent Team USA and bringing home the silver medal alongside my teammates Kaitlyn and Kelly, who I’ve admired my entire career—and watching Kelly win gold in 2002 is what kickstarted my dream of going to the Olympics…” Y/n pauses, grin growing wider, “It’s truly an honor. I-I’m still coming down from the high of it all.”
“Y/n over here!” The athlete points to a lady, who proceeds to stand from her chair to ask, “I know you’re going to be asked this a lot so let me be the first to, are we going to see you in four years for Pyeongchang?”
Biting her lip, Y/n gave a shrug though her smile remained, “I’m gonna train so the hope is you will see me in 2018, but you never know in sports. Anything can happen. For now I’m gonna celebrate with my coach and my family who traveled all the way from the States with me and then get back to the snow when I get home.”
When one already has established themself as a name in their sport, with an Olympic medal, several national and world titles under their belt, then going bigger is to be expected. Higher difficulty in tricks, more air and speed, fighting with gravity to not fall on your ass. Y/n felt the pressure.
“You want me to do back-to-back 1080s?” She nearly dropped her granola bar, staring at her coach dumbfounded.
“You can do it,” he said as if it were obvious. “You’ve been getting so much momentum on the landing that you’re getting massive height on your 720. You can easily go for the 1080 on that.”
It seemed tricky, but Y/n wasn’t one to say no to a challenge. “Fuck it, let’s do it.”
The first time resulted in a face plant in the snow. The second time she lost balance and skidded the rest of the slope on her ass. Finally on the third attempt she managed to catch her feet, exclaiming “Holy shit! I did it!” Off to the side her coach was fist pumping, in a heap of joy for the athlete. Never had anyone successfully landed a back-to-back 1080. But Y/n did in a fucking practice run. “Pyeongchang, here I come!”
When Y/n landed the movements at the 2018 Olympic trials, she was the highlight of the competition.
“The 2014 silver medalist in this event, Y/n L/n dropping in. Great start—setting up for her 1080….beautiful landing—she’s been working hard to perfect and—-OH! Oh my gosh she just did another one!! Did we just witness what I think we did? Holy moly folks I don’t believe it—Y/n L/n has just done the impossible with back-to-back 1080s in a single run!! That’s gonna have a massive score I can already tell.”
Adrenaline was pumping through her veins like never before when Y/n came down from the slope after her final move. Giggling like a maniac, her hands covered her mouth as the crowd roared around her. Her coach was going crazy, as were her friends and family who came out to support. A score of 95.00 sent the audience into a frenzy. And even with her second run, there was no doubt in anyone's mind.
Y/n was heading for Pyeongchang.
“It was a successful Olympic Trials this past week with 241 athletes from across the country qualifying for Team USA in the upcoming Winter Olympics in Pyeongchang, South Korea. Team USA will be competing in 15 sports, with many returning to the stage—including two time gold-medalist in the Men’s halfpipe, Shaun White, and 2010 Olympic champion of the women’s downhill in skiing, Lindsey Vonn. The women’s hockey team is looking to return to glory after not having won the gold since Nagano in 1998–the team claiming either silver or bronze in the past Games. There’s been a lot of excitement among supporters for returning Olympian Y/n L/n, who will be competing in the women’s halfpipe once again—L/n was the 2014 silver medalist in the event and became the talk of the trials when she completed back-to-back 1080s in her first run of the final competition, securing her place on Team USA with a massive score of 95.00. L/n has stated she will be attempting the 1080 duo at these Games. If she can pull out a score like she did at the trials of even higher, we could be looking at a new Queen of the Halfpipe.”
For the Games in Pyeongchang, each competitor would do two runs in qualifications and those who make it to the final will get three chances to produce a big score. It was smooth sailing to the finals for Y/n. Both runs received a score of 90.00, making her the top qualifier and securing one of twelve spots in the final.
February 13, 2018 was the best day of Y/n’s life.
It was a beautiful morning in South Korea. Sun beaming down with clear skies making the snow sparkle. Y/n was the last contestant in each rotation, spending the time in between her runs to keep her mind at ease. The playlist she made was blasting through the headphones she wore, a mix of genres that included artists like AC/DC, One Direction, and Beyoncé. Sometimes the cameramen would catch a glimpse of her dancing while mouthing the words to the songs, making viewers at home and the NBC commentators chuckle. Throughout the competition people were tweeting about the athlete:
@ sassycassie: @Y/nlikesthesnow is such a mood at the @Olympics. I wonder what’s on her playlist.
@TeamUSA✔️: we’re all jamming with @Y/nlikesthesnow.
@Marvelicious: Petition for the @Olympics to include music in the halfpipe from here on out.
When it came time for her run, Y/n rolled her neck, said a mental prayer, and dropped in once she was given the green light. Her heart was racing by the time she finished her first run, which did not get a good score due to falling on her second 1080. A rocky start to her competition, the number came back a 41.00.
Quickly the athlete brushed it off. “There’s still two more,” she told herself, approaching her coach who voiced the same thing. Two more chances to score big. All she needed to do was land the 1080s and get high altitude on her 720 and backside 900. Once that happened the gold medal was practically hers.
And she did just that.
On her second run, Y/n delivered what everyone was on the edge of their seats for. She screamed in victory going into her 720 because she had landed the second 1080 perfectly. Letting the remainder of the slopes guide her, Y/n finished her run with a beautiful 900 and shot her arms into the air, the people in the audience cheering. When she crossed the line she fell to her knees, board still attached to her feet and let out a cry of joy.
“Wow, wow, wow! That was absolutely incredible! She completed the back-to-back 1080s—I know we already saw it in the qualifications, but seeing it today was even better—and that 900 was massive, she could’ve thrown in a third! Look at Y/n, she’s taking it all in—the fans are going crazy, Team USA are already celebrating. And we still have one more run left! Remember the judges drop the highest and lowest scores and it looks like it’s gonna be……A 98.75!!! THAT IS HUGE—THE HIGHEST WE’VE SEEN YET!!”
Y/n was doing her best not to cry when her coach and parents hauled her into a group hug. There was still one more run to do, but it would be her victory lap no doubt. No way would anyone be able to touch her score.
Smiling the entire time, Y/n was effortless in her final attempt. One couldn’t even call it an attempt when she was already the gold medalist. The remaining competitors had already gone, none close to the number she produced in the second run. Tears finally flowed when she finished her 900, coming to the end of the slope and unclamping her board before dropping to the snow. The sound of the cheers was so loud she could feel the vibration.
Cameramen surrounded the athlete. Feeling giddy she made a snow angel, laughing the entire time.
When the score came back a 93.50, Y/n was officially named the Olympic champion of the women’s halfpipe. She wasn’t the only member from Team USA on the podium, Arielle Gold claimed the bronze, pushing out 2002 Gold Medalist Kelly Clark by nearly two full points. Liu Jiayu was the silver medalist.
At the podium ceremony Y/n felt like she was in a dream. Even when the announcer said, “Gold medalist and Olympic Champion, from the United States of America, Y/n L/n!!” With the medal placed around her neck and the sound of the national anthem echoing for all ears to hear, Y/n thought she’d wake up in her bed and it would have all been a dream.
But it was far from a dream. The press conference assured that. Reporters and journalists from sports magazines and media swarmed the place, Y/n more nervous about answering their questions than performing tricks in the air that were life threatening if landed wrong. Several questions were to be expected:
“Y/n, how are you feeling after your big win today?”
“Can you tell us anything about your plans when these Games come to an end?”
“Is it true you and actor Dylan O’Brien have been getting rather close?”
“Y/n, are you going to train for Beijing in four years?”
Exhausted and in need of food, Y/n kept her answers simple and minimum. “I feel like I could run a marathon—but mostly I could use some snacks. Oh thank you so much—,” A volunteer brought over an apple they had, and a reporter gave some crackers. “I feel even better now, thank you.”
“Well for one I’m gonna sleep at least a whole week,” chuckles rang out. “Then I’m gonna go see Black Panther since it comes out in three days—anybody gonna go see it? The trailer looked amazing.”
At the question of Dylan O’Brien, Y/n refrained from making a face, “Dylan is a good friend of mine—we met at the 2015 ESPY’s and he’s been to my family’s resort. Not to mention I was a fan of Teen Wolf when it was running. There’s nothing more going on, he’s a great buddy of mine and that’s all.” Internally groaning, Y/n could already picture the internet reacting to her answer. No doubt would they start shipping the two. Dylan would likely get a kick out of it, but like she said they were just good friends.
Responding on the topic of Beijing, Y/n said, “I’m very lucky to call myself a two-time Olympian and would love to continue my Olympic career so yes, I do plan to train for the next Games.”
The rest of 2018 was memorable for Y/n. She was invited to award shows and movie premieres, including Avengers: Infinity War, The Maze Runner: The Death Cure (which only fueled more speculation about her and Dylan) and Spider-Man: Into The SpiderVerse. She even filmed a cameo in the upcoming remake of Charlie’s Angels with fellow athletes Aly Raisman, Rhonda Rousey, and Danica Patrick. At the 2018 ESPY’s, Y/n was nominated for four awards: Best Olympic Moment, Best Female Olympian, Best Female Athlete and Best Female Action Sports Athlete. She took the latter three, in disbelief each time her name was called.
Her personality drew people in and many young girls were interested in snowboarding because of her. Within weeks she accumulated 500 thousand followers on instagram. People begged her to start a YouTube channel, wanting to follow the journey as she trains for Beijing.
“Hello friends of the interweb,” she waved to the lens of her camera. “You’ve been shouting from the rooftops and I’ve heard you loud and clear. Today is my first attempt at…vlogging? Is that what you call it?” Shrugging, she starts to walk down the hallway of her home. At age 26, Y/n moved out of her parents home shortly after her first Olympics—-having went pro—and bought a cabin on the resort so she could remain close with her family and coach. Plus it was where she trained—a nice little plaque on the entrance of the resort reading, “Home of Olympic Champion Y/n L/n.”
Fans loved seeing a more in-depth look at the Olympian. Y/n would do Q&As, give snowboarding 101 lessons, collaborate with Olympians from other sports she grew to become close friends with, and do daily vlogs of training.
“Hi, I’m Y/n L/n,” she smiled at the camera from where she was sitting, a pale pink background behind her. “And I’m here with Buzzfeed where I’m gonna be answering some questions while playing with puppies.” Clapping her hands excitedly, she grinned, “Let’s do this!”
“Was Snowboarding always your first choice when it came to sports?”
“Yes it was,” there was a tiny bulldog in her lap, drifting off to sleep while an excited lab pup was trying to chew at Y/n’s shoes. “When your family owns a ski resort in the mountains of Colorado, usually snowboarding or skiing is going to be the first sport you’re introduced to. In my case it was just like that and while my parents were more for skiing, I loved snowboarding because it was like surfing….but on snow.”
“Where would you be if you weren’t a professional athlete?”
“You know I haven’t really thought about this,” she makes a face that reads, ‘is that bad?’. “I’ve always loved animals so….probably a vet or a career that involved animals. Since I’ve started my YouTube channel I’ve grown to love creating videos and editing them—that whole process. I would not go as far as to say I’d be an Internet personality but I would maybe use those skills to go into film work. But in all honesty, I’d probably be running the resort with my parents. It’s the family business after all.”
“Do you have any tattoos?”
“I do,” flashing her forearm, the Olympic Rings inked her skin with tiny lettering that read, Sochi and Pyeongchang. “I got the rings shortly after returning from Sochi—already set on where it was going to go. The names were done after Pyeongchang. I have other tattoos on my legs and back, but this one is my favorite because it represents the dream I achieved.”
“Have you ever been in love?”
“Ooh we’re getting to the hard questions now,” she laughed, grabbing a puppy that was tugging on her sleeve to hold. “Ummm…..not really. While I’ve been in relationships I don’t think any has made me feel what love is supposed to be like. It’s probably why they didn’t work out,” again she makes a face. “I had a genuine care for them, but there’s a certain way people describe being ‘in love.’ And from what I’ve heard, none of my experiences would be like that. I hope that doesn't make me sound heartless,” Y/n shrugs, not embarrassed at all by being honest. “I got too much going on right now to be worrying about love though. When the time comes, it will.”
Well she was right on that. However she wasn’t expecting it to be sooner than what she thought.
Around December of 2019, Y/n had returned to Colorado after being in New York for a couple weeks for a friend’s wedding. Since becoming a bigger name in the world of snowboarding and in popular culture, the resort got more attraction throughout the year where bookings were full. During this time Y/n would help run things to get some stress from her parents. She’d train early mornings and late at night, leaving the middle of the day to assist in any way she could. Regulars who’d been coming before she was an Olympian would treat her the same, whereas tourists coming for the first time were usually starstruck.
Y/n loved interacting with supporters. Every smile she received and autograph she sighed was met with love. Kids would ask questions, the Olympian kneeling to their level to answer with full transparency. Adults would shake her hand and say they can’t wait to hopefully see her in Beijing. Those moments are what motivated Y/n to do her best with each session.
“Y/n, could you come here for a second?” her mother called out one night after Y/n finished her final run for the day. She’d just entered the lobby to say hi to her parents before heading back home when she spotted them with a group of people. One of whom looked very familiar.
Removing her scarf from face and pulling the hood down, Y/n was met with several pairs of eyes that immediately went wide. She could imagine why, considering there was a huge photo of her with the gold medal framed on the wall dedicated to the gallery of famous visitors the resort had.
Moving closer, she noticed that the group consisted of about eight people, seven of which were guys and one lady. The older gentleman who appeared to be roughly her father’s age was beaming at her. Quickly he was introduced by her mother.
“Y/n, I don’t if you remember since it’s been so long, but this is Pete Mitchell. He and your dad go way back and he’s visited a few times since we took over this place.”
Now the face brought memories with the mention of his name. Grinning, Y/n shook the hand that was extended to her, “Yeah, I remember. Maverick, right?”
“That’s right,” he smiled. “Wow, it’s great to see you again. Congrats on everything you’ve accomplished, Y/n. I’ve been watching you compete since your first trials.”
“Thank you,” she tries not to look flustered. “Sorry for looking so busted—I just finished a run and was not expecting a reunion so soon.” The words have the older adults chuckling. Glancing behind Pete’s shoulder, Y/n nodded to his companions, which had the pilot scurry to introduce them.
Pointing to each person, he lists off, “these are my lieutenants and members of my Top Gun striker team. Bradley Bradshaw, Natasha Trace, Robert Floyd, Mickey Garcia, Reuben Fitch, Javy Machado, and Jake Seresin.”
As he calls their names they each go to shake Y/n’s hand, saying, “nice to meet you.” When she gets to the last person, Jake, Y/n feels a light spark as their skin touches, making both of them flinch.
“Pleasure to meet you, ma’am,” the tinge of a southern accent nearly makes her knees go weak, a dazzling smile to compliment the pilot.
“Pleasure’s all mine,” she returns before moving back to stand beside her parents. “Thank you all for your service. What brings you to Aspen?”
“Well we’ve seen enough of the beach and ocean—now that we’re all stationed in Miramar—and thought we’d like a scene change,” Pete explained, gesturing to her parents. “I called your folks up after our assignment to book us a getaway since these guys were in need of a break. We’re here for the weekend to hit the slopes—and teach some of them how to ski.”
“Fun,” she hums, glancing to see some nervous eyes among Bob, Javy, Mickey, and Jake. When she caught Jake’s gaze he smiled at her, making her look away before she blushed. “Who all knows how to ski?”
“Reuben, Nat, and I do,” Rooster answered, “this is the first time those clowns are seeing snow.”
“I’ll have you know, Bradshaw,” Jake lifts a hand, giving a mocking glare. “I have seen snow, but seeing as I am a Texas man we don’t get it down there.”
“I get snow where I’m from,” Bob interjects, blushing a bit, “But I was the type to stay indoors when it did. I’ve never skied though.”
“Well there is a first for everything,” Y/n beams, “and once you get the hang of it, it’s pretty easy. Although I’m probably not the best judge…..since I pretty much live on the snow.”
“I personally wanna try snowboarding,” Nat admits, smiling when Y/n gives her a thumbs up and mouths, “good choice.”
“I’ll do it if you do it,” Mickey says and the two high five.
“Maybe Y/n can give you some pointers” Y/n’s dad suggested, glancing at her with a tilt of the head. “She’d be the best teacher here.” The Olympian smiles, offering a light shrug.
“I wouldn’t mind.”
Mickey and Nat nearly turned into school children right there, but where Nat was calm on the exterior, Mickey was unleashing his inner fanboy.
“If it’s not out of your way—.”
“Oh my God, to be trained by an Olympic gold medalist? Life goal complete.”
Y/n couldn’t help but giggle at the man, “That settles it then. I hope to see you on the slopes first thing tomorrow morning. How does ten sound?”
“Shit that means we get to sleep in,” Reuben said in relief, the others making the same expression. At Y/n’s confusion he adds, “we normally all get up at four in the morning. Ten o’clock is a dream.”
“I know what you mean—I get up at five for training. So I would definitely want you all to get a good night’s rest. Hours on the slopes will have you running to your bed,” checking her watch, Y/n lets out a yawn, chuckling when she finishes. “Speaking of running to bed, I am beat if you haven’t noticed.” She goes to shake their hand once more, “It was so nice meeting you all and I look forward to tomorrow. Pete, it was great seeing you again.”
Saying goodbye to the group and her parents, Y/n waves one last time and heads to the door. The entire short drive to her home, her mind wanders to Jake. A warm feeling she couldn’t describe boiled in her chest, not sure if it was a little crush or just that she was attracted to him. With his green eyes, sun kissed skin, blonde hair, and dazzling smile, the man was a looker. She definitely could see him being a charmer, maybe even a playboy.
She didn’t want to think about that possibility.
Compared to her snowboarding career, relationships were something Y/n didn’t have the best record with. Yeah she dated, shared a kiss or two with someone she was interested in, but she never saw someone more than five to six months. It wasn’t easy to balance time and energy for a partner. Snowboarding was her life and she permanently lived in Colorado. She stopped dating people in Aspen because they usually were driven by what Y/n could bring them. Relationships with fellow athletes were more difficult since they were dedicated to their sport just like she was to hers. The one time she did get involved with an athlete lasted less than two weeks.
Then you had the people in Hollywood. Since winning the silver in 2014, Y/n made plenty of friends in the film and movie industry. Anytime she was pictured with someone it sparked rumors. Even when they were with a group of friends it didn’t stop the gossip. Y/n did, however, get involved with an actor that was a friend of Dylan O’Brien. He introduced them at the 2017 Teen Choice Awards where they hit it off. It only lasted five months but it was enough to get the internet buzzing with excitement.
Since then Y/n hadn’t been serious with someone, focusing solely on training for the Beijing Olympics. As the defending Olympic champion in the halfpipe Y/n was determined to defend her title. There wouldn’t be any time for romance.
But that weekend left Y/n with a newfound feeling. One she wanted to keep the more she got to know Jake. Each night he was at the resort they’d meet at the lounge to have a drink, sometimes with a group, or by themselves. They’d catch each other in the mornings to get coffee, Y/n feeling the giddiness rise each time with every conversation. The boys caught on quickly what was happening, going as far to joke with Y/n about his history with women.
Her confidence dropped a bit, but Jake shut it down instantly, “I haven’t been with anyone in about a year. And I wouldn’t want something with you to be one and done, Y/n. I want to get to know you better and see where this goes.”
“Jake, how would this even work?” The two were sitting on one of the lounge couches the night before he was set to return to California. It was a good point to bring up. With him being in San Diego and her in Aspen, it would be difficult. “I like you and have enjoyed our time this weekend—a-and I’d love to see where this goes….but being with me isn’t easy.”
“Why’s that?” He asked, oblivious to her concern.
She gives him a knowing look, “Well first there’s the distance like I mentioned. But also I’m in a career where I prioritize that more than anything. I have to go out of the country for competitions several times a year,” her hand makes a motion to show emphasis. “This is where I train—and I don’t see myself leaving anytime soon. My goal is to make it to the Olympics again.”
Jake is quiet for a moment. It worries Y/n, thinking that he was going to get up and leave without another word. But then he gently places a hand on top of hers that was resting on her lap, “I admire and respect you for being honest with me. Not many people are like that—hell, Lord knows I wasn’t five years ago. But even though it may be difficult, I don’t want to avoid it just because of the ‘what if’s’. So it doesn’t work out, that’s okay, but I’d like to at least try.”
Biting her lip, she looks at their hands, “You sure?”
“I’m sure,” he smiles, “plus it gives me a reason to continue coming out here. I think I’ve fallen in love with this place,” glancing around the building, his smile gets bigger at the sight of the sun setting making the mountains look beautiful from where they were. “Being from Texas, we don’t get this type of scenery. I thought I wouldn’t like the snow but it seems to have grown on me in the few short days.”
“Well, Lieutenant, you’re gonna have to get used to it if you roll with me.”
“I think I can adapt well, darling.”
When the squad left the next morning, a little piece of Yn’s heart left with Jake. She didn’t believe in love at first sight but there was no denying the feelings swarming like butterflies each time they were together. FaceTimes became their thing. Usually a couple times a week with casual texting since both had busy lives. Jake then flew out a couple weeks later to spend New Year’s with Y/n, the two sharing their first kiss that sparked like the fireworks in the sky.
Y/n traveled to San Diego in February with Jake returning to Aspen in March. What was supposed to just be a weekend turned out to be Jake having to stay for nearly three months due to the world shutting down. The pandemic was something no one could’ve predicted. Both Y/n and Jake had to scramble to figure out what to do, her parents offering him a cabin to reside in since they had to close down the resort. The competitions Y/n was set to compete in were canceled, Jake having to work remotely with meetings through zoom. There was no indication if he’d have to return to San Diego and frankly he didn’t know how he would since airlines were shut down.
It was a blessing in disguise, however, because it brought the two closer. Jake and Y/n were able to do things together despite being confined to the resort. Since it was only them, her parents, and her coach on the premises, Y/n was able to still train and even taught Jake how to snowboard downhill. He told her about his career and what it was like being in the air competing against the speed of sound.
“It’s an adrenaline rush most of the time,” He explained one night as they laid by the fire, a random movie on the Tv mounted above the mantle. “You can probably relate when you do your runs. Not being able to really think and just let your body take over. Feeling a high that’s indescribable and praying it will end how you think it will.”
In the mornings Y/n would drop off breakfast and coffee to his cabin on her way to training. After his meetings he’d bring her lunch or dinner since she was practicing most hours in the day. The 2020 season was canceled, but that didn’t mean she wouldn’t prepare for 2021. Athletes training for the Summer Olympics would have to wait a whole year, meanwhile the plans for the Winter Olympics in 2022 remained. Speculations already arose that by the next spring things would slowly go back to normal with the implementation of a vaccine. Jake returned to San Diego as soon as the green light was lit, mostly because the Navy was ordering him to. Airlines only allowed certain people to fly with regulations set to accommodate social distancing. It was a bittersweet goodbye for the couple, Jake promising to return as soon as he could.
Their relationship continued to be long distance for a long time. San Diego locked down several times preventing either from traveling to see each other. Y/n kept busy by training from sunrise to sunset, Jake running missions the Pentagon tasks the Dagger squad with and the two FaceTimed consistently. Luckily by spring of 2021 things did in fact calm down. A vaccine was introduced, both wasting no time to receive it, and making plans for Y/n to fly out to San Diego.
When she landed she was met with the clear skies and warm rays of the sun, catapulting into Jake’s awaiting arms after exiting the terminal. “I missed you so much!” She giggled as he spun her around.
“I missed you more, darling.”
Everyone welcomed her with smiles, the pilots excited to see Y/n again after so long. They took her to The Hard Deck to celebrate her and Jake’s one year anniversary and for her qualification in the 2021 Winter X Games.
“Excited to get back in the pipe, Y/n/n?” Reuben asked her.
“You bet your ass I am,” she clicks her beer glass with his. “Can’t wait for the world to see what I’ve been practicing.”
The squad cheered on Y/n from Fightertown during the Winter X Games, watching her claim the gold of the women’s Superpipe for the sixth time. Jake was the loudest, his reaction to her win captured by Rooster, “That’s my girl!!”
Flash forward to January 2022. The team rang the year in, Y/n joining festivities where she and Jake celebrated their third New Year’s before they all traveled North to Mammoth to watch Y/n compete in the Mammoth Grand Prix. The first completion of the year, it would be where the Beijing Olympic Team members were named.
By the end of the competition, Y/n was going to have to set an appointment with her tattoo artist to add Beijing to the list of Games.
“YEAHH!!!” The scream released, arms shot into the air as her name shot to the top of the leaderboard following her second run, the score a 96.00. On the ground Jake, her coach, parents, and friends were losing their minds. Rightfully so, they just witnessed Y/n make her third Olympic team.
“And there you have it folks, the defending Olympic champion in the halfpipe is heading to Beijing in her third Olympic appearance. Y/n L/n has shown greatness this whole weekend, proving herself as one of the best in the sport. There’s been so much improvement in her form—the Winter X Games this past year was the last time we’d seen her since the pandemic shut everything down, but that didn’t stop Y/n from getting ready for Beijing. She is unstoppable. It'll be an exciting Games next month, not just for the women’s competition—Shaun White will return to the stage for the fifth time in an attempt to defend his gold model.”
A celebratory party was in store for the Olympian. Champagne was popped and music blasting in the restaurant the members of Team USA rented together. All their friends and family were there having a grand time. Y/n and Shaun got pictures together, the internet calling them the king and queen of the halfpipe. Pretty much all of the dagger squad, minus Jake of course, were chatting up with the Olympians—Bob received a thumbs up from Y/n when she spotted him talking with Mikayla Shiffrin.
Halfway through the night, Jake pulled her aside, “How you feeling?”
“Good,” she breathed, still coming down from the high of excitement. “Excited, nervous, internally dreading the long flight but overall I’m happy.”
“I’m happy for you, darling,” he kissed her head, “You deserve this. After watching you bust your tail these past two years, I can’t describe how proud I am of you.”
Y/n felt a wave of love course threw her, kissing him softly as a thanks. When they pulled away Jake asked what was next to which she replied, “What do you mean?”
“Well…I hear Italy is hosting in four years.” She made a sound of ‘Ahh,’
“That’s what you mean.”
Jake quickly explains, “I just wanted to know if that’s in your sights. You’re gonna get asked plenty next month, so see it as me wanting to be the first to know……and because I’m already planning on being there if you do.” Unfortunately due to covid restrictions, Jake and her family are unable to attend the Games in person. Only her coach was allowed to travel with Y/n, meaning everyone else would have to cheer from home.
Italy wasn’t even on Y/n’s mind. After a career of over fifteen years and having celebrated her 30th birthday, the next chapter was something she thought about often. Jake was her longest relationship, the two at two years and Y/n fell more and more in love with him each day. While the long distance was going well, it would only be a matter of time before one of them would want to settle. Marriage. Children.
Going for a fourth Games was possible—look at Shaun. Beijing was his fifth Games, and Kelly Clark competed in five.
“Confident you’ll be around by then? 2026 is a long way from here,” teasing at first, Y/n felt her heart skip by the look she received. It was one of love, determination, and admiration.
“I’m confident in a lot of things, Y/n. And when it comes to us,” two fingertips come up to hold her chin steady, green eyes boring into hers. “I see a cabin with a front porch and gorgeous sunrise over the mountains as we drink coffee and reminisce over our glory days before the little ones left the nest. That’s what I see when I look at you.”
February 2026–Livigno, Italy: Final of the Women’s Halfpipe in the XXV Olympic Winter Games.
“So one last run, huh?” Jake squeezes Y/n’s hand, easing her nerves as she feels the metal of his wedding band on her skin. She had yet to put her gloves on, waiting for someone to escort her to the top of the slope.
“One last one,” her tone was laced with sadness, not doing much to mask her anxiety. She was one run away from winning a third conservative gold medal. Beijing was already four years ago, Y/n adding a second gold to her collection to retain her title as queen of the halfpipe. She was met with international recognition following the Games. Her performance in Beijing resulted in the first 100.00 scored in the Olympics.
On the cover of Sports Illustrated and winning big at the 2022 ESPY’s, Y/n was on top of the world. Appearances on James Corden and The Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon Y/n not only showcased her gold medal, but a diamond ring on her finger where she told the world her love story with Jake.
“Hi, I’m Y/n L/n,” she waved at the camera, a MacBook in front of her and trying not to laugh at where Jake was sitting in his own chair beside the producer of GQ, videoing her with his phone. “Two-time Olympic gold medalist in the women’s halfpipe and I’m here with GQ, about to go undercover on the internet.” Opening the laptop, she shakes her head with a nervous grin. “This is gonna be interesting.”
Ironically enough, she chose the username Y/ndoesntlikethesnow. “I’m sorta scared at what Twitter and Reddit will bring. Just because….,” she makes a face, “I go on the bird app religiously so I know what that’s like, but also I’ve heard horror stories about Reddit.”
“I wanna know how @Y/nlikesthesnow managed to get up after planting face first in the snow at her first Olympic trials. On live television. If that was me I would’ve retired right then and there.”
The laugh that escaped Y/n was equivalent to a wheeze, sending Jake into his own laughter. Calming down, Y/n had to wipe her eye, “oh my goodness what a great start. Okay,” her fingers hovered over the keys, typing away with each word she spoke. “Thank you for bringing this memory up—it was truly a defining moment in my career I would say. Not only did it humble me, but had it not happened I probably wouldn’t have busted my butt as much as I did to get to Sochi. So it’s kinda sentimental now….though I do die inside each time someone tags me when they use the gif.”
Clicking send, Y/n clapped, “next!”
“Does Y/n L/n and her fiancé know they basically lived in a Hallmark movie? Guy comes to a small town and meets a local girl who’s family runs a ski resort and they fall in love in just a few short weeks. I think about that a lot.”
Both Y/n and Jake make a snort, “Jake is here with me now,” she points to though he can’t be seen. “We both love this question. And to answer it, you know it never crossed our mind that this was happening, but if Hallmark would like some inspiration for their next movie we’d be happy to give some.”
The wedding took place in fall of 2023. Shortly after Y/n made the decision to move to San Diego to be with Jake, finding an indoor halfpipe training facility to train in. She continued to dominate the 2023-2025 seasons. By the time she made her fourth Olympic team, Y/n became the most decorated female snowboarder in Winter X Games history and won the Mammoth Grand Prix for the sixth consecutive time.
Now in Italy for her final Olympic appearance, the pressure was on.
Currently Y/n was in last position, shocking many as she had multiple errors in her first two after being the number one qualifier. Eight years ago in Pyeongchang, her friend and former teammate Shaun White stunned the world when he went from the bottom to the top of the leaderboard in the final rotation of the men’s final, claiming his third gold medal.
People were itching to know if the same would happen to Y/n. Commentators and twitter alike saying it was deja vu happening.
Only Jake, the squad, her coach and family were the ones to know she would be retiring. Her last run marking the end of an era in snowboarding. With her first two a disaster, Y/n wanted to end on a high note.
“Better make it count,” Jake told her, cupping her face in his hands to stare deeply into her eyes. “You got this, okay? Don’t think about i-t-like I always tell you: don’t think, just do.” Kissing her forehead, he adds, “That gold medal is calling your name.”
Confidence filled her, Y/n lifting her chin high to show her determination. “I better go claim it then.”
Jake mirrored her grin, winking just as the volunteer was calling her name. “We’ll be cheering when you do, babe. Go show them who’s the Queen.” Giving one last kiss of support, Jake says goodbye to his wife, “I love you.”
“I love you,” she returns and he watches her leave before heading to the area where the others were waiting for him.
“How is she?” Javy asks him, adjusting the lapels of his coat. It was a cold but beautiful day in Italy. Perfect for snowboarding.
“I can tell she’s worried,” Jake takes out his binoculars, setting up to see Y/n take her place. “But she’ll pull through. She always does.”
“Welcome back to our coverage of the women’s halfpipe final here in Livigno, Italy. Y/n L/n, the defending two-time gold medalist is about to take her final run in this competition.” The title card appeared on the screen for viewers watching at home, reading: “Y/n L/n-Seresin—Gold Medalist: 2018 & 2022, Silver Medalist: 2014–Hometown: Aspen, Colorado, USA.
“It’s been a rocky day for L/n—failing to produce a big score on her first two attempts: 39.00 in the first and 49.00. She’s got one more chance to beat the 92.25 and is currently in last position. If you can think back to 2018 Shaun White was in the same position, managing to come back in his final run to take the gold. In just a few moments we shall see if Y/n can do the same.”
It’s said that your heart beats on average 60 to 100 beats per minute. That’s a normal heart rate. Throw in emotions such as anxiety and you’ll find it increasing. If a doctor were to place a stethoscope over Y/n’s chest as she secured the clasps of her snowboard, pulling the goggles over her eyes, they’d find the number of her bpm to be at least 110 maybe even 120.
“Don’t think,” Jake’s voice echoed in her head, bringing a sense of calmness. “Just do.”
“Don’t think,” she repeated under her breath. “Just do.” Maneuvering her board once she was giving the go, Y/n starts her decline into the halfpipe, dropping in one last time. Unlike her previous runs where she focused too hard that led to the mistakes, Y/n moved effortlessly like the board was in control. Back-to-back 1080s, her signature move. Getting high in the air she spun. Backside 900 and frontside 700. Opening at the right moment to hit the snow correctly and set up for the next trick. Showing off her talent as one of the greatest athletes of her generation.
Thinking back to her first time her feet touched a board, Y/n felt the nostalgia in her veins. It was comforting, masking the nerves it soon replaced. She was in her element. Picturing the mountains of Aspen and the snow she grew up on.
She could hear the crowd getting louder with each move. It fueled her, pushing the Olympian to get higher in the air, spin faster, and land perfectly. When she came down on her 1260, a difficult move usually seen in the men’s competition, Y/n felt her heart stop as she hit the snow.
It was a golden finish.
A roar ignited from the crowd, Y/n’s hands flying to her mouth, making her final descent down the pipe across the line and falling to her knees like she did back in 2018. It was so loud she could barely hear her own thoughts, audibly shouting, “Oh my God!” Desperately searching for her husband, she found Jake jumping up and down with the squad, screaming like their lives depended on it.
Tears rolled down her cheeks, Y/n throwing off her goggles and unclamping her board from her feet to run towards them. The fucking aviator broke the rules and hauled is ass over the barrier to meet her in the middle, catching Y/n when she jumped into his arms. “You fucking did it!!! You did it!!”
Suddenly their little hug was interrupted by her coach, parents, the squad and members of Team USA joining in. The score hadn’t even come in, but it didn’t matter. Y/n just pulled the comeback of the decade. Going from the bottom to the top in the blink of the eye.
“All eyes on Y/n—here she goes dropping in. Good start on the grip to gain momentum as she sets up her first trick. Here’s her signature move as we’ve seen time and time again…two 1080s often called ‘the cork’ and she’s had trouble all day with this—well no problems right there that was beautiful. Now with the backside 900….looking good—if she maintains this then the gold medal is hers. It’s gonna be that last trick, the McTwist, that could make or break this run…..no problems on that frontside 700. All there’s left is the 1260–very difficult we don’t see it in women’s halfpipe but Y/n is determined to land it—can she do it for the gold medal…..AND SHE’S GOT IT!! She landed it—oh my goodness that was incredible! That’s gotta be enough—there’s no doubt in my mind, Y/n L/n has just won her third consecutive gold in the women’s halfpipe after being in last place for two rotations—putting on a show stopping performance in the final run.”
“She knows it too. Members of Team USA and Y/n’s support team including her coach and husband are celebrating with her. She needs higher than a 92.25 to take the lead—will it be enough? It has to be…..A 99.75 SHE’S DONE IT! A QUARTER OF A POINT AWAY FROM PERFECTION, Y/N L/N HAS WON HER THIRD GOLD MEDAL IN THE WOMEN’S HALFPIPE HERE IN ITALY. THE QUEEN OF THE HALFPIPE REMAINS ON THE THRONE.”
Y/n’s lifted onto Jake’s shoulders when the score comes into the uproar of cheers around her. American flags wave in her face, a sea of red, white, and blue against the glistening snow. It was a scene she would remember in the years to come following her retirement from snowboarding.
The Olympic Rings staring back at her along with the American Flag rising to the sound of the national anthem. Gold around her neck, the heaviness leaving a lasting mark as it would be the last time she would be crowned the Olympic champion. Jake clapping with tears streaming down his face as she waved to him in the crowd. Her parents crying with him, the guys and Nat are whistling and jumping up and down. Pete in a side embrace with her coach and former teammates beaming like they were witnessing history.
In fact it was history. Y/n became the first woman to win the gold in three consecutive Olympic Games. From a little girl with a love of snowboarding who missed out in her first trials. To become a silver medalist and most decorated Winter X Games title holder. To a three-time Olympic champion.
She truly was the queen of the halfpipe.
TGM tag list: @avaleineandafryingpan @caitsymichelle13 @poppyalice2001 @cutelittlepotatofry @luckyladycreator2 @americaarse @elenavampire21 @back-tooo-black
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duckprintspress · 1 year
Announcing: The Contributors to Our Next Anthology, Aether Beyond the Binary
Duck Prints Press’s next anthology, slated for crowdfunding during the fall of 2023, is Aether Beyond the Binary. This innovative and unique collection includes 20 stories featuring characters outside the binary exploring modern-ish Earth aetherpunk settings where the technology is fueled by magical aether. Stories range from fluffy to dark (but we guarantee happy endings!), in settings where aether was just discovered and those where it’s been known about for centuries. 
What is aetherpunk? Imagine a world where there’s technology not unlike what we have in the modern world, except that instead of that technology operating using the principals that we, now, would call “science,” that technology operates using magic! That’s aetherpunk—the awesome union of technology and complex magical systems in magic-suffused worlds to produce unique settings that resemble modern-day Earth but are also very, very different. With aetherpunk stories, the impossible becomes possible, and new solutions to the world’s problems become available!
We’ve been hard at work on this anthology since February, and currently the stories are being edited to polish them up. 
For this collection, we recruited 20 authors – 9 who’ve written for Duck Prints Press before and 11 who haven’t. We’re thrilled to have some folks returning from our earliest anthology Add Magic to Taste, and we also have some work-with-the-Press-but-this-is-their-first-anthology contributors. It’s a really wonderful group of people, and getting to know them all has been a lovely part of working on this collection. And – the stories are g.r.e.a.t. You’re not gonna want to miss this one.
And now for the fun part…
boneturtle (they/them) comes from the other side of the portal and is still looking for their home in this world. in the meantime they write softhearted villains and dangerous heroes making breakfast, saving the world, falling in love, and everything in between. boneturtle is not, contrary to previous assertions, an archelon. 
Links: Personal Website | Archive of Our Own | Tumblr
Ellen Faye
Ellen has been a dreamer and designer of worlds all her life. She has been involved in many fandom environments over the years but most recently jumped with two feet into Supernatural, and never surfaced. She has shared many stories online (as Ellenofoz), but she’s grateful to be able to take the leap into published works with the Aether Beyond the Binary anthology. 
Ellen lives in Brisbane, Australia, and spends her days writing code. By night, she reads and writes stories, watches shows, and plays games involving magic, science, historical adventures or romance—sometimes all at the same time. She co-hosts a podcast about Supernatural fanfiction, but can also be found enjoying Star Wars, Marvel, Doctor Who and other assorted fandoms.
Links: Archive of Our Own | Twitter
Scarlett Gale
Scarlett Gale is the author of His Secret Illuminations and His Sacred Incantations. Long ago, under another name, she was the co-author of Needles and Artifice (Cooperative Press; 2012), featuring a rollicking romantic steampunk adventure novella and associated knitting patterns, of which she also designed several. She writes and produces fringe theatre plays based on B-movies, such as Bodacious Barbarian Babes vs. The Indigo Empress and Showgirls of Beast Island. She is a co-producer of the Alison-Bechdel-approved Bechdel Test Burlesque, which in 2017 was included in the Women and Gender Studies curriculum at the University of Oregon. She lives in Seattle with her wife where she gardens, knits, reads, and drinks warm beverages. Unsurprisingly, she also has cats. 
Link: Personal Website | Tumblr | Twitter
Rhosyn Goodfellow
Rhosyn Goodfellow is an author of queer romance and speculative fiction living with her spouse and two dogs in the Pacific Northwest, where she is sad to report that she has not yet mysteriously disappeared or encountered any cryptids. Her hobbies include spoiling the aforementioned dogs, drinking inadvisable amounts of coffee, and running unreasonably long distances very slowly. She’s secretly just a collection of loosely-related stories dressed up in a meat suit. 
Links: Personal Website | Instagram | Mastodon | Tumblr | Twitter
Catherine E. Green
Catherine E. Green (pronouns: xe/xem/xyr or they/them/their) is an agender person, one who’s had an on-again, off-again love affair with writing. Xe began writing when xe was a wee thing, when xyr other major pastimes were playing xyr mother’s NES and roughhousing with the boys next door. It’s only in the past few years that they have begun writing consistently and publishing their writing, fanfiction and original writing alike, leading to their first published short story titled “Of Loops and Weaves.” 
Outside of writing, xe is a collector of books and sleep debt and an avid admirer of the cosmos. Playing video games, reading a variety of fiction genres (primarily fantasy, queer romance, and manga and graphic novels of all kinds), and working on wrangling their own personal data archiving projects occupy most of their free time. Xe has also started meeting up with a local fiber arts group and is excited to be crocheting xyr first scarf.
Elior Haley
Elior has spent much of the past few years primarily writing for fanfic exchanges. Currently, he’s in the process of slowly working his way through university. When not writing or studying, he can be found binding books, drawing, ice skating, and—very occasionally—playing the violin. His story in Aether Beyond the Binary is his first published work.
Zel Howland
Zel (they/she) is a writer and artist currently living in Los Angeles with their partner. When not writing, they spend their time painting, embroidering, analyzing literature and tv shows, and playing Dungeons & Dragons. They are the author of many a fanfiction, as well as the novel The Shadow of Ophelia Walker.
Links: Archive of Our Own | Tumblr
Full-time fandom cryptid, Furby enthusiast, and the human embodiment of that one gif of Elmo on fire, ilgaksu was born and raised in an undisclosed location, living in several others, and now currently residing in [REDACTED]. Their interests include collecting haunted toys, using their artistic practice as an excuse to forget to do their laundry, and playing with fictional men like Bratz dolls. They have not unclenched their jaw yet today, but they do remember to drink lots of water.
Bettina Juszak
Originally from Germany, Bettina has (so far) spent time in the US, the UK, and Canada. She is particularly interested in exploring questions of music and language in imaginary worlds, aided by degrees in linguistics and literature. When not writing, she loses herself in hobbies such as archery, cross-stitch, attempting to learn yet another language, and complaining about the amount of space her book and notebook collection takes up. Her first published work appeared in the Upon a Twice Time anthology published by Air and Nothingness Press, and she is working on a second original novel – despite the first one not having seen the light of day yet.
Nicola Kapron
Nicola Kapron has previously been published by Neo-opsis Science Fiction Magazine, Rebel Mountain Press, Soteira Press, All Worlds Wayfarer, Mannison Press, and more. Nicola lives in British Columbia with a hoard of books—mostly fantasy and horror—and an extremely fluffy cat.
Links: Personal Website
Kelas Lloyd
Kelas is a disabled, trans, bi author and artist currently (unfortunately) living in Texas. They graduated from the University of Central Florida with an English degree and love cats, tea, and all things speculative fiction. A lot of their writing features magic or disability or both, and they’re often found in Star Trek, Mass Effect, Babylon 5, and Untamed spaces. You can also find them in a lot of bead and resin spaces, because they love making sparkly jewelry of all sorts. 
Previously published pieces include an article on disability in The Last Of Us, short stories in two publications by Shacklebound Books, a pair of poems about being trans, an essay on disabled life, and a whole bunch of pieces about San Diego Comic-con. They’re single, an Ernie looking for their Bert, but they have a found family that stretches around the globe and some of their birth family accepts them for who they are. 
You can find out more about them at kelaslloyd.com.
Links: Personal Website | Archive of Our Own | Twitter
Lyonel Loy
Lifelong maladaptive daydreamer, finally working up the courage to write those daydreams down. Spends time cosplaying as a Responsible Adult With A Job.
Mikki Madison
Mikki Madison has been writing stories since she was seven years old. While she is most prolific in fanfiction and has works scattered among more than a dozen fandoms, she has been making strides into original fiction. Her favorite genres to read are romance, fantasy, and cozy mysteries.
When she isn’t reading, writing, or falling headfirst into a new fandom, she can be found baking, doing puzzles, walking her foster dog, doting on her niblings, or playing Pokemon Go. She has also written under the name M.K. Mads.
Link: Tumblr
Sebastian Marie
Sebastian Marie (he/him) is an engineering student with a lot of opinions about dragons, pirates, and sword fighting. Track him down on Ao3 or Tumblr and he’ll share these opinions gladly, just be prepared for music and some excited shouting. His original works often combine fantasy and dystopia into what he calls “queer fantasy hopepunk,” something that will be explored in his future novels. He loves to write conflicting traditional and non-traditional family dynamics, especially where they intersect with queer relationships. And if he can throw werewolves and brujas into the mix? So much the better. When not writing, frantically studying, or reading, he can be found singing loudly, sewing impractical coats, and going on long rambling walks while plotting stories (and occasionally falling into rivers). 
Also, he’s also the guitarist and one of the lyricists of folk punk band Here Be Dragons, who hope to have their debut EP out near the end of Fall, 2023. 
This is his third time writing for Duck Prints Press, having previously contributed to Aim For the Heart and She Wears the Midnight Crown. This brings his grand total of published works up to three! He’s looking forward to more, as soon as he gets some sleep. 
Links: Archive of Our Own | Tumblr
Alec J. Marsh
Alec lives in the Pacific Northwest, where they write romantic adult fantasy and self-indulgent fanfiction. They make candles inspired by their favorite characters.
Links: Etsy | Instagram | Twitter
Flore Picard
I’m a linguist and translator who lives in France and I have been itching to write since I learned how to. I started writing (fan)fiction more regularly when I was procrastinating on my PhD dissertation, and I haven’t looked back since. I’m also an artist who loves drawing both fanart and original art, and I have a passion for patterns and systems, for the beauty at the edge of chaos and the complexity of being human. I tend to write about queer and disabled characters finding themselves and each other and learning to take up space in the world.
Link: Instagram | Twitter
S. J. Ralston
S. J. grew up in a distinctly weird, distinctly southern hometown, then hied out West for grad school before landing in Texas, where they currently work as a planetary scientist. They’ve been writing original works and fanfiction since they could hold a pencil semi-correctly, and continue to write both whenever possible (as well as still holding a pencil only semi-correctly). In their clearly copious spare time, S. J. enjoys hiking, tabletop RPGs, jigsaw puzzles, and enthusiastically crappy sci-fi. 
Link: Personal Website
Em Rowntree
Em Rowntree’s first foray into the world of writing was with a story called The Magic Land that featured a unicorn and a flying carpet the size of a country, and they’ve been chasing that high ever since. They’ve been sharing their writing online for almost seven years, and have had poems and short stories published in anthologies. They live in the UK.
Links: Twitter
Terra P. Waters
Terra is a scientist by day who lives in the Pacific Northwest with her family. She has been writing fiction as long as she can remember, and has always told her partner of 17 years that if she wasn’t a scientist, she would be an author. During grad school, she discovered fanfiction and immediately began writing her own. After many years and several fandoms (including Teen Wolf, Hawaii Five-0, and Stranger Things), she returned to writing original fiction. To date, she has self-published two novellas in a 90s-nostalgia polyamory comedy series and has drafted two YA/NA sci-fi novels. When not doing science or writing, you can find Terra indulging her yarn addiction and knitting. 
Links: Archive of Our Own | Tumblr | Twitter
Cecil Wilde
Tea enjoyer, knitter, dead language enthusiast, self-warming cat bed and future eccentric lit professor Cecil Wilde has also written and published, in various forms and guises, nearly 3 million words to date. They do not plan to stop until Death intervenes, should it dare. 
Links: Instagram | Tumblr | Twitter
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Sex Tape
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Pairings: Johnny Depp x Reader
Request: “ If you take requests, would you consider doing johnny reaction to like theirs sex tape getting leaked? Reader may also be a celebrity or not. Whatever you prefer “ - @fanficshitandother 
Warnings: Mentions of sex but no actual smut
Word Count: 1800
A/N: Sorry this one is so short. I was having a harder time writing it than I thought I would. I hope you enjoy!
You knew this was a bad idea when he suggested it but no. He just had to have this video “for when he was away filming.” It always ended like this, though, right? It always started out as fun and games until bam! Celebrity sex tape leaked! 
The gossip talk show video that your best friend had sent you was still playing on your phone and you watched in silent horror as the red haired woman talked about your sex life to her male counterpart as if she had any actual right to have an opinion. In the top corner was a picture of you and Johnny at the red carpet for the premier of the Crimes of Grindelwald, his arm around your waist and both of you smiling for the paparazzi pictures. “Okay, guys. You are going to want to hear this,” She started, clasping her absurdly long acrylic-clad fingers together and holding onto her knees, “So there has been yet another sex tape leaked and I want you to guess who’s it is.” She looked over to her co-host. He had a push broom mustache that was bleached blonde to match his hair. 
The man hummed before waving his hand, which also donned long yellow acrylics, “I swear, Laurel, if this is another Kardashian or Paris Hilton tape, I’m gonna scream. That’s such old news.” 
“Actually, it’s someone that I certainly didn’t expect. Johnny Depp and his wife, Y/N L/N.” She dropped the news and the co-star’s mouth dropped. 
“Are you serious? Like Jack Sparrow, Sweeney Todd, Willy Wonka, Johnny Depp?” He asked in total shock, “I didn’t expect that either! But you know what? I feel like he’d be really good in bed.” 
He and Laurel both laughed, “You’re so bad!” She squealed, hitting him with the paper notes in her hand, “But, between you and me,” She leaned in, as if she was telling an actual secret that wasn’t being broadcast on the internet, “I did see it.” 
“It was pretty hot, I can’t lie. That Y/N is a very lucky girl indeed.” The pair giggled like a pair of school girls. 
You were absolutely mortified. How did this happen? How many people had seen it? Who had seen it? Oh God… all you could imagine was your family stumbling across the video or, debatably worse, Johnny’s kids. This had to be one of the worst moments of your life. 
You turned off the video and quickly dialed your husband. “Hello, love.” He greeted cheerily on the other end. The faint sound of cars passing in the background told you he was probably driving home from the meeting he had been at. 
“Did you see it? Did you hear it?” You asked frantically. 
“What?” He asked, confused.
“The video! The video got leaked!” You ran your fingers through your hair messily, sliding down the wall to sit on the floor. 
“What video?” He questioned, not sounding like he fully understood what had happened, but then you could almost feel the weight of realization falling on him, “Wait, our video?” 
“Yes! Our video!” You were yelling at this point, not at him but at the situation and thankfully he understood that. 
“Okay, okay. We’ll- Hang on my manager is calling. Probably to tell me about it. I’ll be home in five minutes. I love you.” He signed off your call quickly before hanging up without giving you the chance to respond. 
While you waited for him to get there, you spiraled down the rabbit hole that was the tabloids and social media. Your phone buzzed off the charts as everyone from your sister to Helena Bonham Carter called you to ask if you were okay. Of course, you weren’t. But it was one phone call from a former college roommate, Sheila, had really gotten your blood boiling. 
“It’s okay! If anything, this is just going to make you more famous! Look at all the other celebs who’ve had their sex tapes leaked. They’re like, super famous.” Sheila sounded more excited than she should have, which certainly made you question her motives behind calling you in the first place. Since marrying Johnny, you’d had the unfortunate displeasure of having to cut a few people off from your past who had randomly called you up after years of little to no contact, asking more favors in the movie industry, money, or even just for the clout of saying they knew you. There really was such a downside to this whole marrying famous person thing that nobody ever really talked about - not that you would take it back, though, of course. You loved Johnny more than anything. 
Still, when the words left her mouth, you felt a flash of anger swell up, “Contrary to what a lot of people might believe, being famous actually kind of sucks,” You spat angrily, “And call me crazy, but I don’t exactly feel thrilled at knowing the whole world as access to a video of my naked ass!” 
“At least it’s a good naked ass, though! Your boobs are looking pretty good too. Did you get them done?” She asked bluntly, still not a care to be heard in her voice. You swore you could almost detect a fake valley girl accent too. 
Your mouth dropped open in disbelief at the words coming from her voice, “I can’t believe you.” Without giving her a chance to respond, you clicked the off button before flipping her off through the screen, though you knew she couldn’t see it. The audacity of some people. 
The front door swung open, drawing your attention as Johnny hurried into the house, setting his bag down by the front door. “How bad is it?” You asked, knowing his manager must have told him the full extent. 
“Do you want the truth?” Johnny saw as panic and humiliation swept across your face, knowing that perhaps that wasn’t the best way to break it to you that it was pretty bad. He stepped forward and wrapped you in his arms, “I told Harrison to take ‘em down. Whenever he found one, he said he’d get it deleted. 
You sighed defeatedly, “That doesn’t stop the fact that a bunch of people already saw it.” Your arms wrapped around Johnny’s torso and you allowed your head to fall against his chest, trying to calm yourself with his scent- exotic spicy cologne and old books. 
His large hand came to stroke through your hair, “That is true,” He conceded with a heavy breath, “But, it also means that fewer and fewer people will continue to see it.” There was a pause in which neither of you said anything, only took a few minutes to hold onto each other while you thought about the future now, “Y’know, I can’t help but feel like this is partly my fault. I shouldn’t have asked to make the video. I’m sorry, Y/N.” 
You shook your head in disagreement, “I agreed to do it too. It’s on both of us. In retrospect, we should have put it on an actual VHS tape or something that would be more difficult to get into the tabloid’s hands.” 
You were tired of this - of this constant running from the vultures that prayed off your every misstep just to turn them against you and create headlining stories. You felt like you couldn’t even breathe without a scandal unless the media allowed it. You were just grateful that you happened to marry one of the most private actors in Hollywood, knowing that whatever pressure you felt, more public figures like Angelina Jolie had it much worse. Still, something inside you stirred, a decision that you’d stop living in fear. 
Johnny pulled back and gave you that infamous cocked eyebrow look of wonder, one that you’d mostly seen him use as Jack Sparrow. Little did everyone know, it was a gesture he’d picked up on doing in real life as well. “Do we even have a VHS player anymore?” 
You chuckled and buried your head back into his white shirt, “I don’t even know. I feel like there must be one laying around somewhere. And if not, I’ll go down to a pawn shop and pick one up just for you to use while filming.” 
“What do you mean?” 
“I mean,” You leaned back, pulling on his shirt to bring him down closer to your level, “That if we’re going to be making you another one of these videos, it’s gonna be on something that stays only between us.” 
Your husband nearly choked on air, “Another one? After what just happened?” 
“Only if you want to and only if it stays on something physical like a CD or VHS that we can mutually agree to burn and destroy if anything happens.” You giggled and Johnny joined in with a low chuckle as well, “But… the video was leaked. We knew that was a risk when we made it. But, y’know what? I’m tired of living in fear of the paparazzi and public. They’ve already seen us fuck. There’s not much else we’ve got to lose.” 
His dark eyes flashed with mischief before he took off in a light jog down the hall without a word. You followed him, “Where are you going?” You giggled, turning the corner to find him digging through your little Harry Potter closet under the stairs. 
When he stood up, he shook his long hair out of his eyes messily and held up an old tape recorder that had to be at least twenty years old. Johnny swayed towards you, jokingly flirtatious as he spoke, “Well, Mrs. Depp, it would seem that you’re in luck because your husband likes to hoard old shit.” 
The grey and black machine seemed to stare at you and some hesitation set in again but then you remembered what you’d said: I’m tired of living in fear… there’s not much else we’ve got to lose. 
Johnny flicked open the side compartment and his eyes opened in surprise to find a tape still in there. He lifted it from the slide and looked it over, shocked to see that it appeared to be an unused blank tape, “Well, well, looks like we’re in luck.” 
Biting your lip, you looked up at him with those eyes before grabbing his hand and running upstairs to your bedroom, dragging him along. “The world thinks they’ve seen us fuck. They only got a preview.” 
“Only a preview? I thought we went pretty hard last time?” He countered with a low challenging laugh.
You turned around at the top of the stairs, one hand on the banister as you turned to face him. His body collided with yours, his hand reaching around the small of your back to steady the two of you and you arched your body into his, being sure to brush your body against his groin, “Oh, Johnny… we’re both throwing our backs out tonight.” 
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jade-marie · 3 years
Post 4.08 Thoughts
I haven't felt this good after watching an episode since S3 tbh. Vindication is mine and it is fucking sweet. This episode literally confirms what I've been ranting on about for like a year, so I'm not particularly angry. Nothing that happened was new, it's the same game they've been playing since 2.13.
Occam's Razor
A principle from philosophy. Suppose an event has two possible explanations. The explanation that requires the fewest assumptions is usually correct. Another way of saying it is that the more assumptions you have to make, the more unlikely an explanation.
Annie spelt it out for you lmao. Stop looking so hard for subtext to match the narrative you want to be true. Stop looking for outfits and parallels and song lyrics to change the meaning of what's happening on the screen. Look at Beth's face. Listen to the dialogue. They are telling you what they're trying to get across. People commend Christina's acting ability and her expressive face - well all season her face has flitted between uncomfortable, disgusted and scared whenever she's around Rio because that's how he makes her feel. Disgusted, uncomfortable and scared. That is where we're at now and it sucks, but it's the reality of what these asshole writers decided to do.
Rio's Arrest and the Whole Investigation
Literally, why do they want Rio more than Beth??? What is the justification for letting her get off scotfree? This isn't the FBI who've been trying to nail him for ages. He's a new person of interest for the Secret Service and they only know about him because of Beth. But realistically, how is he the bigger collar for them? They have a 3 woman counterfeiting operation dead to rights. What exactly do they think they're gonna get from Rio? Beth didn't even know he had a boss before and she knew nothing about his operation, so why are they so willing to let her get away with everything?
The arrest scene was beyond a joke. He's in handcuffs and multiple officers slam him down on a picnic bench for no fuckin reason and Beth has zero reaction. Entirely unsurprised, because like I keep saying, SHE DOESN'T CARE ABOUT HIM. The fact that Phoebe and Dave were shocked he was released and the DA wasn't pursuing charges shows that they know nothing about him, so again, WHY DO THEY WANT HIM MORE THAN BETH????
Rio Threatening Beth's Family
Ok so I definitely think that was incredibly OOC, and before the "Rio's a bad guy" bandits come at me, I AM WELL AWARE OF WHO AND WHAT HE IS. Being a 'bad guy' doesn't mean he hurts kids or random innocent people for leverage. That's never been his MO. Back in S1, it would've made more sense. He was trying to scare Beth in a very real way but she never had any concerns that he would hurt her kids. Now, I don't necessarily think he meant he would kill her kids when he threatened her family. He probably meant Dean, Annie, and maybe even Ruby. However, the fact that Beth immediately thought he was talking about harming her kids is fucking telling. She has never been afraid he would hurt them, not even in s1 when she knew nothing about him. Not even post 2.13.
Once again, this is part of a pattern of consistent writing choices they've been making with Rio's character and the way Beth views him. We had the fake pregnancy storyline, where the implication was that Beth needed him to believe it was his baby because if not, she thought he was capable of killing a pregnant woman. Now she thinks he would actually harm her children. Because she sees him as a psychopathic serial killer who only cares about money. She doesn't have feelings for him, she likes fucking him.
But aside from that, they've been consistently positioning Rio as a true threat to Beth, her safety, and that of her family. They've been giving her justification for when, I predict, she eventually kills him or gets him sent to prison.
Beth's Choice
I mean.... I did say this last week. She never chose him. She never will choose him. So stop acting so surprised. This is literally Beth doing what she's always done and Rio being turned into the idiot who trusts her and falls for it.
Last episode ended with Rio telling her she had a choice to make, the whole of this episode was her making that choice and the final scene was Rio confirming that she didn't choose him. Occam's razor. It's not complex. The song lyrics and outfit choices don't change that.
Rio's Backstory
Again, I said it would be bullshit and look - it was bullshit. So it's now canon confirmed that Rio is as dumb as a pile of rocks and his brother cousin has been manipulating him basically his whole life. He's not the smart kingpin we thought he was, he's a puppet who's been taking the fall for Nick for the last 20+ years for no goddamn reason.
So many question marks about the whole thing. Like i always figured his boss was a politician, so that's fine. But how the shit does Rio go from petty theft at a country club to running a protection racket and killing innocent shop girls? Like he goes to jail for 6 months and gets a tattoo? Murder Birdy on his neck possessed him and the sweet lil grandbaby who was stealing to buy his grandma a new stove has left the building? Why would he even continue working with Nick? Why was he risking his whole future by stealing anyway? Gonna do a separate post on the flashbacks because this is getting mad long but it was so dumb.
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shootmetwice25 · 3 years
Hello everyone, it’s been a while since I’ve written anything so I feel like I should update y’all on what I’ve been doing.
Since school started, I’ve had a really hard time finding motivation to write (other then the Nayeon and Sana shorts because the BFH hit too hard). Like I’ve said before, I’m not good at writing so it takes me a really long time to write and I don’t have as much time as I did during the summer. The free time that I do have I’ve been watching sports, playing video games, or just chilling. I’m not gonna lie, writing hasn’t really crossed my mind.
I was working on a Tzuyu oneshot but now it’s just sitting in the drafts. I just can’t get enough motivation to finish it. I have the plot for 5 more Daddy’s Girl chapters planned out but reading back the chapters I do have out, they’re bad. That anon from a while back got me thinking. He’s not entirely wrong. Everything I’ve written is just not that good. It’s all unoriginal. There’s nothing that stands out about any of my works.
I don’t know if I’m gonna write again. Maybe during my winter break or after the school year. I don’t know. Nothing is set in stone. I’m sorry to the people who’ve been waiting for my works.
I’m not gonna leave tumblr. I’ll still answer asks and simp over the Twice girls with you guys. Maybe one day I’ll post another work. Who knows? Thank you to everyone who’s read my works, left notes, or asked me something. Seriously, you guys make me feel special and thank you to all the writers who welcomed me into the community with open arms.
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felassan · 3 years
Article: ‘Mass Effect & Dragon Age’s cast members on how BioWare builds dynamics’
I spoke to several figures from BioWare juggernauts Dragon Age and Mass Effect, to get a clearer idea of how those iconic team dynamics we associate with the two titles were created. [interviews]
This article is a really neat read. :) Contains character insights, behind-the-scenes info and some reflections on representation.
Some excerpts under the cut due to length:
A huge theme of these interviews, naturally, was BioWare themselves. As well as general praise for the support, the working environment, and the success of the finished product, many singled out individual directors by name, and credited BioWare’s focused approach with getting the best out of them. Hale even claimed they were “the unsung heroes,” that underpinned the whole Mass Effect trilogy. [...]
“Usually there’s almost always a BioWare writer on the line with us, usually up in Canada, when we’re recording. So you’ll have the director, me and one or two BioWare head honchos up there supervising. That’s the way that’s the way it worked on Inquisition too. There’s a really collaborative vibe.” [...]
This consistency across the recording process is likely why the calibre of performance is so high across both trilogies. “The team of writers of BioWare are extraordinary,” Nick Boulton [Male Hawke] says. “So they keep you on track pretty well. The key was having Caroline Livingston, who was directing most of it – all of it, in fact. She would be there to give context notes, and also keep me on the straight and narrow, as far as characterization went. So we were led through very well by the BioWare team.” [...]
Insight on Jack:
Courtenay Taylor describes Jack as being “a very comfortable pair of old stinky sneakers to step into,” and explains that her connection to Jack’s story was a core way she was able to bring it to life. “[Jack has] a pretty familiar psychology that I had. She was very reminiscent of how I was, to some degree, in high school. She’s putting up a barrier to get people to prove themselves, so you have to run the gauntlet in order to get the good stuff. When you’ve been abused as badly as she has, then psychologically one of the tracks you can take is ‘I will not allow myself to be vulnerable’. And that really resonated with me.”
Taylor also says that this guard Jack puts up meant that, ironically, many of the players found it easier to connect with her. “I got really great feedback from a lot of people about struggles that they had had in their personal lives,” she says.
“I think [Jack’s change between Mass Effect 2 & 3] is a smaller story, but it’s a big story for a lot of people. I have a lot of friends who had addiction problems. And quite a few of my friends give back by going back to the community that they’ve come out of, and finding people that need help. At its core, that’s a big, important through line for Jack – every one of us is worthy of love. And it doesn’t matter how difficult you are or how troubled you are or what has happened to you or what someone has done to you. You are worthy of loving and being loved.” [...]
Taylor also saw something personal in her own performance, especially since there weren’t a lot of women like Jack in popular media when Mass Effect 2 launched. “There was a huge amount of love for her because gender/appearance wise, she is something that I felt at that time had not been explored. And I know that some of the things were cut, but in what we originally recorded [Jack was pansexual], and in 2008 or 2009, there weren’t a tonne of conversations about being pansexual,” she says.
“She was a counterpoint to a lot of the other female characters. She was sort of the far end of the spectrum. You’ve got Miranda who’s beautiful and pulled together, but that only serves a certain population. And there are a lot of people that identify as women who could relate to having these feelings and these emotions – she’s not gender specific. To me, she’s angry. And I don’t know that there had been, at that time, a female character who was so not typically female, who was capable of such a range of emotions. She ended up being the permission to a whole group of people who don’t identify with that kind of woman. Because in entertainment, where did that bald girl with a flat chest who was pansexual go? Where do you fit in? And that really resonated with me. If you don’t relate to Miranda, Jack can be a really nice option.”
Insight on Josie:
It’s a sentiment echoed by Allegra Clark, who used a major tragedy in her own life as motivation for the siege of Haven in Dragon Age: Inquisition. “I think the first time you really start to get to know [Josephine] as a person is when she talks about Haven after the attack. That conversation she has about the first people to jump in and protect people being the workers, and how she’s just watching everything be destroyed. I was actually thinking about 9/11, as a New Yorker. So that was a very personal moment for me. But it was those little moments where she starts to open up and blossom that you get to see her as a person.” [...]
For Clark though, those boundaries were much more personal. “When I was told I had booked Josephine, I was just like, ‘I’m a companion in a BioWare game, and a romanceable companion at that’,” Clark says. “I recognised going in that people were going to connect really hard to this character. People are going to have entire playthroughs that are based around romancing Josephine. She helped me explore my own bisexuality, and that is always the thing that that warms my heart the most when people come to me about my LGBTQ+ characters, and say ‘they helped me understand parts of my own identity’. I actually wasn’t out of the closet publicly, or even to parts of my family when I started recording Inquisition. So it was interesting, getting to tell essentially part of my story as well. Before even being able to say to the world ‘hi, I’m bi’ – though all the signs were there. I was in a relationship with another woman at the time. It’s like ‘oh my God, they were roommates!”
While all were full of praise for BioWare’s writing and working environment, the love of actually playing the game was exclusive to Clark. Most others admitted they had never played at all; Curry confessed he had no idea if Zevran was even alive [as he hasn’t played]
Sam Traynor:
“I think Traynor was revolutionary in what she was doing at the time,” Wilton Regan says. “What was so different about Traynor was she wasn’t romanceable for either gender, you had to be playing as FemShep to choose a lesbian love option . And that was so brave of them to do at the time. But it brought us leaps and bounds forwards, because having that inclusivity then makes it just easier for the next game, and for the game today. And now it’s a standard – you should be representative of all sexualities if there are romance options in your games, and increasingly major games pretty much always have some sort of gay, bisexual, lesbian or heterosexual choice. It might not be as fluid as all of the spectrum of sexual choices, but you’ve got a strong variety in comparison to where it was 20 years ago, for example.”
Sam Traynor and Josie:
Part of representing groups that don’t often get representation in video games is that your character gets to become a role model, and that’s something Wilton Regan and Taylor have particularly fond experiences of. “It’s quite flattering and quite lovely to think about,” Wilton Regan says. “I’ve had a lot of lesbians who are coming out of the closet or coming to terms with their sexuality, who’ve come up to me and said that playing FemShep and romancing Traynor was a really big part of that. And lots of bisexual women as well. There’s something just very beautiful about the idea that BioWare has put so much faith and trust in me over the years with these really pivotal roles, and these big, beautiful characters. I feel very humbled by that. Very, very humbled.”
Meanwhile, Taylor wasn’t even sure people would like Jack, so finding out how deeply people related to her was a huge surprise, and she suspects that’s because Mass Effect allows her to be angry without being written off as a stereotypical, hysterical woman. “People didn’t like her when the trailer came out, and I was like, ‘Oh God, everyone’s gonna hate her!” Taylor laughs. “I was really surprised to be at a convention and have someone come up and say, ‘Can I introduce you to my nieces? They’re six and eight, and they love you’. I’m glad they have a good female role model in Jack.”
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dokifluffs · 4 years
Not the End | Kuroo Tetsuro
Pairing: Kuroo x Reader (female)
Genre: heart warming fluff tehe
Author’s Note: Literally one of my most favorite things I have ever written so I really hope you guys like it too~!! 🥺🥰🥰time to embrace canon kuroo and make more fluff, even if it means breaking a 4th wall or 5th wall- dedicated to haikyuu, thank you for everything
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He knocked repeatedly on the door as clouds casted by in the sky, blocking out the sweltering summer sun
He wore a white oversized t-shirt with the periodic table on it and black jeans
“Where is she?” He thought to himself as he spammed your doorbell, hearing the chime echo inside yet there was no movement to be seen
He glanced at his watch seeing the time
He fortunately came early but if you didn’t come out now, the window of extra time would be shutting
He was growing just the tiniest bit antsy since he had been dreaming about this date for so long and now that it was summer and volleyball was over, he had the time
Tickets were hard to get for these museums he had planned and he had a whole day planned down to every hour
It was early in summer so it was perfect, not too scorching hot
He couldn’t wait anymore and pulled out your spare key from your flowerpot, putting it back neatly as if it was never touched
“Y/N?” He called, his strong voice echoing into what seemed like an empty house
He slipped out of his shoes and made his way upstairs, almost always finding you there if you never answered the door, his calls, or anything
Your bedroom was like your sanctum having all that you needed- an air con fan, tv, surround sound, and most importantly, your bed that you had all to yourself
approaching your bedroom, the door cracked open, he could hear the faintest sound of music playing 
“Oya?” He knocked on your bedroom door as he pushed it open, relieved to find you
But he didn’t know how to feel seeing you curled up wearing his stolen hoodie, still in bed when you knew about the time for today’s events
“Hey, what’s up? We have to get to the station-“ he paused when he saw you look up to him, uncurling your face from your pillow
Your eyes were red and cheeks tear stained, matching your pillow cover that you hugged
“K-Kuroo...” you sobbed, inching yourself in your little ball form toward him as he sat on the edge of your bed, the mattress dipping beneath his weight
“W-what is it?” He was surprised as you laid your head on his lap
His mind went frantic as he went through your messages in his head, trying to remember if it was a certain day he missed- it wasn’t anyone that he knew of’s birthday, not an anniversary date or anything
Why were you so heartbroken?
Your eyes glistened from the sunlight in the room as you teared up once again, little wet drops forming on his jeans
“R-remember that manga and anime I was watching?” You sniffled as you sat up, your pillow in your lap and your fingers playing with the hem of it. “The volleyball one?”
“Yeah, did a character die or something?” He tried to make light of the situation and it worked, just the slightest but your emotions were getting the best of you
“No, but the last chapter of the manga came out…” tears dripped off your chin as you swallowed a hardened lump in your throat, the words aching as you spoke
listening carefully, he could hear you were listening to a slowed down version of one of the opening themes- he only knew this because of how many times you would put on the themes while riding in the car
but this was the slowed down version, or as you called it the “moonlight version,” and it was setting the mood for you, making you more sad 
Kuroo remembered the day back in junior high/ end of grade school when you started following this manga about volleyball
“You need to stop listening to this, it’s just making you sadder,” he laughed awkwardly, pausing the song that was playing on loop. he knew this volleyball anime/manga meant the world to you, but not like this 
Your eyes lit up when you read or talked about it to him and he asked you why not play for the girls’ team but you settled on being the manager for Nekoma instead, wanting to cheer them on and also being with kuroo and kenma and all your other close friends on the team 
It made him feel like you loved the show and manga more than him sometimes and it kinda hurt since they were fictional characters and he was your boyfriend, a real life actual volleyball player
“All the characters got their story, they grew above and beyond, and the main character was finally able to make it to the world stage with his partner from the high school team and- “ your voice cracked as you spoke, the wound reopening, fresh in your chest as everything you read, everything you watched, all the glorious moments came rushing through your mind
Everything you fell in love with for the past eight years came rushing back and you loved it all so much, it made you so warm but it also hurt thinking about how there wouldn’t be any more to it
You wanted to curl into a hole and rewatch and reread everything as much as you could
No more chapters, most likely no more official arts- all you had left was the animated show that would be continuing and finishing in a couple months
“Kuroo, I don’t want it to end,” you sobbed, your hair falling, hiding your face
He didn’t miss how your knuckles turned white as you gripping your pillow, only able to imagine the heartache you were feeling
he knew very well how much this all meant to you, all the rants and extensive conversations you had with him, begging him to watch the show- especially because of a bed headed character that was just like him 
you reminded him so much of kenma- you talked, read, and watched everything about this story like kenma when he got a new game or was watching hinata play volleyball
You want to see more, hear more of the voice actors, the characters growing. You want to be beside all of them and see their story to the very end
All the antics between the characters that made you break into a smile or fits of giggles, all the cheers made for the different teams in your manga/anime- all were so addicting
“Hey, shhh,” he pulled you gently into his embrace, one hand holding the back of your head, the other rubbing down your back. “I know you don’t but all good things must come to an end, right?”  
He glanced at his watch just the slightest bit, seeing the time, relieved to know he still had enough
“Look on the bright side; you were able to read and watch it while it was still being made, you got to anticipate the next chapter and episode, seeing all the characters develop and become great people who’ve had such a great impact on your life.”
He pulled you back and wiped your tears away on your cheek
“This may be the end of the story, but it’s not the end for you; everything will live on inside of you, right?” He held your face in his hands, making sure his words got to you
“It won’t be the end of your life, or any of your favorite characters’. The story you were presented with came to an end but their lives are still going, just like yours.”
You buried yourself into his arms, muffling your cries into his neck as he chuckled, holding you
“Come on, get dressed and I’ll make sure all this sadness you’re feeling will go away. I’ll be the wind that’ll shift the storm cloud brewing above your head,” he stood up, still holding you and setting your feet on the ground
“I won’t let you be sad, not on my watch, chibi-chan,” he looked down to you with a smile as he pat your head. “Your body won’t even realize L-trytophan’s being converted into L-5OH-trytophan, converting serotonin by an aromatic L-amino acid decarboxylase.”
The gawk you had made him let out his hyena laugh, just hurting his pride ever so slightly that he had made one of the smoothest lines in love-history and you didn’t even swoon
“I’m gonna make happy chemical in your body make your heart go doki doki,” he put simply to which you nodded, breaking in to a laugh, calling him a nerd under your breath as you changed
But he was your nerd, and he was right 
No matter where you were in life, you got to have this special manga and story in your life and experience it first-hand whereas others were missing it
Everyone lives on, even if you can’t see them
Thank you, Furudate, for bringing Haikyuu into this world <3
~~~~~ Thanks for reading! Masterlist for more! Please do not repost anywhere else!
Tags (let me know if you wanna be tagged for all my haikyuu posts): @yams046  @mazey-chan  @sunboikyo00  @kara-grayson04​  @fortheloveofbakugo​ @tsumtsumsemi​ @osamuonigiri @sam-ate-giorno​​​ @1-800-wholesome​ @realityisoftendisapointing@plantisnotplant @k-eijiakaashi​ @pink-panda-pancakes​ @differentballooncollection​ @osamusamusamu@therainroguefanfiction​ @euphorihan
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ateezmakemeweep · 4 years
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word count: 5k
angst, fluff
your first week of bartending had been exciting. 
you liked the rush of the crowded bar and buzzing excitement, thinking that you’d be dealing with chipper regulars and funny drunken ramblings. but within the first week, you quickly realized that’s not at all what you were gonna be subjected to. 
the crowded bar would lead to orders being shouted and demanded left and right at you. the buzzing excitement was actually a mix of testosterone filled with fighting and the drunken squeals coming from dancing girls.
and the chipper regulars were more so in the form of obnoxious wannabe rockstars, who perform there every friday and saturday night and add on to your frustration. 
because after six months of dealing with jung wooyoung, you were just about ready to quit.
at first, like any living breathing human with eyes, you were immediately taken by the boy and his band members. they were attractive and alluring and you couldn’t help but watch their cocky smirks and confident walks as they took the stage. 
you remember wooyoung watching you the whole time he played his guitar and sang into the microphone, black hair hanging in his face as his lips kissed the mic before he pulled back with a smirk. 
you did your best to show your indifference, taking orders or cleaning the bar when, really, you couldn’t pull your eyes away. but then the second he approached you, it was over. because if the way he pranced over and visibly checked you out wasn’t enough, he really had the balls to ask if you wanted to meet him backstage. 
backstage meaning the back room, where you keep extra barrels of food and liquor and napkins. you couldn’t help the way your lip curled in disgust nor could you help the way you told him you would never do such a thing with a person like him.
“i don’t know, i saw those eyes, pretty,” he had said, his voice low but eyes teasing. “i think we’d have a lot of fun.”
“i think you should fuck off if you ever wanna perform here again.” 
and then he laughed in your face and ordered a round of shots, slipping you two twenty dollars bills after he took back his card. “i’ll see you next weekend then,” he said with a parting wink. 
and then he never looked your way again that night. it had become sort of a staple within these past months. 
you watch him on stage, he watches you back. he comes over when he’s done and sees if you’re gonna accept his backstage invite. and then when you decline, he smiles teasingly and leaves you with a wink. 
and perhaps the reason he never comes back over is because he’s usually getting shitfaced. downing shot after shot, sneaking in and out of the bathroom as he fiddles with his nose, leaning against one of the many girls you know he has wrapped around his finger before bringing them backstage. 
but you don’t care, why should you? you know everything’s just a game to him. that he’s careless and causes trouble and there’d be absolutely no way he’d want anything more than just a night with you.
and that’s something you’re not willing to give him, no matter how much you like watching him on stage. like watching his lips part on the mic as his hazy eyes look at you in a way that always gets your stomach fluttering.
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it had been especially packed tonight. you’d been taking orders and filling glasses since your shift started at 8:00 and it showed no signs of slowing down five hours later.
you hadn’t even been able to watch wooyoung perform but it was truthfully the least on your concerns; especially now, as you had to deal with a group of obliterated men you and your coworker were cutting off.
or at least trying to. because one man in particular was screaming at both of you, the vein running down his forehead threatening to burst and you wouldn’t be surprised if he tried to jump over this bar and sock you in the face. 
“i can get you water,” you told him for the fifth time, looking apologetically at a group of women who’ve been waiting to order.
“did i say i wanted a fucking water?” he screamed, his fists slamming down on the table probably in an attempt to intimidate you; but with the night you’ve been having you could give a shit; in fact, you’re half tempted to take the water nozzle and spray him right in the face, thinking that the consequence of getting fired would be well worth the satisfaction. 
but you refrain and stare blankly the man, telling him again he’s only able to have water for the rest of the night. he starts screaming in your face, cursing at you for being a stupid bitch and slurring that he’s the cu-customer so you should listen to him.
but you only roll your eyes and walk over to take another order, apologizing before attempting to ask what they want. but before you can get the sentence out, they’re pushed out of the way and a hand wraps around your arm, pulling you forward and your side smacks right into the bar. 
loud grunts of surprise echo around you and the drunken man’s friends attempt to pry him off of you but he’s only tightening his hold. cursing lowly and demanding more drinks before you squint your eyes and tell him to get the fuck off of you; because even though you’re terrified and in pain, you refuse to let him see that.
you’ve dealt with enough shit at this job and you’re not about to let some immature loser manhandle you. but before you can twist your arm out, a fist to his face knocks him into one of the barstools and into his group of friends. 
you rip your red, bruising arm away and to your side, snapping your head to see wooyoung standing there with a pissed off look on his face. his black hair is still sweaty from getting off stage twenty minutes ago and the vein in his neck is bulging. the man looks to the side and sees wooyoung was the one to get him off you, probably thinking that the few inches of height he has on the boy is gonna work in his favor.
but because he’s so obliterated, wooyoung’s able to get a few more punches in until the guy’s friends back him up. they push wooyoung away roughly and grab their friend who fights against their hold, calling the guitar player with fire in his eyes a pussy and telling him to take it outside.
“you both can,” you snap and wooyoung looks over to you in the midst of the chaos. his eyebrow is raised at you before his gaze drops to your arm, eyes narrowing when he sees your hand holding the red spot.
about thirty seconds too late, the lousy bouncer comes from outside and drags the man and his friends out of the bar, your co-worker fretting over you and asking if you’re okay. she nearly has tears in her eyes and you can only roll yours, insisting that you’re fine before looking at wooyoung again.
“that wasn’t necessary,” you tell him, dropping your arm so you can start to clean up the wet mess of beer on the bar. 
“oh no?” he hums lowly, cocking his head to the side as he looks at you. there’s a sliver chain around his neck that shouldn’t be grabbing your attention so much; nor should his cut arms or hint of a tattoo peeking out of his shirt. 
“no,” you snap. “i could’ve done it myself. you know you’re not supposed to fight in here.”
“am i not supposed to punch someone who was hurting you?”
you narrow your eyes at him, holding his gaze before the darkness in them causes you to get far too nervous. you look over to grab another rag and clean off the bar top, listening to the bouncer telling wooyoung to get out too. 
“are you fucking kidding me? he was ripping your bar tenders arm off because you were busy dicking around.”
and then even though you were just victim to a fight, you find yourself needing to jump around the bar and throw yourself in between wooyoung and the bouncer two minutes later. 
“get out,” you snap. 
“y/n, you’re joking, i was fucking helping-”
“and now you’re making my life harder,” you cut him off, hearing the ruckus of people getting louder throughout the bar. because after one fight here, it almost always sets off some sort of idiotic wave and you wouldn’t be surprised if two more people try to rip your arm off tonight now.
your eyes catch hongjoong, the drummer of the band who seems to be the most level headed one of the bunch and you flag him over. you drown out the sound of wooyoung whining at you and tell them they have to leave before the bouncer kicks him out. 
hongjoong nods his head in understanding, growling at wooyoung to follow him before they fuck up the one steady gig they have. he narrows his eyes at you and you only shrug and throw your arms up in defeat because what are you supposed to do? he fought the guy too and your coworker is about to lose his shit. 
“you drive me fuckin’ crazy, y/n,” you hear his voice grumble as he turns away and leaves you, a posse of girls following behind that only makes you roll your eyes and groan. you go back behind the bar and lift your shirt up, a large ugly bruise already forming on your skin. 
“he was just trying to help, you know,” the other bar tender says, your friend who from the beginning thinks you should give wooyoung his night with you. “he likes you.”
“he doesn’t like me. he wants to fuck me like he fucks everyone in this place.”
“okay so he likes you and he wants to fuck you. what’s so wrong about that?”
you let out a huff and smack her with rag, growling that you guys have to get back to work and finish the rest of the two hours without incident. she only lets out a sigh and rolls your eyes at you, telling you she knows you like him too so what the hell is holding you back?
her comment effects you but you don’t even have the time to dwell on it, refilling drinks and cleaning up before your shift ends at 3:30 in the morning. you have to all but kick everyone out, almost debating to set off the fire alarm but remembering how much trouble you got into last time for that. 
you say goodnight to your coworkers before walking outside, the cool night air a pleasant contrast to the stuffiness in the sticky, hot bar. your car was parked right across the street but before you can even look both ways, someone leant against the side of the building catches your eye.
you’d recognize him anywhere, those arms and hair that you more often than not ogle during your shifts. you highly consider just leaving him there, knowing san or hongjoong probably isn’t too far behind before his head snaps up and he sees you staring at him. 
you let out a huff when he waves at you, attempting to walk over before he stumbles off the wall and nearly falls right onto the concrete. so even with a pounding head and irritation flooding through you from the night, you stomp over and stand right in front of him.
“why are back here?” 
he smirks at the sound of your voice, his head back against the wall and his black hair hanging low in his face. “you’re usually more excited to see me.” you narrow your eyes at him and refuse to answer, raising a brow at him and crossing your arms. 
“why are you here? where are your friends?” because even though you’re so fucking irritated with him and everyone else tonight, you know you couldn’t leave him here. 
“told them to leave. that i’d get a ride home with you after i made sure you were okay.”
he watches through his hazy vision as your eyes roll and you let out a sharp exhale, his smirk widening as he leans closer to you. “since, you know, that guy hurt you and then you got me kicked out. what was that about, pretty?”
you bite the inside of your cheek at the way that word falls from his lips, looking at him skeptically. “you punched him in the face, wooyoung.”
“he was grabbing you, y/n,” he growls lowly and your eyebrows shoot up at the anger and frustration in his voice. “was i supposed to sit there and watch it happen?”
“i had it under control.”
he lets out a scoff as he looks over your body, his hand reaching out and taking your wrist to examine for any injury; but you quickly rip it away, wincing when your elbow smacks into your side.
and even in his drunken state, this obnoxious boy notices and his eyebrow raises curiously. “what was that?”
“nothing,” you snap. “now get in the car. i’m exhausted and wanna go home.”
“you finally giving me a chance, y/n?” he asks with a smirk, your eyes narrowing before you turn around wordlessly; you wait for him at the curb, letting out a sigh when he stumbles over to you and grabs at your arm.
“hold my hand, i can-can’t stand.”
“then maybe you shouldn’t have drank so much.”
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getting wooyoung into his apartment proved to be a challenge. because, to begin with, it took him nearly thirty minutes to tell you where it was.
“you’re able to have a conversation with me, wooyoung, you’re not that fucking shitfaced. so which way is it?” and when he only looks dumbly out the window, squinting to see the street signs in the darkness, you’ve had enough.
“if you don’t tell me, i’m leaving you on the side of the road.”
“bullshit,” wooyoung says and you raise your eyebrow at him challengingly. a handsome, obnoxious smirk appears on his lips and you shake your head, reaching over him to open the door. “get out.”
a deep chuckle rings from his mouth and he swats your hand away before you can pull the handle, a pout you’ve never seen before taking over his face. “you didn’t even give me time.”
“i’m serious, wooyoung, tell me or get out. i’m fucking exhausted.”
he leans his head on the side of your leather seat, staring at you with glossy eyes before whining when he sees your hard gaze isn’t budging. “make a right up there.”
you let out an annoyed sigh, bringing your hand back to the steering wheel before following wooyoung’s directions. he tells you to stop in front of a brick building and you do so, looking over at him to see he’s already staring at you.
“walk me up.”
your hands curl into fists and you hold back the urge to scream, instead grumbling his name through clenched teeth.
“c’monnn, i’m a little tipsy and have to walk four flights of stairs. what if i slip and fall and crack my head open?”
“then maybe you’ll learn not to-”
“drink so much? yeah, maybe. but i’ll be dead so the lesson would kind of be too late, right?”
you two have a stare down, his eyebrow raised and eyes so hopeful you find yourself eventually taking your keys out of the ignition with a huff; it would also probably worry your mind to think about him making his way up the stairs, the small chance that he really would crack his head open forever wrecking your conscience. 
so with a happy, lazy smile on his face and a scowl on yours, you wrap your arm around his waist and guide him up the stairs. he falls into you several times and, despite everything, you can’t even stop the laugh that leaves you when his loud ones echoes in the stairwell, quietly telling him to shut up and walk like a normal person.
this wooyoung is so different from the one you’ve seen every weekend. he’s lighter and carefree and open, not so intense and dark and jaded. he seems like a real person opposed to some sort of...phony. playing it up as a cool guitar player who only cares about getting high and fucking.
“it’s this one,” he tells you once you’re in the hallway, watching him type in his key code before guiding you into the apartment; it’s a lot...cleaner than you expected. modern dark furniture with walls free of photos or decor but it’s still nice enough, looks lived in but not too cluttered or disgusting.
and there’s also not a scent of sex or pot or dirty laundry, which is always a plus. 
“where’s your room?” 
he snaps his head over to you and looks at you with a smirk, his eyebrow raising suggestively. “why do you wanna know? are you accepting my offer now?”
“sleep on the floor then,” you bite back, his hand around your shoulder tightening as he sloppily guides you down the hallway. he opens the door to his room and plops right down on his bed, slipping off his boots before laying out like a starfish.
you watch him carefully, trying to assess if he really is okay or if you should call one of his friends to stay here tonight. because he made it without any incident on the stairs but if he ended up choking on his vomit, you’d also be ridded with guilt. 
“wooyoung, are you good?” you ask. your eyes widen when instead of answering, he rips his shirt off over his head and shimmies out of his black jeans. you can’t even help the way your mouth falls open, more so shocked by his bold undressing than the defined muscles of his abdomen and tattoo in full display on his ribs. 
because, yes, that’s what has you more shocked. you’re not at all effected by him laying there, looking up at you shirtless with a smirk and half-lidded eyes.
“are you good?” he counters, his arm behind his head defining his oblique muscles. the sight makes your cheeks flush and the room to feel incredibly warm, swallowing down the nerves as you nod your head. 
“i’m not the one who had to get escorted home.” 
you want it to sound snippy and feisty but it only sounds pained to your own ears. maybe he doesn’t realize though, maybe he's too drunk to realize the effect he has on you. maybe he’s just gonna tell you to go home and-
“come here.”
something in your lower stomach swoops at the way his voice commands it, cheeks warming and your head shaking. 
you let out a shaky breath, taking a dramatic inhale because you can’t do this tonight. he’s drunk and you’re irritated and attracted to him and everything about it would be wrong. but you find yourself walking over anyway, standing next to his bed and keeping your eyes trained on his face. 
he’s looking you up and down and you resist the urge to bite your lip, especially when he reaches out and tugs you closer to him. 
“wooyoung,” you say warningly. but he only lets out a quiet groan, dropping his hand from your waist and you bend down so you’re face to face; you can’t have him eyeing your body and touching you, the air is too thick and he’s far too attractive.
“why don’t you like me?”
you can’t help the small laugh that leaves your mouth, biting down on your lip to hide your smile. “i just drove you home and walked you in,” you state obviously, “what’s giving you the impression i don’t like you?” 
you also can’t help the way you mock his words ever so slightly, just because they sound a little too juvenile leaving this man’s mouth.
“you make it obvious,” he grumbles. you roll your eyes because you have a feeling you know where this is going, the familiar scene of the backroom flashing in your head. 
“why, because i refuse to go backstage with you?”
“no,” he says lowly and you look at him skeptically; but he only narrows his eyes at you and reaches out to touch your cheek. 
the gentleness throws you off, your eyes widening and breath catching in your throat. he sees the way your eyes change but he doesn’t say or do anything, just holds your gaze before his thumb start to caress your cheek slowly. 
“then why do you think that?” you eventually find the ability to say, words coming out in a whisper you didn’t intend. your eyes fall to his lips that pull into a smirk, meeting his gaze again when he pulls you down closer to him. 
“because i wanna kiss you,” he tells you bluntly, not a hint of hesitation or doubt in his tone. “but i don’t think you want me to.”
your tongue pokes out to lick your dry lips and his eyes immediately follow, a tiny noise in the back of his throat causing you to swallow nervously. 
“you’re drunk, wooyoung,” you remind him gently, his eyes rolling and a sigh leaving his mouth. 
“barely,” he grunts out in annoyance which causes you to hum questioningly, your eyebrow raising as you look at him because then why the hell did you walk him up in the first place?
“you knew i was lying, pretty,” he says with a smile, the amusement in his voice causing you to shake your head. his thumb starts moving over your cheek slowly again and he brings your face closer. just a bit, to test what you’re gonna do, either push him away or drop your gaze to his lips and lean in. 
“i don’t think i did,” you mumble back sarcastically, feeling your resolve weakening the more you lean down. the more you look from his eyes to his lips and his hand cups your cheek, guiding you down until your lips meet.
and then the second they do, it feels like it’s over. 
the months of waiting and flirting with your eyes and leading each other on like both of you didn’t so desperately want this. to feel your lips part against one another and your tongues to tangle, for his hand to fist the back of your hair and for you to moan quietly into his mouth. 
he tugs you up until you’re straddling his waist, the thin layer of his boxers under your jeans. your hands are cold on his warm skin but the kiss never breaks, a mix of teeth and tongues and moans as you finally give in to one another. 
but when he puts his hands on your hips and squeezes, it acts sort of as something to ground you. remind you that he’s drunk and that he might not remember this tomorrow. that if this ends badly, you’re still gonna have to see him every weekend and you don’t want to make your workplace awkward. 
because you know you’ll go through with this and get attached and then you’ll be the one hurt. 
you mumble his name against his lips and he pulls back immediately, looking over your face and sees all the hesitance and fear in your eyes. “you’re drunk,” you tell him quietly. “i- we can’t do this.”
“i’m not even drunk, y/n, i was-”
“if we do this and you don’t remember tomorrow, i’m gonna...” be hurt, be really fucking hurt and i won’t ever be able to look at you again. i’m gonna feel like i took advantage of you and waited all of this time for nothing. “i can’t.”
you try to get up from bed but he pulls you back before you can, your butt falling back onto the mattress as you plop down next to him. 
you inhale shakily because you wish you didn’t have to stop. you want to keep kissing him and hear his moans and see all the things his fingers and tongue can do. the fingers and tongue that you swear tease you every god damn weekend on the strings of his guitar and pad of his microphone. 
“i’ve wanted you since the second i fucking saw you, y/n, of course i’m gonna remember.”
the confession makes your eyes widen because even though you’d known he was always flirty and obnoxious, this seemed extremely...forward. and deeper. but you thought that maybe those were your own hopes clouding your judgment and perception, the softness in his eyes and the frustration in his voice maybe a figment of your imagination.
“but that’s...all you want,” you say quietly and it’s the first time he’s ever heard a ounce of vulnerability in your voice. you’re usually so strong and sure of yourself, eyes hard and entire being so confident. but right now you look completely out of your element. nervous and unsure about what he even wants from you. 
“how do you know?” he asks, his hand running through your hair softly. “you never gave me the chance to tell you what i wanted.”
you purse your lips to the side as your eyes roam his face, everything genuine and soft and you think that might be scaring you the most right now.
“oh? so i was supposed to know that you were gonna ask me on a date backstage?” 
you can’t help but chuckle at the smirk that crosses his face, stretching out his bare muscles as a tiny sigh leaves his mouth. “okay, maybe a little bit of both,” he hums lowly, your hand lightly smacking his stomach. both of you let out quiet chuckles before a yawn leaves your mouth, his pouty request that you sleep over causing him to get another smack. 
“i was kidding,” he huffs and you shake your head as you stand from his bed. he looks up at you with heavy eyes and you know the second you leave, he’s gonna pass out. “but not about...a date,” he suddenly says. “and not about me remembering. when i see you next weekend, it’s gonna be the first thing i say to you.”
you roll your eyes and nod your head sarcastically, still keeping yourself guarded in the event that this is all a lie. that he’ll see you next friday and give you that signature smirk and wink calling you pretty. 
“right, of course you are.” 
“i am,” he says sleepily, his black hair messy as it hangs in his face. “so you better say yes.”
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true to his word, that following friday after his set, it’d been the first thing he said to you. a knowing glint in his eye and a smile pulling at his lips as he asked you in front of everyone, band members and your nosy, excited coworker included, if he could take you on a date next week. 
san and hongjoong sighed in relief, their synchronized voices shouting “finally!” causing him to roll his eyes and punch them in the arm. you looked at the boy with a smirk, cocking your head to the side as your gazes meet. he raises an eyebrow challengingly before nodding his head toward the back of the bar. 
“unless you’d prefer i take you back-”
“yes,” you squeak, narrowing your eyes as you shake your head and fight back a smile. “let’s go on a date.”
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uwu-shinsou · 4 years
bro ur shinsou imagine was .. *chefs kiss* .. ur writing is REALLY MF GOOD !! :) if you are taking requests u should do a shinsou x reader with a glowy/energy quirk that activates when she gets wound up and he finds her ab to throw hands at someone calling him a villain. If not don't worry about it and have a great day :)
Title: Sweetheart, You’re Glowing
Pairing: Shinsou Hitoshi x Reader
Genre: Fluff, comfort, Shinsou being soft
Word Count: 1900+
Warning(s): Mild language, some rude background characters
A/N: Bro I’m SOFT that’s so sweet :’))) I’m so happy you liked it! And this request is so cute omg my heart🥺❤️ Anyone tryna call bby Shinsou a villain better be ready to catch these HANDS (ง'̀-'́)ง Also I was thinking about this story like right before going to bed and AS I was falling asleep I came up with how to write it and had to get up and write an outline LMAO. Anyways, I hope you enjoy it!!
You made your way through the warm summer night, talking and laughing with friends as you aimed towards the distant sound of loud, fast music. One of the third year classes had decided to throw a party in their building, and it had been so long since you’d let loose that the second you heard about it you had decided to go. Some of your friends and classmates had decided to tag along with you, looking for a fun escape for the night. You walked along with Mina, Kaminari, Sero, Kirishima, Jirou, and Shinsou.
“Y/n, I really like your dress!” Jirou says. You look down at your outfit, smoothing out the fabric.
“Thanks Jirou! Look,” You say, fiddling with the fabric, finding what you’re looking for. “It even has pockets!” Her mouth opens in awe, taking in that indeed, the dress has two pockets.
“You’re right, Jirou,” Mina says, leaning over to cling to your arm, twirling you around in a dizzying circle. “Y/n/n looks suuuper cute, right boys?” She asks innocently. Even with the question being directed to all of them, you see her wiggle her eyebrows at Shinsou.
“Mina,” you hiss through your teeth. Ugh, she literally couldn’t be any more obvious. The truth is, you had started with a tiny crush on the purple haired boy, that only grew larger the more you hung out with him. While you definitely know that the two of you are friends, Shinsou hasn’t really shown any signs that he might like you any more than that. So you’d kept those feelings pushed back, trying your best to not let them possibly spoil your friendship. Although now I see telling Mina might have not been a good idea. At least Jirou knows to keep it to herself. 
Or maybe not. Jirou bumps you with her hip as she passes. “Don’t you mean she always looks cute?” You start to feel a little flustered as the boys give nods and smiles at the comments of your friends.
And then you feel really frazzled when you see Shinsou looking at you, his gaze traveling languidly over your body. Finally he says, “You’re right, y/n does always look pretty cute.”
Your breath stumbles, and you feel your cheeks start to heat up. Did Shinsou just call me cute?! “Aww look you guys,” Mina coos. “We made her glow!”
It was true, your skin was producing a pale, radiant glow. This was thanks to your quirk: the stronger of an emotion you felt, the more physically stronger, faster, and agile you became. But this power also manifested with a physical sign. As any emotion built up, your body would begin to glow with light. The stronger the emotion, the more your power grew and the stronger you’d  glow. 
While your quirk was useful, it was sometimes also the bane of your existence. You scoff, wrapping your arms around your body. “Glowing? I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
Shinsou hums in thought, the corners of his mouth turning up. “Well this gorgeous lighting must be coming from somewhere.” At his words you let out a small squeak, glowing just the tiniest bit brighter. Shinsou’s smile turns into a full on grin. Oh god, does he even know what he’s doing to me!?
You let out a forced laugh, skipping slightly ahead of your group to the doors of the building. You look back at them over your shoulder. “Well, who’s ready to party?”
You had been at the party for a grand total of an hour and a half, and you still hadn’t decided whether or not you were having fun. There were a lot of students who came, and the room felt just a bit too small to hold that many people. While you had talked to some new people, seen some familiar faces, in the end your little group mostly stuck together.
Currently you were leaning against a wall with Jirou and Kirishima, part of the group of party-goers watching Mina, Kamimari, Sero, and Shinsou play an intense game of ping-pong.
After another minute of watching the game, the crowd cheering as Sero and Mina’s team score a point, you decide you need to take a walk around. 
You push up from the wall, turning to your friends. “Hey I’m gonna go grab a drink, I’ll be back in a bit.” 
“Have fun!” Kirishima calls after you as you weave your way through the crowd, unaware of how Shinsou’s eyes stray from the game and trail after you. 
You reach the kitchen, filling a cup with punch before turning back to survey the room in front of you. It is really too crowded in here, you think, taking a big drink and fanning yourself with your hand. You take in a deep breath and let out a long sigh. Is it too early to want to leave already? You wonder, drifting slowly back towards your friends. 
You stop at the edge of the crowd around the ping-pong table, tuning in to a nearby conversation. 
“...people from 1-A?” You hear the tail-end of the person’s question.
“Yeah, the ones who’ve had to deal with all of those villains already,” his friend answers. 
“And that other guy he’s from the sports festival, right?” They ask, pointing a finger towards Shinsou. 
“Yeah yeah, that’s him,” Their friend answers. “He’s the one with that crazy power that makes people obey him without question. It makes more sense for him to be a villain than a hero if you ask me.” Your vision starts to blur at the hateful words. 
The person adds on, “Why does he even bother fighting it? Obviously he’s supposed to be evil when you’re born with a power like that. He should leave so another student can take his place, someone who deserves to be at this school more.” 
You involuntarily crush the cup in your hand with a resounding crunch, dropping it to the ground as you face the pair of trash-talkers.
“How dare you talk about him like that,” You seethe stalking up to the offenders. The two turn towards you and their eyes grow wide. Then begin to back away as you continue to advance. “You don’t even know him or what he’s actually like. He’s more of a hero than the two of you combined!” The pair seem to try to shrink into the floor, shielding their eyes as if the room was now too bright. “I think it’s more evil to stand there and shit talk a fellow student. If you’re going to act like that, then why are you even at U.A.?!” 
One of them starts to stammer. “W-well, when you think about it, his quirk really is better suited for a villain-”
“Oh yeah? Well I think your face might be better suited to catch these hands if you don’t shut the hell up!” You hiss at them, hands gripped into fists at your side.
You feel a hand land on your shoulder, and you whip around, prepared to have to defend yourself only to recognize who it was that interrupted you.
Shinsou squeezes your shoulder, leaning in close. “Sweetheart you’re glowing,” he says softly in your ear, pulling away as you lift your hands up in front of you. A shining, radiant light leaped off of your skin, becoming even brighter now that you noticed it was happening. You glance around the room, seeing that you’ve become the center of attention. 
You pull your hands into your chest, feeling the thrum of power flowing through you at your intense, conflicted emotions. Your breathing quickens and you backup a step, wanting nothing more than to not be here. 
Then you feel the weight of Shinsou’s jacket being slung over your shoulders, hiding some of the glow. He wraps his arm around your waist and guides you through the front door, out into the late night and away from all of the gawking people.
For a minute you walk in silence, putting some much needed distance between yourself and the building. It isn’t until the sounds of the party have faded that you slow to a stop, the light of your quirk fading down to a dim glow. Shinsou removes his arm, turning to face you as you stare down at your shoes.
“Sorry for making a scene,” You say quietly, gripping the edges of Shinsou’s jacket still wrapped around your shoulders. “And thanks for pulling me out of there.”
 Shinsou stays quiet for a few beats, long enough that you glance up at him. He’s standing still, staring at you. Slowly he lifts a hand up, slightly reaching towards you.
“Shinsou? Are you-” You’re cut off mid-sentence as he almost stumbles forward, wrapping his arms tightly around you, enfolding you against his body. Your face is smooshed against his chest and he brings a hand up to the back of your head, nestling his face in the side of your neck. After a moment you gently wrap your arms around him, hands bunching up in the back of his shirt.
“Y/n/n, I should be thanking you,” he says, voice muffled, holding you a little bit tighter. “I’ve heard people say those things about me all my life, I’m used to it. But people don’t- they don’t stick up for me, not like that. It made me so happy- to see you do that.” He huffs out a laugh, his breath warm against your neck. “I still can’t believe you were about to get into a fight to defend my honor.” 
You wiggle a little bit and pull away just enough to be able to look at him, moving your hands to rest against his chest. You give him an embarrassed, bashful smile. “To be fair, you’re the only one who I’d get into a fight for.” He smiles back at you, leaning down to rest his forehead against yours. His grip on your hips tightens slightly, and you feel your heart start to speed up, heat blossoming on your cheeks. God I’m so whipped for this boy, you think closing your eyes in bliss at the feeling of being held, warm happiness flooding through your veins.
“Y/n,” He says, your name little more than a breath against your lips. You look at him with a lidded gaze, seeing your bright, gleaming form in the reflection of his eyes. “You look like starlight,” Shinsou whispers, his hand moving up to trace a finger along your jaw. You shudder at his gentle touch, clinging tighter to him. He leans down, his lips almost touching yours. “Can I kiss you?” 
“Yes,” you breathe, before crashing your mouth against his. One of your hands slides up Shinsou’s chest and behind his head, burying into his hair. His lips move passionately against yours, and you wish that you could live right here in this moment. You only pull away to catch your breath, breathing heavily as you open your eyes to the sight of Shinsou; his hair messy, lips startlingly pink, eyes slightly glazed.
“I like you, Shinsou,” you say, unable to contain the words any longer. “I really, really like you.” Shinsou moves his hands to cradle your face and leans down to kiss you again, this time short and sweet. Then he moves to your cheeks, your nose, your forehead, peppering your whole face with kisses.
You giggle at the littering of kisses, glowing even a shade brighter from the giddiness in your heart. Shinsou stops his kisses, releasing your face and grasping your hands. He brings them up to his face, placing a final, soft kiss on the back of your hand. “And I adore you, Y/n.”
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casualmaraudering · 4 years
Baby Marauders Headcanons
im stressed as hell lately so i thought why not think about tiny marauders!! feat a few other characters too ofc
Remus, James and Lily are all 6
Sirius and Marlene are 7
Fabian and Gideon are the oldest being a heaping 8 years old
there's also Regulus, a whole 2 years old
they all play at the same playground and that's how they met
Fabian, Gideon and Remus are next door neighbours, but Rem and Fabian are the ones who've always been close, cause Gideon is a very loud child and Remus is a little scared of him
so Rem's mom trusts Fabian to take care of Remus, especially when they go to the playground. Fabian holds his hand every time they cross the street and all, can't have mama Lupin worry
Remus usually wears dungarees cause he likes the front pocket, he always carries bits of chocolate there that his mommy gives him whenever he leaves the house
Remus is quiet and shy so usually, if there's a lot of people around, he'll just hide behind Fabian. they've been friends since Remus was born, so for him Fabian is a safe choice so he just curls up behind him whenever people are being loud
Sirius is missing one of his front teeth. It didn't fall naturally, nope, he fell off a tree
Sirius's hair is full of twigs at all times. he just loves to climb trees and play in mud and brushery
Sirius always comes with his nanny cause duh, his parents aren't just gonna go out to a playground with him. so every other kid thinks his nanny is his mom
James's mom has Sirius's nanny phone number so whenever they go to the playground, they swing at James's, pick him up, and then drop him off before going home (James's mom wants to pay her for it but the nanny loves James and Sirius so this is more than fine, and the Blacks pay her a lot anyway)
kids, especially older boys, like to make fun of Lily's hair.
she usually just throws sand at them
Fabian did punch a boy who made fun of her when he saw it, once, and ever since then, she'd hang out with him and Remus
Lily likes to play in the sandbox the most, she loves making little towns and making up stories for them
James's glasses always fall off his face, which is especially unhelpful when he's climbing trees
Sirius makes his nanny buy chocolate milk or juice boxes for him and all of his friends
sometimes Sirius will take his little brother too, but he usually hangs with their nanny cause he's a bit too small to play at much of the playground equipment
Marlene doesn't come out often cause her parents think it's Nasty and Dirty cause they're rich people haha. but her and Sirius are neighbours so sometimes they will take her to the playground
she has very carefully braided her and very expensive little shoes but she will totally yeet said shoes off just to climb trees with the boys
usually if they all play games, it'd be hide and seek or skip rope
the rope is Remus's, it's one of the few sports related things he loves, he could skip rope until either his tiny legs are too tired or he inevitably trips, falls down, and then it's not so fun anymore
Fabian has a packet of band aids in his pocket that his mom gave him, just in case someone bruises their knee
and they do bruise and cut and scratch things. a lot
Sirius's trousers are constantly torn at the knees, James keeps scratching his arms, Remus is a little clumsy and falls a lot
sometimes they'll all sit under the little playhouse area and pretend they're in an apocalypse (James peaks at his parents watching zombie movies a lot, he even has a plastic little sword)
Sirius and James once tried to even make a campfire cause Sirius stole some matches from his house
thank god it was rainy that day
Fabian is the only one out of the bunch who knows how to ride a bike and everyone wants to be taught how to do it
yea Sirius ends up with a very big scab on his cheek and a lot of bruises but eventually Fabian manages to teach him how to ride a bike
the bike does have a little space at the back where usually Remus or Lily will sit while Fabian rides it
sometimes James will bring cookies that his mom made for all of his friends
it takes a lot of persuading on Sirius's nanny part but they get permission to go to James's and have a slumber party in the backyard
all the parents (+ Sirius's nanny) hang out and get to meet each other while the kids play. James's and Remus's dads build them a little makeshift fort and that's where they end up sleeping
in the morning they all have cocoa and watch cartoons together
it becomes a monthly thing until they're all adults
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halfelven · 3 years
OOh ooh for the ask meme, if youre bored could you do ALL the questions for kite and Razor ??? or whichever are most interesting to you if you don't want to do that many !! no pressure. -hunterxloser
@hunterxloser okay since I am Still working on Kite’s but finished Razor’s I’m just gonna put it here first since they’re both long
cw: child abuse, death, child death, violence, murder, burns, child neglect, beating
1. Their physical weak spots
not entirely sure what this means. He doesn’t have great peripheral vision so he relies on hearing and his amazing memory + details of angles/curvature to guess where things will go (or has his 14 Devils see for him) 
2. Their emotional/moral weak spots
he decided ages ago that lives weren’t that important since he saw them so disregarded; not entirely over that world view
getting called by his name/viewed as a human makes him very likely to lean into doing something he might not think is entirely righteousness
views the world a bit as a game since he lives in one
his Achilles’ heel is definitely love
3. Scars or painful spots
he has scars on his back from being beaten/whipped when he was younger for some crimes. He has two pretty bad burns (one high on his leg, the other on his stomach) from dropping an oil lamp
4. Best places to kiss on their body
(I’m assuming this means besides their face) so ears, chest
5. Guilty pleasures
celebrity gossip even though he barely knows who any of them are he thinks it’s funny to keep up with rich people who’ve visited Greed Island and sometimes sending in photos from their surveillance cameras or little rude stories to bother them if they were rude to him
cotton candy ice cream
playing with legos (he’s not guilty about it though)
6. Their vices (physical or emotional)
he smokes
catches himself lying just out of habit. He doesn’t usually correct himself either
7. Their tickle spots
he’s ridiculously proud of not being ticklish (the only things that would really bother him would be like a feather under chin or on feet)
8. Bad memories/experiences
too many
ones that stand out: shooting someone in the knee and watching them go down when he was quite young, because he could see parts of their bone. He screamed so Razor shot him in the head to kill him, and that was the first murder he committed
the oil lamp incident
being severely beaten as a child for theft and such
he was also kicked/punched sometimes just for amusement
and smacked/hit if he messed up anything or wasn’t fast enough listening to orders
when he was a kid he knew another kid who died of an allergic reaction to a bee and another who died from drinking contaminated water. No one cared that much though since they were rid of a mouth to feed
9. Humiliating memories
again too many
being called names
being hit and too small to fight back
he was mocked, teased, and tormented
10. Fears/phobias
terrified of losing his strength and position (he knows how cruel and fucked up the world is)
that no one will ever view him as more than a brute
11. Bad or petty habits
resting his elbows on the top of short people’s heads
he’s not that petty, but he does sometimes send in the unflattering pictures of celebs he met who were rude
picks List up for fun
12. Grudges and vendettas
he hasn’t got any he can do anything about
there are some people he killed, and he’s glad they’re dead
13. What gets them flustered
being touched gently, sincere eye contact, his name
14. Ingrained habits/forces of habit
he punches his palm with his fist a lot
claps when he makes a point in speech
swings his arms/does stretches all the time
15. What it takes to make them cry
a lot. Like a lot a lot. He turned all his sorrow into anger ages ago and it’s hard to undo
16.  Dark secrets/’skeletons in the closet’
not much are secrets. His crimes were pretty well known. He strangled a fifteen year old boy to death once for hurting a small child. He wasn’t found for that crime because no one could figure out a motive
17. Regrets
he sometimes wishes that he hadn’t let his pain make him so angry and bitter and selfish, that he could have become a better person by being gentler
18. Things they’ll never admit
that he sometimes wishes that he hadn’t let his pain make him so angry and bitter and selfish, that he could have become a better person by being gentler
19. People they’ve hurt or indirectly killed, and how it affected them
he killed a lot of people. I think I covered the ones I’ve thought about in other questions. he never killed anyone indirectly. he’s a bit bothered by some of the people he killed since he realised when he got the death penalty how final death was, on an individual level terrifying, even if it happens every day. and that he decided he was capable of choosing who died like it was nothing for so long. because it felt like nothing, until it was was him. (some of them he doesn’t regret though.)
20. What-ifs/Alternate Timelines
if he’d been more of a ‘Robin Hood’ type person, less angry or maybe angry in a different way
21. Turning points in their life
when he hit puberty and realised how strong he was and worked on crafting it more and more
realising just how easy it was to kill
when Ging spared his life and called him Razor
seeing Kite ngl
also seeing Gon
22. People who’ve influenced them greatly
Ging, definitely
people who he saw throw around other people’s lives
everyone who hurt him
Kite, okay here’s why: when they met briefly when Ging took him to Greed Island, because he sort of saw an opposite reflection of himself in Kite (a bit of jealousy there with Kite being the person Ging takes and Razor being the person Ging leaves, but Kite is “better” than him in that way he won’t talk about because there’s no point to wish for something more, that’s life. He was a killer and Kite fixed birds’ broken wings and what the hell can you do to change it, so don’t dwell on it, it’s good the game keeps him busy, but it doesn’t keep him busy enough)
the parallels with these two mess me up omg
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Alright, and I am back with another update! But first, some stuff a friend noticed in the first few pages and mentioned to me that I didn’t take in when I went over them on my own the first time:
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The park they’re in as kids is pretty close to the apartment complex Izuku and his mom live in! Considering that said apartment complex is right there in the background. Which probably isn’t a huge thing, but a neat thing to note.
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The age these kids manifest their quirks at seems to be more preteen / teenage years, though I don’t know whether that’s just because it is later activation or because there were (subtle) quirks before that, with the glowing baby just being the one that had people sit up and realize something was actually going on.
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Endeavor ad! And it has the time of that event that day, too - 8:14 AM! I wonder what he’s advertising… or perhaps it’s a news report? An interview of some kind? It might just be a ‘breaking news, we got Endeavor on our channel’ sort of thing. The only part that I can read is the first three katakana for the biggest text, which is ‘E-n-de’ and matches the wiki’s katakana for ‘Endeavor’. If anyone can get a good enough look at the smaller text in order to tell me what the rest says, I would appreciate it!
Just a few things, but obviously I need to up my observation game if I want to catch all this stuff!
[No. 1 - Midoriya Izuku: Origin]
So now we’re at Aldera / Orudera Junior High, with Izuku’s class being in their last year before high school. Since Japan’s schools start on the second week of April, we know this has to be that first week of school, because Katsuki’s still 14 and his birthday is April 20th, which would almost always be the third week of April / second week of school. 
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What is that writing stance. You are going to have an old man’s back by the time you graduate high school. I mean, I wouldn’t know anything about that personally, cough cough…
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Anyways! We get a look at Izuku’s class and their quirks, and what a collection. Also, with an attitude like that, no wonder this school is seen as bad, like, what the fuck dude. Not exactly a competent homeroom teacher, are you?
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The ones that I can see, from leftmost row to rightmost row, are [1] floating hair, stretchy fingers, dark matter, [2] smokey arms, spike fists, stretchy eyes, frog throat, some sort of flash/illumination quirk, [3] rocky body, ???, stretchy neck, flamethrower arms, extra arms, [4] sharp hair, big chompers, wedge face, [quirkless], mouth face (seen in the next panel and holy FUCK new sleep paralysis demon), [5] horns, telekinesis, [explosion], buff bod, ???, [6] wind control, ???
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But yeah, this also establishes the first rule of ‘don’t use quirks in school’ thing that… also gets promptly ignored the several other times we see stuff set in this school. Which, what a shock, people sort of sliding around inconvenient rules.
Anyways, Katsuki has proven that he hasn’t changed since those first few childhood panels way back (checks) ten pages ago. And Izuku is being… very shy and trying to avoid drawing attention. But no shaking, particularly, just… wallflower mode, more like.
But yeah, Katsuki is not exactly on great terms with the rest of the class, who are rightfully pissed off at him treating them rudely and calling them extras. Though honestly, I’m surprised that they’re surprised he’s aiming for UA, it’s not like he wouldn’t have been obvious about that for, like, years at this point. You’d think they’d all roll their eyes and be like ‘yeah yeah we’ve heard this spiel before’ or something. IDK.
Oh man, and Izuku already KNOWS what’s coming, look at how he’s hiding his face!
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Katsuki is, of course, Fucking Extra and hops on his desk, and gets right into bragging, where, AGAIN, this should have been stuff this class has known about for ages, why are they so shocked?? And huh, interesting, he’s not only interested in surpassing All Might, but also in being one of the richest people in the world. Wow, I cannot even with him, especially knowing he lives in this house in particular:
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Which, it should be clear, is an EXPENSIVE lifestyle when most families live in modest apartments because of space being so valuable in Japan. 
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God this is a fantastic image. I wanna frame it on a wall somewhere. Hori managed to convey all the emotions in one face and I admire the man for it. 
With the whole class laughing, there’s a thing I want to note that fandom seems to not pay attention to: they note that Izuku gets good grades! I’ve seen fics that basically have him forced to sabotage his own grades to avoid getting backlash, but like… no, I don’t think that’s actually a thing. 
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[Also an aside, we finally see one more class quirk, which seems to be some sort of bulked up arm? It looks a bit like mummy bandages, as far as I can tell.]
Izuku gets into defending himself, saying there’s no precedent, but he IS defending himself against them, so again, he’s not cowering as much as some people seem to think he does based on fics, and clearly he’s still willing to stand up for himself to some degree. 
...then of course, Katsuki blows up Izuku’s desk and sends Izuku sprawling. And is pissed that Izuku apparently thinks he, who is quirkless, can somehow be on the same level as Katsuki. Izuku swears up and down that it’s not about Katsuki, that he just really wants to try, and this somehow pisses Katsuki off even more. 
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I want you all to remember this image - save it on your computers, bookmark this post, whatever you need to do. We’ll come back to it in, oh (checks watch) about 284 chapters. Or maybe sooner in a separate post where I can put it under read more and avoid spoiling people more than this does. Because DAMN can I gush on this moment.
Anyways, we have a change of scene, right after noon, with a thief with a sludge transformation and,,,,,,,, legs and pants,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
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Where the fuck did those pants go, sir. Sir. What the fuck, sir.
Also, we get our first meeting with the OG dad, the sunflower man himself, who blooms into 255 kilos of muscle in one panel. Also, man I forgot about the fucking giraffe neck Hori used to draw him with, holy heck, why are you so l o n g.
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L O N G.
...right, anyways, back to the school, which is apparently over for the day. The rest of the class is heading out, and Izuku’s back to his chipper self, even humming a happy note as he grabs his notebook-
Before Katsuki nabs it from his hands. There are a few people who’ve hung back who notice the title and pick fun at izuku, so I guess Izuku actually… doesn’t talk about his desire to be a hero that much in middle school, if the others are all so surprised about it. He apparently doesn’t even make his notebooks obvious to them, since this is the first time any of them seem to be seeing it. Which I mean, it makes sense if the class will tease him for it, but like. Even with Katsuki stealing the book, Izuku’s not super panicked or having a nervous breakdown.
But yeah, Katsuki just blasts the book, but! It’s just the cover singed (and edges) when we know he could have demolished that book entirely. Again, he’s definitely being a bully and a jerk here, but he’s got way more self-control than fandom likes to assume. 
Izuku’s upset because of his damaged notebook, and Katsuki just huffs and throws it out the window while saying he’s gonna be the only kid from Aldera to go to UA. And Izuku, EVEN WHILE STRESSING, thinks of him as vain for thinking that way! That’s not the first thought of someone too terrified to do anything.
Edit: As pointed out to me in [this post], it was Katsuki’s crony who was thinking of him as vain, not Izuku. My bad!
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Also note the lack of damage to Izuku’s school uniform. I know I’ve seen fics where there’s a hole made and a burn scar left that Izuku has to tend to, but Katsuki, again, has not directly used his quirk against Izuku. We’ve never seen it, just the smoke and flash used for intimidation. I’m getting more and more confident that Katsuki has never actually used his quirk against a person, which I’m probably gonna get a bit more into during the battle training in a few chapters.
But yeah, the cronies / extras basically call Izuku lame and that he can’t face reality. And then we get this scene:
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That’s not the face of someone afraid. That’s Izuku’s determined face.
Izuku is about to stand up to Katsuki again. The way he always has, the way he always will. There has never been a point in the series where Izuku has NOT stood up to Katsuki when he feels it matters, and that’s part of the reason Katsuki is so pissed with him every time he does - because Izuku REFUSES to see his place! Not once!
(Please, for the love of god, respect the Izuku who didn’t need a quirk to stand up to others. Who isn’t ‘broken’ or ‘terrified’ of Katsuki or anything like that. He’s a stubborn kid and we Stan That.)
Izuku, however, is not confident enough in this situation to want to press the issue, so he relents and says nothing when Katsuki prods him to escalate things. And then we immediately get to the ‘you idiot, don’t fucking suicide bait!’ but you can tell it’s been a stressful few moments for him. 
So yeah, the summary of this section is ‘Izuku is not an uwu suffering babey, and Katsuki is way more restrained than people seem to think.’ 
I’m cutting it off here since, again, we got a lot of info and character examination, and honestly this whole chapter is a long ass one (55 pages!!!!) and it’s establishing the entire setting from the ground up. And honestly, I’m just vibing in being Right about how I’ve been viewing the characters at the start of the series… even if i am guilty of sometimes playing with fanon for my own means…
Still, this is fun! Hopefully y’all are having fun too!
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generallyunskilled · 3 years
Why I sympathize with or apologize for these Dream SMP characters
Since I’m very unwell and watch just about every perspective on the Dream SMP, I’m a sympathizer or apologist for just about every character. I figured I’d share my thoughts on that. This is probably gonna be long.
Before I get started, here’s who I’m not a sympathizer or apologist for
c!Dream: fuck this guy. You’re not supposed to sympathize with him. He’s just all around evil, man. He’s an abuser, manipulator and he preys on those weaker than him. I still enjoy his character however, he’s just so delightfully hateable and I love when villains are hateable.
c!Sam: I get Sam. I really do. I understand where he’s coming from. But good god, it’s just not working! His little system keeps fucking up and he doesn’t really seem to get that it’s the system itself and not the people fucking it up. He’s too damn lawful for his own good. The prison is eating at him and you can see how he’s becoming more and more a bastardized version of the man he used to be. I want to be able to sympathize with him, and I’m not going to excuse the shitty things he’s done, but I understand him. As he is right now he’s gone off the deep end and doesn’t even know it yet. However I do think he can change. There’s still a chance for it.
Any other character not listed I simply just do not have an opinion on them. Maybe I don’t watch them often, there’s just not much to their character, or they simply haven’t done much for them to need apologists or sympathizers.
Now onto the list
c!Tommy: this kid has been through so much and received so little support. Like yeah, he’s done some wrong things, but he’s been so disproportionately punished for them. Like almost everyone else does the things he does without any repercussions. He’s also stopped doing most of the things people had issues with, or is at least trying. I feel like people don’t realize half the reason Tommy did any of his ‘bad’ things is he’s simply never been taught better. Everyone wants him to learn his lesson but never actually teach him anything but violence and pain. Also, half the things the fandom calls him an asshole for are literally mental illness symptoms. Stop that. Kids got some things messed up in his head. I’m not one to diagnose but he gets pretty damn close to the criteria for C-PTSD. You know, from the near constant trauma in his life. Kid needs a break. And a doctor.
c!Techno: I’m really flip floppy with him. His motives are understandable but his morals are wack as hell. I get wanting something against people who’ve wronged you. I get disliking government. What I don’t get, is the absolute disproportionate retribution he delivers. I also don’t get his moral high ground. He has his reasons for distrusting government. He has his reasons for disliking L’Manburg (o7). And I think it’s perfectly valid to want to air his grievances. He’s got a very admirable combination of “do unto others” and “an eye for an eye”. Mans just bungles the execution of these ideas. He’s got a lot of problems, but however, I feel like he’s got something coming to him. cc!Techno’s a better writer than this. And now with it seeming like a lot of miscommunication is getting cleared up, some of Technos past transgressions might come back to him. I think he’s headed in an interesting direction.
c!Phil: a lot of what I said for Techno applies to him as well. In addition, we know he also blames the government for his son’s spiral and death. It makes sense based on what he knows. I had something completely different here in the drafts but now we know that Wilbur didn’t tell him the truth about what happened in Manburg-Pogtopia era of the SMP. He’s been completely misinformed and you can TELL this has shaken his world up. He’s gaining a lot of new knowledge really fast. It’s becoming clear that maybe he’s beginning to regret some of what he’s done. But beyond the misinformation, he also just never got much time to actually grieve for his son and heal before the plot moved on. I feel like Phil is one of those guys who sorta just stuffs all his emotions away, but now it’s getting to be too much. He has a lot of hidden depth and I think he’s definitely on the way to a different role than what he’s played.
c!Wilbur: before his death, Wilbur needed help. No one realized anything was wrong until it was too late to pull him out of his spiral. We now know he started falling after Eret’s betrayal. He was paranoid and growing to hate what he had created. It seems like Eret was the catalyst, but the election was the straw that broke the camels back. Everyone just kind of sat around and hoped he’d change his mind. The only one willing to try was Tommy, and Tommy was just a kid. Something could have been done for him. He wasn’t a villain. He was just someone who went down a dark path that could have been pulled away if someone who wasn’t a 16 year old boy tried to reach out to him. Post-resurrection, he seems to be happy to be alive again. I’m not saying he’s completely out of the spiral but clearly something changed in limbo. And yeah him saying Dream is his hero is hella sketch but I mean, he doesn’t have the full story yet. I need to see more of revivedbur to make an opinion on him entirely.
c!Tubbo: this kid has had so little agency for so much of the plot. Most of the bad things he’s done were under duress or because he was practically being used. He really was a pawn in other peoples games, unfortunately. Any action of his that wasn’t like this was something he did out of pure reaction. He’s a very reactionary guy. He doesn’t start shit but he’ll try to finish it if he can. Tubbo is mostly just trying to get by. He’s been a soldier, a spy, a president and whatever else he needed to be or what others needed him to be. His time as president had him being pushed around and put under pressure he should never been put under. He was backed into corner after corner and expected to make the right decision with different people telling him what that was. Now he’s just trying to have some peace for himself and his family. He made the nukes for defense and defense only. It’s extreme but he’s been taught that extremism is the only thing that works.
c!Ranboo: dude literally doesn’t know what, when, or how he did any of the bad things he did. He’s not himself for most of the wrongdoings he’s done. Hell, we don’t even know if he actually did do some of the things or if it’s Dream manipulating him. Dream is literally taking advantage of Ranboo having the Enderwalk state. This makes him one of the most dangerous people on the server as Dream puppet, but also one of the most victimized. Now this doesn’t absolve him completely because harm was still done but it’s a reasonable cause behind his actions. Like I mentioned he’s also a victim of Dream in this way. Even he’s scared of what could happen and the possibility that he could be a danger to the people he loves. Granted his moral code used to be pretty wack but he’s getting better at that. I really like his “choose people” stance bc at first it was just him making his own side but now he’s genuinely picking and choosing people and being with them because he likes them as people rather than their stance on things. He and Tubbo were already friends before they got married, he’s not an official part of Snowchester though, iirc, and the only reason he joined The Syndicate was to make sure they don’t go after Tubbo.
c!Fundy, c!Niki, and c!Jack all go in the “seek some healthy coping mechanisms for the love of god” pile. Niki has already started on this as she’s baking again. c!Fundy honestly hasn’t done much wrong afaik, but he still needs to go to therapy that poor fox boy has so much daddy issues and sadness. c!Jack literally just needs to work through his issues with Tommy bc dude only knows murder as an answer to his problems. There’s other ones and he should learn them. These three are just traumatized and don’t know what to do with themselves.
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The Treatment of Captain Syverson-Chapter Eight: Heat/Ice
Pairing: Captain “Sy” Syverson x OFC (Shane Benton)
Summary: Playing hooky leads to more delicious food (Sy cooks! Swoon!), some deep conversation, and new revelations about Shane’s past.
What? You’re behind? Don’t worry! CLICK ME to catch up before reading this chapter!
Word Count: 2.5k
Warnings:  Language, mature themes, more food sluttiness, shameless nerd speak, unfettered and shameless sappiness.
Author’s Note: So, guys, I’m sorry. I really wanted to get this chapter to you Sunday. Life has just been a bit disheartening of late. Between being upset over some personal turmoil some friends are going through (two of my oldest friends are getting a divorce!) and coming home from work utterly exhausted on all possible levels, it’s been hard to write about lovey dovey things. As I said in my recent reblog of my masterlist, though, I’m working on some prologues, one for each character. I don’t plan on them being terribly long, but I want you guys to have some more back story.
Disclaimer: Unfortunately for me, Henry is not mine, le sigh, and all mention of him, his characters, any characters from his films, or his precious doggy, Kal, are strictly for transformative and recreational use. I neither ask for, nor accept payment for the work I post on Tumblr or AO3. Unbeta’d because this is for fun and escapism.
Hope I’m not forgetting anyone! If you want to be notified when I post a new chapter or work, I’ll be happy to add you to my tag list! Stricken blogs are getting personal messages from me when a new chapter is uploaded because Tumblr’s faulty tagging system will not stand in the way of me delivering what the people want!(?) lol! (Although…their lackadaisical notification system might…sorry for that. I have no control. lol!)
It was hard to feel guilty for calling out of work for the afternoon under false pretenses when she was curled up on the sectional in Sy’s “nerd lair” with his head in her lap as they watched John Wick on the massive TV he had down there.
“You mean to tell me we watched the entire Bourne franchise upstairs on that…that iPod Touch, by comparison, when we could have watched down here on this majestic monolith!? In what is essentially a theater!?” She’d asked immediately, derailing the grand tour of the museum of things she would soon find amazing.
“Hey, I haven’t been coming down here a whole lot since I hurt my knee. Stairs haven't exactly been easy or, ya know, possible. I had my gaming computer down here for weeks, too, couldn't do a damn thing about it, because I didn't trust a'one of my buddies or my neighbors to haul her up the stairs for me. Leia's a custom machine worth thousands a' dollars. If she's getting' broke, it's all gonna be on me."
"You named your gaming computer? Leia?" So many emotions were flooding her. Adoration, sympathy, lust, and just a sheer need to squeeze the bejeezus out of him.
"Yeah, it's a common thing. And…not to be that guy, but…you do know who Leia is, right?
"If by Leia, you mean Leia Organa, Princess of Alderaan, true daughter of Darth Vader, adopted by Bail Organa at birth, sister of Luke Skywalker, hero of the Rebellion against the Empire?"
"Hey, I thought you wanted to take things slow, sunshine." he pulled her close, flush with his body. "Then you go talkin' all sexy to me like that." he lingered at her cheek with light kisses.
"Well, you did the same with your baseball talk the other night." she moaned into the contact with relish.
"I can't help it if certain sports terms have made their way into everyday speech. Your…exposition there, about my boyhood crush was intentional."
"You had a crush on Leia?" he nodded, shyly. "I had a crush on Han! Heck with Cap and Widow, THERE'S our couple's costume for next Halloween!" she said, excitedly!
"Oh, I didn't know you were talking about costumes for public use." he said, a naughty smirk in his eye.
"Stop it, you. Finish your tour. I want that soup on the stove." she said, patting her tummy.
He showed her the various memorabilia he'd procured over the years. Posters from a few of her favorites, and a few others that she recognized but wasn't as excited about. Die Cast models of several famous film vessels and vehicles, and a "life size" LEGO R2-D2 which would have had her salivating even if she hadn't been hungry. Apparently it took him almost a month to assemble the droid, but he did it all by himself.
"Aww…I wish I could have helped." she lamented.
"Maybe I'll pick up the Death Star and we can do that one together."
She nodded excitedly, eyes wide, rubbing her hands together in front of her chin with greed.
"Okay, little mouse." he chuckled. "Let's fill that belly and start this movie."
They filled massive bowls with generous portions and took the crackers down stairs so they could start the marathon. If they wanted to get through all three films tonight, they'd best get started.
They were both fairly quick eaters out of habit given her often truncated lunch breaks and his typical ten minutes in the mess hall. Even savoring the delicious creamy, cheesy concoction, as she tried to do, it was hard to slow down on. It did give her something to focus on during the first, emotionally devastating part of the film though. Once she finished, she expressed a final  groan of delight and thanked Sy, kissing him on his cheek as she held the other. She felt the smile bloom across his face as she prolonged the contact.
They were about halfway through the movie, a big fight scene in a night club, when something dark and grim hit Shane in the chest. Watching Keanu Reeves pretend to beat up and kill all of these actors and stunt men, it occurred to her that the man with his head resting gently on her lap, long body taking up the rest of that side of the sectional, had fought and killed. The man letting her play her fingers through his hair and beard had shot and blown up people. He was told to do it. Ordered to do it. But even though he was doing it lawfully and by military order, as far as she knew, it was still his job…at least some of the time. She knew that was an oversimplification of the function of the armed forces, but…sometimes, it was an apt description.
She had never thought of Sy like that before. Someone other than the strong but gentle teddy bear that had come to be such a comforting presence in her life. She needed that, after all she'd been through…she tried not to think about the hurt of her last relationship. She hadn't discussed it with Sy. It was history. Ancient history. But she was, after all, a believer in the fact that those who knew nothing of the past were doomed to repeat it. She'd tell him…one day. Everything that Elliott had done to her…had put her through. But not tonight. Suddenly, she thought being on the arm of a soldier, someone who'd lived the kind of life that Captain Logan Syverson had lived, might make her feel more safe than she had in ages.
"You're awful quiet, sunshine." he said, cracking a beer open and handing it to her before doing the same for himself and sitting down with his thick arm around her.
"Just…trying to be respectful of the movie experience. You know." she smirked at him as the menu music to the second movie played.
"It ain't that. I know this is still new, what we're doin', but I've watched enough movies with ya over the last few weeks to know that you don't keep quiet for a full length feature." Shane worried the tab on her cold Miller Lite. She wasn't sure how to bring this forward. "Spill it, sweetheart. What's eatin' ya?"
"What…what do you think about when you're watching movies like this, Sy?"
"Guess, same as anybody. How awesome the fighting and driving is. Wondering when Keanu got to be a badass. And if there's really an underground society of assassins. Why, hon?"
"I, umm, I only wondered if it…it doesn't make you miss…your job?"
The smile he gave her was both bemused and amused. "Come 'ere." he prompted her to lean her head into him, and sat his beer down on the buffet behind the couch so he could better hold her. "Do we need to go over the function of a captain of the Army of These United States? Because as flattered as I am that you think so highly of me, I'm no John Wick, nor do I know anyone like John Wick. Or five guys that would make one John Wick. Ten guys. Maybe twenty."
"The fighting doesn't bring anything back?" she smoothed the creases in his shorts as she tried not to act like she was over thinking his past.
"That fightin’s…it's like dancing. It's choreographed, precise, and the outcome is predetermined. Real fights are the exact opposite. They're chaos, unpredictable, and the right guys don't always win. Trust me, I've seen a lot of them go south in a big way." they both let a moment of silence pass before Sy broke it. "What’re ya really askin’, Shane?"
She wanted to ask so many things. The questions seemed to clog the ventricles of her brain like leaves in a rain gutter. Bottlenecked traffic.
"I just…couldn't help but think…about things you must have had to do when…when you were active, and I just…if you need to talk about anything, I'm here." She imagined that taking someone's life, no matter how personal or impersonal the act itself seemed on the surface, would create some level of emotional scarring.
“Oh, sweetheart." he kissed the top of her head, making her feel as warm and cozy as the soup had…perhaps more so. "You are important to me for so many reasons. You've shown me how to smile again. Laugh. Real, genuine happiness. No sarcastic shit like I had to use on my men in my squad. But although I'd feel comfortable talkin' to ya 'bout near anything, there's a counselor on the base who's specifically trained to help guys like me. Who've seen what I've seen and been through…similar situations. He makes sure I don't feel like less of a man for what happened to me. You make me feel…like more than a man…something stronger than I thought possible."
She was straining hard to corral the tears within her waterline, but they broke free when he squeezed her tightly to him with both of his massive arms.
"So…that HEP I gave you is working?" she laughed, knowing full well that his home exercise program had no bearing on the strength he meant.
"Come on, Shane." he raised an eyebrow at her, challenging her to see herself the way he saw her. "Them handouts you give me don't mean a hill o' beans in this conversation and you know it. The way you hold yourself, speak to others. There is so much quiet strength in your kindness that comes right out of your beautiful little heart. Some days I'll see you working with kids, if I get in early, and I know they annoy you and freak you out, but you never let that show." He looked into her eyes, misty from emotion, and he wiped away the tears from her cheeks. "I'll never be able to explain it right, the way you inspire me to be a better and stronger man. And my heart just breaks to hear you put yourself down. And don't say you're just kidding, because I know you think you are, but behind every one of those jokes is a truth, at least as you see it." He'd seen her make to argue and knew her tactic before she had attempted it. "Give yourself some credit, Shane."
"I'm too busy blaming myself for the bad stuff to give myself credit for anything good." she sniffed. "You're the first guy I've…I've been involved with that's acted like I was worth anything more than a meal ticket. Someone who was only suitable for enough sex to make it an official relationship just so they could have a place to live, and do whatever quasi-job was a thing. First serious boyfriend was a freelance writer, but he never seemed to be writing. Then there was the guy with the internet start-up…but he could never tell me in a satisfactory way what the company actually did…so that was brief."
He seemed to know she was bracing for something big. Something difficult. He gave her silence and stroked her shoulder in encouragement to continue. She took one of her deepest ever breaths.
"Then came Elliott. Elliott Thomas. My last boyfriend. The worst of them all. Most useless and greatest offender. I ignored all of the signs, of course. He had a YouTube channel and an Instagram that he was trying to gain followers on and become a so-called "influencer." she rolled her eyes. "He had no life skills. He had a bit of an eye for photography and he could find humor in uncommon places, which he thought made him insta-famous and vlog-worthy."
"I hate him already." Sy growled.
"Well, maybe I shouldn't tell you the rest, then." he asked her to go on. "He always seemed to find these ways to cheat on me and lie to me that I couldn't quite prove, but I was just certain of. But I just…I didn't want to believe it. I wanted THAT one to work. Well. I came home one night after work, and he had another girl in our bedroom. I told him he had until the next day when I got home to leave. Things got a little physical, but I can hold my own." she said, proudly, "and I bolted with my purse. I stayed with Heather, our evening secretary, and we hashed it out, and got a little blitzed on moscato, and cried together."
"He was gone the next day. All I heard from my landlord was, 'you shouldn't be hearing from him anytime soon.' so I guess he had his cop buddies send him a message. He blocked me on all social media and I haven't heard a peep from him since. That was five years ago."
"What a scum bag." he stated, obviously.
"Yeah, I haven't been able to really think about a relationship since then…until…" she let the word hang there, knowing they both knew what the end of the sentence was. "Until I met you." Drifting unsaid in the ether of the unspoken.
"It's been a long time for me too. I mean…I haven't quite been a monk, but I haven't…I haven't cared for a girl since…actually, I've never felt this way about anyone."
"I didn't mean to unpack all of that tonight when we're only a third of the way through our marathon. I really wasn't even going to bring it up at all. It's just…been on my mind. Ya know. I once heard a very poignant parable about keeping your mouth shut if you're warm and happy. I was attempting to do that." she chuckled.
"Yeah, but we need to be able to open up to people in this life. Keeping a bottle stopped under pressure ain't no good for the bottle. Or what's inside."
"Such wisdom. You know just what to say to me." she grinned into him.
"Just seen what keeping yourself closed off can do to a person. And the people they love."
Love…there was that word in the air. Not officially said, but felt in all ways. They held each other close as the opening to the second movie played.
Up Next: Chapter Nine-Group Therapy
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leverage-commentary · 4 years
Leverage Season 2, Episode 9, The Lost Heir Job, Audio Commentary Transcript
Peter: This is Peter Winther, the Director of episode...
John: 209.
Peter: 209.
John: John Rogers, Executive Producer.
Chris: Chris Downey, Executive Producer and Writer of this episode, entitled The Lost Heir Job.
John: There you go. Chris, where did this episode come from?
Chris: Well, there was a different episode, very different episode, that didn't come together, and uh, I called Dean, Dean Devlin, our Executive Producer, and I kinda asked him, ‘What kinda bad guys are you thinking about, we haven't done?’ And one of the things he said was, ‘How about an evil lawyer?’ And me being—
John: And you used to be an evil lawyer!
Chris: And me being a former evil lawyer, I thought okay, I can work with that. And it kinda sprung from there.
John: The uh, Peter, uh, this is a lovely affecting scene. Is this in our hospital set that we get enormous mileage out of, or are we in a hospital today?
Peter: Ah, no this is the hospital set that we redesigned to look like a different hospital set.
John: Nicely done. This is very touching. Peter, let me ask you, this is the first episode of Leverage that you've directed, and there's Peter Reigert as the evil lawyer.
Peter: Yes.
John: When you're coming onto a new show to direct for the first time, what's your prep? What do you do?
Peter: Well, you know, first of all, you read the amazing script by the writers. And yeah, I cried, I laughed. Yeah, then you do the normal stuff, you location scout, you find anything that you need to find, and you kinda work with—I mean luckily for me, like a lot of the guys that worked on Leverage, I've worked with before, whether it's through the Dean Devlin world of Independence Day and Godzilla, so...
John: And Librarian, you directed the first Librarian.
Peter: And the first Librarian.
John: A big thing about this episode is- Uh, and that's London. A big thing about this—
Peter: We went to London.
Chris: If you can't tell, there's Big Ben right there.
John: Ah, we like to assume that whenever we find Sophie, she's standing in front of the most recognizable landmark ever. 'Who's dead?' I love that reaction by the way. This was a challenge. This was the first episode where we knew that we needed a female grifter for the team; we had to introduce her, we wanted to check in with Sophie, and kind of establish why we were going to introduce a semi-permanent character. A lot of struts and bolts had to be thrown up here.
Chris: Yeah, yeah.
John: That was the real challenge. We had to have a scene that made us not think this relationship was broken, but that she wasn't coming back.
Chris: Well, I mean, the hard thing is when you're introducing a new character who's gonna take over, you wanna make sure that the audience understands that that character has been approved of by the character that she's replacing.
John: Yeah, to a great degree you need—it's weird—you need Gina's character to be the initiator of the replacement in order for the, you know-
Chris: And there's kind of a story about the Mary Tyler Moore pilot, that I heard from Jim Brooks, who wrote- the great Jim Brooks, apparently when they tested the Mary Tyler Moore pilot, the audience initially hated the Rhoda character.
John: Really?
Chris: Absolutely hated her. And the network said, 'You gotta get rid of her.' And Jim Brooks re-shot a scene in which Phyllis's daughter, Phyllis the neighbor upstairs, hugs the Rhoda character, just gives her a hug in one of the scenes. They tested again, went through the roof. And what they realized was, all they needed was someone on the cast that the audience liked to give their approval of this character. And Dean really was the driving force here because he said, 'We have to make sure that the audience buys into this.'
John: Yeah, a lot of shows replace people in between seasons, but coming up with a substitute person in the middle of the season has—I've never seen it successfully done.
Peter: Until now.
John: Until now. And this is interesting, this was tricky, is, essentially we talked about bringing the Tara character in, we'd beaten out the backstory of the character, given it to Jeri Ryan, so, you know, she could consider it, and consider signing on, and then we originally were talking about her coming straight in, and then realized we'd need at least—particularly since this episode is kind of a classic Rockford mystery—that we needed to throw a little spin on it.
Chris: Yeah, this episode doesn't have a— doesn't really have a con in it, but what— and I think this was your idea, John—was to make Tara's presence in the episode the con. That she cons the rest of the team.
John: At least engaging so we could get ahead with the story rather than the audience like, 'Wait, who's she? Why am I watching her?' Instead it's- we're playing this as if she could be a character on a, you know- And you stage this beautifully, by the way, putting her on the same side of the table, you know, really locking in for the audience who that is. And we know that most of the audience thought ‘Oh, they're gonna take this lawyer character and corrupt her.’ And the twist worked right up until the end; it was nicely done.
Peter: And especially when you see Jeri Ryan come in, you assume that something's gonna happen with her. So the whole game is to make it seem like she's just playing this part. Nothing else.
John: TV audiences have seen a lot of TV; it's very hard to fool a TV audience.
Peter: Yeah, exactly. They're like, ‘Ooh, she's a special guest, there's something significant's gonna happen with her.’ So we have to keep clouding that and make it seem like nothing's happening with her, and she played it great.
John: Yeah, this is just the guest star, yeah.
Peter: Just the guest star, that's it.
Timestamp: [5:00]
John: That's a nice shot of the bar I don't think we've done before, with the light coming in, like it's 4 o'clock, 5 o'clock in the afternoon.
Peter: And this is Anna Campbell, by the way. She actually is a local actress, and she did a terrific job. She's on Mad Men, as well.
John: Oh yeah!
Chris: Was she on Mad Men? Wow.
John: That was a great vic scene, by the way. That was really- when I was watching this the first time, I'm like, wow, dragging away the nice young woman, helping the old alzheimer guy, this is a dark one, man. You know what? I hate that guy. And getting Peter Reigert was a stunning bit of casting.
Chris: And that we have to give credit to Tim. Tim, who has lots of friends who are terrific actors in New York, and he suggested Peter, who, you know—I didn't even think was on the list of our casting people to even consider. Peter Reigert of course, you would know from Animal House, played Boon in Animal House, and my favourite movie of all time, Local Hero, which I asked him about incessantly about during the week of filming.
Peter: Yeah, see, Chris was stalking Peter, pretty much. On the weekends, Chris would track him down and keep asking him stuff.
Chris: [Laughs] There's not a frame of that movie I didn't ask him about.
John: The, uh, this is a nice conversation, the whole way that she digs in here, and the way she gets very righteous. And what we're kind of doing here, is making her be the way Nate Ford used to be before his fall. And that was—that's pretty much how this worked.
Peter: And it was very interesting. She was like, she had a hard time of it, because she's used to playing very strong, independent, powerful women, and not naive at all, and that's who she is as a person too. So she was really going and taking a risk by playing this person.
Chris: She was- she was very—and she said, 'Is the audience gonna buy, me, you know, an adult woman in—'
John: Paragon of virtue.
Chris: Yeah.
John: But you know, that's a role that people played in the 40s and 50s all the time. You know, this is very much kind of our take on a classic con, classic con movie. Ah, and that's 'we never let Vicki Vale in the Batcave.' That was my big beef from the original Batman movie, is, 'No one must ever know I'm Batman! Except for the nine or ten women who've wandered through here at any given time.' C'mon man, that's the whole point.
Chris: This is a tricky scene too, to do, because you- Uh, Peter, maybe talk about the kind of emotional—you gotta cover a lot of emotional ground here.
Peter: Well these scenes, I mean, it was interesting for me, being the first time I've done these episodes. They've all done, you guys have done these informational scenes in front of the screens before. This scene scared the hell out of me, 'cause how much, like the explainer scene can you do, you know? And uh, but it was great because, the way you guys wrote the script, we could play the comedy of him getting busted, going there, and then lead into it. So it took a little bit of the curse of trying to explain it, you added some comedy, and like—
John: I also like how you've got them appearing around him at first, so he has to keep turning and looking.
Peter: [Laughing] Yeah, exactly.
Chris: And these little, kind of, photoshopped shots look great. I mean it really does look like he's in London.
John: And what's a lot of fun about the—and they're tormenting him, this is very much the family vibe. What's really kinda fun about this is, you know, we dread these scenes as writers too. And the fans love them.
Peter: Oh no, I know, it is. But that's because every time you do a little twist on it, you know, and this scene had a lot of emotional beats; there's the fun of teasing him, and then they find out she's not coming back, which you have to really then transition into a big emotional moment there, and then he's gotta rally everyone back, and now they gotta get it.
John: Yeah it's like three or four emotional beats in one one scene, yeah.
Peter: So it's really tough. But it turned out really well, I thought.
John: And then you let the screens go to black, to show their mood. That was a nice choice. I'm sure that was totally intentional.
Peter: Oh yeah, exactly. I'm a genius like that. I'm an accidental genius.
John: You are. And, uh, Eliot knowing this is not a good idea; everyone knowing this is not a good idea, and...what was I gonna say? Oh, that's the key to these scenes also, is, get somebody pissed off in it. Someone in one of these informational scenes has to either not like the con, or not like the—
Chris: By the way, I need to interject, this is one of my favorite montages ever. This is an industrialist, and I think there's a picture of a, of like a drum of oil—
John: Look, there's a drum of goo poisoning children, and then an oil well fire, and him drinking a whiskey. [Evil laughter] I like, also, that this is a magazine called Lawyer Monthly. Is there a Lawyer Monthly? Is there an evil Lawyer Monthly magazine? I would like to get a subscription to that. And again, this was kind of the thing that we were learning, is that, you know, the lost heir, and the lost will, is a crime trope from the 1600s, that has been done on a lot of different crime shows, a lot of different con show, and so the fun is taking it and finding the variation that fits your show. You know, that's one of the great things about working in a genre that has a long history. To a great degree, you're almost like—it's more like what your variation on this theme is than the actual theme itself.
Peter: It's your homage.
Timestamp: [10:00]
John: It's more than an homage, it's uh, you know. Homages are more accurate.
Peter: Yeah it's more like folk music, you know, like—
John: You're supposed to put a little spin on it, you know, and your spin adds to it.
Peter: Yeah, you're updating it, that's what it's all about.
John: Exactly. God this is a long informational scene.
Peter: I know.
Chris: This is a big one; it's a lot.
John: We gotta do the character beats, we gotta do the—and that was the other thing we found, is, you know, that you can hang out—even in like, really fast moving episodes—you can hang out for half an act in this room.
Chris: Yeah. I mean, that's what we learned.
John: As long as there's emotional beats, or you open it really strong, and, you know, uh, taking away alzheimer dude's only hope really lands it. Now this is amazing. Where are we here, guys?
Peter: Uh.
Chris: Well, we're at a jail that was built outside of Portland, and then they ran out of money. So it's basically been just sitting there, and really, this whole act was designed because we knew we had this jail. And here is of course, we wanna introduce—
John: The 'pan up legs' shot.
Chris: The pan up from the pair of legs.
Peter: We had a slow motion version, but I didn't [mumbles] time to shoot. It was a little, a little too much.
John: It was a little buttery.
Peter: Yeah, you know, I've got, I like buttery though.
Chris: But the happy accident was that, like, whatever that stuff was in the air that was blowing—
John: Gave, like, a view.
Peter: I had a guy there, he was sorta—
John: You just had a big thing of pollen?
Peter: Yeah. We did it in the Patriot actually once, where it was like, we had—it was all this stuff and there was no really apparent reason for it, but it was up in the air.
John: Looks really pretty.
Peter: Yeah, exactly. That's the reason.
John: 'Put some more schmutz, put schmutz in the air. I want schmutz, Peter.'
Peter: Yeah, pretty much.
John: And this is again, you know, outside our character, different attitude, lot of fun. And not being able to tell the truth—this is another thing where we—
Chris: This was Guys and Dolls, it was when we were breaking it, this was- we're gonna see if we can corrupt her.
John: And that was the idea, is originally, you know, we didn't know how Tara was gonna come in, and who the character was. We talked about a Guys and Dolls variation, where we would corrupt the character, and then realized that would take too much explanation, and wouldn't be approved by Sophie... but we used every part of the animal.
Chris: Yes.
John: Wow, Chris wound up really rocking those 70s sunglasses this season. He really looks like he's come out of um, Grand Theft Auto there. Ah, this shot.
Chris: Oh this guy. This guy, uh, is this actor, Tobias Anderson, is a local actor in Portland, and is just fantastic. As a matter of fact, when we were looking—when we were doing this shot, right here, I went up to Tim afterwards and I said, ‘I wanna—can we do Chinatown? Can we remake Chinatown with you in the Jack Nicholson role, and him as.. not Walter…
John: Walter Huston?
Chris: The Walter Huston role, 'cause he really just had that perfect, kind of patrician accent.
Peter: And he was the last guy I saw, like, cast. Everyone else I was like, ‘eh, I dunno’, and then finally he came in.
John: This was kind of a recurring theme this year, to. We were really busting on the whole white collar, minimum security jails, 'cause I'm like seriously man, if you steal a billion dollars, your ass gets sent to the pen. Why do you get a vacation? It was also probably tied into the fact that at this point, we were working fourteen to sixteen hours a day, and a stint in a white collar jail sounded really good to me. I was like 'so I can't work at all, I gotta sit in there and be in jail.' Oh, this was my favorite character we did all year. This is very Rockford, this is Jimmy Joe Meeker.
Peter: I have to say, when he first came in with that blue suit, I wasn't too sure about it, but [snaps fingers] his character, he totally pulled it off, like after the first scene I'm like 'Okay, I get it, I totally get it.'
Chris: Well the thing is that in the cons, essentially when Nate is in these roles, his job is to get under the skin of the mark. I mea,n that's really what it is, because that's gonna lead the mark to make bad decisions, so that's what— there was actually more to this whole sequence too, where he actually—
John: This sequence, he gets dragged out outside and beaten up.
Peter: Oh yeah, yeah, because he's that irritating. Or the suit was that blue.
John: And also, you haven't done a Rockford homage until you had the gut punch.
Peter: And this was my first shot on Leverage; right here, this is where we started.
John: Oh really, great, nice. Look at this production value in Portland, wow.
Peter: And I have to tell you, these guys are the right guys to start your career on Leverage with, these two guys, because they are so hilarious–
John: It's really just, roll the camera and get out of their way, isn't it?
Peter: It's roll the camera [laughs] and like, let the guys play.
John: Look at that!
Chris: Look at that, isn't that a great-? Look at that shot. I mean, this pristine jail. Yeah, I mean the key we've found with them was to give them a funny attitude to play. If you find an attitude for them to play, it doesn't really matter what the script is, they know what to do.
Peter: Right, you just give them, like, guidelines and a goal at the end, and where to start, and then you roll. And these guys just go—especially these two together are like, amazing.
John: And nicely enough it's a happy blend, because it's not totally improv, they really do go off the dialogue, but there's always a little twist right at the end.
Peter: Absolutely.
Chris: Oh, but boy, him playing the traumatized prison guard just killed me.
John: Yeah, just the panic—he does panic very well. [Chris laughs] And again, Hardison, Hardison always goes over the top, always a little up.
Peter: But his over the top works, because every time I was watching him I was 'he's almost–he's not quite over the top, he's just at the edge of it, he keeps it right there.'
John: Well, cause the whole point is to make you so uncomfortable you're distracted. That's a lot of—
Peter: It's all sleight of hand.
Timestamp: [15:00]
Chris: And also to sell to him the idea that to go to maximum security prison would be the end of his life.
John: Is an unspeakable nightmare, yeah. Oh, I forgot, that’s our nurse, right, that's, um...
Chris: Yes, uh, in the picture.
John: We shouldn't say her name actually so she's not stalked, but yeah. And this is a lovely ventilation shaft scene, um, really, you can't go more than two episodes on Leverage without a ventilation shaft scene.
Peter: You would think that when people make buildings they would, like, stop making ventilation shafts, because that's how everybody steals the stuff, you know what I mean?
John: Well they tend to make them small, but Beth is very small.
Chris: By the way, she's just adorable in ventilation shafts, just the childlike wonder that she has.
Peter: Just goes together.
John: I also love that Hardison's managed to find Orangina even in a prison. He's just found an orange drink, even there.
Chris: And this is Doug Brookes, who was great also.
John: Yeah, he's the other guard here.
Peter: He was hilarious. I mean there was so much stuff—this was one of— I could have shot this for three day straight, this scene, because we were cracking up the whole time.
John: And what's really interesting here is, this is something that if you're going to shoot comedy, don't over complicate comedy. Your best friend on a comedy shot is a locked off comedy shot. It's just like—you see how often we just go back to this wide right here? 'Cause all comedy plays—well that's a Woody Allen rule, comedy plays on a two shot. And this is all attitudes and reactions. You know, there's no fucking camera movement, yeah, exactly.
Peter: Because you see two different reactions in one shot that's why it works.
John: Oh, and he's so hurt. He's so hurt.
Chris: And I love him yelling ‘clear’, I mean he just digs in.
Peter: And then usually, as you guys know, we just roll the camera at him and he just keeps talking. We'll keep rolling for another two minutes, he's got—he will never stop, we have to cut.
John: I love that this is what was—this is the worst frameup in history. I remember we were pitching this in the room, we came up with stuff like, like an M16 he'd assembled out of bed parts—
Peter: But it's the tone of the show, you can get away with it.
Chris: It's all he needs, it's a Nazi armband and a picture of Hitler.
John: But why the picture of Hitler??!!
Peter: But what about the first Nazi armband they gave me? It was like, yellow and white, I'm like...
Chris: Kudos to the wardrobe department, who quickly, maybe a bit too quickly, sewed a Nazi armband when we needed.
Peter: Maybe they didn't sew it; maybe they just had one.
John: But this was also, it's pretty amazing when you think, alright we're a cable show, we're in Portland, our wardrobe department had to come up with all these prisoner outfits, because random outfits are much easier, people often wear their own clothes when they're extras. All the uniforms, all the prisoner outfits, on like half a week of prep, by the time they get the script and everything, you know for blocking. And, the bookending scene.
Peter: And I will say, Tim's suits, they pulled out of their derriere as well, because that was kind of a last minute addition, and they went to some pimp store, and found it in Oregon.
John: There's a pimp store in Oregon?
Peter: I think so.
John: Wow, I wouldn't think there'd be enough pimps to support a mini culture like that.
Peter: I mean if you look at his jackets, there's like a little button that you can hang it on from the back on, it's like, really a great jacket.
John: And she's being great, she's really selling the whole innocent lawyer. There was a moment, when we were doing this, watching the dailies, I was like 'I'm gonna miss this character'. I kinda like Jeri as this—
Peter: As the earnest...
John: Yeah, as the earnest lawyer, because she usually plays so aggressive. Because she's a very good looking, powerful woman, and, uh, it was really great. That suit's magnificent. 
Peter: Yes.
John: And this is another one, when our guys—the only way to put pressure on our guys is, things are moving too fast, they're constrained in time and space, you know, it's—
Peter: Here's one I love; I love this shot. Whoop, and then—
John: Aaand, that's.. you're right, there it is.
Peter: The button—
John: And ripping out the pages, and here, here's what I love about Reigert here, if I may, and we wrote it a little like this, but really, most of our bad guys are like, 'what the hell are you doing here?' Reigert has, in theory, been an evil dude for thirty five years. He has buried a lot of bodies. This Papadokalis—this Tim Hutton character is not gonna throw him.
Chris: No, that was really the key, the key was for him to underestimate him for the entire episode, and this, this scene to me just epitomizes the whole episode. These two guys—
John: This is one of my favorite bad guy scenes, absolutely.
Peter: And these- we put them on opposite sides of the table for obvious reasons, but then these two guys really just—again, it was like the prison scene, but in a different way—these guys really, I mean, ad libbed, and played off each other the whole time. And it was pretty amazing, it was fun to watch.
John: That's a lot of craft at that table, right there.
Peter: A lot of craft. And it really worked, there was like, they were kinda playing with each other on an actor level, and on a character level at the same time, and it worked both ways.
John: Kinda trying to one up each other a little bit in the scene. That's a great set—what is, what offices were those?
Peter: That was a real lawyer office.
Chris: Yeah, I mean we—
Timestamp: [20:00]
John: Look at that deadpan, just that total dead-eyed—
Peter: Yeah and it's great, it's really like a fire and ice kinda scene, because Jimmy Papadokalis is all over the place, and he's like this, and Peter's just cool as ice.
John: And that's another thing, and you'll see it—we kinda found the rhythm as we went into the back half of second season, the bad guys get progressively scarier. And more competent. I like to think that the Leverage crew has cleaned out all the easy white collar dudes. Like in their first year, they got all the easy marks.
Chris: Well, I gotta give credit to Peter Reigert, I mean, he so inhabits this character. I remember being on set and people talking about, ‘I think this guy's killed people before’. Like, literally, when people debate about the backstory, you know you've hit a home run.
John: Now this one I like, is that we go out, and we're strung and we have no answer, and you're watching Nate Ford play chess here in his head. He's putting the facts together, he's doing detective work. And again, this is the thing we mention in a couple of the commentaries, a lot of second season was realizing, criminals are like detectives - they know crime, they can put stuff together. And Nate Ford was a detective, so you know, when he throws this together, it's using the available facts in a convincing way. And he's reading Reigert.
Chris: Yeah.
Peter: And the way Tim plays it, he was really brilliant in the scene, because you really feel like he's making this stuff up as he goes along. You do. I mean, you're like—like I'm watching, like we were watching and we were like, like what's he gonna do now? It was, like, it was amazing.
John: How is he saying the words, they seem fresh.
Peter: Yeah, and you just get sucked in, he's like, I mean he's—those looks, those blue eyes he's got man, they're just a killer.
John: And that's, again, structurally, this episode really is, we need X information, we do a mini con in act two to get X information. That information is not what we think it is, therefore we have to change the plan in act three. In act four, the violent ramifications of that changed plan comes to the fore. It's the template, it's the one comforting blanket...
Peter: What I love about this episode—besides 'I directed it'— was that I really felt, even when I was watching it, as a fan, later, I was like 'I don’t know how they're gonna defeat this guy', you know, like he's not gonna get ruffled.
John: He's a good bad guy.
Peter: And even like, in the scene that's about to happen, when she comes in, it's like, he doesn't buy that for a second either.
John: That's a big difference on shows, is, uh, a lot of times for us it's not are they going to defeat this guy, because meta structure—again, TV audiences have seen a lot of TV—it's how. This is one of the few times it's like 'I don't really know— I dunno if they're gonna do this.'
Chris: Well, I mean, that's what was so nice about introducing The Lost Heir Con, fairly deep into the show, I mean you know, there could have been an episode where that came out of the briefing scene, but because it became a development...
Peter: Right, because a lot of the episodes I saw, like that— they figured out the con at the end of the first act—
Chris: This is the con, this is what we're gonna do.
John: And that's really tricky, 'cause we really know we're not a detective show, because we have broken some episodes where there's like an investigatory first and second act. We always wind up throwing out those outlines. You know, it's gotta be a weird mix of investigation first and second act—
Chris: Well...
John: Because you do. If you introduce the con too early, you run out of steam.
Chris: But I think what we learned here was, that what the audience wants at the end is a twist. And you can give them a detective twist if we put it, like with the Tara character, if there's a con shell around it.
John: Yeah. You could easily do this as a private investigation episode, on any other show. 'Bye bye. Out. Get out.' And Parker's utter inability to act now.
Chris: 'Are we gonna go get meth?'
Peter: Dude, the meth line, we were all in tears. And there's like four different versions, and they're all awesome, and uh, yeah.
John: It's really hat-rific in there today, look at that. That's one, two, three, that suit's really a hat. [All laugh] Uh, that's three hats in there. And I remember breaking this, and going over like, women's names, or what we could possibly do, we had to look up and see uh, what had been, what could wind up on drivers licenses, when the drivers licenses were digitized—
Chris: Well the tricky thing here was, and you came up with it, was finding ways to bury the colorblind... because if you kinda like, if they they keyed up on colorblindness here, really we're tipping the ending, and it was just, trying to find a way to throw it in.
John: But that's one of those times where writing is really, we describe it as making the license plates, you sit in the writer's room for six hours, staring at the ceiling, until the answer comes, you know and just throwing out crap.
Peter: Yeah but it was a great 'gun in the drawer' kinda thing, you know, where it's like, he really—
Chris: He saw it up there, it landed visually, he mentions is—
Peter: Yeah, it's right in front of your face, and then it comes back later and no one sees it coming, and that's the best way. I always hate shows where it's like, suddenly they come up with a magic answer, and it was like, we never saw it. Here, you put it in front, but it's all sleight of hand.
John: There's a—Dean Devlin's father had a great thing, which is 'there are no drive ups in the third act', and we have the same thing. There's no new information in the fifth act. You're not allowed to give anything new, it has to be something, a version of what we've already seen.
Chris: That's a nice transition, too.
John: Yeah it is, a nice whip over to her. And there was actually an original scene, another scene in this, too, where he's kind of talking her into doing this? But the fun—it turns out this is much better, just knowing that somehow he's conned her into this.
Chris: The audience, you should know, this episode was eight minutes long when we finished it, and we kept—and it was a real hard thing to edit it down—
Timestamp: [25:00]
John: Oh, there's a lot of good scenes on the floor, in this one.
Chris: But I still feel like in the end, the final edit was the best edit. I mean, you've really like- when you get into it, you find out that you really didn't need all this stuff.
John: Yeah, a lot of the other stuff were grace notes.
Chris: And the eating stuff was Peter's—Peter likes eating scenes. [All Laugh]
John: All actors like eating scenes.
Peter: They do, it gives them some—they need business.
John: By the way, that's one of Spielberg's tricks.
Chris: Really?
John: One of Spielberg's tricks is to show, if he wants you to like people, he shows them—he shows them cooking.
Chris: That's interesting. Well, I guess it also shows how little, you know, disregard he has for everything.
John: And this was another trick, was to figure out a way to involve the lawyer character in the con, in a way that didn't violate the character, and the idea is, we were sitting there, 'but she's supposed to be scrupulously honest,' and we realized, well, we use that, that's the point.
Chris: And also it answers the question as to, wouldn't this guy just ask for a DNA test? Well, we always find—
John: Oh that's right, that was the big argument in the room, is, how do you get him to not want a DNA test?
Chris: Well, you convince him it's the worst possible option. Ah, and this is a great scene, too.
John: And, a couple months afterwards, it was in the news, a way to fake DNA tests. We killed ourselves, we killed ourselves to figure out some way to get him to not ask for the DNA, and then a couple months later in the news there was a way about how to fake it.
Peter: They probably saw the episode and —
John: Yeah, I sent them all the research. This is a very classic, this is, we could stamp a Quinn Martin production on this scene.
Chris: He looks like the, uh, actor here, who I'm gonna look up his name quickly—
Peter: David.
Chris: Is it David?
Peter: I think so.
Chris: Yeah. He— right out of a Quinn Martin production.
John: Actually I — He could play in Spencer as the, uh, the heavyset Boston sargeant that's his buddy, yeah. And this is, a good, uh, good showdown on the docks scene. This was originally an alley, in a parking garage,
Chris: Yeah, wasn't it, it was a parking garage, and what was—what led to you guys scouting out here?
Peter: You know what, it was just, for me, I'd watched all the episodes, and I just felt, you- There was this whole river thing, and in Boston there's a river even though, you know- 
Chris: It worked great.
Peter: But I just wanted to open it up, you know, give some size to it, and I dunno, the parking garage, there was no good alley parking garage in Portland. So, we went into this scene. And it opened it up a little bit, 'cause we were in a lot of rooms, up until then.
John: Yeah, there's that whole, that whole second act, to a great degree, is prison, lawyers office, and that's a good- you know what, any act break where a dude's aiming a gun at you is a good act break.
Peter: It's always good.
John: You know what, I'm gonna—I'm gonna stand by that. Now, what happened is, people were wondering, how did Eliot see this guy? This is Eliot's job. Eliot's job is to walk the perimeter and beat the hell out of people.
Peter: He showed up with them in the car, and then like, got out earlier—
John: They dropped him off so he could— now this is great.
Chris: This is great, there we go.
John: This is not CG. [Referring to Eliot chucking a rock at a guy's head.]
Peter: This is not, this is real, and this was- this was Christian's idea, you know, to throw the rock, because we had played softball that weekend, and he was shortstop and he was so good and then he came up "Dude, you saw how good I was at shortstop, right? I can do that, I can throw that." And he kept it in frame and everything.
Chris: And his, uh, his baseball skills become in evidence later in the season, I'd say.
John: Yeah, exactly. This is also a nice fight, because it really showcases something that Kevin Jackson really tried to do this year, which was, all of Eliot's fight style, because he's, you know, he's fast, is getting inside your reach and just working the ribs; it's not big kicks, his job is to get in there, break your ribs, and make you lay down. Yeah, maybe break an elbow, uh, and this was also great. We had to figure out how to get a time constraint on it, having him shoot the tires out, it was just a nice bit of work.
Peter: Yeah.
John: We should have used the Hyundai Genesis for this, though. Why the hell didn't we do that? Oh, we shot the tires out, that's right. That's right, you can't really do an endorsement for a car that you shoot.
Peter: Right, exactly.
Chris: Aww.
John: Aww, this is fantastic.
Peter: Oh, this is the best.
John: And Reigert's acting—
Peter: And by the way, we were in a mad rush right now, because the sun's going down.
John: Yeah. And just, gimme the gun. There you go. Thank you. Boom. Oh god!
Peter: And he's so blasé.
Chris: [Laughing] He says thanks!
John: Ahh. Dude, he has so put a bullet in a junkie, like in 1985 in an alley.
Peter: We had a great moment there, too, where he drives off and the guy's left in the dust. But it's really extra.
Chris: And I can say that this episode, in the earliest versions, one of the earliest nuggets of it was this fourth act, which was a race to the courthouse. It was one of those things we always knew was, there was gonna be Eliot and Parker, racing to the courthouse, and cops trying to shoot them, and it was the gauntlet.
John: Yeah, and that's, again, very simple goal, one goal per act, you can make—
Peter: I just love, like they think 'Oh I'm gonna put on some shades, no one will recognize us.' 
[All Laugh]
John: And this, this is really my favorite Eliot-Parker run in the entire two years. Because it's one of the times that we're really reminded of the fact that they are the two most dangerous people on the team, and then when they're not with the others, they can sometimes allow themselves that.
Timestamp: [30:00]
John: You know, they pretend to be normal humans around Hardison and Nate and Sophie, because they know they're not supposed to be, you know, like, not supposed to enjoy this. And now a good gloat from Reigert, that's nice.
Peter: Yeah, exactly.
Chris: 'Crawl under a rock.'
John: Yeah, so the entire thing was us sitting around like, what are the three or four locations, if you're trying to get to the courthouse, you know, what could the possible obstacles be? And I think this, this whole run was uh, I think this one's mine just because I did the key bit, remember?
Chris: Yeah the key bit, I think that was gonna be something with a ball bearing at one point?
John: Yeah, we played around with it, and just um, it was... oh, it was jury duty. It was like, the only thing that's keeping you from getting into a courtroom, really, is a metal detector. I love this push in on the reverse by the way,
Peter: Yeah, this was great, this was like, we really blocked this out big time, but then Mark shot-
John: There you go!
Chris: Oh, that's an iconic shot.
John: Yeah it is. And what's kinda interesting there is, he's not looking forward to it, and she's smiling, she genuinely is looking forward to it. And there's our naive lawyer, completely hung, and we've just said this girl is not part of it.
Peter: But this is the scene that, like, I think people really believe that she really is that person, and really is naive. She really sells—
Chris: Yeah, she did.
John: She sold the hell out of it. Now, she was—you know what, you get a new actor to come to your show in the middle of your season, it could be a disaster in a lot of ways. Jeri was nothing but a professional, and she was sweet and she's funny as hell, seriously, it couldn't have gone better.
Peter: And so, so prepared, you know when she's so prepared, you can play around a little bit.
John: You know what, this also comes from - my mom, when I was eight, we flew down to see friends of hers in San Antonio, she was taking kielbasa from this deli in Worcester with us—
Peter: This is already a good story.
John: But we go through the x-ray—it was one of the first times they'd had an x-ray machine—so there are three, uh, tinfoil wrapped cylinders that looked like explosives in my mother's luggage. And I remember at eight, like the guards just descending on us.
Peter: I love that. That's like, let's be blatant shall we?
John: You know what, television is not [???]
Peter: No, no, no. But here's what's great about Peter in this scene - he really made everyone around him feel nervous, like he was like really doing that thing. He did like, you know, acting-directing, you know, which I always love.
Chris: The catch! By the way, after he did that, he came up to me—because I wasn't there for this—and he said 'You gotta call Rogers and tell him I caught the bullet.' I mean he was like a little kid, talking about that.
Peter: He did it on three different takes, he caught the bullet.
John: He did it on three takes without—and she tasers him without looking. And the little smile...
Peter: Loves it. And then she gives him another one as she bails.
John: And just the look back to him, like, 'What? What? I'm supposed to not do that?'
Peter: 'I just went to the dark side for a second.'
Chris: And just one little *zzz* jolt on the way out.
Peter: It's so great with her, 'cause she's so sweet looking, and then she's got this little dark side which is awesome.
John: And that was the other thing, you really see that coming out in the back half of the season. Like from here on—it was nice because things had slowed down and we were like, 'Alright, what are some beats that we haven't hit in a while? Oh that's right, Parker's crazy.'
Chris: Yeah, she's crazy. That's a beautiful entrance too, that sweeping camera.
John: Great courtroom. Was this the same courtroom we shot yours in?
Chris: Same courtroom we shot in.
John: Nice. But they're not in Belbridge, they're in Boston proper.
Peter: It is the best, it's like the peacock, you know, he's totally got his mirror out, and—
Chris: Well that, I'll tell you where that was from, Gerald Shargel, the great mob lawyer. I remember there's a famous story where he was doing a mob trial and opened his briefcase before he was about to do a cross examination, and it was all hairbrushes. [Peter laughs] it was like, there was not one file folder...
John: Yeah, you think anybody else is gonna wander in here, no. She’s—and now we're doing our courtrooms. Oh, look at that. Was that a federal courthouse?
Chris: It was a former federal courthouse, and you know, I said this, I think, in the earlier one, there are, in a lot of American cities, there are beautiful federal courthouses built in the twenties and thirties. And then, you know, they decided 'no, they don't work for us anymore', built brand new federal courthouses with your tax dollars, and these things are sitting there—
John: Just sitting around empty.
Chris: Just waiting for television shows to arrive.
John: We could do a courtroom drama, we could just live in this place, yeah.
Peter: And by the way, Jeri feeling very at home in a courtroom because of Boston Legal. She was like, she had that down, but in a different way. She was playing, more of an innocent...
John: Yeah, not the shark. No the, uh, and then the show becomes a courtroom drama. The show really is, like, four different episodes, you know? There's kind of an early Rockford, then there's the gauntlet—
Chris: And then becomes a courtroom drama.
John: —and now it's Perry Mason.
Chris: It really is, that's it.
John: Except Peter Reigert is much more formidable than Hamilton Burger. Hamilton Burger, a reference only five of you will get. Oh no, and now he's really starting to get pissed off. No it was interesting, we actually played around a lot with, like, how evidence is admitted, and what the...
Chris: Yeah, you know me, I get very...
John: No, it was interesting, it was one of the few times that I've been, ‘I wanna make sure I get this right’. And you were explaining that what is allowed as evidence is pretty much up to the judge. 
Chris: It is, yeah. I mean, this was all, I vetted this, this is pretty much all on the level. 
Timestamp: [35:00]
Peter: What I love about this scene is like, on one level, we have no idea how he as a character, Tim as a character, is gonna, like, pull this off, because we're not thinking about the color blind thing. But on another level, Tim is like ad-libbing a lot in there, and so the actors are also like, they don't know what's gonna come at them. So everyone's like on their toes, which worked really perfectly for the scene, because you really had to listen to everything he said, because everyone had to react to it. And all the actors, including the judge, the local actors, they all rose up and like, really handled it well, and it makes the scene work terrific. 
John: This was interesting, I just, looking at these shots, because this is not a designed courthouse but a real courthouse, a designed courthouse would have more gack on either side on those sight-lines. You know, there'd just be like high risers, or wouldn't be quite so deep, you know.
Chris: But this was, I remember, there's a few times when you're watching, you know, filming something, when you're like, this is something special. And there was a take here where it was like, between the two of these guys ad libbing, that was really something special. And I remember the three of us looked—it was you, me, and Dean—were like, wow, that's it.
Peter: No, it really was.
John: The, uh, and then now the launch. The whole unraveling, and she's really sympathetic; that was good casting on our part.
Peter: So sympathetic.
Chris: She was fantastic.
John: 'What color?'— that was the moment in the room when we got it. Because we're trying to figure out like, what's the moment? What's the one thing that'll lock it in? Because we were doing the lost heir con, and we hadn't come up with the idea that she was the lost heir yet.
Chris: Yeah that was a fairly late addition.
Peter: And all this stuff that Tim does, where he's like, it looks like he's trying to—but now as a character, he's playing Peter Reigert's character, like, 'Oh I don't really know what I'm doing,' but his character totally does.
Chris: It's the typical like, ‘I'm just a country lawyer. I dunno about you big—’
John: It's very Columbo.
Chris: ‘—you big city lawyers, I mean all I know is this.’
John: 'Pardon me, just one more thing before I leave, my wife's very excited that I met you, I gotta ask—'
Chris: 'Now, maestro—'
John: 'Maestro, when you doing one of these orchestra things? Exactly how long are you playing here?' And that's when we do the revelations of observation.
Chris: Here's where he figured it all out. Colorblindness, trying to play fair.
John: See, if you go back on the DVD, right there, it's right there.
Peter: All those shots are there.
Chris: There was a lot of debate about how much to see of the flowers in that scene, it was—
John: No, because you're focused on Jeri Ryan.
Peter: But the whole thing for me is, you have to see all that stuff, but not see it at the same time. But it has to be there, else you're cheating.
John: I'd forgotten that. That's one of my favorite moments in the room this year, where we're just sitting there, staring at the ceiling, and we've just been beating at this for hours, and all of a sudden, 'what color is my tie?' and you just saw like the walls fall into place, like, bang bang bang bang.
Chris: And a great choice of Tim here to drop the Papadokalis character. Like by now, by now he becomes Nate Ford, lawyer.
John: And sympathetic dad. You know, he kinda, he genuinely, he's figured out that there's a massive tragedy at the center of this, you know? And we had a big talk about, like, redemption and what the- why this guy would try to change, and... lovely. It's a nice little episode. I think everybody dug this one. Yeah. And she's working the hell out of that, look at that, she's tearing up.
Peter: She's so good. No, and she totally gets it, you know, for me, acting's all about transitions; it's all about, that's the most important part, the change. And she really gets it, she's like, really... and Tim really helped a lot, like on the off camera stuff, 'cause he would just start rattling off all this different stuff to help her get there.
John: I gotta tell you, that was kinda cool, when you're up there in Portland, and you're watching, like, local actors get a seminar with Tim Hutton. Because he worked with the girl who played the victim's daughter in the opening one. I'm like, you're a fifteen year old Portland actor, and you're working with an Oscar—
Peter: She, by the way, was fantastic.
John: She was fantastic. Yeah, and you're working with Tim Hutton. I mean, you're not gonna get this anywhere else. No, we loved the Portland actors. We love shooting there, it's a great place. Now, he's losing it.
Chris: Now he's completely unhinged. [Laughing]
Peter: He's suddenly realized. And it's only now that you realize, he's gonna lose. And it took this long, and that's what's great, is like—
John: 'Papadokalis!!'
Peter: Yeah, dude. That was the best. 
[All Laughing]
John: And he's gone, now Nate's gone from the clown to the guy in charge. And it's, yeah, utterly unmanned him. And I love the fact that, if you go back and watch this now, knowing what Tara is, she's running, like, a double con at this moment.
Chris: Yeah.
Peter: But at this point, you would never guess it, because the Papadokalis character is so big, it camouflages everything that Tara is doing, you know what I mean? And uh, and that's what helped it, her performance and Jimmy Papadokalis being so big, makes you not think about it.
John: I like that wink he threw her, too. That moment, it was a really sweet moment. And uh, a little gloat.
Chris: Oh, here's the gloat. Dean loves the gloat.
John: Dean's rules, the villain must suffer, and there should always be a gloat, if you're going for optimal. I love that she kisses stuff when she gets—she kisses money, she kisses—this is her, she gets pleasure from stealing. No other way around it.
Peter: I gave her like, what that was, in the thing, what's in the paper, and then she kissed it, but I wouldn't tell you what it was because it's private.
John: What? Aww.
Timestamp: [40:00]
Peter: I'll tell you after the DVD thing.
Chris: Oh, and he's dragged away.
John: Dragged away! Ruined! That, my friend—
Peter: I love how she perches up there; she's like a percher. She likes to perch on things.
John: Actually, in another episode, you know, we note the fact that you almost never see her enter a room. Usually the camera comes around, and she's just sitting there. You have no idea how she got there.
Chris: And here this really sells that; you think this is the end of the line for her.
John: Oh, special guest star Jeri Ryan.
Chris: This is like, you know, 'I hope you learned from me.' 'I think you learned something from me.' Like, the audience goes, ‘Oh okay, that's the end of Jeri Ryan.’
Peter: That was a good part for Jeri. That was a good thing for her.
Chris: Now this is very much a Rockford scene, because in every Rockford, there's usually a scene with the girl at the taco stand at the very end, when Rockford surmises why what happened happened. And he doesn't really know why, he just, he's taking a guess with his Rockford wisdom, and that's what Tim is doing right here. I felt very much writing this, that this was the quintessential coda Rockford scene.
John: Yeah. And the sort of, you know, the universe is a disordered place, and our job is to bring order to it. And you really have to read Harlan Ellisons—
Peter: I always love that entrance, these guys 'eh, we all happened to come in and enter right at this time.'
John: They wait around for each other outside, they know the effect they have when they walk in. And now the flip. And look at each one of them locking it in in a different way.
Peter: This is the zoinks moment; that's the zoinks moment.
Chris: And there she is, rocking the boots.
John: And she looks a little different there.
Peter: Slightly.
Chris: That's no librarian!
John: This was great. And it was a great way to introduce the character. Because again, the team is hypercompetent, you really have to... there's only so many ways you get a character to come in here and ordinarily, if you're bringing in a new character, as most shows do in the pilot, it’s the rookie story. We can't have this be the rookie story, because we're in the middle of a season. So, you know.
Peter: I just love, I love the interplay between her, Jeri and Beth, it's great. Because like, you know, that's the two girls and she's the biggest defender for Gina's character.
John: Yes, exactly. And they, by the end, they became really fantastic friends over the course of the season. And it really started being a lot of fun just putting the two of them in scenes together, because they'd found a really nice rhythm between Parker and Tara.
Chris: And I think the actors hung out a lot, they had a really nice—
John: They did; that's what I'm saying, they really were very good friends.
Peter: Well, especially because it's such a guys club, you know. [Laughs]
John: Especially since Gina wasn't, by that point, not in the [mumbles] because of her pregnancy, so this—and we had a bigger scene here and this was just a nice look. This is just—
Chris: That smile!
Peter: And that's her like, in her full like, 'Oh, this is gonna be great.'
John: And it was. We had a great time with her. And the turn, and ‘Dad, make it stop’, and there you go.
Chris: 'What did I just do?' That's—we went out on our summer season finale.
John: On that. Exactly. And this wasn't supposed to be the summer season finale, and it turned out to be a great one. It really was a great, solid, sort of back to basics episode.
Peter: It just makes sense, when you're introducing that new character, now it's like, a whole new change, and then you make 'em wait to get the next ep.
John: Uh, anything you want to say to the nice folks before we wrap it up?
Peter: Well for me, I had a great time doing it. It was a great time in Portland, except for the writers on the set—
John: I understand. Nothing but trouble. 
[Chris Laughs]
Peter: Yeah, nothing but trouble. But otherwise, I mean, great cast, great crew, everything was a lot of fun.
Chris: We had a good time.
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