#sindri x faye
user1286 · 2 years
It's so funny to see sindri getting passed around like a blunt (shipping wise) with like so many characters at this point, you people know who you are, pls keep doing what youre doing it's amazing ( ˘ ³˘)♥︎
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threi · 2 years
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faye x sindri
Full on twitter @/shupakabraa
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somefuckingguysblog · 2 years
ive been thinking alot abt Sindri/Kratos/Faye (bc Sindri deserves two big weed smoking gfs) and i want to try and write something for them. it wouldnt be very good probably, but euvhbmhfzc i have too many Thoughts abt them and i need to get them out onto something
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Change Of Heart ~ Heimdall x Reader
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Summary: Y/N is the daughter of Kratos with a Greek Goddess who died before he left his homeland. She is laconic and intimidating without even trying, being more like her father, but she’s mostly just aloof and has no idea how to have a proper conversation, especially with the people of the North. Being a Goddess and having learnt so much as a child, before Olympus fell, Y/N found her primary priorities simple - Protecting her family. Her first meeting would however prove to be the most entertaining, but also, the most annoying thing she experienced, since she stole Hermes’s boots.
Ragnarok was on the verge of existentialism, and everyone was running amok with craziness - People were worrying for their lives, their homes, and not only, for the End of the Gods meant... What did it mean, actually? Nobody could know exactly - They could only make false suppositions. But that’s what people did best - Make up countless scenarios that may or may not come even close to reality.
The problem was, while mostly everyone inside the dwarves’ home was in alignment with their mind views - Atreus, the little half-Jotnar teenager, was up to... Only he knew what. Nobody, maybe not even he himself, knew what in the world he was thinking. She doesn’t remember herself being a teen rebel... Maybe it was a boy thing? Or a generational gap she will never understand? She truly had no idea.
Time and time again, especially after Faye died, Y/N tried to pacify Atreus and lead him on the good path - The one of communication, so he and his father could talk out their differences. That was their problem - They loved each other so much, but because of their different personalities and upbringings, they weren’t able to bond so evidently, like herself and Kratos did. Although, they did have a few hundreds of years alone to talk plenty, so it was an unfair comparison - Hence why, she had to try harder in reasoning with both of them.
This day, however, things were even going worse than ever. Not even Sindri could talk sense into Atreus, so the ‘bad guy’ had to go and intervene, hopefully talk sense into his boy so he won’t do anything stupid and reckless. Y/N knew better than anyone how much loss and grief Kratos has experienced in his long life - She was adamant in making sure her father never has to lose anyone dear to him again. 
Kratos entered the boy’s room where he was sitting on a barrel. Kratos was evidently ticked off and in need of proper answers. He never was one for beating around the bush or diplomacy - That was all Y/N - So when Atreus tried to evade the question, the father started raising his already harsh and raspy voice. That gruff Spartan voice that was always used to shouting, like the War General he was, did him no good in trying to appear calm and collected - Not that he was, in that exact moment. Kratos was accusing Atreus of seeing - Or at least, attempting to - See Odin. He was grasping at loose straws, but it was the only clue he had.
Atreus’s voice was defiant, and he even talked back to his father, saying that he could do whatever he wanted - Make his own choices - Because it was HIS life. Not wrong, per se, but at least give your old man some closure, he is worrying himself into an early grave.
“Why don’t you trust me?!” Atreus shouted at his father, clearly hurt. “If you want me to trust you, then tell me the truth.” Kratos’s voice was pressed and authoritarian. “The truth is you’re being a complete asshole!” for a household who tolerated foul language little, having such a direct insult, at your father, no less, was inacceptable. “ATREUS!” Y/N stepped into the room. “That is no way to speak to your family. What has gotten into you?” she scolded her younger, rebellious brother. Atreus pushed past the girl, and walked out of the room. “He doesn’t have any faith in me! All faith he ever had was put into you!” Atreus accused his family in a harsh, rageful tone. “It’s fine if HE keeps secrets! It’s fine if Y/N keeps secrets. It’s fine if mum did -”  “It is NOT fine! Her secrets haunt every step of this path.” this wasn’t a family quarrel anymore. It was complete disaster. “Oh, okay, so you don’t believe in her anymore either?” the boy went to lean on a chair at the table, still away from his father.  “This is not about your mother. What you have done is lie.”  Kratos pointed out clearly. “I wonder where I learnt that.” the boy let out a dramatic shrug of his shoulders. “What is with this attitude? You do not behave like that to your family. We just want you safe.” Y/N tried to put her hand on his shoulder, but was slapped away. “Why do you ALWAYS take his side?! Is it because you’re his favourite child?!” the accusation was hurtful, but Y/N tried to keep composed. “Our father does not have a favourite child. I told you so many times - We just had more time to understand each other and learn how to speak. You are a few hundreds of years behind in that - And it is alright. Dad is not the easiest to understand, I get that. I know I am not easy to understand either. We come from a different realm and a different time. Different speech and different customs. But we both care about you so much. Please understand that, Atreus.” the girl tried to stop his temper tantrum using her compassion, but it was for naught. “Look, fine. I was only THINKING about going to Odin - But I swear, it’s for a good reason!” the boy spoke in his defence. “There is NO good reason to go to Odin.” Freya intervened quickly.  “He’ll only cloud your mind.” Tyr, also, spoke, the porridge cauldron in his hand, as he stirred it. “But I’d be going for us! I gotta stop something bad from happening!” the boy tried to reason. “Something bad DID happen! LOOK AT ME! Look at Freya - At Tyr! Odin did this to us!” Mimir shouted at the boy, hoping to make him see the fault in his thinking. There was nothing good that could come out of dealing with the devil himself. “What’s got everyone caterwaulin’ all-a sudden?” Brok grumbled as he got in the little group of mischief. “Atreus wants to go to Asgard.” Sindri summarized it best.  “Asgard? He get kicked in the head or something?” Brok was genuinely surprised by that idea. “Great. I guess everybody’s against me now.” Atreus rolled his eyes. “We are not against YOU. We just do not want you to put yourself in danger by directly going to that power hungry mad man.” Y/N sighed, pulling the boy into a hug. “You must choose who you are going to be. Are you going to continue to lie and keep things from me? Or are you my son?” Kratos asked, getting closer as well. “Choose? I NEVER get to choose. Just leave me alone.” the boy pushed away both his family members - But Kratos grabbed his arm, telling him to listen to him. “LET GO!” the boy started squirming aggressively, trying to escape his grasp. “I said - LET GO!” the boy transformed into a bear without realising once again. He was walking towards the door, but Sindri was in his way. “Atreus! It’s Sindri. J-Just try to keep control--” the bear was about to hit Sindri with his large paw, but Y/N with her magic pushed him away, allowing safe passage out of the house, and outside, for the portal to take him to Asgard. “I will get him back.” Y/N thanked her mother mentally once again for gifting her the boots of Hermes, as she was able to run all the way to her little brother who was back in human form and struggling to get through the portal door. 
Y/N tackled him - But the two fell through the door... All the way to the Fimbulwinter inflicted Midgard. From there, they made their way to their home, then at Freya’s, where they took care of the large tortoise-tree that guarded her house. “Can you please tell me what are you fearing so much, brother?” Y/N spoke gently, sitting on the ground and watching the remorseful and worried expression on his face. “I... I saw a Jotnar shrine... And it predicted father’s death. I... I can’t let that happen. I have to do something about it.” the boy’s voice was small and afraid. “Atreus, darling... Did dad ever tell you about the Sisters of Fate? Or how he saved himself from dying, by going back in time?” the boy’s eyes bulged wide. “If you had any idea how many times dad has been fated to die, you would be in a grave with worry right now. Hundreds of years later, he is still alive and well, as you can see.” she explained. “Dad’s father... Uh... Killed him, and stole all of his God powers in a sword. Dad escaped the realm of the dead and sought out the Sisters of Fate. They are... Like the Nornir of this land, but they take an active role in the creation of Fate itself. One would create life, in the form of a thread, another would embellish it to her will, and the other would end the life by cutting the thread - Everything was controlled by them. Everything could change, based on their whims. That is what greed and power hunger does to you - You become a tyrant.” the girl continued her tale as old as time. “Dad killed all three of the Sisters and found his own thread, so he was able to turn back in time and save his past God-self from his father. As you can see, he is still the God he once was - Minus the magic. He cannot use the magic anymore. I, however, can.” Y/N winked at him playfully. “But... I don’t understand. All the Jotnar predictions come true!” Atreus was clearly conflicted, unable to corelate the two fates predicted to his beloved father. “The oracles predicted his dead. Dad died - But he also brought himself back from death countless times. It has not stopped him before and it will not now either. The only thing that can stop our dad from going forward is if something happens to either of us. ESPECIALLY you, Atreus.” the girl’s voice was stern, but also kind and warm. “You do not see it yet, my sweet brother, but our father is incredibly overprotective of you. He can be overbearing also, I do agree, but he has gone through so much grief and mourning and loss, that his heart simply cannot take any more. For him, you are still the little bundle of love that he created with Faye. He was so very afraid of even holding you in his arms, afraid of hurting you or bringing you misfortune.” Y/N smiled melancholically, remembering her father’s glossy eyes, trying so hard to look away, to not allow Faye and Y/N to see him shedding emotional tears as he was holding his son for the first time... So small, so adorable... “I... I hardly ever saw my father cry before, Atreus. But when he held you in his arms for the first time, and you extended those tiny little babe hands of yours to grab at his beard... He shed tears. Those were the first tears of pure love that I have seen him weep in my life.” the look on the boy’s face was almost comical, but his heart was in so much pain and realisation. “Your misunderstandings come from a place of deep love.” she clarified. “Y/N... Will you please help me protect our dad? I’m... I’m really... Afraid.” the boy reached forward and snuggled in her arms, hugging her. He missed his mum’s warm and loving embraces... Y/N was the only bit of maternal love and understanding he could get. “Of course, my sweet brother. I shall always be there for you, no matter what peril may come.” the girl kissed the top of his head. “Here. Put this in your breast pocket. It is a flower of healing - Mum taught me how to make it. I can feel your vitality through it and know when you are in danger. As well as that, you can heal your physical wounds, should you destroy it. Be ready for anything. Please.” the boy quickly put it safely, and smiled at her - His beautiful blue eyes were gleaming, and they remained in that embrace until something akin to a knocking was heard from the wooden window, and the boy rose to his feet. Ravens came into the room, one by one, and they flew in circles around the two children, and teleported them to Asgard.
More specifically, to a god damn lake. That was nothing but absolutely cruel. “Your Odin friend is a... Jerk, as you call it.” Y/N grumbled, pulling the boy ashore and squeezing her long hair and clothes from the water. “Wonderful start.” the boy was pissed off - But the two siblings made their way towards the large wall - On top of it was supposed to be the real Asgard... Or, whatever. On their way, they met up with a boy around Atreus’s age and height, with pretty blond hair and a pretty face, named Skjoldr, before they were to climb all the way up... Up the wall with no end. Awful.
Y/N shot the boy an exhausted and done with life look and began to climb that atrocious wall mountain - Though nothing compared to the climbing of Olympus, it was still tiresome. Actually, the circumstances were similar - At the end of the day, at the top, the Father of the Pantheon was awaiting them. The exact God which they wanted dead. Although it wasn’t an easy climb, Atreus took his mind away from his aching muscles and the fatigue by making conversation about her life as a Greek God. For some reason, in spite of always being curious, he hardly ever asked her or their father about their past lives - It made the girl happy, like they were bonding, and he was also trying to find ways to get in touch with their father.
They were so close - So, so close to reach the top of the wall - Atreus, who was up there, put his hand on the ground and tried to bring himself up, only to have his wrist held into a tight grip. He gasp, alerting his sister, who noticed the mysterious man kneeling. He had blond-grey hair  pulled into various slicked back intricate braids, and the most striking purple eyes. His skin was pale as she’s never seen anyone before and his clothing looked... Noble. With gold embroidered into his pristine white and blue tunic; If he didn’t have that incredibly fake and arrogant smile, he would have looked like the most handsome man that Y/N has ever seen since she last saw Hermes. All men in the North looked harsh, gruff and so incredibly old, they reminded her of her father. But not this stranger.
“Hello.” the man spoke. He had a velvety voice, but it made Y/N worry tenfold. He held the allure of a confident and self-assured man who masked his weaknesses very easily.
“Uh... Hi?” Atreus more asked than stated.  “So.” the stranger meant business. “What part of the enormous wall made you think - Oh! Visitors must be welcomed - ?” he was even dramatically sarcastic. If Atreus’s life wasn’t threatened, Y/N would have found him tragically entertaining. “I was sent for, actually. By Odin.” though the boy spoke the truth, this stranger behaved less than optimal and with an empty dead-pan. “The All-Father sent for you? Ha! Great.” the man took a bite of his crispy red apple. “Then why are you out there, and not in here?” good question, actually. “Trust me, I asked the same thing when we found ourselves plunging into that awfully ice-cold water.” Y/N sighed, her expression aloof and unbothered, yet still having a comedic effect in her tone. “Ah - There’s another one - I almost forgot about you. Why are you here? Same dumb reason?” the stranger asked, watching as the girl pulled herself up slightly, just to nonchalantly place her arms on the ground and lean her chin on her hands, while her feet were dangling playfully - She looked far more unphased than the boy, the stranger noticed, getting mentally alert. “Ah, no, no. Odin had asked for him, not for me. I mostly ended up here through a rather... Unfortunate series of events.” with a bored expression, the stranger let the apple fall on the ground, and it rolled over the edge, breaking the small rock on which Atreus was holding one of his hands. Now, he was merely held onto by the stranger. Y/N was focused, yet maintained her unbothered aura as she hilariously grabbed the apple and bit from it also. It was fresh and sweet, just like the stranger’s subtle facial reactions. She knew very well that, should the stranger throw her brother over just like the apple, she could easily rescue him - And now he was well aware also. “Are you finished?” the blond scoffed dramatically. “Now. What could Odin. All Father. King of the Aesir. Possibly want with the likes of you?” Y/N wanted to know the very answer just as well. “That’s between me and Odin.” Atreus spoke barely.  “You don’t even know, do you?” the man stated, letting an empty chuckle. “If you could pull me up, I--” but the boy was cut off harshly.  “No, I don’t think I will. I think maybe I’ll drop you.” the man spoke, as a matter of fact. Y/N would have actually laughed, should they not have been the subject of his mockery. Were this stranger to denigrate them with a rhyme, he would have been Hermes’s best friend. Atreus started panicking and pleading for him not to drop him off. “Yes, I’m going to drop you. Goodbye~!”  “Wait, wait!” Atreus grabbed onto the man’s arm tightly, making him look down at him, disgusted and offended. “Think how mad the All Father’s gonna be when he -- When he finds out you killed his guest - Loki of the Jotnar?” “The Jotnar?” the resentment for that race was obvious on the man’s visage. “Enemy of my people?" “I am not your enemy.” Atreus made the man with shining eyes groan in disdain and pull him up. Seeing that her brother was alive and well, the girl quickly pulled herself to safety as well with shocking ease. “I will be the judge of that.” the stranger spoke, walking ahead as Y/N helped her brother get up and patted his head.
Y/N didn’t speak for most of the walk - She did not want to give away any of her weaknesses, nor her temper or strategies. Still, she heard Atreus identify the man, thanks to the Gjallarhorn - This Aesir stranger was, in fact, Heimdall. She was amused by how done with life this man was, especially when dealing with her brother’s innocence and naivite - He would call it absolute stupidity though. He claims to be the protector of Asgard, his beloved realm; However, he easily guessed that Atreus was so overly eager to get out of someone’s shadow... The shadow of an overbearing fatherly figure, he says. How very much on point he was. Interesting. He also guessed that he was - Disrespectful. Entitled. Impulsive. On point, for the most part. 
He easily read that Atreus was here, not to save people, but out of his own accord. To lie, manipulate and do bad, all for himself - His selfish desire to prove that he can do good by himself - And save his father. Though Heimdall was taunting the boy for being so arrogant and thinking he was the center of the universe, he wasn’t exactly wrong - Just incredibly cruel with his wording.
“I see you are proficient in reading people. Although you have added your own, personal touch of cruelty to your words - They are, in fact, very correct.” Y/N nodded, seemingly impressed with his guess, indirectly mocking her clueless brother also. “Of course I am correct, silly girl. I just need one single look in your eyes and I already know everything there is to be known about you.” the man snapped at her, though the smirk on his face made it clear he liked the praise. “Is that so? Then, by all means, what is there that you can see about me?” with a small, perfectly contained and relaxed smile, the girl leaned back casually on the wooden railing of the cabin they were travelling in, and willingly averted her eyesight, straight into his own. Her gaze was aloof, yet held with a strong indifference. She was challenging him. Provoking him, Heimdall realised. But how? He could not understand. “You... Are appreciating the colour of my eyes? How mundane. What are you, some silly midgardian girl?” the man scoffed. “Hm... Am I, now?” her smile widened just a little bit - Heimdall knew it was perfectly controlled, and it only irked him more. He looked again, but he felt as if he was looking into a void. This Loki child was like an open book, so easy to read, and even easier to taunt. This one, however, was getting a rise out of him freely. She didn’t look physically strong - In fact, she looked slender and frail - But so did he, and he held the strength of a God, and the mind even better. He was having a very annoying rival, and he could not stand his place being challenged, especially if it was a means to go against Asgard. “You are not of this land.” the girl nodded, approving his statement. “You hold very strong convictions and can be very stubborn. You don’t hold anyone’s opinions in your regard. You are shallow and uncaring. You are manipulative. And...” Heimdall’s purple eyes widened slightly - Atreus could even see his very pale skin turning slightly pink.  “Heimdall - Are you, perhaps, cold?” the girl’s smirk was as cunning as a fox. Heimdall realised that she knew exactly what he was reading off her. It was her who was feeding him the information to speak out loud.  “Why would I be cold? I’m an Aesir, I was born here. This temperature is just right for me.” he snarked at the girl, who pulled off her cloak and approaching him, pulled it on his shoulders, before approaching her face to his own. “Your cheeks are pink.” she whispered into his ear, before taking a sharp turn and returning to her leisure resting place. “You did it on purpose.” he was so bratty now, she was reminded of Atreus and his temper tantrums. How cute. “Very well spotted. Your foresight is truly a force to be reckoned. I am sure Asgard will be very safe with you as its guardian.” her comment made him glare at her - Only for Y/N to demurely hide a soft giggle with her hand. He couldn’t understand this type of behaviour  - Where could she be from? Women of the North were stubborn, impulsive, strong, loud and oftentimes relied on their brawn to get things done - Like every citizen, for the matter. But this slender little waif had the silver tongue of a snake and a coy aura. A woman who uses her brains... But does she also have the brawn? From the way she was holding up the wall, she had to, otherwise she wouldn’t have been able to climb it all. She proposed herself a puzzle. An enigma. And for some odd reason, he wanted to solve it. Was this her plan all along? “Your reason for being here was not an accident.” he stated obviously, snatching the cloak from his shoulders and effortlessly throwing it back to her. “For the most part, it was. My brother had ran away from home. I was worried for his well-being, so I ran after him. I tackled him. We toppled over into the portal door. I did not expect to end up in Midgard - But the ravens found us and teleported us... In the middle of the lake.” she spoke the truth. “You claim to be the protector of your realm - That means its people too. Surely, you would understand what it is like, playing the part of the protector of your family.” she continued. “Family?” the man scoffed with disgust. “My duty is wholly to the All Father.” “Ahh, I see. So you are a very selfish man. You care for your homeland and for your employer, not for anything else that regards it. Is your loyalty towards Odin... Based on the fact that he is the most powerful man, and the ruler of the realms? Or are you truly loyal to his political convictions?” she hummed in amusement. “Are you questioning my devotion to the All Father?” he was getting easily angered. “I am questioning nothing. I am simply curious where your heart lays. Staying isolated, guarding a wall that has probably not seen any intruders in ages, all alone. You must have true devotion to whatever your cause is. Aesir supremacy.” the harsh glare she was met with made her even more entertained. She hoped she would be able to get him angry enough to attack her, soon enough.
Although, as soon as they finished their cabin ride and were down on the other side, on the grassy ground, they reached a lovely rural village... And a saddled beast that Y/N has never seen before. Heimdall seemed so... Kind and genuine with this beast. Loving, in fact. When Atreus commented on how the Aesir taming this animal was almost as impressing as Baldur and his dragon, the man must have felt almost... Offended. “Baldur had the luxury of not caring about being burnt. I out-think them. Dominate them, fair and square.” interesting line, Y/N thought. So one of his powers was his wit.
But her analysing of the stranger came to a halt once Atreus jumped on the beast’s saddle and she realised there might not be another seat for her. “How chivalrous of you, brother. Allowing a lady to walk. Father taught you better.” though she shook her head, she smiled, showing she wasn’t seriously scolding her little brother. “Just get up, there’s enough space for a little thing like you. I don’t need you slowing us down.” the man rolled his eyes and extended his hand, and she gladly took it, hopping to sit between him and Atreus. Smirking in triumph, happy that he could not see her, the girl cheekily reached her arms and snaked them around his torso. “What the hell are you doing?!” he was so alarmed that, upon leaning to the side, she noticed his milky cheeks growing ever pinker. “I do not have what else to hold onto. If I were to fall off, the trip would come to a halt, thus, slowing down. I do not want to be a bother for you, Heimdall.” he had a mind to reach out and wring her neck or just kick her off and pretend he had no idea who she was. Better yet, he had another plan, that may or may not get the both of them killed. He had to test their prowess, first and foremost. He was already aware of the brat’s treacherous intentions, and he was an idiot. The girl was far smarter and cunning - She was the real threat.
Once arrived at the great lodge, Heimdall commanded his mount to act up, sending Atreus flying away, meeting with a painful thud to the ground. Y/N did not. She landed like a cat on her feet, so gracefully and effortlessly that it pissed him even more. “Can you handle them on your own, Atreus?” the girl asked, nonchalantly stepping around, without a care in the world.  “You want me to fight alone?” the boy’s eyes widened in shock, readying his weapon. “A-Alright! Alright!” he started killing away at the Einherjar, until none were left.
Except for the Aesir God himself. He had analysed thoroughly the fight, and he deemed Loki to be hilariously weak. But the girl seemed... Painfully daft. Of course, he knew it was all an act, but for an overprotective sister, as she claims to be, she did not help her brother at all. She just... Skipped around, like a little girl. Why? What was she trying to hide? He had to be very careful around her.
He got off his mount and stepped menacingly towards Atreus. He toyed around with the boy - It was so easy... But his eyes would always dart towards the foreign woman. She was humming a song, crouched to the ground and admiring... A wild flower. What the hell was this? She made no sense. No sense at all. Maybe most of the Aesir he met were just too dumb? Heimdall thought of Thor and Baldur, and he made a mental note - Yes, they were dumb as a log. 
After a string of trips to the young boy, he was ready to kick him to the ground - But unexpectedly, just as his leg was in the air to push him down... He felt a hand gripping his leg, before he saw e/c eyes staring up at him. His cheeks warmed up once more realising that this weird woman had her chest flushed against his own, holding him steady with one hand gripping his floating leg by his thigh, and the other strongly around his waist. “Have you figured out what I am yet?” he has never allowed anyone to touch him before, especially in a fight - How in the Nine Realms did she manage to grapple him like that?! She was on the other end of the court, and now she was so intimately close to him? What the hell was she trying to do? 
Realising that he wasn’t answering, but she could feel his heart beating unusually fast and his brain was so fried from shock that he wasn’t even reacting altogether, Y/N’s smile grew a bit bigger, and she leaned in to kiss his cheek. “I guess not.” but before she could play around more, the crackling of thunder whipped the skies - Both of them realised what it meant. “Shame. I was enjoying your company very much.” she let go of him gently, turning to help Atreus up from the ground. “Great...” Heimdall also growled under his breath, shaking his head to get rid of that unwelcomed blush. How dare that wench attempt something so promiscuous with him? How dare she play around with him like that? He was of noble heritage, but he wasn’t some drunk fuck who did nothing but whore around, like his unfortunate half-brother Thor. He was straight and very much valued his royal God blood with unbent convictions.
As soon as that drunk halfwit arrived on the ground, blocking him from the two intruders and telling him to knock it off, that they truly were Odin’s guests, he wanted to spat between his eyes and throw him off the wall. What a dumb fuck. And he dares call himself an Aesir God. If he could, Heimdall would gut him like a fish. He was nothing but a shame to the Aesir bloodline and the All Father - And thankfully, he knew it very well.
His humiliation only grew more once the dumb oaf told him to look him in the eyes, convince himself with what kind of shameless brutality he was going to stop him from attacking the guests - He was so angry. “You are a sick man.” Heimdall sneered at his half-brother, who looked down at him with a weirdly calm look. Y/N looked again at the ginger haired giant of a man - He was even bigger than their dad, and far wider, evident during that day when they attacked their home. Though dad didn’t want to kill him, Thor was a  worthy opponent. Maybe he wasn’t Zeus, but he wasn’t a weakling either, at least. 
Startling the two new-comers, the pitched screech of crows echoed out of nowhere, and Odin appeared before them, in the same manner they arrived here. “Loki! You made it. I am so honoured. I see you’ve brought your sister with you as well, I am flattered!” the old man walked towards them. “I apologise for the unexpected intrusion. I know you had business with Atreus alone. I am here more or less in the quality of an over-protective sister who, uh...” the girl scratched the back of her head awkwardly. “Who tackled me to the ground, and we stumbled through the portal together.” the boy threw her a shady look, only for her to answer with a feigned innocent smile. “Yes, pretty much!” Odin knew some little girl wouldn’t be able to thwart his plans. “No matter, you are just as welcomed as he is!” how fakely cordial he was. “I see you’ve met Heimdall. He reads minds for me.”  “O, yes, we have met. He is a delight. Are very pretty too!” Heimdall, hearing that, growled under his breath and stomped next to the God. “The boy is false, All-Father. And the girl blocks me from reading her mind.” he spoke, glaring at Y/N. “This young man, WHO IS MY GUEST, is covered in mud. Care to explain?” Odin’s voice was a tad harsh and reprimanding towards the man who meant only to protect him. Heimdall’s face became soft and submissive, and he even did a little courtesy bow in front of the All-Father. “They both mean to betray you!” Odin immediately turned to face the boy, and with a fake gasp, he spoke. “Is that true, Loki? You a little trickster?” Y/N started giggling, very much amused by his act. “Yes, sometimes! When he was younger especially, he used to pull all sorts of cute, little pranks on me!” the girl teased Atreus, who only shot her an offended glare. “Hey, I’m not a child anymore!” darling, him. “I’m just messing around, but your sister seems to have caught on to my act.” Odin waved his hand dismissively at the worried boy. “Of course he means to betray me.” he turned around to face the man, whose expression was absolutely crestfallen at the affirmation. “Heimdall, I’ve given neither of them any reason to trust me... Not yet. But he’s got some very big questions. And I have so many answers to give.” Thor was dismissed, and Heimdall was sent to clean up - The all-seeing Aesir was genuinely concerned for Odin. “But... All-Father...” he tried to whisper, but was shushed immediately by an exasperated old man. “Heimdall -- Sja hvat... Heimdall, will you just relax?” Odin turned to Atreus and Y/N. “Were you two intending on killing me first thing?” the two shook their heads. “See? What - That’s not good enough for you? Get outta here!” Heimdall had the expression of a kicked puppy, as he crossed one arm to his shoulder and bowed his head.  “O, actually - I was wondering if Heimdall had some free time. It is the first time either of us steps in Asgard - I would like to see more beautiful sceneries... If it is not too much too ask.” Heimdall stopped abruptly on the spot, his back turned, and glad that neither of the three could see him cursing under his breath. He wanted to spend exactly no second in the presence of that annoying woman. “But of course! You can ask him anything and he will answer just as well, or even better than I could, for any question you might have. I don’t think there’s anyone in Asgard more qualified to speak of this realm. Heimdall, when she’s done visiting, bring her to her room. I will have someone clean out one for her as well.” Odin ordered, watching the girl pat her brother on the head with a sisterly smile. “Thank you for your kindness - And forgive me again for intruding like that. Have fun, Atreus.” with a lazy peace sign, Y/N skips by Heimdall’s side and smiles innocently. “Wipe that smile off your face already, I know it’s fake.” it only made her hum in amusement. “Why do you want to make my entire existence a living hell? Have I already made you hate me so much that you’ve made your life’s mission to torture me for your whole stay here?” this time, her smile disappeared, and she looked more confused than ever. “Actually - I merely thought you looked upset, and I wanted to ask if you were alright.” she explained in a kind, soothing voice, making the man frown. “Forgive me if I have made you uncomfortable with our previous interactions. If touching is comfortable for you, I will not do so again. Forgive me.” her expression was much softer, and she intentionally looked in his eyes, so he would see personally that she was being genuine. Heimdall scoffed and looked away. “Good. You finally get it.” he mumbled, crossing his arms to his chest as he walks ahead for the girl to follow. “So. Do you really want to see the landscapes, or was that just an excuse to apologise, and I can drop you off and get rid of you already?” he asked, but much to his dismay, her word was true. “I do want to know more about your culture and history. As you said - I am not from this lands. I have moved here awhile ago - In fact, I have been here more than I have been at my own home. Even so, there is not much that I know about your culture, your history, or traditions. Mimir would tell me occasionally, but there is only so much he can say at once.” she explains, making small steps ahead. “Oh, of course, Mimir, the old goat - The ever smart one.” he grumbled, almost as if he was jealous. “Fine then. I will grace you with the knowledge of the great Aesir Gods. However!” he turned abruptly, facing her dangerously close. “You have to tell me where are you from and what you are.”  “That sounds like a fine deal.” she smiled at him as they returned to the cabin car and all the way back down on the other side of the wall. 
It is here that Heimdall showed his passionate side, for once, in the small time frame since they’ve met up. He looked sincerely happy and proud, speaking confidently about the Almighty realm of Asgard, the Aesir bloodline, and their fantastic culture. Most of all, he praised Odin a lot, but Y/N paid no mind to that - She wanted to learn as much as possible about the North in general. Who knows, maybe it will serve as important information for the future.
Who could have thought that the bratty Heimdall could be such great company? If he didn’t play around as being so arrogant and all-knowing all the time, it might serve him well. Still, it seemed obvious that no one that she has met likes this God. The night was already beginning to creep by, so the Aesir escorted the girl back to the lodge. As they got back on the wall, however, it was pitch black, with only the stars and the moon illuminating their way, and torches from the Aesir village. But there was something else as well - 
Y/N turned to get a good look at the gorgeous mountain landscape and the lake in which she had fallen - And then noticed the most breath-taking Aurora in the world. Her jaw was dropped slightly, and her eyes wide in wonder. “This is the most beautiful thing I have seen in my entire life.” she was barely able to make herself speak those words, and she didn’t even hear the blond man stepping next to her, as she was far too stunned and in awe. “Oh, this? It’s like this every night. I guess it’s not as impressive when you see it every day, for centuries.” Heimdall played it cool. “The colours are so vivid. And... They move! The howl of the wind makes it sound like... There are animals up there.” without realising, her hand was already reaching up, as if to touch the flowing lights. “Yeah, well, I guess you wouldn’t know. Up there are the souls of every animal that ever died. It’s not just the wind.” he might have been snappy, but seeing a complete foreigner admiring his home so whole-heartedly made him feel incredibly proud. 
“I wish I could be up there, with them.” she found herself whispering, completely enchanted by the vivid dancing lights of the colourful souls. “If you have a death wish, I can just throw you off the wall.” the man scoffed, turning his back to her. He couldn’t handle looking at her anymore, in fear of admitting to himself that this dangerous stranger was... Ethereal. Her eyes were gleaming with the lights of the Aurora, shining brighter than even his own - And her flawless face adorned with such perfect features... It was highlighted by that innocent and mesmerised emotion that overcame her. He couldn’t... He shouldn’t... He wouldn’t... Admit she was breath-taking, like no other Aesir Goddess he has ever met. “I would not die.” she admitted plainly, almost melancholic. “I always liked animals for than people. They are far easier to deal with. And they do not make assumptions based on silly criteria.” the girl muttered, feeling her heart almost vulnerable before the very display of natural art. “Said the girl flirting with me the whole day.” Heimdall rolled his eyes, not wanting to spend any more time around her. “Come on, stop staring, tomorrow is another night for this. I’m too tired to deal with you anymore.” he grabbed her arm and dragged her along to the cabin, guiding her to her new room, pointing to the kitchen along the way.  “Thank you for having patience with me today. I know I have ruined your work day, but I deeply appreciate spending this day with you. May you have the sweetest dreams tonight, Heimdall.”  the man simply gritted his teeth in annoyance and left the place - He truly needed a drink. He could not stand this woman and that overly fake facade of hers. How can she piss him off the whole day, then act so stupidly diplomatic and courteous, as if he actually had to forgive her? Stupid woman and her stupid feminity and compassion... And honesty.
Y/N was admiring her new, temporary room and putting everything in place, before her stomach growled. It wasn’t often that she felt hungry or sleepy to begin with - But the warmth of this room took its toll on her. She exited her chambers and went to look for the kitchens to get something to eat and some water - Which she did not find, but wine, she did. Not the best, but not the worst. Better than the bitter ale, at least.
All Gods and others were drinking and being loudly cheery inside the large room - But Y/N didn’t feel comfortable around such a thunderous dinner, so she went to search for another room, hopefully more quiet and... Alone, rather. She would have preferred not to eat in her own room - It was bad manners, especially as she was a guest - But she would do so, if need be. 
Leaning on a wall, alone, and with a large draft mug in his hand, Y/N unexpectedly found the Foresight God in the empty dining room. “Huh? Are you trying to make friends now?” Heimdall snapped at the girl, who looked curious at him, like a little fawn.
“Why are you all alone?” the man gritted his teeth, picking up on the pitying tone. “Here to interrogate me, then? Are you, perchance - Pitying me now? Feeling bad for me, for seeking peace of mind, amongst all these cretins?” he seemed awfully defensive of his choice. “Not quite.” she spoke, placing her tray on the table. “I, also, do not feel comfortable with such a booming and... Forgive my wording, but ‘vulgar’ crowd. I appreciate my quiet time.” the lady explained, seemingly sympathetic.  “I just thought you looked - Lonely.” she admitted. “The other room is far too loud for me. You can join me at the table, if you wish. Standing up while drinking cannot be comfortable.” The man rolled his eyes and scoffed, but ultimately, after much deliberation, he slammed down his mug opposite of her - He still wanted to try and read her mind.  “Lonely, she says. LONELY! Gods don’t get lonely, that’s ridiculous.” he looked into her eyes, but he could see absolutely nothing. “What, you disagree?” he snarked at her, and she nodded her head. “I get lonely sometimes.” she spoke lucidly. “Do not misunderstand me - I love my family and our new friends... But sometimes, I do wish I could... Stray away, just a tiny bit. Meet new people, socialise... And whatever it is that people our age are supposed to do. I... Am not quite sure.” she explained so casually, that Heimdall almost didn’t pick up on the implication at first. “Wait. You mean to say - You’re a God.” she nodded. “You.” again, she nodded. “A. God.” he was flabbergast. “No. No way. I don’t believe you.” “I am more of a God than you are.” the girl smirked and reached out her hand to drink some of the wine - Only to choke and put it back. How ridiculous and anti-climatic. “Urgh. This is so bitter. Are you people against sweet drinks? Or water, in general? Are you afraid of rusting?” with a groan, Heimdall snatched her goblet and left the room, only to later return with a whole flagon of nicely cold water, which he poured for her.  “Happy now?” seeing the girl enjoy the water so happily, he rolled his eyes with a disgusted look. “You are SO useless.” “Why do you not believe me when I say I am a God?” she asked, drinking more water. “Thank you for going out of your way to bring me water, by the way. I appreciate it.” she smiled at him gratefully - Oh, how he wanted to wipe that stupid smile away. “Because you simply cannot be a God! Look at you - You’re a dumbass! You are frail, you have no remarkable powers, and you’re not smart either. There’s nothing special about you!” he insulted the girl, who mocked him by pretending to think. “I may not be special, but somehow, you cannot read my mind. And I caught you off-guard multiple times.” it only angered the man. “You are just doing some stupid little trick that I can’t guess yet, that’s all. Nothing witty.” he tried to reason. “Do you want me to tell you my trick, then?” she asked, leaning her jaw on her palm. “What - You think I’m incapable of detecting some cheap tricks?” she shrugged. “I did not mean to offend you, Heimdall.” she said, once again, watching the man scoff and hit the back of his chair, sprawling himself over it. What a terminally capricious man. “You’re as fake as it gets. At least that stupid little giant boy is more honest.” he grumbled menacingly. “Atreus was born and raised here. I was not. For me, the way I speak, is a customary way of showing respect, especially for a stranger. Where I come from, everyone speaks this way. I suppose the rules of communication are more lax and friendly around here.” Y/N explained, sighing - It was times like this that she truly missed home. “You are here - That means you have to act like us.” she did not reply. “Did you hear me?!” “I will not change who I am, just to appease your unsavoury childish behaviour.” her tone changed to a more deadpan one. It was solemn, but authoritarian. It shocked the man. “Listen here, you --” but he was cut off. “Does it bring you joy? Being such a cunt?” the man’s jaw dropped to the floor with offense, only amplified by the dignified woman using such foul language addressed to him. “Forgive me - Did not expect just an obscene word, did you? I hate cursing, but you are extremely deserving of that title.” she said, with a clear sharp edge. “So - Does it bring you joy? Being so awful that nobody in Asgard can stand you? Or perhaps this was your goal all along - Alienating anyone, being the laughingstock of Asgard, being used as a tool by the one you worship - Because that is the only thing you are good for?” she stared deeply into those beautiful, glowing purple eyes of his - They looked exactly like the Aurora on the sky, she realised. “How dare you assume such things? You have been here less than a day, and you think you know everything? Who do you think you are?” he rose from his chair, slamming his hands on the table. “A Goddess of Olympus.” she did not raise - Instead, she straightened her back and looked straight at him. She was giving him what he needed - But he had no idea how to take it. “Why the FUCK can’t I read your mind, damn it?!” he yelled at her. “I can see what people really are. I can read people - I can smell their lies, their deceit, their intentions. I see them lying to the world, and even themselves - And sometimes, they don’t even know they’re doing it themselves!” he stepped from behind the table right next to her - He grabbed her arm and dragged her up to his level. “So why is it that I can’t read as stupid little girl like you?” “It is not that you cannot - You can. It is that I have not allowed you to peer into my mind.” she explained simply. “The simple fact that I allowed you to see into my mind, but showed you only silly things, meant that I can play with you at my will.” her closed-eyed smile was oh so very annoying. “HOW?!” he shouted at her - But she looked even more devious than a fox. “Would that not destroy the trick, then? It is far too simple, actually. I would say, if people had the wit, they could even do so themselves. Alas, most people do not... Or cannot. It requires a certain training and strength of mind. But I have just the right discipline instilled into me, to accomplish such a facile thing.” she spoke to him. “I hate you.” the blond spat in anger. “I hope the All-Father sees how much of a menace you are and kills you already. I would have killed you long ago, but I will respect his orders.” he pushed her back into the chair, seething between his gritted teeth. “That is quite the pity - I was enjoying your company greatly. I suppose your style is... Old men who use you for your powers, but do not like you and would kill you at the drop of the hat should your use be removed.” the man looked at her with absolute dread. “Do you want to see into my mind, then? No tricks? I shall allow you.” and she did - And once the man had access to her mind, his expression changed, and he looked distraught. He took a step back, and then another, before he looked away in annoyance; His rage was dissipated, and only a dark, foreboding feeling took over. “So you don’t care about anything around you, as long as your family is safe. Boring. You’re not even here to deceit or betray - You just don’t care at all, do you? You just... Are. That’s it. You just - Exist. Nothing more, nothing less.” the girl nodded in affirmation. “Gosh, you’re boring as hell.” she nodded once more. “Whatever. You’ve annoyed me enough. I will leave now.” the man spoke. “Beware the one who pretends to be your friend.” she warned, but the blond man had already stormed off, probably to drink his anger away at his home, close to the wall, and far away from the Lodge and all its inhabitants.
Y/N sighed and looked down at her light meal - It would have been nicer if she still had company, but it seems that no matter where she goes, she manages to push people away from her. Was it because she has different opinions from these people? Or because they are supposedly fated enemies? Who knew. Either way, she hurried to finish her dinner, not feeling comfortable in this place filled with Aesir Gods that would attempt to kill her - Maybe - With the first chance they got.
Even so, she had to think of a way to apologise to Heimdall - Not that she thought she was wrong, per se - She never did like Odin, and thought him incredibly fake ; Moreover, he was incredibly harsh and rude to the Foresight haver, she’d even go so far to say it was unnecessarily mean. Y/N hoped that, somehow, some day, she would be able to get through Heimdall’s shell and make him see again, for he blinded and deluded himself into thinking he is cherished by the All Father, when in fact, he is worth less than dirt, and would have been thrown off the Wall, were it not for his ability. He wasn’t an unexpendable asset to Odin - He was as replaceable as any other pawn in his army. Y/N liked him though. She was able to see the hurt in his eyes, whenever he was being undermined by Odin and even Thor. He did have a heart and the brains, but only if he would actually use them, he could see the truth before his very eyes.
The next day, however, she had no time to go to Heimdall and have a good talk, for the All Father had personally come to her to tell her of a mission, and whether she would like to join - Of course, she would have refused, were it not for both Atreus and Heimdall joining, and not only them, but Thor’s own daughter, Thrud. As far as she understood, their destination was the freezing Helheim - Not exactly the best place for a date - Alas.
She was the third to arrive down in the cellar or whatever it was that served as Odin’s study and work room, and she lazily waved at the two - Thrud was just a little bit taller than Atreus, and she seemed to be just his age. How cute! “My, little brother, I didn’t realise you moved so fast! You are becoming a ladies’ man, just like our dad!” the girl chuckled leisurely, patting the boy’s head, only for him to blush deeply and push her away. “What the hell are you on about?!” he glared at her like a little brat, which only made his sister laugh more.  “Ah, to be young and in love~” Thrud also seemed to be taken aback with embarrassment by the comment, for she immediately pushed the Greek Goddess who was not expecting such a reaction, and due to her much slender built, she stumbled on her feet. “Don’t tease us like that!” Thor’s daughter yelled at her, only to see Heimdall extending his arm casually to catch the falling Goddess. “Ah, yes, what a privilege, having to play the baby-sitter role for a bunch of stupid children.” he sighed and rolled his oh so beautiful purple eyes. “What a lovely surprise, Heimdall!” Y/N smiled sweetly at him, not bothering to get up from his arms. “You knew I would join the mission.” he, too, glared at her, just like everyone else present. “It still is wonderful seeing you!” he let her fall to the ground with a painful thud. “That... Was not as lovely.” “Alright, time to go. Before I forget - You don’t wanna walk into the blistering cold of Helheim without this.” Odin said, as soon as Y/N jumped back to her feet. “Efri-la.” he put a spell on them, which made them forever warm whilst marching through the freezing hell. “Should keep you nice and toasty. You’re welcome.” “Huh. Mimir said even Odin couldn’t survive the cold in Helheim...” Atreus pointed out. “You believe everything that old goat says?” Heimdall snarked at him immediately, creating an awkward silence, save for the croaking ravens surrounding them. “Thrud, too bad your first time outside Asgard has to be Helheim...” he spoke in an almost upset voice. “Nah! We’re gonna make the most out of this!” she exclaimed with enthusiasm and a thirst for adventure. “Now, as much as I would love to babysit, I have something else to do for the All Father. If you run into any trouble, just scream so I know where to find your bodies.” the man disappeared without a trace. “Nobody dies on my watch, it is quite alright. You, children, have your fun.” Y/N spoke in a soft voice, motioning to the boy to go ahead and start his mission. Atreus never really had the chance to make friends, or even experience the beauty of developing a crush - Hopefully, he enjoys this playground date.
Not once did she bother to speak up, instead opting for making her presence unremarked, and allowing the two kids to speak at their own leisure, without feeling hindered by an adult. She didn’t even bother trying to convince Thrud of Odin’s treacheries and corruption. She was far too stuck up and indoctrinated, though not much different than Heimdall himself. It was going to be a tough job trying to get through any of them, anyway.
And even when Atreus wanted to liberate the huge wolf, she was by his side, though she had no idea why it was even chained to begin with. Surely something bad was going to happen. The magic mask was glowing no more, and Thrud was very abruptly turning on Atreus. As soon as they arrived back at the meeting place, however, they saw mauling marks... In the air... As if the wolf had torn and scratched apart the realm itself. Y/N stepped in front of it and tried to touch it - It had a rough texture. How very weird. “You absolute, unqualified MORON!” Heimdall’s voice boomed out of nowhere. He was pissed. Really pissed, not just annoyed as back then when Y/N was flirting with him. This time, things were royally fucked. “You know that thing tears holes between realms, right?” that explained everything - No wonder he was so angry - Odin was going to count him as the responsible one for this mess. “Well, I suppose I should expect nothing less... From half-breeds.” Atreus tried to shoot back, but was ultimately hit in the knee and made to kneel on the ground. “I will call you whatever I like, junior.” his voice was but a whisper, yet a threatening, malicious one. “Leave him alone. It was a mistake.” Thrud tried to defend the boy bravely, but was immediately taunted.  “No! The mistake was allowing you to think that you’re ready.” It was the first time that Y/N heard the Aesir God yell - It was almost scary. She did not like it. “You helped him, didn’t you?” there was silence, as the two had an intense staring showdown. “What side are you on... Guppy?” “Try me and find out.” there was almost an earie sense of self-confidence that gave Thor’s daughter power - But it was all a feint.  The blond man put his hands back and stepped away, laughing tauntingly at her. “And what are YOU going to do, exactly?” he asked, easily stepping away from a jump kick from the young girl. “You see - Everyone takes it easy on you because they are afraid of your father. I am not. That fat, drunken utter piece of trash!” every comment on her father provoked the daughter even more - She rushed with a sloppy barrage of left and right hooks to his head, but they were far too easily dodged, and she was ultimately pushed away.  “HEY!” Atreus jumped in front of the girl, only to be pushed aside with incredible ease. “AGAIN!” Thrud challenged the Foresight God, who was outright humiliating the two weaklings. “Yes, yes. The dumb does not fall far from the tree.” he did a mock courtesy before her. “Very well, then. Give me your best shot.” Thrud charged headfirst, trying to land a punch, but was side-stepped and tripped to the ground. “You have a LOT to learn, little girl. Starting with - Who your family is... And who it is not.” he crouched before her laying form, and she sneered up at him. “Just wait until I’m a Valkyrie.” she was seething with anger at being so disrespectfully easily defeated. “Ha! Haha...! Oh. You really believe the All Father would allow that to happen?” the man sighed, putting his hands together. “Please, do not let this little weasel feed you delusions any longer.” Y/N had no idea why she wouldn’t be allowed to become a Valkyrie - Didn’t the Norse value them, and considered them some of the strongest fighters? Or was it because Thrud was far too young and inexperienced? “Y/N, DO SOMETHING!” Atreus called out to his sister, who watched Thrud shriek loudly “ENOUGH!” and become self-afflicted with little rays of thunder around her, mirroring her father. Y/N sighed, and before Thrud could get close to Heimdall, Y/N got between them and with her powers, slapped away both Thrud and Atreus into the wall harshly, using a basic back-slap, the only way of not showing off any strength to Heimdall, but also, as a pure Olympian Goddess, her powers were to be reckoned with. “I meant against that jerk, not us! Whose side are you on?!” her brother growled at her. “For how long are you two going to behave like petulant children?” she asked, sighing and shaking her head. “You are pathetic. Father trained you better than this.” she had to admit she was disappointed in the weakness that her pampered up and spoiled, entitled little brother displayed in this mocking of a fight. Heimdall stepped in front of her, looking down at her with a doubtful expression. Did she try to... Protect him? Shield him from that laughable attack? Surely, she wouldn’t dare underestimate him, would she? “I do not need your protection - And if you think you can feign your allegiance --”  “I am not. And I was not protecting you - You are perfectly capable of doing that yourself.” her answer was edged and curt, and she seemed unlike her jovial self from before. “I have told you before - You speak the truth, yet you add your own sense of cruelty to your words. Heimdall, you have long since proved your aptitude and strength to me, thus I have no reason to doubt you would easily be able to kill these two in the blink of an eye.” the girl scoffed, side-eying the two children groveling pitifully on the ground, defeated and woeful. “I was not protecting you - I was protecting them.” she admitted simply. “They still have lifetimes to learn. This encounter should serve as a lesson for these two. Alas, they just fail to understand that even provoking is a sense of training. Discipline allows you to see past that, and focus transforms your rage into strength.” she explained sternly. Heimdall huffed to himself, stepping away from her, and though he hated to admit, this wisdom of hers... He could agree with it. She was... Annoyingly right, in the most objective way possible. However, Heimdall also realised, this wisdom came with the painful price of loneliness and an empty void that could never be filled. She was strong, just like he was - And people around just weren’t ever enough to satisfy them. “If you’re acting so smart, why didn’t you stop them from creating such a mess?” he asked, leaning back on a pillar. His anger dissipated, and instead, curiosity washed over him. “Simply because I had no idea what that wolf represented.” she shrugged. “Men must live with the consequences of their own actions. It was the three of us that liberated the wolf, thus, it falls to us to either shackle it once more, or destroy it, before it destroys us. It is that simple.” her answer was passive and cold, allure, as if she was not addressing people, but speaking into the wind. She knew she was capable of solving this mess by herself, the Aesir realised, much to his dismay - She was confident in her abilities. They say - Any man who must say ‘I am the King’ is no true King - And she was the best example of that; Fear the foe who doesn’t brag, but instead, remains quiet as the late, and focused like a predator aiming for their prey. “Oh, great. It’s like I’m having father with me again. I asked for my sister, not my father!” Atreus whined, giving Y/N the stink eye. “If I were to give in to every provoking sent my way, I would have either been long dead, or left the Earth with no more population. Remember, however, that if you choose to answer with violence, you must asses the situation and know that you are capable of defeating your opponent. In your case, neither of you can win against Heimdall, so, if he wanted to, he could have easily killed you long ago. Lucky you.” it was clear that neither of the younger ones was liking her statement - In fact, her brother especially was very bothered by it. “You and father are the same! Don’t bother preaching to me that you’re not the favourite child, or that you both love me, when you scold me like this.” the boy huffed in annoyance, getting back to his feet. “What - Nothing more to say now?” “I have nothing more to say to you.” Y/N closed her eyes, crossing her arms to her chest. “To think that mommy dearest would scold her little ducklings, how amusing. You toddlers are so... Boring.” Heimdall clapped mockingly at the two. “Now then, if you are finished throwing your little tantrum, we should go, because I cannot wait to watch you explain this mess to the All Father. Oh, it’s going to be glorious!” Heimdall called for the raven to teleport them back to Odin’s study - But he wasn’t there. They went up to Odin’s study in the lodge, listening to more of Heimdall’s scrutiny. “Loki of the Jotnar. I am haunted by your incompetence. It keeps me up at night. No, seriously! I-I-I find the hues and shades of your shortcomings almost moving.” the Aesir was almost shaking with laughter. “If we could only somehow harness your uselessness, we could fuel this entire city!” Y/N wanted to laugh so dearly, remembering how funny Hermes’s shady comments were. She missed Hermes.
When they got to the All Father, he sent Atreus to his room, whilst Heimdall remained to speak of his own mission with his master. Seeing that she had nothing more to do here, she went out to sit by the Wall, dangling her feet and looking up at the sky, a the clouds passing by. It was approaching evening, and the otherwise clear azure sky was rapidly turning all kinds of shades and colours of every palette existent to mankind. She missed home dearly, but the beauty of the North was truly ethereal.
Time passed by, and she was all alone save for the crickets playing their tune, and the breeze going through her long locks as she watched the Aurora, with as much peace and joy as before. No matter how much she gazed at it, she couldn’t get enough of its beauty. It was a soothing atmosphere, and watching the lapse between hours and the sky’s colours changing so radically was bringing her perfect harmony. Watching the sky from the very top of Mount Olympus was gorgeous, but adding the Northern Lights and the twinkling silver stars only made things even more special.
“Mommy dearest is all alone, surrounded by enemies. She has no idea her little duckling had abandoned her.” the mocking voice of Heimdall disturbed the peace, making Y/N casually lean her head back to look at him. “I must have really upset him earlier. I try to understand him - Both myself and father - But he is different from what we were as children. Our education was tough growing up, and discipline was instilled into us since birth. Everything was lax for him. It is not easy. It is too bad that he does not want to understand our differences.” she shrugged simply, shifting her gaze back to the sky. “I never truly understood adolescence.” “Then leave. Go back home. Nobody asked you to cross the whole realm like a martyr.” he hopped down next to her - Though he was mocking, he wasn’t as aggressive as before. Y/N could even say he was being... Friendly. “I asked to leave.” she admitted in a whispery voice. “My mother died in childbirth. I... Never thought that Gods could die of something like this. I was still a child. Father was not home. My mother went into labour, but she was suffering from fetal dystocia. I tried to get the baby out, but it did not work. I had to kill her. Carve her belly open and extract that... Thing.” she spoke in a bitter voice, shifting her sight back towards the aurora - Her eyes was unfocused and glossy, and her voice was empty, yet dripping with unspoken sadness. “I was holding that thing in my arms, and I tried to use my powers to heal her. The wound did heal, but she would not answer. I raised my head to see her, to tell her she can hold her baby, but she still did not answer. The baby wasn’t screaming either. I think it was stillborn. I do not know to this day. I had ripped it apart in my anger. When father came home, he saw me brushing her hair. I was unresponsive for a long time. I told him I will not spend another day in Greece. We went to Egypt, and then, the Gods guided us up here, North. Dad married Faye, had Atreus, his wife died... Again.” she sighed softly, a bitter smile on her face, so different than the otherwise calculated and calm composure of hers. “And that silly little boy cannot accept that there are far worse things in life than a life lesson or a scolding. Maybe he will - Someday - But until then...” she let her voice trail on into the night. “You did not tell this story to anyone before. Why me? I’m not your friend.” he snapped his head to her, scanning her features attentively. She was as gorgeous as always, but for some off reason, her melancholy made Heimdall’s frozen heart... Shiver. “But I do like you.” she spoke so casually, that even Heimdall could see the truth in her intent. “You are being ridiculous.” he watched her shrug. “I mean it. You are weird!” she didn’t seem to change her mind at all, and it was truly terrifying the lonesome blond. “I keep pushing you away - I insult you, I berate you, I taunt and mock you - I GENUINELY CANNOT STAND TO EVEN LOOK AT YOU!” even raising his tone didn’t work - Looking into her eyes, he could see the same answer. She was being honest. “You have NO reason to enjoy my company!” he exclaimed, frustrated with her stubbornness. “So?” he raised his eyebrows at her. “You cannot change how I feel.” “You are wasting your time.” she said nothing. “Gosh, you are annoying! Your brother is much more fun with how easily he gets triggered.” “I have too many centuries behind me to get irked by silly things like that. Back in Greece, I was very close to my mother’s best friend. His name is Hermes. He is a lot like you. Fast, witty, smart... Has the funniest and snarkiest comments about everyone.” the man watched her shoot him a playful smile. “So I’m the Aesir replacement of your long lost drunk uncle. Great. What a privilege.” he did not expect to hear a soft chuckle from her. “If you are trying to compliment me, you are failing miserably, just so you know.” “Forgive me. I just find you presence to be very endearing. And you are also very pretty. It adds to your charm.” he scoffed and looked away, his porcelain cheeks pained with the colour of pink peonies. “And your blush is even prettier on your pale skin. It brings out your beautiful eyes.” Heimdall’s arms caged the girl, slamming his palms on either side of her and getting close to her face, a frown painted. “Will you stop this stupid act already?!” Y/N, realising they were so close she could feel his breath on her skin, simply smiled demure. “You know it is not an act by the way you look at me.” the endearing smile did not disappear even once. “As far as I remember, it was you who did not want to be touched - Yet here you are, invading my privacy. Do you wish for a little kiss?” his eyes widened in surprise, especially as he could read the truth in her eyes. He tried to shift back to his seat on the wall, but in his flurry, he slipped and fell onto the girl, who was giggling like a little girl. “If you wanted a hug, you should have just asked. I, also, have not had one in a few centuries.” her hand reached to pat his head, before her arms engulfed him into a tight embrace, laying down over her smaller body. She could feel the way his heart was beating so fast against his chest. “You are SO insufferable!” his tone raised as he got rose to his forearms, looking down at the serene looking girl. It had taken quite a few seconds to process what was happening - Never once had Heimdall been embraced before, let alone feel his heart pounding against his chest. He felt physically sick for allowing himself such a vulnerable few moments of weakness. “Can’t you just wipe that annoying smile off your face for once?!” Instead, she rose just slightly and planted a kiss on his forehead. “Lighten up, pretty boy.” he stared at her, speechless, for a few moments, before he ran away, leaving Y/N to stare up at the starry sky, her amused smile never once leaving her face. For a man who loves to trash talk people, he sure was easy to fluster.
Still, being in that great lodge, surrounded by enemies, sure was the closest thing to frightening that she’s had to feel in a while. Somehow, though, she managed to fall asleep - At least for that night. The next day, however, people in the village seemed to be preparing for something akin to a festivity, long tables everywhere, lots of food, and even more drinks - In fact, so much ale that Y/N suspected the Aesir had an ale river. She had no idea, nor did she care about the event, but as soon as evening struck, everyone was outside, gathered around the huge bonfire. Some were singing, some were dancing, many were eating and everyone was drinking.
Y/N, too, went outside with a goblet of sweet wine, but even sitting on a log away from the festivity earned glares from the Aesir - Sif and Thrud especially - So she went even farther away, into the forest, at the bottom of a tree, watching the merriment of everyone. It was almost... Endearing. Everyone seemed genuinely happy, though drunk as all hell. Y/N sighed, thinking back to the grand banquets in Olympus, and at how drunk Dionysus was, trying to balance his cup on his manhood, or the many mischievous pranks she would pull with Hermes. She loved dancing... But she did not know dances of the North, nor any song. “You pitiful thing, all alone, rejected by everyone around.”  Heimdall sat down next to her, glaring at the people in front of him as he drank ale from his large draft mug. He had brought a whole carafe of sweet wine for the girl also. How considerate of him. “Sif made it clear I am not welcomed. I know my place, I do not want to dampen the mood and ruin the fun for everyone.” she clinked her goblet to his mug. “Cheers.” “Sif is a stuck up stick in the mud. Nobody likes her, and she likes nobody.” the man scoffed, getting more comfortable, leaning on the tree. For some reason, he felt oddly calm and at ease around this missy. “Why are you here anyway? It’s an Aesir festivity.” “I have not gone to such an event in a very long time. I had hoped that I would remember the times of Greek festivities. In my country, hospitality is everything. The host always goes out of his way to make the guest comfortable and welcomed.” she spoke, leaning her head down. “I suppose I have overstepped my welcome here. Had I known, I would have left with Atreus.” “Who cares about these guys? They are all a bunch of idiots. They need to get shit-faced drunk all the time to even stand one next to the other. They’re all a bunch of fake dumbasses. Why do you think I never bother with any of them?” he scoffed once again, revealing why he purposely isolates himself from his peers - None were worth his time; Likewise, why should he waste time with idiots who pretend to like each other, yet would spare no second to backstab at the first opportunity. “Do you never get lonely? Watching people being happy and having friends - Without you?” the girl asked, once again, emotionally vulnerable. “I used to sing and dance with everybody - However, I do not know the dances, the songs, nor the people.” “Ahh, you and your out-dated beliefs! How utterly ridiculous.” they stood quiet for a while, expecting for Y/N to retort - But nothing. “Oh, don’t tell me you’re seriously wanting to join them!” once again, she was silent. “Oh, for Asgard’s sake - You piss me off.” with a groan, Heimdall rose to his feet, putting his mug down on the grass. He extended his hand to the girl, though he looked away. “What are you waiting for? Get up already.” Confused as she was, Y/N, too, placed down her goblet and gingerly placed her hand over his, being helped up. He guided her a little farther away into the forest, and then stopped. He stood in front of her and looked down at her, still for a few seconds. Now that he allowed himself a few moments of respiro, he was able to admire the woman before him properly. He couldn’t believe himself, thinking that an enemy was so beautiful - Luscious pink lips and her velvety long hair, her sun-kissed skin, and those sparkling gemstone eyes. “What are you doing?” “Keep quiet and follow my lead.” he reached out to hold her other hand as well - It was so delicate and soft, unlike the skin of most of the women here, who were harshened by fighting. “You’re being stiff as a fence. Relax already. I thought you said you were a great dancer.” “Not such kinds of dances.” the girl’s crystalline hum of amusement sounded like a lullaby to his ears. “You are very good at dancing, Heimdall.” “Of course I am. I am a noble Aesir God.” he huffed, his face reddening lightly. “At least you’re getting better.” “I have a great teacher.” she smiled so sweetly at him - Nobody ever was this nice to him before, and he hated to admit, but every time he looked into her eyes, he could see she was beingtruthful. There was also the case of her faking it, of which he was truly terrified, but somehow, for some reason, a part of him wanted to believe that she was sincere. “It goes without saying.” even now, he was being patronisingly condescending, yet his heart was feeling... At ease. Light, even.
Then, they spoke no more. With every move, they would not shift their gaze away from each other’s eyes. With every twirl, their fingers remained intertwined. And each time, their bodies would get closer and closer, until they were flushed together. The faint sound of music guided them, but Heimdall’s humming was all that Y/N was paying attention to - His voice soothingly low and caressing of one’s soul. It was cold outside, yet they felt none of the harshness of the wind, for the dance of two hearts was keeping them as warm as the blazing hearth.
Time had passed at an uncertain pace, but it did not matter. Both Heimdall and Y/N had formed a bond they had never experienced before, nor expected. The most unlikely of persons were joining together, despite how different their beliefs and thoughts are, and at least for the night, they were now just two normal people, all alone and content with the other’s presence.
The night had ended and dawn had arrived, and only when the first ray of the warm morning Sun caressed their skins, did they begrudgingly stop dancing together, and returned to their own rooms to rest. Though the Aesir had other duties, guarding the Wall, Y/N was able to catch some well deserved sleep.   Afternoon went by like a breeze in Spring, and night formed again - Yet the night, she was denied, for Thor had torn her door from its hinges, his hammer at the ready and sparkling with his thunder power, threatening her for sleeping in the old room of one of his deceased sons. Were it not for her speed, jumping out of the window, she might as well have been bludgeoned to death by that hammer of his. Thankfully, she was able to make her lucky escape, to Heimdall’s own cabin. It was the dead of night when she knocked on his door. 
Once he answered the door, Y/N had a good look at him - Hair down, long and in golden waves, and dressed only in a long tunic of perfect quality, yet he did not seem to have been sleeping. “What. The hell. Are you doing here.” he asked, in disbelief. “What, did you have a nightmare and couldn’t go to daddy for comfort?” “In a way, yes.” Heimdall’s eyes widened and his mouth was slightly agape. “If you count Thor wanting to kill me, a nightmare, then yes, I did have a night terror, and quite the frightening one. I admit, I would rather not awaken to the sound of the door being pried open like that, and the crackling of thunder next to my ear.” she chuckled, a bit uneasy, only to see the man getting off the door frame and gesturing her to get inside. “What the hell has gotten into that half-wit?” Heimdall sneered. “Has he forgotten the All Father had forbidden all from harming you and that brother of yours?” “I think he was drunk. He seemed to be slurring and mumbling about his dead son.” she explained, sitting on the table. “Ah, yes, those useless brain dead idiots, Magni and Modi. They were a waste of space anyway. Leave it to Thor to lose it after every ale draft, just because Sif talks his ear off. If it weren’t for her, he’d just plague the tavern all day and night long.” the man rolled his eyes, before taking a look at her. “And you’re in the same clothes as yesterday.” “Not the most comfortable to sleep in, but the best I had.” blinking, the Foresight haver groaned, going to his wardrobe and throwing one of his pristine tunics at her head.  “Go change already.” she was wearing a bashful grin on her face, skipping to his own bedroom to change into the tunic. When she returned, she had done a little twirl - Heimdall couldn’t stare away from her. “It reminds me of the tunics from my own home. It is so comfortable and beautiful. Thank you, Heimdall.” why did his clothes look so well on her? And why did her bare legs look so beautiful? “Whatever. I’m going to read. Go sleep already.” he huffed, grabbing his book before getting into the armchair next to the fireplace. “Will you not join me tonight? It is quite late.” she spoke, plopping on the bed. “Besides, it is rude manners to hog one’s bed.” “You see - Unlike most of these disgusting half-wits, I do not go around, sleeping with women I am not married to. I have my own self-respect, you know?” the man huffed, hiding his face behind the book. “Well, perhaps one day.” she hummed with amusement, before getting in bed and covering herself with the warm blanket. “Sweet dreams, Heimdall.”
But the man did not answer, nor did he read. Instead, he made the mistake of allowing his mind to wander off far too much, once again, without meaning to. He wanted to see the girl before him, wearing a beautiful, rich dress, and on her head, a golden circlet, which he would remove, and in its place, a bridal crown of flowers, wood, and so many crystals and ornaments, to highlight her long and beautiful hair even more.. They would exchange swords and rings, and at the end, they would dance, and sing, and play games, and... No, that didn’t sound quite right. He couldn’t care less for these people, he didn’t want to bother with all these poor excuses who called themselves Aesir Gods. He hated them all, and they all hated him in turn. Why should they experience the beauty of this woman in all her glory? They wouldn’t understand. They wouldn’t be happy for him. They were all pathetic. They didn’t deserve him. They didn’t deserve them.
Heimdall let down his book and his eyes gazed upon the resting form of the girl that was in his bed. She was already fast asleep. What the hell was in Thor’s head, threatening her and scaring her like that? Oh, wait, that’s right. Nothing. His head is as empty as a hollow barrel. Fantastic. And to think they are half-brothers. Remarkable how one could turn so tragic, while another so perfect. He definitely took after his Giant mother...
Without realising, he was tempted into resting as well. He would only be lying down on the bed, nothing more. And so he did. On his side of the bed, far away from the girl, he rested his head on the pillow and shut his eyes, relaxing to the crackling of the firewood burning. He turned his head to the side, and watched the Greek Goddess cuddling that pillow to dear life, sleeping so peacefully. How silly. How utterly adorable and frail. She was so beautiful that Heimdall couldn’t help but reach out his hand and brush away the stray strand of hair from her face, caressing her soft cheeks with the back of his fingers.
But then, as he kept gazing at her so lovingly, she started to shift, and she was now facing him - And not only that, instead of the pillow, she was now clinging dearly to his own body, her form half-draped over his own as she cuddled into him. “Hey - What are you doing?! Get off already! You are being improper --” he whisper-yelled at the girl, trying to pry her off, but her strength was remarkable, even in her sleep. With a curse, Heimdall relaxed himself in that embrace, watching as Y/N nuzzled her face to his neck like a little kitten. Her breath was warm on his skin, and her embrace was tight around his body. He... Actually felt... So good. It felt like a blissful dream. He had never slept with anyone in his bed before, not like this. Sure, he might have had his way with some women, at some point, but not in his bed, and he did not stay the night with them. They weren’t worthy of his presence like that.
But he now felt so... Calm. So... At peace. He did not even realise he was playing around and caressing her beautiful hair, sprawled everywhere on the bed. Sighing, he resigned himself. He kissed the top of her head and cursed himself. What had he become? A prey to a woman’s sweet words and beautiful face. In the face of aversion, however, how would he react? And, most of all, would he fall to her convincing words and sad puppy eyes, or will he continue fighting for Odin, blind and deaf, as always?
Heimdall couldn’t sleep the whole night - Or, rather said, he did not want to sleep. He wanted to stay awake throughout the night, and enjoy the girl’s presence as much as possible. There probably won’t be any more opportunities like this one coming round. The war was brewing and bubbling up, soon to spill over. It was only his horn that kept Ragnarok at bay. For how long? No one knew.
The only thing he knew at the moment was that he did not want to let go of the woman in his arms. He looked down at her so fondly and caressed her beautiful face. So soft. So darling. And always smiling so sweetly for him. Why was she trying so hard to appeal to him? To make him talk to her? Why did she like him so much? He was a mere stranger to her - In fact, he was her enemy, and he threatened her family so often. Why did she like him so much? Was she seeing something that not even he could see?
Unfortunately, through the window of his chambers, morning had started bothering him - Why did the light have to come so soon? He was very content the way he was; was it necessary for him to be disturbed? “And I was sleeping so well...” even her sleepy, hoarse voice was lovely. “Sleep some more, then.” he muttered, watching her smile so innocently and cute. “Sounds good to me.” she got even more comfortable, snuggling into his side. What has he become?
But that day was not to remain forever calm, for Atreus had returned, and Odin was having him go on a mission to who knew where. She couldn’t let him go by himself, clearly, so she had to join. Odin did not allow Heimdall to join - Not that Atreus would have wanted to, anyway. He hated that man with all his might. But they had another friend joining - Thor - The man who threatened Y/N previously. It was not going to be a great day.
He was drunk again this day, just after a huge brawl where he destroyed the tavern - Fantastic, might as well get them both killed, then. Still, they had arrived safely at the Eternal Chasm where they were to find the last piece of the magic mask. Niflheim was as frozen as always and somber, and through all this fighting, she surely did not enjoy watching Thor vomit because of his drunken state, nor his previous threatening. He seemed fine - But for how long, she did not know. She will keep herself alert through it all.
Up on a high cliff, Atreus was able to merge the last piece of the mask, though he almost fell, Thor and Y/N held onto him so that he would not perish. In that exact moment, Odin teleported himself before them, praising the boy for his success. But that was not enough. Sif, followed by two valkyries, came by unannounced, threatening Kratos’s two children - They had wanted death, for the crimes committed against the Norse Gods. Odin was livid - At least they wouldn’t die for now. The All Father and Sif were quarreling more and more, but the woman went to her husband and spoke to him - Enough to convince him of rising his weapon and going to attack Atreus and Y/N.
“Any idea?” Y/N grabbed Atreus and pulled him behind her.  “Just one. Hang on tight!” at the moment, her brother pulled her backwards, and they fell into what felt like a loop, and landed harshly onto the ground. “Lucky escape.” the girl gasped loudly, feeling the pain radiating throughout her back. “Damn, Sindri - You sure know how to plan an exit.” the boy almost started laughing from how close to death they were. “Atreus! Y/N!” as soon as Y/N heard her father’s voice, she shot up and jumped on him. “DADDY!” she cried out, hugging him as tightly as she could. “I missed you so much!” “I am glad you are safe, my child.” he only called her that way when they shared a tender moment, and she felt like a little child once again, in their home in old Sparta, as he cupped her little face with his big, rough hands. “How come you’re here?” Atreus asked, getting up as well. “Sindri told us where you would arrive, should you find trouble.” he explained. “O, daddy, I was really worried about all of you as well.” the girl held onto his hands, kissing the inside of his wrists. “You seem troubled, child. Had anything happened in Asgard?” the girl only smiled wryly. “Daddy... I have done something horrible, and I have no idea how to fix it.” she explained, embracing her father. “Everything can be fixed if we work together.” though he patted her head, she gave him a negative answer. “No, daddy. This, I have to do alone. It is something that only I can do. O, if only mummy was here, she would know what to do.” she sighed, walking towards the door gate towards their dwarven home.
“Wait - Little sister, have you fallen in love?” as soon as Mimir gasped, Atreus gagged loudly. “Urgh, don’t tell me it’s that jerk Heimdall!” he blamed her in the same bratty tone as always. “Heimdall?! No way, little brother - There is NO way any person normal in the head would like that asshole!” Mimir tried to defend to girl - But she shook her head. “The heart works in mysterious ways, Mimir. Not Aphrodite, nor Eros, or even Anteros themselves know truly the way it works. I just hope I can get him on our side. If only he would realise that Odin is just using him as a tool.” Y/N sighed, raking her fingers through her hair. “Little lass, are you mind possessed or something?” Mimir seemed in complete disbelief. “No, brother. I am just a fool. But worry not, for I have my priorities straight. I have killed one person I love. One more will not stop me.” Kratos did not like hearing such words coming from his daughter. Not only was she taking the blame for her mother’s death, but she was also driven deep into her Spartan general teachings, just like he was, long ago. “I trust you to make the right decisions, Y/N.” the father opened the door for them to enter inside the dwarven home.
Everyone was around the table, and were discussing the matter of the mask and Ragnarok... But something was dubious, at least. Since when was Tyr so pro-active, and why was he sitting at the top of the table, and making up plans for everyone. It was... Odd. Kratos made a speech about the price people have to pay when it comes to seeking easy ways to find answers and knowledge. Tyr kept saying they needed to find a way into Asgard, saying that he will get everyone there safe... With a spear. He also called Atreus - Loki.
In that second, Y/N created a spear and threw it at Tyr’s chest - He caught it in his hand though. This only made the girl continue fighting the man. “Odin, show yourself! I know it is you!” Y/N roared at him. “Y/N, please, stop this. We shouldn’t be fighting among ourselves.” the fake Tyr kept trying to speak, but was easily overwhelmed by the girl’s prowess. “I will kill you!” she yelled. “NOBODY calls Atreus - LOKI! Only you! Tyr never used a spear, Odin did! And most of all - You do NOT have a way into Asgard, you just want to steal the mask and kill us all! To think you would make a mockery of the God of War - Shame on you, filthy coward! Shame on you!” Atreus had never heard his sister screaming so sternly - It resembled the way father spoke. Was that what she meant by having a different upbringing back in their own country? “I know your secret, Odin. And I know that you killed half a hundred children, to create the ravens that serve as your spies. You are despicable. You are disgusting. You have NO right impersonating Tyr, you filth!” “DO YOU NEVER SHUT UP?!” Tyr’s voice was now Odin’s, and despite all her training, Odin teleported behind her and stabbed her in the back, before getting her in a choke hold. “Tell your father to throw me the mask, or I kill you.” “I’m a Goddess, you absolute half-wit. Your silly little metal cannot kill me.” she gritted her teeth, feeling the knife twisting between the back of her ribs. “How many lies have you fed Heimdall? I know you went to him only to have him allied to you. But do you think my most loyal ally will be swayed by some pretty face? You are wrong. That idiot would die for me if I tell him to. He may be smart, but he does not think. You cannot have him, wench.” Odin spat at her. “The mask now, if you will.” “I will not allow you to disrespect Heimdall and use him as your marionette! He deserves much better than anything you have to offer, you brutish tyrant!” Y/N yelled at him. “You will never have the strength to overpower me and take away the mask from us!” “I regret many things, but killing you won’t be one of them! Release my daughter at once!” Kratos growled at the man. “I am in control here!” Odin began choking her more “No, you are NOT!” with a war cry, Y/N had activated her Spartan Rage and blasted Odin into the opposite wall, shooting beams of life energy, along with plant vines that grew from the ground, attempting to spear the enemy - But he had long since teleported. “Is the Mask safe?!” she asked, rubbing her back. “That knife actually hurt. Huh.” “Come here, reckless child. Odin might have used poison or curses on the blade.” Freya ran behind the girl and started using her magic on her wound. “The mask is safe... Thank goodness.” Atreus sighed, keeping the mask in his grasp. “You got reckless, Y/N.” Kratos grumbled under his breath. “I have two things that I must do, but I have to know what your plans are. I have been away for far too long, I am out of lapse with your plans.” Y/N stretched a bit. “Mimir, you once told us that Odin can shapeshift into another person and be in two places at once, but that person has to be alive. Tyr is alive, and I know where he is. I just need to find the Ravenkeeper and release the souls of the children that Odin trapped. The prison is somewhere around here.” Y/N explained her plan. “So my stories are finally helping! Good!” Mimir cheered happily. “Secondly... We know Ragnarok is brought by Gjallarhorn being blown. Heimdall still has it. I need to lure him somehow and have a talk to him. If all else fails, I will steal the horn from him and bring it home.” she continued her plan. “We have to save Yngvi and bring him home. He is the only one who can unite the elves from Alfheim and have them fight for us.” Freya spoke. “Sounds good to me. I will go rescue Tyr and go to Vanaheim when I’m done. How does that sound?” Y/N asked, getting in her stoic general mode. “It is far too dangerous to go on your own.” Kratos spoke. “No. It is safer that way. Anyone else would slow me down. You know I work better alone. If anything else goes down, I can just run away. Uncle Hermes had given me the best gift, and I know how to use it.” Y/n winked at the grumbling man. “Little sister, the Ravenkeeper is a terrible foe. Are you sure you will be alright?” Mimir was worried, just as everyone else. “I want Odin dead as much as everyone.” she spoke. “Oh, and... If we encounter Heimdall... I will speak to him alone. Understood?” though some were confused, they had agreed. “Wonderful! I’m off. Bye.” with a lazy sign off, Y/N disappeared before they could even blink. “Then let us go to Vanaheim and rescue Freyr. We need a plan.” Atreus stepped in, and the group set off for the realm soon after.
Through a valiant fight, Y/N was easily able to defeat the Ravenkeeper once she finished tracking down the last two raven spies remaining, and thus, she was able to liberate the children’s souls and even have them work as spies for her party. This allowed her to find the hidden prison where Tyr and some others were kept, and she released them. Now, they were all on their side, wanting revenge on Odin. Though worried of Ragnarok, the inevitable was going to happen.
Y/N sent everyone back at the dwarves’ house, between realms, leaving them to explain plans and what not, while she went in search of the party in Freya’s sacred realm. It didn’t take long to navigate through it, following the obvious tracks of destruction that the retinue left on their way to saving Freyr. By the time she arrived at what looked like an old court, she noticed Kratos and Mimir fighting Heimdall. “ENOUGH!” Y/N yelled, getting in between the fight and pushing them away.  “Ah, yes, Princess Peaceful has arrived. Here to give me more anti-Odin propaganda?” Heimdall laughed tauntingly - He reverted back to his old self. This was exactly why Y/N wanted to speak to him alone. “Y/N, you cannot fight him alone! He is untouchable without this weapon.” but Kratos received a simple signal to shut up and mind his business. “I do not mean to fight you, Heimdall. I just wanted to ask if you knew how Odin created his raven spies.” the girl asked, standing a few steps away, her hands behind her back. “Huh? What the hell kind of question is that?” he had a weird look on his face. “Mummy and daddy/ Tied the noose tight / To send us to Odin / To bask in his light.” Y/N recited the poem she had heard from the ravens.  “Wh-What the hell is that supposed to mean?!” Heimdall seemed pretty freaked out. “We tried to escape / We clawed, we screeched / But nothing escapes / The Keeper’s reach.” she continued. “Odin forced families to hang their children and send their souls to him, to serve as spies. They had to watch their children struggle as they slowly suffocated and clawed away at the rope and their own throats, but with no avail.” Y/N explained the All Father’s cruelty. “Well, so what? That has nothing to do with the war. So what if... Children were killed?” though he had his loyalties set, he wasn’t happy about the knowledge of dead children either, and even his voice wavered subtly. “Odin tried to kill me today. Do you know what he told me? Actually - How about you look into my eyes and see for yourself? Or, should I show you a projection of the happenings of today?” she asked, extending her hand and showing what happened at the dwarves’ house, especially the part where Odin slanders the man before her. “Stop trying to pit me against the All Father! Don’t think that just because I let you sleep in my bed, I would drop Odin’s cause!” Heimdall sneered at the girl. “Odin dropped anyone who lost their worth. Do you think he would have kept you around, were it not for your Foresight?” the girl asked. “Remember how he treated you when I and Atreus first arrived in Asgard? He yelled and scolded you. Said you don’t think... Though, I am inclined to agree. You are a smart man, and very witty, yet if you actually thought it over, you would have realised that Odin does not treasure and cherish you as you deserve.” Y/N sighed, but with each step she took towards him, Heimdall took a step back. “Please, my dear, do not run away from me. I do not wish to inflict any harm on you. I wish us not to have to fight.” “Well, I do not care what you wish!” Heimdall yelled at her - Only to blink and find himself being hugged tightly from behind. “What do you think you are doing?! Y/N, let go of me at once!” “I am not holding you prisoner against your will. You can walk away any given time. But I want you to know that what I am feeling for you is genuine. Whether you want to accept or not, it is your choice.” she spoke. “You are loyal to Odin, not to his convictions, yet you fail to see that if Odin wins this war, only he will benefit, everyone else will suffer. All the realms, and even many Aesir. I know you do not care for the well-being of others - They do not care for you either - But do you truly want to see nine realms bowing to one man’s power-hunger?” the girl asked, her hands gripping onto him tighter. “Enough of this, Y/N! I have not come here to chat, I have come here to kill you. Now, if you would be a dear, step aside so I can get on with the killing.” though he tried to pry away her hands from him, he was unable to. “Y/N. Last warning. Step aside. Now.” his voice was more threatening now. “Will fighting me make you feel better? Will it make you see the truth in my words? Will it help you think for yourself?” the girl asked, keeping her grip on him. “No, it will not. I do not believe a word that you say, and since the very beginning, I was convinced that you were trying to drive a rift between my loyalty and the All Father.” he groaned, feeling Y/N step away from him, and getting in front. “So you want to be the first who dies today? Fine. I have had enough patience with you. I let you fool around enough already.” Kratos remembered the speed with which Hermes once taunted him, and saw how both Heimdall and his daughter were dancing around, tripping and threatening each other, stealing hits and kicks here and there, yet neither truly having the intent of harming the other. Mimir, also, was shocked that someone was actually able to outwit the God of Foresight, who was known to be untouchable.  “I allowed you to see into my eyes, to read my mind - Even now, you cannot see the trick. Even now, you cannot see, that I have never lied to you; That I am being genuine. I know it is not easy, going against everything you have ever stood for - But please, see reason. I want only what is the best for you. Truthfully.” she spoke, continuing to trip and side-step him, but not even once trying to hit him. “Stop going easy on me! You think you’re such a great warrior, just because you know how to block me? How stupid of you! Fight me properly!” he yelled at her, only to see her stop dead in her tracks. “I will not.” she spoke defiantly, angering him enough to stomp her way, towering over her menacingly. “FIGHT ME NOW, WOMAN!” he roared at her, anger in his voice for the first time addressed to her. “I WILL NOT FIGHT YOU!” she spoke loud and stern, looking deep into those beautiful, shining purple eyes of his. “WHY?! DO YOU THINK YOU’RE SUPERIOR TO ME?! DO YOU THINK I’M SUCH AN EASY KILL?!” he did not expect that, instead of an answer, the girl would take him by surprise, cupping his face and bringing him into a longing kiss. Not only him, but those watching also, went mind-blank. “Because I do not wish to fight the man I love.” her answer left him flabbergast, and if his head was once filled with tons of thoughts, now, it was empty. “Heimdall, I mean it. I do not want to fight you. I do not wish to harm you. I never did. From the moment I first laid my eyes on you, I wanted to get to know you better, to understand you. You are a beautiful man, though severely misunderstood. Please, believe me. You are very dear to me.” the girl leaned in to whisper into his ear. “I fell in love with you, Heimdall.” Heimdall was frozen in place, and unable to think or move. He was trembling. How was he supposed to react to such a bold declaration? How was he supposed to process such a thing? To speak, or even reply? “GAHHHHHH!” with a roaring shout to the skies, he pushed himself from her embrace, and held his head into his hands. “What the fuck do you think you’re doing to me? You are ruining EVERYTHING! You think you’re oh, so smart! That you know me so well! That you can understand me! But all you’re trying to do is alienate me! Damn it, and damn you, Y/N!” though he glared at her, one look into her upset, beautiful eyes made him roar even more. In a fit of rage, he took the horn from his hip and threw it to the ground. “HERE! THERE YOU HAVE IT! GO AHEAD AND CALL FOR RAGNAROK! ISN’T THAT ALL YOU EVER WANTED FROM ME ANYWAY?!” “No.” her voice was firm and deadpan, making the blond freeze. “I wanted you, Heimdall - And I wanted you safe, most of all. Please, believe me.” Heimdall turned his back at her, walking away, without another word of protest. “When Ragnarok comes, I hope you will stay safe. I want to find you alive when it is over.”
The Aesir growled under his breath as he disappeared from sight. The fact that he did not read a single lie from her speech made him feel even more conflicted than before. What was he supposed to do? He couldn’t just abandon Odin, could he? But he also did not want Y/N to die. To hell with everybody else, especially Loki of the Jotnar - Oh, how done with everything he was. 
Once he returned, however, he could not believe how he was ostracized by the All Father. He accused him of siding with the enemy, and aiding them, with giving them the Gjallarhorn. In his rage, the All Father banished Heimdall away from his own beautiful home in Asgard. How dare he? After everything he has done - All his life of servitude, only for him - Now, he is banished? 
Heimdall had never felt more confused and betrayed in his long life. Where was he supposed to go now? He was a pariah, in he middle of a starting war brewing at the seams. He wasn’t going to hide away in fear - He was a warrior, and will act that way. If Odin does not want him, then Y/N will take him. Right?
For a whole day, he spent sitting down on top of a mountain, away from Odin’s quarters - The landscape was breath-taking from this mountain, just the same. The sky was azure, and the clouds were fluffy and shaped in intricate ways - Surely, that little Greek idiot would lay down and point out what cloud was shaped as a bunny or deer.
No matter what he did, Heimdall’s mind went to Y/N. Was she his redemption? His second chance? He was a fantastic strategist, he had intellect and prowess like no other, and his Foresight was the tip of the scales in any way - Would his worth be appreciated, and his sins forgotten, once he attempts to go to her side?
Afternoon went by quickly, and the Sun disappeared, letting way for the stars and the moon to twinkle silver; The array of purples, orange and red were replaced by the vivid lights of the Aurora, and the dance of the animals’ souls. His eyes were glues to the lights, and he sighed, feeling his heart clenching in pain. His mind was flashing with images of Y/N smiling at him so sincerely, or that enchanted look she had, seeing the lovely sights of Asgard.
She truly was a wonderful woman, and her genuine love and compassion brought about his own redemption... His cure.  He, also, fell in love with this mysterious girl... He was truly, undeniably in love with Y/N.
Once the sun rays brought him back to the reality of morning, he heard the sound of Ragnarok being called, he knew where he had to go. He knew where he was needed. Heimdall had arrived just when the time called for action, to catch Y/N after she had been hit away by Thor’s hammer. The man held her up in his arms bridal style, smirking cockily down at her. “What a damsel in distress you have become, Y/N. I almost couldn’t recognise you.” the man laughed at her. “Heimdall, you are safe...! I am so happy to see you well!” the relief and glee on her face as she threw her arms around his neck and kissed him all over his face so adorably made it worth while. Heimdall now realised that all the centuries of indoctrination meant nothing compared to one person’s genuine feelings. He was where he belonged. He was home. “Yes, sweet cheeks, I am safe and very fine. You know very well there is no one who can touch me. Now, how about we get that half-breed brother of mine the treatment he deserves before we beat Odin to death and give him the Blood Eagle treatment - And before he dies, we strangle him, just like he did with those kids?” that wicked grin of his only made the girl bring him in another kiss. “I love the sound of that!”
With Odin killing Thor and the party killing Odin; Tyr, and Atreus’s Jotnar friend Angrboda were able to save everyone and teleport them to safety. Since then, with peace throughout the nine realms, Freya was able to save and govern Vanaheim, while Freyr was to keep the peace up in Alfheim. Brok, Sindri and Lunda helped Durlin with rebuilding Svartalfheim, Thrud and Sif were helping around Asgard, Skjoldr was the spokesperson in Midgard and Atreus and Angrboda went to travel the realms whilst Tyr went to find his peace.
Kratos rebuilt his old home and would often roast food outside by the fire, Mimir on the log next to him, watching his daughter laughing and singing merrily, dressed in her old Greek dress, dancing with the once insufferable God of Foresight, who was twirling her around, and planting kisses all over her face, almost as if to tick her father off on purpose.
“How the hell did a jerk like him get a fine lass like her to fall for him?! Brother, I cannot understand!” Mimir would groan, watching with annoyance as the two were dancing so perfectly in sync, and their voices were harmonizing so well. The old goat noticed, however, how Heimdall would watch them from the corner of his eyes, riling them up. “That - That lowly cur! How DARE he mock us?! Brother, say something!” poor Mimir was so offended. “I do not know, but I do not like it.” Kratos grumbled under his breath. “Her mother would have understood better than me.” he continued, watching the two kissing again, with more love and passion than before.  “Aye, brother. Time for a premature sleep today. No time for lil’ old us anymore.” Mimir spoke as Kratos lifted him, and entered the house, giving the two some privacy. “Finally! No more parent supervision. Your two old men sure are annoying.” Heimdall chuckled, pulling her flush against his chest. “That just means we have to find a new realm and have our fun there.” she spoke, raking her fingers through his platinated unbraided hair. “You should leave your hair down more often. You look so beautiful.” her sweet smile made her lover chuckle lightly, before he cupped her face and brought her into yet another sweet kiss. “And you should wear dresses like this one more often. You are beautiful.”
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grievedeeply · 6 months
the less time the better. pt 9.
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pairing: heimdall x gn!reader
summary: you make a trip to midgard and try to cope with brok's death.
notes: again not a lot of heimdall this chapter but...... y/n needs a moment (or multiple) LOL enjoy everyone and thanks for all of the support! probably 2-3 more chapters depending on how long i make them. decided to add more recent people to the taglists, but if you want to be removed let me know at any time! tws: a VERY dead brok. a lot of angst, probably an ooc sindri but i just wanted a nice scene where reader gets to open up to someone about faye and how hard it was for them to deal with her death. this felt like a good time to do it with a comforting moment between them and sindri.
the silence was deafening.
usually the branches of the yggdrasil felt like nothing. they weren't affected by the weather of the 9 realms, as they were the things literally holding them up. but now, you felt strangely cold as you stood on sindri's doorstep.
10 minutes ago, brok was alive. he was making jokes as he always did, but now... he was gone. he was gone forever, and there was nothing you or anyone else could do to bring him back.
"father," your brother's voice cut you out of your thoughts, "where are we going?" he asked, taking his place by your side. you subconsciously wrapped your arm around his shoulder. you knew atreus far too well and you knew that he would blame himself for brok's death. he was the one who wanted to find tyr, but he wasn't the only one who was fooled by odin's ruse, either.
how didn't you notice it? you had never met the real týr before, but you could only assume that he was a god who put the needs of others before himself. could he still be alive? if he was, could you ever think of him as týr, and not the man odin portrayed him as? he was a god with an incredible reputation and an even better legacy— a god of war who advocated for peace. you could only imagine how he would feel, knowing his image was used for something as cruel as deception.
"home." your father responded. he lifted the key to the mystic gateway, and the door opened. you followed after him wordlessly, and atreus matched your step. he still hadn't moved out of your grip yet and a part of you didn't want him to at all.
your feet touched the branches once again, and your thumb pressed into atreus's shoulder, running circles against his armor. he had gotten so big. where had the time gone?
"father, can we.. i.. i wanna go hunting," he said.
"i will follow."
"we're with you, atreus."
the door to midgard opened, and you stepped through silently. you were met by the cool breeze and light snow hitting you face. the last time you were here was because you were going back to asgard. heimdall wouldn't be with you now if you hadn't went back. you wondered how he was doing back at the house. it was probably just as quiet there. brok was usually the one keeping the place lively.
"which way we headed, lad?" mimir asked.
"in.. the direction of deer." he responded simply. you let go of him, but didn't move to follow him. your father turned to look at you. his eyes were filled with a sadness that you had only seen a few times in your life. when your mother died.. when atreus was ill.. and now, at the death of a friend. "go on," you said. "i'll catch up. there's just.. something i want to do here first." you told him.
"i understand." he murmured in response. you put on a smile, the smallest on you could muster, as a way to reassure him. atreus needed this alone time with him. you would have your moment some other day. he needed this.
"be careful," he said to you. you nodded. he turned, following after atreus. he was probably already visiting with speki and svanna by now. those wolves of his were far too intelligent for their own good. you were sure they knew something was wrong. you doubted he would even notice you were gone right away, and you couldn't blame him for it either.
you looked away from your father's back as he walked away from you and instead turned to look at your house. it was a tiny thing, practically built with sticks and prayers, but it held strong and always did what it was supposed to do. it kept you safe. it kept you safe from baldur all of those years ago, and again with thor and odin. you remembered thor breaking the ceiling as he threw your father and his hammer through it, but even then you knew he would be alright. he always was.
you pushed open the door, and it creaked on it's hinges as it always did. you kicked the snow off of your boots before you stepped inside. it was something your mother did every winter before she died, and you picked up on it at a young age. you closed it behind you and took in a deep breath. in a way, it still smelt like her. your mother's presence was all over the home. no matter how long she was gone, you would always feel her here in midgard.
you ran your fingers across the wood of the walls, and closed your eyes. what would you say to her now, if she were here? what would she say to you?
you thought of the dream you had with her in it, where she told you about the importance of making your own decisions. you could only hope she would be proud. you did exactly what you thought was best, without anyone else's input. if you hadn't gone back to asgard, heimdall wouldn't be on your side. he fought beside your father. he fought for you.
you breathed deep, letting the smell of the wet wood fill your nose. heimdall had changed so much since the first time you met. he was arrogant back then, selfish and cruel. now.. he felt like someone else entirely. was that because of you? if you hadn't shown up— dodged his attacks like they were nothing— would he still be loyal to odin? yes, you supposed. he would be. the thought of changing him made you feel good, like you had finally done something right. going back to asgard was worth it because you helped him see the truth. he hadn't spoken about it, really.. but you hadn't asked about it, either. you figured that he needed the time alone to think, but you would be sure to talk to him whenever you got back to sindri's house.
sindri.. the thought of him filled your heart with sadness. before, he never slipped into the realm between realms in plain sight like that. he always went behind something. you always guessed it was the polite thing to do.. but he had done it directly in front of everyone that time. you had to see him, soon. let him know that you were there for him. you'd been through loss too. losing anyone was hard, but family even harder. you couldn't ever imagine losing atreus. you didn't want to think about it.
you sat down on your old bed— a bed that you haven't slept in in weeks— and sighed. things had changed so much since the day you departed to spread your mother's ashes. you never would've met brok and sindri if it wasn't for that journey. or mimir.. or freya. you met almost everyone you cared about because of her. even heimdall, now. it was weird, saying you cared about him. but you did. you couldn't change that now.
you lied down. your head touched the pillows, and you took in another breath. you had spent so much time here with your mother. this was the place she died, too. at home and warm. at least you could give that to her.
it felt like hours before you got up again, but in reality, it was just a few minutes. everything here reminded of her, and you were glad for it. just thinking of her kept her with you. you never wanted that to change.
you thought back to your dream once again, and pushed yourself to your feet. the river you fished in so many times with her wasn't too far from the house. before she got sick, the two of you would venture out further downstream. in one of those places on the river.. that was where your dream took place. it was the peak of her life with you. but as her illness progressed, she became too tired to fish. she would go out less and less, staying closer to home. you would fish for her, but you were never as good as she was. still, you would come home with a pail full, and she would praise you for it.
you would do anything to hear her voice again.
you opened the door once more and stepped back out into the cold. you had spent so much time in midgard during fimbulwinter, but you swore you would never get used to the weather. you made your way into the woods, and you were met with the river once again. it hadn't changed much over the years, even though it had been some time since you had visited. after her death, you came less and less. the memory of her was too painful, and all fishing did was remind her of her and how she was gone.
you took in a quick breath through your nose and stepped into the water. she had told you once that you would get used to the cool temperatures of the water, and she was right. you didn't shiver or flinch at the cold. instead, you welcomed it like a warm blanket that washed over you.
"i miss you." you whispered. somehow, you knew she was listening. the world was unfair for taking her away so soon. "i love you." you told her. you swallowed the lump in your throat. would she be able to meet brok again? you could only hope so. the thought of it put a smile on your face. at least he wouldn't be alone in the afterlife. he would be with a friend.
you closed your eyes and took in the scenery. the sound of the breeze rushing through the trees, the chirping of birds and cracking of twigs under the weight of an animal somewhere.
it would be okay, you told yourself.
just one more minute.
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you hadn't been to týr's temple in a long time.
you hadn't needed to, after all. with all of the towers closed in every realm and no way for travel, you never needed to go back. and now, it was still unable for use. no matter how many times you passed by it while hunting, you never stopped inside until now.
you knew this is where sindri would be though. this is the place where he made up with brok. this is where he would be, and you were sure atreus knew that too. you were sure that he and your father had already paid him a visit themselves, but you wanted to on your own. you needed to let him know you were there for him, even if he pretended he didn't need it.
it was a long walk from home, which meant you had plenty of time to think. plenty of time to blame yourself for brok's death in the first place. how could no one have noticed? you tried not to think about it too much. he wouldn't want blame being passed around. you knew that.
you sighed as you pulled yourself up the stairs. now covered in ice, you remembered when the lake was water. atreus was much younger then— much smaller. once again, you thought of the good young man he was becoming. it hadn't truly been that long since that journey and yet.. it felt like lifetimes ago.
you stared up at the doorway and pushed it open with little struggle, only a grunt escaping your lips as you did so. the inside was much warmer, and you welcomed the feeling. the familiar sound of hammering filled your ears, and as you looked, you were greeted by sindri's back. brok's body lay on the table to his side, and you blinked away your emotions. this wasn't about you.
"go away," he said without even turning to look at you.
you cleared your throat, taking an awkward step closer to him. sindri was different. his clothing was covered in blood and dirt, and so were his arms. he hadn't cleaned since brok died. how much of that was his blood? you bit at the inside of your cheek, trying your best to shove the thought out of your head.
"sindri.." you started. what was there to even say? you didn't know. instead, you stood there. after a few moments of agonizingly long silence, he turned to face you. he sat the hammer down with a thud on the table, and you felt small under his gaze.
"what?" he snapped. now that his face was in the light, you could see how red his eyes were. he had been crying. you wished there was something more you could do, but.. there was nothing you could do to bring brok back, and that was what sindri wanted.
"i just.. wanted to let you know that i'm here." you told him.
you swore you saw his gaze soften.
"i know you probably don't want company right now or.. or anything like that," you swallowed, "but i just.. had to tell you that." you murmured.
sindri remained silent. he looked away from you and towards the ceiling. you only wished you could read his thoughts. he had become someone completely different. yesterday he was happy. despite the fact of ragnarok looming over him, he was happy because he had his brother there.
"i can't imagine.." you whispered out to him, lips pursed together. "i couldn't ever imagine losing atreus. i'm.. so sorry." you told him. by now, you were standing on opposite sides of the table he had spent so much time working at.
"that's what he said." he said. "atreus." he can barely force himself to say his name.
"i figured he would come."
silence fell over the room again and suddenly, sindri shook his head.
"you don't.. you don't get to be sorry." he said. "you still have your brother. because of him and because of you— i will never have mine back." sindri laid his hand on brok's chest. you felt a pang shoot through your chest at his words, but you didn't argue. you couldn't do that to him. you looked down at brok's body. you had to look at him. that was the least you could do.
"i know." you muttered.
"he brought him into my home." he whispered. "and he.."
"i know."
he looked back up at you, gaze narrowed. you could practically see the whirlwind of emotions going through his mind just by looking at is eyes.
"what do you know?" sindri asked quietly.
"i know what loss feels like." you said simply. "when my mother died, i was.. i was inconsolable. i needed her with me to.. to function, to live." you took in a breath, heavy through your lungs.
"my father.. none of us ever told you what happened to her, did we?"
at his silence, you took it as your que to continue.
"she got sick."
his brow furrowed.
"sick? faye?" he asked quietly. you nodded.
"i thought.. how could a woman as strong as her get sick like this? how could she be healthy one day and then in her deathbed a few weeks later? i didn't understand it. i still don't. but i.. i know what it's like to grieve, sindri. i understand."
he only looked at you.
"i know my apologies won't bring brok back." you murmured. "but i.. just need you to know that i'm here for you."
he swallowed. his took a deep, shaky breath. you knew your words meant very little, but if they provided any sort of comfort to him, your trip out here would be worth it. sindri squeezed brok's hand.
"it's all my fault." you heard sindri murmur under his breath. "what?" you asked, head tilted to the side in confusion. "brok.. he died. before." he told you.
"when he.. when he died, i couldn't handle it. i went to the lake of souls and i jumped in. i.. found pieces of his soul. all of them except for one." he whispered, unable to tear his eyes off of his brother. "and now he.. doesn't have them all. he can't go anywhere. he's ceased to exist."
"that's not your fault." you told him without missing a beat. "brok.. what he said before.." you cleared your throat as sindri's gaze finally shifted up to you. "he said he forgave you. this.. that's not on you. he understood." you muttered softly. he blinked a few times, running his thumb across the back of brok's hand. tears filled his eyes, and you forced yourself to give him a comforting smile.
he said nothing in response.
"can i.. say a prayer?" you asked, your gaze shifting from brok's body to sindri's eyes. he could only nod as he swallowed the lump in his throat.
you breathed deeply, in through your nose and out through your mouth. while you didn't have the items you had when you were mourning your mother.. you didn't mind. you doubted brok would've wanted something fancy like that anyway.
"lo, there do i see my mother," you whispered.
"lo, there do i see my father.." you continued, falling onto one knee next to the table. "and my sisters and my brothers. lo, there do i see the line of my people. back to the beginning. lo, there do they call to me. they bid me take my place among them in the halls of valhalla."
"where the brave may live forever."
you finished, pressing your forehead against brok's arm. he was cold. stiff. the last time you did this, it was for your mother. it was the exact prayer you and atreus had said before her funeral. you swallowed, feeling pressure build up in your throat. you stayed there for a moment, and sindri watched you wordlessly.
you knew there was no valhalla for brok. but he was brave. and he would live forever within you, within everyone who loved him.
you pushed yourself to your feet, turning your attention back to sindri. "thank you." you said to him, and he nodded once again. "i'll.. be at the house." you muttered, turning on your heel to leave him to his thoughts. you swore you could feel him watching as you left.
you pushed the heavy doors open and stepped back into the cold of midgard.
lo, there do they call to me. you repeated to yourself.
lo, there do they call to me.
tags: @ic-yourface @alisblackgf @engardeitsme @venfia @dijanur @s1mpss @gorepitt @callalillie15 @bluehorizon987 @vanserrar @trippingoverstars @mysiax @beaniebear152 @rei64bit @neverendingdumptser @a-bunny13 @lei-leigha @candy4bonez @yyourmotherr @blobdrake-theory @zarizee @rainygamingstreamingturtle @kise-kae @aesthetic-of-a-director @unodostrescuatrolove @nixeustheclamity @aiciteaa @multifand0m-gal0re @chibi668 @wonderkive @lentillo @luffysoctopus @elizabeth-hatake @black-star1472 @lacm-ac @sxmirae @maggot-baggage @emc2beans @suzumi-hiddenmistclan @white-lyra @lmorg149 @iamverydreamy @giornos-curls @reinabxitch @ourchampionofthesun @paintmekala @the-eternal-sunflower @alextric-overload @lynn-haitani @prettysurethatsakidney @justsomereaderwholikesanime @emmbny @kukungi @sweetdayme4427 @mimiissia
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visionsofmagic · 2 years
Hi!! I don't know if your requests open, but if so, can I please request Sindri x fem!Reader?
Like, Reader is the eldest daughter of Kratos and Faye and she and Sindri are in very good relationship, but still not in romantic, since they are afraid to confess to each other. Maybe someone will want to help them?
Thank you!!
sindri x fem!reader
tags: fluff, falling, atreus being tricky and playful, using of y/n, touching. enjoy! [I hope you, especially you - anon, will like this one because it was cute to write. ^^ and thanks for requesting! sindri needs more attention!]
wc: 1.6k
since you were in a good relationship with both brok and sindri who were one of the dearest friends of yours the moment faye, your dear mother, had passed away. you were so focused on atreus, your little cute brother, you even couldn't realize your grief. atreus needed a good support by his side since kratos, your father, was being a complex person in these kinds of situations. he was sad too, you knew it. three of you had a grief, yes, but, you still had a connection - a bond. you were a family.
the family you had increased its number as you met more friends on your way to the mountain – your path you promised to go with your father and little brother for the sake of faye. With time, you met sindri, brok, freya and mimir who literally helped you in most cases. you liked all of them one by one and you were having fun while creating a friendship with them, not being so cold to them like your father did. also, being the big sister of atreus, you had to be a supporter for him instead focusing on your grief more since it was what your father doing but well, in colder way. so, when you met new people, you were so glad because finally atreus found others to speak, to clear his mind and get a support to his grief since sindri and brok were friend of your mother. with them, not only atreus but you found peace and well, a good relationship.
however, one person was different for you. yes, you liked each of them but your liking for that certain person felt different. you liked freya, a good company, understanding you very well. you liked brok, he had funny jokes. you liked mimir, he had a father posture like your father did, giving you support in missions. but, the way you liked sindri, it was different – you not only like having good time with him, but you liked him; how he walked cutely around the realms, how he appeared with his little work shop whenever you go, how he had a golden armor which was your favorite color that looked good on him, how he kept give you little smiles he had, charming ones enough to make you giggle to yourself after remember him.
as your liking became more visible to you, you couldn’t help but try to hide it more because whether he liked you in that way or not was a mystery for you. he sure showed how he was having fun talking to you but you guessed it was the same as he was talking with atreus, his other close friend. You believed he only liked you friendly even if you could see his little shy giggles, eyes that looking to other directions when you praise his works, or more of these. your mind was telling you that he liked you too but the fear you held in your heart was making you hide your liking or even asking him anything about this situation.
you spent your life like this, missing sindri and become so happy whenever you see him, trying to hide your happiness but someone already knew it and that someone came to your side while you were sitting on the edge of tyr’s temple, looking at the sky and thinking about sindri again. you knew how you could enter inside, see him with working brok but you didn’t want to disturb him since he had his own jobs and you missions. and well, it was rare time to take a great rest to clear your mind.
when you began to think about the adventure your journey brought within, stranger man and so on, you heard atreus’ cute voice right behind you, making you jump in surprise. “don’t do that!” he just smirked ‘till he began to talk about, well, specific someone – sindri. he looked at the sky, putting his hand behind him, acting like a mature boy than a kid which you watched with a smile ‘till he told your relationship with sindri. “c’mon, y/n,” he said, rolling his little blue eyes, “we already know you like him and it’s okay. I think he likes you too.” you just rolled your eyes like he did, shrugging, you said, “and how do you know liking someone little one. you are just eleven years old.” he gave you a furrowed, leaving you while saying, “and you are the grown one, huh?” the last thing you saw was the smirk on his face.
as time passed, you and atreus kept those little moments in which atreus refers to your liking on sindri while you became shy or angry about it. then, one day, all these things turn into something else as you were picking some vegetables from freya’s garden with atreus while your father and freya had a discussion about something you didn’t pay attention to. to make dinner, you suggested to pick fresh vegetables and freya gave you a garden’s map that had good ones on which was close to his house.
as you kept searching for the correct vegetables, you heard atreus’ voice. “y/n!” he showed you a tree that had red apples on it. he asked if you could pick one for him to eat since he was small to reach. you chuckled, nodding to him, you accepted the offer, giving you your basket which he wanted to continue what you were doing. the moment he left, you picked some rocks around the garden to put under the tree because it was really big to reach. finally finishing putting rocks, you got up, raising on your toes to reach the nearest apple to pick. then, you heard sindri’s cute voice behind you suddenly, making you lose your balance and fall into the ground, on your ass.
having a humuliating moment, the heat was raising on your face when you looked sindri who looked concerned. the moment the apple you tried to reach fell from the tree, hitting your head with a ‘thump’ sound, sindri reached for you, giving you a hand to get up but because of feeling so shy and bad, you just got away from him a little, not getting up yet. “I – I was trying to pick, well,” you took the apple that was lying on the ground, showing him to sindri, “this one.” chuckling nervously, you touched your head that was hurting.
sindri gave you a cute smile, like he was referring to that it was okay to fall down, and then, his hand touched yours that you kept on your head. he even caressed your hand and hair, saying, “are you okay? It was quite a fall right there.” seeing his reddened face, your anxiety decreased slowly. he felt the same as you felt; shy. without saying anything, you got up as he took back his hand, leaving you enough space to get up after an intense eye contact you two had. “thank you, sindri. I am well, don’t worry.” you shrugged, “I was picking some vegetables for the dinner and atreus, well, he asked for an apple.” you showed the apple to him but he had a surprised expression on his face. “atreus? was he with you?” you nodded, furrowed, you asked, “why?”
sindri looked at the apple for a certain time before replying, “well, he said you needed my help, so, I came. but I suppose, you didn’t need my help after all. what a playful kid he is.”
nodding to him, you realized the plan of atreus which has failed. “indeed, he is.” a silence occurred between you ‘till you asked him to join you for the dinner. he declined, saying he needed to work with brok to create a weapon for kratos, your dad. you just nodded, ready to leave him with a cute wave, feeling sadness because right there, you felt so wonderful, his hand on yours. it felt good and you were selfish enough to want to fall down again if it meant he would touch you again.
“y/n,” he said, sounding so fragile and confident at the same time which caused you to look at him curiously. “I, well, when atreus said you needed my help, I felt – good. I left the brok which he cursed me a lot,” he left a nervous chuckle, “I am glad if I help you even if a little bit and well, I really want to help you whenever you need.” he then looked into your eyes, directly, making your breath go faster, “I want to be your side even if it isn’t for my need. I think – I think I have a liking on you.”
and that moment, you felt a great happiness on your chest, making you smile wide enough to hurt your mouth. blushing, you closed the gap between your bodies, touching his beard with a confidence boost you had, caressing it and making sindri’s eyes go wider, his cheeks go pinker which you watched in pleasure. “I have a liking on you too sindri and yes, I would like to have you on my side even if it is not for a need.”
smiling to you, he found happiness like you did and you spent a great time together ‘till atreus came to call you for dinner. when you left sindri for the dinner, giving little kisses to his cheeks, you knew how he would come any time you missed him or he missed you because now, you knew how both of you liked each other.
in that dinner, atreus smirked widely. indeed, his plan worked very well.
the end.
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iscreamwithlove · 2 years
When I Lost You pt. 1
Sindri X Fem! Reader
What if SIndri actually had a wife and child? A wife that Sindri had believed to be dead for years because of Odin. Then Asriel, their child, starts having visions of his mother, but he’s unsure on how to approach his father about it. 
The Night He Lost You
The fireplace warmed the small log house. The log house that was home to no other then you, Sindri and your newborn son, Asreil. It had taken a lot to convince Sindri to have a child and when he had finally said yes needless to say you were shocked. Oh and the look on Faye’s face when you told her you were going to have a baby. Faye was your older sister, she was the only reason you were ever able to meet Sindri. 
“How’s he doing?” Sindri sat down next to you. You sat in front of the firepalce desperate to keep warm. You looked down at Asreil with a soft smile. Asriel was asleep in your arms. 
“He’s fast asleep,” you hummed, as you sightly leaned into Sindri. Sindri wrapped an arm around your shoulders pulling you close. He played with your hair slightly combing his fingers through your hair. 
Everything was calm, tranquil, peaceful... until...
A chill ran down your spine. 
“Take Asreil,” You said as you handed over Asriel. 
“What’s wrong? What’s going on?” Sindri asked. You stood up slowly.
“The protection stave,” you said. 
“The protection stave?” Sindri pressed as he also stood up. 
“It’s broken,” you said. 
“B-Broken!” Sindri stuttered. 
“WAH!” Asreil started crying. 
“No, no, no shhhh, Papa’s sorry for yelling,” Sindri cooed rocking Asreil in his arms. 
Asreil started crying even louder. 
You grabbed your sword and headed to the front door.
“Hunny wait,” Sindri said. You looked back at him.
“It’s going to be okay,” you said.
That was Baldur’s voice, and he said guests? Who else could be here with him? He couldn’t have brought Odin could he? 
Knowing this would not end well you turned back to Sindri and Asriel. You came down to his height. (Since you were at least a foot taller) 
“Run,” you said. Sindri’s eyes widened in fear as he shook his head no. 
“No... no, I’m not leaving you,” he said. 
“Please... it is the only way... for you, for our son to live. If Baldur is here there will be no mercy,” you said. You gently held his face.
“I don’t want to leave you, I love you,” Sindri whispered. 
“You got ten seconds to open this door!” Baldur and yelled. 
“Sindri please,” you begged. Your eyes pleaded with your husband to run. 
“TEN!” Baldur started counting.
The weight of the situation now started to fall on Sindri. He looked down at Asriel and back at you. 
Your heart sank knowing you would have to leave your family behind.
“I love you,” you kissed his forehead. 
You stood up and turned back to the door. 
Holding back tears, Sindri disappeared with his son and ran. 
You let out an annoyed sigh you walked to the door. You slammed it open. Immediately you were punched square in the chest by Baldur. Your back slammed against your dinning table. You let out a ragged breath, using the table to keep yourself up. 
“So you finally open up, so good to see you again Y/n,” Odin stepped into your home. 
“What the fuck do you want?” you asked. 
“I have a proposal,” Odin snickered. 
“No,” you shot it down immediately. 
“You won’t even hear me out?” Odin asked innocently. 
“Whatever you have to offer I don’t want it,” you said. 
“Alright, I guess were done here,” Odin sighed.
“I guess we are,” you agreed. 
“Keep it clean,” Odin leaned close to Baldur. Baldur smirked while cracking his knuckles then his neck. 
Asriel jumped awake. He’d been having the same dream the last week. A beautiful women chained up with a needle like plant in the back of her neck. 
Knock! Knock! Knock!
“Asriel? Breakfast is ready!” His father, Sindri, called. 
“I’ll be down in a minute,” Asriel groaned as he rolled over in bed. Asriel yawned as he sat up. Questions filled Asriel’s head. 
Who is this women? 
Why does he keep having dreams of her? 
Why was she chained up? 
Asriel let out a heavy sigh as he pulled his bedroom door open and headed downstairs. 
“Well good mornin’ sunshine!” Uncle Brok chuckled as Asriel sat down at the table. 
“Mmm,” Asriel hummed still tired. 
“Are you alright? You still look very tired,” Freya commented. All eyes were on Asriel now. 
Asriel debated on whether or not he should talk about the women he had been seeing in his dream. He decided against it and breakfast resumed as usual. 
Asriel couldn’t help but just sit there and poke at his food.
“Asriel, are you alright?” His father now asked. 
“Yeah, I’m... I’m fine... I just need some fresh air,” Asriel sighed as he stood up,” if you need me I’ll be outside.” 
The young teen pushed open the large door into the courtyard. He approached the center of it and just sat down. He drew circles, with his finger, on the wooden boards.
Asriel jumped and looked over to see his cousin, Atreus.
“Mind if I join ya?” Atreus asked.
“Yeah, uh, sure, take a seat,” Asriel said as he went back to drawing circles on the ground. There was a silence between the two.
“Your dad’s really worried about you,” Atreus finally spoke. Asriel glanced back up at Atreus.
“I know, it’s just… I don’t know… I don’t want him thinking I’m crazy,” Asriel sighed.
“Why would he think that?” Atreus questioned.
“I keep having this dream…,” Asriel admitted.
“About?” Atreus pressed.
“You can’t tell my dad okay?” Asriel didn’t want his dad more worried about him.
“I won’t,” Atreus agreed now growing even more concerned.
“It’s about this women… she’s chained up and has a needle like plant in the back of her neck,” Asriel admitted.
“Huh? And you don’t know who she is?” Atreus asked.
“Not a clue,” Asriel sighed.
“Could it be your mom?” Atreus offered an answer. Asriel froze not sure what to say…
He never did have a chance to meet her, but then again his dad never liked talking about her either. His dad would always say it was in the past, and leave it at that.
“I don’t think so,” Asriel now replied.
“Maybe you could ask your dad,” Atreus suggested.
“No…no I can’t, he… he doesn’t like talking about what happened,” Asriel said.
“But what if it is her? What if you could get her back?” Atreus threw the questions at his cousin, whom started to become more overwhelmed. Asriel stood up, Atreus quickly stood up as well.
“Yeah and what do you suggest I say? Hey dad I keep seeing this weird women in my dreams! Maybe it could be mom? I know you don’t like talking about her!” Asriel snapped, bitterness on each of his words. Atreus had a look of guilt and Asriel quickly realized what he had done.
“I’m-,” Atreus started.
“No, I should be apologizing to you, that was out of line and uncalled for,” Asriel apologized. “I think I just need to think on it. Thanks for listening to me Atreus.”
“Yeah, it’s what I’m here for,” Atreus beamed. The two headed back.
“Asriel!” Sindri called to his soon. Sindri stepped away from the quencher and greeted the two boys.
“Hey dad, don’t worry about me, I’m alright,” Asriel said.
“I just wanted to say, if you ever need to talk, I’m here for you,” Sindri said.
“I know dad,” Ariel smiled.
“Okay,” Sindri smiled back. Despite his smile Sindri’s anxiety was not put to ease.
Was his son okay?
What was bugging him?
Is it because he’s a bad father?
“The boy ‘ill come to ya when he’s ready,” Brok cut Sindri out of his thoughts.
“Brok… did… did I mess up somewhere…?” Sindri asked.
“I- er- I can’t tell you that,” Brok stuttered now starting to feel uneasy. Brok was a brute, never that good with emotions. Sindri sighed, as he headed back to the quench picking back up where he left off. The thought of his son in distress still plagued his mind.
It wasn’t until lunch time Sindri had seen Asriel again. Kratos, Mimir and Atreus were just getting back from one of there adventures. Asriel pulled himself down the stairs, he had just woken up from a nap, bad idea. He still saw the women but only this time he heard her screams of agony and pain.
“Dad,” Asriel’s voice cracked, he stood at the bottom of the stairs.
“Yes? What is it? Is everything okay?” Sindri rushed over to his son.
“Can I talk to you in my room? Please?” Asriel asked.
“Of course, let’s go,” Sindri agreed. The two headed back up to Asriel’s room. Sindri had to stop himself from commenting on how messy it was. He knew now was not the time.
“I know it’s messy,” Asriel said, he knew that his father wanted to comment on it.
“That’s…,” Sindri shuddered,” that’s not what matters right now, what’s going on?”
“I think you should sit down for this,” Asriel said as he pat the spot next to him on the bed.
“I think I’ll be alright,” Sindri replied. Asriel took a deep breath.
“I’ve been having these dreams of… a women… and… and I don’t know who… who she is… but if… if it’s mom… then she needs our help…,” Asriel said. Asriel was right, Sindri should have sat down. A pit in Sindri’s stomach grew. He suddenly felt sick.
What was he supposed to say? Feel? If his wife was alive this whole time would she be mad that he never tried to save her? That he assumed her dead after that night?
“No… no… your mom… she’s…,” Sindri couldn’t even say it. Instead he just left the room. He didn’t know where his feet were taking him. Memories of that awful night filling his head
“Dad! Wait!” Asriel quickly followed after his father. Sindri didn’t listen, he just kept walking until he was out the door. 
“Woah hey! What’s going on?” Atreus got up. 
“I told him about the women and I don’t know, started freaking out? Panicking?” Asriel started panicking a little himself. 
“Okay, okay, calm down, breathe,” Atreus said. 
“Women? Who are you talking about?” Freya now questioned, alarmed by the situation. 
“I... I don’t know who she is... and when I mentioned it may be my mom... that happened...,” Asriel explained. 
“What does the women in your dream she look like?” Kratos now asked. 
“Uh, long (h/c) hair, (S/c) skin, I can never really get any specific details,” Asriel explained.
“It’s her,” Kratos said, he seemed confident in his answer,” I met your mother only a few times, but that seems to match her... from what I remember.” 
“It sounds like her,” Brok confirmed,” and I think I may know where your father ran off to.” 
“You do?” Asriel asked. 
“Yeah, come with me kid, we’ll find him,” Brok said,” and gear up, we’re headed to Midgard.” 
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From the Beginning
Sindri x gn!reader pt1
Ask: I have an idea with our love Sindri, maybe the reader is a daughter/relative of kratos. I just love family drama, something with to much fluff
The reader is implied to be in their middle twenties and tall, Brok is himself, Sindri is anxious all the time, some angst in the at the end, and mentions of cheating. Probably a lot of misspellings and grammar errors, can’t ‘English isn’t my first language’ my way out of this either.
Being the child of Kratos and Faye wasn’t easy and particularly lonely, especially after your mothers death.
Your father became colder and harsher, never showing any emotion rather than disappointment and rage. This took a large toll on you and your brother, becoming so emotionally constipated it was clinical.
But it wasn’t all bad. The people you met along your adventures were the highlight of all of them… probably because it was the most ‘friendly’ you’ve been with someone in months that wasn’t your brother.
So it was a breathe of fresh air when you encountered Sindri on the dock with your father and brother. Even though y’all’s first interaction was particularly tense because of his history with leviathan but he soon became a constant in your life.
Shortly after encountering him you met his brother, Brok. They were so different you thought it was a joke at first, I mean it’s reasonable since one of them is blue but who cares it was the least of the weirdest thing you’ve encountered.
After reuniting them, which was a larger hurdle than you expected because you couldn’t imagine hating your sibling so. In hindsight, your thinking was pretty ironic cause you almost disowned Atreus when he sneaks off to Asgard in the following years.
When they reunite their relationship and their company you visit them frequently because you had a bad habit of breaking your axe, to your fathers dismay.
The weird thing was that Sindri was never around when you would visit them, even if you thought you saw a glimpse of him. His small work shops just always seem to be empty and Brok would appear a few minutes later looking rather disgruntled. You’ve only been able to catch what he mumbles to himself and it’s always how someone’s being a little bitch. You always assumed it was an asshole customer that had the same habit of breaking things.
The same thing would happen when you’d catch Atreus or your father with Sindri except he always had an excuse on him but most were rather questionable, ranging from “you know how busy it is being a renowned smithing company and all” to “uh… I’ve gotta go walk Brok… you know how he is”.
A couple times you’ve asked your brother what his problem was but all he’d say is that Sindri would kill him if he said anything
That made you nervous cause what the Hel does that even imply. You’d rack your brain and harass Brok but he was quiet too, which scared you even more.
So you made a plan to make Atreus rough up his bow a little and make Sindri fix it and while he’s distracted youd corner him and ask him what his deal was.
With constant complaining from Atreus how your plan is practically see through with how many holes there are and that he didn’t want to put his bow in the mix, he eventually gave in and hit it up against a tree a couple tries but that didn’t do jack shit so you just cut the string. Your father thought you were bullying him for a couple seconds until you both gave each other a nod after examining the damages.
So you two hiked all the way up the mountain to his nearest workshop and you stayed behind some yards behind a rock while Atreus went up to the kiln. Sindri popped up secound a later with his cheery attitude until he saw the bow. Sindri shot the boy a annoyed look before searching for a new string. All the while chatting away.
While his back was turned Atreus waved his hand towards himself telling you to come closer but when you were about to come right behind the dwarf he ushered you away and pointed to the nearest tree. Confused you did it anyways. Why would he do that you had the clearest opening?
As you hid behind for another minute or so you were about to give up until they started a new topic.
“How did you even damage your bow so bad? Whatever it was must have been as sturdy as a tree.”
Sindri said. Atreus looked like was going to explode with anxiety while you hid behind a tree trying not to laugh out loud.
“Just training with [reader]. Their axe snagged it.”
With the mention of your name Sindris head shot up but what you didn’t expect was the dopey smile on his face.
“They did did they? How are they doing anyways?”
“How about you ask them yourself for once?”
Atreus pouted at the man who looked aback and petrified.
“Are you crazy?? I’ll embarrass myself like when I showed them my home in between the realms! You remember what Brok said to them!”
The memory made you chuckle. You had visited with your family to their house and when you asked Brok how they made one of the swords on the wall he told the story of how Sindri thought he could take on the monster that was protecting the material that they needed to craft it and got his ass handed to him so bad he hid in his bedroom for a week in embarrassment. You remember how Sindri had thrown a piece of medal at him and had the cutest blush while he stared at him in shock.
“Well it will be just as embarrassing when you actually talk to them because it will creep them out about how you know everything about them?!”
“Give me a week-“
Everything went silent as Atreus finished his rant. His hand that pointed to the tree you hid behind stayed up until you walked out. You gave Sindri a little wave and that awkward smile that he loved. Sindri looked like he was pure shock as he whipped his head between you and Atreus.
“w..wh…. WHAT!”
Before you knew it the dwarf had passed out on the ground and the two of you rushed to him.
“What?! This was your plan!”
“This was not my plan?! I didn’t intend for you to have that outburst and I surly didn’t intend for him to pass out!”
“He would have passed out anyways!”
You let put a frustrated groan as you hoisted the dwarf onto your back. It was like carrying a couple grapes but you dreaded the confrontation you and the man will have once you get him someplace warm.
You stopped at a near by abandoned cottage because you wanted to avoid going back home and explaining why his best blacksmith had passed out.
As you started a fire you told Atreus to go back to the house because you didn’t want him to have to watch the awkward confrontation you were going to have. Atreus thanked you and left without a word.
Sindri woke up a few minutes later not seeming to notice you as he shoved his head into his hands and groaned in frustration. He couldn’t believe he embarrassed himself AGAIN. He swung his feet around the bed you placed him in and was meet with your siting form staring at him like how a wolf stares at its prey when they’ve known they won. In these moments he truly sees your father in you, from your towering for to your sharp eyes. In spite of that he sees your mothers caring personality when you weren’t ripping someone’s head from their shoulders. What surprised him the most when he met you and what caused him to fall was the goofy lightheartedness you brought everywhere. To him your side mission was making everyone in a room smile.
“Don’t you dare feint again. We have to talk.”
He felt himself sweat and his mouth dry up. He froze up, not a single word left his mouth. This angered you as he seemed to love talking about you from what you heard from Atreus a while ago.
“You know I don’t like getting made fun of.”
This confused him I mean didn’t you just hear him and Atreus blab about you some time ago. His confused face made you stand up and bring him with you… by his collar. His feet dangled a couple feet from the ground. Alarm and fear spread across his face but he still said nothing.
“You know I don’t like my feeling played with.”
It finally dawned on him. You had thought him and Atreus were pulling a prank on you. He knew that this must have to hurt to think because he remembered how around a year and a half ago you had entered a relationship with someone from a village you had frequented. It was the reason he stopped talking to you, it hurt him too much to watch you be happy with someone else. It hurt him even more when you found out they had cheated on you with another close friend of yours in the same village. He watched as you cried to your brother about it and how Atreus didn’t know how to handle your emotions. So he took it upon himself to tell Atreus what to do and what to say that would comfort you best. He knew you wouldn’t want to see him after a couple months of no show from him and how your father would just grumble to you about harnessing your sadness into rage or whatever awful advice he gave about emotions.
“no no no No NO! I swear it’s not like that!”
There goes the awful silence again. You dropped him with embarrassment and confusion on your face. He grabbed your hands which caused you to jump, you know how he is about germs so you were about to question him until he said.
“I really do and don’t think anything else. I have since I first fixed up your axe and how hard it was because you kept making me laugh. AND I know you probably do t feel the same so I’ll just leave and you will only have to talk to Brok if it’s too awkward for yo-“
He was lifted up again and when he expect death he was met with your chest and a warm presence on his hair line. He could only dream of this situation, being in your arms infront of a firplace with no one in sight.
I really like this one and it took me forever.
Tag list: @alondrashultz , @simpforjesus , @novidiadarkmagic , @resident-sindri-fucker (honestly I just put people who I think would like this lol)
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God of War Art and Fic Masterlist
Request Rules
*My old GOW posts were on a side blog before I moved here so that's why some links lead to a different blog*
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Long Fics
Fated to Fall (x GN Reader)
Summary: The hand of fate was a cruel thing. It followed everyone who traveled through the realms, from tragic beginnings to horrific ends. Some people sought to embrace it, while others tried to flee from it, but its permanence was undeniable.
Yet as you stood reflecting on a previous life that now seemed so far and a future that appeared all but definite, you couldn't help but wonder why fate had brought you here. In a home that was no longer home and in a place you found no more joy. Was this to be the end of your story?
Or had it only just begun
Consequences of the Past (x GN Reader)
Summary: Sindri spends days making you the perfect gift. Upon finally delivering it he finds a horrible event has occurred.
Sindri Headshot [Pencil & Digital]
I Gave You Everything [Digital]
Little Pixel Dudes (Pixel Art)
The Breaking of Sindri (Analysis)
The Huldra Brothers fuck (Cannon Game Lore)
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Your Company (x GN Reader)
Summary: Brok shows his care through smithing. You wouldn't know that though, and he wasn't about to admit it.
Little Pixel Dudes (Pixel Art)
The Huldra Brothers fuck (Cannon Game Lore)
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Kratos Practice (Pencil & Pens)
Doodles (Digital)
The Culmination of Love is Grief (Pixel Art)
I Am What The Gods Have Made Me (Pencil/Pen)
Little Pixel Dudes (Pixel Art)
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The Culmination of Love is Grief (Pixel Art)
Atreus Practice (Pencil and Pen)
Little Pixel Dudes (Pixel Art)
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My Oath to You (x GN Reader)
Summary: Týr has returned to you after more than a century of absence. Completely overwhelmed by this sudden appearance you can't bring yourself to believe that your long lost lover has finally come home.
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Are You? A Calm and Reasonable Person?
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Little Pixel Dudes (Pixel Art)
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Little Pixel Dudes (Pixel Art)
The Babygirl/Sexyman/Little Meow Meow Alignment Chart
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storiedhistories · 2 years
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This probably doesn't come as a surprise, but I'm still on a bit of a hiatus, at this point. I'm trying to focus more on revamping and getting things all cleaned up while I'm not doing writing things, and to that end, below the readmore is an updated list of muses, since my current information is very out of date.
Current muses by franchise:
BATTLESTAR GALACTICA William Adama Karl C. Agathon
CRITICAL ROLE Caleb Widogast Essek Thelyss Grog Strongjaw Keyleth of the Air Ashari Lady Kima of Vord Percival Fredrickstein von Musel Klossowski de Rolo III Vax'ildan Zahra Hydris
DOCTOR WHO The Doctor (Nine) Madame Vastra
FULLMETAL ALCHEMIST Alexander Louis Armstrong Sig Curtis Envy Solf J. Kimblee Roy Mustang
GAME OF THRONES Brienne of Tarth Tyrion Lannister
GARGOYLES Brooklyn Goliath Hudson (with Bronx as NPC) Macbeth
GOD OF WAR Atreus Brok Faye Freyr Kratos Mimir Odin Sindri Thor
GOOD OMENS Anthony J. Crowley
KILL LA KILL Satsuki Kiryuin Senketsu
THE LAST OF US Joel Miller
MIRACULOUS LADYBUG Adrien Agreste / Chat Noir Alya Cesaire Gabriel Agreste / Hawk Moth Luka Couffaine Tom Dupain
HADESTOWN/MYTHOS/PERCY JACKSON Hades Hazel Levesque Kronos Orpheus Thalia Grace Will Solace
STAR VS. THE FORCES OF EVIL Globgor Moon Butterfly River Butterfly Tom Lucitor
X-MEN Remy LeBeau
ORIGINAL CHARACTERS Irithiel Galanodel (D&D) Vanessa Hunter (Monster of the Week)
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duck-noises · 10 months
Art n' stuff
instagram(not very active) & twitter(very inactive)
God of war
Kratos flexing his big beautiful muscles
Kratos x Atreus of sparta
Kratos and AOS goin' for a little stroll
First meeting
Kratos & Atreus meet Sindri for the first time
The Sun
Pov: you’re Angrboða
PLEASE GET HIM SOME BROWN CONTACTS, I'M SHAKING IN TERROR (i don't even remember making this)
weird baby costumes
ft. Mimir & Kratos
First meeting
Kratos & Atreus meet Sindri for the first time
Missing that silly little white boy :(
An edit ft. Brok and Kratos
Good soup
taking a rest during an adventure to enjoy some good soup with the brothers
Lovers rock
The song by tv girl is so Atreboda coded
Bingo bingo baby
little animation with atreus and the wolves
Mimir in a kilt
6 different colours. yellow (original), green, dark blue, purple, teal and red
Wip for the kilt
Digital (i’ll figure out a name later)
A portrait. i think, i don't know (the beard tho 😍)
After resurrecting Brok, Sindri has a not so nice soak as he thinks about the events that have occurred, and he come to the realization that he will never be able to feel clean ever again.
Western au
Pretty much a shoemaker, farrier and a blacksmith all in one
Old man pajamas
Self explanatory
Would he still love you as a roach?
short answer: nah. long answer: he sprays you with raid
First meeting
Kratos & Atreus meet Sindri for the first time
Even a worm will turn.
Even the meekest or most docile of creatures will retaliate or seek revenge if pushed too far.
Good soup
taking a rest during an adventure to enjoy some good soup with Atreus & Brok
Werid way to hold an apple but okay
him presenting an apple to atreus in gow4 got me fucked up
He's so pretty (i’ll figure out a name later)
Brok eats ass™️
a nice hat for a silly guy
Crocheted Brok and Brok
Brok with my Christmas gift from my lovely mother (ft. Atreus)
The real way Brok died
he’s just a silly guy, can you really blame him?😁 (ft. Imposter Tyr (or odin in other words))
Good soup
taking a rest during an adventure to enjoy some good soup with Atreus & Sindri
Huginn & Munnin
Silly little guys
i made all 4 of those pretty far apart that you can see the quality kinda take a leap downwards
Eyes of Odin
they see all, they hear all, they know all.
not directly said to be about Faye, but it is.
Happy to see Chaurli
So tiny you’ll need a microscope to see her
Cool new hairdos
save me old men with long hair save me
Lovers rock
The song by tv girl is so Atreboda coded
Fanart for a very very underrated character
love him sm it’s actually insane
Ash baby Odin
(we all say in unison)
Star wars
Greez Dritus
My favorite pilot
A portrait (i think, ill figure it out later)
Morpheus/Dream of the endless
do you like birds?
a casual convo with the prince of stories
Random things (ocs and stuff)
Fisherman oc
a self insert for no real reason
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randomfandomimagine · 8 years
Characters Tags Masterlist Part 2
Add ‘x reader’ to character tags if you want to see the fanfiction posts and avoid ships and other random posts. 
Part 1 of this masterlist
Final Fantasy VII
Zack Fair, Cloud Strife, Tifa Lockhart, Aerith Gainsborough, Reno Sinclair, Yuffie Kisaragi, Denzel, Vincent Valentine, Sephiroth, Genesis Rhapsodos, Barret Wallace, Biggs, Jessie Rasberry, Leslie Kyle, Tseng
Paper Towns
Quentin Jacobsen, Ben Starling, Radar, Margo Roth Spiegelman
Glee Club
Rachel Berry, Finn Hudson, Kurt Hummel, Will Schuester, Noah Puckerman, Quinn Fabrey, Santana Lopez, Brittany S. Pierce, Tina Cohen-Chang, Mike Chang, Blaine Anderson, Mercedes Jones,  Artie Abrams, Sebastian Smythe, Rory Flanagan, Sam Evans
New Girl
Schmidt, Winston Bishop, Nick Miller
Final Fantasy X
Tidus, Auron, Yuna, Rikku
Back to the Future
Marty McFly, George McFly, Lorraine MccFly, Jennifer Parker, Biff Tannen
Nathan Young, Kelly Bailey, Simon Bellamy, Curtis Donovan, Alisha Daniels
Death Note
L Lawliet, Light Yagami, Mihael Keehl (Mello), Mail Jeevas (Matt), Nate River (Near), Touta Matsuda
Nathan Drake, Sam Drake, Victor Sullivan, Chloe Frazer
D’Artagnan, Aramis, Porthos, Athos, Phillippe
Bart Allen, Clark Kent (Welling), Oliver Queen (Hartley), Jimmy Olsen (Ashmore), A.C., Lex Luthor, Chloe Sullivan
Geralt of Rivia, Cirilla of Cintra, Dandelion, Jaskier (Batey), Yennefer of Vengerberg, Triss Merigold, Renfri
Final Fantasy XV
Chocobros, Noctis Lucis Caelum, Prompto Argentum, Ignis Scientia, Gladiolus Amicitia, Nyx Ulric, Cor Leonis, Aranea Highwind, Lunafreya Nox Fleuret, Cindy Aurum
Jurassic World
Zach Mitchell, Owen Grady
Tony Stark, Steve Rogers, Bruce Banner, Wanda Maximoff, Clint Barton, Thor Odinson, Natasha Romanoff, Pietro Maximoff, Bucky Barnes, Maria Hill, Darcy Lewis, Stephen Strange, T’Challa, Shuri, Loki Laufeyson, Jane Foster, Peggy Carter, Pepper Pots, Peter Quill, Peter Parker, Scott Lang, Carol Danvers, Howard Stark, James Rhodes, Vision
Peter Parker (Andrew Garfield), (Tom Holland), Gwen Stacy, Mary Jane Watson, Harry Osborn
PS4 Marvel Spider-Man
Star Wars
Poe Dameron, Finn, Luke Skywalker, Han Solo, Anakin Skywalker, Rey, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Leia Organa, Padme Amidala, Rose Tico
Wade Wilson, Vanessa Carlysle, Negasonic Teenage Warhead, Nathan Summers/Cable, Yukio
Kara Danvers, Winn Schott, Alex Danvers, James Olsen
Fantastic Beasts
Newt Scamander, Credence Barebone, Queenie Goldstein, Jacob Kowalski, Theseus Scamander
Hercules, Li Shang, Aladdin, Tarzan, Eric, Jane Porter, John Smith, Belle, Jasmine, Mulan, Kristoff, Anna, Kuzco, Milo Thatch
Eugene Fitzherbert, Rapunzel
Stanley Yelnats, Hector Zeroni, X-Ray, Zigzag
Fantastic Four
Johnny Storm, Reed Richards
How I Met Your Mother
Marshall Eriksen, Barney Stinson, Ted Mosby
Chandler Bing, Joey Tribbiani, Ross Geller, Phoebe Buffay, Monica Geller
Malcolm In The Middle
Malcolm Wilkerson, Reese Wilkerson, Francis Wilkerson
Pirates of the Caribbean
Jack Sparrow, Will Turner, Henry Turner, James Norrington, Elizabeth Swann, Carina Smyth
Charles Xavier, Raven Darkhelmore (Mystique), Jean Grey, Hank McCoy, Peter Maximoff (Quicksilver), Logan Howlett (Wolverine), Scott Summers (Cyclops), Erik Lehnsherr
Life Is Strange
Warren Graham, Nathan Prescott, Max Caulfield, Chloe Price, Kate Marsh
Diana Prince, Steve Trevor, Bruce Wayne, Arthur Curry
Clark Kent (Henry Cavill), Lois Lane
The Big Bang Theory
Sheldon Cooper
Brooklyn 99
Jake Peralta, Rosa Diaz, Amy Santiago, Terry Jeffords, Raymond Holt, Gina Linetti
Baby Driver
Baby, Darling
My Hero Academia 
Izuku Midoriya, Katsuki Bakugo, Toshinori Yagi/All Might, Momo Yaoyorozu, Shoto Todoroki, Denki Kaminari, Uraraka Ochako, Mei Hatsume, Iida Tenya
God Of War
Kratos, Atreus, Mimir, Freya, Athena, Sindri, Brok, Faye, Baldur
Others (fandoms I don’t usually write for)
Augustus Waters (TFIOS), Oliver Queen (Arrow)
Part 3 of this masterlist!
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storiedhistories · 2 years
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While I'm working on my revamp, to make things easier, below the cut is my current list of muses!
Battlestar Galactica Bill Adama Karl "Helo" Agathon
Critical Role Caleb Widogast Essek Thelyss Grog Strongjaw Lady Kima of Vord Keyleth of the Air Ashari Percival de Rolo III Vax'ildan Zahra Hydris
Detroid Become Human Hank Anderson
Doctor Who The Doctor (Nine) Madame Vastra
Fullmetal Alchemist Envy Solf J. Kimblee Roy Mustang
Game of Thrones Brienne of Tarth Tyrion Lannister
Gargoyles Brooklyn Goliath Hudson Macbeth
God of War Atreus Brok Calliope Faye Freyr Kratos Mimir Odin Sindri Thor
Good Omens Anthony J. Crowley
Kill la Kill Satsuki Kiryuin Senketsu
The Last of Us Joel Miller Lev
Miraculous Ladybug Adrien Agreste/Chat Noir Alya Cesaire Gabriel Agreste/Hawk Moth Luka Couffaine Tom Dupain
Mythos/Hadestown/PJO Hades Hazel Levesque Kronos Orpheus Thalia Grace Will Solace
Star vs the Forces of Evil Globgor Moon Butterfly River Butterfly Tom Lucitor
Sucker Punch Sweet Pea
Vampire Princess Miyu Larva
X-Men Remy LeBeau
Original Characters Irithiel Galanodel Vanessa Hunter
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