#sindri x tyr
lost-opium-artblog · 2 years
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Very big spoon and coffee spoon.
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user1286 · 2 years
It's so funny to see sindri getting passed around like a blunt (shipping wise) with like so many characters at this point, you people know who you are, pls keep doing what youre doing it's amazing ( ˘ ³˘)♥︎
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enjinia000 · 9 months
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Comic Dump #4
You could say this is a part 2 to Suspicious Takedowns and Tyr’s Jealousy (Odin). Maybe I’ll do a part 2 to the pollen one.
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arvolna · 5 months
So my friend and I were thinking about a headcanon where GOWR characters saw that I draw "anatomically focused" drawings of them. How would they react?
Kratos--would probably be used to people making statues of him? So he would say "Hmph."
Mimir-- "OOH... UHH... THANKS... LASSIE? UHH... Can you give this to... Sigrún?"
Freya--"Oh... Uhm... Pretty uhh... Accurate... Maybe try giving me some clothes?" would blushing red.
Freyr-- "OMG I'M A MUSE??? AM I YOUR MUSE??? oh and BTW you drew it small. Make it bigger" have you seen the statues of him? His uhh sword big.
Tyr--"Perhaps some meditation to... Uhh... Nevermind. But uh... You are good at what you do..." he would give a pat on the shoulder and leave
Heimdall--"You can't get behind the lie of 'anatomy focused' you know you like me. So tonight. Me. You. Himinbjörg. Don't be late."
Thor--"... I should lose some weight huh..." I would probably hug him and say that he doesn't need to.
Sif-- already killed me with her hair
Hildisvini-- "well... I appreciate the uhh imagination... Thank you. But uh... I prefer clothes" then respectfully leave
Also... The Huldra brothers + Lunda seeing the drawings
Lunda: OH AREN'T YOU A SMALL POCKETFUL OF TALENT! GOOD JOB! Hm. Kratos looks good and oh...freya..
Sindri: *vomiting in a corner* good drawing!
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wrr000 · 2 years
God of War characters carrying you around
Silly idea of how our favs would carry us. It could be romantic or platonic!
Carry you around like a sack of potatoes: Kratos, Baldur, Brok
Give you a piggyback ride: Modi, Baldur
Carry you in a bridal style: Freya, Tyr, Sindri, Freyr
Let you sit on their shoulder: Modi, Magni, Tyr
Lift you up and cross one arm under your booty: Magni, Thor
"Don't you have legs?": Sindri, Brok, Heimdall, Kratos
You have to carry them: Sif, Heimdall, Freyr
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hereforreadandwrite · 3 months
Chapter Five
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The night had passed, without Atreus coming home.
You stayed with the group, waiting for the boy. But obviously, he wasn't return. There was no way he would have made it to Asgard. Is not it? Your gaze rested on Tyr. He spent all his time cooking and locking himself in his broom closet. When was he going to get his act together? You groaned, running your hands over your face. Maybe you had to accept the fact that your husband will never be the same again. Maybe you needed to turn the page and move on.
You were brought out of your thoughts when you heard Kratos and Mimir talking. The Greek God of War entered the room, Mimir hanging from his belt.
"The Norns," Kratos began as he approached Freya. "You found them once. Could you do so again?"
"I could try, but…," Freya began, taking down her herbs to approach the small table. "I don't see how that would-"
"They are the Fates of these lands, are they not? I would know what they know."
“The Norns aren't very cooperative,” you said, approaching the two Gods.
"How can you know it?" asked Mimir perplexed.
"I found them too. And this meeting… wasn't exactly the most pleasant."
"As long as I find them," Kratos replied. “Where do we search?”
“Midgard,” Freya replied. "But if Atreus is in Asgard, there's no getting him back without an army. We should be raising one."
“Yes, nothing like a catastrophic war to improve the situation,” commented Tyr, who entered the room. "The boy seems quite capable, perhaps if you simply give him some time-"
"You are not free of blame here," Kratos cut in, turning to the Norwegian God of War. "You encouraged his foolishness, his… confusion. I do not seek war… but if Odin has stolen my son, do not doubt the lengths I will go to."
“Your nature has always been clear, Kratos…,” Tyr replied calmly before turning his attention to you and Freya. "But you, Freya… (Y/N)… war as a first resort? That's not the women I knew. I hope the Norns can give you the counsel you need. Perhaps mine is no longer of use here. "
Tyr walked away, followed quickly by Freya. Explaining that now was not the time to further divide. You slammed your hands on the small table, cursing under your breath. Tyr was serious? He dared to say that you were not the woman he had known. In rage, you threw the table against the wall. Breaking the furniture into small pieces. You heard Mimir ask you to calm down, but you didn't listen to him. You quickly approached Tyr and Freya. The Goddess quickly stood up upon seeing your nightmarish form. You were angry.
"You dare to say that I'm not the woman you knew?! You dare to say such a thing?! It's not me or Freya who have changed, but you. You are not Tyr. You don't A coward who hides in a broom cupboard, the Tyr that I know, my husband, wouldn't hesitate for a single second to take his weapons to go fight… you were terrified in front of a child who turned into a grizzly. You are the one who decided to go to Asgard when I asked you to stay with me. But no, you went to see Odin and this is the result. 'Besides, there are some things that bother me. You could have escaped from the Svartalfheim mine alone. There were no dwarves and no Einherjars. You could have escaped easily, without causing any harm. not have done it?”
Tyr looked at you with wide eyes. His mouth opened and closed. He didn't know what to answer you. The others observed the interaction without saying anything
"There's something you're hiding from us, husband. I don't know what, but I have a feeling it's something we won't like," you say, moving closer to Tyr. “Are you really Tyr?”
"Of course!" Tyr exclaimed as he stood up, forcing you to step back. "You doubt me?"
“Everyone here doubts you,” you replied, gesturing to the others with a wave of your hand. "You may have had a peaceful journey in your youth. But that's no excuse to stop fighting for your beliefs. Even you were against Odin before. Is he manipulating you right now? moment?"
"What?! No!" he replied, stepping back.
“Why are you running away?” you asked, watching as Tyr walked towards the broom closet door.
"I'm not running away! I…I need to be alone," he said, locking himself in his 'room'.
Silence reigned supreme. You took a deep breath, returning to your normal form. Your gaze rested on your comrades. Nobody spoke. Mimir was the first to break the silence.
"What? Are you going to tell me I'm too hard on him?"
"No, daughter. Far from it. I think he needed to hear it. I'm worried about you… are you okay?"
“Do I have a choice?”
Freya left her seat, approaching you. She placed her hand on your shoulder, advising you to go and rest. She, Kratos and Mimir were going to take charge of searching for the Norns. You nodded, moving away from the group to go and settle in the room that Sindri had set up for you to sleep in. You sat down on the makeshift bed, taking your wedding ring out of your purse, looking at it attentively.
His runes which represented Tyr no longer made any sense. Protection, he was no longer capable of protecting anyone. Force, he refused to use it. Love, you preferred not to think about it.
You shook your head, putting the wedding ring back into your purse. You could no longer understand Tyr and it made you more and more angry. You didn't even want to look at him anymore. You sighed, leaning your head against the wall when someone knocked on your door. You left your bed, going to open the door for none other than Tyr.
“Sorry for bothering you,” he apologized, nervously running his hand over the back of his neck. “Can we…can we talk?”
You looked at Tyr perplexed. You felt your stomach twist with unease at the sight of him. You swallowed, moving away from the door to sit on the makeshift bed. Tyr entered the room, closing the door behind him. Because the ceiling was lower, he was forced to remain bent over and had no choice but to sit on the floor to be more comfortable. Several minutes passed without any of you saying a single word. You continued to play with your ring nervously, ignoring the looks your husband was giving you. You sighed, putting your wedding ring back in your purse.
"You wanted to talk. So talk," you said, crossing your arms against your chest and leaning your back against the wall.
"Yes… I… I wanted to apologize for what happened when Atreus turned grissly and fled. I was just thinking about your safety and I… didn't think more than that,” Tyr explained.
"You also have some responsibility in this story. I point out to you that you also encouraged Atreus in this direction by telling him about the champion of the Jotnars. Why did you do such a thing?" you asked harshly.
"I think… I had hope that Odin would finally be put out of harm's way. That we would finally be at peace and free from him."
"By a child? Hm! Since when did you become so naive? The Tyr I knew would never have sent a child into the den of the wolf. All he risks is being tortured or else kill."
"Odin does not seem to wish the boy any harm."
"What? Are you serious?!"
“(Y/N)… We've been apart for so long… I just… I don't want you to suffer anymore, (Y/N). passed. After what Odin did to you… your wings, your parents, the Valkyries and my confinement, I only dreamed of one thing, finding you, holding you in my arms. arms, kissing you, making love to you, I missed you so much, my love.
As he spoke, Tyr brought his face closer to yours to kiss you. But, to his surprise, you turned your face away, making Tyr kiss your cheek and not your lips. Tyr stepped back, looking at you perplexed at your rejection. You swallowed hard, your heart was beating maddeningly fast and your hands were shaking, but it wasn't from excitement. No, you were terrified by what he had just told you. A shiver of disgust ran down your spine as you felt his lips touch your cheek. You didn't want him to touch you. Seeing your discomfort, Tyr stepped back, watching you struggle.
"Leave me alone. I'm tired…"
“I completely understand,” he replied, stepping back, but you could hear from his tone that he wasn’t happy about you rejecting him. "I'll leave you alone."
You watched as Tyr stood up, leaving the room, closing the door forcefully, which made you jump. You rushed out of your bed, throwing the window open to stick your head out. Your breathing was erratic, your stomach twisting so much that you felt like you were going to be sick at any moment. You had never felt so bad and terrified by your husband's touch and words.
Odin wouldn't hurt the boy?
The idea of ​​sending a child to certain death didn't bother him that much.
And seeing him try to kiss you and his words made you nauseous.
The feeling of his lips on your cheek disgusted you.
You jumped when you heard a knock on the door. You held your breath as you turned towards the door to see it open to reveal none other than Sindri. You sighed, relieved to see that it was him and not Tyr. You took a deep breath, sitting up and running your hand through your hair.
"What…?" you asked, trying to regain your usual posture.
"I…I came to see if you were okay. We saw Tyr come in," Sindri said, approaching you. "Did he do something…?"
“He tried…but I refused him,” you explained, leaning against the window sill, keeping your head out.
"It'll be okay?" Sindri asked as she approached.
"Yes. I just need a minute," you said as you regained your composure, running your hand over your face. “We still haven’t heard from the little boy?”
“No, still nothing,” Sindri replied with a sigh.
"Hm… By now, he must have already met Heimdall and Thor…"
"If it's true…I…I don't want to imagine what they're doing to him."
"Odin absolutely wanted to have the little boy in Asgard, but why? It's probably not because he was looking for Tyr… but maybe something else. Odin was always proud of his Einherjar army and new Valkyries. There's something we're missing," you muttered to yourself. "He's not going to let Heimdall and his drunken son hurt the little boy until he gets what he wants. But… what does Odin want? Ragnarok. ..? No… pressure on Kratos…? No, I don't think that's it. So what…?"
“(Y/N)…what are you mumbling?” asked Sindri perplexed
"Huh? Oh, nothing. I was just thinking about something," you replied, returning to sit on the makeshift bed. "But Sindri… there's something that's been bothering me for a while. Can you explain to me why you decided to help the little boy in his quest to save Tyr? Why weren't you the first tell his father?"
"Well… all the clues we found pointed to Tyr being alive. And I also wanted Ragnarok not to happen, but…"
“The exact opposite is happening and you helped the little boy by making him wrong out of pure selfishness,” you said, looking at the dwarf out of the corner of your eye. "Selfishness, you know that well, don't you? Your brother… you think I haven't felt it? Does he know it?"
Sindri became silent upon hearing your words, her complexion suddenly turned pale. As if you weren't expected to notice. A wry laugh escaped your lips as you glared at him.
"Tyr is not the only one responsible for this child's confusion. You too pushed him into a situation he absolutely cannot control. All this to avoid Ragnarok."
"No!" exclaimed Sindri. "I just wanted to help him… I wanted…"
You sighed as you looked for an excuse. Was he serious? You always found Sindri and Brok selfish. They had helped Odin create the object to take your wings, they had created Mjolnir to impress Thor, they created the Leviathan axe when realizing their mistake with Mjolnir. All this was done out of pure selfishness. You sighed, running your hand through your hair before getting out of bed to leave the room, telling the dwarf to leave it alone. But before you could walk out the door, Sindri grabbed your wrist, stopping you and turning you towards him. You looked at the dwarf surprised by what he had just done. He, who usually refused to be touched or to touch anyone, didn't hesitate for a single second and he looked at you with despair.
"Please (Y/N)… don't tell Brok. He… he doesn't know and he shouldn't know," he said, looking at you in despair.
“I wouldn’t tell him anything,” you replied, eyeing Sindri seriously. "It's not my place to tell him. But know one thing, secrets always come out."
You release your wrist from Sindri's hand, leaving the room to go to the main room to see Mimir, Freya and Kratos returning from Migdard.
"I have news," Kratos announced, making everyone in the house gather together. "
"Ooh! Did the Norns tell you how to get Atreus back? Do we have a plan?" Sindri asked, returning behind the counter of his forge.
"The Norns say Atreus will be killed by Heimdall. The plan is to kill Heimdall first."
"Oh. Wow. Okay. Heimdall."
"Kill Heimdall? You have a one in a billion chance of doing it," you said, sitting down on the counter. "You have a better chance of killing Odin than of killing Heimdall."
"What Maud means is… he's never lost… he sees absolutely everything coming… unpopular at parties… this won't be easy," Sindri explained.
"Whatever his advantages. I will overwhelm him with my own," Kratos replied.
“THAT’S the idea!” Brok exclaimed, laughing. “You gotta overpapulate his sense, see?”
"And how do you plan to fight Heimdall. He will absolutely see your every move and he will parry the slightest of your attacks.," you said, crossing your arms on your thighs.
"Don't worry about that! I just got the thing in mind to help him do it.," Brok replied, moving closer to the counter and Sindri. "Sindri! Go get Draupnir!"
You tensed up when you heard the name. You turned to the Huldra brothers, watching them discuss what they could do with Draupnir. You couldn't believe it, so it was them who had stolen this damn alliance which is increasing tenfold. Mimir exclaimed that he knew it was his damn dwarves who had stolen it and that because of them, Odin had blamed him for Draupnir's disappearance. Tyr was quick to make this known, approaching the counter, also repeating that it was the dwarves who had stolen it. As Sindri walked away to fetch Draupnir, Brok explained that they hadn't stolen anything, that they had just taken back a gift that they should never have given in the first place. You couldn't believe it, but was it really that surprising? You sighed, running your hands over your face, massaging your temples which were becoming sore from hearing everyone talking at once. You heard Tyr disapprove of the fact that Kratos was determined to kill Heimdall and that violence was not the solution. You heard Kratos reply that he understood his way of thinking, but that he couldn't leave his son in danger and you heard Freya trying, as best she could, to calm them down.
All of this was really starting to get on your nerves.
You were grateful when Sindri returned with Draupnir. Brok approached his brother, holding out a bag for Draupnir, announcing that he was taking over.
“How long will it take?” Kratos asked as he approached the dwarves.
“We'll have to go to Svartalfheim to get the rest of the materials,” Sindri explained. "Not to mention we'll have to visit: The Lady."
The Lady? She still had her forge after all this time? Although, she has always been an immortal being. You sighed seeing Sindri being relieved by taking out Draupnir and seeing him duplicate himself. Had he almost lost it? Seeing his brother hesitate to put Draupnir in the bag, Brok slapped Sindri's hand, making her let go of Draupnir. Sindri glared at Brok, rubbing her sore hand before turning to Kratos, telling him they could leave whenever he was ready. You watched Kratos, Freya, Mimir and the dwarves leave the house, leaving you alone inside with Tyr, but your husband quickly returned to lock himself in the closet that served as his bedroom. You frowned, getting off the counter and moving closer to the cabinet. You pressed your ear against the door, trying to listen to him, but there was no sound. You moved your ear away, putting your hand on the handle to try to open the door, but it was locked. You groaned, stepping back and looking at the door in confusion.
Why was Tyr locking himself in this damn room?
Why stay locked there for several hours?
It didn't make any sense.
You sighed, turning your back to the door to go back to your room. You stopped in front of your door, taking one last look at the closet door.
Now you were sure, Tyr was not your husband.
Tag: @ladycrowsworld
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More of this:
Six years since Ragnarök and Fimbulwinter had long since ceased. Peace was now steady. A world without Odin made it easier for Kratos to pretend he was full mortal instead of half God. Monsters in Midgard were rare, and sometimes even placid. And with Atreus off creating his own story, his own destiny, and the Council of Nine–with only eight acting members–now formed, he embraced his transformation into becoming the “ornery old man wandering the forest alone,” as Freya once affectionately teased. God of War he was no more; instead, replaced was the Bringer of Peace, Ender of All Wars. But violence and hatred were inevitable. No matter the realm, no matter the land, no matter the Gods and no matter the mortals, war always had its place. As did peace in times of suffering. The difficulty came when finding a balance between them, peace and war. Often the inclusion of Love made the two intertwined. 
And though the nine realms were now in a state of peace, war still rages within some. Raiders formed in Midgard not too long after the creation of The Nine, those who attack villages and slaughter the innocent. Nothing more than extremist, allowing false faith to guide their tyranny. 
“Not much further, I don’t think,” a gentle voice spoke through Kratos’s heavy cloud of thought. Gersami, a girl not much older than Atreus. He thought only of Calliope when looking into her innocent eyes. Her face, normally pale and thin, was green and puffed with worry; she was the peace within war, the innocence.  
The raiders invaded his home and, in the name of the dead God Odin, attempted to take him while he slept. They were easy to fend off. But while clearing them out, he found a group of survivors hiding beneath a bridge nearby: his neighbors, who were not Gods but had plenty of good men to defend their village. We were overrun, someone said. They came in the night, said another. So many dead, said a third. He promised to guide them to Týr’s temple where Mimir or Freya, or someone else from the Council of Nine, would be able to soothe their worries in a way that Kratos could not. Freya’s gentle hands, her warmth in moments of bitterness, hysteria… It was especially comforting.
“Yes,” came Kratos’s stoic response. The sun was rising and the port near the temple was emerging from the morning mist. He docked and the other boats followed. 
“Hey there, handsome. Just poppin’ by to see me?” said the familiar dwarf from her workshop.
“Hello Lúnda,” Kratos greeted dryly.
“Give them weapons here. I’ll see what needs fixin’.”
“I do not require any updates.”
“Alrighty. You know where I am if ya do,” she said. “Our fine lady’s up at the Temple, if you’re lookin’.”
“Thank you.”
He led the survivors up the steps and into the temple to hand them off to more capable hands than his own. The council was in session: Tÿr sat center with Sif and Freya on either side of him. Grýla was on the far left, her large form and even larger chair occupying most of the space. Accommodations were made to assure each member was comfortable, no matter their shape or size. Mimir, resting between Sigrún and Hildisvíni, had a high stool with a singular pillow to cushion his severed head. Durlin’s chair was structured similarly with small steps to allow him to come and go as he pleased. A ninth and empty chair was next to Freya where the last member, should they ever find one, would be seated. Nine different chairs representing the nine different realms.
He halted. Freya was the first to catch his eye. And the first to look away when his gaze, surely, became unbearable. Something unsettling boiled within him; conversing with her would be no easy task. Not after…
Tÿr shared a few last hopeful words–something about Freya’s long journey awaiting her, and to take caution of the winds changing–before the meeting was adjourned with a quick bang of Durlin’s hammer. Kratos was glad, in that moment, that it was Sif, not Freya, who took charge in standing at his side to comfort the mortals. But, nevertheless, his focus remained on Freya talking with Mimir as Sif listened to the people’s sighs. 
She could still not look at him.
The Nine, of course, were well aware of the raider attack and were already taking action to assure their safety. Sif was guiding them all outside again when abruptly,
“Majesty, a word.” It was Gersami, sounding fidgety. Unlike herself, not that Kratos knew the girl well. He knew she had been in love, once. A comment made in passing without much thought weeks, maybe even months, ago; Kratos did not care for her to elaborate. Girls–no, children–her age Love in the same way water tumbled off cliff sides: chaotically without stability, without guidance. Freya, the Majesty she was referring to, turned to her with near surprise at being called by her once Queen status, and Kratos stepped aside to allow the girl to pass. “Please,” she said, sounding desperate.
“Of course,” said Freya gently. She never refused her people’s words. Not once.
And Kratos stepped outside with Sif and the others to allow the two to speak privately.
“...It is but a day’s journey. You will arrive before nightfall,” Sif explained to the people surrounding her, all seemingly competing over who could be the loudest.
“What about the folks still out there, huh? I can’t just leave my girls!” said someone from the crowd, apparently the champion of his people as everyone seemed to quiet, for a moment, and mumble their agreement.
“Councilmember Hildisvíni and I will be going to the forest in search of more survivors. If you wish to stay and join us in their rescue, you are more than welcome to. But, I warn you, the journey may not end with a happy reunion.” The crowd continued their frantic rambling. Sif endured it with a great calmness Kratos could only respect, not follow. “Those who wish to go, you will be guided by Chaurli here.” And Chaurli rose from the waters to greet the mortals, to greet Kratos. 
Sif continued her speech, and so did the people, as Kratos made his way over toward the creature. “Hello, old friend.” He patted the wet skin near its eye and it blinked as if they could understand each other. He was not his son, so animals, to him, were simply that: animals. But he greeted the creature with kindness and respect regardless, because Atreus, he knew, would do the same.
The doors of the old temple opened and a frail-looking Gersami emerged with Freya at her side. Last night’s tragedy made her sickly. And, he quickly realized, there was no sign of her father. The two women shared a warm but quick embrace before parting. Then, Gersami managed a natural smile when facing Kratos once more, her hand taking hold of his. “I should think I’ll look brand new, a whole different person, the next time we meet, if we should ever be so lucky.” Calliope glimmered in her eyes.
He managed a gentle grunt and helped her, along with the others choosing to leave, climb atop Chaurli, who, in the many years since Ragnarök, had been transformed from home to vessel.
He watched as the animal slowly floated on, thinking only of the day he became the Bringer of Peace, the day he once again had to say goodbye to the child he loved dearly. But… he knew this girl not. Not in the way he knew Atreus, not in the way he knew Calliope. He looked away, turned from the fading tortoise and moved on with his day.
Freya was standing near the entrance to the Temple, allowing him to have his space. Space that he did not need. Her mouth opened to speak. She hesitated when their eyes met, then they both looked away quickly. His stomach clenched, aching to move on from this moment, this awkwardness that suddenly surrounded them. He hummed to urge her to continue with… whatever needed to be said. In the eyes of many it sounded more like a grunt, a harsh demand to either speak or get out of his way, but he knew she understood. She always understood. But instead of speaking, she turned to enter the Temple, waving for him to follow. He did.
Mimir, atop his stool, greeted Kratos: “You’ve had quite the morning, haven’t you?”
It all came back to him suddenly: Wax, his wolf, warning him of invaders with her howls; raiders kicking open his door as he flew out of his bed and called for his ax; blood spilling out of them when he slit their throats; killing the others, one by one by one, as they invaded his home. They wanted to die for a God long dead rather than live for themselves. All he did was grant their wishes. “Nothing I could not handle.”
“Oh, there’s no denying that, brother.” Freya lifted him from his stool and placed him on her hip. “I don’t imagine we’ll have many troubles in Svartalfheim. Except maybe the Grims. And the Bergsras. And I do owe Lúnda some hacksilver that she wont stop griping to me about–but they should be easy enough to handle.”
“You are going to Svartalfheim,” said Kratos to Freya, who could still not look at him. “What business do you have there?”
“The same business as always, brother,” spoke Mimir. 
Tÿr’s search for a ninth and final member of the council remained ongoing. Freya’s constant insistence that it be Kratos came to a halt after… after what happened in Vanaheim. And he avoided Tÿr enough to never hear his speech on the matter. Kratos was no politician, especially being a foreigner, and he told them such. Their next target was Sindri, who, from Lúnda’s gossip, had apparently already denied them twice.
“He has already given you his answer,” Kratos said simply.
“Yes, but he hasn’t said no to you yet, brother,” said Mimir as Freya opened the mystic gateway. 
He groaned. But, despite himself, entered the portal after them.
Awkward silence loomed around them as they waited for the door to the other realm to open. Freya still avoided his eyes. Mimir cleared his throat to fill the silence. The gateway, it seemed, was taking longer than usual. They remained silent–until, Mimir burst: “So, you kissed while in Vanaheim.” Kratos' heart skipped at the mention of it; they all, he had thought, took a silent vow not to ever mention it again. “Friends kiss each other all the time. Not with such vigor as you two, but…” The gateway opened in the distance and they hurried off toward it as Mimir blabbered on: “Did I ever tell you about the time I locked lips with Thor? It was after we had a few, of course. He thought I was his wife. I thought… Well, I’m not sure who I thought he was. I suppose I was too drunk to care.”
“Mimir?” came Freya’s stern voice. The light from the gateway blinded them as they entered the new realm.
“Aye, lassie?”
“Shut up.”
“Aye, lassie…”
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ravenloop · 2 years
God of War Masterlist
One Day
In Time [Yandere!Heimdall]
Right Here
Love of mine
Heimdall, Thor and Odin with a reader who always has food on them
Heimdall, Sindri and Týr with s giantess S/O
Heimdall not being able to read your mind
Hidden Away - [ 1 ] [ 2 ] [ 3 ]
Thor, Heimdall and Odin with a reader who always has food on them
Thor and Odin meeting S/O with amnesia
Thor and Kratos with a powerful, apathetic S/O
Thor with an S/O who has ADHD
Thor and Odin with an S/O who got amnesia after they met
Odin, Heimdall and Thor with a reader who always has food on them
Odin and Thor meeting S/O with amnesia
Odin and Thor with an S/O who got amnesia after they met
Odin reacting to his S/O being a ruler from another realm
S/O with floating piece of space as hair
Kratos and Thor with a powerful, apathetic S/O
S/O with floating piece of space as hair
Týr, Sindri and Heimdall with a giantess S/O
Sindri, Týr and Heimdall with a giantess S/O
Admiration and Much More
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t-z-gow · 2 years
Request rules
These are my rules. If you wish to request, please read before requesting.
I'll write for every GOW 2018 and Ragnarök character
Warning!: I DO WHATEVER REQUESTS I WANT. It is not guaranteed that you'll get your requests answered here, so please keep that in mind. I may never get to yours. This is not a first come first serve place either. I do requests that interest me the most.
I do nsfw, but I implore you to please leave scat, gore, dub/noncon, pedo shit, and all other weird stuff out of my ask box.
Pronouns in my stories are gender neutral unless otherwise necessary
Feel free to send in more than one ask at a time! I encourage it!
I live off angst (Literally send me the darkest shit please I need my hurt/comfort-) but fluff is still totally allowed.
I do child inserts too (ALWAYS PLATONIC!)
I mostly want to do oneshots so try to stick to full story ideas if you can.
That'll be all for now. Ask away!
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artsykidwolf-2000 · 2 years
Reader Requests?
Hello! I've been thinking for a bit and I had some ideas. I thought, between my writings, I would do some × Reader requests!
I won't be one them often and they might be short oneshots but I'll give it my best!
Please do not pester me about getting it done, it'll be done when I feel like it.
Feel free to leave any type of reader suggestions as long it's not inappropriate or nasty. NO NASTY ONLY FLUFFY!!!
I can do any gender identity (Female, male, non-binary, etc) and race (human, fae, elf, etc)
Headcanons are welcome
Ok here are the CURRENT fandoms I can do for now and I will list the characters I will do!
(this is out in left field but I am "willing" to do Flash/Felix from my God of War series as long as you're nice and not nasty)
Any character as long as it's appropriate to da prompt suggestion and rules. F.L.U.F.F.Y
Katherine Hearts (since I've done art of her just not a lot of writing but might be a little iffy)(same rules apply from above)
I can do FF7/remake & FF15 characters
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God of War Art and Fic Masterlist
Request Rules
*My old GOW posts were on a side blog before I moved here so that's why some links lead to a different blog*
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Long Fics
Fated to Fall (x GN Reader)
Summary: The hand of fate was a cruel thing. It followed everyone who traveled through the realms, from tragic beginnings to horrific ends. Some people sought to embrace it, while others tried to flee from it, but its permanence was undeniable.
Yet as you stood reflecting on a previous life that now seemed so far and a future that appeared all but definite, you couldn't help but wonder why fate had brought you here. In a home that was no longer home and in a place you found no more joy. Was this to be the end of your story?
Or had it only just begun
Consequences of the Past (x GN Reader)
Summary: Sindri spends days making you the perfect gift. Upon finally delivering it he finds a horrible event has occurred.
Sindri Headshot [Pencil & Digital]
I Gave You Everything [Digital]
Little Pixel Dudes (Pixel Art)
The Breaking of Sindri (Analysis)
The Huldra Brothers fuck (Cannon Game Lore)
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Your Company (x GN Reader)
Summary: Brok shows his care through smithing. You wouldn't know that though, and he wasn't about to admit it.
Little Pixel Dudes (Pixel Art)
The Huldra Brothers fuck (Cannon Game Lore)
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Kratos Practice (Pencil & Pens)
Doodles (Digital)
The Culmination of Love is Grief (Pixel Art)
I Am What The Gods Have Made Me (Pencil/Pen)
Little Pixel Dudes (Pixel Art)
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The Culmination of Love is Grief (Pixel Art)
Atreus Practice (Pencil and Pen)
Little Pixel Dudes (Pixel Art)
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My Oath to You (x GN Reader)
Summary: Týr has returned to you after more than a century of absence. Completely overwhelmed by this sudden appearance you can't bring yourself to believe that your long lost lover has finally come home.
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Are You? A Calm and Reasonable Person?
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Little Pixel Dudes (Pixel Art)
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Little Pixel Dudes (Pixel Art)
The Babygirl/Sexyman/Little Meow Meow Alignment Chart
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lost-opium-artblog · 2 years
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"Good Morning!" I can't get enough of Sindri with untied hair. Neither can Týr
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grievedeeply · 6 months
the less time the better. pt 9.
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pairing: heimdall x gn!reader
summary: you make a trip to midgard and try to cope with brok's death.
notes: again not a lot of heimdall this chapter but...... y/n needs a moment (or multiple) LOL enjoy everyone and thanks for all of the support! probably 2-3 more chapters depending on how long i make them. decided to add more recent people to the taglists, but if you want to be removed let me know at any time! tws: a VERY dead brok. a lot of angst, probably an ooc sindri but i just wanted a nice scene where reader gets to open up to someone about faye and how hard it was for them to deal with her death. this felt like a good time to do it with a comforting moment between them and sindri.
the silence was deafening.
usually the branches of the yggdrasil felt like nothing. they weren't affected by the weather of the 9 realms, as they were the things literally holding them up. but now, you felt strangely cold as you stood on sindri's doorstep.
10 minutes ago, brok was alive. he was making jokes as he always did, but now... he was gone. he was gone forever, and there was nothing you or anyone else could do to bring him back.
"father," your brother's voice cut you out of your thoughts, "where are we going?" he asked, taking his place by your side. you subconsciously wrapped your arm around his shoulder. you knew atreus far too well and you knew that he would blame himself for brok's death. he was the one who wanted to find tyr, but he wasn't the only one who was fooled by odin's ruse, either.
how didn't you notice it? you had never met the real týr before, but you could only assume that he was a god who put the needs of others before himself. could he still be alive? if he was, could you ever think of him as týr, and not the man odin portrayed him as? he was a god with an incredible reputation and an even better legacy— a god of war who advocated for peace. you could only imagine how he would feel, knowing his image was used for something as cruel as deception.
"home." your father responded. he lifted the key to the mystic gateway, and the door opened. you followed after him wordlessly, and atreus matched your step. he still hadn't moved out of your grip yet and a part of you didn't want him to at all.
your feet touched the branches once again, and your thumb pressed into atreus's shoulder, running circles against his armor. he had gotten so big. where had the time gone?
"father, can we.. i.. i wanna go hunting," he said.
"i will follow."
"we're with you, atreus."
the door to midgard opened, and you stepped through silently. you were met by the cool breeze and light snow hitting you face. the last time you were here was because you were going back to asgard. heimdall wouldn't be with you now if you hadn't went back. you wondered how he was doing back at the house. it was probably just as quiet there. brok was usually the one keeping the place lively.
"which way we headed, lad?" mimir asked.
"in.. the direction of deer." he responded simply. you let go of him, but didn't move to follow him. your father turned to look at you. his eyes were filled with a sadness that you had only seen a few times in your life. when your mother died.. when atreus was ill.. and now, at the death of a friend. "go on," you said. "i'll catch up. there's just.. something i want to do here first." you told him.
"i understand." he murmured in response. you put on a smile, the smallest on you could muster, as a way to reassure him. atreus needed this alone time with him. you would have your moment some other day. he needed this.
"be careful," he said to you. you nodded. he turned, following after atreus. he was probably already visiting with speki and svanna by now. those wolves of his were far too intelligent for their own good. you were sure they knew something was wrong. you doubted he would even notice you were gone right away, and you couldn't blame him for it either.
you looked away from your father's back as he walked away from you and instead turned to look at your house. it was a tiny thing, practically built with sticks and prayers, but it held strong and always did what it was supposed to do. it kept you safe. it kept you safe from baldur all of those years ago, and again with thor and odin. you remembered thor breaking the ceiling as he threw your father and his hammer through it, but even then you knew he would be alright. he always was.
you pushed open the door, and it creaked on it's hinges as it always did. you kicked the snow off of your boots before you stepped inside. it was something your mother did every winter before she died, and you picked up on it at a young age. you closed it behind you and took in a deep breath. in a way, it still smelt like her. your mother's presence was all over the home. no matter how long she was gone, you would always feel her here in midgard.
you ran your fingers across the wood of the walls, and closed your eyes. what would you say to her now, if she were here? what would she say to you?
you thought of the dream you had with her in it, where she told you about the importance of making your own decisions. you could only hope she would be proud. you did exactly what you thought was best, without anyone else's input. if you hadn't gone back to asgard, heimdall wouldn't be on your side. he fought beside your father. he fought for you.
you breathed deep, letting the smell of the wet wood fill your nose. heimdall had changed so much since the first time you met. he was arrogant back then, selfish and cruel. now.. he felt like someone else entirely. was that because of you? if you hadn't shown up— dodged his attacks like they were nothing— would he still be loyal to odin? yes, you supposed. he would be. the thought of changing him made you feel good, like you had finally done something right. going back to asgard was worth it because you helped him see the truth. he hadn't spoken about it, really.. but you hadn't asked about it, either. you figured that he needed the time alone to think, but you would be sure to talk to him whenever you got back to sindri's house.
sindri.. the thought of him filled your heart with sadness. before, he never slipped into the realm between realms in plain sight like that. he always went behind something. you always guessed it was the polite thing to do.. but he had done it directly in front of everyone that time. you had to see him, soon. let him know that you were there for him. you'd been through loss too. losing anyone was hard, but family even harder. you couldn't ever imagine losing atreus. you didn't want to think about it.
you sat down on your old bed— a bed that you haven't slept in in weeks— and sighed. things had changed so much since the day you departed to spread your mother's ashes. you never would've met brok and sindri if it wasn't for that journey. or mimir.. or freya. you met almost everyone you cared about because of her. even heimdall, now. it was weird, saying you cared about him. but you did. you couldn't change that now.
you lied down. your head touched the pillows, and you took in another breath. you had spent so much time here with your mother. this was the place she died, too. at home and warm. at least you could give that to her.
it felt like hours before you got up again, but in reality, it was just a few minutes. everything here reminded of her, and you were glad for it. just thinking of her kept her with you. you never wanted that to change.
you thought back to your dream once again, and pushed yourself to your feet. the river you fished in so many times with her wasn't too far from the house. before she got sick, the two of you would venture out further downstream. in one of those places on the river.. that was where your dream took place. it was the peak of her life with you. but as her illness progressed, she became too tired to fish. she would go out less and less, staying closer to home. you would fish for her, but you were never as good as she was. still, you would come home with a pail full, and she would praise you for it.
you would do anything to hear her voice again.
you opened the door once more and stepped back out into the cold. you had spent so much time in midgard during fimbulwinter, but you swore you would never get used to the weather. you made your way into the woods, and you were met with the river once again. it hadn't changed much over the years, even though it had been some time since you had visited. after her death, you came less and less. the memory of her was too painful, and all fishing did was remind her of her and how she was gone.
you took in a quick breath through your nose and stepped into the water. she had told you once that you would get used to the cool temperatures of the water, and she was right. you didn't shiver or flinch at the cold. instead, you welcomed it like a warm blanket that washed over you.
"i miss you." you whispered. somehow, you knew she was listening. the world was unfair for taking her away so soon. "i love you." you told her. you swallowed the lump in your throat. would she be able to meet brok again? you could only hope so. the thought of it put a smile on your face. at least he wouldn't be alone in the afterlife. he would be with a friend.
you closed your eyes and took in the scenery. the sound of the breeze rushing through the trees, the chirping of birds and cracking of twigs under the weight of an animal somewhere.
it would be okay, you told yourself.
just one more minute.
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you hadn't been to týr's temple in a long time.
you hadn't needed to, after all. with all of the towers closed in every realm and no way for travel, you never needed to go back. and now, it was still unable for use. no matter how many times you passed by it while hunting, you never stopped inside until now.
you knew this is where sindri would be though. this is the place where he made up with brok. this is where he would be, and you were sure atreus knew that too. you were sure that he and your father had already paid him a visit themselves, but you wanted to on your own. you needed to let him know you were there for him, even if he pretended he didn't need it.
it was a long walk from home, which meant you had plenty of time to think. plenty of time to blame yourself for brok's death in the first place. how could no one have noticed? you tried not to think about it too much. he wouldn't want blame being passed around. you knew that.
you sighed as you pulled yourself up the stairs. now covered in ice, you remembered when the lake was water. atreus was much younger then— much smaller. once again, you thought of the good young man he was becoming. it hadn't truly been that long since that journey and yet.. it felt like lifetimes ago.
you stared up at the doorway and pushed it open with little struggle, only a grunt escaping your lips as you did so. the inside was much warmer, and you welcomed the feeling. the familiar sound of hammering filled your ears, and as you looked, you were greeted by sindri's back. brok's body lay on the table to his side, and you blinked away your emotions. this wasn't about you.
"go away," he said without even turning to look at you.
you cleared your throat, taking an awkward step closer to him. sindri was different. his clothing was covered in blood and dirt, and so were his arms. he hadn't cleaned since brok died. how much of that was his blood? you bit at the inside of your cheek, trying your best to shove the thought out of your head.
"sindri.." you started. what was there to even say? you didn't know. instead, you stood there. after a few moments of agonizingly long silence, he turned to face you. he sat the hammer down with a thud on the table, and you felt small under his gaze.
"what?" he snapped. now that his face was in the light, you could see how red his eyes were. he had been crying. you wished there was something more you could do, but.. there was nothing you could do to bring brok back, and that was what sindri wanted.
"i just.. wanted to let you know that i'm here." you told him.
you swore you saw his gaze soften.
"i know you probably don't want company right now or.. or anything like that," you swallowed, "but i just.. had to tell you that." you murmured.
sindri remained silent. he looked away from you and towards the ceiling. you only wished you could read his thoughts. he had become someone completely different. yesterday he was happy. despite the fact of ragnarok looming over him, he was happy because he had his brother there.
"i can't imagine.." you whispered out to him, lips pursed together. "i couldn't ever imagine losing atreus. i'm.. so sorry." you told him. by now, you were standing on opposite sides of the table he had spent so much time working at.
"that's what he said." he said. "atreus." he can barely force himself to say his name.
"i figured he would come."
silence fell over the room again and suddenly, sindri shook his head.
"you don't.. you don't get to be sorry." he said. "you still have your brother. because of him and because of you— i will never have mine back." sindri laid his hand on brok's chest. you felt a pang shoot through your chest at his words, but you didn't argue. you couldn't do that to him. you looked down at brok's body. you had to look at him. that was the least you could do.
"i know." you muttered.
"he brought him into my home." he whispered. "and he.."
"i know."
he looked back up at you, gaze narrowed. you could practically see the whirlwind of emotions going through his mind just by looking at is eyes.
"what do you know?" sindri asked quietly.
"i know what loss feels like." you said simply. "when my mother died, i was.. i was inconsolable. i needed her with me to.. to function, to live." you took in a breath, heavy through your lungs.
"my father.. none of us ever told you what happened to her, did we?"
at his silence, you took it as your que to continue.
"she got sick."
his brow furrowed.
"sick? faye?" he asked quietly. you nodded.
"i thought.. how could a woman as strong as her get sick like this? how could she be healthy one day and then in her deathbed a few weeks later? i didn't understand it. i still don't. but i.. i know what it's like to grieve, sindri. i understand."
he only looked at you.
"i know my apologies won't bring brok back." you murmured. "but i.. just need you to know that i'm here for you."
he swallowed. his took a deep, shaky breath. you knew your words meant very little, but if they provided any sort of comfort to him, your trip out here would be worth it. sindri squeezed brok's hand.
"it's all my fault." you heard sindri murmur under his breath. "what?" you asked, head tilted to the side in confusion. "brok.. he died. before." he told you.
"when he.. when he died, i couldn't handle it. i went to the lake of souls and i jumped in. i.. found pieces of his soul. all of them except for one." he whispered, unable to tear his eyes off of his brother. "and now he.. doesn't have them all. he can't go anywhere. he's ceased to exist."
"that's not your fault." you told him without missing a beat. "brok.. what he said before.." you cleared your throat as sindri's gaze finally shifted up to you. "he said he forgave you. this.. that's not on you. he understood." you muttered softly. he blinked a few times, running his thumb across the back of brok's hand. tears filled his eyes, and you forced yourself to give him a comforting smile.
he said nothing in response.
"can i.. say a prayer?" you asked, your gaze shifting from brok's body to sindri's eyes. he could only nod as he swallowed the lump in his throat.
you breathed deeply, in through your nose and out through your mouth. while you didn't have the items you had when you were mourning your mother.. you didn't mind. you doubted brok would've wanted something fancy like that anyway.
"lo, there do i see my mother," you whispered.
"lo, there do i see my father.." you continued, falling onto one knee next to the table. "and my sisters and my brothers. lo, there do i see the line of my people. back to the beginning. lo, there do they call to me. they bid me take my place among them in the halls of valhalla."
"where the brave may live forever."
you finished, pressing your forehead against brok's arm. he was cold. stiff. the last time you did this, it was for your mother. it was the exact prayer you and atreus had said before her funeral. you swallowed, feeling pressure build up in your throat. you stayed there for a moment, and sindri watched you wordlessly.
you knew there was no valhalla for brok. but he was brave. and he would live forever within you, within everyone who loved him.
you pushed yourself to your feet, turning your attention back to sindri. "thank you." you said to him, and he nodded once again. "i'll.. be at the house." you muttered, turning on your heel to leave him to his thoughts. you swore you could feel him watching as you left.
you pushed the heavy doors open and stepped back into the cold of midgard.
lo, there do they call to me. you repeated to yourself.
lo, there do they call to me.
tags: @ic-yourface @alisblackgf @engardeitsme @venfia @dijanur @s1mpss @gorepitt @callalillie15 @bluehorizon987 @vanserrar @trippingoverstars @mysiax @beaniebear152 @rei64bit @neverendingdumptser @a-bunny13 @lei-leigha @candy4bonez @yyourmotherr @blobdrake-theory @zarizee @rainygamingstreamingturtle @kise-kae @aesthetic-of-a-director @unodostrescuatrolove @nixeustheclamity @aiciteaa @multifand0m-gal0re @chibi668 @wonderkive @lentillo @luffysoctopus @elizabeth-hatake @black-star1472 @lacm-ac @sxmirae @maggot-baggage @emc2beans @suzumi-hiddenmistclan @white-lyra @lmorg149 @iamverydreamy @giornos-curls @reinabxitch @ourchampionofthesun @paintmekala @the-eternal-sunflower @alextric-overload @lynn-haitani @prettysurethatsakidney @justsomereaderwholikesanime @emmbny @kukungi @sweetdayme4427 @mimiissia
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soft-for-them · 2 years
Hidden away - Týr x plus size reader
Summary: Whilst searching for a suitable breakfast you happen to come across the old god of war and justice hidden away.
Comments and reblogs are much appreciated and help more people read my works.
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A/N: This gif does not match with the story but there isn't many God of War Ragnarök gifs out there (understandable because the game just came out) and for some reason I don't like using still images. ALSO I haven't finished the game (someone has already spoiled it for me which is annoying) so don't spoil even more for me or anyone else thank you. I'm already thinking of a part two if people want it.
“Sindri!” you grumble as you finally come out your cocoon that is you little bedroom.
You’ve hastily put on a blue overdress, the same one you were wearing all day yesterday, with a fresh long sleeved underdress on of course. The big golden broaches that hold up the straps of the dress, one made by each of your brothers (you were adopted well after they were born but they still insist you are apart of their family) with the Huldra symbol moulded into each of the shiny metal rounds are the only clean part of your outfit, your dress covered in powdered paint and glue now dried clear.
Need to say you really need to give your dress a good scrub.
Bare feet hit the shallow steps that were really made only for your brother’s short stature lead down to the open planed ground floor, your bones clicking as you smooth down your clothes over your curves, not bothering to do your hair quite yet.
“Sindri!” you call again this time a bit louder as you head to the kitchen area.
The last you saw of your bother he had quickly popped into your bedroom, which is also your workroom where you paint your murals. He had excuse himself for he was going to go help young Atreus and his father. He said something about Tyr and Brok but really half of it went in one ear and out the other for you were painting and not paying attention to your non blue brother.
You lazily look around for some food to eat whilst also seeing who’s around, Sindri did say he’d be back with Brok, Atreus and Kronos but the tree house is awfully quiet without the bickering of your dwarven brothers along with the clinking of metal tools.
For a moment you stop and look around, you debate calling out again but you don’t.
Instead you find an apple to eat, a bruised one but an apple all the same. You don’t want to be cooking, it’s too early and you’re not the best at it (seem it runs in the family), so you take a big bite out the red and yellow fruit frowning at the chalky texture.
“Where are the porridge oats?” you wonder out loud as you rummage around for the food.
Porridge may not be the first or second thing you’d want to eat in the morning for its awfully bland on its own (and you still want to do as little as possible because you’re tired and in need to finish your painting) but you search for it anyway.
Mediocre apple half eaten you wonder over to the doors leading to what you assume is a pantry, well you thought it was.
You see this isn’t your home, well it is now that the end of times is coming but you didn’t live here before fimblewinter.
Before you lived out in a remote cabin in the middle of the woods living off the land and painting your artwork in peace. Now you cramped in your brother’s spare room for he insisted you move in with him when a group of raiders attacked you home.
“Brok?” you call out. Brok always shouts at you back, he’s your older brother and he loves you but he finds you and your shouting annoying. Sindri would say that you’re just as bad as each other with all the shouting and swearing, two peas in a pod but Brok insists you aren't.
You hear no shouting of your blue brother so you push open the door of what you think is a pantry the thing only open just a bit enough to squish you plush body through. It takes another budge from your shoulder to push the door inwards more, the something that once blocked the door moving away.
Either you’ve become very strong or whatever was blocking the door walked itself backwards.
“What the?” you whisper to yourself as you peak down around the door not see a random box or a weapon that Brok has left around, no, you see a big foot.
Eyes gone wide you slowly look up to see a man, a giant man, a man you have never seen in your entire life before waking up from his make sift bed in the small storage room.
Long dark hair drapes over his face that’s very sleepy looking, his glowing eyes barley open with little bits of sleepy in the corners as he peers up to you.
You want to act on instinct, grab the nearest blunt heavy object and throw it at him followed by running away but his eyes pool with confusion like a animal who has encountered a lost human in the middle of the woods only to run away themselves.
You assume you’ve just woke him up by barging in, his foot obviously being the object you though you moved to open the door just a bit.
You hope you haven’t hurt him in anyway.
“Who are you?” you ask in a stern but quiet voice, not wanting to scare away the giant man who now sits up from his slump.
“I could ask the same thing.” his voice makes you shiver, a warmth travels up your neck.
“I live here thank you very much.”
Already your eyes look the man up and down, his height sitting up taller than your brothers at full height, he must be a giant or part giant you think. The only part giant you’ve met is Atreus and well, Thor as well but you do not like to talk about that.
“Are you a giant?” you ask as you step a bit closer, your body now over the door frame, you now fully into the small room.
“Giant, do you mean Jötnar?” his voice, though laced with a sleepy croak one has when you’ve just awoken, sounds almost playful but also wise.
“I’m sorry, Jötnar, I’ve been around Brok and Sindri too long to remember the proper names for everything-“ you’re babbling but you do so to justify you slip up of calling him a giant, “I’m a human but technically I’m a Midgardian, I do not mean any offence.”
“I don’t take any-“ he talks with his hands, he moves them in a certain motion urging you to give him your name.
“(Y/n). Sister of Brok and Sindri.”
Holding out your hand and despite him sitting down he easily returns the greeting. His large hand wraps around your forearm, his digits squishing your soft skin lightly, his touch light as a feather like he doesn’t want to hurt anyone. You wrap your own hand around his forearm, your own fingers aching as they stretch around the wide width of his arm.
He goes to part from your greeting but you grip on his arm pulling on it like you intend to pull him up off the floor. You know you can’t, you’re not that strong, but it’s a kind gesture to say 'here, I can help you up' to the tall man.
When you were little and smaller than your brothers you’d try pulling them up despite not being able too, they’d get up just fine but they were always thankful for the so called ‘help’. Maybe it’s a childish thing to do, especially to a stranger, but the part Jötnar man looks so tired, so in himself like he doesn’t know who he is.
He pulls himself up just fine, your hand still lingering on his arm. He does not mind, he actually likes the feeling.
“Sister?” he asks.
“Adopted.” You say back with a smile.
“Ah. I see.” He looks down at you with his glowing eyes, not a bad emotion crossing his eyes as he looks at you, “I’m Tyr by the way.”
You mind runs wild.
Atreus and Kronos succeeded in freeing him!
“Well Tyr, would you like some breakfast-“ you raise you other hand that still hold the half eaten apple, “- I was looking for something more substantial to eat than this apple.”
“I would be grateful for one, I-I haven’t had a good breakfast in quite a while.”
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hereforreadandwrite · 7 months
Chapter Four
You haven't been back to Sindri's house since Tire was liberated. You didn't want to face him. Thinking about this man always made you uncomfortable and tugged at your scars. You placed your hand against your shoulder. You didn't like it. You sighed, running your hands over your face. Have the Norns decided to challenge you? If so, they were really cruel to you. Although they told you once, they were just spectators of the spectacle that the Aesir Gods and mortals gave them.
So that was your life. A spectacle of tragedy that entertained the Norns.
“What a shitty life,” you muttered, slamming your knife into the belly of the deer you hunted.
You opened the poor beast's belly, removing its organs so you could harvest the meat. You were going to be able to last a few weeks with that. You froze as you felt a divine and threatening presence. You groaned as you approached the bucket full of water to clean your hands. You looked closely at your hands soaking in blood. The last time you had this much blood on your hands was when you took out your anger on a troll who had broken into the Valkyrie council. The creature didn't stand a chance against your rage and sadness. You remembered being covered in his blood from head to toe. You didn't get any satisfaction from this confrontation. You dipped your hands in the cold water, removing the blood from your hands.
You couldn't help but feel uncomfortable thinking about what happened in Svartalfheim. The liberation of Tyr did not bring you the relief and joy you hoped for. You dreamed so much of his return and you were disappointed by the reaction and behavior of the one who was your husband. No, this man was not your husband. Your husband was dead when he left your home for Asgard.
You grabbed your knife, moving closer to your game when you felt your hair stand up at the base of your neck. You saw a strange shape crossing the sky at full speed.
Had you dreamed or had you just seen Vanadís?
You dropped your work, rushing to the Mystique door. You walked through the door. You knew where she was going. You had heard the little boy talking about her with his father. If she was in such a hurry, that meant that Kratos and Atreus weren't far away. What could they have done to upset Vanadís? You passed the door arriving in front of a house. You heard the sound of weapons clashing when you heard Atreus screaming and bear howls. You rushed into the backyard to see Kratos holding back a grizzly bear.
"Atreus! You do not want this! Calm your mind. Control it!" he said holding the bear down. “She was our friend.”
Freya turned her back on the father and son. She was conflicted. Atreus returned to his human form. Kratos helped him up, asking if he was hurt. The Vanir Goddess felt rage invade her, her breathing accelerated. Freya screamed, turning to face Kratos. She used her Vanir magic, conjuring up a vine that wrapped itself around the rock next to the Spartan's head. The vine squeezed the rock until it exploded. Kratos protected Atreus from the flying stones. Freya faced them. Her rage was palpable. But she didn't always seem capable of killing someone. Was she still cursed or did she not have the courage?
"Maybe… for the moment… you're of no more use to me… alive," she said, putting away her sword.
Kratos stood up, grabbing Atreus' arm, forcing him to do the same. The Spartan ordered the teenager to return to Sindri's house. Which, obviously, Atreus didn't like. Not surprisingly, Sindri and Brok came out from behind a rock. You rolled your eyes as you saw Atreus' sidekick say they were taking him home and saw him bow to Freya. Kratos pushed Atreus towards the dwarves, telling them not to lose sight of him. You watched Sindri and the teenager pass not far from you. Atreus looked at you surprised to see you there, but Sindri made him understand that this was not the time to upset his father. The two headed towards the mystic gate, leaving Midgard. Something interesting seemed to have happened while you were gone. You returned your attention to the deities who were getting dangerously closer, sizing each other up with their eyes.
“What is it you want?” Kratos asked.
"I refuse to remain bound to this Realm. We travel to Vanaheim," Freya announced.
Wasn't that where Sköll and Hati were? Was it a Norn trick? But the dream you had. Did Tyr plan all this?
“(Y/N)?” Freya asked, looking at you in surprise.
You were brought out of your thoughts when you heard the Goddess. She was looking at you as if she had just seen a ghost. You looked at Kratos. The Spartan moved closer to your person, eyeing you severely.
"What are you doing here?"
"I saw a furious Goddess speeding past my house. Only Vanadís was in such a hurry. And it was only you she could fight," you said. while looking at Kratos. “You lost sight of your little boy again, didn’t you?”
“That’s none of your business,” he said, moving next to you.
"Of course. But your little one set something in motion. And there are some things I need to check out. I'm coming with it to Vanaheim. Your brother is still there right?" you asked, turning your attention back to Freya. “I have a few questions to ask him.”
"What do you want to know?" asked Kratos who was near Brok.
"I imagine you haven't been idle since… Tyr was freed. Am I wrong? I need to know what you found and what happened."
"For what?" asked Freya perplexed.
"Ragnarok is almost here. There are some things I need to know."
"Would you have a role to play during Ragnarok, daughter?" Mimir asked uneasily.
"I… I don't know. But in Vanaheim… there's one thing I have to see."
"What?" Kratos asked.
"I just need to go check something out. Without Tyr being around."
“You still don’t trust him?” asked Mimir.
“Tyr is alive?” asked Freya in surprise.
“Not really,” you replied, heading towards the mystical door. “This man is not Tyr.”
Freya gave Kratos a look that said they were going to have to discuss this. Brok finished opening the passage, allowing the group to travel to Vanaheim.
This Realm was a huge jungle, filled with dangerous vegetation that attacked any outsiders. The smell of humidity and plants invaded your nostrils. It was strange. The last time you came to this Realm was for Freya and Odin's wedding. Like everyone else, you had bitter memories of it. Everyone was angry with Freya and with Mimir. Freyr had caused a scandal during the ceremony.
"Oh no. Something's wrong," Freya said, snapping you out of your thoughts. "My spell. I can feel it slipping."
"Well. That's Fimbulvetr for ya!" Brok said.
"You don't understand. I'll be torn from the Realm."
“What can be done?” Kratos asked, looking at Freya who was muttering under her breath.
"Something I was hoping to avoid… Seems I have much choice."
Before everyone's eyes, Freya transformed into a hawk. Mimir asked her if she could circumvent Odin's spell from the beginning, to which the Goddess replied that she discovered it when they opened the passage between the realms. It was not a solution and this form was extremely restrictive for her. In this form, she couldn't fight.
The journey took place under Brok's stupid jokes and Mimir's answers. Kratos, Brok and you killed every plant that had become more aggressive with the humidity and creatures that emerged from the shadows to stop them.
Everything here was in ruins. Nothing has been rebuilt. Which saddened Freya.
Was it also surprising?
“Whare has everyone gone, I wonder…?” Mimir began, perplexed.
“They must have withdrawn. Hidden themselves out in the wilds, and covered their tracks with magic,” Freya replied. “No way of knowing how many are left, or how to reach them.”
“Aesir ran cockshod all over this place, huh?” Brok commented.
“You can thank Mimir for that,” Freya commented sarcastically.
“War with the Vanir was NEVER my idea!” exclaimed Mimir. “MY idea was brokering the marriage to end it!”
“A great success that was!”
“Like many of his ideas,” you said darkly.
"Darling. I assure you it was to protect you."
"Of course. Keep convincing yourself," you said with a chuckle.
"Enough! Let's keep moving," Kratos growled.
The rest of the trip was done in silence. The trio followed Freya through the Vanaheim jungle until Brok was caught by a trap that dragged him to an unknown location. You glanced at Kratos, who did the same. You and him were going to have to save Brok's blue butt. Kratos went first, telling you to be careful. You arrived in a deserted place. Brok hung in midair, grunting as he tried to free himself from the trap. Kratos told him to shut up. It was way too quiet.
"Now what do we have here? Ol' One-Eye send another God and to a little girl to do dirty work?"
You and Kratos turned towards a man who lit a torch, allowing you to see his face better. You recognized him as Freyr, Freya's brother.
“Thor too busy?”
"We do not serve Odin," Kratos said.
“No?” Freyr asked, moving closer. “Picked a dangerous place for sightseeing, then. Am I right?”
Freyr's men emerged from the shadows, surrounding the two coming. You made your sword appear, revealing your nightmarish form. You were ready to fight.
“This form and this sword,” Freyr said, eyeing you carefully. "Little Valkyrie. I never thought I'd see you again, kiddo."
“There are two of us, Freyr,” you said, getting into a fighting stance.
“Now, now,” said Mimir. "No need for threats."
"Oh. I know that voice…," Freyr said as Kratos unhooked Mimir from his belt so he could see him. "You know, I'd cut off your head… but it seems somebody beat me to it."
"Aye. Oh, quit watching, brother," the head replied.
"No, you're no brother of mine. You sold my sister to that… prick!"
“We brokered a peace!”
"Oh! Did you now? Where is it? Hmm? And where is my sister? Some dungeon in Asgard? Is she even alive? ANSWER ME!"
Freyr got too close to Mimir, Kratos pointed his ax at the Vanir God, making him understand that he was too close. Freyr laughed, backing away from the trap that held Brok. He took his weapon from his belt, saying that blood would flow. At that moment, Freya yelled for her brother to stop. She landed on a perch, looking down at Freyr who was looking at her perplexed.
"What is that? Why do you speak in her voice?" he asked without looking away from the hawk.
"It's me, Yngvi. There's no time to explain. Just listen. These person are in my service. I'm here to reclaim what's been taken from me."
"It's too late. You can't' undo what's been done," Freyr replied.
"I can. I will. Now let them pass."
Freya took off from her perch, leaving the camp. Freyr didn't take his eyes off her. He didn't seem to believe that his sister had returned to him. The Vanir God turned to the duo, asking if they served his sister. Kratos growled in response as you transformed back into your normal form, vanishing your sword. Freyr sneered, commenting that they were all serving her. He turned to Lunda, ordering her to free Brok from this trap. The dwarf brought her knife down on the rope, cutting it cleanly. Brok fell heavily to the ground. Kratos hooked Mimir back onto his belt. You approached Brok, helping him up while Kratos approached Freyr.
“Nothing broken?” you asked, helping Brok up.
"I'm fine. I've seen worse than that fall," he said, turning to Lunda. "What's with leaving me hanging like that, ya crusty hag?"
"Oh can it, Blábr! C'mere…," she said before giving Brok a hug.
"Well! Found who I was lookin' for. Think I'm gonna stay and catch up," Brok said before following Lunda to her forge.
“Oh, are you now?”
“Do as you wish,” you replied, watching the two dwarves walk away.
You sighed, going to join the Elves of Alfheim and a man dressed in armor and armed with a huge sword. You took a seat on a log, glancing at Freyr's henchmen. The man named Birgir told you that they wanted the camp to remain secret. You replied that it would stay that way. You weren't going to leave camp anyway. You didn't care what Freya was looking for. You just had to know something.
"Are Sköll and Hati in Vanaheim?" you asked, looking at Birgir.
"Why this question?"
"I just need to know if they are here and if there was any strange phenomenon. Wasn't there a solar eclipse?"
“It’s been several centuries since there was one,” Beyla replied, catching your attention. "The wolves continue to chase the Sun and the Moon. They are fine."
"I need to go check on them. I need to make sure they're okay. Where is their lair?"
“Whose lair?”
You jumped, turning to Freyr who was holding Mimir. The Vanir God settled down next to you, giving you back what was left of your father. You looked at Mimir uncertainly. You reached out your hand, taking the rope to place him at your side.
“I have to go see Sköll and Hati,” you said, looking at Freyr.
"For what?"
"I have to make sure they're okay and that nothing bad happens to them."
Freyr looked at Birgir, Beyla and Byggvir. The camp leader sighed and stood up, gesturing for you to follow him to the table. You grabbed Mimir, following Freyr who showed you a map. He explained to you which path you had to take to get to the wolves' den. Freyr looked at you intently. You took off your cloak, putting it in a corner, so you could tie Mimir to your waist. Your wings. No doubt a move from Odin. He remembered you. After all, you have always been the pride of the Valkyries and Mimir. Everyone knew you. He had seen you as a child. He even played with you and learned some pranks to play on your father. Until Heimdal decided to burn it and leave Asgard.
“Why do you want to make sure the wolves are okay?” Freyr asked, folding the map.
"I know they were imprisoned by Odin. I just need to make sure nothing curious happens," you said, heading towards the portal.
“Wait!” Freyr exclaimed, following you. "Are you sure it's a good idea to go alone? How long has it been since you last came to Vanaheim?"
“Do you think I’m that weak, Freyr?” you asked, stopping near the gate.
"I didn't say you're weak, little Valkyrie. I'm just saying it's not a good idea to go alone. Fimbulvetr hasn't spared this Kingdom and there are many Einharjes who is swarming around."
"You don't have to worry. After the Valkyries, someone else taught me some techniques," you said as you passed through the portal. “I’ll be back in a few hours.”
You moved away from Freyr's camp, deep into the jungle of Vanaheim. You took the path indicated by Freyr. According to him, Sköll and Hati were not far away. Mimir glanced at you a few times. Should he speak or not? You were still mad at him. Well Named.
"Honey… I know you don't want to talk to me, but I wish you would listen to me. Your mother and I… we really thought we were protecting you by sending you back to Midgard. We wanted to keep you away from Odin and his madness. But… it didn't go as we hoped. I don't know what he did or how he was able to find you, but… I'm sorry. I couldn't protect you the way I wanted. The day he imprisoned me and cursed the Valkyries… they brought us your wings. Daughter… please. I want you to know, I'm sorry. This pain will torment me all my life. The only thing that calms me is knowing that you are alive."
You stopped when you heard Mimir's apology. He asked you for forgiveness? He wanted you to forgive him for abandoning you? You unhooked your head from your belt, placing it on a rock. Mimir could see from your expression that you were not happy with this request. You turned your back on Mimir, taking a few steps away. You ran your hands over your face, running them through your hair. Did he dare to ask you for forgiveness? He dared to make such a request to you?
“You and Mother forced me to return to Midgard,” you began softly, turning to Mimir. “You and Mother never came to see me. Never! You and Mother failed me! You You gave up without the slightest remorse! I was all alone! I had no one… do you know what I did when I found out that mother was locked up? I protected her. I did the only one that you and her didn't do. I stayed with her and protected that damn breach at the risk of my life! So no! No. I could never forgive you. Or her ."
Mimir sighed, dejected. Everything you just told him was true. It was normal that you refused to forgive him. With their statue as Sigrun's Queen of the Valkyries and Odin's role as advisor, they never had time to make sure you were well established in Midgard. He had been busy making sure the marriage between Odin and Freya worked to ensure some semblance of peace. Which has always been a big joke.
“That’s what I told myself when he took my wings and in Tyr when he found me,” you said with a sigh.
“I… I beg your pardon?” Mimir asked, looking at you surprised.
You approached the rock where you had placed Mimir. You sat down in front of him, looking him over. Mimir was struck by your state. Since he was able to see you again, this was the first time he was able to see you properly. Your eyes were watery, you had dark bags under your eyes, that sparkle of mischief that you had as a child was gone. You have become a woman tired of this miserable life. You sighed, running your hands over your face.
"I obeyed. I returned to Midgard. I knew that you and mother wanted to protect me from Odin. But that wasn't enough. Do you want to know what he did? He pretended to be you. He took on your appearance and I let my guard down. That's how he managed to take my wings. When he did… I called. . You and mother… I called for someone to come and help me…"
“But no one came…”
“No… no one,” you said, sighing. "I found Mother's breach. I tried to ignore her, but… I kept coming back to her. I couldn't… get used to the idea to left her alone and helpless. Until Tyr found me and helped me. He trained me. He loved me. He saved me. I was happy again. But so was he, he abandoned me. That man at Sindri's… he's not my Tyr. He's not my husband."
"But… that doesn't explain why you want to see Sköll and Hati."
"I had a dream not long ago. I was with Tyr. We were going hunting and then… he disappeared. At that moment, a lightning bolt tore through the sky and everything became red. The moon was hiding the Sun. Then I saw two pairs of eyes and some growling noises and in the end, Tyr appeared and asked me to help him."
"It's strange. A premonitory dream perhaps," replied Mimir perplexed. "You helped Tyr, in a way, and we're going to see the wolves. But an eclipse? That's strange. I'll think about it, darling."
“Thank you,” you said, smiling at Mimir. “Father.”
"I'll make it up to you (Y/N). I promise."
"No offense. You're just a head," you said, getting up and picking up Mimir.
"Ah! It doesn't just take brawn to succeed, Darling. I thought I taught you that."
“Yes, but from time to time, you have to know how to hit.”
“Okay, you’re right about that.”
You let out a light laugh as you attached Mimir to your waist. You set off again, finally reaching the wolves' den. You saw the wolf Hati who was sleeping. Sköll was still chasing the Sun. You slowly approached Hati. The wolf's ears twitched as he heard you approach. You kneeled in front of him. Hati raised his head, looking at you perplexed. At first glance, he seemed fine. You sat down, sighing in relief. Maybe the dream you had was nothing more than a dream. You held out your hand towards him. The giant wolf brought its snout closer, sniffing a little before standing up. You did the same, following him to the edge of the cliff. Hati sat up, looking at you with his red eyes. He began to scream before chasing the moon, giving way to the Sun. Sköll will run towards you, landing next to you. The wolf looked at you perplexed as you offered him your hand. He sniffed for a few seconds before going to lie down in his den, waiting for his brother to finish his endless chase.
“They are fine,” Mimir said. "It seems your dream is just a dream, daughter."
“Maybe,” you said, looking at Sköll.
"It's been a while since you've been away from camp. It's better to go back before they worry."
You looked at Sköll one last time before leaving their lair to return to Freyr's camp. You were relieved to know that the wolves were okay. So why did you have this dream? It did not make sense. No, you didn't have to think about it anymore. You walked through the camp gate to see Freya and Freyr hugging. Apparently you missed something. You moved closer to Kratos, unhooking Mimir from your waist to return him to the Spartan.
"You finished?" you asked, looking at Kratos.
“What’s the verdict?” Mimir asked.
“She will help us,” Kratos replied, looking at Mimir. “Did everything go well?”
“Oh yes,” the head replied. "Very well even. Now what? What do we do?"
"We're going back," Kratos replied, hanging Mimir back on his belt. "And you?"
"I'm coming. I have to do something," you replied uncomfortably.
"You want to talk to him? Are you sure?" asked Mimir worried.
“Yes, you have to.”
"I'm ready to go," Freya announced, approaching the group. "(Y/N)? Did you find what you were looking for?"
"Yes. I have nothing more to do here."
"We're going back," Kratos said as he headed towards the entrance to the camp.
"Hey little Valkyrie! Come back and see us soon!" Freyr exclaimed.
"Yes, Freyr. I'll think about it," you replied before catching up with Freya and Kratos.
You liked Freyr, but he was always so loud and exhausting. At least it seemed that he and Freya had reconciled, and she and Kratos seemed to have put their differences aside. It was a good thing. At least, you hoped so. Now there was one thing left for you to do.
Talk to Tyr.
Just thinking about it made you uncomfortable. You felt your stomach twist and your hands become sweaty. It was so strange that you felt this way when thinking about your husband. You had to stay focused on your goal. But there was also another problem. According to Mimir, Atreus had disappeared for two days and he refused to say where he had been. This did not please the Spartan who announced that the boy was going to tell him everything and that there was nothing to add. Mimir looked at you, commenting that this was the famous Spartan diplomacy. But Freya's question sent shivers down your spine.
"Wait… did you say Odin invited him to Asgard and then he disappeared for two days?" asked the Goddess worriedly.
"What? Are you kidding?!" you exclaimed. "Odin invited the little boy to Asgard?!"
"Aye… but surely the lad's got more sense than to-" Mimir began before being cut off by Freya.
"Don't underestimate Odin's powers of persuasion. He filled my son's head with lies. Why wouldn't he do the same with yours?"
“It’s not just persuasion,” you said darkly. "If he feels that your little one is an obstacle to his plans, he will not hesitate to make him disappear. He has no limits."
“That too,” Freya replied softly, watching you struggle.
You preferred to ignore the look Freya gave you. You didn't need his pity. Not after all this time. You walked through the door, arriving in front of Sindri's house. Brok was arguing with Bitter Squirrel, one of Ratatoskr's alteregos. Kratos ignored the argument and entered the house. You followed the Spartan, with Brok and Freya. Kratos wasted no time entering his son's room. Sindri left the room, visibly upset. You went to sit at the table when Atreus came out of his room insulting his father. You heard Mimir exclaim that this was not how he was going to change his father's mind.
It looked bad.
"He doesn't have any faith in me! It's fine of he keeps secrets. It's fine is Mom did," exclaimed Atreus who came to sit at the table.
“It is NOT fine,” Kraots replied harshly as he followed his son. “Her secrets haunt every step of this path.”
"Oh, okay. So you don't believe in her anymore either?"
“His is not about your mother!” Kratos exclaimed, placing Mimir on the table. “What you have done is lie.”
“Wonder where I learned that?” the boy replied sarcastically.
“That’s quite enough!” exclaimed Mimir.
“Since when do you away take his side?” Atreus asked, looking at his angry head.
"Since he became the one making sense."
In the meantime, Tyr had approached the table. A pot full of stew in his hands.
"Look… I was only thinking about going to Odin. But I swear it's for a good reason…," explained the young man.
“There is no good reason to go to Odin,” Freya replied, approaching.
“He’ll only cloud your mind,” Tyr continued.
"But I'd be going for us. I gotta stop something bad from happening."
“Something bad did happen!” exclaimed Mimir, attracting the attention of the dwarves who approached in turn. "LOOK AT ME! At Freya. At Tyr. At (Y/N)! Odin did this to us!"
"What's got everyone caterwaulin' all a sudden?" Brok asked as he approached Atreus.
“Atreus wants to go Asgard,” Sindri replied.
"Asgard? Did he get kicked in the head or something?"
"Great. I guess everyone's against me now," Atreus growled, glaring at his father.
"You must choose who you are going to be," Kratos replied, approaching his son. "Are you going to continue to lie and keep things from me? Or are you my son?"
As he spoke, Kratos placed his hand on Atreus' shoulder. Hoping that his words finally reach him. But it didn't seem to have any impact on the boy. If anything, it seemed to upset him even more.
"Choose? I never get to choose. Just leave me alone."
Atreus wanted to walk away and end this discussion. But Kratos didn't think so. He grabbed the boy's arm, ordering him to listen. Atreus yelled at him to let go. He violently pushed Kratos away, but with his rage, he transformed into a bear. Freya rushed to Kratos, helping him up. Tyr had dropped the pot, grabbing your arm to pull you towards him. Unluckily for Sindri, Atreus was standing in front of him. The dwarf tried to reason with the boy. Without success. Atreus violently pushed him away with his paw before fleeing and breaking down the door of the house. He was running away. Kratos rushed to the door as Freya and Brok rushed to Sindri's side. You tried to break away from Tyr's hold, but he refused to let you go.
"He might come back," he said nervously.
"Let go of me!" you cried, pushing him away and watching him get annoyed. “What the hell is wrong with you?!”
You quickly moved away from Tyr, approaching Sindri, Freya and Brok. According to the Goddess, there was nothing serious about the dwarf. Just scratches. Which was a relief in care. Your attention landed on the door. Kratos stood in the doorway. His fists were clenched and you seemed to see sparks flying. The Spartan slammed his fist against the doorway, making the house shake. You looked from Kratos, to Freya healing Sindri, to Brok who was cursing, and to Tyr who was standing nervously in the back of the room. You sighed, massaging your temples which were becoming sore.
And now what would happen?
Tag: @ladycrowsworld
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