#sip vs pri
phonesuitedirect · 1 year
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In this blog post, we will compare and contrast SIP trunking and PRI lines so you can make an informed decision about which is best for you. Read More....
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visenyaism · 11 months
My third eye was PRIED OPEN by Otto/Fem!Viserys. It would be insane. Trying to picture it is like sipping from Dionysus‘ cup when he’s about to declare Bacchanalia. But most importantly… the return of Otto #HerStory Hightower, new and improved. Otto… #WifeGuy Hightower.
wife guy otto hightower vs. wife guy king consort corlys vs. even more of a psychosexually weird serial killer daemon the small council is so over. viserra being alright just building lego valyria and having no responsibilities other than court in king’s landing while her crazy ambitious husband and crazier little brother who’s obsessed with her keep trying have each other killed in increasingly elaborate destructive ways. this does not stop dragonrider alicent hightower and rhaenyra royce from eloping. i could go on
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zombified-queer · 8 months
hop vs LB + “who let you in here?”
“Who let you in here?”
“Allowed to be,” the Lobby Boy snaps back, ignoring the Bellhop’s glare. 
“Gross. I don’t need you shambling through here with fleas and—”
“Shut up,” the Lobby Boy turns to her, eyes full of enraged annoyance. “You can sit and make your stupid jokes. But the Hotel made us the way she needs us. So if you’re going to start whining, you can talk directly to her.”
“Oh shit!” The Bellhop sips from her mug, which looks like flesh in a mug shape. “The nasty little vermin has a bite now.”
“Shut up. Just shut up.”
The walls press closer, threatening to catch the Bellhop between them like jaws. She narrows her eyes. 
“You don’t fucking scare me,” the Bellhop tells him. “Not when you look like—”
The breakroom table catches her in the stomach, knocking the air out of the Bellhop. Her mug slips out of her grasp, shattering on the floor. The coffee spills across the tiles before seeping into the grout. 
The Lobby Boy glances at the stale sugar cookies on the counter. And then he pries one out of the plastic case, chewing slowly.
“What’s your fucking problem?” the Bellhop snaps, still struggling against the table. 
“My problem,” the Lobby Boy says, taking the mug intended for the Manager out of the cabinet, “is you. You just want everyone else to be miserable too.”
He reaches past the Bellhop to take the coffee pot. HGe gives it a tentative sniff, shrugs, and pour a mug.
“It’s pathetic.” 
He puts the coffee pot back. And then he takes the mug out of the breakroom. To the Manager.
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wondercomme · 1 year
Why SIP Trunking?
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One of the biggest choices to make when deploying a new PBX is what kind of service to choose. Here in the US, there are 3 main types of phone service POTS, PRI, and SIP Trunking.
POTS lines and PRI are still prevalent in areas where SIP trunks are not a feasible option. Example: Rural Areas or Cities with existing PRI Infrastructure. In those cases, SIP Trunking will cost providers a lot of money to build out that infrastructure.
SIP Trunks, also commonly referred to as VoIP trunks, are any connection out to the PSTN over an IP Network.
SIP trunking can be the most cost-effective way to terminate the PSTN. There are many different types of SIP trunking providers.
Per Minute – Providers who charge per minute
Per Channel – Providers who provide a set amount of (or unlimited) minutes but limit the number of channels (or simultaneous calls).
Enterprise – Some higher-level SIP trunking providers can deliver dedicated circuits to the customer premises. Having a dedicated circuit means that the quality can be guaranteed all the way to the provider – there are no calls traversing the open internet.
SIP Trunk Authentication
There are typically 2 types of authentication methods. Some providers authenticate both ways.
SIP registration uses a username and password to authenticate with the SIP trunking provider.
IP-based authentication requires a static IP address for sending calls to and from the SIP trunking provider. IP-based authentication can be more stable than SIP registration, however, it requires a static IP address which can be an additional cost.
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Cost-effective – one of the best ways to achieve ROI vs a PBX with legacy trunking
Quick Deployment
Very powerful caller ID options
e-911 options for businesses with multiple locations
Not suitable for all customers (bad internet, rural areas, wireless ISPs)
Susceptible to Internet Outages
Setup can be complicated sometimes
Not all SIP providers are equal!
SIP trunking allows businesses to save on their communications bills while providing a host of advanced features, unlike POTS or PRIs. Failover strategies for SIP and Power allow business continuity no matter what. However, it is still recommended that businesses with critical infrastructure maintain 1 or 2 POTS lines in case of severe emergencies or disasters.
Wondercomm provides both types of SIP trunks – per minute and per channel (with unlimited minutes) to our customers. Every user license comes with a 1 channel (single call) with unlimited minutes. The more users you have the more Channels are available to your business. If you need additional channels, Wondercomm also offers what’s called a burst trunk – These are available trunks available to be used at anytime your business needs them.
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lamptracker · 6 years
FIC: Spy vs. Spy (part 6/?)
Because I’m not sure when I’m going to get to update again, stupid work
Also: I think it’s awesome that Harrison finally has a big job! I’M LIKE A PROUD MAMA OVER HERE
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FIC: Spy vs. Spy, part 6/?
Pairing: Spy!Harrison Osterfield/Spy!Female Reader
Overall summary:  Harrison Osterfield, one of Britain’s top spies, keeps getting thrown into missions with rival spy (y/n). Can they work together without killing each other? Or will something more develop?
Part summary: Harrison is forced to confront his feelings after Cervelli kidnaps (y/n).
Warnings: Language, blood, some violence. Oh, and a perfectly good pair of boots gets ruined.
Part 1 * Part 2 * Part 3 * Part 4 * Part 5
Tagged: @itstabata   @purelyfictionallife   @deleteidentity   @peterspanish   @mindless--thinking   @harrison-osterfield-appreciation   @lemirabitur   @m4df4n
“I’m just saying,” Tom said, a thin flashlight clenched in his teeth as he carefully pried off the cap of (y/n)’s boot heel. “This is an awful lot of work for someone you hate.”
Harrison scoffed. “I don’t hate her. Well, I don’t like her very much, but I don’t… look, she’s my partner. I have to be able to get to her in case something happens. It’s….this is a business move. That’s all.”
“Business move, sure. Because everyone puts trackers in their business associates’ shoes. Especially ones they say they hate but they slept with.”
“I told you not to judge me, Tom.”
Tom took the flashlight out of his mouth and turned it off, setting it on the table. “Hey, I’m not judging!” he said defensively, throwing his hands into the air. “I’m just saying…”
“Whatever, just hurry up before she gets out of the shower, yeah?”
Tom quickly installed the tracker and put the cap back on her boot heel, whacking it against the table slightly to make sure it was secure. Of course, that was the moment (y/n) had decided to come out of the bathroom.
“Spider,” Tom explained, a sheepish grin on his face.
“Ah.” (y/n) walked over to the coffee pot, where Harrison offered her a cup; she gladly took it and sipped it slowly. “How are those blueprints coming?”
“Oh, they’re done.” Tom pressed a button on his laptop; the wireless printer in the next room whirred loudly as the blueprints jutted out.
“Cumberbatch called while you were in the shower,” Harrison said. “Management wants us to wait until Thursday to map out our route, Cervelli’s twins have some awards ceremony at school he’s expected to attend so that’ll give us a window.”
“Father of the year,” (y/n) snorted as she reached for a muffin. “Have we figured out exactly who the hell Management is yet? And why they have such a hard-on for us working together?”
“First question: No. Second question: Your guess is as good as mine.” Harrison ran into the living room to grab the blueprints off the printer. “Okay, (y/n), take a look at these and tell me what the plan is.”
“You got it, Osterfield.”
On Thursday morning, (y/n) was supposed to meet with Harrison at his apartment at 9AM sharp. The awards ceremony started at 10, so that would give them plenty of time to go to Cervelli’s hideout and get set up.
9:05 rolled around, and (y/n) had failed to show up.
“Maybe she fell in a ditch and died,” Tom (not-so) helpfully suggested to a now-pacing Harrison.
“Shut your gob, Tom. It’s not like her to be late.”
“You don’t even like her, what’re you so worried about?”
“She’s my partner. We’re supposed to be doing this together.” Just then, Harrison’s phone rang. Without even looking to see who was calling, Harrison answered. “You’d better have a damn good explanation for being late, (y/n), because…”
“No, Osterfield, it’s Cumberbatch.”
“Cumberbatch, what…”
“Look, I’m going to cut right to the chase on this. (Y/n) was kidnapped this morning. It was Cervelli, he figured out that Rachel Cummings was just a cover ID. He’s holding her for ransom, we’re going to pay it, I…”
Harrison’s heart dropped straight through the bottoms of his feet.
(Y/n) was kidnapped?
A million thoughts at once could have sprinted through his mind - What does he expect me to do about that? Maybe she should stay kidnapped. We should pay the ransom and move on. Cervelli will be begging us to take her back within the hour.
But only one made its way through:
I have to get her back.
“Like hell are we paying that ransom,” Harrison mumbled through clenched teeth. “I’m going after her.”
“Osterfield, no. It’s too dangerous, we can’t risk it, I…”
“I’m going after her,” Harrison repeated firmly. “With or without the agency’s help. She’s my partner, we’re working on this case together and I. Am. Going. After. Her.”
“Management figured you’d say that. The law says we can’t help you, so… good luck.”
Harrison hung up the phone, picked up the empty paper cup that had previously held his coffee, and hurled it at the wall.
“What’s wrong?” Tom asked.
“(y/n). She’s been taken. Cervelli. We need to find her, Tom, can you get a location off that tracker?”
“She’s been taken?” Tom gasped in surprise.
“Are you going to help me or not, Tom?” Harrison barked angrily; Tom jumped back a little.
“Y-yeah, of course.”
“Good. Now get me that location.”
While Tom got to work, Harrison gathered up supplies - his gun, extra ammo, a Taser, duct tape. As he stuffed the items into a duffel bag, his eyes fell on something on the floor near the chair. Curiously, Harrison picked it up.
It was a block of c4, one that had probably fallen out of (y/n)’s purse.
“You know what,” he said to himself, “I may actually need this.” He smiled fondly as he tucked it into the bag.
“I have a location,” Tom announced. “Let’s go.”
“You can’t go by yourself, it’s too dangerous, yeah?”
“No offense, Tom, but… you?”
“Yeah, I know, but right now I’m kind of all you have.”
“Fair point.”
Harrison pulled up to Cervelli’s hideout, where the tracker had led them. Brandishing his gun, he stormed inside.
“(Y/n)!” He called. “(Y/n), are you here? Where are you?”
“Um… Harrison?”
Harrison whirled around; Tom was pointing at a metal chair. (Y/n)’s boots were resting in the chair, as was a note.
He marched over to the chair, snatching the note from it and reading aloud.
“Looks like you just missed us. Too bad. For her. Good luck finding us now. Don’t worry, I’ll make sure she doesn’t suffer… too much. XOXO Luca Cervelli.” Harrison picked up the boots, hurling them at the wall with such force that one heel stuck in the drywall; he angrily kicked over the chair.
“FUCK!” he screamed; Tom immediately started rifling through the drawers of Cervelli’s desk.
“Well, I’m not finding anything here,” he said, after a moment. “I’ll have to see if I can find a list of known hideouts someplace.”
Harrison sighed in defeat, grabbing a fistful of his hair and tugging slightly. “Please hurry, Tom.”
“I’ll do my best.”
Harrison paced as Tom quickly started typing away at a nearby computer. Where was she? What has Cervelli done to her? Why is he doing this?
Why do I care so much?
“Got it. There’s at least six known hideouts, let’s start looking.” Tom programmed the address of the first one into his phone and they ran to the car.
“Harrison?” Tom asked, after a moment. They were now driving to the third hideout on the list, after striking out at the first two. “I understand if you don’t want to answer, but why…”
“Because I love her, okay?” Harrison snapped, cutting into Tom’s sentence. “I know, it doesn’t make sense. She frustrates me in every possible way. She’s cocky and reckless and has no regard for her safety or anyone else’s. But she’s also smart, and sexy, and funny, and I don’t know how it happened but I fell in love with her. And if she dies before I got a chance to tell her that…” Harrison gulped back a sob. “I can’t let that happen, Tom. I have to find her.”
Tom just nodded solemnly. “I get you, man. I’ll help you any way I can, I promise.”
They pulled into the parking lot of a familiar-looking warehouse. As they ran up to the door, Harrison realized he knew this place.
“This is the warehouse I interrogated one of his goons at,” he explained. “The first time (y/n) and I worked together.”
“Oh, when she Tasered that guy’s junk?”
“That’d be the instance, yes.” Harrison tried to open the door; it was locked. He mustered up all his strength and with a mighty kick, the old metal door fell off its rusty hinges.
“(y/n)!” Harrison called. “Please be here, please be here…”
“Oh… she’s here.”
Luca Cervelli came around the corner, holding a gun in front of him.
“Tom,” Harrison whispered. “Go outside, call Cumberbatch. Tell him where we are, to send an ambulance.”
Tom nodded and quickly ran for the exit; Cervelli fired a shot after him but missed.
“Now, Osterfield. We have some unfinished business to attend to. You destroyed my gang, you know that?”
“You and your gang are a blight on society,” Harrison spat.
“Society is a blight on me,” Cervelli replied.
Harrison scrunched up his nose in confusion. “What does that mean?”
“Never mind that. You’ve destroyed my organization, the one I worked so hard to help build from the ground up. You almost destroyed me; The Don was going to personally kill me this morning. I shot him in the head and then I grabbed your girl. I missed my kids’ awards ceremony but it’s worth it to see the look on your face right now.”
“Where is she, Cervelli?” Harrison snarled.
“She’s here. She’s safe… I mean, for now.”
Harrison started walking toward Cervelli; the other man raised his gun.
“Now, Osterfield. You don’t want me to hurt her, do you? I mean, any more than I already have.”
“What did you do to her, Luca?”
Cervelli fired his gun; Harrison dodged out of the way and the bullet hit a wall. “We are not on a first-name basis here, Osterfield. And you’ll just have to see for yourself.” Cervelli chuckled to himself. “That is, if I let you live that long.”
He aimed his gun right between Harrison’s eyebrows; he was just about to squeeze the trigger when a shot rang out. The bullet hit him in the middle of the forehead; Cervelli dropped to the ground, dead.
Harrison raised his hands and slowly turned around.
Standing behind him, holding a gun, was Tom Holland.
“Nice job, Tom!” Harrison said. “Who knew you were such a good shot?”
Tom just shrugged. “I play a lot of Call of Duty. Anyway, Cumberbatch is on the way, so’s an ambulance.” He clapped a hand onto Harrison’s shoulder. “Now… let’s go get your girl.”
Harrison nodded as he ran through the warehouse. It wasn’t a big warehouse, and it didn’t have a lot of rooms; where could she be?
“Harrison!” Tom yelled, pointing to an office in the corner; Harrison ran to where Tom was standing. He opened the door…
...and there she was.
She was tied to a chair, blindfolded, duct tape covering her mouth. Harrison gasped as he got a good look at her; she was covered in blood and bruises.
Cervelli had really done a number on her.
Harrison quickly removed the duct tape from her mouth and started to untie the blindfold; not knowing who was there, she panicked.
“Oh, my God! Who’s there, what’s going on?”
Harrison gently rested a hand on her shoulder. “Shh, easy, darling, it’s me. It’s me.”  He untied the blindfold, then the restraints securing her to the chair.
“Harrison,” she whispered. “It’s you.”
“Yeah, it’s me.” He slowly helped her to a standing position.
“I… you came for me,” she whispered, wrapping her arms around him and clinging to him with all the strength she had left. “You found me.”  And with that, her eyes closed and she went limp; Harrison quickly caught her before she hit the ground.
“No, no, (y/n), stay with me, please.” He collapsed to the ground, holding her in his arms. “Please, please stay with me.”
Just then, Cumberbatch and four paramedics rushed into the office.
“How is she?” Cumberbatch asked quickly.
“Still breathing, but unconscious,” Harrison said as the paramedics extracted her from his arms. “She’s lost a lot of blood; she may have some internal injuries but I’m not sure.”
Cumberbatch nodded solemnly. “You did a great job today,” he said. “Nobody’s ever even come close to bringing Cervelli down. We would have preferred him alive, but everyone else is much better off with him dead.”
“I can’t take credit for that,” Harrison said as Cumberbatch helped him to a standing position. “Tom’s the one that shot him.”
“Tom? That skinny kid out in the hallway?”
“I’m not skinny, I’m just lithe,” Tom called from outside.
Harrison chuckled and shook his head. “Okay, so now what?”
“I don’t know. I guess… I guess we wait.”
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finanzwealth · 3 years
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*Invesco India ESG Equity Fund- NFO* *Profit & Purpose* - _Aim to Achieve Both in One Fund_ _NFO Opens :26-Feb-2021_ _NFO Closes : 12-Mar-2021_ *Why Consider Invesco ESG ?* 🔹 *32 years* journey of Sustainable Investing 🔹 *US $34.5bn* Across 44 ESG funds and segregated mandates globally. 🔹 *UN PRI* Signatory member. 🔹 *Lead Investor* in Climate Action 100. *Key Features of NFO ESG Fund* ✒️ The fund will invest 80% - 100% of net assets in companies complying with ESG criteria as defined by our proprietary investment framework. ✒️ Primarily Large Cap with upto ~35% in Midcap & Small cap. ✒️ Bottom-Up Stock Selection. ✒️ The portfolio will be a blend of growth & value. ✒️ Approx 30-40 Holdings ✒️ A proprietary framework to score companies on ESG. Portfolio weighted average ESG Risk score maintained at < = 1.50. ✒️ No dependency on any external agency or institution for ESG intelligence being completely In-house. ✒️ Leveraging on our dedicated global team of ESG experts who work closely with Local Investment team to develop industry-leading ESG practices. ✒️Open Ended Fund exit applicable of 1% if Redeemed before 1 year in excess of 10%. 📈 *Long Term Performance :* In 5 years - Nifty 100 Enhanced ESG has delivered *15.83* % CAGR Vs *13.94%* by Benchmark of Nifty 50 TRI INR. 📑 *Fund Manager:* *Mr. Taher Badshah & Amit Nigam* 🎗️*Avail this opportunity to Invest in Environmental, Social & Governance Compliance Stocks as It’s the Future.* Best Regards, For more details, feel free to contact us: ASHISH DOSHI FINANZ WEALTH Your Preferred Wealth & Risk Manager +919022937373 | +919920476588 [email protected] https://wa.me/919022937373 https://wa.me/919920476588 #nfo #mutualfunds #invesco #SIP https://www.instagram.com/p/CLbo88brFuq/?igshid=s0udew7dm5zd
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originalvirtualpbx · 6 years
In our series of blogs, What You Need To Know, we cover all topics concerning the telecommunications landscape and today it's all about SIP Trunking vs PRI. https://buff.ly/2uQRbRP
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lightnetworksblog · 5 years
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Hosted PBX vs. SIP Trunking—Weighing Your VoIP Options
SIP trunking or hosted PBX? That is the VoIP implementation debate. 
Both are viable approaches when looking for a VoIP solution; which, is the only problem. It’s up to you to decide which makes the most sense for your business. 
As is true for any business technology decision, it’s important to know both sides of the story—the pros and cons of SIP trunking and hosted PBX. 
When Does SIP Trunking Make Sense for VoIP?
SIP trunking services act as a gateway so you can move your on-premise PBX to VoIP. 
With SIP trunks, connecting on-premise equipment to an internet telephony service provider; you can replace legacy primary rate interfaces (PRI) or analog lines and enhance your current system with the typical VoIP features (automated attendant, voicemail, automatic call distribution, call transferring, and more). 
Keeping your communications system on-premise comes with a few distinct advantages as you transition to VoIP:
Call Quality Benefits: While many SIP trunking providers use public Internet for connectivity, you could potentially connect via a dedicated link for improved reliability and security. 
Control Lines with Internal Staff: Rather than relying on a third-party to maintain your business communications, you can leave control in the hands of your trusted IT staff. 
Support for Large Companies: SIP trunks are often priced according to the number of concurrent calls that can be made. If you’re staffing a massive call center, there’s predictability in deploying VoIP for so many users. 
Cost Savings Compared to Legacy Systems: Combining audio and video over the same data link and pooling phone lines across locations mean you can save money as you scale VoIP services in a large business. 
Even if these benefits seem valuable, you can’t plan a move to VoIP with SIP trunking if you don’t have a dedicated IT staff. You’ll need experienced  IT personnel to manage bandwidth demands and troubleshoot inevitable issues on-premise. 
Not only that, but SIP trunking comes with significant CapEx demands as you implement an on-premise phone system with local hardware. If those upfront costs are too much or a challenge to manage your business, hosted PBX might be more appropriate. 
When Should You Consider Hosted PBX?
Hosted PBX is a complete communications solution. Once the hosted PBX is connected to your PSTN, the service provider takes care of the management tasks that SIP trunking demands of internal staff. 
The benefits of hosted PBX include:
No Internal Expertise, No Problem: For many small & medium-sized businesses, employing an experienced IT staff just isn’t possible. With hosted PBX, many processes such as adding or removing users can be taken care of from a simple web interface.
Focus Solely on OpEx: With hosted PBX, there’s no on-premise equipment to purchase. Saving on the upfront costs can help you budget for the ongoing subscription expenses of a hosted PBX provider.
Simplified Scalability: Hosted PBX offers simple scalability (up or down) for virtually unlimited numbers of users.
Advanced VoIP Features: With hosted PBX, you have access to advanced features like video conferencing, CRM or Email integration, and mobile support depending on the vendor you choose.
As you look at these benefits, just keep in mind that the service is entirely reliant on your internet connection—if you haven’t invested in strong connectivity, the whole system could suffer. 
Hosted PBX vs. SIP Trunking—It All Depends on Your Situation
It would be nice if there were a simple answer to the hosted PBX vs. SIP trunking debate. However, the reality is that both are viable options for companies of all sizes.
When in doubt, consider your internal IT staff—can they really handle the additional responsibility of supporting VoIP if it’s kept on-premises?
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Airtel Digital TV and Dish TV Plans.
After the introduction of new cable rules of TRAI, viewers believe that their monthly TV bill has increased. Now the rules of cable TV are changing soon. So the question is whether the choice of streaming services based on the internet is not the right choice? Many streaming services are available in free, so now what is the need of consumers DTH? DTH operators will be competing with each other. But to see consumer pattern of consumer consolidation, smart consumer from smart mobile to smart TV has now become smart. Recently, Starstar's popular app Hotstar has introduced a new plan that can compete with DTH operators. Hotstar is offering most of the sports channels and many Hindi entertainment channels in 365 rupees per year. This means that channels are being offered at the rate of 1 rupee per day. Because the rates of both the Internet and these apps are cheaper, the DTH option offers an alternative to the VIP plan. But are these VIP plans so good that it can replace DTH? To know this, we saw the plans of the Hotstar VIP subscription using the same kind of Tata Sky, Airtel Digital TV and Dish TV Plans.
Hotstar Rs 365 VIP Plan: In Rs 365 Hotstar is offering most premium content for one year. In this VIP plan, users can view live cricket, Premier League matches and Formula 1 races. With this, you can also see popular Hindi blockbusters and Hindi entertainment shows. This VIP plan does not include Hollywood movies and American TV shows only. Compared to DTH connections, users can view shows, smartphones, tablets, laptops and smart TVs all over the place and content consume.
Price: Rs 365 Annual + Data Pack or Broadband Bills Price Tata Sky Family Sports HD Pack: If you want to access similar packs in Tata Sky, then there is a Family Sports HD pack available at Rs 646 per month. Compared to the Hotstar VIP plan, Tata Sky offers more options for entertainment channels. In addition to all cricket channels, music, movies, kids and entertainment channels will also be available.
Price: Rs 646 per month (Rs 7,752 per year) + HD set-top box price
Dish TV Maxi Sports Pack: In the Maxi Sports Pack of Rs 326 per month, users will get access to many Hindi entertainment channels as well as sports channels, kids channels etc.
Price: Rs 326 per month (Rs 3,912 per year) + Set-top box price Airtel Digital TV My Sports HD Pack: This pack comes at a rate of Rs 493 per month. At this price, Airtel is offering a good mix of Standard Definition Channels. There are channels from sports to news, movies, kids and entertainment channels.
Price: Rs 493 per month (Rs 5,916 per year) + HD Set-top box price
Hotstar vs DTH operators: Which of the two to choose?
Hotstar VIP plan is clearly defeating DTH operators. It can be seen clearly that Hotstar is a much better option in terms of price. However, compared to DTH operators, there are less options for channels. Apart from this, look at other things, apps or services like Hotstar can be used from smartphones to tablets or TVs anywhere. If you have Wi-Fi in your house then all major service providers offer good plans at very low prices. It also costs less than DTH by adding cost of Internet bills and applications. In such a situation if more options of content are more important to you then you should choose DTH.
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Your guide to better chopstick etiquette (mostly Japanese)
The other day I was having lunch at one of the Asian-fusion restaurants in Zürich with a (non-Asian) friend. At one point, he speared a piece of chicken with one chopstick, brought it to his mouth and pried it off with his teeth. I must have a strange expression on my face because he looked at me and asked me what was wrong.
Of course, he did not know that in Japan, what he just did would be considered to be terribly rude, in the same way, that someone who didn't grow up in Europe might not know about not putting your elbows on the table. I explained this to him, and he sort of snorted and said: "well why don't you write a guide to chopstick manners on your site then!"
So, here it is a guide to chopstick etiquette, Japanese style.
Chopstick etiquette level 1: The things you absolutely must not do
Breaking these rules is considered to be really bad.
Do not stick your chopsticks upright in your rice.
This is an absolute no-no because it's the way a bowl of rice is offered to the spirit of a dead person, at their deathbed or in front of their photograph on the household Buddhist altar.
Do not leave your chopsticks crossed on your plate or bowl, or the table.
This is for a similar reason to the above. I sometimes see chopsticks presented like this in food photos styled by non-Asians, and while I understand that it doesn't matter if your primary audience is not Asian, it still makes me cringe. If you must have chopsticks in your photo, keep them neatly together to stop your Asian viewers from wincing.
It's also not considered to be a very good form to cross the working ends of your chopsticks while eating, but that can't be avoided sometimes depending on your level of chopstick dexterity.
(See below under Level 3 for how to put your chopsticks down.)
Do not use one chopstick at a time, especially not to spear food.
Chopsticks are always used together as if they are attached to each other invisibly. Think of them as tweezers or tongs, not a pair of skewers.
Do not pass food from chopstick to chopstick.
This is verboten because, when a person dies and is cremated, their bones are passed from chopstick to chopstick as a part of the Buddhist funeral ritual. (I remember doing this when my grandfather died.) You should also not pick one piece of food with two pairs of chopsticks (held by two people).
Do not use unmatched chopsticks.
This not only looks funny, but it also is reminiscent of some funeral rites. (If you haven't gotten the message yet, basically anything connected to funerals or death is considered you know, unlucky.)
Do not leave your chopsticks in your mouth while you do something else with your hands, like pick up plates or bowls.
This is also rather dangerous, should you slip and land face-down.
Do not wash your chopsticks off in your soup or in your beverage.
Rinsing bits of food off your chopsticks in your soup, or worse yet your water or tea (!) is very icky and just not done.
Do not use your chopsticks as toys, or pretend they are drumsticks and pound the table with them, or stick them in your mouth and pretend you are a funny vampire or stick them up to your nose.
Well, just in case.
Do not use chopsticks as hair accessories
(As suggested by Yong) I know some chopsticks are very pretty. I know that you see photos of kimono-clad maiko-san in Kyoto with pretty chopstick-like sticks in their hair. They are not chopsticks. They are hair ornaments called kanzashi. Chopsticks are for food. You would look silly with a beautiful fork stuck in your hair, yes?
Chopstick etiquette level 2: The things that you shouldn't do
These rules may not get a gasp out of your fellow Japanese diners, but they may frown a bit.
Do not rub your waribashi together.
Waribashi (割り箸) are those wooden chopsticks that you need to break apart. Some people rub them together as a matter of course, but this is only even needed if the chopsticks are so cheap that they are splintery. Doing this with good quality waribashi indicates that you think they are cheap, and therefore is an insult. (You may already know this rule - it's the one that's cited the most. I see a lot of people still doing this though.)
Do not suck on your chopsticks.
Your chopsticks are supposed to delicately convey your food to your mouth. Sucking or nibbling on them is not very polite.
Do not spear your food, even with both chopsticks.
Spearing with one chopstick is really bad, but even with two together it's not considered very polite. Spearing food is bad, period.
Do not shovel food directly from your rice bowl into your mouth.
You are supposed to pick your rice bowl or your miso soup bowl up in one hand and eat with your chopsticks on the other hand. You can bring your soup bowl right up to your mouth and sip. However, you are not supposed to do the same with your rice bowl; you should pick up your rice in morsels (Japanese rice is sticky enough to allow this) and bring it up to your mouth, using the bowl judiciously to catch any drips.
As for other plates or bowls, those are never picked up. Pick the food up from them with your chopsticks, then if necessary put it in your rice bowl - but ideally, you should put it on a supplied plate of your own (a 取り皿, torizara, meaning 'plate to take things onto) or directly in your mouth. (Of course, there are exceptions to this rule, such as raw-egg rice.)
Do not take food from a communal plate with your own chopsticks.
If you are served family-style, don't use your own chopsticks if at all possible to pick up food directly from it. This is considered to be unsanitary. You should use the supplied serving utensils. If there are no serving utensils though, you should turn your chopsticks the other way and use the fat or unused ends to pick up the food. (Though I don't know about the sanitary-ness of touching the used business end of the chopsticks in your grubby hands...)
And since so many people asked, "What about shabushabu, sukiyaki, etc?: These are all informal meals that are meant to be shared with the family or group all dipping into the same pot. So of course, the rules are going to be more relaxed. Now if you are in a more formal meal situation, and there is, for example, a communal plate of sashimi or something, you should first watch what others are doing, but if in doubt, flip your chopsticks around.
(Let us put this into Western meal terms. Rules are different for a meal at TGIFriday's vs. a formal dinner. The rules in this and the last level are for more formal occasions. I hope that makes it clearer!)
If you are serving other people (not yourself) from a communal dish, the basic rule is to flip your chopsticks around unless you know that person very well.
Do not let your chopsticks wander around.
Hovering your chopsticks from food to food or dish to dish, while you ponder what you are going to pick up, is considered to be rather off-putting.
Don't point at people or things with your chopsticks.
This is considered to be somewhat ruder than pointing with one's fingers.
Chopstick etiquette level 3: True chopstick refinement
In reality, I see Japanese people doing these things all the time. But if you can manage to master these rules, you are a truly refined chopstick user.
If you are supplied with Hashi Oki (chopstick rests), use them.
Hashi-oki (箸置き)or chopstick rests are little ceramic objects that you are supposed to rest the ends of your chopsticks on when you put them down. If your place setting is supplied with them, use them instead of a plate or bowl when you put down your chopsticks. If you have waribashi, you can make a little impromptu chopstick rest out of the bag.
But if there are no chopstick rests, it's ok to put your chopsticks down on your bowl. Just be sure to keep them together, not crossed (see above).
Don't let liquids drip from your chopsticks.
Unsightly, and you could soil the table (or your clothes, etc.)
Don't stir your food around with your chopsticks.
This is considered to be rather insulting to the cook, not to mention...unsightly! If you are ever invited to a formal multicourse Japanese feast, you might want to remember this. On the other hand, if you are eating natto Gohan or something though it's different.
So there you have it. As I wrote at the top, in mind that these are Japanese etiquette rules; the rules may differ in other Asian countries.
If you grew up using chopsticks, how do they compared to the rules you were taught?
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sevanaoy · 5 years
Sevana. Call Quality Testing Solutions from Estonia
New Post has been published on https://sevana.biz/choosing-sip-vs-pri-what-are-the-differences/
Choosing SIP vs. PRI: What are the differences?
Read more…: Choosing SIP vs. PRI: What are the differences?
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mpdtechnologyblog · 7 years
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Hosted PBX vs. SIP Trunking —
Weighing Your Options
SIP trunking or hosted PBX? That is the VoIP implementation debate.
Both are viable approaches when looking for a VoIP solution, which is the only problem. It’s up to you to decide which makes the most sense for your business.
As is true for any business technology decision, it’s important to know both sides of the story—the pros and cons of SIP trunking and hosted PBX.
When Does SIP Trunking Make Sense for VoIP?
SIP trunking services act as a gateway so you can move your on-premise PBX to VoIP.
With SIP trunks, connecting on-premise equipment to an internet telephony service provider; you can replace legacy primary rate interfaces (PRI) or analog lines and enhance your current system with the typical VoIP features (automated attendant, voicemail, automatic call distribution, call transferring, and more).
Keeping your communications system on premise comes with a few distinct advantages as you transition to VoIP:
Call Quality Benefits: While many SIP trunking providers use public Internet for connectivity, you could potentially connect via a dedicated link for improved reliability and security.
Control Lies with Internal Staff: Rather than relying on a third-party to maintain your business communications, you can leave control in the hands of your trusted IT staff.
Support for Large Companies: SIP trunks are often priced according to the number of concurrent calls that can be made. If you’re staffing a massive call center, there’s predictability in deploying VoIP for so many users. 
Cost Savings Compared to Legacy Systems: Combining audio and video over the same data link and pooling phone lines across locations means you can save money as you scale VoIP services in a large business.
Even if these benefits seem valuable, you can’t plan a move to VoIP with SIP trunking if you don’t have a dedicated IT staff in house. You’ll need experienced  IT personnel to manage bandwidth demands and troubleshoot inevitable issues on premise.
Not only that, but SIP trunking comes with significant CapEx demands as you implement an on premise phone system with local hardware.. If those upfront costs are too much or a challenge to manage for your business, hosted PBX might be more appropriate.
When Should You Consider Hosted PBX?
Hosted PBX is a complete communications solution. Once the hosted PBX is connected to your PSTN, the service provider takes care of the management tasks that SIP trunking demands of internal staff.
 The benefits of hosted PBX include:
No Internal Expertise, No Problem: For many small & medium sized businesses, employing an experienced IT staff just isn’t possible. With hosted PBX, many processes such as adding or removing users can be taken care of from a simple web interface.
Focus Solely on OpEx: With hosted PBX, there’s no on-premise equipment to purchase. Saving on the upfront costs can help you budget for the ongoing subscription expenses of a hosted PBX provider. 
Simplified Scalability: Hosted PBX offers simple scalability (up or down) for virtually unlimited numbers of users.
Advanced VoIP Features: With hosted PBX, you have access to advanced features like video conferencing, CRM or Email integration, and mobile support depending on the vendor you choose.
As you look at these benefits, just keep in mind that the service is entirely reliant on your internet connection—if you haven’t invested in strong connectivity, the whole system could suffer.
Hosted PBX vs. SIP Trunking—It All Depends on Your Situation
It would be nice if there were a simple answer to the hosted PBX vs. SIP trunking debate. However, the reality is that both are viable options for companies of all sizes.
When in doubt, consider your internal IT staff—can they really handle the additional responsibility of supporting VoIP if it’s kept on premises?
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cloudogre · 7 years
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UCaaS vs PBX – The 5 reasons why UCaaS is in such high demand
It’s no secret that Unified Communications is on the rise. Avaya, a key PBX manufacturer who acquired Nortel Networks in recent years instead of developing a Hosted VoIP strategy, has filed for bankruptcy. The smarter hardware manufacturers like ShoreTel and MiTel have a strong cloud push. By 2020, UCaaS will account for over 40% of the market share and if you’d like to know more follow us on Twitter
 Besides it being a common ground for both IT and Accounting departments to agree upon, here are five reasons why UCaaS is being so widely adopted:
 1.     The functionality – The functionality of these UCaaS systems is hard to compare to anything in the market. Their use of APIs to tie in external applications is phenomenal. Their ease of use for compliance like HIPAA could not be easier. In fact, they assume the liability. Conferencing, messaging, faxing is all bundled in so well that some tech pundits say that email as we know it soon cease to exist… Much like POTS lines and PRIs. FYI – It’s all SIP in the core. See how RingCentral manages your HIPAA compliance
 2.     Reliability – If your premise based PBX fails for any reason – could be a power outage, lightning strike, product defect, or any other number of reasons – you are out of communication with your customers and co-workers. You have a single point of failure with a PBX. Replicating the type of redundancy that leading cloud based phone systems are already equipped with would cost you big time! It simply just works. Learn more about RingCentral's architecture
 3.     Scalability – Companies in growth mode don’t usually check their phone system to see if it can handle their growth. Whether you need more SIP trunks, POTS lines, a T1 card or more handsets. These problems are from the past. With today’s UCaaS you can immediately set up a new user or even a group with an auto-attendant and toll free in minutes. The handsets can come pre-configured so that they’re plug and play. See how ShoreTel was able to help this growing non-profit
 4.     Distributed work force - Connecting multiple sites or distributed is workforces are easier than ever. Connectivity can securely go over the internet since the most reputable UCaaS providers use encryption. QoS is not an issue since today’s office is bandwidth rich and so is the user, virtually walking around with a back-up connection in their pocket by way of smart phone. Mitel World Cloud helps empower distributed workforces
 5.     CapEx vs OpEx is a lie! The old argument that the purchase of a PBX is a less expensive model is no longer true because bandwidth is readily available on the cheap. Furthermore, how you get your phone lines or dial tone has changed completely. Combine that with the fact that cloud based phone companies have made drastic improvements their infrastructure to support this change and the shift to mobile, old hardware vendors have a hard time competing. There are no more maintenance agreements, vendors for moves adds & changes, or fluctuating monthly bills due to usage…. It’s all built in. Click here to see how to calculate the TCO for your phones
 These 5 factors make UCaaS a no brainer for anyone who has to administer or pay for their company’s communications.  It is easy to use and easy to account for on a monthly and/or per user basis. Follow us on LinkedIn to keep up on the latest in UCaaS.
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originalvirtualpbx · 6 years
In our series of blogs, What You Need To Know, we cover all topics concerning the telecommunications landscape and today it's all about SIP Trunking vs PRI. https://buff.ly/2uQRbRP
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