#sir morrick
mable-stitchpunk · 5 months
Were the kingdoms in AFE/AFGC based on any country or culture? Or were they more generic medieval european fantasy
Actually, yes! But they were kept a little on the vague side as well, with some taking inspiration from more than one country and others a little more fantasy than reality.
Acalathoy itself was based off of Germany- specifically the portions of the country that are marshy or wetlands. Some of the buildings are loosely described to resemble medieval German dwellings and the country itself, Durchnässt, is German for 'wet' or 'soaked'.
Olaylark, in contrast, was sort of to have it be the idealized sort of fantasy kingdom, if you get my drift. It's full of passages and pretty architecture, but is somewhat detached from its own location. Olaylark is secluded within its walls while Acalathoy is at the mercy of its heartland. XD
That being said, Olaylark was framed to be in an area that is on the edge of a ocean like the Mediterranean. Filomena herself was an ethnicity that was stylized to match- being based off of Greek, but not given a name as, you know, Greece doesn't exist there.
Though the one that took the most inspiration was Perlosophes, the City of Mages. Despite the name, Perlosophes was built with a mixture of ancient Persia and Babylon (specifically the ancient wonder the Babylon Gardens) in mind. Especially the Babylon Gardens, really. There's been plenty of debate on if they really existed but the idea about them always fascinated me.
But that being said again, I didn't make the culture to similar to real life. Largely because I didn't want to end up portraying a culture I do not fully understand in a questionable way. So, the locations are more inspired by those real-life locals, but the actual locations themselves were more fantasy oriented.
One of the things I thought was kinda cool was that the word magus can mean sorcerer OR a member of a caste in ancient Persia. You better believe I pounced on that!
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marisol-000 · 2 years
Just occured to me I never shared my Fools Endeavor Modern Au
The king and queen (instead of being king and queen) are famous rich people.
The king is a big buissnessman. And the Queen was a beloved celeberty.
The king is busy with work all the time, so after the queen died he hired Vivianne a babysitter, Lure.
Elia is her live-in maid, but is getting on in years and can't keep up with a child as young as her.
Lure takes her places and plays with her, sometimes let's her try his skateboard.
Morrick is a bodyguard whos just been stationed with the princess. And is all uptight about her safety. (He means well and all but bike riding and fast food wont kill her)
Coffcord is her doctor and Basalm is his nurse. Baslam and Lure are friends :).
Yves is a avian veteran in the same building as them.
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neverfearforiamhere · 2 years
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Here’s a scene from @mable-stitchpunk’s book, A Fool’s Golden Cage! Augh, I love the book so much, I love this scene so much, and I love how it turned out!!
Time: 17:35
If you haven’t read the book yet, PLEASE GO AND DO SO!! It’s the sequel to A Fool’s Endeavor. My god, it’s so golden.
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Here’s a solo shot of the background. I poured my heart and soul into it!!
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mable-stitchpunk · 2 years
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Guess what, everyone? A Fool’s Golden Cage is out now! You can get it here:
Paperback version is being processed and should be up a little later or tomorrow at latest. That’s Amazon’s decision. XD 
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mable-stitchpunk · 2 years
A Fool's Endeavor is now $2.99!
After much deliberation, I have decided that it is time to give A Fool's Endeavor a much needed price cut. Now you can get the book for only $2.99! (Which is the cheapest Amazon will allow me to set.)
So, if you've been holding back on the book, now might be your time to snatch it up!
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marisol-000 · 2 years
Ive quickly traded royal au in for Swap!
Welcome Jester Vivianne!
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Spoilers for A Fools Endeavor by @mable-stitchpunk ! ! !
Things go mostly the same as the book, the queen has Lure, then dies in childbirth with Vivianne.
Elia knows the truth and tells Lure, they find a way to hide the baby girl while the king is distracted with greif.
Lure does prince stuff and studying but makes sure to make time for Vivianne when he can, playing with her and teaching her things.
When the kingdom is attacked Lure hides her in the chest again.
The guards grab him and leave, not caring to look for a jester once they have the prince.
The next day the castle is empty so she goes to coffcords house, the only place she knows outside the castle.
She packs her little backpack and declares shes going to rescue the Prince.
Coffcord's like 'yeah sure you are, basalm go keep an eye on her please'.
He expects them to walk around the neighborhood for a bit them come back.
Unfortunately Basalm MASSIVELY misinterpets 'go keep an eye on her' and they set off on the journey to Olalylark.
On the way they find the camp and Viviannes like !! We made it to Olaylark!
And Basalm has to be like 'uhhh not quite'
They pick up Morrick, who is utterly confused so as to why this little girl and a guy she doesnt know are trying to rescue the kidnapped Prince.
Baslam's like 'no its ok Coffcord said we could'
And Morricks like 'damn, who am I to argue with the head alchemist I guess' and goes with them.
Various shenanagins of Vivianne walking directly into danger and the two adults desperately trying to save this 8 yr old girl from immenant death every five minutes.
Morrick and Basalm are woefully unprepared to be babysitters😆
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Yves wondering why two grown men in the middle of the woods are taking orders from a miniature clown
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Anyway they get to Olaylark and Lure is NOT the sweet older brother figure Vivianne has been describing, but an absolute *nuisance* and is litterally gagged in the middle of the courtroom and still making a mess.
Uhhhhh they save him
Morrick has 0 tollerance for his bullshit and they immediately start their old married couples bickering.
The journey back is eventful and it is very easy to see where Vivianne gets her chaotic whirlwind nature from.
They make it back home and Cofcord almost kills them all himself.
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neverfearforiamhere · 2 years
Very sketchy and was just for practice, but look at it!! Look at the shading! Augh I’m very happy with this one
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Lure and Morrick will always be the ultimate couple. I love them so much. They’re perfect. I NEED TO DO MORE!!
A Fool’s Fables by @mable-stitchpunk
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marisol-000 · 2 years
Got grounded for a sec but the next au is Hannah Montana
Where Lure is a prince by day and jester by night
Vivianne and Elia know, and they all have to keep it a secret from the king
At one point he almost gets caught be morrick, a castle knight, and has to make a hasty escape
From them on they have a grudge enemy to flirting enemies dynamic
Morrick gets moved to the courtroom to gaurd the royal family and Prince Lure has to be like oh fuck keep it cool he doesnt know he doesnt know
Prince lure is all stiff and 'hates jokes' or whatever
Morrick is like jester you should be more like the prince and lure is like dkiehsvfkdon
Eventually J lure and Morrick get closer and Morrick loosens up and tells jokes more
Plot things happen or whatever idc
One day Morrick says something under his breath and make P lure laugh
The thing about Lure is that it's a jester name, and Vivianne is a princess name,
I feel like if he was originally intended to be a prince he'd be like Ferdinand or something
Lure is his drag persona👀
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neverfearforiamhere · 2 years
Yes. Yes, I am still hyperfixated on AFGC. No, I will not apologize. TAKE ANOTHER MASTERPIECE!
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I’ve finally officially done a drawing of Morrick now! I’ve done some sketches and drawn him in the animatic, but never like this! Huzzah!
And would you just look at that background?!
Entering Depthlull Forest… watch for… traps(?)
Oh yes, and writing that sign got me obsessed with writing in Old English. It’s very fancy.
Time: 14:35
Just in case anyone stumbles upon this without knowing, my typical disclaimer. Jester Lure and his book series is written by the ever wonderful @mable-stitchpunk and if you haven’t read it… well… GO READ IT!! A Fool’s Endeavor just received a price cut on Amazon and it’s now the lowest price you can EVER buy it at!! Now is your chance!
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neverfearforiamhere · 3 years
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I tend to really just post finished works here, but I tend to love my sketches a lot. Sometimes more than the finished piece! Not sure if I’ll do more work on this, it’s mostly just a character ref/ study sheet. I’m thinking Yves might look too feminine? Maybe he needs to bulk up a bit. The rats keep eating his food!
Characters from A Fool’s Endeavor (A Fool’s Fables!!) by @mable-stitchpunk
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mable-stitchpunk · 2 years
Did Sir Morrick see Jester Lure around the castle or in the Great Hall or anything before the events of A Fool’s Endeavor?
Probably once or twice, but Morrick- or at least Morrick then- strikes me as the type to purposefully ignore distractions to focus on his current task. If he was in the same area Lure was, likely some of the royal family was also nearby, meaning he needed to be alert.
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mable-stitchpunk · 2 years
How often to Morrick and Lure find private time to skip away and spend together?
Daily, but the amount of time they get depends on the day and what else they're expected to do during it. Many days they don't get private time together until evening hours, after Vivianne is put to bed.
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neverfearforiamhere · 3 years
Ahhhh yes, another spoilery post! Just click back the ‘keep reading’ to see these masterpieces! Please, appreciate them all. I’m trying to branch out practicing with my posing!
A Fool’s Endeavor by @mable-stitchpunk
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Also, I FINALLY remembered Morrick’s chin scar. I kept telling myself ‘don’t forget his scar!’ when beginning the sketch, and then only remembering again AFTER I post it. Oops
AND SEARLE!! Yves isn’t annoyed at him there, I see it looks that way, I’m sorry XD But I think he turned out cute!
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mable-stitchpunk · 3 years
how buff is Morrick?
Pretty buff, considering that he fills a position where he has to carry around a heavy sword and occasionally wear layers of armor.
Not to mention that Morrick himself is pretty focused on keeping himself in prime physical condition. Sure, the job involves heavy equipment, but he's not expected to perform hard labor daily. If he slacked he could fall out of shape... but this is Morrick we're talking about. He has a constant drive to constantly be working on something, and if it's not external then it's himself.
That also being said, he's not bodybuilder buff or anything. XD He's not lifting weights in the dungeon on the weekends.
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mable-stitchpunk · 3 years
Ever going to try your hand at a romance that isn't a slow burn?
Sort of? In the sense that I have done faster progressing romances than are shown in CGHA and AFLH.
I'd say the fastest example being A Fool's Endeavor with Jester Lure and Sir Morrick. The two meet in chapter two with a very tentative union, become closer throughout the book, and by the end they're in a romantic relationship.
If we're talking fanfiction alone, then perhaps Within Reach? I'm only on chapter thirteen now and while the main leads, Abe and Vesper, aren't yet in a relationship, it's pretty clear that there's an attraction between them.
In CGHA, the slow burn was absolutely required. Not just because the characters needed that time to bond, and to show why they would want to be together, but to convince the audience. I've gotten more than a few reviews and comments where readers said they were unsure about the romance, but either warmed up to it or decided to stick around despite it, only to warm up to it in time.
I like writing my romance like I write my plot twists and intense emotional moments- making sure I have a firm grip on the bat before I take a swing. XD
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mable-stitchpunk · 3 years
Bet? How many times can Mari twist one leg around(like when you're twisting closed a bag of bread)? Or, who of the Jester squad has the bushiest eyebrows? One more, would Ryce mind being booped on the nose?
I don't think he can. XD Like, he's pretty flexible, but I feel like that might break the laws of endoskeletons.
Huh, I never thought about that... Maybe Morrick, because he has such strong features? But maybe Filomena- if she counts. She has thick, dark eyebrows, but I can't mentally picture if they'd be bigger than everyone else's. XD
Depends on who does it and how hard. He's not too sensitive, but there's a difference between a gentle poke or Alf "accidentally" slapping him across the face while reaching for something. XD
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