#sir why does MY heart cry whenever i watch you?
cerealbishh · 8 months
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Why does my heart cry? Feelings I can't fight!
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unsleepingtales · 1 year
Mentopolis Ep 3! We have life things so this is late but we press on
Freddie said the whole thing!
Just a damp damp man 😐
Once again. We need Stacy Fakename merch pls.
I love the wonkaness of Gobstopper Industries
The heart being the Boston to the brain’s New York is interesting
Phrenology lmao
I slap him. I kiss him.
Hunch keeping so much stuff in his pants is such a Choice
I really think it’s a phone buzzing and not a sexy thing because Elias is so convinced he doesn’t deserve pleasure that I don’t he would do that
If not ___, ___? is such a great sequence I’m gonna rewatch that several times probably
Turn yourself in to who???
Every part of the brain can notice conscience but pleasure. Sometimes the dice do really cool things.
The Fix being vaguely southern always cracks me up
Conrad not wanting to say fucks aw
He’s the only one who can DRIVE
Hank why
Ooh yay psychometer info
This thing could alter thoughts. Ok.
I love lengthy lore drops. I love them so much.
That wave is designed to create impulses maybe?
The editing is simultaneously really cool and gonna give me a headache
This thing erases color from the mind? Does it erase memory?
This boiling down to ‘has the government been corrupted by external capitalist forces or was the already corrupt government merely enabled by this capitalist presence’ is incredibly interesting
Cool! Very convenient!
OH the reflexive switchboard yay
F for freezer!
Hunch why do you wanna see Anastasia’s apartment
Trapp is so great I don’t think I’ve appreciated him enough
I think killing the conscience will probably not save the life of someone who has been thrown out of a window
Hank what
“It’s about what happens when you’re the next age” I’m gonna cry?
Babe what
(a ballad of balls on tracks)
Oooh does the Fucks family also have keys
(everyone getting a kick out of the foot fetish joke)
Hank jostling Freddie because he’s so delighted <3
Splitting the partyyyyyy
fLiGhT 😉
Uncle Hunch and Uncle Fucks 🥲
So many hats!
Imelda Pulse supportive cousin of the year <3
The cops. Great.
Something that ladies wear … …
Imelda Pulse coat rack of the year <3
Oh nooo
She’s just sooo estranged from her faaaamily she doesn’t know her cousiiiins
The commitment Siobhan has keeping her arms like that for the whole scene
The Police 😐
Incredible sneak skills
Threw a robe over her trench coat I’m dead
Yeah a newspaperwoman would have to get pretty good at lying lol
Iconic trio
Why is he the only one who can drive 😭
He really just lives to make people uncomfortable
Oooh d20 explosion
Why does he drive like that
Put that tongue back in your mouth SIR.
(group trying to hold back laughter to keep it tense…)
(and failing)
The word fight is losing all meaning
I was gonna say Gilear energy but he’s honestly more confident than Gilear.
Self doubt is so strong and dominance is so weak.
I feel like dominance being weak is a trick tho. It feels too simple.
Also. Self Doubt isn’t even a pun of any kind his name is just straight up his job.
I just was busy.
Why is fight russian
Conrad is so sassy today
The fuck just happened
The poor Fakename family
Box of Doom!!
The one thing that always bugs me is the box is never level and I don’t know if that affects how the die rolls
What a power
How are the fakenames even a family. What concept are they.
Dice are cool
One of those inflatable clowns that are weighted at the bottom so they bounce up whenever you hit them
(the crowd goes wild for Stacy Fakename)
I love character feats!
Flight was in control when Elias got hurt. Interesting.
I love how Hunch just has cartoon logic
I also forget that I’m playing and not just watching a story sometimes
You like my facts right?
Oh god
Hank leaning into being intimidating is so good to watch
Man. Okay.
Oh that’s so cool. Focusing on breathing lowers the pressure. That’s so good.
What are you close to achieving
That’s SO fucked up
Who are you
Is this fucking adderall or something
Probably the psychometer. But it would be an interesting take for it to be meds lol.
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meowzfordayz · 2 years
to be loved by — izuku
Author’s Note: Boyfriend!Izuku bc he makes my heart go 💥💥💥 aka my brainrot for him’s overflowing. 😂☺️ *insert throbbing heart here* 😭💓 DON’T MIND ME IGNORING MY ♾ WIPS!
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to be loved by — izuku
Midoriya Izuku x Reader
Word Count: ~2,000
CW: explicit language, mild sexual content
Boyfriend!Izuku who makes a mental note of how you fold your clothes, and where you put them away, so he can do the laundry properly
“Why is the hamper empty, and where are my clothes?” you raise an eyebrow, slightly concerned, albeit mostly curious. “Check your drawers!” he beams expectantly, not even blinking, hands sweaty, “And the closet!”
This man gets an 11/10 on laundry duty 😌
Boyfriend!Izuku who delicately undresses you to whatever degree you prefer if/when you fall asleep fully clothed
Boyfriend!Izuku who (if you ever work a food service job) comes in toward the end of your shift to drive/walk you home, and immediately locates the nearest broom so he can help
Does he use One For All to make it go faster? Does he ?? He does ????? Duh
“I’d feel awful just sitting and staring!” eyes narrowing, “And don’t you dare try to split your tips with me!”
Boyfriend!Izuku who encourages you to get dressed up, no matter the occasion, bc turns out he really does listen whenever you lament over all the nicer clothes you own, but never get the chance to wear
Boyfriend!Izuku who’s the reason you’re usually late to aforementioned occasions: did you truly believe you could get dressed up w/o him needing wanting to take a bajillion photos of you ?????
Boyfriend!Izuku who makes an effort to swing by your favorite bakery ~once a week to surprise you w/ a slice of pie for dessert-before-dinner
He’s never offended if you’re not in the mood for it right then and there, but, “No worries baby! It’s the thought that counts.”
He may or may not eat a lot of pie, as a result
He also may or may not get a lot of pie for free #adorable broccoli perks #you mean to tell me you wouldn’t give him free pie if you got to ring him up ??
Dw tho! He tips generously to compensate 😅
Boyfriend!Izuku who makes sure your pencils—graphite and colored—are always sharpened (if you use mechanical pencils and/or pens, then you somehow never run out of refills/ink)
You’ve yet to catch him in the act, btw
Boyfriend!Izuku who babies you a lot tad when you’re sick
I adamantly disagree w/ the hc of him being a neglectful partner. 💔 Yes he has ambition, discipline, and goals and tunnel vision regarding those goals, and yes he gradually learns how to balance being a Hero and a lover. 💞 Is he perfect? Ofc not! Is he fucking clueless alrightalright he’s a lil clueless lol about how to cherish those closest to him? N O P E !!!!!
✨end tangent✨
Boyfriend!Izuku who: cooks soup from scratch, concocts freshly chopped ginger + freshly squeezed lemon + freshly harvested honey (jk lmao the honey’s from a bottle) tea, tells his primary sidekick he’s unavailable to work for the day For personal reasons, please only contact me IF AND ONLY IF there is an emergency DEKU? SIR? Oops heh nothing major! My partner’s feeling unwell Sir… WHICH IS A VERY SERIOUS MATTER, and does basically whatever the fuck you feel like doing
Binge your newest obsession until his vision blurs? ✅
Play Monopoly until he feels like crying? ✅
Massage your feet until his fingers cramp? ✅
Watch you bathe until he swears you’ve turned into a prune? ✅
Read aloud to you until every sip of water in the world wouldn’t be enough to save his voice? ✅
Boyfriend!Izuku who’s lowkey relieved that you typically just request cuddles, and then pass tf out halfway through the movie that he got to pick
“I don’t care, Izu. S’more for you than me,” you mumble, cheek warm as you nuzzle into the dip between his shoulder and chest. “You know I’m never bored simply snuggling with you, right?” he murmurs softly, lips tender as they graze your hair, bicep flexed protectively, happily, around your waist, palm snug on your hipbone. “Mmm, but just in case,” you protest sleepily, thumb tucked securely into the hem of his shirt, “Your tummy’s cozy.” Ears pink, abs flexing subconsciously teehee, he kisses your hair again—firmly this time—palm shifting briefly to your stomach, “Yours is too,” patting lightly, “The coziest.”
Boyfriend!Izuku who chops various veggies to pair with hummus and other dips, bc if it gets you to mindlessly munch aka remember to eat, then it’s worth the extra effort on his end
Boyfriend!Izuku who has to put your # on Do Not Disturb while he’s out w/ his mom and/or friends, bc he’ll remain glued to his phone otherwise 
You do your best to avoid texting him if you know he’s busy, but sometimes he forgets to tell you his plans
Boyfriend!Izuku who’s significantly less reckless nowadays, bc I promise to come home to you Forever? For as long as you’ll have me
Hold up
I made myself emotional typing that last sentence 😭
Boyfriend!Izuku who appreciates how you rarely berate him if and when he does acquire injuries on the job
You’re not mad? Why would I be mad? I got hurt I stubbed my toe yesterday Baby… a stubbed toe isn’t the same as a broken arm and a lacerated thigh Are you mad at me for stubbing my toe? No? And I’m not mad at you for being thrown into a building They’re still not nearly the same?! Shh Izu, no need to think so hard *head pats*
Boyfriend!Izuku who turns off the light bc he’s already bundled you up for the night
Don’t bother attempting to beat him to it in the warmer months — he’ll just use One For All
Boyfriend!Izuku who’s written sooooo many notebooks worth of info about you (in the least creepy way possible)
He’s got tutorials for maneuvering your plethora of moods (Note to self! Do NOT pull out tutorial for JUST WOKE UP as soon as they wake up), doodles of you ranging from Not Too Shabby to You Should Be Insulted That It’s Supposed To Be A Doodle Of You, lists upon lists upon lists of your Likes and Dislikes, and exactly 1 pg (the last pg) that’s yours to write in
He never reads what you’ve written until he actually reaches that last pg, and he always cries when he inevitably gets there (and reads it)
Has he almost ruined a couple notebooks w/ his waterworks?
[✅] Yes [ ] No
Boyfriend!Izuku who has your cafe order memorized (if you like to switch it up, then you order, but he pays for it)
In return, you regularly prepare katsudon for his work lunches
Boyfriend!Izuku who casually holds your hand under the pretense of being cute, and then refuses to give it back bc he misses you
“Izu? I, uh, am trying to work?” you pull at his steady grip, unimpressed glint in your stare. “And I’m holding your hand?” he smiles widely, stubborn divot creasing his chin as he squeezes fondly, “You have a very nice hand!” Snorting quietly, you nod toward your desk, tone stern, “How about you hold my hand in… an hour or so?” Mouth twitching in defeat, he relinquishes your hand… and then promptly sits on the floor beside you, scarred biceps hugging just below your knee as he pouts upward at you, “I’m not moving.”
Boyfriend!Izuku who, if you’re not a green thumb, waters your plants: “Izu! My plant! This might be a new record!” you squeal, “Can you believe I bought it half a year ago?” Whooping with delight, he pecks your earlobe, dutifully admiring your plant’s waxy, healthy leaves, “I’m so proud of me you baby!”
Boyfriend!Izuku who, if you are a green thumb, buys you plants
He has a notebook, whether you are or aren’t a green thumb, for describing and naming your plants—like the Plants vs Zombies Almanac—from their D.O.P. (date of purchase) to their ups and downs, and their D.O.D. (date of death)
If you aren’t a green thumb, then he has an entirely separate notebook dedicated to their obituaries
Boyfriend!Izuku who cuts the tops off strawberries for you (I hced this for Tokito Muichiro in bff, but it’s so sweet that I had to hc it for Izuku too 🥺)
Boyfriend!Izuku who’s grateful that you ask for his opinion(s), but knows deep down that if you show even the barest inkling of a preference, then he’s highly likely to go w/ it
Boyfriend!Izuku who lets you choose your seat on the plane (you generally end up snoozing w/ your head on his shoulder anyway, so it’s a win <window>, win <middle>, win <aisle> situation)
Boyfriend!Izuku who accidentally-on-purpose becomes a hoarder bc he keeps everything you gift him
It was quite an emotional evening for him when you finally went through his ~collection together and tossed/recycled some of it
Boyfriend!Izuku who sends you funny memes first—before sending them to anyone else—bc it’s okay if he gets distracted and forgets to send them to Iida, Uraraka, or Bakugo, but gosh forbid he forget to send them to you 😤
Boyfriend!Izuku who informs you when he’s going to take a shit, bc he doesn’t want you to worry about him disappearing for so long
Boyfriend!Izuku who swaps meals w/ you in an instant if you side eye/drool over his choice more than your own
He genuinely enjoys most foods, so don’t feel too badly about his sacrifice!
Boyfriend!Izuku who highkey likes being teased about how whipped he is for you, bc he’s oftentimes anxious that his devotion to you isn’t as obvious as he thinks it should be (bc yanno, #tunnel vision regarding his Hero goals), so the fact that friends and randos notice how head over heels he is for you ?????
That’s a win in his (note)book(s)! 🏆
Boyfriend!Izuku who, through trial and error and COMMUNICATION, figures out his boundaries
Sure he’s whipped 😍, but you never (intentionally) walk over him either 👍
Boyfriend!Izuku who brings along an additional hoodie anytime you go out, bc he LOVES the glint in your eyes when you bury your nose in its collar (near the drawstring holes is where his scent’s the strongest)
“Izu? I brought a jacket.” “But baby, mine’s better.” 
Idk about you, but I wouldn’t argue w/ him *puts on his hoodie* *contented noises* 🥰
Boyfriend!Izuku who wears anything you buy him
Do you abuse your power? 👀 Ik I would… at least a lil 😇
Boyfriend!Izuku who belts karaoke w/ you bc if you’re giggling and having a good time, then he’s laughing and having a great time
Boyfriend!Izuku who dances in the kitchen w/ you while waiting for water to boil, popcorn to pop, and dinner to burn onions to caramelize
“Oops?” he grimaces, lid lifted off the smoking pot #pun intended, “I guess we get another dance session!”
If you don’t want to burn the second dinner, then you’d best set a timer
Boyfriend!Izuku who isn’t whipped; he’s in love
Boyfriend!Izuku who doesn’t give a damn what, who, where, when, why, or how it’s labeled
If it means he gets to wax poetry about your sneezes outshining the stars; your kindness aching his heart; your touch redefining secret language
If it means he gets to call you at 1am, rasp in his soul as he whispers You complete me heart in his throat as you respond Midoriya Izuku, you’ve always been whole soothing fullness in his belly as he revises his initial statement Thank you gentle tingling across his scars as you promise You’re always welcome
He knows this to be true
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caitimetravels · 3 years
she’s insignificant
chapter 3: the dangers inside
the umbrella academy x reader
disclaimer: i do not own the plot/storyline of the netflix tv series and i do not own the umbrella academy characters.
warnings: swearing, mentions of death
y/n stared at the blue energy in the courtyard before deciding to join her siblings as they rushed to see what it was. as she ran down the stairs she caught sight of klaus holding a fire extinguisher.
"what are you doing?" she caught up with him.
"something" he shrugged, bursting out the door first. "out of the way!"
"thats not going to- klaus what the hell?" y/n went to stop him only to watch as he tried to extinguish the mass of energy. she shook her head in disbelief, stepping beside vanya.
klaus chucked the extinguisher when he realised it wouldn't work.
"what is that gonna do?" allison shouted over the loud noise. klaus threw his hands up.
"i don't know. do you have a better idea?" he stepped back in surprise as another flash came from the portal. luther pulled klaus back.
"everyone get behind me!" and in true sibling rivalry diego nodded, shielding vanya and y/n.
"yeah, get behind us!"
they watched, brows furrowing at the familiar figure that dropped to the ground. as they stepped closer the vortex disappeared.
"is that-?" y/n looked up at vanya, peeking around diego to see.
there, in a too large sized suit, stood their missing brother. he pushed himself to his feet taking in their appearance.
"does anyone else see little number five is that just me?" klaus questioned as they walked closer. the said boy stared down at himself in confusion before looking back at them.
"shit" he cursed.
they all moved back into the kitchen, letting five do as he pleased while he explained what he needed to.
he placed a chopping board and knife on the table while the others stood at the other end. y/n stood off to the corner, not entirely comfortable with them after being accused of murder. "what's the date? the exact date"
five walked around, grabbing bread to make himself a sandwich. vanya answered, "the 24th"
"of what?" five pushed walking back over.
"good" he pulled out two pieces of bread, laying them on the chopping board.
"so, are we going to talk about what just happened?" luther raised an eyebrow, expectantly but five stayed silent. "its been 17 years!" luther stood, frustrated but five wasn't taking any of his bullshit.
"it's been a lot longer than that" the shorter boy walked towards him before blinking behind him to grab the marshmallows. luther sighed,
"i haven't missed that"
"where'd you go?" diego piped up, unfazed.
"the future" five sighed, "and it's shit by the way" he opened up the bag of marshmallows.
"called it!" klaus raised his finger.
"do you want one?" five looked up at y/n, referring to the sandwich, a soft gleam in his eyes. the others shared a look, of course he had only missed her. she gently shook her head with a small smile. "i should have listened to the old man" five walked to the fridge, pulling out a jar. "he knew. travelling through space is one thing, travelling through time is a toss of the dice"
he paused as he opened the peanut butter, looking up at them again before noticing klaus' attire. "nice dress"
"oh, danke" klaus twirled loose material around. allison rolled her eyes.
"how did you get back?"
"in the end i had to project my consciousness forward into a suspended quantum state version of myself that exists across every possible instance of time" he continued making his sandwich like he hadn't just shocked them.
"that makes no sense" diego scoffed,
"well, it would if you were smarter" five shrugged, ignoring the way diego stood up to fight him. luther held him back.
"did you put a decimal point in the wrong spot?" y/n asked, surprising the others. she crossed her arms, thinking "it was probably a miscalculation in your proof of the existence of a bound for the number of limit cycles of planar polynomial vector fields of fixed degree."
five paused, thinking it over before realising she was right. "it should have been 0.57" he mumbled.
"how long were you there?" luther changed the subject, obviously confused.
"45 years" five went back to his sandwich making. "give or take"
everyone sat back down in shock.
"so what are you saying? that you're 58?!" luther narrowed his eyes in disbelief. there was no way.
"no" five looked up, speaking through gritted teeth. "my consciousness is 58. apparently my body is now 16 again"
"how does that even work?" vanya croaked out, still shocked at the situation.
"delores kept saying the equations were off" five shrugged, stepping away and looking off into the distance as he took a bite of his sandwich. "bet she's laughing now"
"delores?" vanya asked. y/n froze, he had kept her? at the girl's movement, or lack thereof, allison looked over at her, raising her eyebrows.
y/n shook her head, waving it off.
five picked up the newspaper on the table, staring at the picture of their father.
"hm.. guess i missed the funeral"
"how'd you know about that?" luther questioned, defensive.
"what part of the future do you not understand?" five narrowed his eyes, slightly amused by his brothers incompetence. "heart failure, huh?"
"yeah-" diego started only to be cut off by luther.
"no" there was silence for a moment before a kitchen knife stabbed into the table beside luther's hand.
"if i had murderous intent, luther, you'd be the first on my list" y/n scoffed, walking out.
they all stared after her in shock.
"nice to see nothing's changed" five sighed before following her out.
"thats it?" allison asked, turning towards him as he walked. "thats all you have to say?"
"what else is there to say? circle of life" he called back.
vanya walked up to five in the parlour where he stood staring at his painting.
"nice to know dad didn't forget me" five turned to her, "read your book by the way.. found it in the library that was still standing"
he started to walk around, noticing y/n sitting on the balcony above. she had her legs dangling through the bars, calmly reading a book. he turned back to vanya.
"thought it was pretty good, all things considered" he stared her down, "definitely ballsy, giving up the family secrets. sure that went over well"
"they hate me" vanya frowned,
"well there are worse things that can happen" five was obviously trying to cheer her up, in his own way.
"you mean like what happened to ben?" there was a pause, both thinking it over.
"was it bad?" five asked softly, he knew y/n was still listening. he heard the faint sound of a book shutting. he looked away as vanya nodded.
"y/n had a hard time dealing with it.. the worst of all of us. dad forbid her from going on missions after her reaction.."
"her reaction?" five turned back, eyebrows furrowing, this wasn't in vanya's book.
"she nearly tore our souls out.. she was devastated and couldn't control her emotions. dad said it helped her though, something about a new ability. he trained her alone from then, forcing her to find you" vanya shrugged, sighing, going silent.
"find me?" five pushed, "what do you mean find me?"
"she said she did.. did she not?" vanya looked surprised now.
"no, no she did.. just didn't stay long is all" five shook his head, frowning.
"yeah well, they stopped trying when she lied to dad"
"she lied?" five looked back up at where she was previously sitting but now she was gone, the only thing left behind was her book and a wisp of smoke.
"ben.. i'm- i'm scared" eight sat cross legged in front of his statue. "my powers are getting stronger and i'm scared to hurt the others. i wish you were still here" she refused to cry no matter how much she wanted to. she couldn't let the same thing happen.
"i'm scared ben. what if i can't control it? what if hurt somebody? you're not here to help me and i-.. it hurts sometimes. dad doesn't understand, he never did but it hurts to suppress my emotions like he wants me to. we try so hard and he still never thinks we're enough.." she paused, pulling her knees up to her chest. "what if i am weak? what if he's right?"
unbeknownst to her ben's ghost sat beside her. "you're not weak" he shook his head, moving to look at her face. "you'll never be weak, you're so strong. please keep being strong for me" he pleaded with her as she continued to blame herself. he hated this. he hated not being there for her. he just wanted her to be okay.
y/n walked beside five, standing under his umbrella with him. they didn't speak as they walked back out into the courtyard. the siblings all stood in line with luther in front of them, carrying their dad's ashes.
"did something happen?" grace looked at them all, smiling despite the occasion. they all looked up at her.
"dad died.." allison answered, confused. "remember?"
"oh, yes of course" grace nodded, expression turning more somber.
"is mom okay?" allison asked, now worried about how grace was acting.
"yeah, yeah she's fine" diego quickly defended, "she just needs to rest, you know, recharge" allison looked incredulous but dropped it nonetheless.
pogo stepped forwards, looking up at luther. "whenever you're ready, dear boy"
luther breathed out, opening the lid and dropping the ashes in a pitiful pile. they all frowned.
"probably would have been better with some wind" luther griped,
"does anyone wish to speak?" pogo ignored it, looking at the rest of them. everyone stayed silent, looking away. "very well.. in all regards, sir reginald hargreeves made me what i am today, for that alone i shall forever be in his debt. he was my master and my friend and i shall miss him very much.." he paused, "he leaves behind a complicated legacy-"
"he was a monster" diego cut off, still staring down at the ashes. klaus laughed. "he was bad person and a worse father. the world's better off without him-"
"diego" allison scolded, glaring at him in surprise.
"my name is number two. you know why?" he looked over at her. "because our father couldn't be bothered to give us actual names, he had mom do it"
"would anyone like something to eat?" grace asked, smiling again, unaware of what was happening.
"no, its okay mom" vanya denied, albeit confused.
"oh, okay"
"look, you wanna pay your respects" diego stepped out in front of them, "go head, but at least be honest about the kind of man he was" he looked at pogo now.
"you should stop talking now" luther warned, anger growing. diego glared at him for a moment before fully turning to face him.
"you know, you of all people should be on my side here, number one"
"i am warning you-" diego ignored him,
"after everything he did to you" y/n sighed, crossing her arms to her chest, fighting wasn't going to fix any of them. klaus and five shared a look. "he had to ship you a million miles away"
"diego stop talking-" luther tried again. diego was definitely hitting a nerve. he jabbed a finger into luther's chest.
"that's how much he couldn't stand the sight of you!" luther grabbed his arm and swung at his head. diego ducked. they begun fighting while everyone else backed away.
"boys! stop this at once!" pogo attempted to stop them, moving back despite this.
klaus held an arm out to shield five and y/n. the former slapped it away. they continued to fight, diego egging him on and landing several punches. klaus began to chant while vanya yelled at them to stop.
"klaus" y/n warned, gaining both his and five's attention. her eyes were turning black, she was struggling.
"y/n? are you okay?" five hadn't been there, he didn't know what she would do if she lost control. pogo walked away, not wanting to stay. klaus nervously watched y/n while the others watched luther and diego fight.
"i don't have time for this" five sighed, beginning to walk away, leaving y/n with klaus under his small pink umbrella.
that was when it happened. y/n froze as they knocked ben's statue.
"aw" klaus complained while allison glared at them.
"and there goes ben's statue"
"klaus?" y/n's voice scared them all. she sounded weak. she gripped his jacket, tightly. "klaus"
"what's wrong?" he looked down at her, watching as she fought her emotions. her eyes were turning black but she kept fighting it.
diego pulled out his knife and vanya's shouting at him to stop made it harder for y/n to calm herself. he threw it at luther, cutting his arm.
"klaus" she called again and he held her arm unsure of what to do. "i-i can't.. i can't-" she let out a pained whine as her eyes darkened, she was letting go. suddenly diego and luther let out shouts of pain.
"what's going on?!" allison watched them, confused and distraught. vanya quickly left their mother's side, pulling y/n into her.
"its okay, you're okay" vanya whispered to her, trying to calm her. "it can be fixed, you're okay, just relax. try to relax" listening to vanya's heartbeat she slowly calmed down, the blackness of her eyes seeping away and diego and luther straightened, no longer in pain.
y/n stared at them in shock and guilt before shaking her head and running inside. she locked herself in her room again. she was truly a demon.
one by one the siblings left, y/n watched sadly as they all abandoned her again. she was always left alone, the family problems only got bigger when they got together. she sighed, maybe she was better off alone.
y/n looked up from her book as she heard frantic footsteps around the mansion. peeking out her door she noticed vanya slowing down in front of five's room.
"oh thank god" she disappeared through his doorway but y/n could still hear her voice. "i was worried sick about you"
five had talked to vanya? why hadn't he come to her?
"sorry i left without saying goodbye" five's voice answered softly. what had he been doing? y/n quietly left her room to hear better. she wanted to be apart of her brother's plans too. she didn't want to be left out anymore.
"no, i'm the one that should be sorry. i was dismissive and i guess i didn't know how to process what you were saying.." vanya paused, "i still can't to be honest"
"maybe you were right to be dismissive" five huffed, that didn't sound like him at all? what was he really doing? "maybe it wasn't real after all.. it felt real. but well, like you said the old man did say time travel could contaminate the mind"
well vanya referred him to a therapist y/n tried to sense the room. something else was going on. carefully using her power she felt another person.. klaus. when vanya walked out y/n quickly turned to smoke, gliding along the floor, past five who watched vanya leave. klaus pulled himself out of the closet.
"that's so touching, all that stuff about family and dad and time"
"will you shut up? she'll hear you" five warned him, walking back over.
"you're lying to vanya?" y/n appeared next to klaus, crossing her arms and raising an eyebrow.
"it's nothing you should worry about" five dismissed before looking klaus over again. "i thought i told you to put on something professional"
"what? this my nicest outfit" klaus gestured to it. y/n snorted when five scoffed.
"we'll raid the old man's closet"
"whatever, as long as i get paid" klaus shrugged, beginning to walk behind five.
"when the job is done" they stopped just above the stairs.
"so, where are we going?" she followed along, smiling innocently at five who raised an eyebrow at her.
"not we, just klaus and i" five shook his head, shoving his hands in his pockets.
"five" she frowned,
"y/n" he mocked.
"just let me come, please don't leave me in the dark. i just want to help you" she pleaded, she had missed him.
he thought it over before sighing, "fine" he turned to walk again but klaus stopped him.
"but just so we're clear on the finer details" he waved his hand around, talking over the plan. "i just got to go into this place and pretend to be your dear old dad, correct?"
"yeah, something like that" five agreed, exasperated.
"what's our cover story?" klaus continued, ignoring five's look of annoyance.
"what? what are you talking about?" five shared a confused look with y/n who shrugged.
"i mean was i young when i had you, like 16.. like young and terribly misguided" five agreed just to get him to stop but he didn't. "your mother, that slut, whoever she was, we met at.. the disco and you can be his sister"
"i am his sister?" y/n raised an eyebrow, but klaus only smiled, clicking his fingers.
"okay, remember that. oh my god the sex was amazing"
y/n scoffed, walking away first, five following. "what a disturbing glimpse into that thing you call a brain"
"don't make me put you in time out" klaus waved a finger at him.
as they walked out the door onto the street y/n paused.
"what's wrong, baby sis?" klaus asked, wrapping his arm around her shoulders. "you're not backing out already?"
"no!" she quickly denied, looking up at him as she snapped out of her starstruck daze. "it's just.. i haven't left the house in 16 years.."
klaus and five shared a sorrowful look. what had happened to her?
tags: @rxses-and-reverie
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phoenixyfriend · 3 years
soulmate au: 2 or 27 for rexwalker? (or rexanidala)
soulmate au prompts
2. the one where you have your soulmate’s name written on your body.
27. the one where you can transfer any injuries/pain your soulmate has onto yourself.
Once again featuring Marginally Less Terrible Jango, Hopeless Romantic Anakin, and Significantly More Awkward Rex.
Word Count: 5.9k
Anakin doesn’t have a soulmate until he’s ten years old.
He’s already been at the Temple for half a year by then, and heard enough about how not having a soul mark is a good thing, for a Jedi. It means fewer temptations away from the duties they’ve all agreed to take on. There are people with names on their bodies, including Obi-Wan, who has two, but everyone agrees that while friendship with one’s soulmate is fine, especially if that soulmate is a fellow Jedi, it cannot be allowed to become too deep.
“I don’t understand,” Anakin admits to Obi-Wan, one night when he finds Obi-Wan looking at the name that wraps around his upper thigh, the one in the unfamiliar alphabet and cultured, perfect strokes. It’s a few months after he arrives, long enough to think they won’t kick him out just for asking questions, but not quite long enough to know what’s normal yet. His own soul mark is several months away, not that he knows it. “Soulmates were one of the few things a mas--an owner couldn’t take away from a slave. They could get rid of the mark, but we still knew. They were important, something the universe gave us that we could keep, even if it was only in our memories. Why do Jedi try to make it not count?”
Obi-Wan gets a look on his face, the one he gets whenever Anakin has a question that’s more complicated and philosophical than what Obi-Wan was ready for, the questions about why that he has to think about because it’s all normal for Obi-Wan, who grew up here, in ways that it isn’t (and will never be) for Anakin with his Tatoo heart and slaveborn mind.
“It’s not about the depth of the relationship in and of itself,” Obi-Wan finally says. “It’s about how you go about it, how you let it affect you, and if you let it get in the way of your duties as a Jedi, or put yourself at risk of a fall. It’s... it’s not banned, exactly, to love someone the way one would expect to love a soulmate, but it’s discouraged for our own safety and health. Losing someone you love hurts everyone, but for a Force-user to lose someone they consider so dear to their heart, there’s always a risk of losing one’s stability and going Dark.”
Anakin doesn’t entirely understand, but he pretends he does.
Obi-Wan scratches at the stubble he’s trying to turn into a beard, and says, “Okay, let me finish getting dressed, and then I’m going to tell you a few stories. You said you like learning through stories, right?”
Anakin nods.
“Okay, so... Bandomeer, I think. Melida/Daan and Mandalore, definitely. And we can round it out with what happened a few days ago,” Obi-Wan mutters. “I--most of those are planets.”
“I’ve heard of Mandalore,” Anakin volunteers.
“Yes, most have,” Obi-Wan indulges him, but he looks a little nervous. “Anakin, I... these stories all have to do with some very painful times in my life, times when I almost left, or did leave, the Jedi Order. I think--”
“You left the Jedi?”
“For a year, when I was a little older than you, but I came back,” Obi-Wan says. “I’m... can you put on some tea? It’ll make this conversation easier.”
“Is it about your soulmates?” Anakin asks, clinging to the doorframe just before he exits.
“...one of them,” Obi-Wan says, passing a hand over the mark on his thigh. “It’s... she’s why Mandalore is on this list, but that story won’t make as much sense unless I tell you about Bandomeer and Melida/Daan first.”
“Because you left?”
“Because I already knew what leaving could cost me,” Obi-Wan corrects, gentle but oddly stern. “Go put on the tea, Anakin. I’ll only be a few minutes.”
Three months after Anakin hears about the times Obi-Wan was forced to leave, did leave, almost left, and threatened to leave (for Anakin’s sake!), the name of his soulmate comes in.
“That’s not a name,” Anakin says.
“That’s not a name,” Anakin says, more upset than he’d like to admit. The soul mark sits neatly on one side of his lower abdomen, warm and precisely lettered and absolutely terrifying.
CT-7567, in a dark, desaturated blue.
“I don’t think your soulmate is a droid,” Obi-Wan tries to joke. It falls flat.
“They’re a born slave,” Anakin says, and watches Obi-Wan stiffen. “Droids don’t get soulmates. Slaves do, but sometimes ma--owners don’t let slaves have names. They just give ‘em a number and that’s it. Supposed to make us more pliant and keeps us from having thoughts of individuality.”
“Them, Anakin, not us. You’re free.”
Anakin looks up at him, lip wobbling, and he knows a Jedi shouldn’t cry, not when he’s already ten, but he wants to any way. “My soulmate isn’t.”
“O-oh, okay, we’re crying now,” Obi-Wan mutters, clearly overwhelmed, and pulls Anakin to his chest. “It’ll be alright, dear one. Your mark means you will meet one day, and when you do, you can free them. Alright?”
“Skywalker? Sounds like a slave name.”
It’s a refrain that CT-7567 hears almost every time one of the adults sees his mark. They mention Tatooine sometimes. One of the bounty hunters that covers their weapons training gets angry if people point out the slave thing, and CT-7567 isn’t the only person to get a slave for a soulmate. She doesn’t explain it often, but there’s an incident when Rex is three that gives him a little more information.
“That one’ll be angry,“ the bounty hunter mutters, her lip curling when she hears the cadets gossiping about their marks again, sees CT-7567 pulling up his shirt to show off his own. She’s always like that, about the clones who have slave soulmates. CC-1010, who knows everything about everyone, says that she used to be a slave before she killed her way out. She’s definitely scary enough. “Name like that... Tatooine, human, might be a slave or might be freeborn from a line of slaves. Either way, that one’s going to be angry about it.”
“How do you mean, sir?”
Her eyes flick to his, and then back to the slugthrower she’s cleaning. “Tatooine slave culture knows things. Your mark on this “Anakin” is going to be your number until you get a name, and they’re not going to make the mistake of thinking their soulmate is a droid. They’ll know you were born to a purpose.”
It takes another year for CT-7567 to learn that she means ‘you were born a slave.’
(It takes two more for him to pick a name.)
Anakin is not the only one in the Temple to have this kind of soul mark popping up. He is not even the first. The Council is investigating it, apparently, but they don’t have much to go off of. It didn’t start until a year or two before Anakin came to Coruscant, but enough Jedi are affected by the CC and CT soul marks for it to be concerning. Anakin gets called in to provide some information on what he knows about slave-designations in these circumstances, which isn’t much, and is barely more than what they already know, but they assure him it’s helpful. Something about corroborating the information a raised slave is taught culturally with the information a Shadow can collect from a community that doesn’t trust them. Obi-Wan explains that it’s about how Anakin knows information that was collected and taught, instead of information that has to be gathered, bit by bit, and analyzed.
It’s a long way of saying that Anakin knows things that other people don’t, because he wasn’t raised in the safety of the Temple.
Anakin doesn’t know many of the others, but he does know one even before his soul mark comes in, because their Masters are friends. They talk about it, and three years after they first connect over this, something happens.
“It changed! Anakin, Ani, it changed!”
Anakin drops the datapad he’s been doing history homework on, and looks up as Aayla, already in the suite, grabs his shoulders and shakes him a little.
“Aayla?” Obi-Wan calls, coming out of the kitchen with a rag in one hand and a wet plate in the other. “What in the--what are you shouting about?”
Knight Vos follows Aayla in--it’s a bit early to call him a Master, given that Aayla’s still not knighted, but it’s getting close--and leans against the door, arms crossed. “Kid was right. The mark changes when the soulmate picks a name.”
Aayla pulls down the shoulder of one sleeve, and Anakin sees that the designation number has changed. It’s not a regimented CC-5052 anymore, but a short, sweet Bly, with a flourish at the end that probably means this person is always going to be excited to sign their name.
“We already knew that,” Obi-Wan says. “When people transition, their name changes on their soulmate as well. This is the same thing.”
“We didn’t know that it applied to born slaves the same way,” Knight Vos says. “All we had was anecdotal evidence from the kid. Trustworthy, yes, but no data to back it up. And now we know.”
“I wonder how it’s meant to be pronounced,” Aayla says, and obligingly lets Anakin poke at the name that swirls on her shoulder in a vivid yellow against the blue. It’s pretty, he thinks. The handwriting and the color and what it means that the soulmates they’ve all gotten are finding ways to be people.
“How long until mine changes?” Anakin asks, even though he knows that nobody here has that answer. “Do you think all of them are going to find names? Or...”
“If they don’t by the time we find them,” Aayla assures him, wrapping an arm around his shoulders, “they will once they’re free.”
(In one life, the Jedi would have held their tongues and ducked their heads, hidden in denial and ‘we are their only option’ and ‘the Senate will use them regardless; we are a kinder fate than men like Tarkin’ and would never use the words ‘slave army’ to describe their men.)
(In this life, they are primed, from the moment a little freed boy explains exactly what a soul mark like this means to people like his, to see their army and say ‘we will free you.’)
Anakin has his eyes fixed on the name from the moment his mark burns and twists and changes. He’s sixteen by then, and on a mission with Obi-Wan that prevents him from running to break into Knight Aayla’s room and show off to her the way she had to him. He’s not even on planet, but at least it’s not the middle of a fight. That could have been bad.
“Hey, Obi-Wan?”
“I got a name.”
“For the assassin?” Obi-Wan asks, raising his head hopefully. “Did you get through to the guild?”
“...no, I meant, uh, my soulmate.” Anakin lifts his shirt, waits on that unfortunate dash of disappointment, and then Obi-Wan’s face lights up and the man practically scrambles over to get a better look. Anakin tries not to let himself read too much into it. It’s... nice, he thinks. That Obi-Wan is excited for him.
“I feel like half these individuals are picking names of exactly three letters,” Obi-Wan says, but he’s smiling as he almost touches the mark. He doesn’t, in the end, but Anakin wants to laugh at it anyway. “Rex, then. I look forward to meeting your young man.”
Anakin feels his face flare. “We don’t know that it’s a boy. I mean, there might be places where that’s a girl’s name. Or a species that doesn’t have our genders. Or--”
“I have a feeling,” Obi-Wan says, and laughs when Anakin pouts at him. “Oh, I wouldn’t bet my saber on it, but a few credits, at least. Nothing solid, but I was prone to visions as a youngling. Qui-Gon was never very good at dealing with the peculiarities of such a connection to the Unifying Force. He tried, admittedly, but he was very much a man of the present.”
Anakin spends the rest of the mission silently cheering on his soulmate for picking a name.
For taking that step to saying “I’m a person.”
Someone tries to assassinate Senator Amidala. Anakin and Obi-Wan are assigned to protect her. There’s an incident with a robot, and Obi-Wan is... pulled aside.
(Anakin finds himself thinking, more than once, that he could have fallen in love with this woman if he wasn’t so attached to the idea inked into his skin.)
(Senator Amidala doesn’t have a soulmate. She’s free to choose, she claims. He doesn’t envy her, but he does respect this.)
(Anakin likes the security of the universe telling him that there’s someone he’s meant for.)
Obi-Wan disappears to investigate something, and returns just before Anakin and Padme are set to leave. He looks... grim.
“The assassination is more complicated than we thought,” Obi-Wan says. “As in, the main assassin was expecting this to fail, so we’d come find him after he killed the subcontractor.”
“He wants to talk to us,” Obi-Wan says. “But, specifically, to the two of you.”
“So, you’re Anakin Skywalker.”
Jango Fett is a shorter man than Anakin, shorter even than Obi-Wan, but he’s not small. The armor bulks him out further. There’s faint scars on his face, here and there, and he seems more amused than anything when Anakin slips in front of Padme to actually be the bodyguard he’s supposed to play.
“What’s it to you?” Anakin challenges, and pretends he doesn’t see the way Obi-Wan pinches the bridge of his nose and sighs.
Fett smirks. “One of my boys has your name on him.”
Anakin stops breathing for a moment.
“One of your boys?” Padme prompts, and Anakin tries to remember his job.
Fett’s smirk falls away and he palms his face. “Three million of them, and counting. I’ve had people cross-referencing soul marks as they pop up, in case anyone’s connected to someone... important. Special attention on the confirmed Jedi.”
“Three mill--you’re behind the ident number marks,” Anakin realizes. “The slave-born.”
Obi-Wan’s face looks carved from stone, and Anakin realizes that the mood he’s been in since he called Anakin and Padme was because he’d figured it out before he called.
“Yeah, Umiett said you’d be the one to make that connection,” Fett mutters. He shakes his head. “Listen, I’ve got three million clones that are more sentient than anyone told me they’d be, and I’ve spent the last few years trying to decide how to get myself out of this contract without abandoning them in the process. Tyranus gave me the job to assassinate Amidala, but I’d already had her shortlisted as one of the Republic members most like to help me get these boys citizenship and legal rights. Once I heard Skywalker and Kenobi were involved, turning this into a discreet way to get your attention seemed like the obvious solution.”
“You tried to kill me... to get my attention... so I’d help you.”
“I didn’t try to kill you. I subcontracted to a former acquaintance that I knew wasn’t good enough to get past two Jedi.”
“Right,” Padme says, seeming unimpressed. Anakin agrees. “Okay, three million sentients, all your children--”
“--yes, something that’s very illegal in the Republic at that scale,” she says. “Unless--”
“Kamino’s in the Rishi maze. Dwarf galaxy, not actually part of the Republic. Isolated.”
“Okay, that’s... going to make this more difficult,” Padme says. “Where does your citizenship lie? Are you still Mandalorian? I’m not as familiar with your role in recent politics as I could be. I know there’s something about all violent dissenters being sent to Concordia, but you--”
“If I thought that hut’uunla Duchess would listen to me, I’d have already reached out,” Fett dismisses. “That’s part of why I focused on Kenobi and Skywalker when doing the research. Skywalker’s got the background to argue slavery, and Kenobi’s got connections in Mandalorian politics.”
“And I’m to be your voice in the Senate.”
“Not mine. The clones’.”
Anakin looks to Obi-Wan for guidance, because this man was involved with the attempted assassination, but...
“Who is Tyranus?” Obi-Wan asks.
“Oh, you’re going to enjoy this. The man calling himself Darth Tyranus is Count Dooku of Serreno.”
Anakin hasn’t heard Obi-Wan swear that colorfully since the last time he got stabbed.
Things... progress. Quietly. Fett mentions there being a Sith in the Senate, something he picked up from a particularly ugly visit from the Count to Kamino, the kind of visit that involved veiled conversations intended as mocking, bragging monologues.
“He really is a villain,” Obi-Wan mutters, as if Anakin hasn’t seen him monologue to captured criminals on occasion, or get so caught up in The Banter that he lets something slip that he shouldn’t have.
Anakin and Padme go to Naboo to ‘keep her safe,’ and Obi-Wan hares off on a falsified investigation, keeping the Council updated the entire time. Anakin doesn’t like splitting up, not when so much is happening, but they have no idea who the Sith in the senate might be, if they even exist. Anakin doesn’t even have time to say goodbye to the Chancellor.
All this contributes, for Anakin is already stressed, and excited, anticipatory and afraid, and then the nightmares come. Padme’s more aware of his fears than she might have been, as much as they talk about slaves and freedom and how she makes things happen with words and legislation. Anakin’s a little in love with the idea of this woman, though he won’t act on anything until he meets his soulmate and figures out what they’re meant to be for each other, but... friends, at least. Padme is going to be a friend, possibly for life, and Anakin’s going to love her no matter what.
She coaxes out the truth, and then tells him, ‘well, your mother would know more about this than you, since you left at nine; it would be entirely reasonable to ask her for advice,’ and then smiles like they’re sharing a secret crush instead of plotting the violation of his orders.
They save Shmi.
Padme doesn’t get the advice she was using an excuse from Shmi, but from a long, tired conversation with Beru Whitesun. As it turns out, when a family’s been freeing slaves for generations, they know what they’re talking about. Even Anakin remembers the Whitesun reputation. Padme’s notes are copious.
Anakin cares for his mother, and talks to his stepbrother, and gets an idea of who these people in his life are. He can’t imagine they’ll make contact often, but he’s glad to meet them. Cliegg--his stepfather, and isn’t that a thought--isn’t a particularly soft man, or a smooth one, but his gruffness has a different energy on Tatooine than it would on Coruscant. Anakin approves.
Obi-Wan calls. Padme explains. Anakin is shamed by his Master and then has to defend that particular title when Owen and Beru stare at him and the comm in matching horror.
“Master-Apprentice,” Anakin says, just a little panicked. “Not Master-Slave. He’s my teacher, practically family, not... you don’t need to worry. I promise.”
“I’ve seen them interact,” Padme says, and then shoots a small, smug smile at Beru. “Obi-Wan’s somewhere between father and brother to Anakin. It’s very sweet, when they’re together, and very entertaining.”
Beru, who’s had three days to get used to Padme, smiles and nods. “Alright then. I’ll take your words for it.”
Obi-Wan sputters a bit at the claim, in the background, and Anakin is... just a little upset by that.
“I think your mother would want to speak with him,” Cliegg claims, and Anakin hesitates, because this is a mission call, for all that gossip is happening, and he really shouldn’t break more rules after the big one he’s clearly, blatantly completely ignored to come to Tatooine in the first place. Cliegg holds out a hand, eyes on Obi-Wan. “As would I.”
“Well,” Obi-Wan says. “I suppose I do have a moment.”
Anakin and Padme arrive on Kamino.
“Your mother,” Obi-Wan says, in lieu of a greeting, “is oddly terrifying, did you know?”
“She’s... still recovering,” Anakin says, brow furrowing. “She can’t leave the bed for anything other than the ‘fresher for weeks, probably. And she’s nice, how is any of that terrifying?”
“It’s her energy,” Obi-Wan notes. “Quietly intimidating, I’d say. Very odd, really.”
“What did you even talk about?” Anakin asks, and then blushes as Padme giggles at him, like she knows things that he doesn’t. She probably does. She’s older than him. Still.
“Ah, that,” Obi-Wan says, looking away for a moment and--blushing? Obi-Wan’s blushing? “She rather aggressively informed me of what is considered normal on Tatooine for a relationship that is, as Padme put it, ill-defined but close and familial.”
“Master, you--what?”
Obi-Wan rolls his eyes and steps forward, pulling Anakin into a hug. Oh. “I’ve been informed that the manner in which I show affection to you is rather understated and ambiguous, by Tatoo standards, and that leaving things unsaid isn’t enough.”
“I consider you my brother,” Obi-Wan says, into this hug that is stiff and uncomfortable, but sincere and full of effort. “And I do love you very much, dear one, even if I’m rather unpracticed in showing it in ways that would... translate, shall we say.”
“Oh,” Anakin says, because he can’t think of anything else. He hugs back.
There’s a moment there, where Obi-Wan relaxes and Anakin shifts, and everything feels just a tiny bit more right, and then someone coughs.
“If you two are done?” Fett drawls, and Anakin mourns as Obi-Wan huffs and pulls away, hands back to being tucked into his sleeves in front of him.
“Quite,” Obi-Wan says back, with the strained smirk of someone who’s been dealing with the same frustrating sentient for a solid week without the option of just bashing their face in.
Fett rolls his eyes, and gestures for them to follow him. “I’ve got a bunch of the Alphas and CCs waiting on you, along with anyone we know for sure has a Jedi soulmate. Kenobi’s already spoken with them all, got confirmation that we probably haven’t missed any connections.”
“I know the list of everyone who reported a CC or CT soul mark to the Council,” Obi-Wan huffs. “I have it memorized.”
“Because of Anakin?” Padme asks.
“His mark came in when he was ten,” Obi-Wan says. “I was his legal guardian until very recently. Given the circumstances, it was reasonable that most of the information on the ident-code marking situation be shared with me in the same way that his school reports and medical records were. He was a minor until a year ago, Senator, and as you so rightly pointed out, my role in his life is certainly that of the family member who raised him for the past decade.
“Master,” Anakin hisses, well aware of his blush. “You’re embarrassing me.”
Obi-Wan looks at him, amused. “I’m told that’s rather the point, dear one.”
Padme looks away, clearly fighting back a grin, and Fett’s expression is mocking, at best.
They enter the section of the facility where other people are a moment later, and Anakin is... not quite as ready for the sea of identical faces as he thought he’d be. One small boy in different tunics from the rest runs up to Fett with a call of ‘Buir!’ and falls into step with them, grabbing Fett’s hand and peering curiously at the rest of them.
“This is Boba,” Fett tells them. “He’s the only unaltered one.”
“The one you claimed at birth,” Padme clarifies.
“Decanting!” Boba pipes up, and then smiles winningly at Padme. “I wasn’t born. I was decanted. He claimed me at decanting.”
Fett looks like he wants to run a hand down his face. “Yes, Boba’s the clone that was provided to me as part of the payment I demanded when I first signed on to the project. He’s the only one I technically have legal claim to.”
“All the others are Kaminoan property until claimed by the Senate or Jedi,” Obi-Wan adds, and Fett nods in his direction. “Preferably the Jedi, of course.”
“The Nulls are with Kal Skirata,” Boba pipes up. “He adopted all of them and Kaminiise didn’t care that much because they thought the Nulls were all failed experiments anyway.”
Fett grimaces at the look that gets him from Padme. “They’re not mine. None of them would have wanted to be, anyway, but it stands that I haven’t spoken with them in years.”
“They’re precedent,” Padme corrects. “One I should have been made of aware of if you want this to work. Can you put me in contact with this Skirata individual? What’s his, and their, citizenship status?”
Anakin steps back to Obi-Wan as Padme drills Fett for information, and keeps his eyes wandering for threats--unlikely, if Fett is genuine, and Obi-Wan says he is--and trying to figure out the best way to keep track of which clone is which. They do feel different in the Force, but Anakin’s not as used to using that sense for identification as most Jedi. He sees a few scars and tattoos, but he thinks he’s going to have to--
“Anakin? Why did you stop?”
Anakin ignores his master, because one of the clones, one he can’t even see, is glowing so strong and right and calling to him...
“Anakin, please answer me.”
“I can feel him,” Anakin breathes out. “My soulmate. I think I can feel him, in the Force.”
“Ah,” Obi-Wan says, relaxing. “Yes, that tends to happen, when we look. Fett assured us that he’d be at the meeting, dear. Just a few more hallways to go.”
Those hallways pass in a blur, because he’s there his soulmate is there and--
A room, full of clones that look older than Anakin, for all that they can’t be, and more clones that don’t.
There’s a clone in full kit, helmet included, but Anakin knows, just knows, that this one is his.
“Troopers!” Fett barks. “Kenobi’s brought some friends in. Senator Amidala’s going to be working on the citizenship bill with us. The other Jedi is Anakin Skywalker. You can guess why he’s--”
The fully-armored soldier takes a half-step forward.
Fett sighs. “By the ka’ra, Rex, you’re going to embarrass yourself and me. Take your bucket off, kid, let him see you.”
“Some tact, Fett,” Obi-Wan snaps, and for all that it’s quiet and intended to be subtle, the clones absolutely hear him.
They also seem amused. Apparently Obi-Wan’s been hanging about for long enough that he and Fett have a dynamic, one the clones have gotten used to and find hilarious.
Anakin only sort of notices this, because the clone in armor, still unpainted, pulls off his helmet and for all that it’s the exact same face as Anakin’s seen a thousand times over in the last fifteen minutes, there’s something uniquely beautiful that has nothing to do with the blonde hair or the nervous smile.
“You’re Rex?” Anakin asks, even though he’s sure, he’s absolutely convinced, that this young man is his soulmate.
“Yes,” the young clone says. He looks about Anakin’s age, and Fett’s told them time and again that the clones are basically the age they look, for the most part. Anakin’s going to take it slow anyway.
“Obi-Wan already said it, but, um, I’m Anakin,” he says, and tries to find something to do with his hands that isn’t just taking his soulmate and hugging him ‘til all the suns set. He looks down, and settles for mimicking Obi-Wan and just tucking them into his sleeves. He looks up at Rex, and tries to smile, but he’s so nervous about all of this that it probably doesn’t look like much. He thinks he hears someone snickering.
“Oh good,” someone mumbles. “They’re both hopeless.”
Anakin snaps his head around and glowers at the little group the comment came from, but he has no idea which one said it. All four look amused, and have varying degrees of shit-eating grin in place.
“If you didn’t outrank him, Rex would totally be shooting you right now,” little Boba says. “I think he’d deserve to do that.”
Anakin doesn’t have to strain at all to hear Fett’s groan.
“Alright,” one of the older clones says, and everyone stands a little straighter. An authority among the clones? Official, or more of an informal primus inter pares situation? “Rex’ika and his Jedi can go get to know one another, and none of us are going to make fun of them for it, because I know damn well how many of you have been mooning over the idea of your soulmates despite knowing literally nothing about them.”
“So’ve you, Alpha!”
“You want a boot up your ass, Wolffe? Because if you keep talking, that’s what you’re getting.”
“Boys,” Fett says, and they settle down. “Now, the Senator has some questions for you, and you’re going to comply when she asks, because it’s going to keep your little brothers alive. You understand?”
One clone raises a hand, and Fett sighs.
“Yes, and little sisters, Valierra,” he adds. He mutters something under his breath that sounds like “kriffing Basic.”
(Anakin later learns that Mando’a is not a gendered language, and Fett’s frustration is entirely about the fact that ‘brothers’ isn’t gender neutral. Anakin tries to ask why he doesn’t just say ‘sibling’ or use the Mando’a word, and there’s apparently a whole thing with some instructors wanting to encourage the clones to learn to be Mandalorian, and others wanting to cut them off from anything to do with the planet.)
(Anakin... tries to understand. He’s still confused about why ‘siblings’ isn’t on the table.)
“Go on, Anakin,” Obi-Wan says, looking somewhere between amused and exasperated. “We can catch you up later.”
“I got enough from Beru,” Padme assures him. “You can pop in to help us fine-tune later.”
Anakin nods, just a short jerk of his head, and then looks to Rex. The man is glaring at a little at a little group of other clones, but when Anakin reaches out and takes his hand--takes his hand--Rex turns and stares at him with wide eyes and a flush that Anakin’s sure he’s mirroring.
“We should talk,“ he blurts out, and he can feel Obi-Wan’s despair at how completely inept Anakin is at this whole ‘personal interactions’ thing, but that’s fine, because Obi-Wan’s a bit of a slut, and Anakin doesn’t flirt with everyone he meets, and he’s been waiting for his soulmate like a sensible person.
(“Or a romantic,” Vos had pointed out, once. “Most people date at least a little if they don’t meet their soulmate by, like, fifteen. I mean, culturally I understand why you want to wait until you meet your soulmate, but it’s not really a matter of sensibility, just personal preference. Obi-Wan’s not less sensible for sleeping around.”)
(Anakin does not like this argument, and so he ignores it.)
(Well, no, he agrees that people should be allowed to flirt if they want, but he doesn’t like the implication he’s gotten from a few other padawans about how he’s ‘awkward’ for not knowing how to talk to people that he wants to impress somehow.)
(So, he’s going to claim it’s sensibility.)
“Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do!”
“Kriff off, Ponds!” Rex barks out, immediately pinging on the exact clone that said the words, and Anakin bites a lip to keep from laughing at them both.
“Out,” Fett orders. “We’ve got shit to do, stop being a distraction.”
“Being a distraction, my dear, is a skill that Anakin’s put far too much effort into developing just to drop it on your command,” Obi-Wan says, light and airy and not at all like he just dragged Anakin and Fett for no Force-damned reason.
“Come on,” Rex mutters, tugging Anakin to the door with a blush that only grows as the other clones catcall them on the way out of the room. Anakin hears at least one particularly dirty comment get cut off by a smacking noise and a reprimand from a clone he thinks is probably Alpha.
The second they’re out of sight, Rex slows down, and glances back at Anakin.
Anakin tries to smile in encouragement. He’s not sure it works, really, but Rex smiles back, so it can’t be that bad.
“Here, Alpha told me to use the mini conference room,” Rex tells him, when the get to a nondescript door with a number on it. “It’s not completely secure, but we can lock the door so it’s mostly private.”
“Can I kiss you?” Anakin asks, and then has to fight to not clap a hand over his mouth.
He was going to go slow. He was a moron who’d promised himself to go slow. Rex is mostly an adult but there are ways in which he isn’t, and Anakin might not be fully an adult either, but that’s not really an excuse, and--
“Yes, please,” Rex says, and oh Anakin really likes the shy grin on him. It’s pretty.
(This man, he thinks, could easily bench press Anakin a few times over, but he’s blushing like a storybook maiden, and he’s doing it for Anakin.)
Anakin moves slowly, because this isn’t something he has much practice with either, but he takes Rex’s face in his hands and leans in, pressing their lips together with only the slightest tilt of his head, just barely less than chaste, and a firework goes off inside his ribcage.
His soulmate! He’s kissing his soulmate!
There’s a ‘stop projecting’ nudge from Obi-Wan in the Force. Anakin tosses up a shield and focuses back on the kissing. He pulls away, and the goes to just... peck a bit. Just small, chaste, tiny kisses because he doesn’t want to stop. Because for all that they just met a few minutes ago, this feels right.
Warm hands, larger than his own and steady in a way he thinks he really likes, settle on his hips.
“We--mm--really should talk,” Rex manages, and Anakin... well, Anakin stops kissing him.
Rex apparently likes it as much as Anakin does, because he lifts up onto his toes to kiss Anakin again before fully breaking off. He grins, clearly sheepish, and shrugs. “Sorry.”
“Don’t be,” Anakin says, and then Rex pulls him down to press their foreheads together, radiating warmth and hope and affection that Anakin hasn’t earned yet, but is definitely going to.
“This is a Keldabe kiss,” Rex says, and his nose brushes against Anakin’s as he shifts. His hands are still on Anakin’s waist, and Anakin decides to wrap his arms around Rex’s shoulders. It’s nice. “I like, um, I like the other kind of kissing too, but this means a lot to me, and it’s one of those Mandalorian things they actually let us pick up.”
“Fine by me,” Anakin says, and he, hells, he hasn’t even asked for proof of the soul marks, but he doesn’t need to, really, with the Force as insistent as it is. “So. Talk?”
“Yeah. Let’s talk.”
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mandos-sluts · 3 years
The Botched Mission
The Mandolorian x Fem!Reader
Rating: Explicit
Wordcount: 3.3k
Warnings: Smut, rough sex, dubious consent, degradation, daddy kink, mutual masterbation, dirty talk, voyeurism
Summary: You work for the Empire and are tasked with spying on Mando. You don’t do a great job at concealing your efforts.
A/N: Please message us or comment if you want to be on our tag list!!
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You were born and raised in the Empire. Your mother was an admiral in the Imperial Security Bureau under Moff Gideon and your father died in battle during the Great Purge. The more you grew up, the more you questioned the Empire’s actions and ideology, but it didn’t really matter. There was no getting out for you— your entire livelihood was supported by the Empire.
Your commanding officer has given you a mission on Tatooine. You are to go undercover as a mechanic and surveill the Mandalorian Din Djarin. It was known that he knew of the force-sensitive child’s location and had dealings with other Jedi, thus, he was of great interest to the Empire.
The Mandalorian’s ship is scheduled to undergo maintenance for two days on Tatooine. You stand in the hangar and watch as the beat up Razor Crest lands. The ship’s hatch opens and there standing tall is the Mandalorian, covered from head to toe in shiny silver beskar. He walks confidently down the ramp and towards you.
You open your mouth to introduce yourself when he tosses a bag of credits to you. “I need the repairs completed by tomorrow afternoon.” He says in a deep voice, towering over you and gazing into your eyes.
Shit. You’re….you’re really attracted to him. The way he carries himself is so hot— his assertive demeanor, his voice. “Yeah, absolutely, no– no problem sir.” You stutter out. “Um, I’m y/n.”
Mando nods his head and then walks right past you, leaving you standing there with your panties damp.
He exits the hangar and all he can think about is you. Fuck, since when were mechanics so beautiful?
You shake your head and try to focus. Heading into the ship, you begin installing hidden cameras all over. An actual mechanic employed by the Empire meanwhile gets to work making repairs.
You consider waiting around for Mando to return for the evening, just so you can interact with him more, but once it gets dark, you head to the inn that you’re staying at. Mando arrives back to his ship a little after you return to your room.
Your boss made it clear that she wants you to watch him whenever he’s not sleeping. Which honestly is stupid, it’s not like he’s going to talk to himself and reveal important information? You lie back in your bed with the screen on your lap and watch the live feed of the cameras in the ship, already bored out of your mind. The camera’s are super high quality; the picture and audio are both crystal clear. A few minutes later, you see the hatch open and watch Mando enter the ship.
Mando notices the cameras almost instantly. To be fair, you always half-assed your missions; you really don’t care about advancing the Empire’s agenda or doing your job well. Mando lets out a long annoyed sigh. He knew you didn’t look like a mechanic!
His first thought is to take down all of the cameras, apprehend you, and turn you over to the New Republic. There are only a few lodges in town and it wouldn’t be hard for him to track you down. On the other hand...he figures he could have some fun with this.
Pretending he isn’t aware of the cameras, Mando puts his weapons away in his arsonal just like he does every night.
Shit, you think to yourself. His collection of weapons is massive, he could kill you with such little effort if he wanted to.
Mando heads up to the cockpit and slumps down in the pilot’s chair. He stretches his legs out and takes a deep breath. Bringing his hand down to his crotch, he starts rubbing himself over his pants.
Your eyes widen and you sit up in your bed. Is– is he doing what it looks like he’s doing? You feel arousal shoot to your pussy as you watch a tent form in Mando’s pants.
Mando knows you’re watching him, and he saw how nervous he made you earlier today, so he knows that you’re too curious and horny to turn it off. He unbuttons his pants and releases his long, thick cock. He takes his length in his hand and spreads his precum around up and down his shaft, letting out a moan.
Your panties are soaked at this point and your pussy is begging to be touched. You bring your hand down and start rubbing your clit over your shorts, your eyes are glued to the screen.
Mando starts pumping his cock up and down, faster and faster. You’ve never been so turned on in your entire life. You trail your hand into your pants and start circling your wet clit. You know this is super creepy of you, but you can’t bring yourself to care.
Mando’s breathing picks up as he fucks his hand even harder.
“Ah fuck.” He spits out.
Ugh his voice is so sexy–
“Fuck, y/n. Yeah, that’s a good girl.”
Your heart drops and your hand freezes. He just said your name...He’s jerking off thinking about you. Did you even tell him your name?
“That’s right, y/n, ride my cock, pretty girl.” He breathes out.
You’re shocked and your cunt starts throbbing. Mando has the biggest cock you have ever seen, like...holy shit. You can’t handle how horny you are right now. The fact that you can’t hop on his lap and start bouncing on his dick makes you want to cry. You start whimpering as you glide your fingers along your slick and watch Mando growl your name.
Mando grips the arm of his chair as he feels his orgasm approaching. He’s so hard knowing that you’re watching him.
“Ahhhhhh fuuuckkkkk, yyy/nnn” Mando moans as you watch his cum spew out of him.
Feeling your own orgasm coming on, you quickly turn off the monitor, close your eyes, and start pumping your finger in and out of your hole. It takes you less than twenty seconds to cum, thinking about Mando saying your name while jerking off.
You don’t bother to turn the monitor back on for the rest of the night. You go to sleep replaying those images of Mando in your head over and over again.
The next morning, Mando leaves his ship for the day at dawn and you head over to the hangar a few hours later. The mechanic is finishing up the final repairs when you arrive.
In case Mando asks you about the repairs, the mechanic gives you an overview of everything she did. You listen intently....for about a minute, but then end up inadvertently tuning her out, thinking about what you witnessed last night.
“Got it?” She says, jolting you back to reality.
“Y-yes totally.” You lie.
The mechanic leaves and you grab a seat at a table in the hangar, waiting patiently for Mando to return.
A few hours later, Mando struts into the hangar. He strolls right past you up to the Crest. “The ship done?” He asks shortly, not even looking back at you.
“Yes, everything is in order sir, have a good flight.” You say nervously, turning around to exit.
“Wait.” He says, stopping you in your tracks. “I have a few questions before I depart.” Mando says as he opens the hatch.
“Um, s-sure.” You say, following him into the ship.
Mando starts up the Crest and does a lap around the first level, examining all the areas where work was presumably done. The ship is in great shape, but he knows that you didn’t do any of it.
“Are the front deflectors operating at full capacity?” Mando asks in his deep, modulated voice.
“Uh, y-yeah.” You respond. You’re standing against the wall trying your best to keep cool and act like you know what he’s talking about.
“Did you fix the leak in the carbonite system?” He asks.
“How did you get the ion acceleration chamber running again?” He questions without looking up, continuing to walk around and inspect the ship.
“Uh, um–”
Mando turns his gaze to you. “Did you rewire the calcinator or instal a new thruster nozzle?
“Um I did it by rewiring the– the thunder novel...”
Mando begins walking toward you. “How is the repulsor grille functioning?”
“I– I um...I just, I– the ship–”
Mando is now standing directly in front of you, staring into your desperate intimidated eyes. “What’s the matter, little girl, don’t know the answer?” He says moving even closer to you.
“N-no I know–”
“Can you tell me about the work you did on the engines?” He interrupts. “Or why don’t you tell me about these cameras you installed first.” He says, reaching over you and yanking one of the cameras out of the wall above you.
Your heart drops. “I-I didn’t put those there.” You stutter out.
“Drop the act, y/n. I know you’re not a mechanic. I know you work for the Empire.”
Fuck, you are so busted–
“And I know you watched me last night. Sweetheart, it’s written all over your face.” He says lightly, grabbing your chin and pulling your head up so that you’re looking directly into his visor.
Your heart is beating out of your chest and you can feel your face is bright red. You’re trembling with fear but you are also so turned on. Your pussy is throbbing as your breath heavily and stare into Mando’s visor with doe eyes.
“Tell me, pretty girl.” He interrupts you again. “Did you like watching me jerk off?” He asks in a deep tone as he runs his other hand down your body to your waist.
“Y-yes.” You whisper with humiliation.
Mando brings his hand between your legs and dances his fingers on your crotch. “Did you touch yourself while you watched me?”
You nod your head slowly.
“What a fuckin naughty girl.” He says pushing you hard against the wall. He pushes your shorts to the side and slides his fingers into your panties. You let out a high-pitched exhale, still maintaining eye contact with him
“Damn. So wet already.” He says in a low rough voice. “You’re a desperate little thing, aren’t you? Those Storm Trooper boys can’t fuck you good, can they?” He says mockingly. “Maybe I should turn you over to the New Republic.” He utters as his other hand lightly grabs your throat. “Or, maybe I should come up with my own form of punishment for you.” Mando says as he thrusts his middle finger up inside of you.
You let out a gasp and your mouth falls open as he starts pumping your hole. “I’ve never fucked a slut from the Empire before.” He says, tightening his grip on your throat. You’re so wet you can hear his finger moving in and out of you.
“What do you think, you little criminal?” He says in a sultry tone.
“Ahhh!” You moan out. “I– I think you should– ahh– punish me, Mando.” You whine, batting your eyes at him as he drives his finger in and out of your cunt.
Mando grinds his bulge against your stomach. “Yeah? Then you’d better be an obedient little whore for me.”
Mando pulls his fingers out of you. He abruptly shoves down your shorts and rips off your top. “What are you–”
“Shut up.” He snaps as he turns you around and shoves you back against the wall. “Hands against the wall.” You do as you’re told.
You hear your shirt rip again and all of the sudden your vision goes black as you feel Mando tying fabric around your eyes. You’re naked except for a thong and blind fold, with your cheek and palms flat against the metal wall. One by one, you hear pieces of Mando’s armor hitting the floor. *see gif* Then you feel his bulge grind against your ass and one hand wrapping around your throat while the other grabs your tit.
His lips come to your ear. “I’m gonna fuck you so hard you won’t be able to walk for a fuckin week.” He breathes in your ear. “Your pretty little cunt is gonna be overflowing with my cum when I’m done with you.” He growls, roughly kneading your tit.
“Yes daddy” You moan in response.
Mando loves that you called him daddy. He grabs your hair and pulls it back and down, tilting your head back and making your back arch while your hands stay flat on the metal wall. With his hold still on your hair, you feel his warm lips plant onto yours, his facial hair rubbing against your skin. His lips move down your cheek to your neck, and he sucks on your smooth skin while pulling your hair back. Pulling away, he can already see the bruise of the hickey forming on your neck.
Mando pulls away from you and steps back, taking a moment to admire how vulnerable you look, blindfolded and panting against his wall. Then you feel his hand smack your ass check, and you let out a yelp. He does it twice more against the other cheek and you can’t help but cry out.
“Shut up, slut. I told you I was gonna punish you.” He says as he pulls your g-string up, making its fabric drag and pull against your clit. He spanks you again. Arousal shoots to your cunt, and it is dripping wet.
Mando spins you around again and slams your back against the wall. He once more grabs your hair and pulls your head back, exposing your neck so perfectly for him. Mando grabs your ass and pulls you up against him. “Open your mouth.” He commands in a stern voice, still pulling your hair down.
Your lips part wide and Mando bites your bottom lip before spitting in your mouth. “Swallow.” He orders. You close your mouth and swallow his sweet saliva down your throat.
Mando picks you up and you instinctively wrap your legs around him. He sets you down on a metal table and rips your thong off of you. Your legs are wide open, your pussy splayed out on the table for Mando to admire as he pulls his shirt over his head. He runs two fingers up and down slick and then shoves them in your mouth. “You gonna be a good girl and show me how needy this little cunt is?” He whispers in your ear while you suck his fingers.
He removes his fingers from your mouth. “Yes.” You breathe out.
“Yes, what?” Mando says slapping your outer thigh.
“I– I’m gonna be a good girl for you, daddy. And sh–show you how– how needy I am for your cock.” You stammer out.
Mando hums in response as he lines his tip up with your entrance. One of your hands is wrapped around his neck and the palm of your other hand is flat against his warm hard chest.
You feel his warm precum against your tender skin as he pushes the head of his dick into you. Your mouth falls open and you gasp. He does a few thrusts with half his length and it’s already more than you can handle.
“Fuck!” You spit out in a high pitched voice.
“Shit–” Mando snaps. “How are you so fuckin tight?” He says, seeming genuinely frustrated.
You’re being so stretched out you can’t form a response. You just sit there, wrapped around Mando, breathing heavily with your mouth agape, trying your best to adjust to his size.
“You’re squeezing the shit out of my cock. Ah you feel so fuckin good.” Mando groans in your ear as he pushes more of his member inside of you. He then abruptly snaps his hips and thrusts all the way inside of you.
You scream out “Fuck!” And dig your nails into his back.
Mando starts pumping in you slowly. “You’re doing so good, baby girl, taking my big cock in your tight pussy so well.”
He brings more of his length out and picks up the pace.“Ahhhhh Mando! Fuck!” You cry.
“What’d you call me?” He says, snapping his hips into you hard.
“Daddy!” You squeal. “Daddy! I–I’m sorry! Daddy fuck your cock is– is so big!” You wine between thrusts. He puts his lips on your mouth.
“I know, pretty girl” He whispers in your mouth. “You’re doing good.”
He starts thrusting faster and you lose control of the moans that escape your lips. You’re holding onto him for dear life as he pounds into you, his hands clutching your hips. Mando pushes you down so that you’re lying on the table and swings one of your legs up on his shoulder, providing him an even better angle, allowing him to drive his cock right into your G-spot.
“Ahhh daddy, yes! Fuck! Right there, please!” You scream.
Mando holds your leg against his chest with one arm and brings his other hand to grip your throat.
“Do– do the Imps know they have a filthy– ahh– filthy fuckin cockslut working for them?” He mocks. “What would they say if they knew you agreed to be your target’s dirty little fucktoy? Huh?”
All you can do in response is scream and moan. Mando removes his hand from your throat and drags it down your stomach. He starts circling your clit and you begin to see stars. Your whole body starts shaking and your cunt clenches down on Mando’s cock. “Fuck, I– I’m gonna cum!” You exclaim. Your pussy starts pulsing like never before as you feel your orgasm overtake you.
“Yes, ahhh fuck! This pussy was– was made for my cock, shit.” Mando says as he rides you through your orgasm. He loves watching you come apart on a table in his ship, blindfolded and helpless.
Mando can feel his own climax nearing and he clasps your hips tight. His fast thrusts lose rhythm and you can feel his cock getting stiff in your cunt. He pumps his cock a few more times and then you feel his warm cum surge inside of you. “Fuuuccckkk.” Mando grunts as his white juices fill your hole.
He pulls out of you and scoots you to sit further back on the table as he redresses. You can feel his cum trickling out of your pussy onto the cold metal table beneath you. You close your legs— without him pressed up against you and without your sight, you feel so exposed and awkward.
You hear the hiss of his helmet and then feel his hands pushing your legs back open again, displaying your abused and leaking cunt. Mando unties the makeshift blind fold, and you see him standing fully clothed and armored in front of you. He wraps one hand around your waist and pushes your thigh further apart with his other hand.
“You look so pretty like this.” He says in his deep, modulated voice. “Come on.” He says with his hand still around your waist, motioning you off the table. You hop off and your legs immediately give out, your body falling to the floor.
Mando scoffs and pulls you up. “I told you you wouldn’t be able to walk.”
“You’re a man of your word.” You say sarcastically.
“Guess that means I’ll have to uninstall all the fuckin cameras you hid all over my ship.” Mando says as he sweeps you off your feet. He carries you into his sleeping quarters.
“No. Keep them.” You say with a side smile as he lays you down on the bed. “I like watching you jerk off. Especially when you jerk off while moaning my name.” You pull the blankets to cover you.
Mando sits on the bed that you’re lying on “Fuck.” He says caressing your cheek. “If you didn’t work for the Empire I’d take you with me.” Mando says bluntly.
“Take me with you, Mando!” You say sitting up. “I don’t wanna work for the Empire. Fuck the Empire. I’ve been looking for a way for so long.”
Mando smiles underneath his helmet. “Well, good thing you did such a shit job at your mission.”
@pinkninja200 @raspberrymama @stevie75 @tacticalsparkles @kenoobiwan @shark-s @theamuz @blackrose8425
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divinefireangel · 3 years
Heyy because SF9 are giants, can I have a reaction on how they are with tiny/shorter s/o? 💗
For some reason I'm smiling like an idiot while writing this 🤦🏾‍♀️😔
Warnings: Fluff. I just went off :].
Omg he loves you to bits
Thinks you're the cutest fucking thing ever
Since he's tall, he will be kissing your head a lot
Pets you a lot
Looks at you with that smile he gives Jaeyoon when he eats
So much love 😭
Loves to watch you struggle with the higher cabinets tho lol
Laughs adorably seeing your sad plight
"You are so cute "
You can't ever be upset at him cause KISSYS
So many of em you're drowning
Everytime you seem to feel bad about your height, he'll kiss you
Okay his favourite thing ever is when he picks you up to sit you on the counter
Also melts when you just flop on top of him 🥺
Like a puppy who's happy to see him
Proud parent when you do literally ANYTHING????
Like sir, you are hubby. PLS
Laughs cutely at EVERYTHING you do
Why am I screaming?
His favourite thing ever is to rest his head atop yours
It's actually comfortable
For the both of you don't worry 😂
But he's ready to lean down to your height without any hesitation
He claims it's to make it easier for you
But the truth is he can't hear a thing you're saying 💀
He'll NEVER make fun of your height
In fact he'll reassure you that you aren't tiny
But just are fun sized XD
Will beat up anyone who makes fun of your height (including members 💀)
My god he's whipped cause of your smallness
My hubby 🥺
He's always hugging you
Feels this eerie sense of wanting to protect every time when he's near you
And hugs are always bear hugs btw
Kisses you hair so much
When you look at him with those doe eyes as you struggle to keep your head up
My gosh he loses it
Chances of crying cause of your tinyness : VERY HIGH
Loves carrying you bridal style
Loves seeing you in his clothes
Literally any piece of his clothing lmao
He also loves that even though you are so much smaller than him
He can freely lay on top of you, head on your chest and just sleep there
Won't ever admit it
But when you play with his hair or cheeks when he's cuddling you like a baby
He knows he's home 😭
"Baby baby baby babyyyy"
But those aren't the only petnames he uses lmao
He comes up with so many creative ones like grape, blueberry, muffin, chocolate chip, etc etc
It's all food names
And only the foods he can easily hold in his hands lol
So small foods names 😂😂
Adores when you hug him and put your head on his shoulder
Well you try for shoulder but end up on his pec
He loves holding your face with both his hands🥺
He's a meanie so he will purposely keep things on higher shelves
Only for you to call him and ask for his help
Loves giving you piggy back rides
Makes sure to lean down to kiss your cheek when you aren't paying him attention
Solely to startle you 💀
*sobs in huru*
Like jumping, standing on your toes, trying to fit in between tall people, etc
His go to reaction whenever you seem tiny is just cooing
Like he coos his cats 🥺
His hands are always touching you
Either they are holding your own or on your shoulders
On his feet every time you need help
Especially when you don't need it 😂
The most Protective Boyfriend™ ever
Okay but he's gonna be super super clingyyy
Cute clingy but still clingy
You know that thing parents do with toddlers? When they make the kid stand on their feet and walk making them laugh uncontrollably?
He's gonna insist on doing that so much 🥺
If you seem like you'll fall, it's okay
He'll catch you and never let you go
Like yeah there are many disadvantages
He genuinely thinks he can keep you in his pocket
Always messes up your hair
Skinship to the max
But due to the height difference
It's just hand holding
Your hand looks so small in his 🥺
Just completely hid away in his palm
Aggressive but kind compliments and gestures
Like pulling you towards him when he senses danger and stuff
Readily picks you up to kiss you 💀
Always taken aback when you hug him
You can barely reach his heart 😭
But you already are in there so it doesn't matter
Yoo Taeyang:
Our god, Yoo TaeYang
His instinct is to hug you from behind
All the damn time
And also to keep you very close to him and his protection
We all know that our sunshine is the type of boyfriend who will coordinate outfits
He loves matching things PLS
So every time he goes shopping, he buys something for the both of you and just cries a lil cause what he's bought for you is so much smaller than his
He loves how since you are small, he can just pick you up in his arms whenever
You can't even protest lmao
Also why he does so much for you
Like the simplest things which you don't even need someone's help for
He does them for you
He cherishes you like that
Silently laughs at your struggles too 💀💀
The first one
I repeat
To beg you to wear his clothes
Lemme explain.
You is tiny baby
He is not so tiny baby
So his clothes on you will make you look like tinier baby
Making his heart swell in his chest
Pinches you cheeks till they go pink
When you nuzzle your face into his broad self
He feels like he'll fall on the ground
Just an overall simp, if you may
He's never gonna let go of your hand cause he fears you may get hurt if he let's go
If you whine about your height he whines that if you were taller you wouldn't be as cute
Boy ain't that tall
But that won't stop him from making fun of your height every single chance he gets
It's okay tho cause he will hold you hand while nagging you
That is in public
At home, is a different story
He's literally all over you
He won't express it out loud but he's silently begging for you to ask for his help with anything
Like getting the snack box from the higher kitchen cabinet
Or your book that he kept on the shelf you can't quite reach
Loves drowning you in his hoodies
Especially when you make sweater paws
If you grab his cheeks to kiss him with your sweater paws
He will start crying.
Cuddles with you being small spoon ALWAYS
I have a feeling that his hugs are heavenly when you're shorter than him
Your arms easily circle his waist, head naturally rests on his shoulder, ears able to hear his heartbeat
He loves pulling you towards him by your clothes cause you collide with his chest when he does that
241 notes · View notes
jikookiekosmos · 4 years
Make Me || pjm
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➥Pairing: dom!jimin/sub!reader, ceo!jimin, boss!jimin/employee!reader
➥Summary: After a bad breakup, you decide to go out one night and drink your sorrows away - that is, until you see your now ex-boyfriend there with someone clinging to his arm. To get your mind off of things, you go back to your job after hours; what you don’t expect is for your boss and CEO of the company, Park Jimin, to show up and offer you help in ways you didn’t know you needed.
➥Genre: smut, fluff, slight angst, mutual pining
➥Rating: 18+
➥Words: ~15.3k
➥Content Warnings: mentions of cheating, making out, marking/biting, dirty talk, cursing, sub!reader, dom!jimin, some bdsm elements (reader’s hands are bound during parts of it), slight exhibitionism, hair pulling, safe word (jimin has a consent kink, we love to see it), oral (f. receiving), fingering, slight spanking, jimin has a sir kink, jimin calls the reader princess a lot, body worship (jimin really likes the reader’s thighs), multiple orgasms, slight handjob, slight oral (m. receiving), reader fawns over jimin’s tattoo (we all know the one), unprotected sex (reader is on the pill), rough sex, possessive!jimin, cumming inside, praise, aftercare, jimin is soft for the reader, they also banter and it’s cute, also let’s all have a moment of silence for jimin’s desk
A/N: ok so I had a little bit of a hard time finishing this one because I felt like I might be getting repetitive or boring, etc. and I was unhappy with how it was turning out for a while and thought I may not actually be able to complete it. BUT I finally finished it and I hope anyone who reads it enjoys it! Please let me know what you think, if you’d like~
As always, special thank you to @dntaewithluv​ for always supporting me and offering encouragement (being my biggest hype-person particularly for this work), and for also basically being my beta reader for everything. Especially helping me catch my typos, you are truly a blessing and I’m very grateful for you. ❤
⊱──────── ✬ ✬ ✬ ────────⊰
It was Thursday night. You typically didn’t go out except during the weekends, but you thought fuck it, you were heartbroken and needed some fun.
You had decided to go to the bar near where you worked, only a 10 minute or so drive away. Your old friend from college met you there, since you wanted to catch up with her.
Both of you were chatting and having a good time, and had been for about half an hour, before it happened. Across the room, you spotted the last person you wanted to see: your ex, as of very recently. And he wasn’t by himself; he had someone clinging to his arm, laughing obnoxiously loud at whatever he’d just said.
As he grinned down at the obviously drunken girl that was attached to him, you felt a dull pain in your chest. The two of you hadn’t even been broken up properly for a week and he was already off dating someone else. It didn’t surprise you, really, considering you broke up because he cheated on you in the first place, but still seeing it in person like this hurt.
You wasted almost a year of your life with this person only for him to go and betray you for more than half of your time together. He’d been mentally checked out of the relationship long before you ended it, and even though you saw it, you didn’t want to acknowledge it. You didn’t want to let go because you thought maybe he could change, maybe deep down he did love you like he said he did.
One person had tried to convince you otherwise, but you didn’t listen. Of all the people it could be, it was your boss who tried to talk some common sense into you.
Park Jimin, CEO of the Park & Jeon law firm. This man was your boss of 2 years now, and also the man you’d had the biggest crush on since you first laid eyes on him. It was, of course, an unrequited crush, and even if the feelings were mutual, dating someone you worked with – especially if that person is your boss – has always been a taboo sort of topic. So you never acted on it, you just kept it to yourself and swallowed down any feelings of hope whenever something might happen.
You briefly recalled something that had happened a few weeks ago at the office, one night when you decided to stay late after a fight with your – then – boyfriend.
⊱──────── ✬ ✬ ✬ ────────⊰
Jimin was about to leave to head home when he noticed you were still typing away at your desk, working your way through the mountain of files he had stacked there earlier in the afternoon. It was already 20 minutes past when you were supposed to leave, but the way you were situated at your desk gave him the impression you weren’t planning on going anywhere soon.
“Y/N,” he called to you, immediately making you wipe your eyes with the back of your hand. You didn’t want him to know you’d been crying earlier.
But, of course, as with most things, Park Jimin could always tell.
You heard rather than saw him walk over to your desk, aware of his presence beside you when he stopped. When you didn’t answer him he sighed and gently swiveled your chair around so you would look at him.
“Why haven’t you gone home yet,” he asked, his tone level. His eyebrows were somewhat furrowed as he took in your countenance now that he was closer and could see you had definitely been crying earlier.
You sniffled. “I really need to get these files done.”
Jimin’s face told you he wasn’t buying it. He looked at the giant mass of paper on your desk. “These files? All of them?”
You nodded. He pinched the bridge of his nose.
“Y/N, what’s wrong?”
“What do you mean, everything’s fine-”
“Don’t bullshit me,” Jimin cut you off. His sudden firmness caught you off guard so you didn’t say more and just waited for him to continue.
“Did something happen? Between you and him?”
You nodded again, although this time a bit more hesitantly. Jimin sighed, running a hand through his hair.
“Honestly, Y/N, I don’t see why you put up with this guy. He’s not- look, you’re sad more often than not and it’s usually because of him.”
“But my work performance hasn’t suffered,” you said it quietly, almost expecting him to not hear it. But he did.
He leaned closer and rested both hands on the armrests of your chair, almost like he was caging you in.
“Do you actually think I only care about how well you perform at work,” he asked you, a frown very prominent on his face.
You weren’t sure how to respond so you didn’t. Jimin stared you down as you sat there waiting for him to say something else.
 “I care about you as a person, Y/N. You’re more than just an employee, you’re- look, I may be your boss but I’m still a human being. I don’t only see you as a machine that churns out work when I ask you to. Of course, I value all the hard work you do, but I also value you.”
Your eyes welled up with fresh tears as you listened to every word he said. It was something you’d needed to hear in some capacity and hadn’t for a while. Not from anyone, and certainly not from the person you needed it from the most, the person who was the cause of your current emotional state.
Before you could realize what you were doing, you hugged Jimin. Your sudden movement startled him and it took a few seconds for him to return the hug, even though it was just a light pat on the back.
“Thank you,” you wiped away your tears as you settled back into your chair, watching as Jimin moved back and straightened his posture. “It’s nice to hear I’m valued in some way.” You offered him a small smile, but he didn’t return it.
“Do you not…does he not tell you that he cares for you?” Jimin’s tone had dropped into a tone you didn’t recognize.
You shook your head. “It’s not that he doesn’t it’s just…well he says he loves me so I guess it’s implied, right?”
Jimin’s frown deepened. “Y/N-”
“It’s ok, we just had a little fight, I’m fine, I promise.” You tried to give him a bigger smile in hopes he’d take it as genuine.
You knew better than anyone else, though, that Jimin could see through you as if you were a delicate piece of glass.
Jimin searched your eyes for a moment more before sighing again and turning to the side, placing his hands in his pockets.
“I know it’s not really my place,” he said as he looked out the window behind your desk, “but you deserve better. Much better.”
His words made your heart start thumping faster, a feeling you hadn’t experienced in a long time.
“Go home. You can finish these tomorrow.” Without sparing you another glance, Jimin turned and walked back into his office that was connected to yours.
That night, as you drove home, all the feelings for Jimin that you’d worked so hard to bury started resurfacing. You made up with your boyfriend that night, thinking that maybe bringing your feelings for him to the forefront of your mind might fix that.
It didn’t.
⊱──────── ✬ ✬ ✬ ────────⊰
So, here you were now: back at work after hours, trying to get your mind off of everything in your life that was confusing the fuck out of you. Your recent break-up and your feelings for your boss who was way too attractive for his own good marked the top of that list.
You had excused yourself, telling your friend that you remembered you had really important work you needed to finish and that the two of you would have to take a raincheck for another time. She looked concerned but didn’t press the issue, and for that you were grateful.
Luckily for you, there was an important case that was due the end of the following week, and you’d been too distracted to make any real progress on it. You decided to try and knock as much of it out as you could tonight.
Which, unfortunately for you, proved to be more difficult than you thought, since you couldn’t find the files you needed. You searched every corner of your office, and even Jimin’s office, but to no avail. The files were nowhere to be seen.
You’d been back at the office for maybe 2 hours before you finally caved and called Jimin. You’d never called him outside of normal working hours, so you weren’t sure how this would go.
To your surprise, he picked up after the first ring.
“Y/N?” Jimin’s tone sounded surprised, something you didn’t hear often at all. You couldn’t blame him; you were calling him at 8:42 P.M. on a Thursday so he had to be wondering what you could possibly want.
“Hi yeah it’s me, sorry to bother you, sir,” you threw in the last bit without thinking as you shuffled through the papers on your desk a second time. 
“What’s wrong? Are you ok?”
His genuine concern made you pause for a second, grip on your phone tightening. You were way too emotional for this right now, but you cleared your throat and composed yourself.
“Yes I’m fine, I just had a work related question.”
You could almost picture him nodding on the other side of the phone, his face turning to stone again. “Ok, what is it?”
“You know that really important case due the end of next week?”
“Yeah, what about it?”
“Where are the rest of the case files? I don’t think you left them on my desk-“
“Hang on, where are you right now?” 
You groaned with frustration because you didn’t really have the time – nor the want – to play 20 questions with Jimin right now. You were in a shitty enough mood as it was after seeing your ex with that bitch on his arm.
“Jimin, please just tell me-”
“Answer me.”
The authority in his tone made a shiver run down your spine unconsciously. You had no choice but to obey.
“I’m at work.”
A few seconds of silence. “Why are you at work this late?”
You sighed. “I came in to try and get some more work done on the case.”
“But it’s late, you really don’t need to be at the office. We’ve talked about you working after hours-”
“I know but just-” you broke off to let out another frustrated sigh “Look I just really need to be here right now, ok?”
You usually never challenged his authority, so as you waited for him to respond, you imagined he was probably tonguing his cheek, like you’ve seen him do countless times before.
“Fine. The case files are in the safe in my office.” Without another word he hung up.
Happy to finally know where the stupid files were, you walked through Jimin’s office again and made your way over to his safe.
As you crouched down in front of it to enter the code, it dawned on you that this was a new safe. One that you’d never seen before.
In other words, you didn’t know the code.
You slumped down onto the floor in front of the safe and wrapped your arms around your knees. You felt like crying because there’s no way in hell you were calling Jimin back, but you were determined to not leave this office unless you’d done something you needed to do.
So you just sat there, hugging yourself as you tried to figure out all the possible solutions for this mess you were in. And not just your current situation, but your life situation too. With your ex, with everything.
You’d probably been sitting in Jimin’s office for 10 minutes before you heard a noise outside. You shot up quickly, not sure if it was just the wind outside or if someone was in the building. You grabbed onto the edge of Jimin’s desk when you heard footsteps approaching.
The sound of a key turning the lock to the office door is what finally brought you to your senses. Jimin opened the door and there he stood, still in his work attire just minus his suit jacket, with his sleeves now rolled up and his tie somewhat loosened around his neck.
He pushed a hand through his silver strands of hair when he saw you. Oh god.
Jimin sighed. “Y/N, why are you here?”
You blinked, not even thinking about what you were wearing until now, when you were looking down at the floor. Oh god (again).
You answered him. “Um...I’m looking for the files?”
You swear you saw him roll his eyes, even in the dim light of the office. He strolled over to his desk and turned on the lamp there, now just a few feet away from you.
“No, I mean why are you here. At work. Alone, at night.” 
You couldn’t think of a convincing enough lie, and you didn’t want to lie to him anyway, so you told him the first thing you could think of.
“I just had to get away for a bit. Bury myself in my work. You know how I get.” You were still looking at the ground, very aware of how much of your legs were showing thanks to the skirt you’d chosen to wear.
“Hm,” he hummed, crossing his arms as he looked you up and down. You felt a small blush rise on your cheeks. 
“Why did you need to get away?”
“That’s personal, first of all, secondly, why are you here?” You crossed your arms and took a step toward him then so now you were in front of the middle of the desk.
Jimin didn’t back down from your challenge. “Since when do you care about me knowing personal details about you?”
“I uh-,” well shit, he had you there. Up until now, Jimin had known pretty much everything about your personal life that you’re not even willing to share with most people.
Jimin strolled over to where he was standing in front of you, his arms still crossed. You gulped as you watched the clearly defined muscles in his forearms move as he repositioned his arms.
“What are you hiding from me,” he said it more as a statement than a question, in a low tone.
“N-Nothing,” you stammered, definitely giving away that there was something you were hiding. He arched an eyebrow as he looked you up and down again. You felt hot under his gaze.
“Hm, I don’t think I believe you,” he responded as he inched closer to you. 
“Well, you also never told me why you were here,” you challenged. “Don’t you think it’s fair to answer at least one of my questions?”
He chuckled then, giving you a sly smirk. Your heart skipped a beat. 
“Fine, I’ll tell you. I knew you didn’t have the password for the new safe, so I came to help you.”
Wait. Pause. Huh? Jimin came to help you? The thought surprised you, and it wasn’t like he was heartless or anything, but him coming to work after hours to help you with something not super important was...what?
“Why did you do that,” your voice was quiet as you were more-so asking yourself than him, but he heard it anyway. 
“You’d be here all hours of the night if I didn’t. So you’re right, I do know how you get.” His eyes were staring into yours and suddenly you felt very small.
Just how much did he really pay attention to...?
“So,” he uncrossed his arms, now placing his hands into his pockets. If you reached out just barely you could touch his chest – that’s how close he was. “Let’s get to work then, yeah?”
You blinked, taken aback. Was he serious about helping?
Apparently so because he turned on his heel and walked over to the safe, crouching down to unlock it. He came back holding some files and dropped them onto his desk.
“I’ll give you the code some other time but for now,” he pulled out a chair for you to sit beside him, “let’s get what we can done tonight.
You nodded and both got to work.
You’d been working for maybe 10 minutes before anyone spoke again.
“So, why the, uh, choice of attire?” You glanced over to see Jimin scanning you with his eyes, letting them linger on your legs that were currently crossed.
Fuck, you forgot you’d changed into something definitely not work appropriate. You were wearing a tight tank top and a miniskirt that just barely covered your ass.
“Well,” you started to say, turning away to hide the blush that you knew had to be there, “I was going to the bar with my friend, but then I-” you paused then, catching yourself before you told him what really happened.
Jimin’s eyebrow raised. “Y/N? You what?”
“I, um, remembered that I needed to work on this so I left.” You gave him what you hoped was a convincing smile.
He hummed and started flipping through the papers in front of you again so you had no way of knowing if he believed you or not.
“Did you only go with your friend?” He wasn’t looking at you, instead it looked like he was intensely concentrating on the task at hand.
“Y-yeah. It was just gonna be a girl’s night thing. Why do you ask?”
Jimin shuffled the papers, lining them up on the desk. “No reason, just curious. Thought maybe your boyfriend might go with you.”
You flinched and luckily (you hoped) Jimin didn’t catch it.
You hadn’t told Jimin about the break up yet, considering you’d been wallowing in your own sorrow about it too much. And you knew already how much Jimin...disliked your ex, for lack of a better word. So you didn’t feel it was important to mention, at least not yet, anyway.
And deep down some part of you thought maybe he wouldn’t care anyway, so why bother?
“Yeah, no, it was just her and me.”
“Hm, well then,” he stacked the papers and turned toward you ever so slightly. “Since you had to leave the bar, why don’t we drink some here?”
You stared at him, dumbfounded. “Sir, what-”
“I keep alcohol in a stash under my desk. I work late nights sometimes too, you know,” there was a tiny hint of a smile but it disappeared before you could really appreciate it. Damn.
“And I’m the owner so I can do whatever I want, which includes drinking at work if I’m off the clock.” He pulled out a glass of something, you weren’t sure what (rum? whiskey? you didn’t know but you wanted it) and two glasses, placing them on the desk.
“Wait...I’m allowed to drink, too?”
Jimin chuckled and you loved the sound. You never got to hear this man as anything other than professional so you were enjoying this a lot.
“Of course you can. You’re off the clock too, and you’re putting in overtime, I think you deserve a drink.”
Well what were you gonna do, say no?
“Thank you, sir,” you politely accepted the glass he handed you. You tasted the drink and it was rum, but it was one you liked. You knew you’d need to be careful though, because the last thing you want is to get drunk at work with your insanely hot boss.
...ok maybe you wanted it a little, but you know.
You both continued working, drinking and casually chatting while you did. The atmosphere overall was just really nice, and you got the work done a lot faster than you thought considering you originally figured it would just be you working alone.
When you were done, you walked to the front of Jimin’s desk and stacked the papers neatly on top, almost in the middle of it.
You turned and gave him a big smile, proud of the work you had done. Your brain was swimming with excitement from completing your task but also from being a little tipsy and also being in the presence of Jimin all at once.
To your surprise, he smiled back, but only for a moment.
“Now that we’ve finished what you came here for,” he raised his glass, “let’s get to the next important matter at hand, shall we?”
He was still raising his glass so you clinked yours with his, casually leaning on the desk, almost sitting on it but not quite.
Yeah you were definitely feeling the alcohol now, which meant you’d be more confident and daring which could potentially be bad but right now Tipsy You doesn’t give a shit. 
“And what would that important matter be, Mr. Park?” You sipped from your glass after your impromptu toast. He did the same, watching you the whole time. When he brought his arm back down, there was a bit of a smirk adorning his features.
Hm. Well. That was new.
“The matter, Ms. Y/L/N,” he stated as he sat the empty glass on the edge of his desk, also stepping closer to you in the process, “is that you still haven’t told me what you’re hiding.”
You sat your glass down next to his and crossed your arms. “With all due respect, I still don’t really think that’s any of your business.”
There was silence again, before Jimin let out a wry chuckle, still smirking. Apparently alcohol helped him loosen up as well.
“Tell me what it is you’re hiding from me.” The tone was authoritative and it almost made you give in.
You held your ground and gave him a sly smile of your own, which seemed to confuse him if his face was anything to go by. You opened your mouth and let the two words fall out as if it was nothing.
“Make me.”
In the dim light you saw something flash in Jimin’s eyes as they widened, and you suddenly felt a little scared. But the scared feeling was outweighed by the excitement you felt throughout your whole body.
“You wanna run that by me again?” His tone had changed into a register you’d never heard from him before and you realized that you may be veering into dangerous territory now and should probably stop-
“You heard me, sir,” you responded, clearly dragging out the word at the end. “If you want to know what I’m ‘hiding’ you’ll have to make me tell you.”
He stepped forward once more, to where you were basically chest to chest now. He stared down at you and you suddenly no longer felt the urge to talk back.
“Oh trust me, I can make you. I have my ways,” he let his gaze trail down to look at your lips then back up to your eyes. He ran his thumb along your bottom lip, the movement so quick you almost didn’t catch it.
One thing to know about you: you never back down from a challenge.
“Why don’t you stop talking big and just show me already? What are you gonna do, Mr. Park?” You could almost feel the heat radiating off of him now as you continued, “Tie me up?”
You heard what might’ve been a low growl come from him and then he was wrapping his arms around you before you could process it. Unlike what you thought, though, he wasn’t doing it to hold you. You heard as some papers shuffled behind you before he moved away and back into his original position.
“W-what are you doing,” you asked, looking at him now and his eyes were intense. You’d never seen a stare like that come from him and you’d seen a lot in your time of working here.
“Just making some room,” was his blunt answer.
“Making room for wha-”
You barely got the words out before you were being lifted off the ground, his hands holding you up by your thighs, just underneath your ass. You gasped and wound your arms around his neck, out of surprise but also because of instinct since you thought you might fall.
He sat you down on the desk then, now in a clean area where no papers were placed. He removed your arms from around his neck and put a hand on either side of you, watching you closely as you were starting to breathe more rapidly.
Oh you were so fucked.
“You see,” Jimin said as he stood in front of you, moving your legs apart so he could get closer. “I own this desk you’re sitting on right now.”
As if to emphasize his point, he slapped one of his hands against the surface of the desk, right beside your thigh. You gulped.
“By extension, I also own everything on it.” Jimin was staring at you through half lidded eyes. He got even closer still, close enough now where if you barely moved your lips you’d be kissing him.
What a dangerous thought that was.
“And right now, princess,” his voice had dropped into a more sultry tone and you were drinking him in more and more with each passing second. “That includes you.”
Before you could even react, he pushed you back to where you were laying on the desk, with your legs still hanging off as he was standing in between them. Your skirt had hiked up around your thighs during the interaction, and you didn’t notice it until you felt him brush his fingers across one. 
“You know,” Jimin went on as he loomed over you now, the long end of his tie landing on your chest. “You’re playing a dangerous game.”
“Am I?” You deliberately questioned him, even though you were at his mercy already. You had already pushed this far, so why not push further. You were tingling all over, from the alcohol you were sure, but also from the overwhelming presence that is Park Jimin.
You hadn’t felt this way in a long time, and you were determined to chase that feeling as long as you could.
You had been absentmindedly playing with the end of his tie that you could reach, but you opted instead to now try to wrap your legs around him to pull him closer, your body basically acting on its own accord. But it was if he knew what you might try and do, because he suddenly had a vise grip on both of your thighs, pulling them apart more.
You let out a small whine, feeling so exposed under him despite still being covered. 
“Let me explain something to you because I don’t think you understand,” Jimin spoke again, leaning over you even more now, his grip on your thighs tightening. “You’re not in control here. You gave up that control the second you questioned my authority.”
You gulped as he raised one of his hands to caress your cheek, the soft action briefly making you forget the position you were in - caged on top of your boss’ desk with him in between your thighs.
You didn’t forget for long though because that same hand travelled up further, burying itself into your hair and giving it a gentle tug, the surprise making you jolt forward.
You felt Jimin’s lips ghosting over your throat then, but you couldn’t look down at him due to the hold he had on your hair.
“I have you completely at my mercy.” He said, his voice low. He placed a single, soft kiss to your throat and you whined again. 
“And I have to say,” he practically growled out, his grip in your hair tightening, “you look quite lovely like this, submitting all control to me.”
You were already so wet and could feel yourself getting hotter everywhere and you knew this now had the potential to turn into something it probably shouldn’t. But also you were literally pinned underneath your hot boss on his desk under his control so like...what’s a person to do, yeah?
“Nothing to say, princess? You sure were eager to talk earlier.” He nosed along your jawline now, and all you wanted to do was reach out and touch him somewhere, it didn’t really matter where. And god the pet name, you felt like you could just die, but like in the best way possible.
You didn’t really have the chance to contemplate reaching out to touch him, though, because Jimin stood back up and captured both your wrists in one hand, placing them over your head.
“I’ve been thinking,” he started, his other hand going to his tie, “and I actually would like to tie you up.”
You gasped as his grip on your wrists tightened experimentally, him looking over your face as he tried to gauge your reaction.
“Of course I won’t do anything without your consent,” he used his thumb to rub along the underside of one of your wrists he was holding, “so I need you to tell me.”
Your heart fluttered at the fact that despite him being in control and clearly being the dominant one in the situation, he still wouldn’t cross any boundary you weren’t comfortable with.
Were you comfortable with being tied up? You fucking bet.
“Do it,” you breathed out. His hand around his tie froze.
He started tsk, tsk, tsking at you. “Oh, Y/N. It seems you still don’t understand.”
His grip tightened again around your wrists, making you yelp more out of surprise than anything else. He leaned down to where his lips were just hovering above yours.
“If you want something,” Jimin said, his tone low, “then I need to hear you beg me for it.”
You understood then entirely what this dynamic was and had to think about if you actually were comfortable with this. It was unlike anything you’d ever dealt with before, so it was new and exciting.
And as it was with anything else, Tipsy You craved excitement.
“Please,” you said barely above a whisper. And that was all Jimin needed.
He leaned up and you watched as he swiftly took off his tie with only one hand as he looked down at you, the tie now hanging loosely from his palm.
“When I let go of your wrists, don’t move,” he commanded. Maybe on another day you’d challenge it to see what he’d do, but for now you did exactly as you were told. 
He wound the tie around your wrists, giving it a firm tug when he was done, checking to make sure that you couldn’t get out but that it wasn’t too tight either.
He leaned back to admire his handiwork, his eyes scanning over every inch of your body as you were now stretched out and bound at the wrists. You imagined you probably were a sight: hair splayed out, cheeks flushed, chest rapidly rising and falling with your excited breathing.
“You look so perfect like this,” he said, almost too quiet for you to hear. He stroked his fingers along the inside of your thigh. You shuddered at his touch.
“Perfect princess, all laid out for me.” His fingers kept traveling upwards, inching closer and closer to where you wanted them, playing with the hem of your skirt.
“Now, what should I do with you, hm?” Jimin switched gears then, his hands began traveling along your sides, his fingers dancing around your ribcage as they travelled upwards.
“Should I play with you like this?” He started rubbing his hands up and down your arms, trying to go over every place he could touch. Well, every place except places you wanted him to touch.
He looked up then, almost like he was trying to find something. An evil grin covered his features.
He placed an arm around you, his palm under your back as he lifted you up so you were sitting again. Your arms were now in front of you, still bound.
“Up,” he commanded, tugging on your binds. You got up, your legs a little wobbly. He walked you over to his window that overlooked the city, the blinds drawn as they usually were.
He wrapped an arm around your waist as he opened the blinds with his unoccupied hand. The city looked beautiful from up here, and as you were looking out at everything, you didn’t feel him move away.
You didn’t know until you felt him pressing against your back. 
“Arms up,” he told you, and you obeyed without hesitation. You were now pressed up against the window, your arms above your head, wrists tied, and Jimin behind you.
Oh fuck.
“Imagine if people below could see you right now. See you all pretty on display like this.” His chin was moving on your shoulder as he spoke, one hand curled around your waist. 
You didn’t know where his other hand was until he snaked it into your hair again, pulling tighter than he ever had. Your head fell backwards, exposing your neck to him.
“I’ve never told you,” he started as he placed a kiss on the side of your neck, “but I love when you wear your hair up. I can see your neck and it’s always so inviting, just asking to be marked.”
“But now,” he continued as he travelled lower, “I love that you have your hair down, because I can use it however I want.” He pulled again as if for emphasis, and you let out a quiet moan.
Jimin paused. You held your breath, not sure what to expect next.
He turned you around then, having your back pinned against the window now.
His hands were holding you against the window by your waist, grip tightening when you looked into his eyes. They held a look you’d never seen on anyone before, one that you couldn’t quite decipher. But if it did anything, it made you want to submit.
He moved one hand up to your hair again and pulled, eliciting another moan from you. At this point you didn’t bother holding back.
He groaned. “Fuck, you sound so pretty for me.”
He started kissing down your neck again then, still pressing you against the window by your waist, the glass cold on your shoulders.
“Jimin,” you pleaded. He paused and looked up at you.
“Hm? You want something?” His tone was normal, almost as if he was giving you a briefing on a case or something.
You nodded as best you could given your current position. “The window - it’s cold, please-”
You barely got the words out before he was pulling you into his chest and wrapping his arms around you. Your bound hands ended up right in front of his crotch and-
Fuck, he was hard. And knowing that made you even more aroused.
You didn’t have time to react before he pulled away again to look at you. His gaze scanned over your face, and he looked like he was contemplating what to do to you next.
“Do you have any idea how beautiful you look right now,” he rubbed one of his thumbs underneath your eye and along your cheek. “Makeup smeared, breathing stuttered, tied up and completely pliant, just waiting for me to do what I want to you. So fucked out and I’ve barely touched you yet.”
“When you look like this, Y/N,” he paused so he could lean in closer to where he was right by your ear.
He gently bit down on your earlobe before finishing his sentence in a hushed tone.
“It makes me want to ruin you”.
That sentence alone suddenly made you even more wet (and you’d been doing your damnedest to hold back but you were only so strong) and you wanted to kiss him with everything you had. You wanted to do something, it was driving you crazy. Your wrists squirmed as you tried to touch him.
Jimin noticed you struggling against your binds and moved away with a chuckle.
“Oh, princess,” he sounded, his tone almost scolding, “that’s not allowed.”
“Wha-” you broke off, not realizing how out of breath you were from just all of this, “what’s not allowed-”
He pulled one of your legs up to wrap it around him as best he could in the position you two were in, then moving that hand to hold onto you so you wouldn’t fall.
Without a warning, he used his other hand to push past your skirt since it was hiked up now, lightly brushing up against your inner thigh.
His touch was delicate, soft, but also intense and you wanted more. So, so much more.
“You’re not allowed to touch me,” Jimin finally answered, his fingers climbing higher until they were brushing lightly over your panties, against your core. You let out a small sound, something like a whimper, because holy fuck you were sensitive.
“Fuck, Jimin, please,” you threw your head back, no longer able to contain yourself and he’d barely done anything yet. You were truly at his mercy, just like he said.
He groaned again, his fingers now applying more pressure. “I love hearing you fucking beg for me.”
Since your leg was wrapped securely around him now, he used that hand that was holding you to pull you closer, cradling the back of your head. When you were barely an inch away, he finally closed the distance, allowing you what you wanted. 
His lips felt unlike anything you could have ever imagined. The kiss was rough but held all the gentleness you never would’ve associated with someone who had a presence as strong as Jimin. His hold around you tightened, and you felt like you could just melt then and there.
He bit down lightly, asking for access that you gladly gave him. The kiss lasted a while but not nearly long enough for your liking, because when he went to pull away you whined again.
When you opened your eyes, he was giving you that same cocky smirk from before. He brushed his thumb across your bottom lip again, pressing his forehead against yours while you both tried to control your breathing.
“You have no idea how long I’ve wanted to do that,” he said. The words made you feel hot but also fluttery again like before.
“What else have you wanted to do with me,” you asked, simply because you were fucking curious and you were also still confident since not all the alcohol was out of your system yet. You were definitely sober enough to know what was happening, though, and to know that you absolutely wanted it to.
Jimin laughed, the sound so nice and so attractive at the same time. “Ah, that’s a dangerous question. Are you sure you want to know?”
You nodded as vigorously as possible. Jimin hummed at your enthusiasm.
“Well, for starters,” he said as he hovered over your lips again, “I’ve wanted to kiss you until you couldn’t breathe.”
He kissed you again, kissed you hard, but it was short-lived since he was pulling away to speak more.
“I’ve wanted to see you, all pretty and marked up for me,” he started trailing down your neck again, this time leaving a hickey on your shoulder.
“Fuck, Jimin,” you breathed out, your wrists squirming again in their binds. 
He continued, tugging on your binds, making you stop your movements.
“I’ve wanted to see you tied up, at my mercy,” he pulled again on the binds and your leg fell from around him as you wobbled forward. He steadied you then, not missing the opportunity to bury his hand in your hair once more when you were standing upright.
“I’ve wanted you to submit to me since I first laid my eyes on you,” he looked at you again through those half-lidded eyes and you felt like if you didn’t get some part of this man either in your mouth or inside of you then you were going to lose it.
“But then,” he added more softly, “You showed me how much of an independent and strong woman you are.” He kissed you and continued.
“You demonstrated how willing you are to work for what you want and how considerate you are in caring for others, even more than you care for yourself.” Jimin started backing you up, and you weren’t sure where you were going but you were along for the ride. Plus he had his hands around your waist as he guided you, so you trusted that you wouldn’t fall.
Jimin wouldn’t let you fall. Jimin wouldn’t hurt you.
These were things that if someone asked you about them an hour ago you wouldn’t know the answer, but now? With the way he was handling you, there was no way he’d ever willingly put you in danger and you knew it.
When the back of your knees hit something solid, Jimin paused and looked you in the eyes. You felt like there was a sudden shift in his behavior and it confused you.
“Jimin? What’s wrong?”
He closed his eyes and sighed before he started speaking again. “Sorry, it’s just- I can’t get over the fact that you somehow ended up with someone who doesn’t deserve you. Thinking about how he has you all to himself and doesn’t appreciate you,” his grip on your waist tightened and he was looking down at the floor.
“It drives me insane.” He brought his eyes back up to look into yours once more. You were sobering up and you realized he might be too, and it almost looked like he might be regretting what was happening.
You felt his grip loosen around your waist, and you panicked thinking he may move away. It clicked then: he thought you were still dating your ex, which was your own fault since you hadn’t told him about the breakup yet.
You didn’t want to let this moment go over a misunderstanding. Not when the man you’d been pining over for years now finally had you in his hold.
With your hands that were still bound, you desperately reached out to grab his shirt.
“Jimin, wait.”
Jimin froze but he had removed his hands from your waist. You knew you needed to act fast.
“We broke up,” you blurted out. The sudden flash in his eyes didn’t go unnoticed by you, that intense stare from before slowly coming back to life in his eyes.
“What? When?” His stare made you feel small but you needed to go through with this. You needed him to know that you wanted to be his and only his, no one else’s.
“Last week. I broke it off because…he cheated on me, but I also knew the relationship wouldn’t work. If I’d listened to you sooner, I could’ve been a lot happier.” A sad smile painted your face, one that made the expression on his soften.
“He cheated on you? What a fucking idiot,” Jimin scoffed, making you giggle. “I knew he was stupid but I mean for fuck’s sake, he had you,” Jimin wrapped his hands around yours still grasping his shirt, “and he was too fucking stupid to appreciate you the way you should be.”
Jimin removed your hands from his shirt and repositioned his own around your waist again, pushing you against the desk more. He leaned down to where his lips were a mere inch away from yours, causing yours to automatically part the faintest bit.
“I’ll make sure you never go unappreciated again,” he said against your lips before kissing you with so much passion that it nearly made you fall over. You wanted to wrap your arms around him, but since that was impossible, you settled for moving your body closer to his.
“Please,” you breathed out when he pulled away, resting his forehead against yours. “Make me yours.”
That was all he needed to hear. You saw him smirk when he backed up, shifting back into that more dominant persona that had you tingling all over with arousal.
With no more hesitation, Jimin turned you around and you were facing the desk again. He bent you over, and your still-bound hands were almost reaching the opposite edge of the desk.
His hands were still gripping your waist as your felt him settle in behind you. You could feel him pressing against your ass and you instinctively moved back against him.
Suddenly you felt a slap on your ass that jerked you forward.
“What did I say earlier, princess?” He rubbed over the spot he’d just hit, trying to soothe what little pain it had caused. “You’re not allowed to touch me, it’s against the rules.”
“But Jimin,” you whined, earning another slap. You cried out because the pain felt nice and you weren’t exactly sure if you wanted him to stop.
“If you behave,” Jimin said in that low tone you were slowly getting used to, “I might let you have your way, how does that sound, hm?”
You nodded and that seemed to please him.
“Good,” you heard him say as something started shuffling behind you. You felt him lift your skirt up and soon your ass was exposed, still covered by your panties but not much else.
“Y/N,” came Jimin’s voice, and you suddenly could feel how close he was to you. Your felt like there was a fire slowly igniting inside you with each passing second of anticipation.
“A safe word. We need one.” His tone was gentle as he started running his hands up and down your thighs, making you squirm on top of the desk.
“Um...don’t people use a color system or something?” 
“We can if that’s what you want. Red for stop immediately, yellow for slow down, green means you’re good to go. That work for you?” He was trailing his fingers up again and suddenly playing with the hem of your panties. 
You nodded, your cheek pressed against the desk. “Yes, anything, just please do something, please-”
Jimin chuckled. “What’s your color?”
“Green, pleas-”
You barely got the words out before he shoved the panties to the side and you felt him plunge two fingers inside you. With how wet you were, there was little resistance. You gripped the edge of the desk as best you could with your hands as they were still tied, letting out a loud moan that you couldn’t even be bothered to be ashamed of.
“That’s it, be loud for me,” he sped up, holding you down on the desk with his unoccupied arm so you’d stop moving as much. 
You kept letting out sounds that were somewhere between a mixture of moans and his name, panting every time he would speed up.
“This is also something I’ve wanted to do to you for a long time,” Jimin’s tone was sultry again, but he seemed like he was having a bit of a harder time composing it. Suddenly it seemed like he was crouching down, but you couldn’t see. 
“I wanted to watch you come undone underneath me. Whether it be from my fingers-” he broke away to pull out and you whined at the loss of contact.
“-or on my tongue,” he continued as he flattened his tongue out and ran it over your clit. You moaned and gripped the desk harder, now laying your head down face first because it was too intense.
You’d never been eaten out from behind before but you guessed there’s a time for everything, right?
Jimin was moving his tongue in ways that you could only describe as ‘expertly,’ making sure to lap over every part of you that he could reach. His hands were gripping your thighs, pulling you apart so he had better access. You were shaking in his hold, and with how fast he was going you knew you would not last long at all at this rate.
You heard him moan around you, the vibrations from his mouth causing a new type of pleasure to wash over you, each one stimulating your clit more and more. He started fucking you with his tongue and you moaned even louder.
“Jimin, oh my god- fuck,” you called out, which made him groan in return.
“You taste so good,” he said as he added in a finger alongside his tongue, alternating between the two, one going in while the other was coming out. You wanted to scream but no sound would come out, you could barely think. 
He pulled away briefly to attach his lips to a spot on your thigh as he gripped the other one harder. 
“It always drives me crazy when you wear short dresses and I can see your thighs, just begging to be marked.” 
You felt him start to suck then, marking your flesh and making you gasp. He continued his assault on your clit with his thumb before his tongue was on you once more, the pleasure almost overwhelming. As much as you were enjoying this, you wanted to turn over so you could see him. 
“Please,” you begged, still squirming against your will. He let up but only slightly, replacing his tongue with his fingers again.
“Yes, princess?” He sounded slightly breathless and his voice was making you even more wet. 
“I want to see you. Please,” you pleaded again. His fingers slowed down to a more gentle, rhythmic pace, as if he was contemplating your plea and needed to slow down in order to focus.
You didn’t have to wait long before he was pulling you up from the desk, bringing your back flush up against his chest. 
“Since you’re being such a good girl for me, I think I can give you what you want,” he said in that same low tone that was driving you insane, mouthing at your neck as he did so.
He turned you around and pulled you to him by tugging on your binds to give you a quick kiss, but despite its quickness it still took your breath away. You could taste yourself on his tongue and it was a new feeling but you didn’t mind it right now.
You didn’t mind anything right now. All you could think about was Jimin. Head empty, no thoughts, only Jimin.
He made you lay back again, this time where you were facing forward and if you craned your neck just right you could see him.
You looked at him as he kneeled down in between your legs, pushing your skirt up again so he’d have access. This time, however, he pulled your panties down to your ankles instead of just moving them to the side.
There was just something about still being clothed while all this was happening that drove you crazy with arousal.
He stared up at you through those half-lidded eyes, his mouth hovering over you and you almost came then, that’s the power this man holds.
“Y/N,” Jimin breathed. “Color?”
It took you a second to realize what he was talking about before you nodded and said “Still green.”
He stuck out his tongue and licked a slow stripe up from your entrance to your clit, the motion making you moan and lay your head back on the desk.
You had barely just laid your head down before there was a quick slap to your thigh, making you jolt.
You looked up again at Jimin, who now had a hold on your thighs again to keep them spread apart.
“Eyes on me, princess.” He lapped again at your clit, slowly, making sure to take his time. Looking at him made every feeling more intense and you didn’t know how long you’d hold out.
But still, you looked. Because he told you to. Because you had to obey.
Because he was Park Jimin and had a power over you that no one else had before.
“You’re gonna watch as I ravage you,” he said in between movements of his tongue, applying more pressure to your clit as he went down again. 
You had to fight closing your eyes because the pleasure was too much but he wanted you to watch and you’d watch until you couldn’t.
“I’ve waited so long to make you mine, and I’m going to take my time,” he continued, and despite what his words suggested, he started going faster instead.
Your moans were increasing in pitch the more he sped up, his attention going from your clit to inside of you as he inserted two fingers again. You could feel your orgasm approaching and all you could do was lay there and take it.
Your wrists were moving on their own, trying to get out of your binds. It was no use, however, and you were stuck with nothing to hold on to as Jimin ate you like you were his last meal.
“Jimin, fuck, oh my god, please-” you kept saying the same things over and over but your brain couldn’t conjure up much more. He flicked his tongue faster against your clit and every part of your body felt like it was on fire.
“Can you do something for me,” he asked from between your legs. You nodded with no hesitation, despite not knowing what the fuck you were agreeing to.
“Call me sir,” was his simple command, and before you could respond he resumed his mission and you let out what sounded like a strangled whine.
“Yes sir, please, ruin me,” you just started saying things and apparently it was working because he was gripping your thighs hard enough now you thought they might be bruised tomorrow.
“Fuck, I love it when you call me that,” he groaned as he broke away to breathe, his fingers now picking up the pace where his tongue left off. You had looked away for a few moments to try and ground yourself a bit but as you looked at him now, you knew it’d be all over soon.
He was such a sight to behold. He was resting his cheek against one of your thighs as he caught his breath, lips so pretty and parted, eyes half-lidded with arousal. His damp, silver hair had started to fall into his eyes, so he pushed it back as he continued panting against your skin.
When he saw you staring, he smirked, and you clenched around him, making him laugh.
“Oh, I see. So that’s what gets you going, huh?” His fingers went faster, and he added his thumb now to rub your clit at the same time.
“You like seeing me enjoying myself as I taste you?” Knowing you were still staring, he removed his fingers and wrapped his lips around your clit, closing his eyes as he let out a moan that had you clenching around nothing. That was it, you couldn’t take it anymore.
You laid back and held your arms above your head so you could grip onto the edge of the desk behind you. You were crying out something that sounded a lot like his name but you weren’t sure at this point. 
“Sir, please, I’m so close, please-” you begged again, not sure if he’d stop or keep going like you wanted him to, since again, he was in control. 
To your very pleasant surprise, he kept going, this time only with his tongue and you were so close.
“Mr. Park,” you breathed out this time without thinking. You felt the vibrations against your clit as he let out a loud, guttural grunt, pulling your thighs even more apart and giving him better access. 
“Can never get enough of you saying my name,” he said now, but it was muffled. What he said next, however, was not.
“Fuck,” he said and it startled you at first. You then felt the loss of his tongue and you couldn’t help but whine. 
“No, sir, please, don’t stop, please-”
“Shh, no it’s ok,” he soothed you as he stood up, pulling you up to where you were sitting on the desk. He brought you forward some so you were hanging off it just enough for him to insert his fingers back where you needed them most. 
He wrapped an arm around your back to pull you into his chest, looking down at you. 
“I needed to be closer to you,” he said in a hushed tone, his voice now raspy. “Needed to feel all of you as you cum for me.”
“Fuck,” you clenched around him again and your head fell forward to rest on his shoulder.
He leaned down and started kissing your neck again, all the way back up to your ear, his fingers moving at exactly the right pace and you were already trembling. When he added another to tease your clit it took all of your willpower not to fall off of the desk.
“I want to wreck you in every way possible,” he said right by your ear, the words spurring you closer to your undoing. “I’ve wanted to fuck you on this desk for so long, wanted to have my way with you until it breaks.”
Well, there it went.
“Jimin, sir, I’m- I’m-” 
“I know, I can feel you, cum for me princess, be a good girl for me.” He sped up again and everything washed over you at once, your orgasm hitting you so violently that you almost did fall off of the desk, had Jimin not been there to catch you.
You could feel yourself still clenching around him as he slowed down, letting you ride out your orgasm on his fingers.
When you finally stopped spasming, you were breathing hard. Jimin carefully took his fingers out, and whether or not he cleaned off his hand you weren’t sure because your eyes were still closed as you tried to feel human again.
You felt a gentle pair of lips on top of yours then and began moving in sync with them. Jimin caressed your cheek to bring you in closer. The moment was so intimate, so sweet...
And you knew then that you were so very fucked.
When Jimin finally broke the kiss, you opened your eyes. He looked so beautiful, giving you a small, satisfied smile. He untied the tie from around your wrists now, placing it on the desk before rubbing your wrists to make sure they were ok. 
“That was...” you started to say but you were still breathless. Jimin chuckled.
“Yeah. I agree.” He smiled again and you looked down-
He was still very hard.
“Um, sir?” You got his attention while he was still rubbing small circles on your wrists.
“Hm? What is it?” He brought his eyes back up to look into yours and you swear you’d never seen them look so soft.
“You’re-” you nodded to where you’d been looking, his eyes following yours before he let out another chuckle.
“Yeah, I guess I am. Although I’d hardly expect I wouldn’t be turned on by that.” 
It was your turn to giggle now, your chest swelling with pride knowing that you’d managed to (inadvertently) turn him on so much.
You pulled him in for a kiss this time now that you had the use of your hands again. You felt him smile into the kiss, his arms wrapping around you.
“Will you let me take care of you now?” You whispered it against his lips and watched as his eyes opened, the surprised look on his face almost making you want to laugh.
“Y/N, I- are you sure? That wasn’t too much?” His concern made your heart constrict.
“I’m sure,” you nodded, trailing your hand downward so you could cup him over his pants. He let out a soft groan.
“I told you I wanted you to ruin me, Mr. Park,” you said right by his ear, applying more pressure as you cupped him. He let out such a beautiful sounding moan and you were dying to hear more. His eyes were closed and his mouth was slightly parted. You took advantage of this moment of distraction to turn him around so he was now in front of the desk as you dropped to your knees in front of him.
He opened his eyes and looked down at you, groaning at the sight. “Fuck, Y/N.”
Your hands worked to remove his slacks and he helped you, both of you eager. When you finally pulled his boxers down and his cock sprang free, you immediately wrapped your hand around it, and you were rewarded with another delicious sound from the man above you.
He looked like a dream; head tilted back, eyes screwed shut, small pants slipping past his pretty, plump lips. You watched as he swallowed before letting out a groan when you started pumping your hand faster.
“I can’t tell you the amount of times I’ve thought about sucking you off underneath your desk,” you confessed as you moved your hand faster and applied more pressure, making him hiss.
“Just wanted you to sit back and relax while I did all the work. Maybe even fuck my mouth during one of your important business meetings.” You licked a stripe up the underside of his length then to accentuate your words.
Jimin sucked in a breath as he took in the sight of you, tilting his head back once more when he finally felt your mouth on him. You watched as his head lolled to the side, his neck muscles moving with the action. The view made you want to mark the pretty skin there. 
But right now, you had other matters to attend to. 
You opened your mouth wider, wrapping your lips around his tip before sucking gently, teasing him.
“Fuck-” you saw him bite his lip as he stared down at you with half-lidded eyes. He was holding onto the edge of the desk with both hands, fingers flexing as his hands opened and closed around the wood. You worked your hand faster, feeling him twitch in your grasp. You wanted to take all of him in, and you were determined to do just that.
Before you could continue, though, he pulled you off of him and up from your knees, capturing your lips in a heated kiss.
“As much as I would love for you to choke on my cock, I need you over this desk. Now,” he growled in between kisses before he pulled away, moving his hands to the hem of your shirt.
“May I,” he asked, and you knew he wasn’t teasing because he had that same concerned look in his eyes. His need to make sure you were comfortable with everything, while still also maintaining that sense of control was one of the hottest things you’d ever seen.
“If you don’t then I’ll be mad,” was your response as you jutted out your lower lip, playfully pouting. Jimin smirked and captured it with his own, biting gently as he started lifting your shirt up.
When your shirt was off you immediately unclasped your bra to let it fall to the floor, making Jimin smile this time.
“That’s my girl,” he whispered against your neck as he started fondling you, his touches soft but still intense. 
He turned you around this time, guiding you so that you were sitting on the desk once more.
His desk had been through so much already, the poor thing. 
“Jimin,” you whined as he loomed over you. He had one hand cradling your thigh, drawing smooth patterns over your skin.
“Hm,” came his response. He was looking down at you and into your eyes, making you briefly lose your train of thought.
“It’s not fair that I’m basically naked and you still have some of your clothes on.”
Jimin chuckled. “That’s wrong; you’re still wearing your skirt. And I also took off my tie earlier.”
You groaned and he laughed, the delightful sound echoing off the walls of the empty room.
“So eager, I love that,” Jimin said as he started taking off his shirt. As he shrugged out of it, also stepping out of his slacks and boxers, you gasped as you noticed the inked letters spanning across his ribcage.
He must’ve noticed your staring, since he tilted your chin up to look at him. “Princess? Mind telling me what’s got you so occupied?”
You gulped. “You- you have a tattoo.”
Jimin ran a hand through his hair and grinned, almost as if your interest in his body art increased his confidence.
“I have more than one. Maybe one day you can find them all.”
The thought excited you way more than you’d care to admit, and if Jimin wasn’t standing in between your legs, you might’ve even rubbed your thighs together.
He leaned down to rest an elbow on the desk, his other arm occupied since he was caressing your cheek. He bent down fully to give you another kiss, this one slow and full of unspoken words.
He pulled away to look you in the eyes once more, his stare serious. “Are you sure you want this, Y/N?”
You nodded so fast that you were afraid he might laugh at you. “Jimin, I don’t think I’ve ever wanted anyone more.”
His small smile was enough to make your heart leap. That is, it was until he frowned.
“Shit,” he let out a sigh.
“What’s wrong?” You knitted your brows in confusion as you watched him drag a hand down his face.
“I don’t have any condoms on me. And I don’t keep any here, for obvious reasons. Fuck,” he ran a hand through his hair again, but this time you were sure it was from exasperation.
You reached out when he moved back. “Jimin, wait.”
He looked at you and his brows were knitted together in frustration.
“I haven’t been with anyone in a long time, and I’m clean. So, if you want…” you trailed off, your voice sounding small. You started thinking that maybe it was a stupid thing to imply, until you saw his eyes widen.
“But you- you were in a long-term relationship,” he cocked his head to the side, trying to make sense of it. He was trying to make sense of the thing you had been trying to piece together yourself for the last year.
You shrugged. “Yeah, well, when I figured he might be cheating I put an end to that.”
Jimin stepped closer until he was in front of you once again, his hands finding purchase on your hips. “Why didn’t you end everything back then?”
You sighed. “Because I didn’t know how. But,” you pulled him closer as you wrapped your arms around him, “it’s over now and I’m here with you. That’s what matters right?”
Jimin nodded slowly. “Right,” he sounded distracted, though, so you cupped his face.
“Jimin? Do you want this?” You needed to make sure before anything went further, and if he said no and put an end to it, you wouldn’t fight the decision no matter how bad you wanted it.
You both were looking out for each other’s comfort first and foremost above anything else.
“Of course I do, it just- it fucking frustrates me to no end that you were staying in such an awful relationship. It makes me angry,” he paused to look at you again, and you could see the fire in his eyes. “Not angry at you, of course, but angry at him for treating you any less than what you deserved.”
His grip on your waist tightened. You rolled your eyes before kissing him hard, a surprised sound leaving him upon the impact.
“Jimin. Are you clean?”
Your question took him off guard, if the confused look on his face was anything to go by. “Yes, but-“
“Then instead of using your energy being frustrated, why don’t you use it for something better,” you reached down to wrap your hand around his length again as best you could from your current angle, and he let out a hiss at the pressure.
Within an instant, he had you caged against the desk again, moving your thighs apart so he could get closer to you.
He started kissing down your neck as you wrapped your arms around his back, feeling the muscles flex beneath your fingers.
“Did you have an idea in mind, princess?” You could feel him speaking the words against your skin, and when he travelled back up to a spot right underneath your ear, you turned your head.
“Why don’t you fuck me on this desk like you’ve been wanting to,” you said this time by his ear, trailing your hands down his back all the way to his ass. “Let’s see if we can break it.”
He groaned at the same moment you pushed him closer. He placed one last kiss on your neck before leaning up. You were rewarded with the sight of him standing before you, defined muscles on display. The dark-lettered NEVERMIND tattoo sprawled across his ribs was a stark contrast to the rest of his skin, and it was so beautiful. Everything about him was beautiful.
And you still couldn’t quite believe you were here, finally, with him.
You watched as he started stroking himself leisurely as he looked at you. The sight made you more wet immediately, and you reached for him.
He smirked, that cocky smirk that drove you mad some days. “Patience, princess.”
He stepped closer and grabbed your hips, pulling you to where you were just hanging off of the edge of the desk slightly. He pushed his hands between the desk and your thighs just underneath your ass, confusing you. Before you could ask why, Jimin informed you of his plan.
He leaned closer, tugging your earlobe between his teeth, making you melt instantly. “You gonna let me fuck you the way I’ve been dreaming about, princess?”
The words mixed with his sultry tone had you gushing and you nodded vigorously, feeling him chuckle against your neck.
“Yes sir, please, have me however you want me,” you reassured him. When he pulled back to look at you, his eyes were filled with lust but also the ever-present concern. 
“Are you sure?”
You almost groaned. “Jimin, yes, please do something.”
You barely got the sentence out before he picked you up and flipped you around, making you lean over the desk as he settled in behind you. He tugged your skirt down to around your ankles where your panties still were, and he removed them both. Your arms were laying by your sides; you were planning to grab onto the desk but Jimin had another idea in mind.
He grabbed your wrists and pulled your arms behind your back, placing one wrist over the other. The motion didn’t hurt and it wasn’t uncomfortable. He was restraining you again, but he also gave you enough room to move if you needed to.
“What’s your color,” he asked as he rubbed your back with the hand that wasn’t holding your wrists.
“Green, please-” you looked over your shoulder at him, hoping he would heed your plea. He pushed a finger into you, making you gasp.
Jimin chuckled. “Just making sure you’re ready. You’re so wet for me. Even after cumming for me once already.” He was shaking his head and you knew he was messing with you but it was working. You squirmed in his hold, moving your ass against him to try and entice him.
“Jimin, I swear, if you don’t fuck me soon-“
Your words were cut off as Jimin entered you in one thrust, making you breathless. He quickly set a steady pace, one hand on your hip, the other holding your wrists in place, smirking down at you as it took everything in you to not to stop looking at him over your shoulder.
“Nothing else to say, Y/N? What’s the matter, can’t talk when you’re getting fucked this good?” He increased his pace and your mouth was just hanging open in a silent scream.
“Jimin, fuck, please,” you closed your eyes and let your head fall forward, clenching and unclenching your fists as each thrust rocked you forward.
“What was that,” Jimin asked you as he slowed down, his fingers pressing harder into your hip.
“Sir, please, don’t stop-“ you moaned and heard him curse under his breath above you. His grip around your wrists tightened, making you whine at the feeling.
He loosened it then, and you realized he may have mistaken your sound to be one of pain. You looked back at him as best you could, watching him as he studied you, his lips pulled between his teeth. You could feel him twitch inside you when your eyes met.
“It feels so good,” you told him in between your moans, your breaths coming out shallow as he continued to pound into you. 
As good as you were feeling, you still couldn’t help the question that popped into your head. 
“Sir,” you called out to Jimin. He slowed his movements inside of you, but didn’t still completely.
“What is it, princess?” He sounded somewhat breathless and for a moment you forgot what you wanted to ask.
“Isn’t there - shit - some kind of policy against this sort of thing?” 
Your question took him completely off guard and the look on his face made you giggle.
“Are you asking if there’s a rule against fucking my employees?” He smirked at you as he picked up his pace again, making your eyes roll back.
“Well not just that,” you broke off to let out another whine when he repositioned his hand around your wrists, “but against workplace dating in general.”
“Hm, well, now that you mention it,” he pondered, pausing to let out a grunt when he pushed into you deeper, “there isn’t anything against that.”
You smiled at that, resting your cheek against the desk as you closed your eyes.
“Perfect, so if I wanted to date the cute guy who works in accounting-”
You couldn’t finish your sentence because Jimin rocked you so hard it actually did knock the breath out of you. He pulled you up by the hold on your wrists until your back was flush against his chest, letting go of your arms then. He wrapped one arm around your midsection while his other hand cupped around your jaw.
He moved your face to the side so you could look into his eyes that held a fiery expression.
“You’re mine and no one else’s,” he growled before pulling you into a kiss that was searing with so much passion. He continued to pound into you, now moving the desk forward along with you.
“You got that, princess?” He kissed you again, all teeth and tongue as he explored the expanse of your mouth. He reached up to tweak one of your nipples, making you cry out into the kiss, him swallowing all the sounds you were making.  
You knew his possessiveness he was exhibiting now was due to the more dominant persona he had adopted during all this, and you really didn’t mind it at all. You knew he valued you as your own individual person, and he’d never want to have actual possession of you or your body. So things like this, that happened in the moment, you were comfortable with. You wanted to be his, and had wanted that for so long.
He continued ramming into you faster and when you still hadn’t answered him, he snaked a hand into your hair and tugged hard. Again, not hard enough to really hurt, but hard enough to bring your attention back to him.
“Yes, sir, I’m yours and only yours,” you answered breathlessly. Your answer seemed to please him as he groaned and mouthed at your neck. 
“Fuck, my good girl, taking me so well like this,” he released his grip on your hair to now hold onto your waist with both hands. Your head fell back against his shoulder, your eyes closed and mouth open as all sorts of sounds were tumbling out. 
“Green. But, Jimin,” you whined. 
“What is it, baby? Tell me what you need,” he spoke the words against your temple as he placed a kiss there. His pace had slowed somewhat, more sensual now than anything else, but the force of his movements were still enough to send you reeling forward, had he not had a tight hold on you.
“I wanna see you. Please,” you repeated a plea from earlier that night. You loved what was happening right now, but you loved watching him come undone above you even more.
“Of course, princess. I can’t deny you when you beg so sweetly for me.” His words made your heart constrict, a somewhat strange feeling when you were already overflowing with arousal. 
He turned you around and laid you back, only pulling out for a second to do so. He entered you again and resumed his pace he had been keeping up before. He gripped your thighs to pull them apart more, now hitting a different angle inside of you from this position. The change in angle had you both moaning, your sounds mingling together.
He sped up once you were positioned high enough on the desk so that he knew you wouldn’t fall. He removed his hands from your thighs, only to capture your hands in his own a moment later. He intertwined your fingers, giving you something else to brace yourself against as he pinned you there.
His pace was relentless, and with every movement that rocked you forward, you felt him hit that spot inside of you that had you begging for another release. You knew you wouldn’t be able to last very long, especially after reaching your high earlier, and certainly not with the way Jimin was sounding above you.
Every noise he let out was music to your ears, and with the way he was moaning now, you wondered if he was nearing his high, too. The idea of watching Jimin come completely undone as he pounded into you had you clenching around him, causing him to let out a strangled groan.
“Shit, you got me so worked up earlier that I don’t know how long I’ll be able to last now. Especially when you do tha- fuck.” Jimin cut himself off with another grunt as your walls clenched around him once more.
Both of you were so wrapped up in the moment of passion that you didn’t notice the lamp that was teetering dangerously on the edge of the desk, threatening to topple over any second. Jimin thrusted harshly then, making you scream out, the noise almost masking the sound of the lamp falling onto the ground.
“F-fuck,” you stammered, tilting your head to the side to try and find the source of the noise. Jimin wasn’t having it though, as he turned your face to look back at him.
“Focus on me, princess,” he said in a low tone, eyes nearly closed from his own pleasure. He squeezed your hand with the one that wasn’t currently cupping your face. When his eyes met yours, he let out a groan.
“Always so good for me. I wanna see that pretty face when I make you cum for me again. Wanna see you completely lose it when I’m deep inside you.”
His words sent another wave of arousal crashing through you and you started clenching harder around him now, making him twitch inside you in return.
“Please, sir,” you whined, not even sure what you were begging for at this rate.
“Please, what,” Jimin emphasized the last word as he squeezed your hand again, letting you know he wanted an answer from you. So you blurted out the first thing you could think of.
“Please let me cum again, sir. Please make me.”
Jimin moaned and you could see him smirking above you. “You want me to make you cum again? Well, princess,” he leaned down and brushed his lips against yours, “I think I can grant that wish.”
Without a warning he let go of your face he’d been cupping so gently, reaching in between the two of you to rub your clit as he started moving inside you harder. The combined pleasure of everything drove you to your climax much faster, and you started crying out his name and other incomprehensible words.
Since Jimin wasn’t holding one of your hands down anymore, you started reaching out blindly with that one for something to hold onto.
“Jimin, I’m so close, please-“
He noticed your struggle and pulled you up to where you were just barely seated on the desk now, wrapping your legs around him. This new angle caused both of you to moan loudly, and you knew that at any second you’d be ready to burst.
“I’m right here, Y/N, I’ve got you,” Jimin said against your mouth as he tried to kiss you, failing only because his ministrations were moving you so rapidly that you couldn’t stay still. You grabbed onto his back, leaving scratches whenever a particularly hard thrust would shake you to the core.
You rested your forehead against Jimin’s shoulder, and he placed an uncoordinated kiss on your neck. His thrusts were becoming sloppier now.
You could hear him let out breathy moans by your ear, and if that didn’t spur you onward to your release, his next words definitely did.
“Cum for me, princess. I wanna feel you cum all over my cock,” he said softly beside your ear. His words triggered your release before you could call out a warning, so all you could do was scream out and hold onto his back for dear life.
"Fuck, fuck,” Jimin breathed out, and the way you were clenching around him had him reaching his own high not too long after you did. You saw his abs flexing with his release, and you could feel him painting the inside of your walls as he let out a muffled groan against your shoulder. 
He slowed his thrusts to a stop and the both of you were breathing heavily. You sat there for a little bit, both trying to catch your breath with you rubbing his back and him placing small kisses on your shoulder and neck.
Before Jimin pulled out of you, he reached behind you and grabbed some tissues from the opposite end of the desk. He gently pulled out and cleaned up whatever mess he could from the current position you both were in, and when he thought he did a sufficient enough job, he tossed them into the waste bin beside the desk.
You didn’t have a chance to ask what would happen next before Jimin was picking you up and walking over to his desk chair. He sat down and situated you so you were comfortable in his lap. It felt so nice and you let yourself enjoy the feeling, hoping to bask in it as long as you could.
Out of the corner of your eye, you saw a small heap of something on the floor that you knew wasn’t there before. It dawned on you then what it was, which also made sense as to why it was darker in the room now.
“We didn’t manage to break the desk, but that lamp has seen better days,” you noticed as you took in the sight of the lamp that had fallen to the ground. The light bulb didn’t shatter, thankfully, but the lamp had separated itself into 2 different parts upon its impact of hitting the floor.
Jimin observed the lamp as well before he shrugged, saying “It’ll be an easy fix, and that’s a problem for another time.”
You hummed your agreement as you made yourself more comfortable in his lap. A few moments of comfortable silence passed before anyone spoke again.
“I don’t have anything here for aftercare, seeing as I never expected it would be needed-” Jimin sounded worried, so you were quick to reassure him.
“Being here with you is enough. Plus getting to sit all cozy in your lap is a bonus.” You wrapped your arms tighter around Jimin and he chuckled.
“Even still, we did a lot tonight and I want to take care of you properly. So,” he broke off, waiting for you to look up at him. When you did, he continued.
“Stay with me for the night,” Jimin offered. “Let me take care of you.”
“I’d like that,” you answered with zero hesitation. You could feel Jimin’s smile against your forehead as he placed a kiss there.
An idea dawned on you then, making you frown.
“Wait, but I drove here, so my car-“
“Can stay here until the morning. Or whenever we decide to come back. Maybe we’ll take the day off tomorrow, who knows.” Jimin patted your head as he kissed your temple. You let out a soft sound of content, closing your eyes as you rested your head on his shoulder.
“Then take me home. I’m all yours.”
He chuckled and you could feel the vibrations coming from his chest. “God, you don’t know how long I’ve wanted to hear you say that.”
You looked up at him then, placing a gentle kiss on his lips. “And you don’t know how long I’ve wanted to say it to you.”
“We really are just some clueless idiots, aren’t we?
You laughed, laying your head back on his shoulder. “It would appear so.” 
You could feel Jimin’s steady breathing from where you sat, the warmth of his skin pressed against yours soothing you. 
“You know,” you started to say, your mind still hazy, “if I’d have known there was any interest, we probably could have made this happen much sooner.”
Jimin pulled away then and nudged you with his nose so you’d look up at him.
“Y/N,” he said, a small frown covering his beautiful face. “You do realize that up until last week, you were in a relationship, right?”
You groaned and laid your forehead on his shoulder. “Trust me, no one knows that better than I do. But it was a miserable relationship.”
“Then, why did you stay?” 
You knew he was genuinely curious, and you pondered about it for a second, wondering how to answer it in the best way.
In the end, you decided to just be straight up honest with him, since transparency and honesty are always important in any kind of relationship, intimate or otherwise.
“Truthfully? It was the only way I could get my mind off of you.”
You felt him stiffen beneath you then, and you reached up to place a soft kiss on his lips. It took him a second to kiss you back, his arms pulling your closer.
“Fuck, if I’d known that- I swear I would’ve never stood idly by while you continued to stay in a relationship you were miserable in, you know that-”
“I do, don’t worry. I know you wouldn’t do that. But it also wasn’t up to you, either. Everything was up to me. And I finally had the courage to end things, and we’re here together now. That’s what matters, yeah?” 
Jimin didn’t seem completely convinced, so you caressed his cheek, making him bring his soft eyes down to look at you.
“I want to be with you, and you want to be with me. We can figure out the rest some other time, but isn’t that enough for right now?” You felt his smooth skin underneath your fingertips, the corners of his lips tugging upward as he finally sighed and nodded. 
“I think I can deal with that,” Jimin hummed, brushing some of your hair back out of your face. Your head found its place on his shoulder once more, relishing the comfort of his arms.
You yawned before you continued talking. “I’m tired so we may wanna get a move on, unless you plan to carry me all the way to your car.”
“Hmm, sounds like you’re doubting my ability to carry you.”
You snuggled closer, running your fingers along the lines of his beautifully drawn tattoo. “Not doubting, just thinking out loud.”
“Well,” you felt Jimin wrap his arms more securely around you, “let’s test that theory.”
He pulled the both of you up out of the chair with little effort, and instead of letting you down so you were on your feet again, he carried you over to the desk and set you down on it.
Before you could ask what he was doing, he handed you your discarded clothes so you could redress.
“It’s cold out, so clothes might be helpful,” he teased you as he redressed himself. You didn’t have the energy to tease him back, so you shrugged your clothes back on and waited on him to finish gathering his things in the office, swinging your legs back and forth.
When Jimin was done, he walked back over to you with his arms outstretched. He was offering to carry you again, and you felt your heart skip a beat.
Instead of taking him up on his offer, you got to your feet. “As much as I’d love to have you carry me the whole way, this way is faster.”
Jimin smiled and opted for putting an arm around you instead as the two of you left the office once you’d grabbed your things. “So eager to get home?”
Something about him calling his place ‘home’ made you feel warm all over, but you pushed it down for now. You had so much time to sort your feelings out later, and you wanted to enjoy these moments now without any overhanging thoughts. 
“Yeah, eager to get in the bed.” You stretched and yawned again, making him smile as he called the elevator down.
“So eager to sleep, huh?”
“Is that all we’re gonna do in your bed,” you pretended to be sad and he caught on immediately. He patted your head teasingly.
“Yes, tonight we sleep. But tomorrow,” he stepped into the elevator, pulling you in with him and hugging you against his chest, “who knows.”
You felt your face heat up at his proximity, which you found to be ironic considering everything you’d just been through. The remainder of the elevator ride was silent, as was the walk to the parking lot. You didn’t feel like any words needed to be exchanged when the feeling of his hand wrapped around yours was saying enough.
The car ride was also comfortably silent, and despite your best efforts, you couldn’t keep your eyes open. The next thing you knew, Jimin was softly shaking you awake as he helped you get out of the car. He helped you walk into the house and guided you to the bedroom since you were still half-asleep.
The two of you shared a nice shower, stealing kisses from each other underneath the comfort of the warm water. After you were both clean, Jimin made sure you had everything you needed to be comfortable, and he settled into bed behind you, pulling you close as he wrapped an arm around you.
“Hey, Jimin,” you said sleepily.
“Next time, maybe we should use my desk since it’s smaller.”
He let out a laugh and wound his arm around you tighter, burying his face in the crook of your neck.
“Maybe so,” he murmured against your skin, making you smile. It didn’t take long for you to start drifting off to sleep once more.
The last thing you remember hearing before you fell asleep was Jimin’s soft voice saying “Pleasant dreams, princess.”
And for the first time in a long time, you were able to sleep peacefully.
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Anon Ask | Caius Volturi x F!Witch Reader: Punishments
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Canon Divergent Dora is true mated to Renata because I <3 Renata Fight Me
Reader is a Witch.
You are a human. Who managed because of a latent heritage of being a Witch to wander past Heidi into the Throne Room thinking it’s a tour.
You’re not stupid, you walk right in and get near the dais and look around and realize that this is not just a tour.
Sighing, you glance around and face palm. “Ahhhhhh Fuck My Life.”
The Kings of Volterra are eyeing you with amusement.
You sigh, and glare UP at the throne of a very, very gorgeous almost elfin, platinum haired King who’s GLARING back at you with a raised brow and a scowl.
“So ah do I get to pick who offs me?”
All vampires just PAUSE.
“Because okay, if I’m gonna die.” You point at Caius. “That one. You. You’ve got dibs Sir.”
Caius is Shooketh.
This little human has got some guts.
He hates humans. HATES humans.
So why when he snatches you up and you just look at him with those big eyes, and a small smile “just make it quick hm?”
You wait, eyes closed.
Caius pauses, growling and suddenly NOPE you’re picked up and ZOOM.
Aro: The fuck just happened?
You’re tucked away in his inner sanctuary of his rooms, sat down on a chair. “Sit RIGHT here human. If you move I shall be displeased, you won’t like what happens if you make me angry.”
“Uhhhhhh kay.”
Caius goes and feeds and after he sits amongst his brothers. “I’m keeping it.” He growls
Turns out he can keep you because you’re not human! YAY!
“So am I like a bunny.”
“Less than a Rabbit you’re human.” Caius would growl at you.
How things Go:
You are the chillest bitch to ever chill. Life has not been great, in fact it’s been a horror show, Aro of course sees this and he scolds Caius for treating you like a piece of furniture rather than a person.
Aro knows you’re just feeling Caius out, watching because there are moments— the very few moments— when he is oh so gentle.
You shiver, a blanket is flung at your face. “My luck you’d catch pneumonia.”
Your tummy rumbles, the chef brings a five star meal. “I don’t need you dying.”
You’re bored, suddenly you’re in front of the TV and given access to ALL the shows. “You’re being a pest.”
Aro also knows your temper is starting to appear the more Caius pushes you away.
Caius isn’t sure what to even do with you— he is FEELING things, things he’s never even felt with Dora. And Dora is berating him alongside Marcus for being an utter nitwit.
“Cai for all your brilliance for strategy you’re an idiot in romance.” Dora says.
He knows it’s true. He’s an asshole.
And angry.
All the time. But when you’re around he’s not angry anymore.
But at one point you’re still fidgeting with your hands. “What is the problem now.”
“Ah���well…” you fidget some more, “c-can I have some water colors?”
Caius freezes. “You paint?” He seems curious.
You nod. “I do digital art but I like canvas art too!” You show him your phone of photoshop collages, watercolor, digital paintings and such.
“You do this on a computer?” He tilts his head. He hates technology. So seeing that one can create art this way is astounding to him.
“Yeah I had to sell my iPad a while ago so sadly I can’t do much right now but if I have some water colors that would be a good start!” You bounce on your feet.
You have the a massive iMac, a Wacom Cintiq 24”, an entire selection of Derwent colors and crazy amounts of canvases and anything else you might need that an artist can think of.
Caius is utterly stunned when you tackle him and kiss his cheek thanking him.
His heart explodes into confetti.
Art is how Caius communicates his gentler side. His art is beautiful, evoking deep emotions, and his hand is gentle and fluid enough in motion to capture even the most minute details.
You both grow exceptionally close, till Marcus one day pulls him aside to inform him of the Mate Bond that is between you two.
The Kiss:
You’re modeling for Caius, it’s a random request and you feel utterly embarrassed dressed in flowing robes and sprawled on a chaise lounge half hanging off, your hair spilling onto the marble floor.
You can’t quite help but notice how his gaze is pitch black and devouring you.
“M-Master Caius?”
“Caius.” He grumbles.
“I think it’s about time you can call me Caius y/n.”
He can hear your heart thump an erratic beat as magic swirls in your eyes. It’s slowly been coming back to you, being cared for, like a plant long neglected, your magic has begun to grow under the tender albeit aloof care of the vampire King you’re so utterly in love with.
But you know it’s silly, there’s no way it’d work—
He’s suddenly next to you, hovering nose to nose, pulling you towards him, “you consume me.”
It’s the last thing he says for a long while as you both end up staying on that lounge for a— ahem lengthy amount of time.
Caius is a sadist.
But he’s a loving sadist.
He has so many kinks he doesn’t know what to do with them. And luckily for him— surprise surprise you’re kinky too.
But you tend to be mouthy. And Caius does not like when he is disobeyed. “Be a good pet and go sit.”
When Aro counts it’s for orgasms.
When Caius counts it’s for paddling or the crop.
Or it’s for forced orgasms and overstimulation.
The dynamic between you is quite lovely, boundaries are discussed whenever needed, although Caius can come across as gruff and uncaring, at one point during punishment play you had said your safe word rather quickly, and everything stopped. Oils, bath, rub down, talks, blankets, snuggles, and so many kisses to the forehead. “Bunny, oh my little bunny what happened?”
As someone who does not cry.
Aro has attested to this.
It astounds Caius that you’d trust him enough to do so.
He realizes that he’s earned a trust that has not been earned by anyone in a long long time, knowing that feeling, he would never break it by overdoing things or going past your boundaries.
Punishments are talked out. Explained. Rules are fairly discussed and you ALWAYS have a say in vetoing or staying off for another day.
If it’s a topic that has yet to be discussed it is tabled, and discussed for what an appropriate response should be.
Punishments include:
Crop (your favorite)
Being suspended and teased.
Leashed. Yes he will have you walk behind him with a leash and collar. And yes he will sit in the Library with you on a leash and your head in his lap. “Good Bunny.”
You are a very good bunny.
Caius has only had only lost his temper with you once. And never will again.
It was due to negligence on your part, you had disobeyed him when it was imperative for you to listen, not aware of the danger of a local coven’s very out of control member. “But Cai why—“
They had heard your blood sing to them.
Caius had torn the individual to pieces in a fit of utter rage before turning on you with a shout, “I told you NEVER to disobey me.” he roared at you, the energy coming off him practically feral as his eyes were murderous.
Seeing you shrink back; the fear in your gaze at him almost broke his heart when the dread kicked in as to what he had done. He had frightened you.
He was supposed to be your comfort and safety.
of course you wouldn't understand vampire's ways of doing things.
or what a singer was...you were a witch...
But before he could even think to reach for you...
You had fled.
Hidden away in Dora’s rooms you tucked yourself away in her bathroom in the tub with a blanket curled up and wept.
Dora and Sulpricia beat the shit out of Caius.
He had sat outside the door pleading with you for hours.
He knew he had utterly fucked up.
He had a horrid temper, he knew it, and the idea of you being drained dry right in front of him had been far too much for him to think of. “Y/n please talk to me. I'm so sorry please forgive me.”
You had unlocked the door with magic…. And he had merely crawled into the tub with you, curled around you underneath the blanket and held you while you cried into him and smacked at his chest. “Don’t do that ever again!!!”
“I know, I know bunny I know. Never again. I'm a bastard I know.”
You calmed down and glared at him.
“Would you like to delve out a punishment?”
You blinked, confused and then realized what he was offering.
And that is how you ended up quite happy with your vampire begrudgingly, and amused sitting at your feet in your shared rooms with GOOD BOY on a thick leather collar.
Turns out Caius likes being punished too.
“Also a masochist hm?” You laugh at him and grip him by his hair.
“So it seems.” He muses kissing your knee and nudging your legs apart. “But the reward is worth it isn’t it bunny?”
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goggles-mcgee · 4 years
i’m really loving the Wish me Away au idea! Would you be up to writing about what the batfam does after seeing mari’s reaction to emilie and adrien?
Like an actually little drabble? Yeah sure! It'll be based off the headcanons from this post -> 👶
Bruce couldn't remember having so much fun, he always loved to brag about his kids and show them off at work, but it was a little hard when it was 'Bring Your Kid To Work Day' and most of your kids worked with you. That's why he was so happy bringing little Marietta with him to Wayne Enterprises, he also brought Damian but Damian had wandered off to see what Dick did since, and he quotes, "I know everything about you father. If I am to be your successor it is only natural I familiarize myself with your work. I believe it would be beneficial for me to oversee Grayson's work ethic."
Honestly, Damian could have just said he wanted to see what Dick did but that was just part of Damian's charm. Before he had left, Damian had let Marietta grab his finger and give it a little shake which delighted her, if Bruce was not mistaken, Damian had even smiled before he said bye to the both of them. The boy had really grown to love Mari and Bruce could not be more proud of his son. Though, he had to admit, all of his children were absolutely enamored with the baby, not to say he wasn't, but Lord have mercy on anyone who dared mess with his baby girl. She would have an army behind her of overprotective brothers and sisters, and father and mother, and grandfather, and cow...and turkey...and dogs...and cats...and dragon bat....and semi-god things that called themselves kwamis...and two very very powerful almost godlike godparents (Diana and Clark.) Now Bruce didn't like to think about it but he did also have to add Mari's....friends to that list... i.e. some of his rogues, which yes was fucking bizarre beyond all reason, but some had even cut back on crime because of their friendship with his little mini-hero so that was a plus. Right?
Well that was a thought for another day, now he got to take his little girl around and take her into meetings, which was certainly going to be interesting, but Marietta always seemed interested in watching him work so he wasn't too worried. He packed her plenty of snacks along with her lunch that Alfred made, he made sure to pack her favorite toys and a variety of coloring books and markers and crayons. And of course he remembered to pack cookies for Tikki who was riding in the hood of Marietta's dress. Plus he made sure to pack a little first aid kid just in case, also another sweater for Marietta in case she got cold.
He liked to be prepared. Sue him.
First meeting of the day was with a Ms. Graham de Vanily. If his memory served right this was Emilie and not Amelie who he had spoken with in the past. Not for the first time he had to wonder what possessed their parents to name the identical twin sisters Emilie and Amelie, but apparently she had brought along her son as well so that made this meeting a little less awkward. He adjusted his hold on Marietta before he continued on his walk to his office where he would be meeting Ms. Emilie, he had hoped to show his daughter around more when they had arrived but he had actually forgotten about this particular meeting and so hadn't rescheduled it to a time when he would hand over Marietta to one of her brother's since they deemed it "unfair" that only he got to show her his work.
Honestly his boys. They were wonderful but boy did they get jealous of one another if Marietta gave one more attention than the other. He fondly remembered one family game night where all the boys were asking who Mari's favorite brother is and she had just been laughing at all the attention not really understanding and it was the first time Bruce had witnessed Damian giving someone a smile and opening his arms for a hug. Of course he had done it behind all his siblings backs and only Alfred and Bruce himself had seen it. It was a sight to see everyone's face when Mari giggled out a, "Dami!", and ran over to him. When everyone turned around he was back to his stoic face but he was hugging Marietta and she was snuggling herself against him but as he looked at everyone he gave them a small smirk. There was an uproar, a demand for a retest, but Damian wouldn’t have it and it had been one of the most chaotic nights in the Manor. Selina had been very entertained especially when Marietta somehow made her way out of the gaggle of children and waddled over to her and had climbed in her lap very clumsily before plopping herself down and making herself comfortable, almost like a cat Bruce had thought, before smiling up at Selina. Selina had just turned to Bruce and said in a complete monotone voice, “I would die for this child.” 
Him and Selina hadn't tied the knot yet so to say, nor had he proposed. They were trying their hand at dating again but he couldn't help the way his heart skipped and his mind conjured up images of tuxedos, lace, friends and family, cakes and kisses, and rings and vows exchanged, when his baby girl, his little Marietta looked up at Selina and called her Maman. Bruce wondered if she ever shared his thoughts, he almost convinced himself she did whenever he saw her melt and practically purr when Mari, or as Selina liked to call her, Kitten, would call her Maman. He could see the love in the older woman's eyes and he had no doubt in his heart that this time, they would work out, this time they would get their 'happily ever after' or whatever came close to it.
He was ripped from his thought when he heard his baby girl giggle at something Lucius said.
"Morning Lucius."
"And good morning to you Mr. Wayne. I see you brought the little one."
"Yes. I promised I would bring her but I must admit, the meeting with Ms. Graham de Vanily slipped my mind." Bruce sighed out.
"I guessed as much. Well if you want, I can watch the Little Wayne while you have your meeting." Lucius offered, of course Bruce trusted him to watch Marietta seeing as the older man also practically adopted Mari at first sight. He was basically another grandfather to her.
"Gampa Fox!" Marietta began before dissolving into her baby babble. She was getting very good at speaking. Honestly she was very smart for a two year old.
"That's okay Lucius, I want to bring her in. Besides if her brothers spot her with you they wouldn't hesitate to snatch her up before their scheduled times. If Ms. Graham de Vanily has a problem with it I will insist on a reschedule. It's not everyday I get some one on one time with Marietta." Bruce admitted.
"You know one day someone is going to say no to you despite your good looks, money and reputation. Fine. Head on in, our guest is already here, which by the way, I don't think she will mind Mari seeing as she brought her own son to this meeting." Lucius sighed but he gave Mari a little wave and pointed Bruce to one of the smaller meeting rooms they had in Wayne Enterprises.
"Aww Lucius you think I'm good looking?"
"Yes sir." Bruce chuckled out with a brief wave before he made his way over to the meeting room Lucius had pointed to and gently rapped his knuckled on the outside door despite the room being visible from outside because of the large windows. He heard a feminine voice call out from inside so he entered,
“Remember your manners Marietta and if you need anything don’t be shy.” Bruce told his daughter softly as they walked in, he chuckled when she nodded enthusiastically. As soon as he caught sight of the blonde woman he put on his best business smile. “Ah, Ms. Graham de Vanily, so sorry to keep you waiting. I must admit that this meeting slipped my mind.”
“No worries Mr. Wayne, I don’t believe this will be long. I see you brought your daughter. I brought my son! Adrien say hi.” Ms. Graham de Vanily light-heartedly scolded her son and tapped his shoulder. When Bruce took his seat and placed Marietta on his lap he finally got a good look at them both. Both mother and son were blond, her son, Adrien was a teenager, from the looks of it he was 16 maybe even 17. When his mother tapped him on the shoulder he sat up straighter than when he was slouching so obviously he didn’t want to come. So why bring him then? 
“Hello Mr. Wayne, it’s an honor to meet you.” Adrien greeted him with a model smile, he had seen enough to spot them from the real deal.
“Likewise. Marietta, can you say ‘hello’ to our guests?” Bruce asked gently down to his daughter who was being uncharacteristically quiet. Usually she would already saying ‘hi’ and waving, maybe even trying to get a high five or hand shake. Though now she was hiding her face in his chest and hugging her backpack to her, she made a small noise like a whimper and Bruce was absolutely dumbfounded. His daughter had never acted like this before, not even with Joker for crying out loud yet here she was trembling and trying to hide herself in his arms. He didn’t know what was going on but his daughter was scared so he scooped her up and held her closer to him but she still tried to pull herself closer. Finally Bruce caught sight of Tikki inside Marietta’s open backpack and saw her antennae-like things pulled back and her eyes narrowed as the kwami glared at Ms. Graham de Vanily and her son, if he wasn’t mistaken she was even glowing a faint red especially as she stared at Adrien. Bruce didn’t understand what was causing these reactions but he did know one thing, he wasn’t going to make Marietta sit there.
“I apologize. She’s not normally like this, I think it would be best if I take her to one of her brothers if you don’t mind.” 
“Oh...no worries at all. I’m sorry if we scared her somehow.” The woman actually sounded genuine but Bruce wasn’t going to risk anything, especially with how her son actually looked at his daughter for the first time that they walked in there.
“I’m sure that’s not the case, but it will probably be best to take her to one of her brothers that way we can get through this meeting. I will be fast.” With that he was out the room and speedwalking down the hall over to Lucius’s office. “I don’t have time to explain but Marietta was acting strange around Ms. Graham de Vanily and her son and Tikki as well. Can you take her to one of her brothers please? Just inform me who and I will go pick her up after the meeting.”
Lucius on his part did his best not to ask questions knowing Bruce didn’t have the time but he did raise a brow that told Bruce he would be answering those unasked questions later. “Of course. I’ll go see what Dick and Damian are up to.”
“Thank you Lucius.” Bruce said sincerely before he made his way back to his meeting. He had questions too and they were all for Tikki, but there would be time for that later, now it was time for business.
The meeting passed and all Bruce could think about was getting to Marietta. He checked his texts from Lucius that informed him that he did indeed leave Mari with Dick and Damian so he made his way over to the central security room knowing that’s where Dick would most likely be. When he got there he was relieved to see his baby girl laughing and playing with Dick while Damian sat on a chair watching, as he walked in the two boys stood up swiftly with Dick scooping up Marietta and angling her away from the door but when they saw it was him they relaxed. “Father, Lucius told us nothing, what happened?” Damian demanded.
“I’m not sure myself. Marietta started acting scared when we got in the meeting room with Ms. Graham de Vanily and her son Adrien.” Bruce answered.
“NO!” They all stared at Marietta in shock when she screamed and tried to hide herself in Dick’s chest, then they all stared at each other with wide eyes. 
“Hey, hey, hey. Etta what’s wrong?” Dick asked softly.
“No Adrien! No!” Marietta cried out. 
The air grew cold. Bruce could hear his son’s gasp and he wouldn’t be surprised if he did as well. “ طفل الخفافيش (tifl alkhafafish), you’re safe. This Adrien won’t harm you I promise.” Damian cooed to Marietta.
“الأخ الأكبر (al'akhu al'akbar).” Mari cried out wetly as she reached her hands out for him and he of course took her out of Dick’s arms and held her. 
“Tikki. Explain...please.” Bruce pleaded.
Tikki flew out of Mari’s backpack and sadly looked over at the girl before flying over to her and kissing the top of her head before flying and landing on Dick’s desk. “It’s...They are from her old life. Ad- He was her former partner...the one who wished her away. That woman shouldn’t be alive.” 
“He was the one to betray her?” Damian asked, his voice full of ice and steel. “Father I will be needing my swords. All of them.”
“Damian. No.”
“What do you mean no?” His son asked indignantly.
“Yeah what do you mean no?” Tikki asked with a tilt of her head, Bruce glared at her, she knew what she was doing.
“Tikki what do you mean that woman shouldn’t be alive?” Dick asked.
“Simply that. She was a corpse. No soul. Haw-Gab- The villain Mari had to face before, she was his wife. He wished for her life.” Tikki explained as though it made total sense to all of them.
“Yeaaaaah, you’re going to need to expand on that.” Dick said which made Tikki frown in confusion.
“While I do agree with that, maybe we should wait until we are at home to continue this conversation. You boys know how Tim and Jason will be if they aren’t informed about what happened. You boys tell them and I’ll take Marietta. We will continue on with our day, but if you see either of them lingering here alert me. I don’t want Marietta to have to interact with them at all if we can help it.” Bruce said as he gently took Marietta from Damian who looked like he wanted to do anything but give his little sister to his father.
“If I see them I have a right to defend Marietta.” Damian stated. “You can’t stop me.”
“Don’t worry Bruce, at least he doesn’t have a sword on him.” Dick chuckled.
“Who said I didn’t? Was it Todd?” 
Bruce needed a break. Bruce questioned why he had so many kids not for the first time in his life. Bruce decided to ignore the fact his child admitted to having a sword somewhere on him and just did as he said he was going to do, continue his day with his daughter and if he held her a little closer to him than usual? Well it couldn’t be helped. 
I know it’s not like the reactions yet but I am in the process of writing Wish Me Away so take this! XD
طفل الخفافيش (tifl alkhafafish): Baby Bat
“الأخ الأكبر (al'akhu al'akbar): Big Brother
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Aim For The Heart | Chapter 3: Plan B
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Pairing: hitman!jk x female reader
Genre: E2L, romance, drama, angst
WC: 5.1k
Warnings for this chapter: language (jk will continue to have a potty mouth), a gun, attempted murder
Tag list; @hopekookies @moonchild1 @barbellastyles98 @teresaisla @ggukkieland @mwitsmejk @scuzmunkie @sugaslittlekookies @jaebeomsblackgf @moon-asia
summary; Jeon Jungkook is an infamous hitman, known for his inability to fail at whatever job is thrown his way. At least, up until now. Y/n, a kind-hearted and full of life teacher, is his newest target. Jeon isn’t sure who would put a hit on this seemingly innocent girl, but fortunately, that isn’t his problem. All he has to do is pull the trigger. 
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"Excuse m-me, sir."
Jungkook turns and his heart stops in his chest when he sees the wide eyes of a horribly familiar girl staring up at him.
You're clutching a piece of paper in your hands as a smile spreads on your face when you look at him closer. Jungkook blinks a few times, the rest of him frozen in horror at being caught.
"Th-This is for you." You hold out the paper.
Jungkook takes it limply, his eyes never leaving yours.
When the initial shock leaves his body, he tears his eyes away from you and looks down at what you gave him. He squints in confusion at what he sees. Then he looks back up at his target.
What the hell is this?
"I hope it isn't c-creepy. I j-just thought it might make you s-smile." You brighten when he looks back down at the picture.
Jungkook swallows thickly.
On the piece of notebook paper, is a terribly drawn picture. But that isn't what's gotten his attention. On it, is an image of what he can only guess to be himself, sitting on a bench.
He looks back up at you, "Um, I don't understand..." His voice gives out on him as he fights the urge to bolt. Everything about this situation is telling him to run. You know him. You've known he was following you.
But you aren't outright telling him that you know...
What the hell does he do now?
You smile shyly, a small blush creeping up your cheeks. "I know it m-must seem weird. But p-please let m-me explain."
He nods uncertainly, forcing his feet to stay planted where he is.
"Ok," You wring your hands together and he watches in confusion as you blink a few times. "O-Ok, I like to d-draw. And sometimes when I d-don't have anything else to draw, I draw p-people. Then I give them the p-picture as a present to make them h-happy!" You bounce a little on the balls of your feet.
"But-..." Jungkook scratches his neck. "When did you do this?" He's starting to think maybe he's out of the line of fire. Perhaps he jumped to conclusions and you don't suspect him of following you at all.
You put a finger to your chin as you think about that. Then you tap your cheek, blinking hard a few times. "Mmm, I think it was Wednesday? Maybe Thursday..." You start mumbling to yourself.
Jungkook raises a brow, watching you curiously.
He looks around, no one seems to be paying attention to the two of you. Good, he can't be seen as one of the last people to be with you.
You suddenly speak up again, drawing his attention back to you.
"W-Well, anyway. I decided to m-make it and give it to you b-because you looked sad. Are y-you lonely?" You look up at him with big eyes and he blinks, looking away for a second to regain his composure.
Damn, she's nosy.
Jungkook clears his throat and looks back at you, "I'm not lonely. And as much as I appreciate the thought, I don't need this." Then he shoves the picture into your chest, making you flinch and grab it.
"Have a good day." He says curtly, then he turns and walks as quickly as he can away from the situation.
After a minute of walking, Jungkook breathes a sigh of relief to be out of that. He messed up. Now he really needs to get this done quickly before the target figures anything out for real this time.
The relief is short-lived though. A second later, he flinches when he hears a voice calling out to him and the sound of feet running.
"Wait! Mister, p-please wait!"
Jungkook pulls his hat down further and picks up his pace, trying to find a crowd he can lose you in.
He's squeezing in-between people and pushing past others, ignoring their sounds of annoyance. Then a hand grabs the sleeve of his jacket and he internally groans.
Shit, she's fast.
Jungkook shakes you off of him and turns to glare at you.
 "What?" He snaps.
You blink and cock your head to the side for a second before straightening it out, a crooked smile forming on your face.
"I w-wasn't able to introduce m-myself." You state simply.
Jungkook audibly sighs, "Look, I'm busy."
"Oh." Your face falls and he resists the urge to roll his eyes.
You look at the ground for a second, then you look back at him, your eyes bright again and the smile back on your face. "P-Please, take the picture. I have n-no room in my bag f-for it."
Jungkook sighs again and snatches the picture out of your hands, "Fine. Happy?" He waves it in the air before folding it and sticking it in his jacket pocket.
You nod happily, "My n-name is ____."
 I know.
"Alright." He looks away, trying to give you the hint that he's done with the conversation.
"What's y-your name?"
Gosh, she never shuts up, does she?
Why in the literal hell would he say his real name just now?
He wasn't thinking. He just wanted you to shut up. 
You see the look of pure panic on his face and laugh to make him feel better, "Nice t-to meet you, J-Jungkook." He must have trouble talking with people, you think. 
"Ok, well yeah, it was nice to meet you. Thank you for the picture. Goodbye." He turns and all but runs off, finally disappearing into a crowd.
You watch him go into the big crowd and you smile, he was so kind. Giggling and looking down at your fingers, you turn and start making your way home. _______________
Jungkook hauls ass all the way back to his place, constantly making sudden turns and glancing around to make sure you're not hot on his heels.
When he finally makes it up the stairs and into his apartment, he locks the door and yanks his shoes off, hurling them at the front door and flinching when they slam against it loudly.
There aren't enough curse words in his vocabulary for him to scream into his pillow that would satisfy him right now. He starts to shake, the adrenaline pumping through his veins as his brain goes into overdrive trying to figure out what to do now.
He's never been caught.
Not once. 
He's never even been close to getting caught. 
In and out, one and done.
That's how it's always been for him.
Jungkook takes his hat off and tosses it onto the tiny dining table, then he walks over to his bed and flops onto it, face down.
"I quit." He mumbles into the comforter forlornly.
Then he lays there for a minute, contemplating everything.
"I can't quit..." He mutters to himself a second later.
It's impossible.
He can't quit.
He just needs to get it over with tonight.
No more hesitating, no more distractions, no more overthinking. It doesn't matter that she saw his face and knows his name. She'll be dead by morning anyway, and it's not like her friend is here for her to tell anything about him to.
Once he's calmed himself down enough to think clearly, Jungkook gets up and moves to his closet to pull out the safe. He puts in the code and it swings open when he gives it a little tug. He takes out the gun that he failed to use the other night, then he unloads it, pouring the little bullets onto his bed. Jungkook counts them before reloading them, then he dumps them out again, counting them before once again reloading them.
He does this whenever he needs to think, it helps him concentrate. When he's unloaded and reloaded it four times, he's finally able to take a deep breath. He sits on the edge of his bed, his head hanging for a minute before he lifts it and stares at the wall. _______________
When you get home, you kick your shoes off and head straight to the kitchen to grab a snack. You grab a little drinkable yogurt and grin as you open it up and take a sip. 
Then you move to sit on your couch, still gently sipping your yogurt. When you're almost halfway done with your snack, you pull out your phone and text Mina. 
You 4:32- Mina, I met someone today ^-^
Then you toss your phone next to you and grab your TV remote, turning it on you quickly find the drama you're currently binging and you hit play. 
After a few minutes, you hear your phone bling. You pause the show and grab it to see Mina has answered you. 
Mina 4:40- YOU WHAT? WHO
You laugh quietly and you're typing a reply when a picture of you and Mina making silly faces pops up on the screen and the ringtone you made special for her starts ringing. You answer it quickly, laughing when she shouts through the phone immediately. 
"WAS IT A BOY??" She shrieks, almost breaking your eardrums.
"Y-Yeah." You can feel the blush creeping up your neck at her next words.
"Is he cute? Is he single?"
"M-Mina!" You cry in embarrassment, "It isn't l-like that." 
You hear a disappointed sigh leave her lips, "Well, what is it like then?" She asks in curiosity. 
"I gave him a p-picture that I drew. He t-took it, Mina! He didn't say I was c-creepy like the other girl did." You're grinning from ear to ear. 
She laughs quietly as she realizes what this is about. "Ohh, so you drew a picture of him and gifted it to him?"
"That's so sweet of you, ____. And he actually took it?" 
You nod, then remember she can't see you. 
"Y-Yes, he took it. He said th-thank you, and he told m-me his name!"
Mina laughs again at your excitement, "What's his name?"
"Ohhh," There's a teasing hint to her tone, "Sounds like a name fit for a cute guy. So, was he cute?" 
You bite your lip then whisper, "Uh, yes. He was c-cute." 
"Awww! ____ has her first cruuuush!" Mina shrieks again and you shake your head. 
"No, Mina. I d-don't have a crush on h-him! I just thought he was n-nice. He seemed like he would m-make a good friend." You pull at the hem of your skirt, your knees tucked up to your chin. 
You hear her giggle on the other side, then her tone turns serious. "Ok, you're right ____. No man is good enough to date my sweet best friend. Don't you dare pursue him until I get there and give my approval!"
You roll your eyes, "I'm not going to p-pursue him at all, silly."
You two chat for a couple of minutes, then you let her go because you both need to figure something out for dinner soon. 
You decide to finish the episode of the drama, but you can't resist and watch a few more after it. By the time you're able to peel your eyes away from the TV, the sun is starting to go down. You rub your eyes in confusion, I didn't realize how many episodes I watched. 
You stretch your arms above your head and yawn, "Ah, I should g-get some d-dinner," You stand up to go to your kitchen and scrounge around. You come up with a few pieces of celery, half a jar of kimchi, and one hard-boiled egg. 
You scrunch your nose at the emptiness of the fridge. You'll just have to go to the grocery store tomorrow. But until then, you decide to just go out and get something to eat for dinner and maybe find something for your lunch tomorrow. 
You pull your tennis shoes on and grab your bucket hat, plopping it onto your head. It doesn't go with the rest of your pastel outfit, but you don't really care. If it's comfy, then it's a win for you. 
Then you take your bag and sling it over your shoulder. Remembering to lock the door, you leave and head down the stairs. _______________
Jungkook thanks the man at the food stand as he takes the fishcake skewer and hands his money to the man. Then he bows and turns to make his way through the crowds of people that always come out at night in Seoul. 
He finds a bench in a park a little ways from the hustle and bustle of the city, so he sits there and takes a deep breath of the crisp evening air. Jungkook takes a bite of his fishcake, chewing it thoughtfully as he goes over the new plan of action in his head. 
A few people pass by while he sits there, one of them is a small girl with her mother. She reminds Jungkook of that little girl, Mi-Rah, from the other day. His throat constricts when he remembers the child's words to him. Then he scoffs and takes another bite of fishcake, chewing it aggressively. If that annoying kid hadn't distracted him, he wouldn't be sitting out here right now trying to come up with a new plan...stupid. 
Jungkook finishes his food, then he stretches his long limbs out, grunting from exhaustion. This hit is really taking a mental toll on him for literally no reason at all. He can't wait to be done with it. 
He rubs his hands together and stands up, stretching a bit more before heading in the direction of the target's home. 
He's going to finish this. 
When Jungkook is a few blocks from her apartment, he slows down and glances around before slipping into the dark alleyway from the other night. Once he's in the dark, he slips the gun from his pocket and checks the bullets. It's an obsessive thing at this point, but it makes him feel more secure. 
He slides the last bullet back in, then-
The gun clatters to the ground with a loud sound as Jungkook whips around to see the one person he doesn't want to see at this moment. 
Gosh fucking damn it all to hell. 
You're standing there, looking up at him from under your bucket hat. Jungkook scans you quickly, noticing you're still in your light yellow skirt and pink blouse from earlier. You have some bags in your hands as you smile at him. 
You don't seem to have taken notice of the fact that he literally just dropped the gun he was going to shoot you with. So, Jungkook quickly kicks it to the side, relieved when it slides behind a bag of trash. 
"Uhm, hi...____, right?" It takes all his willpower not to fumble over his words after being caught for the second time on the same day.
You nod happily at the fact that he remembered your name, "Yes! F-Funny to run into y-you again!"
Jungkook chuckles dryly, "Yeah, what a coincidence."  
You gesture to him with one of the bags in your hands, "D-Do you live n-near here?" 
Jungkook's nose twitches, but he keeps a straight face. "No, I just...I was out for a walk." 
"Ohh! Night walks are th-the best." 
"Mhm.." Jungkook looks around, trying to figure out what he should do. Maybe he should just do it now...yeah, that's the best idea. 
"So, what did you buy?" Jungkook asks suddenly, gesturing towards your bags. You take the bait instantly and brighten, bending down to place your bags on the ground so you can show him. 
The second you aren't looking, Jungkook crouches and grabs the gun from behind the trash bag he kicked it towards.
"Well, now. L-Let me see." You're crouched on your heels, looking through the bags. Jungkook cocks the gun and raises it, his finger on the trigger. 
"I've g-got an apple, that was from the k-kind old woman at the fruit s-stand-"
He's about to pull it when another voice rings out in the alley. 
"Miss ___! Is that you?"
Jungkook quickly brings the gun down, switching it to safety and stuffing it into the front of his pants. Clearly, he isn't thinking straight right now. 
You look up at that moment and glance behind Jungkook before a smile of recognition lights up your face. "Ohh! Mr. Ch-Chang! What are y-you doing out this l-late at night?"
Jungkook bites his lip in pure frustration and turns to see an older man smiling at the pair of you. "I was taking my trash out, and I thought I'd heard your voice coming from over here."
You grab your bags and scoot past Jungkook to greet the older man properly, "It's s-so nice to see you. It's b-been a l-long time!" 
Mr. Chang smiles and nods, "It has indeed. And who is this handsome young fellow?"
He looks around you at Jungkook, who screams internally, not knowing anything that could make this situation worse. 
"That's m-my new friend, Jungkook."
Oh, ok. So, that makes it worse. Good. 
Not only was his plan foiled, but this old man now has a visual and a name to put to someone should anything happen to you. 
Great, just great. 
"Ah, it's very nice to meet you, Jungkook." Mr. Chang holds out a shaky hand and Jungkook takes it and gives it a shake. "Oh, this one's got a good shake." The old man winks at you and you laugh. 
Jungkook forces a smile onto his face. 
He's always been good at charming people, that's what makes him so good at his job. 
"It's nice to meet you too, Mr. Chang." He says politely. 
"Well, very good. Very good. What do you say we all get out of this creepy old alley? Let's get into the light." Mr. Chang leads you and Jungkook out until the street lamps pour golden artificial light onto the three of you. Jungkook wants to flinch away, it feels like the light is exposing all the dirty little secrets he's got hidden away. 
But he remains stoic. 
You and the man exchange a few words before Mr. Chang clears his throat, "Alright dear, I really am an old man, I must be heading to bed. Jungkook," Jungkook looks up from where he was staring at the ground, "Hm?"
"Be a good lad and walk my young friend home?" He looks at Jungkook with such kind and trusting eyes that Jungkook finds himself looking away. 
"Of course." He mumbles. 
This man doesn't suspect a thing. He has no idea that the guy he's asking to protect his friend is the one that was about to kill her for a hefty price, and would have if he hadn't been interrupted. 
"Thank you. You two stay safe and I'll see you again, ___." 
"Goodnight, M-Mr. Chang!" You wave to him as he slowly makes his way around the corner. Then you turn to Jungkook and smile. 
Jungkook briefly wonders if your cheeks ever get sore from smiling all the time. 
"I l-live this way." You raise an arm to the right, the bag hanging from it dangles. Jungkook nods, then he starts to walk. You need to jog to catch up to him, his long legs take huge strides as he hurries down the street. 
The walk is silent, you sensing that Jungkook isn't really in the mood to talk. But it takes a lot of willpower for you not to start asking him different questions to get to know him more. 
When you've finally reached the stairs that lead up to your apartment, you huff in a breath. 
"Hoo, I'm so t-tired." You laugh. 
Jungkook looks at you, his face unchanging. 
You hold up a bag, "Would y-you mind carrying th-this up for me? I'm sorry, it's gotten so h-heavy during the walk. And I n-never walk that f-fast."
Jungkook takes the bag with a sigh, then he turns and hurries up the stairs, leaving you to huff and puff up them slowly behind him.  
When you reach your door, Jungkook sets the bag down on the ground and turns to leave, "Have a good night." He mumbles. 
He turns back to you, biting back another sigh. 
"Th-Thank you...for today." You say softly, a hint of a smile on your lips. 
"No problem." He says quickly before hurrying down the stairs and disappearing around a corner. 
You unlock your door and bring in the bags, lugging them to the kitchen to start unpacking them. As you put the stuff you bought where it belongs in the kitchen, you think back on your day. 
It's so crazy that when you were so lonely without Mina, you were able to talk to someone new! A spark of hope comes alive in your chest that maybe you've just made a new friend. Hopefully, you'll see him again and you can learn more about him. 
You're so curious to know more about this dark and lonely stranger. _______________
Jungkook opens the door to his apartment, walking in slowly. 
He shuts the door and locks it, then he pulls off his shoes and drops them by the front door. After that, he walks over to his bed, pulls his pants and shirt off, then climbs into bed. 
Wrapped up in his covers, Jungkook stares straight ahead into the darkness. 
"How the hell am I going to do this?" He whispers numbly. 
His head is spinning with new plans and everything that's happened today, but he can't grasp a single one of those thoughts as they race by. 
Hours pass by as Jungkook tries desperately to get his head clear enough for him to focus. Eventually, he passes out from pure exhaustion, falling into a fitful sleep.
 The next morning, the sun slips through the blinds. The birds are just starting to sing their morning songs, their pretty little voices waking up the rest of the world. 
Jungkook shoots straight up in bed, "That's it!" He shouts, then he claps his hand over his mouth, remembering how thin the walls are in this apartment complex. 
A smirk spreads across his face as he takes his hand down, "Ah, thank goodness." Jungkook almost laughs out loud in relief at finding another solution.
He jumps out of bed and runs to the shower. It ends up being the shortest shower he's ever taken, he doesn't have any time to waste.
When he gets out, Jungkook grabs a bottle of chocolate milk and a banana before hurrying to get dressed and out the door. _______________
Jungkook arrives at the school before you, so he gets a paper and sits on the bench, as usual, waiting for you to appear. 
It only takes ten minutes of waiting until he spots you across the street. Jungkook smiles to himself and waits patiently. Sure enough, you glance across the street and see him looking at you. 
You feel a warm spark in your chest when you see your new friend sitting on the bench across the street from the school. You wave happily, delighted when he smiles and waves back. Then, he stands up and jogs across the street until he's standing right in front of you. 
"Good morning, ____." 
"Hi, J-Jungkook!" The smile on his face makes your cheeks warm as you look down at your feet. 
Then you look back at him, "H-Hey, would you l-like to hang out t-today?" You ask suddenly, but hopefully, afraid he might turn you down instantly. 
Instead, Jungkook's smile grows and he nods, "Sure. I'll meet you out here when you're off work." 
"O-Ok." You grin at him, not expecting him to agree so fast. Then you look at the time, "I have t-to go. I'll see you l-later." 
He waves as you turn and hurry into the school. 
Jungkook can't stop the smirk from coming as he watches you disappear into the doors of the school. If you insist on talking to him and making him your friend, then he'll just have to go along with it. _______________
"Alright, m-my little ducklings! Time t-to pack up!" You clap your hands to get their attention. They all listen immediately, moving to get their bags put together and ready for home. 
A few minutes later, the school bell rings, signaling the end of the day. 
The kids squeal with happiness and you feel your own rush of excitement, remembering that you have a new friend to spend the rest of your day with. The kids get into line quickly and you give them each a punch in their reward cards as they file out the door. 
The second you step out of the school, leading the line of little ducklings behind you, you glance across the street, but you don't see Jungkook sitting there. 
You try not to think too much about it and focus on getting the kids into the correct lines for the busses. 
You wave to Joon Woo as he climbs into his father's car. He and his dad wave to you and smile before driving away. 
Then you look across the street again, but there still isn't any sign of Jungkook. 
You bite your lip before turning and walking into the school.
Gathering your things, you think about all the things you and Jungkook might be able to do to pass the time. You're so consumed in your thoughts that you don't notice the knock on your door. The second time the person knocks, louder this time, you hear it. 
"C-Come in!" You call out, sorting the last bits of the worksheets that the kids did today. The door opens and Mr. Baek from class A walks in. 
You look up and smile at him, "Good afternoon, Mr. B-Baek. How can I h-help you?"
He glares down his long nose at you, "Did you give any thought to what I said last week?"
What did he say last week...?
"Oh, uhm. Mr. Baek, I still d-don't understand."
"What do you not understand about it?" He snaps. 
You flinch, then set down the stack of papers and stand up while grabbing your bag. "I th-thought maybe you'd had a b-bad day-"
Mr. Baek scoffs loudly, cutting you off. 
"You aren't that dense, sweetheart."
The way he says that makes your stomach turn, "Ok, I'm s-sorry that you're upset. I h-have s-somewhere to be. If y-you'll excuse me." 
You move around him and hurry out of the room before he can say anything else. You really aren't sure what's gotten into him, but you're going to avoid him until he's over it. 
When you walk down the steps to the school, you look around, but Jungkook isn't anywhere to be seen. You try not to let it get to you, this has happened before. 
The only person who has ever followed through on plans with you is Mina. 
You blink a few times, then you start making your way home. 
"Going home so soon?" 
You turn to see Jungkook standing behind you.
A smile spreads on your face at the sight of him. "I thought y-you'd left." You say slowly. 
He shakes his head and steps closer to you, " I always keep my promises."
You feel your chest lift at his words, finally someone that isn't going to leave you hanging. Then you readjust the bag on your shoulder, "W-What would you like t-to do?"
Jungkook frowns when he notices something off about you. He knows it's none of his business and he doesn't really care, but he's curious. 
"Did something happen?" He asks, taking you by surprise, "You look kind of upset."
At that, you smile bigger, "N-Nothing happened! I'm f-fine." 
"Ok." Jungkook doesn't buy it, but he doesn't push you any further. He doesn't care enough to. 
"So, w-what did you w-want to do?" You ask again, relieved he doesn't continue to ask you what's wrong. 
"You pick." Jungkook gives you a small smile, but it doesn't quite reach his eyes. 
You decide to ignore that and clap your hands together, "W-Well, I'm hungry! How about we g-get some food?" 
Jungkook nods, "Food sounds great, do you know any good places?"
You laugh and try to send him a wink, though it's the worst wink he's ever seen. "Oh boy, I know e-exactly what we c-can eat."
Jungkook gestures forward, "Lead the way."
The two of you talk about the weather as you stroll through the city, making your way to one of your favorite food carts. You don't have much to talk about besides that. You're trying to come up with some questions to ask him once you've got your food. 
Once you arrive at the steamed bun cart, you break into a little run. Jungkook watches you skip over and jump in place once you're in line. 
She acts like a kid. 
He shakes his head but hurries over to you anyway. 
You tell him all your favorite kinds and he suggests you get them because they sound good to him too. When you take your card out to pay, Jungkook beats you to it. He hands the man some cash before you can even blink. 
"Oh, y-you don't have to do th-that."
"I know." He says simply, thanking the man once he hands him the bag of buns and his change.
You two walk to the park that he had followed you to the other day and find a spot on the green grass. You plop down and pat the spot next to you, indicating that he should sit as well. Jungkook sits down and hands you the bag. 
"Th-Thank you for b-buying it." You whisper shyly. 
Jungkook shrugs, "No problem. Which one should we try first?"
"Um, the pork ones a-are really g-good." You say, taking out the two pork buns. You hand one to him and he immediately takes a big bite, making you chuckle a little. 
"Mm, you're right. It's delicious." Jungkook says around a mouthful of food. 
You nod, glad that he likes it. Then you start to eat yours, thinking about which question you should ask him first. 
"So, how long have you been a teacher?" Jungkook asks you suddenly. 
You swallow the bite you were chewing, "I j-just started at the b-beginning of the school year in A-August. I graduated from c-college last year." 
Jungkook nods knowingly, "That's good. So, you must be around twenty-two?"
You nod, "I am t-twenty-two, yes. How o-old are you?"
"I turned twenty-three in September," Jungkook says before taking another bite. 
"Oh, n-nice. And what d-do you do f-for work?" You ask politely. 
Jungkook swallows the bite that feels like it's stuck in his throat at your question. "I work for a small business. I just take care of client's needs and stuff." 
You smile, "That's a g-good job."
He nods, finishing off his last bite. 
"It pays the bills."
Why is he suddenly uncomfortable? There's something about you that makes him nervous, but he can't tell what it is. 
No, this is on his terms. This is all part of the plan, he just needs to play along. He needs you to trust him.
Jungkook glances over at you as you stuff more food into your mouth.
This is gonna be easier than I thought. 
a/n: thank you so much for all the support so far! I hope y’all liked this one
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sapnapity · 4 years
- “Drunken shouting - Sober tears.” DSMP!Jschlatt x GN!Reader
Request: What about being the bodyguard of Schlatt while he was the president? Like not only does the reader do the job of protecting him from others but also from himself. Since he became pretty self-destructive nearing the end and maybe the reader takes care of him whenever he goes overboard and becomes the last person to stay by his side after everyone else leaves. Thank you!
Warnings: Alcohol abuse,  violent themes, angst, shouting, crying, comfort, death
Word count: 1082
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Your job title was to protect the president, you expected to protect him against his enemies, the original L’manburg citizens. You didn’t however expect to protect him from himself.
You were quite neutral in the whole political world and so you got hired as Jschlatt’s bodyguard. He seemed stable, maybe a little psychotic and power-hungry, but he was easy to work with for the most part. Keep your mouth shut, your crossbow loaded, and eyes keen for any potential threats. At first, it was Wilbur and Tommy, then Technoblade joined in and the list started growing. Jschlatt was more on edge, that was obvious. You could only watch as the number of bottles on his desk grew by the days. He was rarely sober and when he was... It was painful.
“FUCK!” He shouted out, smashing the now empty bottle of whisky against his desk, the bottle shattering and the shards scattering everywhere. There was nobody here that was willing to clean up for him anymore, so it was now your job. What were you supposed to do when he became more of a threat to himself than anyone else was?
“Get... Get me another bottle you bitch.” He spat out. Schlatt was deteriorating in front of your eyes, you couldn’t watch as he wasted his life.
“I’m sorry sir. But I cannot. That would be putting y-” Your sentence was cut short as he slammed his hand into the wooden desk, the glass shards leftover slitting them open. A small pool of blood spilled from his knuckles and palms.
“I SAID, GET ME ANOTHER FUCKING BOTTLE!” You flinched. No wonder everyone was leaving him. Even you considered it more than a few times, but in the end, you stayed. Because even though you knew how horrible he could get when he was drunk, you saw the way he looked when he was sober. The desperation in his eyes as he cried into your shirt and rested his head on your shoulder, begging you to help him, to hold him, to make him feel worthy and loved. Or in his words ‘to save him’
That’s why you didn’t leave him, as bad as it sounded, you knew that without you he would drink himself to death without a second thought. Schlatt looked scary in this moment, deep down you knew that tomorrow you’d be drying up sober tears and cleaning up shattered glass.
“FUCK! YOU FUCKING CUNT!” A scream escaped his lungs, he was in obvious pain from the blood that dripped down his hand onto his white t-shirt. Another shirt to throw away you silently thought to yourself.
“Hold on Sir, I’ll grab some bandages.” You spoke, attempting to keep your composure in front of your boss. How were you expected to save him from himself? You weren’t a therapist, you were a bodyguard. A human shield if you will.
You always kept regen pots and a med kit on hand, this wasn’t the first time he had injured himself like this, sometimes it was worse. Sometimes he needed stitches, other times he needed a hug.
When you came back with regen pots, tweezers, and bandages in hand, he threw even more of a fit.
“I thought...- I thought I said more whisky!” His words were even more slurred now, and your heart just sank as you neared his desk, his eyebags becoming more and more visible. You knew he hated what he had become more than anyone else. It was obvious when you accidentally walked in on him when he was staring in the mirror, glaring at his reflection until he smashed it, causing you to have to wrap up his bruised and bloody hands yet again. To everyone else, he was a tyrant, a dictator, and a terrible person. To you, he was a lonely man, swallowed by a hole of intrusive thoughts and a severe alcohol issue.
He deserved more than a target on his back and the absence of people he once cared so deeply about. He deserved people who were there for him, who stayed around even when he couldn’t support himself emotionally. They should have been there for him, and it boiled your blood that they weren’t. You snapped out of your thoughts when one of the first glass shards got pulled out of his hand.
“STUPID FUCKIN-” You pulled out another piece and he took a sharp intake of breath, the least damaged hand gripped onto your shirt, bringing his head to your chest.
“I’m just trying to make sure it doesn’t get infected Sir.” You mumble, wrapping it up tight, watching as tears pricked at his eyes. It hurt to see him like this.
Days passed by, the crying as you held him became more and more frequent as the inevitable dawned upon him. He was going to die. The war was upcoming, his heart was giving out. He just couldn’t take it any longer. When it happened, you weren’t exactly surprised. You watched as the enemy team crowded around, powerless. That’s what you were. Powerless as you watched the man you grew to adore struggle to stand, clenching at his heart. “I-If I die, this country goes down with me.” He shouted.
Seeing him clutch at his chest and drop to the floor was painful. It was more painful knowing you never got to say your goodbyes to the drunken man you had grown to care so much for. You would never hear his slurred shouts and demands for whisky or feel the tight grip on your shirt as he sobbed again.
When his pulse stopped, you knew it was truly over, and when the cheers of victory from the other side filled your ears, the only thing you could feel was anger. Anger at the cruelty of the world. Anger about how they could be so happy about the loss of a dear friend. Angry at the fact it was them alive and not him.
They celebrated into the night as you sat there with his cold, limp body in the woods, starting to build his grave. The grave that only you would visit, the grave that only you would leave stuff at. Because in the end, you were the only one to be there for him, from when you got drunk, to when he cried, to when he died. “How would I describe my time with you...” Your voice became a mere whisper. “Drunk shouts - Sober tears. Huh, Schlatt?”
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phoenixyfriend · 3 years
Rex and Anakin Raise a Family: Part Two
Part One
Anakin takes the news with... not grace, really, but an odd sort of resignation.
"Room to fix things," he mutters to himself, eyes set unseeing on Luke's tiny form.
Twins are often born smaller than single births, Rex remembers hearing somewhere. He hopes that's the only reason these two are so small. Leia feels absolutely minuscule in his arms.
He wishes he could ask Kix.
"Do you want to find Jango?"
Rex lifts his head to find Anakin staring at him with an earnest kind of depression. It's strange, and sad, and not helping with the question. "What?"
"You... you grew up with a lot of family," Anakin mutters, eyes cutting away to the side. "Fett would be a kid right now, yeah? He's... young. And you don't have the family that you used to have, but--"
"I'm not going to go out and find Fett to adopt him," Rex says firmly. "He was a genetic donor and once or twice a teacher. I have no interest in forming any bonds there."
He hesitates, but that was--Anakin was trying. Not succeeding, but trying. "Thank you for asking. It's... maybe if my childhood had been a little different, I'd have wanted that. But I don't, here."
Anakin winces. "Right."
Rex watches his general bounce a newborn, and thinks this is my life now.
There is no GAR to fight for, no brothers to save, no Empire to fight against. They'd thought there would be, but there isn't, not yet. They could find and warn the Jedi, but none of them would know Anakin. Nobody is going to look at Rex and see a clone. He's older than Fett, now.
"We're staying here," Rex decides. Anakin looks up from Luke's little face. "I'll figure out how to get us some Republic Idents. We'll get the twins registered. This planet is safe and out of the way, and we can figure something out for the money. You're a good mechanic, that's honest work, and I'm... I don't know. We've got a ship, so I can maybe do what Fett did and take bounty work. We'll figure something out."
"I can't ask you to stay with me."
"You're not asking," Rex says firmly. "I'm telling you. You don't get to push me away, sir. We're all the other has left, and you're not getting rid of me that easily."
"Okay," Anakin says. "If that's what you want."
They don't have a whole lot of money personally, but this was Padme's ship. She'd been rich, and prone enough to danger to know the worth of hiding money where she could. They may not have more than a few weapons on here, but they have money.
For now.
Rex knows his general is itching to go to Tatooine, sees the man muttering and twitching about it, needing to do something, and that the something has to do with Tatooine.
"Can it wait?" Rex asks.
Anakin stares at him, uncomprehending.
"Your kids are only a week old," Rex tries to explain. "They need you right now. Is this something that can wait a few months, where I can watch them while you take a week or two to handle what you need to do?"
Anakin takes Leia from Rex, and doesn't bring it up again.
Rex goes with Anakin, when they visit the nurse. He catches gossip about the two of them, but people don't go out of their way to approach. Mostly, people are just repeating the 'died in childbirth' cover that he gave before, telling each other who the strangers are, and why they shouldn't try to get involved.
The nurse asks only enough questions to get a medical baseline established for the twins. Anakin doesn't volunteer much, and when the Twi'lek woman asks if they'd like her to set up medical files for either of them, Rex has to immediately decline.
He has no idea what his blood is going to turn up. Genetic fuckery and something to deal with the advanced aging, maybe. He's not sure he wants to know, but either way, it's probably not going to be something this small clinic can handle.
"I'll have to set one up if you want to take the lactation aid," she tells Anakin.
"Yeah, okay."
She takes blood. Almost everything is mostly normal, except.
"Your midichlo--"
"I know."
"Are you--"
"Jedi aren't allowed to marry."
She doesn't dig further, just glances at how Anakin's holding Luke, and nods.
"It doesn't seem like there are any complicating factors. I can write up a prescription right now and you should be able to get it filled same-day. There will be a list of instructions and side-effects on flimsi when you pick it up, but I'd like to go over it in person first. Do you want Mr. Torrent to stay here with you as we do that, or to wait in the hall?"
"Up to him."
"I'll stay," Rex promises.
Three pills a day, one with every meal. Tissue stimulation by massaging the pectoral area, and allowing the twins to suckle even before there's anything to actually drink. Expect soreness and increased appetite, don't drink caffeine or take any form of stimulant while nursing. Here's a list of possible side-effects, the best way to handle the minor ones, and which ones to contact a medical professional about.
All very normal.
Anakin's rarely ever done anything with less than his whole heart, and Rex isn't surprised to know that Anakin is this dedicated a parent as well. He's... he was proud to serve his general, but he thinks there's something just as fulfilling as being by his side here and now. There's something better about helping raise the little ones that would never be found on a battlefield.
"Do you want them to call you Uncle Rex?" Anakin asks during a feeding. "Or... ba'vodu? Or do you want to just..."
"Just what?"
"...we're going to be co-parenting," Anakin says, not meeting his eyes. "And every time I try to suggest you go and find something for yourself, something that doesn't revolve around me, a person you were literally tube-grown for, you say you don't want to leave. So if you're going to be sticking around, really staying for years and years... we could tell them to call you buir. If you want."
It's a lot. It's something Rex has maybe fantasized about before, getting to be a parent instead of just a soldier, but he'd also resigned himself to the fact that it wasn't really an option. Even now, he'd just expected to be a friend of the father, maybe an honorary uncle if he was lucky, or--
"Are you sure?" Rex asks, before he can start to hope. "I don't--I don't want to take Padme's place."
"You're not," Anakin says, fierce as anything. "You won't--nobody can ever take her place, but there are people with five parents, or none, and I'm not going to--I don't want to--"
Anakin squeezes his eyes shut and breathes harshly for a few moments. Leia fusses, like she's seconds away from crying, and Rex watches as his general holds the child in his arms closer to his chest, visibly focusing on calming down in a way he rarely, if ever, had during the war.
"It's okay, Papa just got a little upset, it's fine, we're calm, I'm sorry I got sad, honey, I'm sorry you had to feel that," Anakin whispers under his breath as he bounces the baby.
(Raising Force-Sensitive children was never going to be easy anyway.)
"You're sure about this?" Rex asks again.
"You want to be involved in their lives," Anakin mutters. "So... yeah, you should get to be their dad in name, too. And if you use Mando'a, it'll be easier for them to have different names for us."
"People are going to think we're together."
Anakin shrugs. "People think a lot of things."
Rex wants this. He wants to imagine the twins toddling up to him, grins on their faces, calling him buir and meaning it. He wants to have what he saw at the Lawquane's, where a lack of blood connection and a half-sliced age hadn't stopped those children from claiming Cut as their father. He's only thirteen, technically, but he wants to have a family, even if it's as broken as what they've found here.
"I'd be honored, sir," Rex says. "I... thank you. I can't tell you how much this means to me."
"You don't have to," Anakin mutters, refusing to meet his eyes. "I can feel it."
"They already love you," Anakin continues, as if his goal today is to just smash Rex's decorum to pieces. "Part of that is just baby stuff, I think; they don't exactly know more than us yet, but you're around them all the time and are primary caregiver whenever I'm not... not okay. So they love you, so much, and I just... I'm not going to ignore that when you already love them too. So you should get to be their dad. If you want."
He does want.
"I'd like that," he says, and knows that he hasn't bothered shielding in days, so Anakin knows just how sincere that is.
Anakin hesitates, visibly so, and then stands and crosses the room to join Rex on the couch, each of them holding a twin.
A head rests lightly on Rex's shoulder. He lets it.
"There are rites," Anakin says quietly. "On Tatooine, for the slaves lost to the desert. People that died in search of their freedoms, where there's no body to bury but you still need to mourn."
Rex knows this. He says, "the clones had mourning traditions for the brothers who died in explosions or behind enemy lines, the ones we couldn't retrieve."
Anakin knows this as well. He nods.
They sit together, quietly, as calm as they can be for the too-perceptive children in their arms, and they know they need to mourn properly.
Rex can only hold his jagged edges in place for so long.
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writingssummit · 4 years
𝐡𝐚𝐢𝐤𝐲𝐮𝐮 𝐚𝐬 𝐝𝐚𝐝𝐬 !
haikyuu as dads!
find the mha version here - bnha as dads !
content: fluff, the boys with children. mentions pregnancy. aged up!
characters: bokuto, daichi, sugawara, lev, and kuroo.
a/n: i’ve been feeling very soft and even though i don’t even really like kids lol, this prompt make me so warm and happy :’) keep in mind that I’m not super far into haikyuu, so i don’t know a lot about the timeskip- sorry !! also a bit messy and unorganized.
so without further ado, here are some soft scenarios and headcanons for each :D
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bokuto !
Pleaseeee, we all know he’d be such a good dad!!
You’re tired? Don’t worry, he can watch them while you rest!
Can and WILL play with them for hours.
And of course, he has the energy to keep them preoccupied. This man has more energy than I ever will on 2 cups of coffee with 3 shots of espresso in each.
Mans probably would want a bigger family, but of course as long as you were fine with it.
Thinking maybe 3+. He just wants to have that big family to share with you :’) aww
When you’re pregnant, he’s all over you. Protective to the point of it being a little overwhelming, but he means well.
Pokes your belly a little. Not harshly, but in a loving, gentle way.
“That’s my baby. Right in there.”
Probably cries a little when your baby bump shows.
More so during your first pregnancy, but he still holds that same emotion with the others.
He does NOT know what to do the first time.
When the kid/s start getting older, oh lord. He’s such a sucker for them.
Probably gives them ice cream or sneaks candy when you aren’t in the room, even though IT’S ALMOST TIME FOR BED.
I’m sorry, but he cannot and will not be able to help with homework. I’m sorry but it’s true.
If your kid/s have a passion, he’s 100% for it.
Dance? He’ll go to all of the recitals he can make. Volleyball? Even better. Writing? He’ll sit in front of them and have them read it out to him like it’s a bedtime story.
I don’t think he’d be a good cook, so whenever he takes over for dinner, everyone is like “Oh no. Dad’s cooking again.”
Overall, 100/10 dad. Supportive, and does his best. Good boyo <3
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daichi !
I think he’d be a good dad too :D
He was kind of just a natural father, so it’s expected.
I think that he originally wanted to bring up the topic of kids to you at some point, but he was hesitant since he didn’t know if you were ready.
So of course, you beat him to the conversation.
He’s very happy that you want to start a family too. :)
I think he’d want a smaller family, maybe 1-2 kids.
When you test positive, he’s kind of in shock for a moment.
“We’re going to have a kid-”
Like duh lmao he put it in you
Definitely calls Suga up to tell him the news.
Is actually very interested in shopping for a baby. He needs a few pointers but he’s got the enthusiasm, so A for effort bby
He’s decently used to having a small child running around him screaming, he had little siblings so yeah
Has a bit more structure than bokuto, but he’s still able to break.
He’d do damn near anything for his kid/s.
He has his moments where he wants to spend alone time with just you.
Decent homework helper, but I feel like he’d be that one parent who goes “This wasn’t how I was taught to do this”, or “Why did they change that??”
Again again, supportive dad.
But also supportive of you <3
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sugawara !
Being a teacher, he’s surrounded by kids all the time.
Basically, he is also used to having screaming children within his vicinity
I could never omg how do you do that Suga
At first he didn’t put much thought into a family, he and you were content just the two of you. Also. CHILDREN HE TEACHES.
But something just switches in his brain, probably after he had a really wholesome moment with a student, or maybe even just witnessing a parent + student interaction.
He’s like, “I kind of want that..”
Another small fam kinda guy <3
Suga brings it up, and you’re all for it, you’ve been wanting to start a family with him.
He’s so excited and happy!! oml :’)
Like, he finally gets to start a whole new chapter of your lives together he hadn’t really thought about until now.
When you get a baby bump, he plants soft kisses to your tummy and talks gently to it.
My heart ksjshd
This will be a nightly occurrence now.
He is reading all those articles for raising kids. He’s also at your beck and call, even the baby’s.
He just wants everything for the baby, they end up being a huge daddy’s kid.
Late nights after the kid/s go to bed is prime time for you both.
You enjoy being together after a long day, you snuggle up together in your bed, maybe drink some wine later.
PLEASE. Breakfasts in bed. He and the kid/s will TOTALLY MAKE YOU B in B.
So proud of your kid/s. Has pictures in frames on his desk at school, and when his students ask, he has plenty of stories to tell.
Knows when something is off. Like, he can just tell-
Kid is sad? He’s there. Tissues, ice cream, take them out somewhere.
Probably a teaser.
You already know he gets himself and that kid/those kids into mischief.
“Shhh, don’t tell mom!”
He has deep conversations with them. He cares a lot.
He just loves them <3
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kuroo !
it’ssss kuroo time babyyy
He definitely wanted kids. Strikes me as the guy who just knew, as soon as you got married.
When that test came up positive, he had a dorky smirk on his face.
He’s very proud to know you will have his kid.
This dude is always checking up on you. Morning sickness? He’s there to hold your hair back. 
Feeling clingy or upset? Wraps his arms around you.
Lazy pats on your stomach when it’s late.
Why does he seem like he’d play mozart around you because he read somewhere that fetsuses liked that
Sir please we don’t need to listen to Alla Turca (Allegretto) for 12 hours straight
He’s 100000/10 homework helper. Mans is smart af, it’s not even surprising.
“I forgot how smart you were” 
“Shut up”
You both are probably so mushy with each other that your kid/s are like “Ew gross”
He encourages and pushes them to do their best. 
Helps them find what they’re passionate about. <3
Dad jokes. I’m serious.
“Please stop, dad!”
“One more, one more-”
Enjoys making them suffer with terrible jokes.
In a nice way of course.
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lev !
saved the funny one for last!
Okay maybe not super funny, but I had fun writing this
He and you did NOT plan to get pregnant. At ALL.
“Lev the test is positive”
Promptly falls off of chair.
Like this dude was not ready for that information
Tbh he would make even me anxious about it
“..do I have to give them the talk?”
Lev please it hurts me
As soon as he gets used to it though, he’s excited like he usually is. 
But this is different. This is a whole HUMAN. 
“Do you think I’ll be a good dad, Y/N?”
“Do you want me to be honest?”
Jkjk that was a joke.
I think Lev has the potential to be a good dad. He’s energetic, passionate and dumb, but in a good way <3
Sorry again, no homework help with him LMAO
Your kid will probably be tall. Or at least average height.
After the original surprise pregnancy, he wants to try again but when you both are actually ready.
He would totally take these kids out everywhere. A show off dad for sure
“Hey, did you know my kid did xyz?” 
“Look, here’s a picture!”
Lev we get it you love your kids 
He would love to have a volleyball loving kid I feel like, but he wouldn’t be too disappointed if they didn’t like it. Would probably propose other sports though, he always loved playing himself, even if it was only volleyball so he wants them to have the same good experiences
If he’s watching the kids while you’re shopping, he doesn’t really know how the first few times- even though you left him A LIST.
Probably then calls his friends up for advice
If it comes down to it...consults WikiHow
and that’s it!! hope you enjoyed, some were harder to write but yk what- i had fun :D as much as i am suga brainrot i literally had a hard time writing his section :’( 
but anyways yuh B)
asks/requests are open ! check yay’s and nay’s in basics for this blog !
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hanatiny · 4 years
Bow To Your King
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gif made by @/wooyoungs~
a/n: so uhh, I don’t know how to a) keep a schedule and b) contain myself... but I happened to be inspired by @galaxteez, so enjoy :)))
pairing: demon king!Hongjoong x f!reader
genre: smut
word count: 1952
warnings: sir kink, choking, marking/biting, exhibitionism, oral (m receiving), corruption kink, hair pulling, a lil bit of thigh riding, (vaguely?) implied breeding kink, implied minor oral fixation, strongly implied voyeurism, lots of praise and pet names, but also Joong is rough 😳
If the you from a year ago knew what you were up to now, she’d laugh at you - and she’d have every right to. After all, somehow getting mixed up in underworld business and ending up as the demon king’s “prized possession” was certainly neither on your list of things to do in life, nor particularly believable.
No matter the circumstance he did love you to bits though, and he made sure you knew by whatever means he had.
But alas, here you were.
Kneeling on the ice-cold stone floor in front of Hongjoong’s throne, not obscured by anything in any way as you held his throbbing hard length in your warm mouth.
He gazed down at you, his eyes shining a bright red with desire while his hand tangled in your hair and you moved your head at a steady rhythm.
Neither of you paid any mind to your surroundings, lost in your mutual delight of each other as he let out soft moans of praise and your mind grew hazy.
"Ahh, you're taking me so well in your wet mouth baby...~ I'm gonna-"
He cut himself off and paused the bucking of his hips suddenly, forcibly stilling you with a tight grip on your hair as you whined in both confusion and frustration around his twitching cock.
Frustrated from having been denied the feeling of his hot cum sliding down your throat, confused because you missed the sound of the large door to the throne room creaking open just moments ago, so you didn’t understand why he stopped so abruptly.
You glanced up at your lover with teary eyes, his own furious ones focused on whoever seemed to have so rudely disrupted your moment of intimacy.
"I-I apologize for intruding sire, I didn't know... I just wanted to ask if-"
"If what, Seonghwa? If Y/n would sleep with you too, huh? Is that it?" Hongjoong interrupted the man in question with a snarl, glowering at him as his cheeks flushed crimson in response and he nodded sheepishly.
Hongjoong clicked his tongue loudly, "Fool! I suspect the other court members feel the same?" He left Seonghwa no time to collect his thoughts, already aware of the truth, "Bring them here, I want all of you to see how a king treats his princess."
You squirmed at his feet from the commanding yet eerily calm tone of his voice and the lack of hesitation in it, seeing no reason whatsoever to object while he carefully pulled you back up to your feet and onto his lap to straddle him, a sharp contrast to his previous treatment of Seonghwa, the poor guy nearly stumbling over his own two feet as he hurried to find the other six men as requested.
Despite his dark and rough exterior Hongjoong was mostly a soft and tender lover, to your initial surprise.
Only this time around, you had a feeling he wasn't going to be gentle.
Yet you didn’t mind in the slightest - on the contrary, you secretly loved whenever he treated you with a sense of possessive, inhumane ownership in bed. Everytime he did, you felt a little bit of your innocence slipping away, arousal already growing within you at the thought.
Hongjoong cooed quietly, breaking you out of your reverie, silently asking you if you were truly okay with what he was planning to do as he tenderly carressed your cheek. You nodded immediately, a smile growing on your face and your heart skipping a beat at his thoughtfulness while you leaned into his touch.
It was one of the many things you loved about him, you mused, how he'd sometimes show his care through the little things. You didn’t know you needed that in a person until you met him.
"You look like you're daydreaming again, darling. Are you sure you're alright~?"
You blushed as Hongjoong teased you, choosing to grasp his dark messy tresses in your hands and press your lips against his heatedly, prompting the immediate reaction of a pleased hum sounding in his throat and his hands gripping your waist tightly before he eventually broke off the contact.
Your pupils were blown wide with lust as you panted softly and blinked at him, seeing the way he was licking his lips before they shifted into a wicked predatory smirk, "Getting eager, hm? Really wanna show off how good you are for me, don't you princess~?"
His eyes flashed red again, darkness simultaneously coloring them as he gave you the simple command of "Strip," and left you speechless in the process while you scrambled to climb off of his lap obediently and do as told, the promise of your lover's rough treatment fueling your actions.
Hongjoong watched you with satisfaction and amusement both glimmering in his dark gaze as he thought back to how he had to convince you to let him kiss you just a few months ago, and by now you stripped at a mere snap of his fingers.
He had you putty in his hands and he positively adored this level of control he had over you when it came to the sexual aspects of your relationship.
You observed Hongjoong as he curled his finger in a 'come hither' motion, shocked by how casual he appeared as he did so - if you didn't know any better, you'd be saying he was about to meet with his advisors - and you climbed back onto him.
Your already dripping heat pressed against his thigh while you gasped and grinded against him briefly before he made you still as he flexed it beneath you, "Sir, w-what are you doing..?"
"What does it feel like hm~? I'm just making sure my beautiful princess is ready for what's to come~" He purred seductively, forcing your core to rub against his thigh more with his hands on your hips as his cock twitched slightly at how visible your enjoyment was.
"And I believe that you are~" In a swift and skilled motion, almost as if practiced, Hongjoong turned you around to face the wide throne room instead of himself and promptly impaled you on his dick.
A loud and whiny moan left you while he nipped lightly on your earlobe, "As much as I love seeing your beautiful angelic face contort in pleasure whenever I take you, I believe I should indulge them too... just this once~"
His tone was sultry and, combined with him stretching you so deliciously, instinctively made you screw your eyes shut upon realizing you once again, in your dazed state of mind, hadn't heard the door opening for the seven men now staring at the scene before them with their eyes wide and mouths agape, a few of them even sporting noticeable bulges in their pants already.
"Princess... Sir thought his instructions were clear." Hongjoong growled lowly near your ear, a hand wrapping around and applying pressure to your throat, coaxing a strained cry to fall from your lips while your eyes flew open again.
"I-I'm sorry, you were more than crystal clear..." You choked out in a mewl, refusing to meet anyone's gaze directly as his hips remained unmoving and the thumb of his free hand traced featherlight circles on your thigh.
You shuddered slightly on top of him as he gave an experimental thrusts upwards into you, his hand squeezing your throat with precisely the right amount of force behind the action when you moaned quietly. "Good girl...~ Why don't you let them hear how good you are too, hm?"
"Y-yes sir..~ ah!" You squealed in surprise as you felt Hongjoong's lips suddenly latching onto the soft skin of your neck, locating your sweet spot almost immediately.
Highly pleased, he hummed and made a point of locking eyes with each present member of his court, his own orbs continuing to flicker a passionate red, while he sank his teeth into the sensitive spot near your collarbone.
It felt different, more intense than the normal hickeys he had given you plenty of before now. It throbbed lightly when he lathed his tongue over the newly formed bruise that practically burned itself into your skin, and you realized it'd be permanent.
He smirked against your skin when you cried out in both pain and pleasure and the other men's eyes went wide in surprise.
He was giving you the demon mark.
Your walls clenched involuntarily around his length as you whined from the sensation on your neck.
You were his queen in all but official title now.
Hongjoong pulled away with a low hiss, pulling your body back and flush against his with the hand still wrapped tightly around your throat while careful to not cut your airflow off entirely, "Shit... seems like you really enjoy that huh? Sir is all too happy to oblige, babygirl~"
It was when he started roughly snapping his hips into you that you reached your breaking point, eyes rolling back into your head as it lolled forward from the amount of pleasure flooding your system while you whimpered pitifully loudly.
"Feels good when sir uses you, doesn't it? You're so beautifully snug around me, looking all fucked out already...~ But I believe I didn't allow this, doll." Your lover whispered threateningly, his free hand snaking up your bare back before grabbing a fistful of your hair and yanking on it harshly, causing you to throw your head back with the most erotic moan yet while he showed no signs of letting go.
You mindlessly babbled out a breathy apology as he twitched within you and proceeded to decorate your neck with heated kisses and small love bites, "Ah, I'm-I'm sorry sir, princess just feels so good thanks t-to you~!"
"Queen," he corrected softly, only for you to hear before he grins sadistically with a strained groan, "if you keep tightening around me like that I'll have no choice but to cum already... Though you'll be good and take all of sir's load as you always do, I'm sure~"
You keened at the thought, body arching and presenting itself to your 'guests' when Hongjoong's hand around your throat let up in favor of dipping downwards to pinch and rub circles on your clit in time with his harsh thrusts.
"I knew it, you're just my precious, good little girl...~" He cooed while you gasped for air as he pressed his tip harder into the bundle of nerves that formed your sweet spot.
You finally couldn't take it any longer, your body convulsing above that of the demon sitting beneath you as he continued to fuck into you roughly before he stilled and released deep inside of you before wrapping his arms around your still shaking form to help you come down from your high, “Shh... I’ve got you, babydoll.”
You gave a soft hum filled with adoration in response as your lover’s attention switched over to the seven other men in the room, who you had admittedly almost forgotten were there, and your gaze followed his.
Although, now that you were a little more level-headed and not as deep in the throes of bliss as you had been before you could clearly see the stunned silence in their faces and the effect your impromptu show had on them in both their eyes and the tents in their pants, which they desperately tried to hide by means of their large coats - a futile endeavor.
A satisfied and proud grin spread across your features when Hongjoong addressed his court, a flicker of amusement visible in his eyes.
"Now, before you all leave... Bow to your king and queen. As weak in the knees as you are, that shouldn't pose much of a challenge~"
@nightqueennyx @truebluejoong @yunhoes-twancings-nsfw @yunhoiseyecandy​
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dancingazaleas · 3 years
miche zacharias | beauty & the beast
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this is for @izukine ‘s ‘fairy tale and mythical creatures’ collab! love you so much liyah <333
tagging: @yeagerslut @xenihime @fiaficsxo @mitsuluv @sukunas-lady @onyxoverride @rintarouss (cus ur a miche fucker. sorry for not warning u abt the tag)
edit: this is unedited, i’m so sorry for any typos.
warnings/tags: cursing, eventual smut, smut, nsfw, romantic sex, size kink(i guess if u squint?), fingering, oral sex/cunnilingus, missionary sex, vanilla
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miche was always just a little bigger than anyone around him. he stood like a skyscraper at 6’5, towering over all of his peers. he was more broad one would be at the chest, a tailor once said his bust was around 150 centimeters.
miche was seen as an absolute beast because of this. and it didn’t help that miche’s hair was shaggy, stubble coating his upper lip and jaw, and he had a sniffing problem. he thinks the nose is really what sold everyone.
and in effect, miche was feared. feared by the people in his village, and sometimes even by his own friends. the dark and looming castle he lives in was where he forced to, along with his companions that stood up for the meek man that they called a beast.
the village often sent people who they’ve decided to shun to his estate, expecting for the beast to kill them in cold blood.
in reality, he just sent them to the next village over. he didn’t feel like being disturbed.
it was nothing different when he saw you running to him, tears falling from your pretty eyes while consistently looking over your shoulder. behind you, he noticed a crowd with pitchforks along with torches, screaming for you to get back here to burn you at the stake.
“help!” you cry, “help!”
you stumbled over your own feet, hands clamping down onto his clothed biceps and sobbing while looking at him.
“the next village over is—“
“no! sir, no matter where i go,” you shake your head rapidly, “i will be hunted. hunted for reading the books!”
you looked so desperate clinging onto him, eyes flashing when you cry once more, “you’re the only one who can help me!”
he looks back to the crowd that nears the gates of his home, silently wrapping his arm around your shoulder and pulling you to his chest. the crowd skids to a stop, especially when miche steps forward and manages to yank a pitchfork from their hands.
“this girl is with me,” he announces, jabbing at the air to back them up, “leave now or die.”
the crowd gapes at the sight of you gathered to his chest, but backs off nonetheless. there was nothing they could do against the man that they call a beast.
miche leads you into his home, introducing you to friendly faces that were spread across the house.
“what happened?! did you get rid of the—whoa-ho-ho! who’s this beauty, michey,” someone with messy brown hair exclaims, eyepatch covering their left eye.
“hanji! quit being so disrespectful,” a man follows behind them, tugging them by their shoulders from behind.
“this young maiden was followed by a mob. she read the forbidden books, based off of her words she’s said to me. they planned on hunting her down even if she goes to the next village over,” he leads you past them to a bathroom.
“that’s saddening,” a baritone voice said, the frown evident in his voice, “she's staying with us i’m assuming?”
if his voice wasn’t enough to make you feel small, his looks definitely were. a blond man with bushy eyebrows and a prosthetic arm stood in front of you with something that you can say was a gentle smile. behind him lingered a shorter man, bags hanging from his eyes, one of which had a scar running through it and down to his lip.
“no shit, erwin. miche isn’t heartless,” the crude words make you crack a smile.
miche ignores their comments, “where’s nanaba? she needs a bath and i don’t fully trust her to be alone.”
“what am i needed for,” a feminine person waltzes into the room, a light look on her face.
“this young maiden needs to be bathed with a loose eye on them,” nanaba gently takes your hands into their own.
“what?! why couldn’t i do it?!”
“because you can barely bathe yourself, shitty glasses,” levi grunts and sits on a plush couch in front of the warm fire. you notice he has two prosthetic fingers.
nanaba leads you away before you can hear hanji’s response. you open your mouth to ask a question, but find yourself stuck on what to address nanaba as.
“you can address me as whatever makes you comfortable,” you find that she’s peering at you from over her shoulder.
“oh! i’m so sorry,” you sniffle.
“don’t worry about it, you’re not the first, and you won’t be the last. now, what was on your mind?”
“that man… miche, i think the townspeople called him, he’s really kind. he saved me from being burned,” you murmur loud enough for her to hear, “why?”
nanaba took you into a bathroom room and shut the door behind her, “i can’t say i know. the last person he took in was levi, and it wasn’t exactly his choice, more of erwin’s. i think he smells something in you.”
“that’s right, the townspeople wrote that he had the nose of a dog.”
“he does. he’s usually able to tell if someone is good or not just by their scent,” she turns on the bath, “i think he likes you.”
you deny her statement with a laugh, fanning your hand just before you get undressed. you doubt that a beast such as himself could like someone like you.
months passed, and as the days went on you found yourself falling in love with miche. the same man who used ‘beauty’ as a nickname for you would bathe in how you’d give a bashful and swat his arm.
truly, he was more like a bear. big and scary, but also cuddly—as much as a bear could really be—and soft. miche had a heart of gold, that much was obvious when he started to wear it on his sleeve.
he cherished his time with you, even if others were around and he wanted you to himself. he loves the wandering gazes you give when you sit under the wisteria tree in his garden. the look of curiosity that brightens your face, eyes wide and staring at the world he used to think was cruel.
miche tried not to be a sap. he hadn’t ever since he was born, and he didn’t want to start now. but he couldn’t help it.
if the world that shamed him and hurt him was able to create such a kind yet sarcastic beauty, then maybe it wasn’t as bad as he thought.
but he was scared of hurting you. in more ways than one. mentally, miche was a quiet and seemingly unaffectionate person, even with someone he loved. miche also had a tendency to be blunt at times, and it has made you upset on multiple occasions.
physically, however, miche’s terrified of being with you just because of it. as you’ve observed, miche isn’t exactly small..
but you practically make him feel as such.
especially right now as you crack jokes with him and teaching him how to waltz. it doesn’t help that you’re leading the dance and that he was stumbling over your feet.
“miche, step this way with me,” you’re incredibly patient.
“i’m scared i’ll step on your foot,” you give him a stare.
“you already have,” you laugh, “it’s okay if you step on my foot, you’ll get the hang of it.”
eventually, he’s able to synchronize his steps with your’s. you trade off the leadership to him, hands on his shoulders. he fumbles a lot more than before, leading to you fumbling over him as well. your shoe presses into his own, and you wince for him while muttering an apology. he’s about to tell you it’s fine, but before he can, he’s stepped on your dress. you yelp and instinctively cling onto miche as you fall onto miche’s bed, dragging him with you.
his arm is immediately at the small of your back and his other hand manages to hold himself up. you flop back onto the mattress when he takes his arm away, cheeks flushed red as he stared down at you.
you look so pretty under him, hair spread beneath you and hands laying next to your head palms up. your pretty lips are parted and your eyes are wide and fluttering.
when he realizes he’s staring, he starts to get ready to get off of you.
“wait!” you gently hold his biceps, stopping his once abrupt movement.
your arms reluctantly and slowly wrap around his neck, eyes darting continuously to his face and to your arms. miche’s breath gets caught in his chest when you pull his face closer to your’s.
“miche… can i kiss you,” you whisper, breath tickling his skin.
miche’s too afraid to speak, so he nods.
your lips start to tingling whenever they’re connected to miche’s heat embarrassingly shooting through your body and to your tummy.
when he pulls away, you accidentally let out a whimper and rub your thighs together. miche’s face lights up again at how needy you look underneath him.
he kisses you again, intertwining his fingers with yours and leaning his weight onto them. he subtly shimmies your body up the mattress, tongue poking at the inside of your mouth. it elicits a soft moan from you, the noise shooting sparks straight to miche’s cock.
“love you,” he sighs with his lips trailing down your neck, large hands shyly starting to grope at your chest.
“love you too,” you bite your lip, watching him undo the buttons at the front of your shirt.
“is this all okay,” his lips tickle your skin as he drags them across the skin of your collarbones.
“yes… yes,” you mumble, slipping out of the shirt and your bra and throwing it somewhere across miche’s room.
miche nibbles at the skin on your breasts, fingers pinching your nipples. you sigh dreamily, hips wiggling from where they lay on the bed. he kisses down your tummy and slips the skirt you’re wearing off of your body.
you’re wearing plain white panties, embarrassment hitting you like a truck. miche doesn’t seem to care at all though, just slips them down your leg and throws them somewhere in his room.
you put a hand on your chest when he spreads your legs, trying to regulate your almost erratic breathing. you couldn’t believe that this was even happening.
soft pecks tickle your calf, slowly trailing up to your thigh and to the trimmed hair of your labia. breaths grow heavy when his tongue hesitantly prods at clit, fingers digging themselves into the wild sheets of his bed.
after seeing your small flinches, miche closes his lips around the bud. you immediately throw your head back as he starts to suck and lick at it, electricity shooting down to your toes that are curled over his shoulders.
he slips a large finger into you, bending it with caution. you buck your hips with a throaty moan, sealing your eyes closed when miche picked up the velocity of his pace.
unlike with waltzing, miche was getting the hang of it fast. so fast that he’s already slipping a second finger into you, thrusting it at a teasing pace that wouldn’t be able to get you off.
you cry out, the scent of pleasure coating your entire body. it has miche groaning against your clit, a loud and desperate moan being let out in response.
miche’s slipping in a third finger, continuously thrusting in and out whilst curling them.
“miche! miche!” you let a hand get tangled in his hair, gently tugging as if you were trying to rut against his face.
“gonna cum—oh my god! i’m gonna cum,” you whine breathlessly and miche continues at his pace.
you cum seconds later, legs trembling from where they lay over his shoulders. he pulls away and immediately wipes away your juices off of his face with the back of his hand, immediately rewarding you with a sweet and passionate kiss on your lips. you whimper against his rough lips, fingers tugging at the shirt he still had on.
he chuckles when he pulls away, hastily taking off his seemingly elegant clothing and throwing the sheets over your bodies.
miche knew it was going to make you both hot. and miche knew he was paranoid of anyone walking in, even though he knew that everyone wouldn’t bother him. but still, the sheets acted as a shield from the world.
this time was only for the two of you, no one else.
his hand pumps his cock whenever he starts to guide it to your stretched out slit. you don’t exactly realize just how big miche actually is until the head of his cock is pushing into you.
the sting that shoots through your body is immediate, and you immediately cling onto his back. you bite your lip whenever he keeps slipping himself in, pausing when you’ve managed to get a quarter of his cock inside of you.
you pant as tears prick the corner of your eyes, trying to relax your obviously tense body as miche tries to distract you with soft and gentle kisses. he whispers how good you're doing, even rubbing circles into your clit with the pad of his thumb to help loosen the tension.
when you calm down and tell him that you're ready, he continues to slip into you with slowed movements. the stretch is more painful than before and as he slides deeper and deeper into you, you feel like his cock gets bigger with each inch. you stop him again, taking deep breaths and telling yourself that you can do it. you only had a few more inches left, then you would feel good.
when he finally bottoms out, your breath leaves your chest. it feels like he’s in your throat and the intense feeling makes you cry again.
“so full, ‘m so full miche,” you whimper while he wipes away the tears from your face.
“i know, love, it’ll feel good soon,” his voice soothes you.
when you calm down again, the realization at how every part of miche’s cock reaches you comes down upon you.
“m-move, please, move,” carefully wrapping your legs around his waist, you whisper in his ear.
his thrusts start off slowly and deep, moans falling from your lips each time he bottoms out and the tip of his cock hits your cervix. when he realizes that you’re alright, he speeds up his pace.
the way he ruts into you makes you produce a broken scream, scratching at his back and throwing your head back. you’re already starting to feel that certain knot in your tummy again, and you wanted to try to hold it back but the orgasm crashes into you unexpectedly.
you sound so broken underneath him, digging your nails into his skin and squeezing him close to you.
“fuck! thank you, thank you,” you sob, “love you, love your cock.”
he grunts in response, ignoring how your walls suffocate him. he doesn’t help you ride out the orgasm, only speeding up his pace to chase after his own orgasm.
you whine at the sound of his skin slapping against your’s, heat spreading down to your chest. you’re going to come again with the way miche jackhammers into you desperately.
“miche, miche! fuck—please!” your vision whites out as your body thrashes under miche’s hold.
miche can’t ignore how hard your walls grip onto his cock, groans spilling out of his mouth as his orgasm creeps over him.
he orgasms with a breathy grunt, grinding his hips into yours and pumping his cum into you.
when he comes down from the euphoric high, he kisses your lips. your eyelids are heavy after miche pulls his softening cock out of you.
“love you,” he mumbles against your skin after he’s fetched a wet rag and cleaned you up.
you hum in response, too tired and weak to even reciprocate with words. luckily, he knows what you were trying to say. he pulls you into his warm chest, a soft and satisfied hum falling from your lips.
you drift off with his hand rubbing your back. the last thing you remember thinking was that miche was definitely a beast in some aspects.
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