#sister astrid
moony2moon · 7 months
Arc of a Scythe Incorrect Quotes pt 2 LETZ GOOOOOO
Greyson: What is love?
Sister Astrid: An emotional minefield.
Thunderhead: A neurochemical reaction.
Morrison: Baby don't hurt me.
Rowan: Is Goddard always like this when he loses
Volta: Oh yes. You should've been there for the great Jenga tantrum of the Year of the Gecko.
Faraday: Rowan...
Rowan: I can tell by the tone of your voice that you are disappointed. Alas, I must further disappoint you by affirming how little I give a f*ck.
Goddard: *Standing in front of a baby changing station* Baby changing station, *puts hand over the letter C on the label* baby hanging station.
The rest of the New Order: *Starts cheering and clapping*
Rowan: No! I'm a bad b*tch, you can't kill me!!!
Goddard: BIT-
Curate Mendoza: Alright flock, we're gonna play a little game called the name game, you can go first.
Greyson: *Lowers raised hand* My name is Shacka-Umph-Ka, and my dad knows god.
Curie: We did it! You're gonna be a father!
Faraday: I'm reading Harry Potter the Prisoner of Azkaban, what do you want???
Citra: *Holds up package* Faraday, look, it's the good kush!
Faraday: This is the dollar store, how good can it be?
Goddard: It's summer, I got my hat on backwards, and it's time to f*cking party- *Hits head on doorframe*
Xenocrates: Oh that was delicious, I am stuffed to the BRIM.
Constantine: Did anyone here say "room for dessert?"
Xenocrates: You bet your f*cking *ss-
Citra: I'm in Marie's car! Vroom! Vroom!
Curie: Get outta me car!
Citra: Aaaaawwww....
Like for part 3? Plz?
Do you want a cookie???
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the-lem0n-b0y · 8 months
I’m sure everyone’s already figured this out, but I’m rereading The Toll (Arc of a Scythe) and I just realized that the story with the believer, the magician and the mauler is about Sister Astrid, Curate Mendoza and Scythe Morrison. I mean, think about it; Astrid believes that Greyson is the Tone made flesh, even though he doesn’t believe it himself; Mendoza is the showman who makes all of the Toll’s appearances special; and Morrison protects Greyson, hurting those who try to hurt him.
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I can’t believe it’s confirmed in Gleanings that Scythe Morrison and Loriana became a couple and had a baby together
Oh shit fr? I do not remember that sudbjsjs, to be fair I read through the book pretty quickly so I could look through the scythe tag again, I’ll have to check it again when I continue my analysis of it
We were truely robbed of Lesbian Loriana tbh
But like, I don’t know how to feel abt the pairing bc they didn’t really have too much chemistry in the toll, honestly (from what i remember) Sister Astrid and him had more chemistry imo, just feels weird, also Morrison is too pathetic to have a wife imo
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What is it with these fucking men and rejecting and pushing away love?
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Yes he's being a bit more mature about it than SOME PEOPLE
But it still sucks.
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air-of-the-waterfall · 11 months
Tonist propaganda? Is it starting?
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sirofreak · 8 months
love your art sm!! you should draw sister astrid :)
Thank you sm, here’s Astrid!
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Hope my girl is doing good alone in space
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strategicundersee · 2 years
Heard your askbox was open :) I would LOVE to know what you think of Greyson’s little squad in The Toll, namely Mendoza, Astrid, and Morrison. I think they’re all so fun and their interactions are one of my favorite parts of the book <3
please, mine too!!
one of the best times i had with the series as a whole was reading about greyson’s dynamic with morrison. those two are criminally underrated, good god. their interactions were some of the best parts in the toll.
as for morrison as a character, i actually find him very interesting - the guy kills people with his bare hands while in a jobe, HELLO?? - and he always makes me laugh, which is something i always appreciate in characters, so extra points.
astrid is such a sweet character <3 i wish we saw more of her, but based on what we did see, I adore her. i love how she fights for what she believes in and isn’t offended by other peoples opinion on it. good for her, honestly.
now, mendoza… he did bother me a lot with most of his actions, but i don’t have a set opinion on him. i do, however, have a little note i wrote on chapter 22 that sums up a lot of what i think about this man.
“ he looks like one of those dads that takes possession of their child’s success, and that’s getting on my fucking nerves ” ( roughly translated as it was not written in english, but i hope it’s still understandable somehow lol )
thank you so much for the ask! <3
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garussy · 7 months
Httyd series where Zephyr and Nuffink grow up and start to scare Hiccup and Astrid
Because their smart daughter is becoming a little too smart and cunning and always seems to be one step ahead of everyone
And their wild son has grown into a massive tank of a boy who follows his sister’s every order
Hiccup and Astrid getting scared because their kids are acting too much like Viggo and Ryker Grimborn
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First book stack back since my little hiatus 🤍
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a-gnosis · 8 months
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9: Most Beloved Sister
A short story by Astrid Lindgren that really moved me as a kid. The seven-year-old Barbro feels like her parents don't really care about her, but she has a secret twin sister called Ylva-Li who likes her more than anything else. Ylva-Li is the queen of the golden hall which can be reached by crawling down a hole under the rose bush, Salikon. One day Ylva-Li tells Barbro that she will die when the roses of Salikon have withered. Barbro refuses to believe her. When she returns to her parents it turns out that they have been very worried about her and that they have bought a puppy for her, something she has been wanting for a long time. The next day, the roses on the rose bush are all dead, and there is no longer a hole in the ground.
As a child I hated that ending and thought it was so sad. I didn't understand that Ylva-Li most likely was an imaginary friend that Barbro didn't need anymore or had grown too old for.
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sc0tters · 6 months
Umich boys being possessive of their girls Astrid, Aspen, and Emmy.
I actually really like this kind of series!
As guys flirt with Astrid Ethan just wants to touch them to remind the guys that she is taken.
He doesn’t get jealous though because it just reminds him that his girlfriend is hot “baby.” Ethan whined as he watched her laugh at something that Nick said.
Astrid would just smirk as she could feel Ethan’s hand wrap around her waist “can I help you?” She furrowed her eyebrows falling back into his lap “just wanted to say hi.” His quiet tone made her know exactly what he was trying to do but she loved it.
All she needed to do was kiss his lips “love you baby.” She mumbled staring up to him. All Ethan needed was her to be with him and that’s exactly what she did.
When he gets possessive everyone and their mother might as well know because Luca gets physical when he gets possessive “you enjoy listening to JJ?” Luca mumbled pinching at her waist.
It made Apsen jump “I just spoke to him.” She whined as Luca kissed up her neck “you saw the way he looked at you.” His fingers were warm against your stomach “like he wanted to sleep with you.” Aspen felt like a naughty child in that moment.
Luca pinched her chin in his fingers “but you know that I’m the only person who gets to do that now don’t you?” Luca asked as he began nipping at her jaw “I’m yours Lu.” Aspen tried pressing her hips against his wanting to relieve some tension between her legs.
Bless his soul Rutger when he gets possessive because it’s usually when Emmy is talking to someone from one of her classes.
Joe was her partner for a project and Emmy couldn’t seem to forget about mentioning him to Rutger. But on this day Rutger ended up at the library with her and Joe showed up. At first it was fine but even as Emmy was in Rutgers hoodie he couldn’t help but grow jealous at how Joe was flirting with her “baby?” Rutger called out looking up from his phone.
It irritated him as Joe explained then asked if they could spend more time together “maybe tonight?” Joe offered making Rutger laugh finally making Emmy turn to him “sorry bro but my girl always comes back with me after a game.” Rutger shrugged seeing Emmy smirk at him “my bad, I’ll see you later.” As Joe got up Rutger didn’t wait to pull Emmy’s seat closer to his.
Rutger wrapped his hand around her shoulders “you know you’re cute when you’re jealous right?” Emmy giggled leaning up to kiss his cheek.
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queen-scribbles · 2 months
❛ it should have been you. ❜
for anybody really
Hawke sibling angst? In 2024? It's more likely than you think! Sigi + Bethany + first anniversary of fleeing Lothering (624 words) ----
The windowsill creaked and Sigi tensed, mentally rolling the dice on who was about to ruin her vigil.
"I thought you might be out here." Bethany. The better option, in some ways.
Worse, in others.
"S'quiet," Sigi mumbled, looking out over the city rather than at her sister. "And out of the way. Only place our beloved uncle won't nose around."
"I know... you probably want to be alone." Bethany hesitated. Her voice shook. "But Mother is just..."
A heavy sigh, head tipping toward the empty space next to her. "C'mon, Beth."
The sill creaked again as Bethany climbed over it, carefully balancing on the slanted roof. "Maker's breath, Sigi, did you drink all of that?"
Sigi laughed, hollow and empty as the whiskey bottle swinging between her tented-up knees. "Maybe? I didn't see how full it was when I picked it up." She hefted it to examine. "There might be a few sips left if you want..."
Bethany shook her head, nose wrinkling. "No, thanks."
"Suit yourself." Just as well, the bottle did look empty. It slipped from her grasp as she leaned her head back against the wall. Rolled to rest at the roof's edge.
She held her silence. Bethany had sought her out, she could carry any conversation she wanted to happened.
The silence stretched, Bethany's breathing uneven but never quite breaking on an actual sob. "It should have been you, y'know," she finally said, the words soft and free of rancor.
Not an indictment, just fact.
"I know." Sigi sucked her teeth stared up at the stars. Different stars, different angles on constellations he never got to see.
Can't believe it's been a whole fucking year.
"And I don't... I'm not wishing it had been, or that you died instead," Bethany rushed out, twisting the hem of her blouse in knots. "You're just always the one to rush in to protect us, and..."
"I know. The one time that little shit was faster than me..." She sighed.
It had been different with Father; wasn't much she or anyone could do about a wasting sickness. But that damned ogre... she could fight, had fought, tooth and nail, to protect her family, knuckles bloody, lip split. And she'd do it again.
Except for the one time it mattered. The one time she was too slow.
'This is your fault...!' She still heard Mother's recriminations in her head some nights.
'It should have been you...'
I know.
"I'd let him brag about fightin' an ogre and winning if he was here," she muttered, trying to pretend her eyes didn't sting.
"No, you wouldn't," Bethany laughed with a hitch at the end. "You'd duck his head in the water barrel and ask if he wants to take the rest of the horde instead next time."
"...Guilty." She still wished he was here, bragging, grumbling, dogged loyalty and all.
'It should have been you.'
"'M sorry he's not, Bethy," she whispered, near choking on the words. I should have moved faster, been paying more attention-
"Me, too. I'm glad you are, Sig," Bethany leaned her head on her shoulder and Sigi grimaced at the nickname only the twins got away with. Only Bethany got away with. "I just wish he was, too."
"I know." She didn't pull away, letting Bethany take solace from the contact, wrapping an arm around her sister's shoulders.
"I miss him."
"I know." So do I.
It should have been you--he was only eighteen.
It should have been you--maybe you would have killed it.
It should have been you--you promised you'd take care of them.
I know, I know, I know.
They sat on the roof for a long time, and didn't speak of that night again for far, far longer.
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chameleon8 · 7 months
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Just my thoughts about angsty Seth dragonwatch (with my headcanons)
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Have you ever shared your thoughts on sister Astrid?
SHES SO FUCKING COOL!! And the fact she’s so determined in her beliefs and really cares about tonism is so !!!!!!!
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Well fuck you too.
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air-of-the-waterfall · 9 months
At some point in her journey, Cirrus must have told Astrid the story of its creation so she could include it in her "Testament of the Toll" (which I'm convinced she passed all that time writing, editing, rewriting, rewriting until she couldn't remember the full and accurate story anymore). Even if she didn't write it down specifically, the story spread somehow and through millennia of hearsay, "the Thunderhead stole a human body to watch the sunrise and create Cirrus" became "the Charioteer [Cirrus] stole the sun and pulled it across the sky."
I freaking love Symphonius and Coda, actually. Symphonius and Coda's petty rivalry appreciation post.
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