#curate mendoza
moony2moon · 7 months
Arc of a Scythe Incorrect Quotes pt 2 LETZ GOOOOOO
Greyson: What is love?
Sister Astrid: An emotional minefield.
Thunderhead: A neurochemical reaction.
Morrison: Baby don't hurt me.
Rowan: Is Goddard always like this when he loses
Volta: Oh yes. You should've been there for the great Jenga tantrum of the Year of the Gecko.
Faraday: Rowan...
Rowan: I can tell by the tone of your voice that you are disappointed. Alas, I must further disappoint you by affirming how little I give a f*ck.
Goddard: *Standing in front of a baby changing station* Baby changing station, *puts hand over the letter C on the label* baby hanging station.
The rest of the New Order: *Starts cheering and clapping*
Rowan: No! I'm a bad b*tch, you can't kill me!!!
Goddard: BIT-
Curate Mendoza: Alright flock, we're gonna play a little game called the name game, you can go first.
Greyson: *Lowers raised hand* My name is Shacka-Umph-Ka, and my dad knows god.
Curie: We did it! You're gonna be a father!
Faraday: I'm reading Harry Potter the Prisoner of Azkaban, what do you want???
Citra: *Holds up package* Faraday, look, it's the good kush!
Faraday: This is the dollar store, how good can it be?
Goddard: It's summer, I got my hat on backwards, and it's time to f*cking party- *Hits head on doorframe*
Xenocrates: Oh that was delicious, I am stuffed to the BRIM.
Constantine: Did anyone here say "room for dessert?"
Xenocrates: You bet your f*cking *ss-
Citra: I'm in Marie's car! Vroom! Vroom!
Curie: Get outta me car!
Citra: Aaaaawwww....
Like for part 3? Plz?
Do you want a cookie???
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haljeexyee · 11 months
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Day 6: Greyson and his passenger princess.
Characters: Scythe Morrison, Curate Mendoza, Greyson Tolliver (The Toll) - The Toll by Neal Shusterman
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the-lem0n-b0y · 8 months
I’m sure everyone’s already figured this out, but I’m rereading The Toll (Arc of a Scythe) and I just realized that the story with the believer, the magician and the mauler is about Sister Astrid, Curate Mendoza and Scythe Morrison. I mean, think about it; Astrid believes that Greyson is the Tone made flesh, even though he doesn’t believe it himself; Mendoza is the showman who makes all of the Toll’s appearances special; and Morrison protects Greyson, hurting those who try to hurt him.
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strategicundersee · 2 years
Heard your askbox was open :) I would LOVE to know what you think of Greyson’s little squad in The Toll, namely Mendoza, Astrid, and Morrison. I think they’re all so fun and their interactions are one of my favorite parts of the book <3
please, mine too!!
one of the best times i had with the series as a whole was reading about greyson’s dynamic with morrison. those two are criminally underrated, good god. their interactions were some of the best parts in the toll.
as for morrison as a character, i actually find him very interesting - the guy kills people with his bare hands while in a jobe, HELLO?? - and he always makes me laugh, which is something i always appreciate in characters, so extra points.
astrid is such a sweet character <3 i wish we saw more of her, but based on what we did see, I adore her. i love how she fights for what she believes in and isn’t offended by other peoples opinion on it. good for her, honestly.
now, mendoza… he did bother me a lot with most of his actions, but i don’t have a set opinion on him. i do, however, have a little note i wrote on chapter 22 that sums up a lot of what i think about this man.
“ he looks like one of those dads that takes possession of their child’s success, and that’s getting on my fucking nerves ” ( roughly translated as it was not written in english, but i hope it’s still understandable somehow lol )
thank you so much for the ask! <3
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Curate Mendoza is a really interesting character to me, I’m def gonna do a full character analysis when I reread the books again because he’s a character I think a lot of people misunderstand in a way
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aces-and-angels · 4 months
joaquin x enid core:
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nonasuch · 4 months
I think… I just met Jason Mendoza in real life.
me: well a thrift store just sells whatever they’re given, while in a vintage shop we hand-pick and curate everything
him: oh so like a DJ set versus just leaving Soundcloud on
me: sure!
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life-spire · 10 months
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Milan, Italy (by Gerardo Mendoza)
Enjoy our curated content? You can support us here.
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scenefromthesidewalk · 3 months
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by Floyd Medoza III
In mid-2022 as the world still struggled to find some new normal the people of Houston emerged from their homes to discover a new 36,000 sq ft brewery at Fulton and Burnett Streets, dedicated to providing an "out of this world experience"—Bad Astronaut. Supporting Houston's emerging street art scene has been part of their vision from day one and their walls are covered with work curated by the annual @SprayCityWalls festival. In 2023 Pasadena, Texas, artist Floyd Mendoza III added this on-point wall. Working in a wide range of mediums and styles Mendoza has done work for the Houston Rockets and Crown Royal and is always on the lookout for new ways to stretch his creativity. 
LOCATION: 1519 Fulton St, Houston, TX 77009
IG: @mendoza.creates  @badastronautbrewing
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jgthirlwell · 2 months
04.02.24 Darius Jones and Tomas Fujiwara at Ava Mendoza's curated series at Union Pool in Brooklyn
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demonicdragoncat · 1 year
AU idea I had
Okay, this might seem kinda cursed but that's only because I came up with it in the middle of the night so blame my sleep depravation. Basically it's an Arc of Scythe AU for Owl House. Stay with me. I put way too much thought into this so just go along with it.
Luz is Rowan, Amity is Citra, Eda is Scythe Faraday, and Raine is Scythe Curie.
Belos is Scythe Goddard, Hunter is Tyger, Kikimora is Scythe Rand, Warden Wrath is Scythe Chomsky, and Steve is Scythe Volta.
The Collector is The Thunderhead, Willow is Loriana, King is Greyson, Tinella Nosa is Astrid, and Jacob Hopkins is Curate Mendoza.
Gus is Scythe Possuelo, Darius is Scythe Constantine, Hooty is Scythe Morrison, Adrian is Scythe Brahms, Terra is Scythe Franklin, and Bump is Scythe Xenocrates.
Vee is Esme, Eberwolf is Jeri, Boscha is Purity, and Lilith is Munira.
I don't regret any of the casting choices but I do regret some of the pairing that will result from this. Except, of course, Lumity and past Raeda.
I will answer any questions about this. And no, Luz is not Rowan because her name sounds like his scythe name. I did it for angst reasons.
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ghostzvne · 10 months
TELL me about the tragic lesbians!!
oh lex thank you so much for the opportunity
context: the current campaign i’m GMing takes place in a strange small town in central Texas called Ghost Town! Ghost Town is full of weird phenomena such as a hidden forest made of meat called Viscera Grove, a building in town simply called Religious Building run by a being calling themself Epiphany-Curator M.M. with their loyal right hand manwoman Marco, and the most popular lunch spot The Real Food Diner, which changes owners depending on the day and only serves real food!
the recently elected mayor of Ghost Town is a woman named Alessandra Quispe. she’s an activist that has been able to communicate with ghosts her entire life and in her time in Ghost Town, she’s been working against the corrupt local government. Her campaign as mayor was hotly contested by the powers that be, and she was almost not allowed to be on the ballot, but her name mysteriously appeared the day of the election and she won in a landslide. shortly after being sworn in, her wife, Cipac Mendoza, tragically died in an accident and all of Alessandra’s promises of a better Ghost Town appeared to fold under the pressures of the city council that no one elected.
But, as my players recently discovered, Cipac’s death was no accident and it was orchestrated by the beings in charge of Ghost Town. Now Cipac is a ghost forced to stay away from Alessandra and dangled over her wife’s head as a bargaining chip to make Alessandra cover up the atrocities being committed around the city (kept vague to avoid spoiling my players). Throughout the campaign, Alessandra has been trying to figure out a way to give the power of Ghost Town to the people once and for all, and it wasn’t until the party of PCs came along that she had any way to make a difference without knowingly destroying Cipac in the process. And in turn, Cipac has been trying to find a way to free Alessandra from under the thumbs of the being that killed her while not abandoning the wellbeing of the people of Ghost Town entirely. The two haven’t spoken to each other since Cipac was murdered.
Both Alessandra and Cipac are major NPCs and they’ve grown pretty close to the PCs, but always separately, since they aren’t allowed to interact. i have pages of backstory for how they met and fell in love and got married and i think about them every damn day
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indvgos · 4 months
presentando a : índigo duarte couronne.
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índigo, también conocida como indy, tiene veinticuatro años ( 19.09.1999 ), es argentina/española, estudiante de letras, heredera del viñedo de su familia e hija adoptiva de los couronne. si quieren conocer su historia en más profundidad, lo pueden ver por acá, o seguir leyendo.
yo de vuelta, quién lo diría ah. dato no tan relevante es que índigo es un personaje #reciclado que seguro nadie conoce porque es viejo PERO su tablero de pinterest está muy bien curated.
bueno voy a tratar de hacer esto lo más resumido posible : índigo nació y creció en la provincia de mendoza, argentina. hija de un matrimonio de hijos de inmigrantes españoles, las dos familias tenían viñedos y cuando se casan se juntaron y bueno negocio familiar. tw: muerte, accidente. los padres mueren en un accidente cuando indy tenía 17, medio que se queda a cargo de los abuelos pero después la "adoptan" los couronne que eran amigues de la familia y los queremos mucho.
es parte de la familia hace un poco más de seis años pero todavía no se acostumbra a ser tan de la high, si bien antes vivía reee bien este mundo es todavía raro para ella, más ahora que se mudaron a aurelia que está infestado de ricos ( así que con eso podemos armar conexiones !! ).
tiene sus raíces muy arraigadas ( medio que por el trauma también, no se quiere desprender de argentina porque siente que es dejar ir a sus padres, sad ); así que es normal verla tomando mate, escuchando a charly y hablando en español de la nada porque se le mezclaron los idiomas. si juega la selección argentina o godoy cruz se cancelan los planes.
actualmente estudia letras porque es algo que siempre le apasionó y también está intentando aprender cómo manejar el viñedo que heredó ( ahora lo mantienen sus abuelos pero técnicamente es de ella ). siento que su vida en aurelia se basa un poco en tratar de entender qué es lo que está pasando todo el tiempo o sea, de repente un yate, de repente un cine y ella como ???
la frase que la describe es "you're such a soft and messy thing, nobody knows how to take care of you."
copy paste de la personalidad me perdonan : índigo cuenta con una personalidad más bien RESERVADA, pero no por eso menos SOCIABLE; y esa es tan solo una de las bastantes contradicciones en su persona. PASIONAL con aquello que disfruta, desde un buen libro hasta su comida favorita, y este mismo aspecto se traslada a cuando LUCHA por algo que vale la pena. la CURIOSIDAD muchas veces se lleva lo mejor de ella, y por esto mismo puede pecar de DISTRAÍDA. TESTARUDA como nadie, recibir ayuda rara vez es una opción para ella, motivo que la lleva a enfrentarse a la FRUSTRACIÓN a diario, misma con la que no sabe lidiar de la mejor manera. encantadoramente DESORDENADA, tanto por dentro como por fuera.
en cuanto a conexiones u know, acepto que armemos cualquier cosita, podemos usar la lista o no, con un like corro a hablarles pero no me dejen flopear porque lloro real. les tqm.
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And the races are off! Sadly, we are saying goodbye to Brother McCloud, Scythe Chomsky, the Iterations, Scythe Volta, Jenny Terranova, Scythe Brahms, Scythe Alighieri (good riddance), Loriana Barchok, Munira Atrushi, Audra Hilliard, Scythe Tenkamenin, Ezra van Otterloo, Sister Astrid, Curate Mendoza, and Scythe Constantine. We will miss you dearly (except for you Alighieri). Please remember to follow #aoasexyman23 for regular updates when polls come out!
Now, onto the next round!
The Thunderhead/Faraday
And contestants, please remember the forgotten 11th scythe commandment: thou shalt be a tumblr sexyman!
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amirocks · 2 years
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The poetry sets raging against where we inexplicably are in this country as we approach July 4th 2022 and universal pain of love with sets from @textualseduction @tandielove @_thisismeredith @shockfactormatter - Saturday night’s “Bodies of Work II” curated by Loria Mendoza and @leah.creative at @somethingcoolstudios #drawing #sketching #sketch #digital #procreate #livedrawing #livesketching #art #austin #atx #poetry #party #event #artshow #poet #artistsoninstagram #artistsofinstagram (at Something Cool Studios) https://www.instagram.com/p/CfmDseEOHyJ/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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What are some songs you associate with scythe and/or characters from the series?
Here’s a few!
Bad luck charm - Rowan
Brainwashed Institutions - Greyson (specifically when he was Slayd)
Miracle Musical - Curate Mendoza
The Court Jester - Rand
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