#sister molly
blitzo-x-stolas · 8 months
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anon55mystery · 8 months
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Sorry for jumping to conclusions, but I think Charlie and Niffty remind Angel of his sister.
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teddybearty · 9 months
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Finished Prison of Plastic for the second time recently sooooo here’s a BEAR TRAP!! 🐻 🐻 🐻
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Dally: we’re gonna head to Bucks, you comin’?
Two-Bit: Can’t. I got plans.
the plans in question
Molly (his sister) sitting across from him at the Dingo: and then I told her to screw off, she didn’t, so I slapped her. I didn’t even get in trouble!
Two-Bit, mouth full of food: that’s my sister!
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yaboirezzy · 2 months
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bigfootsmom · 6 months
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watched Immaculate yesterday
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lbcreations-blog · 8 months
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Uhm, this is Molly, Angel Dusts sister, isn't it?
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frost-queen · 1 year
Sudden attention (Reader!Potter x Fred Weasley)
Requested by: anon Forever tag:@missmelodramatic, @merlin-dahlia, @alex--awesome--22 @elllie-does-the-posts, @floatlosers, @merlieve, @queen-of-books, @glimmering-darling-dolly@denkisclown, @wildieflower, @meyocoko, @bubblybrianna, @justanothercoco@subjecta13-thefangirl, @m-rae23, @harleyquinnswifeyfrfr, @swampthing07, @melsunshine
Summary: [Order of the Phoenix] Harry and you were each other's solace for many years. When you suddenly get boy attention he can't cope with it. Things tense up when you receive a letter at the Black manor certainly making one specific boy jealous, who is loving you in secret. [part 2 & part 3]
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The pages of Hermione’s book fluttered between numbers as a strong wind caught up with it. She sighed loud having just been fast enough to place her finger at the right page she was. Wiping some hair out of her face, she turned all the pages back to hers. You stood up right close to the edge overlooking the Quidditch field where Gryffindor was practicing. – “Maybe you shouldn’t have brought a book outside.” – you pointed out looking over your shoulder to her. Hermione sighed soft shutting her book. – “Maybe you are right.” – she answered placing the book beside her.
She got up from the bench joining you. – “They are almost done with the warm-up.” – you told her as she let her arms rest on the railing. Without asking you told her where she could find Ron. – “He’s right over there.” – you pointed at the three hoops where Ron was waiting patiently in the air for. Hermione gave you a faint smile. You had seen their practices so much you could blindly say who was at what position. Fred and George both beaters were flying around to stretch their arms out. Harry, your brother and seeker overlooking it all.
You received a firm nudge from Hermoine making you look at her. – “Who’s he?” – she motioned with her head to the other side of the hoops. Your gaze went over the field to the other side seeing him sit on his broom. – “Oh that is McLaggen.” – you told her. – “He’s new this year, just like Ron. He’s father is a big man in the ministry. See that broom of his, his dad’s special gift for his entry this year.” – you told her making her frown. – “How do you know all of this?”
You shrugged your shoulders. – “I don’t have much else to do…” – you said to her. You notice the twins flying close to the stands, Fred waving at you. You waved back at him so used to their presence you didn’t think much else of it. The practice started as you focused on the training. A girl was flying towards McLaggen throwing the ball at him. He easily caught it, looking your way as he cheered proudly. You clapped for him just to be nice. Hermione looking all bitter as she wanted Ron to do better than him. Practice went on.
Ron had stopped a score a few times making Hermione lose her mind. Screaming and cheering as loud as she could. McLaggen seemed to look your way much during it. Fred too, but you were used to it. When practice ended were you surprised that McLaggen flew over to you. You barely noticed him, ready to go down when Hermione nudged you. – “Y/n!” – he called out making you turn to him. – “Cormac!” – you called out surprised making him smile. – “You know my name, good.” – he said making you smile sheepishly.
“I…I was wondering if I could dedicate the good practice to you?” – he offered making you frown. – “I hadn’t anything to do with it?” – you responded looking bluntly at Hermoine who pulled her shoulders up. – “You… you did… seeing you cheering gave me the strength I needed.” – he continued making Hermoine snort loud. You shot her a glare to not be so rude. Hermione pressed her lips together, looking away. McLaggen searched his inner pockets for something as Hermione whispered to you she would meet you downstairs on the fields.
You nodded at her as McLaggen pulled out a handkerchief. He patted it against his cheek before handing it out to you. You stared dumbfound at the piece of cloth. – “I want you to have it Y/n.” – he said with a smile. – “You… you want me to have this?” – you pointed out a bit shy while he nodded. You reached your hand out to grab it, not sure why but declining felt rude. Before your fingers could grab it, it got snatched away from his hands a broom flying past as it made you stumble back. McLaggen clenched his teeth, glaring at Fred. Fred held the handkerchief annoyed up.
“Giving your laundry to Y/n, McLaggen?” – Fred laughed out to swallow the bitterness aching inside of him down. – “Give it back Weasley!” – McLaggen bit back bothered. He grabbed at it as Fred moved it higher up. In no time came George and Harry flying over as well. – “That is for Y/n!” – McLaggen said loud. – “This stinky cloth?” – he announced loudly as George laughed loud. Fred held the handkerchief out to you. – “Do you want this Y/n?” – he asked hoping so badly you’d decline it. His expression practically begging you not to for it would pain him to see you accept it.
Fred freaked out letting go of it as it suddenly caught fire. It vaporized in front of him, turning his head to see Harry with his wand out. – “No!” – he simply called out. – “Now get changed McLaggen!” – he ordered. McLaggen puffed loud giving you one last wink before descending. Fred gritted his teeth ready to fly after him and give him a piece of his mind if it wasn’t for his brother stopping him. All three of them descended leaving you speechless. Having no idea what just happened. You went down as well meeting up with Hermione again.
Some moments later came Ron over. – “It was a stupid practice.” – he mumbled out annoyed. Hermione came to his side, shaking her head. – “You are still learning Ron. You did so good. Give it some time and you will be the best.” – she said giving him courage. You narrowed your eyes seeing McLaggen making his way over, yet he got bumped aside by Fred running excitedly over to you. Almost like it was intended. Fred threw his arm around you, turning you away from McLaggen. – “Say Potter how about some Butterbeer to celebrate?” – he ruffled his fingers through your hair.
George and Harry also arrived. Harry poked Fred in the armpit so that he would release his arm from around you. – “Butterbeer sounds great.” – you said with a smile. Harry took you by the elbow pulling you a bit aside from the others while leaving the field. – “Y/n… how well do you even know McLaggen?” – he asked looking over his shoulder. – “Not much really… why?” – you answered not understanding fully the intention of his questions. – “Nothing…” – he mumbled out. You saw Fred look behind him to you, making you smile sweetly back at him.
“It is just…” – Harry continued breaking through your gaze with Fred. – “I was wondering why he was suddenly interested in you. It’s not like he was before. I mean he probably never heard of you before joining the team and to be fair I don’t see in why.” – harry rambled on making you come to a sudden stop. – “Really?” – you called out slapping his hand away. – “I can’t believe you! Someone shows a bit of interest in me and the first thing you do is question it! Not everything has to do with you being the chosen one and them trying to get to you through me!” – you called out furious. – “I just don’t trust him!” – Harry replied loud.
“Give me one good reason?” – you demanded crossing your arms. – “He’s… he’s a guy!” – Harry used as an excuse making you puff loud. – “Unbelievable!” – you muttered walking away from him. – “Y/n! wait! I’m just protecting you from guys like him!” – Harry shouted after you whilst Fred came jogging over with George. – “Where is Y/n going?” – Fred asked looking at you. Harry sighed loud. – “I don’t get it why are boys suddenly interested in her?” – he said loudly.
George glanced over to his brother who avoided eye contact. – “Well she is getting older Harry…” – George spoke to sooth things over. That made Harry panic even more. – “Oh Merlin I can’t take it with these boys…” – his hands desperately in his hair. – “I’m freaking out. Am I freaking out?” – he asked George in a state of panic, grabbing onto his sweater. George nodded grabbing Harry by his wrists to pull his grip off him.
“Calm down Harry, it isn’t the end of the world that boys start to notice your sister. You didn’t think she would be with you forever did you?” – George chuckled out but seeing the concerned look in Harry’s eyes he stopped chuckling. He was absolutely thinking that. George sighed loud wrapping his arm around Harry. – “Don’t worry we’ll make sure McLaggen doesn’t date your sister.” – he looked over his shoulder to Fred throwing him a wink. Fred smiled shyly. The three of them caught up with Hermione and Ron to head to Hogsmeade.
“Y/n come down please!” – you heard come from downstairs. You made your way over to the stairs seeing several other doors open as well. Harry, Hermione, Ginny, Ron, Fred, and George popping their head out of their rooms as well. Harry got in motion to go after you. You were already going down the stairs. At the foot of the stairs stood Sirius Black. – “Uhm just Y/n Harry.” – he said waving Harry away. Harry nodded obeying his godfather. With a double feeling he went back upstairs. – “What’s going on?” – Ginny asked in a low voice. Harry shrugged his shoulders.
“It wouldn’t be about last night would it?” – Hermione said scared. – “It was Ginny and I who couldn’t stop giggling at night and Y/n making sure we kept quiet.” – she confessed. – “Oh so that was what I was hearing.” – George laughed out. – “I thought you were keeping pigs in there.” – he joked receiving a firm nudge from Ginny. – “I can’t let her take the blame for that.” – Hermione said determined making her way to the stairs. Ron quickly grabbed her by the elbow before she could take the first step down.
“Let’s just wait what it is about. What if you wake something up that shouldn’t be woken up.” – he said referring to if Hermione spoiled what happened last night whilst they were supposed to be sleeping, she might infuriate Sirius or rather his mother Molly even more. Hermione sighed defeated letting him pull her back away from the stairs. – “We could always listen?” -  Fred suggested as he was curious too. Not a moment later stood they all by the stairs, looking down. An ear on a string getting lowered to overhear the conversation. – “If we get caught.” – Ginny said.
Fred shushed her focusing on lowering the ear just right. Ron holding the other ear in his hand. The moment he could hear noises he shushed everyone. – “I can hear them.” – he said as they all squashed against him to overhear. Downstairs you stood in front of the table, your godfather sitting down with Lupin near him. – “Can you tell me what this is?” – he asked taking out a letter from his pocket. Molly cutting some vegetables at the other end of the table, stopped cutting to look curious your way.
“I’m not sure Godfather, you’ll have to tell me as I have no idea.” – you responded keeping your hands folded behind your back. Sirius placed the letter on the table, sliding it across. – “It’s a letter.” – he stated. – “A letter from a Cormac McLaggen.” – he continued as your eyes widened. – “May I ask who he is and why he sends you a letter?” – Sirius questioned as you were still stunned on the fact that he wrote you a letter.
Upstairs Harry was rioting. Ready to rush downstairs and obliterate the letter. Fred’s hand was shaking with jealousy as he couldn’t steady the ear. – “Keep it steady, I can’t hear them!” – Ron called out. George took over steadying the ear back again in his grip.
“I do not know of any letter Godfather. I certainly never asked him to write me.” – you answered truly not knowing why. – “So who is he?” – Sirius wanted to know, speaking rather rudely. Lupin held his hand out to calm his friend down. Molly stopped cutting her vegetables coming over. Wiping her hands on her apron. – “Isn’t it obvious!” – she called out coming to stand beside you. – “That is a letter from an admirer.” – Molly said placing her hands on your shoulders. Sirius chuckled loud almost mockingly as he snatched his glass from the table.
Molly turned you to her. – “So who is he? Is he handsome? Well mannered? Tell us dear.” – her smile ever so warm. – “No!” – Sirius slammed his fist hard on the table. – “I don’t want to know!” – he called out. Molly rolled her eyes at him. – “She’s not a kid anymore.” – she declared. – “I don’t care, no boys till you are at least 30… or 40!” – Sirius stated making your eyes widen. – “Sirius!” – Molly shouted. – “You are unbelievable!” – Sirius only shrugged his shoulders not caring one bit for it.
“Don’t worry dear, I’ll figure something out.” – she reassured you holding her hand underneath your chin, making you smile warmly at her. You always considered her a mother to you. You eyed the letter on the table, curious as to what it read. You had never gotten so much boy attention you were curious as to what boys in love would write about you.
 “Can I read it?” – you asked already moving to take the letter. Sirius slapped his hand down on the letter, stopping you. – “I shall read it first!” – he insisted upon, sliding the letter to him. You watched him open the letter with annoyance. He flipped the letter open, reading out loud. – “My cheerful Y/n.” – he read out loud with a scoff. – “Oh how delightful.” – Molly said to you as Sirius gripped onto the letter tight. His eyes going over the words rapidly, each word agitating him more as he read it in silence. – “Well what does it say?” – Molly questioned as you were waiting patiently too. You jumped out of your skin when loud thumping thundered down the stairs.
“No!” – Fred called out barging into the room. Wand out, the tip of his wand sparked. Moments later the letter evaporated in Sirius’s hands. Out of breath he grabbed you by the shoulders, turning you to him. – “Have you seen it? Read anything from it?” – he panicked frantically as you shook your head rapidly. That made him sigh loud letting his forehead fall against yours. Molly quirking a suspicious brow up. – “Good riddance.” – Sirius said wiping some ashes from the letter off the table.
“Fred what are you doing?” – you called out pushing him a bit off you. – “I…I…I was looking out for you. McLaggen is a toad.” – he said confused about your outburst. You puffed loud, turning your posture away from him. – “As soon as a boy takes interest in me you all go mad!” – you shouted not only referring to him, but Harry and Sirius as well. – “But Y/n…” – Fred said trying to reason with you. You pulled your hand away before he could take it. – “I don’t want your meddling! What is it? Do you think I’m not pretty enough to get attention?” – you scolded shooting a glare at Sirius.
Lupin cleared his throat, looking away. – “No I just…” – Fred interrupted as you rolled your eyes at him. You moved away from him closer to Molly. Molly shook her head at her son as she threw an arm around you. Then looking over her shoulder, she threw him a wink, knowing very well that he fancied you. – “Boys are insane.” – you told Molly as she guided you away. She could only nod with a hum.
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junebugdunes · 1 year
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let em have a break
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rockettequeen · 1 month
i should start a go fund me for a year of rest and relaxation of my own
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vellichorom · 3 months
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i was SO excited at the idea of a third curdle nurse ( because believe it or not given my reputation as a jay enjoyer, i REALLY like the curdle bag sisters ), that- whilst we wait for their debut, i made MY OWN IDEA of what they would be like !!!!!
& my idea is surely! entirely off the mark & strange by all means but this is awful hospital so HERE GOES;
miss miley curdle - if she's not been horribly changed by the current decaying state of the hospital, is the third, " younger " sister to the curdle nurse siblings & currently the only one in a relatively okay state of operation; known as a nurse who... really doesn't want to BE a nurse - but took the job anyway because that's what her sisters were doing - & would much RATHER be living it up between zones, " partying " & having a good time, she administers less-than-reputable treatment to her patients ( usually those injured or sickened by living the life she'd rather have, lo the irony ) & does her job with all the reluctance of a spoiled brat teenager doing the bare minimum of what's asked of her. her sisters have TRIED to coach & better her, but it's been an oil to water type of process & she just refuses to listen & does whatever she wants, usually. however, with the hospital going under & with her sisters nowhere to be found ( as they're currently busy being fused together & spitting out horrible trash babies ), the terrified miley has taken to cleaning her act up & actually taking her job seriously, in the hopes that her feeble attempts at tending to the still-stable patients may somehow save the day & fix whatever's going on... or at least aid in keep things running smoothly. fruitlessly, as though she tries her HARDEST, she's forsaken the majority of what she's been taught, & while she's not necessarily making things horribly Worse....... you know. putting a piece of duct tape on a crumbling ceiling can't fix a whole lot,
so do you guys like my cool soon to be awful hospital oc /silly
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pumpkindogart · 3 months
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jezzlen · 8 months
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M n' M
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echosluvr · 7 months
just remembered none of the milkovich siblings , ESPECIALLY mandy and iggy, were at the gallavich wedding guys its kinda over
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artsofkaye · 8 months
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Angst Molly 🚬
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kandyzee · 3 months
Gonna talk a little about mandy and molly relationship cause no one ever does. The few times I've seen people talk about, they say mandy didn't like her or was a bad older sister.
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First reason I see people say she doesn't like her sister is because she doesn't want to go get her. I feel like people are being purposely dense on this one cause she literally says why in the show. It's better for molly to be in foster care than at mandys house with Terry. Mandy goes through a whole separate kinda of abuse than her brothers. She wants molly (who is also a girl and could potentially have the same thing happen to her) not to have to suffer that. Outside of that mandys house is 100% not a safe environment tor child, its a one to no parent household, the place is practically falling apart, relatives are always in and out, it's used as a place to do crime. There are so many reasons why makeing her live there would be straight up crule. This is why when she does bring molly home she stays at the gallaghers.
The general coldness she has with her sister can very easily be explained by the fact that they don't really know each other. They don't get the chance to bond. I think it's also about protecting molly too. The Gallagher house is unsustainable. Mandy knows she won't be able to stay there forever, and she knows molly won't too. Mandy is trying to make sure molly doesn't get too comfy because she knows she will have to leave eventually. Also, THEY ARE SISTERS. Even if they aren't close, they're still sisters. No one says mandy hates mickey just cause they don't get along.
Finally, the way mandy makes sure people know she's a half sibling. I've always seen this as mandy trying to separate molly from herself/the milkovichs. Not her loving her any less. Being a milkovich comes with a lot of burden. Mandy grew up being compared to the worst in her family, and people already expected her for a reason outside of her control. She knows what it's like to be judged and ridiculed simply for being the daughter of a bad man. If she can somehow save molly from that, she will. Maybe molly won't be seen as a real milkovich. People will feel bad that she's associated with them instead of grouping her in. Mandy loves her sister, she sees good in her (Maybe even some of herself )and wants other people to be able to see the good too.
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