#sister wives commentary
amandaanddonnie · 3 months
SISTER WIVES - Kody Brown ANGRY ex wives Ruined his Wealth ??
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spurgie-cousin · 9 months
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vadaspice · 1 year
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I just wanted to introduce a Youtube and Facebook Creator named Without A Crystal Ball, or Katie Joy. She claims to be a victims advocate...definately not! She does the most, I mean the most! She claims to be a reporter who reports on Cults and Christianity, yet she's an Athiest. She has been sued atleast 8 times by several people including, but not limited to: Todd Chrisley, 7M productions, Jilly Juice, Tati and James Westbrook, and more...all for the same reason...DEFAMATION! 😬
If you're a male, don't worry, she will find anyway possible to turn you into an ab*ser, ch*ild Pedo, etc. If you're a pastor, look out. If she sets her eyes on you, you will soon be accused of human Trafficking, Waterboarding, tax fraud, and she'll do anything she can possibly do to ruin your life.
She has targeted TLC shows such as the 18 Kids and Counting and the Sister wives. She accused Robin from the Sister Wives of having Herpes, and spreading it to all of the other sister wives, and Kody Brown. She will doxx you, and dig up every inch of your life to expose you with. She is the antichrist, and I am not even joking!
Recently, she had covered a story about a Facebook Beauty Influencer named Andrea McCray. During her coverage, she caused the most detrimental damage to this woman's life that you could even imagine possible. Andrea Mccray's husband Marvon McCray had made an attempt on his life on May 23, 2022, and he is currently in a Coma.
She stated as fact to her 200k+ audience that Andrea had "Murdered her Husband." The whole internet went after this woman in return. That's not all she did. She had evidence sent to the Yuma Police Department to implicate Dre for murder, so that the Police would reopen the investigation. She had evidence sent to the border to have Dre arrested, and had evidence sent to CPS to have the woman's children removed. She accused Dre of having MBP, and of being a psychotic narcissist. At that time, Katie was assisting Marvon's biological family who were In desperate need of visitation rights to see their son who is still in the Coma.
Eventually, the family decided they wanted to cut ties with her, so she and some other creators framed his biological mother with an 8 month fraud scheme. It was absolutely horrible!
Recently, the new Duggar documentary "Shiny Happy People" just released. She was going to join in on the docuseries, but they decided to boot her (Thank God), because they were told she was a liar. Since that moment, she has gone above and beyond to have Amazon taken down, and the documentary struck as well. She has said the most aweful things about the Duggar Girls, the parents, friends of the family, the production team you name it. Her goal is to start a riot, and take this docuseries down with all she's got. It's amazing that this woman still has a standing platform at this point!
Just thought I'd share my thoughts on this! Tell me yours in the comments.
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jeniffercheck · 1 year
Did you watch The Lost Daughter?
yes!!! i enjoyed it so much. it was cool hearing dag speak about the role in that interview knowing what she was talking about, because they really did use the physicality of her character so much in her scenes like this pregnant mob wife who will call a hit on you but also give you cream for your wounds<333
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medievalcat · 1 year
I was going to joke that I always think its funny when people are like "Angelina wouldn't want Hoffman to kill any people ever :(" bc like how do we know that, we unfortunately barely know anything about her but also why would she care if someone like Ivan or the abusive guy at the school died, or yknow the guy who literally killed her, fuck knows none of us do lol. BUT it got me thinking about how...kind of the point of her inclusion in the story is a commentary on society and the legal system's endemic violence against women. Women are killed by partners so much that people just don't even think about it and the law often does nothing at all or enables it or is a part of it. Angelina's death in the story is essentially considered a minor crime that her killer pretty much gets away with legally. Seth Baxter when in his trap even claims he accidentally killed her, a classic tactic used by many men who actually do murder their wives and girlfriends. Angelina was considered an acceptable loss, a forgettable statistic, even before she was killed. She was only in the headlines because she was related to a local detective. The law was never on her side.
In retrospect, when we learn about all this, the horror of Saw IV isn't simply "wait the detective was the killer all along!" Because we see that the trafficker is known to be exploiting young girls- but that these young girls are not evidently considered a priority to help by the law (the fact that the trafficker is a woman doesn't "disprove" that what she did is violence against women). We see that the rapist operates in a motel where there are undoubtedly many witnesses who clearly have not done anything to stop him or to help his victims. We see that the wife-beating child abuser is accosted by Rigg and Hoffman but the abuser's word is backed up and he is protected, and that even the abuser's wife, a victim herself, is too afraid to do anything but support him even though he is hurting a child- reflecting how many women are silent because they know they will not believed. The horror is that with the way the legal system works Hoffman can do more to help abused women as a serial killer than he ever did as a detective.
But then, of course, Hoffman wouldn't have been the serial killer he became if he hadn't been a detective first, and the fact that he was a detective was something utilized by him and John in their endeavors. And even if he saved lives of vulnerable women and girls like his sister by getting rid of Seth Baxter and those people in IV, he still helped John do the same thing those people did to other women- and then did the same thing on his own. With these similar systems, there are similar results. We remember John sent Addison to her torture and death for being a sex worker, with Hoffman's help, further comparing and illuminating the similarities between John's work and the legal system. We see that Hoffman's resentment of Amanda (based in her similarities to Angelina, even their names point this out) that led to him orchestrating her death may have been met with disapproval by John, but was ultimately enabled by his actions, because John thought further torturing Amanda for her trauma, addiction, and self harm was not only correct but helpful. Maybe Hoffman thought he really was "helping" Sidney by putting her in the trap that enabled her to kill her abusive boyfriend, maybe he really did think this was a way of doing what he couldn't do for his sister. But ultimately, if he did help anyone, he did much more harm. Ultimately, Amanda was right. It's all bullshit- the Jigsaw ideology doesn't "save" anyone, just perpetuates the cycle.
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skzstoryvault · 3 months
Petty (Hyunjin, crack)
F! Reader x boyfriend Hyunjin
very short ( and dare I say still rewarding ) read
1 k words exactly.
They are guests at a wedding where the bride is a bridezilla
Reader was bullied by her family while growning up and had a glowup once she broke free from them.
Brief appearance of Donatella Versace as the couple's fairy godmother.
This is in no way meant as a commentary on the real persons depicted here. They all deserve the world.
Please be kind.
Please do not report this post. If it's not your thing, just scroll away.
If you're underage, please scroll on, there is nothing for you here.
If you enjoy this story and are reading along, I would love to hear your comments in the replies, reblogs or DMs - however you feel most comfortable.
A/N: I am sorry for the dad joke at the end, but I had to. It was right there, calling out to me.
“Your colour scheme will be pink and brown,” the bride informed you. “You and your plus one will have to come dressed in those colours or be turned down at the door. I will have security, you know?”
“Pink and brown? Like a pussy?” Hyunjin asked, before throwing his head back and laughing. “Damn, your friend is not only evil, she’s also dumb like the night. I can’t wait for us to attend.”
“I intend to cut contact with her after the wedding anyway. She’s always been in this contest with me, always trying to one up me and beat me to stuff… she will be either very relieved or very intrigued to hear I will be leaving Europe for good.” You say, shrugging. “Some friendships are not made to be for life and I’m okay with that.”
“Pink… and brown?” Donatella asked, just to make sure she heard right. “What, like a pussy???” She and her assistant both said in unison and in their thick Italian accent. “Leave it to me, darlings.” 
On the day of the event, you showed up on Hyunjin’s arm, both wearing the outfits Donatella so generously designed for you. They are obviously very high end, with incredible attention to details, very form flattering and season appropriate. 
Hyunjin is wearing a brown shirt with an oversized pink flower and leaf pattern, pink dress trousers with a brown belt and brown sandals.
Your dress is made from the same fabric as your boyfriend’s shirt and it’s cinched with a breathable brown obi style belt.
You are both wearing matching Versace gold jewellery and accessories, both looking like modern day gods.
The bride goes pale, then she turns deep red with anger as soon as she sees you, but she can’t say anything because you stuck to the dress and colour code to the letter. You can just feel her fume and seethe from a distance.
Obviously, all eyes are on Hyunjin, more so even than on the bride or her sister, who tries to direct some attention to herself by repeatedly stroking her obviously pregnant belly. Normally, people would love such things at a wedding because the gossip mill has to always turn.
But no one believed you when you said you met someone in Korea and that he’s very nice, attractive, kind and in love with you. The men in your family are only as good as their wives manage to make them and your extended family is full of divorces, affairs and even a suspicious disappearance without a trace of a husband or two.
So, when you told them you had a boyfriend, everyone laughed - from your grandma to your little sister. But now everyone is gawking and staring - you just showed up with a supermodel and not only are you acting like it’s business as usual, they see him looking at you like you hung the moon. 
“So how did you two meet? Was it online? Tinder, like young folks call it these days?” Your aunt asks.
“No, I told you guys before I left that I was going to Korea for a language learning experience, and while I was there I took a make-up artist job. Hyunjin was among my regular clients from the beginning.”
“Don’t Koreans usually only date Koreans?”
“Yes, we tend to,” Hyunjin replies joyfully, “But meeting her was like such a happy occasion. We liked each other at once. We knew. So I guess I need to thank you all for bullying her so much she felt she would be happier among strangers at the end of the world.” 
“How dare you…!!!” Your aunt scoffs.
“It’s true though. If you had treated me normally I’d now be home, married to some guy from my hometown who is cheating on me with an Aldi cashier and who leaves me alone and pregnant at home.” You say. “Hyunjin is just calling it like it is.”
“Can’t you just let it go? That was ages ago.” Your aunt says, sighing.
“It’s fucked me up for good so-” You reply. “But I agree, for the sake of the happy occasion, let’s change the topic.”
“Are your outfits really Versace? How did you find some in the exact colours you needed on such short notice?”
“Oh, that’s easy. Hyunjin is tight with Donatella Versace. These are custom made. She and her entire atelier compared the colour scheme to the inside and outside of a pussy. Which was the original intent, we saw everyone else got to pick pastels.” You explain. 
Later, after all the ceremonial stuff is over, food was served and the bride and groom had their first dance, you and Hyunjin are on the dancefloor, holding on to each other and laughing, lost in your own little world. At some point, your fifteen year old cousin saw Hyunjin, pointed, shrieked and fell backwards into the grass, passing out. Hyunjin very kindly helped lift her into a sitting position and assisted in bringing her back to consciousness, making sure she was alright, even signing an autograph for her on a sweaty photo card she pulled from her bra.
She went away still mumbling about “fucking imagine meeting Hyunjin at a wedding in rural Europe, what are the odds???” and how no one at school was going to believe her. 
The bride doesn’t leave the venue before coming to confront you for your serious crime of… not engaging in her stupid power games.
“You just had to make it all about yourself, didn’t you?”
“What? I did everything you asked, I believe our wedding gift was more than generous and we kept to ourselves all the time. Not my fault you decided to take everything personally. And that you didn’t believe me when I assured you I did have a boyfriend.” 
“Your mum told me you’re leaving indefinitely after this… you just had to go out with a bang.” 
“No, no, that’s Hyunjin’s leader and best friend. I’m going out with a Hwang.”
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hamliet · 2 years
Rereading Fire & Blood
And random commentary I took while reading. First read it when it came out and read it a lot more closely this time.
Family Tragedies
The entire story is about loving families falling apart because they fail their kids. Aegon and Aenys. Visenya and Maegor. Alyssa and Rhaena and Aegon. Rhaena and Aerea. Jaehaerys, Alysanne, and... all of their kids? Especially Saera, Daella, and Gael. Alicent and all four of her kids.
Alicent really should have learned from Jaehaerys' death, because it foreshadowed her own. Jaehaerys was a good king but a terrible father, and he dies in the end thinking Alicent is Saera, the daughter he mistreated possibly more than any other child of his, come to make amends and forgive him. Alicent dies having lost all her children, wishing she'd prioritized her kids instead of prioritizing the throne for her kids. It's perfect tragedy.
Foreshadowing for ASOIAF
Princess Daenerys, the eldest child, the loving, compassionate, kind princess who cares for her little siblings, dying of the Shivers (aka cold: the disease) seems like pretty Obvious Foreshadowing Is Obvious that Dany will sacrifice herself against the Others, the literal embodiments of ice.
During the Dance of the Dragons, there're also some parallels between other characters in the Dance and those in the main saga. Again, these are not 1=1 parallels. The character's fates are not definite exact matches for where the main saga is going. But there is definitely some foreshadowing.
Baela is clearly Arya in that she's a kickass queen. She also marries Alyn Velaryon, a legitimized bastard. Wouldn't be surprised again if there's romance between Gendry and Arya at some point. There already kinda is.
Rhaena and Jeyne Arryn are both Sansa, right down to the Vale locale.
Sam Tarly is a girl this time who married her first husband's son for love and is thus accused of incest and there's a clear connection to our Samwell Tarly and his love for Gilly, who was subjected to incest. Again. Not a 1=1, just general ideas.
Sara Snow and Jacaerys, with the Pact of Ice and Fire, are clearly foreshadowing for Lyanna and Rhaegar and Jon and Dany, even if it's left very vague. Again, foreshadowing: rarely a 1=1!
The Red Kraken is Euron, and I do expect that much like the Red Kraken is destroyed by his own "prizes" because he doesn't see his wives as humans, Euron will probably destroyed by accomplishing his goals.
Cregan Stark and Aegon III remind me of Bran, in that George has said Bran gets the throne, but... it's probably more in terms of helping create the new world post-wars, and done in terms of delegating up power rather than like, lording it all for himself.
Daeron reminds me of f!Aegon because he's generally well-liked and seems like a good kid. However, he goes down in a city of flames that burns because of the Dancing of the Dragons--the one place they actually dance--which I'm pretty sure is Young Griff's fate. Plus, the sheer amount of times it was stressed that Tessarion is an unusually blue-colored dragon kinda reminds me of how Young Griff disguises himself by dying his hair blue.
Alys Rivers reminds me of Melisandre in that both are much-older powerful witches who have royal children although Alys's isn't a shadow thank the seven. Still, she works some kind of strange magic...
Biblical Allusions
Aegon's dynamic with his sister-wives reminds me a lot of the biblical Jacob and how he married Leah out of duty and Rachel out of desire (well, was tricked into it, but the same dynamic). Like Rhaenys, Rachel is beloved and dies young, but leaves behind a beloved son who is favored by the father.
Jaehaerys reminds me an awful lot of David from the Bible. Not saying in any way that there's a 1=1 intended retelling because there isn't, but there's definitely inspiration.
Maegor the Cruel dies impaled upon the throne's sword and the young nephews he tormented take over. Saul died falling on his own sword and David takes over; David is, like Jaehaerys, the youngest and so unexpected, good-looking, and ends up largely good at ruling. His tragic flaw is his misogyny even if it's not like, the obvious kind, and his terrible parenting despite truly loving his children. Also, Jaehaerys, like David, has a lot of kids and a lot of tragedy with said kids. 
But wait: there's more! Jaehaerys is dying and that's how Alicent's introduced at court. She cares for him on his deathbed. In the Bible when David's dying, a girl named Abishag comes to court and cares for him on his deathbed. The Bible notes he doesn't sleep with her, but there are still rumors, much like with Alicent.
Anyways after a lot of brouhaha where Solomon is the heir but Solomon's older brother Adonijah tries to take the throne from Solomon, and there's a lot of split in the kingdom before David intervenes with like his last breath, David dies. Solomon takes the throne.
Then Adonijah asks for Abishag as his wife! And Solomon freaks the fuck out! Because asking for a carer of the former king is like asking for the throne (in the olden days of the Near East, it was practice to marry the previous king's wives if you conquer a land); he knows it's a ploy to get it, and also that Adonijah is subtly threatening him. He kills Adonijah for it.
Sadly in this case Otto convinces Viserys to marry Alicent which is. Indeed. a plot for the throne, basically like "what if" of the Abishag story.
There's also stuff where David's family is prophesized to bring the Messiah.
Oh and Solomon's wife leads him astray and as a consequence his son gets the kingdom split in half. Sounds a little familiar to Viserys and what would happen to his kids.
If we're going here why not point out Keeping Up With David's Family, aka the books of Samuel, also include brother-sister incest, kinslaying, and rebellions. Somehow this stuff is fine for Sunday school.
Alchemy in Fire & Blood
There are a lot of alchemical references starting with Aegon's conquering. "On the seventh day, a cloud of ravens burst forth from the towers of Dragonstone" makes me think of this image:
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The overall idea is that this starts the alchemical process, which will end in the prophesized Azor Ahai I suppose.
Maegor the Cruel deliberately casts aside the golden crown and wears one made of iron instead, to show his appetite for violence, because iron is ruled by Mars in alchemy, and Mars is the god of war; hence, it signifies violence.
It definitely seems like Visenya did some sort of dark magic to keep him from dying and it rendered him impotent. Kind of reverse alchemy.
Tyanna the alchemist is terrifying.
Jaehaerys riding a bronze dragon and Alysanne riding Silverwing, plus their eldest brother riding Quicksilver... kind of like an early version of what could have been the philosopher's stone, where the final three "elevated" metals are mercury/quicksilver, silver, and gold. But instead of gold, it's bronze, showing that we're nowhere near completion.
During the Dance of the Dragons: Sunfyre and Moondancer fight. Moondancer is green in color and tears parts of Sunfyre out. Reminds me of this classic alchemical image:
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Of course, the sun and moon are also major symbols in alchemy. The sun is associated with the masculine; the moon, femininity. This seems relevant because, well, y'know, the entire Dance of the Dragons is founded on sexist principles. Okay, also on incompetence. But also sexism.
Moondancer is ridden by a woman (Baela). Sunfyre is ridden by Aegon (a man). The moon (woman) dies first, much like Rhaenyra. However, the sun (man) dies later of the injuries dealt to him by the moon/Baela, much like Aegon will die because of this war. The female rider, though, still very much a child in some ways, (Baela) lives a long, good life, and her legacy continues while the man's dies. Rhaenyra's line continues on, and she's the ancestor of so many of our characters in the main saga: Stannis, Robert, Renly, Arianne, Quentyn, Doran, Daenerys, f!Aegon, Jon, Varys most likely, and more.
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mikurulucky · 8 months
Since Leiji LOVED reusing character designs he likes, especially back in the early 70s, there are TONS of short lived and oneshot manga starring alternate versions of my smol spectacled f/o and perhaps an alternate version of his space wife lol. Some more adult oriented than others (albeit without anatomical details because, this was the 70s and standards for that seem to be a bit more strict then).
Want Tochiro working as a salaryman with a plot surrounding a lady taking spicy pictures? There's a oneshot manga for that. Tochiro in more of a 20th century war setting? There's a oneshot manga for that. Tochiro running a business dedicated to having wives... *ahem*, cheat on their husband with him so the husband could divorce them with a dash of social commentary on 70s Japan (oh, and with a baby sister he has to care for via the money from said business)? There's a short lived manga for that and it predates Gun Frontier!
Yeah, there's a LOT of one-off manga out there from Leiji, many that haven't been translated in English.
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justkeeponsimming · 11 months
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Power couple Glitch and Una Quick have had an amazing two years since the break in their story!  Glitch worked as a music producer for years, on high demand to work with artists across the world. Looking back on his career thus far, he’s really established himself. Once a keen, ambitious sim trying to launch a musical duet with his sister, Reed, to a patient and creative music producer. As adults, some sims may start to slow down. However, Glitch isn’t ready to settle down. His experience could push his career even further. So, he’s formed his own record label - Glitchy Records. His first sign up is his big sister, Reed, and her band, the Fated Mates. They were so lucky to be coming to the end of their contract with their first record label, Oasis Springs Record. Glitch knows the band better than anyone. He knows Reed and her wives, Kana and Ivy, will enter a new era of musical success! Meanwhile, his wife, Una, shows no signs of slowing down. Una’s career moved from strength to strength over the years. Her communications degree took her through all forms of journalism - print, broadcast, even radio. She’s worked for corporations and also done freelance work. But, she’s been desperate for creative freedom. So, she took a massive leap and started her own current affairs podcast - Del Sol Discussion. The podcast is hugely successful and one of the top commentary podcasts on Simify! Glitch and Una will easily keep their dreams alive, whilst also cheering on each other’s accomplishments!
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amandaanddonnie · 4 months
SISTER WIVES Exclusive - Will ROBYN BROWN'S daughter MARRY in Season 19 ??
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deathlessathanasia · 8 months
„Demosthenes' remarks in this same speech indicate better than anything both the desire to establish a clear demarcation, or even a positive opposition, between the legitimate wife and the concubine, and at the same time the impossibility of so doing. Demosthenes declares: "The state of marriage consists in procreating children …” and he goes on to 'say, "We have courtesans for pleasure, concubines for one's day to-day needs and wives in order to have legitimate children by them and as the faithful guardians of the household goods."
It is a purely rhetorical distinction that has no meaning in terms of the existing institutions. Courtesans for pleasure - it is easy enough to see what Demosthenes means. Legitimate wives for the procreation of children - that is equally clear. But what about the pallake? How is one to understand this therapeia tou somatos that she is supposed to fulfill? In the Gorgias, Plato uses this expression to refer to gymnastics and medicine. This cannot be what Demosthenes means by it, and one gets the feeling that, in default of any valid definition of the concubine, he has chosen this formula precisely because it has no precise meaning. Furthermore, in his Against Aristocrates, he cites a law of Solon or Dracon' declaring that one has the right to kill a man caught in one's own house, "in flagrante delicto with one's wife (damar), mother, sister, daughter or with the pallake that one has taken for the purpose of procreating free children." The text of this law has been the subject of many commentaries. We will note three points from it. First, the pallake is put on the same level as the damar and all the other closely related women over whom the head of the family has full authority in his own oikos. Second, the pallake lives ,in one's house for the purpose of paidopoieisthai (having children), which was used just now to define the status of marriage. It is true that these children are not gnesioi, but neither are they defined as nothoi; they are referred to as eleutheroi, free. There is every reason to believe that, under Solon, unlike in the fifth century, children born from a marriage without engue, from a union which we would today describe as unofficial, had a status which did not radically exclude them from the anchisteia, or inheritance, or from the right to take part in the religious and political life of the city.”
- Myth and Society in Ancient Greece by Jean-Pierre Vernant
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hollowwhisperings · 2 years
The Average Life Expectancy of Targaryen Monarchs (& other studies in age): Part 1/?
In 300 years of rule, the Targaryen Dynasty of Westeros had 17 monarchs and 9 civil wars (crusades against Dorne not here included). Half of the 14* Targaryen monarchs did not live past 50: none lived to be 70. The longest reign for a monarch was 55 years: the shortest was half a year. This post will brush over the contents of each reign & ruler, looking instead at the mathematics of their lives. As with the post on Targaryen Sister-Wives of Westeros, the ages of concern will be of their times of marriage, of parenthood, of ascension to the throne, and at death. In this post, brief biographies of each monarch are given to show the line of succession & note causes of death. Following posts on averages will be made on: overall life expectancy and "natural" vs killed; ages when wed, willingly or otherwise; age of parenthood, with commentary on in/fertility and the nature of child marriages; age when crowned & the length of reigns (natural & "interrupted"), with thoughts on "kingliness" from a social, mathematical context. There may also be a Joke Post on "First Blood" and comparison posts on the life expectancies of monarchs vs consorts (& whether it can reflect on House Targaryen as a whole or Westeros in a bubble).
*Within these meta posts, Rhaenyra I & Aegon II are jointly considered the 6th "king" of Westeros. while i also refer to the conquerors Visenya & Rhaenys as monarchs in their own right, studies of them exist on posts regarding Queens, Sister-Wives &/or Consorts.
Monarchs of the Targaryen Dynasty, In Brief:
AEGON THE CONQUEROR, husband of his sisters VISENYA and RHAENYS. Father of Aenys I (by Rhaenys) & Maegor I (by Visenya). Ruled for 47 years with his sister-wives & Lord Orys Baratheon (alleged half-brother) as his hand. Died of "old" age.
AENYS I, husband of Alyssa Velaryon (a cousin). Father of 6 children, including Princess Rhaena, Jaehaerys I & Queen Alysanne. Died of illness, having ruled for 4 years.
MAEGOR I, husband of Ceryse Hightower (daughter of the High Septon), Alys Harroway, Tyanna of the Tower, Princess Rhaena (his niece & eldest child of Aenys I), Elinor Costayne & Jeyne Westerling. No issue. Found dead on the Iron Throne by Queen Elinor. Ruled for 6 years, 6 months & 6 days (not accounting for his time as his brother's Lord Hand).
JAEHAERYS I, husband of his sister Alysanne. Fathered 13 children, outliving all but 2. Died of "old" age after a reign of 55 years.
VISERYS I, husband of Aemma Arryn (cousin) then Alicent Hightower (daughter of his Hand). Had 1 surviving child by Queen Aemma & 4 more children by Queen Alicent. Died of illness after 24 years of rule.
RHAENYRA I, wife of Ser Laenor Velaryon (a cousin) then Prince Daemon (her uncle). Had 3 sons while wed to Ser Laenor, 2 more & a stillborn daughter by Prince Daemon. Was usurped by her younger brother upon their father's death, resulting in a civil war. Ruled from the Iron Throne for half a year. Killed.
6. AEGON II, husband of Helaena (his sister). Fathered 3 legitimate children and an unknown number of bastards. Ruled intermittently for 2 years. Assassinated.
7. AEGON III, husband of Jaehaera (daughter of his uncle, Aegon II) then Daenaera Velaryon (a cousin). Father of 5 (including Daeron I, Baelor I & Daena the Defiant). Ruled for 25 years (initially under regency) before dying of illness.
8. DAERON I, a boy king. Ruled for 4 years but spent most of them warring against Dorne. Killed at parley.
9. BAELOR I, husband of Daena the Defiant (his sister) until becoming king & his anulling the marriage. No issue. Fasted himself to death after a reign of 11 years.
10. VISERYS II, estranged husband of Larra Rogare. Father of Aegon IV, Queen Naerys & Ser Aemon the Dragonknight. King for little over a year but having ruled for ~30 as the Lord Hand of his brother & 2 nephews.
11. AEGON IV, husband of Naerys (his sister). Father of 2 legitimate children and many more bastards (including Daemon Blackfyre, Bloodraven, Bittersteel & Shiera Seastar). Ruled for 12 years before dying of illness.
12. DAERON II, husband of Myriah Martell of Dorne. Father of 4 sons, including Baelor Breakspear, Aerys I & Maekar I. Ruled for 25 years, dying abruptly during the Great Spring Sickness of 209 AC.
13. AERYS I, husband of Elinor Penrose (his cousin). Their marriage was unconsumated. Ruled for 5 years before dying of illness.
14. MAEKAR I, husband of Dyanna Dayne. Father of 6, including Aerion Brightflame, Maester Aemon of the Night's Watch, & Aegon V. Killed in battle after a reign of 12 years.
15. AEGON V, husband of Betha Blackwood. Father of 5, including Prince Duncan the Small, Jaehaerys II & Queen Shaera. Died at the Tragedy of Summerhall after a reign of 25 years.
16. JAEHAERYS II, husband of Shaera (his sister). Father of Aerys II & Queen Rhaella. Died of illness after a reign of 2 years.
17. AERYS II, husband of Rhaella (his sister). Only 3 of his children lived to maturity: Princes Rhaegar & Viserys, Daenerys Stormborn. Killed after 21 years of (his Hand Tywin Lannister's) rule, ending the Targaryen Dynasty.
(...though it IS true that House Baratheon has Targaryen heritage, renewed every few generations & thus present in the family of Robert Baratheon: as Kings Joffrey & Tommen are Robert's alleged children, they too are supposedly Targaryen. A Targaryen in blood is not a Targaryen in name, however, as evidenced by Robert's freely siring bastards despite simultaneously calling for the genocide of "dragonspawn")
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raspberryconverse · 1 year
Tag nine people you want to catch up with/get to know better
Tagged by @apothecarose
Last Song:  Hell N Back - Bahkar (it was playing on WXRT)
Last Film: This is Where I Leave You. My spouse really wanted to watch a movie and it sounded decent. It was actually pretty good.
Currently Reading (or last read): I currently have a list of about 20 unfinished fics I'm reading right now, lol. There are several that I think were abandoned, though.
As for books, I just started When Katie Met Cassidy the other day and just finished They Hate Each Other, which was super cute
Currently Watching: Love (Netflix), Sister Wives, The Wilds, various YouTubers (my spouse is really into a lot of interior design/DIY channels and I have my various commentary folks I like to watch). And I'm always watching a little bit of Heartstopper here and there because I can't get enough of Nick and Charlie.
Current Obsession: My Nick Nelson in the rain cross stitch. It's finally starting to look like something besides a sea of 415 with random splotches, so I'm very motivated to keep going.
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I'm normally more of a knitter, but I just haven't been into it much lately except during my 2 virtual knit groups.
Tagging @flamingohistorian, @catandherfandoms, @kaiyonohime, and @mammameesh
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reasonandempathy · 11 months
I'm not that bible proof but doesn't Exodus state quite clearly that the Jewish people are NOT native/indigenous to the region we now call Israel? Like it wasn't the ancestral Hebrew homeland they returned to after leaving Egypt, it was a place they saw as the promised land and conquered from the native population, driving out the indigenous Canaanites?
This is NOT commentary about the current conflict, it's just unfortunate correlation bc I see a lot of stuff going around about how the Jewish people are the original inhabitants of the region that were driven out, which AFAIK contradicts the actual "origin" of Israel as Judaism tells it very explicitly, and since you reblogged something like that and usually know the old testament I'm wondering if I'm misremembering it.
I'm not that bible proof but doesn't Exodus state quite clearly that the Jewish people are NOT native/indigenous to the region we now call Israel? Like it wasn't the ancestral Hebrew homeland they returned to after leaving Egypt, it was a place they saw as the promised land and conquered from the native population, driving out the indigenous Canaanites?
Before Egypt, Joseph (of the technicolor dreamcoat) was actually from Canaan.
Gen 37 : Now Jacob dwelt in the land where his father was a [a]stranger, in the land of Canaan.
In Gen: 36 : Esau took his wives from the daughters of Canaan: Adah the daughter of Elon the Hittite; Aholibamah the daughter of Anah, the daughter of Zibeon the Hivite; 3 and Basemath, Ishmael’s daughter, sister of Nebajoth.
Basically, biblically, Hebrew people were in the general batch of people who could be called Canaanites, then moved to Egypt with Joseph, and then came back to Canaan and the Jordan (eventually).
I try to go by it archeologically rather than biblically, though. Nobody really makes the archeological argument that Hebrew people aren't from that area that I'm aware of. It's more a matter that the Kingdom of Israel hasn't existed for a couple thousand years.
It's not fully comparable, but it's like breaking up Spain and France to make a Kingdom of Aquitaine. Or a Caliphate of Cordoba. Kinda,
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svconfessions · 2 years
the whole 'all the girls in xian shu peak are lesbians' fanon thing gets old real quick, and i think this is a reflection of a greater trend, not just in sv, but across m/m dominant fandoms in general.
what i've noticed in lots of fanworks is that all the 'cool' girls are lesbians and all the 'uncool' girls are straight (and have to press their suit w the ml, torment the mc, show devastatingly low iq in the process, and be either killed off or otherwise punished). anyone else noticed how nyy/lmy/shl and its individual iterations are the only popular ships in the fandom featuring female characters? and how the little palace mistress and the qin sisters are treated in comparison? or any of the unnamed/oc wives?
i'm not saying 'no lesbians' but instead that it feels very 'pair the spares' as well as a shorthand for that female character being considered acceptable. and i'm not trying to make a danmei fandom shift its focus to female characters, esp since that's genuinely a hysterical take w this particular danmei novel. (stallion novel turned commentary on danmei turned hallmark movie? lmao truly meta) but also, just to light the fire--there's not any specific canon scenes to support these takes, either.
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alliluyevas · 1 year
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I'm posting the Wells family plot next, because Emmeline Woodward Wells and Helen Kimball Whitney were very close friends and it feels thematically appropriate. Emmeline was also a prolific diarist--her entries are less in depth than Helen's, but she lived much longer, well into her nineties, and wrote regularly for about fifty years. She was also quite a prominent figure among Mormon women: the editor of the Woman's Exponent magazine for 37 years, a suffrage activist who corresponded with Susan B. Anthony, and later in life she served as Relief Society President.
She and Helen became friends when they were teenagers on the way to Utah: Emmeline was a plural wife of Helen's father-in-law, Newel Whitney so they were traveling in the same family group. Their kids grew up together: Emmeline had two daughters with Newel Whitney and three with Daniel Wells, who she married, also as a plural wife, after Whitney died. Like Helen, Emmeline also experienced the death of a young adult child in especially traumatic circumstances: her youngest, Louisa (almost universally known as Louie) married her brother-in-law John Q. Cannon days after he had secured a quickie divorce from Louie's older sister because he had gotten her pregnant, and then died in childbirth. Poor Louie was the subject of a lot of gossip about her virtue during the last months of her life and there was some nasty commentary surrounding her death as well, which her mother found deeply upsetting.
I think it's interesting that both Louie Wells and Charlie Whitney have these very small, simple gravestones with just their nickname and no birth and death dates--if I didn't know better, I'd assume these were infant graves. I think it's possible that the particularly upsetting circumstances and public scrutiny surrounding their deaths may have affected the choice of gravestone. I also included pictures of the graves of Emmeline and Daniel's daughter Emma and sister-wife Louisa Free Wells. While Daniel has a small individual gravestone, the plaques on the obelisk are also mainly about his accomplishments, both secular and sacred (he was an apostle). I was sort of startled that Emmeline's gravestone is so small and plain given how well-known she was in Utah in her lifetime. (Another note: the little tags Daniel and Emmeline have on their gravestones with the covered wagon indicate that they were part of the first wave of Mormon migration to Utah. Helen and Horace Whitney have pioneer tags as well on the backs of their gravestones.)
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Emmeline and Louie.
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Daniel Wells and his wives: Emmeline is the bottom picture, Louisa Free Wells is the top.
Just to drive home how intermarried the elite Mormon polygamist families were: Louisa Free's sister Emmeline was married to Brigham Young, Daniel Wells was also married to Lydia and Susan Alley, whose sister Margaret was also married to Brigham Young, and Daniel's daughter with Lydia Alley (Mary Wells) married Helen Whitney's son Orson.
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