ceyhunbaki · 1 year
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Masa Üzeri TÜRK Bayrağı ve Atatürk Silüeti https://www.urunkap.com/ #Türk #TürkBayrağı #Ata #Atatürk #Ahşap #masa #masaüzerihediyelik #masaüstühediyelik #antiksan #ürünkap #yeni #sitil #stil #tarz #dekor #doğal #yaşam #bugün #Cuma #günaydın #günaydınTürkiye #hayat #renk #sevda #ccc #ordu #muğla #Türkiye🇹🇷 (Muğla) https://www.instagram.com/p/CnWIjCjNB4U/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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just-a-mod · 1 year
hi i'd like a side of rice and spicy boris
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Spicy Level : 1 out of 5 Jalapenos
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the-acid-pear · 1 year
Honestly some people go back to fandoms with shame, like a dog with their tail between their legs, but I'm walking back into FNAF like I'm skipping thru a field of flowers <3
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thermesiini · 1 year
it would take a divine miracle for me to open tumblr and not post about trigun i can try but i last maybe five minutes. everything reminds me of him….
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andy-is-not-funny · 9 months
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I’ve dressed like each and everyone of them at one point in my life.
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One thing thats frustrates me is that people still haven’t quite forgived TK for breaking up with Carlos, even though he had reason to feel upset. I know Carlos had good intentions and was trying to be sweet, but you just don’t buy a loft and put your partner in the lease without talking to them first. TK was wrong to run, but he did have reasons to be bothered. It was kinda of a “sweet power move”.
People sitill haven’t quite forgived TK for running from that dinner, even though he was still recovering from na traumatic break up. Again, he should have communicated with Carlos, but he did have the right to draw boundaries.
People sitill haven’t quite forgived TK.
But no one holds Carlos accountable for hiding a marriage.
(In fact, it seems that a lot of people just pretend that this storyline never happened)
And once you realize that Carlos hiding secrets is a pattern it’s kinda of worse because at least TK learned and matured (he doesn’t try to run anymore, he acctually tries to communicate) but Carlos is still keeping secrets and blindsiding TK.
He did choose to reveal his big secret in TK’s working place, and he only decided to actually tell the secret because he thought he didn’t have the time to get the divorce in secret. He did lied to TK after cruelly blaming TK for Iris disapearence where he was. He did lie to TK when he went after the guy he though that had killed his father.
(He actually has dificulty in giving TK agency)
He never apologizes and he still keeps doing the same thing: lying, blindsiding keeping secrets from TK.
People still haven’t quite forgived TK.
But no one holds Carlos accountable for his mistakes.
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emmaxos · 3 months
How is a beautiful sexy girl like you sitill single?
i just am 🤷‍♀️
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asktheplethaura · 1 year
If Only , If Only - Unicorn Wars Fanfiction
((Chapter Twenty-Five))
(( Road work ahead? Eugh- I sure hope it does.))
Upon opening his eyes and seeing large lumps of pointed shadows surrounding them, Azulin barely processed that anything was going on, due to everything that had happened to him. His head hurt and the world was spinning at a mile a minue. The colors and shapes and sounds all blended together in some sort of distorted melody. Alluring and off-putting. he couldn't quite put his finger on the feeling with an accuracy.
Just as Azulin went to use his heavy arm to adjust the way he waslying down, he shifted onto his left side, and got ready place his hand on the ground to sit up- but... he leaned forward too far- not noticing that the lower part of his arm was completely gone. 
His shaky head just turned itself toward the nub that remained, and he felt himself being taken back to what the world was like the first time. Because, the first time he lost his hand, he would have been sickened by the feeling of sitill having a limb there- the name of the condition of the mind that was associated with these feelings escaped him.
Phandom Limb Syndrome, was it? 
He felt as thought he could bend all of his fingers, or even flip his hand over and flex all of them.
But his eye wasn't lying to him. His partially bloodied limb and slightly matted fur reminded him very clearly that he was lying here on the ground, half of his vision gone, sore leg and arms as they screamed from the blood-loss and forming bruises. 
He couldn't bring himself to actually start cryinng because of the pain he was in. He deserved it.. still... right? 
It was just the universes way of getting back at him for him making so many mistakes already and he needed to accept that not everything could go right. Everything being a mess was his fault from the get go. He was... so pathetic.
Azulin eventually forgot that the unicorns were even there, his weakened body falling back to the ground. He landed on his chin, nearly biting his tongue. He closed his dark eye again, too exhausted to do much of anything else- let alone move. He sniffled the slightest bit, before exhaling from his nose.
Gordi hugged his younger twin close to himself, his pink eyes narrowing at the horned horses as he desperately tried to find anything that would keep the horses at bay. Once coming up empty handed, he teared up, knowing damn well that he had no way to protect them both. It was like being examined, looked over in a way. Maybe this is the way that lab mice felt when they were being looked at in their cages and doctors were exposing their needles and curious liquids in syringes. 
It was unnerving.
Awful, even.
The second one of the unicorns stepped closer, Gordi leaned over his brother, cradling him in a hug that was meant to be a sort of shield. He would protect his brother, even if it meant that he died. Death wasn't going to stop him from being the good sibling that he wanted to be. That his parents wanted him to be. The kind of sibling that Azulin deserved, and not just some fat, fretful loser- like he was before. 
Azulin seemed to be trying to move again, but only flopped on the ground again- his one good eye fluttering closed for the third time.
The unicorns around them snorted, seeming to be communicating with each other, before one of them leaned down again, flicking it's ears and seeming to get a little bit frustrated when Gordi didn't understand the message it was attemping to convey. Gordi only got more defensive, keeping most of Azulin covered- eyes never unlocking with the Unicorn that was closest to them. 
Eventually, in attempt to convey peaceful intentions- the large horned horse lie on the ground in front of Gordi- giving a symbol of rest and non-tension.
Gordi seemed to understand, at least a bit, easing his tiring hold of his body over his ailing sibling as he still held him close. He teared up a little bit, the stress not leaving him. All of this pain and worry over the last many days was exhausing and awful. 
The unicorn closed it's eyes, the horn on it's head glowing white and mellow. Somber hues mixed with the night sky and drowned out the lonliness and secludedness that Gordi had been feeling before in the disappointingly dark landscape. 
It was comfortable... warm....
It was nice...
It reminded Gordi of those dark winter nights that he and his twin would spend by the fireplace within their home in the living room. Or the candles that their mom kept in the kitchen on rainy days. It reminded him of a torch aglow in a cave, of dampened rocks- or the welcoming fire of a camping place in the middle of nowhere. It was small things like these that sometimes gave the pink bear the will to move forward in their stressful world.
Not everything felt like home. But somehow, places glowing with the warm hues of a fire felt complete and welcoming. 
Maybe it was just him being sentimental.
Maybe it was him trying to make up for maddening, somberness of this awful mission. Or perhaps he was just trying to find the good in things as he almost always had. 
Either way, all of his worries just melted, even if it were a brief sensation of calmness. 
Nothing felt right in the world, but he did feel okay. 
The light from the unicorns horn found itself favoring Azulin and the few scratches that Gordi sustained on his way down the side of the cliff. They didn't hurt nearly as bad anymore- the pain subsiding in such a way it was as if it was never there in the first place. 
Based on what little bit that he could see, Gordi noticed that his brothers missing forearm was healing up a little bit... he wished his sibling had not been left alone with that evil bastard on the cliff, who the hell knew what would have happened if Caricias never had a second thought about turning back and checking on the shouting. However, whatever prices that needed to be paid were there... and they collected- for whatever purposes. 
After the glowing had subsided from the unicorns horn- Gordi smiled a little bit, teary-eyed. He felt relief for the first time in days and he leans down over Azulin, listening as his brothers hitched breathing had at least improved a little bit. "Thank you..."
Gordi watched the unicorn stood up again, looking down at them with some strange sort of fondness in it's white eyes. 
Gordi continued to look in the white eyes of the unicorn- and he just... got a grandmother type of feeling from it. Sensible, reliable, patient and in-charge. Encouraging, even. 
Before he could say much of anything else, he heard talking coming from the tall grass in the distance and it sounded like his fellow soldiers and sergeant... the second they saw the unicorns- all hell would break loose...!!
What was he supposed to do..?!
He can't let this delve into madness like it had several times before... just as he was starting to formulate a plan- Sonrisas came stumbling out of the tall grass- stopping himself the second he spotted the unicorns- who all started to get agitated from surprise.
"Wait, don't move..!"
((To Be Continued))
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emrergin · 8 months
Bir bebek taklit ederek öğrenir. Peki taklit etmeyi nasıl öğrenir?
Dediklerine göre anne baba ellerinde olmadan çocuğu taklit ettiğinde çocuk bunu fark eder. O zamana kadar bu yeni geldiği dünyada ne yapması gerektiği konusunda hiçbir fikri yok. Yani kaybolmuş gibi, rastgele hareketler, gelip geçici yüz ifadeleri, açılıp kapanan parmaklar, şekilden şekile giren yüz ifadeleri. Ancak bunlardan birisi, herhangi birisi, meselâ çıkarılan bir "cacaca" sesi, sözgelimi annenin hoşuna gidip tekrarladığında çocuk bu iki ses arasındaki benzerliği fark ediyor. İlki rastgeleydi, ancak ikincisi değil. O zamana kadar ne yaptıysa boşluğu doldurmak için yapmıştı, hangi sesin hangi ifadenin hangi hareketin boşluğa yakışacağı hakkında hiçbir fikri yoktu. Ama artık var.
Bir ritim duygusu mu? Ya da ritim duygusunun kendisi de bir tutunma çabası mı? Boşluk birbiriyle tamamen alakasız bir curcunayla da doldurulabilirdi. Adımlarımızı birbirine benzer değil de saçma sapan atabilirdik. Her bir adım öncekinden farklı, öncekinden farklı bir yöne doğru yönelmiş olabilirdi. Ama öyle değil. Yinelenmenin kendisi, muntazamlığı ile bize bir anlam hissi aşılıyor. Taklidin taklit ettiği de bir taklit. Yankının orijinali de bir yankıydı. Bizler, hepimiz o ilk “Ol!” emrinin yankıları değil miyiz hem?
Peki bebek hiç taklit edilmeseydi? Ya da o ilk taklit edilmesinden sonra, bunu çok iğrenç bularak yinelenen seslerde, tavırlarda ve hareketlerde, bizim göremediğimiz bir rezalet görseydi? O bebek dilimizi hiç öğrenemezdi, biz de onu hiç anlayamazdık. Taklidin tek seçenek olması, makul ya da mantıklı olmasından ötürü olmuyor, aktarılabilir olmasından ileri geliyor.
İnsanın macerası böyle bir kaç temaya dair varyasyonlardan ibaret. Çocuk büyüyor, ergen oluyor, yine taklit edeceği birilerini arıyor. Bir ağabey, bir teyze, televizyondaki bir süper kahraman. Nasıl yaşanabilir? Sitil nedir tarz nedir? Ne giyse yakışır? Sonra… Hangi hayalleri kurmalı? Kendi kendini icad edecek değil ya, yine bir yerlerden bir şeyler bulacak. Birilerine benzeyecek, birilerine benzemekten başka bir şansı yok. Bir potpuri yapacak en iyi ihtimalle, hangi konuda kimlere benzeyeceğini seçerken bunun özgünlüğün kendisi olduğunu düşünecek ve kısmen de haklı olacak.
İnsanın bütün haklılıkları ve haksızlıkları kısmen değil midir zaten hem? Hakikate erişemez, mutlak zulme de gücü yetmez.
Hatırlanılmak da böyle bir şey. İnsanlar olarak tek tek kimleri örnek alacağımız konusunda yaşadığımız sancılar çok uzun sürüyor. Ben otuz iki yaşındayım ve hâlâ örnek alabileceğim, tavrından kendime bir şeyler devşirebileceğim insanlar gördüğümde seviniyorum. Ama bütün insanlık olarak, nereye gideceğimiz topyekûn edineceğimiz doğrultu konusunda bir fikir almak için etrafımıza baktığımızda, “medeniyet” kavramını görüyoruz. Geçmişe baktığımızda, bugüne bir şey bıraktıklarını görüyoruz ve diyoruz ki demek, bizim de hayatımız geleceğe bir şeyler bırakabilirsek anlamlı.
Göçebe kavimlerin çadırları yok oluyor, ahşap evler çürüyor, parşömenler yanıyor. Bilmemkaç bin Mısırlı doğup ölüyor, biz Piramitleri biliyoruz. Romadaki kölelerden bize bir şey kalmıyor, ama ihtişamını görüyoruz. İnsan süren şehirler yaparsa daha mı insandır oysa? Etrafına karışsa, gerek duymadığında çocuk da edinmese, çizimlerini mağara duvarlarına değil de kendi karnına yapsa… Geçmişi örnek almayan, geleceği de umursamayan bir zaman doğrusunun üzerinde değil de anda yaşayan bir insan olsa, çok sevse kendisini, başkalarını da çok sevse, ama sadece yaşayanları, sadece yaşayanlar için yaşasa, yaptığı hiçbir şey kendisinin ölümünden sonrakilere kalmasın istese… Böyle bir yaşam da anlamlı olabilir mi?
Elbette olabilir, ama biz bu anlamı yadırgarız, çünkü bize aktarılamaz. Tıpkı babasını taklit etmeyi reddeden bir bebeğin ne kadar haklı olduğunu hiçbir zaman anlayamayacağımız gibi. İşte tam da bu yüzden geçmişe baktığımızda gördüğümüz çırpınış bizimkine benziyor.
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🖌 Floral Sitill Life ~ Irving Ramsey Wiles (American, 1861~1948) ~
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mnsrykt · 2 years
"Babasının emriyle yirmi yaşlarında iken mihrap ve tedris hizmetine başladı Şeyh Abdullah Siracuddin. Babasının açtığı sitil ve mekânları kullanarak çalıştı. Fitnelerin büyüklüğüne ve yaygınlığına bakmadan dersler verdi. Talebelerini kitap ve sünnet ekseninde düşünmeye ve konuşmaya yönlendirdi. Müslümanların tekfir edilmesine, sapıklıkla itham edilmesine karşı gayet hassas davrandı. Dokuz çocuğu oldu.
Halktan hiç kopmadı. İlim adamlanyla oturduğu kadar, sade vatandaşlarla da oturdu, onlanın dertleriyle ilgilendi. Kendisini ziyaret eden talebelerle hususi ilgilenirdi. Kim ziyaretine gelmişse ona, onun durumuyla ilgili konuşurdu. Tüccardan ziyaretçisi olunca zekâtı ve faizi anlatırdı. Talebeler gelince ilimden ve takvadan söz ederdi. Akidede selefi mezhebinden ayrılmadı. İman konuların da tartışmalara sıcak bakmıyordu. Fıkıhta ise Hanefi mezhebini okuttu, onu tercih etti."
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vampire207343 · 2 years
First Princess of Crystal Tokyo
What if... Neo-Queen Serenity and King Endymion has another daughter before Rini was born who was later forgotten after her sister's birth, her name is Princess Dinatha.
The very momment my younger sister Princess Small Lady Serenity, who like to be call Rini was born our parents Neo-Queen Serenity and King Endymion both forgot I even existed along with the Inner guards the only one who sitill remember me are:
Sailor Jupiter
Sailor Neptune
Sailor Uranus
Sailor Saturn
They are the only one who still remember me along with all the former citizen of the Moon Kingdom who remember their past life, even remember she existed, even my maou advicer Yue was forgotten by his parents Luna and Artemis.
                    Sailor Neptune, Sailor Uranus, Sailor Saturn and Sailor Jupiter all trained Princess Diantha how to be a senshi after awaken as a new senshi of the moon, Sailor Cresent Moon and they also taught her how to use her Lunarian powers properly.
As the years go by and I grow older and finish my senshi traing, I took notice that my younger sister Rini stop aging physically at the age of 8 years old, While I continue to age physically until I was the age of 18 years old
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with no difficulty which confuse Sailor Jupiter, Sailor Neptune, Sailor Uranus, and Sailor Saturn on why Rini seem to have stop aging physically at all.
 Sailor Neptune, Sailor Uranus, and Sailor Saturn made sure that they are always their for her, but they can't always be their for her like Sailor Jupiter because of their duty. She eveutally meet the reborn self of her mother's two older brothers
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Prince Heero Traquility Heaven D'Luna the only son of Queen Serenity of the moon and then their's 
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Duo of Saturn also known as death Knight and one of Prince Heero's 4 General and the half brother of Sailor Saturn, Sailor Pluto and my mother.
                   Then their's Ryo Sanada of Mars also known as Blaze Knight and the older half brother of Sailor Mars, then of course their's Wufei Chang of Uranus he is also known as Wind Knight the older half brother of Sailor Uranus and then their's Sage Date the final General of Prince Heero, he is also known as Love Knight the older brother of Sailor Venus. They all each help Princess Diantha few things while also helping their Prince, Duo and Sailor Jupiter raise the forgotten niece of Heero and Duo the oldest daughter of their younger half Sister Serenity Rachel Ophelia D'Luna who married the Earth Prince Endymion XVI. They also taught her everything she needed to be a great ruler and how to fight and her Uncle Prince Heero taught her everything about Lunarian Law.
During that time Sailor Jupiter and Duo gotten to know one another and evenitally fallen in love eith one another and evenutally gotten married without the notice of the inner court and Neo-Queen Serenity of Earth.
By then Princess Diantha Rachell Astrea D'Luna already drop the last name Shield and start going under D'Luna since not even her mother Neo-Queen Serenity use the last Name D'Luna anymore since she was reborn to Earth. Princess Diantha enter Seido High School with no problem and she even had the chance to meet the younger Prince of the Planet at Seido, Prince Kazuya of Jupiter the younger brother of Sailor Jupiter, and Prince Youichi of Uranus who is also the younger brother of my Uncle Duo, Sailor Pluto and Sailor Uranus.
            I join Seido Baseball team as a Manager during the Summer Tournament of our 2nd year our Baseball team went up against our rival Inashiro Baseball team, I also meet an old friend of Kazuya who happen to be the reborn self of Prince Mei of Venus the older twin brother of Sailor Venus and the younger brother of Sage Date, he is now known as Narumiya Mei. I became friends with him and over time, Kazuya, Youichi and Mei decided that they would be my protectors as my Knights from that forward on, they gaved me their undying loyalty to me.
                 But they aren't the only Knight I gain Loyalty of their's also Ryo Akiyama the Reborn self of Prince Ryota of Mars the younger twin brother of my Uncle Heero's General Ryo of Mars and the older half brother of Sailor Mars. And I also gained my own senshi Daisey Motomiya (Fem Davis Motomiya) who recently transfer to Seido the younger reborn Princess of Jupiter the younger sister of Sailor Jupiter and Kazuya, she is Sailor Miracle the senshi the guard the Gate of Disstorison.
                   Then their's Mimi Tackikawa the younger sister of Sage & Mei and the older sister of Sailor Venus, Sailor Eros. And then their's Marigold Potter (fem Harry Potter) who recently moved to Japan and start attending Seido, She's the younger sister of Ryo Sanada, Ryo Akiyama and the older Half sister of Sailor Mars, she is Sailor Destiny. They also gaved a vow to protect her and gave her their undying Loyalty to Princess Dianatha Rachell Astrea D'Luna the new Crown Princess of the Moon and the chosen Heir of her great-grandmother Queen Selenity "Sera" Anastasia D'Luna.
Uncle Heero and his General, Sailor Jupiter, Sailor Neptune, Sailor Uranus, and Sailor Saturn help them re-train as a knight and a senshi to control their powers again and taught to control their powers as a Knight/Senshi and they finish their traing in just two years.
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bloodenjoyer · 1 year
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first of all it is not cringe, second of all did you mean 2022...
I FORGOT. to me its sitill 2014. .....
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y-make-art · 2 years
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Meet Junior ✨
What else can I add? Maybe I can tell ya bout his creation? Yeah imma do that
Ok I must confess that almost all of my characters are really stupid or feel lost in some way, so I needed someone to be the voice of reason and like- that safe place yo can go to hide, idk sumthing like that so boom he exists. I thought of him like a nice n' cool stoner with lots of knowledge, and is sitill the same guy but with a bit of more story by his side 👍
We could say he's the dad figure of the Moron Gang
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noelashe · 2 years
My entire bodgfucking Hurts buti sitill kjndawanan do thkngs or something . Ohmy gos.
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edtwtbutnot · 2 years
im sitill
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