#sitting in front of my computer doing zoom uni
ettawritesnstudies · 5 months
IE your 'what would i pay for poll'. I would pay around $3 monthly feasiblhy but honestly I would be more invested in doing that if you were a bigger presenc3e on here again, over if you had anhy fun treats for subscribers. mostly i just miss seeing you alkl over my dash! i like to support the people who are big involved in the comunity or who post a bunch of fun snippets or moodboards or character rambles. and i dont see that from you very often!
Hey Anon!! That is SO FAIR and honestly I wish I were a bigger presence here too, and one of my concerns about offering memberships is that creating all the ~*exclusive*~ content will take away my time from shitposting and playing tag games and just generally hanging out. The more I'm splitting my energy between several platforms the more my "presence" on each platform will suffer if that makes sense and I miss the days when I only had tumblr and I could just ramble about whatever.
That being said there are a couple reasons why I've changed my approach so I hope you understand where I'm coming from
I'm on Draft 5 of the same book I've been working on for like 3ish years now and if I shared the same snippets for every "find the word" tag I think people would be sick to death of it by now
I'm on Draft 5 of the book I'm planning to publish and if I share too many excerpts of the in-between drafts, those things are both A) subject to change, B) probably spoilers and I want to be very very picky about the excerpts I choose to share from now on
Tumblr (and instagram, and tiktok, and other social media sites) regularly get nuked by the companies that own them so I don't want to put all my eggs in one basket which is why I've doubled down on my website.
I'll share more moodboards and fun snippets and stuff soon! But they'll be in the promotional/marketing vein probably because if I'm going to spend time making that stuff it's going to be multitasking
You raise a really good point. I'd love to be more involved here, and I'll try to set more reminders for things like WBW and STS. That being said, I've been trying to support the writing community through other ways like ARC reviews and interviews!!! I put so so so much work into these every month and they do fine in general, but for some reason they don't get any traction on tumblr. Not for my lack of trying, but I don't know? Nobody wants to reblog a link to a youtube video I guess? It's discouraging because just because it looks different than the old traditional games and things doesn't mean it's not still contributing something to the community - a way to find new authors and promote your newly published books - that's largely going unnoticed and unappreciated.
If you want me to reblog snippets and moodboards for the love of god please send me stuff my queue is empty! I love seeing what people have going on but I'm also following well over 1000 people so sometimes stuff gets lost.
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masonmyluv · 11 months
Part 1
A/N: I really hope you will all like this story. It’s my first pretty long story (it will have around 10 parts, so stay tuned ;) ) that I’m posting here. You can also find the story on my wattpad account (username: tmrxlover_writer).
Pictures are from Pinterest, the filter is Cinnamon on Polarr.
Warnings: none
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Another day at Uni after he just scored his first La Liga goal . He was buzzing, but had to be on time for classes. He was sure the whole university will congratulate him. Being famous was difficult when you just wanted to be a normal student.
"Our boy Fermin is back!"
You looked up from your notes to see Fermin being congratulated by the whole class. People hugging him, patting him on the back. "Thanks man" he kept saying, trying to make his way to his place. He just wanted the class to begin so everyone could leave him alone. "Hey" he said, sitting next to you. "Hi" you replied quietly. Being the shy nerdy girl was bad enough when you were sitting near the hot athletic guy. You asked yourself multiple times why did he choose to sit near you in the first year. There were a lot of empty places, but he chose the second row in the front, exactly near you. "Anything that I missed?" He asked, looking at your notes. He always admired your beautiful handwriting and how organised you were, so he knew where to choose to sit at your first class together. Surely not the guy with only a piece of paper and a pen, but rather the girl surrounded by books, coloured pencils and a cup of coffee. He didn't have the balls to ask you to get coffee in the morning, even though he wasn't drinking it, he would offer to come along with you.
"Erm...not really. We talked about more practical stuff. I made some notes if you want to take a picture or something" you offered shyly. You never ever gave your notes to anyone because they were just some lazy asses who didn't care about anything, but you were here to learn. You wanted to be a physiotherapist. They were here just to get a diploma. Not Fermin though. He was passionate about the subject, even though he missed a lot of classes because of his packed schedule. You were willing to help him because he showed interest. And appreciated your work too.
"Thanks. Actually I had an idea, I mean a proposal" he said. "I'm quite behind with everything, so I was wondering if you'd like to meet somewhere and help me catch up? It's okay if you don't want to" he said nervously. Why the heck was he nervous? He scored his first goal in freaking La Liga and was nervous talking to a girl he's seen almost every day in 3 years. You thought about his idea, you wanted to help him, but you weren't the person to meet up in random places to study. You liked the confined space of your room and desk, and maybe the library or the coffee shop, when you had to do computer work.
"I don't want to sound... uhh... like I'm inviting myself" he said blushing as if reading your mind. "But I can come to your place, if that's okay with you". "I... uhh" you rambled on, but the professor was already in class, ready to read one of his boring presentations for 2 hours. You barely paid attention to what he was saying, debating whether to accept Fermin's idea or not, while drawing random patterns on your copybook. Fermin noticed you zooming out so he scribbled something down on his own copybook. He nudged you so you could read what he wrote.
It's okay. It was just an idea :)
You shook your head, writing under his: we talk after the class.
For the rest of the class, you took notes, while Fermin tried paying attention, but his mind kept drifting off somewhere else. What if he overstepped with all this I-can-come-to-your-place-to-study thing and you would think he's weird? He face palmed himself for that, but you were his only hope to pass the exams this semester. The professor finally ended the class and you started packing your bag. Neither of you spoke until you were out of the class.
"Listen I—"
"It's okay if—"
You both stopped mid sentence and chuckled. "You first" he encouraged. "So, I think it's okay for you to come. I live alone anyway. Just tell me when it's okay with you". Fermin couldn't believe what he was hearing. You never ever invited someone over and he could respect that it was your safe place and he didn't want to intrude. "Are you sure it's okay?" He asked and you nodded. "Okay, let me see. Actually I'll text you the day before because I'll have some recovery trainings and I'll be free to come" he said. "I know it's difficult to put up with me" he chuckled nervously. "It's okay. It's not like I'm a party animal or anything" you said. "Okay... I'll let you know soon. Bye. And thank you" he said, climbing into his car. He thought of offering you a car ride, but maybe it was too much overstepping in one day, so he just waved at you and you waved back to him.
When you arrived home, you thought about this day. What the heck was today? Of course you gave him your notes pretty often, but him to come here to study? That was a whole new level.
Hope you like it 🤍
Feedback is appreciated 😊
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softspiderling · 4 months
crush talk below the cut heheh
okay so… my CRUSH let’s call him eggsy he’s one of my english class and in one of my educational science classes. the educational science class is a block seminar tho, so we had the intro session at the beginning of the semester and then we just have three full days of the class. so i’ve seen him in the english class first and then the intro session of the educational science class was on zoom and his camera was on so i recognized him (also bc he’s mad hot)
anyways i’ve been talking about him with my friend cleo bc i said that he’s hot and blablabla anyways today i was saving cleo a seat next to me, our friend mary was sitting to my right. i sent a few people away bc i was saving the spot for cleo. Eggsy walks in past the free row in the front (his friend was behind him) and walks straight to the empty seat next to me, (his friend sits down in the first row). he starts pulling out the chair next to me and i was like freezing bc bro on the one hand i wanted to save the seat for cleo and on the other hand eggsy😭 i told him hey can u just maybe scoot over if my friend comes right and he said sure. class hasn’t started yet and i was working on my presentation for the educational science class (lets call it esc from now on) this weekend. and i was like “i need to talk to him” so i turned to him and said “hey aren’t u in my esc class this weekend per chance” like girl yes he is and he was like omg yes and we started talking about it blabla and we were saying like how it’s so long (friday to sunday, 10am-6pm) and he was like yeah bc i have another class on fridays from 8-10am so i’ll be at uni for 10 hours and i was like yeah i have another block seminar next weekend which is only like one and a half day and he was like “oh which one” and i said history and he was like oh okay okay. WHILE WE WEFE TALKING this man started taking his hoodie off. AND IT WADNT EVEN WARM RIGHT LIKE HE JUST DID IT FOR SHITS AND GIGGLES😭 and we were just like talking and blabla anyways class starts and the prof hands out the attendance sheet where we have to sign our names. eggsy hands me the list, and i was flipping through the pages waiting to see if he was gonna offer me his pen (i only had my ipad and computer on the desk) I NOTICE HIM WATCHING ME and he goes “do you need my pen” and i was like “yes id love your pen👀” i died dead
meanwhile i was texting my friends mad freaking out with eggsy next to me 😭😭
anyways at the end of the class it was running longer than it was supposed to,eggsy started checking the time on his phone and i side eyed him and then we both started laughing😭 when class was over we like packed up our shit, cleo and mary both left pretty quick, eggsy turns around to me and says “see you friday” OMFGGGG i died
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natdafat · 8 months
So I decided to go to my city library, not my uni one, as I had a fair bit of time to kill. I'm so glad I did
As when I found somewhere nice to sit in front of me was an old man reading something on the computer (later finding out it was old newspapers). But instead of zooming in so he could read it better, he had this massive cartoon looking magnifying glass
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[Like this]
And it made me smile, honestly gonna start doing that myself now.
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artificialqueens · 4 years
When We Went From Friends to This, Part 1: Week 1 (Branjie) - Writworm42
A/N: Fic summary: At the start of their first year of college, roomies Brooke and Vanessa have to quarantine together for two weeks. Fourteen days is a lot of time to bond, but it’s also a lot of time for things to get complicated.
For the lovely Ortega–merry super belated Christmas <3 Thank you Holtz for betaing & suggesting a song for the title, Bean for answering my questions about whether UK stereotypes are true, and Ortega for being patient fdhsjkf
Title from Paper Rings by Taylor Swift
TW for implied weed use
Day 1
“I still can’t believe you gotta go in-person to all these classes, you sure there ain’t a Zoom option?”
Vanessa snorts, and she’s pretty sure that Silky can hear her roll her eyes on the other end of the line. “For dance majors? Bitch, you know that ain’t gonna work.”
But Silky is too stubborn to be fazed by common sense. Instead, her voice gets a little more urgent. “We’re only first year. Start out with something that doesn’t need to be done in-person, then switch majors to dance once this is all over. C’mon, I can’t have my bestie dying Miss ‘Rona here!”
“Christ, you sound like my mom.” Vanessa huffs. “Look, the uni is being very careful, okay? Why else do you think I gotta quarantine for two weeks ahead of the start of term? Plus all clubs have been suspended and meals and showers are booked with time slots for each room. I’m literally seeing no one except the people in my classes and the bitch I’m sleeping next to.”
“Listen, I’m at the dorm now, so I gotta go. I’ll call you later, alright?”
“Bye.” Silky’s begrudging send-off brings a flash of guilt to Vanessa’s chest, but only for a moment. Pushing her feelings aside, she hip-checks the door to the dorm building, trying to make her way inside without disrupting the large box she’s holding with one arm or the suitcase she’s trailing behind her with the other.
“Hi, I’m Vanessa Mateo, I think I’m supposed to be room 96?”
The suspiciously stoned-looking guy at the front desk barely looks up from the computer as he slides the keycard across his desk, and at first, Vanessa hovers, waiting for him to launch into a spiel about rules, but a moment passes without him saying anything, so she surges on. The building is a bit of a maze, its cement walls cold and drab despite the colourful posters plastered across it in a desperate attempt to make it more hospitable. By the time she finally reaches her room, she’s almost grateful that she’ll have to stay in it 24/7, given the impression the building and staff have left so far. No matter, though, right now, all she wants is to put down what she’s carrying and collapse onto her bed.
She shifts uncomfortably for a moment, trying to balance her box while also maneuvering her card towards the keypad, but the effort is unsuccessful–when she finally manages to tap the card, she’s met with another obstacle, having to actually open the door without any free arms.
It’s probably not the best impression to kick the door open and promptly drop almost all of your stuff before falling on top of it. Scratch that, it’s definitely not the best impression. Especially when Vanessa looks up at the owner of the voice that’s holding back laughter, asking if she needs help in a soft, calm twang.
Her roommate is tall, blonde, and nothing short of gorgeous. And even as she makes a motion as simple as offering a hand, Vanessa can tell that this girl is the picture of poise and grace.
“What’s your name?” The girl watches with piercing eyes as Vanessa dusts herself off, fighting off a fierce blush as she straightens up and catches her breath.
“Vanessa, but my friends call me Vanjie.” She extends a hand again, and this time, the girl seems rather shy as she takes it, nervously brushing a piece of hair behind her ear.
“Nice to meet you, Vanessa. I’m Brooke.”
Day 2
Brooke, as it turns out, is the polar opposite of Vanessa–quiet and reserved, so introverted that Vanessa has to wrestle information out of her. What Vanessa learns about her is interesting - she’s a dance major too, she’s from Toronto, she decided to study here because she wants RAD training as well as to get trained in other styles. She plans to minor in costume design, having an affinity for and attraction to any pattern that involves leather or lace (a kinky detail that Vanessa, much to her shame and embarrassment, files away hungrily). She has two cats back home, Apollo and Henry, that she misses terribly. Everything else Vanessa knows, though, had to be acquired sneakily over their first night together, more observation and speculation than actually asking. Like how Brooke must be a fan of Schitt’s Creek , given that she put out a ‘ fold in the cheese ’ sign on her desk. Or how Lana is probably her favourite artist, because she has a weird habit of not checking if her air pods are actually connected to the school’s shitty bluetooth network and it’s always the first couple notes of Summertime Sadness that play from her laptop before she catches her mistake. Or how her ass is one of the best Vanessa’s ever seen, because Brooke has no shame changing in front of her–
She strikes that part from her mind almost as quickly as she thinks it in the first place. The important thing is, she’s got to spend two weeks with only Brooke to keep her company, and if they stay in this silence, it’s going to get very awkward very soon.
“So… How d’you like Scotland so far?” Vanessa starts, grimacing internally at how stupid the question sounds. But Brooke doesn’t seem to mind; in fact, she smiles kindly as she looks up from her computer, brushing a strand of hair behind her ear again.
“To be honest, I haven’t really seen much of it… Pretty much came right here after I came off the plane.” Her smile turns apologetic as her face flushes pink, clearly self-conscious about the lacklustre answer. That’s okay, though; Vanessa can still work with it.
“Probably a long flight, huh? What’d you do to keep yourself entertained? Or are you a plane sleeper?” Vanessa adds with a teasing grin, and much to her delight, Brooke laughs.
“Nah, I can never sleep on planes. Unless I knock myself out with Gravol or something, at least.” Brooke chuckles, giving a small wink. “I just read a bit, then the airline showed The Notebook, so I watched that.”
“I love that movie!” Vanessa gasps, “I swear I’ve probably seen it, like, three thousand times. It’s just so–”
“Romantic!” Brooke finishes. “The poor guy next to me must have hated me for all the crying I did.”
Her eyes are alight with excitement, and Vanessa can’t help but pick up on it, because finally , the perfect topic, and Brooke likes Vanessa’s favourite movie, and maybe she likes other stuff that Vanessa likes, and they can talk about that together, and–
“So what’s your favourite scene?” Brooke asks eagerly, and Vanessa claps her hands over her face.
“That’s the worst question to ask me, bitch!” Vanessa groans, but grins behind her hands when Brooke laughs, a string of apologies flowing between giggles.
“Sorry, sorry, I should’ve known.” Brooke puts her hands up in mock surrender. “Too many to choose, right?”
“Right.” Vanessa giggles a little too. “Although…” she brings herself up on her elbows as soon as the idea hits her, and for some reason, her heart skips a beat as she formulates the question, a rare flash of nerves hitting her square in the chest.
“Maybe a rewatch would be a good reminder?” Before she can verbalize what she’s thinking, Brooke beats her to the question, blushing again and chewing on her lip.
It’s cute, how shy she is, and Vanessa makes a mental note that she’ll have to help her new roomie break herself of those habits.
“Yeah, lets.” Vanessa smiles warmly, sliding off her bed to grab her laptop from her desk. “Here, we can use my computer.”
She’s only just grabbed the computer and turned around when she falters, realizing with a sinking dread what decision is next.
Either she has to invite Brooke onto her bed, or Brooke has to make room on hers.
It’s just a bed, it’s just a bed, it’s not like you’re inviting her to snog, it’s just sitting down to watch a movie…  
So maybe Vanessa’s never had anyone but her friends lounge on her bed before, and her friends certainly don’t make her feel as nervous as Brooke does. Maybe Vanessa’s bed is a little small and Brooke is a little pretty, and the thought of being that close together makes her mouth go dry. And maybe the sudden uncertainty in Brooke’s eyes, too, is imagined, or else doesn’t mean anything that Vanessa thinks it could mean, rejection or reciprocation or suspicion of what Vanessa’s feeling. None of that changes anything right now, because Brooke is smiling again, tapping the space beside her bed to beckon Vanessa over.
“C’mon, let’s watch. If you want, we can even try to find the director’s cut.”
Day 3
Vanessa’s fast-developing fascination with Brooke’s ass isn’t helped by the sight of Brooke stretching on the floor that greets her as she comes back from her shower.
“Oh, hey!” Brooke lifts her leg up into a needle stance, peering between her legs before shifting her weight onto one hand and waving to Vanessa with the other. Her hair is still wet from her turn in the showers, and her current position is causing stray drops of water to trickle onto her arms, making it all too easy for Vanessa to give into temptation and watch as the droplets course over each one of Brooke’s muscles.
Bloody Hell. Vanessa’s got to do a better job of keeping her hormones under control.
“Hey yourself.” She tries to keep her voice casual as she grabs a pair of PJs from her bedside drawer, turning away from Brooke to change.
It’s strange. Vanessa never used to be as shy as she feels now, self-conscious of her nakedness as she drops her robe and begins to re-dress. A few months ago, this would’ve been no problem at all; to be honest, she’s not sure it would be now if she had a different roommate. But with Brooke next to her, watching her or not watching her at all (she can’t decide what’s worse, really), it’s different. She can’t help but wonder what she must look like, what Brooke must see if she’s actually looking. What does it feel like, being in Brooke’s head? What does everything seem, looking through Brooke’s eyes?
But Brooke is comfortable changing around her, and even though there’s no actual rule that says so, Vanessa feels obligated to feel comfortable, too. Partially because if it’s a non-issue, then feeling embarrassed about it might fade. And if that fades, then so will the way she feels every time she lays eyes on Brooke at all.
Vanessa whips around quickly, the sudden, eerie feeling of being watched making her forget that she doesn’t have a shirt on yet.
“ Christ! ” Brooke hits the floor with a thud, flushing beet red as she scrambles to cover her eyes. “Fuck, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to see–”
“I’ve seen yours, now you get to see mine.” Vanessa rolls her eyes and laughs, hoping that the light tone and faint smirk she forces herself to slap on disguises how secretly mortified she feels. And thankfully, the comment does work; the redness dissipates from Brooke’s face, and she giggles a little, though her gaze stays firmly planted on the ground until Vanessa slides on her t-shirt. Just like that, the awkwardness fades from the air, and things are back to business as usual as Vanessa begins to comb out her hair. Brooke finishes stretching, Vanessa goes to the half-bath to blow her hair dry. Brooke sits at her desk and types intently, Vanessa tries not to peek over Brooke’s shoulder to see who she’s talking to. Brooke stretches out on her bed to look at her phone, and Vanessa does the same to play around on hers.
“Oh, it’s our turn for dinner.” A reminder notification at the top of Vanessa’s screen alerts her to the time, and she shuffles up to slide on shoes and get going, only remembering what she’s wearing at the last minute.
“Gimme a second, we can go out like that together.” Brooke grins, swiping yet another strand of hair behind her ear as she drops her sweatpants and swaps them for a pair of pajama pants.
“Are you sure?” Vanessa frowns, but Brooke just shrugs, a wry smile spreading on her face.
“I’ve seen yours, now you get to see mine.”
Day 4
They do morning stretches together the next day, and Vanessa has to admit that lust gets pushed aside by jealousy the minute they slide into the splits. Vanessa can do them, even if she hates them–it’s not that she can’t. It’s not even that she’s inflexible, she wouldn’t have survived in dance up until now if she were. But Brooke? That girl is on a whole other level. She slides into the splits with no effort at all, falling into position almost instantly and yet extremely gracefully, then does the one thing Vanessa hates, because it’s the one stretch she can’t do. She grabs a high foam block and puts it under her front foot. And then, just when Vanessa thinks she can’t get shown up even worse, Brooke grabs a second block and slides that under, too.
God, Vanessa wishes she could hate Brooke. But Brooke is too sweet, too kind, and too encouraging to even hold her pretzel-like tendencies against her, especially when she turns to Vanessa and taps her foot, offers her tips on how to get herself to that level of flexibility.
Vanessa tries to tell herself that the way Brooke’s eyes seem to linger on her every few minutes is just that generosity, a teacher monitoring her pupil. But even after Brooke helps Vanessa slide a small book under her foot, elevating her leg just enough, the lingering continues, and it’s hard not to let wishful thinking–at least, she thinks that’s what it is–take over. And that feeling only gets stronger as they move to their next stretch, one where they’re toe to toe with their legs spread wide and Brooke is grabbing Vanessa’s hands to pull her hardly an inch away from her chest.
Is it just Vanessa, or is Brooke blushing? And is it just Vanessa, or are Brooke’s hands just a little sweaty under their softness, warm and gentle as if they’re trying to hold Vanessa with as much tenderness as they can? And is it just Vanessa, or has Brooke’s chest gone still, her breathing stopped until Vanessa straightens out again?
“Your turn.” Vanessa offers, pulling Brooke into the position she’d just been in, and from the way Brooke comes to a harsh, sudden, stiff stop, but her muscles don’t shake and her breathing doesn’t change, Vanessa can tell she’s holding back. Almost as if she doesn’t want to get too close.
Vanessa’s imagining it. She has to be imagining it. There’s no other explanation, not a heterosexual one, and Brooke is…
Come to think of it, Vanessa doesn’t know for sure. But she can’t ask, not now; it would be too strange. So instead, she pulls Brooke forward sharply, resisting the urge to giggle when the blonde grunts in surprise at her strength.
“No holding back.” Vanessa shakes her head, smiling far too warmly for Brooke not to know what this is really about. “You can trust me, okay?”
“Okay.” Brooke smiles up at her, and then her muscles relax, and everything feels back to normal.
Day 5
“Truth or dare?”
Brooke turns to look at Vanessa, shifting to sit up as she smiles dubiously. They’re lying on Brooke’s bed together, pressed up against each other in an attempt to both fit in the small space of the double underneath the fuzzy, tickly cushion of Brooke’s top blanket. Vanessa rolls her eyes at Brooke’s skepticism, rolling onto her back to look up at her, grin wide on her face.
“C’mon, you know you want to. We can scroll Reddit later. Truth or dare?”
“Um…” Brooke crinkles her nose as she thinks, and Vanessa has to swallow the thought of how cute the blonde looks like that.
Although admittedly, the fact that she’s starting to hope Brooke keeps thinking isn’t just so she can watch the way Brooke’s brow furrows and muse quietly to herself about how seriously Brooke is taking this choice. Rather, it’s because she knows what she wants Brooke to pick, and the longer Brooke thinks, the more opportunity there is for Vanessa to hope she’ll pick up on the psychic signals she’s trying to send her.
Pick truth, pick truth, pick truth…
“Dare. But I’m not licking anything and I’m not going anywhere naked.”
Vanessa frowns, chewing on her lip as she tries frantically to think of a dare she can ask Brooke to do. It has to be appropriate, obviously, nothing too crazy like she might ask of Silky or her other, closer friends. But it can’t be boring, either—-if there’s one thing Vanessa doesn’t want to be in Brooke’s eyes, it’s boring.
Then, she thinks of the perfect thing. Something that might get at her truth question, that isn’t too high-stakes but definitely still has a bit of an ‘oh shit’ factor—exactly what you want from a dare.
“Dare you to prank call your last ex. On speaker. ” Vanessa smiles triumphantly, sticking out her tongue to tease her roommate. It’s foolproof—depending on the voice, Vanessa will know who Brooke has dated. And if she’s dating someone already, then surely she’ll say that, since admitting it is no problem.
Only, from Brooke’s face, there’s definitely a problem.
“I don’t want to play anymore.” Brooke heaves herself up off the bed, face becoming stony and cold as her eyes cloud over with something that Vanessa can’t quite decipher. Something mixed with anger, sure, but also something…
Crap. Crap, crap, crap. The magnitude of what Vanessa’s just asked of her new friend hits her like a train, and she feels like both the dumbest and worst person in the world at once. She called Brooke out, put her on the spot, and if she is queer? Pretty much just asked her to out herself. Which, unlike someone like Vanessa, who has a pan flag on her desk, not everyone is willing to do.
Brooke isn’t just feeling cornered, she’s feeling afraid.
“Aw, c’mon Brooke, you don’t have to do it if you don’t want—“
“I said I don’t want to play!” Brooke snaps.
There’s a beat, Vanessa’s own heartbeat the only thing she can hear amidst the crushing silence.
“Brooke—“ Vanessa tries again after a moment, her throat going dry as she tries to cut through the sudden tension, but Brooke just turns to her desk, scoops up her things and storms towards the door.
“I’m going for a walk. See you at dinner.”
She slams the door on her way out, and suddenly, getting an answer to Vanessa’s question doesn’t really matter anymore, because there’s no satisfaction in what a reaction that strong might mean. She drops her head in her hands, staying there for a moment before punching the mattress underneath her, rocketing up and grabbing her phone.
“Silk? Yeah, I’m okay, don’t worry, I just… I fucked up.”
Day 6
They don’t talk about it at dinner, nor afterwards. They don’t talk about it the next morning, not during their morning stretches or at breakfast, either. It’s not that they don’t talk; they say good morning, ask each other questions about what time breakfast is, what time Brooke is going to be on a call with her parents. But that’s about as far as it goes; Brooke sticks to business, asking and answering questions in as few words as possible and avoiding Vanessa’s gaze at all costs. It’s torture, the tension eating away at Vanessa’s mind and stinging in her chest. She fucked up, and she fucked up bad , and despite Silky’s advice, she’s not so sure she can fix this.
Still, she supposes it won’t hurt to try.
Brooke is in the shower when Vanessa decides to sneak out, purse over her shoulder and mind ready for a mission. There’s a supermarket open within walking distance of the uni right now, and technically, she’s not supposed to leave campus at all except for emergencies. Which this is, so it should be okay, right? At least, that’s what she’ll say if she gets caught. She’ll have to be fast, and sneaky, and careful not to run into anyone who might ask where she’s going. Come to think of it, she hasn’t been for a walk on the grounds yet, not since arriving–how will it work? Will she have to plan a route? Give it to the front desk? Get a pass or something, to make sure she comes back within the allotted time? This could be dangerous, very dangerous…
“If you’re gonna go to the shop, can you get me a pack of cigs?” The stoner at the front desk doesn’t even bother looking up from whatever he’s doing on the computer as she tries to sneak by, stopping in her tracks at his voice.
Christ, really?
“Sure, whatever.” Vanessa rolls her eyes, a little irritated at how easy this actually is. So much for danger and adventure.
She comes back about an hour later, throws the guy his pack and launches that he owes her eleven over her shoulder, and skips back into her room with a jumbo bag of ketchup Lays in her knapsack.
“Peace offering?” Vanessa grins down at Brooke as the blonde’s mouth drops open first in surprise, then delight as she snatches the snack from Vanessa’s hands.
“Where did you find these?” Brooke squeals with delight as she tears the bag open, breathing in the sharp, slightly-sour smell that makes Vanessa’s nose wrinkle. Still, seeing the look of utter joy on Brooke’s face makes Vanessa so happy that she can’t help but smile, too.
“International aisle.” Vanessa sits on the edge of her bed proudly. “Figured you might like them, seeing as you always say you’re craving them.” She winks, and Brooke rolls her eyes, but giggles despite herself. But the moment passes as soon as it had come, and then they settle into silence again.
Come on, Vanessa. Just face the music. Apologize. She deserves that from you. Vanessa bites her lip, her hands curling into fists as she tries to force her heartbeat even again, because the longer the silence goes on, the more awkward it gets, the more she realizes that it’s now or never for her to make things right.
“We don’t have to talk about it.” Brooke says quietly, her voice flat and lifeless and… scared, almost. Vanessa sucks in a breath, her chest sinking as she realizes what’s going on.
“Well… Do you want to?” Vanessa prods, but Brooke doesn’t even look up from the bag of crisps, which suddenly seem to be the most interesting thing in the world despite the dullness in the blonde’s eyes.
“Honestly, I’d rather we didn’t.” When she finally speaks up, her voice is barely above a whisper, and it’s enough to make Vanessa’s heart break.
Not just because she’s lost her chance to apologize–because she knows that tone, knows that look. Knows the hesitancy and caution behind it, the anxiety and the feeling of being trapped and overwhelmed. Knows what kind of revelation that voice and that look are hiding, and how the information Brooke is trying to avoid isn’t actually set in stone yet.
Jesus, she’s fucked up way more than she thought she had.
“Okay.” Vanessa finally nods, sighing deeply. “But if you do… I’m here, okay?”
Brooke hesitates for a moment, but when she does look up, her eyes are full of a gratefulness that’s surprisingly warm. “Okay.”
This time, when silence falls, it’s not awkward, but full of resolution.
“So…” Brooke finally breaks it this time, a slow smile spreading on her face, “They just put up the newest season of The Bachelor online, wanna watch it? We got snacks, after all.” Brooke waves her bag in the air, and Vanessa smiles.
“Shove over, mate. I wanna see what kinda mess the girls are this year.”
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kkoongiees · 4 years
i only had one class on zoom last semester so it wasn't too hard showing up for that :D i have more this semester but i actually prefer online courses bc i don't have to commute on trains all the time and i'm sorry to hear that you have such troubles with headaches :( and also pls sehun always looks so happy around jongdae :( makes my heart soar!! and halloween is my fav and we watch the same movies then!!! i only really had the movie watching plans and oh boy hope you and your friends are okay!
Ahhh I had to travel for 2 hours back and forth for uni for a whole year too and.. Yeah online classes are so much better!!! But I just couldn't do it, my attention spam is so short that I just cannot sit there in front of my computer for all those hours 🙈 so I just preferred to prepare my exams in my own instead!
Ah it seems we'll indirectly have a Halloween party "together"!! I already have all my movies ready ngl I may start a few days earlier too!!!
Also don't worry! For now I'm fine! Just really bored of the same old 4 walls but yeah I only have less than a week to go before I'm released, hoping everything will keep going well!! My friends also are fine, they're just being extremely careful right now!
I hope you're doing well dear Santa anon ~💕
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knjredwluv · 5 years
Red. [1]
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Red (n.)
Red could signify the color of love, passion, determination, and strength. Red could also signify blood, fire, war, desire and energy. Red is an emotionally intense color.
Title: Red
Words: 4.7k
AU: Yandere/Obssessive relationship 
Characters: Jungkook x Reader. Hoseok x Reader. OT7.
Warnings: 17+ explicit language, angst!angst!angst!, slight implications of smut, some fluff and soft moments (super fucking sappy), noona kink (if you squint reaaaaally hard), yandere/obsessive relationship (this isnt a healthy relationship and i dont promote any of this), mentions of killing, hallucinations, has very descriptive angst!!
Summary: “After the things that happened, you decided to start anew. Everything was how you thought it would be; it was simple but perfect–until you saw your name on a black envelope. Out of curiosity, you opened it; and now, you wish you didn’t.”
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You held your phone to your ear using your shoulder. You huffed as you tried to multi-task being on the phone, walking to class and carrying a shoulder bag, laptop, books and a cup of coffee in your arms. “Can you please just do it? I have to head back to Jimin’s because he left his wallet.”
“____, as much as I love you, I will not go to your brother’s house without you. You know the look he gives me for being with you already– and you want me to go there to drop off your boxes for you.” You chuckled as he rambled and emphasized on the task you requested him to do.
“Babe, that’s just how he looks at everyone, okay? And plus, you’re bigger than him. I remember having a man for a boyfriend not a baby.” you giggle as you teased him.
“For fucks sake, ____, Your brother is a fucking cop. He looks like he hates me and he is a licensed official who can put me behind bars for, I don’t know, laughing at you when you do some stupid shit” You laugh at this because you know you’re one hell of a klutz.
“I’ll give you a blowjob if you do it” You whispered into the phone, nonchalantly. As expected, there is a small pause until you heard a groan.
“Fine, I’ll do it. You owe me big time, baby girl.”
You ended the call and texted your brother saying that Jungkook is heading over to drop off your things for your parents.
[12:34] Y/N: yoon
[12:34] Y/N: Jk is heading over there to bring my stuff
[12:35] Y/N: u home right?
[12:37] Bro: Nah
[12:37] Bro: not home work called but Mina is home she shuld be awake
[12:38] Y/N: Mkay ill tell him
[12:40] Bro: 👍🏻
[12:45] Y/N: Hes not home but Mina is
[12:47] Jeon♡: Ok yessssss
[12:47] Jeon♡: but im still expecting something 👀
[12:47] Y/N: fck outta here jeon and do what u gotta do
[12:47] Jeon♡: Damn ok live u
[12:47] Jeon♡: love*** ♥️♥️
[12:48] Y/N: 🥰 love you 2
You shoved your phone in your bag and walked to the library. The weather was really nice. it complimented how you were dressed up for today.
Thank God, it was just for today.
Your Art Club meeting is really gonna screw you up. You really hope you ace this meeting since you stayed up all night making the power point. You’re also drowning yourself in caffeine and hoping it doesn’t spill on your new blouse. The branded shirt costed you more than your monthly grocery; and it’s not like you find it a hassle to be stylish but it’s definitely something different. It’s way different than the go-to vans and a pair of jeans with the Uni’s hoodie. Oh how you wished that’s what you were wearing right now.
After the meeting, you walked up the steps and opened the door to the University’s library. You were greeted by Namjoon, who was on his way out.
“Hey, ____. What brings you here? It isn’t Thursday today, is it?” He asked you casually while checking his Gold Casio watch. Namjoon is used to your frequent visits to the library. After working in the library for 4 out of 5 years of his Uni life, he’s accustomed to seeing you on the same desk, at the second floor, by the window. Sometimes, you’re caught doing homework, checking out Literature books or books of Art History, or probably just reading a comic book or webtoon that Jungkook told you about.
“Oh no, It’s Tuesday but I just needed to catch up with some work” accidentally bumping your elbow to the door causing you to almost drop your books but luckily, Namjoon’s instincts were fast. You quietly thanked him. “I got math to do”
“Well then,” He turned and waved “Ms. Ryu is expecting me. Good luck with math”
“Alrightie, see ya”
You walked to your usual spot and placed your laptop on the desk. You opened it and typed in the password. You grinned at the screensaver.
Oh god, it never fails to make you smile.
It was a screenshotted picture of Jungkook with ice cream of his face on your second date. It was a funny memory if you recall what happened.
“Stopppp, you’re going too hard. I might fly up” You said giggling and holding on the seesaw like it meant your life depended on it. Technically, it kind of did.
“Okay okay, i’m sorry” he said laughing at how you looked.
Both of you continued using the seesaw while casually talking about nonsense like what if aliens came and decided to rule Earth or if there was a zombie apocalypse, what you would do.
“Now that I think about it, I would find it weird that there’s two grown adults using a seesaw and eating ice cream– BUT CUTE” saying it with emphasis.
“Your right, it’s not something you see everyday” He shrugged and laughed and went back to lick his ice cream.
“Yeah, you don’t see muscle pig tatted good looking e-boy eating ice cream while using a seesaw, everyday” You teasingly said.
“What was that?” He said looking at you. You knew that he heard because his ears were starting to turn red but it didn’t stop his lips altering to a smile hearing the compliment. It was probably even boosting his ego hearing that the girl he likes called him good looking. He knew that and he always, mentally, thanked his parents and the Man above for mixing his genes well.
“Huh?” biting your lip, smiling and trying not to laugh “Oh nothing” shaking your head. You took out your phone to take a snapchat video of him holding onto the seesaw with his ice cream cone on the other hand.
He urged you to repeat it, not because of what you said, but because of how the blush crept up your face as you said it. He noticed how red your cheeks has gotten and how you adorable it is to see you this flustered.
“Say it” he whined, exaggerating the act knowing that he was being recorded. He bounced a little hard on the seesaw which caused you to jump a little. He smirked at your shocked look.
“Hmm, You wanna play that game huh?” Still taking a video, you playfully copied what he did to you which caused him to jump a little forward and the ice cream on his hand, now on the ground. His chin and mouth covered in with the dessert and his black shirt having evidence of the incident.  
“Awwww Jungkook, I’m sorry” You cooed and pouting at him. You couldn’t help but giggle at the sight in front of you as you walked towards him, zooming into his face. He had a fake pout and a slight smile. Putting your phone at the back of your pocket, you took the napkin from around your cone and started to wipe his chin.
“I’m so sowwyyy”
He stared at you mischievously. You glanced into his eyes and continued to wipe his chin. He pulled your wrist down and held the sides of your face and gave you a peck on the lips. You gasp at the sudden kiss but also the feeling of the sticky sugar treat around your mouth.
“It’s okay, now we’re even” He said laughing at you, with the little pout on your face.
You smile at the memory. It reminds you how lucky you got when meeting Jungkook because not only is he caring, smart and loving, he can also be a dickhead who doesn’t take people’s shit. The duality, right? But hey, with the exception of your brother, Yoongi. He kind of isn’t ashamed to admit to you that your brother is quite intimidating and, sometimes, scare him. You’re pretty sure your brother also enjoys seeing Jungkook shit his pants whenever he sees him. His career choice, of being a police officer just adds up to the thrill of it. Although, Jungkook could be a bit younger than you, it doesn’t stop Yoongi from being protective of you. But that’s only if he is judging based on façade. Besides, he’s known Jungkook for long enough to know that he’s a keeper.
The loud sound of a book falling by the computer area brought you back to reality. You sighed and took out your math handout and begin on working out the problems.
“Now back to this shit.” You muttered. You didn’t mind doing your assignments and homework but what really irked you is that your professor never collects it. It was just the usual. He gives out assignments, expects you to do them and then pop quiz at the end of the month.
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Taking a break, you leaned back into the chair and took a sip of the ice coffee you brought. You looked around while stretching and cracked your joints. It sent you a wave of relief throughout your body after solving, for God knows how long, algebra equations. You checked your phone and realized you’ve been sitting down, doing your work for 47 mins.
You stared out the window enjoying the scenery of the field and the school’s garden. What caught your eye is a group walking to the parking lot, but in this group you saw someone who thought would be familiar. You tilted your head trying to identify this person. It made you move closer to the window and you sat there with your chin on your hand, squinting your eyes for better focus. It was as if you were burning holes into this person’s back. Ironically, It was like he felt the heat behind him and he turned around. He turned around to face who could be his friends. Seeing his face, it sent chills down your spine. Blinking and shaking your head, thinking that you could be hallucinating or day-dreaming. You looked up again and couldn’t make out who they were because their friends were blocking the one who you wanted to see. Your mind became blank once again and you looked at your ice coffee.
“I really shouldn’t be drinking you, you’re starting to make me see things” you thought.
You thought that it could be the coffee. It’s already your 4th cup for the day. Although, at this rate, you don’t know if your body is immune to it because you still feel sluggish as you did this morning. You hold your head with both hands, elbows on the table, feeling a slight headache. It’s like feeling all your brain cells dying because of the caffeine overdose. You decided to shake it off and continue doing your work.
You were startled when the chair in front of you and beside you was pulled open and there sat Jimin and Taehyung. Your hands placed on your chest, you swore you that you just let out a loud shriek causing people to look at your direction.
“What the fu– don’t just randomly do that you shitheads” You whisper-yelled. You try to recover from the sudden appearance of the playful couple.
“We saw you here, hope you don’t mind we come and join you on your little study sesh”
“Not at all” You said “Oh yeah, here,” You searched in your bag for the thick leather wallet and handed it to him “Good thing you came”
"Thought you would be in class?” You asked while he shoves his wallet at the back of his pocket
“Well we finished early, Mr. Xing said he’s gonna call off for the day”
“Yeah, Poor man, been coughing all day and couldn’t sound out a syllable”
“What’s up, ____. Looking like you were shitting bricks before we gave you reason to shit bricks. What is that?” He came closer to check the assignment I was doing and to his dismay, it was math.
“Oou, well, that explains, but you good?”
“Yeah, head hurts and was thinking ‘bout some things” you mumbled.
“Well, you gotta stop overthinking, it gives you wrinkles. ‘N you know what they say about wrinkles~ they’re a sign of old age~”
“Wow, Thanks Tae” You rolled your eyes, chuckling at the two. You stayed in the library with Jimin and Taehyung talking and doing assignments and projects.
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Now, you are found in Jimin’s car, releasing stress by singing your souls out to 2000s R&B. You insisted that you walk but, of course, he didn’t take no for an answer.
You were born in Daegu but your family moved to Seoul when you and Yoongi were very young. A few years ago, you decided to move in with your brother and his wife. Despite being born in the area, you felt out of place until you met Jimin and Taehyung. They were your the first set of friends that you met when you moved to Daegu. It was an easy friendship because not only that they attended DAU, Daegu Arts University, you three have the same Art History class. You’re not gonna lie but you might have had the slightest crush on Jimin during first year of Uni–that was until you find out the two were together. Hey, it didn’t hurt though, the two were like soulmates.
Checking your phone, you saw time was only 4:27 PM. You sighed realizing that you’ll have the apartment to yourself until Jungkook comes home, from his shift at the tattoo parlour, later tonight.
He was already working there when you met him. He moved away from Busan to pursue his dream in music. He asked his parents if he could move to Daegu and attend DAU. Of course, it took a toll on his parents but they let him do what he wanted. The best thing they could do was support their son on his dream; He aced a job at a tattoo parlour and he has little shows at the bars downtown, all while he was studying. He realized that it gave him satisfaction and he, secretly, took a break from school–which now, it led to him being a full-time worker at the well-known tattoo parlour. He finds that it’s nothing different if he would have finished; seeing that he didn’t need to be a college graduate to get his job. Despite those circumstances, his creativity and love for Art and Music gets him paid; and that’s what matters to him and you–that he’s happy.
“Alright,” You shut the door and tapped on the trunk “thanks boys, see you tomorrow?”
“Yeah, bye, _____. Sleep well tonight, You look too sleep deprived”
“I will, drive safe, text me when you’re home”
You walked up the stairs and reached your apartment. You entered the code of the door’s lock and the door makes sound, signaling you that the doors open. You entered, taking off your shoes and hanging your coat on the coat rack. Walking towards the living room, you put your bag on the ground next to the counter which separates the living room and kitchen. Plopping down on the couch, you sighed in relief of the feeling being home and laying at the soft surface. You focused on listening to the humming of the air conditioner and then you felt your eyelids becoming heavy with every tick of the clock.  
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You were awoken by the smell of food and it made you realize how hungry you were; smelling the food definitely made your stomach growl that you felt the strong vibrations. You sat up and looked around and adjusted your vision to the light. You turned around and saw Jungkook’s back. You stood up and quickly stretched and walked towards him. As you approached him, he turned around and noticed your sleepy figure about to engulf him, which was intended to be a back hug.
“Hi sleepy” He says. He placed the spoon and tupperware on the counter, hugged you back in return and left a kiss on your temple. You hummed and just hugged him tighter. Inhaling his scent of body soap and aftershave.
“Mina gave me some food when I went over there; She said you should try it and gave us a lot of it” You hummed in response.
“What is it?” Your voice husky from sleeping
“It’s a chicken stew. C’mon, get ready we’ll have dinner in a few, I’m already making rice”
“I wanna stay like this still” Your hold became tighter and he just rubbed your back. Your hunger was replaced by the feeling of ease and comfort in his embrace. You moved your face from his chest and faced him with your eyes closed and smiled at him.
“Don’t forget your little promise, baby.” He said while placing kisses all over your face. His hands sliding up and down your back and moved to grope your ass, giving it a little slap. Your eyes opened and fake disappointment washed over you.
“I really thought it was going to be a sweet moment, Jeon. You really had-” He cut you with a peck on the lips.“-to say that.” He chuckled.
“C’mon, Noona, I can be really sweet.” You rolled your eyes at him.
“Oh my god, you’re really fucking lucky I’m a sub or else, i would have-” You cut yourself off and you smirked at him.
“Hm, feisty now, isn’t she?” You remove yourself from him and grab a cup to drink a glass of water.
“I’m sorry, JK. I’m exhausted today. I promise, on date night, okay?”
“Something happened today? I saw how busted you look on the couch when I came home– didn’t wanna wake you until I finished heating up the food” Now it was his turn to hug you first. He sat on the stool and pulled you by your shirt and wrapped his arms around your waist. He stared at you with his doe eyes until you finished drinking and placing the glass on the counter.
“Just a club meeting but I didn’t sleep last night. I had to finish the powerpoint and afterwards, I went to the library to finish off somethin’. Jimin and Tae was with me though, no worries. They dropped me home too so.” You sighed and look at him.
“That was the meeting you were talking about right? How was it? How’d it go?” He asked
“Remember the man I told you about?” He hummed in response “Well, he seemed really impressed with my presentation and the art display we made and he spoke about visiting again,” You began playing with the long strands of his fluffy, wavy hair “He said that he’ll think about doing a workshop, all expenses paid, for learning art techniques and maybe even visiting the national museum”
“I’m proud of you, ____. I know you worked hard for that. You know, being the Co-President of the Art Club.” He gushes as he rubbed circle with his thumb on your waist.
“Oh my– stop, let me get changed” You tapped his chest and leaned forward to peck his nose. 
You walked out the kitchen and headed to the bedroom and stripped to your underwear. You grabbed a towel heading to the bathroom for a quick shower. You gargled with some mouthwash and change into some boy shorts and Jungkook’s oversized sweatshirt.  
“____, the table’s ready!”
“Coming, coming!”
You skipped to the kitchen and sat on the high stool opposite of Jungkook’s. You both ate dinner and shoving the last chunk of carrot into your mouth, you stacked the dishes and placed them in the sink.
“Are you scheduled to play tonight?” You asked turned your head to him as you washed the utensils.
“Yeah, Hyung said to meet at the subway. I’ll probably head out at around 30 35 mins from now?” He said questioningly, turning to look at the wall clock. It was currently 7:50 PM.
“Yup, in 30 mins or so– oh and please don’t wait up for me again. Am not sure when I’m coming but I’ll come home before it hits 1, okay?” He informs you while he removes his top and heads to the bathroom.
A little story of Jungkook and Seokjin’s relationship, Seokjin is Jungkook’s good friend who helped him move to Daegu. Jungkook and Seokjin were pretty much like roommates before you came into the picture. Besides being roommates, the pair were performers at the local bar.
That’s also how you met Jungkook. You saw him and Seokjin performing a ballad when you were with your group of friends. Eunbi, your close friend and also Seokjin’s girlfriend, introduced you to them that same night. You thought he was very attractive–like duh, who wouldn’t? You both talked and got to know some things about each other and it led to both of you exchanging numbers, texting often, meeting up for coffee or lunch. Several months later, that’s when he decided to ask you to make it official. You would visit their apartment often; it can be whenever they practiced ballads and their self-composed songs or you guys decide to have a movie night with Seokjin and Eunbi. For others, it may sound like the relationship was rushed for deciding to live together 1 year and 3 months into the relationship. It didn’t feel wrong though–as cliche as it sounds. You felt that this new start was something just like you imagined it would be.
You were snapped out of your thoughts when Jungkook bent down to grab his bag that was next to you and to kiss your forehead.
“I’m heading out.” He slings the big black backpack on and walked towards the door. He stood by the front of the door struggling to put on his sneakers. “Sleep early my love” he sang stretching out each syllable. You giggled at the soft curse he did when he nearly stumbled over the slippers behind him.
“Take care,” You turned your head to look at him and to surprise you noticed his outfit.  “Oh my.. Please tell me you have a light shirt in your bag. You really gotta stop wearing all black. It’s too dark outside kook. Trust me, I’ll really buy you some twinkle toes” You said worriedly, remembering the incident that almost happened a few days ago. Stupid driver + Late night + Boyfriend in dark clothing + Walking = Not a good combination.
“Don’t worry, _____. Look, I got the shoes with the light reflectors. It’s not twinkle toes but it’s something” He smugly said with hands on his hips. You couldn’t help but laugh at him.
“Okay, love you, text me if anything. Go sleep early for real, it’s an order”
“Love you too” You said sending him a flying kiss, to which he pretended to catch and smack on his cheek before he closed the door.
You decided to get ready for bed. You turned off the lights in the living room, kitchen and the mini hallway. You walked in the bathroom to do your skin care and brush your teeth. You walked in the bedroom while using your phone, checking for updates on your social media. Peeling the covers open, you laid down and tucked yourself in. You set an early alarm for the next day and put your phone down. You stared at the wall, deep in thought. You were reminded of the familiar face you saw when you were at the library. Yes, it’s been almost roughly 5 years but sometimes you can’t help but remember the painful memories. It was still vivid to you. You rubbed your face with your hands.
“I can’t believe you would do something like that. Do you not trust me?”
“___, What the fuck are you talking about? I trust you! Why are yo-” You scoffed.
“What do you mean, what the fuck I’m talking about, you know damn well what the fuck I’m talking about.” You turned to face him.
“____.” He calmly looks at you and held your arm but you pulled away.
“Why the fuck would you send threats to my classmate? I told you we were just doing a project and it’s not like we were alone… I don’t even know him that well for you to accuse me of something”
“I didn’t even accuse you of anything, ___. Stop saying shit right now.” He rolled his eyes and turned away from you. You looked at him is disbelief.
“So texting someone like ‘hey, im ___’s boyfriend, and i need you to back tf away from her. I see the way you look at her’ blah blah blah and ‘if not, i know where you live and i swear ill torture tf outta you’ is not a threat? You’re already accusing me and someone else for doing something we didn’t do” He noticed your rage and turned around and walked towards you.
“___, It’s not like that, i prom-” You cut him off
“And you pulled a knife on him…” You say softly.
“W-what? H-how… What are you saying right now, ___. You sound stupid” There was a pregnant pause until you couldn’t hold back a hiccup. Your tears running down your face.
“I saw you. In the parking lot. After you dropped me off, I was gonna run after you when I saw that I left my bottle behind and there you were…” You looked up at him with glossy eyes
“There was my fucking boyfriend with a knife on my classma–” You jokingly said, with enthusiasm, as you turned around waving your arms towards your boyfriend as if you were talking to an audience. You nervously chuckled at the situation. You were in disbelief that you couldn’t even finish your sentence. You choked back the sob.  
That night was when you realized your boyfriend was fucking crazy. He was out of his mind. It was just like what those movies would talk about when the lead character has a girlfriend and she’s literally crazy; doing anything to get his attention. Except it was the opposite, it was him and definitely not you. What scares you the most is that, it happened, not twice, but more than 5 times. It’s not like how the movie depicts it to be anymore. It’s reality and much more scarier than that. He doesn’t know but you know he’s the one who stares at you from across the room of where you sat. You know, that he’s the reason why some people don’t talk to you the way they used to. It was all because of him your life started to feel like a living hell.
You shook the memories away. You checked your phone. 9:39 PM.
“That’s the past” You muttered to yourself.
“That’s way in the past, ___. You’re here now, Almost 5 years. You’re just hallucinating this again” You sighed. You reached to the nightstand and drank some water. You opened the voice recording app on your phone and clicked on the file that Jungkook made.
He knows about your story. He knows about everything. He knows why you moved and why you decided to change your life; and you loved how supportive he was of it. You can’t stress enough how thankful you are to be with someone like Jungkook.
File: a_lullaby_for_my_someone.mp3
“Hi, _____” His clear voice filling the quiet room “,I know you aren’t sleeping right now–and that explains why you turned to this recording, Ha. Anyways, That’s why I made this very special lullaby for you. Here’s my rendition to our song…”
And that’s when he started strumming the guitar.
Put your head on my shoulder
Hold me in your arms, baby
You placed your phone on his side of the bed and hugged a pillow. Finally adjusting your sleeping position, you closed your eyes and your previous thoughts were pushed aside as you focus on your boyfriend’s singing
Squeeze me oh so tight
Show me that you love me too
Your breathing becoming slower and free from panic
Put your lips next to mine, dear
Won’t you kiss me once, baby
Just a kiss goodnight, maybe
You and I will fall in love
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wroteasongabouther · 7 years
fratboy!harry - part 3
thanks for all the love so far guys!! get over to my ask box and request any kinda blurb from this college world i’m living in or any questions you’ve got either!
fratboy!harry tag >> story page
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First week of classes and you already felt like dropping out. When you got here to your second year of uni, you were excited but now you were trying your hardest to write out even a page of notes during this lecture. Scribbling down another point from your professor, you blink a few times at your page and try to comprehend what you wrote. After a moment, you shake your head and look back up to the front.
Only a few minutes pass by, and one more point is written on your notebook, when your phone lights up beside you. It’s a notification from Snapchat, from a certain someone who can’t seem to leave you alone these days it seems. You bite down on your bottom lip to quit from smiling at Harrys name - which of course he added an angel emoji after, makes total sense since he’s the furthest thing from an angel. 
Snaps from Harry consisted of a few things. Sometimes they were selfies - both hot as hell or making stupid faces. Other times it’s artistic, using the pen tool in any colour to make a masterpiece that makes you laugh every time. As you tap your screen, you find out it’s the latter of the two predictions your had. 
Harry too was in his morning lecture, sitting rather close - which you know wouldn’t have been his choice. His professor is an older man wearing glasses and dressed in pants just a little too high, he’s reaching to write on the white board to finish an equation. Harry snapped the picture and coloured away on it. Having a stick figure grasping the prof from behind, seagulls above him, and Harry draws a big white boat for the prof to stand on with ‘TITANIC’ on the side. The caption read ‘I’ll never let go Jack’, and Harry had you chuckling in the back of your class yet again. 
You double tap his name and get the front facing camera, rolling your eyes and hitting the screen to take a photo. After putting a filter over it and typing out ‘Forever shipping them’ - pun intended - you set down your phone and look back to your professor. You’re not completely surprised when Harry responds rather quickly. 
“Hey,” a voice whispers from beside you. You look up and see a bright white toothy smile from the boy sitting beside you. “Did you need notes from today?” He asks, it’s a nice gesture considering you barely had any from the whole lesson today. 
“Uh, yeah,” you nod while looking over at his Macbook, full of notes it seems, “that’d be really great actually,” 
“I could email them to you, if you’d like? I just noticed you were kinda out of it today,” he gives you another smile while clicking a few times to share his notes from today. 
As you type out your email in his laptop, he’s watching you - you could just tell. Once you put in your info, you lean back in your seat and take your turn to watch him. He’s cute, short brown hair, brown eyes, great arms, definitely a football player if you were to take a guess. As an email notification comes on your phone, you get the name of the stranger beside you.
“Thanks, James,” you say with a smile.
“No problem, Y/N,” he says. 
He’s about to talk more to you when your professor raises their voice to remind the class about the assignment due at the end of the week - which was two days away. You shut your eyes and tilt your head back, knowing very well you hadn’t even started the assignment. Looks like you were about to pull another late night.
Class ends and you sit back in your chair while getting your things together. You can see James taking his time beside you. Everything inside of you was hoping he wasn’t about to stick around and flirt your ear off. Thankfully, god was on your side today, and James simply threw his backpack on. 
“See you around,” James says. 
“Yeah, thanks again for your notes,” you smile and give him a quick wave before he walks off. 
As you’re walking out of the lecture room you open Harry’s snap. This time it’s a selfie, the angle working well for his jawline of course, with the caption reading ‘Punny one’. You snap a blurry selfie of you smiling and respond ‘Thanks I’ll be here all week’ before making your way to the closest coffee shop - Starbucks near the main doors of the building.
It was only 10:30 and you were going to need a venti size iced coffee to survive your next and final class for today. So with your coffee in hand, you scroll around on your phone and walk across campus to your next lecture hall. The sun’s shining high in the clear blue sky, the heat getting to you as you get only half way to your class. You unzip your sweater and set down your backpack on the ground to slip out of your sweater, tying it around your waist.
Once you’re back on your way, you get another snap from Harry. The snap is blurry, but you know who it’s of - zoomed in as you fix your hair after tying your sweater at your hips. It was a good picture, flattering of your body honestly. Harry’s artistic skills are flames around you this time.
“Creep,” you mumble to yourself before sending a snap - eyes rolling and swiping a filter on.
Thank god for that coffee, or else you wouldn’t have made it through your class. After grabbing lunch, sitting with your laptop open while going over some notes and eating a sandwich, you decide to head to the library to get started on that assignment you hadn’t touched yet. As you walk through the rather busy building, you notice a familiar figure.
Harry is sitting on a couch, notes beside him while he wrote in another note book. He looks focused, brows pulled together while he rolls his lips into his mouth. A week later, and you still couldn’t stop thinking of how hot he was. You two had only bumped into each other once after he drove you to your dorm - first day of class, very brief but very flirtatious. Otherwise it was Snapchats or text messages, never really planning to see each other either. Not that you were completely complaining, but you were sort of happy to see him sitting there alone.
You must’ve been standing still for too long. Harry’s eyes slowly lift up, finding you a few feet away. You catch those dimples immediately and chuckle while walking towards him. Dressed in a mustard yellow vintage looking tshirt, black jeans with a rip in one knee, vans upon his feet and a mess of hair atop his head - he sure did look good.
“Hey,” you say once you’re standing in front of him.
“Long time no see,” Harry smiles.
“Been busy, classes are really kicking my ass,” you sigh and feel the weight of your backpack.
“Sit,” Harry orders, pushing his notes aside for you to join him at the other side of the couch he had taken to himself. For a moment you second guess it, thinking of declining and finding your own space far away from the hot frat boy. But instead you nod once and plop down on the couch.
“Whatcha working on?” You ask while unzipping your backpack.
“Network algorithms,” Harry answers in a monotone voice as he goes back to his work. Your eyebrows fly up at his words, you were expecting something like some bullshit business class. Not network algorithms that was for sure.
“What are you majoring in?” You question. Harry looks up from his work and brings both his arms back to stretch behind him. Again, it was pretty hot.
“Computer sciences and programming,” he answers.
“Actually?” You can’t seem to register that this hot Brit who you met at his fraternity house while drinking beers all night was in computer sciences.
“Uh yeah,” Harry chuckles and scratches the back of his head, “what did ya think I was doing?” He asks, a smug look on his face as he seems to gather the fact you’re rather impressed with his choice of degree.
“Open studies, probably just here for some athletic program,” you shrug.
“Well, y’got half it right,” Harry smiles.
“So, you’re like really smart or something like that?”
“Yeah, got the brains and the beauty,” Harry winks. And there’s that cocky frat boy you knew. Rolling your eyes, you focus back to your things and open up your laptop to find your assignment.
Harry doesn’t say anything for the few minutes it takes for you to set yourself up, instead he just watches you with his dimples on display. And once you’re all situated, Harry goes back to his algorithms. Only about twenty minutes pass before you’re over thinking everything and lean back against the arm of the couch with a big sigh. It should be relatively easy, but somehow your prof has you all confused. 
“Anything I can help with?” Harry asks, causing you to look away from your laptop, “now that y’know I’m so smart, you should really take advantage of it, little bird,” 
“Take advantage of you, huh?” you joke, flipping the switch and you smirking at him this time. 
Harry isn’t as quick with a comeback as you thought he’d be. Instead he sticks his tongue out to lick his lips before adjusting how he’s sitting on the couch. When he’s eyes are back on you, they are just as desirable and flirtatious as usual. You give him a big smile of triumph - you had just made Harry speechless. 
“What are you working on?” Harry asks. 
“An assignment for History of Psychology,” you state, eyes back on the description of the assignment, “my prof just sucks at explaining some things,” you add while scanning over your notes to find what this assignment was even for.
“Who do you have?” 
“Professor McGallen,” you frown. 
“Oh yeah, had him in my first year,” Harry states while grabbing a half full water bottle from the floor beside him, “he’s a real pain sometimes,” 
“Big time,” you sigh and glance back at the assignment, “I’m sure I’ll figure this out, I’m not like really struggling in the class and it’s the first bit of work so it should be easy, right?” 
“I believe in you,” Harry smiles. You narrow your eyes at him, wanting to roll them at his cheesy line. Instead you grab your pen and notebook and prop up one knee to be able to write. 
Another hour goes by with the both of you hard at work. But you’d be lying if you said you didn’t glance over at Harry when you got a chance. It was only fair though, because Harry did the same thing. Didn’t take an idiot to know there was plenty of tension between you two - the sexual kind, to be exact. You bite down on your pen while working out some of the notes James had emailed you earlier and get going. All is well, till a group of rumbustious guys walk up towards the couch you and Harry were seated at a while later.
“Harry, my man,” a large man - tall and muscle wise - came out of nowhere with two more behind him. You notice he has some large tattoo on his dark skin, he wore a white hat backwards and was dressed in all black. He was pretty attractive too, couldn’t deny it. 
“Hey guys,” Harry smiles and give each of them one of those half assed bro high five hug things. And after each one, the three boys all look your way. 
You lift up a hand and give them a short wave. Talk about awkward, something told you these were just a few of Harry’s frat brothers, and something else told you Harry wasn’t the kinda guy to just casually hang out with a girl. 
“Uh, guys this is Y/N,” Harry introduces you to his friends, “this is Eddy, Mark, and Brandon,” he runs through each of their names quickly. 
“Lovely to meet you, missy,” Eddy, the large man who decided shouting in the library was cool, coos out while grabbing ahold of your hand and placing a kiss to the back. 
“You too,” you chuckle at his gesture. 
Brandon and Mark just stare before bringing up some sort of time change for their morning practice - so you were right, Harry did some sort of sport here. Only made sense though, since he was your typical hot frat boy, not adding jock to that description would just be absurd. The boys continue to be rowdy as you try your hardest to stay focused on your assignment, which you had barely done half of through the couple hours here now. 
“Heard Lins is pretty pissed with you lately,” Eddy says to Harry, you glance up through your lashes to look at the boys again. Eddy is nudging Harry, his brown eyes wide as he makes it seem like whoever this Lins person is being pissed is a real bad thing. 
“Lindsey? Wasn’t she literally over just last night?” Brandon asks, furrowing his brows at Harry. 
Why did it feel like someone just stabbed you in the gut? You swallow and tuck a piece of hair behind your hair. You catch Harry’s eyes flashing towards you, but you’re quick to look back at your laptop and act as if you weren’t listening in. You shouldn’t be so surprised, of course Harry had girls at his feet. 
“Y’know, it’s Lindsey,” Harry says - how very vague of him. 
And why were you suddenly so angry? You bite the inside of your bottom lip and type out a sentence for your assignment. Eddy lets out a hollowing laugh, slapping Harry’s shoulder before leaning forward as he sat on the arm of the couch. 
“You’re fucking crazy, man,” Eddy laughs. 
“Hey, Lindsey may be a handful but she’s fucking hot,” Mark states. 
The others all say some sort of agreement, while Harry just keeps quiet and nods once. You don’t even notice how much and how roughly you’re biting on your bottom lip till you taste the tangy blood in your mouth. As the boys keep talking beside you, you decide it’s time you left. Wether it was their obnoxious voices in the library or this talk of who Harry’s sleeping with, but you wanted to leave now. 
“Oh, no, don’t leave,” Eddy says as he notices you packing up, “we’re leaving soon anyways,” he adds. 
“No, it’s fine, really,” you stuff your laptop into the big pocket of your bag before zipping it up and grabbing your phone from the couch cushion. “I’m getting hungry anyways and have food in my dorm I should eat,” you say with a tight smile. It wasn’t a lie, but it was a good cover up. 
“Oh, okay,” Eddy smiles back and nods while jumping around to take your seat beside Harry now. “See ya around, missy,” he grins. 
“See ya,” you wave and just before you’re about to walk off, you look at Harry. 
He rolls his lips into his mouth, wetting them, before speaking, “text you later, good luck with the assignment,” he says. 
“Yeah, bye,” you mumble out before turning on your heels and leaving behind the bitter feeling that couch was giving you since a certain conversation had begun. 
As you are walking out into the fresh air outside, your phone vibrates in your hand. You expect it to be Harry, for some odd reason, but are proven wrong as you see it’s a notification for an email. Squinting as the setting sun gets in your eyes, you check being crossing the street that your dorm building was on before opening your phone to check the email. It’s from James. 
A smile tugs on your lips as you read it, ‘how are the notes treating you? need any more pointers?’, how thoughtful. You type out a quick reply ‘maybe, tomorrow after class?’
Once you’re inside your dorm, throwing your backpack on your bed and then flopping down beside it, you get a response from James. He agrees to sticking together after class for some help, and you’re actually really thankful because his notes from today were a lot more helpful than yours were from the rest of the week. Plus, thinking of James got out the thoughts of Harry and some crazy chick named Lindsey.
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crazgreenenvy · 2 years
Ageism on Campus
It’s me, I’m the ageist. This is a rant about working in an academic advisement office but not actually being an advisor.
One of the biggest pains of working on a college campus is dealing with people older than your parents expecting you (because you sit behind a desk with a computer screen) to have all the information and be able to do everything they ask. Sorry sir, I’m a student employee. I get paid 11.50/hr to be here. It doesn’t even pay my rent. This is my SECOND job. Yes I can see your miserable gpa but I can’t do any overrides or register you for classes.
Maybe next time don’t wait till the day the course starts to try and solve this issue. You’re 70 years old and trying to take an algebra course- this cannot be a priority for anyone involved.
Don’t get me wrong, I’m all for lifelong learning. Go get it people of every age, background, etc! But expecting the university campus to conform to your inability to keep up with technological advancements is ludicrous. Our advisors don’t have PHONES. I, the person at the front desk dealing with your rude stares and huffing, I have the phone. I have to tell people constantly ‘advisors don’t have phones’ when they ask to speak with one. Advisors make APPOINTMENTS. They cannot just take calls out of the blue like that. Our advisors even made the switch to 50/50 IP and remote appointments to accommodate all the individuals who cannot make it to campus because of the pandemic. But they don’t have PHONES. They do shit over zoom, like everyone else who moved to be more accessible since 2019.
The reason they phased out stuff like phones (other than a single phone kit from the university costing at minimum $500 per advisor): We have to stay on top of shit, if we don’t we will not be able to attract new students. You know why retirees and old folks aren’t allowed to register until the 5 days leading up to classes starting? Because they aren’t the future. They are the past, they had their chance and if when your time to register for the intro math course comes up and it’s full, that’s not my fault, It’s not the advisors fault. It’s LITERALLY nobody’s fault. Going to uni now, when everything has increased 700% in cost is dumb and if you didn’t have the opportunity when you were younger I’m sorry, but it’s someone else’s turn now. So when you walk in 1hr before the course you’re failing at registering for and demand someone come out and fix the issue, I can look up your info. See nothing (because I DON’T HAVE ACCESS TO EVERYTHING) and tell you “I can make you an appointment for tomorrow”. Cuz we can’t accommodate walk-ins over the summer. That’s when new student orientation is. Our advisors are splitting their time between their appointments and the NSO shit they have to do. But you don’t want to hear that. Instead you want to complain that there’s only 3 seats left in the math course and should you bother buying the textbook (to which I said ‘never buy the text book, check the library first’ and this man legit glared at me for my #reallygoodadvice)
And the fact that I have like 14 signs posted around me saying NO WALKINS OVER THE SUMMER which are apparently written in another language to these people makes me fucking miserable. The fact that I, a soft spoken introvert with years of therapy under my belt have to SHOUT to communicate with these people (cuz they can’t hear. YOU CAN’T HEAR. AND YOU’RE GOING INTO A LECTURE OF 200???) which gives me a mini anxiety episode everytime because I DON’T LIKE YELLING makes me fucking miserable. But in their eyes I have all the answers, because of course I do.
Did I mention these people are usually white, btw? So seeing the Black chick behind the desk makes it a lot easier for them to #unleashthebeast
aNYhoW. I don’t know what else to say except this was such a Monday thing that happened to me and I’m sick of it but I’ll be back tomorrow bright and early to more than likely deal with this person again.
0 notes
tothemaxie · 7 years
Benched - JayTim Secret Santa
For @cinnamonskull//@jayskulll for JayTim Secret Santa I'M SO SORRY! I've had HELL with getting my tablet back up and running, and between that, hospital appointments and moving back to uni, my life has spiralled out of control. BUT - I'll do an art request for you to apologize. <3
“Tim maybe, quite possibly, might have broken a few ribs... And his collarbone... And now he's stuck on surveillance. But he's found a way to make it a little more fun...”
It started four weeks after Tim had shattered his collarbone (well, that and three ribs). Definitely one of the worse breaks he'd had to endure, but he'd made sure the other guy ended up worse (concussion from a last second swing of his bo-staff as he went down). Despite Tim's insistence he'd be fine and to full health within a week, Alfred and Bruce had shared 'That Look', and Tim had sighed - knowing in that moment that he'd be well and truly benched for at least six weeks. Apparently, Damian had understood the shared glance as well, if his spit of laughter was anything to go by.
It took Bruce two weeks to even allow Tim on surveillance from the cave, which had had the desperate vigilante going near stir crazy! Everything felt a little nicer once he was back at the computer. It meant - although he couldn't jump in - he could offer at least some assistance if someone in his family got into trouble. But (not really all that surprisingly) his family didn't really get into trouble they couldn't handle, all that much. So, there were just a lot of slow research tasks to take up his time...
That was, until he realized that watching could be fun... Specifically, watching his extremely talented, extremely hot boyfriend kick bad-guy butt to the gravel.
Tim knew almost everything technical about the way Jason fought; he had to, that's how he worked. But he'd never previously stopped to just watch it from a more... Artistic perspective. To see the precise angle his leg raised to during a roundhouse, or to hear the near-satisfied groan down the mic in his helmet that followed a really secure knockout. Tim really did want to pretend that it wasn't thigh-tremblingly hot, but there was no way to deny. Especially when he'd have to bite back a moan every time Jason acknowledged his presence, with a quick update comment, or glance into a public surveillance camera.
It was all so crazy intense to Tim that he could be watching his boyfriend like this, getting off a little on every movement, while Jason himself had no idea. It always made his breathing hitch and his boxers tight. And up until this point he really had no indication that he was a complete pervert. Maybe he wasn't? Maybe this was normal? The thrill of the forbidden... He always loved the forbidden. Jason was a testament to that.
But, all in all, his little routine worked well for him! Pretending to work on various cases for as long as possible, before having his eye caught by the way Jason threw a fucking right hook, damn. Then, quickly looping the in-cave surveillance (he would literally beg Kon to throw him into the sun if Bruce ever found out about this), and jerking off under the desk. Followed by swiftly cleaning himself up and ignoring the shame he felt next time he spent any time with Jason.
But there was a problem. Because a week in, shit started getting serious.
It began with Jason sitting in on some of Dick's little, impromptu stretch class sessions in the soft matted sparring area in the cave. Tim had just been finishing working on some DNA samples Bruce needed chasing up, and he really didn't mean to listen in... But then, he heard his name. And he was far too intrigued to go upstairs after that!
"C'mon, Jay!" Dick had laughed, and it was obvious they were just using this time to chat now (good, Tim had surmised, they never did seem to get to spend enough time together). "It's Tim! You've been with him almost a year now, d'you really think he's that close-minded about this stuff?"
"No." Jason responded almost too quickly. "If anything, Tim's too open-minded when it comes to sex!"
Past the other boys' laughter, Tim's tummy tightened with excitement and anticipation. They were talking about his sex life... And they didn't even know he could hear it all.
"Is there such a thing?" Dick teased, his tone sweet and somehow too innocent for the conversation.
"Good point!" Jason's voice was light and easy, and Tim could imagine the smug smirk that looked just way too hot on him... "But yeah... Tim's like- he's everything, in bed, y'know? God, he's just-"
And then Jason released the most primal, passionate groan Tim have ever heard from him. Tim blinked back in surprised arousal. Still, he leant closer to the wall, listening in closely.
"Okay, okay! Don't give yourself an aneurism!" Dick laughed, and Tim could just imagine Jason blushing (in that perfect way he did when he hoped no one would notice).
"Shut up!" The yelp of displeasure jumped out of Dick as Jason obviously punched him on the arm in protest to his big brother's teasing.
"Relax!" Dick forced through his laughter. "It's nice to see you two... Getting along."
"Holy shit, I know." Jason sighed happily. "Seriously, Dick, you have no idea what the kid does to me. And when he struts around the apartment in just my shirt - pretending he doesn't know I'm definitely watching - he has thighs to kill! Like seriously! His legs could literally destroy a man!"
"They probably have in the past! He gets that from me!" Dick noted proudly, but Tim was too busy just totally swooning to listen. Jason liked his legs? Despite their ongoing relationship, Tim still found it unbelievable that someone a hot at Jason could even want to take a glance at him that way. Let alone actually find him attractive!
"You're such an ass!" Jason's laughter snapped Tim from euphoric enjoyment of listening in on his brothers' private thoughts. "And I gotta get going! He's probably waiting for me!"
"Shit!" Tim hissed under his breath, ducking away from the wall and quick-shuffling to the desk. Falling against the chair slightly as his tried to sit, he jolted his sling-ed arm and yowled out in pain.
"Woah, babe!" Tim started at Jason's sudden appearance beside him. "Careful with yourself, you dingus! What are you even still doing here?"
"Oh, Umm!" Tim bit his lip, temporarily forgetting that he actually did have a genuine reason for being here. "Yes! DNA profiling! For Bruce!"
Tim threw a terrible attempt of a sincere expression over his shoulder, just in time to catch Jason and Dick's shared smirk...
The second time Tim struck gold (and by gold, he meant watching in on something slightly more explicit than just Jason flipping a gun and revving a bike) came two weeks after the stretch session incident. It was Tim's final week being essentially grounded, and he'd be lying if he said he wasn't getting super restless about being benched at this point. But it hadn't been too difficult to drag his mind away from moping when he caught sight of Jason's patrol route that evening.
His boyfriend really seemed to be enjoying his night out in Gotham. Every move he made was somehow even more smooth and clean than usual, and Tim could tell from the satisfied laughter that punctuated eat hit that Jason knew it, too.
Tim was entranced, totally spellbound by Jason's pleasure in his own skill. The smugness in his body language made Tim shiver with a sense of sensual familiarity. It was the same sort of smug as that that was in the smirks Jason would throw him when they'd fool around and Jason just knew whatever he was doing was getting to Tim. It was Tim's favourite kind of smugness...
But just as Tim was getting to enjoy himself - like, really enjoy himself - watching Jason take on three gang thugs at once, it was suddenly all over, and Jay had them all easily taken out. Tim pouted a little at this, disappointed that the show he'd been enjoying so very much had apparently ended, and moved to switch screens, maybe replay the last few minutes just to finish getting off to...
But then he noticed the urgency in Jason's step as he slipped out of view of the camera Tim was currently working from, into a shadowed alleyway, and Tim quickly snapped his feed to Jason's in-helmet surveillance.
Jason had his head tipped back, looking up at the night sky, the camera stable enough that Tim could figure out he was obviously lent back against a wall. It was then that Tim noticed the heavy breathing coming from Jason's mic.
Suddenly concerned his partner might be hurt, Tim grabbed frantically for the earpiece mic he'd earlier shut off and shoved across the desk. Clumsily fumbling the buttons, he opened his mouth to desperately demand Red Hood's status when he was cut off but the lewdest moan he'd ever heard Jason make.
He dropped the mic and stared at the screens in front of him, more - now explicitly sexual - groans following the first. His cheeks flushed a dark pink as he frantically searched for any nearby shops or buildings that had any CCTV he could get into nearby. Within a minute, he was messily typing in code to take ownership of a camera that he could turn directly to Jason's position and-
He fell back into his chair heavily, eyes wide and jaw hanging open. No fucking way was he this lucky. No. Way. He flicked the keyboard to zoom in - to be certain. And - yes - that was definitely Jason Todd palming his cock through his uniform, halfway down a dingy alley. Tim Drake had to be dead, 'cause this was heaven.
Tim returned his own hand to his cock at this sight, though he was totally unsure of how he could last very long at this rate. He was drowning in the sounds of Jason's pretty gasps and moans as it was, but the moment Jason cautiously flicked his head from side to side to check nobody could see him, Tim was gone. Far too surrounded by the satisfaction of getting this private show to last any longer...
Tim felt a little sentimental on his last night stuck in the cave. He spent the evening spinning on his chair, watching the tiny figures hop across the monitor screens, and somehow managing not to get turned on by every little movement Jason Todd made. He knew he'd was set to go back on patrol tomorrow, so he was really making the most of getting to play Oracle one last time. Despite how easily he'd gotten distracted recently, and how frustrating it was to be grounded, he really did enjoy the 'clever-guy surveillance job'. And so, he totally revelled in his last night on the job, feeling suitably like Q from the James Bond films he'd watch with Dick on the weekends.
All in all, it was a clean, successful evening in Gotham - perfectly mundane, by all accounts (and maybe he was a little disappointed at that). And every was back in the cave, safe, fairly early that night (bar Jason, who chose instead to go straight home and skip Bruce's compulsory, post-patrol briefing), Bruce subtly ruffling Tim's hair and telling him to get to bed, before they all left him alone to shut off the monitors.
As usual when Jason bailed pre-briefing, Tim set to checking the surveillance in he and Jason’s go-to safe house to ensure he got home alright. Mindlessly clicking through the cameras in each room searching for Jay’s presence, Tim considered whether he’d bother to pop across tonight. Jason would probably be tired after patrol and he really wasn’t sure if it was worth it. And then he was checking Jason’s bedroom and choking on his coffee. Because – he noted as he, once more, wondered how in hell he got this lucky – Jason was totally lay back on his bed; half undressed; one hand balled up in the spare cape Tim had left in the safe house, pushed to his lip; the other moving tight and fast around his cock.
Tim outwardly gasped at the sight, as he whipped his head around to check everyone was definitely out of the cave, before settling his wide eyes back on the screen. Slipping his head set on, he flicked up the volume and settled back into his seat. Every gasp from Jason’s lips went straight to his cock and sent thrilled shivers down his spine, but it had nothing on the way his boyfriend groaned his codename out through gritted teeth. Tim’s eyes rolled back as that moment alone almost made him cum in his boxers. He watched, entranced, as Jason twisted Tim’s cape up tighter and tighter around his fist – even through the slightly pixilated feed, Tim could see the fabric straining.
“Fuck… Red Robin…”
Tim let out a squeak of guilt-ridden arousal at the sound of his name from Jason’s lips. He resisted touching himself, because he knew he wouldn’t last if he did. It was all too much – seeing Jason so vulnerable and exposed this way. Attempting to remove his mind from overthinking that point too much, he refocused his eyes on the screen. On Jason.
“Tim…” Jason moaned out again, causing Tim to let his eyes fall closed, “You enjoying- mmm- the show, babe?”
Tim’s eyes snapped open. What?!
“Know you’re there, Timmy…” Jay laughed through his laboured breaths, his fist around his cock slowing just slightly.
Heart racing, Tim flicked on the mic and connected to Jason’s earpiece, “…hi?”
“That all you got to say?” Jason followed up the words with a deep moan and a thrust up into his hand.
“I’m sorry..?” Tim cringed at the way his own voice shook through the words.
Jason released another breathless huff of laughter, “For this time, or all of them?”
He knew? Tim shuddered, caught between humiliated and even more turned on. “All of them..?”
“Here’s the- mmf! -Here’s the deal,” Jay started, “You get here before I cum, you’re forgiven, you lil creep!”
“I- Umm…”
“Now, Tim!” Jason gasped out, and Tim was out of his seat and disconnecting the feed quicker than he’d ever done anything else in the cave ever before…
I hope you liked it. Again, I’m REALLY sorry!
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