bucksangel · 1 year
Why does anyone think it’s their damn business anyways?? Like.. No one is going into their Asks and asking a bunch of ridiculous shit, why do they think it’s a good idea to do it to others?
Mind your damn business.
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that anon when they eventually realize that not everything is black and white and that they still have things to learn abt sexualities
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yearning-gay · 2 years
Tell us your new kink!
ajdjdkd idk if i will yet? im probably making it into a bigger deal than it needs to be but im still figuring out my vibes on it and whether i wanna indulge in it here 😖
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ineed-to-sleep · 1 month
Hello, I would love to see Vincent (and possibly Pepper) as number 15. By the way, I just wanted to say that I absolutely love your art, it's exquisite, and I want to eat it with the side of greens. Have a lovely day!
Jdkskakdkdkks thank youu 🫶🏻 I've got an AU actually that's sort of medieval/dark fantasy where Vincent and Pepper are both main characters and Vincent is an archer/sword fighter type and Pepper is a werewolf. So I think based on that, in d&d Vincent would probably be a Ranger and Pepper would be a Barbarian.
I could also see Vincent as a Warlock because I know he's got thirst for knowledge(especially forbidden knowledge, he's nosy asf 😔) that could lead him to make a pact or sign a contract with a demon. Though I think Ranger probably fits him the most, since he's quiet, stealthy, strategic, and a certified loner 👍🏻
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Pepper is definitely a Barbarian because she's got an endless well of rage inside her that needs to be let out somehow nfkfkc and also because she really fits the Barbarian cliche of being extroverted, loud, friendly and being impatient enough to try to resolve all her problems with brute force. She's not dumb, but she's got massive adhd sjjdkdk with an emphasis on the H 🥲
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[Oc art prompts]
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100blocks-archived · 1 year
“karl can touch me” SJJDKDK
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mduygu · 3 years
I love giving spoilers to kids under age of 10 who watches miraculous.
I tell them a few things and they're like wow really?
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digimonloving · 2 years
* gives you a donut* mind making some nsfw headcanons ((just to help me cheer up after a hard work on improving an essay from universty at part of the night (till 3:00 am on last night) and sending to my teacher today with sucess)) about what happens if a female tamer s/o of the following digimon: bezebumon, reapmon, sorcermon, flamewizardmon, wizardmon; sends *ahem* lewd pictures of herself to them via the app extension of her digivice on her smartphone resulting on "sexting" and her partner coming to her home so she helps with a certain "heated problem down there" they are having after seeing the photos?
Female Tamer sending some lewd photos to her Digimon NSFT
Beelzemon definitely takes interest in the lewd picture his Tamer sent him, but he really prefers to see her with his own eyes rather than through a screen. Not that he doesn't appreciate the picture, he simply hates the fact he has to wait to get a proper look at her. A picture can only do so much for him, and so he certainly takes to texting her a wink emoji with a 'better be lookin' like that when I come ta see ya, sweetheart. that pic made me hungry.'
If she does plan to help him, he's all over her the moment he sees her. Claws and teeth marking her up as he fucks her into the mattress and growls that she really shouldn't tease him with pictures. Unless she wants to really rile him up the way she did... He'll make sure she can't walk properly the next day.
When receiving the picture, he takes a moment as his face heats up once it registers exactly what he's looking at. He sends a quick message to be sure that she meant to send it to him and that he apologizes for looking before checking. When she confirms it's for him he goes silent on the texting end before he suddenly texts 'then do tell what you had in mind for when I saw this picture...'
He's not impatient, but if his Tamer is and chooses to pull him into the bedroom then he's not saying no. She riled him up good with their texting, and he can't wait to get his hand on her. He whispers into her ear that he did love the picture, but to truly feel her is much better to him.
Sorcermon is shocked, but he's certainly not looking away from the picture that she sent. He compliments the photo she sent him and asked if there was a specific reason, or if it was just a tease. When the conversation delves into the gutter, he tries to ignore the growing need for his S/O... But it seems to not be working too well
He is quiet as he looks up to his S/O before he gives in to his needs for her, asking if they can move to the bedroom as he pulls at the collar of his cape. Despite his wants, he takes it slow with peppering her in kisses and feeling her up and down before he finally lets himself indulge himself with her body
FlameWizardmon is IMMEDIATELY all over that picture, complimenting his dear S/O about her looks, and then slowly delving into deeper, dirtier territory as he goes on about her, easily changing the complimenting into sexting as he simply can't help himself. 'Id send pics too, but that takes the fun outta it.. I'll see ya later for a personal show'
FlameWizardmon is grabbing onto her hand and practically dragging her to the bedroom. She chose to send him the picture, if she wasn't ready then she shouldn't have gotten him so riled up. Least she is more than willing to help him out, and he plans to show her exactly how horny that picture got him with fucking her roughly and praising her body as he does so.
He sputters the second he looks at it and nearly drops the connection entirely because of it. Wizardmon is far too much of a good boy to truly take more than the slight glance he caught to where he almost forgets to reply. He tries to keep it out of view as he texts back that she shouldn't just share such pictures without asking him... Which just leads to the playful flirting-turned-sexting as she makes her intentions more clear.
Wizardmon is a bit shy when he sees his Tamer, as he usually is when it comes to such matters, but if she leads him into it, he feels more comfortable as they both go slow into his Tamer helping him out a little with his "problem"
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marc-spectorr · 2 years
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jake lockley, avatar of khonshu be like:
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wulfhalls · 3 years
haven't read dune but you make me want to read it from your perspective of paul, how too can i get on the slutty trash goth prince ride lol
me @ paul at all times
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that's it now u too can have a front row seat to the slutty trash goth prince show <33
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louis said yeah I do partnerships with brands but nobody can own me 😌🤙🏻
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briannabakerarchive · 3 years
mmh. are they saying it’s ok to marry ur half brother :/
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fangoria · 3 years
why am i just now finding out the “im just in a silly goofy mood” is shemar????
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the-moon-pal · 4 years
Scott is 6,5"??? I feel so smol (I'm 5'4")
So many small peeps.... How interesting 👀
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artblog1510 · 4 years
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Day 076
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putalittleloveonme · 5 years
If I have to read another tweet that says ‘Niall please explain 😍’ I’m gonna call whoever made the twitter app and ask them to set it on fire
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gunhaos · 5 years
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viviannemiedemaa · 3 years
Why are you censoring hot?
Because im trying to be FUNNY and DRAMATIC just like u
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