#ignore the boots btw LMAO
kiss-me-cill-me · 4 months
could u write a cill character where the reader is super horny w/ baby fever, a breeding type fic ❤️?? I love your works btw!!
Oh anon, I love you for requesting this ❤️ Partly because I had already planned to write it lmao. And thank you so much!! Sending love right back at ya 🥰
Due Date
Pairing: Neil Lewis x Reader
Word Count: 3.6k
Summary: Your boyfriend is totally oblivious to your baby fever, but lucky for both of you, you aren't able to keep it bottled up for too long.
Warnings: Smut, breeding kink, floor sex, stomach pressing (?? idk how to even phrase this lol), mentions of reader being on birth control, some fluff, established boyfriend/girlfriend relationship
***Please read the warnings before continuing. Minors DNI***
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There had been only one thing on your mind for weeks now, and you could not figure out for the life of you how to get rid of the thoughts. You wondered if you would ever feel normal again, or if this was just going to be your new default state forever. The idea of that was maddening.
Neil, on the other hand, seemed to be somehow blissfully unaware about just how badly you felt like you might explode every time Marcia and Buddy came around with their new baby. 
You weren’t sure how that was possible, given that you practically sprinted over to the stroller every time they wrangled it into the store. How could he not have known, when you squealed for the hundredth time, every time, at seeing that chubby little baby face? Marcia had practically needed to wrestle her own child away from you the last time they’d paid a visit, and yet Neil seemed totally unaware of how badly you wanted one of your own.
Or maybe he just hoped that if he ignored it, your baby fever would go away. Your boyfriend had never exactly been one to take on responsibilities willingly, unless doing so somehow involved Gumshoe. The store was his baby, as he often joked, and you were starting to worry that that meant he would never have room in his heart for real babies. The kind that would giggle at Neil’s silly antics and look up at you with their big blue eyes, just like his, and-
You snapped back to reality. You had been daydreaming again, and you found yourself standing behind the counter with Neil, your finger stuck into the spool of a VHS tape as you worked at rewinding a stack of them together.
“You okay, babe?” he asked, sparing a glance in your direction.
You’d paused in your mindless task, lost in fantasy, and now you tried to shake off the fog that had crept over you, bringing with it the images of cribs and onesies and bouncing bundles that always seemed to end up in Neil’s arms. 
He would make such a good dad. A fun dad; the kind that would take his kids on adventures themed after all of their favorite movies. Lightsaber battles in the kitchen. Quests for treasure in the backyard that would make Indiana Jones quake in his boots. Neil would have just as much fun as your future children - you were sure of it. And that thought was almost enough to make you jump him right there in the store. It was pure torture, living like this, and for days on end.
“Helloooooo?” Neil droned.
You looked over at him with wide eyes as he caught you indulging in your secret fantasies yet again.
“You… good?” he asked again, slightly concerned this time.
“I am; I’m… just a little distracted,” you said, hurrying to get back to rewinding the tape.
Neil stuffed the cassette he was holding back in its box, giving you a smug look.
“Yeah, I do have that effect on you, don’t I?” he teased.
You shoved him, and he nudged you back with an elbow.
“In your dreams,” you laughed.
Privately, you could feel yourself starting to ache at just his words. He had no clue how true they were, and you certainly weren’t about to tell him. Now really wasn’t the time for a baby; your logical side knew that. And as much as a part of you wanted to tell him, you knew that it wouldn’t make any real difference. You would just have to be patient and wait.
“Thanks for helping out tonight, by the way,” Neil continued, slipping back into the easy routine of rewinding tapes. “I hate doing this.”
“I know; me too,” you agreed. “Which is why I expect to be paid overtime.”
Neil looked at you, side-eyed.
“Do you even work here?” he joked.
“Not for long if I don’t start getting paid.”
“Okay, fine,” Neil sighed. “The usual rate?”
You giggled as he put his tape down and pinned you against the edge of the counter, pressing your bodies together as he kissed you. A series of quick, fleeting pecks; your hourly wage for helping him out.
“Hey! Overtime,” you reminded him, grabbing at the hem of his shirt as he started to pull away.
Neil leaned back over and gave you one more kiss, catching your bottom lip with his teeth.
Just then, the bell at the top of the door rang, letting you know that a customer had arrived. Neil stood up straight, clearing his throat in a very professional manner as he backed up a little. Even with distance between you, you still felt your whole body thrum. The heat on your cheeks seemed to burst as the lone customer wandered the store, browsing the aisles as you and Neil stood side by side and rewound more tapes.
“All set?” Neil chirped up as the man approached the counter. 
Neil went through the routine of checking out the tape, finally handing it over along with a receipt. He glanced down at the date that was printed on the slip.
“And you’re all set. Due date is… August fifteenth.”
Behind him, you made a small noise in your throat. Neil looked over at you, just for a moment, before he turned back to the customer and finished wrapping up the transaction. When the man had left, Neil turned more fully to face you.
“You’re acting weird, babe,” he said bluntly, scratching the back of his head. “Is there something going on?”
“Nope, never better!”
You cursed yourself silently. Why had something so stupidly simple as Neil saying the words “due date” lodged itself firmly into your brain as yet another excuse to obsess over babies? 
“If you need to go home, that’s okay,” Neil offered. “I can wrap things up here by myself.”
“I’m fine,” you insisted. “It’s just…”
“Just…?” Neil echoed, leaning toward you.
“Hearing you talk about… due dates,” you sighed, finally admitting defeat.
Neil’s look of utter and genuine confusion would have made you laugh out loud, if not for the fact that you felt compelled to burrow down into the floor.
“Should I not… tell the customers when to return tapes?”
“No, you dummy!” You avoided his eyes as you shuffled uncomfortably. “I just mean that- It just makes me think about babies!”
You could see the gears turning in Neil’s head a few seconds after you’d blurted out your confession, slowly reaching a conclusion before his eyes widened.
“Ohhhh. That’s why you’ve been so interested in hanging out with Marcia,” he laughed.
“Yes! Neil - okay?” you cried, thoroughly embarrassed. “I’ve been thinking about it for weeks, and I just- Ugh!”
You threw your hands up as you abandoned all attempts at explaining yourself. Neil was already throwing you glances, as if he had caught you in the middle of something scandalous, instead of just struggling to suppress baby fever. 
In a way, though, he had. Your thoughts really weren’t all so pure as just picturing him with your kids at the park. Babies didn’t just drop down out of the sky, after all.
Neil took a small step toward you, making you shrink back as he pressed his forehead to yours.
“You like the thought of me knocking you up?” he hummed.
The shock of him saying it so bluntly made you shrink into yourself a bit more. Neil wasn’t letting you go anywhere, though, as he placed his arms to either side of your hips, leaning against the counter.
“Maybe I just think you’d be a good dad,” you shot back, slightly too shakily to be believable.
“Mmm, I don’t think that that’s all you’ve been thinking.” Neil took another step forward, closing up even the most fleeting idea of any distance between you. “I think you like to imagine me filling you up until there��s no way that you couldn’t be pregnant.”
You could hardly believe the words coming out of your boyfriend’s mouth. This was certainly not how you had imagined any potential conversation going.
“And… what if I do?” you asked.
Neil shrugged, not nearly as nonchalant as he was trying to be.
“You tell me,” he said, lowly. “Do you want me to?”
“Want you to…?”
Before you could finish your sentence, Neil’s lips were on yours again, kissing you with a renewed hunger that seemed to extend to some deeper level. Before, things had been teasing and light, like they usually were between you. Now, they felt almost serious. Your head spun as you felt yourself give in to the kiss, letting your wildest fantasies surround you as you stood there, knees buckling at the strong ache that ran through your legs. You had to hold onto Neil slightly as he pulled away. 
“I know we’re not ready for kids yet,” you started, not very convincingly.
Neil was making it too hard to focus, as his lips trailed over the side of your face, pressing kisses into your jaw, your cheek, your temple. You hadn’t expected this reaction from him, and you were scrambling to figure out how to respond.
“So?” Neil laughed. “That doesn’t mean we can’t practice, right? There’s really no harm in that.”
“I… guess not,” you agreed.
Neil pressed a kiss to your forehead before leaning down to bite at your ear. You moaned - just a small sound you couldn’t hold back - and felt warm desire pool deep in your stomach as Neil whispered into your ear.
“I think you’d look cute, you know.”
He pulled back to brush a thumb over the very lowest part of your stomach, and the implication was obvious. “Do you?” you sighed, dreamily.
Neil pressed his body back up against you, and this time you could feel his hard length, digging into your hip. Your hands wrapped around his waist, holding him there as he answered.
“Mm-hmm. Seeing you pregnant would really just be a reminder of what I had done to get you like that, sooo… I think it’d be pretty hot.”
You wondered if Neil had any idea just how dangerous of a game he was playing. You knew he was only pretending. He and you both knew that you were on birth control. But… it would be so easy for things like that to change.
“You really need to start watching your mouth, Neil,” you warned him.
“I think I need to start watching you live out your little fantasies, babe.”
Neil’s next kiss was so passionate that he nearly bent you back over the checkout counter. His teeth caught your already-swollen lip once again as he snuck a hand under your thigh, pulling it up to hook over his waist.
“Neil! Can’t this wait til we get home?” you laughed, a sharp heat coursing throughout your whole body.
“Can you wait?” he countered.
That wasn’t really a fair argument. You very clearly could not, at least not based on the way you felt yourself clench around nothing more than the thought of Neil filling you up, just like he’d said earlier. You groaned as he kissed you again, sealing your fate.
“Okay, just - let me at least lock the door,” you begged.
Neil pulled away with a soft smile, and you could see just how incredibly hard he was through the outline of his jeans. 
“Hurry back, baby. Or I’ll have to come over there and get you.”
You practically ran to the front of the store, flipping the sign hastily over to “closed” before locking the door and drawing the blinds over all of the windows. It was already dark out, and you caught a quick glimpse of your wide smile in the reflection of the plate glass. This wasn’t the first time that Gumshoe had closed early for some less-than-legitimate purposes.
Suddenly, something crashed into your back. From behind, you felt Neil’s arms encircle your waist as he pulled you away from the window.
“Sorry, babe - couldn’t wait.”
His voice was close, burrowing into your ear as it nestled right next to the thoughts that continued to swirl in your head. You felt a rush down your spine at his words. 
Neil backed up a few more steps as he spun around, keeping you pinned to his chest, and then slammed directly into the shelves, spilling VHS tapes everywhere.
“Look who’s the overeager one now,” you laughed, arching back slightly as Neil’s hand grabbed roughly at your breast.
“Who said I wasn’t?”
Neil guided you down to the floor, flipping you over to face him as you landed among the catastrophe of VHS tapes. You shoved a few out of the way, making enough room to lie down while Neil hovered over you, busy with ripping off his shirt.
“Is this really how you treat the mother of your future children?” you joked.
“No,” Neil replied, looking down at you as he tore off his belt. “This is how I treat the girl who wants me to fuck my cum into her so badly, she can’t even focus on rewinding tapes.”
Neil shoved his pants down while you were still too shocked to speak, and then went to work on your clothes, nearly wrestling you out of them as he grunted above you. Neil sometimes got rough when he was excited, but you hadn’t ever seen him like this. Clearly, you weren’t the only one who liked the idea of him getting you pregnant.
Naked and lying on the floor of your boyfriend’s video rental store, you felt yourself practically drip onto the carpet.
“Neil, are you really gonna…?”
“Cum in you?” he finished. “Course I am. How else are you gonna get knocked up?”
Your face flushed. The line between real intentions and fantasy ones was already so dangerously thin, and you felt yourself grow even more excited at the idea of not knowing how serious he was. The two of you had always been cautious. Neil always pulled out of you, even knowing that you were on birth control. It wasn’t like anything would actually happen if he chose not to, but…
“Need you to take me nice and deep - okay, baby?”
Neil’s words snapped you back to reality again as you felt him line up. Your hips were hovering just off the floor, and the anticipation was killing you. You needed him inside of you, now.
“Okay,” you agreed breathlessly.
“Good girl.”
Neil sat up straight as he pushed in, and you felt yourself clamp down so hard that it was almost a miracle he was able to get anywhere. But he did, and you could feel every inch of him sink into you as he buried himself all the way, deep inside just like he’d promised.
“Fuck, you’re so tight,” he hissed. “But you’re not gonna be after I’m done with you. Fuck.”
You watched Neil groan as he squeezed his eyes shut and pumped once, almost cautiously. You could feel the drag of his cock as he pulled out, and you savored the slow thrust. You knew that this pace wouldn’t last long once he got started.
Neil’s hand drifted back down to your stomach, pressing softly as he pushed into you again.
“You feel that, babe?”
The sensation made you gasp. The slight pressure from Neil's hand made the fat head of his cock seem to nudge inside of you even more deeply; the feeling intense but addicting. Neil kept the flat palm of his hand pressed against you as he dragged out, then pushed back in, a little more roughly this tine. It was almost enough to send you right over the edge, and your hips inched up to increase the pressure.
“Fuck - you like that,” Neil commented, breathlessly. “Like feeling right where I’m gonna cum, don’t you?” “N-Neil! Fuck!” you gasped, unable to string more than two words together. 
It was absurd how quickly he’d brought you right to the point of no return. You could feel yourself, clearly about to let go any second, and you knew Neil could too. Your muscles were already spasming, clenching harshly around him, desperate for that last little push that you needed to tip over.
Neil grabbed your wrist with his other hand, only to drag it down to your clit. As he positioned your fingers, you heard him let out a small whine of his own.
“Fuck, baby - come for me, please,” he begged.
The added sensation of your fingers was more than enough to make you obey, and you screamed as Neil thrust his hips into you, pressing down harder with his hand. The feeling that washed over you was far too profane to be called good, but you found yourself unable to care about just how impure your thoughts were. You wanted Neil’s cum more than anything else in the world.
“That was so awesome,” Neil moaned.
His hands landed next to your head with a thud, as he fell forward heavily. The force sent a couple more VHS tapes tumbling off the shelf, raining down over the two of you. Neil didn’t seem to notice as he pumped into you again. 
“I wish you’d told me about this sooner,” he laughed. “You’re squeezing me like crazy; I can’t believe how turned on you get at the thought of me fucking a baby into you.”
You could barely respond, still coming down from a high that had left you shaking. Neil brought a hand to your face, cradling you as he continued to thrust, steadily picking up pace.
“I’m right here, babe,” he assured, pressing a soft kiss to your head. “Fuck, you’re so pretty like this. Can you beg?”
His request sent a jolt straight through you. The sound of his voice, slightly strained and right on the verge of cracking, almost made it seem like he should have been the one to beg you. But, then again, he hadn’t needed even a full five minutes to get you to come so hard that you still couldn't see straight.
“Neil, please,” you whined, letting go of all sense of decency.
“What d’you want me to do, baby?” he groaned.
You suddenly found yourself with both hands pinned over your head; Neil’s fingers digging into your wrists as he held them tight. He leaned all his weight into it, using his other hand to grab frantically at your hip as he picked up his pace even more. It hurt, having both arms pressed so hard into the floor, but you honestly couldn’t have cared less if it meant Neil was close.
“Fuck, Neil - want you to fill me and fuck me again and again. Want your cum so badly. Want you to-”
“Fuck!” Neil yelled.
You felt him rush to bury himself, deeper inside of you than he had ever been. His expression as he came was so twisted in agonized pleasure that it nearly knocked the wind out of you. The sensation was somehow different than you had imagined it; a wet warmth that seemed to spread through you and seep into your bones, still sore from being pushed down into the hard floor.
As he came down from his own high, Neil thrusted weakly a few more times. You felt his cum start to slip out of you, dripping down the curve of your thigh before pooling onto the carpet.
That would be awkward to explain. You hoped that it wouldn’t stain too badly.
“Holy shit, we should do that more often,” Neil breathed. He brought his hand back to your face, dragging his knuckles over your jaw as he let go of your wrists. “You okay, baby?”
“I’m… yeah,” you said dreamily, still unable to think quite straight. “Wow, Neil.”
“Yeah, I could tell you enjoyed that,” he laughed, moving inside you and shoving his cum a just little bit deeper. 
He had started to get soft, but you felt him twitch slightly at the new sensation. Your mind flashed back to earlier, when he had talked about filling you over and over again until there was no way you couldn’t get pregnant.
Neil kissed you sweetly on the lips, then pulled back to look at you. A serious expression bloomed over his face.
“Babe, do you have any other fantasies? You have to tell me if you do.” He kissed you on the nose, quickly, before continuing. “Can’t believe I almost missed out on the chance to breed your tight little cunt.”
Neil, clearly, hadn’t quite left this particular fantasy behind.
“I didn’t mean to not tell you. I just… I worried you’d think it was weird.”
“Baby, anything that drives you this wild would never be weird to me,” Neil promised. “Especially if it means I get to do this. You really do look so pretty stuffed full of cum.”
You felt your cheeks start to heat up again, and Neil pressed his lips to yours, softer this time. His tongue slipped briefly past yours, before he pulled away to look down at you. You were the first to speak.
“I really do think you’d make a good dad. Just for the record,” you said.
Neil brushed the tip of his nose over yours.
“You tryin’ to sweet talk me into doing all that again?” he teased. “Because I think we might wreck the whole store. Somebody’s gotta clean up these tapes.”
He gestured widely toward the shelf next to you, knocking over a few more cassettes in the process. 
You laughed, wrapping your arms tight around Neil’s neck as you pulled him in close for one more kiss.
350 notes · View notes
medusa12346 · 2 years
Choose a frozen character-YOUR FUTURE SPOUSE-EVERYTHING
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I hope you enjoy!
Pile 1-
Pile 1, your future spouse is a very private person per se. They might be your opposite too. They’re very successful and abundant in their career, however, their personal life may be a bit wonky. They’re a very giving and materialistic person, however, they may not be the most caring or affectionate. They probably have an iPhone 11? That was specific lol… They may like dancing and may be into sports of some kind, I’m also seeing balanced energy between themselves, masculine and feminine both, with the masculine coming out stronger than feminine but the feminine leaving a harder impact than the masculine. I’m hearing that they have had an unhealthy cycle in their relationship, and the end of that cycle will be you. They will be holding onto you very tightly. This is a very valuable relationship, seems like they’ll never let you go and are quite possessive of you. Damn this person has a lot to say and to show, literally all of my thoughts are overlapping each other-They’ve broken down a million times and put themselves back together again…okay one thing they may not be big fan of animals though, especially rodents of some kind. They’re very mature, stable and practical, and grounded, which can make them a bit boring or dull sometimes but they’re usually really fun and nice to hang out with even if it’s not too extreme. Your person’s love language is giving time, gifts, effort, and money. I’m getting a lot of Virgo, Taurus, and Capricorn plus a bunch of mutable energy. OKAY OKAY extreme message, their house might have been destroyed in a fire once? Your person is a summer person and loves seeing you in flowy and comfortable dresses.OOH okay, they might be a POC, if you’re black then they might be the same but this applies to anyone who’s a POC! OKAY, so your person may have had a backward ascendance, like they might have been spiritual once but then lost faith? I’m also hearing that its no point in convincing them again tbh, let them be, it’s their journey and the universe is honestly okay with it. Your fs might be really close with your mom in the future or their mom too, but I’m hearing they’ll be close to yours, I don’t think they had a typical family environment. HOWEVER, they have definitely healed from this though, I get so much positive energy from them. They’re pretty confident about themselves and may be working on a major project currently? Most probably financial and material stability. If they’re a girl, they like to wear off-shoulder tops and if a boy then shirtless- if gender-neutral then according to their birth gender I’m hearing. They might like seeing you in boots, high heels, and drunk for some reason? (if you’re a girl) OOh, you will make them the happiest person in the world after agreeing to marry them/being a long-term partner. You two may have kids together if u want. They have a very fair mindset, sometimes a bit too much. Maybe they’re in law as well, and they value truth a lot. Even white lies would hurt more than the cold truth. They have a lot of compassion for the world, and charity seems to be important for them.
Pile 2-
OOOOHHHH yall are soulmates no cap. However, you may ignore your future spouse for the first time. They may be a player, and you might think they’re playing you the first time they ask you out or something. GURL, I UNDERSTAND NO WORRIES. There’s gonna be a whole lotta passion here, I also see new beginnings so you may be leaving something, a relationship may be, (friendship too) and going into this relationship. They CAN be a bit emotionally mature and sometimes a bit less understanding with a heavy demeanor, but in the end, they pepper you with kisses and cuddles, and hugs. I’m seeing in their previous relationships, they used to act tough with their sp when their friends were present, but with you, they are cuddly and baby even with their friends, oh and btw they probably got new friends LMAO-I get that they think you’re very smart, logical, practical, emotionally detached and commanding, and they absolutely love it, they go crazy for you HSDHSHSJSJSJ. HOLY JESUS SO MANY HIGHLIGHTS OF YOU TWO BEING TWINFLAMES/SOULMATES-ERNFJRJERF. UM basically, they’re also financially stable and love kids and pets. I don’t think they were born with a silver spoon, they worked hard for it and got it in the end. I’m getting major ‘daddy’ vibes from them SJSJSJ so maybe they’re a lot older than you? You’ll also be ending some sort of cycle with his person, like maybe negative thinking, anxiety and all of that will go to trash. You’ll also let go of some de@d family members, that you couldn’t ever let go of? BOIIII THEY HAVE CONQUERED all the challenges life has to throw at them, theyre one tough cookie.They will be majorly in business or in managing, i dont see a very ‘artistic’ person ig? But theyre very romantic, so they’ll probably try to be romantic. I’m seeing different people a lot, so maybe they change their appearance quite a bit, like dying their hair and putting on fake nose rings? I’m seeing you’ll gain a lot of confidence in this relationship, and also get more connected to nature and to earth. ALSO, YOU’LL START GETTING OUT OF BED SOON some of them could wear a turban or tie their hair up in that kind of way after showering? Specific NDNDJD.I’m seeing you two will majorly be the cool aunt and uncle, i don’t see you have kids if you don’t want to, but there are more chances of you two having nieces rather than your own kids. Your person could be Saturn dominant, and they always have instant karma either out to get them or to protect them.
Your person is trapped in a difficult situation for now, and they have to be careful with what they do, and speak. They have a bucketload of work that’s been stressing them out, plus people are annoying the f out of them LMAO- they might be going through their first spiritual awakening? And they’ve become a bit immature during the process, but will come out better than ever after it. Oooh yeah, they've been going through it right now. Maybe they just swerved their way out of something (relationship maybe), and they recently might have lost a friend.For their personality, they’re definitely very sweet and creative and artistic, they love to experiment with colors and can be childish when they want to, but after this awakening, they’ll be a lot more mature and elegant in the way that they express themselves. Also, the crown chakra may or may not be important to them, maybe they’re focusing on rebalancing it after their work. They have messed up quite a few times this year, and they are working on moving past that shame and regret and guilt. I’m also seeing that blue may be important to them? As well as cars. They’re romantic too, and they set up the mood before asking you out on a date, possibly a Leo venus. They might also have been physically hurt once or more than that? There’s a need of going to the hospital a lot..mAYBE THEY’RE A DOCTOR? Oh, of they are, they work with infectious diseases and have to be really careful. I also see a toxic workplace, maybe their boss is really annoying and coworkers are not willing to compromise so everything is just wrong right now. They probably like traveling tho. They may have mars in 3rd and love debates. This person is really secretive I’m not getting anything here-AS for appearance, they could wear glasses, dye their hair grey, and have tanned skin. They also probably were impulsive once and that made them have a lot of anxiety but in the end, they got through it all. You could meet them through friends and online, but I’m also seeing a very dramatic meeting where y'all are MOVIE STARS OR SOMETHING. Sorry for it being shorter than the other piles, but i took half of the deck out and the majority of it gets vibes of renewal, toxicity, and hurt.
This is an old post. It is mine.
All coprights reserved to @amoretarot
928 notes · View notes
azurelyy · 2 years
ok, i saw your event and read through the prompts and as soon as i saw that last one in the smut list, i immediately thought of kiba, lmao.
so #20 for kiba with a f!reader? would that be something you're willing to do? ^-^
congrats on 100, btw!! super happy for you 💛
Manda! Thank you so much for the request, my love. Lowkey, I was hoping someone would choose Kiba or Koga for this prompt and I'm glad it was you. It really is perfect for him! 🖤
This is my first Kiba story, and I'm posting it for the Queen of Kibs... so I am a bit nervous. Thank you for trusting me with him and I hope you enjoy!
By the way... I realize these keep getting longer and longer and I am sorry for that lol. I promise I am doing my best to keep them around 2k words, but I am obviously not good at keeping things brief. I even trimmed a lot of this story out and rewrote it down from 6k... my bad.
🍋 Prompt: "I didn't say I wanted an apology, did I? I said 'Bite me again.'"
Words: 4.5k
Warnings: NSFW, unprotected sex, semi-public sex, college AU/modern AU, fratboy! Kiba, mentions of alcohol, mouth fingering, teasing
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You were about five degrees away from murdering Ino. You circled around the frat house for what felt like the fifth time, scanning every inch of the crowd for your best friend’s signature high, platinum blonde ponytail. Nothing. Again. You sighed and hung your head in defeat as you slumped against the wall.
Instant and immediate regret hit you like a truck as your palms grew sweaty and you observed the utter chaos that surrounded you. There was a slip and slide inside the living room, with various frat boys in their boxers taking turns and screaming, dumping beverages from their cups onto the guys as they slid by, chanting what you assumed was some sort of frat code that may as well have been in total Neanderthal. The smell of cheap booze and even cheaper cologne filled your nose and every surface was coated in a sticky, thin film of liquor. It was exactly as you imagined a frat party to be - bustling with sweaty college students, laser lights, and pounding music - it was awful.
Sure, I’ll go to a frat party with you. You mocked yourself as you walked back towards where you thought the kitchen was. You had circled the house enough that you hoped you’d memorized the lay out by now, but you couldn’t be sure since the only lights were strobbing so madly you nearly had a seizure. Definitely don’t have a million other things I’d rather be doing, or anything.
You checked your watch: 10:30pm. Did you even need to keep your promise to stay until midnight if Ino wasn’t even here with you? You huffed and walked towards a window, seeing a smaller group of party guests outside circling around a brunette in a leather jacket and black combat boots, shotgunning a beer. You watched, amused, as he finished the can and crushed it into his strong hand, tossing it to the wayside as another can was thrown at him. He proceeded to down three more beers, back to back. You shook your head and turned away - you wouldn’t be surprised if that idiot was the one to end up in the hospital due to alcohol poisoning.
Frat boys.
You scoffed as you realized that Ino was completely gone and walked towards the drink bar in anger, filling up a red solo cup with an unknown liquid, removing your sucker momentarily, and chugged- trying your best to ignore the chants of ‘chug, chug, chug!’ from around you - the alcohol burned your throat as you filled your cup again and glanced around the kitchen a final time. You sighed, rolling your eyes, and stepped outside for some much needed fresh air.
The party out here was much less chaotic, and you decided to take a seat on one of the lounge chairs by the pool as you watched a different boy join the middle of the circle and try to chug down a beer; a tall guy with light brown hair and purple face paint. He wasn’t nearly as good as the last guy, and gave up after only one and a half beers. The group all booed him, loud laughter seeping over the faint music, as you smirked and observed the back of the leather jacket guy. 
You could tell he was hot, even without seeing his face. His back muscles rippled delectably in his jacket; his strong forearms emphasized by the tight leather. He reminded you a lot of the guy you had been hooking up with all summer. He was just very... Kiba, with the way he effortlessly exuded an alluring energy, or the way he carried himself, all high and mighty like he owned the place. Deadly, focused; a strange wolf-like aura that let you know he had to be the leader everywhere he went. He even had the same messy, chestnut hair. You, briefly, pondered what it would be like if he crushed you in his big arms and immediately shook your head, looking towards the sky, embarrassed by your lewd thoughts. 
He’s in a frat. He’s in a frat. You thought, repeating it to yourself as if that would somehow make him less sexy. Frat guys suck. Frat guys suck.
“Hey,” a deep voice lulled, curtaining around you like a protective barrier. Your muscles stiffened as a stroke of familiarity washed over you and you slowly brought your gaze up. “Fancy meeting you here.” 
You locked onto eyes of liquid gold, slowly burning their way along your entire face before focusing on your lips. He had red triangles painted on his cheeks, and the kind of electric smile that could power a whole city. Your heart pounded inside your chest as realization crashed into you and your fingers slipped around the cup, nearly dropping it. Your cute sucker toppled from your lips and crashed to the cold concrete, shattering into a sea of translucent red shards. “K-Kiba?”
He grinned, showing off his perfect teeth in the light of the pool. Every inch of your body was set on fire as he slowly said your name, emphasizing each vowel as though he’d never tasted something quite so sweet and he leaned down to be at eye level with you. His rich amber and cedarwood cologne was slightly spicy and aromatic, cutting through the sharp smells of booze, as he firmly placed his hand onto your knee and continued chatting about something. His voice sounded as though it were miles away and you had to close your eyes to try and steady your heart as a strong hand reached out and cupped your cheek, guiding your soul back to your body.
“Hey, are you alright?” Kiba asked, concern laced in his tone. “This juice is really strong, so maybe you should take it easy.” He gripped onto the cup and guided it from your hand to set down next to the broken candy-coated shards of sugar from your sucker. His breath was tinted with the tang of alcohol, his face so close to you that you could practically feel the way his lips would meld onto yours if you just leaned in a bit more.
“Sorry,” you breathed, clenching your fists onto your thighs as you continued gazing at his cupid's bow. “I-I zoned out.”
“Are you feeling okay?” Kiba questioned, placing the back of his hand to your forehead. “You feel hot. And your hands are shaking.”
Yeah, because your face is inches away from mine and I want to rip your clothes off. “I’m fine,” you responded coolly, waving your hand dismissively, “Just… surprised to see you… here.”
Kiba laughed and stood up, extending you his hand. “I live here. I should be the one surprised to see you.” You took his hand and he immediately wrapped his strong arm around your waist, leaning his head down so he could whisper into your ear. “Wanna have our reunion somewhere more… private?”
Surprisingly, even after chugging three or more beers, Kiba’s speech was only slightly slurred. You nodded, unable to speak, and he gave you a wicked grin as his arm around you tightened, sealing your fate.
He led you back into the house, guiding you through the maze of people and up the sticky staircase. It coated the bottom of your high heels with unknown liquids, each step nearly tripping you due to the extra force required to pull yourself free. Kiba’s hand was your anchor as he safely brought you upstairs, his calloused fingers intertwined with yours like a comforting blanket. He turned to face you when finally reached the top with a look of concern, glancing between your eyes and your lips. 
“I’m fine, really,” you assured him, poking the tip of his nose, “I think you’re more drunk than me, Mr. Shotgun.”
He rubbed the back of his head sheepishly and you saw his face tint a beautiful shade of rose as he averted his warm eyes from you. “Good,” he gulped and reached for his jacket pocket, pulling out a small key, “I mean… I’m glad you’re feeling alright.”
Kiba’s hands were shaking profusely as he unlocked his door and allowed you go inside, quickly scanning the area before closing you in; trapping you with the beast. The room was a decent size, with two twin sized beds on either wall. One side was much messier, but you wouldn’t label either as tidy, per se. He looked back at you briefly as you stood in the middle of the room, uncertain of what to do. What you wanted to do was pounce on him, or have him push you onto one of the beds and rip your dress off. You heard his belt buckle jingle and felt heat sear its way up your neck as Kiba looped his belt around the doorknob and a standing lamp, securing it in place with a tight knot. 
“My roommate has the other key,” he said casually, “And um… That was a weird thing to do, wasn’t it? I can take it off.”
“Kiba,” you said slowly, feeling pinpricks in every nerve of your body, “Leave it that way.”
His gaze lifted from the floor and he looked right into your soul. You were breathtaking. Kiba briefly reflected on the beach trip he took with his family that summer and the way he had been instantly drawn to you. Saying goodbye was the hardest thing he’d ever had to do, and he cursed himself throughout the entire rest of the summer for not getting your number; now here you were. In his room. Alone. Well, despite the raging party just outside of the door. 
He sauntered over to you, slowly, as though he were scared you would run away. Your heart was beating rapidly as he pulled you towards him - his magnetic force stronger than gravity itself - his arms enveloped around your waist as you left yours at your sides. You watched his sharp eyes darken as he stood a few inches away, slowly leaning his head down to rest on your forehead. 
“Kiba,” you whispered, gripping onto the edge of his leather jacket, the metal zipper almost icy against your seething skin. “I can’t believe it’s you.”
A growl rumbled from his chest as he pushed his lips onto yours ferociously. The kiss was animalistic, your teeth clicking against his as he sucked your tongue into his mouth and gripped onto your ass. You jumped into his arms, wrapping your legs around his waist as you tasted the yeasty beer on his breath. It was musky and warm, almost inviting. The wall hit your back with a powerful force as Kiba moaned into the kiss and your hands gripped into his spiky brown hair. There were flames in your lungs as you helped Kiba pull your dress off, exposing your lacy set to him fully and he trailed his mouth down your jaw as he worked his free hand over your already hard nipple through the fabric. 
“I never stopped thinking about you,” Kiba rasped as he sucked at your neck, the familiar heat of a forming bruise rushing where his lips met your skin. You closed your eyes tightly as powerful energy surged its way through your veins and Kiba continued assaulting you with his mouth. “You look so fucking hot.”
He pulled back and smirked as he carried you to a small bed, placing you down gently and continuing to kiss every inch of your exposed skin as you kicked your heels off, slowly working his way to your throbbing cunt. His hands easily removed your panties and he hovered his mouth above your entrance teasingly, blowing cool air over your hot folds as you gripped tightly onto the dark bedsheets. 
“Kiba, wait,” you cried, grasping at his hair. He looked up at you and crawled back over your body, planting a quick kiss to your cheek. “What if someone comes in?”
He kissed your cheek again, then your nose, then your lips. Every sweet touch of his lips caused warmth to flood through your veins, igniting you in a hearthlike heat that you hadn’t felt since the last time the two of you met. “That’s what the belt’s for,” he said thickly, wrapping his arm around your back and unhooking your bra expertly. “Remember?”
You leaned forward and kissed down his neck, enjoying the way his muscles inadvertently twitched at the little caresses you laid across his body. As he removed your bra and rubbed a calloused finger around your areola, a boiling pressure formed deep within your stomach and you bit his shoulder, hard. You felt your fangs sink into his flesh and you pulled back, your face flushed with arousal and embarrassment, but Kiba’s fine mouth was formed into a toothy grin and he was saying something that you couldn’t understand.
“Fuck, I’m so sorry. You’re bleeding.” You were writhing beneath him, trying to get him off so you could help him with the wound. He grabbed your wrists in one hand and looked at you so intensely that you were afraid of what he would do if you looked away. Every part of your brain shut off as he groaned, “I didn’t say I wanted an apology, did I?” He leaned forward, pushing two strong fingers into your mouth. “I said ‘Bite me again’.”
His knuckles hung from your lips as he moved his hot mouth to your chest and sucked a nipple between his lips, toying with your breasts until you were breathless and straining. You did as he commanded and bit his fingers each time he nibbled your puffy peaks, whining and squealing as he teased you with the barest touch of his rough tongue and tugged at your other nipple with his free hand.
What happened next was unexpected.
Instead of teasing you more, or kissing you, or making some smart-ass comment, Kiba pulled back and stood above you, slowly removing every article of his clothing and tossing it to the floor. Instead of telling you to move, he watched you with an unreadable expression. Not for the first time, you were awestruck by just how sexy he was - in the most primal way, as he removed his briefs and his thick cock sprung forward and bounced off the abs of his lower-stomach. Short, curly brown hairs surrounded his length around the base and trailed up to his belly button, his rosy tip already glistening with precum. Fuck, you wanted his cock in your mouth and in your cunt.
You imagined yourself from his perspective - your hair all askew, your skin glowing in the light of the singular lamp as dark shadows enveloped your curves, the way your eyes were blown out from lust and want - and you knew that, to him, you probably felt like a ghost who had been resurrected to the land of the living, something familiar yet new to him.
You smirked as you lifted your arms above your head and stretched. “If you need a reminder, I’d be happy to point you in the right direction.” You teased, lowering your voice into that husky tone you used with him all summer.
“I know what I want to do, sweetheart,” Kiba breathed, “I just want to look at you for a sec.”
Heat rushed to your cheeks as you reached out to him. “Come on, Kiba.” Your voice wasn’t much louder than a whisper. “Please. Want you inside me.”
He faltered and you saw his fingers twitch as he glanced to the drawer of his nightstand and you shook your head at him, reaching your hand out to him even further, stretching your arm so far it hurt. “Did you forget everything about fucking me? I’m on the pill.”
He made a broken noise and fell to his knees on the bed, one low note scraping out as he wrapped his arms under to pull you to his lap. His cock pressed against you and he paused to watch your face once again, completely mesmerized. You lifted your hips and slipped yourself over his head with a sigh as you wrapped your legs around him and pushed your heels to the bed, giving yourself leverage. Your face fell against his shoulder and you kissed the love bite you gave him earlier as he slowly thrust himself deeper inside you, stretching your drenched walls deliciously and gently. His breathing was ragged and gruff from how tight you were, his cock curving straight into your lower abdomen. Kiba closed his eyes at the new sensation of the angle; his body completely overwhelmed by the warmth radiating from your pussy and yearning to get deeper so he could feel you surround him fully. 
“Does this feel like I forgot how to fuck you, sweetheart?” He hummed, moving at an agonizingly slow pace. “Say it to my face. Say you don’t feel good.”
You dug your nails into the back of his neck as he continued his shallow thrusts into you; spare movements of his hips that made your breath hitch and come out in gasps. Desperately, you clenched your feet and pulled yourself forward, pushing him deeper inside you as you grit your teeth through the slight pain of how thick he was, but as he pushed so deep you could feel his balls slap against your cunt, every other thought in your head was lost at the sensation of being filled.
“Fuck,” Kiba groaned, rolling his hips into you. “You’re so wet.”
You dug your heels firmly into the mattress, trying to push him even further into your cervix. You wanted to feel nothing but him - his ferocity, his throbbing girth, his sharp teeth - even just thinking about him somehow getting past the point that evolution intended was driving you mad with lust. Your mewls were helpless as you gripped tightly onto his neck, your nails digging into his damp baby hairs, your little teeth sinking into the glistening skin of his shoulder once again.
“Desperate little thing,” Kiba’s voice was primal and deep, rumbling your entire core. “Just enjoy it, yeah?” You shook your head and he laughed at your pleading. In retaliation, you clenched your cunt around him and swooned when his laughter turned into a guttural moan of pleasure.
“Do that again, and I’m not responsible for what happens.” Kiba warned, scratching his nails down the length of your spine. You bit your lip, considering the warning deeply, before clenching again and pulling your head back to roll your mouth over his. 
Carnal clashing of teeth and slapping of skin were the only sounds to fill the room as Kiba quickened his pace within you, taking full control as he rocked his hips up in quick and jerky movements. Touching him, as much of him as possible, was all you wanted. Your hands moved all over his shoulder blades, down his spine, up in his hair. 
An image, so immediate it cut you open, filled your head: you, crouched over Kiba, his thick cock in your mouth, his rough tongue thrusting into your cunt; inside you twice over until all you could feel was him.
Oh fuck, oh fuck. You might have even tried to say it, and the hum of your words against his mouth was Kiba’s breaking point. His rhythm stuttered as he leaned your back to the mattress and he shoved your legs flush against your belly and moved into a half-crouch. “I warned you not to do that again,” his voice broke open into a rumble, like stones falling, and the air between your bodies simmered. “Now I’ve gotta punish you.” He punctuated his sentence by pulling your hips down in a sharp jerk. He thrust, hard, until you squealed and rocked back against him.
In this position, you wouldn’t last long. You held your legs up by the back of your thighs as Kiba reached up and placed three thick fingers into your mouth, not allowing you any space to think. He was so deep it was painful, but the burn was worth it to feel the rough muscles of his thighs rub against your skin.
You tried to speak which resulted in Kiba thrusting his fingers deeper into your throat, causing tears to well in your eyes as you continued rocking around like a baby trying to roll over. His rhythm was harsh, unforgiving. You could feel your breasts bouncing with each pump and knew Kiba was watching them as he smoothed his free palm over your chest, soothing your scorching skin. 
He listened to the thick squelching and watched himself thrust deeper inside of you as you laid with your legs pushed up; the position so lewd he had to bite his inner cheek just to stop himself from finishing too quickly. There was a thick ring of fluid surrounding his cock each time he pulled out of you; the sweet yet musky smell of sex lingering strongly in the air. He had thought about you every night since his vacation, and had definitely touched himself to you more times than he would ever care to admit, but he had never pictured you doing this. He wanted so desperately to take a picture of you so he could have it forever, and briefly smiled to himself when he realized that you might possibly let him do that - much later, but still, he didn’t intend to let you go again any time soon.
You were on the edge of writhing his fingers from your mouth to ask him for a better angle when he slowly drifted his palm down the length of your stomach and circled your clit with his thumb. It was all too much - the tight knot of heat in your cunt, the too-sensitive skin of your breasts, his fingers dangling from your mouth - you were overloading and god, had you missed him so much - but what ruined you was the way he nudged his mouth against your knee and placed a gentle kiss to your skin.
You came apart with a sob, clenching and driving onto Kiba’s cock as each spasm washed through you. He kept thrusting, stringing out his pleasure until you were a panting mess on his bed. When your eyelashes fluttered open, you saw his golden pools of amber watching over you. 
You nodded and adjusted your legs to hook around his waist. Later, when you were both less desperate, you would explore the subtler ways at making him shiver, but right now, you wanted to feel him come, and you wanted to feel it now.
You looped your arms around his neck as his face nestled into the crook of your neck and he pulled you closer. Muffled groans sang against your skin as his rhythm slowed to a maddening pace and he hummed into your neck. You could feel the vibration like it was in your own muscles as you tightened your legs around his middle, ignoring the sting in your hips, and pulled him closer, feeling your nipples graze against his hot skin.
Kiba came with a beastly noise, his hands squeezing you almost painfully and his sharp teeth sinking into the skin of your earlobe. You clenched down again and again, working his cock through the jerky spasms that you felt deep within the walls of your cunt as he drained his white-hot fluid inside of you.
He gasped and rolled to the side, pulling himself out of you with shaky hands. You hummed and nuzzled into his chest as he wrapped his arms around you and held you close. You could hear his heart in his chest, steady as a beating drum, as he kissed your hair and held you tightly, as though you would disappear before his very eyes.
A loud banging on the bedroom door nearly knocked the wind out of you as you jolted from Kiba and the door opened just a hair, the music growing louder as it caught on Kiba’s makeshift belt-door-latch. He laughed and you both cursed profusely as you scrambled to find your articles of clothing in the dimly lit bedroom.
“Seriously, Kiba? What the fuck?” You nearly had a heart attack at the sound of a raspy man’s voice coming from the other side of the door as you dropped your dress from your hand. “I need the room, man. Stop jerking yourself!”
“Naruto!” Kiba shouted, pulling his shirt on and slinking towards the door. “Do you ever shut the fuck up?”
“Maybe there’s another room…” Oh no, oh no. It was Ino. This was not happening!
You frantically waved your arms, trying to catch Kiba’s attention. You ran forward, sliding your dress over yourself without any underwear - you honestly had more things to worry about than going commando at the moment - right as the door opened.
Ino’s face was completely red as she watched a blonde - Naruto? - with a doe-eyed gaze. She was so drunk she hardly noticed the door open, but you saw her eyes light up with realization ever so slowly before she burst into a fit of laughter.
“You hate frat boys!” She shrieked, gasping for air and clinging to Naruto’s arm as though it were a life raft. “But here you are with-” Ino paused and looked at Kiba, who was just about as red as she was when he realized she knew you.
“Kiba,” he huffed, crossing his arms over his chest and narrowing his eyes; either at Ino or Naruto, or both, you weren’t sure.
“Keyy-bahh,” Ino emphasized, tasting his name on her tongue for the first time. “I can’t believe this!”
“Just… give us five minutes?” You pleaded, gently shutting the door as Ino’s sun-kissed escort went to protest. You turned to Kiba and gripped onto his strong arms to adjust them to wrap around your waist as you nuzzled into his chest. “God, they’re both really annoying.”
He laughed and kissed the top of your head, resting his chin on you as he sighed, “Yeah, they’re terrible.”
You pulled back and he caressed your cheek with his thumb, enjoying the way your hair shone in the moonlight that cracked through his curtains. “Wanna go on a date?”
You gaped at him as your heart started pounding again. Would that ever stop happening when he was around? You hoped not. “Like… now?”
He shrugged and flashed you a small smirk, his canine tooth sticking out slightly from behind his upper lip. “Yeah, why not? This party sucks and besides, I think my room will be occupied for a few hours. I know a 24/7 diner not too far. That is, unless you don’t want to?”
He gave you a look that made you realize this motherfucker knew you wanted to go on a date with him, but he was so attractive that you only hummed as you slipped your panties on underneath your dress and pulled the straps down, exposing your breasts to him again. You watched as his Adam’s apple wiggled and you hooked your bra on, pulling your dress up and giving him a small twirl. Sweat glistened across his forehead and you walked closer to him, taking his hand in yours as you traced your index finger across the lines on the inside of his palm.
“I’d like that,” you whispered, feeling a bit shy. Kiba closed his hand around your finger and lifted your chin up with his thumb. He gave you a warm smile before he kissed you with the force of the moon, pulling you even deeper into his gravitational field; no small feat, considering this man had you hooked from the moment you met his sunlight eyes on the beach just over three months ago. 
“By the way, what time is it?” You asked as you turned to leave, Kiba following close behind.
“A bit past midnight. Why? Gonna turn into a pumpkin or something?”
You hummed as you reached back to take his hand in yours, enjoying the electric shock that coursed through your hand as his fingers interlocked with yours. “Oh, no reason.” Just like I promised, Ino, you thought. Kiba opened the door and you slipped past Ino and her hookup as he guided you down the stairs. I’m leaving at midnight.
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If you liked this, please consider reblogging to support my work. As always, be sure to scream at me in the comments if you enjoyed!
Requests for the event are still open here.
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baahsu · 10 months
hellooo baah :))) ive yet again come here to ask your opinion on smthn vs(cest) related bc i love your takes :]. so, how d'you feel about the vs sibs having a system (and kinda a kink ig? idk them and their possessive asses prolly find it hot lmao) where whenever a person one of them likes wears their color, that means that person has been 'claimed' by whomever's color they decided to wear?
^ that was a shitty ass explanation so let me give you a somewhat less shitty example: reiju wants to hit up some hot maid girl in the castle and said hot maid girl in the castle realizes this and chooses to wear pink accents in her outfit the next day. this means she 'belongs' to reiju bc shes sporting her color. ya feel me?
now, does this *stop* the other siblings from hitting on a claimed person? oh no not at all lmao- not if the sibling finds the person attractive and wants to fuck them. the color system's basically just a warning to the others that if you hit on the claimed person and the sibling who 'owns' them isn't comfortable with sharing they get a free pass to rag on your ass lmao
BUT. thats just the system for ppl who the sibs wanna fuck. but when the sibs wanna fuck *EACH OTHER…*
imagine ichiji sitting at the breakfast table one morning with subtle green accents to his outfit- a detail everyone but his siblings (and maybe ceaser bc the vs sibs sex life is his favorite soap opera lmao) would miss, signifying that he wants to be dicked down by yonji sometime during the day. or reiju coming last to train because her nails are now a nice shade of blue as she looks at niji with a subtle flirtatious smile (hes getting pegged later :]). or sanji picking up on the system during wci and choosing to wear just *slightly* visible red lingerie under his dress shirt to signifying to ichiji that he needs to be the one ripping it off later
okok do you SEE my vision? yes? no? maybe? well either way my whole ass reason for writing this was:
just. thinking about niji abusing the fuck out of this system and becoming the whore he's always deserved to be. like he'd choose a different color every day- his normal fit being subtly paired with something else. maybe its red cufflinks, pink-accented headphones, combat boots that shine green in the sun, midnight black goggles (dont ask how sanji would be around to pick up on this after wci its a smut ask it doesnt need to make sense igsiagigwigw), or even a mix. whoevers attention he was wanting that day, he'd subtly send them a message, and make sure they see it.
this all climaxing when all of 0134 are done with his "disloyal" (they drc they just wanna excuse to fuck that twink) ass and decide to momentarily team up, ignoring him for an entire day but making sure he sees the way they're all hitting on *each other", leaving niji horny, pissed and alone and struggling to go to bed...
..until 0134 all bust down nijis door at like midnight and fuck him to tears. yonji fucking him until his thighs and legs are numb, ichiji making him practically choke to death on his cock, sanji riding his dick till hes screaming n crying, and reiju sitting on/riding his face so hard he cant breathe. theyre all saying shit like "if youre really *that* desperate for all of our attention then just say it, whore" and nijis trying to be snarky and talk back but hes too busy drooling and begging for more to even formulate a sentence
this ends with one of them (coughichijicough) saying something like "if you don't want this embarrassment to happen to you again then pick a damn color, you slut." before they all leave him sweaty and reeking of sex..
he wears the most abhorntly mismatched outfit ever of red, green, pink, and black the next day btw :3cc
AND SCENE LMAO. sending my weekly ask and making it niji related bc i dont write abt him enough <3<3
You say you like my takes but I feel like yours are always so much better and so muchore thought out 🫣💜
Like, when you mentioned the color system my mind immediately went to niji practically wearing a rainbow outfit
At first he just wanted to mess with everyone, get them all on edge and feel like he has some control over them, like he's interested in all of them, but who does he want first? He's not gonna tell 🤭 they need to find out and fight for his time and attention 🤭
He didn't count on them not getting caught in his little trap tho and the result was exactly as you said
He learned his lesson and from then onwards decided to keep wearing his ridiculous rainbow outfits, a slut like him needs to be constantly put in his place and he'll make sure his siblings are doing their job on that 😌
(ok but I just have to say that the dynamics you wrote between niji and the four are everything I could've asked for?? Like, are you reading my mind bc from him choking on ichiji's dick to reiju riding his face and sanji riding him and yonji fucking him to next week??? I'm??? Perfectly curated to my very specific tastes, it felt like a five course meal 😋)
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super slime slimeinator
sorry, super slime simulator. (literally my attitude for the whole game lmao)
yeah, it's a slime game.
it has "slime touching" graphics.
it makes disgusting "slime" noises.
i've terrorized my friends with it.
i love this game, no matter how janky-2004-DS game it is.
the game opens with the worst sound to ever exist,
followed by teaching u how to make a slime, which is pretty simple. u just kinda... make a slime.
...like u choose what type u want to make (u start out with a couple of types, ex. "classic" slime which i personally believe is a government fallacy but u do u) and then u circle ur finger around a dish to make it. then, u choose a colour and mix it in. then u choose 1 or 2 types of decorations and their colours (if they have that option. some don't- lookin at you, "jelly cubes")
some exciting exhilarating gameplay (ignore the ads at the bottom idk why they're there they aint even personalized smh):
then u finish, name it an play with it if you're a psychopath. i prefer the elite route of making slimes and never fuckin touching them bc they're nasty as hell.
there's also a chest thing which is ridiculously easy to unlock and will give you new slime... things:
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and for some reason, this game seemingly with no story to it, has SIDE QUESTS. Where we meet, for the second time since the tutorial, the "mascot" for this game: Lulu.
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She is just a fuckin person. She's a human mascot who somehow got her little godfearing name on things like "lulu's slime quest" and other equally icky things like that. She also somehow has her own collection of slimes, with ones worse than anything my pathetic little hands could even fathom making.
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Note: I have no idea who Noggi is.
and she forces you to make her slimes for her. exactly the way she wants it. or you lose.
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there's also some weird games like Slime My Image where u glunk up one of ur photos (I glunked up miku teehee):
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And also Slime Painter, where you can colour on a "slime" at will:
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And additionally, the real man's gambling, the aptly named Guessing Game:
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(i guessed correctly btw)
However, if u have had enough of those games, check out the tons of premade slimes that u can play with.
That is, if ur the kind of person who downloaded this game to...
to play with slimes.
o_O cringe if thats u
anyway, if u enjoy that, they made a fuckton of disgusting slimes that are strangely reminiscent of something i once knew and desperately want to forget all there for u to......... play with.
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Either way, if ur the type of gamer who needs regular validation, there's a series of incredibly rigorous daily quests to complete, which will truly test ur grit and determination as a Super Slime Simulator Pro Gamer™
The quests will demand various things, but most prominently, the grindworthy adventures of:
opening the game (im shakin in my boots)
making a slime (consider my timbers positively shivered upon)
playing with said slime (ew)
playing a single level of Lulu's Slime Quest (crying shaking screaming)
and other such harrowing tasks.
Now that I've briefed u on the game, let's get into some fun little details!
u can't turn the sfx off.
there is no option to turn the sfx off
the sfx make me want to McPerish™
i wanted to listen to music while playing this game but you can't turn the sfx off
there are some "fun and interesting" slime types that nobody's ever made before and nobody ever wants to make! I won't spoil them for u, but u definitely will spoil!
the colour names are fun, flirty and sometimes Pukeworthy! (there's a colour called carmine! how wonderfully fucking disgusting!)
there's one colour that i'm not so sure about!
Also, if you want to SHARE a slime with someone, you can "gift" it to them (gee, thanks) and they recive a fun little gift box all customized by you. mery cihsmast.
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anyway, it's a fun game. 7/10 would squelch again.
That's all for Super Slime Simulator! It's not that bad but certainly quite jank. Loves ya :P
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artblog1510 · 4 years
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Day 076
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leossmoonn · 3 years
pairing - stefan salvatore x fem!reader
type - fluff
note / request - requested by anon. "can i request a stefan x fem!reader fic where they’re dating and he has a football game and his team wins and the reader is cheering for him and it’s really fluffy and sweet? i love your blog btw, congrats on 2k. you deserve it <3" i love football stefan, thank you for requesting! hope you enjoy :)
summary - you cheer on your boyfriend at his first football game
warnings / includes - mild and suggestive language, food consumption, kissing. you know all about stefan's vampirism. i literally have no idea about football so… excuse me lmao. aaand elena and stefan are barely even friends in this lol. and this is in s1 so caroline is extra insensitive lmao. you bonnie and stefan know abt the supernatural but no one else does
*gif isn't mine* (got it from google)
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“just act like a human! it’s not that hard,” you smirked. 
“oh, yeah. ignoring instinct is so easy,” stefan rolled his eyes. 
“what are you so worried about?” you asked. you walked over to him, wrapping your arms around him from behind. 
“exposing myself,” he muttered. “isn’t that obvious?” 
“okay, i know you’re a little nervous, so i’m gonna excuse the attitude. you have nothing to worried about. jackass tanner won’t care if you have fangs or snap people’s neck as long as you win, which we all know you will,” you stated. 
stefan chuckled, looking at you in the mirror. he turned around, leaning against his dresser. he wrapped his arms around you, pressing a kiss to your forehead. “thank you, sweetheart.” 
“of course. you’ll look really hot while winning, too.”
“oh, you think so?” he hummed. “oh, i know,” you winked.
“you are the best hype-woman,” he sighed happily.
“well, i try. i know caroline will be trying to flash you, and elena will be somewhere talking to damon. and well, bonnie has no interest in you,” you grinned.
“i promise to keep my eyes on you all the time and off of caroline,” he stated.
“oh, i don’t care. at the end of the day, i’m the one coming home with you.”
stefan smiled at you, finding your confidence sexy.
“just don’t go drooling over her, okay?” you added.
“i would never. i’ll be paying attention to you the whole time.”
“well, make sure to also pay attention to the game. tanner will kill you.”
“i can play football in my sleep and win.”
“okay, mr. cocky,” you snorted. you looked at your watch, slipping out of stefan’s arms. “we gotta go.”
you went over to the closet, slipping on one of the sweatshirts you had made with stefan’s football number on it.
“do we have to?” he whined. “weren’t you the one who begged damon not to do anything mischievous so you could have this night to play?” you asked, zipping up your boots.
“yeah, but what if someone bleeds out and they see my vampire face. i-i can’t risk that.”
you sighed, walking back over to him. you pecked his lips, looking into his gorgeous green eyes.
“you will be fine. if something like that happens i’ll make sure to distract everyone until you can get under control. but trust me, nothing will happen.”
“how can you be so sure?”
“because i’m psychic,” you smirked. stefan chuckled, “you’re not a witch.”
you shrugged, “maybe i can bonnie to turn me.”
“you’d love that, wouldn’t you?”
“yes! we’d be the hottest supernatural couple in town.”
“we’re already the hottest couple in town. period.”
you giggled, “damn straight.”
you took his hand, ushering him down the stairs and into his car. he went to the locker rooms to change and you went on the field to meet with your friends.
“where’s your boy toy?” bonnie smirked. “he is my boyfriend, thank you very much. and he’s getting ready. where is jeremy?” you smirked.
“i don’t know. why would i know?” bonnie asked.
you giggled, “cause you like him!”
“ew, gross. he’s our best friend’s little brother.”
“yeah, and he’s kinda hot,” caroline commented. “see? no need to feel ashamed,” you teased.
bonnie rolled her eyes. “i do not like him.”
“whatever you say. speaking of elena, where is she?” you asked, looking around.
“off somewhere with that creep,” bonnie gagged. “gross. i have no idea how stefan is related to that asshole,” you muttered.
“well, damon is hot, you gotta give him that,” caroline said.
“he’s good-looking, but that doesn’t excuse his attitude.”
“stefan isn’t perfect either.”
you gave her an are you serious? look.
“weren’t you the one who wanted to get into his pants from the first time you saw him?” you raised a brow.
caroline scoffed, “well, i wasn’t very successful.”
“obviously,” you gave her a petty smile. you turned back to bonnie, sighing in exasperation. “are you staying for the whole game?”
“i don’t know yet. i’ll probably leave in the middle go to go bed,” bonnie answered.
“then i’ll be all lonely,” you pouted. “i’m sure you’ll survive,” bonnie chuckled.
“if i pay for your food while you stay for the whole game?” you suggested.
“mmm, i’ll consider it,” bonnie hummed. “yay! we better head to the bleachers to get a good view,” you said.
bonnie nodded in agreement, beginning to walk away. you turned to caroline giving her a kind smile.
“have fun cheering.”
“you, too,” she smiled back.
you gave her a kiss on cheek and went to follow bonnie. you two copped a seat right in the middle of the bleachers. it was the perfect view for stefan and the game.
“what do you want from concessions?” you asked.
“coke and pretzels,” bonnie said.
“with salt and cheese?”
“alright. i’ll be right back. try to make elena leave damon.”
“i’ll try, no promises.”
“just use your powers, i’m sure there’s a spell for keeping friends away from weirdos,” you smirked.
you climbed down the bleachers, walking to the concessions and ordering your food. you bought an extra pack of sour ropes for you and bonnie to share, as well as some waters to keep you cool and hydrated.
you walked back, happy to see elena in the bleachers with bonnie.
“hey!” you squealed. “hi!” elena smiled, hugging you as soon as you set the food down.
“where have you been? and please, don’t say with damon,” you asked.
“i wasn’t! i was talking to matt.”
“oh? rekindling love?” you wondered. “no, no. not gonna happen,” she chuckled. “i saw stefan, too.”
“oh, how is he? he was really nervous when we left the house,” you said worriedly.
“he’s okay. he misses you,” she nudged you.
you smiled shyly. “i miss him, too.”
“you two can’t spend two minutes without each other,” bonnie rolled her eyes.
“jealous?” you raised your brows. “i am never jealous,” bonnie shook her head.
you smiled in reply, handing her her food.
“when is the game supposed to start?” you asked.
“whenever they get going,” bonnie sighed.
“i hope tyler behaves,” you muttered. “ten bucks says he won’t?” elena bet.
“oh, that’s easy money,” you rolled your eyes.
“i heard he likes caroline,” elena stated. “really? i thought he liked vicki,” you said.
“who knows anymore.”
“geez, that boy likes everyone. i swear, he drools over girls like a dog,” you remarked.
“he basically is one,” bonnie chuckled.
you giggled with her, nodding in agreement. you turned your attention to the field as the cheerleaders started to cheer.
“go timberwolves! wooo!” you cheered, jumping up and down on the bleachers.
“you’re gonna break the bleachers!” bonnie exclaimed.
“am not!” you gasped. “just trying to show my school spirit.”
“you used to hate football games. has stefan compelled you to love it?” bonnie muttered the last sentence.
“no, but him being on the team has changed my attitude. it’s my junior year, so i might as well go to these games and act like i love this school. i’ll set a good example to the underclassman,” you explained.
“you and stefan gonna celebrate if they win tonight?” bonnie asked.
“when they do. and yeah, i don’t see why not. it’s his first game,” you shrugged.
“well, hope you have fun. hopefully you can walk tomorrow.”
“okay, me not being able to walk was one time! and that wasn’t even stefan fault. i told you i fell down the stairs right on my ass,” you frowned.
“keep telling yourself that,” bonnie patted your back.
“whatever,” you grumbled, looking at the field.
stefan met your eyes as soon as you looked at the field. you two waved at each other. you blew him a kiss and he caught it, blowing one back to you.
the crowd was awed. you two were a famous couple at mystic high. you had never been very popular, to begin with. you were well-known only for being elena and caroline’s friend, who were the school’s undoubtedly most popular juniors. ever since you started dating stefan your status blew up. you weren’t expecting it, and you didn’t want it to happen, but there wasn’t much to do now.
every girl in the school was, and some were still, drooling over stefan as soon as he came to the school. you were attracted to him, too, but you were one of the few that didn’t throw yourself at him. he always said that from the moment he saw you, he knew you were the one.
“please, some of us are trying not to remember how lonely we are!” jeremy exclaimed.
his voice from behind you startled you. you turned around, reaching up and giving him a hug.
“i didn’t think you were coming tonight!” you exclaimed.
“elena made me come. she said i need to socialize,” he rolled his eyes.
“you stay in your room all the time! your room is rank,” elena frowned.
“i go downstairs sometimes,” jeremy argued.
“jer, elena’s right. you need to get out in the fresh air,” you said.
“since when you were an advocate for going outside? you’re worse than me,” he snorted.
“i’m a homebody and you’re a druggie. there’s a different,” you said.
“i guess,” he sighed.
“oh, the game’s starting!” elena tapped your shoulder.
you whipped around, eyes landing on stefan immediately. everyone sat down on the bleachers, not getting up unless they made a touchdown.
“they’re gonna lose,” elena sighed.
you frowned, watching with worried eyes. “maybe a miracle will happen.”
“not at this rate,” jeremy sighed. “i’m goin’ home. i’d rather not feel more disappointment.”
“text me that you got home safe, please,” elena hugged her brother.
“okay,” he nodded.
“see you, jer,” bonnie smiled. “see you bonnie,” he smiled at her, then looked at you. “see you, y/n.”
you gave him a wave, watching as he shuffled through the stands, walking down the stairs and to the parking lot.
“o-oh, y/n! look at stefan!” elena screeched.
you turned around fast, getting a little dizzy. your eyes focused on your boyfriend, jaw-dropping at the plays he was making. he was making touchdown after touchdown after touchdown. he was practically flying through the other team, bulldozing through every player. it was neck and neck.
“if only jeremy would’ve been more patient,” elena sighed.
“i’m sure he’ll hear about it on the school news,” you shrugged.
“oh, watch!” bonnie gasped.
you watched as stefan tackled four or five players, not phased by any one of their hits. he was about to make another touchdown when he got tackled by typer.
“jesus christ,” you muttered.
stefan fell to the ground on his back. it looked as though his wrist had been broken. you started to run down the bleachers, but stefan got back up, meeting your worried gaze and holding his hand up. it looked perfectly fine, but you knew it ached a little.
you gave him an encouraging smile. he smiled back before he got into tanner’s huddle.
“you okay, salvatore?” tanner asked. “yeah,” stefan nodded.
“lockwood, what the hell was that? tackle the other team, not your own,” tanner griped.
“sorry, coach,” tyler said, throwing stefan a glare. “sorry, salvatore.”
“no problem,” stefan gave him a polite smile.
“okay, salvatore, you win this for us and you get all A’s this semester. got it?” tanner asked.
“got it,” he nodded.
“alright. timberwolves on three. one, two, timberwolves!” tanner shouted.
everyone clapped stefan’s back as they went back onto the field. stefan put his helmet and mouth guard back on.
“go, stefan!” you shouted.
he glanced at you. you could see his smile through his helmet, the mouth guard getting in the way of you seeing his pearly white teeth.
you gripped your popcorn as you watched them play the next round. tyler ran backward, aiming the ball at stefan. stefan caught it with ease, wasting no time in running. one guy from the other team, almost as fast as stefan, grabbed him by the back. stefan managed to grab him by the collar, throwing him off and making his last few steps to the touchdown.
“they won! they won!” elena screamed.
“o-oh, my god!” you exclaimed. you threw your popcorn onto the ground, running down the bleachers and jumping onto the field.
you ran into the crowd of timberwolves who were cheering stefan and congratulating them. stefan moved out of the crowd, opening his arms out for you. you jumped into them, kicking your legs and screaming in his ear excitedly as he lifted you.
“great job! oh, my god. i am so proud of you!”
“thank you, sweetheart,” stefan said. he set you down only for you to kiss him.
you set your hands on his cheeks, pushing his face closer to yours. he put his hands in your sides, his thumbs on the underside of your bra.
you pulled away panting. you looked into his eyes, your smile not leaving for face for one second.
“you were amazing out there! ugh, you are so good!” you gushed.
“i owe it all to my vampirism,” he chuckled.
“stop being so modest. well all know you’re very skilled at this sport,” you said.
“well, i’ve had years of training.”
“and they’ve paid off.”
your thumb rubbed back and forth on his cheekbone as you gazed into his eyes. you had a big, dopey smile on your face. he couldn’t help but blush at the way you looked at him. he was so lucky.
“i am so proud of you, stef,” you said.
“it’s just a game,” he shrugged.
“nu-uh. you were so nervous about this, and i know you haven’t been happy ever since you’ve been turned, but tonight i could tell how happy you are. this could be your chance to live a happy, close to normal life,” you said.
“i hope so. i’m so happy that you’re in my life now. you just make it so easy to relax and be happy,” he smiled.
“well, i try,” you admitted bashfully.
“i love you, sweetheart,” he said in a hushed voice.
“i love you, winner.”
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whaleofatjme1920 · 3 years
Hi can I have a Romantic match-up with nsfw for your 1k celebration! If i'm too late then please feel free to delete this! BUT if i'm not then here we go I guess! I hope this isn't too long but I tried my best to give you as much info as possible! This is my first ever match-up btw! So hopefully I did this right
Fandom: Creepypasta
Age: 20
Zodiac: Leo sun, aries moon, Leo rising
Personality type: ENTP
Pronouns: She/her
Sexuality: Straight
Personality: So lets see here....i'm very sarcastic, stubborn, and just all in all a goofball like its just how I am. I think i'm hilarious...i'm probably not though lmao but I still tell really bad jokes and I have a very dark and dry sense of humor. But its hard to get close to me because I push people away very easily and i'm very emotionally detached, I suck at emotions, i'm very apathetic and overall if i'm upset about something i'll hide it or ignore it. I also have really don't care about what people think of me, in fact sometimes I kinda dislike people but that might just be me being salty. I'm also very silly though with friends, i'll do crazy crap and act like a complete child, that's just the type of friend I am....the feral gremlin. I can be serious though when I need to be and I can and will not hesitate to stick up for any i'm close to in fact I might go a bit overboard but i'm just protective over people I care for. I also push myself way too far and I'm very critical of myself so I am my own worst enemy, sometimes i'll ghost everyone for no reason and i'll feel terrible afterwards. speaking of feelings, I try to hide them the best I can so that causes anxiety and lots of anger issues, *Insert angry crying*....yeah I angry cry. I just need someone who I won't be afraid to just spill my feelings to.
Looks: i'm 5'5, very petite, and I don't weigh a lot, but don't get me wrong i'm very fit too I usually work out everyday if I can. I have thick dark brown hair that goes down to my mid back and brown eyes. I also have freckles and a very not so curvy body aside from my hips. For my style.....honestly I don't have a style really, i'll wear whatever but I have a Adidas jacket and a pair of nice combat boots that I wear a lot, but I love flannels especially if they are big and soft, same thing goes for sweatshirts. I also will just wear sports bras around my house when I don't feel like wearing clothes. Also my hair is really messy most of the time because I run my fingers through it a LOT....its a stress thing idk?
Extra stuff: Its hard to scare me like really hard to, mainly because I love horror movies and i've watched so many that at this point i've seen everything for the most part. I also have sleeping issues, sometimes I can sleep and other times I can't so I may or may not have eye bags and I take a lot of naps (When I can sleep that is), I'm super clumsy like I trip over things at least five times a day.....I actually almost just tripped over a shoe a minute ago but we aren't gonna talk about that, also i'm really loud sometimes because I grew up with a really loud family so I'll talk too loud sometimes and I won't realize it, people say I have country accent although I don't notice it but other people do so? I like rock and roll so basically anything under that genre i'll listen to, and lastly I love thunderstorms because thunder....so nice.
Nsfw: So i'll try to give you as much info as possible for this part. I'm a Sub although I can dom if I really want to. My kinks are Marking, edging, overstimulation, and I have a major size kink like anybody who looks larger and intimidating....sign me up. I also don't know if this counts as a kink but I have a major thing for tattoos and piercings. Also petnames......Doll, Sweetheart, baby those are all very nice. you could literally throw me around and manhandle me, I'm completely fine with that. Also hate sex is good too.....I won't ever say no to that lmao
Your matchup is... Eyeless Jack!
[Disclaimer: If you’re coming from the tags, my matchups are closed as of November 22nd, midnight USA central time. Do NOT send me a matchup, I’ll have to politely turn you down </3]
NSFW below
In General
Everything about you screams EJ but it was the kinks that really did it.
Things He Likes About You
Alright, so, I think he really likes your sarcastic and stubborn nature. EJ doesn't really favor pushovers? Your humor appeals to him in a very amusing way. He likes that you don't really care about what other people think of you because he's pretty much the exact same way. Physically speaking, he likes that you're smaller than him. I write him as like a 7' tall demon so like, hey-, but your hair is gorgeous in his opinion. Likes that you're fit and that you work out because ohoh does he really like that. Hips are really nice too, which is something he aesthetically appreciates from you. He's not too picky on his style either but absolutely loves whatever you wear as long as you're comfortable. I can see him giving you his sweaters that just ENGULF you.
You Two as a Couple & NSFW
You're like one of the only people that can make him laugh and that's all I'm going to say. He has a super dark sense of humor as well. EJ is just as prickly when it comes to actually getting close to him and the like, but I think he would warm up to you pretty fast and vice versa. I feel the two of you would click. He's prone to masking his emotions too, mostly because he views them as a sign of weakness. He's kinda into your feral gremlin nature because well, he likes the opposites thing you two seem to have going on. He doesn't always vibe with people who are EXACTLY like him, so having someone go off the walls chaotic makes him pretty happy if he's being honest. He can be sweet though. If you're being too harsh on yourself for whatever reason, he'll get down to it and make you feel better in his own bizarre, kinda blunt way. EJ cares, he's just like, kinda curt about it. He understands anger issues, but he's been alive for goodness knows how long so he's managed to work through it to some capacity. He'll help you come down from your anger issues as well. I don't think he'd scare you or anything?? He worried about your sleep schedule because well, he is somewhat of a medical professional he's going to worry. He also really likes thunderstorms, they make him feel at peace.
He's a dom. Like, you cannot get EJ to sub. Not the way I write him. He is a territorial mess, will absolutely mark you. His kisses are bruising and his teeth are sharp. Edging and overstimulation?? Oh absolutely. EJ has a knotted dick, so like, big overstimulation right there. He's also a huge demon, 7' and will absolutely tower over you. He's BIG in every sense. Also, I do write him with piercings!! Gauges, snakebites, and I think he has a prince albert accompanied with a jacob's ladder. Look, it's fun. Don't think he has any tattoos yet. He'll call you a lot of pet names, mostly baby an sweetheart sometimes said in a teasing or a condescending tone. Hate sex and jealous sex?? Big thing with him. He's animalistic in every sense.
Closing Thoughts/Other Things
Hi love bug, here's your matchup! I'm honestly surprised I didn't write more EJ so it was nice to finally throw him in here. Hope you enjoyed <3
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harrysbbby · 4 years
scared to love
Pairing: JJ x Reader
Requested:  Heyy, can you please write some JJ x reader where they have feelings for each other and the know somehow. But like Y/N is afraid of her feelings because she has been through a lot of emotional abuse and has been hurt by people close to her and she doesn’t want to have her heart broken by another person who is important to her and also thinks that she will break him even more but she still can’t help to have feelings for him. I don’t if this makes sense thanks. Btw I really love your writing ❤️❤️
thank u to the very kind anon who requested this. this is the first request i’ve done in a while just hoping it isn’t shit. but enjoy x
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Y/N hadn’t been friends with Kiara all that long before she convinced her to hand out with the rest of her friends. 
Y/N hadn’t even meant to become such good friends with her, but she was lonely and the nice girl, with the curly hair who came up an spoke to her at lunch when no one else would seemed like a better bet than anyone.
Kelce, Y/N’s boyfriend (or more aptly, ex-boyfried, although hard to come to terms with) had cheated on her the few days before. She had sat on her own in the cafeteria, now an outsider, banished from the groups she called her “family”. Sarah cast her an indifferent look, before turning back to Topper and Kelce, who had his arms around the girl Y/N had caught in his bed.
She moved her food around her plate, the food no longer appetising as she swallowed the lump in her throat. A mane of untameable bushy curls framing a slender body slouched next to her. Y/N recognised the girl as Kiara, someone she did not know overly well. She had heard of her, and her falling out with Sarah, but that was before Y/N’s time with Kelce.
“So you’ve been booted too, huh?” she asked monotonously, chomping into a carrot stick with the least amount of enthusiasm she had ever seen.
“Yep,” Y/N replied.
Each day Kiara would join her at the same table, bonded together as outcasts. Kiara complained about how Sarah was a back-stabbing bitch and Y/N complained about how Kelce was a cheating man-whore. Their friendship continued to grow deeper, Kiara talking about the new friends she made who she referred to as the Pogues, just as Y/n started to open up about her home life.
Her dad had left well before she was born, and her mother, not being able to cope with the stress of being a single parent or the heartbreak she felt when the love of her life left her, had palmed you off to your Aunt and Uncle, gracious enough to take you in as their own, and send you to the private school of the Outer Banks. But their bottomless pockets of wealth were never enough to fill the void of Y/N’s empty heart. Kelce had filled it for a while, but now she just wondering if instead of filling the hole, she was really just using him to cover it up.
In an attempt to make her feel better and more included Kiara invited her to a day out on the marsh with her friends. With no reason to decline, she accepted the offer.
So, Y/N met the Pogues, who while albeit it mildly insensitive to the fact she had just had her heart ripped out of her chest by a long-term boyfriend she trusted, were a good distraction. Pope was lovely, finally someone she was able to chat about books and movies. John B was like the older brother she’d never had, pushing her to try new things, but being there to catch her if she fell.
JJ... well, he was a little different. He was raucous and loud and absentminded about other’s feelings. But it exactly what Y/N needed. To get away from the money, and the expectations and the lies and just enjoy some time with her newfound friends.
Easier said then done.
She knew JJ was a flirt. He would sling his arm over her shoulder as they walked to the beach, or place a hand on her thigh while sitting beside her on the HMS Pogue. He would make off-hand comments about how good she looked in a bikini or if she was being uptight that she “needed a good fucking.”
He meant well, and Y/N took them as light-hearted joked but she could tell there was more. More in the way his hands would linger as they brushed her’s when passing her a beer around the Kegger fire, or how he would stare intently at her when she explained concepts to him on their weekly study session in the Chateau. JJ was important to her. Which was exactly why she continued to deny his advances.
Y/N couldn’t handle the pain she would endure if JJ hurt her. The wound from her father leaving her was long, but had was now a forgotten scar. The wound from her mother abandoning her with her Aunt and Uncle was a scar, only recently healed. The wound Kelce left when she caught him with another girl was still fresh, barely beginning to mend. If she gave herself to someone again and she got hurt, her wounds would re-open, leaving her to unravel, unsure if she could piece herself back together again. 
So she started to avoid him. And he noticed. And she thought she had gotten away with it, until one night at the Boneyard, when he pulled her aside, their slightly intoxicated states allowing the conversation to arise with nearly no inhibitions.
“You’ve been avoiding me,” he stated as they reached the outskirts of the party, quiet enough to hear each other speak.
“No, I haven’t,” she countered. JJ crossed his arms, glaring at her.
“Really?” he asked sarcastically, “so you haven’t ignored all of my texts and left every room I entered at The Chateau?”
Y/N sighed, running a frustrated hand through her hair. There was really no way she could hid from this.
“I thought you liked me,” JJ’s voice came out a lot quieter than she had ever heard it before. Hearing him speaking so softly and tenderly threw her off.
“I..I,” she stuttered, before taking a deep breath, causing herself to look his eyes, which usually looked like oceans, now whirled into a confused storm. “I do like you JJ. That’s the problem.”
“What?” he asked, obviously confused. She couldn’t blame him. She huffed, her mouth opening a few times, no words being formed. She didn’t know what to say.
“I’m scared JJ,” she said, hands running nervously along her arms. His hands covered them, ceasing their movements, forcing her to look up at him.
“Of what?”
“Getting hurt,” she could feel the tears welling up in her eyes. She shrugged JJ’s hands off of hers, bringing them to her face, hiding her face, now spilling over with tears, “You’re a flirt JJ. And a fuckboy. You take a girl, treat her like a piece of meat and shover her to the side. I can’t take that,” she had started to hyperventilate words struggling to form as the back of her throat hiccupped, “like from my dad, to my mum, to Kelce...I... I don’t think I could... take it... getting hurt by someone I care so much about.”
Her sobs were racking her body as she spoke. JJ grabbed her shoulders pulling her into him. His hand cautiously ran along her back, uncomfortable with the fact he had to comfort her. He wanted to, he just didn’t know how.
“I’m broken, JJ,” she whimpered out, clawing desperately at his shirt, “I can't handle it anymore.”
JJ wasn’t sure how to proceed, holding the fragile girl in his arms. He let her cry, only speaking when she had calmed, holding her at arms length.
“I would never hurt you, Y/N,” he said seriously, gazing deeply into her eyes. She felt herself nodding, almost agreeing with the fact she knew she would never hurt him. But it was if she had been burnt, she was too scared to get close to the fire again. “I would never hurt you.”
His fingers placed gently on her chin, pulling her in for a soft kiss. She was hesitant at first, before letting him consume her. She felt safe and protected as he wrapped his arms around her back, pulling her close.
And she was. Her wounds began to heal. Scars littered her heart, but there were no more gashes letting her bleed out.
 She was never hurt again
lmao idk what this was eeeew hope you all enjoyed feel free to send me any requests for any characters!
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b1uejean · 3 years
Herbal, sugar, earl grey, lady grey, oolong, herbal, chamomile, white tea, green tea
Herbal - post a selfie
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Btw I already posted this there is no way I'm trying for selfies for an ask sorry
Sugar - tell me about your first crush ?
The kid in elementary school who showed up with magic tricks
Earl grey - how do you take your tea ?
No sugar maybe milk sometimes ...I usually drink green tea or Jasmin tea ... honestly tho sugared tea tastes like shit idk how people can drink that
Lady grey - favourite outfit ?
Cargo pants and sweater or sweater dress with collant and boots
Oolong - ideal romantic partner ?
Someone who can stand up for himself who is a good person and has a sense of humor also I would prefer him to be an active person yk (I will ignore how I'm basically describing someone with my grandfather's personality Freud can't keep getting away with this) anyway the most important thing is that I click with him, that we can talk and that we are able to trust each other and rely on each other. Also I would prefer him to be phisically bigger than me because if I feel like I'm the one who is bigger I would relaps into my eating disorder <3
Chamomile - comfort movie
Howl's moving castle, spirited away and breakfast at Tiffany's
White tea - occupation/career aspirations
I'll tell you when I know ... I just really want a family and idk I've ways thought that I would like to be a journalist but real journalism is apparently dead or never existed in the first place and there is only deepthroating corporations now so that's a no. I would also love to be an art restorer but idk how fasable that is.
Green tea - where do you feel most at peace
At the shore (when it's not too crowded lmao)
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snickiebear · 3 years
If this inspires anything in you, and if you have the time to write it, I hope we can see how you respond to the following prompt:
Kakashi is the god Sakura has to eat and kill.
Lordt help us!
HAHAHAHA MITTENS!! this is literally one of the best prompts ever. thank you SO MUCH!!
i literally had to sit down and outline this so make sure i gave it justice LMAO also, did a little research on japanese kami! which is so interesting btw :))
side note! this is also on ao3 bc i really, really loved it
It begins with a girl (doesn’t it always?). A girl made woman who is nothing but smiles and laughter, unfiltered sunshine and the smell of flowers on the warm breeze.
She is good, she is brave, she is kind.
And she grows, that girl made woman, she grows and her eyes open to the world around her. To the hatred of the mortal, to the disease of the gods.
She holds her mother close as she dies in her arms, her father off to war.
They never find his body.
She is the only survivor of her village, war and wreckage in her wake.
This woman made once of sweet sighs and feather light touches learns to survive, learns to harden herself against the world, to bare her teeth and not her throat, to love the scars and hard muscle of her once too soft body.
She meets a woman with too ancient eyes for a face so young and the woman smiles at her, it is a horrible, wretched look. It is a beautiful, timeless look. “Oh, you.” She murmurs, voice old and young, standing slowly. “You’ll do just fine.”
And the girl made woman bares her teeth in a smile, a warning, tilting her head to the side, “Oh? And what shall I do just fine?”
The woman assesses her, amber eyes shining with something cruel, “You will be my avenger, girl.”
And the girl made woman, well, she rather likes the sound of that.
She sees him for the first time at the market, it’s a cloudy day, the streets full of people and the carts slowly selling out of the limited goods available.
The very land has been dying for years now. The mortals do not know it, but Sakura does. Less and less crops, dying plants, brain soil.
The thought itself brings a slight smile of fondness to her face.
But Sakura sees him for the first time at the market, and she knows who he is, what he is. She was under Tsunade’s tutelage for years. Sakura knows a god, a kami, when she sees one, feels one.
So, she walks, shoulders back, spine straight, loose and fluidly until her boot purposely catches on a crack in the cobblestoned road and she’s airborne with a sharp gasp—
Until two strong hands wrap around her forearms, steadying her gently. Sakura looks up, face flushed and eyes wide as she makes eye contact with the Shinigami, who looks at her in concern.
The god takes the form of a tall, broadly shouldered man with a mess of gray hair. Onyx eyes stare at her and they are so black she can see her reflection. Sakura fights the full body shudder that threatens to overtake her.
She has stared into the eyes of a dying god before. Staring into a living one’s should be no different.
“Are you okay?” He asks and his voice rumbles through her, her heart pounding without her consent.
“Yes,” She breathes and offers a shy but sweet smile, slowly taking a step back. He lets his hands drop, fingers grazing her bare skin. She ignores the goosebumps that erupt in his wake. “Thank you very much…”
“Hatake Kakashi,” The liar says, eyes crinkling from over his mask. “And you are?”
“Haruno Sakura,” She replies easily, tucking her hair behind her ear. The Shinigami holds out her basket of goods and she takes it, brushing her fingers against his deliberately, calculatingly.
The wretched kami gives her another eye crinkle, taking a step back himself, “Aa, a pleasure then, Haruno-san.”
Forcing a blush, Sakura waves off the honorific, “Please, just Sakura.”
“Then I am simply Kakashi,” And with a duck of his head, the fraud turns and ambles away.
Sakura turns also, disappearing into the crowd of much too skinny humans, too poor, too stupid. She allows herself to grin, wide and unfiltered, and with teeth. And that scaled, clawed, fanged thing inside her peeks its eye open and purrs.
Tsunade— or at least that is what she wants Sakura to call her — takes a long swig from her jug and cackles to herself. “I was right when I picked you, you know.”
Sakura glances up from her scroll of poisons, “You still have yet to tell me why it took only one look to think I can do whatever avenging you want done.”
Swirling the liquid in the jug once more, Tsunade chuckles, “Call it intuition, yeah?”
She huffs, snapping the scroll shut and stealing the jug from her master, taking a long drink herself. It is horribly bitter and disgustingly tart, and Tsunade laughs herself hoarse at the look on Sakura’s face.
“You’re going to do great, mighty, quiet things.” Tsunade says after a long silence. Sakura looks at her curiously. “You will bring war upon earth, disrupt the very heavens. Sweet child, you only know a taste of the power you could hold.”
And Sakura, well, she’s been alone since she was eight years old and surrounded by disease ridden corpses, she’s stolen and cheated and bartered her way through survival. She knows her way around a knife, a piece of glass, a sharp rock.
She has spilt blood just to eat for the night.
“You’ll teach me,” It is not a question.
That cruel, beautiful smile unfurls on her master’s face, “Of course, Avenger. Tell me what you want to know.”
“Everything.” Sakura breathes, demands, pleads.
A soft, aching laugh. “Very well, come here and listen closely.”
And Sakura is a clever girl made woman, she listens to everything Tsunade says, and everything she does not.
So, when Tsunade leaves her alone for the night, Sakura stares at the ceiling of the cheap Inn they are staying in and allows herself to smirk.
She sees him every time she goes to the market after that. He crinkles his eyes at her with a, “Good morning, Sakura-san.”
And in response Sakura blushes and murmurs a sweet, “Hello Kakashi-san.”
It goes like this for weeks until he changes their routine, leaning against one of the carts, tossing an apple into the air. There is only one farmer who can now produce apples, and even then the fruit is weak, no longer crispy and juicy.
The very land, the very life of this village is being drained away. Just as the other villages Sakura has traveled through. There will always be consequences to her actions, she supposes.
Kakashi tosses her the apple and Sakura makes sure to fumble with it before clutching it close to her chest, a teasing smile on her lips, “Kakashi-san, this is new.”
“Mah,” He hums, shrugging, “Just didn’t want you to miss out on your usual, is all.”
Sakura smiles, tucking the apple into her basket, the usual contents dwindled down to a simple jar of jam, a measly loaf of bread, and now the apple. She would need to make this quick and move towns soon.
“Say, would you like to come to lunch with me?” It’s a shot in the dark but she’s hoping that Tsunade was right when she said Sakura was infuriatingly charming. “I understand if you would not like—"
Kakashi cuts her off with a wave of his hand and a friendly look in his eye. Sakura wonders, idly, what he would taste like freshly baked and seasoned. “I am not one to turn down free food, of course.”
She laughs, a light and tittering thing and bares her throat the slightest bit before looping arms with him, “I shall lead the way then.”
Luckily, she has some dried meat and left over vegetables to make something decent and she smiles as him as she sits.
“You’re a healer.” Is what he says, eyeing the herbs and the bandages she had left out.
Sakura shrugs, “I try to lessen pain,” It is one of the many things Tsunade had left her.
He looks at her as if she is something new and so very interesting and she knows what he sees. A thing of life, a thing of preservation, has invited a creature of death, a creature of destruction into its domain, and allows that dark creature to live there.
It is what she wants him to see. Sakura smiles with teeth and she knows he does not see the wolf that sits in front of him.
“Dodge!” Tsunade barks harshly and Sakura just barely avoids a direct hit, her skin still burning from the way the air sizzles from her master’s blow.
Sakura twists and flips backwards to gain some space between them, thighs quaking and sweat pouring as she pants, chest heaving. “I fucking am!” She bites back.
“Do it faster.” And then Tsunade is in her space, uppercutting and a blow to her stomach, sending Sakura flying into the corpse of trees behind them.
But Sakura is used being beaten down and she snarls loudly, landing on all fours, fingers digging deep into the ground before she lunges upwards, narrowing avoiding Tsunade’s next hit before spinning horizontally and lashing out with her foot.
And for the first time, Sakura lands a hit on Tsunade; sending her stumbling back, golden blood bleeding down her face.
She lands, gasping for breath, knees collapsing out from under her as she stares wide eyed as her master wipes blood and sweat from her face with the back of her hand. Her amber eyes sharpen to knife points as she grins, feral and oh so wild, “Very good, Sakura. Now we’re making progress.”
Despite her exhaustion, Sakura smirks, tasting blood and salt and victory. “Think you can handle more, old lady?”
“Don’t push your luck, brat.” Tsunade smirks, stalking towards Sakura to pull her up, “Now let me see that jaw of yours. And the stomach, the hell did I tell you about the sto-“
“I know,” She snaps, rolling her eyes as her body throbs something fierce. She allows herself the weakness of leaning into Tsunade’s as they trudge back to their small cottage. “I’ll do better.”
“Good.” They leave it at that. Then, “That was a good hit, my pupil.”
And Sakura, well, she’s feeling indulgent, so she smiles, a slight twitch of the lips as she murmurs, “Thank you, shishou.”
She finds him at the usual spot, draped over a branch like a limp curtain, book in hand. Sakura is still not quite over the fact that the death god reads awfully written porn, but at this point in her life, nothing can truly shock her.
Sakura is well past expectations.
Hiking up her pants, she climbs up the tree and to the branch he’s lounging on, straddling it so her back is to the trunk. Kakashi makes a curious noise when she pulls out her book from the waistline of her pants, “I never took you as an Icha Icha reader, Sakura-chan.”
Peering over the top of her book, Sakura quirks a brow, “If you can read porn, so can I.” A pause as she turns the page, “Plus you’re reading Paradise, I’m reading Violence. Two very different pieces of literature.”
What she will not tell him is that Tsunade taught her how to read with these books, she’s memorized every page, paragraph, and line written.
“You wound me so,” He sighs, going back to his book.
Comfortable silence descends upon them and the only sounds are of nature and the rustle of paper. Time passes and she cannot help the slight twitch of her lips whenever Kakashi giggles at a certain part. It is nice, this quiet.
But she knows it will not last. She will not allow it.
And like an omen, low rumbling of thunder rolls through their quiet, small droplets landing on her hand before the rain steadily picks up. Sakura snaps the book shut and shimmies down the tree, Kakashi landing soundly next to her.
“My place?” She asks, though she knows the answer.
Kakashi intertwines their hands, gently and slowly, his hand encompassing her own as he looks at her, dark eyes reflecting the sky as lightning strikes. Something hot pools deep in her belly when she makes eye contact with him.
And she knows. She knows that she has him.
They stand in her small cottage, dripping and studying each other before they move as one, ripping at each other’s clothes, all lips, teeth, and tongue.
She claws at his back when he thrusts into her, rough and unyielding. The rain pounds outside as her back arches and he groans deep and rasping.
He falls asleep, his face pressed into the crook of her neck and Sakura allows herself to smirk, the taste of glory on her tongue once more.
Sakura glowers and bares her teeth at the woman, “You still haven’t fuckin’ told me what we’re supposed to be doing.”
Truly, the only reason why Sakura is even here is because of the free food and shelter. She is well aware that nothing is free in this world, Sakura has learned that the hard way.
The woman tilts her head, studying keenly and Sakura rears her head in a snarl. But the woman’s lips pick up at the corner, “What’s your name girl?”
“Sakura.” She bites out, fingers curling into fists. Glancing around the tavern, she notes the exits, the windows, the people who could be an issue. Then again, she’s sitting across the biggest threat in the room. “And yours?”
The woman hums, “Call me Tsunade.”
“And what am I supposed to be doing here?” She grounds out. Sakura nearly bites the woman when two strong hands clamp down on her shoulders, the woman’s face inches from her own.
“You are the catalyst, girl. The commination that will teach the world the very meaning of power.” Sakura’s eyes sharpen at the last word and Tsunade nods. “You like that, hm? I will teach you then, Sakura. And you will enact my vengeance on the heavens itself.”
Sakura stares, tension slowly melting from her body as she stares at this woman, at this savior. And she thinks, she remembers how cold her mother’s body was, the look of grief her father wore when he left.
She remembers tripping over the bodies of friends, of neighbors, half coherent and sickly.
Looking at Tsunade, Sakura licks her lips, “And what will you teach me?”
“How to turn that rage into a dagger and slit gods’ throats with it.” The woman purrs and Sakura smiles.
She wakes to a freezing cold chest to her back and puffs of air on her neck, just as she has since that night.
It is exactly as Tsunade said it would be; fishing. Lure, hook, and reel.
Sakura lets herself smile with teeth, a smug and sharp thing before she slowly extracts herself from the tangle of limbs they had become. The Shinigami slumbers in her bed, wrapped in her blankets.
Leaning against the doorframe with crossed arms, she looks at the god who she has fallen in love with. He loves her with just as much ferocity, she knows. And despite it all, she finds herself not quite hesitating when she goes to dig through her cabinets, finding the small nine pedaled flower. It once had ten and after this morning it will only have eight.
It is as if sinking into a familiar skin as she picks one of the petals, tucking the flower back where it was. Humming under her breath, Sakura grounds the petal in a small bowl before brewing some tea, sprinkling the powder into it.
The Shinigami’s arms snake around her waist, kissing her temple as he rumbles, “Good morning.”
Sakura turns her head to smile at him, offering the tea.
The scaled, clawed, fanged thing within her has its ugly maw open, head throw back as it cackles and howls.
“Listen brat,” Tsunade says, snapping open a scroll.
“I’ve already read that,” Sakura interjects, her brows raising. “You know that.”
Tsunade slaps the back of her head, “When I say listen, I mean it.” She shoves the scroll into Sakura’s lap before striding towards a chest that had not been there before. “Come here.”
Slowly, Sakura makes her way towards the opened chest and peeks inside. She drops the scroll, “Is-is that-”
“Weapons to kill the divine,” Tsunade finishes for her, nodding. “Find one you like.”
Sakura swallows harshly as she kneels down and digs through the weapons, careful of every sharp point, as she palms a knife, a curved dagger with a golden blade. “This one.” She whispers, looking up to her master.
Tsunade nods in approval. “There are few ways to kill a kami.” She holds out one finger, “One, with an ichor dipped weapon.” A second finger. “Two, a very particular poison.”
Picking up the scroll, Sakura glances down the list before landing on one flower, “Kami koroshi.”
“That’s right.” Tsunade nods, “And do you know what to do with it?”
Sakura stands, flipping the dagger in her hand. It feels like coming home, having a blade at her side, bathing in the intimately dangerous knowledge of how to bring about the destruction of the heavens.
“Crush it for indigestion.”
Her stomach aches with laughter, clutching at her sides as she cramps and chokes on her tears. “An-and then wha-what happened?” She manages to get out as Kakashi laughs himself, leaning against the wall, a jug of liquor in hand.
He passes it to her and Sakura takes a long drink, reminiscing of a time similar to this.
“Then I told him, fuck off you little shit—" Kakashi wheezes and Sakura shouts with laughter, curling over as she gasps for breath. “And go blow som-someone else!”
They both dissolve into giggles and howls, Kakashi joining her on the floor. Sakura’s panting by the time she catches her breath, wiping tears from her face, and when she looks over Kakashi is not much better.
Brushing hair from his face, she points skyward, the stars winking down at him. “Hey Kakashi,” She asks, drunk off her ass and still giggly. “Where do you think we go when we die?”
Silence meets her question, and she sluggishly looks to the side to find him watching her, eyes soft and so full of— of—
“You’ll go somewhere safe,” He says softly. “Somewhere beautiful.”
“Yeah?” She mumbles, eyes dropping closed.
“I’ll make sure of it.” Is the last thing she hears before the dark overtakes her.
Tsunade sits across from her, laughing as she takes another long drink from her jug and sets it down heavily.
Sakura simply watches, leaning back in her chair, eyes cold and head tilted as her master coughs once, twice, three times.
Her arms begin to lose its color, being paler and paler and Tsunade watches with detached interest before laughing. She looks to Sakura, “Took you long enough, you fuckin’ brat.”
Snorting, Sakura stands, dagger in hand as Tsunade’s body begins to writhe, her breathes coming quick and uneven.
She yanks her master’s hair back, exposing her throat and slitting it in a single slide, so deep that she knicks bone, golden blood spraying.
The body drops forward, ichor pooling on the table and dripping onto the floor. Sakura sighs, rubbing the back of her neck as she kneels down to look into Tsunade’s lifeless eyes, “I will take it from here, Shishou.”
The promise rings out into the silence and Sakura revels in it.
Kakashi takes a sip of the tea as they both sit down, Sakura across from him. She takes a bite from the rest of their bread, watching him keenly.
He jerks suddenly, choking and hacking as he looks to her in horror and alarm. “You—"
“Me.” She confirms easily, getting up, dagger in hand.
The Shinigami roars and pushes the table away from himself and into the wall, Sakura ducks, the wood barely grazing her head before she lunges.
His already pale skin grays some more as he attempts to fight her off. She laughs at him, holding him down with one hand, knees on either side of his hips. And in the morning light, her dagger glints like a heaven sent prayer.
She plunges the blade into his head and drags it down his breast, carving him open as the kami screams and screams and screams.
Sakura feels his life bleed out from him under her hand. It is quiet once more.
And the girl made woman smiles, all bloodied teeth and gold stained hands. "And here we are." she whispers, caressing the corpse's cheek, reveling in her quiet victory. "Divinity dies at my wretched hands once again."
“Shishou,” She begins, treading carefully. Her teacher looks at her in question, quirking up a brow. “Why were you outcasted from the other Kami?”
Tsunade— or more commonly known as Inari, Goddess of Everything Important, of the very Life— laughs and it is a hollow sound. “Oh, darling girl,” She says, a bland smile on her face. “Even gods hunger for power."
Sakura sits, a feast laid out in front of her, a goblet of wine in her hand as she smiles, eyes flashing with something predatory.
Picking up her fork, Sakura spears into the first bit of meat, taking a bite and moaning at the way it melts in her mouth, the way the spices and flavors all blend.
She sips at her wine, running her tongue over her teeth before she laughs, throwing her head back and cackles at it all, with it all. Oh, she is a god killer, she is god taught and god fucked and she will be the one to rule them all.
Sakura sits, a feast laid in front of her, and eats the Shinigami’s flesh, one bite at a time until she can feel the power in her roar.
The corpse still sits at the table as Sakura rummages through the shit Tsunade had left behind, finding a thick envelope sealed in wax. Prying it open, Sakura laughs.
If you’ve found this, it means you’ve finally grown a pair and done what you were supposed to do. Well done, my pupil. You know your mission. I have trained you well. Do not disappoint me.
And behind the scrawled letter is a recipe.
She looks to the corpse and back down to the paper before she stands, going to gather the ingredients needed.
Sakura stands, flipping through the rest of the contents of the envelope until she pauses at another paper; a list of names and common dwellings.
The Shinigami’s is underlined three times in red.
It ends with a girl (doesn't it always?), a girl made of nothing but destruction and anger, all slit throats and bleeding teeth.
She is horrid, she is wretched, she is powerful.
And she has grown, that girl made woman, she has grown and her eyes are wide open and she is intimately aware of the hated and evil of the world, of the weaknesses of the divine.
She finds them laying under a tree, peacefully existing and smiling at each other. The blonde one laughs, clutching his stomach while the raven simply watches on in adoration.
Sakura takes out the list, and under the Shinigami’s name crosses off two more, Raijin and Fujin.
Smiling, she makes her way towards them making sure to look a little lost and a bit scared.
And that thing inside her, the scaled, clawed, fanged thing, it smiles wide and hungry.
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pacifymebby · 3 years
Hi love! I Noticed a lot of people talking about and like clipping the little things that the lids were up to and stuff on stage at reading and obviously it was recorded so we can see it over in a lot more like detail but I thought I’d just like say afew things that I noticed at Leeds idk I feel like you might like to hear abt uno idk lol feel free to ignore me haha x So I was absolutely fucking steaming lmao it’s like dominos if you get drunk the wednesday which I did pretty much by accident you fight the hangover by getting more paralytic because you don’t want to waste the day dealing with it and that just basically lasts until it all comes crumbling Tuesday morning and you think you’ll have to take the work day off to take yourself off to a hospital anyway so I only really remember like bits but I got loads of decent videos from my bfs shoulders and a lot of us falling over haha.
So like I immediately noticed how lonely bondy was pretty much straight after longshot I hopped to get a good view of him from over people and yh he looked like a lonely little boy :( I’m not suggesting anything I just wanted to give him a big fat hug but I figured they were probably quite focused on not fucking up so I thought maybe he was just concentrated on his guitar n his little peddle thingys n stuff.
Idk what he’s going for with the outfits but I was not there for it idk if anyone got a good picture honestly you do you boo he obviously looks better then I ever will but I miss the fluffy hair n oversized tees :(
I also don’t see how ppl thought they were emotional or really any different at all van spoke quite abit I think in between each song again I was fucking steaming so I only have like blurry memories but he just seemed his regular happy self uno?
I didn’t see Bob or benji at all :( like I didn’t notice them much on the cameras either especially not Bob. I kinda feel like they all don’t really enjoy the bigger shows all that much like obviously playing Leeds headline Is a massive fucking humongous accomplishment and I’m so fucking proud of them but I dunno there’s just so much distance between the crowd and the artists and I feel like van wouldn’t have enjoyed that much at all. And also he didn’t really look at us once his eyes were shut or they were on his guitar or they were literally anywhere else idk he talked about playing introducing all those years ago but other then that there wasn’t really much recognition that there was even a crowd there haha which again means absolutely nothing they killed it as usual and ofc they’re distant they’ve obviously chosen the distance so I think they all seemed okay and I wish them all the best in the world they sounded great and ofc looked great and they’re all the sweetest babes and whatever they want in life I’m all for and is what I want in life and I hope they look after themselves most of all whatever that is if that’s distance from their fans of whatever I wish them the best and I can wholeheartedly say that I wouldn’t want all of it like that yet again I didn’t really choose it did I haha anyway love them all :) x (I went into work on the Tuesday Btw I acc GOT UP AT SIX AM and took myself off to a fucking warehouse where I at the ripe old age of 18 pack ppls fucking boots body lotion for a living lmao biggest achievement tha bigger then headlining r&l fucking throwing up and crying in my dusty ass worst toilet in Scotland esc work toilets)
Ahhh man yous are probably still a little bit pissed now, imagine getting hammered on the Wednesday, am impressed u survived and am mad impressed u actually made it into work there's no way id have made it into work man.
I actually really appreciated this little insight to what it was like there, I think from my own experience at festivals the band to fan interaction is quite often a bit of a let down /feels really distant and strange bc of how far a crowd are from the stage and stuff.
There's a part of me that thinks we're all super reading into it all too much? Like we're seeing them looking emotional or sad and lonely looking because we think there's something wrong. Like ur more likely to notice things like that when you're working on a theory that they fit. Idk.
That's so sad about Bondy though man, poor wee soul I wanna give him a hug.
I do wonder if it woulda been a massive shock to their system being back, or whether 2 years off has reminded them what normal life is and they think they might quite like normal life. Idk I think it must be kind of overwhelming playing a show that massive after nothing for two years, they haven't even done a warm up gig as far as I know? Like a lot of other bands usually do a small gig somewhere random before a big show like that and instead they've just gone straight in at the deep end. I reckon that would be a shock to the system.
Anyway I too hope they enjoyed themselves and hope they feel proud and like they have achieved something cause they really have done.
Idk I love them a lot and they're a class band and I hope they aren't struggling I really do.
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dragon-fics · 3 years
DOS: (The Dragon Prince UA*) Raining Love (Female Dragon-Shifter X Female Moonshadow elf/Reader)
Chapter summary: You're a Moonshadow elf who was out training during the rainiest autumn Xadia has ever had. After suffering a nasty slip, you meet your savior.
*UA = Universe Alteration
I'm back my dragonlings! I have a writing-filled summer ahead! Here's the first request to start us off!
Happy Pride y'all🏳️‍🌈!
Btw if you're interested, I have a TDP fanfic with the same UA as this. And I absolutely didn't give my OC a mention in this (I saw an opportunity and I took it! lmao). It's called His Apprentice and I'll be finishing it soon and starting its sequel; please check it out! <3
(I've been playing and reading too much Dragon Age and so the slang "knife-ears" had to make an entrance in here :3)
T/O/W = Type of Weapon (bowblade, sword, daggers etc.)
The mossy tree branches squelched beneath my navy boots as I ricocheted from giant tree to giant tree, wielding my (T/O/W). I sliced it through thin air, imagining humans facing my wrath as I hopped from one wet tree to another.
Gripping the damp bark of the nearest tree, I slid to a halt, standing on a broad branch. I placed my weapon(s) away and looked up at the sky. Beyond the dark green canopy, I could see dark rain clouds looming closer to me and the Silvergrove, ready to spill thousands and thousand of raindrops down onto us—again.
That was all this week had been; rain, rain and what’s this? More rain.
I sighed irritably and turned around, back towards the hidden Moonshadow elf village. I leaped my way quickly to the village, bounding through the trees with ease; until the rain poured.
My boots, the moss and the bark got wetter and slippier, causing me to lose balance a few times, but I quickly made up for it. Until I reached a huge star plum tree—the tree with the smoothest bark in all of Xadia.
To avoid a fall, I grabbed a branch on the plum tree and swung onto another tree. As I landed, my boots slid and my feet went from under me.
The impact when my back hit the branch winded me, and before I could bury a dagger from my belt into the tree, I slipped off the branch, plummeting to the ground. I screamed, my limbs flailing. I had no way to avoid falling to my death, no way to survive.
Several branches smacked me in the face, scratching my skin. One branch even had the audacity to hit my forehead... and then it went black.
The first thing I heard when I came to was the pitter-pattering of rain against wood and metal. The sound almost tempted me to keep my eyes closed and drift off again. But then a dull throbbing arose, and my head ached. I peeled open my eyes as it all came back to me; my training routine, the slick moss, the pouring rain, the fall…
The fall!
I bolted upright in what appeared to be a bed. An unfamiliar bed at that, covered in a patched quilt. The small house was lit with small flaming torches every metre or so. The quiet crackling of logs burning came from the opposite corner of the room, along with the bubbling sound of something boiling on a stove. My eyes slowly adjusted, realising that someone was at the stove.
“Relax, Knife-ears,” came a disinterested voice from where the bubbling was coming from. She continued stirring what was in the pot. “You’re alright; a mild concussion. But the storm’s getting worse so don’t even think about running off.”
She was a little taller than I was, with large white scaly wings and a narrow trail behind her. She was built strong and slim. Her scales shimmered against the torch lighting. A long white braid fell down her back, almost touching her tail where it joined her back, and two sets of narrow, smooth, elegantly curved horns protruded through her skull. A mix of teals and greens clung to her body as a tight, figure hugging set of leggings and wrapped top. Pale skin peeked through where the clothing didn’t meet around her lower back. She was a dragon-shifter for sure—like that strange dragon-shifter halfling that used to live in the Silvergrove with Rayla and her guardians. What was her name? Daisy? Violet? No, it was...
Heather! That was the halfling. Such a strange little being. Looking back now, I kind of felt bad for the way I ignored her; I was such an idiot, but fitting in was so important as kids. That was why no one was friends with her and no one would dare lose out on popularity by being friends with her.
I shook myself out of my thoughts; now wasn’t time for the guilty reflections I had in the middle of the night, now was the time to get to know this sparkly dragon-shifter. I opened my mouth to speak before realising I had no idea how to start.
“Um, hi?” I started. “I’m—”
“I don’t care who you are, Knife-ears,” she said, not looking up from her meal. She sighed and continued stirring.
I huffed. “I’m (Y/N),” I pushed on. Who are you?”
“The magic fairy who lives in this magical forest,” she sighed.
I grumbled. “So why did you rescue me, o magical fairy?”
She sighed again. I really wanted to slam my palm up her nose. “Don’t call me that. If you must call me anything, I am Zaithi. Zay for short.” She paused as she lifted her pot off the stove, stirred it one more time, and poured some into a small bowl. “And I didn’t rescue you. You got caught in one of the branches above my home. An elf lying unconscious above my home is sure to scare off well-paying customers.”
I wasn’t sure if that was a joke or not—nothing in this room looked like something people would come in to purchase something.
“So,” she continued, “I brought you inside and treated your head injury. You’re welcome.”
At this rate, I wasn’t too sure if everything she said was a joke. “Um, thanks, by the way.”
Zay hummed dismissively and came over with the small bowl of whatever she’d been cooking. Seeing her face made my heart pause beating for a second. She was exquisite with a slender face—not as slender as an elf’s—and round, icy blue cat-like eyes. I also noticed that at the front her top spiked upward, baring her toned stomach at me. “Here, this will fight off any cold you’ll pick up.”
I took the small wooden bowl from her in both hands. “What is it?” I asked, curiously. I smelled delicious. I took a sip. The liquid was thick and clear, with a few floating chunks in it that were soft and barely needed to be chewed.
“Phoenix-guts-and-toad-brain soup,” she said with a grin.
I spat out the soup, surprised and disgusted.
Zay laughed wildly, wiping away a tear from her eye. “Oh, Knife-ears, you’re too gullible.” She snorted. “I’m joking; it’s elfroot-and-bogey-berries soup with some homegrown veggies.”
I looked from her to the soup. “From now on I’m going to presume everything you say is a joke,” I said, taking a sip of the soup.
She chuckled. “You wouldn’t be the first.” She pulled out a chair from the square table between the stove and the fireplace and sat backwards in it, facing me.
“So, why did you actually help me?” I asked, pulling the quilt back up around me, wrapping it around my shoulders.
Zay shrugged. “Guess I had the skills to prevent you from getting ill so I figured I might as well use them.”
I cocked a brow at her, pushing her for more.
She sighed—again. “My parents insisted I be a healer—like my mother was so she could help in the war before I was born. Though really, I want to be a soldier—like my father, though he didn’t have much of a choice in being one.” She looked aside to where my (W/O/C) lay on the floor with my belt of knives.
I glanced at them as well, and she rested her head on her crossed arms. I felt sorry for her, forced to be something she’s not. “I could teach you,” I blurted.
Zay lifted her head ever so slightly, as if she wouldn’t dare get her hopes up too high. She nodded a little. “Sure, if you want.”
“No warrior stops because of a little rain!” I scowled as Zay headed for the door. Dark spots of sweat coloured her top and the back of her leggings after our hours of training.
She sighed, gripping her wooden sword. “I am not getting caught in a thunderstorm, (Y/N)!” she shouted, determined to stay as dry as possible. “Go home before you get struck by lightning, Knife-ears.”
I crossed my arms grumpily and grabbed my bag. I was tempted to go home and stay dry, but... staying dry with Zay…
My heart skipped, and butterflies fluttered in my stomach at the thought. “Wait!” I called as she closed the door. I bolted towards it and she opened it just in time. I crashed into her, my face on her chest. She closed the door behind me, smirking.
“What a delightful picture I’m looking at,” she quipped—I think. She wrapped her muscular arm around me and I stayed still, heat rising to my cheeks and my heart racing faster—I really liked this.
I gave her an awkward smile. I had been so honest with her these past few weeks; she knew I wasn’t interested in male elves. And I was sure she knew what I was feeling.
“Everything alright, Knife-ears?”
I hesitated, slowing my heart and softening my expression. “Yeah, just glad to be dry.”
“For now,” she smirked, taking my lips.
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silver-wield · 4 years
Hi, I just want to say that as a Clerith I agree with you and the other anon on the LTD death. The remake was quite clear about it, Tifa is the one for Cloud. I feel second hand embarrassment every time my side of the fandom starts talking shit about Tifa, she is an amazing heroine and she is such a good role model and in the Remake she is so human, i was really surprise by her (and her VA was incredible) I don’t get how people can hate her like she’s real and killed their mom smh. 1.4
and the way they describe Aerith is baffling, I love her she has so many good traits but she is not an angel, she has a lot of flaws (and the Remake makes her personality really shine, but not like the LI like so many people says) and thats why a adore her, but to them she is like the second coming of christ or something, you really can't talk about her flaws because they start with 'you are an anti, blablabla' 2.4
I mean, why love a fictional character if you can't make fun of them (like... I love Clerith, but I dislike their outfits, is like they are using pajamas lmao, Aerith jacket is dope tho), And lets not start on their 'theories'... well I'm sure you are more familiar with them than I, honestly, I don't know what's wrong with them, and the way they lie and decieve new fans is concerning, and is really difficult to ignore them, it feels like they're everywhere with their toxicity. 3.4
Anyway sorry for the rant I just hate being associated with them, even if when I talk to them the only thing I do is argue and get a headache. I'll stay on my corner with my ship an enjoy it like a sane person tyvm (love you theories btw!). 4.4
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I feel bad for all the normal shippers since they get tarred with the same mucky brush as the dumdums. Which is why I call them dumdums because they're not shippers and don't even really love Aerith or Cloud as individual characters the way we see them in the game. They love the gross af twisted version that makes no sense and uses insane reaches like bowls and music boxes to suggest canon 🤦‍♀️
The theories are crazy. I've not seen any theories about Cloti that aren't already based on in game content from OG or pull from canon material in the compilation. My own theories also use canon resources and aren't just random "because I said so" statements.
Aerith is a great character, but her toxic fans put people off her. She's been dead for 23 years, but apparently it's being anti to say so, even though they make Zack is dead jokes.
The small group of toxic fans gets booted from one platform and moves to another, spreading their bs so it continues to invade the fandom. They're loud and obnoxious, so it's hard to ignore them, even though logic and evidence proves they're wrong over and over and because they use the same few arguments, it's easy to copy paste the growing list of proof why they're wrong. And then they say it's up to interpretation 🤦‍♀️
Nojima said it's not lol
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Ship what you wanna ship, but canon is canon.
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askmyboys · 3 years
Here’s a furry character I made, im honestly getting invested into those types of babs but i... kinda suck at descriptions lmao, I’ll get better wiht it sooner or later though hopefully
I’ll post Noxis later, gotta just read over his desc again tho bc i cant remember the specific trigger warnings i need to put on his desc so yeye
| Name: Tyrone
| Nicknames: Tyre/Ty
| Gender: He/Him
| Age: N/A
| Height: 7’3”
| Species/Race: Anthropomorphic Dog (Cane Corso is the breed he’s based on)
| Hair style: His hair is essentially just part of his fur- but the fur is slicked back on top of his head to match the rest of his fur really (I mean… Cane Corso fur IS pretty slicked back and not super fuzzy ya know?)
| Eye Color: Caramel Brown
| Fur Color/Body Type: Black and overall he’s pretty average looking, looks a b i t muscular tbh
| Appearance: Let’s start off with the actual appearance instead of the clothing, he got his ears cropped from a young age (where he comes from, it's a mixed thing really, in his pack specifically cropped ears were a rite of passage while to other packs cropped ears were ghastly and considered cruelty but eh to each their own) so now his ears are pointed, he also has a silver earring on the top of his right ear! His teeth are razor sharp and his paw pads are relatively natural coloring a charcoal color, on the middle paw pad of his right paw there is some kind of birthmark there it seems, it’s shaped like a simple circle BUT the birthmark’s meaning is the crucial bit here, it is essentially a high stature sorta thing, only his father has that birthmark of the entire pack, even all the sons and daughters from various litters never held that birthmark, not until Tyrone came along.
His outfit he usually wears is a black leather jacket that has spikes on the shoulder pads with a white t-shirt underneath, he’s got a black collar with a LOT of spikes surrounding it on, more so than the usual spiked collars and they are actually VERY sharp (it’s essentially to protect his neck during fights, I’ll explain that in a bit though) but also it just looks cool, it’s got a bone hanging down the front with his name written in cursive on it, he usually wears charcoal black jeans that are ripped with chains hanging down them (even though his tail is stubby he still cut a hole for it bc that’d still be uncomfy tbh), he doesn’t wear any boots though, boots tend to give him aches while walking.
He’s also got a lot of scars, his most prominent scarring is one on the nose, three over his right eye but he can still see out of it surprisingly, a few long ones near his neck and some old puncture wounds from what looks like dog teeth, and finally claw marks up and down his arms, belly, back, and legs.
Oh btw, even tho he wears a shirt without it you can see he has white patch of fur running down his chest and stomach! Just another lil detail.
| Personality: Tough, stubborn, sometimes a little too cocky for his own good, narcissistic even sometimes? He can be VERY protective and loyal however to the right people/animals, he’s always on high alert of his surroundings and the people around him despite not seeming like he is sometimes, he can be very calm and stable and he USUALLY thinks before he acts but that’s not ALWAYS the case, he can be quiet and reserved sometimes as well but it’s rare, he’s usually pretty much an extrovert although not many people nor other animals approach him, he looks and sounds intimidating as hell and while it CAN be a good thing it can also be a bad thing, deep down he’s a good guy, he’s soft, sweet, kind, and caring! He doesn’t like that most treat him as a terrifying threat or beast, he ain’t about hurting someone just for fun!
The only time he EVER attacks is in self defense OR in defense of the people he cares about, and even then that has to be when he’s ABSOLUTELY pushed to his limit, he’s more so a big referee toward things like fights n shit like that, he’ll body block the two offenders or put himself in front of those he’s trying to protect and usually all he needs to do is speak or growl and that usually sends offenders running off, and even then if they persist he’ll then try giving corrections (corrections are a HUGE thing among his pack) while he won’t actually bite them, he’s going to make a lot of horrifying sounds and act like he’s going to, and usually because to most dogs, not just his pack (yeah corrections are common amongst most dogs too i know) he’ll even go as far as to put someone/another dog especially on their side.
Sure, humans… Are very different and more complex but even then, most of them after being checked by a huge seven foot three dog like him, most will think twice before continuing to try and escalate things. Unfortunately because of his size (he’s the second biggest in his pack, the first being his father likewise) most other dogs, especially ones of his own breed try to challenge him a LOT, and he doesn’t like fighting, usually he ignores these but if they keep on bothering him, he’ll try and give them a warning, aka something like a correction essentially, he’ll tell them very clearly to back off but if they lunge for him or try to go for him at all, then he will NOT hold back, he’s not going to let himself be pushed around or killed just because some dog is butthurt about him being bigger than they are.
| Side Facts: Likewise, his scars have come from SEVERAL fights, some even from his own pack which… His father didn’t take a liking to at all and especially not his mother… His father was the alpha and despite being a male in this situation he actually stepped in quite a lot, however his father was a bit more…
Let’s just say a little more forgiving, his mother was an absolute SPITFIRE, she ruled with an iron fist and she didn’t tolerate ANY bullshit, she’d never hurt any of her pack members nor babies especially but there was no tolerance for certain things and in her pack you HAD to obey the rules whether you liked them or not.
She was MUCH more harsh than his father was with corrections, heh- Tyrone remembers as a pup oh he can’t even COUNT how many times he heard his mom growling, snarling and of course can't count how many times he’s seen her bare her teeth even, she was a no nonsense kind of woman, even toward the puppies she ruled with an iron fist, they were taught along with Tyrone from a very young age how important the rules were and how important energy and certain cues from other dogs were.
Tyrone is very embarrassed however bc the stories his mom always tells were how as a young pup, he was the aggressive little spitfire who didn’t care how big his opponent was, he’d challenge them, try to dominate, and conquer essentially- Nothing was thought through then, in his adolescent years he was always SO damn serious! No play, no nothing! He even growled at the pups trying to play with him! Some little tiny marks that are barely able to be seen came from his mom and dad but, in dog society it’s kinda natural, I mean to be fair, dogs when correcting aren’t like humans, they only have their mouths so when a dog’s correction your BOUND to see a mark here and there.
He does thank his mama for setting him straight though that’s for sure… He sounded like such a handful and even though he has the second highest stature to his father, even he was not safe from the corrections lmao, his mother is actually first in command, father is in second co-command essentially and finally Tyrone is in third- all three of them are p much high ranking, of course since his parents are still living THEY are the alphas but he IS a Beta, the other brothers and sisters being mostly betas and omegas (there are a couple of his brothers n sisters who are also alphas but they are in fourth, fifth, sixth, and seventh place- if i ever name his pack I’ll make sure to clarify who is which ranking)
Overall, Tyrone really loves his family, he’d do anything to protect them even if he wanders a lot and doesn’t stay with them the entire time, he does try and visit as often as he can, he knows eventually he’ll track wherever their roaming as well, usually packs stick together but… Given Tyrone’s status and the fact he’s got the birthmark and is high stature his parents are more so lenient with him, they do still worry bout him ofc but still, he was never the type to just sit still, while his other brothers n sisters don’t really care bout leaving the pack he’s ALWAYS been a wandering spirit, so… They’ll let him be free, they’ll still love him nonetheless in the end.
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meat-husband · 5 years
what about an s/o and slasher when they are first together, like dating together and how they start
*holds up 5000 words of nonsense on a silver platter*
Wow this thing is long lmao I’m sorry, I just kept going and it was a lot of fun to do, so I didn’t stop :p
Also, nothing is edited very thoroughly and my writing program likes to change the words I actually mean to type, so there may be some small mistakes.
I might go back and put this under a cut if it’s like obnoxiously long, lemme know lol.
If he’s allowing you into the house at all, it’s because he’s already picked you out. You might not know it yet, but that doesn’t matter - it still counts as dating if you’re not aware of it, right? He would be hesitant to actually show himself, since that hasn’t gone very well historically, but he’s staking his claim anyways.
Okay, maybe locking you up in a mansion where he is literally your only option is a bit extreme, but it’s really just making sure you make the best choice, you know. You can’t go wrong if the right one is the only one.
He isn’t going to put up with competition. If you’re not following the rules, things will get a bit dangerous for whoever is hanging around. He’ll try scaring them off at first, but if they don’t take the hint it will get messy quick.
He likes to mess with your things, get you looking all over the house for something, just to find it right where it’s supposed to be a few hours later. You think you’re going crazy for a while, and he finds it amusing that you’re not connecting the dots at all. It’s more of a ‘bully pulling on your pigtails cause he likes you’ sort of thing.
Once he is out of those walls, it’s 0 - 100 real quick. You’ve hardly stopped screaming before he’s all over you, so you’ve got to adapt pretty quickly. He’s clingy right from the start, not out right feeling you up, but definitely more touchy than a murderous stranger spying on you from the walls should be.
The bedtime kiss is obviously non-negotiable, but it’s not just going to be a kiss for long. First it’s just multiple kisses, then a quick hug, then a cuddle, until you might as well be sharing the bed anyways, because he’s wrapped around you and not letting you up. This is where he’ll start to get handsy, playing dumb every time you slap away a straying hand.
You’re his nanny, you guess, but apparently that comes with the part time position of boy/girlfriend as well. It’s a bit confusing sometimes, so it’s best to just go along with it and not question anything.
You narrow your eyes at the request, looking over the edge of the book you’re holding with a stern face. You can’t let this start again, you think, knowing that if you give him what he wants he’ll just keep asking for more.
“You’ve already had your goodnight kiss, Brahms,” you say, looking back to the story book. “In fact, you’ve had two already.”
He shifts a little under the covers, sitting up against the pillow.
“Again?” He asks. “Please.”
Well, at least he’s using his manners now, which is a big step above the tantrum you had endured last night when the same request had been denied. You purse your lips, thinking it over, and decide that one more won’t hurt. It will reinforce being polite, hopefully, and you want to get this story finished quickly and go to bed yourself.
“Alright,” you relent, shifting forward. “Only one more, though, you’re going to get spoiled otherwise.”
He sits up further in anticipation, watching you lean forward and press a quick, chaste kiss to the cheek of his mask. You gather up the book again when it’s done, ready to continue, but a little voice stops you before you can begin to read.
“Oh,” he says, sounding as though there is a pout hiding behind the mask. “That wasn’t the right kiss. I want the right kiss.”
You let out a sigh. You should have known this was coming, he didn’t stay well behaved for long.
“What is the ‘right kiss’, Brahms? You wanted a goodnight kiss, and I gave you three.”
You’re a little frustrated now, knowing that he’s probably just trying to get a rise out of you. You watch as Brahms raises a hand, tapping the painted lips of the mask with one long finger.
“Here,” he insists, tapping his nail against the porcelain. “I want my kiss.”
He’s going to watch you for a while beforehand, getting to know your schedule, your family, your house. Definitely going to break in and have a look around, either while you’re out or sleeping. May take a thing or two, or even leave something behind for you to find, just to let you know someone’s watching.
It’s going to be a very sudden introduction. One day he’s just there, sitting on your couch, standing behind you on the stairs, or waiting behind a door for you to enter. He’s going to expect you to run, and would honestly be disappointed if you didn’t, but he’ll still give you a few slices even if he doesn’t want to kill you, just to keep the chase interesting.
Oh, you called the police? That’s not going to stop him from showing up, probably in the corner of a dark room while you sleep. If anything it’s just going to motivate him even more. They probably won’t take you too seriously anyways, because since when does Michael Myers chase someone down and not brutally murder them?
He just ?? keeps getting into your damn house??? Like how? You’re starting to realize it’s a lost cause keeping him out, since he will straight up kick down a locked door if he has to. And he hasn’t murdered you so far, although you’ve not caught on yet that this is his way of flirting, seeing as most people don’t murder anyone.
Eventually you treat him like a stray cat that just shows up sometimes, which isn’t far off. You’re still expecting to get the shit murdered out of you one day, but you can’t keep him out so why not try and get along while you can. He’s in your house most days anyways, you should find a way to charge him rent at this point.
Once you’ve accepted that he’s not going anywhere, he’s going to feel free to come and go as he pleases, not that he wasn’t doing that anyway. This is where you cross into ‘exclusive dating’ territory for him, because once he’s in your house without the police being called, that’s the extent of his ability to romance you. This is not at all how a normal person works and you have no idea you’ve just committed yourself to a relationship by not locking your door, but that’s not his problem.
One night you wake up and he’s just in your bed, not even sleeping, just laying right next to you, staring. In his mind, you’re already totally dating at this point, and that’s where boyfriends sleep so ??? What are you gonna do, kick him out? Good luck. This is your life now.
You’re exhausted, piling into your bed as quickly as you can the moment you get home, not bothering to do more than take off your work clothes before crawling under the covers. You lay down with a happy groan, stretching out your arms and legs, ready to pass out and not wake up for the next few days.
You can’t have been asleep for very long when you start to wake again, slowly drifting back into consciousness. The room is still dark but you squint your half open eyes anyway, rolling around until you’re comfortable again, ready to get back to your interrupted slumber. Trying to bring the covers up over your shoulders, you find that they don’t budge when you pull, so you dig your fingers in and pull harder. A grunt has your eyes snapping wide open, heart suddenly racing, struggling to focus your vision in the dark.
Beside you is an unfortunately familiar white face, dark eyes staring at you from the pillow next to yours. You flounder for a moment, clutching the blankets to your chest in alarm as you realize that your usual unwelcome guest has gotten into your bed and you have no clothes on.
“Um, what, uh…” You scramble for anything to say but this situation doesn’t really have a quick fix. “Hi? You’re, uh, in my bed, you know.”
A blank look is all you get, but you should have expected as much. Your eyes dart around, looking for some clue as to what the hell is going on. You notice that he’s still fully dressed, mask and boots included, laying stiffly like he wasn’t used to being comfortable.
“Okay, I guess the couch isn’t good enough anymore, but, uh, this…” There isn’t a nice way to say ‘I’m half naked, please leave’, and since you’ve avoided being murdered so far you’d like it to stay that way.
Before you can start another rambling sentence, a large hand pushes your head down, roughly landing back on your own pillow. Your hands are still clinging to the sheets for dear life, face red with embarrassment, but you can’t help but feel like you’re being ignored.
The hand stays against the side of your head for a moment longer, reaching up to awkwardly pat the top of your head once before returning to the other side of the bed. You stare in disbelief, his eyes looking right back at you, and decide that you don’t feel like dying tonight.
You roll over, putting your back to him, encasing yourself in the blankets and determined to get back to sleep, despite the eyes you can feel on your back.
It doesn’t take much to catch his eye, really the first time you smile or give him a tiny compliment he’s going to be hooked. He’ll be a flustered, nervous wreck when you’re around and it will be very obvious that he’s got a crush.
He’s going to want to find a way to win you over, so prepare to receive some weird gifts. Wild flowers and pretty rocks will be presented to you with a red face, but you’ll also get little trinkets made of questionable materials or things with suspicious red stains.
Nubbins (who, btw, follows the daily romance drama like a bored housewife) will be on his brother’s side, but he’s also going to blurt out awkward things around you both. There’s nothing quite like a nice family dinner where the question “H-hey, you and Bubba fuckin’ yet?” has just been asked, loudly.
Drayton, of course, doesn’t approve at all, but after a while he will grudgingly admit that it might be easier having someone else helping around the house, as long as you earn your keep. He’ll try to discourage Bubba, but Nubbins will just go behind his back and tell him to go for it.
You’re going to know right away what Bubba’s up to, so just getting it over with and letting him know you like him back will save you a lot of awkwardness, at least when it comes to the other two brothers butting in. It will take Bubba a while to get used to the concept of you returning his feelings, so he’ll still be nervous at first.
He falls pretty quick though, so by the time you’ve graduated to hand holding you might as well just get married, cause he’s ready to tie the knot. He goes from flirting to lifetime commitment in about two days.
The smell of food wakes you up, drawing you out of bed much earlier than you want to be. You dress in a hurry, still tired but wanting to make it to the table before everything was gone.
You curse as you step out into the hall, leaning on the doorframe as you lift your foot away from whatever you had stepped on. The first thing you had done this morning was hurt yourself, that didn’t bode well for your mood once you got downstairs to breakfast.
Looking down you see the offending item and carefully pick it up. A little collection of worn down teeth, a mix of human and bovine, strung together with little pieces of brightly colored plastic on a bit of wire dangling from your hand. The thing is a little gruesome, but the rest of the house is no less morbid, and you know how the family puts food on the table.
It’s another of Bubba’s gifts, usually given in person, but perhaps he had been too shy this time. You shift in place, a little smile on your face as you turn the charm over in your hand. The wire holding it together looks like clipped pieces of chicken wire, bent and uneven, but you twist the ends together carefully and hook it around your wrist. It’s clunky and bulky, a little too big on your wrist to stay put unless you keep an eye on it, but you will probably have another one offered up soon, so you don’t expect to wear this one for very long.
A voice from the kitchen catches your attention, calling you down for breakfast. It’s quickly followed by another, higher pitched voice, and from the sound of it an argument is starting up. You put the thing in your pocket, deciding to go downstairs and hope for the best, turning at the bottom of the steps into the dining room.
You find it empty, a few plates sat out with silverware piled to the side, and get to work setting the rest of the table. The argument is in full swing now, Drayton and Nubbins apparently having a dispute about something you’re sure is ridiculous anyways, so you stay out of the kitchen despite the alluring smell of food. You’ve only just finished setting the table when Bubba stumbles out of the kitchen, hurrying away from the fighting with a tray of warm biscuits in hand. The gray bun of his mask is messy this morning, apron half tied and on crooked.
“Mornin’,” you say with a smile, reaching out to take the tray from him.
He squeals in surprise at your greeting, fumbling the plate in his hands, two or three biscuits rolling away. The noise attracts unwanted attention, a harsh voice calling out, “You’d better not be causin’ a mess in there!”
“Nothin’ wrong!” You call back, hastily scooping up the fallen biscuits before Bubba can try, knowing it would only end with the rest of them on the floor as well. You take the tray on your way back up, placing it gently in the middle of the table, with the escaped rolls on top.
“We’ll give those to Drayton,” you whisper to him, smiling at the nervous laugh you get in return. “Go on and sit, I got the table put together already.”
He’s quick to follow your request, landing in his chair with a thud. You hide your hands behind your back, teeth and plastic clinking together dully.
“Bubba, did you leave somethin’ for me by my door this mornin’?”
He looks bashful, but nods eagerly, looking you over as if wanting to see if you have the gift on you. You stick your newly adorned hand out, holding it out for him to see and shaking your wrist to rattle the little teeth. He lets out delighted snort, reaching out to get a closer look at the little clasp you had made with the wire. He had made jewelry before, but they were usually done with bits of string that broke much more easily than the wire would. You let him inspect the changes you had made, grinning at how excited he seemed to be to try adding it to his next one.
“Thank you, Bubba,” you laugh, taking your hand back. “I need to give you something now, huh?”
He looks confused at this, glancing up and down as if looking for something hidden. He says something and even though you have no idea what the words were, you know he’s asking what gift you have for him. You watch his face, seeing his eyes go big and the skin under the mask flush as you lean in to press a little peck against his cheek.
“A-aw, they’re k-kissin’!”
You pull back, turning on the spot to glare at the intruder, hissing under your breath, “Don’t you have any manners at all?!”
He has no idea what he’s doing and all the advice he gets from his uncles is horrible. He’s awkward and shy and has never had a nice encounter with someone who wasn’t a family member, so he’s also scoring a zero for social skills. He will just avoid you to get around all this, so you’re going to think he’s got something against you at first.
Everyone knows what’s going on, even before you do, and there’s going to be quite the gossip happening between Mama and the other ladies, reporting your every move into the phone. The men are a lot more blunt about it, so you’ll probably catch on because of their teasing or rude comments.  
Charlie will take it upon himself to get involved, being the source of most of the absolutely awful advice Thomas gets. He’ll scheme to get you two in a room together, then just loudly comment how he’s just going to the other room real quick, wink wink, he’ll be back in a moment, wink wink, don’t get up to anything while he’s gone. He’s honestly not sure how this doesn’t work.
Thomas is going to be painfully aware that you know after that. He’s never been brave enough to act on what his uncles have told him to do, thank god, and now that decision has just been cemented. You’re going to have to be the one to speak up, otherwise he’s just going to hide from you out of embarrassment for the rest of his life.
You’re going to be the one doing all the flirting and courting now, and he’s going to have even less of an idea on how to return affections than he did on how to show them in the first place. Being straightforward is your best bet, because he has no ability to tell when you’re flirting with him or not. Anything that’s not “I like you romantically, let us engage in romantic dating customs, romantically, together” isn’t going to get the message across.
After Charlie’s disastrous attempts at getting you two together, he will take full credit once it’s official. Clearly he masterminded this whole thing, and you should all listen to his advice more often because look how well it worked out for Tommy.
Thomas freezes when he realizes you’re there, hands pausing in their work. You see him tense, not turning to look at you, and sigh.
“Tommy,” you call, stepping into the barn with hands on your hips and a stern look. “I’ve been lookin’ for you all afternoon. Mama said you were supposed to be down at the trailer, helping Henrietta with that old generator.”
He grunts in response, still hunched over the worktable, head down. You can see the items on the table in front of him, old bits and pieces of an antique sewing machine, the bulk of the machine taken apart and sitting to the side. His hands fidget with the little parts nervously, but he doesn’t return to his work.
You don’t expect much of a response from him anyways, but you know his hiding away in the old barn was on purpose. You came up from the trailer on the other side of the pasture every day after breakfast, helping to take care of the old house and keep Mama company while the men were away at work. Today is Tommy’s day off from the slaughterhouse and Charlie doesn’t do much for work in the first place, but you had come up to the house anyways, hoping to find him.
“You can’t keep hidin’ from me, how am I supposed to date someone I never see?”
His hands stop fiddling with the machine pieces, head tilting towards you as though listening, but he doesn’t move otherwise. You step closer, an amused grin on your face, coming up to the side of the table.
“Well?” You ask, tapping one hand next to his against the wood. He looks at you, or at least up from the table and in your general direction, with an expression of panic. What little you can see of his face through the leather muzzle is flushed red, eyes darting back and forth.
“Tommy,” you say slowly. “You were takin’ too long, we could’ve been done and married by now for how much time you were wastin’.”
You grab his hand in yours and he finally looks at you, watching as you press a kiss to the back of his hand. This is the kind of stuff you had been waiting for him to do to win you over, but you suppose you’re the one courting him now.
“We’re datin’ now, I said so. So stop runnin’ off when I come around.”
He lets out a strained noise of agreement, eyes wide, and your grin is so big now that it hurts.
Jason is a good boy, so he’s going to do his best to be polite and respectful. His mama raised him right and he’s going to strive to be a perfect gentleman. The various limbs left on your front porch are, of course, a gift, like any gentleman would give to the person he’s courting.
Okay, so he’s bad at gifts and you’re probably terrified now. He’s trying. The whole romance thing doesn’t come naturally to him, you know.
It doesn’t take too long to figure out who exactly is leaving mutilated bodies on your doorstep, considering the area you’re in, but you’re not going to see ‘romance’ as the intent behind them. You spend lots of time staying over with friends, only to come home to more signs that someone has been lurking around your cabin, muddy footprints trailing your property.
Luckily, he tries new things once he notices that you aren’t too fond of the previous gifts. Bloody human limbs aren’t your thing, what about animals? That didn’t go over well. Okay, he’ll try something useful, knives are useful, you’ll like those. No? At this point you’re sure he’s threatening you and are scared out of your mind.
Poor Jason is just at the end of his rope trying to find something you’ll like, but there aren’t a lot of options he hasn’t tried. He’s a little shy, preferring to offer gifts and watch from a distance, but if you want to put an end to it, you’re going to have to confront him. Of course, you think you’re about to face down someone trying to kill you, waiting out on your porch overnight with a weapon in hand, only to meet a giant man with a fistful of weeds held out to you.
You have never been so confused in your life, but it’s a better turn out than being violently murdered, so you can’t complain. It will only take a second before you see that he’s timidly offering you the scraggly plant and slowly you’ll realize that you have been the recipient of the worlds most awkward attempts at flirting rather than death threats. It’s sort of endearing to see how nervous he is standing in front of you, so you can’t say it isn’t working once you know what’s going on.
“Alright, I can do this.”
You’re pretty sure you’re going to die tonight, but it’s good to put out positive energy, or at least that’s what your rather ditzy friend had told you.
You were parked out on your front porch, sitting on the steps and waiting. You had started the night with an old, battered rifle sitting across your knees, eyes alert and feeling prepared. But it was nearing fall and you got cold quickly and you had been out here for a long time. If you were going to die you wanted to be as comfortable as possible, so you went back in for a blanket to wrap yourself in and a big thermos of coffee. The rifle was currently propped against the steps while you nestled in your cocoon of blankets. This would admittedly make it more difficult to reach in a hurry, but if you were being honest with yourself, you’re only half sure it was loaded properly in the first place and you had never fired a gun outside of a video game, so you figured your chances weren’t too great regardless. The only reason you owned it was because it had been in the attic when you bought the place.
You stilled at the snap of something in the distance, hand struggling to untangle itself from the blankets as you fumbled for your weapon, suddenly not as concerned with how comfortable you were. You manage to grab the thing just as the dark outline of a figure comes into view, stepping out of the woods.
You weren’t wrong when you had assumed the identity of your stalker, apparently, seeing the old, scuffed mask peeking out from behind the trees. He lurked at the edge of the woods for a moment, and although you doubted you knew how to use it, you wondered if the sight of the gun had made him pause.
Standing up, you held the rifle up, pointing it towards him with trembling hands. You tried to think of something to say, but couldn’t bring anything to mind. You already knew who was approaching you, and presumably the ‘why’ as well. That was about all your frazzled brain could think up on such short notice.
He waited at the tree line for long enough that your arms began to shake, finally stepping forward through the brush and getting close enough that you could see the little red marks on the cheeks and middle of the mask, before you pulled the trigger. The noise was louder than you had anticipated from the old thing, recoil rocking back into your shoulder painfully, but you knew at once that you had hit your target.
Both of you looked down, watching the sluggish spread of a dark stain on the already dirty shirt covering his chest. You waited for a reaction, maybe for him to fall to the ground, but he did nothing but slowly lower his arm -
Wait, was he holding something? Was that a handful of grass? Looking closer you see a big fist wrapped around a strangled looking clump of grass and weeds, two wilted dandelions sticking out in the middle.
Oh, shit, you think in a panic. Was he bringing you those? Bringing you flowers? Had you just shot someone who was trying to bring you flowers?
“Oh my god,” you half shout, eyes wide. “I’m so sorry!”
Hand now at his side, you see that his whole posture has changed, shoulders drooping down like the wilted weeds in his hand, head pointed towards the ground. You weren’t sure if they’d still put you in jail for shooting Jason Voorhees, of all people, but damn if you weren’t going to feel like an asshole about it for the rest of your life.
You take a few quick steps forward, stop, and then take a few more, unsure about exactly how close you should get to him. One little gunshot wasn’t going to inconvenience him much, if any of the stories were true, but you couldn’t just shoot him and let him go off into the woods looking like a kicked puppy.
“Um, I’m sorry, really,” you repeat, holding up your hands in surrender. “I’m so, so sorry. I didn’t- I mean, I thought you were going to kill me, so, you know.”
He looks up at you, away from the new hole in his ratty shirt, but his eyes are hidden behind the mask so you can’t judge if he’s angry at you or not. You shift nervously in front of him, hoping this isn’t some elaborate plan to get you close enough to murder. Slowly he brings his hand back up, offering the half dead weeds to you in a shaky grip, and you realize with a pang of guilt that he’s nervous.
He was nervous about bringing you flowers and you shot him!
“Oh, please come inside, I’ll fix your shirt,” you babble, having no experience with sewing or even any idea where a needle is in your house. “I’m sorry, I really wouldn’t have shot you normally, I promise!”
He lets out a quiet huff of breath as you grab at his hand to finally take the offered gift, seeming to relax a little as he allows you to pull him inside, letting out a stream of I’m sorry’s as you go.
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