rapha-reads · 2 years
For the native country asks: 11, 12, 22~
(Thank you for providing me for a quick break in between essay writing! Love you)
11. favourite native writer/poet?
Oh boy. Do you have 4 hours? My favourite poem is "Il pleure dans mon cœur/ Comme il pleut sur la ville", but I appreciate more Paul Eluard's poems ("Sur mes refuges détruits / Sur mes phares écroulés / Sur les murs de mon ennui / J’écris ton nom / [...] Liberté").
In terms of narrative/prose writers... Oof. I have a BA in French Literature, AND I've been living mostly in libraries and bookshops since I was 5. So, um. I love French literature. The master writer of French kids of the 2000s is the regretted Pierre Bottero with his series "Ewilan" (a must read). Lately, as I am deep in essay writing about culture and stuff, I've been reading some Malraux, especially his 1966 speech that you can find here and that is absolutely amazing. Big fan of Alexandre Dumas and Théophile Gautier in the 19th century, Fred Vargas and Nancy Huston in the 21st, Eric Orsenna and Eric-Emmanuel Schmidt in the 20th... Don't have time to go in-depth too much right now, but anyone, do feel free to send me asks about French literature!
12. what do you think about English translations of your favourite native prose/poem?
Ooooh, bad, bad. I generally prefer original versions of what I'm reading, and if I don't know the language, I'm very careful to look up what bilingual people say about the translation. Some time ago, in one of my literature class, we were talking about a French text, I don't remember which one, and the prof showed us the original text and then a translation (in Spanish), and oooow, the translation completely lost the point of the text, none of the lyricality of it had been transposed. (I am a snob when it comes to languages and literatures, I am well aware of that) Other than that, I don't read translated French writings in English, so I don't have anything else to say.
22. what makes you proud about your country? what makes you ashamed?
*snorts in French* Let's start with ashamed because oh boy have you been following French news lately? Macron is an asshole, the gouvernement is full of idiots, thieves, criminals and racist pieces of shits, society still has a problem with its colonial past (hello racism, hello xenophobia), and it's paradoxically very proud of its culture while being almost illiterate, the pretentiousness of French people, the hypocrisy...
But it's also a beautiful country that has made and still makes amazing creations, has a long history of humanism and intellectualism, a history of hospitality and fiery defence of its people and its values (without any irony and knowing well how horrible it was, I would have loved to live through the Révolution in 1789). Good food, good bread, good pâtisserie. Excellent literature and music. Beautiful landscapes. I hate France as much as I love it, but I would not go back to live there even if you pay me.
Send me another not-US ask and I'll do the Moroccan version!
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prince-simon · 2 years
I was driving to work this morning and got really excited practicing rolling my Rs. It's taken years of slow improvement and I'm just now starting to be able to do it in the middle of words (and not just after a huge breath lol)
Anyways then of course I thought about Wille practicing his Spanish and getting excited about his Rs improving and Simon hyping him up "ahh so good, principito!" ~~
omggg pls i love that so much!! this is exactly how it played out for wille and simon!! i'm like so emo rn thank you for sharing that autumn <3
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smile-dance-breathe · 2 years
#23 and #65
23. Cloud 9 (feat. Tegan and Sara)- Beach Bunny
65. already answered this one <3
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14carrotghoul · 2 months
Favorite Song from the List Game
rules: put your music library on shuffle, then list the first five songs that come up in a poll to let people vote for which one they like the most! 🎶
Using the open tag from @caterpills bc this looks so fun! (And I've never done a poll and it looks fun!)
Oooooh shuffle actually did its job and got a little of everything (although it did skew really male today)! Spotify links and tags below the cut!
Tagging @cha-melodius @read-and-write- @orchidscript @firenati0n @alasse9 @myheartalivewrites @suseagull04 @bitbybitwrites @cultofsappho @junebugclaremontdiaz @kiwiana-writes @littlemisskittentoes @na-dineee @rmd-writes @skater110599 @tintagel-or-cockleshells @thedramasummer @xthelastknownsurvivorx and open tag for anyone else that wants to play!!!
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elipheleh · 1 year
Continuing my series of learning about things referenced in the book, I'm looking at the music mentioned in the book. This idea came from @skater110599, thank you!. These are all tagged #a series of learning about things that are referenced in the book, if you want to block the tag. Here is the link to the contents page for the series.
I want to recommend this post first though, it's beautifully written and talks a bit about the reasons why the artists referenced in the book are perfectly chosen. OP (@zukoinmypocket) also was an incredible help to me while writing this series of music posts - and particularly the classical side of things - and I am so grateful.
After a poll about the best method of sharing links I have made a series of spotify playlists for this sub-series of posts. Some are short, others are longer. I've roughly tried to group them with how they were in the book.
I created a mega-playlist that covers all of the music referenced in the book, excluding the 3 classical pieces by Brahms/Wagner/Scriabin because I wanted specific versions of those that weren't on spotify. Often it was simply artists mentioned, so I chose what i hoped were appropriate songs. That playlist is here:
Here are the links for the other posts with their respective playlist. They will be updated/linked when the relevant post goes up, this is more to refer back to afterwards as a megapost/contents page. These are also all available on my spotify page already.
Young America NYE Gala
LA karaoke
Henry's Music Room (with special visitor, Bea) [this does not have a spotify playlist]
Henry & Alex's Song
round the fire, texas vacation.
Alex's Music Taste
Casey's Updates - Original / Final Version / Final, Final Version
Film Update
Chronological Film Soundtrack
Alex's Record Collection
Casey has made character playlists on spotify! Here are the ones for Henry & Alex. They also have playlists for June, Nora, Bea, Pez, Zahra, Rafael, Ellen, and a general book playlist.
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sayburgundy · 1 year
RULES: tag some people you want to get to know better! (@flowergrenades ty for tagging me even tho I always take ages to do these things <3)
relationship status: singie <- fun way of saying single
favourite colour: that kind of mucky chartreuse that is just this side of olive green
song that’s stuck in my head: shades by alexandra savior
last song i listened to: wasted acres by grizzly bear
last google search: ‘miles jupp wikipedia’ lol
dream trip: frankly i’m too tired for any of that at the moment but i’d still love to go to iceland one day
anything i want right now: a really good coffee and/or a cure for my creative block :)
tagging: my dear friends of whom i know plenty but from whom i always love hearing @skater110599 @rapha-reads
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littlespoonevan · 4 years
Rereading the cuddle fic years later bc I moved into a new apartment and I don’t know anyone here yet and I need a little comfort. It never fails <3
ahh this just put such a smile on my face!!! i’m glad it can keep you company in your new apartment!! :’) <3
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fuckyeahasexual · 6 years
Happy ace story: so me and my best friend have had mutual feelings for each other for a while (he knows I’m ace) and when we finally acknowledged those feelings, the first thing he asked me was about my asexuality and how specifically I identify and what it means to me bc he wanted to understand as best as he could, and that meant a lot 💜 so yeah we’re going on our first date (my first Ever date) tonight and I’m very excited.
AMAZING !! Im so happy for you and best of luck for you date !! Thanks for sharing this with us ! 💜💜💜💜💜
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drucktranslations · 6 years
Jumping on board with this #herzstillstand. Recently my best friend and I have started dating, and he’s my first boyfriend and I had never even kissed anyone before, but like 2 weeks ago, we were lying down facing each other and I really wanted to kiss him, but I was too nervous to lean in. So I told him exactly that, and he put his hand on my cheek and next thing I knew he was kissing me so gently and I swear.... it was so warm and it felt like everything else just paused for that moment
i’m so proud of you for telling him when you couldn’t do it yourself! you rock
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evyisaks · 5 years
I completely missed what happened with the skamesp cast re: pansexuality
Hiiii! :) The actor that plays Christian posted a picture of the cast with the caption “i cant imagine my life without you my pansexual kids” and some other cast members replied, and laughed at it. 
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skamfairy · 6 years
I follow Anne+ on insta!! I have found 2 of the episodes with english subs somewhere, but haven't checked in a while for any of the others. Also!! The other day, the Anne+ team recommended féminin féminin (french) as a similar show and I believe it is more readily available for people to watch with english subs and everything. Their insta is femininfeminin_officiel, I'm probably gonna check it out today.
AHHHHH YAY thank you so much autumn I’ll look for both!!! And check them out 👀👀 AHHHHH THIS SOUNDS SO GOOD I’m so happy thank you thank you 💖🌻💖
ALSO where did you find the anne+ english subs eps cos i can’t find any :((
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rapha-reads · 3 years
<33 and cellphoneyyy!!!
<33 - date me (platonically)
cellphoneyy - we should talk more you're cool
You know I'm notoriously bad at keeping in touch, but literally call me whenever, or I'll call you asap, now that I'm chilling again !
All my love !
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greathalesonfire · 6 years
Evak #5 for friends-> lovers “you can’t be that oblivious”
Hello, this took forever but now it’s here!! Thank you so so much for prompting me!
Even thinks he might’ve always loved Isak, from the very first moment he saw him.
Isak walked into his life at a moment where he felt like everything was going to shit. He’d just broken up with Sonja, came out of a gruelling depressive episode and all he had wanted was to lick his wounds in peace. Instead, Mikael had dragged him out, telling him they’d wanted Even to meet their boyfriend and his friends.
Even had spend the better part of the night in the corner, nursing a beer, still too tired and groggy from the depressive episode to really interact with the people around him.
And then Isak had walked in. Isak had smiled when Jonas introduced him to Mikeal, and Even’s heart had skipped a beat just watching him. He was beautiful, messy curls and long fingers wrapped around a bottle of beer, his laugh a bit hoarse, pronounced cupid bow giving way to his cute teeth.
He had stared at him, not yet ready to approach him, when instead Isak had approached him. Isak’d dropped down next to him on the coach, smiled shyly and that’s how one of the best nights of Even’s life had started.
It would’ve been the best night ever, period, if not for one minor detail: Isak had a boyfriend. He mentioned him offhandedly at one point, answering a question Jonas asked him. Even doesn’t even remember what exactly Isak had said about him, only that he felt his hopeless, romantic heart shatter a little bit.
Isak had broken up with his boyfriend some time after that, right after Even had started dating someone new and while every part of Even’s heart had been screaming to dump his current boyfriend, he couldn’t… Not when he wasn’t sure how Isak felt, not when maybe this new relationship could work.
Spoiler: it hadn’t.
The guy had strung Even along for far too long, breaking his tender heart into a million pieces. Isak had been there too pick up the pieces. He brought pizza and movies and even let Even fall asleep on his shoulder.
In the wreck of Even’s relationship, they became friends.
And Even loved it. He loved when Isak just came over to watch movies with him. He loved smoking with Isak and talking about the universe. He loved their inside jokes in the groupchat that made everyone mad. He loved how he could reach out for his phone in the middle of the night and text Isak, knowing that it was okay to share his dark and sad thoughts with him because Isak had them too.
Except… except sometimes they went out to parties and Isak said he’d sleep over on Even’s couch but instead he’d go home with some guy. And sometimes Even would be over at Isak’s place and Eskild would lovingly tease him about keeping him up all night.
Even knew it wasn’t fair to resent Isak, even a little bit, but he did. He just wanted Isak to look at him like he looked at those boys he picked up. He just wanted to be the one marking up Isak’s neck, making him blush and roll his eyes at his friends whenever they brought it up.
It was a Sunday, and as had been the case for months now, Isak was sat on Even’s couch. Leftover pizza cooling on the coffee table, cans of soda cracked open, a movie playing on the tv.
Even was trying to pay attention, he truly was, but the hickey Isak’s newest conquest had left was so big and so out in the open, he kept getting distracted.
In a moment of pure weakness, Even reached out and poked the hickey, right under Isak’s jaw.
“Ow! What the fuck, Even?” Isak cried out, his hand flying up to cover the spot.
Even shrugged, “that’s a giant one.”
Isak rubbed the spot self-consciously. “Yeah, I told him off when I saw it.”
“You like it, though, when they…,” Even lamely waved his hand in the general direction of Isak’s neck.
“In the moment, I guess,” Isak blushed, finally dropping his hand, “afterwards it just makes me feel..”
“Makes you feel?” Even prompted.
Isak shrugged one shoulder, nodded his chin to the tv screen, “doesn’t matter. We’re missing the film.”
It was quiet for a few beats, neither of them actually watching the movie.
“Makes you feel what?” Even said, making Isak sigh irritably.
“Drop it, Even,” he warned.
“I just don’t get why you would sleep with all these men if you don’t like it.”
Isak spluttered, his face turning red in what Even recognized was anger and he turned to face Even fully. “You seriously cannot be this oblivious!” he almost shouted.
Even shrunk back, “I have no idea-”
“I’m in love with you, Even! I have been in love with you for months but I can’t have you so I try to just,” he paused for just a second, his hands up in the air between them, “fuck you out of my system.”
Isak’s shoulders slumped and he thumped his head against the backrest, “obviously it’s not going too well.”
“What the fuck,” Even breathed and a flash of hurt passed over Isak’s face before suddenly Even was straddling Isak. “I’m going to kiss you now, stop me if you don’t want me to,” Even said, leaning in.
Isak didn’t stop him, instead he pulled Even closer by the back of his head, moaning softly when Even’s tongue swiped over his lower lip.
By the time Even pulled away, Isak’s lips were puffy and his eyes slightly glazed over.
“I have loved you from the moment I met you,” Even said and Isak blinked.
“I broke up with my boyfriend because I realized I was falling for you,” Isak admitted, “but by then you were dating that asshole, and after that you were so heartbroken I… I didn’t want to force myself onto you.”
“Shit,” Even breathes and Isak laughs.
“Yeah, you can say that again.”
“We’re idiots,” Even says and Isak nods sagely before kissing Even’s cheek. “I’m never letting you go now, though,” he adds, looking Isak in the eye, “If that’s okay with you.”
“More than okay,” Isak replies.
(prompt me a trope)
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smile-dance-breathe · 5 years
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14carrotghoul · 3 months
this or that: rwrb book edition
The rules: I’ll list two things and you pick your favourite and bold it. Or pick both of you can't choose, I’m not your mum. And then tag some friends to join in if you like.
thanks to @myheartalivewrites for creating this game!!! and thanks to @cha-melodius @suseagull04 and @firenati0n for tagging me!
// Cakegate or the Great Turkey Calamity // Red Room or tack room // strumpet or biscuit // Don’t Stop Me Now or Your Song // Yes, good, carry on or We all must learn and grow // Prince Buttercup or Hoe Dameron // Henry runs on NYE or Henry runs from the lake house // I am very, very gay or Bisexuality truly is a rich and complex tapestry // fire under your ass for no good goddamn reason or bottom of the pie crust chat // baby or sweetheart // The whole bloody time or set me on fire // Empire Strikes Back or Return of the Jedi // AN INCOMPLETE LIST or your body comes back to me in dreams // burgundy velvet suit or midnight-blue bomber jacket // bad metaphors about maps or hometown stuff // obtuse fucking asshole or then fucking have me // America: He is my choice or Never tell me the odds // sería una mentira porque no sería él or history, huh? // I’m never gonna love anybody in the world like I love you or I love him on purpose //
Tags and blank copy under the cut!
tagging folks that I don't think have done this yet?
@formorewishes @love-has-a-way-ofgrowingbackward @happiness-of-the-pursuit @read-and-write- @gayrootvegetable
@adinarj @alasse9 @absoluteaudacitywrites @tintagel-or-cockleshells @inexplicablymine
@junebugclaremontdiaz @seanchaidh7 @xthelastknownsurvivorx @bidoofenergy @zwiazdziarka
@historicallysam @stratocumulusperlucidus @heysweetheart-writes @matherines @caterpills
@cheesecurdsgravyandfries @dumbpeachjuice @skater110599 @writes-in-space @thedramasummer
@na-dineee @kiwiana-writes @ghostwithatophat @jroseley @ssmtskw
@bitbybitwrites @littlemisskittentoes @indomitable-love @dot524 @raysletters
@heartitinthesilence @sprigsofviolets @athousandrooms @cricketnationrise @fuckingyrs
// Cakegate or the Great Turkey Calamity // Red Room or tack room // strumpet or biscuit // Don’t Stop Me Now or Your Song // Yes, good, carry on or We all must learn and grow // Prince Buttercup or Hoe Dameron // Henry runs on NYE or Henry runs from the lake house // I am very, very gay or Bisexuality truly is a rich and complex tapestry // fire under your ass for no good goddamn reason or bottom of the pie crust chat // baby or sweetheart // The whole bloody time or set me on fire // Empire Strikes Back or Return of the Jedi // AN INCOMPLETE LIST or your body comes back to me in dreams // burgundy velvet suit or midnight-blue bomber jacket // bad metaphors about maps or hometown stuff // obtuse fucking asshole or then fucking have me // America: He is my choice or Never tell me the odds // sería una mentira porque no sería él or history, huh? // I’m never gonna love anybody in the world like I love you or I love him on purpose //
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elipheleh · 1 year
Continuing my series of learning about things referenced in the book, I'm looking at the music mentioned in the book. This idea came from @skater110599, thank you!. These are all tagged #a series of learning about things that are referenced in the book, if you want to block the tag. Here is the link to the contents page for the series.
I want to recommend this post first though, it's beautifully written and talks a bit about the reasons why the artists referenced in the book are perfectly chosen. OP (@zukoinmypocket) also was an incredible help to me while writing this series of music posts - and particularly the classical side of things - and I am so grateful.
After a poll about the best method of sharing links I have made a series of spotify playlists for this sub-series of posts. Some are short, others are longer. I've roughly tried to group them with how they were in the book.
I created a mega-playlist that covers all of the music referenced in the book, excluding the 3 classical pieces by Brahms/Wagner/Scriabin because I wanted specific versions of those that weren't on spotify. Often it was simply artists mentioned, so I chose what i hoped were appropriate songs. That playlist is here:
Here are the links for the other posts with their respective playlist. These are also all available on my spotify page already.
Young America NYE Gala
LA karaoke
Henry's Music Room (with special visitor, Bea) [this does not have a spotify playlist]
Henry & Alex's Song
round the fire, texas vacation.
Alex's Music Taste
Casey's Updates
Casey has made character playlists on spotify! Here are the ones for Henry & Alex. They also have playlists for June, Nora, Bea, Pez, Zahra, Rafael, Ellen, and a general book playlist.
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