#rwrb music
lily-s-world · 10 months
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Wake up RWRB and Swifties besties! Casey dropped their official Taylor Swift playlist for Alex and Henry.
All the songs match perfectly the characters, so go wild with the edits. 🤭
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elipheleh · 10 months
Music - Alex's Record Collection
As seen in various clips, Alex's room in the White House has 6 LPs framed on the wall above his record player. (pictured are 4.5 of them because they don't ever appear in one shot!)
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As part of my series with music posts, it felt only right to add these on too. So I have found out all of the albums, and put them together in an image that replicates their layout on Alex's wall. I'll list below the image the album titles & artists, and link to the album on spotify.
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Wonderful Wonderful - The Killers Rumors - Fleetwood Mac Full Moon Fever - Tom Petty good kid, m.A.A.d city - Kendrick Lamar Bigger Than Both of Us - Hall & Oates Goodbye Yellow Brick Road - Elton John
I have collected them all together into a playlist for easy listening.
i found the kendrick lamar & tom petty albums from this twitter post, a relief as i was stumped on them.
Link to the masterpost/contents page for the music posts
Link to the masterpost/contents for the whole series
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musiconmmind · 10 months
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indeliblefallacies · 10 months
American Jesus by Nessa Barrett is by far the most movie "Henry before the love confession" coded shit I have ever come across and it is a shame this wasn't in the actual movie. SUCH a disservice tbh. The lyrics basically read like Henry speaking about Alex here's the link (so you can listen to it and agree with me): https://open.spotify.com/track/6gnjE8oBkosBIEZroEjq4I?si=bc89fc50eec34d1f
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yrsonpurpose · 9 months
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Comfort — Nicholas Galitzine
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enigmasandepiphanies · 8 months
one of the best realizations I have had as I have grown up is how amazing it is to show up for the people you love, unashamedly and unapologetically. show up to their classical music productions when you don't know anything about that kind of music, their chemistry club meetings when you are a literature student and don't know anything about chemistry but your bestie is doing cool experiments with copper sulphate, the very alluring blue portion you were tempted to drink in school cause it looked so magical. show up when they wake up from a long nap and have missed dinner and are feeling shitty, make them maggi and get them their fave chocolate. show up when they rant about animal documentaries excitedly and listen when they tell you the plot of jujustu kaisan at 4 am during exam week. take a walk with them at 11 pm in night because they told you you have no classes tomorrow so come down (it's their emotionally suppressed way of saying I miss you). cuddle with them to sleep because they are scared of thunderstorms. make them an art piece and write them a love letter for their birthday to show them you love them so much and you will never stop probably and that scares you sometimes but their presence will reassure you always. I know you know that they know that you love them but when you gift them your "an incomplete list of things you love about them" in your shitty handwriting they will smile and cry and choke you in a hug for 5 mins, it will be a smile spilling out of the sun and it'll be so worth it always. reply to their messages of hey "your name" except your name gets weirder and weirder cause they are bored and miss you and wanna talk and even if you are busy and tired , do return some of their affection with a small message that yes, you missed them too even though you are too tired to express. give them your fave drawing and you'll see how they have hung it up on their cork board in their dorm room. tell them to spam their earring collections and marvel over their strawberry earrings. send them a video message when they send you their jiggly caramel pudding video because omg they can cook now and you are so happy for them that you want to portal through the phone and hug them (you're gonna give them a recipe notebook for their birthday). let them rant on the phone while you fold your laundry, it's manageable mostly.
there are days when you can't show up and it's okay and they'll understand, most people who love you do, they should. but gosh, putting in effort in any relationship isn't that the best thing? because they are not just worth your love, the point of worth never even comes cause they are the very meaning of love. because God remember what Miyazaki said when you love someone you inspire each other to live and grow even when you recognize how hard living is. growing is difficult but you love growing with them.
I used to think I love people too much but you know what they love me too much too. so when someone asked richard siken what do you do when you love someone too much he said congratulate yourself. and today I am congratulating myself cause I know the loves of my life are doing that too.
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rwrbmovie · 10 months
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BTS of #RWRBMovie: "Baby"
When Zahra finally gets a call through to Shaan (Akshay Khanna), Henry's equerry, and allows Alex to speak to Henry, we see Henry holding the phone up to his ear as Alex, off-screen, whispers, 'Baby.' Alex's use of the term of endearment 'baby' is a big fan favorite in the book but it almost didn't make it into the film – and after attending fan screenings, Matthew shares that it has now become his favorite moment to watch with others.  "At the London fan screening, when we got to that moment, you hear him say 'baby' over the phone to him and the entire audience swooned and that was very unexpected and delightful.
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folkhoax · 10 months
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well he was not wrong. he just didn't mention which revolution.
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rockingtheorange · 28 days
If this is just a small peek of what we could've had for rwrb1, imagine what we'll get for the sequel 🥴
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waterloo-carte · 5 months
No Scrubs Cover² by Nicholas Galitzine.
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The 2 lowest ships from this poll and the other parts will be eliminated
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goddess-darkness · 4 months
This video 💜.
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elipheleh · 9 months
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theagcd on instagram stories
links to this spotify playlist
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nigrumnotcis · 9 months
I just realized that in the museum scene in red white & royal blue, while they were dancing Alex picked the PERFECT song because it's a modernised version of an old classic, it's just so THEM
Like, Alex is really modern and in tune with modern music, culture etc, being brought up as "anonymous working-class kid"
While Henry is not, he's more oldschool with him being the prince and having centuries of history on his shoulders, being taught etiquette, classical music etc.
So that cover of "Can't Help Falling In Love" is just a perfect mix of them, their upbringing and characters, the differences in their worlds brought up together into one song
And Alex choosing it in that scene, with that context... Just HXJEJJSJSJSJDHDUHDH
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svnflowermoon · 11 months
alex and henry are so taylor coded you don't understand
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hussyknee · 1 year
cant put my finger on it, but Taylor Swift feels like walking racial microaggression
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