#skimmed the comments and it turns out i hate r/k but the thought of r/k baby is even worse
humanoidtyphoons · 5 months
oh i don’t want kirsi to be pregnant at all. partly because i don’t like reimund/kirsi and i… don’t really want a baby plot in this story, not like this.
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hes-writer · 6 years
The Other Woman III
Summary: Harry cheat and Y/N sings a song
Warnings: angst
Word Count: 4.2 k
Based on: Behind These Hazel Eyes by Kelly Clarkson
“I wrote a song about you,”
His eyes widening at her confession. They always dedicated songs to each other but this time, he could tell that it was different.
“I want to sing it in a week’s time,” Harry instantaneously nodded at her request muttering an ‘of course’ about three times. “At your concert,”
“I want your whole family there: Anne and Gemma, I want the boys there,” Although he was confused, there was no way that he would reject Y/N now, especially since he did kind of owe her. “I want that woman there,”
Y/N was a ghost. She stayed at the same hotel as Harry for the next three days, he had a week off. The room she was in was a couple doors down his own and they’d see each other sometimes. The first time he saw her, he was caught off guard. His thoughts were muddled and he hadn’t thought of what to say to her after she visited him that night. Needless to say, he didn’t have a speech prepared to woo her back into his life.
The second time it happened, he stopped her by calling out her name. Her feet stayed planted on the carpeted hallway, giving him a few moments to say something—anything, yet he resembled a goldfish, gaping at her red-rimmed eyes. He felt guilty, even more so because she was right there in the same place as he was and he couldn’t comfort her, he couldn’t do anything to make her feel loved again. The pain he was feeling surely wasn’t up to par with hers.
She huffed at him, Harry realizing that he hadn’t spoken in a good minute or two. His eyes watched as she turned on her heels heading towards the elevator, away from him. He tried to move, he really did but his legs stayed firm and he couldn’t do anything but watch helplessly as she strayed farther and farther away from him. He got the sense to move his dense lower body right as she stepped into the lift, he ran to her when she pressed the ‘close’ button repeatedly, and the doors shut gently just as he approached them, leaving another barrier between him and his love. He swallowed hard, another missed opportunity on his part.
They never officially broke up, but it felt like they did because while Harry was ruminating about getting Y/N back, regretting his actions to the maximum, Y/N was mourning the agony she felt in her heart. He wrote in his journal every day; his thoughts taking form in sentences, songs, and even poems. Harry considered heartbreak as a muse for art. It had a way of bridging the physiological pain to something objectifiable; something people could see. It was a notion that he could mold into something completely his own— no one could tell him how or what to feel because it was out there for people to see. And in his darkest times, maybe he needed a second opinion. Usually, he’d have someone contradicting his point of view just so he could make his work stronger, sturdier. Except he didn’t need that now. Everything he thought was true. He was a jerk, he cheated, and now he regretted everything. He didn’t appreciate Y/N when she was still his and no matter whom he asked who had knowledge of their relationship; he was sure that not one person would deny his words. No one would say that it wasn’t his fault because it was.
It was different for Y/N. The media had targeted her ever since she started her career, ever since she released her first single and when she received positive support from her upcoming fans, the media had countless criticisms about her work. And no, they did not give her the benefit of the doubt that she could grow and mature— that she could evolve into a better artist. She had trouble accepting who she was, what kind of person she wanted to be seen has always influenced her. The media had no mercy, they judged her fiercely with no empathy and through time, she learned to brush it off.
Harry’s affair was a heist for the articles and the magazines. While her fans defended her, the news twisted everything to the point where it was ridiculous. The timeline they’d produced said that Y/N was cheating on Harry while was on tour. That it was the perfect opportunity for her to ‘get down and dirty’ because he wasn’t there to keep a tight leash on her. She scoffed at that part, she could control herself. Then, they created a rumor that Harry found about it because she broke up with him through text, adding a snide comment that she was probably going to use this publicity to hit number one on the charts. When the pictures of the woman came out, she was labeled as Harry’s ‘new girl’, and that Y/N was officially out of the picture; after all, tabloids never really accepted her and Harry as a couple, said that he needed someone living a normal life and Y/N wasn’t ‘the one’. They made fun of her when she was papped crying outside the studio, snarkily remarking that she was tearful because she couldn’t handle seeing him with someone else. It was sick and twisted and she reprimanded herself for being so surprised when she saw it.
It was a career that she worked hard for, and she wasn’t discrediting Harry or anything— but his life would be considerably better than hers after this. He’d be described as a ‘player’, a ‘flirt’, or maybe a ‘womanizer’ which held less societal impact than what she’d be called: a whore, a cheat, a slut. Shameful things that weren’t one bit true, but she would still be classified as such. It made her angry, partly from how society was fundamentally built up to label the woman’s actions as something unforgivable, something that inevitably defines who she was, and when she tries to justify herself, she’s seen as somebody who couldn’t own up to their mistakes. But mostly, she was embarrassed and full of rage towards Harry, because of Harry. He was aware when he was cheating, but he didn’t think of her. Not just in a relationship sense, not personable, but he didn’t think of how this scandal could affect her career. The humiliation she felt being stopped in streets early in the morning, wanting to get sensible, needing to escape the watchful eyes condemning her every move; how they’d scorn at her figure, scrutinizing her as if she was a dirty, shameless woman because it’s what that they’ve heard on the E! Network. Some even went up close to her face suggestively looking at her, and Harry’s fans shouted at her as if they knew everything because they couldn’t believe that their idol could do anything less than being loveable and kind to everyone. He wasn’t, now she knew.
All this happened in a span of a week, up to the date where she and Harry stepped foot into the airport heading to his next venue. Harry had taken it upon himself to lend her some of his bodyguards, noticing how the amount of harassment she received doubled and if he couldn’t protect her heart, he was going to protect her physically. She was appreciative, of course. She noticed how his head turned back to look at her often, checking on her well-being and making sure that she wasn’t being ripped into shreds. The lot was just about to enter the terminal gates at a slightly slower pace because the attendants had to check their ticket and passports when a shrill voice resonated throughout the vast expanse of the terminal.
“You couldn’t make it to the top on your own so you used Harry instead!”
“What’s your talent? Cheating?”
“Keep your legs closed!”
Y/N could feel her lashes weighing down on her eye bags from lack of sleep, tears hanging off the edge of them. She was gently nudged forward, realizing that it was her turn to show her credentials. Harry was standing close by, face crumpling as he heard the words directed at his love. He wanted to say something but his publicist warned him not to make it worse. He had to keep his image clean, even if it meant Y/N’s was being tainted. And Y/N knew that he was a special snowflake, his existence was more significant than hers; she realized that but she didn’t exactly agree with it.
She was provoked, the words ululating in her head, in her heart, and her lips had started to take shape of the syllables as if she was progressively welcoming ‘the truth’. She shook her head steadily, biting her lip while she strummed her guitar. She was in a temporary dressing room since her presence at Harry’s concert wasn’t exactly planned for. It was smaller than she was used to but she didn’t want to complain– not that she wanted to anyway.
In a couple of hours, she was going to perform the song that she had written a mere two weeks ago. Some of her producer friends had helped her write the score, the notes, and the chords for the instruments she’d planned on using. They rehearsed undisclosed, not wanting to spill anything before the big night. She opened her leather-bound notebook, skimming over the song she had written on a whim. It was unedited and she thought that it brought out a certain rawness in her emotions. It was cruel, undisputed; a certain vehemence to her personality that she had never showed Harry before. But it made sense, her authentic feelings were pure and solely her. It showcased how she felt and outlined what he did. It was what he deserved, destroying her like that.
Y/N knocked on Harry’s closed dressing room door, she could hear him shuffling inside, feet thumping and for a second she let her vivid imagination play a scene where someone was in there with him. She raised her fist again, more determined this time that that match in her got lit up by the simple thought, she knocked twice getting impatient but Harry was still not opening the barrier between them. It was a metaphorical analogy, while Harry was doing his own thing (ie cheating), she was behind the door, refraining her from seeing what was truly going on and she hated it. She decided to knock again, head tilting when a crew member called her name, not realizing that the door had already opened and her fist was headed straight for Harry’s chin. Her knuckles make contact with the bone, she turned around seeing him about to grab her hand to stop her from hitting him a second time.
“Sorry,” She said, not really meaning it but felt it was necessary to do so.
“It’s okay, Y/N” He answered back, opening the door wider and stepping aside to let her in. He assumed that she was here to talk– they haven’t done much of that lately.
Once she was inside and he had shut the door, Y/N faced him with her arms wrapped around her middle as an extra precaution. He was dressed in his attire; gold pants and a black dress shirt. It was flashy but not too flashy– it definitely caught her attention. But believe her, after tonight, all the focus was going to be on him.
“Are you ready for tonight?” He asked, albeit a little timid. He didn’t know how she felt about him, if she was still angry or if she blew off a bit of steam since that night.
She nodded, fingers grabbing on her shirt. She had yet to change to the dress that she planned to wear for her performance. She wouldn’t go into detail with it when her friend, Alana, asked but she mentioned that it was something that would definitely make Harry remorse what he did, and make him want her all the more–but he couldn’t get her. He wouldn’t.
“Any chance you’ll give me a sneak peek?” He joked. Big mistake.
“Any chance that you can keep your dick in your pants?” She scoffed, raising her brows.
He cleared his throat, uncomfortable at her being so straightforward with him. This wasn’t the Y/N that he knew.
“Look, I’m sorry Y/N. I don’t know what you want me to do,” He begins. “I told you what happened, I explained to you why I did it even if it made me sound like an asshole, and I apologized to you already,”
“I don’t want you to do anything, Harry. And I definitely did not want you to cheat on me but you did anyway!”
He breathed through his nose, teeth gritting as anger bubbled inside of him.
“You’re still not over that? Get over it, Y/N!” He lifted his arms up in the air to emphasize his words, walking away from her to plop himself on the couch. If there was a sane part of her before willing to forgive him, hearing what he just said wiped it away.
“Get over it? It was barely even two weeks ago,”
“That’s what I’m saying. It’s in the past now, let’s just be like how we used to be,”
“Are you hearing yourself right now? We’ve been together for more than a year, then you decide to be unfaithful, and you’re asking me to put this behind us?” She couldn’t believe what she was hearing from him. Where was the kind and genuine Harry that she knew?
“I told you she meant nothing! I even deleted her number,”
“That doesn’t change a thing,” She mused, a little humored by his thought process.
“I hope you enjoy the show tonight,” She began to exit the door, hand grasping the doorknob before she spoke again, “And I’ll make sure to say hi to your friends at the booth,”
He was left gaping, left to figure out why she was acting so … different.
God, if she acted like this when they were still together (they still are), there’s no doubt in Harry’s mind that he wouldn’t have cheated on her.
Y/N’s set was accommodated between Kacey and Harry’s. She had one whole hour to say what she wanted to say, no interruptions. She was at the side of the stage, one of the sound techs holding a palm to indicate that she had ‘five minutes’ before she was to go on. Y/N rolled her head on her neck, palms sweating against her wireless microphone, she could see Harry walking towards her as she’d requested him to watch close by. She was going to ask him to step on stage with him, but he didn’t know that. From one of the booths, she could blurrily see Anne and Gemma, the boys and some of Harry’s other closest friends. It was a last minute trip, but Harry had pleaded for them to come to this show as a favor.
He had also instructed them not to go on social media until tonight, but Harry could see that the news had reached some of them because they spoke to him indifferently. Anne and Gemma deactivated their accounts, as per the request of Harry, so they were both a little confused why he reached out to fly them here.
The arena lights blacked out, signaling her to climb up the stage to perform. She could hear the deafening scream reaching her ears. She took a deep breath once a spotlight was on her, the cameras below her projected her face into a larger screen. The fans had no idea that she was going to perform.
“Y/N, Y/N Y/N” She could hear them scream out for her and she smiled. She was really about to do this.  She opened her eyes, seeing the sea of faces watching her.
“Hi everyone!” She spoke against the mic. “Tonight is a very special evening. You want to know why?”
The crowd roared in question.
“Well tonight, I’m going to be singing a song I wrote. Any guesses of what it’s about?”
She mostly heard Harry’s name being chanted. Y/N looked in his direction, making eye contact with him.
“It’s about my boyfriend, Harry. Do you guys want him to come up here with me right now?” She beamed at the crowd, her plan was going accordingly. “H, will you come up here for them?”
He hesitantly climbed the stairs towards the stage. Y/N gestured at the tiny marked ‘x’ on the stage floor. He planted his feet right on the tape, looking at her confusedly.
“As you may have heard, Harry here has another woman besides me,” She began, Harry snapped his head to look at her. “Yes, he was cheating on me, maybe he still is. I’m not sure,”
She pretended to be in thought, hearing the crowd ‘boo’ him.
“Jessa? Wherever you are in here, have as much fun as you want with him. I won’t be stopping you,”
“Y/N, what are you doing?” He asked her nervously, whisper-shouting his question.
She tilted the mic away from her lips, “Giving you what you deserve,” She winked at his dumbfounded face, turning her attention back to the raving crowd.
“Hey, guys!” Y/N waved at the booth where his friends sat. “Is this the Harry Styles you know?” Are you proud of him?” Her voice hardened progressively.
Harry looked around if anybody could please help him out of this mess.
“This one’s for you, Styles” She looked at the band behind her, counting down in tempo for the song.
Seems just like yesterday
You were a part of me
I used to stand so tall
I used to be so strong
Y/N eyes squinted at him, circling around him slowly leaving him to whiff the aroma of her perfume. The one she used every single day that left their room and the bathroom basked in her scent. The lyrics didn’t go over his head, however, hearing the emotion in her mellow voice. She let her in sometime over a year ago, breaking down her walls and letting him see who she was as a person.
Your arms around me tight
Everything felt so right
Unbreakable like nothing could go wrong
She let her hand wander on his bicep, it was a light graze– just enough to let him know that she near, but she wasn’t going to push it. His arms ached to reach out to her, twitching once in a while to act on the next words she spoke. It was true, when they were together it felt like it was just them against the world. Even in a crowded arena watching their every move, just her presence made him feel at ease.
Now I can’t breathe
No, I can’t sleep
I’m barely hanging on
Her chest heaved for rising of the song, facing the mass of people bopping their heads along to the beat of the drum. Though, unable to sing along. When she uttered the last sentence, he could hear the intensity behind it. How truthful she was to admit that she was barely keeping it together, but she wanted to be strong.
Here I am
Once again
I’m torn into pieces
Can’t deny it
Can’t pretend
Just thought you were the one
Y/N took center stage for the chorus, body moving as her amazing voice belted how she felt. She was torn and she wasn’t pretending to be okay. The amount of vulnerability she was showing through the song made Harry feel an immense amount of grief.
She thought I was the one? He thinks, letting his eyes close, his chest rumbling inside of him. An inkling made itself known to him and was he seriously about to cry right now?
Broken up deep inside
But you won’t get to see the tears I cry
Behind these hazel eyes
Her eyes narrowed with a fierce intensity; no traces of tears and her face was far from crumbling, unlike Harry’s.
I told you everything
Opened up and let you in
You made me feel alright
For once in my life
She approached him once again, pointing to herself in support of her words. The nights they spent, him holding her in his arms– those were the days. The simpler days where they would talk for hours. She shared her deepest secrets with him in the midst of trust and love. He returned the gesture and it made them feel closer to each other, more connected. It was the first time in a while when Y/N felt loved, he recalls her saying. Her past relationships causing her to be more cautious. He took her for granted.
Now all that’s left of me
Is what I pretend to be
Sewn together, but so broken up inside
Cause I can’t breathe
No, I can’t sleep
I’m barely hanging on
Despite how broad she seemed to be right now, her lyrics were contradicting her stance. It goes to show just how much Harry’s actions had affected her— that she was forced to be put together when all she wanted to do was to break down; all because of him.
She repeated the chorus again with the same passion as before. Harry was being eaten up by the guilt that was attacking him internally. He was putting all his efforts in trying to keep his mouth closed because he knew that once a sliver appeared, he wouldn’t be able to stop the sobs from ripping out. His throat was burning harshly, as was his eyes which were filled with tears making Y/N blurry and the fans fuzzy.
Swallow me, then spit me out
For hating you I blame myself
They were face to face, staring deep into each other. Hers was free from tears, while his glossed over in pain. It was so uncalled for of him to make her feel accepted when in the end, he was just going to throw her away like their relationship meant nothing. And frankly, she couldn’t even find it in herself to hate him but she was angry.
Seeing you it kills me now
No, I don’t cry on the outside anymore
She looked away from him, reenacting her words. Y/N hugged herself, inclining that she didn’t need him anymore.
But you won’t get to see the tears I cry
Behind these hazel eyes
Y/N panted against the mic, the last few notes playing through the arena. The fans were cheering for her, hooting and hollering from her performance. And Harry was, well, he was sobbing. The last two lines hitting him hard and it was the last force to aid him to let it all out. His chest was heaving uncontrollably yet he stayed planted on the stage— he cried in front of thousands of people with their phones out, he sniffled as his mother watched Y/N call him out and if he could see his mother’s face, he’s sure that it would be one of disappointment.
“We’re over, by the way.” She snickered, looking at him coldly. His tears meant nothing to her.
He gasped, forcing his legs to walk a little ways towards her.
“N-no please, Y/N, please” He pleaded with her, his palms put together in silent prayer. “Give me another chance please,”
“You don’t deserve another chance, right guys?” She inquired the fans. “I hope you’re happy,”
She took a sip from her water bottle, gulping heavily while side-eyeing her ex-boyfriend. Snot started glimmering on his cupid’s bow, he wiped it against his forearm and she rolled her eyes.
“Why are you even crying, cheater!” In the heat of the moment, Y/N let the contents of her bottle spill on Harry’s face. There was a collective gasp in the large room, a silence overtook the air for a few seconds before someone started clapping at her actions.
His mouth was open in shock, eyes burning from how wide they were open, the cold air gusting his organ. He couldn’t tell which were his tears and which was water.
“Y-you can’t do this to me,” He whispered, feeling the humiliation coursing through his veins, blood rushing to his cheeks making his whole face turn red. His gut twisted at the realization of everything; why she had him come up here.
“But I just did,” She pouted at him, flipping her hair over her shoulder. She stopped right above the stairs to go backstage. “And Harry?
His head lifted weakly in her direction, a glimmer of hope shining in his eyes.
“Get over it. It was two weeks ago,”
really poured my emotions out on this one :’( I hope you guys like it. I’ve been feeling nervous about posting this :/
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hermionesterrier · 6 years
More Than Human: Chapter 9 Liveblog Pt. 2!
Something about it made her look very feminine, and Butch held his breath a little longer before exhaling. He stared at her awhile, then realized she had just asked him something. 
He lets her playfully shove him. He's not even high but he's letting her think he is. He thinks it's the only way she'll open up to him. But he's watching her and observing her and he's focusing on every little move she makes. He's so painfully aware of her presence, of her proximity. He's thinking about how easy it would be to kiss her right then and there and he's careful enough not to blow the smoke he knows she doesn't like in her face. Oh Butch....he's so head over heels for her that it's just painfully obvious at this point.
Those quiet Green moments are part of the reason why I'm so in love with this ship. It doesn't need big love gestures to be epic. The text just lets them...be. The writing for them specifically is so unique that they make every scene they're in comforting yet electrifying. Kudos to SBJ 💚 PLEASE DON'T TAKE THEM AWAY FROM ME
Protective Brick, battling the creeps away, one glare at a time xD
I am commenting from the grave kbye
Brick's gonna be very upset the guys ate his cereal
Despite the length, her hair still curled in circular, wavy patterns against the carpet, like black ink on a blank canvas. Butch is very artisty when it comes to his Buttercup thoughts isn't he xD
Butch completely fascinated with Buttercup like wow too fucking cute
Mitch had said that they'd never done anything worth mentioning, which sounded stupid to Butch. He didn't understand how any guy could stand to keep his hands off her when Buttercup looked like this. Except him. But Butch was different. He didn't know how, but he was different. Uh huh sure Butch. It's definitely not you who can't stop staring at her and you're tooootally not attracted to her that you actually have to force yourself to stop looking nopppe not at alllll
Reds are a mess...more so Brick tho hehehehe 
Fuck it begins...watch as I curl into a ball and wrench my own heart out...
Buttercup, after a horrified moment's contemplation, reached for Blossom's glass of milk and sniffed it. AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
Smooth Bubbles lol xD
"No part of my brain is in that girl's body, I swear." The suspicion is real tho hahahahahaha
Awww @ the boys showing genuine concern over Brick ❤
Yea sure Brick because hormonal kissing totally normally shifts the earth like something heavenly and puts puzzle pieces into place like duh ofc....fucking idiot gives me headaches why are boys so stupid?
Boomer & Butch barged into Brick's room to keep him company and cheer him up with some weed even though they don't know what's wrong with him SINCERE BROTHERLY MOMENTS ARE MY BREAD AND BUTTER OKAY
Oh my god Blossom is so hopeful and waiting and making excuses for him and it's breaking my fucking heart 
This part is so triggering for me ngl I fucking hate it
Crying does help
How could he ask her to just forget a moment in her life that was one of the happiest she'd ever experienced? I thought, she started, and then tried to stop, but it finished itself. I thought he liked me. FUCK MY LIFE I AM BAWLING
Oh man Buttercup's so concerned and Blossom's trying to get herself together and fuck I can't handle this
Is it wrong that I feel just as betrayed and excluded as Buttercup? I feel so much for Blossom but that's her sister! And it's really unfair to exclude her like that especially since she knows she went through her own emotional breakdown after Mitch so she would understand....she IS her sister too :/ i'm very protective shhh
"...Okay. Is she okay?" Both of his brothers looked up at him. "Who?" Butch said sharply. "Is who okay?" Brick stared at Boomer, wide-eyed, one hand still on the doorknob. Can we just take a moment to deduce that Butch was definitely asking if Buttercup's okay? He got worried about Buttercup and no one can convince me otherwise nope na uh....AND BRICK YOU FUCK YOU BETTER BE WORRIED ABOUT BLOSSOM
And the first person Buttercup chooses to go vent to is....? #besties
Butch's "Whoa, whoa, whoa" totally reminded me of Noah Centineo, that's like his catchphrase! Anyone else think he'd make an awesome Butch? I already casted him in my head sorry not sorry xD
Buttercupppp :'(
Brick suddenly hated himself, more than anything. GOOD YOU SHOULD
Oh he's pissing her off real good oh god
A+ to Butch for instinctively knowing exactly what she needed 💚
"No boys are smart when it comes to girls." Truer words have never been spoken
"Why doesn't he like me?" Blossom mumbled, her tone childlike, plaintive. / Instead she kissed her sister on the forehead and whispered, "To Hell with him. I like you." I AM FUCKING C R Y I N G this is one of my absolute F A V O R I T E sister moments it is FUCKING PAINFUL AND BEAUTIFUL AND BUBBLES LET ME LOVE YOU FOREVER AND EVER ❤❤❤
Buttercup panted for breath, her muscles aching and joints sore. Butch was draped on top of her, his elbows shaking as he propped himself up; he, too, was panting. Her fist opened against his stomach, skimming along the tense muscle before gliding over that chest of his, rising and falling in an incessant, almost calming pattern of movement. She bumped her forehead against his shoulder as she pressed her cheek to his sweaty neck and whispered, "Thanks. I needed that." I SEE WHAT YOU DID THERE SBJ I SEE WHAT YOU DID THERE :D this totally threw me off the first time I read it ahahahahahaha panting sweaty touching muscle aching greeeeens *_*
I love how after they beat the shit out of each other they still have to make sure the other's okay xD
A small, slow smile worked its way onto his face. She watched it form, almost mesmerized at the gradualness with which it appeared. Like how Butch stared at her smile in those photos and videos? Is this his head over heels in love smile? :D
"Don't see your bra showing." "I like to let it all hang out there, you know." That cracked me up hehehehe
Butch actually apologizing for staring at a pretty girl's boobs? That's a first xD
Butch reeeeeally doesn't like her hair long...and what it represents to him.
This whole scene is everything okay like they're just (ironically considering what they'd just finished doing) so fucking gentle with each other and so quietly comfortably touchy and total comfort zone like I LOVE EVERY LITTLE THING ABOUT THIS SCENE E V E R Y T H I N G greeeeeens 💚💚💚
Yup Buttercup knows, Blossom. She gets it. She understands
I'm better than that, she thought again, jaw set and face hard. I'm stronger. DAMN STRAIGHT LEADER GIRL!
Oh my god Brick fuck off and grow up! You chose to reject the best thing that's ever happened to you so deal with the consequences....idiot.
Only Blossom would use the 3 day rule to force her sisters into doing their homework hehehehe
Brick you grinch, leave the Blues alone not everyone has to be as miserable as you are.
Brick almost went after him, ready to beat some God damn sense into him, because fuck, what did Boomer know? What did he know about anything? He didn't get that this was all his stupid teenage emotions getting in the way of rational thought, that he was blinded by affection for her, and she had no idea, she wasn't looking at him, she wasn't talking to him, no matter if she was only doing exactly what Brick had suggested they do— STOP PROJECTING YOUR ISSUES ONTO THE BLUES YOU ASSHOLE YOU DID THIS TO YOURSELF AND BROKE MY BABY'S HEART....this was so well done and human though kudos sbj :D
Wait is that the first time Boomer's said the L word seriously? B A B I E S
"Something tells me Brick's not going to get a lot of things," Bubbles said cheerfully. Like a girlfriend. Shots fired :D
He's so insecure and he feels like not even Bubbles trusts him to be strong enough to handle shit. I see where he's coming from and him being so upset is making me so upset :'(
She hadn't realized how much of a little boy Boomer was, how much he bought into this idea that he was the dumb one who couldn't do anything, to the point where he assumed everyone thought that of him and resented them for it. :'(((
He is a little boy who actually doesn't know any better. Man the boys' upbringing was so messed up and they're still teenagers.
Aaaand Boomer told Bubbles. Now the only one who doesn't know about JS Inc. is the one who probably shouldn't know....I feel like this is gonna blow up when she finally finds out.
All the haircuts though...symbol for the boys' character evolution or a big change coming up?
ROBIN WEARING MIKE'S JACKET!!! I love these little throwaways for them. THOSE TWOOO ❤
Sidenote: 3 guesses who Mike was looking for in the prom chapter :D
Watch as Brick turns into a big baby craving attention *rolls eyes*
"I'd rather kiss Brick than you," Butch sniped at Boomer. "Holy crap, I'd pay twice as much to see that happen!" Buttercup shouted, raising both hands, and the rest of the girls whooped and hollered. HOLY SHIT YESSSS PLEEEEASE GIMME *_*
I would also pay to see Butch and Buttercup kiss just putting that out there...
Buttercup's inner panic at the possibility that Butch might kiss her tho xD
Butch licked his lips thoughtfully. "Cherry soda." He winked at Julie as he sat down, and as Buttercup stared furtively at him it seemed to her that he was avoiding meeting her eyes. Hmmm am I overthinking or is Butch feeling kind of...guilty or ashamed that he kissed someone else?
Coincidence or use of powers that Butch's spin landed squarely on Buttercup?
A few of the other guys voiced their hearty thanks to him. Butch, meanwhile, stared at the full bowl, the image of Buttercup's jaw, open wide and with her cheeks slightly sucked in, playing over and over again in his memory. He suddenly felt a strong, strong craving for cherries. SCREAMS INCOHERENTLY!!!!!!!
Buttercup kisses Brick. Was talking about Brick contemplating the kiss with my best friend (shoutout! 💚). She was saying she's hoping it doesn't turn into a cheesy love triangle or some shit like that but I really don't think SBJ will travel down that road....hopefully xD
Butch is pisssssed af hehehe...wonder if this will come back later.
Let Him come, Bubbles thought, her face hardening for a second, for one brief moment where she forgot to keep it inside, to herself. He can bring it. Let Him try. She focused on Boomer's bright expression, on that happy smile, and summoned up a cheer. Let Him come, she thought again. Her hands tensed, gripping the cushion of the couch. He won't take Boomer from me. I won't let Him. I swear to God, I swear, if He lays a hand on Boomer, if He so much as touches a single hair on his head, I swear I will make Him regret it. I am very much looking forward to that point in the future where Bubbles goes all ~haaardcooore on Him's ass to protect Boomer :D
That ended on a pretty depressing note though :(
God help me when I'm done with it because I will probably be a m e s s
Time for you to join the dark side!
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