#skinny rx
skinnyrx05 · 5 months
skinny rx is a weight reduction supplement that helps burn fat without depending on diets or exercises
I’ve noticed increased energy levels and a real reduction in my sweet cravings. These gummies are a must-have in my daily regimen!”
Yet another reviewer, who hails from Nevada says, “I’m blown away by the results I’ve seen since starting skinny rx. They’ve not only helped me shed those stubborn
pounds but have also become a part of my morning ritual.
The taste is surprisingly delightful, making it easy to forget that I’m actually taking a step towards a healthier me. Thanks to these gummies, I’m well on my way to
In a world where health trends come and go faster than you can say “kale smoothie,” skinny rx have swooped in like the superhero of snacking. These gummies are like
the ultimate secret agents of wellness, packing the power of keto support and apple cider vinegar into a tiny, tangy package.
Let’s be honest, the idea of combining the trending keto diet with the age-old apple cider vinegar might sound like a health enthusiast’s wild experiment. However,
after putting skinny rx to the test, it’s safe to say that this seemingly unlikely duo is a match made in wellness heaven.
What sets these gummies apart is not just their tangy and delectable taste, but their ability to tackle the two-headed beast of keto and appetite control. It’s like
having a pocket-sized personal trainer guiding you through the hurdles of cravings and carb counts.
The inclusion of apple cider vinegar adds a tangy twist that not only supports digestion but also adds an extra layer of authenticity to these gummies.
So, if you’re looking for a genuinely transformative addition to your wellness routine, these gummies might just be the answer you’ve been searching for. Outlook
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The ingredients in the supplement have undergone scientific and clinical testing to verify their safety, effectiveness, and purity. It has been discovered that skinny
rx do not cause any allergic reactions. The supplement also helps improve health and energy levels, allowing users to appreciate life once again.
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bonefarm · 2 years
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Today I went out to start my work truck and it was meowing. So I opened the hood and saw a little tuft of back fur down in the very back of the engine bay where I couldn’t reach. Great. Tried to get it out and the little back tuft ran to the back of the truck and hopped inside my spare like it lived there.
Set a squirrel trap with some yummy ham because that’s what I had and about 3 hours later I have a very ANERY TINY void.
I’m pretty sure he crawled into the undercarriage at Mcalester and hitchhiked an hour and a half. None of my local ferals are black or have kittens this age, one of my stops in Mcalester, however, did.
Talked to our farm vet who advised what I could go ahead and use for the mild RI and worms in the meantime before she could get us in (I have a fair amount of RX stuff on hand because yeeyee town and farm animals... I’m not advocating not calling a vet if you find a sick kitty.)
He’s very very tiny and skinny but no fleas after a bath.
Putting this out there now, I DO NOT need another cat. I do not have a local shelter where I live to even surrender this muppet to. IF this baby recovers well is anyone interested in a void? I will pay for vaccinations and get him (I think it’s a him, I’m BAD at sexing kittens though) fixed.
I am located in Oklahoma in a town you’ve never heard of but it’s about 45 minutes south of OKC.
Consider it! I will update as he gets a little bigger.
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omegaremix · 3 months
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Omega Radio for June 24, 2019; #198.
1000 Homo DJ’s “Supernaut” (Trent Reznor VOX)
Lard “Forkboy”
Pailhead “Man Should Surrender”
Skinny Puppy “Rodent”
Pigface “Tapeworm”
Acid Horse “No Name No Slogan”
PTP “Rubber Glove Seduction”
Pigface “Your Own You Own”
The Damage Manual “Denial”
Rx / Ritalin “Scarecrow”
Chris Connelly & William Tucker “July”
Bill Rieflin & Chris Connelly “No Man’s Land”
Murder Inc. “Supergrass”
En Esch “Confidence”
Ministry “I’m Falling”
Blackouts “Idiot”
Fini Tribe “Idiot Strength”
Lead Into Gold “Faster Than Light”
Pigface “Suck”
Excessive Force “Finger Trigger”
KMFDM vs. Pig “Sin, Sex, Salvation”
Revolting Cocks “Crackin’ Up”
Ministry “Breathe”
Pigface “Little Sisters”
My Life With The Thrill Kill Kult “‘Cuz It’s Hot”
Pig “Sick City”
PTP “Stainless Steel Providers”
The Love Interest “Bedazzled (Suspiria)”
Chris Connelly & The Bells “Mississippi Palasades”
Pigface “Tailor Made”
Bill Rieflin “Endless Day”
The Damage Manual “Sunset Gun”
Nine Inch Nails “Suck”
Skinny Puppy “Tin Omen”
Welt “Noreen”
My Life With The Thrill Kill Kult “The Days Of Swine And Roses” (KMFDM RMX)
Psychic TV “I.C. Water”
KMFDM “Rules (Reapplied)”
Bonus Chicago label tribute.
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pharmaceuticalsxx · 28 days
I hate when people say “you’re depressed” when I mention doing Rx like bitch i do it to stop the food cravings. Then they say sum bs like “skinny isn’t attractive” like bitch its not for you btw what if im a narcissist obsessed with skinny bodies and wanna be more obsessed with myself than I already am?
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theninthdoor · 1 month
do you think kpop will ever improve things for idols or is it always going to remain this way? for example I severely disagree with the way kpop makes idols fret about their weight in order for them to debut, I get being skinny helps them in the long run but they wouldnt faint so much on stage if they were aloud to eat in a more healthy or less controlled manner
cards: the wheel of fortune rx, two of wands, seven of cups
I see some things getting better and others getting worse, yet with the WoF rx, I get the idea that there's a lack of consistency and balance; the changes that come are due to specific "trends", specific people that become popular or incidents that happen that force the industry and companies to make these changes, and it's unlikely that they will be longlasting. I keep thinking of Hwasa and how she sort of set things off in a new direction because she refused to fit into the idol mold. However, then came in Wonyoung, and it was all set in another direction - (no hate to either of them! and I definitely don't intend to be putting one against the other. just analyzing what was considered the "standard" then, based on general popularity.) The 3oS reversed at the bottom of the deck, makes me feel like eventually they might come up with more sustainable and healthier alternatives to these diets and the whole training process. Still - 3oP followed by Justice rx -, some companies/people will continue on using the old methods and thinking the old way about it all.
(Disclaimer: All is alleged and for entertainment purposes only. Based on current energies.)
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carrionkid · 2 months
Explaining to my non goth coworkers about how many industrial goth bands are skinny puppy in a trench coat is always so funny like yeah you got ohgr. Rx. Download. Doubting Thomas. Etc etc
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trolagygirl2022 · 10 months
Hello, can you do a reading on Le Sserafim Yunjin’s future spouse?
Yunjin 's future spouse
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9 of Swords rx, Queen of Swords rx, The High Priestess, Ace of Wands, 4 of Wands, Ace of Swords, Queen of Cups, King of Pentacles, 5 of Swords rx, 4 of Swords rx, 3 of Cups, The Hierophant, 6 of Wands,
This person..
Is an Aquarius.
Like when I was shuffling I kept getting "Aquarius" so they have a shit ton of Aquarius in their chart, probably a big stellium. They think a lot (maybe an overthinker) a bit anxious yet has a lot of ideas. They are a HUGE humanitarian and they are very friendly. May be a friend of hers or will be friends before dating. They are very unique and kinda quirky. They don't like conflict and tend to stay away from that (I keep thinking about a skinny twink 😭😭💀). They are a well known figure so are probably a celebrity or very well known. They could be pretty spiritual or Yunjin has like a spiritual connection with them/may have used spirituality to know about them so she knows them to a certain extent. (Yunjin has talked about her birth chart so yeah she's probably the spiritual one). They are kind but also care about the grind and work. It's like the public won't really like them, I'm getting "too weird" and "gold digger" so people won't like them because they think she's "too good for him". He's not the typical guy you'd think she'd settle with basically.
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tarot-junkie · 1 year
HOLA Senorita , my ask is about how can I tap into more alignment with myself?
thank you so much 🤘
Answer: meditate, meditate, meditate. UNPLUG. Seek time in nature, specifically around water/the edge of water.
How do I know? 9 of wands rx. I think this is an extreme amount of external pressures happening. It's someone who is surrounded by wands....so you need to open up this space and go forth in a solitary way. Get out of the ordinary grind and get some alone time.
2 of swords - someone who is blindfolded, water and emotions behind them. if we see this as a progression of thoughts. the 9 is over there as one option....you become mentally tired with this sword. The other card to the right of the 2.....(i will explain in a sec) is like..."would you rather feel like THIS? restricted? or like this next card :)
The Star....which is my favorite card. Healing, hopeful, peace. There's a real serenity in this card. To get here, you need to remove the things that block you in, and the blindfold you put on your mental thoughts. Dont turn your back and sit down in front of the water....dip your toes in...fill your cup. skinny dip LOL.
BOD: 6 of swords....move away from the things/thoughts/people that do not serve you. again, there's movement over water suggested. There's something to where water makes you feel a connection. So rather than avoid it (the 9) or turn your back to it (the 2), utilize it.
Since water also symbolizes emotions, it's fair to add, that this disconnect from other things and reconnection with yourself is an opportunity to explore your emotions, which sounds like it might also be necessary.
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myfriendskickass · 1 year
we still need to clean the house (still doing basement maintenance) and i need to find adhd friendly ways to clean frequently enough to eliminate all my OTHER environmental allergies first bc i am allergic to cats technically but if/when i get a new cat i cant just LEAVE THEM smh
@vergess does this sound like mcas to you
brief allergy history overview for context:
allergic to dust, pollen (esp ragweed), cat and dog dander, mold, cigarette smoke apparently?? a couple of other things supposedly idr i got dx'd in 1999
was on allergy meds of various kinds from age 5 to present plus allergy shots starting every 2 weeks graduating to every month. meds i REMEMBER taking (remember i started at age 5.): zyrtec twice a day rx until it went otc (idr dosage), rhinocort (idr if rx or otc). stopped that at some point idr when or why. rx patanol twice a day. saline nose spray twice a day. allergy shots never make me react more than some itchiness.
got the cat in 8th grade. allergist was NOT happy about it. reaction was itchy eyes for like 2 weeks that eventually stopped.
went to college in early 2010s. allergist said i dont need shots anymore. no access to allergist meant i stopped using the patanol unless my eyes got SUPER itchy because at the time it was rx only. continued to take otc generic zyrtec 10mg twice a day. (i was on liquid until like high school bc i couldnt swallow pills so when i switched to pills i continued the same dosage which...is HONESTLY pediatric now that i think about it, but even at 18 it still worked? i was still very skinny though)
then 3 years into college i started getting acid reflux so bad i couldn't eat plain lettuce. got an endoscopy done. got dx'd with eosinophilic esophagitis. got put on 40mg sodium pantoprazole (insurance would not cover nexium.) once a day. (COINCIDENTALLY GAINED A LOT OF WEIGHT AFTER THIS HMM)
went back to same allergist i have been seeing since i was 5. got a skin test done. was told i was MORE reactive (especially to cat :() than i was in 1999...all from 3 years without allergy shots? at least on the skin test. started shots again. got blood tested for food allergies. results seem to fluctuate whether i ate that thing before testing (ie whether it comes up as higher than what the bloodwork calls "level 0/equivocal") two constant and consistent results are hazelnuts and carrots (which have ALWAYS given me acid reflux)
i go back to gi with these results. they tell me i might have GERD. (allergist, when told of my eosinic dx, says "ugh i hope not, you need a liquid diet to deal with that."). second endoscopy after a month on the proton pump inhibitor. acid damage is healing. they tell me its safe to stay on pantoprazole long term.
fast forward to today, 9 years later. i take 10 mg of zyrtec otc twice a day. i tried flonase, did nothing. allegra is too hard to swallow. getting monthly allergy shots. rinse my nose out with saline when i remember to. take otc patanol extra strength once a day (package says to and its easier to remember than twice a day). i skip pantoprazole until the acid reflux gets very bad because 1. makes me gain weight 2. unsure about how safe it is long term 3. i just forget sometimes. i stopped eating all food allergens EXCEPT dairy because whether whey shows up as an ige allergy seems to fluctuate and also i love cheese. i am working on it.
SYMPTOMS, though: constant post nasal drip. (no change from childhood.) nose is stuffier but managed with saline. general constant low level cold symptoms (stuffy nose, very rare slight cough) eyes water only if i forget to use eyedrops. sometimes i get itchy but no hives, no redness. acid reflux when i skip the ppi or eat carrots. i gave up nutella entirely because nut allergies can apparently get worse out of the blue very fast. ragweed season gives me watery eyes and stuffy nose almost 24/7 but no wheezing or breathing issues. ANIMAL DANDER, my biggest concern, gives me itchy watery eyes DEPENDING on how clean the environment is. (i was completely fine in a small house for 12 hours with 4 cats and 3 dogs, fine in my sister's house for 6-8 hours with a shibe, but not fine in a house with 3 cats thats never vaccuumed, and not fine in my sister's car that had no shibe in it.) (not fine is still just minor eye symptoms)
cat died in 2017 so i no longer have long term exposure but dander supposedly stays in the house right? towards the end of his life, we let him in my previously off limits room that had a knockoff hepa filter running 24/7 with no issues. he was not in my room 24/7. currently i have a purezone i think??? hepa filter running 8-6 hours a day because the blue light is required for it to function. i try to change it every 3 months but sometimes i forget.
i really want another cat...even though my allergist is of the "you shouldn't be exposing yourself to any allergens on purpose" mentality. she DOES think mcas exists. she also said its safe to take 10mg cetirizine hcl 4x a day. people tell me allergies can get worse with exposure over time but then how would allergy shots work?
things i wonder about and will ask her next appointment: i am no longer 18 and 90lbs soaking wet- is 10mg of zyrtec once a day enough? did i build a tolerance? should i go back to twice a day?
my current goals:
i will use saline more often. vaccuum and dust more. keep my air filter running 24/7. IF i get a cat, no access to my room ever. i will feed it that purina food scientifically proven to lower the amount of allergen in their dander.
my big fear is 1. i have mcas which makes any allergy exposure a risk 2. people are correct unfortunately and allergy exposure DOES make it worse and that getting a cat now will give me anaphylaxis in the future :( (but then how do allergy shots work???)
i have never experienced anaphylaxis. i have never needed an epi pen. i never needed benadryl.i still don't react to the allergy shots. reactions to pet dander are mild annoying itchy eyes that depend on how clean the area is and also don't always last for the entire time i am exposed anyway. but my bloodwork shows inflammation a lot but no doctor has ever been concerned.
is this mcas??? it kind of looks more like i got sloppy with cleaning and med taking and also possibly built up a tolerance to zyrtec/gained enough weight that 10mg/a day is not enough anymore? allegra did nothing when i switched but i was also taking it 1x a day
my PLAN was get on top of every other allergen so that cat dander is the only thing i am exposed to on a daily basis BUT if this looks more like my allergies overall are just getting worse, i don't want to risk getting a cat just to have to rehome it.
lol sorry this adhd ramble was prompted by pc advice
i am NOT asking for medical advice! i am asking 1. what to ask my doctor in a way that wont make her fire me as a patient for getting a cat (right now she just says "its different when you own one" but i had one for 11 years with no issue so???) 2. does this match your experience as somebody with mcas
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amy1962 · 3 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: NWT Rock & Republic Denim Rx Fever Pull On Jegging Sz 16S.
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flyxchange · 3 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Rock & Republic Jeans Womens 6 Denim RX Fever Crop Pull On Blue Skinny Leg.
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lovinagoodfind · 3 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Rock & Republic Denim RX Mid-Rise EMO Skinny Jean EUC sz 4.
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daughterofgod111 · 5 months
Hi, how are you? If you’re still answering questions I would like to ask what’s coming towards me next in love? I’m currently single. Thank you! - J♍️
i got: page of cups rx, 3 of pentacles, the magician, king of swords, 2 of cups, lovers at the bottom
song: skinny legend by ava louise (lol), loooove song by future and rihanna
i feel like there’s a possible water sign from work (likely pisces) who may try flirting with you (if not from work, somewhere you’re teaming up for something). i’d avoid this person and seize this blank slate opportunity to get very clear on who your ideal person is and to manifest them! after you’ve worked on that, start to work on your self concept so you can manifest even better. keep a positive attitude, grow your self esteem & confidence and know that its good to reject people if they’re not what you’re looking for. your energy is in a good place to manifest! i hope this helps :)) 💖💖💖💖💖
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aperfecthalosblog · 6 months
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Fukitol rx purple inappropriate adult 20oz or 30oz skinny tumbler (glow in dark option) This listing is for one 20oz or 30oz skinny tumbler.. Glow in the dark option. Vacuum insulated tumbler with lid and straw. Drinks stay ice cold or steaming hot ALL DAY LONG. Perfect for hot coffee in the morning, cold drinks all day long, or wine at the end of the day. These are custom made and can be custom made for you with a process called sublimation.. Add a name or saying Since these are handmade the image maybe slightly different then pictured ** All tumblers should be hand washed and not placed in the dishwasher. There is no actual glitter the image make it appear like glitter.. Check out my other listings if you can't find what your looking for message me I can put almost any image on a tumbler..
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the-goth-catte · 1 year
††BLACK MASS @ PANDEMONIO†† 08.20.2023
Johnny Cash - Hurt Combichrist - Shut Up and Swallow Faderhead - From His Broken Bones Icon of Coil - Formerself Velvet Acid Christ - The Dark Inside of Me Dismantled - Get It Through La Scaltra - The Spell Cold Cave - A Little Death to Laugh Diva Destruction - Enslaved Talk To Her - Zodiac She Past Away - Durdu Dünya The Sisters of Mercy - Lucretia, My Reflection MSI - On It (A23 Mix) Powerman 5000 - Black Lipstick Zeromancer - Dr Online (Rico Remix) Celldweller - Heart On (Aesthetic Perfection Mix) Apoptygma Berzerk - Coma White Switchblade Symphony - Sweet (Apoptygma Berzerk Mix) The Birthday Massacre - Under Your Spell Haujobb - Speed of Pain HEALTH - Excess Spider Lillies - The Error Is You Ulver - Machine Guns & Peacock Feathers Cold Cave - Prayer From Nowhere KMFDM - Liquor Fish & Cigarettes Night Club - Show It 2 Me Revolting Cocks - Do Ya Think I’m Sexy? Haujobb - Penetration (Floor Mix) Faderhead - Enjoy the Silence Rob Zombie - Pussy Liquor (Ki: Theory Remix) Garbage - Cities In Dust Joy Division - Dead Souls Crosses - Goodbye Horses NIN - The Hand That Feeds Aesthetic Perfection - LAX (Mr Kitty Remix) Suicide Commando - God Is In The Rain The Cruxshadows - Marilyn, My Bitterness (Live) Pixel Grip - Club Mania Ministry - Jesus Built My Hotrod Front Line Assembly - Mindphaser Skinny Puppy - Tin Omen Sisters of Mercy - First and Last and Always Christian Death - Spiritual Cramp (Creux Lies Mix) Apoptygma Berzerk - Major Tom (Coming Home) [Technomancer Mix] Twin Tribes - Fantasmas Drab Majesty - Ellipsis TRAITRS - Thin Flesh David Bowie & NIN - I’m Afraid Of Americans Kerli - Where The Dark Things Are KMFDM - These Boots Are Made For Walkin’ MSI - Shut Me Up NINA - Beyond Memory Mr Kitty - After Dark Twin Tribes - Dark Crystal Holygram - Signals Buzz Kull - Into The Void Depeche Mode - Blasphemous Rumours Pet Shop Boys - Opportunities (Let’s Make Lots of Money) Bolshoi - A Way Sisters of Mercy - Black Planet Eurythmics - Sweet Dreams Ayria - Headhunter The Cruxshadows - Helios (Solar Night Mix) KMFDM - Megalomaniac NIN - Sin Alien Sex Fiend - Ignore The Machine (Electrode Mix) Godhead - Bela Lugosi’s Dead Suicide Commando - Hellraiser (Agonoize Remix) VNV Nation - Honour 2003 Apoptygma Berzerk - Kathy’s Song (Ferry Corsten’s Mix) Bruderschaft - Forever (Grendel’s EssenZ Mix) Grendel - Soilbleed (Agonoize Remix) FGFC820 - The Heart of America Noisuf-X - Orgasm Combichrist - Lying Sack of Shit X-Rx - Stage 2 Evil’s Toy - Organics (Slow Motion Mix) Fear Cult - Sex Beat Front Line Assembly - Rock Me Amadeus
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gaycottageboy · 1 year
I had a death in the family recently so that's been taking up a lot of my headspace along with work and home life. Haven't been watching what, I eat haven't been weighing myself, just feeling sucky all around
I dropped a container of herbs behind our chest freezer yesterday and had to ask out skinny French to grab it and just ;;;; it felt horrible. I should be able to do those things for myself. I'm rly tempted to take the ozempic Rx if my Dr offers it again
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