#skinny signal reviews
alphax10nd · 1 year
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xitox · 1 year
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reviewbanker · 1 year
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prostadine-usa · 1 year
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healthybestti · 1 year
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healthnew · 1 year
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andstilliam · 6 days
yesterday i went for a walk to the walmart to get my scientific calculator for chemistry. i have a graphing calculator which we are not allowed to use for tests and exams. i probably could’ve had accessibility give the green light but i don’t even know how to use the graphing function very well first of all. secondly, it was giving me the wrong answers for stoichiometry equations. by getting the calculator at walmart instead of the bookstore, i saved about $5-8.  
today i finished my psych quiz, bio lab and my part of my biology lesson. i wanted to get that out of the way so i can focus on chemistry all day tomorrow and over the weekend to prep for my exam but i did not finish my to do list. so i have to work on it tomorrow morning before starting chem. i accidentally completed the 2nd quiz for psychology before the 1st one and it was on neuronal signalling which i actually learned about over the summer with action potentials so that was cool to come across familiar terminology. repetition makes revision easier. unfortunately i missed the chem exam review via teams today. i totally forgot about it. but that’s okay. there’s so much stuff online. i might skip chem tomorrow morning because it's posted online afterwards anyway and i really need to finish this bio lesson because i can't let it pile up later. the notes are endless for that course.
i’ve been some having some nausea and dizziness lately. i still have some zofran left and i’m thinking of taking them again. 
honestly i can’t believe how easy life can be when you’re treated somewhat fairly. even just realizing i can easily access accommodations, like it changes everything. i can’t believe all that discrimination over the years was done just to make me skinny, depressed, hopeless and self destructive. that’s so fucked up, like just tell me to be skinny to access the basics and pleasures of life and i will… that’s a fantastic life if you ask me! in that case, i think a lot of us enduring anorexics are much happier having acquired that knowledge, the truth (at least those of us with a level of functionality). i will sacrifice my health and a deluded sense of “recovery” if it means i can get a degree, absolutely i will. no problem at all! anyway, all that matters is that i look the part. so that’s coming soon and i will never let it gooooo. 
aside from whatever may be brewing outside of me, on an internal level, it was always important for me to solidify my eating disorder behaviours away from the health adversities i faced. there’s such a difference between being in active crisis and finding solace within your disorder. i spent so many years in crisis and feeling like i required a lot of help and care to do the bare minimum. some of that is still true, but it’s not the same. i don’t feel lost without direction the way i once did. i don’t feel like i’m going to die unless i get an MRI— i got one already, like i went through my round of treatment and i feel like i can relax now. i can relax into my long awaited, preferred and perfected behaviours. i waited so long for this, to just be. it’s the external world that creates chaos. it’s the propaganada surrounding eating disorders that makes you perceive yourself as wrong, as less than, like “recovery” is this beautiful journey to embark on and none of that is true. it’s just not true. it creates so much trauma in our lives. i never would’ve felt less than, i never would’ve felt not good enough outside of myself if these sick eating disorder circles didn’t exist online. i would just be going my merry little way and i’d get medical care for any and every complication to occur throughout my life. because life really is that simple. so it completely ruined my mental health and my life and it did for many others too. i’m not alone.
i spent so long completely unable to control myself. it was progressive and i knew something was wrong with me. i waited so long just to get help. for me, this is not a teenage phase or rebellion, anorexia is about being who i am because i find peace in sameness. and i was unable to control my food intake and my response to it as well and that is the sole reason for my suffering here on earth, since i was very young. it’s distressing. and i am not distressed by accepting that i cannot eat regular portions of food like average people and i can even have fun with it and make a game out of it. for me, eating is pain. always has been. my darkest days come from 1) undiagnosed epilepsy and bartter syndrome and 2) believing in a false recovery narrative that was created for the purpose of toying with our mental and physical health. i’m fine exactly as i am. the real barrier is the lack of access to medicine. you can’t wilfully deny care to anyone. a lot of people struggle with their eating but only some of us with poor mental health are chosen to combat the system because we have the right connections, or because of tokenism. think about how much better my life could have been if i was just treated fairly by the medical system, if i was allowed to just be, if jennifer gaudiani never entered my life, if edtwt never existed… i would have been free. anorexic or not. bulimic or not. epileptic or not. i would have been free. the internet destroyed my life. i don’t want to be apart of this. i just don’t understand putting people through hell, children, literal children through hell because you want to prove a point. if i was a doctor and i found out that essentially i’m violating my oath by killing people and tainting the careers of other doctors, i would quit my job for the greater good. you’re just as bad as them. you ruined my life when i could’ve had the chance to move on, to be treated…….and the only way i can contribute to this is by starving myself. you don’t think that my life has more meaning than that? fuck you. and then it looks like i’m refusing to comply with a broken entity rather than the system refusing to work for/ with me. pathetic. how does it feel to be the devil’s advocate? you were better off hiding in plain sight, a wolf in sheeps clothing, because i still would’ve been free. what’s that saying again? oh yeah, misery loves company. as long as my family can protect me from these horrible doctors and help me get a job, well, that’s a fantastic life, i must say. i mean, i’m pretty mad….i’m still processing but also, like, this is the coolest thing i’ve ever been apart of in my entire life. i feel like i’m in a spy kids movie except the doctors are the evil sadists entrapping us and i don’t have cool intelligence gadgets to stop them. spy kids is way cooler. hopefully i can contribute in other ways aside from maintaining a low weight, but whatever works, i guess. ;) 
hopefully next year i can take stats and cs courses again.
mom saw a neuro hottie today, she said. my future hubby will definitely be a neurologist or at least a neuroscientist! :P
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percontaion-points · 5 months
Delicious Monsters chapters 35 & 36
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Today's review might be difficult for some; reader discretion is advised
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Click here for the rest of the series!
Chapter 35
I would swap abilities with King in a heartbeat. It was better to walk through the world unseeing. I couldn’t stand it. The dead were everywhere. Here was an exception, and I suspected it was because of the house. Normally, it was crowded. Shivers made things unbearable for hours. I wanted the ignorance that everyone else had. Out of the two of us, he had the better deal, from where I was standing. 
Always greener, man. 
“She tried to tell me what was going on in the house, and I didn’t believe her. And I’m sorry.”
 I was so over tiptoeing around things. “About the ghosts? You didn’t believe her about the dead? Or the house talking to her and torturing people? Or…?”
 Aunt Dione’s face flashed back on the screen. “What are you talking about?” 
I blinked at her, tears falling down my face. “What are you talking about?” 
“I’m talking about what Peter did to her.”
I KNEW that Peter did something to her. 
About my uncle and whatever it was that he did to Mom.
Chapter 35 summary: Daisy endures a shitty conversation with granny in order to get Dione’s address. It’s an hour away, and King agrees to take her. On the ride over, King talks about what little that he was able to see about Daisy… including her future. 
He also tells her that he saw some things about her relationship with Noah. It’s… kind of shitty, honestly. He apparently started to choke her in the middle of sex, which she didn’t like. But she also never told him no. King pointedly tells her that she needs to speak up about that sort of stuff. That he literally saw her CRYING. Daisy doesn’t think that it’s that big of a deal, but… come on. She was CRYING. 
Before they get to the house, King kind of hints that the conversation with Dione isn’t going to go well. But he also hints that Daisy is going to get into a fight with Grace because of this. Which… joy. 
Anyway, so Daisy goes up and rings the video doorbell. Dione is like “My niece Daisy? Go away. Wait, you’re staying at the house?” “Yes. Tell me about the ghosts, and all of the murders!” “Um… I was talking about what Peter did to Grace. Actually, never mind. Go away!”
Back in King’s car, Daisy asks if King knows what Peter did to Grace. He agrees that he does, but refuses to tell Daisy on the grounds that it’s personal as hell, and feels wrong to tell. Even if talking about it would probably help Daisy to understand Grace and the current shitty situation. But whatever. Keep your secrets. 
Chapter 36
“I was dating a boy in Toronto,” I mumbled. “Before we left. He broke up with me.” 
Mom turned to me, and her mouth fell into a slight frown. “Did I know him? A boy from school?” 
“No. To both.” 
She pulled in a deep breath and let it out. “You know, I always thought I would be a cool mom. The sort where you would just tell me that kind of stuff while it was happening, and we would gossip over it.” She gazed back at the TV. “But I guess it’s always going to be an awkward thing you don’t want to talk about with your parents.”
It’s not so much that there aren’t people out there who don’t tell this sort of thing to their parents. 
But it’s more like… If you want to be the kind of mother that your kid tells this kind of stuff to, you first have to be a safe place.
I hope I don’t have to explain to people that “constantly lying to and gaslighting, and then physically pinning your child down so that you can put maggots into their ears” isn’t a safe place. 
“I was ten and had sprouted these mosquito boobs that, of course, meant Mom got the signal to start criticizing my body.”
Once, Grandma told me I was so skinny that I looked like a full-on rectangle. It wasn’t funny or even particularly cruel. But I couldn’t stop thinking about it. Every time I passed a mirror, I stared and wondered if anyone else noticed. But Mom always got the brunt of it. She was beautiful by anyone’s standards, but Grandma could always find a way to call her ugly.
I’m seriously starting to understand where Grace got it into her head that the only way to raise a child was to emotionally beat them down until they were nothing but a shell. 
I’m not saying that it excuses literally anything. Do better than to continue the cycle of abuse. 
Mom let it crash to the ground. “[My mom/your grandma] didn’t believe me [that I was being molested].”
The woman who found it fitting to criticise the body of a nine year old didn’t believe the 14 year old when she said that she was being molested? 
Honestly, she probably saw all of the signs, and decided that it wasn’t her problem. Because that’s exactly what she comes off as. 
Mom licked her lips. “Did he seem like he was in pain?” 
“Yes,” I breathed. 
She smiled. “Good.”
Chapter 36 summary: After King dropped Daisy off, she walks to the main house and can’t stop thinking about Noah. And despite her obsession over him, she admits that being stuck on the same thought over and over isn’t exactly like her. 
She sees Ivy standing by the main house, but basically tells her to fuck off. She drops the groceries off and runs back to the guest house. 
There, she cuddles up with Grace under a blanket and confesses about Noah… and what he did to her. That she didn’t feel safe saying “no” when he choked her in bed. 
Grace then begins to tell her story. That her home life wasn’t great thanks to her emotionally abusive mother. She was happy to spend her summer away from all of that. Peter and Dione were ready to take their mother to court to get custody of Grace because of it. Peter was like a father to her. The last night before she left at the end of the summer, Peter came in and told her something about his piano lessons. But to keep it a secret, because it would only upset Dione. (We don’t know what this secret is.) Never having had a father, Grace thought that it was normal father/daughter stuff, and didn’t think anything of it.
When she came back the next summer, these secrets started up again. But then this was followed up by increasingly physical touches. A hug one night, a kiss on the cheek, a kiss on the lips, then clothes started to come off… It’s as I had predicted: this man had been molesting her for years. 
When Grace turned 14, she begged her mom not go to to Peter’s that summer. Her mum said no. And went so far as to say that she didn’t believe Grace when Grace confessed about the molestation. As you might imagine, being so open with somebody but having them say that you were making shit up didn’t exactly do anything for Grace’s confidence, and Daisy begins to understand why her mum is so closed off today. 
Grace also says that Jordan really is Daisy’s dad, not Peter. And that it was a fact that Peter was quite proud of. (Why is the bar set at “didn’t impregnate my teenage sister-in-law that I was molesting”?)
Grace then asks about the moaning that Daisy heard in the house. Now that Daisy can put it into some context, she understands that the moaning was always coming from what used to be Grace’s room. And that the man she saw was Peter. 
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fitjourneydaily · 7 months
Unveiling the Truth Behind Skinny Signal Complex: Reviews, Complaints, and Scam Allegations
Unveiling the Truth Behind Skinny Signal Complex: Reviews, Complaints, and Scam Allegations Read the full article
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topbuysguide · 11 months
Is 1000pip Builder Legit?
Alright, listen up, folks! In the forex jungle, you need a signal provider you can trust, and that's where 1000pip Builder comes in. Is it the real deal? You betcha, and here's why:
Bob James, the man with over a decade of forex wizardry, founded this gig. He's not just a provider; he's your mentor. Company details might be a tad elusive, but Bob's street cred makes up for it.
What's the skinny?
Real-time trading signals, hot off the press! Bob's got the knack for dissecting price movements and serves up 2-7 signals daily, complete with entry, take profit, and stop loss levels. Easy peasy, right?
Who's this shindig for?
Newbies and those who've stumbled in forex. Bob's here to guide you to the promised land of profit.
Why 1000pip Builder?
It's all about a track record of consistent profits, verified signals, and a sprinkle of Bob's wisdom.
Worried about safety?
Don't be. They've got risk management in the bag, and third-party auditors keep 'em on the straight and narrow.
How much will it cost you?
Prices range from $97 per month to $497 per year. Sure, it's not pocket change, but with profit potential and Bob's mentorship, it's worth every penny.
The only snag?
No test drive available. But stellar reviews and verified results should put your mind at ease.
The good stuff:
Real-time signals, expert insights, mentorship, and verified results.
The rough patches:
Company info is a bit scarce, it's pricier than some, and there's no demo.
When it comes to customer support, it's top-notch. Bob's got your back faster than a speeding bullet.
In a nutshell:
1000pip Builder is the real McCoy, a bona fide forex signal service. It's a bit spendy, but with profits and Bob's guidance, it's a savvy move. If you're a newbie or struggling trader, this might be your ticket to success. With 1000pip Builder, you're riding the forex wave with confidence.
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belezaprosaude · 1 year
SKINNY SIGNAL COMPLEX REVIEW - Skinny Signal Complex Is Good? Skinny Sig...
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umflowers · 1 year
hey y'all, i know some of you are in ldr and i was just poking around and noticed lovense's (normally v expensive) bluetooth sex toys are half off today (as of 1:11 am est on july 16 2023) x) fair warning, if you get one to use in public and you're not skinny and/or have a gut the bluetooth signal sucks and if it's a wearable one (attaches to your undies via magnets) it's a pain in the ass that said, i only have experience with the ferri and skinny folks seem to have only rave reviews for it, so i bring up long distance relationships bc they make vibes, plugs and dick massagers and all of them can be controlled from anywhere in the world by an (actually very good) mobile app, plus two toys can be synced to each other so you're experiencing the same thing
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healthybestti · 1 year
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pristinepastel · 3 years
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Happy birthday, Mammon!
23 notes • Posted 2021-09-10 10:55:32 GMT
MORE PENEMUE LORE because im a sucker for both the inhuman behavior/vocalization and eldritch/monsterous true demon form(im calling them ‘sinful forms’ cus fun) headcanons!
Penemue Demonic Features
Vocalizations(with translations)
-Elk Bugling(im sad)
-Coyote howl(im committing shenanigans)
-Barn Owl Hiss(im on edge, please beware)
-Cory’s Shearwater call(happy noise)
-Grey Go-Away birdsong(im tired/dont want to interact with anyone right now, please leave me be)
-Great Potoo call(im hurting in some way)
-Common Buttonquail birdsong(im asleep)
-The Nightmare Machine(im expressing my sinful form and abilities, youre either an enemy or just plain unlucky— for the latter, run and find my brothers)
-When there’s a big emergency, they become extremely paranoid and overprotective of their loved ones. they keep watch over the entire house like a gargoyle. Lucifer usually notices when they’re getting worked up, and will tell them to protect the house.
—-They do this by shifting into their sinful form and causing horrific hallucinations on unsuspecting enemies and intruders(think courage the cowardly dog monster vibes— eldritch, abstract, and so completely out of place in reality that it Breaks. You.)
-For friends and allies, all they ‘see’ is Penemue in their normal demonic form— a fragment of their power ushering them to join the others in safety.
Sinful Form
-An elongated skeletal torso and skull, shrouded in a sheer black veil with abyssal eyes. Long and skinny arms that trail behind them, much closer to the ground than they should be. Instead of a lower body, there’s a never-ending downpour of black, ferrofluidic, ichor that has an ever-shifting form. If you look too closely at the oil-slick sheen of it, or catch a glimpse beneath their shroud, you experience your deepest fear for an eternity in an instant— causing you to die of a heart attack from shock, your hair turning white and more of the ichor flowing from every orifice, including your now wide, bloodshot, rolled back eyes.
-Cannot speak with words in this form, communicates vaguely with emotional projection accompanied by sounds similar to those made by the nightmare machine.
-According to Beel— after consuming the remains of an individual who’d attempted to kidnap Penemue and met their doom as a result— the ichor tastes like soy sauce.
illustration under the cut cus creepy skeletal individual—
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24 notes • Posted 2021-09-10 19:47:14 GMT
found beels body type everyone
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57 notes • Posted 2021-10-22 14:09:07 GMT
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happy halloween this year im gonna be cole
and since im proud of how the shirt turned out heres the design! ☺️
See the full post
76 notes • Posted 2021-10-24 18:05:12 GMT
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@moemoemammon's mc Daikon is very stealthy when it comes to taking selfies, Penemue didn't even have time to pose;;
76 notes • Posted 2021-09-28 02:26:00 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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ravenbrenna09 · 4 years
just friends - sneak peek
This is probably the only thing I’m writing all week (and I technically wrote it last week so...), I hope you guys enjoy this small sneak peek to this (likely lengthy) one-shot. Also, a thing to note, this fic is probably going to be the closest I’m going to get to smut. So, yeah, just a thing to note
Me: 🙈🙈🙈🙈
Robbe had been blessed the day that he had been assigned a single bedroom. 
Robbe had been assigned one of the few single bedrooms on the floor. At the beginning of their freshman year, Jens and their new friends, Moyo and Aaron, had been envious of him. But, the peace and solitude of his one-bedroom dorm was the perfect place that Robbe had to get away from them on nights where it was too stressful, to study for his tests, to do group projects with Yasmina. 
(Because of his father’s insistence for him to be in the dorms, and him paying for it, Robbe had gone ahead and re-upped his dorm contract, choosing to keep the same room.)
And, overall, the dorm room looked the same as the day it had been when he moved in. 
Right inside the door, his desk stood, a little messy but Robbe’s own level of organized, with his folders and binders stacked up in an order that he understood. His laptop was there too, booted up and loaded, and his PSY-3003 review still loaded on the screen. His backpack was half-tipped over, some of the contents spilling on the carpet the moment that he had gotten up. 
Robbe’s skateboard was propped up against his desk, muddy wheels and all, and his surfboard, which he hadn’t used in almost two weeks because of projects and tests, had been shifted behind his desk. His single solitary lamp sat on the corner with his charging wireless-headphones wrapped around it. Beneath the warm glow of the light, a small fake plant stood there, a half-empty bottle of water beside it.
His bed was shoved in the corner, messy and undone, pressed up against the window. The black drapes that hung over the panes of glass were tucked between the mattress and the wall, preventing it from being opened at the moment. Above the head of the bed, fairy lights were draped over small command hooks, forming a constellation that his mother had meticulously arranged on his first day that he hadn’t wanted to change. 
But, there were new things in his room, new things that hadn’t been there a few months ago, or a few weeks ago, or even a few hours ago.
There was a camera that had been haphazardly placed on his nightstand, old and vintage and pointed in the direction of the door to the hallway, and the muddy Doc Martens that had been tossed down by his skateboard, laces untied. The leather jacket that had been hung on the back of his doorknob, but only when he was here. The black skinny jeans discarded in the middle of the room, kicked off and unwanted, and the black David Bowie shirt that had fallen on Robbe’s discarded green sweater and his jeans. 
Robbe was on the bed too, Sander Driesen wrapped in his arms, joined and disconnected and trying their hardest to stay quiet. Robbe’s cries and whimpers were swallowed by the warm palm of Sander’s hand (they could hardly kiss at this point, too close to keep completely quiet) and Sander’s short groans muffled by the flesh of Robbe’s shoulder. Normally, they wouldn’t care, well, Robbe would because it was his room and his neighbors, but his dorm was strict on the quiet hours and neither of them had the money right now to pay the one-hundred-dollar fine if someone complained.
Sander yanked on Robbe’s curls, a silent signal and an unintended reminder that his hair was too long; and Robbe yanked down Sander’s hand to bring their lips back together, each approaching their own end to whatever this time was. Robbe dug his fingers in Sander’s hair, kissing him or trying to, pulling him closer and closer until they both came crashing down.
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fitjourneydaily · 7 months
Unlocking the Potential of Skinny Signal Complex: A Comprehensive Review for 2024
Unlocking the Potential of Skinny Signal Complex: A Comprehensive Review for 2024 Read the full article
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