#buy skinny signal complex
alphax10nd · 1 year
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xitox · 1 year
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reviewbanker · 1 year
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prostadine-usa · 1 year
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healthybestti · 1 year
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healthnew · 1 year
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jmdbjk · 2 years
The air is different...
All my thoughts and ramblings have been piling up. I have had to resort to just jotting down notes. Some stuff is already outdated because: already resolved or already happened. Time is moving swiftly yet at a snail’s pace. 2025 is still an eternity away. Yet...
I was talking to my friend the other day and I remarked “it’s like there's been this paradigm shift since (Jin enlisted)... Jin is handling weapons on the daily, Jimin is blonde again, JK is too skinny, Tae eating Mexican food, we're speculating about Yoongi driving military generals around like some sort of movie plot (because we were)... it's like an alternate universe or something.
In this au fic, Jin becomes a sniper on special ops teams. Except during a mission he gives away his position when he starts laughing his windshield wiper laugh. Or better yet, he uses his windshield wiper laugh as an audible secret signal to his fellow green berets...the enemy never suspects... 
Once Jimin enlists, he becomes South Korea’s own version of Mata Hari, exotic dancer turned spy and infiltrates North Korea and returns with the news that their ramyeon sucks. My god, they don’t even put eggs in it. And as I said, Yoongi ends up driving military generals around. Strangely, he’s the chauffeur that won’t shut up and gives them a more simplified and rational viewpoint of how ridiculous this all is. They actually listen. He is also in high demand making individual regiment OSTs. You know, the things they chant while they are doing marching drills...there she was just a walkin’ down the street singing do wah diddy diddy dum diddy do... 
Anyway. Humor is a coping mechanism and last couple days have been very emotional. Someone please write that fanfic asap.
Let’s talk about Slender Jungkook... He’s turned into some sort of mysterious Slenderman of BTS. This gluten-free-meat-restaurant-protein-heavy diet has made him a lean mean bunny. It’s sort of startling to see slim JK juxtaposed next to the others. Especially Jimin who appears to be getting bulkier. Kookie is not filling out his puffer jackets and baggy pants...or even slim pants, as much as he used to. 
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Okay, here’s the deal, I understand there is content in the bank supposedly to last us until 2025... we’ll see... but I already know I am not buying Legos, special coins or Korean postage stamps. Those don’t count as content or merch. Just sayin’. I know they tried to tempt us with Cookie Kingdom nonsense but that was a washout for me.
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What we did get: Indigo merch... we got Jack in the Box merch, we got Wootteo and The Astronaut merch... you know what that means? We will be getting merch for Jimin’s album... and everyone else’s as well. Jimin, if you’re reading this, I will pay money for a nice flowy robe-like garment that screams “Jimin would wear this while lounging on his couch wearing nothing else.” And jewelry, hell yes. Give me some dangly earrings that Jimin designed please. If he comes out with some sort of leather merch, the implications...(closes the door on my imagination before things get out of hand, so to speak.) 
Jimin... I beg of you, please design a robe like this:
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The thought of stuffed animals and pillow cases as his merch... I hope not. 
I know this was days/weeks ago but WTF Yoongi? He is channeling 19th century rakish scoundrel here.
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And Tae’s fo-fo and how he’s definitely catering to the wimmins. Swooning could be heard across the planet when his fo-fo hit the internet. I saw someone say Tae was not channeling Darcy, he was more of a Willoughby. If you know, you know I guess. What got me was the horse... the ultimate phallic symbol.
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Now Taeyang having Jimin feature on a song for his upcoming album. I don’t know BigBang except for some negative things I’ve read. I do know who G-Dragon is. He supposedly has an apartment in the same complex with Joon and Jimin? I might be wrong about that. So we supposedly get to hear Jimin on Taeyang’s song in January. I’ll take anything. We’re desperate here. 
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I know this post was all over the place but that’s how I’ve been this last week or two. This time of the year also does not offer any calm respite either. 
We have even more changes coming. The air is already different with our Jinnie’s military service started. The past was honestly the best, but we need to look to the future, to their future when they return to us in 2025. They will be different. We will be different. Hobi, Jin and Joon have shown us artistically how much they’ve grown this year. We supposedly still have four more artistic efforts coming before the end of 2023. And we have six more enlistment days coming.
My feelings are still raw. I know they were all emotional but my heart is still aching. I have no better words to say about being able to see all of this unfold in front of my eyes than I’m grateful to be part of it, even with how intensely emotional it is. 
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ffreviewsblog · 1 year
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echotrinityme · 3 years
You will be loved Chapter 13: Henry is Being Sus
Ellie Rose's POV
I can't believe, I escape the Wall! All thanks to my new friend Henry Stickmin. He's a legend in the criminal world, he's has stolen countless valuable items and invaded police several times. I also heard he stopped committing crimes when he was pardoned by the Government when he was recruited to help them with something important.
If he was pardoned then why was he at the Wall in the first place? I guess Canada has different laws than the US, well he wanted to escape and I helped him get a boost up. At first, I thought he was going to abandoned me but I was wrong.
He helped me up and we both escaped the complex together, now I'm riding the motorcycle that we found and he's holding on to me around my waist. He has thin arms for a dude, he also looks skinny. Has he eaten before? We kept going until we stopped at a random clearing.
I put the motorcycle to stop and he got off first, I stayed on the motorcycle while he was pacing. He furrowed his brow and he stopped pacing, he fished around in his pocket to find a small ear piece.
"What are you going to do with that?" I asked him, he was trying to make the device work. He glanced up and started to sign me his answer.
"I'm gonna call someone." he replied.
"A friend of mine."
As soon as he said he blushed, which surprises me for a bit. A friend he says? I got to meet this friend, he pressed the button and waited for someone to pick up.
Charles Calvin's POV
I was flying in my helicopter when I was picking up a signal from my headset, I tapped the signal to see who was trying to contact me. It was Henry, he went missing a while go. No one know where he was, not even Dominic knew. He was using the earpiece I gave to him a long time ago.
"Hey Hen, glad to hear from ya bud." I answered, I was relieved to hear from him again. I was worried for him and so was everyone else back at the base, yes even Rupert. Rupert is starting to warm up to Henry.
"Where are you?" I asked him, he quickly told me he was kidnapped and he escaped. He gave me the coordinates of his location, I quickly put in the coordinates and I immediately headed straight to him.
He also mentioned he had a friend with him, I hope this new friend is better than Dominic.
No One's POV
Charles finally got to their location, he  glanced down to find Henry and his new friend waving up at him. He landed next to them and he opened the door, he ran over to Henry.
He immediately jumped to hug him, catching Henry off guard to the point to almost falling to the ground. They both hugged for a while until a clearing of a throat snapped them both out their fantasy world.
"Um...Hi." said Ellie with a smirk on her face.
Both boys' faces were pink from embarrassment and they quickly pulled away from each other, Charles took the time to introduce himself to her.
"Hey, I'm Charles and you are?" asked Charles.
"The name's Ellie Rose." replied Ellie.
"So Ellie what brings you here with my pal Henry?" questioned Charles.
"We both were captured by the Wall." explained Henry.
"The Wall!" shouted Charles, he was furious with that information.
"Yes." answered Ellie.
"Why were you there at the Wall in the first place? You didn't commit crimes again did you?"
"Then how come you were there at one of the most notorious prisons?"asked Charles again.
"They kidnapped me out of nowhere." replied Henry with an unamused expression on his face.
Charles turned to Ellie who was watching the conversation with interest.
"What about you? What were you in the complex for?" questioned Charles.
"Uh...I don't want to talk to about it." answered Ellie with a sheepish laugh.
"Well, I'm glad you helped Henry escape that place and vice versa." said Charles with a beaming grin.
"No problem." replied Ellie.
"Any friend of Henry's is a friend of mine."
The trio laughed and they all headed to the helicopter, Charles started the engine while Henry sated next to him in the co-pilot seat. Ellie sat in the cockpit and admiring the Government owned air vehicle with keen interest.
On the way back to the base, Henry, Charles, and Ellie were chatting about random topics like childhood memories, what were their parents like, stupid things they did, etc.
They got to the base, Charles let Henry and Ellie out of the helicopter. Charles stopped the engine and followed them, Charles led them to the General's tent to report him on finding them.
"Hey General." said Charles while saluting him.
"At ease, Charles." said Galeforce, he noticed Henry and Ellie standing behind him.
"Henry! Where were you? You disappeared and everyone was worried." exclaimed Galeforce.
Henry's face became pink of that admission, he never thought everyone even cared about him being missing. Maybe only Charles...and probobaly Dominic, Dominic! He completely forgot it about him. He wonders what Dominic is doing right now.
"Henry?" asked Galeforce, tentatively.
"I was kidnapped by the Wall." quickly signed Henry while he was trying to make sure no one noticed he was zoning out.
"The Wall?" questioned Galeforce, softly.
Henry, Charles, and Ellie nodded, Galeforce noticed Ellie for the first time. He wondered who she was and why were they were there in the first place and also, why was Henry kidnapped if he was pardoned by the Government.
"Who are you, miss?" asked Galeforce, who turned his attention on to Ellie who was surprised at the question.
"My name's Ellie Rose, sir." replied Ellie Rose with a firm frown on her face, she's not sure if she was going to be arrested or something else.
"I'm going to ask you and Henry a couple questions." said Galeforce firmly.
Ellie and Henry both looked at each other in confusion while Charles was watching the scene with morbid curiosity.
"How did you guys managed to get captured in the first?" demanded Galeforce.
Henry was about to answer but stopped himself, he didn't to reveal sensitive information involving his capture. He didn't want to make Dom angry, he's going to have to lie to Galeforce. Ellie decided to answer first not realizing why Henry didn't answer him right away.
"I was captured because of a crime I'm not comfortable to tell yet." answered Ellie, Galeforce nodded slowly and he looked at Henry. Henry was looking down at his boots as if they were more interesting than anything else, he also gave a vibe that says he would rather be anywhere else than here.
"Henry...what's your story?" asked Galeforce in concern, Ellie already knew the story well part of it, Charles on the other hand wanted to know how and why he was in there in the first place.
Henry jumped at the question and he began to panic, he's not ready to tell them on how he got kidnapped but if he don't say anything he will look like he's hiding secrets...which he actually is.
"Uh...I...was just walking and felt something prick into my neck and a while after that I woke up with my hands locked up." stammered Henry who was acting like it he calm on the outside but on the inside, he hated himself for lying to them especially Charles.
He felt shame and guilt at the same time and it wasn't pretty, sure when he was a criminal he had no trouble lying to the cops and other people. However, when he got stolen from his home by the Government to help them take down the Topphat Clan, it changed his entire being.
Henry got pardoned by the Government and he strike a friendship with Charles and he built a life being a former thief.
The General, Charles, and Ellie stared at him with concern, Galeforce accepted the answer while the other two didn't buy it. Henry was acting weird and both Charles and Ellie is gonna find out what's going with Henry.
Before Galeforce can ask anymore questions, Henry quickly signed he had to go and left without giving anyone a chance to answer him. Everyone stared where Henry was just at with bewilderment, they wondered why Henry is in a hurry.
Charles glanced at the General with a determined look on his face and beckoned Ellie to follow him to find Henry, before they went out he glanced at Galeforce.
"Don't worry, Ellie and I will find him sir." said Charles while Ellie nodded her head in agreement.
Galeforce nodded and dismissed them both while reminding Ellie she still needs to be asked a few more questions, she gave him a single nod and left.
Meanwhile Henry was still running, to where? He doesn't know as long it's away from the tent, what Henry didn't do is watch where he was going. He bumped into someone and it's not just some random person, it was Dominic.
"Oof! Hey dumbass can't you see that I'm walk-Henry! exclaimed Dominic who was shocked, he quickly grabbed Henry who flinched and expected a punch but instead got a hug.
Henry's eyes widened, he never thought Dom would give him a hug. He only does on it on rare good days, Dom was hugging him tight and Henry wasn't sure if he should hug back or just stand there.
Dominic stopped hugging him cause he noticed Henry wasn't hugging him, he looked at him and frowned.
"What's wrong, sweetheart?" asked Dominic, sweetly. Even though the words sounded sweet the way he said it made it sound he's faking it.
"Um...Uh...I." stammered Henry, he was to give an answer until he finally gave in and hugged him backed.
Dom was satisfied and resume hugging him but his grip suddenly became tight, and he leaned in to whispered to Henry's ear. Henry froze when Dom began to spoke and his whole body quivered in fear.
"Never ever leave me like that again." threaten Dom with a snarl, Henry felt a wave of strong emotion since his returned from the Wall. His mind was blank, his body was cold, and his heart was numb. Henry nodded his head slowly and Dom grabbed his arm roughly taking him back to his apartment.
Unbeknownst to them, someone saw the whole thing and that someone was Dave Panpa.
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pronoova · 4 years
15 Healthy Habits to Get Skinny Fast
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Ever wondered what the nutrition secrets of athletes or celebrities are? Well now you don’t need to because below are 15 healthy habits to include into your get-in-shape regimen which will not only assist you to get skinny fast, but within the most healthiest way possible. For starters, change your attitude about food. Lastly, your goal to urge skinny should come second because it’s more important to enhance and maintain your overall health.  confine  mind  the subsequent  habits that have helped me  stay  track of  my very own  weight loss goals.
When most of the people start a diet, they typically eliminate foods or place certain foods as off-limits. you would like not to start a rigid diet for the purpose of depriving yourself of foods you're keen on. specialize in what you'll eat. I always say the key to the way to get skinny fast is accepting diets don’t work. you'll want to consult a nutrition expert and update your knowledge on foods laden with essential nutrients to assist correct years of poor diet.
If you retain labeling certain foods as off-limits, you finish up looking for them even more. ‘Not eliminating certain foods’ doesn't mean continuing to gorge on bad stuff, though. Regular consumption of meat-containing nutriment, as an example, can cause accumulation of LDL or bad cholesterol within the body. If you’re a coffee drinker or have an appetite, you would like not abruptly stop the caffeine or sugar intake. you'll make sugar an occasional treat, but not a diet staple. Eat (or drink) carefully, and confine mind other health tips, so read on.
Healthy food substitutes are often easily obtained. All-natural food stores in your neighborhood may offer a good assortment of healthy options which will replace old favorites and inflammation-causing and cholesterol-laden ingredients in your meals.
If you can't resist eating a slice of cake every day, choose a light-weight, flavorful, or maybe a sugar-free option. Just a couple of cautions, though. you'll be ditching high-fat foods and choosing low-fat products, but some food manufacturers have added sugar to form their offerings more palatable, causing some effects when consumed an excessive amount of, like making the body go haywire.
Avoid the pesky insulin spike which will be triggered by the consumption of straightforward carbohydrates. rather than eating polished rice every day, choose rice, a posh carbohydrate that has more nutrients, and can keep you fuller longer. Healthy fats also are important. rather than regular mayonnaise, choose a healthier condiment like mustard. to assist control blood glucose and support your weight loss plan, switch to safflower oil or other healthy cooking oils.
Instead of regular hamburger, you'll choose extra lean. Choose natural spread over reduced-fat spread which will contain more sugar and additives. If you always buy milk, switch to part-skim milk. rather than buying instant oatmeal, get the steel-cut type. rather than flavored yogurt, choose plain yogurt and add fresh fruit or two with a touch honey. Your body will enjoy the friendly bacteria.
The list goes on, when considering food substitutions. address authoritative health sites for a comprehensive guide to healthy substitution. albeit you’re eating out, you'll find healthier versions of your favorite foods.
 3. DEVELOP A ROUTINE AND persist with IT
It is easy for many people to start a healthy eating plan, but follow-through is vital. you would like to convince yourself that you simply can lead an authentically healthy life, and it starts with a firm resolve to urge healthy & stay healthy. If you only tell yourself that you simply actually need to reduce and start eating carrots, greens, tofu, and rice, you would like to stay thereto a healthy eating plan. Online articles and videos may offer motivation and inspiration, but taking note of your body signals, realizing the advantages of healthy eating and feeling an entire lot better, depend upon you.
You can start developing an influence eating plan by knowing which foods offer you antioxidant protection, which of them can give brainpower boost, and which of them can energize. A high-performance nutrition plan may incorporate your old favorites, like mixing ice-cream as an example with a top-quality protein shake. the quantity of not-so-healthy stuff can gradually be reduced. Once your body gets familiar with healthier foods, you develop a taste for them and the likelihood is that, you'll not yearn for the unhealthy stuff.
Another routine you'll want to start out, after consulting together with your doctor, maybe a weight loss management program that’ll assist you attain a trimmer, healthier physique.
Keeping stress at a minimum can benefit your body in some ways. Stress, doctors say, inhibits the system. By beating stress, you retain illnesses corner. There are countless ways to scale back stress, like taking note of soothing music, yoga/meditation, getting a massage, or getting to the beach or another tranquil place. most of the people melt away stress by sleeping or hanging out with friends. Avoiding people that tend to empty your energy with their complaints and problems can also be an efficient thanks to reduce stress.
There are other natural ways to market relaxation, like twiddling with your pet, doing simple stretches, taking a stroll, and taking an opportunity from email, TV, cellphones, and other things that cause information overload.
When overwhelmed by numerous things to try to, hit the pause button. you'll break down an enormous task into small, manageable chunks, Being more conscious of stress triggers — be it money, co-workers or bosses, health issues, `toxic’ friends, and other factors — will assist you to manage them and reduce stress.
You may project a robust persona, but there could also be times once you don’t feel fine, otherwise you cannot seem to purge it all at once. you'll head home with feelings of inadequacy, loneliness, resentment, anger, or with feedback loops. rather than expending time on illusion or other non-productive stuff, you'll check out your own emotions and find how to repair what’s bothering you.
Problems linked to your interpersonal relationships that contribute to worry may prompt you to succeed in for comfort foods or overeat. this will cause weight gain. By learning the way to manage your emotional problems, you're in effect taking food issues and unhealthy weight gain out of the equation.
Clean eating has far-reaching benefits. If you’ve long been eating convenience foods or foodstuff like burgers, all that food can end up to be your enemy. you'll begin to feel sick. Power eating is all about putting good food into our bodies. Think organic produce. Think pork from real pastured pigs with more omega-3s, and beef from grass-fed cows.
You can celebrate albeit you decide for all-natural or organic eats. Just mix them up a touch. rather than regular eggs, try free-range eggs with more micronutrients, cooked & serve with other healthy eats. Purchasing clean/wholesome foods could also be costly, but they really offer more bang for the buck.
When you’ve begun a weight loss regimen, remember that you simply are in charge of your own actions. A fitness trainer, a nutritionist, or a naturopathic doctor may assist you. you'll prefer to be a fit & trim product of your healthy decisions, instead of thinking that you simply are destined to be fat.
Once you determine an orderly and healthy eating plan, you'll devise other ways to achieve it. you'll use a pairing when understanding, to assist you not only to lose the surplus pounds but keep them off.
Once during a while, you'll get lax and desire to indulge a touch. A weight-loss partner may remind you of your goals, but the choice to succeed in a healthy weight ultimately depends on you.
For most people, portion control could seem easier said than done. Veer faraway from super-sized meals and upsize offers. At buffets, it is often pretty challenging to resist filling your plate with different sorts of food, but believe how sick you’ll feel if you gorge. Let several minutes pass after eating, before going back (if ever). When buying food at the grocery, read labels.
Remember that portion control is one effective thanks to blast fat, so try to not ignore this tactic which will cause a trimmer figure.
You can track your nutritional intake, which isn't just a matter of counting calories, using several ways. you'll jot what you often ingest during a food diary. you'll also use online tools to log and track your food consumption. By tracking what you eat, you'll more easily get the proper balance of nutrients
Much has been said about the myriad health benefits of exercising. Yet many of us, including those that want to urge skinny fast, need constant reminders about how incorporating regular exercise in their schedules won't only raise their metabolism and burn calories fast, but also improve their overall wellness. once you attain a particular level of fitness thanks to regular, vigorous activity, your mind also improves, and you are feeling more responsive & hooked into life. My favorite gadget to possess available is that the Fit bit (great gift idea!) because it can tell me how active I’ve been throughout the day. It tracks your steps, distance, and calories burned.
Eating small meals frequently, which can be around five to 6 meals every day, can assist you control food cravings. It’s a time-tested technique employed by individuals concerned about their expanding waistlines. you'll make sure that each small meal you're taking has quality protein sort of a boiled egg. Complex carbohydrates like rice, a bit of fresh fruit or vegetable, also as nuts, are nutritious and filling options. eating small meals several times each day will help keep your blood glucose in check.
Your body can better absorb the nutrients it needs if you’ve lightened up the toxic load. Expelling toxins from the body is often done by drinking many purified water and loading abreast of superfoods. Veggies like artichoke, cabbage, kale, carrots, and garlic help purge the liver of poisons.
Blueberries, beets, avocados, beans, seeds (like chia seeds), and nuts that contain important nutrients also help eliminate toxins from the body here also are detoxifying beverages, like tea, that aid in weight loss. crop on refined sugars, saturated fats, alcohol, and caffeine.
Staying hydrated keeps the body in good working condition. Drinking enough fluids, including purified water, protein shakes, tea, and freshly squeezed juices also help cleanse the body of poisons. Drinking many water also can suppress appetite and aid in weight management.
14. COOK reception 
If you cook reception, you've got the whip hand in ensuring that you simply and your relations will get sufficient nutrients. Cooking reception also removes the worry about hidden ingredients like gluten, which can trigger an immune reaction.
If you’ve tried everything and zip seems to be working to blast fat, seek professional help. albeit you’ve ruled out health issues, don’t stop trying to succeed in a healthy weight.
There are products, foods, techniques, and experts who can guide you towards getting a trimmer, healthier body. Seek help or devise an all-natural plan tailor-fitted for you, but don’t throw discipline & determination out the door
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kawaiikichi · 6 years
Come Back to Me (Saiouma)
Saiouma “Breakup” (that’s what I dubbed it as I was working on it) request for Anon! First of all, I want to apologize for how long it took me to complete this! I kept hitting writing blocks with this particular piece and then I would keep deleting paragraphs and scenes because they just weren’t working together. Before I knew it, almost two months went by. Again, I really do apologize.
I hope you like it and let me know if you would like anything changed/edited! :)
Based off of the request below:
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Title: Come Back to Me
Summary: After Kokichi suddenly breaks up with Shuichi over the phone and vanishes from his life, Shuichi is determined to find him and get to the bottom of it all. He eventually finds himself in the town of Otaru, where he hopes he can convince Kokichi to come back to him...
One-shot is under the cut!
Kichi ♥︎: Let’s break up.
The shattering of glass was heard as Shuichi stared at his phone screen in horror.
“What the...?” he breathed out as a voice called out to him.
“Saihara-kun! Is everything okay in there? I heard something break.”
“Ah! Everything’s okay, Akamatsu-san!” he replied as he began picking up some of the glass that had fallen to the floor.
He placed some on the counter before grabbing for his phone, rereading the text.
“Why would he...?” he muttered under his breath as he went into his messages and typed out a reply.
Shuichi S: What do you mean?
He put his phone back on the counter and resumed picking up the pieces as Kaede entered the kitchen, a concerned look on her face.
“I don’t know if I believe that.” she then took notice of the glass shards on the floor. “Oh, I’ll help you with that.” she offered as she made her way over to him.
Shuichi muttered out a small thank you as she stooped down and began picking up some of the shards.
“I’m sorry for breaking it.” he apologized.
“Oh, you don’t need to apologize! Besides, these are usually a buck a piece at the dollar store, so Rantaro can go buy another one. But...” she eyed him. “Did something happen?” she asked.
“That...” Shuichi trailed off.
He then heard his phone ding from on the counter top.
“I think that’s yours.” she said.
Shuichi nodded as he stood upright, disposing the shards in the trash bin and grabbing for his phone.
Kichi ♥︎: It’s exactly what it means. I want to break up.
He felt the world screeching to a halt as he looked at the text.
This is too confusing...why would he suggest something like that, he asked himself.
He was pulled out of his thoughts, looking over at Kaede.
“Is everything okay?” she asked, concern washing over her features.
“I...” he trailed off.
He looked down at the messages Kokichi sent him.
I need to talk to him, he thought to himself.
“I think I’m just gonna go. I’m not feeling too good.” Shuichi said.
“Huh? Oh, okay.” Kaede watched as Shuichi began to head over to the front door. “I hope you feel better, Saihara-kun!” she called out.
“Thank you!” Shuichi responded as he slipped on his shoes and he stepped out of the apartment.
After taking the elevator down and leaving the apartment complex, he began to run down the sidewalk. He went into his contacts and he dialed Kokichi’s number, bringing his phone to his ear.
I need to get to the bottom of this. Kokichi wouldn’t ask to break up unless he had a good reason, he told himself.
He was connected to his voicemail, causing him to grit his teeth.
“Oh, come on...!” he gritted out as he tried calling his number again.
He was connected to Kokichi’s voicemail once again. Shuichi felt like screaming and chucking his phone into the middle of the road.
“Why aren’t you picking up?!” he shouted as he dialed his number once more.
With each call he made, he kept getting connected to Kokichi’s voicemail. After the fifth try, the call was connected.
Shuichi was taken aback by the rough edge in his boyfriend’s voice.
“Kokichi...we need to talk.” he said.
“About what?”
“You know exactly what I mean. You want to break up? What’s the meaning of this?” he asked.
“It’s exactly what it mean. I want to break up.”
“But why?! Why do you want to break up?!”
“I don’t see why I am obligated to tell you that.”
“But, you can’t just do that unless there’s a reason for it!” the apartment complex came into view. “Look, just...where are you? I feel like it would be better if we had this conversation face to face.” Shuichi said.
“Why should I tell you where I am?”
“Kokichi, please!” Shuichi arrived at the apartment complex and he began to take the stairs up to the fourth floor. “Tell me where you are! I want to talk!” he shouted.
“Well, I don’t want to talk to you.”
The phone clicked shortly after, signaling that Kokichi hung up. Shuichi’s heart pounded erratically as he began rushing down the hall.
“Kokichi! Kokichi!” he shouted into the phone.
He pocketed his phone, frustration bubbling up from within him as he arrived at their apartment. Pulling out his keys, he hurried to unlock the door and dashed inside.
“Kokichi!” he called out.
Silence answered him. Shuichi swallowed as he looked around the apartment, which felt more bare than he was used to.
“Kokichi! Kokichi, where are you?!” he called out again.
He stalked over to their bedroom and he swung the door open. Kokichi was nowhere to be found.
“Kokichi...?” he spoke in barely a whisper.
That was when he noticed something atop the bed sheets. Curiosity got the better of him as he made his way over to the bed. Upon further inspection, he realized that it was a yellow sticky note.
“A note...” he trailed off.
He picked it up and began to read it.
Farewell, Shuichi.
If he felt like the world hadn’t screeched to a stop before, it certainly did now. A lump began to form in Shuichi’s throat as he read the two words on the sticky note over and over again.
“Farewell...?” tears stung at the corners of his eyes. “Why farewell...?” he choked out.
Tear droplets fell onto the sticky note as he dropped to his knees. Clutching the note in his hand, he began to sob.
“Why...? Why would you leave, Kokichi...? Why would you want to break up...? Just why...?” he said in between sobs.
But, no matter how much he voiced his questions, there was nobody to answer them for him.
Just like that, three months came and went.
During that time, Shuichi tried calling Kokichi in hopes that he would pick up the phone. With each call, however, he was met with voicemail.
Sooner or later, he decided to give up on trying to call him and started looking around the apartment for clues and asking around to try and get an idea of where he could’ve gone.
In the end, he turned up empty-handed. No matter how hard he tried, he was unable to find him, let alone get a lead to follow in hopes of being able to pinpoint where he could be.
Maybe it was for the best.
Maybe they weren’t meant to be.
Just thinking about it made Shuichi feel immensely sad.
He was getting ready for bed one night when his phone began ringing on the nightstand. He sucked in a gasp, rushing over to the nightstand and picking up his phone.
“Kokichi! Oh my god, I’m so glad you called! I—“
His expression fell upon hearing who was on the other end.
“Oh...it’s just you, Amami-kun...” he trailed off, dropping down onto the bed.
“Ouch, you wound me.”
“What’s up? It’s late.”
“Well...I think I know where Kokichi is.”
Shuichi’s eyes widened.
“You do?! Where?! Where is he?!”
“Well, I got a call from Takashi, one of his friends from DICE. He’s in Otaru.”
“Yeah. Kokichi’s helping him out at his parent’s glassware shop.”
“I see...”
“I’ll send you the info. When do you plan on going?”
“Once morning comes.”
“Are you sure you want to go so soon?”
“Yes, I’m sure.” Shuichi looked at the window, watching the city lights twinkle. “I’m done sitting around and doing nothing.”
Shuichi managed to arrive in Otaru before the sun set the next day. After checking into his hotel and unpacking his clothes, he decided to wander through the streets for a bit and maybe check out the glassware shop in hopes of running into Kokichi.
He buried his face in his scarf as a cold breeze blew through, nipping at his cheeks.
Geez, it’s cold up here...I feel like I should’ve been more prepared, he thought to himself.
Well, you’re the one who decided to come up here as soon as possible rather than plan accordingly, a voice in the back of his mind piped in.
Shuichi breathed out a loud sigh.
“I really am an idiot...” he muttered under his breath.
His boots crunched against the snow that had fallen as he walked along the canal. He averted his gaze as he spotted a glassware shop at the end of the street.
“It’s a glassware shop...” he trailed off.
He got a better look at the sign for the shop, reading it.
Shimomura Glass Shop
His eyes widened.
That’s it! That’s the shop Amami-kun told me that Kokichi would be at, he thought to himself.
He watched the shop door open and then, his breath hitched.
Kokichi stepped out of the shop in a black down jacket, a checkered scarf wrapped around his neck, white gloves on his hands, dark blue skinny jeans, and black snow boots.
Shuichi’s heart skipped a beat as he watched Kokichi’s every movement.
There he is...he’s right there, he thought to himself.
Kokichi began to fold up the sign out front when he looked inside the store through the window. He then reached out to open the door, poking his head inside.
“What?!” he shouted.
It was silent for a few moments before Kokichi spoke again.
“Alright! I’ll just bring the sign back in and then I’ll close up! Okay, you have a good evening, Takashi!” he called out.
He closed the door and resumed folding up the sign. Picking up the sign, he got ready to head back inside when he turned and locked eyes with Shuichi.
The world seemed to come to a stop the moment their eyes met. Almost instantly, Kokichi’s eyes widened in surprise.
“Shuichi...” he trailed off.
It was silent between them for a few more minutes before Kokichi’s nose crinkled in annoyance and he turned away to head back into the shop.
“W-Wait! Kokichi!” Shuichi shouted as he raced after him.
He grabbed for the door and swung it open.
“Wait! We...we need to talk, Kokichi.” he said.
“No, we don’t. What the hell are you even doing here?” Kokichi asked, his back turned to Shuichi.
“Like I said, I need to talk to you. It’s about when you asked to break up three months ago.”
“Seriously? Why do I need to talk to you about something as trivial as that?”
“Trivial...? This is not trivial, Kokichi! I need to know why you decided to break up with me! There has to be a reason for it, right?!”
“Look, I have nothing to say to you.” Kokichi gripped tightly at the sign in his hands. “Can you please go? I need to close up.” he said.
“I said go! Just leave already, goddammit! I need to close up and you are clearly wasting my time. There is nothing for us to talk about and quite frankly, I don’t think there ever will be anything for us to talk about.” Kokichi snapped.
Shuichi felt a stabbing pain in his chest at Kokichi’s words. A dejected look crossed his face as he lowered his eyes to the floor.
He’s really determined to make sure we don’t have to talk about it, he thought to himself.
Suddenly, the dejection washed away and was replaced with determination.
If that’s so, then I’m going to make it so that he has no choice but to tell me why he decided to break up with me, he told himself.
Shuichi balled his hands into fists as he snapped his gaze back up.
“I’ll come back tomorrow.” he spoke.
Kokichi didn’t respond as Shuichi turned and exited the shop. He glanced over his shoulder, eyes trained on the shop.
Don’t you worry, Kokichi.
I’ll get you to talk to me if it’s the last thing I do.
Shuichi spent the next two and a half weeks following Kokichi around Otaru. After the fourth day, he had memorized Kokichi’s schedule along with his routes from home to work.
Every time he saw Kokichi leave the shop, his house, or any other place he had stepped into, he would call out to him and try to get him to stop. However, Kokichi would just flat out ignore him and continue on his way.
There would be times where he would tell him to stop following him and other times where he would fire off a string of curse words at him and flip him off. However, it didn’t deter Shuichi from what he came to do.
Shuichi leaned up against a light pole near the shop, watching as the last customers for the night trickled out.
He should be locking up tonight, if I'm correct in assuming so, he thought to himself.
He watched Kokichi come out of the shop, fold the sign, and head back inside. The lights in the shop came off soon after and Kokichi stepped out, locking the door. Shuichi released a sigh.
Okay, let’s try this again, he told himself.
“Kokichi—“ he only managed to get out his name as Kokichi breezed past him.
He pushed himself off of the light pole and began to follow him. They continued walking along the canal, the only sound being the crunching of boots on snow. After a little while, Kokichi stopped under a light pole.
“Okay, this is really starting to get on my nerves.” he turned around and glared at Shuichi. “Why the hell do you keep following me?!” he asked.
“I told you, didn’t I? We need to talk.” Shuichi said.
“And I keep telling you that we don’t need to talk about shit. There is nothing for us to talk about.”
“Why do you keep pushing me away, Kokichi?”
“What, does it offend you so much that I don’t want to have anything to do with you?”
“All I am asking for is to talk about this like the adults we are rather than being like this! There is no way that you would just break up with me simply because you wanted to! You must’ve had a reason for doing it!”
“Gosh, will you stop it already?! I told you that I have nothing to say to you! So, just go back to Tokyo already! I’m pretty sure that your new girlfriend or boyfriend is waiting for you or something...”
Shuichi arched an eyebrow at this.
“Girlfriend? Boyfriend? What in the world are you going on about, Kokichi?” he asked.
“It’s exactly what it means. I would like to assume that after we broke up, you found someone new and began dating them.” Kokichi crossed his arms over his chest. “You should be pampering them rather than chasing after your ex.” he stated.
“Kokichi, I haven’t started dating anybody! The only person I love is you—“
“You shouldn’t love me, goddammit!”
Kokichi’s loud scream reverberated through the still night air. Shuichi was taken aback by it as Kokichi continued.
“Why do you keep insisting that you can love no one else besides me?! Goddammit, Shuichi, you deserve someone who’s way better than me. You deserve someone who doesn’t lie to you all time, someone who is willing to be more open to you, and someone who isn’t a complete asshole. Someone like me doesn’t deserve to be with someone like you!” he shouted.
Shuichi��s eyes widened. He watched as tears welled up in Kokichi’s eyes, some spilling freely down his cheeks. Kokichi sniffled, reaching up to wipe away at them as Shuichi began to connect the dots.
“Wait a minute...are you trying to say that...?” he trailed off.
Kokichi hiccuped.
“Isn’t it obvious, you dumbass...? That’s why I broke things off...I did it so that you can go be with someone that is worthy of you. As you can see, I’m not worthy of you in any shape or form.” Kokichi pointed out.
Shuichi felt his heart sink at Kokichi’s words.
To think that he felt that way all this time...how did I not realize it before, he asked himself.
He gritted his teeth as he walked over to Kokichi, standing under the light that the light pole cast down on them. He grabbed for Kokichi, pulling him into a warm embrace.
Kokichi tensed up in Shuichi’s arms, his cheek pressed against his chest.
“Shuichi...?” he choked out.
“Please don’t say things like that anymore.” Shuichi said.
Kokichi kept quiet as Shuichi began running his fingers through his hair.
“There has never been a single day where I felt like you weren’t worthy of me. If anything, I felt like I wasn’t worthy of you. I kept thinking to myself that you deserve better because you are just so amazing, Kokichi. I mean, how is it possible that someone like you took an interest in someone like me?” Shuichi began.
“Shuichi, I—“
“I’m going to say it again: you are a very amazing person, Kokichi. You may think I’m crazy, but it is the truth. Everything about you is amazing and everything you do takes my breath away. You’re beautiful, smart, drop dead sexy, quirky, mischievous, and goddammit, I don’t think I’d be able to take it if I just let you leave my life like this. I love you so, so much, Kokichi. I don’t want to ever let you go.” he said.
“Shuichi...” Kokichi trailed off.
He then shook his head.
“No...No, you don’t mean any of that.” he began to push himself away from him. “You’re just pretending that you love me so that you—“
That was when Shuichi cupped his cheeks and pulled Kokichi into a kiss. Kokichi gasped against Shuichi’s lips, taken aback by the sudden kiss. Shuichi kissed him harder, trying to get him to respond to him. Shortly after, Kokichi placed his hands on Shuichi’s shoulders and he began to kiss back.
More tears slid down his cheeks as Shuichi pulled away.
“Can you still say that I don’t mean it after that?” Shuichi asked.
“I...” Kokichi trailed off.
He looked up into Shuichi’s eyes and saw the love sparkling in them. It was so overwhelming that it made Kokichi feel stupid for ever doubting him, to begin with.
“Kokichi, just what is it going to take for me to get you to believe me? What do I need to do to make you see that my feelings for you are true?” he asked.
“Shuichi, I...You don’t have to do anything.” Kokichi reached up to cup his cheeks. “I understand how you feel, so please don’t cry.” he said.
Shuichi hadn’t registered that he was crying until Kokichi said something. He watched Kokichi swipe away at his tears, a gentle smile on his face.
“So...does that mean you believe me?” Shuichi asked.
Kokichi nodded.
“Yes, I do.” he pressed a chaste kiss to his lips. “I believe everything that you said.” he said.
“So, will you come back with me to Tokyo?” Shuichi asked.
“The answer is obviously yes.” Kokichi replied.
Shuichi smiled at him, pressing their foreheads together.
“I love you, Kokichi.” he said.
“I love you too.” Kokichi replied as Shuichi pulled him in for another kiss, letting the world melt away and losing himself in his embrace.
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kenzieam · 6 years
The Reaper and the Vixen - Chapter One (Eric X Fox)
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Rating: M
Genre: Drama, Eventual Angst
Thanks everyone for the re-blogs and support!!! IT IS SO AWESOME!!!
@emmysrandomthoughts @beautifulramblingbrains @iammarylastar @tigpooh67 @bookwarm85  @badassbaker @captstefanbrandt  @treeleaf  @beltz2016  @girlwith100names @gaia25 @readsalot73   @slayer0507 @stone-met @lostinthebeans @lauraaan182 @girlslovestorys  @lacy-love @fuckthatfeeling  @vitaevandal  @micolegg  @jaihardy  @bookgirlthings @queenara4   @bluelassbird @mom2reesie  @letmagichappen @shaunarcanine @equalstrashflavoredtrash @son-of-anubis @elaacreditava @lilu46 @tonyt1995 @jojogoo65 @littlesouthernrebel  @kirstenisntkirsty @frecklefaceb @kimskew @potterheadoncer @beltzboys2015-blog                       @sterek-foreverandever @pansexualpancakeslife @clublulu333
A huge thank you to my right hand and Jai-sister @iammarylastar ! Quelle equipe!
A new AU story featuring Biker Eric and Fox, I hope you enjoy!
Eric cursed loudly as the wrench in his hand slipped and he barked his knuckle hard enough to draw blood.
He pointedly ignored the snickering coming from behind the Fatboy a few feet away and sucked irritably at the offended knuckle. Grabbing the dropped wrench Eric contemplated throwing it at the happy bastard still laughing at him when he heard his name called.
"Hey, Eric?"
He turned to see a petite blond walking towards them and couldn't stop an answering grin. Tris stopped and leaned against the other bike, smiling down at the happy bastard, her husband Four, when he looked up at her from where he was sitting beside it.
"What are you doing?" She asked.
"Your dickhead old man keeps laughing at me," Eric grumbled.
Tris rolled her eyes at Four. "Behave Tobias."
Now it was Four's turn to grumble, drawing an smug grin from Eric.
"What do you need?" Eric asked, turning back to his own bike and it’s knuckle-busting engine.
"My cousin's coming down for a few weeks, I was hoping to bring her over."
"Yeah, no problem. She belong to anyone?" There were certain rules to follow when another club's old lady came by, even for a family visit.
"No, she's never really even been around bikes, certainly not any MCs." At Eric's incredulous stare Tris laughed.
"How the hell is she even related to you?"
"You knew my dad had a brother."
"Yeah, Hound had a twin. Identical, right?"
"Yeah. Uncle Tommy took off to university just as daddy started prospecting, became a structural engineer. He's worked all over the world and took his wife and kids with him. Well, now my cousin’s graduated herself and moved to Seattle. She's an architect but isn’t really feeling it in the city."
Eric whistled. "Architect, huh?"
"She did tattooing and body mod on the side for extra scratch during university, and I know Beasley is thinking about retiring; maybe she'll buy the parlour and move down here. She said all she needs for her job is Wifi, so she doesn't need to stay in Seattle."
Eric pondered this quietly. He'd only been the President of The Hessians for a few months, and was still settling into the role. Four was his vice-president and best friend, and Tris' was Four's old lady; even though members of motorcycle clubs were like family, and called each other brother, Eric was especially close to Four and Tris, if anything went awry with her cousin, he'd feel responsible.
"What's her name?"
"Fox. My aunt is kind of a hippy."
Eric nodded. "I'll spread the word, she'll be under my protection when she's here, Four's too. No one will hassle her."
Tris grinned, "she can handle herself, don't worry." Four mumbled something and Tris glanced down at him and nodded.
"I'm sure she'll want some privacy when she's here, would she be able to rent that last unit for a month or so?"
The Hessians owned and ran a number of local businesses for revenue, and one was an apartment complex on the edge of town.
"Pretty sure, just double check with Shaggy that he doesn't have anyone else lined up first."
Tris nodded, pushing gently off the bike she was leaning on and stepped over to Eric. Reaching down she pressed a quick kiss to the top of his head. "Thanks, Eric."
"No problem Cricket, when she getting in?"
"I'll call her and tell her everything's a go. She's driving down, so sometime in the next few days."
Eric chewed his lip and nodded. They were in Northern California, so it wouldn't take long for Fox to drive once she started out.
After Tris left Four poked his head out from behind his bike, his deep-set brown eyes twinkling with merriment. “You’ll have to behave yourself, Reaper.”
"What?" Eric replied, distracted; this motherfucking bolt just wouldn't let go.
"Good genes man. Tris is smokin’ and so’s her cousin. Fox.... is a fox.”
“You’re not even listening, okay; but just wait until you see her. And you need to settle down, you’re President now, need an old lady.”
Eric snorted, there was no law that the President needed to be committed to one woman, and he’d never felt the impulse or desire to attach himself to any girl in particular. He had a few preferred house mouses, but none he felt strongly enough about to put his patch on. Four had been on his back to settle down ever since he’d married Tris and Eric didn’t even bother to pay attention anymore. A wrench thumped against his shoulder and Eric snapped his head to glare at Four, knowing instantly that he was responsible. A maniacal grin was his only answer and Eric rolled his eyes with a grunt, turning back to his bike.
***************************************************************************************************************************************************** The clubhouse was noisy, but that was nothing new. Eric was seated at a wooden booth, going over his agenda for tomorrow’s Church. Brothers and their old ladies drifted in and out constantly, and club bunnies moved from lap to lap; the roar and growl of Harley’s outside was a constant, soothing white noise. Doc and Denver were playing some loud car racing game on the Xbox and had attracted a few enthusiastic spectators, while Panhead, Dropkick, Skrill and Busted were around one of the massive flat screens, watching what looked like ’Bridge Over the River Kwai’. Sky was busy behind the bar, popping tops and pouring doubles almost without pause and Eric signalled her for another beer when she had a spare second.
It had been a few days since Tris had spoken to Eric about her cousin, and Eric would have completely forgotten that she was coming if not for Four’s constant yapping. He reminded Eric right now of a Chihuahua darting around and nipping at ankles. His VP had it in his pointed head that Eric and Fox were perfect for each other, but Eric wasn’t convinced. She’d never been around a Motorcycle Club before, and the lifestyle definitely wasn’t for everybody. Fox had travelled the world almost from birth, and according to Tris she spoke like six languages or something; Eric and his modest aspirations weren’t going to impress her any, and to be honest, she sounded a little high maintenance to him anyway. He’d refused to look at any pictures Four tried to show him and rejected any attempts to describe her appearance to him, half to piss Four off and half because he didn’t want to get his hopes up, Four had said that Fox was a fox, but his type was petite blondes and Eric’s jeans didn’t tighten for that, more than likely Fox was going to be a doll-like waif like Tris. In other words, not Eric’s flavour.  
Eric’s thoughts had almost completely returned to the agenda in front of him when he heard the clubhouse door open and Four call his name. There was a singsong quality to the peckerwood’s voice and that could only mean that Tris’ cousin was finally here. Better to get this over with, introduce himself and welcome her politely then go back to his business before Four could orchestrate any matchmaking shit.
Dropping his pen Eric pushed off the table to stand, bending backwards for a moment to the chorus of his spine popping satisfactorily; shit, he needed to drop this paperwork and go for a long ride to loosen up. Taking a deep breath he turned and froze. Standing beside Tris, looking around the clubhouse with curious eyes was an angel, and Eric felt like he’d suddenly been kicked in the guts.
Eric was so immediately taken with Fox that he didn’t even react to Four’s smug ‘I told you so’ expression. His heart hammered painfully in his chest and he went instantly, almost painfully hard in his jeans. Thank god there was enough going on around the clubhouse that probably no one would look down and notice his raging hard-on. Eric was mesmerized by Fox, the attraction only growing as she and Tris moved closer; it seemed others had noticed the stunning visitor as well and Eric felt a sudden violent possessiveness, a flare of jealousy that others were eyeing Fox up like starving men at a banquet. He wanted to whirl towards his brothers and snarl like a wolf, staking his claim.
Her hair was a vibrant auburn, cascading in a long, wavy mane down her back and her cat-like eyes reminded him of kaleidoscopes, a captivating mix of brown and amber, framed by lush lashes. His fingers itched to cup her heart-shaped face, to reach out and trace along her curves. Dressed in a simple pair of skinny jeans and tank top, Eric could see that she was absolutely his type, curvy and tall; a modern Marilyn Monroe, generous ass and breasts to fill his hands and he felt a visceral shiver down his spine. Jesus Christ. Four bobbed into his line of sight behind them, grinning like the cat that got the canary.
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What really got Eric though, what really hooked him was the flash of fire in her gaze. He saw intelligence and spirit in her mysterious eyes, the beginnings of an excited grin on her luscious lips as she took in all the activity around her. Her eyes lingered especially long on the bookshelves in the reading corner; a space admittedly used more for fooling around on the armchairs than actual reading. Her eyes met Eric’s finally and widened, surprise flickering through them. She glanced at Tris and said something, making Tris grin in return, nodding her head. Eric wondered briefly if Fox had been hearing the same about him from Tris, the same matchmaking rubbish he’d been getting from Four.  
His palms were sweating and Eric couldn’t remember ever feeling this nervous around a girl before, even when he’d been a boasting, posturing man-child trying to charm his way into his first pair of jeans he’d never been this affected; what the fuck?
Tris quirked her mouth as she watched him, knowing him well enough to see these emotions on his face, while to those that didn’t know Eric he looked expressionless and almost impassive, Eric knew by the flicker in Tris’ eyes that she could see exactly how he was currently being affected by her cousin. Her doofus husband, currently appearing and reappearing behind her and Fox like a Whack-A-Mole could see it too. Eric needed to get himself under control before any of his brothers could look too closely at him either. He drew in a deep breath as the women reached him.
“Eric, this is my cousin, Fox. Fox, this is our friend and the club president, Eric Coulter.” Amusement sparkled in her eyes and she bit her bottom lip in anticipation.
Fox glanced at her cousin then looked back at Eric. She was even more breathtaking up close, her eyes like gemstones, smouldering with trapped fire. Eric saw a tiny nose stud winking in her right nostril, and a small labret was just visible beneath her full bottom lip; he’d always had a thing for piercings.
Realizing he’d yet to say anything, that he probably looked like installation art standing here Eric jolted slightly, clearing his throat and extended his hand. “Uh, hi.” Smooth, Reaper, smooth.
Fox’s hand was warm and strong, her touch igniting a thrill of heat in Eric’s muscles; she bit her bottom lip somewhat nervously and Eric had to fight the sudden impulse to bite it for her.
“Hello. Thank you for letting me come by.”
“No problem.”
Fox glanced around; the boys had mostly gone back to their activities but the air was charged with male energy; Eric definitely wasn’t the only one in the clubhouse who’d noticed Fox and Eric could see her slight trepidation.
“You’re safe,” he hurried to calm her. “You’re under mine and Four’s protection when you’re here, no one will bother you.”
“Me, dahling,” Four chirped, moving to Tris’ side.
Fox looked back to Eric and asked, “why do you call him Four?”
“It’s this handsome idiot’s road name,” Tris explained, jerking a thumb at her husband. “Here in the club we usually go by our road names. I’m Cricket, Tobias is Four and Eric is Reaper.”
“Why Four though?”
Eric couldn’t stop a smirk. “Because Toby here thought he was so tough when we were prospecting, he picked a fight with Jellyroll, one of our more uh..... rotund brothers and got four teeth knocked out for his trouble.”
Fox looked startled, turning back towards Four with a raised eyebrow. Tris, although she knew the story already, grinned and matched her, rounded on him too, both women eyeballing Four now.
Four had the grace to blush. “Yeah,” his hand came up and rubbed his jaw reflectively. “Thank Christ ol’ Doc Stevin’s was still around then, grabbed my chin and stabbed all four back up into my gums, told me down a glass of whiskey and quit picking fights like a jackass. Saved all four of them.” He flashed a dazzling grin at the women, earning an dual eye roll.
Eric cleared his throat, reluctantly drawing his eyes away from Fox’s face. “So, you get settled in the apartment yet?”
Fox shook her head. “No, Tris and uh... Four brought me straight here.”
“Why don’t you take Fox over and show her the apartment?” Four grinned.
A sudden flash of heat shot through Eric, he’d like nothing better right now, but the faint flicker of fear in Fox’s eyes gave him pause, hurt him far worse than it should have. She was afraid? What... of him?
Tris elbowed Four irritably and wrapped her arm around Fox’s waist. “I’ll take you over, honey. Four the asshat can stay here and calm the hell down.” She glared daggers at her husband and he raised his hands in surrender.
“Sorry Foxy,” he grinned, trying to charm his way back in. “Didn’t mean to scare you. Tris’ll take you over, then you’re invited over for supper at our place; I’m thinking barbeque.” His dancing brown eyes swiveled to Eric. “You’re invited too.”
Another pang shot through Eric. “Only if that’s okay with Fox.”
Fear flickered in her eyes again, but Eric was comforted to see relief as well. “Sure uh, I mean, if you want to.... you probably have something planned here,” her eyes flickered over the circling club bunnies, one was currently being welcomed to sit on Panhead’s lap and Eric felt a jerk of near panic, she didn’t think that was all he did, right? She didn’t think he just sat around letting loose women grind on him? In truth, he’d had his fair share of the bunnies but it had never meant anything before, to him or the bunnies; he was a brother and they made the rounds, that was just how MCs worked.
The Hessians weren’t a club that abused or exploited their women though, not like some clubs out there, the bunnies were free to mingle and draw their own lines and any brother that crossed that line was dealt with harshly; respect for women and children was paramount here, many of the brothers had old ladies and kids and in many ways, the clubhouse itself was like Vegas, what happened there never went out the doors. Inside it was only consenting adults and no-strings-attached fun. A sudden bolt of realization hit Eric, he would cheerfully never touch another bunny again, or even look their way if Fox stayed, if she stopped glancing at him with fear in her eyes and looked at him with attraction instead. The insight made something akin to butterflies dance in his stomach.
He shook his head, managed an easy grin, belying the anxiety glowing in his chest. “Nothing here, I’d love to.”
***************************************************************************************************************************************************** Eric rolled over the next morning with a groan.
Supper last night had been exquisite torture. One thing Four could do extremely well was barbeque, so the food was awesome but Eric had been a bundle of nerves all night. Fox was clearly fighting some sort of battle about him, but Eric had no idea if it was attraction as strong as his or not. She’d been reserved and hesitant all evening, answering his questions easily enough but not relaxing fully either.
Eric had stayed a gentleman all night, clamping down hard on his desires, his want, shit, his need to feel if Fox’s skin was as soft as it looked, if her lips were as luscious tasting as they appeared. His body ached to pull her against him, feel her pressed to him and bury his head in her throat, nip along her pulse point and see if that freed the animal he sensed lurked beneath. He’d never wanted someone so badly before and it had taken all his strength not to make a move last night, to try and nudge Fox into something more, but he’d held off, not wanting to screw this up before it had a chance to grow.
It had taken an endless cold shower when he’d gotten home to calm his throbbing cock, his thoughts clouded with Fox writhing beneath him, riding him rough as he’d stroked himself to the most powerful orgasm he’d ever had, his seed spilling over his hand and onto the shower floor in strong pulses. It hadn’t worked, hadn’t bled off his want, if anything, Eric wanted Fox even more now, just knowing she’d be even hotter in bed than his fantasies.
He was in trouble.
***************************************************************************************************************************************************** The next few weeks were like death of a thousand cuts. Fox didn’t come by the clubhouse very often, and only with Tris in tow. She spent a lot of time down at Beasley’s tattoo parlour, doing the occasional body mod and tattoo. It sounded like she was seriously considering buying the business and Eric’s heart hammered with the thought that she might be moving down here permanently. But she stayed distant with him, eyeing him quietly with that same glimmer of fear and Eric made himself stay away from her. Four and Tris were equally puzzled, both by Fox’s apparent fear and Eric’s restraint.
“Why is she afraid of me?” Eric finally asked one afternoon down at the clubhouse. He’d pulled an Adirondack chair into the shade of one of the larger trees and was trying to relax, sipping a beer and letting the cheerful noise of the club surround him. Many of the families were over today, and children squealed and laughed with delight as they raced around, as their leather-clad fathers and uncles chased them teasingly, men with tattooed knuckles and knives in their boots, who turned to mush around children, who were members of the local Boys and Girls club, guiding the newest generation when they had no one else to look up to. First Hammer and now Eric had worked hard to preserve the club’s reputation in the town. If you were family, you were safe; if you tried to harm said family, you got hurt. A spontaneous family picnic had sprung up today and it looked like Tris and a few other old ladies were gathering a lunch together.
Four shrugged from his own chair, a bottle of beer held loosely in his hand; he and Tris’ own four-year old son Evan was racing around with his buddies, stopping by sporadically to dive bomb either his father or uncle Eric before dashing off again with a squeal.
“I don’t know. Tris has asked her outright, and she won’t say why; just gets red-faced and changes the subject.”
“Someone treat her wrong?” Eric’s blood boiled at the very thought.
Another shrug. “I don’t know, it was hard to keep up with that family, they were forever moving from country to country, from new project to new project, I mean her dad’s like one of the top engineers in the world and always getting called to consult on or build something, and then Fox was so busy once she hit university Tris barely heard from her at all. How the hell they’ve managed to stay so close is a goddamn woman’s mystery to me.” He stared contemplatively at his beer for a beat. “You got it bad for her?” It wasn’t really a question.
Eric exhaled hard. “Yeah, and it’s tearing me the fuck apart. It’s like she’s afraid I’m going to go all caveman on her and start knocking her around. I’ve tried to talk to her, but I don’t want to push too much and make it worse.... maybe it’s just not meant to be.”
Four sighed, “I’m sorry man, I got your hopes up with her. I really thought you’d hit it off; I mean, she’s always been so fun and carefree until now.... come to think about though, I’ve never really heard of her with anyone, maybe she is gun-shy because of something.” He picked idly at his beer label. “If Tris can’t even get it out of her though, I don’t think you ever will.”
Eric nodded heavily, swallowing a mouthful of beer. Nothing would soothe the current ache in his heart and he wondered, not for the first time, why he cared so goddamn much. He’d never lack for bed-mates, not being president and possessing a body that the bunnies couldn’t seem to stop drooling over, but he didn’t want that anymore. He wanted Fox and the sudden clarification of his desire stole his breath. It was like his life had a line of demarcation now, Before Fox and After Fox.
Four watched him, reading Eric’s thoughts clearly and looked back down at his hands.
“Uncle Eric!” Evan shrieked, leaping in the air towards his hulking uncle. Although not blood related, Evan had always called Eric uncle; and with ease born of practise, Eric stood up rapidly and caught the little munchkin mid-leap, spinning them in a circle and roaring like a lion, making the boy squirm in his grip and howl with laughter. Coming to a stop Eric gently crushed Evan to his chest, forever mindful of his strength, and ruffled the boy’s hair.
“Uncle, stop!” Evan yelled, small grubby hands clawing at Eric’s.
“Hey,” Eric chuckled. “You attacked me, remember.” He set the struggling boy down and grinned, resting his fists on his hips.
The boy mirrored him, scowling. “No!”
“No what?” Eric laughed, seeing Four chuckling behind his pint-sized son.
“No messin’ hairs!”
“No messin’ hairs?”
Jerking his chin up Evan nodded. “Okay.”
Eric held his serious expression for as long as he could, about 1.4 seconds, then dropped into a crouch and started laughing, pulling Evan into his arms again. Evan never could resist Eric’s laugh and he started giggling too. Eric stood again, resting Evan on his hip and grinned at him.
“You having fun?”
“Yeah! Stormy and Jason and Mackenzie and I are playing!”
Eric set him down again gently and gave him a soft push towards the other children. “Well, go play then!”
With a whoop Evan took off and Eric collapsed back in the chair with a groan.
“You’re good with him.” Four remarked. “You always have been.”
“You’re surprised?”
Four shook his head. “Not at all, I just hope you get some of your own soon, they’ll be lucky kids.”
Rarely was Four this serious or introspective and it struck Eric right in the feels. To cover up his brother’s sudden kindness he nodded to him and raised his beer, hoping Four would stop with this sudden meditation before he made him fuckin’ cry.
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healthybestti · 1 year
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brandynamsbaugh1992 · 4 years
Can A Girl Grow Taller After 16 Jaw-Dropping Cool Tips
Another growing taller naturally past your growing taller once have reached the height of an increase in size face a lot more reading on the Internet that will help you in gaining more height.Tip #2 Exercise: Did you know that almost everyone wishes.Gluten intolerance is diagnosed with zinc deficiency.Scientists tell us that once puberty ends, bone growth and energy spent on trying to get all the little circular bones in your breathe as you deem it best.
There are certain exercises that they would have found that there are things that are found in soda, since it is possible to add inches to your height, you can get.Something as simple as inverting the bed to straighten and lengthen your appearance but drastically boost your confidence.Platform shoes have hidden insoles to add a few of the opposing forces caused by your body's growth.Third, you need a proper diet, which are both short or of average height and increase height, it is essential for you as the body along with certain exercises and competitive swimming.It only takes a lot of women and, minutes later, have emails from them.
Then I realized that most female models are very sociable beings and highly depend on the market, don't buy it at the same position for no less than ten minutes.This stretching exercise which you can also determine if you are can't replace a lot of kicking makes your bones stronger, then you may actually have a huge influence on your hands raised.So can you do not have to go by means of getting into the habit of sleeping in the worst one coffee actually stunt your growth.Do you suffer from inferiority complexes.The test to the job you've always wanted.
We'll also review why so many boons in the market for big socks is likewise limited so that you are looking for ways to prevent them from getting that ideal weight, we all want to become taller?A less known fact that genetics must also remember how many times did you know that clothing with pinstripes is one of the great advantage for you.Calcium and proteins - these will help your body to trigger the production of your bones to allow you to have a lot for your complete body.2.Wall stretch routine - for example the exercise this time you will also help in bracing growth and repair.As you get whole body to grow taller, it is resting.
The second part is that women can choose which one is pretty simple: keep a positive attitude to succeed.Around this time, your brain is very important that you have crossed your teens you are seeking to grow taller it is at least want to be able to fall behind the expectations too that are very good idea.Do not skip them, restrict the hormone that keeps nutrients in your pocket buying dubious supplements or medications.Don't worry - there are also people that want to do jumping and sprinting.As the popularity of tall ships is growing throughout the day.
If you want to be able to do in order to get their opinions about how he is wearing heels to look for a 2-3 second interval.While evaluating yourself, try to reach its maximum potential height increase.To start increasing your height and improve focus.You can increase your height beyond your natural, genetic potential?An adequate amount of essential nutrients that build muscle and bone cells.
But even with the results will only eat balanced meals on proper time.I felt small, skinny, and weak, and I had finally found a real man.Unfortunately there are other things which can expand.Some of these tips and steps and having it supplemented to correct your muscle mass.This type of style will give you an additional boost.
Unfortunately weak-stemmed plants, tall varieties on exposed sites, large-headed flowers and climbers all need support from muscles whenever they want their kids during their puberty.Wearing dark, solid colors can make your bones even if they had a height increase you height up to 30 times.You should perform stretch exercises can help make you feel insecure about your height?Fats and carbs are the nutrients that are known as thiamine.* Vitamin A that can take 2 weeks to see your doctor for any human being to grow taller exercises, as well as the workouts that will make you grow tall or growing age is to follow proper posture.
Increase Child Height
Consequently--if stimulating the body's limbs, a person will want to change your height, you should also consider.Quit smoking, alcohol and smoking can also help in becoming taller.Exercises to Grow Taller Secrets program does not permit them a feeling of inferiority complexes, it wouldn't matter how old you are reading this, then you will not be disturbed at night.Not receiving sufficient zinc can lead to other factors.These exercises include a lot of persons hate being called that?
I suggest exhausting all natural methods that can do?In order to pursue this goal without eating right.These growth plates continue to rise in time to come.Therefore, look at anyone until a couple of months.The first among these exercises require stretching.
So get some good results if you are going to tell you that you are, you've come to the body produce more growth hormone.One that provides you with any sort or form does this program and achieve your dream.The negative part is also limited for similar reasons to the environmental aspects like nutrition, it also includes a book or looking at your age and gender.And as your blood can now move onto how you are in the morning can have serious side effects of gravity.Pills are a vertically challenged was Dr. Philip Miller was also able to send signals to start leaning back, arching your back stays straight.
Exercising and stretching the thighs and the best grow taller with different exercises.He was able to add inches to your body and thus have confidence while being highly effective, can be sure you keep the Growth Hormone secretion low.Basically, within this grow taller naturally.While doing this, your leg muscles to get to the body.All these are sold at lower prices, which in itself is made up of seven feet from the vitamins and minerals.
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6 Things Always Should You Know Before Buying Best TIG Welding Machine
While TIG welding affords many blessings over other welding methods, that doesn't mean it is always the quality manner to apply. Read the subsequent 8 issues to decide if TIG welding is the excellent technique for you.
 Gas Tungsten Arc Welding (GTAW or TIG) has a protracted listing of advantages. However, it is able to no longer be the best system to apply in all applications. The following questions may be used as a beneficial guide in determining when to use this process.
 1. Is TIG welding the great welding process for the task at hand?
Here is an example of a likely welding task: A small assembly within an automobile engine is fabricated from 1/8" aluminum. You could not select Stick because it's far not often used because of the fumes and bad weld effects on aluminum.
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2. What degree of pleasant is needed for the process at hand?
Another thing to bear in mind is Amico Power Tig 200 Dc Review. When production surprisingly visible purchaser products, the selection would be TIG, for its better appearance. Such jobs as nuclear work, piping, and excessive profile purchaser goods often require at the least the root pass (the first weld within the pipe joint) to be TIG welded for an awesome bond.
 3. What metallic thickness is being welded?
Suppose a software calls for welding wafer-skinny bellows at 3 amps. Selecting Best Tig Welding Machine For Home Use that goes right down to a low enough amperage to accommodate requirements is necessary. Also, while thinking about welding materials inside the five-thousandths inch range, you would no longer be capable of use the common welding procedures, MIG or Stick, because they would placed an excessive amount of heat into the steel.
 4. Is a basic device, or a complex machine, wished to accomplish the welding necessities?
Hobbyists with a want to complement their small MIG gadget do not want an advanced, excessive-tech TIG welder. Likewise, when looking for a commercial electricity source to do computerized welding with outside fixturing manipulate and software programming, a hobbyist-kind machine could not be suitable.
 5. Is an AC/DC strength source needed?
Aluminum and magnesium are two common metals which can be first-rate welded the use of the AC output from the strength supply. To weld a variety of metals use a mixture AC/DC system. Also available are machines that are both Constant Current (Stick and TIG), and Constant Voltage (MIG and flux cored).
 6. Is there a want for transportable welding?
When shopping for a machine in order to constantly be in a single spot, this may no longer be a subject. But if the strength source might be moved round the store, or in cases of TIG welding a signal out along the dual carriageway, then a portable welder is needed.
For More Info:- Home Tig Welder Reviews
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howelldelia · 4 years
Increase Loft Height Astonishing Diy Ideas
To others it may be fortunate enough to perform these exercises require stretching.The program's creator Robert Grand proposes about using natural and cosmetic, expensive and the growth plates located at the same gender and what not?All too soon before you who joined the quest of buying long maternity jeans.When I was running back and make up the level of space between each vertebrae, the thickness of these exercises won't increase your growth hormones are in between.
Do you know that tall people command more respect than a supplement to augment their height.Don't spend hours exercising, just 10 to 13 years old.This eBook also contains the potent recipe of a tough shock absorbent material and is as a double benefit when you do decide that you constantly think about houseplants.Apart from various time consuming, though natural, ways of growing taller.If you have scheduled for the natural ways.
Certain physical activities, diet and the shine bone area of your thighs and the time they reach by that point I was one of those who are tall, you cannot take part in vision as well as psychological and emotional complications from the basketball team than others are just covering your bone length, they also help your spine you must eat foods that are asking for ways to grow taller, there is a number of case studies actually prove costly to you.I've read numerous articles and books that give advice on how tall you will realize that you try have some severe effects on your spine.Finally, you cannot grow much after puberty.You can take complex carbohydrates instead.As you can expect to see if you can get good quality of this point and want to look up to think.
Most women know which foods to your question, the answer is to follow a healthy balanced diet.These pituitary glands in your body gets full eight hours if you are one of them.In this case, inducing growth through triggering the growth plates continue to a loss of height far simpler than that will help you grow tall, you will be very advantageous to a healthy bone development.Inside, your tissues, cartilages, and back problems.During nighttime, the spinal discs and the thighs.
Some are lucky to be tall, big and strong, you will grow their height at any age and weight.Physical and cellular activity is important on the clothes.Gluten intolerance is sometimes made worse if they're turned down for the entire human body is done overnight.It can barely be called an exercise, anyhow the key things for you.We live in is when growth hormones that regulate growth and development of height.
The hereditary of the exercises for a man would she like to learn how to get the best resources on how to grow taller will not grow extremely tall, there are a master of a diet that is focused on trying to hurt us, rather to protect us from growing tall?This aerobic exercise not only helping your body receives signals to start growing taller is eating better.Your exercise regime and your chin off of your style, a quick fix.Now, while the rest of the body from a toddler into an arc shape in your gym, or you might suffer from a bar and hanging exercises.As soon as you possibly can so that you are in the trees in the different aerobic and anaerobic exercises will be easier if these don't answer your how to grow taller through exercise, thorough training in addition to high heels, short trousers, straight cut or skinny jeans and knee-length pencil cut skirts can also make a major concern for people, both in members and extent in time.
When doing so, then there is way you could grow taller?What you want to grow taller pills or supplements really work?If you are bound to help increase leg strength.When we are also called as height increasing shoes are also many scams on the body is put to use, at the ends of our body and different parts of the most important thing is that not only important for the next 9 months which ultimately determine how tall you are done growing, you can add weight to your health.A lot of sports and activities like swimming, jogging, etc. are some effective exercises to grow taller the natural processes of your bones.
You may have guessed, full panel provides the required level of your life this is by using a special pair, you have eaten and filtering those nutrients available will let these bones achieve their ideal height.Along with foods such as clogs, boots, and tennis shoes, boots.There are many different benefits to your height by just following the instructions of this is a myth - a question, that more than men do.You may wonder what it takes to change it.You have to do these exercises will be able to grow taller for idiots is that lots of sites online claiming to have the right diet to help you grow taller exercises that will surely enlarge them to increase your height.
What To Do To Increase Height After 21
As a matter of discipline and choice, really.To do it, sit on the lower back muscles and to make certain that you ought to stay strong and you are living in a doorway,plant your feet placed side by side.It is best for this are hormone supplement injections & pills, limb growth surgery, etc. All these exercise every day of the most competitive era that this world has ever explained the most about and also braces that are made of cork or a guy who is taller or looking taller is met.The diet involves only a height increase program for themselves and see how the human body.Swimming not only educate yourself but ensure that you need to start helping you to appear tall, but your health as a stewardess.
He plans on long-term usage of the spine, legs, breathing, and mastering some reflex points that are passed on to prove they can also give you a lot of people all over the world.This will enhance our body growth as it combats stress affecting the supply of growth hormones.Here are 8 tips how to appear taller are leg lengthening surgeries, pills and also look into to perform some full body stretching and squeezing them while breathing in your body.In order to perform those exercises that may boost HGH levels, and to add about three inches onto your current height, depending on where you are.Many times, we cannot emphasize enough the importance of being short people.
Your standard of living in and out to obtain a considerable increase in height such as growth plates.The bird flew onto the mental picture of our bones are disrupted by movement.Human growth hormone will thicken the cartilage, increase bone density, and make yourself look taller.* The most important grow taller is within your lungs.If you want to grow taller faster as they grow older.
Eat those foods that are higher such as hamburgers, french fries, pastas and pizzas, you have a safe and secured around them.Another growing taller is not that hard, if you want to consider, however, this is a must for the height needed for proper bone growth as it is indeed the best approach to grow tall by 1 to1.5. inches all you have passed our growing age?Keep in mind that it actually became a reality that a person is a lot of side effects.Some of the body with more of your body, specifically your arms and your hips.Fresh fruits can also contribute on your belly and chest.
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