#skull & sawada tsunayoshi
yarrayora · 10 months
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do you guys notice reborn put surprisingly a lot of effort in ensuring tsuna doesn't turn into a cold-blooded don who treat his subordinates as pawns
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incorrectr27quotes · 4 months
Skull, to Tsuna: Take the day off from being the bigger person and choose violence, you deserve it.
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minkufu · 5 months
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Gettin my hands moving again
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conalola · 11 months
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💖 Muchos wawitos 2d y mi cuñado el mingi 💖
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analviel · 4 months
The Il Priscelti Sette timetravelled decades in the future and cross paths with decimo Vongola generation.
Reborn: We're actually siblings.
Tsuna:..... You don't look alike.
Reborn frowned: Are you saying just because some of us are adopted it negates our parents' love for us?
Tsuna: Your parents.
Reborn, straightfaced and casual: Yeah, Verde and Lal are in a lesbian relationship.
Reborn: They found Fon in their doorstep, Verde tripped on him and that's why he's like that.
Reborn: Luce was scavenged from a mountain in the himalayas. When they were camping, Lal got the ugliest mushroom for Verde to cook and then it started crying. Verde is not allowed to cook.
Reborn: Skull was named for only his skull because everyone thought it was empty. Verde got him from a dollar store.
Reborn: Viper appeared after Lal had a dream about some disembodied voice trying to scam her into being a surrogate mother so don't look into their eyes. And be not afraid.
Reborn: And Colonnello- him, they fished him from the canal half-grown.
Colonnello, walking past: Fuck you, Reborn.
Reborn: That's incest.
Tsuna, hesitant, and fucked up by both his HyperIntuition and how convincing Reborn is:......... And you?
Reborn: I don't know. Can't remember.
Reborn: But yeah, Luce's my sister with the same mother.
Luce: Big sister.
Reborn: By two fucking months.
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khr-guilded-cage · 5 days
Skull: Stop being so passive-aggressive with your students.
Reborn: When do I sound passive?
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hopeswriting · 1 year
Hi I saw your post on Skull and tv series about famous people and I raise you: The public have that sort of relationship to Skull's career as with many of the "acclaimed geniuses" usually the artsy ones aka. everyone knows him but nobody thinks they "understand his true depth", "he was very bright and loud but in private really he was actually sooo mysterious and it was impossible to tell what actually went on in his head when he spoke so much but rarely anything of substance about himself", "he was everyone's friend, but I always wondered if he returned the feeling, he always acted that way around everyone after all" etc. Someone is quoted talking about how he'd always laugh things off to hide what he really meant. It goes on.
BUT here is the KICKER: Skull isn't. He has his own depth of course, but all of this post-mortem rose tinted "mystery" is that he was young and fearless and cheerful and genuinely a bit dumb and hypocritical and very bad at elaborating on the things he said. And best part: now he will never live it down around the arcobaleno and this time it's not even him who was talking himself up in ridiculous ways. (Actually it'd be kinda funny too if it made some canon character actually believe it and look at him differently)
hi nonny, thank you for the ask! [post referenced]
nooo not the unseen depth zerfghfgc!!!! not the MYSTERIOUSNESS!!!! 😭🤣😭🤣😭🤣 and yeah you bet he ISNT nor was he EVER any of that lmfao, nonny i'm losing it over this.
but okay, now let ME raise you this: 1) i know it in my bones tsuna is the one to buy into all of that bullshit, no questions asked. yes, hyper intuition tsuna, the last one who should buy into it and know better, i know, but no, listen. i KNOW he watches that documentary or whatever and goes "omg, i can't believe i misunderstood skull this whole time. i need to apologize to him right now and do better, and also i should stand up for him from now on and help the others realize they've got it all wrong about him too".
and then no one can stop him or make him change his mind. least of all reborn, who's the one trying the hardest to stop him and change his mind. for a yet undetermined reason, but i just know he canNOT stand that new development, it just makes him soo mad.
wait, no, i just figured out why he'd hate everything about this. it's because he knows skull, thank you very much. he's among the few who got through the obnoxious ordeal of bearing his bullshit long enough to know him, and to even become begrudgingly glad he did and fond of him but we're not going to talk about that, but now? he's just supposed to stand there and be told he's only ever seen the surface of skull? that he--he, of all people--couldn't tell he was just seeing the surface of him? over decades of knowing each other? he's just supposed to let people not recognize and acknowledge the arduous and praiseworthy achievement that is him having gotten past skull's terrible first impressions until they became close for what it is?
he's just about foaming at the mouth, and tsuna does not give a single shit about it because, as everyone knows, reborn is skull's number one hater. and then tsuna's undeterred work to, like, rehabilitate skull's image or something, actually WORKS because if hyper intuition tsuna says so then??? surely there's some truth to it at the very least???? and it works even more because skull does NOTHING to clear up the misunderstanding.
which brings us to point 2) shameless little gremlin that he is to his core, skull absolutely finds this the funniest thing and takes FULL advantage of it. like suddenly tsuna & co (the 10th gen/varia/shimon/etc) start to actually pay attention to him whenever he's around, trying to see """through him""", and skull makes sure to always be all like "oooh look at me not talking much à la hibari, i'm sooo mysterious and definitely thinking some deep thoughts and not trying really hard to not burst out laughing". or like, the arco are their usual rough but playful selves with him, and instead of snapping at them with no heat behind it either in a well-rehearsed routine the way he'd usually do, instead he's all like "oooh look at me and my fake laugh à la yamamoto. am i really laughing this off because i don't mind or am i just doing it to hide how it actually hurt me? there's sooo much unseen depth inside me".
and they buy it. go all like "oh shit??? maybe--????". and the arco are losing their shit because 3) okay look. consider this: the arco are the ones miserable over this, and skull is the one not letting them live down the new-found appreciation everyone else but them suddenly has of him. because like, the arco's reaction to this can only go one of two ways: either they find it just as funny as skull and help him pull off the whole "yeah this is actually the real me, you just didn't care to notice it before" act, OR. they just absolutely canNOT stand it. they're so mad about it. they're sooo mad about it. they did NOT unexpectedly survive through a curse alongside skull, only to hear they somehow missed everything about him that would have made him more bearable lmao. especially from people among whom most of them have never spent more than an hour with him. have never even TALKED to him even once. their blood pressure is through the roof while skull is living his best life and does not give a single shit about it. also becomes best friends with tsuna in the process of this whole thing because i say so.
anyway. i couldn't stop laughing while answering this nonny, i love it so much. and idk if you remember this @cloudspark @ravensilversea @juudaimes-true-form, but here's the hilarious sequel of the netflix's skull series au ezrsfgvhfd
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latiaskull · 2 years
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Why i always forgot to post? i dont know, i dont have memory :D Still i will post this is the last one of the Vongola week!
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johannepetereric · 1 year
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"You've done well." Tsuna to the right-right corner is wide-eyed in surprised wonder.
"Well'll take it from here." says Human Reborn in the center.
From there to the left is Lal Mirch, Skull, and Colonello.
From Reborn to the right to Mammon, Fon, and Verde
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xinhua-jun · 11 months
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@khrrarepairweek Day 3: Immortal AU
[ID: Screenshot of a story posted on Archive of Our Own. It reads as follow:
"raising hope (820 words) by vindice
Chapters: 1/1
Fandom: Katekyou Hitman Reborn!
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Relationships: Sawada Tsunayoshi & Skull, Checker Face | Kawahira/Skull
Characters: Checker Face | Kawahira, Skull (Katekyou Hitman Reborn!), Sawada Tsunayoshi
Additional Tags: Earthling AU, Earthling Skull, Earthling Sawada Tsunayoshi, Domestic Fluff, Lullabies, Pre-Slash, Light Angst, Songfic
Series: Part 14 of everyone knows the stars come out at night, Part 2 of the thing with feathers
There is a child on Kawahira's bed." /End ID]
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rebornologist · 2 years
Hi!! How are you? So excited to catch you with your requests open because i LOVED that one you did with the arcos in college, and all around all your khr requests are literally soo good, thank you for your time and hard work! I'd love some hcs for the arcos as tsuna's guardians? Or anything else you're the most comfortable doing with this request ☺️🥰
Hello! I’m doing quite okay, just catching my breath after the long academic year. It’s nice to finally have a bit of a break. This is a really interesting request, thank you for submitting it! It’s def some food for thought hehe :)
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♡ Arcobaleno* as Tsuna's Guardians ₊⁎⁺˳✧༚ *sorry no Yuni/Aria/Luce :( </3 In this case I'm thinking that the Arcos would have been in the places that the actual Vongola 10th gen guardians were, if that makes sense..
I think Fon as a guardian would go absolute sicko mode much more often than he does in the actual series (never. he never does); I really like the idea of Fon being absolutely pissed beyond comprehension and wreaking endless havoc, something that he really really hates and is deeply ashamed of; I'm talkin punching down entire walls and collapsing buildings that he should not be able to tear down
But Tsuna has his back, and he knows that Fon's worst and most destructive side is not his entire character... the guy is still as chill as ever the other 99.99% of the time, but he holds himself to an impossible standard
Underneath all that peace, rattling beneath the floorboards of his very being, is uncertainty... the quiet storm brewing in him, even after all his years of martial training and mindfulness
He adopts a new sense of peace with himself through his relationship with Tsuna and the others, the type of peace that was more intuitive, less methodical and trained, if that makes sense.. I'd imagine his heritage has him a lot more wound up deep inside than he shows, since he's so outrageously zen (this might be reaching, ik lol)
But he is such a wonderful storm guardian, right in the middle ground between Bel and Gokudera in some way; He has a mix of strategy and intuition amidst combat (Belphegor) and adaptability (Gokudera); I imagine that his strikes never miss and he is nothing less than a one man army when it comes down to it
If you had put him in the ring conflict in Hayato's shoes, he would have definitely sensed the wire placement much sooner due to his familiarity with his own body, clothes and gear and all; however, he very much seems to be the guy to bring a stick to a knife fight... he bears very many scars from the ring conflict battle and he actually is a bit fond of them because it means that he made it out with his life and his friends :'(
Naturally he would be the right hand man, arguably one that calls the shots more often than Tsuna lmao; I can only imagine him chewing out some of the guardians (cough Skull and Mammon) for shirking their duties because Tsuna let them off the hook
He's a very capable right hand man at that! Giving Gokudera a run for his money, but I think similarly he was very cold and aloof to begin with, only opening up to Tsuna when he offered some home made treats to him (similar to what happened with Luche), and now he's like Tsuna's lap cat/scary dog privilege lol
He is not without his prankster and jokey side, but it takes forever for him to feel comfortable enough to stop taking everything so seriously. Tsuna's friendship really drew it out of him! He cannot help the small smiles that grace his features and chuckles escaping his lips whenever silly things happen with the gang :') Eventually, he becomes one of the main perpetrators of trouble, but you never see him own up to it because he's got such a stoic facade
He absolutely throws quiet tantrums over not having his morning coffees...
Also I absolutely cannot say anything about the way the sun ring conflict turned out, because Reborn is well versed in martial arts, but ?? Against Lussuria? Would they still have a similar showdown? I do not think so x.x so I will simply not reach that far in this AU
He’s the most aloof guardian, usually just stepping in since it’s an opportune time to test out his newfangled weaponry; He’s here because he’s pretty dead set on using the Vongola as means to create some ultimate world-ending machine
But Tsuna keeps him in check somehow, granting him a perspective on life and power and what to make of it, it softens Verde just a bit, but I can’t help but see him as the daemon spade equivalent in this scenario, just a little bit of a loose cannon, not really working for Tsuna… but he still feels following the don is the right way to achieve his end goal
Oh you already know he's killin it in the ring conflict, showing up fully loaded with the strangest contraptions and an eerie thirst for blood
He initially wasn’t supposed to be a part of this but he just kept showing up and had to eventually bear the rain position when Lal was out of commission, and I think that he brings some pretty different dynamics when he’s alone vs with Lal
Colonello is kind of like a heavy rain, a constant rain storm, more similar to (aha) a stereotypical storm type guardian than a rain
But it works in their favour! Peep my thoughts with Lal hehe
He would have somehow gained his guardian role after the ring conflict, methinks; possibly in the next arc for insert plot point reasons
He's a follower of Tsuna because he finds his resolve very impressive, and his willingness to put himself through the wringer for the sake of improving himself and protecting his loved ones
Colonello finds that reflection of himself with Tsuna, and despite how frequently he chews his boss out with their training, it's a way of motivating himself as well and he always goes the extra mile to prep recovery meals for everyone after training, despite his reluctance to admit that he cares for his family members
Lal Mirch
I think in this case, instead of having two mist guardians, Tsuna would have two rain guardians! It would not have happened in the same way as Chrome and Mukuro, but Tsuna just couldn’t say no to either of them and the two of them just work so much better together and greatly enrich the team as a whole, so there’s no reason to have to pick
Anyway, I see Lal as more of the flash flood type of rain guardian, wherein you don’t realize the rain is going to get super heavy out of nowhere, and by the time you start running for cover, it’s too late; that way, the two of them cover different bases and ultimately Lal is able to gain more control of combat due to Colonello’s more in-your-face, flashy fighting style; they greatly complement each other ! :)
Lal and Squalo would have been the fight of the century tbh, I don't know how she fought back then but I would bet that both of them are skilled in martial combat and pack firepower
Lal is kind of there because she feels like it's her job, but admittedly is a super softie for the rest of them, especially Colonello; Down time with the group is the only time she gets to relax and you won't see her sharing her feelings verbally, but she strangely is always freeing her schedule just enough to spend quality time with her loved ones, even with the resting pissed face gracing her beautiful features
Esper Mammon
They’re in this for the money, and they only like Tsuna because of how rich and powerful his family is lolol
Initially they say that they’ll never work for free, but they most likely will get their life saved by Tsuna a few times, and they hate the feeling of being indebted to this guy; Mammon attempts over and over again to just throw a wad of cash at Tsuna to feel like they’re no longer on the hook for their life debt (they never were!! Tsuna is not that kind of guy), and Tsunayoshi just keeps rejecting it over and over, insisting that he did it purely because it’s the right thing and there’s literally no reason to feel indebted…
Ding ding ding, Mammon’s grown attached and is now loyal to Tsuna for more than just money reasons; Life is short, that’s why they collect money and surround themselves with people they adore
Mammon would have totally used their illusions to skip school and make some extra cash on the side lolol and Tsuna ends up having to cover for their ass when the teachers get suspicious; Reborn is the trouble maker that tries to get Mammon busted B)
He somehow ends up doing a lot more secretarial work than he signed up for, because everyone else pushes it on him; He doesn’t mind at some point because it gives him so much leeway to slack off lolol until Lal catches him and gives him the ass beating of his life for it
He's a thrill seeker, and his humungous ego actually gets him in a lot of trouble. There are points in time where he feels like if he cannot succeed at something, the whole world is against him and he might as well just stop trying? Or to go balls to the wall with disregard for his life
Now, man is built like a tank and practically unkillable, but the amount of times that Tsuna and the others had to live through Skull's near-death experiences has made him a lot more aware of just how much people actually give a shit about him and how throwing all caution to the wind may not kill him yet, but pains his loved ones more than anything..
He's still the baby of the family though, despite him wanting to show up and be the cool guy, he's just a silly guy!! He also always arrives late to anything and everything and that's gotten them in trouble infinite times
me realizing I had to pull character flaws out of my ass to see the Arcos in a more well-rounded light, with room for character development (since they'd need to do that over the hypothetical course of the series if they were Tsuna's guardians) this rly juiced my brain but I might as well post??
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bloodyspade0000 · 2 years
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Honestly, one of my favourite chapters of the daily life arc. Mostly cause Skull shows up lol.
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incorrectr27quotes · 3 months
Tsuna: Hey guys I’m making french toast sticks in the oven. I’m gonna take a quick nap wake me up in 5 minutes so I can flip them over
Colonnello: Tsuna its been five minutes flip your sticks
Tsuna: snnnnzzzzz
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ayz283 · 10 months
New xover of KHR & Bnha! Starring! Tsuna, Skull, Oboro Shirakumo, & Pogo!!! (+ Natsu, Verde (the AI)) Summary:
Three hundred years in the future, the omerta has evolved to become tighter than ever, Vongola is sleeping, and Sawada Tsunayoshi has awaken. It is the age of quirks with superpowers like All Might, straight from the pages of a comic book. Still the boss of Vongola, with most everyone he knew dead, Tsuna forges mafia’s new path.
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rai-dai · 1 year
I do not know if anyone is gonna care about this but I want to make a KHR and Dr. Stone crossover fic and I have ideas. Just like too many of them that I need to write down or I will forgor. Also alos all takes place after Khr manga canon
1. Happens around Stone wars where Tsukasa needs manpower to defeat the KOS. I wanted to make this post cannon of Khr so everyone is in high school. I'm thinking Tsukasa picks up Ryohei cause strong boxer. Ryohei actually recommends other people like the guardians to be revived. Which then is why an unknown kid like Tsuna is brought back. So Tsukasa and Tsuna talk and at first they kinda agree with each other. But Tsuna sees Tsukasa kill a statute for the first time and goes 'Yeah no'. I really think Tsuna wouldn't want to hurt Tsukasa cause everyone woken up so far has been a civilian but hell this is the stone world where ya gotta do what ya gotta do.
Next two will contain Dr Stone spoilers whoops!
2. This one is more Acro cause yippie. But the whole world gets petrified and the only guy that survives and wakes up is Skull. Who is immortal. I thought about his constant flames breaking him out early. He's the only one still up and he watches modern society crumble away. Keeping the statues of the rest of the Acro away from danger. Collecting them in the household of the Simon Family. I was even thinking that once everything crumbles away and there's no more food left, Skull just starves to death for the first couple winters and gets back up. Though after 3,700 years he finally gets company from Reborn who's been awake the whole time. Then a little later Verde. So now they can work together to live. Verde sends Skull and Reborn off to gather supplies one day and they run into the Kingdom of Science. I'm thinking around the time they're building the ship. Those two decide to introduce themselves as civilians, Skull is a mechanic and Reborn is a math teacher. Things happen dunno what else
3. This takes place after the canon of Drst but Bell wakes up on his own in the middle of the woods. But finds himself in a camp in Japan where they're rebuilding Namimori. Bel doesn't care and his only concern is to head to Italy. So soon enough they send a doctor to talk to him. Which happens to be Dr. Suika, somehow she convinced him to talk. Which is Bel getting back home to save Xanxus who's trapped in time again and how his boss wouldn't look him in the eye cause of how much older he got. Ya know constant reminders that life went on without you. And Suika is the only one who understands and is convinced to help Bel go save his boss.
Also I am convinced that Skull and Yo have similar vibes but that not really a big thing
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lunacielooo · 2 months
poison the tea then burn it (or curse it instead)
Extras ❗may or may not be included to the fanfic❗
just the khr cast ft. Ria being chaotic af with a bit of spoilers thrown around
[1] Ria's eyes
[2] First Meeting
[3] Whimpering
[4] Hibari clan
[5] ---
Requests are open! | Tell me if you want to be tagged!
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