evthemango · 2 months
This is an AU intended for a mature and not faint hearted audience, this AU includes drug use, drug making, overdosing, murder, manipulation, abuse, torture, death, monster's eating humans, and sexual themes.
If you cannot handle any of these things, please ignore this entirely and move on. Do not romanticise the character's, you can simp for them but don't see what their doing as an ok thing, in fact, clown on their asses, and if they do one good thing, it doesn't make them a good person. Shipping is off limits unless it is a canon ship in this AU as all canon ships will be dealt with properly and not in a bullshit way like some freaks on the internet. Even if it is canon though, do not romanticise it if it is toxic, all toxic ships will end at some point, sadly not in the ways you'd wish for in some cases.
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Nightmare is a co-boss and the third brother no one talks about in the Tale family.
Nightmare, a mafia Boss that has a family of mostly orphan kids now that he took in and cared for, yet manipulated them into believing the outside world hates them and will never accept them so that they stay with him, Mother Gothel style but he stayed around them lots more and acted like a legit dad, then when they became teens, he became more like a Boss to them. His main three boys, Killer, Dust and Horror are his favourite out of any of the others he raised, tell them, in his eye it will help encourage those employee's to be better, stronger, encourage them to prove themselves.
He was the one to make the shot, Passive called the shot, that shot going right into the side of Nym's head, how else would Passive inherit the family business? Unluckily, Dream called and made some shots too, one into Passive's skull and two into Nightmare's hip, shattering their bones beyond repair, of course, Nightmare and Passive got away and hid and as will's go, Nym did indeed leave the family business to Passive as Dream had wished to go off and pursue something else in the job field.
Passive switched up the business a little and now they also sell drugs that belong on black market, like monster dust, yeah, in this universe, monster dust can be used as a drug, there's different types which cause different effects, those are still in the works though.
You will never find Nightmare, you will never find Passive, they pay someone/thing to keep authorities off their backs, though if you get involved enough with Nightmare's boys, you'll find yourself in the corner of Nightmare's office being shot dead so pieces of you can be sold around the world, or if you're a monster, your dust will be used as a drug.
This family his Spanish and so, Nightmare mostly spoke Spanish for a while till he gathered up those poor orphans, then he learned English for them, but, he's not perfect at it and he has a heavy Spanish accent.
He will do most things to create fear in victim's and lots of pain.
Dadmare moment btw.
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Killer: Killer will fake emotions and put on an amazing act to trick people into getting a weapon he can kill them with, if not, he'll use someone else to kill them then kill that person. His clothing was inspired by a Deadpool quote, though, he realised skeletons don't piss or shit… So… White! Then he realised too late that skeleton's bleed.
Killer - "Look, all I'm saying is if you see blood on my pants, I'm not on my period."
Dust: Dust cannot talk, he signs, the vocal part of his Soul is fucked up beyond repair so he can only make weird noises and he uses that to scream in the face of his victim who's screaming in pain as they bleed out or something so they can stare into the reflection of his mask back at themselves. He mocks them. Dust's mask is made of two pieces, a moving skeleton mask with actual bone for the mouth and two large glass plates that are bullet proof and one-way. He wears his dead brothers scarf on his wrist, though it's only a little piece of it, that's all he could salvage.
Horror: Horror cannot deal with the screams, it reminds him of his baby brothers screams as he was murdered and no thanks to that, when he hears screams from his victims he cannot control himself, so he wears headphones and listens to music to block it all out, he's usually on the job of kidnapping monsters and killing them in different ways to gain their dust for drugs, different emotions make different dust which causes different effects. Nothing special about his clothing except it helps him blend in with crowds and stuff, plus the headphones, he listens to music on tapes, not a phone.
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animatedtext · 5 years
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requested by skull-kid-dadmare
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riikaruh · 6 years
The way you draw gir in his dog costume gives me life.
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He’s heckin bapy
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nettletale · 5 years
Killer is my favorite character lmao XD
i would say same, but i think we all know that’s not true with my obsession with ink and error. He’s a precious bean either way.
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(oh yeah, killer can hear you guys unlike ink, dream, night and so on. talk to him if you like.)    Next
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94natygg12 · 5 years
What was the last thing they cried about? With hell
15. What was the last thing they cried about?
Well, rn he is crying cuz his daughter got taken
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errinkgarbagedump · 5 years
Hey so I know that this is a shitpost thing but honestly I really love their designs. Can i draw them? (Even tho it will take months for me to actually get the drawing done)
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anfin1te · 5 years
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fenteii · 5 years
Your art is heavenly and i would die for you
omg please don't die I love you so much-❤️💕❤️💕💓❤️💕❤️
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dadmare-army-remade · 5 years
Idiot Bois ref
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Why Tumblr is a heck whenever I make posts with ref sheets is a mystery to me but ok-
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connor-draws-things · 5 years
Queeny and I are fucking getting married
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// We got a big fucking chocolate cake and the honeymoon is gonna be fucking lit because there's gonna be MORE FOOD.
@openingshow-colt @eternalskelepuns @sub-zero0 @cause-a-gay-has-got-to-slay @skull-kid-dadmare @kyliecatqueen @hiding-hellifire @crackerqueen-ineedsleep
// Tag everybody you know, EVERYONE IS INVITED TO THE WEDDING
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sleepyfan-blog · 5 years
4 for Nightmare with a young Cross if you want to?
Fandom: UTMV, specifically the dadmare au by @mutantalientrash
Characters: Dream, Nightmare, Cross, Ink (ish)
Warnings: lying, violence, swearing
Word count: 1,523
Summary: dadmare waits for his brother to bring his son home… Only to find Cross utterly covered in something.
tagslist: @anxiety-is-married-to-depression @angelofthehalfmoon @trainwreck-of-skeletons @hisame-amadashi​ @therandomskelekey
Nightmare has been pacing in front of the front door for the past ten minutes. Dream was ten minutes late in returning one of his precious children - despite the other had called earlier, having informed him that they would be late for... Reasons that the lighter spirit hadn't wanted to speak of, or couldn't at that particular moment in time. Dream had sounded cheerful... But then again his brother always sounded cheerful, no matter what else he may be thinking or feeling, sticking to his facade as the always-happy guardian of positivity.
He breathed a silent sigh of relief as he felt Dream's magic enter the timeline, and opened the door just as Dream had apparently raised a hand to knock on the dor. "Come in, come in. Where's Cross?"
"He's-" Dream began, fidgeting before hiding his hands, which was never a good sign. What happened this time?
"Right here, papa!" Cross cried out, running out from behind Dream's legs, tackling Nightmare's knees and purring loudly. His adorable little face looked up at him and  - 
"Oh god... What did they do to you?" Nightmare demanded, kneeling down and staring at the strange, colorful patterns all over his son's skull - and the magical paint that covered his son head to toe. He shot Dream a suspicious glare over Cross's head.
"Uncle Ink asked if I wanted to see a bunch of pretty colors! an' I said yes! So he showed me! and he said I could touch them to... So I got paint all over my clothes... Sorry papa... Uncle Dream tried to talk uncle Ink out of it... But I like all of the pretty colors! ... Even if they're all over my clothes... You're not mad... Are you?" The sensitive baby bones asked, nervousness and happiness mixing in his aura.
"I'm annoyed at Uncle Ink, but I'm not mad. Not at him and especially not at you." Nightmare reassured his second youngest, gently patting him on the top of his head. "However, you need to change into clean clothes and wash up, alright? Use lots of soap, and the paint should fade."
"Okie dokie papa! I love you!" Cross chirped cheerfully, rushing off, up the stairs to his room.
"How did Ink end up covering one of my children in paint, Dream?" Nightmare asked, a hint of a growl in his voice. Dream had promised to make sure that Cross was safe... And he was... More or less. 
Dream sighed, rubbing his face with his hands - and Nightmare noted that he, too, was covered in paint. "Ink wanted to show Cross more colors, as the kid stated... So he started to paint colors out of nothing, as he does. Cross got excited about him making things and he - he wanted to help. So he... He somehow copied some of the colors and created faded versions of them. Doing so startled Ink greatly... Did you know that Cross has coding powers?"
"...No, I did not. He doesn't speak about his past, although... From his reaction to Ink, I suspect that the resident creative guardian does know more about where he came from, before it turned into a portion of the anti-void. Has Ink mentioned anything of Cross or his timeline to you?" Nightmare asked, frowning and looking at the inky footsteps that Cross had left on the stairs.
"No. I've tried asking him about it, and he gets really cagey every time that I try. He froze as soon as Cross copied the paints... Everything was awash with purple, and Cross pushed a button - I couldn't read what it said. You've found a baby guardian, I think." Dream murmured softly "And... I know I was... Hesitant at first, when I found out that you were raising kids but... You're... Both you and them are... Are a lot happier and safer, I think. I'm available for babysitting whenever, and... If you... Ever want to talk I... I'll listen. No matter when it is."
"Why are you covered in paint, and what waylaid the two of you from getting home on time? You know how much it worries me when they come home late from excursions." Nightmare responded, a hint of a growl in his voice.
"Ink... As I said before... Ink... Startled, when Cross used that copying power of his. I'm not sure if it does more - it probably does. I managed to raise a shield in time to weather the worst of the attack, but-"
"Ink attacked one of my children? Why the fuck didn't you take him back to me as soon as you two were clear? Is he injured? Does he know that soulless bastard attacked him?" Nightmare hissed, grabbing his brother by the shoulders and shaking him a little, before freezing as the automatic Check he'd done when he'd grabbed Dream revealed that the other was down to a third of his normal HP and his MP was almost gone completely "Stars damn it, I've got some sweets that should heal you up. What the fuck happened?"
"I... Ink made it sound as if he was going to play a game with Cross... But it's not one of the harmless games that We've tried to tell him to play with the kids... I knew it was an actual attack the moment I saw him form it. The shock of the attack weakened the shield I summoned enough for me to be hit with the attack..." Dream explained, shaking with pain and exhaustion, the cheerful mask on his face slipping and shattering as he leaned against his brother, guilt, confusion and worry prevalent in his aura.
Nightmare wanted to demand the other answer a dozen questions, instead he shoved sea tea and cinnabunnies at Dream so that the other could regain enough strength to actually fucking talk. He stayed silent, knowing that Dream would likely tell him.
"-and the three others that followed. That's when I called you. There was some splashback from his attacks, but they either weren't enough to get through Cross's natural armor, or were weakened to the point that they didn't harm him. Ink chased me through a dozen timelines playing tag with the two of us before I was able to shake him off and come here... I didn't want to worry Cross - and speaking Ink's name while he was chasing me like that would summon him instantly... I went through the most unusual timelines I could think of, in order to try to get Ink distracted... When that didn't work I fled through a Tricksterswap, the inhabitants of whom Ink managed to thoroughly irritate, which did the trick. I went through a couple more AUs just to be sure, then came here. I... I don't think Cross knows that we weren't playing a game..." Dream explained wearily, staring into the middle distance as he finished the sea tea, grimacing a little at it's salty taste.
"... Thank you, for protecting my son. I understand why you weren't being more overt, and thank you for trying to keep the location of this AU a secret from the painted bastard. I'll update the wards to make sure he can't get in. You're staying here with me and the kids until you fully recover - don't you dare argue. Ink might go after you again... And you know that we're stronger together... Between your knowledge of his attacks, and his fondness for your positive aura, we should be able to ensure that he won't go after Cross again. I'll come up with a plan, and run it past you once you're better." Nightmare murmured, carrying his injured and exhausted brother over to the living room couch and laying him on it, grabbing a blanket and draping it over Dream, shoving several more cinnabunnies and a hot chocolate into the other's hands. 
"I... Okay... Mnh... Not like I'm in any state to argue with you... And Ink might not remember why... But the important things to him he does write down on his scarf..." Dream mumbled, yawning a little and pouting at him. "Could just go to a positive au and heal."
Nightmare snorted "As if you have the MP to make a portal right now, you're falling asleep as we talk... I'm... Sorry for cursing at you earlier. Thank you for protecting Cross, Dream..."
"You already said that... 'sides... I saw that attack coming... Never knew that they were hurting you... Tried to get them to be nicer... m' sorry for... lots of things..." Dream barely managed out, the exhaustion causing him to slur his words a little.
Nightmare wasn't sure how to respond to that, but as he turned around to see Dream's face, the positive spirit had already fallen asleep. "Sleep well, Dream. There is... There are many things that both of us have done wrong in the past. But you've... helped me, to convince the others to let me keep the children, worried and reluctant as you were at first, and for that I am... Grateful." He goes to check on Cross - who is up to his eye lightss in hot water and bubbles, giggling happily to himself.
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animatedtext · 5 years
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requested by skull-kid-dadmare
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dasabucket · 5 years
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My part of the art trade for @skull-kid-dadmare
I hope you like it!
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skrunklynaib · 5 years
First off, there are Danganronpa spoilers, so if you don’t like those, yeet away
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((Procreate is my new favorite drawing app :333
@vanilladadmare @the-one-and-only-grapemare @ask-cotton-candy-dadmare @coffeemare @eternalskelepuns @skull-kid-dadmare @cause-a-gay-has-got-to-slay
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94natygg12 · 5 years
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But Diana would trust him
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Flavormare Hallween/ Costume Party
((I know it's only August but I want time to work on them to make them fit
((But I just want the flavormares to have a Halloween party (other dadmares can join too-)
((But please put down your flavormare's (or dadmares) costume idea (ask box, reblog, or comment) and if you're wanting a group costume then we can talk about it
((Hope I can draw it all before Halloween, I really like this idea and I really like Halloween
@vanilladadmare @strawberrydadmare @the-one-and-only-grapemare @coffeemare @mintcocodadmare @ask-cotton-candy-dadmare @skull-kid-dadmare @zizis-deadish-blog @blackout-forgottennightmare
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