#skylar samuels gifs
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We will take what we came for and then we will leave. 
                                  Violence will only be used as a last resort. 
            Any questions?
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gay-dorito-dust · 2 years
what about xavier thorpe x reader adult au. When they have kids and the kids go to nevermore for the first time. I'm just dying for family fluff
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A/n: In the instance that I forget to mention any, if not all, of them. Yours and Xavier’s Children’s names: Skylar, Samuel and Katherine Thorpe.
“Dad, is Nevermore scary?” Skylar, your youngest, asked as Xavier drove through Nevermore’s iron gates. God did it felt almost a lifetime ago that your parents were driving you through those gates as a teenager, scared out of your wits at your newfound abilities that weren’t there before; Needless to say you understood where Skylar was coming from because you were Skylar once. “What? No! Nevermore’s not scary Sky. It may look it on the outside but I promise you the moment you step through those doors your perspective on the school will change,” Xavier then snapped his fingers, “just like that,” he then quickly cast his gaze towards you before looking back at the road, “I’m sure your mother will attest to that statement.”
“You guys went to the same school!” Katherine, second eldest, gasped as she looked up from her phone for the first time throughout the entire ride to look between you and Xavier within the rear view mirror. “Yes, Nevermore is where I first met your dad. However he was dating your auntie, Bianca Barclay at the time.” You had told her and Samuel this story before but advanced technology seemed to have fried their brain and rot away the memory for them; Again you couldn’t hold this against them as everyone back when you and Xavier were students were just as chronically online as children of today were.
“And Skylar,” you called softly to your youngest, sliding your hand through the gap between your seats to grasp his, squeezing it reassuringly, “your father is right. Nevermore may look scary at first but once you find your rhythm you’ll soon realise that it’s just like any other school.” You intentionally skipped a few things during your stint as a student that you were certain Xavier was more then happy that you did. What happened during your stint as students between Thornhill, Tyler being the man behind the monster killing people, Principle Weems’ death, Joseph Crackstone’s resurrection and Wednesday’s weirdo stalker during second semester; none of which were exactly something either of you wanted any of your children finding out about. Ever.
Once you and Xavier had graduated from Nevermore and the day you became pregnant with your firstborn son, Samuel James Thorpe, you both swore to never speak about the horrors lurking within Nevermore’s corridors unless approached first. All of your children bore striking resemblances of both of you, in equal parts personality traits as opposed to physical ones so you wouldn’t be all that taken aback if any of them quickly caught onto Nevermore and -by extension- Jericho’s true nature. “Are Primrose and Dalia going to be there?” Skylar asked which peaked both Samuel and Katherine’s interest. Primrose and Dalia Addams were the children of Enid and Wednesday Addams, adopted but they were very much alike their mothers in every way possible.
Primrose, a girl with shoulder blonde hair and bright, optimistic eyes and an all encompassing love of everything bubblegum pop and boy groups, was the spitting image of Enid in her youth while as Dalia, a girl with the deception of a black cloud with her dark raven hair that fell way below her shoulders and beady brown eyes that many have claimed to see the devil within alongside with her penchant for guillotines and torture weapons, was the spitting image of Wednesday in hers. You, Xavier, Enid and a begrudging Wednesday would always set up play dates for your children whenever you could possible; All in the hopes of building a tight knitted friendship between all of them in the instances that they had each other the rely on should Nevermore proved in becoming too much for any of them.
Thankfully with enough time, Skylar, Katherine, Samuel, Dalia and Primrose became as thick as thieves by the age of eleven. You and Xavier loved Primrose and Dalia as though they were your own and found your children’s constant need to see them heartwarming. “Of course they are champ,” Xavier assured, looking at his little buddy through the rear view mirror, “and they’re pretty excited in hearing that you three were also attending Nevermore that they demanded to come to Nevermore also.” The excitement upon Skylar, Katherine’s and Samuel’s faces never failed to melt either you nor Xavier’s heart as you both shared a smile as you heard the children chattering to each other. You moved back into a more comfortable position within the passengers seat when Xavier’s hand moved to take ahold of your thigh.
“You alright there sweetheart?” He asked lowly and when you looked at him confused Xavier continued, “your brows furrowed and your bitting down on the skin of your bottom lip, you only do that when your nervous.” He squeezes your thigh, “you can tell me anything you know. We’re a team remember and a team doesn’t leave it’s never a member in the dark.” Of course you remember, you made that vow on your wedding day after all. “I’m just scared for our children but it’s probably just me trying to find an excuse to frighten myself.” You told him, making sure your voice didn’t cross a certain barrier whilst your children were still preoccupied by being children; You didn’t want Nevermore to take that away from them should something sinister occur once more.
“Hey, there’s no need for you to be putting yourself into question.” Xavier scolded, he hated whenever you doubted yourself or put yourself down for what you were feeling, as though you perceived yourself as a lesser being who shouldn’t be aloud to openly express the vast array of emotions within. “your valid in feeling that way, hell I’m frightened myself because what we’ve been through during our school career hasn’t exactly been a walk in the park for our mental health.” You placed your hand atop of Xavier’s and squeezed it as you smiled at him softly. “I love you, did you know that?” Xavier looks away, a little flustered before bringing your hand up to his lips, where he pressed a kiss to your skin. “You remind me from the moment I wake up to the moment I go to sleep.”
He admitted, smiling softly to himself as he recounted how often he’d find himself awaking to you staring at him as though he was a mosaic masterpiece. Prepping his jawline and neck in kisses whenever he got insecure or how you’d leave little reminders of why you loved and adored him on post it notes; even going as far as to include a crude stick figure drawing of the whole family in some cases that never failed to make him smile so wide his dimples popped out. Xavier kept those reminders in a shoebox he tucked underneath the clothes of his side of the wardrobe so that whenever he felt shitty, he could always revert to them in lifting his spirits because at the end of the day he couldn’t be more grateful in having you as his life partner. You saved him on multiple occasions and now he was given them golden opportunity to save you and he wasn’t about to leave you to drown in your thoughts.
Just as you were about to reply, Skylar pushed his head between the front seats and pointed up ahead, a smile stretched so wide across his face that his dimples popped out, “WE’RE HERE!” He cried as he, Katherine and Samuel scrambled to unbuckle themselves from their seats as you looked to find that you had pulling up into the driveway of Nevermore Academy. “Alright, alright you little monsters don’t look too excited, will you.” Xavier said sarcastically as they got out the car and made their way to the boot, impatiently calling out to both of you.
Xavier groaned playfully as he fully committed to the bit of a begrudging father by slowly removing his seatbelt; smirking at Skylar, Samuel and Katherine’s groans of annoyance as you smacked his shoulder, biting back your own laughter. “Pack it in before they decided to use your art studio as their play area as revenge.” You snickered when his eyes became wide with fear at the prospect of his beloved art studio being turned into a war zone by three gremlins that he calls his beloved children. “I’m coming kids!” Xavier calls as he opened his door and bolted to opening the boot for Samuel, Katherine and Skylar.
“How chivalrous.” You mused as you unbuckled yourself and got out of the car to join by Xavier’s side to press a kiss against each of their foreheads. “Now be on your best behaviours, don’t do anything that we wouldn’t do and most importantly,” you paused for suspense as your children waited on baited breath for your final request as a smile broke out on your lips, “don’t leave them hanging, the suspense is killing them!” Xavier nudged you by the shoulder.
“Are you sure it’s them that the suspense is killing?”
“Alright!” You chuckled before looking at your children, “most importantly we want you to enjoy yourselves. Now, one big hug for the road?” You asked as you and Xavier both opened up your arms for Samuel, Skylar and Katherine to run into them as you all squeezed your goodbyes into each other, sharing a few more forehead kisses before having to force yourselves into letting each other go as you and Xavier watched as your children scamper up the staircase to the entrance hall with their bags, though not before turning one final time to wave you both goodbye.
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exquisitexagony · 3 months
RULES: Answer the questions with the Muses that would best fit the answers. Bonus if you give details why.
TAGGED BY: @ask-thedepressedkidatthetable
TAGGING: @miidnighters @heartxshaped-bruises, @dramatiique, @starrymused, whoever wants to really!
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Answering this based on all of my muses between all 4 of my blogs since this blog is technically not a multi-muse. Thanks for tagging me!
1) Rank your softest Muse and your toughest Muse. (Personality-wise)
Ohh...That's a tricky one...I thinks softest is a tie between Rhys and Sam. Ah! Or maybe even Daianira or Hypnos! When I first think of softest, though, my brain goes to Rhys. He's always been my precious little boy. Toughest? Jazzi or Chell, maybe E. I think Chell comes to mind first, though.
2) Which Muse would blow through $1000 quickly?
Aurelius Bridgers...Because $1,000 is nothing to zem.
3) Do any of them have nicknames? Is there a meaning behind them?
Rhys & August have a couple of my fave nicknames I've written for characters. Rhys' being Reese Cup & August's is AJ or Almond Joy. They typically only really use those names with each other, like sweet little brotherly affections, but August will use AJ with people he's close to...Samuel's nicknames include Sami, Sam, and even Arthur which is his last name or Arlo when he was a kid. Aurelius has lots of little nicknames mostly because people struggle with spelling and/or pronouncing his name and it's just easier that way--his stage name is Aurora. Daianira goes by Daylight or Day because they find it pretty and it's easier to pronounce/spell for most humans. I also gave that to them because it reflects their personality very well--sunshine. Elizabeth goes by "E" because they hate their name and it's more gender neutral, which they prefer. Leo (@gollldrush) calls Ambrose Rose which I find absolutely adorable. Jhazala typically goes by Jazz or Jazzi again just to shorten the name. Some people call Demetrius Demi, but don't ever say it to his face because he'll smite you. James hates nicknames and would be absolutely livid if anyone called him Jim or any shorter version of James. Shimi goes by Sami or Sam sometimes as a sort of "human" name in homage to his transition from living with xyr jinn brethren to living amongst humans.
4) Are any of them up-to-speed on the latest trends? Anyone more old school?
OK that last one was long, I'll try to make this quick: Sami is very old school. Aurora is trendy as hell. Rhys is old school or at least just somewhere in the middle because he doesn't care. August is a mix of old school and trendy--he likes what he likes and sometimes that's old stuff sometimes that's new stuff. Chell, Ambrose, Luna, Demetrius, Jazzi, and maybe Skylar are all what I'd consider up-to-speed on trends. James, Shimi, Sarai, and Day are all a little old school. The rest just don't care so they're probably aware of trends but don't pay much attention to it.
5) Who has the best relationship with their siblings?
Rhys & August, of course.
6) Karaoke night! Who is likely to grab the mic first and bust out a tune?
Aurelius, for sure! Godly voice and proud of it. August would try to talk Rhys into it, but he'd definitely decline and August wouldn't push him too much. Luna would probably jump up there too. Maybe Ambrose because they'd probably be drunk as all get-out.
7) Who is least likely to enter a beauty pageant/model?
Oh gosh, um...Probably Rhys & August would be least likely, but also Elizabeth, Day, and obviously Sarai would require a lot of convincing. Hypnos probably wouldn't either and probably not Hermes.
8) If your Muses visited a haunted house where actors scare you, who would panic and who would be unfazed?
Muses that would panic: Sami, Hypnos, Day, Ambrose, Luna (but she'd be enjoying it), Aurelius (also probably enjoying it just a little)
Muses that would be panicking on the inside: Shimi, Rhys, August, E
Muses that would be unfazed: James, Sarai, Demetrius, Hermes, Zagreus, Chell
Muses that would be kicked out for punching an actor: Chell (maybe if they happened to spook her), Elizabeth, Skylar, Jazzi
9) Are any of your Muses particular about taking certain modes of transportation?
Rhys takes the bus or bikes a lot because he can't drive. He definitely prefers biking over bus, though, and is known to bike in the rain so long as it isn't storming. Aurora loves to take his convertible whenever he can have the top down. Sami prefers not to drive even though he can so he'll take the bus sometimes. Day will usually walk because she can't go very far anyway and she's taken a couple of taxis but has definitely gotten in trouble for not having money to pay for the trip.
10) Share a little-known fact about any Muse.
Oh gosh...but I have so many muses with so many little facts! Here, I'll throw a few out there... Rhys is trans-male--something that I've gone back on in the past but recently brought back again because it just feels right for him even though his faceclaim isn't trans. Sami doesn't talk about it at all or even know how to put a name to it, but he's definitely queer in terms of gender, which is why I use different pronouns for them even though they would never ask someone to do it because they're still learning. Aurora has a verse that's technically his canon in which about 10 years from his main verse he contracts a deadly disease that is extremely rare and most typically developed in demi-gods and basically dies in his mid-thirties! Little known part of that is that it's also the same disease that killed his mother.
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bearcreekhq · 4 months
Do you have additional fc suggestions for Quinn? (Other than Dianna?) Ty!!!
Hey! We're not sure what age range you were looking for, so we tried to cover a variety. If none of these are vibing with you, just let us know and we can come up with a few more.
Halston Sage
Carlson Young
Elizabeth Lail
Claire Holt
Yvonne Strahovski
Kate Cassidy
Skylar Samuels
Teresa Palmer
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tinseltown-rp · 1 year
Drew Starkey, Emma Stone, Ben Barnes, Roman Josi, Flo Pugh, Jonathan Daviss, Giancarlo Stanton, Bethany Joy Lenz, Willa Holland, Dallon Weekes, Skylar Samuels, Jack Quaid,Liam Hemsworth, Scar Jo, Dacre Montgomery, Madison Bailey, Leon Draisaitl, Jocob Elordi, Megan Thee Stallion, Avan Jogia, Liz Gillies, Mikey Way, Ross Butler, Mae Whitman, Brie Larson, Grant Gustin, Zachary Levi, Emily Bett Rickards, Ben Platt, Zac Efron, Adam Brody, Charlie Hunnam, Carlicia Grant, Tyler Posey, Aaron Judge, Jules Hough, Karen Fukuhara, Charlie Heaton, Aj Michalka, Alexander Skarsgard, Hilarie Burton, Jeffery Dean Morgan, Josh Dun, Alona Tal, Colton Haynes, Laura Herrier, Mia Goth, Skylar Astin, Patrick Stump, Debbie Ryan, Jake Gyllenhaal, Maude Appatow, Mathew Daddario, Italia Ricci, James Mccann, Lauren German, Aaron Paul, Ashley Tisdale, Dave Franco, Natalia Dyer, Stephen Amell and Kike Hernandez all come to mind. Members, who else?
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nicos-oc-hell · 2 years
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Full Name: Leviathan Njord Vecellio
Nicknames: Levi, gremlin and idiot (affectionate)
Name Meanings: (I was going for a water theme named) Leviathan; a giant sea creature from Hebrew Livyatan, Njord is the Norse god of wind and waters, Vecellio doesn’t have a meaning
Date of Birth: September 25, 1996
Gender: Genderfluid
Sexuality: Bisexual
Blood Status: Halfblood
Ethnicity/Race: Caucasian
Nationality: Danish
MBTI Type: ISFP- Adventurer
Wood: blackthorn wood, which is well suited to a warrior who will go through danger or hardship before bonding fully with the wand.
Core: Dragon heartstring, As a rule, dragon heartstrings produce wands with the most power, and which are capable of the most flamboyant spells. Dragon wands tend to learn more quickly than other types. (according to Mr. Ollivander)
Length: 10 inches
Flexibility: flexible but not bendy, more bouncy, but durable
Other Magical Abilities: Levi can talk to animals, magical and normal animals
Patronus: Rottweiler
Patronus Memory: Getting his first bow and arrow
Boggart: Slugs
Riddikulus: snakes
Levi smells like paint, wet dog (from his Rottweiler) and oil
Levi smells…tbd
Mirror of Erised: All of his family together like when he was younger before they all moved around the world
House: Slytherin
OWL Classes:
Transfiguration: Exceeds expectations
Charms: Outstanding
Herbology: Outstanding
Astronomy: Exceeds expectations
Potions: Outstanding
History of Magic: Exceeds expectations
Defense Against the Dark Arts: Acceptable
Flying: Exceeds expectations
OWL Electives:
Arithmancy: Exceeds expectations
Potions: Outstanding
Charms: Exceeds expectations
Care of magical creatures: Outstanding
NEWT Classes:
Care of magical creatures: Outstanding
Herbology: Outstanding
Charms: Outstanding
Arithmancy: Outstanding
Potions: Outstanding
Quidditch: He became a seeker in his 4th year
Prefect: No
Clubs: Magical creatures club, Dueling club and Potions club
Favorite Professors: tbd
Least Favorite Professors: tbd
11 to 18 - hogwarts
19 to 24 - dragonologist apprentice
25 to death - owns a magical creatures reserve
Faceclaim: James McAvoy
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Height: 5’8
Weight & Physique: 158 lbs, athletic and well built
Hair Color: Blonde with pink highlights
Hair Style:
Eye Color: blue
Skin Tone: honey
Scars: he surprisingly only has scars on his palms from when he fell off a wall and onto glass
Modifications: (piercings, tattoos, glasses, etc.) just glasses
Distinguishing Marks: green hearts on his cheeks
Clothing Style: severely baggy clothes, he wears clothes that hang off of his body
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Accessories: (watch, jewelry, etc.) a bunch of bracelets
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What’s In Their Pockets:
What’s In Their School Bag?
Text Books
A bunch of fiction books
Parchment paper
Animal food (separate bag he carries with him)
Voiceclaim: James McAvoy
Accent: (might differ from voiceclaim’s) Scottish
Dialect: Northern Scottish
Language Spoken: English, Italian, German and Danish
Languages Understood: English, Italian, German, Danish and Japanese
Speech and/or Language Disorder: A slight lisp if you pay attention
Father: Eren Larsen
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Dad: TJ Sutherland
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Other dad: Ian Campbell
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Bio Mother: Skylar Vecellio (Womb donor)
Twin brother: Efesto Mars Vecellio
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Levi is younger than Efesto by 20 minutes, they aren’t identical except for the eyes
Efesto got their moms hair color while Levi got their dads hair color, they only have the streaks in their hair and eyes in common
Efesto is Levi’s ride or die
Faceclaim: Tom Hiddleston
Pets: A rottweiler named Rocky: 
Best Friends: Efesto, Dylan and Alexandra
Benedict Whitten; Jack Whitten; Thea Whitten - @unfortunate-arrow
Brian Haywood-Reese @catohphm
It’s Complicated:
Jack Whitten - @unfortunate-arrow
Brynn Cooke - @camillejeaneshphm
Samuel Murand - @hogwartsmysteryho
Rivals: TBD
Enemies: TBD
Love Interest: TBD
Future Children: He doesn’t want children but in his mind if it happens it happens
Positive: Honest, dependable, loyal, open-minded
Neutral: Athletic, observant, sarcastic, reserved
Negative: rude, impatient, passive-aggressive, judgemental
Color: baby blue
Food: Crab legs
Weather: Rain
Books: Rick Riordan books, more specifically the Kane Chronicles
Hobbies: pyrography, drawing, origami 
Music: he listens to a lot of rap music (nwa, 2pac, snoop dogg, eminem, 50 cent) and rock music (queen, acdc, guns n roses, journey)
Dislikes: the color green very much (very counterproductive of a slytherin, I know), ribs, honey (allergic)
MBTI Description: Adventurer personalities are true artists, but not necessarily in the typical sense where they’re out painting happy little trees. Often enough though, they are perfectly capable of this. Rather, it’s that they use aesthetics, design and even their choices and actions to push the limits of social convention. Adventurers enjoy upsetting traditional expectations with experiments in beauty and behavior – chances are, they’ve expressed more than once the phrase “Don’t box me in!”
Pre-Hogwarts Childhood:
Born and raised in the muggle world in Kolding, Denmark
Played in the woods for most of his life behind his house since his family home was away from the city
Attended a muggle school where he got his love of languages as he had to learn English
Was thought to be a squib as he didn’t show any magical prowess until a month before his 11th birthday
Learned about magic with Efesto even with the squib doubt
Hogwarts Years:
Sorted into slytherin (very displeased with the aesthetics of slytherin)
Introvert for most of the year during his first year
A lot of separation anxiety in his first year of hogwarts as he’s used to being in the same room as Efesto
Rule breaker because he’s bored
Lots of detentions
Dragonologist apprenticeship
Works at dragon reserve for 5 years
Works at a magical creature reserve for the rest of his life taking care of animals
Raising animals as if they are his kids
Death: died of a heart attack
Levi can pick up any subject rather quickly. Even if he hates the subject, he can still ace it
Loves to draw whenever he’s not in class
Even though he has friends, if they don’t physically drag him to do stuff with them, he’ll most likely be in his dorm doing whatever
Has a sketchbook with him all the time
Picked up a scottish accent from all the times he’s spent in Scotland with his aunts
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procura-seoquefazer · 9 months
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Kwang podia sentir o carinho de seu público durante toda a realização da dinâmica, sentia-se muito querido e animado com a empolgação de sua plateia, fosse aquele que gritava com o peito um elogio, ou aquele que lhe xingava sem medo. O gumiho estava preparado para girar a roleta, e assim que teve a atenção de todos, segurou firme em seu microfone e sorteou dois primeiros números. Guiren e Daniel. Não demorou para que  o bruxo tentasse chamar mais atenção do que o apresentador, precisando de Kwang cortar o seu barato o quanto antes; Daniel, por sua vez entregou performance sem precisar ofuscar o brilho de Kwang, o que fez o lobo ganhar pontos com ele. O segundo casal a a ser sorteado, ah, sim. Esse seria interessante de assistir. Mars e Eveline. O gumiho daria tudo para assistir aquilo, resistindo a todas as reclamações e reações contraditórias das oponentes. A reação da plateia e dos sorteados era o que deixava Kwang cada vez mais interessado em formar novas duplas. Yanna e Thaddeus, Daiyu e Elaeth,  Jihoon e Inha, Samuel e Zane, Soohyun e Josephine, Bonnie e Serenity, Eunsang e Soohae, Krystal e Oihane... até chegar em seu nome. Kwang foi então citado na roleta seguinte ao nome de Yoo-Shin.
                         Kwang precisou deixar seu microfone de lado, determinado a mostrar aos casais qual seria um bom beijo. Embora a maioria de seus casos fossem figuras masculinas, o gumiho não tinha restrições. Yooshin era um rapaz bonito, e sendo um vampiro, parecia ter potencial. Avançou então no palco, esperando que o rapaz subisse também.  Ro tentava manter o entretenimento, brincando com a plateia enquanto o vampiro se aproximava. Flertava com algumas criaturas, brincando ao dizer quem sabe na próxima não é você aqui? dizia sorridente. Enfim encarou Yooshin, indo diretamente de encontro aos seus lábios e colocando as mãos em seu pescoço, trazendo-o para mais perto. Kwang mantinha claro em sua posição corporal que pretendia manter a mesma intensidade desde o início, ao mesmo tempo que tentaria não se alongar desde que precisaria terminar as duplas anunciadas. Ao fim, segurou o rosto do rapaz para finalizar o beijo, se afastando devagar e virando a cabeça em direção à câmera e logo depois à plateia.
                         ———— É isso aí, pessoal!———— tentava tornar tudo em entretenimento. Talvez sus fã humanos mais tradicionais ficariam incrédulos com aquela cena, mas paciência. O que eles fariam? Lhe boicotariam? Bem, não era assim que funcionava para Kwan-Seok. Ates de voltar para a roleta, apertou o ombro de Yooshin e  foi atrás de seu microfone para continuar ao anúncios. Fora Jisung e Gwi, Worshin e Irlanda, Hyunjin e Cedric, Doh e Surok, Adena e Skylar, Leeta e WangYoung, Daewon e Nikolai. Kwang vibrava por cada um dos beijos, soltando alguns efeitos especiais por cima da música que tocava para gerar risos, torcidas e gritos frenéticos. Observou que WangYoung se aproximava aos poucos de sua pessoa, a assim manteve o sorriso aberto em seu rosto, se inclinando na direção do gumiho.
                         ———— Não foi tão ruim assim tirar a poeira, foi?———— perguntou afastado do microfone, antes que o último beijo acabasse. No entanto, antes de Wang responder, Kwang notou que Avalon havia sobrado e assim buscou por alguém que pudesse preencher a vaga. Ro foi pego de surpresa pela sereia que usou do seu microfone para anunciar suas pousadas, mas o apresentador a cortou rapidamente, a empurrando para o palco novamente. Não demorou muito para o gumiho ver que Leah permanecia perto, a empurrando no palco para fazer o que todos esperavam e finalizar a dinâmica.  Assim que todos os beijos acabaram, o homem voltou ao centro o palco.
                         ———— Agradeço a todos pela participação. Nos vemos mais em breve. DJ pode voltar com o som que logo mais termos o show dos astros.———— anunciava então o fim do show, preparando o público para o momento em que todos esperavam.
                         Todos se preparam para assistir ao show. Kwang ficou em um canto próximo à sua produção, cumprimentando rostos conhecidos e fãs enquanto estes vinham o cumprimentar em voz baixa. Todos esperavam ansiosamente pelo show... que acabou não acontecendo. Pediu a confirmação do dia e hora para seus colegas de trabalho, que confirmaram para o home que estavam certos. Kwang franziu o cenho. Não era possível que a poluição já estivesse prejudicando a vista daquelas criaturas. Suspirou frustrado, e esperou mais alguns segundos para garantir que todos pudessem ver o show. A medida que o tempo passou, todos decidiram voltar para o bar e tomarem mais uma rodada. Kwang então se despediu de seus colegas, alegando que agora ele não faria a apresentação o programa, mas eles poderiam filmar caso quisessem. Assim que pediu sua bebida a virou rapidamente, sentindo um gosto picante na língua. Kwang arregalou os olhos e suspirou, em uma tentativa de ventilar a área de sua boca. Conforme saía da região do bar, sentia um calor constante, que ia aumentando conforme dava alguns passos até o nível de se tornar insuportável. A sensação era de estar pegando fogo, e aos poucos Kwang podia ver a fumaça saindo de seu corpo o que causou desespero na raposa. Kwang começou a gritar e tirar as roupas, correndo freneticamente ao redor das pessoas e gritando pelos bombeiros. Ele recebia olhares chocados e impressionados em sua direção. Kwang não estava em seu melhor momento. Sua cabeça latejava e ao parar para entender o que estava acontecendo, viu um brilho surgir em volta de uma mulher. Um brilho irresistível, precisava se aproximar e contemplá-la.
                         Junto de Daiyu, uma bruxa, Ro se aproximou da moça. Recebendo olhares confusos desta. Não conseguia responder aos seus comentários, embora estivesse consciente era como se seu corpo não pudesse se mover diante de tamanha beleza. Suas pupilas estava dilatadas, e podia sentir ao seu redor mais pessoas se aproximando, porém em órbita da bruxa. A mulher a qual Kwang girava em torno era Adena, uma Fúria, e por dentro sentia um ligeiro temor por sua vida por incomodar a mulher e estar ao mesmo tempo nu. A reação de Adena era divertida, e por mais que Ro quisesse rir ou respondê-la, não conseguia se expressar. Mulher me desculpa. Você é linda, não queria que fosse assim. Eu vou apanhar. É isso, vou apanhar. Não demorou muito para ver a bruxa voando em sua direção. O rapaz ficou de costas para receber o baque da mulher, evitando a segurar enquanto nu. Kwang aos poucos piscava, como se voltasse para a Terra. Esticava seu corpo para se espreguiçar, dando um pulo e olhando para trás, chocando ao ver Adena saindo depois de estapear o seu traseiro. Kwang riu, e enfim olhou para baixo, tampando suas vergonhas com as mãos, notando que muitos o encaravam. Alguns com nojo, outros com desejo, a maioria extremamente confusa.
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hillsfms · 1 year
Mwf or nonbinary celebs? Please, no one over 40
I would love to see apps for Taylor Hill, Demi Lovato, Danielle Jonas, Antonia Gentry, Phoebe Dynevor, Josephine Skriver, Elsa Hosk, Romee Strijd, Sofia Carson, Cierra Ramirez, Keke Palmer, Margaret Qualley, Adelaide Kane, Jodie Comer, Alisha Boe, Katherine Langford, Normani Kordei, Ryan Destiny, Tiera Skovbye, Nathalie Emmanuel, Elle Fanning, Liz Gillies, Olivia Holt, Danielle Campbell, Sydney Sweeney, Peyton List, Maia Mitchell, Camila Mendes, Vanessa Morgan, Kiernan Shipka, Abigail Breslin, Maude Apatow, Barbie Ferreira, Skylar Samuels, Lucy Boynton, Liana Liberato, and Becky G! Members, who would you like to see?
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vikandermanips · 6 years
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Will Moseley & Skylar Saumels crackship requested by starchildxwrites Please like or reblog if using :)
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fireofireland-blog · 6 years
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Character Connection|| Rowan and Caitlyn: Mother and Daughter
Dear daughter Hold your head up high There's a world outside That's passing by Dear daughter Never lose yourself Remember that You're like nobody else
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harleyquinnzelz · 3 years
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reIntroducing - Charlotte ‘Charlie’ Bell
‘She needed a hero’
Okay so yeah, admittedly Charlie Bell’s childhood sounds like something taken directly from a comic book. Born into a family of S.H.I.E.L.D. operatives, Charlie was the youngest of her siblings, the baby of the family. Some might have expected their parents to take a step back from the highly dangerous lives they were leading so that they could raise their family but no, as soon as Charlie was old enough she was entered into a training program for children, one that would turn her into a deadly child agent. And she was good at it, really good. 
But it wasn’t enough for her mother, and even now, Charlie’s older siblings don’t know just how fair their mother was willing to go to make Charlie the best. Doesn’t matter, because following the battle of New York, their parents were killed, and their sister Hattie is M.I.A.. Which leaves just Evan, Sadie, and Charlie to pick up the pieces of their lives, to try to scrape together some type of normalcy. Opportunity strikes for Sadie in California, and Evan takes it upon himself to raise their youngest sister who is struggling to come to terms with the fact that everything in her life is different now. They head off to New York, settling into a apartment next to a sweet married couple raising their nephew. 
To Charlie’s credit, she does try the whole normal thing. She goes to school, does homework, eats dinner with her brother when he gets home from work in the evenings. But something is missing. Charlie could be doing so much more. 
So when Nick Fury shows up, Charlie hears him out as he tells her that the experimentation that her mother had done on her had nearly been complete and that there was only a single missing component. It was work she had started many years ago in a company called Oscorp, and Charlie was meant to have been her greatest success. With the final dose of the experimental serum, Charlie could become something great. If that was what she wanted.
For Charlie it seems like a blessing, and so she agrees and what results is something nobody could have predicted. Superpowers. She could be a bona fide hero. Yeah okay, so she kind of wishes the powers were less spider-y but whatever. She can be what she was always meant to be. So she takes up the mantle of Spinner and for six months she acts from the shadows, trying to keep the mean streets of New York safe. But then a field trip to Oscorp results in her neighbor, Peter Parker being bitten by a strange looking spider, and Charlie finds herself acting in the role of mentor.
‘So she became one.’
tag: @allaboutocs @ocappreciation @fyeahmarvelocs @booty-boggins @mystic-scripture @guardiansofheroes @elenapetrova @bravelittleflower @perfectlystiles @raith-way @susiesamurai
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Telepathic Hive Mind: Esme and her sisters share a linked hive mind, which allows them to share thoughts, communicate and maintain a continuous telepathic connection over great distances. The link is strongest when they are in close physical proximity, and their collective mind also allows for increased telepathic power and shared intellect. When the girls use their telepathy, their eyes glow bright blue, and they glow even more when acting under the hive mind. This hive mind also allows them to speak in unison, finish one another sentences, and speak and jump into one another's conversation collectively.
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carcrashheart · 4 years
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my body's been aching from time's hard weight and i'm sorry for shaking in your steady grace but i'll say it if you say it but i won't go first if you want to leave, then walk me out
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https-rainbumble · 2 years
Eldrid Lokidottir
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face claim · freya allan
fic · sins of the father
movies · thor. thor dark world. thor ragnarok. infinity war. endgame. far from home. no way home.
love interest · peter parker (?)
Asdis Torgnydottir
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face claim · merve boluğur
fic · cross my heart
movies · thor. avengers. thor dark world. thor ragnarok. infinity war. endgame.
love interest · loki laufeyson
Hilda Dagfinndottir
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face claim · emilia clarke
fic · him & i
movies · thor. avengers. thor dark world. thor ragnarok.
love interest · loki laufeyson
Caeli Stark
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face claim · katie douglas
fic · prodigal daughter
movies · iron man 1. iron man 2. avengers. iron man 3. civil war. homecoming. infinity war. endgame. far from home. no way home. multiverse of madness.
love interest · peter parker.
Estella Stark
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face claim · jenna coleman
fic · familiar faces
movies · iron man 1. iron man 2. avengers. iron man 3. winter soldier. age of ultron. civil war. infinity war. endgame. the falcon and the winter soldier.
love interest · bucky barnes [+ sam wilson [?]
Rhea LaRuee
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face claim · adelaide kane
fic · women unknown
movies · iron man 1. iron man 2. avengers. iron man 3. winter soldier. civil war. black widow. infinity war. endgame. the falcon and the winter soldier.
love interest · bucky barnes [+ sam wilson [?]
Karina Thatcher
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face claim · poppy drayton
fic · accidents happen
movies · iron man 1. iron man 2. avengers. iron man 3. civil war. infinity war. endgame.
love interest · bruce banner
Astra Quill
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face claim · britt robertson
fic · written in the stars
movies · guardians of the galaxy. guardians of the galaxy vol 2. endgame. infinity war.
love interest · thor odinson
Artemis Barton
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face claim · katherine mcnamara
fic · cupid's arrow
movies · endgame. hawkeye.
love interest · kate bishop
Kalypso Lease
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face claim · skylar samuels
fic · only us
movies · avengers. winter soldier. age of ultron. civil war. infinity war. endgame. the falcon and the winter soldier.
love interest · bucky barnes
Bianca Wilson
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face claim · paulina singer
fic · out of nowhere
movies · infinity war. endgame. the falcon and the winter soldier. endgame.
love interest · bucky barnes
Adhara Maximoff
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face claim · danielle rose russell
fic · third time's a charm.
movies · age of ultron. civil war. infinity war. endgame. wandavision. multiverse of madness.
love interest · peter parker (?)
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face claim · samara weaving
fic · dreams of us
movies · eternals
love interest · ikaris
Delphini Jallis
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face claim · margot robbie
fic · truth or dare
movies · deadpool
love interest · wade wilson
Aurora Collins - Manoti
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face claim · zoey deutsch
fic · beyond the time
movies · iron man 1. iron man 2. avengers. iron man 3. winter soldier. age of ultron. civil war. infinity war. endgame.
love interest · steve rogers
Europa Kershaw
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face claim · esme creed-miles
fic · cold as the snow I knock from my bones
movies · endgame. infinity war.
love interest · n/a
Zinoviya Makarova [зиновия макарова]
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face claim · anya taylor joy
fic · all the kings horses
movies · avengers. civil war. black widow. infinity war. endgame. the falcon and the winter soldier.
love interest · bucky barnes + steve rogers. natasha romanoff (briefly).
Alaska Dromstin
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face claim · danielle panabaker
fic · stone cold (thawed out)
movies · thor. avengers. iron man 3. thor dark world. infinity war. endgame. wandavision.
love interest · loki laufeyson
Nadine Clarke
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face claim · danielle campbell
fic · queen of the night
movies · avengers. winter soldier. age of ultron. civil war. infinity war. endgame. the falcon and the winter soldier. multiverse of madness.
love interest · bucky barnes
Verona Tolhurst
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face claim · amanda seyfried
fic · capturing her heart
movies · avengers. avengers. winter soldier. age of ultron. infinity war. endgame. the falcon and the winter soldier.
love interest · steve rogers
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face claim · halston sage
fic · chaos is a women
movies · eternals
love interest · druig
Rosalind Thordottir
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face claim · natalie alyn lind
fic · ruins of gold
movies · thor. endgame. far from home.
love interest · peter parker
Cressida Rogers
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face claim · erin moriarty
fic · battling the shadows
movies · the first avenger. avengers. iron man 3. winter soldier. age of ultron. civil war. the falcon and the winter soldier.
love interest · bucky barnes
Vesta Farson
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face claim · abigail cowen
fic · cruelty of fire
movies · tbd
love interest · tbd
Adrastea Thordottir
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face claim · sadie soverall
fic · lightning in a bottle
movies · thor. avengers. thor dark world. thor ragnarok. infinity war. endgame.
love interest · tbd
Elektra Heladottir
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face claim · tegan croft
fic · darkness consumed me (so darkness I became)
movies · thor. thor dark world. thor ragnarok. infinity war. endgame. multiverse of madness.
love interest · tbd
Alora Thaller
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face claim · emma dumont
fic · design of the curse
movies · loki. thor ragnarok. endgame.
love interest · loki laufeyson
Gaia Halo
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face claim · summer bishil
fic · admiring secrets
movies · avengers. age of ultron. civil war. winter soldier. the falcon and the winter soldier.
love interest · bucky barnes + sam wilson
Kassandra Mintzo
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face claim · jessica camacho
fic · women of tomorrow
movies · iron man 1. iron man 2. avengers. iron man 3. winter soldier. age of ultron. civil war.
love interest · tony stark
Aila McCaffery
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face claim · madison davenport
fic · traitor of dusk
movies · avengers. the winter soldier. infinity war. endgame. far from home. The falcon and the winter soldier.
love interest · bucky barnes
Aradhana Jain
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face claim · tina desai
fic · defender of the forsaken
movies · iron man 1. iron man 2. avengers. iron man 3. winter soldier. age of ultron. civil war.
love interest · tony stark
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tinseltown-rp · 1 year
Mw females?
Madison Bailey, Emma Stone, Danneel Harris, Jennifer Lawrence, Mandy Moore, Keke Palmer, Italia Ricci, Megan Fox, Zoey Deutch, Crystal Reed, Britt Robertson, Alona Tal, Sophia Bush, Willa Holland, Evan Rachel Wood, Florence Pugh, Camilla Morrone, Lauren German, Tessa Thompson, Skylar Samuels, and Karen Fukahara all come to mind! Members, who else?
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elorasfandomsandocs · 3 years
the flash masterlist.
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freya wheaton aka daydream
fic title ; Daydreams and Nightmares
face claim ; Elena Satine
love interest ; Frost
abilities ; Freya can create, shape, enter and manipulate the dreams of oneself and others, including modifying, suppressing, fabricating, influencing, manifesting, sensing, and observing dreams as well as nightmares, daydreams, etc., possibly including past ones. She can produce and modify dreams, bestow nightmares or lucid dreaming, entrap people in REM, and promote spiritual/emotional healing within dreams. In some cases, Freya's power extends to the real world, such as wounds inflicted on a sleeping victim, healed damage (mental or physical) affecting the physical form, and other wise blurring the line between waking and dream.
summary ; tbd
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nikita sella aka shadow
fic title ; tbd
face claim ; Emma Dumont
love interest ; Caitlin Snow
abilities ; Nikita can create, shape and manipulate darkness and shadows. By itself, darkness is mostly used to cloud everything into total darkness, but by accessing a dimension of dark energy it can be channeled to a variety of effects, both as an absence of light and a solid substance: she can also control and manipulate the beings that exist there, create and dispel shields and areas of total darkness, create constructs and weapons, teleport one's self through massive distances via shadows, etc.
summary ; tbd
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tatum raes aka echo
fic title ; tbd
face claim ; Skylar Samuels
love interest ; Cisco Ramon
abilities ; Tatum can create, shape and manipulate sound, a periodic disturbance of a medium (air, ground, water, etc) that radiates outward linearly in the form of a pressure wave. The effect these waves upon the ear is perceived as sound. From the point of view of physics, sound is considered to be the waves of vibratory motion themselves, whether or not they are heard by the human ear. Tatum can mimic, intensify, hush, and distort, as well warp, strengthen, echo, speed up, and slow down sound, using it as a powerful physical force and high-speed movement. At low frequencies, sound can be potentially fatal to living beings by causing internal damage, while high frequencies cannot be heard by normal humans but can be used for sonar-like effects. Since sound vibrations can travel through the air, ground, water and any form of medium, defense by using physical barriers is difficult. The vibrations can also affect at a molecular level. In essence, sound is an invisible, deadly weapon and a versatile tool.
summary ; tbd
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nyla cameron aka stardust
fic title ; Written In The Stars
face claim ; Sophie Turner
love interest ; Barry Allen
abilities ; Nyla can create, shape and manipulate stardust, mineral grains and particles of cosmic substances originating from or embody remnants of dead stars, nebula, and meteorites.
summary ; Nyla grew up in and out of foster homes as well as the hospital for unknown seizures that no one could find a source of. Then, while in the hospital, the partial accelerator went off. And she woke up with no medical issues and newly found abilities.
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cordelia farris aka solaria
fic title ; As Bright As The Sun
face claim ; Emily Alyn Lind
love interest ; Barry Allen
abilities ; Light Manipulation. Cordelia can create, shape and manipulate visible light, commonly referred to as light, is electromagnetic radiation that is visible to the human eye, and is responsible for the sense of sight.
summary ; Cordelia Farris. An intelligent women who's law firm worked closely with CCPD. Even being as young as she was she graduated and became a lawyer at a very young age. She loved her job and had a crush on the clumsy forensics scientist. Then one night, it all went sideways. One second she's changing the lightbulb in her living room, next thing she knows she's on the ground and waking up with new abilities. Abilities she must now learn to adapt with and control them. But she's not alone.
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