marcilled · 9 months
hi Vivian! I've been meaning to ask about reading dungeon meshi for a while but I've been super low on things to read for a bit now so I want to take the plunge! I wanted to ask, are there any "caveats" you have about recommending it? I know sometimes people will love a thing but actually not recommend it to others lol. I don't think this is one of those situations but I wanted to check :) Or if there's anything like "the first couple chapters are slow but then it picks up" you know. Also do you have suggestions for a good place to read it?
You've just activated an unskippable cutscene. *rubs hands together gleefully*
For those not aware (if you follow me you're probably aware... but just in case), Dungeon Meshi is a fantasy comedy manga by author Ryoko Kui about a group of adventurers who have to cook and eat monsters to survive in a dungeon. It's a seinen, meaning it's targeted more towards adults, which really shows in a lot of its plot beats and humor- like how the party nearly disbands because Laios (the party leader) can't afford to pay everyone upfront, etc. It's also not entirely accurate to call it a comedy, really, it's an action/adventure series that focuses on comedy, oftentimes dark humor. Which brings me to your question!
I don't have any big caveats for recommending Dungeon Meshi, I think it's a series just about anyone can pick up and get enjoyment out of! But there are some things I think are worth warning about, since the story actually gets pretty serious later on, and explores some potentially triggering themes.
Here's some content warnings for dunmeshi I can provide just off the top of my head (that shouldn't spoil anything on their own); Body horror, eye trauma/eye injuries, asphyxiation, cannibalism, blood, some gore, unsettling imagery, uhh general warning for? psychological themes (idk how to word this or even warn for this without spoiling though) and mentions of child abuse.
There's probably more that I'm forgetting, but despite its reputation for being silly, dungeon meshi gets pretty damn dark at times!! All the same, it is, to its core, built upon the humor- even in the tensest, most dramatic chapters, there's always something to lighten the mood, something to make you smile. It's kind of surprising, really, how masterfully Ryoko Kui finds this balance of drama vs. humor. No one illustrates this dichotomy better than Laios...
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(least spoiler-y image I could find)
As for slow starts... I suppose it depends on what you're hoping to see in dungeon meshi! If you're excited about izutsumi (the catgirl), she doesn't show up until much later on in the manga. There's some other popular characters that don't show up for a while, either. Also, I just re-read the first chapter before answering this ask- the start is a bit slow, i.e. everything seems low stakes at first, but I think that's only to dungeon meshi's benefit tbh. I kinda dislike when series will show their hand way too soon. I think the premise and presentation of dungeon meshi is strong enough on its own, although the early art style is really unrefined and messy compared to the modern chapters. The art gets so much better as time goes on! As do the characterizations... You really get the sense that their personalities weren't entirely figured out yet in chapter 1. I think that's fine, though, the roots are all there.
All this being said... I'm gonna be honest with you, I've never actually re-read dungeon meshi from my initial read of it! and I've been keeping up for each new chapter since, like, 2018, which is crazy to think about... I really ought to do a re-read sometime, it'll give me a fresh perspective I'm sure. truthfully I just struggle to read things, which is the only reason I haven't reread it like 10 times. I still love it to bits anyway. I hope that this answer is enlightening regardless, and- oh! also! you can read dungeon meshi on Mangadex, though I recommend buying it physically if they sell it where you live :-)!!
Anyhow thank you for indulging me, i love talking about dungeon meshi & introducing new people to the series! i hope you enjoy it!!!
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jurispotence · 1 year
@skyvirus replied to your post “it’s so annoying that i can’t recommend killing...”:
:((( I watched season one and rly liked it and then haven't watched the later seasons just due to kind of forgetting about it. are the later seasons that bad? should I just try to forget about it again?
​hehe :3 seasons 2 and 3 aren't complete trash i just like to exaggerate... in terms of like interactions between eve and vilanelle they're a bit scarce, but when it does happen, i really enjoyed it
season 2 is good, it's not as good as the first (but tbh nothing can top that).
season 3 is also good... in terms of ending this is where you can probably stop watching (though it's not necessarily a happy ending; it's open-ended but at least none of them die)
if you like suffering go for season 4 but otherwise, don't. or you can watch season 4 and just not watch the last 5 minutes of the final episode and you're good 👍🏼
(if i'm gonna be honest the actresses carried this show past season 1.)
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awsugar · 4 years
To the USPS anon: I just polled everyone in my house, we all thought it was a zoomy zoom letter except one guy who apparently knew it was an eagle the whole time. my life is so fucked up..I never knew.
goodnight to everyone in your house except that one guy in particular
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miserybegins · 4 years
maybe an oddly specific gif request but im rewatching videos from the return show to relive it and saw this rly cute moment youtu(.)be/_j0w49s9ycc?t=211 where ray and mikey are rly in sync and then ray scratches mikey's hair and bounces off -- its adorable and i haven't seen anyone else gif it yet. (the part right after where ray goes to hang out with frank is rly good too but i think ive seen some gifs of that)
thank you for the request! it’s been posted here
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vaelkyrie · 7 years
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@skyvirus yes!!!! 👏👏👏👏
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myfirstgamejam · 7 years
Is there any sort of way to connect with or join teams in need of help? I'm more programming oriented and would love to work with a team that has an idea they want to implement (also since i found out about this a little late). Do you guys have any way to connect people or is it more something we need to do on our own? Thanks!
hi! we have a #teamfinding channel on the discord that people typically use to find teammates! you could also try posting on the community or looking to see if there are jammers looking for programmers.
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because of autism awareness month, i discovered that a group at my school "autism youth ambassadors" is actually not working to help the autistic community but actually wants to "talk about curing autism". the classroom that they meet in has fliers posted on the door that promote really harmful fearmongering ideas about how harmful autism is to "the loved ones affected by it". The organization supports so many horrible things on their website (tacanow. org/newly-diagnosed/) (1)
just seeing the fliers makes me feel sick, but I don't know the teacher who supports the club or even any students in it. I really want to do something to help promote a more supportive view of autism at my school, but short of walking into this classroom unannounced and confronting an unknown teacher, what can i do? part of the problem is that im not formally diagnosed with autism and most people are not even aware im autistic. i feel so uncomfortable but dont know what to do. any advice? (2)
I honestly think that the best option here would be to talk to the teacher. Maybe bring some evidence with you (from good charities like ASAN etc, as well as why that sort of rhetoric is harmful). I’d also plan out what to say in advance. Since there’s already a teacher running it the only other option I can see would be to talk to the (I assume) Principal.
That or vandalise their flyers with where people can find better information and hope that they go to those sites too, but that would probably get you in trouble
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acejasongrace · 7 years
@skyvirus replied to your post “thank you for questioning the "California accent" thing. Because I...”
any different style of speaking i an accent. to anyone not from california we sound weird! The only special thing about californian accents is that they're often used nationwide by newscaster etc so they sound more "generic", and are often understood by lots of people
Yeah but my thing is just that, that Californian “accents” are sort of the generic way of speaking, if that makes sense? Like you said, newscasters and stuff speak that way, as well as most actors and such, so at this point it is that generic way of speaking (at least in America) which is why I’m kind of confused as to why it was described as a “cute california accent” because why would it be “cute” if it’s like, not special. Idk I’m kinda rambling here but I’ve always kind of understood “Californian” to be “accent-less” (hence why people are said to have “lost their accent” when they start speaking like us), if that makes any sort of sense 
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permetscore · 7 years
dkjhgdfj ange i havent read deathnote since i was like 11 and i never even read anything past when L died and now ur making me want to reread it... how do u manage to do this with like everything
ok re: the last bit i have no idea but its fucking amazing. ive singlehandedly gotten several ppl into naruto???? its a monster of a media i have no idea how this happened. sorry everyone for dragging u w my interest
OKAY BUT LIKE W DEATH NOTE... ITS SO GOOD! i had my death note renaissance if u will abt 2 yrs ago and its just. so good. obv theres awful things abt it (misogyny) but its genuinely one of the best anime ive seen. and i love the second arc even if it is distinctly different from the first arc - u rly have to learn to love the new characters to bear w it but its soo worth it
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anonymusbosch · 5 years
thanks for tagging me @bloodshack!
rules: list 10 songs you can’t stop listening to and then tag 10 people
chvrches - leave a trace
lizzo - good as hell
metric - now or never now
st vincent - fast slow disco
florence and the machine - hunger
amanda palmer - voicemail for jill / death thing
miguel - pineapple skies
dane terry - long overcoat
leon bridges - if it feels good (then it must be)
chopin - nocturne in C sharp minor arr. for violin and piano (as played by Yueun Kim & Sung Chang)
we got some bops & jams (1, 2, 3, 4, 7, 9) & some feelings (5, 6, 8, 10)
and hm I’ll tag @petrichor-and-lemonade @llegollas @lockrum @steevienicks @corvs @captain-lovelace @skyvirus @matchsticklesbian @a-bell-to-rise-and-die & @boyztothemax
if you wanna!
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fujiwaranomokou · 4 years
skyvirus teplied to your post:whats the job!!!! its at a local kennel, caring...
😮 what’s a bird dog?
they're dogs that are trained to do field work with hunters, pointing/retrieving birds! i wont be involved in that aspect though
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marcilled · 9 months
I just finished reading dungeon meshi last night and it was so good 🥺 thank you for the detailed info when I asked about it a bit ago!!! def gonna be obsessed for a bit.
i'm so glad i could introduce you to it!! and so happy you enjoyed it so much ^-^ dungeon meshi means a lot to me and it makes me happy i can introduce it to so many folks! it's deserving of the praise
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miserybegins · 4 years
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ray scratching mikey’s head for @skyvirus
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whitewashedhanzo · 6 years
YIMMY I went to the owl matches tonight w my friend bc she loves Seoul and then this happened :( Your blog is like my one source of knowledge on owl, was this expected to happen? I assume not to this degree.... (also my friend was sad but she got rly cute autographs from excelsior bc they sat right behind us in the stands and they were 'awed' when she spoke fluent korean to them)
uhmm im far the best person to ask about Analyzing the matches + gameplay but i could have expected it to be a landslide victory either way? i wasn’t into apex but some of my mutuals have discussed gc busan winning against lunatic hai in the past so..it looks like they jus never figured out how to beat them lol
also KFSDJGJkljsdfkdfjgkldfjgkdfg AEVERYONE ON NYXL IS SO CUTE NGL
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