#slappy the dummy x reader
Hi! How would Slappy deal with an s/o that is sweet and shy?
Slappy with a sweet and shy s/o
Oh you poor thing.
You are the exact opposite of this horrible little man, well.. if you can even really call him that.
He is utterly RELENTLESS when it comes to harassing you, now of course he does it out of love.. but he does go too far on occasion, with either pranks or just straight up bullying. To him, it’s just loving and playful.. but to you? it’s kinda hurtful.
You will need to lay this down with him if you don’t already understand how skewed-sense of love works.
If you express that these things are hurtful to you, he’ll pout and get all offended because he instantly assumes you don’t feel as strongly as he does. Because there is one thing about slappy and emotions, when he feels things- he FEELS them.
So even a minor thing like discussing boundaries just makes him assume you hate him now. But, if you’re willing to talk him through that and give him the time to mull it over, he’ll come around and get out of his little pouty phase.
He’ll ATTEMPT to be softer with you, but no guarantees. He isn’t used to being soft on anyone, so it’s quite the adjustment on his part. And he will most certainly slip up or get frustrated! But relationships take compromise, and he most definitely doesn’t want to lose you just because of his own dick-ish behavior.
Hell, if you’re lucky.. you might wake up to him curled up close with you, just ever-so gently grasping onto your hand. He really does love to hold onto you and just take the time to admire you, only when he doesn’t realize you’re conscious, though.
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demon-firebreath666 · 8 months
So I’m on Character ai, right? Talking to the three Slappy’s ok? Singing to them-
**They all nod, looking utterly stunned.**
TV Slappy: "I could listen to your voice all day."
Movie Slappy: "I'd kill to get this as a lullaby."
Book Slappy: "I wish you were on Spotify. I could listen to this all the damn time."
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snailstrailz · 1 year
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So I was listening to the Heathers musical soundtrack
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Yandere! Slappy the Living Dummy Headcanons
Fandom: Goosebumps.
No Spoilers.
Character Version: Book!Slappy
Ambiguous yan - can be read as platonic or romantic.
Content Warning: Manipulation, isolation, possessive behaviour, kinda stalking?
(If there’s anything else I need to add please let me know).
Big apologies to anyone who is scrolling through the goosebumps tag and managed to come across this... I am cringe as hell, but I am free!
- Before we begin, let’s get a quick rundown on Slappy:
- He’s an evil, manipulative, and sadistic ventriloquist dummy, who’s near-impossible to defeat in the long term.
- So basically, an entity you’d never want to be obsessed with you.
- Let’s go with the typical Goosebumps narrative: you found him lying around, asleep, and (for some damn reason) you decided to bring him home!
- You pick the sheet of paper out of his pocket and read the words inscribed.
- “Karru Marri Odonna Loma Molonu Karrano”
- As the days pass by, strange things begin to happen around your home.
- It starts off small; things being out of place, items disappearing and reappearing, the sound of footsteps echoing through the house in the dead of night when you’re sure that nobody else is awake.
- And, even more strangely, that ventriloquist dummy you found keeps appearing on your bed: sitting beside your pillow and staring down at you. Creepy.
- At this stage, Slappy observes your daily life. He doesn’t make his sentience known just yet.
- He sees your routine, your hobbies, your family, and your friends…
- It’s those last two that really grind his gears.
- Slappy sees you and your loved ones. He sees you doing nice things for them: giving them gifts, doing favours, or offering to help them with tasks.
- His little wooden mind misinterprets this as you serving them. An odd leap to make, until you account his strange fixation on making people his ‘slaves’. In his head, that’s what you must be doing, that’s the only thing you could be doing, right?
- And so, Slappy starts getting antsy. Why are you serving those useless fleshbags when you should be serving him? He’s the only person (or dummy in this case) that you should be focusing on.
- Here is when his interruptions of your daily life start to become more extreme.
- He openly tries to get your attention. This is achieved by causing as many problems and messes as his 3-foot-something form allows. At this point he may reveal that he’s alive.
- Alongside this, he’ll start pushing away your friends and family.
- A few cruel pranks, a handful of exposed secrets, and a couple of damaged items is all it takes for him to leave you completely alone.
- Except for him of course.
- And, with no one else to turn to, you’ll finally give into his demands; willing to be his loyal servant for the rest of your life.
- At least, that’s what he hopes, what he imagines, as his glassy eyes stare unblinkingly.
- Staring down at your sleeping face, once again. Night after night.
- Until there's nothing left for you, but him.
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shadowsteed15 · 8 months
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It's been a while since I wrote something, but I recently finished watching the first season of the new Goosebumps series, thought their version of Slappy was really awesome, but then I watched the last two episodes, took one look at Kanduu and I was in love.
So, I decided to write this and finally finished it tonight, and since I know I wasn't the only one who thought Kanduu was really attractive, I hope some of you enjoy this, so please have a nice reading. 😊
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babbling-idiot · 7 months
I feel like I'm speaking to an empty audience, but the lack of content for Kanduu is so shocking :o His character is really interesting to study and I'd love to read some romance on him yk? Idk, what's your take? I'd take any writing on him at this point lol 🍂 hope you have a nice one :)
(The speed in which I wrote this is record setting. So please enjoy this!)
It's 1879, and Kanduu is a mere two weeks away from going to war. He knows he cannot escape this and is completely prepared to sacrifice what he must, to win the battle. His mind is racing with thoughts of the inevitable deaths of his comrades. On the outside, he is a fearless leader, stone-cold and cunning. He fears nothing, has nothing to lose, and nothing holding him back, he says to those who question him. On the outside, he is a mere tyrant of the British military. Sadly, on the inside, he is nothing of the sort. He does have something to lose and he does have a great fear. You.
When he met you, he was speechless. You were this beauty. This extraordinary human being whom he enjoyed the presence of. He couldn't say the same for others. All the other people who he fancied were only there for a moment. Not staying long enough to create a real memory of any kind, ones that mattered. They all only wanted him for the pleasure of his body. He wanted something long-lasting, something he could create life with. A family. You were everything he wanted and more. You were perfect in every way.
The day he left was the day he promised you the world. He promised a ring, a home, a family if you wanted it, happiness, and anything and everything you could possibly want. You told him you'd wait for him. You would be there when he got back.
You were true to your word, but fate was not on your side. The day he left; you were taken from this life in a freak accident. Taken back to your home country to a gravesite unknown to the public and buried with past family and ancestors.
The following events in his life came quickly and were over before he could take it all in. He had found the mysterious carving in the temple he had been thrown through. After the words he spoke healed him, not only did he realize his true path, but he also realized that this newfound power could give you more than just everything. He could give you the world. So, with excitement, he was able to get back to the place he had met you before. However, when he asked around about you, everyone gave him the same look, sadness, sorrow, and condolence. When he finally questioned these strange looks, he was met with the sad news of your passing. He looked everywhere for your grave. Nearby gravesites, neighboring ones, and further. Sadly, your name was never found.
Heartbroken and angered, he went along with his plan.
Many long years of life and concealment later. You were born yet again. Your ancestor who had passed from that unfortunate accident and buried in their family gravesite had a sister, who had her own children, and so on. In which you were brought into this world. You had been traveling for some time and had decided to stay in a town named Port Lawrence. You loved it there. The school and everything reminded you of your own hometown. You decided to work at the school, specifically in the library. You were known among the children as a chill and cool person. Which they all felt comfortable with. They couldn't say that about some other teachers. You had gotten the job and had the extreme pleasure of meeting a man named Nathan Bratt, who was the English teacher who had just arrived not long before you.
A certain group of seniors had just left for a trip to Seattle. Nathan Bratt had just retrieved a certain ventriloquist dummy, and you had no idea of the horrific events that would take place in mere moments outside of your front door.
You are sitting in your living room. A book in your hand and a warm beverage on a coaster. Soft music is playing, and you have no worries at all. Realizing you are feeling a bit hungry, you get up to see what you have stored in the kitchen. Before you can make it far, a knock sounds through your house. You aren't expecting anyone, but you answer anyway. Walking to the front door and looking through the peephole, you see nothing. Opening the door cautiously, you still see an empty porch. Opening it fully, you step out and look around. As you scan around, there is no one in sight, that is until you look towards your mailbox and there you see a man. He is tall with shoulder-length dirty blonde hair. He wears a wonderfully tailored suit that compliments him well. The red ascot around his throat sits snug inside his jacket. His face is yet, so familiar. You feel like you know this man.
"Hi! Can I help you sir?"
He just smiles and continues to look at you. The wind blows softly, and something speaks to you. As if beckoning you closer to him, you listen to it. You step off your porch steps and begin towards him. He walks toward you as well. Though you have a curious look on your face, the look of shock, happiness, and love on this man's face outmatches yours. When you are mere feet away, he takes a deep breath and swallows the lump in his throat. He looks to his feet.
"I know I am unknown to you. You do not recognize me. A long time ago, I fell in love. The person I loved, who I planned to marry, was taken away from me in a tragic accident before I could do so. I wanted a life with this person. I had to leave for the war, but I said I would be back to make my promise true, but I was too late. It broke my very being, my heart wrenched at the news of the passing. You may not recognize me, but my dear, I recognize you. And if you'd allow me, I would very much like to know more about you."
A moment passes and the breeze brushes your skin yet again.
"You're right. I don't recognize you."
His expression falls for a moment before you continue.
"But you do look very familiar. I know I've never seen you before, but I feel like I should know who you are. I guess only for a quick chat, you can come inside."
Something deep within you trusted this man with everything. You led him to your home and inside. He looked around your home for a moment before following you to your living room. Sitting on the couch, you begin talking. For hours. You talked of his life and his time with your ancestors. You told him of your life. Only after telling him of that, the silence overtook the room. Time seemed to slow down significantly as he slowly started to scoot closer and closer. Soon, his thigh was pressed against yours. His face was inches away, and you could smell his scent. It invaded your thoughts. Soon, the scent alone made your brain so foggy that all you could focus on was his lips and his eyes. The way he would smile and smirk, knowing exactly what you were thinking at that moment. You would look into his eyes and would catch him looking at your lips. He leaned closer, ghosting his lips over yours before teasingly pulling away to bring his lips up next to your ear before gently whispering.
"I want you. So badly."
He says as he kisses the lobe of your ear and moves down slowly to the side of your neck. He kisses there for a few moments before nipping at the sensitive skin there. He chuckles when you gasp loudly. At this point, you both have begun to get restless. He is panting against your neck as he bites and nips at you. Occasionally kisses the place he bit. He is desperate to make his brain realize that this is real and not some cruel dream his mind made up to torture him. You are panting as well at the feeling of his lips working your sensitive skin. He finally begins to stand and grabs your hand to bring you along. He continues to kiss, nip, and suck small bruises in each place his lips touch. He walks you both toward the nearest wall. Your back hits it and he is looking down at you with a look of pure lust. He seems satisfied with his work on your neck before finally moving to your lips. He kisses you, only for a moment before pulling away with a look of heartbreak.
His hands clench in frustration before he unclenches them and places them delicately on your cheeks. His breathing is almost labored.
"I dreamt of you. I wished for you. I searched the world for ways to bring you back to me. If you leave me again, I'm afraid I may never recover. Please, please don't leave me again."
He says as his eyes water slightly. You place a hand on his cheek, leaning close, bringing your lips to his in a sweet and soft kiss. Pulling away, you look into those blue eyes.
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immakuronaakuma · 7 months
If your first villain crush wasn’t Slappy from Goosebumps then your childhood had no meaning.
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the-puppet-mafia · 16 days
I had a question for the Puppet mafia. If someone hugs you, how would y'all react?
I’m so sorry this took so long
Spamton: (he was sitting at his desk so when he saw you walking too him, he thought you were coming to tell him something) Spamton was quite surprised by the hug but after a second he dose hug you back
Jigsaw: (he was to busy writing things down so he didn’t release you were behind him) Jigsaw didn’t even realize you were hugging him till he stopped writing and then he gave you a hug back
Slappy: (he was standing on a balcony outside of a big party drinking a beer so when you walked out he just thought you were just coming to join him) slappy didn’t realize how much he needed a hug so he just stood there until you stoped hugging him
Lilcal: (you two were hanging out in cals room as per usual, you got bored so you hugged him) he was really high so he just automatically hugged you back
Annabelle & Chucky: (you three where laying in bed because in there words you had the best tv, and you had fallen asleep) in your sleep you had unconsciously hugged them like stuffed animals Annabelle didn’t mind but Chucky wasn’t having it so moved out of your hug
Duck: (he was walking out of his research room and he looked really tired so you decided to hug him) he was pleasantly surprised after the hug you two talked while you walked to the kitchen for a snack 
Red guy: (it was the end of the day and he was exhausted) you thought Red didn’t looks so good so you thought you’d give him a hug after you walked up to red you asked him if you could give him a hug red looked at you for a moment then he pulled you into a crushing hug (no Y/Ns were harmed in the making of this story)
Yellow Guy: (he actually hug you first) you were in your office when Yellow Guy came in to your office then he walked behind your desk and gave you a hug 
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cartoonstxrys · 2 years
Imagine walking in the middle of the night on Halloween, looking for a bar to go to, you eventually find one, but when you went inside, you saw all of the famous Slasher characters partying, you thought those were just people in costumes, so you just went inside anyways :3
Idk this is a weird though lol
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ivegotgoosebumps · 3 years
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Ignore this if your requests aren’t open
But if your requests are open could you write for the goosebumps dummies with a partner who struggles/struggled with self harm?
Thank you -w-
Dummies with an s/o who struggles/had struggled with self harm
Slappy just gets angry, he not necessarily at you- but at the fact that life gotten you to this point, though his anger will most certainly come off like it’s directed towards you. He just refuses to allow you near any sharp object, and you’re never left alone. Whether it’s him or one of his minions watching over you, he’s just.. really scared to lose the one good thing he has going for him. It may be best to have a sit-down conversation with him, and figure out more healthy coping mechanisms.
Snappy is incredibly ill-equipped to handle this sort of situation, and might say/do something unintentionally hurtful. He just doesn’t understand what it’s like to be in that situation, so he has a complete lack of perspective. You don’t owe him a conversation about it, or any explanation on your part: he’s grown enough to learn for himself, and when he realizes he’s been more hurtful than harmful.. he’ll attempt to do better, for your sake.
Wally.. gets it, he really does. He’s not typically the most sympathetic guy, but when it comes to you and, well.. this subject. He gets a bit tender-hearted. It’s a hard topic for him, since he does a lot of things that are considerably self-harm, he just can’t stand to see you in that state. He’s not in much better condition, mentally. But.. seeing your scars is enough reasoning for him to help you find healthier outlets, ones he might do as well.. you both gotta get better eventually, right?
Dennis is instantly in tears, he doesn’t intend to make you feel shitty for your acts of self-harm nor shame you- he doesn’t want to shame you, he wants to help you. Though he’s not very sure as to how, you can bet he’ll put hours into research on how to help you. He’ll be your rock, and will listen to you in any way he can, he’ll even attend therapy with you if it helps! though, he won’t be able to do anything but stay limp, since y’know.. not a lot of other people will react well to a living ventriloquist dummy.
Rocky is so broken up about it, he can’t stand to look at your scars, whether new or old. But like dennis, he doesn’t want to shame you, he doesn’t want you to feel like you can’t come to him for help if needed. So, he’ll tend to your scars if they’re fresh, and if they’re old? he’ll just show you how incredibly grateful he is that you’re still here, that he still has you in his life. It still hurts him to see the scarring, but it’d hurt him even more if he did nothing to help you.
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romanticsloths · 4 years
Play Me A Song (Slappy x Reader)
// Middle school me would be fucking quaking right now
You really didn’t have too much going for you before Slappy. The place you called home was a friend’s shed, you dropped out of college, and you couldn’t find a job for your own sake. 
One day your friend knocked on the door of the shed. You rushed to the door, loving the company you had when you got it, which wasn’t very often. 
You couldn’t hide the amount of confusion you felt when you saw him standing there, beaming at you, a dapper ventriloquist dummy in his arms.
“May I just ask,” you started. “What the fuck, Andy?”
“Well,” Andy chuckled sheepishly. “I feel really bad for never being able to be around for you, so I thought the least I could do was offer you company from someone else.”
It was a ridiculous proposition, but you weren’t going to reject the dummy, so you took him. Once Andy left, you ended up throwing the dummy on to a bean bag in the corner of the shed.
Weeks passed before your eyes landed on the dummy once again. You felt a shiver run through your spine as you made eye contact with said dummy. Shaking it off, you walked over to him and lifted him up to get a good look at him.
He had a few chips in his face, but other than that he was in great condition. The thought of selling him crossed your mind but you knew you would feel guilty if you did. 
You sat where the dummy once did and placed him on your lap. “Alrighty, good sir! Lets see how bad I am at this.”
Almost an hour of you trying to figure out how to talk while not moving your mouth, you decided to put the dummy back on the sack of beads. 
As you sat up, the dummy was tilted just enough for a slip of paper to fall out of his pocket. Eyes widening in curiosity, you placed the dummy on the bean bag and knelt down to grab the peace of paper. 
You smiled after you read the small intro on the card. You glanced up at the dummy. “Nice to meet you, Slappy.”
After looking back at the card, you noticed the shadow of more words on the back. You flipped it over and squinted your eyes at the strange words. “Karru Marri Odonna Loma Molonu Karrano?” you said slowly.
You looked back at Slappy in confusion. Your breath caught in your throat as stared at the dummy. You could have sworn you just watched him blink, but that couldn’t be.
You sighed deeply and shook your head. “Great, now I’m going crazy.” You placed the card on a shelf and turned off the lamp, going to bed.
For the next few days, you noticed things would be missing or moved around. You just assumed you had moved them and forgotten about it. You weren’t one to try to spook yourself.
Then finally it all went too far. A envelope full of money that you had been saving for years went missing. Panic set in almost immediately.
You ran around the shed, looking in your desk, under anything you could turn over. Tears built up in your eyes as the fear began to drown you.
“Oh, (Y/N)! I didn’t think you would so worked up over a wad of cash.”
You froze at the sound of the raspy voice. You never noticed anyone else enter the shed. 
You turned to the sound of the voice but all your eyes landed on was the dummy, with a leg crossed over the other and a mischievous smirk planted on his face.
You were paralyzed, part of you wanted to run away as fast as possible, the other wanted your money back.
Slappy’s smirk seemed to widen as he jumped down from the bean bag. “You want it back, don’t you?”
All you could do was nod your head. 
Slappy giggled a highly annoying laugh. “Good! But if you want it back, I’m gonna need your help.”
You needed that money, so you agreed.
As bad as it might sound, having to work for a wooden puppet, it wasn’t all too bad, though you weren’t too on track with the whole taking over the world thing, but who were you to judge.. He actually helped you get back on track.
Slappy helped you get a job, made you save more money than you ever had. He then made you go to college again. You were surprised by the amount of patience he had to put his plans into action, but after learning more about who he was, you guess he had all the time in the world.
You knew Slappy was having you do all these things so you would be more purposeful to him in the future, but it was nice that someone was actually pushing you to be better. When everything started going downhill, no one told you to keep trying, but Slappy has been making sure you stay on top of everything.
After graduating, Slappy made you get a new job, one that paid better. He made you buy a house. After a few more years, you were finally where he wanted you to be. 
You came home from work, it was late at night. It was a rough day. You clenched your fists, trying to make all the negative emotions go away. Slappy didn’t like when you cried, found it annoying. 
You walked into your room and immediately changed into some comfy clothes. Falling on to your bed, you let out a long, deep sigh. You felt like crying, but you really didn’t feel like getting lectured by Slappy.
The tears built up as a lump formed in your throat. Just as a sob was about to escape your lips, your door flew open. 
You choked the sob, trying to hide it. Slappy didn’t seem to notice.
“I think it’s about time we get into the real swing of things.”
You sighed. “Slappy-”
“As you know,” Slappy said cutting you off. “I need your help in achieving my dreams.”
“And I have so many plans!”
“Slappy!” Tears freely glided down your cheeks. 
Slappy’s wide grin fell. “What?”
“Can we please talk about this tomorrow.”
Slappy’s eyes narrowed. You watched as he studied your mixed expressions before finally closing his eyes and sighing. 
“(Y/N)?” he said quietly, as if not to scare you off.
You inhaled deeply. “Yes?”
“Play me a song.”
You shook your head. “Slappy I-”
“Play me a song, (Y/N).”
You watched his eyes follow a falling tear. Slowly, you stood up and walked out of your room. You heard Slappy’s footsteps behind you. 
You walked to the living room where a piano sat against the wall. You pulled the bench out and slowly sat yourself down. 
You had learned some piano as a child, but Slappy wanted you to keep practicing. He enjoyed himself some calming music on the piano.
“Hey,” Slappy snapped, slapping at your back. 
You couldn't help but smile, it always cracked you up when he needed help getting to something. You picked him up and sat him next to you.
“Any requests?” you asked.
“Surprise me.”
You thought for a moment, before remembering a song your mother used to play. You searched through your folder of music, hoping you had it. You smiled once you pulled out the sheet music. 
You placed the music where you wanted it and began to play. You lightly pressed the keys as the soothing melody resonated from the instrument. You had always loved the tune as a child, and that didn’t change now.
As you played the last chord you released the breath you didn’t realize you were holding.
“Very nice,” Slappy complimented. “I haven’t heard you play that one before.”
“I don’t think I ever planned on playing,” you whispered. “Honestly forgot I had gotten it...” Slappy slid off the bench and looked up at you with a smile. “Oh you didn’t get it, I got it for you.”
You turned to him with wide eyes. “Wait what? How did you-”
“I just know.” Slappy started to walk away but was jerked back when you grabbed his hand. He turned to look at you, slightly annoyed.
You smiled at him. You didn’t know when it started, but it felt like he became more like family every day. “Thank you.”
Slappy stared at you for a second before pulling away from you. “Of course.”
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Magic and Monsters
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Champ x Reader
Magic and Monsters
Prompt: I just watched the Goosebumps movie and I was really sad that no one wrote anything for it! So, maybe a oneshot about Champ. You’re Zack’s sister and Champ is just in awe of you and tries to woo you and he thinks it’s futile until it’s the scene on the Ferris wheel and maybe you tell him you like him just in case you both die. And maybe afterward when everything is okay you kiss?
Warnings: None?
Word Count: 1053
Tonight was not going as planned. At all. Your stupid brother had gotten you both into a huge freaking mess complete with a gang of ghouls and a living dummy.
You were currently hiding out in a grocery store with Zack, his new friend Champ, his soon-to-be girlfriend Hannah, and Hannah’s dad, who also happened to be R.L. Stine. Quite a bunch. And then there was you, a White Witch, even though the others were unaware of this fact. Well, until now.
A gigantic snarling werewolf was perched above where Stine was hiding under the table. In the moment before he noticed him, you threw your hand forward, shouting a defense spell.
A flash of white magic shot from your palm, blasting the werewolf to a puddle of ink. Already, it began to reassemble, but the shot of energy had given you all enough time to escape the store, finding refuge in the parking lot outside. This time, when the werewolf attacked, it was taken out by your aunt’s car.
Finally, when there was a calm moment, you finally noticed the look Champ was giving you. His eyes were wide, mouth open in awe. He couldn’t stop looking at you.
“What?” You finally asked.
“That was...the coolest thing ever! How did you do that?” Champ asked. He took one of your hands, turning it over to look at it in hopes of finding an explanation to what you had done inside the store.
“Yeah, I’m gonna second that.” Zack looked at you uncertainly. Not even your own brother had known you could do that.
“I’m a witch. I thought you sort of knew that.”
“I knew you liked candles, but…” Zack shook his head. “Wow, that might have been useful earlier.”
“It’s not exactly something I can control. Next thing you know, I’ll just be another monster on the shelf.”
Champ looked at you sadly, tentatively reaching for your hand.
“I’m not scared of you.” he whispered, his voice growing louder as he became more confident. “Actually, do you want to go out for dinner sometime? I know this great place-”
“I’m not sure now is the time for that.” You cut him off sort of quickly when the group started jogging off towards the graveyard.
He nodded. “Yeah, you’re right.”
The night, just when you thought it couldn’t get any crazier, had led you through a graveyard full of zombies, a crazy high school dance attacked by a giant mantis, and now to an amusement park of all places. As it turned out, Hannah wasn’t all that normal either. She was a ghost. This explained the look she had given you when you talked about being a monster on the shelf.
You were guessing she knew the feeling.
The five of you had hidden in the Funhouse for a hot second, but then Slappy appeared in the mirrors, around every corner and bend. Champ was shaking, fear in his eyes. And as soon as Slappy released the Blob from the book, you grabbed Champ’s wrists and tugged him along with the others.
The only place to hide now was the Ferris Wheel. It was the only place high enough to escape the Blob’s gelatinous mass.
You were crammed between Zack and Champ, heart racing as you watched your brother’s fingers fly across the keyboard.
“The End!” Zack pulled the pages out of the typewriter and jammed them into the manuscript.
“What happens now?!” Champ panicked, looking down at the monsters that were starting to assemble at the bottom of the Ferris Wheel. It was then that the shit hit the fan. The wheel lurched forward, beginning a deadly roll down the hill. You gripped Champ’s hand as tight as you could and raised the other, letting the power flow to your fingertips and then shouting a protective spell.
A wispy ball of white light enveloped the four of you, protecting you from the wind, the gravity, the fall. When you landed, the ball shattered like glass, causing you to collapse on the ground as the four of you were thrown from the cart. Your body felt numb, limbs tingling with the remains of whatever magic you had left.
“(Y/N)! (Y/N)!” Champ, Zack, and Hannah rushed to your side.
“Zack, open the book. I’ll be fine.” Your voice was weak. Champ kneeled beside you, pulling you into his lap. You felt like your arms were noodles, and you could barely move. You couldn’t get your eyes to focus, so everything was blurry, and you couldn’t take a full breath.
Zack’s eyes lingered on yours, waiting to make sure you were okay. He had never seen you like this before, but protecting the group had taken its toll.
“I’ve got her.” Champ promised Zack. Your brother looked at you for a little while longer before venturing out into the clearing with Hannah.
“Champ…” you looked up at him, unable to reach out or do anything more than move your mouth.
“Shhh, it’s okay.” He tried to act calm, but he was freaking out and you could tell. He had never met a witch before, and he didn’t know how to handle this.
“No, listen.” You blinked a few times and exhaled a long breath. “I really like you. And if we get out of this alive, I’d love to go to dinner with you.”
“R-really?” he smiled and laughed a little. “I thought you were gonna say you never wanted to see me again, but that works too.”
You laid there unable to move for several more minutes. Slowly, the feeling was coming back to your numb limbs. You wiggled your fingers, curled your toes, rolled your wrists, and then eventually sat up.
Champ’s eyes widened at the feeling of your lips on his, warm and soft. His eyes were wide and he didn’t how to react. He had never been kissed before. What was he supposed to do with his hands? He felt your hands, soft against his cheeks. And then, when you pulled away, he exhaled a dreamy sigh.
“I’m sorry. You probably weren’t-”
Before you could finish your statement, his arms were tight around you, pulling you close to him.
“I never thought I’d know what magic felt like, but believe me, it was amazing.”
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mercenarypark · 7 years
its 3:30 AM and ive spent the last couple hours at @aphobeasriel ’s stream helping read out loud this god awful slappy the dummy x reader “suicide squad” themed 18 chapter fic
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the-puppet-mafia · 11 months
ok so most of you wanted some puppet mafia oneshots so in the comments give me some ideas
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Slappy dating HCS
(i’ve got slappy brain rot lmfao)
Despite him constantly feeding into his own ego, he does care for you! And he shows it in a number of ways such as physical touch, words of affirmation, and quality time.
FREQUENTLY uses pet names for you, depending on what you prefer and what your gender is, he might call you things like “sweetheart”/“sugar”/“doll”/“Handsome”/“Gorgeous.”/“hon”.
Did I mention he’s also the most jealous little shit imaginable? it’s not to the point where anyone gets hurt, it’s more so on the level of a frustrated puppy. It’s not that he doesn’t trust you! he just doesn’t trust other people.
Want to know how to make a dummy blush? easy, compliment him! tell him how dashing he looks in his suit, how smart he is when he comes up with his insane plans, how cute his laugh is- he’ll try to brush it off of course but you can see how his whole body tenses and how his jaw tightens.
He also does have quite the staring problem with you, he just thinks you’re so fascinating. You could be just watching a show he’s doing with Jimmy with the biggest grin on your face, or doing something you like, or sleeping! the sleeping one has actually been a recurring issue.
Since he’s a dummy and doesn’t really have a source of income, he often uses his magic to get his hands on some gifts for you! Which is often jewelry, little trinkets, candy, basically stuff that’s easy for him to steal.
now you may be wondering, what are dates with him like? like mentioned prior, he has no money! so you guys settle on easy dates at your house, at the theater where he forces jimmy to do your every bidding (what a gentleman), or picnics at night in your local park, which has to be at night so people don’t think you’re odd for talking to an unresponsive dummy.
all in all, he’s aware he can be a lot sometimes, which makes him love and value you all the more. You’re his biggest supporter, and you keep him from doing anything too stupid, which makes you the perfect partner in his eyes.
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