#rocky the dummy x reader
Ignore this if your requests aren’t open
But if your requests are open could you write for the goosebumps dummies with a partner who struggles/struggled with self harm?
Thank you -w-
Dummies with an s/o who struggles/had struggled with self harm
Slappy just gets angry, he not necessarily at you- but at the fact that life gotten you to this point, though his anger will most certainly come off like it’s directed towards you. He just refuses to allow you near any sharp object, and you’re never left alone. Whether it’s him or one of his minions watching over you, he’s just.. really scared to lose the one good thing he has going for him. It may be best to have a sit-down conversation with him, and figure out more healthy coping mechanisms.
Snappy is incredibly ill-equipped to handle this sort of situation, and might say/do something unintentionally hurtful. He just doesn’t understand what it’s like to be in that situation, so he has a complete lack of perspective. You don’t owe him a conversation about it, or any explanation on your part: he’s grown enough to learn for himself, and when he realizes he’s been more hurtful than harmful.. he’ll attempt to do better, for your sake.
Wally.. gets it, he really does. He’s not typically the most sympathetic guy, but when it comes to you and, well.. this subject. He gets a bit tender-hearted. It’s a hard topic for him, since he does a lot of things that are considerably self-harm, he just can’t stand to see you in that state. He’s not in much better condition, mentally. But.. seeing your scars is enough reasoning for him to help you find healthier outlets, ones he might do as well.. you both gotta get better eventually, right?
Dennis is instantly in tears, he doesn’t intend to make you feel shitty for your acts of self-harm nor shame you- he doesn’t want to shame you, he wants to help you. Though he’s not very sure as to how, you can bet he’ll put hours into research on how to help you. He’ll be your rock, and will listen to you in any way he can, he’ll even attend therapy with you if it helps! though, he won’t be able to do anything but stay limp, since y’know.. not a lot of other people will react well to a living ventriloquist dummy.
Rocky is so broken up about it, he can’t stand to look at your scars, whether new or old. But like dennis, he doesn’t want to shame you, he doesn’t want you to feel like you can’t come to him for help if needed. So, he’ll tend to your scars if they’re fresh, and if they’re old? he’ll just show you how incredibly grateful he is that you’re still here, that he still has you in his life. It still hurts him to see the scarring, but it’d hurt him even more if he did nothing to help you.
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cherryslyce · 2 years
Second Son (IV) | Regulus Black
Series Synopsis: Forbidden from contacting Harry over the summer, you opt to explore the eerie halls of Grimmauld Place where you stumble upon a lonely portrait of the House's second son.
— Chapter Synopsis: Dumbledore's Army gears up in the Room of Requirements and Regulus reveals information that demonstrates the extent of his magical prowess.
Part III / Part V / Series Masterlist
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Pairing: Regulus Black x Gender Neutral Reader
Notes: Not canon compliant, Tweaks to canon magic, Cursing
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Harry made a fine teacher and if you weren't positive that he was leaning towards becoming an auror, you would have jumped at the chance to sing his praises to Dumbledore.
The meeting at Hog's Head started off rocky, but by the end of the trio's speech, everyone was convinced to sign the membership paper that carved their fates.
Of course, Umbridge somehow had ears and eyes everywhere and not even a week went by before she became suspicious of your group.
Thus, her proclamation for the dissolution of all student organizations went into effect.
Bloody ministry folks and their paranoia.
Regulus found her "Educational Decrees" to be the most ridiculous abuse of power and you had never seen him so fired up about something before.
He sure did take education seriously.
Despite Umbridge's warnings, everyone who was a part of the D.A showed their commitment by attending every meeting regardless. Soon, the tense air that uneased everyone dissipated as lively chatter and adrenaline dominated the space.
Your latest meeting in the Room of Requirements left you flabbergasted by the depth of skill and perseverance shown by a few individuals.
Currently, you were lazing on your bed, fawning over everyone's progress, "Hm, Reg, you should have seen it. Ginny's reducto was truly marvelous."
Your eyes glitter as you recall the moment Ginny managed to absolutely demolish the practice dummy, stunning her older brothers into silence.
Which reminded you that you would need to ask her about her acclaimed Bat-Bogey hex in the future.
"No need for me to see it. I heard it. Indeed, she is quite a formidable witch."
There was a weird edge to his tone, but you tried not to think much of it because you were having a strange gut feeling that he was off-put by your praise towards Ginny.
He was being quite strange today.
You still weren't quite sure how far you could push him for answers and the last thing you wanted was for your friendship to be strained.
Instead, you opted to gloss over your observation and continue rambling on. It was currently past curfew and you had warded your bed with silencing charms a couple of times, too paranoid to risk exposing Regulus.
There was a certain subject that you couldn't help but dwell on. Frankly, it was eating away at your patience and sanity.
After a few moments, you worked up the courage to bring it up, "Reg."
You hesitated, peering down at him and meeting his attentive gaze, "This is going to sound crazy, but do you think there's any way for you to... not be a painting? I mean, I've just been wondering about it. Like, what if I could somehow bring you into the physical plane."
"Is that why your head has been up in the clouds so much, little bird?" He smiles teasingly at your offended look, having taken a liking to ruffling your feathers as of late.
(Fuck. Did you just accidentally make a pun out of that nickname?)
You gape at him before replying, more flusteredly than you appreciated, "Little bird? I know you said that to throw me off, Reg. So, don't try to change the topic!"
Regulus sighs quietly before looking at you steadily, "I just don't want you to be disappointed, Y/N. You shouldn't worry about me, I'll be just fine as your personal pocket portrait."
He pauses before continuing, posture growing rigid at his next words, "Besides, I don't need you experimenting with dangerous magic. In fact, that is the last thing I want you to do."
He fixes you with a stern look, eyebrows raising in challenge.
You nod in defeat, deciding to file away your thoughts for another time. It wouldn't do any good to try and bring Regulus back while Voldemort was still running amuck, anyway.
Successfully placated, you conceded, "Okay. I just care a lot about you is all. Promise you'll tell me if you become dissatisfied with this arrangement."
He smiled faintly, shaking his head in fondness, "I know. I promise I will. But you don't have to worry your little head about it anytime soon."
His teasing was insufferable. But you‘d let him win the argument this time.
Your heart was racing in your chest and you flipped over onto your back, dazedly staring up at the canopy of curtains above your bed.
You were growing worried. At first you had assumed you were suffering from a minor medical condition, after all your heart had some pretty brutal scares from the twins over the summer. But as time passed, you concluded that you were suffering from a crush.
A minute, itty-bitty crush. On Regulus.
Who were you kidding. You were smitten for a bloody portrait. It was incredulous. Seriously, you were tempted to ask for a psych evaluation, but Madam Pomfrey would likely dose you into a coma and have Dumbledore ship you off to St. Mungo's.
But, the more you thought about it, the more you realized that Regulus wasn't just some dusty painting. He was vibrant and sarcastic. He could read you like an open book and he always looked out for you.
He was so alive.
Whoever had painted him captured his magical essence and personality so well, you were almost certain that he was exactly like his deceased, human counterpart.
Really, you couldn't decide if you were grateful towards the artist or if you wanted to hex them for making you feel the way you did.
You were like a bloody crup puppy tripping over your own tail for him.
How maddening.
Luckily, you didn't have much time to beat yourself up over it as Harry had approached you the very next morning with his own romantic dilemma.
"So...you guys kissed?"
You teetered with your thoughts for a few seconds, trying to make sense of Harry's grimace, "And it wasn't...ideal?"
"Well, she was crying so it was more wet and salty than anything."
"Bloody hell. Was that your first kiss, Harry?"
The boy gapes at the question and seems to come to a realization, lips furling down at whatever he was thinking about.
You couldn't stop the chuckle from leaving your lips, laying a comforting hand on your friend's shoulder, "It's okay, Harry. Besides, now you can move on from her. Plus, not everyone can say that their first kiss was with their first crush."
The boy shakes his head to rid of his thoughts, fixing his glasses (a habit you noticed he did whenever he was stressed).
Sighing, you tilt your head, "I'm assuming there's more to this story then?"
Harry looks like he's conflicted on whether or not to answer, but ultimately gives in, "She was crying over Cedric."
Ah, shit.
You eloquently mustered up a quiet, "Oh."
Harry nods along as if he was used to being the scapegoat of all of the universe's jokes. You couldn't help but feel terrible for your friend, it seemed that every school year was more traumatizing than the last.
"Don't worry, Harry. You're both going through your own issues, and you'll have plenty of chances at love in the future. Plus, you're going to look bloody cool today when you demonstrate that Patronus charm of yours."
Regulus had worn you down with his teaching, but you could perform most of the spells in the curriculum in your sleep now. The only spell you had never attempted before was the Patronus charm, always being daunted by the difficult spell.
Harry seems to perk up a little at your words and you could see the gears turning as he planned out his approach to the next lesson.
He really would make a fantastic professor.
A little bit later, after your classes, you figured that you could chat with Regulus for a bit before the D.A. meeting. As you tugged the curtains to cover your bed, casting a silencing spell, you quickly pulled Regulus out of your robe pocket.
You couldn't help the bright smile that overtook your face at the sight of him, "Hey there, Reg."
The boy smiles gently at your excitement before it's wiped away by a serious look. He was certainly much warmer with you than when you first met, but he was still quite guarded.
No matter. You were stubborn. You could wait for him to open up.
"Little bird. Did you want to discuss Harry's unfortunate love life or did you want to learn the Patronus charm ahead of time?"
You groan a little at the nickname, "I swear, I need to come up with a nickname for you now. But, wait, Reg, you can cast a patronus?"
The boy looks ready to retort, but you're quick to clarify your words, "I mean, not that I doubt your skills. It's just that I've always assumed that..."
Regulus, luckily, is not offended by your explanation and saves you from your fumbling, "That death eaters are incapable of casting it, right? Well, you're not wrong in the assumption. To my knowledge, many are unable to. I know the mechanisms of the spell, but I have only ever been able to cast it once."
Merlin, why did you even ask, he was literally capable of everything.
"Once? While you were still a student here, then?" Your defeated mumble of questions only slightly gave away your disappointment at his inability to be flawed.
Regulus looks as if he was expecting the question, a small smile tugging at his lips, "No. I was able to cast it after my death."
After his death?
Your eyes were nearly bulging from your head, "Portraits have the capabilities to cast magic? No. No, that's just a you thing, right? Merlin, I was already in awe by how sentient you are, but this exceeds all my expectations."
Yes, Regulus was flawless. He was not merely blessed by Mother Magic, he was dearly loved by her.
Your nerves were buzzing and you were suddenly more awake than you were before. While you brung your finger to run along the frame of his portrait, Regulus seemed to finish gathering his thoughts.
It appeared that he was debating whether or not he should satiate your curiosity. Apparently, this topic was another one of his secrets.
Crossing his arms lightly across his chest, he answers quietly, "Yes, it is highly uncommon for any portrait to be as aware as I. Being able to cast magic was more of an experimentation of mine. Many wizards and witches do not delegate the necessary time frame to their portraits so it may be this nuanced. They usually only cover the basics: appearance, humor, and eccentricity. But, I just happened to spend many years before my death transferring all my knowledge and memories into this portrait."
"Years?" you echoed.
"Years." He nodded in confirmation, eyes unfocusing as he seemed to delve into past memories, "I always knew I'd take his mark growing up, so I commissioned for a portrait to be done beforehand. Luckily, I had it repainted over shortly before my death."
His explanation is a heavy, but not an unwelcome one.
So this was what Regulus looked like before he died. He was so young. You had always assumed that his portrait looked like him years before his passing.
The gears in your head were turning as you processed this new information, realizing that likely, very few people were privy to this knowledge on portraits.
For the sake of the wizarding world, you would keep this information from public ears.
It would be cataclysmic to have Voldemort live on and command his followers through a portrait.
"Thank you for telling me, Reg. I appreciate it."
The boy simply nods, a heavy weight seemingly easing off his shoulders. This was the first time he had divulged heavy information about his past, and despite how fleeting it was, you were appreciative nonetheless.
Suddenly a realization hit you and you perked up on the spot, "Wait, Reg. You said you can cast the patronus charm, right? Was it corporeal?"
Regulus doesn't grace you with an answer, but the twinkle in his eye and the smirk on his face already told you everything you needed to know, a youthful glow suddenly shrouding his face. Unbelievable. A bloody portrait casted a fully corporeal patronus before you.
Your awe only grows once the D.A. meeting starts.
Harry doesn't even begin the meeting by saying anything, he simply takes his wand out and casts his spell into the air with a firm Expecto Patronum.
A burst of bright, blue light whirls like a tide before manifesting into a large stag, the light of the patronus illuminating Harry's gleeful eyes.
Everyone in the room stares in wonder as his patronus galianty runs in circles above their heads before bursting into a sprint through the wall, disappearing, just as Harry tucks his wand away.
"Well that's one hell of an opening."
Your words are met with a few nods and chuckles as Harry grins in your direction. Harry then begins to break down the wand movements necessary to cast the charm and supplies everyone with tips on how to cast it quicker.
You were not going to let Regulus beat you out, you were going to cast a bloody patronus today if it's the last thing you'd do. So you continue to listen to (Professor) Harry attentively, fiddling with your wand in anticipation.
You remember what Harry had told you in third year, the year he learned to cast it. You needed to bring forth a strong, happy memory in your head.
Taking in a deep breath, you maneuver your wand in front of you and narrow your eyes into the air, almost as if willing your patronus to sprout from your wand just from desire alone.
A happy memory. Happy. First year. Meeting Harry, Ron, and Hermione. Running around Hogwarts and beating up the troll in the lavatory. —You wondered if Harry's memory had anything to do with your friend group.
The little blue light that peeked from your wand immediately evaporated as you lost concentration, causing you to silently curse yourself. Focus.
Happy. Third year. Sneaking around with your friends and watching Harry blast Snape across the Shrieking Shack. Happy. Fourth year. Laughing with Ron as Harry got flustered around Cho. Happy. Happy. Finding Regulus.
The small wisp of blue light that you conjured grows a little bigger and brighter.
Yes. Regulus.
Laughing with Regulus. Laughing at Regulus. Learning from Regulus.
Making Regulus smile for the first time in the disappearing room at Grimmauld Place.
Regulus giving you his ring. Feeling the cool silver against your skin for the first time. Watching Regulus‘ eyes unconsciously drift towards the ring whenever you waved your hands around.
Suddenly, you're pulled from your thoughts by a sudden burst of blue light in front of you. You are still rather overwhelmed by the thought of Regulus. Until you're not.
You don't exactly register the next few moments of time, being vaguely aware of Harry's shout of pride and everyone's murmurs of awe.
No, you're too distracted. Not because it was the thought of Regulus that allowed you to cast a fully corporeal patronus.
No, it's because as you're watching your patronus move around in the air, you realize that you're screwed.
A sparrow. A little bird.
Your patronus. Did it manifest from how much you secretly enjoyed the nickname? If so, you certainly did not like the implications of that.
The sparrow circles around your stunned body one last time before flying through the ceiling and disappearing. Your shock recedes as you see Ginny and Luna successfully cast their patronuses as well, just in time for a deep rumble to reverberate around the walls.
Turning to face the entrance of the room, dust clouds your vision as your ears begin to ring. Rubble lays astrew on the floor and you blurrily bring your hand to swat away the dust in front of you, feeling someone grasp at your shoulder to keep you upright.
As the dust settles and you're pushed back into the coherence of reality, you bring your gaze towards the perpetrator.
Standing proudly at the newly blasted hole in the wall were Umbridge and the Inquisitorial Squad, a shamefaced Cho held by Draco's side.
Merlin be damned. Harry's love life is a proper mess.
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tag list: @krazyk99 @venomsvl @valsarchives @bunny24sstuff @novella12nite @elia-the-bibliophile @txoru @surelysherly
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daffodildelight · 2 years
Enemies (Part One) | Shuntarō Chishiya x Reader
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Title: Enemies (Part One) 
Pairing: Shuntarō Chishiya x fem!reader
Summary: You and Chishiya always had a rocky ‘friendship’ if you would even call it that. But feels get revealed under intense pressure
Themes/Warnings: fluff, guns, season 2 spoilers
Word count: 2500sh
A/N: So unedited, will deal with it later. First ever fanfic lol so please be nice, made this in under 3 hours.
You and Chishiya always had a rocky relationship, you had arrived at The Beach after him but slowly made your way up the ranks. Becoming semi-close friends with the Hatter can do that for you. Since you were making your way up the ranks you began getting close with all the high-ranking members, you got along with most of them except for Niragi and Chishiya. Niragi because he saw you as a piece of meat and you would do all your power to get away from him and Chishiya because in you’re eyes he sees you as a weak little girl.
But your relationship with Chishiya started to change leading up to the 10 of hearts games. He would start to act nicer towards you, making sure you had arrived from your game unscathed or even trying to make conversation with you. You had to admit, it was kind of nice. But you also found this rather confusing so you went to the one person who you could get answers from Hikari Kuina.
You found Kuina sitting in the main bar at the beach, wearing her signature blue bathing suit while chewing on her dummy cigarette. ‘’Now look what the cat dragged in, how are you doing (Y/N)’’ she looked genuine when she says this but you can see a little glint in her eye. ‘’I know you and Chishiya have gotten closer in the past few months and I was wondering if I could ask a question?’’ You tried to sound as neutral as possible but Kuina could always see right through you. ‘’Let me guess, it has to do with our mutual friend Chishiya?’’ she smirked, always right on target.
‘’Yeah, why has he been checking up on me lately? It’s getting kind of weird because it’s not in his personality. Is he trying to use my connection with Hatter to get something? I mean it’s the only logical reason’’ Kuina laughed at your comment. ‘’Only logical reason! I’ll tell you this right now but you can’t repeat this to anyone, he totally has the hots for you.’’ Now it’s you bursting into laughter. ‘’Very funny Kuina, tell me the real reason why.’’. Kuina looks stunned ‘’You know I would never lie to you (Y/N)’’. Giving up on your line of question you left with a ‘’yeah whatever.’’
A few days passed, and tensions are rising within The Beach, you can feel it. Ever since Aguni has taken over from the sidelines things are going from bad to worse. Chishiya seems more in his head than usual. You were hanging out in the bar when suddenly the P.A. went off. ‘’We would like to take this opportunity to sincerely thank you for staying at Seaside Paradise, Tokyo…’’ A man with a calming voice spoke on the P.A. Everyone at the bar looked around confused as were you, then the man continues ‘’As a token of our appreciation, we will now commence a game with all 59 participants in the venue…’’ All the TV’s around the room flash with one image which gains everyone's interest. The 10 of Hearts. The Beach is a venue and it’s a 10 of hearts game? You were not looking forward to this. ‘’All participants must assemble in the lobby immediately. The rules of the game will be explained.’’ There was a feeling in your stomach that this game was gonna cause massive problems. So you and everyone else in the bar migrated into the lobby and grabbed one of the many phones on the table to register for the game.
While waiting for all the players to arrive you make eye contact with Chishiya from across the room, none of you pulls away and it was probably the first time you never felt a dislike towards him, instead it was something much different. My focus was pulled away when someone yells ‘’Momoka!’’ and there she was living lifeless on the floor with her orange and white striped bikini knife stabbed into her heart. Being a part of the games you had seen lots of death but watching it be someone who lives in the house as you and has been helping you since you arrived sets a horrible gut feeling within you. A ding rings from the phone in your hands which now gains your attention. ‘’Game, witch hunt. The murderous witch who killed this girl is hiding amongst you in plain sight. The witch role is not limited to women. To clear the game you must find the witch and burn him or her in the fire of judgement. Time limit: 2 hours.’’ Massive roars were held within the lobby and you knew things were gonna go south within seconds. As you were trying to think of a plan to do anything Chishiya carefully grabs you by the arm and walks you away from the group in the lobby without raising any suspicion. He leads you through multiple corridors and rooms before placing you in a wardrobe. ‘’Things are going to turn into shit (Y/N), stay in here and don’t the door open for anyone except me, I’ll get you when this is finished.’’ Chishiya gets up to close the door before you ask: ‘’Why are you doing this? How do you know I’m not the witch?’’.Chishiya looks at you carefully. ‘’Because I need to know that your gonna be safe, and I know your not the witch because your not the type to kill a person (Y/N).’’ He then leaves through the door and you stay in the closet. After around 10 minutes you believe this to be a good idea because you can lot of screaming and multiple gunshots.
After what seems like an hour and a half sitting in a closet listening to screams Chishiya opens the door and pulls you out of the closet. The hallways were full of smoke and dead bodies on the floor. Chishiya takes you to Kuina and you guys make your way to god knows where. ‘’Will someone please tell me what's happening? Who’s the witch? Where’s Hatter and Aguni? Where are we even going?’’ you groaned loudly while walking barefoot into the city. ‘’Everything will be explained to you soonly (Y/N)’’.
You make your way through some ground tunnels until you reach a room with loads of dead bodies and computer scenes. Then you finally explode. ‘’What the fuck is happening!? Someone explain everything to me now! I'm so confused… where are we? Where’s hatter?” Chishiya sits me down and gives it to me straight, how hatter died a few days ago and thats why aguni took over. How Asahi told everyone she was the dealer of the game, and why Momoka killed herself because she was the witch. It was very hard to listen but Chishiya sits next to me and comforts me the best way he knows how. By stroking my hair, it was really nice minus the horrible things he was telling but all that stopped when we heard footsteps coming towards the computer scenes.  Arisu and Usagi walk through the darkness and Chishiya make us known to them. “So you actually found this place. I expected no less from you. Thanks to you two, I have all the numbered playing cards right here. Thank you.’’ Chishiya looks as smug as ever, you can’t help but feel a little bit more attracted to him.
Conversations were exchanged between the four of them, trying to figure out how each person got to the same place, and what even was this place. You tune yourself out of the conversation and decided to turn and sort out your conflicted feelings. Why did Chishiya save you? You don’t have anything to bring to the table, maybe a few hand-to-hand combat skills but that’s it. Why are you even having feelings for Chishiya? This was starting to get very annoying for you but your train of thought cuts out when all the screens turn on and you see Mira walk into the shot. Everyone exchanged confused glances. She goes on to explain how there are going to be new games and these games will be the ‘face’ card games. But it left all of us wondering, when will we ever get back home?
We all make our way into the centre of Tokyo trying to think about the new information Mira has given us. We look out into the streets of Tokyo and see multiple huge blimps with different kinds of face cards on them. One huge billboard with ‘Next Stage: Start’’ written on it. ‘’None of the games has started yet’’ spoke Arisu standing in the middle of the group looking so tired. ‘’Maybe we still have time’’ Usagi spoke next trying to reassure Arisu. ‘’Or they forgot to push the big red start button’’ Chishiya replied, Arisu and Usagi turned around and gave Chishiya a look, and I couldn’t help but give a chuckle. I noticed Chishiya smirk a little. ‘’They didn’t tell us about the rules for this one.’’ Signs Kuina. Everyone in the group continues to look around confused. Usagi looks like she notices something. ‘’What is it?’’ I ask with Chishiya to my right. ‘’I hear something’’ Usagi replies and looks towards the street. We all turn and watch the street with her. Multiple cars approach us, and I recognise them as Beach people. They all hop out of their cars and Arisu goes to investigate. ‘’What is this? What are you doing here?’’ He asks one of the members. The members of The Beach go on to say ‘’We saw the blimps show up, there are rumours that the next stage is starting’’. Arisu getting a little frustrated says ‘’Right… here's the thing’’ Suddenly the members of The Beach are getting shot down.
‘’A riffle, get moving,’’ Chishiya says in a weirdly calm way when people around him are dying. ‘’That thing is an anti-tank rifle. So I’d forget about hiding behind a car.’’ He tells the group. I decided to take initiative for Chishiya at this moment, I grab his arm and we follow Arisu towards some buildings. Chishiya runs ahead of me and covers me with the rifle. When the group meets behind the building Kuina asks ‘’Does this means the game started?’’ Chishiya quickly replies ‘’I don’t know’’. Kuina continues ‘’Did they give us any rules?’’ We slowly make our way around the building. ‘’Without rules this is just a massacre’’ Shouts Arisu. ‘’That rifle can kill from about a kilometre away,’’ Chishiya tells the group, he goes from covering me to holding my waist if not for the adrenaline I would assume my bodies reacting like this because of him. Different sounds now come from the gun. ‘’And now we’ve got an assault rifle.’’ Chishiya continues. We all huddle as a group and give comments about things we are witnessing and ideas on what could be happening. ‘’Maybe there are different shooters’’ Usagi speaks up, ‘’Other players are grouping up, I didn’t know there were this many players left’’ Kuina adds. ‘’There almost here!’’ Arisu shouts and backs away from the mysterious shooter. ‘’Let's go!’’ Arisu yells while taking the group back into the street. ‘’I don’t think this is a good idea Arisu!’’ I yell in hopes he can hear me but the blast from the rifle is too much. ‘’We need to split up’’ Chishiya yells and grabs me by the hand and pulls me from the group.
Chishiya and I start sprinting down the street, hands holding each other while bodies fall all around us. I trip on a rock and Chishiya is there to scoop me up from the ground and we continue running. Hands still interlocked tugging each other towards different directions. I see Kuina from a distance and drag Chishiya with me to catch up with her. Kuina looked grateful that somebody else was with her and the 3 of us crouched behind a car. Kuina looks down and see’s Chishiya and I’s hands interlocked. She gives me a knowing look and I turn around to focus on more important things like Arisu and Usagi running along the opposite side of the road trying to help somebody. I make eye contact with Arisu: ‘’Are you trying to get killed out there!’’ with that comment the gunman takes fire in our direction. I hide back behind the car. My back is up against Chishiya's torso and I can feel his breath on my neck. Kuina speaks up ‘’Where are they shooting from anyway?’’ we then hear a loud rumbling from above us and see the huge blimp with a kind of spade flag hanging below it. ‘’Huh, he must be the king of spades’’ Chishiya tells us he then turns to me. ‘’Take this it’s a good luck charm’’ He gives me a handmade explosive. ‘’Thank you Chishiya, I don’t know what to say’’ I can’t believe Chishiya would give up an explosive for me. ‘’Just use it if you have to.’’ and he gives me a smile. I turn to look away feeling a bit flustered but then I notice a man dressed in a long dark black cloak. I point towards him and direct Chishiya and Kuina towards what I’m looking at. ‘’That must be the king of spades’’ I whisper lightly. Chishiya whispers back into my ear ‘’I think your right’’ I turn around to say something but got caught looking into his eyes. My concentration on his eyes disappears when Kuina spots Arisu, Usagi and some random dead guy in the car next to us. ‘’Hey! You two okay? You hurt?’’ Kuina pipes up, and Chishiya gives them a wave. Shots continue to fire as we hide behind the car. ‘’We’re pinned down here’’ I say loud enough for us to hear. ‘’If we step out, he’ll get us!’’ Usagi replies. All of us try to figure out a plan to get out of there but nothing seems to be working out and the king of spades is getting closer. My train of thought gets broken when I green car that I’ve noticed from the beach before pulls in front of us honking its horn. ‘’Get in!’’ yells Tatta from the passenger seat. ‘’Tatta!?’’ Arisu and I yell in surprise and relief. ‘’Don’t just stand there!’’ someone yells from the driver's seat. ‘’Ann!’’ Kuina yells. Usagi and Arisu are the first to make their way to the car followed by Kuina, me and Chishiya. Ann opens the passenger seat and Arisu, Usagi and Kuina make it safely. Different story for Chishiya and me. A grenade is thrown towards the car door and Chishiya stops me from walking on it. ‘’That’s bad. Get going!’’ He yells towards Ann.
In a split-second decision, I decided to kick the grenade towards the kings of spades will Chishiya grabs my hand and tugged me the other way. ‘’(Y/N)! Chishiya!’’ I hear Kuina yell from the car. Chishiya pulls me behind a car and uses his body to shield me from the blast. At that moment I’m glad that I was stuck with Chishiya because I know that if I had to pick anyone out of the group to survive with it would be him and unfortunately for us, we won’t be seeing the group in a while.
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bo0neey · 1 month
Beyond The Void
Pairing: Morro x reader, Lloyd x reader
Fandom: Ninjago
Synposis: A dormant elemental master is awoken, the master of the void. She reins over and controls the space between life and death. Someone/s have slipped through in your absence, how will you put things right?
Type: Multi-Chapter (1/4)
Note: Expect lots of angst going forwards.
Chapter 1 - Concequences
Heavy eyelids rise at the soft whisper. Winds rush past your face, scratching and biting your nose. Your stood on the side of a mountain. A tall, farmiliar one overlooking a town. Or what was a town.
Ninjago looked different; the small town was long and dense, the huts grew tall and strong, the dirt paths bore moving boxes. It had become a bustling city.
Your eyes weren't the only of your senses to be overwhelmed. Your ears were filled with heavy sounds and your lungs felt thick and dirty.
How long had you withdrawn? Years? Centuries? Maybe a whole lifetime had slipped past your fingertips.
Time did not wait for anyone.
"A monastery? You expect me to learn to fight in a place of peace?"
Your mindless wandering is interrupted. Your legs begin to ascend further up the rocky steps, one after another in a strangely farmiliar pattern. One you felt you've done hundreds of times before.
You reach the top of the path and halt. Your breath is ripped from your chest as a wave of nostalgia takes its place.
The monastery hadn't changed one bit. It was as though it had sat outside of time itself. And clearly so did he: Sensai wu. Your sensai. The man that was sipping his tea.
He was sat watching a late tean with spikey hair attempt an obstacle course. It held the same puzzles and dummies yourself and peers had become aquanted with years before. "Not fight, train"
The young man was growing agitated, yelling and fighting with a sloppy technique. "This is a waste of time!" He mutters while stomping back inside. His dummy stands undamaged and sensai sits unmoving. An air of peace takes over the monastery.
You move closer to sit next to your sensai. The comfort he provided never wavered. "Sensai?"
He turns his frail head in your direction, his eyes meet your own. He can see you!
He can finally see you again.
Your energy jolts out in numerous incoherent sentences surround the topics of: "What happened? Why couldn't you see me anymore? Why was I asleep so long?"
Only your voice falls on deaf ears. He continues staring at you. Or through you. No acknowledgement of your presence next to him.
Was this just your fate? Cursed to watch and never interfere. A concequence for your inaction.
Maybe nothing has changed.
End of Chapter 1
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Thank you so much for reading <33
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colesluvr · 1 year
REQ: Heyy :]I don't know if you still accept requests, but maybe could you write a GN!reader × Lloyd? Like Lloyd had been busy lately and it's the readers birthday but he forgets? I leave your imagination the rest of it, but please let it end in Fluff cause one more Lloyd angst oneshot from ANYTHING and i will break LMAOOO
Birthday Surpise: Lloyd Garmadon x GN Reader
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TO ALL MY OTHER ANONS WHO REQ'D: i have not forgotten about the rest of you, yall are coming up next 🫶
B/D : birthday day (monday, tuesday, wednesday, thursday, friday, saturday, sunday)
"Lloyd?" You called out to yourboyfriend who was training out by the courtyard. He seemed foucsed because he never noticed your presence. He aims the tip of his sword to the neck of the dummy he was currently training with. 
You stood on the side of the courtyard, slowly moving around to face Lloyd from a distance. 
"Lloyd?" You once again called, and this time your eyes caught a glimpse of a energy blast zoom it's way toward you. You reflexed fast and dodged it, the blast hitting the wall leaving a burnt mark. 
Lloyd called out, running up to you as you stood up, rubbing your arm. "Are you crazy?" 
"Sorry," Lloyd awkwardly rubbed the back of his neck, "I-I didn't think anyone would be up this hour." He was right. The time was 7am. Everyone else is probably still asleep, or awake up in their rooms doing whatever. 
"Sure, but you could've done much worse then make a burnt mark on the wall." 
Lloyd aplogized once again, checked for wounds, and went back to the middle of the courtyard to countine training.
"Hm?" He replied, landing a hit on the dummy.
"Well," You began, "I was thinking about something."
He nod, telling you keep talking. You stepped down on the rocky path and made your way toward him as you spoke, "I was wondering if you wanted to hang out with me today! Y'know, because it's nice and early and your already awake?" 
Lloyd paused to look at you, "I'm sure, but not for long. I've been sloopy durning training sessions with the others. Trying to get better, but I'm sure we can get an hour in together. 
"Just one hour?"
Will that be enough time? 
"I mean, yeah, why not. I'm sorry babe,but I really gotta focus today." 
You took a miunte to think, "Lloyd, do you know what today is?" 
Lloyd slammed the dummy to the floor, it bouncing back up in less then 2 seconds and paused to think, "Uhm. B/D?" 
You waited to see if he'll continue, but he didn't.
"Yes, but what's special about this day?"
"Y/N, what are you talking about? It's a normal B/D. Look, I'm pretty busy right now, how about we plan tomorrow? I'll take you to your favorite-"
"Forget it." You waved off the ninja, making you way back inside in the Monestary. Lloyd raised an eyebrow, but shugged off your sudden outburts.
Inside the Monestary, you felt tears begin to build up in your eyes. How could he forget your birthday? Is is Ninja business more importabnt then you?  You walked down the hall, trying to cover our mouth to prevent you from sobbing out loud. 
Why are you even crying? Its not our fault he forgot, he should be the one feeling your pain. 
Sudden;y, you bumped into a figue the walked out of a room. In a panic you wiped your eyes as you made eye contact with the person.
"Zane." You chuckled, "Sorry, I wasn't paying attention." 
"It's quite alright, Y/N. What are you doing up so early?" Zane asked, looking at you. He noticed your eyelids were red but didn't say anything about it until you replied to his question. 
"Oh, I-I just said hi to Lloyd, I-I'm heading back to my room."
Before he could say anythin you push by him but pause, "Zane, do you know what today is?" 
"Well, of course I do. Happy birthday, Y/N."
You smiled softly, thanking him and returning to your room. He watched as you entered your rooom beside Nya's and Kai's. 
It was now later in the morning, around 9AM. Lloyd came back from outside and he was done training for a couple of hours. At least 1 or 2 he told himself.
As he entered the kitchen, he ran into Zane who was finishing up breakfast. "Good morning, Lloyd. Have you finished training?" 
Lloyd smieles as he sits at the table, "Yeah. I am." Lloyd soon looked around the room. With the corner of his eye he spots ballons and banners in a supply closet. He tilted his head to the side, "We still have these? I thought we put them away after Nya's birthday last month?" He said as he took a sip of water that Zane placed down for him. 
"Well, we did put them away, but I took them back out for Y/N's birthday today-" 
The sound of Lloyd spitting water out of his mouth caused Zane to jump slighty, obviously not expecting it. "WHAT?" He basically shouted, wiping his chin. "It's for Y/N's birthday today, I asked Cole to assit me in putting up the banners and Nya and Jay offered to get them presents from all of us. Kai will be in charge blowing up balloons."
Zane spoke, looking over to Lloyd to see panic all over his face. "Lloyd," he started slowly, placing down his cloth and cup he was drying, "You do remember it's Y/N's birthday? Correct?" 
Lloyd stared at the table in thought. What the fuck? he asked himseld over and over, How the hell could I forget my own partners birthday?!
"I mean- I-I was distracted by all my ninja training, I-I didn't think-"
Zane gave a sworrowful look as he shook his head. Lloyd grumbled as he slammed his head to the table. 
"Oh. Sorry Y/N, I didn;t know you were-" Cole had accdeintly walked in on you in the bathroom, and as he was aplogizing you were quick to move from the mirror nad wipe your eyes. You and him made eye contact and as you prayed he's close the door, he instead opened it slowly, noticing your puffy eyes.
"Y/N? Are you okay? Are you crying? 
You shook your head fast, too fast, causing your head to hurt and tears to spill more. "N-No." Your voice cracked as you wiped the tears from your eyes.
Cole didn't know what to do, not until you choked out his name and the tears were more visiable. "Cole..." He immediatly wrapped his arms around you as you cried into his shoulder. 
"Oh god, ssh. ssh. It's alright, hey, hey, hey!" He smiles as he sups your ace togethet to get a better look at your face. Your tear stained face caused a frown to form on his face, "Awh, Y/N." He hugged you once and rubbed your back in comfort.
"How-How could he forget?" You spoke. 
You and Cole have moved into the hall and back into your room. He got you issues, your stuffed animal, your blanket, anything to make you feel more safe and happy. He rubbed your shoulder as he sat beside you, 
"Who forgot?"
"Lloyd!" Your voice squeaked as you coughed out a cry. "How-How could he forget my birthd-day?" You squezzed your stuffed animal as Cole paused to think.
Suddenly, he started to chuckle and you snapped your head at him, More tears started to form, and Cole quickly noticed. "Omg, Y/N." Cole handed you a tissue, but still wiped your tears for you. "I thought you meant he forgot something like an aniverrsity, or a graduation."
You cocked your eyebrow at Cole, "Y/N. A lot of people forget birthdays! I do sometimes. Lemme'tell you, when I forgot Jay's birthday he was crying his eyes out. I felt bad, but he didn't take any offence of it."
"True, but he forgave me because it was only a one time thing. Tell me, when was the last time Lloyd ever  forgot your birthday. Or Kai's birthday? Or even Darreths?!" You looked at him as you were deep in thought.
He was right. 
Lloyd never forgot your birthday and even if he would, he would ask someone, no? 
You shrugged your shoulders, rubbing the arm of your stuffed toy. Cole smiled, "See. Now, don't let one person who forgot your birthday ruin your entire day. Hae fun, you only turn (A/N) once!" He joked, shaking your arm to egt you to laugh, which much to your liking, did.
"You only turn any age once, dummy." 
You and Cole laugh, not hearing the sudden door knock until the door creaked open. You both snap your heads to find Lloyd peeking his head in. Your stomach dropped for a minute, but you remained calm. 
"Uh, Y/N. Could I talk to you?"
Cole looked back at you and smiled, you look back at him and slowly smiled back as he stood up after rubbing the top of your hair. He walked by Lloyd anc gave him a pat on the shoulder and a smile. 
You placed your legs on your bed to sit criss cross on the mattress. As you didn, Lloyd entered with his hands behind his back.  He sat where Cole was perviously before he left. 
"Y/N. I-I just wanted to say, I'm sorry. I forgot your birthday and that was a dumb move of me. I'm your boyfriend, and I've already forgotten your birthday, I felt so bad when I remembered. This morning, when you asked me if we wanted to hang out, I was a jerk and set you off for tomorrow. So-So I want to make it up to you, if you'd let me." 
You saw him reach into a bag he placed on the bed as he sat down, he took out a small box and handed it to you. You look at him, you could tell he was on edge. So you took the box, taking a moment to open it and when it did you were met with pieces of papers. You took one out and read it."
"Coupon #7 : Movie Night." 
You look up at him confused, "I-I don't have any money on me, so I decided t go old-school and make you something, Basically, I made you (A/N) coupons, cause that's how old you are now, and which ever one you pick every hour we will do." 
He took the paper from you, "Example, You got Coupon #7" Movie Night. Meaning tonight we'll watch a moive, you're pick but I do have those rented movies we got at Doomsday."
You paused, "I know. I know, It's not the best present, but I felt really bad that I forgot your birthday and I wish you could for-" Before you could let Lloyd finish, you jumped into his arms, tossing him backwards on the bed.
His back hits your blanket and you laid on top of him. 
You laughed into his shoulder before showing him your smile with small tears in your eyes. "Thank you." You squeaked, hugging him again, "Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you. Your the best, I love you so much, Thank you, this was such a cute idea!" 
Lloyd.EXE has stopped working. 
"You're-you're not mad, or-or upset."
"Of course I was, but I realized it's you." You kissed his cheek, "I know you wouldn't forget my birthday because I know you'll remember sooner or later." 
Lloyd's lips formed into a smile as you kissed his lips and pulled away. You took the box and closed it, shaking it. 
"Now, what will the amazing Lloyd Garmadon do with the awesome Y/N L/N today!" 
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mezzy-1 · 8 months
Training With Valorant (Valorant X Reader// Part 2)
Name: Y/N 
Class: Radiant
Callsign - Nomad
You and Valorant had a bit of a rocky start, but once you joined up with them they quickly became a second family to you.  The ability you had, control of radiant energy and even transforming yourself into it, came in handy for the protocol.  The only issue was you needed some training to better fit with the team.  
(If you like it, follow for Part 3!)
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(This from Infamous Second Son)
Sun rays crept in to the cafeteria as you and some of the other agents sat around eating breakfast, chatting, and prepping for the day
Harbor came in and sat across from you, squeezing in next to Gekko.  Giving Gekko a quick greeting, he turned to you
“Y/N, you and I are going on a mission in a couple of days.  We should meet up and go over some strategies when we have some time.”
“Sure, I have some time in the afternoon.”
“Perfect, I’ll see you in the shooting range for some drills.”
When you entered the commons, Harbor was already waiting to take you to the training range.  He and you walked into the portal to the Range, and found yourselves in the plaza
You looked down at the dizzying height, but felt a strong hand grab your shoulder
“Don’t look down Y/N, besides, your training is over here.”
Harbor led you to a building that had been modified into a shooting range.  He tossed you a pair of earbuds and handed you a rifle
“I’m going to start up the bots Y/N.  Aim for their heads and do your best!” he smiled
A few moments later a training dummy appeared, and you got to work
Your initial shots were alright, landing on its head before it was replaced by more copies of itself
Matching the speed at which they appeared, you targeted them with as much precision as you could
Then you missed
And started to miss more and more
Once the training had finished, you weren’t satisfied with your score.  Harbor returned to you pacing angrily
“I take it you feel like you could’ve done better?”
“Yes, I was doing so well at the start but I started missing.”
“That’s normal Y/N, you probably got overwhelmed and couldn’t concentrate.  It happens to the best of us.”
“I’ve never seen it happen to you though.”
“Well I do have years of experience, but I can give you some tips.  Have something you can concentrate on to stay focused.”
“Like what?  We’re going to be in the middle of a gunfight.”
“Personally, I start to focus on my breathing.  It makes it easier to ground myself, let’s run through it together.”
Harbor sat you down and began to run through breathing exercises with you.  When you closed your eyes and inhaled, it helped a lot of the doubt go away
“Let’s see what you can do now Nomad.”  Harbor handed you a Vandal with a fresh magazine loaded in
The second time was a lot better, even with Harbor watching.  He would offer praise when you kept up with the bots appearing or took a moment to breathe
“Excellent work Y/N!  I think you’re even better than Gekko, but don’t let him know I said that.”  Harbor pointed at your score
“The breathing helped, I’m glad you shared it with me.  But do you really think I’m going to be ready for missions?”
“There’s not a doubt in my mind that you’re ready, Y/N.”
“Nomad, you and I are going to do some training together.”  Viper caught you off guard during your morning routine
“So does that mean we’re going to the gym then?” you asked innocently
“No, we’re going to Venice,” she passed you a defuser, “you’re going to learn how to behave on a mission.”
You met with Viper ahead of time at the portal.  You had learned she responded well to people being punctual 
She put the notebook she was writing in back in the pocket of her lab coat and activated the portal
You stepped through and found Viper had set up a training scenario where you would have to defuse a Spike
“So all I have to do is put this up to the Spike and push the button right?”
“Yes, but it won’t be that easy Y/N.”
“Well I’m just going up against bots right?  You’re here to watch.”
Viper smiled and removed her lab coat, revealing she had been wearing her suit underneath
“You have a minute before I plant it, after that you have about 45 seconds to defuse it.  I won’t go easy on you either, so don’t hold back.”
She disappeared into the ruins of the building as you gathered the guns she left for you.  A single Frenzy and a Marshal.
The sound of a digital alert gave you a startle as the training began
You paced along the wall with the Frenzy drawn, noticing that the Spike’s beeping was growing closer
A shotgun blasted the wall in front of you, sending you back along the hallway.  A bot was just around the corner to enter the main room
You sparked radiant power through your hand and rounded the corner.  You sent a barrage of energy through its core
Before you could react, a green wall of mist cut your vision of the rest of the space.  Viper had bisected the room, and bots began to close in
Two, armed with Bulldogs, approached you while letting bullets loose at you.  Thinking quickly, you dove for cover
“You only have 30 seconds now Y/N,” Viper’s voice echoed, “What are you going to do?”
It was too much, you were going to lose and it was eating you up inside
“Don’t let me down Y/N.”  Viper taunted
You weren’t going to disappoint her, and readied another charge of energy
This time you aimed it downward, and sent a wave pulsing through the ground.  It erupted at the feet of the bots, and suspended them in the air
You pulled your Marshall and put them down
Viper sat behind the wall, watching the Spike with a shotgun ready.  Her Toxin Orb was ready and cloaking her presence
A foot stepped inside the cloud and Viper readied a shot
You knew she had to be watching the Spike but knew she would stay away from the open because you had your rifle
Then the obvious hit you
You unleashed a blast of energy towards the Spike and blew Viper into the wall she was skulking by
You jumped up to the Spike and began defusing it.  Viper shakily got up to her feet and reached for the shotgun
She aimed directly at you, and seeing as you had a single second left to defuse the Spike you accepted your fate
The Spike deactivated
“You were willing to die to defuse it Y/N, I admire that.”  Viper emptied the shells and grabbed the Spike
“I think that you’re ready to work with me, but don’t take risks like that.  I don’t want to explain to Brimstone that the newest agent got themselves killed.”
“I wouldn’t worry about that, if you’re backing me up then I don’t think I’ll have to take those kinds of risks.”
“Y/N, we are going to do some training together to see if you can handle using your abilities with the rest of us.”  
Deadlock approached you after the morning meeting before the agents shuffled off to their respective posts
“I thought I was supposed to train with Astra?” you asked
“Brimstone thought it would be better if we worked together.  Something about wanting Radiants and non-Radiants to train together.”
It was true, Brimstone had been pushing for the Radiant agents to rely less on raw power and for the humans to better counter Radiant abilities
Deadlock had been averse to some of the Radiant agents, not unfriendly but always on edge when more powerful agents were active
The exception was you, but you were never sure if she was being kind or if she was keeping an eye on you to learn weaknesses
You lost yourself in thought as you adjusted your gear and dressed for training.  The protocol had given you free reign to pick tactical wear but let you maintain your style
“Are you ready?” a voice asked from behind.  You nodded to Deadlock before being led by her
“Deadlock, where are we going?  The gym is back there.” you pointed as she took you to the portal 
You both found yourselves in the ruins of Venice.  Deadlock gave you a second to acquaint yourself 
“We’re so high up…” you muttered to yourself.  Wind whipped around you and cold from the altitude gave you a slight chill
“I prefer it to the headquarters, now we should begin.”  Deadlock adjusted her coat and pointed at a ruined cathedral
“This will be simple Y/N, just defuse the spike before it goes off.”  Deadlock passed you a defuser, “but remember you’re coming to me.  I won’t make it easy.”
You loaded a Sheriff and Judge, then made your way through the buildings towards the church
You could almost hear the beeping of the Spike before a bullet flew past you.  Bots had been placed in the surrounding building
It was a straight road to the cathedral, but the buildings had nests of bots hiding and firing from windows
As you backed into cover inside a ruined shop you caught a look at something small against the north wall.  A sonic sensor
Deadlock was counting on you backing away, and probably had the bots ready to come in the second the sensor was tripped.  It gave a you an idea
Radiant power coursed through you, and you let out a blast to trigger the sensor.  It blew up, and you moved to the second floor
Bots swarmed into the shop, a crew of three holding rifles.  Their programming told them to target movement but they had no visible targets
In an instant, you punched the second floor downward, flattening the bots under the ceiling
You stood on the concrete chunk and looked down at the crushed remains as they sparked.  Only one bot had escaped but a single shell put it out of commision
“Not bad Y/N, but to PREDICTABLE!” Deadlock yelled as her Annihilation wire bounced from the cathedral to your cover
In an instant fibers cocooned whatever they could, constricting around any purchase.  Once complete they spooled back towards Deadlock
“I thought you would have done better Y/-” Deadlock realized she had made a crucial error
You had switched places with the bot you hit with the Judge.  Deadlock barely had enough time to react before a geyser of radiant power suspended her in the air
Taking you opportunity, you defused the Spike while she was stuck floating on the particles drifting around her
Once you had finished, you dropped her down gently and helped her regain her balance
“That was clever Y/N, I had expected you to fall for the Sensor but you turned it around for your benefit.”
“So do you think I can come with you on a mission then?”
“You can hold your own.  I look forward to working as a team Y/N.”
“You’re getting along well ain’t ya?” Skye greeted you as you finished up training with the barbell curls Brimstone recommended for you
“It’s been an adjustment, but I like being here more than being on the run.” you answered
“Good to hear,” she picked the barbell and set it back without a second thought, “just so you know we have a training today.  Just you and me!”
“Does that mean you guys are giving the test to see if I can cut it in the field?”
“Yeah, but you’ll ace it.  Don’t expect me to go easy Y/N, or should I call you Nomad?”
Both of you met up but rather than going to Ascent or the Range, Skye took you outdoors to the island’s jungle
“I have here a Spike,” she pointed to a device she carried on her back with both thumbs, “you are gonna defuse it with this.” she passed you the defuser gun
“Well it doesn’t sound too difficult.” upon you saying this Skye smiled mischievously 
“Don’t be so sure Y/N, I want to make sure you can handle yourself.  Plus my tiger’s been itchin’ for something to play with.”
The beast appeared next to Skye with a wagging tail
You both put distance between each other and started the drill.  You readied a Stinger and Classic, then made your way through the jungle 
A heavy slam reverberated through the foliage, alerting you to the Spike being activated.  You moved faster and came across a small stream
Bullets streaked by from the bushes.  You frantically hid behind a boulder near the stream  
Growls from the jungle and swift footsteps broke your concentration.  The tasmanian tiger was on your trail
It was too much, the beast tracking you down would catch you in a moment and the bots would close in
No, you steadied yourself and took a breath.  Skye said you would pass, and you weren’t going to let her down
You knew she was counting on you to stay in cover, which made you think about the boulder.  Radiant energy gathered around you and suffused with your palm
A simple push, backed with the force of TNT, launched the boulder forward into the underbrush taking out bots and serving as moving cover
The tiger from Trailblazer was still active, and dashed towards you.  It lunged across the stream
You pulled the trigger on the Stinger, bullets ripping the constructed animal apart.  The open line of sight made it impossible for the beast to catch you off guard
Screeches cut through the air and you quickly covered your eyes.  Hawks flew through the air and burst with light
You rushed through the trees towards the Spike while trying to keep from being flashed
Skye jumped out from near the Spike and took aim.  You were ready, and shot back before she had the chance
She got knocked back, and you quickly acted to defuse the Spike.  As soon as it went silent, you took a breath
“Nice work Y/N!  I thought for sure I had you with the hawks but you surprised me!”  Skye dusted herself off 
“You said I would pass, I didn’t feel like proving you wrong.”
“Of course!  Now we have a bit of a trek back but we can take a detour and hike a bit in celebration.”
“Sounds like a good idea!”
You had finished up your morning chores when you got a message from your phone
Cypher was requesting that you meet him in his surveillance room, which was odd considering he rarely let people venture in
As soon as you reached the door, it opened up and the masked man invited you in warmly
“Ah Y/N, I have such great news for you!” he excitedly sat back in his chair and offered you a seat
“Why did I have to come here?  You usually meet me or send me a file.”
“This is special, for our ears only too.  Brimstone wants to test you in a couple of weeks to see if you’re ready, but I want to try sooner.”
“So we’re going behind Brim’s back and testing me now?”
“If you think you can beat me and defuse a Spike without backup.” Cypher narrowed his eyes and lounged back
“When can we start?”
About an hour later you were strapping the final piece of body armor on before putting the clothes you wore over it
Cypher had picked Ascent, or at least a floating island near it for training.  There was a long path to a fountain, nearby there was a few market stalls
“Don’t let me down Y/N.  I know you can do this but I am going to make sure you’re ready for deployment.”  Cypher stepped back into the grounds and disappeared
You pulled a Phantom from its sling and started walking towards the sound of a Spike being planted
Stopping quickly, you spotted a trip wire and knelt down to see where it was anchored.  You saw it was stuck to a crate at an angle, and destroyed the gadget 
A dart struck your shoulder, and you swung around to try and spot Cypher’s camera.  Bots began closing in from behind and you ran towards the fountain
A Cyber Cage blocked your path, surrounding you in static and holographic smoke
If you exited the cage Cypher could attack, he had stuck you with a dart and knew you were hiding.  The bots would attack if you didn’t leave and had an easy line of sight
It was almost too much handle, but you knew Cypher had faith in you and that carried you through
He knew where you were, and so did the bots.  You came up with a plan in record time and pulled the dart from your shoulder 
You took a moment, and suffused your body with radiant power.  Your body turned to pure energy and you phased through the ground
The bots fired at empty air, and Cypher was momentarily puzzled.  He didn’t leave his cover and instead checked his camera
Behind, the fountain contorted and groaned.  Cypher looked up and watched as the water inside the fountain stopped and came flowing out as steam
Your body was almost pure energy, boiling the water in the fountain wasn’t hard at all.  You picked off the bots in the fog one by one
Cypher grinned beneath his mask and called out to you, trying to draw you out
You ignored him and went straight for the Spike, but you had forgotten about the alert noise it made when being defused
You worked quickly and as soon as you were defusing came face to face with Cypher’s Ghost aimed at your forehead
The man steadied his hand and then put it down
“You passed, even if you would’ve died after defusing it.” he motioned to the now inactive Spike
“I know, but at least you’ll be watching over me next time.” you picked up the Spike and set it on your back
“Y/N, I always keep an eye on you.”
“Y/N, we’re going to put your skills to the test.  I won’t hold anything back and you shouldn’t either.” Reyna had surprised you in the commons 
“Is this the exam for going into missions?” you asked cautiously
“Si, I suppose so.  Brimstone asked me personally to make sure you were ready.”
“I’m more than ready.”
“Such confidence Y/N.  I’m going to enjoy making you swallow your words and your pride.” 
Reyna was especially ruthless when she could get away with it, and Brimstone had just given her a pass
You and her met at the portal to the Range in the evening.  The sunset over the floating islets was stunning, but Reyna quickly demanded your attention
“It’s simple.  I have the Spike, you have the defuser.  If you fail you die and if you succeed,” she paused to laugh, “you won’t last long enough to beat me.”
Reyna had settled on using the ruins of an old plaza as her proving ground.  It was surrounded by columns and had a belltower at the far end
Your provided gear was the same as Reyna’s: a Vandal and a Classic
Taking a moment to chamber a round in the Classic, you psyched yourself up and started to approach the plaza
Glancing from the entrance to the plaza, you could see a few crates covered in tarp and the spike beneath the belltower
You began to move in when you realized it would be a horrible idea to attack head on.  Reyna was counting on a fight to win, so you’d have to be smarter
Making your way around the side of the plaza, you climbed up the buildings to get a clear line of sight
Sure enough, there were bots hidden on the second floor of the buildings and in the belltower
You couldn’t spot Reyna, but knowing she’d be near the Spike kept you confident she wouldn’t be an issue
Aiming carefully, you shot the belltower bot in the head from your vantage point on the roof across from it
The other bots opened fire as you slid down the roof and took cover behind the pillars.  You overloaded radiant power into your hand and blasted back a wave of energy
Bots flew through the air and crashed onto the ground where quick shots put them past their warranty
“Que impresiva Y/N, but you’ll find that I won’t be as easy to kill.”  Reyna’s voice came from behind you
You ducked out of the way as bullets impacted the column.  You ran across the plaza to the nearest crate and looked back
A searing purple eye dominated your sight.  You realized Reyna had to be moving closer if she was covering the front with her Leer
Pain shot through your leg.  Reyna had managed to wound your ankle with a well placed shot
It all made sense to you suddenly: she wanted to hunt you for as long as she could and wait out the Spike timer
This gave you an idea, and you fired in Reyna’s direction blindly to suppress her advance
Reyna hid behind a column, her violet eyes barely giving her position away.  She caught sight of a trail of blood leading to the belltower
“Me pone desilusionado Y/N.” she remarked as she stepped into the tower.  She noticed the trail leading to the side and fired as she rounded the corner
Instead of catching you off guard, the trail had led her directly into a trap.  You had bled long enough to make trail but cauterized the wound with energy from your finger tip
“Sorry to disappoint, Reyna.” you said smugly before giving her a quick shot to her body armor
You finished up defusing the Spike walked back confidently to Reyna with the defuser and Spike in tow
“What did you say earlier about me and eating my words?  I can’t seem to remember.” you playfully helped Reyna up
“As much as I want to say I went easy on you, I admit you did well.” Reyna adjusted her armor
“Good enough to pass?”
“Por cierto, yes.”
“Better than you?”
“Callate Y/N, don’t make me leave you all by yourself on our mission.”
“Hey Y/N!” Neon waved at you from across the commons before racing over to you 
“So Brimstone put me on a mission with you and told me that I was supposed to help train you!” her foot tapped against the ground in nervous excitement
“What are we going to be doing together?” you asked
“You have to defuse a Spike without any help from the other agents.”
“Wait, then why are going to be there?”
“Because I’m going to be the one guarding the Spike.  It’s going to be fun, but seriously do your best.  I want you to come along on the next mission!” 
Neon sprinted off to get ready and you took inventory of the challenge before you.  You met with her about an hour later with your gear 
You had picked your favorite loadout, a Vandal and a Sheriff.  Neon had with her a Frenzy and a Bulldog
Both of you walked through the portal to the Range.  As you exited into the floating islands, you looked out at the open sky
“Come on Y/N, we’ll have plenty of time to relax when we’re done.”  Neon took you to a street dotted in rubble that crossed a now drained canal
A few gondolas were stranded up by the dock and the street had a few alleyways that intersected around it
Neon did some stretches before sending off some bots to go ready up.  She walked up to you with 
“Kaya mo yan Y/N!” Neon embraced you before dashing away 
The Spike countdown started up, and you started your assault on the bomb site
Instantly, bots hidden near the alleys and near the riverbed started shooting, and you dove towards the nearest wall
As you rested, you heard the electrified steps of Neon approaching.  You knew she would be aggressive but you hadn’t counted on how quickly she’d attack
She slid by and sprayed bullets from the automatic pistol she carried but you countered with your own barrage
Recovering as quickly as she attacked, Neon sped down an alley and broke line of sight
You took a breath and glanced over your shoulder, a few bots were approaching your position
Repositioning further towards the gondolas, you shot through the bots.  Rushing steps and thundered down the alleys
Neon leapt from the alley and fired in your direction before running into the next alley.  She sped around the backstreets and fired on you
It was overwhelming, and you alternated between suppressing fire at the bots before trying to dodge Neon’s attacks
Suddenly it was clear, she had picked the alleys because she could use hit and run tactics freely and keep you from taking ground
That gave you an idea
Neon came running towards you and got ready to pull the trigger on her Frenzy.  She had just lunged out of the alley when she stopped suddenly
The bots were completely smashed and across the dock she could see the Spike.  If the you hadn’t made it there, you had to be crossing the dried canal
She dashed into the riverbed and landed on the deep mud covering it.  She looked around before unsticking her shoes
“Huh, where the hell is Y/N?” Neon wondered before you crawled from your hiding place
Taking aim at her from under a gondola, you made eye contact and she got ready to sprint
The muddy terrain didn’t let her run though, and she had fallen for your plan.  You tagged her in the shoulder and climbed up towards the Spike
By the time Neon finished getting to the Spike, you were sitting comfortably with it on a stranded gondola
“You wanted me to get stuck in the mud, didn’t you Y/N.” Neon strode up to you and sat across 
“Yeah, I know you’d chase me down there so I waited for you.  Sorry you had to get your running shoes dirty though.”
“It’s okay, it’s a small price to pay for you passing the test!” 
“I think we’ll make a good team, Neon.”  
“Magkakasama tayo.” Neon nearly crushed you with an excited hug.  Your hair stood on end the whole time
“It’s training day Y/N, gonna show us if you’re ready to do missions?”  Iso asked while you were cleaning your gun
You finished adjusting the iron sights and checked the stability.  You loaded a magazine in and loaded the chamber
“Iso, I’ve been ready to go all morning!” you smirked and took your gun with you
“You’re confident Y/N, but don’t let it go to your head.  You need to be cool headed, you’re going to have to fight me to pass.”  Iso readied his Sheriff 
“Nobody told me I’d have to duel you, I thought it was just bots.” 
“There’s also this,” he handed you a defuser, “you’re going to need to defuse a Spike without anyone’s help.”
It was a lot to do all at once, but you stomached your fear and joined Iso as he walked through the portal to the Range
As you walked out of the shimmering barrier, you saw that Iso had converted part of the shooting range 
Instead of the usual building being for bots and target practice, he had added in walls and cover
Wooden planks, sandbags, and steel plating had been arranged to make an elaborate testing ground for your final exam
“You and I will fight here.  Your mission is to defuse the Spike by any means necessary, so don’t hold back.”
Iso began walking to his starting point and let you move to yours
“Good luck Y/N.  Remember to stay focused.”  Iso spoke as he put his headphones in
The weapon you brought with you was a Guardian and a Sheriff.  You were going to have to aim carefully, just like Iso taught you
Lights in the Range switched on inside the building and beeping started from the other end
You made your way into the narrow corridors and jumped from cover to cover.  Bots began to slink into the maze with you
One would tried to ambush you from behind while another jumped in front of you.  Rolling to the side you tagged the first one with a Guardian shot
The second bot fell to your ability, and was thrown into the air with a whirl of energy.  You shot it midair before moving on
A veil of purple hexagons passed through the wall closest to you, coating you in a violet glow 
Shots punched through the wooden planks and you hid behind the steel portions of it.  A bot stepped from the shadows during the onslaught and fired
A bullet grazed your cheek, but you shot back with greater accuracy.  Its head exploded and you cleaned the blood from your face
You began to sneak forward, but your foot slid onto a lattice of glowing hexagons
Iso’s voice echoed throughout his pocket dimension
“It’s you or me Y/N, show me what you can do.” 
The partitions were up, but you knew you had only a second before they dropped and you would have to fight
You could feel the sweat pooling around your hands, breathing begin to tighten, and heat flush your face
“Be cool headed.” you whispered, sticking to Iso’s advice 
You dropped the Guardian and pulled your Sheriff.  While waiting, you took a breath and got ready
The walls dropped and you and Iso fired simultaneously.  For a single second, it felt like the bullets would collide
Your shot landed precisely in Iso’s sternum, and he released his hold on you.  His shot had been too far off and only hit your leg
Limping over to the Spike, you unholstered a defuser and got to work.  The Spike clicked and began to fold into itself
“That was a good shot Y/N.”  Iso strode up behind you and leaned on a wall
“I had one of the best teachers.”
“Your advice about being focused is why I was able to aim so well.  I couldn’t have beaten you without your own advice.”
“I guess I’ll have to stop giving you pointers.”
“Don’t worry, you’ll have plenty of things to correct me on when we start doing missions together.”
“I wouldn’t underestimate you, Y/N.  I certainly won’t do it again.”  Iso helped keep you steady  as you made your way back to the headquarters
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deartouya · 2 years
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✶ summary: katsuki's always loved nature and being outside, an activity which is only made better in your company.
✶ pairing: pro hero!katsuki bakugou x gn!reader
✶ word count: 1k
✶ warnings: mentions of food/eating, incredibly self-indulgent. i started thinking about katsuki + nature and how he likes the sun and hiking and it made me so !! and i wrote this <3. i've been writing this for like. four months and still kinda hate it so. i'm sorry.
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The air’s getting colder as you move deeper into the forest, the sun barely dipping from behind the trees and autumn just starting to melt into winter—the smell of it, crisp and sharp, heavy in the air. You’ve made it past the hardest part, past the uneven and sun-bleached rocks at the base of the trail and the path studded with hooked roots and shallow holes. This will probably be your last hike of the year, and you can barely keep yourself awake for it.
The ground grinds beneath your boots, brittle leaves and frost bitten earth a sign of the impending season change. You’re deep in the forest now, the tangy scent of dirt and the freshness of pine heavy and thick in the air. It’s nice—quiet, content: nothing but you, Katsuki, and the distant sounds of birds.
The sun has started to rise, slinking from behind the shadow of the mountain and casting the forest in soft warmth. Lush greenery brushes against your knees, curling around your ankles as you lead Katsuki up the path.
You scrub fruitlessly at your face, tucking your now empty thermos back in your backpack, “I was hoping that’d wake me up a bit before we reached the peak.” You sound annoyed, huffy, and you can hear Katsuki tsk from behind you.
He scoffs, shoulder knocking against your own, “maybe if you’d slept on the way here like I told ‘ya too, you’d me more coherent.” Despite the roughness, despite the way his fingers pinch at your hip, he hands you his thermos—warm between your palms and catered to your tastes. “Now stop your complainin’. Nearly at the end of the trail.”
You smile, leaning into the hand he smooths across your back as you tuck his thermos back in his bag, “thank you, Ki.”
He stays beside you this time, the broad expanse of a palm pressed into your back as you fall back into step. Katsuki likes this more than he’d ever admit, taking time away from the agency to spend with you. Even as he has to hover behind you and catch you when you trip and let you drink over half of his thermos because you drank yours before the first mile. He likes taking care of you, of having you rely on him.
“We’re nearly there, dummy,” he nudges you again, “we’ll eat that piss poor lunch you made then head back down.” 
You gasp, loud and exaggerated, and halt the both of you in the middle of the trail, “how dare you! I go out of my way to make you sandwiches and you insult my effort! We’ll see if I ever cook for you again, you jerk.” 
Katsuki grins wider when you huff, arms crossing tight across your chest. It grows even more when you're caught under his arm, tugged against his side as you continue to sigh petulantly. “Awww, I’m sorry, baby, I’m sure your sandwiches will be fine—can't be worse than some of the shit half and half tries to cook.” 
It’s a half-compliment at most, but it makes the faux annoyance slip off your face and let him tug you along with him. Content and quiet as you make the rest of the climb. He doesn’t let you slip away from him, keeping a steadying hand on your hips or shoulders, a soft and comforting weight. His hand slips into yours, fingers weaving tight as he guides you up the last of the trail. 
Your legs have just begun to ache when the path finally opens up, revealing the rocky ledge and sprawling trees before it. The perfect place to settle down and eat and watch as the sun settles in the sky. Though, you don’t end up doing much sight-seeing once he settles beside you. 
Katsuki reminds you so wholly of the sun—warm and bright and all-consuming.  
You think he looks best in it, when he’s nestled somewhere beautiful, when he’s surrounded by light and warmth and the smell of the trees. He looks most himself surrounded by beautiful things and with the sun on his skin.
He can feel the weight of your eyes, heavy on him as he peels a pair of oranges. His fingers are gentle, prying thick peels away from soft fruit, and his eyes are sharp and focused. It’s sweet. Sweeter than the juice that runs down his forearms, making him scrunch his nose in annoyance. 
Katsuki huffs when he finally acknowledges your staring, the corners of his lips twitching as he suppresses a smile, “tch, you done starin’ now?” He doesn’t let you answer though, hand tugging impatiently on your own, “c’mere.” 
You let him pull you into his side, tucked beneath a heavy arm and head cradled against his collar. Let him hand feed you slices of fruit, soft and tangy on your tongue. He smells nice, cloying yet sharp—the overwhelming scent of smoke and the sweetness of cologne. It fits him, you think, something that takes root in your chest and pulls. A smell that you can always sense—sweet and dark and him it makes you dizzy. 
Katsuki lifts your hand to his lips, placing a soft kiss across your knuckles. You're sticky with juice and sweat but he doesn’t seem to mind. He holds you, fingers intertwined, tight against his chest as he watches you, “thank you.” 
You hum, high and questioning, as you rake a hand through his bangs. He chases the touch, lips skimming the thin skin of your wrist, “for what?” 
“Comin’ with me today.” It’s more than that, you can see it in the softness of his eyes and the way he lets himself smile—unabashedly adoring and syrupy sweet. 
“Don’t need to thank me, Katsuki.” You’re silent for a beat, eyes soft and adoring before something clicks. Then, you grin and he can feel himself preparing to groan. “But, I think you should carry me on the way down this time. Y’know as a thank you.” 
He laughs, a sharp scoff that devolves into something easier, eyes bright as a hand comes to ruffle your hair, “in your dreams, dumbass.” 
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tags: @call-me-ko ; @michabun-uwu ; @maplesuna ; @smashboxgirl26 ; @boo-kugo ; @dinodumbass ; @uwuthatshit ; @sugarmaplewings-fics ; @violetdahlias ; @hirugummies ; @dukina ; @trashy-bowtie ; @scarekat ;
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jaemmphilia · 1 year
Oooo I thought of another Felix x male reader where they have an argument and Felix leaves, while changing into comfortable clothes (Felix's hoodie) they find a ring in the pocket
★ 𝚙𝚊𝚒𝚛𝚒𝚗𝚐: 𝚏𝚎𝚕𝚒𝚡 𝚡 𝚖𝚊𝚕𝚎!𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚛
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"you know what? i don't have time for this, [name]. i'm going to stay with the boys at the dorm. you're getting on my nerves right now."
"fine, go! it's no surprise you're leaving me for them! you seem to do that a lot these days!" [name] yells back as felix slams the door behind him.
[name] allows himself to scream into the throw pillow on his couch. he doesn't let the tears gathering at the corners of his eyes to fall, because he's stronger than that.
[name] knows that couples fight. it's perfectly fine for a couple to fight, it just means that couple's relationship is fairly healthy. that doesn't really stop it from hurting any less, unfortunately.
felix and [name] have been together for a long time now, from the time felix debuted with stray kids to now. [name] was there for it all. the tears, the pain, the happy times, and when things got rocky. he made a vow to felix that he would always be there for felix no matter what happens.
[name] grabs felix's hoodie he left on the couch before he stormed out and he slips it on. he hears something fall to the wooden floor and looks down, the light catching onto something shiny. [name] bends down and picks up the shiny item, his eyes going wide when he realizes its a ring.
a ring? why would felix this in his hoodie pocket? was it meant for him? was felix going to propose before they had that fight?
there's so many questions swimming around in his head that he has to sit down. if they hadn't have fought, and felix didn't walk out, would he have asked?
[name]'s thoughts are cut short as felix opens the door, claiming he left his phone charger. his eyes land on [name] looking at the ring, and felix panics.
"i can explain, [name]."
"i know its for me. i just feel bad that this is how i find out you want to marry me."
"i'm sorry you had to find out this way, [name]."
"i'm sorry, too, felix."
felix takes the ring from [name]'s hand and he slips it onto the male's finger. he smiles. "it looks good on you."
"yeah? i think it does, too."
"so, is it a yes?"
"of course it is, dummy."
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warmaidensrevenge · 2 years
Always seen you.
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Pairing: Eddie x insecure!Fem plus size reader
A/N: This is another part of my mini series. I’m not sure exactly where this is going. But, the words just started flowing. Okay this one has a scene from Rocky one. Hope you like it. Thanks for reading. As always feedback is greatly appreciated. Kay love ya bye.
Warnings: Language, angst, fluff if you squint, body insecurities, secret pining, slow burn, sexual implications, and eventual smut. Not proof read and no word count.
Summary: The boy of your dreams is always just out of reach. If only you could get over yourself to see that he sees you too.
Part 2
There were so many words to describe Y/n. Some of which weren't so nice. Painfully shy, goodie two shows, uptight, nerdy, unwieldy, nervous...big. But none of that really described you. To Eddie, the one that best showed who you were was extraordinary. You were shy. But it wasn't painful. You were smart and you were a bit nervous. But Eddie found the endearing. Sure you were a bigger girl. Nevertheless, you were amazing. To Eddie you were absolutely perfect.
You were too cute today. Blushing when you saw him. How absolutely nerve wrecked you were just at him touching you. Sure he never paid attention to you before. To be fair he really couldn't remember what he did yesterday. He honestly didn't remember you until he saw your name on your notebook. He then saw a small drawing of an alien ship abducting a cow. Then it all came back to him. You always did draw something on your notebooks. That's what got him to remember you.
He was in 5th grade science class when a 3rd grader came in with a teacher. You didn't look like a 3rd grader. You looked more like a 6th grader. But it was whatever. You were so damn smart that they had you move from 3rd grade science class to the Eddie's 5th.
You were put to sit next to him and he saw you pull out your note book. The cover was filled with drawings of stick figures and stars. Even for a 3rd grader you were talented.
Eddie smiled seeing the little war that was going on, on the cover of your note book. Stick figures throwing grenades at a tank. While other soldiers were shooting.
Once that note book was full of notes. You would pull out a new one and started to drawing on that. This time it was a caricature of the science teacher. It wasn't the best but hey you were small.
Throughout the years Eddie did see more of you but he never actually looked at you. You had a few classes here and there. But you were just kinda...apart of the background.
Then in highschool you shot up. So did he. He grew out his hair and got really into metal. You looked so different now. Actually really pretty. Your hair was longer and your body was definitely an eye full. Your luscious body was sure to have any guy want you. Well that's what Eddie thought. You were so curvy and beautiful.
He actually thought you were new at first. You didn't look at all like that smart chubby little girl anymore. He wanted to talk to you. But you were in a group that would not be seen with the likes of him. So he figured that a girl like you wouldn't want to talk to him. So he ignored you. At least tried to. There were times over the years where he was alone, he thought about what you were doing. If you were happy and what you would be when you graduate.
He never had you for any classes up until his 3rd time around. When he saw you walk into class his heart rate shot up. Then you fell and he just had to help you.
Everything changed for him then. Now knowing who you were made it harder to ignore you now.
So he called you. He could tell you were nervous and he actually liked that he could do that to you. He wonder how long you've had a crush on him.
Eddie was no dummy when it came to telling if girls were into him. Yeah sure high school girls avoided him. But there were a few older women who liked having a tumble with a young buck now and again. A few Mrs Robinson liked how different and wild looking he was. Not that it ever ended in a relationship though. He was just having fun. But he really wasn't expecting you to like him.
You. Girl with a ten year plan. You. Who was sure to be valedictorian. You. With the bright future ahead of you.
Why on earth would you have a crush on him?
So clearly out of curiosity, he made up an excuse to talk to you. But then when you said that you didn't think he was a freak. It was his turn to get nervous. And when Eddie got nervous, he would not for the love of God shut up.
So he talked and talked. He wasn't really talking about anything important or anything that seemed coherent to others other than his friends. But you listened, and you laughed at his jokes. Every once in a while he would let you get a few words in. He honestly felt bad for being a chatty Cathy. But for some reason or another he liked hearing you laugh. He liked hearing your soft voice on the other end of the line.
Before he knew it he was sitting on the floor in his kitchen jibber jabbing away. He wasn't so nervous anymore and the conversation just flowed. He couldn't remember the last time he felt this comfortable.
Then you yawned. He looked at the time and felt so bad for keeping you awake. So he said good night. He smiled happily and thought about you until he fell asleep.
The rest of the week was something. You so looked forward to seeing Eddie much more now. Talking to him. Going over the scene. He still made you nervous. And your heart was continuously pounding when you were around him. He even called every night. This time letting you go to bed at a decent hour. Even though you could never fall asleep after. You thought of him constantly. When you would finally fall asleep you would dream about that beautiful man.
It was Friday and Eddie was in his usual Friday attire he wore for the past 2 years. Tight black jeans with a hole in the knee and his Hellfire shirt with the leather jacket and Dio vest. He always looked so good on Fridays. You loved Fridays. Something about his bandanna and chained wallet with his Hellfire shirt always did it for you. He was so incredibly sexy. The thoughts that ran through your mind every Friday were anything but innocent.
You guys were in the auditorium after lunch watching other students do their scene for Mrs. Adler. After three or four pairs went up it was yours and Eddie's turn. You had brought a pair of roller skates for the scene. You weren't the best at skating but you practiced all week. You put them on while Eddie gave Mrs Adler the lines for the ice rink attended.
" Okay Mrs Adler. Y/n and I will be doing a scene from the movie Rocky. I'm Rocky of course and y/n will be playing Adrian. If you could read the lines for us please."
' Okay Mr Munson. Let's see what you two got. But don't do the accents."
Eddie nodded and then came back to you.
" Ready?"
You nodded taking a deep breath. Slowly letting it out.
"Hey it's okay. You'll be great." He leaned in and whispered. " I promise I won't let you fall."
Eddie's words and smile made you feel less anxious. But then he kept the smile on and the way he looked at you was agonizing. You felt your cheeks run hot and your palms started to sweat. This was gonna be harder than you thought.
Looks quiet, y'know.
   I think it's closed.
I think mebbe we're early or somethin' --
(Mrs Adler)
 Hey, whatta ya doin' here -- we're closed... Yo, we're  closed!
Are ya closed to the General Public or to just everybody?
The class laughed
(Mrs. Adler)
Hey, the rink is empty 'cause we're closed -- ya ain't allowed in here so do me a favor an' not stay here.
Wait here, gotta smooth this guy out.
We could go somewhere else an' --
Eddie walked up to the front of the stage and addressed Mrs Adler.
(Mrs Adler)
Yo, pal, what's with you -- The place ain't operatin'g
Listen, I gotta problem. This girl ain't feelin' well, y'know -- The doctor says she should exercise, y'know once in awhile an' ice skatin' is the best thing --
(Mrs. Alder)
This a con?
Look at her, ya can see she ain't feelin' good -- needs a few minutes exercise --
(Mrs Adler)
Few minutes?
Ten minutes.
(Mrs Adler)
Ten minutes for ten dollars.
Yeah, give 'er the blades.
Eddie came back to you and grabbed your hand smiling at you. He pulled you along to skate while he walked by you. When he let go of your hand you started.
Aren't you skating?
Ain't skated since I was fifteen -- That's when I started fightin' -- gotta watch the ankles. Yeah, fightin' use to be tops with me, but no more. All I wanted to prove was I weren't no bum -- That I had the stuff to make a good pro.
And you never got the chance?
(Mrs Adler yell)
Nine minutes!
Your classmates laughed again.
Hey, I ain't cryin'... I still fight.  Kinda do it like a hobby. See I'm a natural southpaw an' most pugs won't fight a southpaw 'cause we mess up their timin' an' look awkward -- Southpaw means lefthanded... But I guess in the long run things probably worked out for the best, right?
But you never had a chance to prove yourself.
(Mrs Adler)
Eight minutes!
The audience laughed again. You were skating circles around the stage with Eddie slightly jogging next to you. Suddenly you pretend to slip and Eddie broke your fall. The way he grabbed you made you blush again. But then it made you fully aware of your weight. You swallowed the lump that was building in your throat. You didn't want to mess up the scene.
Ah..I just dislocated my finger
(Mrs Adler)
Seven minutes!
It ain't your fault -- I originally done it in the Baby Crenshaw fight.
Eddie took out his wallet and opened it. He showed you a picture of him and his mom. He was so little. Such a cute chubby baby. You wanted to grab it and look at it closer. His mom was beautiful. She had the same hair and the same eyes as him. You smiled. But you had to talk to yourself to stop getting distracted by him .
(Eddie continued)
That's me fightin' Big Baby Crenshaw -- Big Baby was the size of an airplane an' I broke my hands on his head -- I lost, but it's a nice picture, don't ya think?
(Mrs Adler)
You started skating a little faster causing Eddie to speed up and he pretends to nearly fall.
See, I ain't graceful, y'know -- I don't move good -- Stink as a dancer too -- But I can really swat, I hit hard, real hard, but I'm a southpaw an' nobody wants to fight a southpaw! -- Havin' a good time?
You nodded actually nervous at the question. Yes you were having a great time. This actually felt like a date. A very public date.
Y'know how I got started in the fight racket?
By accident?
(Mrs Adler)
Three minutes.
Yeah -- My ol' man who was never the sharpest told me - I weren't born with much brain so I better use my body.
For the first time, you laughed. Making Eddie grin like crazy. Then those butterflies started to flutter in your stomach.
What's funny?
My mother told me just the opposite. She said, 'You weren't born with much of a body so you'd better develop your brain.'
(Mrs Adler)
The amount of applause was unexpected. It was weirdly exciting and loud. You came to a rolling stop and Eddie grabbed your hand and pulled you closer to him making you lose your balance. He quickly grabbed you. But you were too heavy and made him fall. With you landing right next to him.
All you could hear was that laugh again. But it wasn't a laugh with you. More like laughing at you.
Eddie jumped right back up. "Shit y/n! I'm so sorry!"
He tried to help you up but you slipped. When you landed on the ground again this time your whole body jiggled.
You glanced at Eddie and he looked horrified. Tears filled your eyes as the laughing got louder. You turned away pulling off the skates and took off.
"Mr Munson go find her." Mrs Adler said trying to calm the class down and proceeded to call the next duo.
Eddie picked up the skates, then grabbed your shoes and your book bag.
" Oh Mr Munson. I want you guys to do another scene. Gonna need Miss L/n to have more lines. May I suggest Rocky 3. The argument on the Beach."
Eddie nodded and left.
He looked everywhere but he didn't find you. He felt so bad. He didn't mean to make you fall. Shit he promised that he wouldn't. But he most definitely didn't mean to make you cry.
He didn't know your schedule so he waited in the parking lot to see you come out. But you just up and disappear.
You ran to your locker and pulled out your tennis shoes. You dawned them on and went to your comfort place. The library. You went to the very back to your favorite spot to read. It was a small nook you found your freshman year. You go there just to study and listen to music or read. It was secluded. That's how you liked it. You really didn't have a lot of friends. None really that close anyway. You didn't have time. You always find yourself alone with a book more often than not. The characters you read about were the closest thing you had to real friends. So all your feelings were kept to yourself. You balled your eyes out until the bell rang. You hurried to your locker once again to grab an extra note pad and pencil.
You finished out the day leaving out the back of the school and walked home crying again. When you got home you went straight to your room and put on the baggiest clothes you could find. You took off your contacts and put on your glasses. Looking at yourself in the full body mirror in the corner of the room after. You felt so ugly. So... fat. The look on Eddie's face made you feel even worse.
It was a look that was similar to how others looked at you. A look that made you feel so gross. You had hoped to have never seen that in his fawn-like eyes. But you did and now you would always have that seared into your memory.
Why would Eddie Munson be any different? Why would he look at you in any way other than a fat loser? Why couldn't anyone see past your exterior and see you? Why couldn't Eddie see you how you've always seen him?
You laid in your bed and turned to face the wall. Tears fell over the bridge of your nose down to your pillow and smudged your glasses. You hate this. Hated being such an emotional person. Hate that no matter how many times you tell yourself that you are perfect the way that you are, that you still felt like you would never be good enough. Not a good enough student, not a good enough daughter, and not a good enough to be anyone's girlfriend. Just plain not good enough.
After many tears you must have fallen asleep when your brother knocked on the door and let himself in.
" Hey book worm. Get up."
You groaned. " Ugh! What do you want booger?"
" You have a visitor."
You sat up and took off your glasses to clean them. After you put them on and looked at your brother.
" Visitor? I don't-"
You cut yourself off when Eddie emerged from the hallway.
"Hey." He smiled
" Kiddo it's almost 5 o'clock." Your brother said leaving you and Eddie alone.
Shit he couldn't be here when your parents got home from work.
You quickly got up from the bed and took off your glasses.
" How did you know where I live?" You asked not looking at him. Not like you could really see him anyway.
" Uhh I asked around. Are you okay?"
Eddie sounded worried.
" Yes I'm fine."
" Look I'm sorry I made you fall." He said stepping closer to you.
" It's okay I just lost my balance."
He stepped closer. I'm still really sorry. I never meant to make you cry."
" You didn't...It wasn't you."
" Then why did-"
" Munson it's okay. You don't have to do this. I really am fine now."
There was an awkward silence for a second before Eddie started talking again.
" Hey I didn't know you wore glasses."
" Umm. Yeah... sometimes..."
" ...Put them on yeah?"
You looked up at him and his face was just a blur. You pressed your lips together and put them on. You could see him clearly now and he was grinning.
" Better?"
You gave him a small smile." Y-yes."
"Good. You know you look good with glasses."
You blushed. Was he flirting?
"Are-are you saying I don't look good without them?"
" No. No." He quickly reiterated still with a smile. " You look good either way."
"Umm thanks."
Fuck why did you have to smile at me like that?
" So uhh. I brought your stuff. I thought maybe you might need it."
Eddie held out your things and you reached out and took them. The way this man looked at you could bring you to your knees. That look from earlier was nowhere in sight. It was almost as if he was undressing you with his eyes.
Of course you got nervous again and felt the heat rise from your chest.
You can't look at me like that.
" Uhh thank you." You grabbed your things and turned around setting them on the bed.
" So uhhh. This is your room."
You smiled and turned around. Eddie wasn't looking at you anymore. His eyes roamed around your room.
Eddie liked your room. It wasn't too girly or too pink. He admired all you posters of the same bands he liked. He especially liked the Einstein poster with his tongue sticking out.
He looked over your art desk. It was filled with drawings and comic strips that you drew. You got so much better since 5th grade.
His eyes finally settled on your trophy case. Shelves filled with second place trophies and silver medals.
"I know you have first place trophies. Where are they?"
" They're in the den...my uhh parents thought that they would look better to company without these next to them."
Eddie was sad all of a sudden. He normally didn't judge people before meeting them. But what you just said. He figured your parents were dicks.
"What about this one?" Eddie said grabbing a small frame.
He couldn't help his grin when he saw two familiar looking faces in the short comic. You would probably be embarrassed about him seeing it. But he was completely flattered. The comic was of a guy who looked strikingly similar to him being saved from a dragon by a princess. That princess looking alot like you. It was honestly really cute.
You tried to grab it." Oh. That's nothing."
Eddie pulled away still looking at it. " No. It says you got first place in the Hawkins Post comic contest."
" Uhhh" you tried to grab it again. This time he turned to face you and looked down to you. " Yeah it was just a joke."
He could see how red you got and smirked to himself. You had to be the most beautiful person in Hawkins with all that red in your cheeks.
He finally handed the frame back. " It should be out with the others."
You moved away and put it in your desk drawer. You didn't say anything. You couldn't. Eddie Munson was in your room. Looking at your things. Never in a million years did you think this would happen.
Eddie noticed you were a bit nervous and it made him feel good. Yeah you definitely had a crush on him.
"So umm what are you doing for the rest of the day?"
" Hey egg head. Mom and dad are gonna be here in ten minutes." Your brother said appearing in your door way.
" Yeah. Got it butt munch."
Eddie chuckled at your small banter with your brother.
Once he left you were quiet. Eddie understood what was going on. He had to leave before they got there. It was something sort of a routine he had all his life. But at least this time instead of climbing out the window. He could use the front door. This is why he parked down the street. Why he always parked far away. No one wants to be seen with the freak.
" Umm Eddie...I'm sorry. But I'm not allowed to have company without a written request."
That seemed like a joke. But by your tone he knew you weren't kidding.
This was different. He never wanted to be in this type of situation before. Normally he would get what he wanted and bolt before the husband got home.
This was different. He wanted to stay. He wanted to spend time with you. Maybe even make it up to you for causing you to fall.
" I uhh yeah. Sorry. I know I'm not any parents first choice in a friend." He said nervously and rubbed the back of his neck.
Friends? We're friends?
" No...it's not that. It's just... they're really stricked when it comes to me. So much so that it's exhausting."
" I'm sorry."
You gave him a thin lip smile. " Don't be. I umm....I would like it if you stayed. But-"
"I parked down the street." He blurted. Not really knowing why he said it.
" What? Why?"
" I uhhh figured my van was an eye sore. Don't want to bring property values down."
Your brow furrowed. "No. Your van is cool. If anything it improves the cookie cut out, sea of beige."
He smiled again. Did you really think he was something other than what others thought he was? Could you really be this nice?
Eddie had to leave. He should leave. He knew that if he stayed things might get a bit messy. Not just with your parents. But with you.
"I'm gonna go. I don't want to get you in trouble."
Your heart sank. You really didn't want him to go. But he was right. If he stayed, your parents would shit a brick.
" Okay." Was all you could say.
Eddie walked to the door but stopped.
" Can I call you later?"
Your heart fluttered. " S-sure."
" Cool...talk to you later sweetheart."
When he left you sat on the bed.
Eddie Munson thinks you look good with glasses.
What was he thinking? Did he know what effect he had on you? Was he flirting? If he was, why? Why on earth would he flirt with you?
Eddie was so sweet for bringing your stuff. And the fact that he didn't freak out when he saw the comic made you think he liked you.
But no that couldn't be it. Eddie was just a nice guy. He had always been. It was nice to know that he knew you existed now. But that wasn't enough. You wanted more. You wanted him.
" Hey loser."
You looked up and your brother was there again.
" Hey."
" Eddie Munson huh?"
You half smiled at his name. " Yeah. He's my partner in theater. He was just dropping off my stuff."
"Mom and dad are gonna freak out if they knew you were friends."
" We're not friends. Just working together." You said with a touch of sadness in your tone.
" You like him huh?"
You furrowed your brow again and bit your bottom lip, shaking your head.
" Don't lie. You do....But you know what I think?"
You shook your head again.
" I think he would be good for you. He's a really good guy. I know what people say about him. But he's totally cool. At least when I went to school with him he was."
" Yeah... Mom and dad won't like it. But you should totally hang out with him more."
" How am I supposed to do that?"
Your brother chuckled. " You're smart. You'll figure it out."
With that said he left. Could you actually be Eddie's friend?
You didn't know. But you were gonna try. You just hoped maybe Eddie wouldn't mind you trying to get close.
When Eddie got back in his van all he could think about was how your parents would react if he stayed. He really wanted to stay. Especially when he saw how badly your foot and ankle was bruised. He knew that didn't happen today but it must not have helped falling again.
He wanted to massage it for you and talk to you like he had all week. Whatever it was that you were doing to him, he liked it. Obviously you like what he was doing to you. However, it wasn't like sexual. Well maybe a little. But he felt like he missed so much these past years and he wanted to catch up.
When he got home he put on Rocky three and started writing out the script for you two. The scene was a very emotional one. He had hoped it wouldn't be too much for you. Especially the kiss at the end.
Should he? Would you want to? Would it be too much too fast? Whatever was brewing in him, he knew he had to take things slow. He wasn't sure how to proceed with the new found feelings for you. So he decided to see what you wanted to do first.
Once the scene was written out, he sat back and watched the rest of the movie. Though the movie was incredibly cheesy. He liked it. He liked the relationship Adrian and Rocky had. It made him want something that real. Sure he was young and there was plenty of time for all that. Still, he liked the idea of building a strong relationship like that. Loving someone as deeply as Rocky loved Adrian. Someone who sees him and doesn't shy away. Someone who tells him like it is. Who isn't afraid of what others think?
From the looks of it, that someone might be, could be you. Maybe he just wanted you to be. Either way he wanted to see if there was something there.
Because though he was slightly afraid to admit it, he liked you.
His thinking continued. His thoughts were invaded by your laugh, your smile, your soft voice, the sweet scent of your perfume. He smiled to himself wondering.
@salenorona23 @b-irock
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hederasgarden · 2 years
Top Gun Masterlist
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Jake "Hangman" Seresin
Flirting For Dummies  (Finished Series | Mature l 8.3K)
Turns out the crush you have on one of the pilots that frequents the Hard Deck isn’t quite so unrequited. You’re just bad at recognizing when someone’s flirting with you. Good thing Jake’s happy to help you understand how interested he really is.
Intoxicated (Explicit | 3.3K)
A drunken confession to your best friend leads to more than you expected.
Play Stupid Games, Win Stupid Prizes (Explicit | 950)
You give Hangman a special memory in the Top Gun rec room on the eve of his graduation.
If You Can’t Take the Heat (Explicit | 935) You mouth off at the Hard Deck and Jake reminds you who’s really in charge.
Lose Control (Explicit | 1K)
You’re determined to make Jake lose control.
Sweet Surrender (Explicit | 2.1K)
Jake’s given and taken orders a hundred times throughout his career but nothing compares to the moment he realizes you liked it. 
Dating Jake Seresin Musings (Mature)
Hangman's Thick Fingers (Explicit)
Orgasm Denial Kink with Jake (Explicit)
Bradley “Rooster” Bradshaw
A Lesson in Patience (Explicit l 1.4K)
Your boyfriend wants to try something new. 
Take a Seat (Explicit | 845)
Rooster invites you to take a seat on his face. 
His Goofy Girl (Gen | 630)
You have an entertaining reaction to the anesthesia used for your wisdom tooth extraction, much to Rooster ‘s amusement and embarrassment.
Robert “Bob” Floyd
Eager to Please (Explicit l 400)
You learn pretty quickly that Bob is eager to please, but he still manages to surprise you with a request. 
Catch a Fallen Star (Mature l 350)
Mermaid!reader x Sailor!Bob. He's the only survivor from the ship that broke apart on the rocky shores of the island last night. Well, there were others, but your sisters took care of them all too eagerly.
The day Bob earns his call sign
A night of absolute devotion and attention with Bob
Natasha “Phoenix” Trace + Robert “Bob” Floyd
All The Right Moves (Gen l 1.8K)
Your day takes a turn for the better when you meet not one but two cute Navy Pilots at the hospital. 
Follow the Leader (Explicit l 883)
You and Bob love it when Phoenix takes charge.
Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw + Jake "Hangman" Seresin
Friendly Competition (Ongoing Series | Explicit | 2.8K)
Rooster and Hangman’s competition for your attention reaches a new level.
Sometimes All I Need Is You (Gen | 1.6K)
Hangman and Rooster comfort you after a difficult day.  
Night Drive (Explicit | 867)
Your reunion with Rooster gets interrupted by Hangman. 
Living with Rooster and Hangman 
♡Main Masterlist♡
Thank you @callsignhurricane for my beautiful headers!
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GRABS YOU listen listen LISTEN. headcanons for snuggling the dummies (and doll) 👁️👁️ i have NO SPECIFICS so go absolutely CRAZY!!!!!!!!!!! BONKERS I TELL YOU
snuggling the dummies (& doll) HCS
Slappy is a FIEND for snuggles, he’ll climb onto you and immediately curl into your side, going on and on about his world domination plays while his little hands tightly hold onto you with the most protective aura he can muster.
Snappy will play with your hair and nestle his face into the crook of your neck while you two snuggle, also sneaking a little dummy kiss on your jawline and cheek shsjhs <3 he’s a cheeky bastard
Mary ellen will lay her head on your chest and hold your hand! just humming softly while she enjoys the domestic bliss of it all, and make sure to stroke her hair! she will cry /pos
Dennis likes to talk a LOT during snuggles, and will just bounce from topic to topic while he plays with your hair, and most often the topics are involving you and how cool or cute he thinks you are, but he’s as snug as bug on your lap!
Rocky is a simple man, he’ll sit on your lap and tell you all his old man stories while being curled up against your frame, dummies shouldn’t get cold but with the way he’s practically clinging onto you? you’d think he’s freezing!
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getosubaru · 2 years
𝑜𝒻𝒻 𝓁𝒾𝓂𝒾𝓉𝓈
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gojo satoru x gn!reader
best friends to lovers drabble series; based on these prompts
wc: 823
tw/notes: small text only for description; hint of angst re: geto; could be a no-curses au; pining so much pining; petnames (baby, sweetheart, angel, honey, asshole) mostly directed at gojo; not beta read we die like riko
prompt: the first kiss and the realization of “it’s always been you”
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You’ve kissed Gojo before.
Spin the bottle, truth or dare, he’s certain the two of you have kissed dozens of times.
But it’s never been real.
You’ve never looked up at him with wide, pleading eyes that dart back to his lips like you can’t tell what to focus on.
Gojo never thought you ever would.
His closest friend (not his “best friend” since those words are cursed and not fitting of how you sink under all his walls) is off limits. Oh, sure, he’ll flirt until you’re stammering and smacking him on the head, but anything more than that is forbidden.
He can’t risk you, can’t risk this.
If Gojo ever lost the way his given name curls out of your mouth with a smile at the edges…
Or the way you pull him in, conscious always of how touch-starved he is. You push up right against infinity until the feeling of your skin on his drowns out everything else.
When the space behind his eyes aches under the weight of living, you’re there with blackout curtains, white noise machines, and a cool washcloth. Eventually, you learn to rest his head on your chest while you drag your fingers through his hair.
Funnily enough, Gojo almost looks forward to his splitting migraines since you drop everything to take care of him. No one else really does.
He’s human with you. Not Gojo but Satoru or Toru or hey, asshole. He might prefer that last one to be perfectly honest.
No, Gojo prefers the nicknames you use when everything is wrong. Baby, honey, angel roll off your tongue softer than cashmere like he’s something that needs to be treated gently.
He enjoys the way your eyes widen when he turns them on you. Sweetheart said cloyingly in a tease, but there’s truth underneath. You keep your honeyed affection for him alone.
And you’re there at the center of his universe. The tether that keeps him from spinning off-kilter, not letting him fall from the strength of your gravity.
There’s a painting that hangs above his bed. Gojo got it on holiday in Italy with you, an ancient artist sold their work from a blanket on the beach. You hadn’t understood why he was so taken with it, but you humored him when he insisted on lugging the huge canvas back to your hotel room.
The scene is all blue and grey under a haze of sepia. Against a backdrop of a turbulent sky and a riotous sea, a lighthouse stands alone on a rocky island. Its yellow beacon is turned to the viewer, nearly blinding for all that it’s just paint on a canvas. Ships in the distance with their own lights approach the lighthouse through the storm.
Gojo couldn’t and wouldn’t explain at the time. The words wouldn’t come nor did he want them to. Off limits. Don’t risk the one good thing he’s got left.
But you smile at him when the credits roll on a movie he hadn’t been paying attention to.
“We can watch it in your room,” you had said, marching off with a bag of snacks and the blanket from his couch. “Unless you managed to break that TV too?”
He knows you’ll sleep here tonight, not bothering to move to the guest room that’s already basically yours. Safe and warm next to him under the hazy painting that keeps most of his nightmares away.
“Toru?” you ask when he doesn’t put another movie on. He’s much more concerned with memorizing exactly how you look right now.
“It’s you,” he says into the quiet.
You raise an eyebrow. “Been here for a minute, dummy. All the hair bleach finally affect your brain?”
“I don’t–“ He cuts himself off with a huff. “Can you be serious for one second?”
“Big words coming from you.”
Fair, but he’s trying to do something here.
Gojo pinches your chin lightly, tilting your head up to the painting above his bed. It’s barely visible in the glow of the TV. “The lighthouse. It’s you. That’s why I wanted it so bad.”
Dangerous, bad idea, off limits.
Your face contorts in confusion before it softens into something he knows is only his.
“Funny, that’s how I’ve always seen you,” you say, looking back at his uncovered eyes with a smile.
The kiss is gentle, delicate, and more intimate than anything else he’s ever experienced. But Gojo knows the strength in that softness. Not weakness, far from it. If he is Atlas, then you are tender hands kneading out his shoulders and wiping his brow.
He cradles your face in one hand and lets the other rest just above your pulse to feel its wild, hummingbird pace.
Your lips taste like tranquil absolution. Not off limits, not dangerous, but perfect and safe. Your arms hold him steady even though he feels like he’s shaking.
“It’s always been you calling me home from the storm.”
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tagging: @satorhime @spillthembeans22 @bunnaccino @sarchopathic @73sorcerer
a/n: this is part of a small collection i’m working on as kind of a “get in the headspace of different characters” thing! next up will probably be sukuna’s or toji’s, so let me know if you want to be tagged 🥰
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behindyourbarrette · 3 years
lucky strike
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summary: A surprise, way too many mentions of bowling balls, and dumb luck.
pairing: Spencer Reid x reader
category: established relationship, fluff, like so much fluff
a/n: hope you enjoy! this could be Like You A Latte a reader but it works as a stand alone established relationship too :) if you liked REBLOG it helps me out a ton, you know the drill! <3 also i need to stop fucking writing about jell-o i stg
“Do you ever wish our dates were more, uh, special?”
You look up to find Spencer peering into his ice cream, far too contemplative for Rocky Road. It’s a quiet Friday night in Quantico, a rare occasion indeed, and you’ve just taken a walk around the park. To be frank, you’re just happy that Spencer is home, and with you. Where you go and what you do is of little importance.
“What do you mean? Isn’t this special?”
You link your arm in his. He stutters, and you avert your gaze to lessen the pressure on him.
“No, it’s always special! I just see couples out on cases and wonder if I’m not doing enough. We’ve never had, like, a candlelit dinner. Or gone to a concert. Or an escape room.”
“Who on Earth goes to an escape room as a date?” You ask, already laughing.
His face turns somber, and he shakes his head. You get the feeling that maybe the escape room he’s referring to went badly.
“You don’t want to know. You get what I mean, though. I feel like I’m not giving you as many great experiences as I should be. We regularly walk around the park and call it a date.”
You stop walking, reaching up to hold his face in your hands. It’s a little difficult to do, while also holding an ice cream cone, but you manage.
“Spencer, regardless of the innuendo you just made about great experiences, I love spending time with you. It isn’t about what we do. I enjoy it because I’m with you, dummy.”
He smiles a little, the tips of his ears turning pink. You kiss his cheek chastely, turning back and tugging him along the path.
“We haven’t really done anything extravagant.” He points out, ever a contrarian.
“Are you telling me that making Jell-O in your kitchen was anything short of opulent?”
His face breaks into a grin, and he shakes his head wistfully.
“No. I loved that day.”
You did, too. You have pictures of you both, hands stained pink, triumphantly holding up a ring of strawberry Jell-O. His kitchen was a mess full of gelatin blobs for weeks, but it had been wholly worth it. You shake yourself out of the memory, pressing closer to him.
“I’ve always loved bowling,” You say over your spoon, because you know Spencer hates it when you do that. You immediately regret the suggestion, though. Nobody really enjoys spending time in a bowling alley, and you’re not sure Spencer would have a very good time. He seems open to it, though, nodding after a pensive lick of his ice cream.
“I went to a lot of birthday parties at the bowling alley growing up. They’re nostalgic.” You add, quick to explain.
“I haven’t been in years. I never went with my friends as a kid. We could go, if you want.” He says quietly.
“I don’t know. Bowling alleys kind of suck.” You lace your fingers into his and swing your collective arms a little. A smile forms on his face and you are determined to keep it there.
“What do you mean? You just said you love bowling.” He furrows his brow, and you shrug. The evening breeze is becoming increasingly cold, and you huddle a little closer to him. You’ve reached your favorite part of the park; your bench, where the walk ends and turns into glorified public cuddling.
“I do! It’s a lot of fun. It’s just a rough environment. They’re loud, and the food is always terrible. I figured with the lights and the noise it could be really overstimulating. I get overwhelmed, too.” You nestle your head into his shoulder, watching a family play tag across the expanse of green grass. You can feel Spencer nod before responding.
“Yeah, I get what you mean. I could try, though. We can always leave if it’s too much.”
You will never tire of watching Spencer try, for you. Even if at first he doesn’t succeed. He presses a kiss to your forehead and hugs you, holding you even after it’s customary to let go.
“Yep. You know I love you, right?”
He grins, and kisses you once more.
“Say it again.”
It’s two weeks later when he finally, finally has an evening off.
You’re ridiculously flustered. While you and Spencer take full advantage of modern technology and FaceTime while he’s on cases, it still feels like it’s been ages since you last saw each other. Despite how ridiculously comfortable you are with him, you still get a little nervous, and wonder what he sees when you’re together. Tonight is no exception. While you’re certain that the dads at the bowling alley don’t care what you wear, you still struggle to figure out what screams bowling.
You don’t quite figure it out.
Before you’re entirely finished getting ready, your phone rings. You answer in a hurry, rushing to put on your coat as you make your way down the stairs.
“Hey, Spence. What’s up?”
“Hello. It’s good to hear your voice. I sent you the address of the bowling alley downtown. It’s called Strawberry Lanes. I’m on my way.”
You smile against the screen, and reach the metro station you’re looking for.
“Cool. I got it. You’re sure you don’t want to go to the movies instead? They’re even playing Singing in the Rain.” You make a habit of keeping tabs on what’s showing at the theatre by your apartment. While the staff there is very sick of hearing your requests to play foreign films ("Miss, if we played exclusively French New Wave we'd be at a net loss of revenue,") they do sometimes still play classics.
“N-no, I don’t. I’ll see you there.” He’s a little more insistent than usual, and you lack the conviction to worry about it. Instead, you hold onto a dirty metal pole for stability and think about germs and someone you love.
Strawberry Lanes is...dilapidated at best.
To be fair, Quantico is a small college town. You don’t expect much in terms of grand forms of entertainment. As you make your way across the parking lot, you’re acutely aware of the reality that the sign on the entrance is in need of a paint job.
Once you’re inside, the cool air conditioning against your skin is a welcome departure from the humidity outside. It’s eerily quiet, though, and you round a corner to find an unexpected sight.
It’s Spencer. But he’s one of maybe seven people in the whole bowling alley.
You scoff in disbelief, your purse falling from your shoulder to your elbow as you take the final few steps to meet Spencer in the middle. He’s wearing a shit-eating grin at the sight of you, and you smile up at him in awe.
“I, uh, read online that bowling is more fun when in a larger group. I hope you don’t mind.”
You look behind him to find the entire team, all in ridiculous bowling shoes but smiling at you fondly.
“How did you rent out an entire bowling alley?”
You ask, and before you can stop yourself you’ve balled your hands in the fabric of Spencer’s shirt. He laughs, holding you by your elbows, and you still feel a little shaky on your feet as you absorb your surroundings.
“I had help. It was surprisingly inexpensive.”
You turn to see David Rossi, author of three of your favorite books of all time sitting at a table behind the bowling lanes. He waves at you, but scowls at Spencer.
“Easy for you to say. It didn’t come out of your pocket.”
Spencer is glowing. That’s the best word for it—a little flushed, his smile lights up his whole face, cheek to cheek. One hand on the small of your back, you make your way to the lane and offer the team a meek wave.
“It’s so good to see you, pumpkin! Amazing that you got Spence to engage in a sport, too.” Penelope squeals, wrapping you up in a hug. She’s donning pinstripes, head to toe, and the irony isn’t lost on you. You’re pretty sure she intended it. JJ gives you a quick hug, and Emily smiles warmly as you wave in her direction. Morgan claps you on the back and Spencer stiffens, but relaxes when you laugh.
“Is bowling a sport?”
You ask, as you lace up your shoes. With the bulky loafers on, you look a little like a clown, but so does everyone. Spencer somehow managed to convince the managers to dim the disco lights, and bowling is surprisingly benign when softened like this. Spencer nods so vehemently you realize that you’re in for a night of trivia.
“Depends on your definition, but yes. It was in the Olympics, albeit briefly. I’d call it a competitive game, given that there’s a target and a level of athleticism involved in angling your ball correctly.” He says, and you pale.
Morgan laughs from across the lane, and walks over to hand you a bright pink bowling ball.
“A little ball for Spencer’s little lady.”
You blush, and walk up to the lane. While you’re a relatively competitive person, you know your limits. You manage to knock a few pins down and turn back to the crowd, grinning. Emily cheers, and Spencer looks elated. It’s his turn next—Morgan entered his name into the touchscreen as “pretty boy”—and he bowls a straight gutter ball.
He manages to recover quickly, making his way back to your seat without so much as a frown. You rub his back gently, and encourage him.
“You’ll get the hang of it. You had a good amount of spin on it!” “I was trying for a hook shot. You want the rotational speed to match up with the linear velocity of the ball towards the end, because the greater the angle the ball hits the pins at the greater chance of a strike. It’s fascinating, actually, given that that equation is unique to every bowler.” He furrows his brow, and you watch.
“It’s not something that can be mimicked or replicated. There’s no formula.”
You laugh lightly, acutely aware of the fact that JJ and Rossi are watching you. You love Spencer’s coworkers to death—at the end of the day, they’re his family, and they’ve been nothing but kind to you. Even so, it can feel like they’re watching just to watch sometimes. Smiling widely, you tug Spencer up from his chair. Emily’s just completed a spare, winning her five bucks from Morgan, and it’s your turn.
“Yeah, you said it best. You can’t replicate it. You have to find your own way of doing it.”
He shakes his head, a little defensive, and you punch him affectionately on the arm.
“A strike doesn’t come from that individuality, though. It comes from the angle—”
“Spencer, sometimes you just have to rely on luck! I love your beautiful brain and I’m sure you could calculate how to bowl, but come on. It’s my turn. Watch me.”
The hours pass quickly. Emily and Morgan are incredibly competitive, and after a while even Rossi makes his way onto the oiled floor to show everyone how it’s done. Spencer disappears towards the end of the first game, and you trail through the alley until you find him in the arcade.
He’s playing Pac-Man with the least gusto you’ve ever seen, but he’s winning. As you make your way up to him, he smiles.
“Hey. Trying to get a new high score?”
He nods, and after the round is over you see his initials pop up onto the screen. SWR. He turns to you, grinning wildly, his success sweetened by the fact that you’re there to see it.
“Are you having a good time?”
He asks, and you smile a little tightly, so as not to become overly emotional in an arcade. It is so nice, to have him here, sharing something with you. You know that it was probably not easy to convince Rossi, nor to commit to playing a competitive game for a few hours. You reach for his hand, and it occurs to you once he squeezes that distance doesn’t really make the heart grow fonder; it makes the heart grow more appreciative. You will take any amount of him you can get; how handsome he looks in the neon lighting, features a little exaggerated as the screens flash and machines whir. The feeling of his hand in yours. His inability to bowl for shit.
“Yeah. Come on, I want to bowl a little more before the second game ends.” You tug him forward, smiling, and where you go, he follows.
The second game passes quickly; it’s a nail-biting tie between Derek and Emily, with Rossi pulling a close third place. You’re perched at your seat, a dreamy sort of content settling over you as you watch the team excitedly bowl. The animations that play over the screens whenever JJ makes a spare or Penelope bowls a gutter ball are hilarious, and you’ve settled into this feeling. You and Spencer are at the bottom of the leaderboard, but hey—winning isn’t everything. Before you know it, you’ve reached the final two frames, and it’s Spencer’s turn. He wipes his hands on the front of his pants, a little nervous as he stands.
“Come on, genius, you got it!”
“Go, mighty professor, go!”
He looks back at you, bowling ball in hand, and you smile, mouthing a phrase at him. He turns back to the lane, a little emboldened, and bowls terribly. He turns around, a little defeated but still grinning, and he doesn’t see the perfect hook shot make a hard right towards the middle of the pins, knocking each one down.
“You did it! Spence, you did—”
The screens light up in gold, the glory of his lucky strike contagious as the team erupts in whoops and applause. It’s a minor miracle, and you see the shock written over his expression, but it gives way to pride after Derek wraps him up in a hug. Once he makes his way to you, grinning crookedly, you decide to abandon tradition. You don’t even care that you’re in front of his friends; you kiss him, his disbelief melting away in favor of something proud and hopeful. He envelops you in a tight hug, and amidst the laughter and cheers you feel luckier than ever before.
taglist <3 (i need to add a blurb category so sorry if u didnt sign up for this lol)
@everyonesfavoritepipecleaner @idonotexiste @coldlilheart @onyourfingertips @uptowngotmedown @infinite-tides @whentheskiesareblue @winniemjf @aanubisbackwards @just-another-persona123 @okivia @thedancingnerdmermaid @the-chaotic-cow @drayshadow @measure-in-pain @allybatch @reidonfilm @luredwithpretzels @rexorangecouny @thatsonezesty13 @rare-breed-of-human @ceridwen-02 @briefgoateeking
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biggest-stupidhead · 4 years
i saw that your requests were open and i really enjoy your writing! bad timing is one of my fave fics to read 🥺 i was wondering if you could write levi x reader where the reader is tiny? (like 4’11 or 5’0) and levi is so geeked out over how cute she is and everything she does is so cute. reader literally hates her height but levi loves it bc he can finally pat someone’s head, carry them easily, and feel secure. could be modern au or canonverse whatever you’re comfortable with (-:
hhaha I know that it’s technically canon that Levi likes taller ppl more than short people but this is too cute not to. 
Summary: Levi is infatuated with squad leader (y/n) 
Word Count: 1.2K
Levi watched as his squad finished up their ODM gear practice, all of them landing near the base of the forest that they had been practicing in. Levi tapped his boot impatiently on the dusty ground as he waited for them to come to him for their next orders. He vaguely heard the sound of another group of soldiers coming in for their own turn on the course of dummy titans. He turned and caught a glimpse of your head among the sea of teenagers. Much like himself, you were...vertically challenged. But despite your lack of height you managed to fair more than fine on the battle field, using your small stature to your advantage, which allowed you to maneuver rather gracefully in the air. Your squad was lined up behind you as you looked up at the tree line with your hand on your chin. 
“Squad leader, afterwards can we go to the river and swim? It’s so hot out.” one of your subordinates whined as he placed an arm on your head and leaned on you. Levi’s brows furrowed at the insubordination before him, but you shrugged the boy off and turned around, clapping your hands together. 
“Get to work, run through the course and meet me back here with a tally of your ‘kills’“ you instructed, the boy deflated when he didn’t get an answer to his question but nonetheless obeyed your order along with the four other teens. Once they were all gone you turned and flashed him a smile. 
“Captain.” You greeted with a nod before turning to join him. He hummed in response, taking a moment to appreciate how you were just below his eye level. A rare occurrence around here, for whatever reason all of the scouts seemed to be fucking massive. 
“Squad leader.” Levi said slowly as he looked back up at his own squad, the teens were finally all in one place, and now they were lumbering towards him like a herd of slobbering sweaty titans. 
“Captain!” they all greeted in almost perfect unison as they stopped and saluted. 
“Go put up your gear and get started on your chores for the afternoon.” Levi waved them off and they all scattered, save for Connie. Who was staring at you with his head cocked to the side. 
“I haven’t seen you around before, are you joining Levi’s squad?” He asked, approaching you with his hand outstretched. You scoffed but accepted his hand. 
“No cadet, I’m squad leader (L/n).” You smirked when Connie ripped his hand from your grasp and hurried to salute you. 
“My deepest apologies squad leader!” He closed his eyes, waiting for you to assign him a punishment but he only received a swat to the back of his head. When he cracked his eyes open he realized that it wasn’t the young squad leader but his own captain who had struck him. 
“Get moving Springer.” Levi ordered as he crossed his arms over his chest. Connie nodded and scurried after his friends, you only sighed and widened your stance. 
“He’s a cutie.” you mused, shooting Levi a wry smile. Levi clicked his tongue and averted his gaze. 
“Why so sour Captain?” You hummed, jabbing him in the rips with your elbow. 
“Watch it (L/n), just because you’re not my subordinate anymore doesn’t mean I’m not your senior.” Levi grunted with an accentuated roll of his eyes. 
“Oh so now you want to be an old man?” You giggled, still standing in his space. 
“I’m not even that old.” Levi shot you a hard glare, clearly you’d touched a nerve. 
“And I’m 6′3.” you returned the sass without issue and even Levi let out a sharp bark of laughter. 
“Touche´.” Levi hummed with a the smallest of smiles curling onto his lips. You smiled at your victory, you hadn’t been a squad leader for long, only about five months. But you were pulling the rank card as often as you could. 
“So I’m thinking about letting my squad go down to the river after this exercise, you feeling generous?” You asked, tilting your chin up to look in his eyes. Levi’s stomach did a flip at the gesture, he couldn’t resist reaching out and ruffling your hair. You yelped but didn’t pull away as he messed up your hair. 
“I suppose.” he grunted as he slowly pulled his hand off of your head. 
“Great.” You beamed up at him, shifting your hip to knock playfully against his. 
An hour later Levi begrudgingly ordered his squad out to the river, where he found you already neck deep in the water. Hange was standing next to you, her shoulders and head above the waterline. Your squad was swimming as well and Levi could feel the tension that was running thick in his own squad as they waited for his permission to join the fun. 
“Well? Go ahead.” He huffed, flicking his wrist towards the pile of clothes that was strewn across the sandy bank. He sat down on a log as he watched the teens strip down to their underwear and race into the river to join the others. Hange picked you up and slammed you down into the water, you resurfaced a moment later with your hair covering your eyes. You waded out of the river and came right up to him. You were still pushing your hair out of your face as you stood before him in your underwear. 
“Come on in captain, the water’s great.” you teased as you wrung out your hair. He scoffed and uncrossed his legs. 
“Do you know how many fish piss in that water? It’ll be a cold day in hell when I swim in a river as filthy as this-” You snatched his wrist and pulled him off of his balance. The two of your staggered down the bank, you only managed to get him to the waters’ edge before he regained his balance, a dark glare on his face. 
“No.” He said with a firm shake of his head. You pouted, bringing your other hand to hold his forearm. 
“Just for a minute.” You pleaded with doe eyes. Levi inhaled sharply and begrudgingly toed off his boots. 
“Only my feet.” Levi compromised as he leaned down to roll up his pants. You led him into the rocky river, the mossy stones under his feet made him uncertain. But you remained steady alongside him, once you had reached just below his pants, you turned and flashed another smile. Levi sighed deeply as he watched you stand there in the chilly water, so captivated by the way your eyes seemed to shine in the summer afternoon sun. In fact he was so infatuated that he hardly realized that the both of you were falling. Falling off of the edge of the shallow end and into a slightly deeper part of the river. Not deep enough where you couldn’t touch, but deep enough to soak his uniform. He came out from under the water with wide eyes, you were clinging to him, laughing that bubbly laugh, your nose was so close to his as your arms wrapped around his neck. And in that moment he didn’t even feel angry or betrayed. He was just so captivated with how well you felt in his arms, your face close to his and the warmth of your breath fanning over his lips. 
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Poly sea three x reader - oneshot - Lonely
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*as i finished this i realized this has no dialogue...which is kinda cool i’ve never written a no dialogue fic, so enjoy!* ((y/n) is Jack Sparrows kid btw if you couldn't guess from the compass on the moodboard) 
After Uma left, her life was harder…harder than it was before. Uma was the rock of the crew, always there, always steady, and ready to command the lot at a moment's notice. The crew saw a polished rock, hard and smooth, shining like the stars in the galaxy.
Only three people in the crew saw the rough edges. Uma only trusted three people to see behind the polished glaze, exposing the rocky terrain within her. On nights where it had just been too much stress at the chip shop, she would retreat to one of three rooms, sometimes even gathering all of them to be in her room so she could just relax with her favorite people.
Her head rested on her first mate's chest, his solid heartbeat and even breathing lulling her to sleep, her body tangled with her war chief, arms wrapped around each other like snakes and thumb gently rubbing her back. Her legs coiled around her second mate, his hands pressed against her calf and thigh, always letting her know he was there.
Uma didn’t know how much she relied on them until she couldn't get back behind the barrier, eyes wide with helplessness as she called out for them on the other side, Harry when he would nab some fish from an unsuspecting fisherman, (y/n) when they sat on the docks, carving whatever they felt like into their dagger, Gil when he was skipping rocks.
They never heard her, and she didn’t try again as she watched them walk around on the deck of her ship.
She missed them, she realized that almost as soon as she hit the water outside the barrier, stopping for a moment to look back, watching as the barrier closed and she was separated from her friends.
Sometimes, she would see things that reminded her of them, the scarlet ribbon of a disregarded dress, a sparrow flying above her, a broken arrowhead at the bottom of the sea.
Uma just wanted to be with them again, her heart ached every night she went on without the sound of Harry's heart, the feeling of (y/n)s hands gently scratching at her back, the feeling of Gil's hands gently massaging her legs. She realized she loved them, all three of them, the longer she was away from them.
She missed them all, so much.
And she hoped that they missed her too.
After Uma left, the isle was harder…harder than it was before. Uma was the rock of the crew, always there, always steady, and ready to command the lot of you at a moment's notice. The crew saw a polished rock, hard and smooth, shining like the stars in the galaxy.
Only three people in the crew saw the rough edges. Uma only trusted three people to see behind the polished glaze, exposing the rocky terrain within her. And she saw the inner workings of them behind closed doors, rusty cogs and scratched glass resting before her eyes.
Harry got more…twitchy, after Uma left, his usual controlled rage that used to bubble beneath his skin bursting out more often, scaring the crew sometimes, but never you and Gil. you both knew he’d never hurt either of you, he’d throw himself off the edge of the world before he even thought about doing so.
Harry was just so angry that Uma was gone, stuck on the other side of the barrier, he had no doubt she didn’t abandon any of you but that didn’t stop him from screaming and destroying the training dummies.
He shut himself away from everyone soon after the anger burned out, even Harriet hadn’t been able to convince him to unlock his door. It had taken almost a month for him to let you and Gil inside, and he looked awful, his skin was pale and his nose and cheeks were red, his eyes puffy and dull. The only reason he wasn’t skinny was thanks to you and Gil leaving trays full of food in front of his door at mealtimes, and leaving it there for him to grab it.
During those months of anger and depression, you and Gil took over the crew, you ascended into the role of captain, being the most knowledgeable about the position thanks to your lineage and Gil becoming first mate, all temporary until Harry recovered and Uma returned.
Though once Harry started to slowly return to his “normal” self, he didn’t care to try to take back his role as the first mate or become the captain as his first mate duties proclaimed, that alone told you and Gil and something was still wrong with Harry.
One night you and Gil dragged Harry into Uma’s empty quarters, and just laid in her bed in a tangle of limbs, Gil laying between Harry's legs with his head on Harry’s stomach, while Harry curled up into your chest, hands clutching onto your shirt. That night was one of the few times you saw Harry cry, choked sobs ripping from his throat as he attempted to muffle them in your neck.
You and Gil let your feelings out that night as well, assuring Harry that he wasn’t alone in missing Uma, you all did. So.damn.much.
Harry had always been in love with Uma, never afraid to show it, but that night you and Gil finally proclaimed the same after years of hiding your feelings in fear they would be used against you. And you loved each other too, it was hard to deny, not after revealing your feelings for Uma.
You all vowed that when Uma returned you would shower her in the love that you had all been deprived of for many years.
It was over a year later before you saw her again, Gil and Harry had jumped out of the barrier behind Mal and her goons plus Celia, Harry knocking the blue gem out of Mal's hand.
Your breath escaped you when a turquoise tentacle caught it, and Uma, looking more beautiful than you remembered, emerged from the water, dressed in an altered version of her turquoise cotillion dress, the sweetheart neckline showing off her glowing shell necklace.
Uma and your boys reunited, but she didn’t look at you, probably because you were back behind the tunnel and she couldn’t see you through the barrier and the darkness of the tunnel. But that was fine, you could wait just a bit longer before you looked her in the eyes again.
You would wait a thousand years for her.
But you wouldn’t have to wait that long, the next morning you awoke to the crew loudly celebrating, cheers and chaos echoing through the halls of the ship from the main deck.
You slipped out of bed, quickly changing into your gear and racing up to the main deck, unable to keep the smile of your lips as you saw Uma, who continued to glow with an echo of her magic, being lifted by the crew, all cheering and celebrating her return.
Her eyes locked onto yours, and as the crew set her down on her feet, you walked toward her, taking off your tri-corn hat and kneeling in front of her. You said her name like a prayer to the gods, a whisper on your lips. Uma shivered at the tone, feeling something wash over her at your worship.
As she looked around at the crew, Harry and Gil standing only a few inches from her, not wanting to be far from her, she realized that while Auradon had everything one could want, riches, good food, magic.
It was nothing compared to the warmth she felt surrounded by her crew and the three people she loved with all her soul.
Uma grabbed your face as you stood up, biting back a smile at your confused look, and pressed a kiss to your lips, the crew around them exploding into cheers.
Uma pulled back from you, smirking at your dazed look as she spun around and grabbed Harry's jacket, pulling him down to her height for a kiss, laughing into it as he slumped into her and groaned. She pulled away one last time and turned to Gil, grinning at his ‘excited puppy’ look, and pressed a gentle kiss to his lips, smiling as he picked her up by her waist to give her better access.
The crew celebrated and cheered, Bonnie handing Desiree a wad of cash when you and Harry kissed as Gil set Uma down and pulled the four of you into a hug, Uma pressing a kiss to his cheek as he did.
All was well again.
Uma wasn’t lonely anymore.
lowkey kinda proud of this one hehe, tell me what yall thought! this was originally going to be a under the sea kinda fic but it turned into them all missing Uma and Uma missing them and then they all reunited and kiss and just asaoishdahsda i couldn't help but do the fluff at the end 
@queer-cosette​ @sephiralorange​
@lunanight2012​ @daughter-of-the-stars11​
@musicarose​ @remembered-license​
@random-thoughts-003​  @imtryingthisout​
@rintheemolion​ @thecaptainsgingersnap​ 
@verboetoperee​ @jatp-rules-my-life​
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otonymous · 4 years
Kissed By The Baddest CEO (MLQC Victor x KBTBB - NSFW)
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Description: Old flames and prospective lovers threaten to derail your budding romance with Victor before it even begins.  How will you extricate yourselves from a web of misunderstandings?
NSFW/18+: Explicit/graphic language — reader discretion is advised.  Potential Trigger Warnings: profanity, jealousy, angst, exes, mentions of alcohol, bone fetishes, rough sex, 69 sex position (oral sex), mirror sex, vaginal intercourse, swallowing, size kink
Mild spoilers for Victor’s family history (MLQC); slight bending of MLQC & KBTBB canon universes via creation of original side character
Word Count: ~10K words (please set aside a good chunk of time for some fluff, angst and smut 🤣)
Author’s Notes:
First of all, a GIANT thank you to the super gracious @lin-ful​ for commissioning this Victor piece from me.  You are an absolute joy to work with and I really appreciate the fact that you gave me carte blanche to basically do whatever I wanted 🤣  I really hope you enjoy the read!  (P.S. I would never be so sadistic as to ever make you choose between Victor and Eisuke, so please rest easy 😆)
This story is especially significant to me as a writer because it represents the culmination of a number of milestones: the first time I’ve created an original character, my first attempt at writing a crossover story, the first time I’ve written in both first- and second-person perspectives.  It is also the longest single piece I’ve ever written.  That being said, please note the warnings listed above and happy reading! 😊
Nb. This is a work of fiction.  Names, characters, and incidents are used fictitiously and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental.
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Chapter 1: Hello Diana
“Really Vic, I thought you were beyond name calling by now.”  
Her voice is sultry and low, smooth in your ears like the whiskey in her tumbler.  Completely at ease in a couture Givenchy pantsuit that likely cost more than one of your production budgets, she sat with her legs elegantly crossed in a leather armchair, tipping her glass to vermillion lips.  And as the flames danced in the imposing marble fireplace of one of Shanghai’s oldest and most exclusive supper clubs, they reflected off an enormous ruby ring gracing her middle finger.
Victor scoffs, taking a sip of his own whisky and glancing at you as you follow suit with the virgin cocktail he ordered on your behalf while you were in the restroom.
He was so infuriating at times, but at least it wasn’t warmed milk.
“First of all, you weren’t meant to hear that.  Secondly, I hardly consider ‘dummy’ name calling.  Far worse exists when it comes to options, as I'm sure you can attest to, Diana. You’ve used quite a few in your day.”
Amusement spreads across her fine features as she throws her head back in laughter, the sound enticing even as it disrupts the low chatter in the room.  However, none of the men looking her way seemed to mind.  She was brimming with so much joie de vivre that even you weren’t immune to her charms, smiling despite the anxiety that sat heavy in your chest from the very moment Victor introduced you to Diana Shum that evening.
You didn’t quite know why you felt ill at ease, especially towards someone who was doing you a favour by brokering a major deal on behalf of your company.  Well, more like doing Victor a favour, since he was the one who made the request.  Perhaps this was how all men felt in the presence of such a woman: elegantly confident and unapologetically vivacious, drawing attention everywhere she went.
“Are you still dredging up stories from our Oxford days, Victor?  Not very gentlemanly of you.  How do you put up with him?”  Diana turns to wink at you and the spotlight of her attention makes you feel like the only other person in the room.  “Let me assure you those boys deserved every insult in the book; one-track minds and transparent to boot.  They should consider themselves lucky I even acknowledged their sad existence.”  
“Di, you made the Prime Minister’s son cry.  You should’ve seen those puffy eyes the next morning at the swim meet against Cambridge."  
Victor raises his brows, subtle amusement colouring his expression.  And simple though it was, the sight of his handsome face so transformed by the faint smile on his lips made your heart race.  
No, there’s no way.  It’s probably just the fatigue catching up to you.  The flight to Shanghai from Loveland City must’ve been more taxing than you initially thought, even though Victor had graciously offered to let you hitch a ride on his private jet.  You place a hand on your chest, trying to calm the frenzied rhythm of your heart.  The gesture goes unnoticed by Diana but Victor throws a worried glance in your direction.  You smile to ease his concerns.  He furrows his brows.
“Oh please, I should’ve ripped him a new one with the way he tried to get frisky on our date.  He’s lucky I didn’t call Soryu to deal with him and his wandering hands.”
A sudden change seeps into Victor’s eyes, dark irises softening as if focused on something miles away.  “Soryu.  How is your cousin doing, by the way?”
Diana leans back, taking another sip of her drink.  “You’ll see for yourself soon enough.  I take it you are accompanying this lovely producer to Tokyo to meet with Eisuke and wherever the Ichinomiya heir is, Soryu isn’t far behind.  In all honesty though, Vic, surely you would know better than I.  Weren’t the three of you thick as thieves during prep school?”
You perk up at the topic of Victor’s childhood.  It was a rare chance to learn about the formative years of this stone-faced man before he became the slave driver of Loveland Financial Group.  
“I was only there for a year and a half with Soryu and Eisuke before…before my mother passed.  My father sent for me shortly afterwards.  I haven't seen them since.”
Deep voice trailing off, Victor’s gaze shifts to the fireplace where it remains, as if hypnotized by the flicker of orange flames.  And as the silence stretches on, you become disconcerted to see him so uncharacteristically lost in his thoughts.  You reach out to touch him but Diana beats you to it, laying a delicate hand on top of his much larger one as it rests on the leather armrest.
The gesture is ridiculously small for how much it blindsides you — the sight of her hand on Victor’s dazzling like the light reflecting off her ruby ring.
He blinks at the touch, long lashes fluttering in the split-second it takes for him to compose himself and suddenly, the unflappable CEO is back again.  
“I’m sorry, it’s been a long day and we should probably call it a night.  But you have my thanks, Diana, for setting up this meeting with the Ichinomiya Group.”
It was Diana’s turn to scoff.  “Can we please dispense with the formalities, Victor?  Soryu mentioned Eisuke was having difficulty finding the right people to make this documentary on the anniversary of his Tres Spades Tokyo hotel, so it was serendipity that we bumped into each while on business in London.  It’s a win-win situation.  Meant to be.”
Meant to be.
There is a spark of something in Diana’s eyes when she makes that last statement.  It stays with you long after you part ways with Victor for the night, lying awake in your hotel room as you wondered whether the LFG CEO was already asleep in his.
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Chapter 2: SOS
“You’re awfully quiet.  Should I take this to mean that you already know everything about Eisuke Ichinomiya and his chain of luxury hotels?"
Victor speaks without raising his head, leafing through the documents on his lap and stopping periodically to leave his signature with the same gold pen that marked up your reports. Its barrel glowed warm, reflecting the soft lights of the cabin of his private jet, en route to Tokyo from Shanghai.
Letting out a shaky breath, you try to steel yourself despite the rising heat in your cheeks.  Because after a night spent tossing and turning in your hotel room, you arrived at a conclusion so absurd it could only be true:  
You were in love with Victor Li.
Against all odds, the bane of your life had become your biggest ally and mentor.  All the pieces of the square puzzle that was the LFG CEO had fallen into place to form one coherent and beautiful picture:
His exacting demands transformed into standards of excellence, his workaholism a paragon of commitment and dedication.
And though you were loathe to admit it, each soft utterance of “dummy” leaving his lips made the corners of yours turn up in the goofiest of grins.
Oh god, how did it ever come to this?!  Where and when along the rocky path of your working relationship with the slave driver did you fall in love with him?  But that wasn’t even the worst of it.  If your intuition about the previous night’s events served you well, the beautiful Diana Shum was also enamoured of him.
You turn to Victor, meaning to inform him with utmost confidence that you had already conducted extensive research on the Ichinomiya Group’s charismatic CEO and his chain of casino hotels.  You even thought to throw in a snarky reminder that he himself had been marginally impressed with the presentation you gave on the topic back in Loveland City.
“Are you close to Diana Shum?”
Was NOT what had you meant to ask.  Especially in a voice that cracked like a 12 year old pubescent boy’s.  And if there was a way by which you could’ve drowned in a bottle of water, you would’ve gladly done so.  Instead, you settle for gulping it down, trying to keep your stupid mouth from spewing more nonsense in front of the man who was your de facto boss.
“Ahem.”  Victor clears his throat, long legs uncrossing as he shifts in his seat.  Out of the corner of your eye, you catch the muscles of that chiseled jaw settling firm.
“I-I’m so sorry.  It’s none of my business.  You don’t have to answer-"
“I’ve known her for a while, if that’s what you’re asking.  She’s a classmate from university and also a cousin of a friend of mine from prep school, as you’ve probably gathered from yesterday’s conversation.  Since graduation, she’s taken over her father’s role as CEO of Shum Property Developments and we’ve partnered periodically on various business ventures…”
He continues and you nod at the appropriate times, half listening as a million thoughts filtered through your head: your surprise at how unusually verbose Victor was being, the relief you felt to see that he was as determined to avoid your gaze as you were his.  Because the truth was that the longer he went on about Diana — so beautiful, polished and charming that you couldn’t find it in yourself to hate her even if you tried — the harder it was to keep the clouds from darkening your face.  And when Victor says,
“Not like it has any bearing on anything now, but we also dated for a short period of time…”
…It hurts to breathe.
Finally turning in your direction, Victor fixes you with a scrutinizing gaze.  “Why do you ask?”
“Oh, um, I just…wanted to know a bit more about the person who helped me and my company.  So I can better thank her later.”
You speak without meeting his eyes, hoping to placate him with a quick smile as you pretend to rummage through your purse.  Thankfully, he drops the topic, returning to his documents.  And though the rest of the plane ride is spent in near silence, the thoughts in your head have never been so loud.
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Chapter 3: Sexy Bones [Victor]
She wore that dress today.  The same one she had on when she impudently stormed my office to insist that I give her company a final chance before pulling funding:
Fitted to conform to every curve, yet formal enough to be professional.  Beautifully sensual in her usual understated way.  My favourite shade of red.
“It’s my go-to outfit when I need a confidence boost,” she told me once in between bites of pudding at Souvenir.  “It makes me feel like a queen, like I can do no wrong.  Perfect for business meetings I just have to nail, you know?”
“Dummy,” I had said then, feigning dismissiveness so she wouldn’t pick up on the way my eyes kept drifting towards her lips, so soft and plush I couldn’t help but wonder if her kisses would carry a hint of caramel sweetness.
It was true that the girl could be incredibly dense at times, playing at being queen when she already ruled my heart.  Or how oblivious she was to the fact that the British doctor was completely smitten with her during today’s meeting at the Tres Spades Tokyo hotel.
Dr. Luke Foster.
Completely absorbed in reading through what looked to be like a stack of medical journals, Dr. Foster had largely ignored us while Eisuke and Soryu made quick work of introducing the eclectic mix of other associates in the room:
Ota Kisaki, the so-called “Angelic Artist” whose work I was well-acquainted with, having previously spent a small fortune on his painting, Koro of My Kokoro.
Baba Mitsunari, a charming man whose handsome features were made all the more striking by the black fedora and red suit he wore.  The girl pointed out that he bore an uncanny resemblance to the cashier we saw at a convenience store earlier that day and I had to agree.
They glossed over a man named Mamoru Kishi, apparently sound asleep in one corner of the room with his face covered by a newspaper and a full ashtray by his side.
Finally, they came to Luke Foster, a blond-haired man with the air of an English gentleman.  Eisuke explained that Dr. Foster was the hotel’s on-site physician as well as a fellow alumnus of our prep school, apparently having left for reasons no one wanted to articulate the year before I transferred in.
And when the doctor finally looked up at us from his readings, his eyes took on an almost maniacal quality to see the girl standing by my side.
“Those proportions, those angles….perfect…absolutely perfect!”  He exclaimed as if in a daze, standing up suddenly and causing the reading materials to spill from his lap in the process.
He looked completely unhinged, almost like a zombie as he reached out a pale hand towards her collarbones of all places.  I stepped in front of her on reflex, only to have the doctor fix me with a piercing gaze as if he had just become aware of my existence and found it thoroughly offensive.
“Annnnd there he goes again,” Ota’s tone was one of exasperation, but there was no mistaking the amusement in the smirk that spread wide across his face.
“Ooh, Lu’s got a new victim!  Maybe now he can finally stop staring at the Boss’s girl every time she comes in to clean the penthouse!”  Baba chimes in, fingers stroking at his chin as if hatching some mischievous plan.
“Will the lot of ya shaddup!?  I’m tryin’ to sleep over here…zzz…” The man with the papers over his head gave a muffled shout before promptly rolling over onto his side.
Soryu just sighed, running a hand over his face.  And just when I began to worry that the girl was scared out of her wits, having wandered into this strange den of wolves, she surprised me by chuckling under her breath.  
Did the dummy find this funny?
“Tch, ignore them, Victor.  Let’s just get on with the presentation,” Eisuke said as he took his seat at the head of a long table.  The girl straightened up and immediately got to work, transforming into the consummate professional she always was when it came down to business.  I couldn’t help but feel a sense of pride as I watched her nail her pitch.
Taking a surreptitious glance around at her rapt audience, I stopped at Luke.  The intensity of the doctor's stare made me uneasy, the way those blue-grey eyes hovered above the scooped neckline of her red dress, tracing along her collarbones as if he were caressing them with his gaze alone.  I mentally berated myself for not putting my suit jacket over her shoulders before she got up there.
And though it was spoken under his breath, Dr. Foster’s murmur of “sexy bones” rang loud and clear in my ears.
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Chapter 4: In A (Traffic) Jam [Victor]
“Victor, you won’t believe my luck!  Not only did we cinch the Ichinomiya account, I also found the perfect candidate to appear on our Mystery Finder show!”
The girl was practically breathless on the other end of the line, words jumbling together as they came a mile a minute.  And though her enthusiasm is as infectious as it is adorable, I remind myself to play it cool.  “Really.  And who might that be?”
“Dr. Foster!”
I swerve back into my lane on reflex, narrowly avoiding an accident as the driver next to me flips me the bird before speeding away.  My heart raced, beating fiercely against the cage of my chest, but it had little to do with my near brush with death.
At this moment, I was more concerned with a man who looked like Death himself.
“Oh my god, Victor, what was that?  Are you okay?”  The concern in her voice is palpable and it makes me think of how kind and tenderhearted she is, of how easily someone could exploit that to their advantage.  “This is a bad time, isn’t it?  I’m so sorry, I’ll call you ba-”
“Don’t worry about it, just some idiot not paying attention on the road.  And what's this about, ahem, Dr. Foster?"  The name itself was unsavoury, sticking in my throat until I spat it out.  I hoped the vitriol escaped her notice.
“Okay Victor, get this: it’s like the man has X-ray vision!”
She whispers for dramatic effect, and my grip tightens on the steering wheel as I picture those slate grey eyes sweeping over the curves of her body, a lewd expression falling over the doctor’s features.  He was a handsome enough man, that much was true; intelligent and a first-rate surgeon according to Eisuke and Soryu.  Goldman confirmed as much when I had him dig up all available information on Luke Foster.  On that basis alone, many women would find him to be an extremely attractive suitor and ludicrous though it is, I can’t help but think the worst.  Luke had been quite open in his admiration of her, especially her collarbones.  What if she returned the sentiment?
In retrospect, it was a horrible idea to leave her to her work (and that wolf) in Tokyo while I returned to mine in Loveland City.  While she had the company of her coworkers, clearly none of them sensed the danger in Luke Foster that I did.  I no longer had the right to call her a dummy when I was obviously the idiot here.
“I’m telling you Victor, he can just look at somebody and tell you everything about their bone structure.  It’s too accurate to just be guesswork!  Apparently, he can remember anyone he's ever laid eyes on based on their bones.  It’s incredible.  I’d love for Professor Lucien to meet him.  If only he had the time to fly out to Tokyo…”
The girl continues and I catch sight of my furrowed brows in the rear-view mirror, deepening the longer she goes on and on about men who weren’t me.
“…He’s already agreed to be a guest on the show!  But…he did make a rather strange request."
For a moment, I can barely breathe.  The skin over my knuckles blanches as it stretches tight, my grip on the wheel growing harder as I brace for unwelcome news.  God knows what she would’ve agreed to in my absence.  Filled with a sense of dread, I had to know all the same.  “Which was?…”
She pauses, the hitch in her breath subtle but speaking volumes nonetheless.
“Just say it, dummy.”  I soften my tone in encouragement though my mind was already racing, thinking of all the ways my legal team could dissolve a contract should the girl have already signed papers.
“Well, he…he asked if he could examine my body in lieu of payment for appearing on the show.  You should’ve seen him!  He was so desperate he was practically begging and I…I just couldn't say no."  
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Chapter 5: Role Model
You had meant to throw the rolled-up magazine in dramatic rock star fashion, sending it flying across your suite at the Tres Spades Tokyo hotel to give at least a resounding smack as it hits the wall.  Instead, it flutters to the carpeted floor, barely a few feet from where you lay sprawled out on a bed much too large for a single person.
And from the surface of that glossy cover, Victor’s handsome face — all sharp eyes and chiseled jaw - staring up at you from beneath a headline that read: "Man On Top: How Victor Li Conquered The Business World.”
Man on top.  What a tease if there ever was one — especially since you’ve developed the recent habit of falling asleep to the fantasy of having the broad expanse of Victor’s muscular chest hovering over you.
“The only thing he should be on top of is ME!”
Your voice echoes in the room, empty save for you.  Even still, your cheeks burned from embarrassment over the absurdity of your current situation.  Victor Li didn’t belong to you.  Not when he had someone like Diana in his life.
Victor and Diana.  Diana and Victor.  A perfect match regardless of how the pieces fit.  And for an instant, your anger flares to remember the nonchalance in Victor’s voice when he told you that their past history as lovers had no bearing on the present, as if they didn’t look like they belonged together when you saw them just now in the lobby of the hotel, moments after you purchased the magazine with Victor’s face gracing the cover from one of the shops.
Practically ecstatic in your surprise to see him there at the Tres Spades, you were just about to call out to him when his name died in your throat, choked by the sight of the woman at his side.  Victor was escorting Diana to a limo waiting just beyond the revolving doors.  And the last thing you saw before the chauffeur pulled away was the two of them slipping into the vehicle together.
He hadn’t even told you he was coming to Tokyo.
It was only after you became aware of the fact that you were blocking the entrance to the shop that you recovered from the shock, murmuring apologies as you pulled yourself together just enough to make your way back to the safety of your hotel room.
Rising up off the bed, your feet sink into the lush carpeting as you pad over to where the magazine lay.  You pick it up and smooth out the crinkles, fingers tracing the outline of Victor’s profile as you do — gentle, as if you were touching the man himself.  And when your nose begins to tingle, you know it won’t be long before you feel the familiar sting of tears behind your eyes.
“Think you could stop being so nice to me, Victor?  You’ll give a girl the wrong impression.”  
Heaving a sigh, you slip the magazine beneath a pillow on the bed.  A quick glance at the clock on the bedside table told you it was almost time for your dinner date with Dr. Foster.  Sitting around moping wasn’t an option, at least not tonight.  Lightly slapping your cheeks, you push the image of Victor and Diana out of your head and get ready to step into the shower.
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Chapter 6: Hard To Swallow [Victor]
“I’m glad you remembered that you owe me a dinner, Victor Li.  And though I practically had to drag you to this restaurant, I guess the means don’t really matter if the end result is the same.  But still, what a lucky coincidence that we bumped into each other again at the Tres Spades of all places.  Now that’s something to drink to.”
Diana holds up her glass, Cabernet Sauvignon swirling as it meets mine with a delicate clink.  Under the table, the tip of her stiletto pushes against my oxfords before sliding past my ankle, inching its way up my leg.  I pull away, watching those red lips spread into a smile as I do.
“You might be the first man who’s ever been able to resist me.  Has anyone ever told you you’re one stubborn asshole?”
“I wouldn’t have it any other way.”
She laughs at that, taking another sip of her wine before setting it down.  “So, tell me about her.”
“Her?”  I focus on cutting into my Kobe beef, already aware that Diana will see through my bluff.  She always did.
“Surely there must be another woman if you keep turning me down over and over again, Victor.  A girl has her pride too, you know.”
“We are not getting back together, Diana.”
“Tsk, you’re no fun, Vic.  All work and no play, all the time.  I’ll have to remind myself of that the next time I start entertaining thoughts of calling you up again.”
She pouts, but it isn’t long before her eyes take on that familiar spark of mischief as she continues.  
“But seriously, tell me about your cute little producer.  That is the girl you keep rejecting me for, I presume.  I need to know about the woman who’s finally managed to infiltrate the entirety of Victor Li’s notoriously impenetrable heart.  She must be quite the lover if she’s got you wrapped around her little finger like that, pulling strings with all your friends left, right and centre.”
It annoys me to no end that the mere mention of the girl is enough to reduce me to a swooning idiot.  I fight to keep the smile off my face.
“You’ve got the wrong idea.  She’s not my lover.”  
Diana begins to protest, but her words are lost on me because I’ve stopped listening.  In fact, the only thing I can hear is the blood rushing in my ears, propelled by the adrenaline racing through my veins to see him enter the restaurant.
Dr. Luke Foster.  
And my dummy looks…absolutely gorgeous.  Her hair is done up, leaving her graceful neck and collarbones exposed in a little black dress I’ve never seen her wear before, I realize with not an insignificant amount of jealousy.
But wait…collarbones?!
Sure enough, that surgeon is staring at her clavicle like some kind of pervert.  The sight alone incites the beginnings of a dull throbbing in my temples, no doubt exacerbated by the vice-like clench of my jaws.
I follow them with my gaze as they are led to a table for two; fixate on Luke’s face even as the sommelier arrives to make his recommendations to the pair.  The doctor stares at my girl like he couldn’t care less about the meal, as if the only thing he hungered for was precisely what I myself had desired for so long: the woman.  And she—
Just looked my way.
Surprise etches itself onto her beautiful features — the brows I had dreamt of one day lightly running a fingertip over while she sleeps lifting into a delicate arch.  And why shouldn’t she be surprised?  I had given her no indication that I had rushed over to Tokyo from Loveland City as soon as I heard what Luke had requested of her.  
But there is no nod of acknowledgement, no smile in greeting.  Just her, looking away as if she hadn’t seen me at all, her smile apologetic when she retrains her attention on the doctor.  And while it was only for a fraction of a second, I could have sworn her eyes carried a hint of sorrow.
Or perhaps I’m projecting.
Because her obvious avoidance feels like a rebuff, a sucker punch to the gut.  She’s never blatantly ignored me like that, no matter how wound up she was even during those times when I verbally tore her sub-par proposals to shreds.  The feeling of rejection sits heavy on my chest, the tie around my neck much too tight.
“Victor, are you all right?”
Diana’s voice cuts through my thoughts.  She is looking at me curiously.  I reach for my glass of wine, suddenly feeling like I was on the verge of choking.  “Of course, what could possibly be wrong?”
“ ‘What’s wrong’ is the fact that you haven’t listened to a single word I’ve said for the past ten minutes.  Even if there’s no chance we’ll ever get back together again as you so adamantly insist, the least you could do is pay attention to the person you’re sharing a meal with.”
I take a deep breath, more than a little disconcerted by the girl’s ability to affect me.  “Of course.  My apologies, you’re absolutely right.  Please, continue.”
Across the candlelit table, I look Diana in the eye, resolved to keep up at least the pretence of being interested in what she had to say when all I wanted to do was storm the table where Luke sat with my girl.  With each sideways glance in their direction, my grip tightened on my utensils to see them chatting, seemingly engrossed in the world’s most interesting conversation.
And when she hands over a manila envelope to the doctor, my heart skips a beat.
Could it be…marriage documents?!
One tiny corner of my brain berates me for how ridiculous I am being but when it comes to her, I simply can’t help it, and the fantasy in which I casually stroll over, flip the table onto Luke Foster and steal my girl away in a bridal carry becomes so vivid in my mind’s eye, it almost seems like a good idea.
Diana excuses herself to use the restroom and I pounce on the opportunity to send the dummy a text:
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Chapter 7: Choked Up
“Is there something wrong, Dr. Foster?  You haven’t touched your meal.”
You do your best to school your expression into one of polite neutrality as you take in the strange sight of the pale, blond-haired man shaking out an alarming number of pills onto the palm of his hand, tapping loudly on a bottle seemingly produced out of nowhere.  He pops them all into his mouth at once and you pray you won’t have to perform the Heimlich maneuver as he chases them down with a few gulps of water.
A smile spreads across the doctor’s lips as his eyes fall upon your collarbones once more.  You were used to feeling like a third wheel by now, even when alone with Luke Foster, given his penchant for carrying on conversations while staring intently at your bones.  But you took no offence at his behaviour, especially after Baba’s attempts to give you insight into Luke’s peculiar mannerisms:
“Try not to take it personal, Miss.  Lu will look at anyone who’s got beautiful collarbones.  It’s a well-known fact that he’s obsessed with the boss’s - he's even framed the X-ray films of Eisuke’s bones.  He likely just wants yours to add to his collection.”
Strange though it was, the request that Luke be allowed to have X-rays films of your collarbones in exchange for appearing on Miracle Finder was innocent enough.  Certainly nothing that warranted the stony silence you received on the other end of the line when you called Victor the other day to tell him that Dr. Foster wanted to examine you.  After a brusque “I have to go,” he had hung up.  No goodbyes, not even a mutter of “dummy.”  
But Luke Foster had been nothing short of a perfect gentleman, never once laying a hand on you.  Moreover, he even insisted on paying for tonight’s meal despite the fact that you had invited him as thanks for appearing on the show.  
“Please, just call me Luke.  Vitamins and water are all I need to survive.  I only ordered because Eisuke said it might be awkward if you seemed to be the only one dining.”
“I-I see.”  You smile, taking another bite of wagyu.  And for a moment, you are too wrapped up in the blissful way it seemed to melt on your tongue to be disconcerted by the strange events of the evening.
You weren’t, however, too distracted to continue throwing surreptitious glances in Victor’s direction, fighting to keep composed each time Diana’s laughter carried over to your table.  What were the chances that you’d find yourselves at the same restaurant in all of Tokyo?  You know that he knows you are here; even Chik couldn’t put on a performance convincing enough for the LFG CEO to believe for a second that you didn’t see him.
With your dismal acting skills, you definitely didn’t stand a chance.
“You’re in love with him.”
You clear the steak lodged in the back of your throat with a few hacking coughs, half of your face hidden behind your napkin as you tried to be as discreet as possible, the words “Death by Wagyu” flashing through your mind.  After soothing your throat with a sip of wine, you ask:
“I beg your pardon?”
“You’re in love with that man sitting just over there with the woman dressed in red.  That Victor fellow who accompanied you to that first meeting with Eisuke.”
For someone who seemed to pay very little attention to matters that didn’t concern bones, Luke Foster was surprisingly perceptive.  Or maybe you weren’t as discrete as you thought you were and it was obvious to all but yourself that you were staring at the golden couple.
“I…how did you...what makes you—”
“Please pass this message on to him for me.  If he doesn’t treat your collarbones with the respect they deserve, he can’t blame me for swooping in to take his place.”
Then, for the very first time that night, Luke Foster looks you in the eye, the intensity in blue-grey irises making your breath hitch when he says: “Until then, I hope you find happiness with him, Sexy Bones — especially since he also seems to be exceedingly fond of you.  Quite the annoyance, really.”
And for the very first time that night, you smile freely, naturally, at Luke, blushing hard as you contemplate his words.  Suddenly bashful, you drop your gaze only to catch sight of the manila envelope you brought with you.  You pass it across the table to him.
“Here.  Your payment for agreeing to appear on Miracle Finder.”
The expression on Luke’s face can best be described as euphoric when he takes the films from you, momentarily excusing himself from the table as he murmurs something about requiring brighter lighting to examine them.
That is when you hear the buzz of your phone from inside your purse.  And when you finally fish it out, you see a single text from Victor, commanding as always:
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Chapter 8: Green-Eyed Monsters [Victor]
“Another whiskey on the rocks for you, Sir?”
I nod to the bartender, watching as he chips away at a block of ice to produce a perfect crystalline sphere — still spinning in the glass when he pours the amber spirit over it like a libation.  It almost takes my mind off the fact that the girl is late.  By exactly ten minutes, according to my watch.  And for a moment, I’m gripped by a sense of panic when I consider the possibility that she might not come.
She never did answer my text though I knew she saw it — having witnessed her reaching into her purse to pull out her phone seconds after I sent the message.  And while the logical part of my brain is telling me I’m being an absolute idiot, worst-case scenarios are already running through my head: the girl is side-swiped by a car while crossing the street, or somehow managed to fall into an open manhole and is currently standing knee-deep in sewage.
Or maybe she is pinned to the wall in a dark corner somewhere, hemmed in on either side by the gifted hands of a world-class surgeon by the name of Luke Foster.
I lift the glass to my lips, too impatient to even savour the smooth burn of the drink as I reach for my phone to send her another text.  That is when I see her:
Cheeks flushed and chest gently heaving as if she had rushed to get here.  An errant lock of hair falling from her up-do, framing that beautiful face like I had dreamt so many times of doing with the palm of my hand.
She makes her way towards me in that dimly lit bar, and though I’m aware of the faint ticking of the second hand of my watch, time may as well have stood still.  Because I could have lived in that moment forever, gazing upon the light in her eyes as if they held every last star in the sky, as if those heavenly bodies had fallen just for her in precisely the same way I had: deeply, irrevocably.
And I know there is no turning back.
“Victor, sorry I’m late!  What are you doing here in Tok—”  
“Why did you ignore me?”  My voice comes out stern, even to my ears, and I curse myself for losing my cool around her yet again.  The girl furrows her brows, eyes dropping from my face to the half-empty glass of whiskey sitting on the counter.  And when she looks up again, something in her countenance has changed — soft surprise giving way to a hardened expression.
“If it’s the text you’re referring to, I’m here now, aren’t I?”
“That’s not what I’m talking about.”
She looks away, refusing to meet my gaze as she perches on the stool beside me.  “Surely you wouldn’t have wanted me to interrupt your dinner date, especially when you and Ms. Shum seemed so intimate.”
The bartender approaches, interrupting our conversation before I get the chance to formulate a reply.  “What can I get for you, Miss?”
“She’ll have a glass of warmed milk—”
“Whiskey.  On the rocks, please.”
She speaks over me, turning slightly in my direction as she does.  I ignore the murmur of “Ladies’ choice” from the bartender as well as the smirk on his face as he begins preparing her drink.  The thinly veiled challenge in the girl’s expression — elbow propped up on the counter with her chin resting atop a loose fist — only serves to highlight how incredibly alluring it is when she pushes back.
“Hmm.  Bold.  Since when did you start drinking whiskey?  I don’t think you need me to remind you of your non-existent alcohol tolerance.  Besides, didn’t you already have enough to drink at dinner?”
“There’s a lot of things you don’t know about me, Victor Li,” she says, reaching for the glass the bartender sets down before her.  She takes a moment, staring at the rich, golden hues before finally taking a sip.  I fight to keep the smile off my face when hers pulls into a grimace from the sting of the alcohol she clearly wasn’t familiar with.  Dummy.
“I’m surprised you even noticed me at all, not with the lovely Diana there.  But I guess old wounds really do have difficulty closing, no matter how much we say they’ve healed.”
“You’d have to ask for the expert opinion of your overly friendly doctor about that.”
“Excuse me?”  She sets her drink down a bit harder than likely intended, sending the liquid sloshing about the glass to kiss the pink of her lipstick imprinted on its edge.  
I don’t like where this conversation is going, the ill-disguised barbs only serving to increase the tension between us.  It was foolish to have what should’ve been a very private discussion in a public space but, as always, the thought of her and Luke together is enough to make me forget my place and position, throwing caution to the wind and behaving with reckless abandon.
And still, the heat beneath my collar goads me on.
“Luke Foster.  The one you’re so enthralled with that your manners seem to have been completely swept from memory.  I presume that’s the reason why you didn’t acknowledge my existence when you saw me in the restaurant.”
Her eyes widen in disbelief as she leans in close, voice dripping with sarcasm: “Just like how you didn’t remember to tell me you were coming to Tokyo?  Or maybe you weren’t planning on telling me at all, since it clearly looked like you weren’t here on business.  But then again, I guess your business is none of mine.”
I don’t know whether I want to push back or kiss her senseless.
Instead, I settle for a deep breath, trying to keep my frustration in check.  Having a heated argument with her was not how I had intended my evening to go.  In fact, my entire day had not proceeded as planned, and if I hadn’t been accosted by Diana as soon as I stepped foot in the Tres Spades hotel, I would have been having dinner with the woman who occupied all my thoughts, all the time.  At the very least, I could’ve saved her from the clutches of a pervert doctor.
I glance in her direction, study the beautiful melancholy of her silent profile as she watches the ball of ice slowly melt into her drink.  Then I take another sip of mine, steeling myself for reparations I desperately needed to make.
“I am only going to say this once, so listen closely.  Diana Shum and I dated shortly after graduation for all of two months before we decided to part ways on amicable terms.  We make for much better business partners than we ever did romantically, and while she has expressed occasional interest in rekindling our relationship, I have never been of the same mind.  I can assure you this will never change.
“The reason I came to Tokyo is not because of her — professional or otherwise — but because I was in a rush to prevent a certain dummy from doing anything she’d regret later on.  But…”
I knock back the rest of my whiskey, emptying the glass.
“…I’m afraid I’m too late.”
She looks at me now, eyes wide as if she were still processing the words.  Her next question comes on a whisper: “Why would you be too late?”
And it is my turn to look away.  
“Well, you seemed to be pretty intimate yourself with Dr. Foster during your dinner date.  I can only presume that…”
The girl moves closer and I can’t help the way my eyes are drawn to her mouth — the tremble of her lower lip, full and pink and lush.  Without thought, I allow my gaze to trace along the graceful column of her neck, settling at the delicate notch between her collarbones and in that instant, I come to a visceral understanding of the extent of Luke Foster’s obsession, for mine was magnified a million times over:
I yearned for the entirety of this woman before me — needed her for myself, now and forever.
“Presume what?”  Her voice is low, shaking.
“I can only presume that you’ve already allowed him to…examine your body.”
There is a moment of silence — each torturous second seeming to stretch into eternity to smother the last embers of hope.
“I have…”
Oh god.
“…given him X-ray films of my collarbones as he requested.  That is all.  He’s never touched me, not even once.  I took him out to dinner tonight so I could give them to him as thanks for appearing on the show.”
Petty.  Sheepish.  I felt all these things, but none so powerful as the staggering sense of relief that washes over me to hear her say these words.  Closing my eyes, I let the revelation sink in, finally feeling like I can breathe for the very first time that night.
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Chapter 9: The Big Bang
You don’t quite know what made you do it.  
The ambience of the bar, perhaps: sultry jazz and flickering candles purposefully placed to create just enough shadows for a veil of privacy.
Or maybe it was the crestfallen uncertainty that painted the handsome features of Victor Li’s face, his sudden display of vulnerability both novel and endearing.
Most likely however, it was the way in which his downcast expression morphed into one of ecstatic relief when you told him that Luke Foster had not laid a single finger on you.
Because when Victor tilts his head back, eyes closed and sighing deeply as if some unfathomable burden had been lifted, you cannot help but bring your lips to the Adam’s apple bobbing along the length of that strong, thick neck.
Cedar wood and pine.  
The notes of his cologne are so familiar you didn’t realize how much you missed his scent until you literally came face to face with it.  Victor is warm, so very warm beneath the skin of your lips.  And under your touch, you become vaguely aware of the fact that the rise and fall of his chest has stilled.
At any other time, you would’ve questioned your sanity for how boldly you were behaving, especially towards someone who was your boss.  You had never been one to put yourself out there when it came to matters of the heart.  Something about the moment however, about Victor, made you feel like the one thing you could not do was let this chance pass you by.
So when you hear that shuddering breath, feel the faint scratch of his five o’clock shadow when he nuzzles against you in return, you know you’ve made the right gamble.  Being with Victor Li feels right.  And the surreal sense of belonging you find within the embrace of his muscular arms gives you the courage to say, “You must really believe I’m a dummy if you think I’d let any man other than you touch me.”
He slides a finger beneath your chin, gently lifting until all you can see are those jet black eyes, swimming with heat and emotion.  The sudden silence of your surroundings sinks in: no more music, no idle chatter.  Not even the rustle of limbs moving about in the dimly lit bar.  And there, in the strange privacy of suspended time…
...Victor kisses you.
                        *                                     *                                      *
“Are you sure…this is…what you want?”
The deep timbre of Victor’s voice sends a thrill vibrating along the surface of your skin as he questions you between kisses — laid on your mouth, the line of your jaw, the pulse of your neck.  His firm body presses you into a corner of the elevator, empty save for the two of you writhing in unison against a mirrored wall.
Each movement of his soft lips against yours is purposeful, imbued with meaning: longing in the gentle teeth that nibbled on your lower lip before drawing it into his mouth, in the sensual slide of the tongue that sought yours.  Affection obvious in the hands that rose to cup your face, thumbs tracing circles on the apples of reddened cheeks to tell you in no uncertain terms that Victor Li belonged to you as much as you yearned to belong to him.
So you had no qualms about answering in the affirmative, nodding your head because the press of Victor’s muscular thigh between your legs already left you breathless and wondering whether he could feel your wet heat seeping through your panties.
And all he really did was kiss you.
The elevator stops at your floor and even before the doors slide open, Victor has hoisted you up, wrapping your legs tightly about his tapered waist and whispering into your ear, “Which room?”
You knew Victor was fit, had seen him move fast and effortlessly through the waters of his Olympic-sized swimming pool that one time he had you deliver a report to his mansion on a Sunday.  And yet, you could not help but admire the sheer perfection of his physique — the bulk of his biceps, flexed beneath strained layers of clothing; the ease with which he carries you all the way to your suite.
And when he sits you down upon the king-sized bed, you wonder if it is, in fact, too small for all the things you cared to do with him.
The LFG CEO shrugs off his suit jacket, loosening his tie just enough to pull it over his head before dropping to kneel at your feet.  You watch him reach for you, shiver when he caresses the sensitive skin behind your knee with a light graze of gentle fingertips.  Large hands trail down your calf — touch barely there and teasing — until his palm finally cups the heel of your stiletto to slide it off your foot.
He looks up at you then, the intensity in ebony irises rendering you still and mute as you patiently await his next move despite the frenzied pounding in your chest.  There is a stroke of something almost feral in the dark depths of the gaze that falls heavy upon you — searching your eyes, lingering on your lips…tracing the neckline of your dress.
“I’ve never seen you wear this dress before.”  Victor says, taking the same amount of care to remove the shoe from your other foot.
And if you were able to think straight under the influence of his touch — the hands that pushed back the hem of your dress as they roamed higher and higher up your thighs towards your heat — you might have found it strange that Victor was choosing now, of all times, to comment on your wardrobe choices.  As it was, you answered without second thought: “It’s new.  I bought it especially for tonight’s dinner.”
Victor stills and when he speaks again, there is a faint tremble in that voice, as if fighting to contain some unfathomable emotion.  
“The doctor couldn’t stop staring at you.  I know because I was the same way.  I couldn’t look away from the moment you stepped foot in that restaurant.”
The revelation leaves you silent, waiting with bated breath for Victor to continue.
“Forgive me…”
Fingers entwine with fabric, gripping tight.
“…but I can’t stand the thought of you looking so beautiful for anyone else.”
You fall back, wincing at the sound even as you feel your body respond to the sudden shock of having your dress torn right down the middle.  Victor’s display of brute strength was so at odds with the façade of composure he was synonymous with and yet, there was no denying that you were incredibly aroused by this show of power — by the fact that he was now straddling you on all fours like some wild beast, tearing away the rest of your undergarments to leave you completely bare.
You’ve never been so desperate to feel him inside you, deep and rough and untamed.  The thought throws you into a frenzy of lust.
Digging your fingers into the front of his dress shirt, you yank it open to send buttons flying in haphazard directions, but the only thing that concerned you was the sight of that broad chest and muscular torso, so impressive it actually elicits a moan from your lips and a smile from his in return.
Propping yourself up onto your knees, you press against him, flesh to flesh — one hand running over the burning surface of his skin even as the other tugs at the buckle of his leather belt, impatiently moving to palm him when his dress pants fall and gasping to finally see and feel the full extent of the LFG CEO:
Victor Li is rock hard and intimidatingly large.
And the sight makes your mouth water.
Sinking onto your heels, you trail your lips along Victor’s chiseled body, tongue teasing at his nipples as you do and relishing the catch of his breath in his throat.
But just as you begin to lay kisses along the deep V of his abdomen with the intent of tracing lower and lower, Victor stops you, puling you up for a kiss before laying back on the bed and positioning you above him…
…with his face between your legs.
“This way,” he says, voice muffled, and you might have commented on his inability to relinquish control even in the bedroom were it not for the sensation of his flattened tongue sweeping hot and wet along the seam of your already dripping pussy, teasing from end to end.
The sensation is so intense it’s almost unbearable.  You throw your head back, mouth dropping in a silent scream as you sink onto Victor’s face, fighting the instinct to grinder lower onto that talented tongue despite the encouraging grip of Victor’s hands, strong on your hips and thighs.
“I’ve wanted to taste you…for so long,” he murmurs, sucking the swell of your clit into his mouth and humming in approval against moist flesh to hear you moan above him.  “Your flavour is absolutely exquisite.”
Gathering your wits, you fold forward — intent on giving just as much pleasure as you were receiving.  Victor twitches once within your grip, not quite contained by the circumference of your palm and fingers, running up and down the sizeable length of his cock, hot in your hand like his breath on your slit.  And after placing a few wet kisses on the smooth, hard head, you open your mouth to taste him.
The tepid salt of his arousal.  The groans originating from deep within Victor’s chest each time your lip brushed past the tender underside of his cock.  The subtle rhythm of his pelvis, lifting in time to your mouth swallowing more of that solid shaft, quickly becoming slick with your saliva.
And then you catch sight of your reflection in the mirrored closet.  See the bulge of Victor’s bicep as he grips your hip, the flex in the muscles of his neck when he lifts to bury his face deeper into your folds.  See yourself: hair disheveled and eyes half-lidded, drunk on sex.  Observe the messy smear of your lipstick as your mouth stretches to accommodate more and more of your boss’s cock.  And when the tip of Victor’s tongue begins its relentless tease of your clit, you watch as a most debauched expression falls over your features, the tension in your body breaking as you find release on his lips.
You are still shaking when he enters you, sensitized by an orgasm that left tiny sparks of electricity running along every nerve, priming you for second helpings.  A true paragon of patience, Victor Li takes his time, deliberately slow as he pushes — savouring the sensation of drenched, swollen flesh parting just for him.
It was almost unfathomable that you could experience such extreme pleasure, each powerful swing of Victor’s hips driving him deeper into your body — hitting just the right angles until your very senses were extracted along with your second release of the night, running slick between your legs to ease the slippery slide of your bodies.
It draws out Victor’s own, your lover moving to pull out moments before you surprise him by taking him once more into your mouth — gaze locked onto those dark eyes from below as you taste him on your tongue, euphoric to see him bite his lips when your lick yours to swallow every last drop.
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Chapter 10: Pillow Talk
Beep Beep Beep Beep.
You roll over, eyes still closed as you reach out to hit the snooze button on the alarm clock.
Except your palm comes down on warm flesh with a resounding smack, echoing throughout your hotel room and accompanied by a deep voice that says, “Are you finally awake, Dummy?”
Your eyes shoot open to see Victor lying naked in bed next to you, a splotch of red blooming on his chest where he had been attacked.  He sets his phone down to hand you a glass of water from the bedside table, and even though memories of the previous night come rushing back to burn your cheeks, you cannot help but notice how glorious he looks bathed in morning light.  You hope he doesn’t see the way your hand shakes when you accept the glass from him with a meek “Thanks.”
Victor clears his throat, waiting for you to finish drinking before he says, “That was the fourth time you slept through the alarm.  I’ve already informed your colleagues you’ll be taking the day off.  We didn’t get much sleep last night and I think you’ll need some time to…recover.”
You bite your lip, turning sideways to feign a sudden interest in the curtains so he wouldn’t see the giant smile spreading onto your face.  It was almost surreal that Victor Li was your lover, and if it weren’t for the exquisite soreness you felt between your legs, you would’ve been hard pressed to believe it for yourself.
The sheets rustle and before you know it, Victor has his chest pressed up against your bare back, laying a soft kiss on your shoulder before he rests his chin on it.
“How are you feeling?”  He asks.
“Okay.  Pretty good, actually.”  It was too early in the game to tell him you were already doing cartwheels in your mind.
“Good.  I’m glad to hear that because I found this under your pillow…”
He places something in your hands.  Your eyes widen when you recognize the magazine with his face on the cover.
“…And this ‘man on top’ wants to know what it feels like to have this woman on top of him for the rest of the day.”
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You’ve made it to the end! 🤩 Thank you so much for reading!  Check out more of my work here! 📚 
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