#snappy the dummy x reader
Ignore this if your requests aren’t open
But if your requests are open could you write for the goosebumps dummies with a partner who struggles/struggled with self harm?
Thank you -w-
Dummies with an s/o who struggles/had struggled with self harm
Slappy just gets angry, he not necessarily at you- but at the fact that life gotten you to this point, though his anger will most certainly come off like it’s directed towards you. He just refuses to allow you near any sharp object, and you’re never left alone. Whether it’s him or one of his minions watching over you, he’s just.. really scared to lose the one good thing he has going for him. It may be best to have a sit-down conversation with him, and figure out more healthy coping mechanisms.
Snappy is incredibly ill-equipped to handle this sort of situation, and might say/do something unintentionally hurtful. He just doesn’t understand what it’s like to be in that situation, so he has a complete lack of perspective. You don’t owe him a conversation about it, or any explanation on your part: he’s grown enough to learn for himself, and when he realizes he’s been more hurtful than harmful.. he’ll attempt to do better, for your sake.
Wally.. gets it, he really does. He’s not typically the most sympathetic guy, but when it comes to you and, well.. this subject. He gets a bit tender-hearted. It’s a hard topic for him, since he does a lot of things that are considerably self-harm, he just can’t stand to see you in that state. He’s not in much better condition, mentally. But.. seeing your scars is enough reasoning for him to help you find healthier outlets, ones he might do as well.. you both gotta get better eventually, right?
Dennis is instantly in tears, he doesn’t intend to make you feel shitty for your acts of self-harm nor shame you- he doesn’t want to shame you, he wants to help you. Though he’s not very sure as to how, you can bet he’ll put hours into research on how to help you. He’ll be your rock, and will listen to you in any way he can, he’ll even attend therapy with you if it helps! though, he won’t be able to do anything but stay limp, since y’know.. not a lot of other people will react well to a living ventriloquist dummy.
Rocky is so broken up about it, he can’t stand to look at your scars, whether new or old. But like dennis, he doesn’t want to shame you, he doesn’t want you to feel like you can’t come to him for help if needed. So, he’ll tend to your scars if they’re fresh, and if they’re old? he’ll just show you how incredibly grateful he is that you’re still here, that he still has you in his life. It still hurts him to see the scarring, but it’d hurt him even more if he did nothing to help you.
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suiana · 27 days
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(yandere! vampire x afab! reader) (cw: period blood💀, suggestive) (reader is gn but has a uterus)
he is the young lord of a prestigious vampire family family.
honour, money, respect.
he could be everything and anything. his status allows him to do so. and the fact that he's a vampire only makes him so much more powerful.
a young and educated bachelor of a prestigious vampire family.
elegant, smart, educated.
he'd never make a rash decision, always thinking things through before doing anything. careful calculations, masterful deceptions...
that's why he doesn't understand it when his friend tells him that period blood is tasty.
"dude, you've got to try it sometime. like, it's got this tangy taste and-"
"silence! how disgusting are you?"
his face is completely twisted, eyes narrowing as he glares at his friend of 150 years. what on earth is he talking about? tasty? tangy?
his best friend wasn't like this before. he used to be more composed. he'd never say something that vulgar.
ugh, it must be because his friend got that human girlfriend a while back. ever since they started dating... he doesn't even want to think about it. that human must have brainwashed him or something. like period blood? seriously?
he can't say much though. he's the same with you too. if you asked him to do something nasty with your blood... i mean, you're his mate! he'll do anything if you asked for it!
"ugh... my cramps are so painful..."
your vampire boyfriend immediately spins his ehad towards you, an alert expression as he teleports to your side to immediately rub at your belly.
"do you need anything, my love?"
"just for my cramps to stop hurting so much."
your boyfriend hates seeing you like this. all in pain, crouching over yourself. curse whoever made periods! how dare they hurt his wonderful lover? he swears that he'll-
"...babe, you're doing the thing again."
the vampire lord shys away, immediately hiding his fangs as he clears his throat.
"sorry beloved. you know how I get whenever you're in pain. you don't deserve to suffer, you know? I just get so passionate sometimes."
he sighs, shaking his head as he curls up beside you and snuggles up with you. ah, this is perfect- wait a second.
'dude, i don't know whether your mate will allow you to but whenever they get their cramps getting them to orgasm relieves the pain.'
why the hell did he suddenly remember his best friend's words right now?!
the vampire turns his head towards yours, a pretty pink hue on his cheeks asnhe snuggles you even more. it catches your attention and.. you can't help but raise an eyebrow. what the hell was your boyfriend up to now? did he kill someone in your name again?
"you... have cramps right?"
did he hit his head or something?
"yeah? i literally just said it."
your grunt, feeling slightly more snappy than usual because your hormones were fucking everything up. everything was so uncomfortable, and the pain meds weren't helping either. sometimes you wish you could just tear out your uterus and never have to suffer periods ever again.
wait, wait, wait what?
you were pulled out from your thoughts when your boyfriend suddenly stopped hugging you, instead moving his face lower... and lower- hold on, is he in the mood right now?!
"w-wait! what are you doing? i'm on my period dummy!"
"yeah? i know?"
you feel your cheeks heating up as your boyfriend stares at you from in between your legs. what the hell? is he crazy? you know how much of a clean freak he is! he'd never do something so... filthy!
"get out from my legs then?! what if my blood gets-"
"i... heard from my friend that it would help your cramps go away."
he pauses, face blushing as he stares at your pants before glancing back up at your face.
"and you know how much I hate seeing you in pain baby. I don't care if it gets messy."
you could only stare at him in a mixture of embarrassment and horror as he begins to momentarily outfreak you with his behaviour. he's never... done anything like this before. and you know how much he hates getting dirty and so-called 'un-fresh blood'.
he's gone on a rant about how different fresh blood and not fresh blood tastes like before. you vividly remember his disgusted voice and his horrific face as he recounted what his best friend and hiss mate did.
and yet... he's doing the same thing now?!
"hey... you don't have to do it-! I thought you-"
"yeah, but it's fine. I'm doing it for you anyways."
you didn't know what to say to that so you merely sighed and let him do what he wanted to do. you never managed to stop him when he was set on something anyway.
so your vampire boyfriend ended up liking it more than he should.
yeah good luck :3
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of-dragonss · 2 years
Hey hey! I saw your requests were open! Could I get Hanzo with a crush please? (If you don't want to feel free to delete this😅) Hope you have a wonderful day!
of course! i love hanzo sm you dont understand. and friendly reminder i’m a multi franchise account. please read my pinned post for what’ll i’ll write for!
☽ ༚  ༵ ۰ ✧ ۰  ༵ ༚ ༵ ۰ ✧ ۰  ༵ 
— hanzo shimada x reader
summary: hanzo doesnt know how to deal with a crush, genji is his wing man.
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Hanzo was always strict and judgmental to everyone around him. People know him to be cold and distant, unwilling to socialize when he deems it’s not needed. But overtime, his relationship with his brother has improved. Finally forgiving himself for what he did long ago. Genji was happy his brother forgave himself and accepted him for what he was now. Yet he was still snappy to those who spoke to him. More so with Cassidy and the junkers. But otherwise, Hanzo seemed to tolerate most Overwatch agents who ran around the base.
One agent in particular got a more softened side of Hanzo. A side of Hanzo that Genji hasn't seen in a long time. He doesn't remember a time Hanzo was sweet to anyone really. But it was a sight to see indeed. Watching Hanzo flush at the attention the agent gave him. The agent in question? Y/n L/n. Genji enjoyed watching the two interact from the sidelines, unseen and unheard. Wondering when his older brother will ask them out. And by the looks of it, Hanzo was too stubborn, or maybe shy? To ask Y/n the question.
“So, when are you going to ask Y/n out on a date?” Genji asked out of the blue, once training was over and they were the last ones in the practice range. Hanzo seemed to falter at the sudden question, releasing the arrow he just knocked on his bow too early, missing the target completely. Genji smiled under his mask at his uncharacteristic behavior, sheathing his sword.
“That is an inappropriate question.” Hanzo scoffed, fixing his posture and reaching for another bow.
“Oh come on, Han. Y/n is my friend, they seem to like you as much as you like them. It’s very obvious you two have feelings for each other. No use denying it.” Genji pressed on, gently resting his left hand on Hanzo’s shoulder, feeling as he tensed up under his sudden touch.
“We are only friends. There’s no other feelings between us.” As stubborn as ever, Genji rolled his eyes and sighed, letting his hand fall from his brothers shoulder.
“Y/n likes you romantically. You like them romantically. Ask them on a date!” Genji exasperated. “I know when they like someone. And it’s not often it happens. Trust me.”
“I do not want to pursue a relationship with them. They deserve far better than me.”
“Like who? Cassidy? Brother, don’t doubt yourself, you’ve come along way. You deserve them as they deserve you. You deserve to be happy and there isn’t anyone else out there who would give you the same happiness as Y/n brings to you.”
Hanzo looked to the ground, now at his side as he took Genji’s words in. A sudden knock at the practice range doors made the two brothers look over to the sudden entrance of the person they were talking about. “I’m so sorry to intrude, but I think I accidentally deleted a file for the next mission? Would you two mind if I look at one of yours? I can’t find Winston anywhere.” An embarrassed smile graced your lips.
Hanzo stood silent for a moment, eyes wide and locked on your figure until Genji softly nudged him to respond. “I can lend you my mission files until you sort it out with Winston.” He coughed, fixing his posture. “I have the details memorized, it will be no trouble.”
“Thank you so much, Han!” A bright smile appeared on your face as you jumped on the heels of your shoes. “I just need to quickly read over the file I’m missing so I won’t take long to read it over!” The smile never left your face as Hanzo began walking towards the practice dummies before Genji quickly stopped him.
“I’ll clean up, brother.” Hanzo could practically see the smile on Genji’s face through his mask. “Ask them.” Genji whispered as Hanzo passed him, walking over to the entrance where you patiently waited for him.
Hanzo sucked in a breath as he reached you, giving you a small, shy smile. “I’ll see you at dinner, Genji!” You called out before leaving the practice range The doors slid shut, starting their trek to the dorm buildings. The first few minutes were silent, until Hanzo cleared his throat, catching your attention.
“I’ve been meaning to ask.” Hanzos face was flushed, reaching down to his neck. “Would you accompany me for tea some day?” As calm and collected Hanzo presented himself, he felt like a child asking out his crush on the school playground.
“Hanzo Shimada, are you asking me out on a date?” You giggled, tilting your head to the side as you looked at him.
“Would you want it to be a date?” He blurted out unconsciously, eyes widening. “It doesn’t have to me a date if you-“ You giggled again, resting a hand on Hanzo’s shoulder.
“I’d love to go on a date with you, Hanzo. After this mission. Yeah?” You smiled softly at him. Hanzo’s heart rate sped up, he fears you could feel the warmth radiating off his face.
“Of course.” He smiled, gently taking your hand that’s placed on his shoulder in his larger one, squeezing slightly. Continuing the walk to his room at the dorms to retrieve his mission files for you to look over, hand in hand. Hanzo could thank Genji later.
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willsimpforanyone · 1 year
I actually got this from a different blog headcannons, but what about a Jason grace x fem reader, where Jason is being too direct about the readers mistakes in their training or other things (this can stay angsty or you can give it fluff ending, the choice is yours)
jason is a popular choice for angst, there are patterns that pop up on this blog it amuses me
"You missed."
I huffed out a sigh, resetting my footing. "Yeah, I know I missed, Jas, I'm doing the thing."
Jason shrugged. "Move your foot to the left more, your stance is too narrow."
For what seemed like the hundredth time, I rearranged my feet and settled into my stance. "Better?" A little snappy, perhaps, but it had been two hours and I was tired and Jason had only given me critiques for most of that time.
He hummed. "Go again."
I struck out at the swinging dummy, clipping it in the place ribs would theoretically be. My hand stung but at least that meant I had hit it. I allowed myself a small smile and turned to Jason, but he just frowned.
"Your fist is twisted wrong." He came over and took my wrist, extending my arm out and adjusting my fist until he was satisfied. "That's what it should look like when you punch, go again."
I did a slow test punch, not aiming for anything, just trying to get it right.
"I said, go again."
I swallowed down the biting remark that rose like bile in my throat, and hit out again. Irritatingly, I was more successful, striking at the centre of the straw chest of the dummy. It swung back violently at the force I used and I nimbly ducked out the way as it came back at me. Now that, I was pretty proud of, considering hand to hand combat was not my best skill.
"See that? Not bad, huh?" I grinned over at my boyfriend-turned-trainer for the day. Nothing, no reaction, not so much as a smile. "Hey, I did good, right?"
He gave a curt nod, but I could see that he was unimpressed. I sighed, and relaxed from my stance.
Jason folded his arms. "Why'd you move? You landed one hit, now do it until you land every time."
I mirrored him, crossing my arms against my chest. "Jas, I know we thought this would be a good idea, training together, right?" He looked confused, but nodded. "Okay, then why do I feel like I'm getting hurt more than the dummy?"
"...how do you mean?"
"I mean," I sighed. "That you've only given me critiques and criticisms, and maybe that's a valid way of teaching, I don't know, but I'm exhausted and I need to be validated." Getting nothing but corrections for two hours was not a valid way of teaching, but I wanted to give him the benefit of the doubt. "Just say, 'hey babe, you did a good job with that', or 'your footwork was nice, just change the direction you punch', give me something to be happy about."
Jason stood still, and I let the silence hang. Sure, maybe with another trainer I'd be more willing to let them off the hook, but this was my boyfriend who I adored and suddenly it felt like I couldn't do anything right.
After a few moments, Jason cleared his throat. "U-um, I don't, uh, I mean I'd say if I thought you did something right." There was a split second where he registered what he'd just said. "Wait-!"
My mouth fell open and all the attitude I'd been supressing for the last two hours reared it's ugly head. "Wow, really, Jas? I've done literally nothing right, is that it? I've been working my ass off for you for ages and you can't say a single nice thing? So, every little fucking nit-picking correction you made, none of that even mattered? I've had to stand here and listen to you mutter shit about stances and fists and what, you think I ignored every single thing?"
Jason stiffened up, muscles tensing. "Hey, this was how I was taught, okay? Forgive me for not knowing any different! When you do something impressive, I'll let you know, but for now just try hit the fucking dummy."
I threw my hands in the air. "Are you serious? You think I'm just going to go back to doing exactly what you say with nothing changing?" He didn't even apologise. "Nope, we're not doing that. I expressed to you that I needed something, and your reaction was to tear down my self-esteem even furthur."
Grabbing my water bottle and my bag from the floor, I turned to walk away. "Come find me when you realise what went wrong here, and not a second before."
I stalked out of the amphitheatre, tears stinging my eyes. The other campers dodged the hell out of my way as I almost ran to my cabin, slamming the door behind me and throwing myself onto my bed.
For a few minutes, I let myself breathe into the pillow. In, out, slowly and calmly until I felt like I wasn't going to use my new combat skills on the next person I saw. Sitting up, I wiped my eyes and sighed.
Okay, maybe that was dramatic, but it was based on reality. Storming off like it was the end of the world and yelling at my boyfriend might have been a touch unnecessary but my feelings were still hurt and I still felt like crap every time I thought about it.
Maybe he'll come to his senses soon. I sniffled and hugged my pillow. "It'll all be fine, it's gonna be totally fine, right?"
i v much hope you enjoyed, thank you for requesting!
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captain039 · 3 years
Control it
Charles Xavier x reader (Young Charles before he was shot)
Warnings: past trauma, light hurt/comfort
Mutation: Create and manipulate fire
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You wandered the overly large mansion wondering what plans the telepath had. You wandered and wandered actually lost now.
“CHARLES!” You yelled huffing as you didn’t know where you were.
“Yes darling?” His voice filled your head and you flushed a little at the name.
“I’m lost” you mumbled.
“Stay there” he said and you sighed leaning against the wall.
You saw the man walk to you and you smiled.
“How on earth did you get lost?” He asked his arm going around your shoulder.
“Because I have no sense of direction” you said.
“That I knew” he chuckled teasingly. He led you outside where you saw the others.
“Did you really get lost?” Raven asked and you nodded going to her, Charles arm sliding off you
“You grew up here, I did not” you said before she could tease.
“I didn’t say anything” she said and you smiled.
“What’s the plan?” Erik spoke up.
“We train” Charles smiled and you frowned.
“Train?” You questioned.
“Yes” he said confident and you sighed.
His training was apparently forced labour, not literally, but it felt like it. Raven and Hank had been together a lot while Charles trained the others. You weren’t one for fighting, your mutation wasn’t something to be fought with.
You leant against the railing looking out to the big field, you glanced to the big satellite and sighed.
“There you are” you turned around seeing Charles coming down the stairs.
“Are you purposely avoiding me?” He asked a grin on his face.
“I don’t know why you saw that” you rolled your eyes.
“You can control it” Charles said softly and you clenched your jaw.
“And set the whole house on fire” you huffed.
“My father built a vault that can withstand anything, even Havok” he tried to convince but it wasn’t working.
“Charles” you muttered and he sighed.
“Just one try?” He asked as you looked to him.
“If I blow you up I’m not sorry” you snapped. He grinned and led you to the vault. It was tarnished by Havok but not ruined. You raised an eyebrow at the marks and lines.
“Set the dummy on fire” Charles stood by you and pointed to the three mannequins.
“Those are mannequins” you said.
“Same thing” he huffed and you rolled your eyes.
“Can you stand back” you muttered and he nodded back away. Your palm warmed up and you created a small flame, you stared at it for a moment hands beginning to shake.
“Don’t think” Charles said but you already did. You remembered their screams and horrid coughing as they burnt to death. Your arm began to light up, burning your clothes.
“Y/n!” Charles had called you but you screamed body lighting on fire. A pulse of flame went out from you before you fell to the floor. You panted, clothes burnt to a crisp. You shook trying to keep yourself up. Others came in and you frowned as Charles came over wrapping a blanket around you and standing close.
“What happened?” It was Erik.
“Training” Charles said kneeling in front of you. He cupped your cheeks wiping away your tears.
“It’s fine Erik” he said rather snappy and the man left.
“Did I hurt you?” You asked tugging the blanket closer.
“No my dear” he said sitting down in front of you.
“I liked those jeans” you said and he scoffed smiling. You lifted your top half up sighing.
“Can I take a look?” He asked and you frowned till you realised he meant your mind.
“There’s nothing in there” you muttered and shrugged.
“Go for it” you muttered leaning forward slightly. He lifted his fingers to your temple as he went through your memories, your family, the fire. He went passed it though and you froze seeing your little sister on her tenth birthday, you felt tears in your eyes her big smile as you chased her around. Shoving her face with cake and laughing. You smiled hanging your head slightly as you let tears fall down. He looked a little deeper, to the night he found you.
You were a shaking mess barely out of your teens, sitting naked and frightened in a corner. Your house had burnt down from your burst, you had awoken to yourself on fire along with the rest of the house, you heard screams from your family but couldn’t get to them. Your body just pulled with fire, you couldn’t feel the heat though. After their screams had stopped you had returned normal, collapsing into the corner where your bed once was and crying. You didn’t know what happened, nor understood.
You heard voices after a few hours, figured it was the police or something but when you saw two men standing there you frowned.
“Y/n? Is it?” The shorter one had asked and you frowned nodding. He approached a little closer and you flinched backing.
“Don’t!- just stay there- I don’t want to hurt you” you said and he nodded holding his hands up. You caught their scents both alphas, the shorter one more intriguing.
“My names Charles Xavier” he said and you nodded.
“Are you police?” You asked and the taller one scoffed laughing.
“No, far from it” Charles shook his head.
“We’re mutants” he added and you frowned.
“Just like you” his voice echoed in your head but his mouth didn’t move. You frowned staring at him in confusing. The other man lifted his hand a few metal things coming to his hand and floating.
“Houses are full of metal” he said and you gulped slightly.
“What do you want?” You asked slightly nervous.
“To bring you some place safe” Charles spoke.
“Away from humans” The taller man said and Charles glared slightly.
“I can help you learn to control it” he said. His voice was soothing, his eyes soft, he was quite handsome.
“Ok-“ you stuttered as he went through the full memory, you pulled back flushing.
“You think I’m handsome?” He questioned a grin on his face. You flushed rolling your eyes as you stood.
“Y/n” he called chasing after you as you went to your room.
“I didn’t mean to pry, the reason I did though was to bring back good memories” you frowned at his words and slowed your pace.
“Your mutation goes off of emotion much like Eriks, using the right balance between anger and happiness can unlock your full potential” you sighed at his words and opened your door as you got to it.
“I’m a bomb Charles, a fire bomb” you said closing your door in his face.
You sighed hearing him walk away. You went to your closest grabbing some clothes and going to the bathroom.
After washing off the ash you sighed changing and lying on your bed. You were thankful your body was immune to fire, even your hair and nails, your clothes however just, well turned to ash.
You skipped dinner and went straight to bed as night came. You forced yourself to sleep and gain some energy back.
You shook awake, the lights behind your eyes startling you. You gasped fire all around and coughing from your family.
“Mum!” You called getting up. You were a flame again, you tried to shake it off furiously as everything around you cracked and burned.
“MUM!” You cried trying to unlock your door but it didn’t budge.
“Y/n!” You heard your sister call but you couldn’t do anything. You sobbed going to your knees as the fire raged around you.
“Y/n” it stopped though and you frowned at Charles voice.
“Charles?” You questioned as he stood a meter away. It was just a burning corridor now, you at one end, him at the other.
“I can’t control it” you sobbed.
“You can” he said as the flames roared slightly.
“It doesn’t control you, you control it” he added coming closer.
“No! I’ll burn you!” You said holding your hands out.
“You wont” you frowned looking down to see your normal hands. The flames around you went quiet, only little lights every now and then. Your hands shook as you looked to them, hands grabbed yours and you flinched looking to Charles.
“You just need to control it” he said softly letting go of one hand and letting it rest on your cheek.
You startled awake and heard a sigh of relief.
“What-?” You said confused as Charles panted on the floor.
“Charles?” You questioned smelling smoke.
“Charles what happened?” You began to freak out again.
“No- no calm down” he stood quickly sitting on your bed and cupping your face.
“Just look at me” he said as you tried to move. You heard another in the room and began to shake in confusion.
“She needs to control it” you heard Erik say sternly.
“Ignore him” Charles said and you looked around shaking his hands off. The wall was gone, burnt out you froze at the damage you had caused, the cold night air coming in. Erik had all the fire extinguishers by him, his arms crossed with a disappointed face.
“Erik get out” Charles said a little sternly.
“Charles-“ Erik sighed.
“Out now” Charles huffed pointing to the door. You had tears in your eyes as you looked at the damage you caused.
“I didn’t take the meds hank gave me” you mumbled looking to your side table.
“Too keep away the nightmares-“ you cried again and arms went around you.
You trembled as you cried leaning against Charles shoulder. He hushed you gently keeping you close.
“I can’t control it” you whispered sniffly.
“Yes you can” he fought slightly lifting you to face him.
“I know you can, with time and training” he said placing a hand on your cheek again.
“You can control it” he whispered as you shook your head. He sighed suddenly leaning forward as lips met yours. You froze shocked at the lips on yours but kissed back. You closed your eyes leaning to him and pulled back.
“I believe in you” he whispered.
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Falling In Love (and Other Clichés)
(A/N) sooo sorry for the lateness! i’m off tomorrow well today technically so i decided to be up until goblin hours!! and i locked my sims in their apartment so they’d fall in love!! anyway, here’s a carol piece i really like! it’s actually partly what made me write another carol piece that was inspired by someone else’s carol danvers ceo au but except that’s all smut so i decided to test the waters with this! it’s got v light smexcy content bc when i post my smut i’d like to just,,, shatter ur perception of me
Rating: M (Mild-ish adult themes)
Warnings: Light smut (kinda?); Suggestive Content for sure; just hella fluff and pining; lots of overdone tropes; my obsession w the name amelia bc i love it; mentions of homophobia but i don’t like,,, dig into it really bc i like to think r was too distracted by carol to notice uwu; Tony Stark is the best wingman au; i like the idea of an ice-based superhero accidentally attracting various arctic creatures; oh also there’s devil’s lettuce in here and drinking do drugs responsibly kids
Pairing: Carol Danvers / Captain Marvel x F!Reader
Word Count: 9,701
Synopsis: You need a date to your ex’s wedding (to your cousin); Carol volunteers, and a whole lot of feelings bubble to the surface.
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this gif got me pregnant
Tony is, naturally, the first to notice your sour mood. Being one of the few other ‘geniuses’ of the Avengers meant you spent enough time together for the older man to pick up on drastic changes in your behavior. You’re quiet, snappy, distant. After two solid days of it, he decides to ask Danvers to take care of it - not because she’s a woman! No, because he knows the two of you are a lot closer than either of you let on.
And yes, she’s definitely noticed your mood, too. Part of what made your friendship so easy was the fact that you both had a similar upbeat sort of attitude - your cockiness, at least, outmatched each others’ and it was rare that she couldn’t get a smile out of you when she cracked a joke or two.
So, of course, yes, she notices something is off.
You’re quiet. A bit distant. Broody. You were rarely ever so broody. Giving Natasha a run for her money, in Carol’s opinion. 
And, admittedly, Carol is not the best at being patient. It takes maybe three days before your weirdness finally gets to her.
You’re in the gym when she’s able to corner you. Unsurprisingly, you��re glowing with the familiar silvery blue of your ice-based powers. The entire room is freezing - literally. Besides the spikes of ice you’ve jammed into the targets on the walls, there’s frost creeping up the corners, nearly at the ceiling. Your breath is leaving you in ghostly puffs, your body sweating with exertion as you throw another wave of spikes at a poor training dummy that’s already lacking a head.
(Steve and Fury are gonna lose their minds over that one.)
You don’t even notice her when she walks in; not until she clears her throat, causing you to jump so hard that the ground around you freezes over. Luckily, you never seem to lose your footing on the slippery surface, so you don’t manage to embarrass yourself any further when you turn on your heels to face her.
The blonde has her arms crossed, an eyebrow raised as she examines your face. You look tired, more than anything. Deep, purple bags under your eyes.
“So, you wanna fess up to what’s bothering you or do you want to destroy more gym equipment?” She asks, and you let out a quiet huff in amusement.
“Puh-lease, Danvers, don’t act like you didn’t enjoy the show.” You scoff, moving to grab your water bottle only to discover the water inside had frozen over. Defeated, you set it aside with a sigh. “But, um, yeah, I guess something is bothering me.” You plop down on the bench of one of the various benches around the room, wincing at the bit of snow that’s gathered on top of it.
Carol joins you easily, though she’s much closer than you’re normally comfortable with. Carol always gets in your personal space when she’s trying to pry information out of you. It’s disturbingly effective, every goddamn time - and she knows it. 
“I don’t know if you remember Maya,” you clear your throat awkwardly, blushing just a little. 
“The girl you dated when I came back to Earth?”
“Yeah, her. Well- she’s, um, getting married.” 
“I thought you said you didn’t regret the breakup because it was toxic?”
“No, totally, I absolutely stand by that. It’s just- she’s, uh, getting married to my cousin. So, naturally, I kind of have to go.” You wince, looking down at your hands. “And my cousin’s dad is… kind of a homophobic asshole.”
“You don’t seriously have to go, you know. Most of them don’t even like that you have ice powers.”
“Another thing I have no control over, I know.” You sigh, running your fingers through your hair nervously. “But my dad says I have to go.”
Carol snorts. “Still listening to daddy when you’re literally an Avenger?”
You shrug. “He got me through college. I would’ve taken over his business if I wasn’t an Avenger.”
Carol looks thoughtful for a moment. You can almost see the gears turning behind those hazel eyes of hers. God, it’s unfair how hot she is. Literally and figuratively. Her powers balance yours out somewhat, but being this close to her always feels so… warm. Like you’re sitting next to the sun.
Finally, the blonde says, “Okay. I’ll go with you.”
You gape at her in silence for a moment. “I- what?”
“I’ll go to the wedding with you. As your date!”
You feel your cheeks heating up significantly. “Uh- I- Carol-”
“We’ll make her realize how stupid she was to breakup with you, stick it to your cousin that you’re dating the hottest Avenger, and while we’re at it, we can toss in a kiss or two to piss off your homophobic relatives.” She says it with such ease and finality that you can’t help the grin that spreads across your cheeks.
Sure, you’d been dreading the wedding for weeks now, but the thought of having Carol along makes you a lot less apprehensive. She’s your best friend - she’ll make everything way easier on you. Someone you actually want to hang out with.
And, yeah, the thought of kissing her isn’t so bad, either. You definitely won’t deny the fact that you find her attractive. Part of how you often interacted involved flirting - playful or not, you weren’t entirely sure. 
“You’d do that for me?” You ask, stupidly, and Carol easily matches your smile.
“Of course I would.”
You pull her into a rare hug - not many can withstand your unnaturally cold body temperature, but hugging Carol always felt like an odd sort of relief. Like you could feel that chill melting away.
“When’s the wedding?” She asks when you pull back with a still blushing face.
“Uh, well- it’s in L.A., and I’m supposed to leave this Friday.”
“Great. Enough time to get Stark to pay for our wardrobe.”
❤ ❤ ❤ ❤
It wasn’t surprising that, once you explained the situation to Tony, the billionaire was more than willing to help pay for your expenses. Making sure to get you the finest designer dress and Carol her own custom tailor suit for the big day and other designer clothes for the rest of the weekend; he even got you one of his private jets. (You try to ignore his knowing wink and nod when he catches you looking at Carol in a not-quite-friendly way as you load into the jet.)
(You’re beginning to realize this might not have been a smart plan. When Stark looks that smug you know you’re in trouble.)
Still, the ride to L.A. is bearable. Carol looks a little stir crazy, since she’s not the one piloting the plane. She’s been drumming her fingers impatiently against the armrests for the past half hour, an oddly endearing habit.
“I could’ve flown us there in, like, half the time this will take.” She says, tone a little sharp with impatience, and you can’t help but chuckle.
“Your powers are cute, Danvers, but I don’t think you’d be able to fly me and all of our luggage across the country.” You pour yourself another glass of the complimentary champagne. Just to soothe your nerves a little.
Tonight is the rehearsal dinner - tomorrow is the day of last-minute planning and, presumably, bachelor and bachelorette parties, and Sunday is the wedding itself. Of course they’d need an entire freaking weekend for their stupid wedding - and of course you’d have to be dragged into the whole mess.
You’re really glad Carol is coming.
“You underestimate me,” Carol bunches up the sleeves of her t-shirt and flexes, and you’d be lying if you said you didn’t look just a little, but you have to force your gaze away with a dramatic eye roll before your eyes really wander for the sake of sparing her the satisfaction.
“If the rehearsal dinner goes well, then I’ll let you fly us to the wedding.”  You promise, fixing your gaze out the window.
You’ve only ever flown with Carol once during a mission. It was definitely thrilling - your powers really worked well together when you were in proper sync with one another; becoming a deadly whirlwind of fire and ice. You always felt safe in her arms, never once doubted that she wouldn’t let you fall - and if you did, she’d certainly catch you.
(You wonder what your relatives would think if you did fly in with Carol. You doubt her suit would survive the heat of her powers. Maybe a half-naked Carol would be a great way to escape this whole ordeal…)
“Promises, promises,” the blonde sighs dreamily. “So, let’s think our relationship through.”
“What?” You blurt, eyes snapping back to her as heat rushes to your cheeks. 
She’s smirking, but hides it with a cough of laughter. “You know. For the wedding? People will ask how we got together - especially since you were with Maya when we met.”
Right. Duh. “Oh! Uh- yeah. Maybe after Maya and I broke up you confessed your undying love for me?”
Carol rolls her eyes and snags the champagne from your hand. Your protest falls on deaf ears while she easily finishes it. “That’s cute. Obviously when you broke up with Maya you realized what you were really missing: me.”
You scoff and just take a swig right from the bottle. “Okay, how about this: we both just started hanging out more and realized that we both had feelings for each other?”
“Fine. You’re right, you’d never have the guts to confess your feelings for me anyway.” Carol teases and you try not to let out the strangled noise that builds in the back of your throat. Your cheeks are flaming, now. 
“Our first date was obviously arranged by Tony,” you continue, deciding to ignore the tone in her voice.
“Obviously,” Carol agrees, smiling now. “Something outrageously fancy.”
“Absurdly fancy.” You hum thoughtfully. “But we definitely ditched to go eat some real food at a bar.”
“After snagging the most expensive bottles of champagne.” Carol’s almost eager tone makes you smile, too. Her eyes are shining bright.
“And we took our spoils to the top of the Tower,” you bite your lip. “Where, obviously, you told me that you loved me.”
“And you said it back.” There’s that challenge in her eyes again.
You really are starting to give this plan a second-thought.
❤ ❤ ❤ ❤
“Please tell me how Stark snagged the Honeymoon Suite?” You moan in delight as you flop backwards onto the ridiculously giant mattress. It’s disgustingly comfortable - you swear your back already feels like it hasn’t been kicking ass in the name of the whole galaxy for months. You might die here, and you’re totally okay with that. 
Carol joins you, though you hardly feel it through the mattress. It’s about goddamn time Tony pulled his weight in this mission. Er- awkward family event. Seriously. This is a damn good bed. Even though there’s a mirror right above it, and Carol’s looking right at you through it.
“The man’s a genius,” she answers with a sigh, and you hum in agreement. “By the way, uh, should we lay some ground rules for this?”
“I’m really down for anything,” you shrug. “Kiss me, if you really want to. Hell, touch my ass if you think it’ll help.” You can see the blush creeping along your cheeks in the mirror.
Carol turns her head, so you do, too. “Just so you know,” she warns in such a serious tone you can’t help but listen, “I am an a-mazing kisser.”
You shove her and sit back up, hopping off the bed with a snort. “Put your money where your mouth is, Danvers.”
“Gladly.” Carol stands and grabs the suitcase you were reaching for with inhuman speed. Her eyes flicker down, and you feel something stirring in your stomach. “Just wait, (Y/L/N). I’m gonna rock your world.”
Oh fuck, you think miserably. What have I done to myself?
❤ ❤ ❤ ❤
“Hey, snowball!” Your father’s hug is warm and welcoming, and you embrace him eagerly. He really is the only person you’d been looking forward to seeing. This side of the family isn’t his own - they’re your mother’s, in fact, as he hadn’t wanted you to be separated from that part of your life. Unfortunately, your mother’s family was a bit… much. Your memories of her are vague, but you know for a fact that she was nothing like them.
“Hey, popsicle!” You use your old nickname for him as you pull back with a wide grin. “How’s POLARIS?”
“We’re scraping by without you, kiddo,” he sighs, squeezing your shoulder. “But you’re off saving the world in other ways, huh?”
You shrug. “Yeah, I guess you could say that! Uh, hey, this is my girlfriend, Carol.” You look over your shoulder and look to the blonde, who looks a little startled when your father pulls her in for a hug.
“You’re Carol Danvers! (Y/N) has told me so much about you!” 
“Dad-” you groan, blushing furiously when he pulls back.
“I’m sure my little snowball’s warned you about this side of the family,” he continues, and you bite back a sigh. “But I want you to know, they are nothing like her mother, myself, nor the rest of my own family.”
“Oh, I-I know,” Carol stammers much to your absolute shock. “She’s told me. I’m honored to meet you, sir.” She shakes his hand stiffly, to which your father laughs delightedly. 
“I like this one,” he throws a wink your way. “You can call me Cal. I’m gonna head inside, see if your gram is still… kicking it.”
“Gram is an immortal beast.” You mutter, though he doesn’t scold you as he turns to head inside of the massive building.
A mansion. Your cousin had rented a mansion.
Sooo classy.
“You ready, snowball?” Carol teases, looping an arm through yours. 
“You’re the one who called my dad ‘sir’. The guy’s literally a nerd.” You huff, and Carol laughs.
“You two are cute. I can see where you get your dorkiness from.”
“Keep it up and I’ll turn you into a snowball.” You warn. Carol just chuckles again as you begin your way up the ridiculous stone staircase to the entrance of the mansion.
The inside is glamorous, of course. No expenses spared, apparently, for the ‘Golden Boy’ of the family. He’s the eldest of your three cousins, and he’s also the absolute worst. Snobby, typical rich boy who thinks he can get away with anything.
Sure, you can’t exactly judge the whole ‘trust fund’ thing - your father is well-off, and though he wanted you to have a ‘normal’ life, you still grew up with lots of privileges. But your cousin? He really took it to the next level. Like, totaled five of his cars and his parents still keep buying him new ones.
“Is that (Y/N)?” You hear, and you immediately stiffen when your aunt runs up to embrace you tightly. She places a wet kiss to your forehead and you resist the urge to wipe it like a petulant child as she grins at you. “Goodness, it’s been so long! How are you? Is it true you quit your father’s company?”
You inhale slowly before answering, feeling Carol’s fingers intertwine with your own. Her heat, at least, keeps the frost from dancing along the tips of your fingers. “I did, yes. I took up a new job that requires a more… specific skill-set.”
“Your mother and father always talked about you inheriting POLARIS one day!” Your aunt continues, and you try to ignore the judgemental tone to her voice as much as possible. “They knew you were a genius, you know. Just knew it the moment you were born! Of course, I felt the same exact way with Junior-”
“Mom, you’re smothering her.” Another familiar voice chides, and you’re relieved to see the cousin you actually like giving your aunt a stern expression. 
“Amelia, sweetheart,” your aunt’s smile becomes taut. “I didn’t expect to see you here.”
“The whole family was invited,” Amelia shrugs casually, tossing her dark, thick hair over her shoulder. “I couldn’t miss this disaster.”
“Now, young lady, if you’re here to-”
“Mother,” your third and youngest cousin, Connor, approaches with a pained expression. “TJ is, um, distressed in the kitchen.” The poor kid is barely seventeen, real scrawny for his age. He’s always been a bit of a nervous wreck - even moreso than his mother - and that gave his voice a slight quiver no matter the situation. Your aunt straightens herself and quickly follows him down a long corridor, leaving you and Carol alone with Amelia in the wide entryway.
“Well, I can see why family reunions were banned,” Amelia jokes, and you let out a quiet breath of laughter.
“Thanks for the save,” your deathgrip on Carol’s hand tightens ever so slightly. “Amelia, this is my girlfriend, C-”
“Carol Danvers,” your cousin’s grin lights up. “I know. You never shut up about her. I was wondering when you two were finally gonna bone.”
You blush, and Carol lets out a long laugh. “I was starting to worry everyone here sucked,” she doesn’t hide her evident relief.
“Oh, most of us do.” Amelia bemoans. “We’re just the lucky few.”
“Unlucky few,” you correct, and she rolls her eyes.
“So pessimistic sometimes.” She pauses, then her eyes widen. “Wait, I haven’t been around for a while, tell me this Maya chick is-”
“The one I was with last year? Uh, yep.” You force an awkward grin, and Amelia laughs long and lard. 
“That’s insane. What the hell? I mean, I’m not surprised. All you two ever fought about was Car-”
“Okay, well, I wanna snag us a good seat as far away from TJ as possible,” you cut her off abruptly. “See you after the dinner? Maybe we can all get drunk and catch up!” You don’t wait for her response, instead dragging Carol along behind you through the stupidly long and confusing hallways until you eventually give up in trying to find the dining room.
“Slow down,” Carol stops and as annoying as it is she is stronger than you, so you come to an abrupt halt. “What was that back there?”
“What do you mean?” You ask, feigning ignorance as Carol tries hard to catch your gaze. 
“Did you and Maya fight about me?” She presses, one of her hands moving to grip the side of your jaw and forcing you to meet her eyes. 
“I-I mean, well- okay, honestly?” You breathe out a shaky breath. “A little. A lot. I mean- when you came around and we started hanging out, she just- she thought-”
Realization crosses Carol’s features, and then amusement quickly replaces it, her grip on your jaw softening immensely. “That’s… kind of perfect. We might actually ruin this whole wedding.”
You let out a sigh of relief. “You’re not, like, mad? Or weirded out?”
Carol smirks cockily. “It’s weirdly flattering that I was a subject of conversation during some arguments.”
“For the record, she was always kind of jealous. Didn’t let me go on missions with Natasha for, like, two months.”
“You sure you saw her?” A voice from further down the hall catches your attention. “Don’t know why he wanted to invite her. This is so awkward. You should’ve seen her face when I dumped her.”
Carol’s eyes meet yours again, and in an instant you both seem to come to the same conclusion.
Her body presses yours against a marble column as her lips cover your own in a hungry kiss. The hand still holding your jaw moves to the back of your neck, fingers digging softly into the skin there as a tongue presses into your mouth. Her other hand had somehow slipped out from your own and now grips your waist possessively.
Your hands fly to her stomach, the tight muscles there barely concealed by the simple dress shirt she decided to wear to the rehearsal dinner. Fucking Christ. You’re quickly losing control of the situation when her teeth dig into your bottom lip, pulling a quiet moan from your throat. A startled gasp registers, distantly, through the fog that has quickly taken over your mind.
You look over Carol’s shoulder, still panting, to find Maya staring awkwardly at you with someone you don’t recognize at her side. No, you think to yourself, you do know her. Rebecca, you think her name was. You don’t recall ever enjoying an interaction with her, even when you and Maya were together.
“Real classy, ice brain,” Rebecca sneers, and Maya quickly recovers herself enough to plaster a fake smile on her lips.
Carol pulls back from you just enough to set you down on the floor. (You hadn’t even noticed that she’d been holding you in the air. Holy shit.) 
“Nice to see you again, (Y/N).” Maya says stiffly, dressed in a ridiculous gown that seems a little much for a rehearsal dinner. “And, of course, Carol.” The ice in her voice could rival your own powers.
“Right, you too,” Carol keeps an arm firmly around your waist, pulling you a little more firmly against her.
“Heard you were still traipsing around throwing icicles everywhere,” Rebecca crosses her arms.
“And I heard you were still an intern at your mommy’s company,” you counter and she scowls. 
“At least I stayed with my family. You practically turned your back on yours.”
“Let’s not do this right now,” Maya cuts in sharply. “Come on, Becks, let’s go.” She turns around, and Rebecca gives you a final glare before following behind Maya right back down the way they had come from.
You don’t watch them for long. Your mind is quickly spiraling back to the intoxicating sensation of Carol’s lips on yours. Okay, yeah, this whole idea was terrible and it’s all going south so quickly and-
“Hey, you okay?” Carol’s fingers slot between your own, and you breathe out a quiet sigh.
“Yeah. Just- recovering.”
“From seeing her?”
You can almost feel the damn smirk taking over her features. 
“Told you I was an amazing kisser,” she snickers.
❤ ❤ ❤ ❤
Unfortunately, the question couldn’t be avoided for much longer: You’re an Avenger now? And, naturally, everyone is talking about it. You don’t doubt TJ invited you because of your ‘fame’ status, but you don’t think he really thought it through. You were, after all, a lot more well-known than he was, and so it wasn’t long before the wedding was nearly forgotten.
As drinks were served, it was easy to lose yourself in the usual questions. After a while, you joke to Carol that, sooner or later, your ‘relationship’ will be headline news and she laughs at that.
“You make it sound so bad. Think of how many people we’ll inspire.” 
And, of course, that was just as good a reason as any for you to be this close to her for longer. Maya keeps sending you both unreadable expressions, but from what you can gather she’s not happy that you brought Carol. She’d likely expected you to come alone. Ha.
Finally, the evening comes to an end and Amelia comes to save you as promised. She’s got booze, french pastries you cannot pronounce, and ‘not shit music’; you return to the hotel with your spoils of war. 
“Honeymoon Suite, huh?” Amelia comments upon entering and making herself comfortable on the loveseat with the awkwardly shaped back and popping open the first bottle of bubbly.
Carol hands her three glasses and grins. “Only the best for my girl.”
My girl. Yikes, that sounds so damn nice coming from her.
Amelia hums. “So, how long after Maya did you and Carol get together?”
“Not long,” you answer a little too quickly. “I mean - kinda long - a respectable amount of time - just- it all happened so fast.”
Amelia grins. “Oh, you guys like got together before you got together?”
“Yeah,” Carol responds, taking a sip of her champagne with a smirk. “She really just couldn’t get enough of me.”
You roll your eyes and scoff. “We were both a little nervous to admit how we felt, is what she means.”
Amelia cackles at that. “Yeah, you mean you were too chickenshit and Carol just got tired of waiting.”
“Thank you!” Carol raises her glass and Amelia happily taps her own against it. “See, baby? Nothing to be ashamed of.”
“I hate you both,” you grumble into your own glass, cheeks heating up at the responding laughter.
“Please tell me you have embarrassing stories?” Carol asks, whipping out her damned best puppy expression and you actually let out a groan.
“Don’t you dare, Amelia-”
“Oh, how about the reason her dad calls her snowball?” Amelia promptly ignores your protest.
You groan incoherently in protest, but it falls on deaf ears.
“One time, when we were twelve and her powers first started manifesting, we were out sledding in the fields behind my dad’s old ranch house. (Y/N) thought she was being real slick, even though she could barely even stand on a patch of ice back then. She tried using an ice track to make her sled go faster.” Amelia explains, and you set your glass down on the table to cover your ears dramatically. “She fell off, of course, but she kept rolling down the hill! Snow collected on her tiny body and she became a literal snowball! We had to call her dad to get her out because she and TJ were crying like a couple of babies.”
“You were crying too!” You huff, uncovering your ears to finish off your glass of champagne as Carol chortles with amusement.
“From laughter,” she quips. 
“I hate you.”
“You love me.”
“I think it’s cute, babe, really!” Carol’s teasing grin lets you know that she’s definitely going to bring up that nickname a lot.
“She also almost stole some penguins from the zoo, so TJ called her ‘Happy Feet’ for, like, two whole years.” Amelia pours you another glass and you snort.
“I didn’t ‘almost’ steal them. I accidentally lured them out of their pen because of my powers.” You correct and both she and Carol laugh.
“Is that why you refuse to go to the zoo?” Carol asks and you cross your arms defiantly.
“I don’t go to the zoo because it’s an animal prison-”
“Yeah, she was banned from every zoo in New York City. Kind of impressive, in my opinion-”
“Oh my god can you guys please stop talking about me like I’m not here?”
The rest of the night goes just as it started. You’re alarmed by how well Amelia and Carol get along - even more alarmed by how many goddamn embarrassing stories your cousin feels like sharing with your girlfriend.
Well. Fake girlfriend.
You really should not have to remind yourself of that as often as you do.
Eventually, she leaves for her own room two floors down, leaving you and Carol alone. You’re definitely tipsy, now, and when Amelia had left Carol had her arms wrapped firmly around you on the couch. She was sitting behind you, arms draped firmly around your body, and the position is so comfortable you can’t think of a single reason to end it.
However, Carol catches onto your sleepy yawn before you can even register it. She pulls away, and for once you feel a slight chill of cold air.
“C’mon, Snowball, let’s get you to bed.”
After you’ve changed into some pajamas, you slowly start to realize that Carol had intended to sleep on the couch. You stare for a long moment at the pillow taken from the bed that she’d placed on the sofa, and eventually Carol catches on.
“Something the matter?”
“You don’t have to sleep on the couch, you know.”
Carol raises an eyebrow in question, and you feel your face heating up.
“I mean- like- it’s a huge bed. And like. Why sleep on a couch in a honeymoon suite?” You explained in a rush, and the blonde snorts.
And then she’s right next to you. In bed. In her shorts and some kind of sleeping shirt that may as well be considered a bra. She explained that she usually sleeps shirtless, and dammit you seriously can’t stop thinking about it.
As you stare up at the dark ceiling, your thoughts circle back to your kiss with Carol. Your intense lowkey makeout session, to be more specific. Carol loves to brag, that’s a given, but holy shit can she kiss. It’s almost embarrassing how much her kiss worked you up. Even now, the memory of it has you crossing your legs in frustration.
Yes, you’ve had a bit of a crush on your best friend for a while now. It was never something that bothered you before. Like, sure, Carol’s hot as hell and that’s all well and good, but after kissing her it’s like all of that was kicked into overdrive. You can’t stop thinking about it. About wanting to do it again.
Which is fucked up because she was willing to go to this as your fake girlfriend. She knew how shitty this side of your family was, and she volunteered to go with you. That’s a friend you cannot lose. No matter what. 
But hotdamn can she fucking kiss.
Carol turns over, facing you with that curious gleam to her eyes you’ve become more than familiar with.
“You sure you’re okay being here?” She asks into the darkness, and you can’t help the quiet breath of laughter.
“I wasn’t, until you agreed to come,” you admit somewhat shyly, and her answering smile is so brilliant you forget your worries for just a moment.
“Your cousin is cool, at least.”
“One of them.”
“Yeah, but, still. Better than none. I don’t even talk to my family anymore.” She rolls onto her back, staring up at the ceiling.
You try to fight back the wince. Sometimes you forget that she practically dropped contact with her family when she first first returned to Earth. ‘Better off without me,’ she’d say if you ever asked, so eventually you stopped asking It was obvious that her relationship with them wasn’t great from the start - and though you knew little, it was enough to show that she felt a little out of place here, where everyone knew each other by blood.
You reach out, grasping her hand despite the butterflies erupting in your belly. “Hey,” you say, a smile on your lips when she glances at you. “At least my dad likes you. Dating or not, that’s a big deal, isn’t it?”
Her responding smile sends an unfamiliar wave of warmth through you. “You’re right,” she murmurs, “that’s very true.”
You fall asleep like that, some minutes later that you can’t keep track of. You just become lost in Carol’s gaze until you can’t keep your eyes open anymore, and suddenly you’re engulfed by the sweet embrace of slumber.
Still, there’s that lingering feeling. One you dread. The obvious thing that’s been sitting so patiently in the very back of your mind for months.
❤ ❤ ❤ ❤
Dawn breaks through the curtains; vicious despite the lazy brightness of it. Something is wrapped around your torso, spring seeping through your winter into your very bones. A soft breath ghosts on the back of your neck, stirring you ticklishly. 
Slowly, pieces begin to connect in your sluggish mind. This is Carol behind you, humming contentedly, and you’ve never felt so absolutely peaceful in your life. It feels indescribably perfect, like everything you’ve ever done has lead to this very moment.
A sharp knock at the door jolts you, making Carol grumble incoherently and pull you tighter against her. You exhale sharply when a knee jerks between your legs. You’re trapped. 
Another knock. “Please stop fucking and lemme in!” Amelia’s familiar voice makes you actually moan in frustration. Carol grunts as you twist around to look at her cute scrunched up face. You’re not sure how awake she is, exactly, but she looks damn adorable right now. 
“Carol—” you start, a goofy grin on your lips, only to be cut off when Carol's grip tightens even further, forcing you into the steady rise and fall of her chest. Your cheeks are burning, head spinning with the hangover and the now familiar buzz of the blondes presence. 
You look up into the mirror, thrown for a loop by how perfect your bodies seem to fit together. Two puzzle pieces clicking into place. I shouldn’t be feeling this, is only a distant thought, as unremarkable as the continuous knocking of your cousin.
Carol sighs in frustration, the air brushing your hair aside in a huff. “The fuck…” she grumbles, finally opening her eyes to look down at her captive. “Oh,” she releases you. You miss the contact instantly. “Sorry. Should’ve told you I’m a cuddler.”
“It’s— fine. I didn’t mind.” You sputter, looking away from her and untangling your limbs to open the door for Amelia. You feel discombobulated, unsteady. Your whole world has been thrown off course, and you can never right it again.
Amelia spills into the room with an eager expression. “So. Since the bride and groom are busy with their respective parties today, I figured we cool kids could have some fun of our own.”
“You woke us up this goddamn early to tell us to meet you for day-drinking?” You groan, pinching the bridge of your nose and stifling a yawn to hide how flustered you are this morning. 
“Yeah.” Amelia responds, as though it were an obvious answer. “Also, it’s two in the afternoon.”
“Oh.” You slept longer, and more peacefully, than you have in months. Damn. “Well, good to see you never change. We’ll get showered and I’ll text you when we’re ready for whatever you’ve got planned.”
Her grin is devilish. “Oh, just you wait.”
She leaves as quickly as she’d come; you stare at the back of the door and struggle to steady your breathing and your racing mind. You’d certainly known this would happen, didn’t you? You can’t say it was something you hadn’t expected; you just didn’t think of… how it would feel. How overwhelmingly tender your heart felt waking up with her around you. How addictive her touch could be.
Carol groans as she stretches, then calls your name. You don’t respond, blinking slowly as your thoughts come to a grinding halt. Footsteps as she approaches, cautious now. This is the first time you’d frozen up without - well, literally freezing up. You’re just standing there, rigid and silent.
She’d be lying if she said she wasn’t thrown off by the behaviour.
“Hey,” Carol’s hand on your shoulder makes everything snap at once. You aren’t really sure what happens, your body just kind of ignores all rational thought as you whirl around to face her and pull her face into yours in one fluid, sure motion.
God, she feels like literal sunlight. Spring and winter interlocking, melting you down to your very core. You feel exposed in every way, but there’s no fear for a blissful moment of affection and longing. Then, all at once, the fear rushes back in.
What the fuck are you doing?
You yank away from the blonde, watching her eyes snap open in shock. Her lips are parted, breathless as she watches the horror wash over your face. 
“I’m- sorry, I- I’m gonna go shower.” You blurt, running to the bathroom with a trail of frost following in your wake.
Carol is the speechless one, now. What the hell just happened?
❤ ❤ ❤ ❤
Despite telling Amelia you’d text her when you were ready, your cousin managed to slip in while you were showering to give Carol more delightfully awful stories of your childhood. Carol’s woken up a bit more, and seems a little relaxed until you walk out dressed in one of the many expensive clothes Tony had provided.
The blouse was lightweight, perfect for the sunny afternoon, and deep maroon. Paired with simple black dress pants and boots, you looked better than you felt. At least your makeup brightened up your features enough to be passable as anything but miserable.
Carol gives you a quick once-over before taking over the bathroom.
“Got yourself a real keeper, Snowball,” Amelia grins as you join her on the sofa. “She’s exactly how you described her. A literal golden retriever.”
You snort. “Yeah,” a smile pulls at your lips. “She’s great.”
“I can see why she made Maya so angry,” she hums thoughtfully. “Wish I had a connection like that. You can just… see it. Even when you guys aren’t together. Like, just now - in your eyes,” she shakes her head in wonder. “That’s real love. This wedding ain’t shit.”
You blush deeply. “Oh- th-thanks…”
She nudges you playfully. “Don’t worry, dweeb. She gets that same look.”
Does she? You wonder, unable to contain the swell of hope in your chest.
This weekend will be the death of you.
❤ ❤ ❤ ❤
Unsurprisingly, Amelia’s idea of a fun time is one of those expensive tourist-y bars, extremely gay and very 80’s-vibe. Carol is enjoying herself, judging how accurate certain things are, and it’s almost like the incident this afternoon hadn’t happened at all.
But you’re getting tipsy and Carol’s presence has your mind spinning. Amelia’s chatting up some girl with tattooed arms, looking eager but mysterious, and Carol has just dismissed herself to the bathroom, leaving you alone in your booth with your drink and thoughts.
I’m really, really into Carol. You can’t let yourself think beyond that. I really want to touch her. To kiss her. Catching feelings really throws a fucking wrench into this weekend. Did every fanfiction you’ve ever read not warn you about this exact situation? Who knew it was so realistic?
A body slides into the seat across from you, and you look up from the drink with a forced smile, only to lock eyes with a stranger.
“Hey, cutie,” her smile is sweet, seductive. Her eyes are different colors - one deep and dark, almost black, and the other a shocking blue. “You looked a little lonely, and to be honest,” she leans in conspiratorially, “I make fantastic company.”
You can’t help chuckling a little. “Well, to be fair, anybody sitting alone in a bar would look, objectively, lonely.”
“Good point,” she sips from her drink with a sly grin, leaning back and settling herself in. “But I only like talking to the cute ones.” She throws in a wink, and you won’t lie, you’re kind of enjoying the banter.
“Well, I didn’t-” 
“Hey, baby,” another body slides in beside you, an arm wrapping possessively around your shoulders. Carol’s familiar scent washes over you, duling your senses pleasantly. “Sorry I took so long, there was a line.” You blink up at her in surprise at her icy tone. “Thanks for keeping my girlfriend company… what was your name?”
“Oh, girlfriend,” the stranger’s eyebrows shoot up in surprise. “Sorry. She was sitting alone, so-”
“Carol,” you cut in before the blonde can retort. “Baby, I think Amelia is leaving with her friend. Let’s check in with her and go back to the hotel?” You keep your tone light, a little pleading, and watch as it works magic into Carol’s relaxing muscles. You look at the stranger with a smile. “Thanks for talking with me, it was nice meeting you!”
She nods, giving a friendly wave as you drag Carol over to Amelia, who assures you she’ll be fine and to check in with her later. You find yourself unreasonably annoyed the whole ride home, seething in a heavy sort of awkwardness that reminds you, once again, of the thing you’d done this morning.
“We can’t just not talk about this,” Carol says quietly, so as to not disturb the driver of the limo Tony had also rented out for you.
“Talk about what? You snapping on some poor girl for talking to me?” You oh-so-gracefully avoid the subject.
Carol gapes at you. “What? No. You kissed me this morning.”
You avert your gaze, cheeks burning. The streetlights cast dark shadows along her features, masking her expression sufficiently enough that you can’t bear to look at her. “I don’t know why I did that,” you admit, embarrassed.
“What does that mean?”
“It means I don’t know, Carol!” You hiss, fixing her with a glare. “Why did you act like a jealous girlfriend when all that girl wanted to do was talk?”
Carol flares up, now, jaw tensing before she speaks. “She was flirting with you!”
“She was not.”
She rolls her eyes, a little dramatically, and continues in a sarcastic tone: “Oh, like you can even tell when someone is flirting with you.”
Your jaw slackens. “What? What’s that supposed to mean?”
“It means that sometimes people are obvious about it and you’re too nice to notice!” She snaps, crossing her arms stubbornly over her chest. “Fucking Christ.”
“Wait, do you flirt with me?” You stammer, stupidly, as the limo pulls to a stop in front of the hotel.
“Have been for months, thanks for noticing!” Carol is the first out of the vehicle, storming off into the hotel too quick for you to keep up.
Everything in you wants to follow, but you force yourself to keep your pace even. She needs space, for now. You need to calm down. You /never fight. All because you decided to be an idiot this morning, and-
Wait, did Carol just admit to having feelings for you? To flirting with you? For, what, months?!
You’re in such a daze when you walk into the lobby, you don’t notice who you run into until you hear a familiar voice.
“Son of a- oh. It’s you.” Dread settles in the pit of your stomach as you meet the drunken gaze of your ex.
Maya looks like she’d been crying, and she’s alone.
“Aren’t you supposed to be at a bachelorette party?” You ask icily, nearly jumping when a sob escapes her. 
“I shouldn’t be doing this,” she mutters, either not hearing the question or ignoring it entirely. “God, I shouldn’t be doing this.”
You stare at her, dumbfounded. “Uh, what?”
Her dark eyes settle on you miserably. “I shouldn’t have gotten with TJ.”
“I’m happy with Carol,” you tell her firmly. “You cheated on me, May.”
“Oh, like you weren’t fucking Carol long before you got together,” she rolls her eyes. “But you still came to the wedding. What? To throw it in my face that you’re still gay? To show me how much better life is without me?”
“What are you-” you’re cut off by a pair of lips crashing into your own, hungry and angry. It feels wrong. Guilt floods through you as you shove away from her, wiping your mouth with the back of your hand. “Maya, what the fuck?” 
“No, you know what? Forget it.” You turn away from her, storming to the elevator with your mind and heart racing. You’re done overthinking it. You’re done stressing over this. You know what you want. You have to stop hesitating, stop second-guessing, and just do what feels right. 
It feels like you’re at the door of your room in the blink of an eye, swinging it open a bit aggressively. Carol turns from her spot in the middle of the room, either pacing previously or standing in wait for you. She looks alarmed by your sudden appearance, confusion showing clearly on her face as you hurriedly shut the door and make a point to lock all three locks on it and flicking the ‘do not disturb’ tab on the knob. 
She’s halfway through saying your name when you collide with her again. She’s more hesitant to return your kiss this time, only allowing it to continue for a brief moment before pulling away from you.
“Okay, no, we aren’t doing this hot-and-cold shit, (Y/N).”
“I know,” you wince guiltily, licking your lips to savor every last taste of her. “I know, I’m- I’m sorry. I was… scared. You’re my best friend, I didn’t want to- y’know, fuck it all up because we fake-dated for a weekend.” You’re starting to ramble, now, unable to stop. “And, I mean- I knew I liked you for, geez, I don’t even know how long but this weekend seeing how it would be just feels-”
“Right,” Carol finishes at the same time as you, a soft smile on her lips. “Yeah, I was thinking the same thing.”
You can’t stop the goofy grin from pulling at the edges of your mouth. “You were?”
“I’ve been trying to flirt with you for months,” she shakes her head in disbelief. “Months. And all I had to do this whole time was makeout with you once?”
You blush, shrugging. “I- well, when you put it that way…”
“Hey,” she leans in a little, nose brushing against yours. “Just means we’ve got some time to make up for, right?”
The whimper that leaves you doesn’t sound like a noise you’d ever make, but Carol’s lips find yours anyway, and the whole world seems to right itself again. You sink into her, running your fingers through soft, blonde hair as hands settle at your waist. It isn’t long before the kiss becomes heated, possessive, hungry. 
Carol’s heated hands toy with the buttons of your blouse, your own colder hands running under her flannel over her taut abdomen. Fucking Christ. She’s so unfairly hot. It’s unbelievable how perfect this all feels, how right.
Carol gets frustrated with the blouse buttons and just tears, snapping them clean off and holy shit fucking Jesus. You aren’t sure if it’s the display of strength or the fact that she’s so desperate to touch you, but the action has you dragging her towards the bed. You nearly stumble, but Carol is quick to pick you up with ease.
You don’t see what clothes get tossed where; it’s just a blur of movement, of kisses, of breathlessness. Carol is whispering dirty things in your ear, about how much she’s wanted this, about all the things she’s thought about doing to you - and, fuck, why were you such an idiot about this? You wasted so much time when you could have been doing this - doing Carol - instead?
Never doubt your instincts! It was practically Avengers-101. 
Carol is as cocky with sex as she is with, well, everything else. You naturally have a competitive edge to your relationship, but Carol in the bedroom doubles that. No, triples it. She loves to torture you, to draw out every last possible noise from your throat until you’re nearly sobbing with the built up pressure. You’re making sounds you’ve never heard yourself make before, bending in ways you didn’t think possible.
At last, when your body is absolutely numb with a slew of orgasms, you’re laying with your head on Carol’s chest, listening to her steady, thundering heartbeat. It’s quick, but soothing. Carol’s fingers comb lazily through your hair, easing tangles out of it with patient skill. 
“What made you finally say it?” Carol asks softly, her voice still low and husky.
You blush, pressing a kiss to Carol’s collarbone and moving up just a little to look into her eyes. “Promise not to freak out?”
She looks immediately suspicious. “Maybe.”
“Maya kind of bumped into me in the lobby and kissed me,” you admit, clearing your throat. Muscles tense beneath you; you run your fingers over Carol’s side - an action you now learn is a surefire way to get her to shiver. “Said she couldn’t do this. Soon as it happened, I just knew.” You hesitate, blushing harder. “Okay, it’s really corny.”
“Now I have to know.” Carol’s hand drifts from your hair to your shoulder, squeezing affectionately. 
“I just-” you avoid her gaze. “I knew I didn’t want to wait, like she did. I wanted to have what I- y’know, wanted. I couldn’t be stuck like that.” You shake your head.
Carol’s fingers drift to your jaw, tilting your head until you’re looking back into her eyes. “I’m glad you did. I was worried I’d have to be the one to tell you I love you.”
Your heart leaps into your throat, a goofy, dopey smile on your lips. It’s genuinely so dorky, you’d die of embarrassment if anyone but Carol had seen it.
“What?” Carol frowns, confused. “Why are you smiling like that?”
“You said it.” You rasp in a sing-song voice. “You confessed your undying love for me!”
Realization dawns on her face and she groans, throwing her head back. “Dammit. I take it back.”
“Nope, you can’t take back the l-word!”
“Carol Danvers loves me! Carol Danvers loves-” you finish with a yelp when Carol unceremoniously eases you onto your back, her face hovering inches above yours.
“People usually say it back, you know.” She says sternly, pulling her bottom lip between her teeth.
You aren’t going to be able to walk tomorrow. “I love you, too,” you murmur, threading your fingers through her hair and pulling her into another searing kiss. 
(Walking is overrated when your girlfriend can fly, anyway.)
❤ ❤ ❤ ❤
“It’s about time you guys pried yourselves apart,” Amelia announces, a joint dangling from her fingertips. “Was afraid I’d have to bring a crowbar.”
“You little delinquent,” you accuse, approaching Amelia’s beat up old pickup with Carol in tow. You were almost late, having a… few rounds before the wedding.
“Do you guys, like, count as cops, legally, or-?” She asks around a long pull.
“Don’t ask questions you don’t want to hear a bunch of legal jargon about.” You respond flatly. “How’s the groom?”
Amelia shrugs indifferently, hitting the joint again before offering it to you. “A terror, as usual.”
You eye Carol bashfully before taking the joint. Carol shakes her head with a tsk as you take a slow pull. It’s been a while, so it hits harsher than you remember. You cough at the burn, the sudden dryness of your throat, and hand it back to Amelia.
“My girlfriend, the drug-smoking criminal.” Carol sighs.
“What ever shall we do with her?” Amelia asks in a terrible British accent, shaking her head as she hits the joint.
“Can only ask for likes and prayers on social media, it’s the only cure.” Carol nods thoughtfully.
“You guys,” you begin, snatching the joint from your cousin, “are actually the worst.”
“The best,” Carol corrects, wrapping an arm around your shoulders. 
You don’t cough this time, but the high hits quickly. It’s a pleasant buzz, the kind that makes you appreciate the sunny day and the overall presence of Carol. You’re about to hand it back to Amelia before Carol herself grabs it, with a questioning eyebrow raise directed at your cousin. Amelia grins devilishly.
“I feel like I’m corrupting superheroes,” she giggles mischievously.
“You corrupted me before I was a superhero.” You roll your eyes, watching Carol hit the joint with far more ease than you had.
“True,” Amelia concedes, checking her phone. “So, nobody’s heard from Maya or Rebecca yet.”
“Wait, what?” You wheeze.
“Yeah,” now, her grin is downright evil. That’s not a good look. “And I think I know why.”
Your phone starts to ring. You groan when you realize it’s your father, picking up with a wide grin. “Main Street Orphanage and Crematorium, you churn ‘em out, we burn ‘em out, will this be a pickup or delivery?”
“Wow, that was dark, even for you.” Comes the response, though he chuckles. “Bride’s on her way, apparently. Ceremony’s about to begin. Get your butts in here, you’ll never find all of your gram’s horcruxes in time.”
You snort at that; “Okay, sure. I’ll call off the hunt. Thought I saw one in the sewer grate, right next to Pennywise, but that was just my will to live.”
“Okay, edge-lord. Did I use that right?”
“Yeah, dad, you used the word ‘edge-lord’ right.” This makes Amelia and Carol burst into laughter. “We’ll be in soon, dad. See you soon.” 
You hang up and roll your eyes. “Dad says to call off the hunt for Gram’s horcruxes.”
“You’re such a dork,” Amelia and Carol both say at the same time, making them laugh even harder.
“Did I mention how much I hate you both?” You ask with a pout.
Carol leans down to kiss you, effectively wiping the pout clean off of your face. “Aw, baby, you know I love you.”
“Yeah, yeah,” you huff, trying to wipe the smile off of your face. 
“You two are extra mushy today,” Amelia hops off of the bed of the pickup, shutting the door with a sigh. “Must’ve been some killer makeup sex.”
“C’mon, you guys were so awkward yesterday. Thought you broke up for a second. Almost gave up on true love.” Amelia pats her chest dramatically, making you roll your eyes and Carol chuckle. “But it’s good to see you’re still gross.”
“You wish you had what we have.” You stick your tongue out childishly. 
You find seats towards the back, with your dad. You’re too close to Gram for comfort, though, the smell of rose petals and mothballs drifting ever so delicately towards your nostrils with the force of a freight train.
Carol’s hand finds yours in your lap, curling your fingers together. She smiles at you, and that’s when you see it. That thing Amelia had talked about; that sort of sparkle, that adoration and fondness that only comes with real, unrelenting love. 
You lean in and kiss her, because you can, and only separate because you’re both smiling too hard. Your dad doesn’t say anything, but you swear you see him wearing a dorky smile, too.
The ceremony itself starts off completely normal. The usual long, boring spiel. You zone in and out, thinking of committing yourself to someone, someday, and imagining something so entirely unlike this stupid wedding. You think you’d like to get married up in the stars, where Carol had fallen from the first night that you met her.
The sudden silence is alarming, because weddings are so rarely ever lacking in at least one speaker. Isn’t it supposed to be the bride’s vows?
Maya looks like she’s going to throw up. “I can’t do it!” Her abrupt shout halts the ceremony. “I’m in love with someone else.”
Dread pools in the pit of your stomach. Carol stiffens beside you, her hand tightening around yours.
“Becks,” she turns to her Maid of Honor, whose eyes widen in blatant shock. A blush runs over her cheeks. “I love you. I’ve always been in love with you. Even when I was-” she glances at you in the crowd, nervously. “With other people, I knew I was in love with you. I’ve seen true love here, seen it in this building - but it’s not with TJ.” Her next look is purposeful before finding TJ. “I’m sorry, Tommy, but I- I don’t love you. I can’t love you.”
“Maya, that is enough!” Maya’s mother, whom you only met once and remember as distinctly homophobic. “What are you doing?”
“I’m saying fuck this, mother!” Maya snaps. 
Rebecca, having regained her composure, straightens up and grabs Maya’s hand. “I love you, too.”
“This was a fun weekend.” You whisper to Carol, who nods with a snort. 
“Can’t wait to tell Stark all about it.”
“Oh, that’s what I forgot to tell you,” Amelia leans over from her seat beside Gram. “I saw Becca and Maya going at it in the elevator.”
“In the- oh, dammit!” You groan. “I used that today!”
“Amelia!” Gram snaps in that bone-chilling, fresh-from-the-crypt voice of hers. “Watch your language!”
“I didn’t even curse!” Amelia whines.
“I’m trying to watch.”
“This isn’t a soap opera-ow!” Amelia winces when Gram smacks her arm and shushes her.
Maya and Rebecca are hurrying away from the altar, TJ looking angry but somewhat confused and most of the guests a mixture of angry and equally lost.
A fun weekend, indeed.
❤ ❤ ❤ ❤
“Promise I’ll be your Maid of Honor at your wedding?” Amelia pouts as you pack the last of your things into the limo for your plane ride back to New York.
“You might have to fight Natasha and Wanda on that,” you warn. 
“And, possibly, Tony and Thor.” Carol adds.
“I think I can take ‘em.” Amelia gets into a fighting posture that’s sloppy, but not terrible. She throws a few punches, and, just to annoy her, you catch one of her fists and easily make her lose balance. She stumbles, but you catch her by the wrist and pull her back to her feet. “You suck,” she mutters.
“You be good to my little Snowball,” you hear your dad tell Carol, which makes you shove away from Amelia to give him a lighthearted punch in the shoulder.
“Dad! I’m not a kid anymore!”
“But,” he yanks you into a bearhug, “you’ll always be my kid!” He squeezes you, making you wheeze before releasing you abruptly. “Nobody better replace me at your wedding.”
“Nobody ever could.” You grin at him.
The whole ride home, you and Carol laugh and talk and kiss and cuddle. It’s just as things had always been, just a little more. It’s amazing how easy these things just fall into place, as if they were simply always meant to be. In a way, it was good for everyone that Maya and TJ got engaged - you and Carol finally got together, and, hey, Maya stuck it to her mom and ran off with her Maid of Honor. A win-win-win-win if you’ve ever seen one.
(When you return to the Tower and divulge the details of your weekend with everyone, they’re thrilled with the turnout of events. All except for Peter, who looks perfectly confused:
“Weren’t you guys already dating?”)
❤ ❤ ❤ ❤
Tag List: @nobody13 ❤ @swords-are-cool​ ❤ @fireflyglass ❤
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thebeautyoffanfics · 3 years
Omg soft mitsuba soft mitsuba Plss gimme soft!mitsuba Hcs U beg u!!😭😭🥺
Tumblr media
alive!mitsuba sousuke x gn!reader
a/n: soft!alive!mitsuba,,,,, so good for the heart,,, medicine? Sleep? Therapy? Nonono. Soft Mitsuba. cures all my ailments <3 but!! You’re so very welcome, and thank you for requesting!! (especially for him,,,,,, love him, love him so much,, I’ve been so excited to write these aH so!! I’m also sorry for the time these took-;; and I feel like they could be softer ahhh, I hope they’re alright!! Mitsuba can be slightly tricky to write for, but I really enjoy writing him!)
warnings: none <3
word count: 1,089
Bro I don’t think I know where to start with Mitsuba in general… soft Mitsuba is a rather rare occurrence, and you probably expected no less entering a relationship with him. Yet, the further into the relationship, the more soft moments you get from him!
Unless he’s having a day where he’s worried he’s calling you an idiot pervert one to many times, the only situations he’ll initially let himself be soft in (or more like.. is out of it enough to not care) are when he’s really tired, sick, or you’re asleep with no one around.
When he’s super tired in a public place such as school, he won’t be too clingy or affectionate. It’s mainly you noticing that he’s less snappy and isn’t bothering with insults. Just looking at you, head resting on his arms, eyes closing for a little longer than usual every so often. His responses to you will be quieter, and certainly less harsh than they can be.
If he’s sleepy and no ones around, that’s when he’ll be a bit more sweet and affectionate. Leans against you as if he doesn’t realize it, and may end up falling asleep on your shoulder.
BWNEHEJEJEBE IF YOU WANT, OFFER TO LET HIM USE YOUR LAP AS A PILLOW?? If it’s past a certain point of sleepiness, he won’t have it in him to give a usual “Pff, idiot!! Why do you want my cute head resting in your lap?? You’ve got something dirty in mind, pervert!! Just like in porn!!!!”
Instead, he’ll give a much less… dramatic response- he’ll think for a moment, face slightly pink (though it very well could simply be because he’s tired.) After a moment passes, he’ll shrug, and place his head in your lap, finally laying down. “Mmh… thanks, (Y/N),” He’d mutter, already dozing off. At that point in the relationship, you can also be glad that he’s comfortable falling asleep around you <3
If he’s sick, it’s a fairly different kind of soft. He wants to argue at first- he wants to call you a pervert for being so willing to see him defenseless! But, in his groggy, overall feeling Not Good, state, the most he can do is pout.
(Actually, he really enjoys being taken care of- the fact that you’d go out of your way to make sure he’s alright… it makes his heart skip a few beats. His mom appreciates you being so willing to help as well-! She has work after all, and can’t afford to be there for Mitsuba during times like those.)
Once you have a damp rag on his forehead, and have made sure he’s taken his medicine, trying to leave usually proves to be quite futile. In usual shojo manga fashion, he’ll grab your wrist, pouting up at you.
“Can you… stay?”
And, who are you to say no to a request like that? If it’s not contagious, or if you’ve got a strong immune system/don’t mind getting sick, hop into the best with him! Grab a book or your phone if you aren’t tired, and enjoy the rare feeling of his arms securing themselves around your torso. You can also enjoy the sight of a vulnerable- I mean- sleepy and precious Mitsuba.
“Thank you, (Y/N)… for doing this much for me.”
“It’s no problem, Mitsuba, really.”
“…….I love you,”
Heart eyes-
“I love you too~.”
Now, if you’re sick, he’s like… a bit softer? He wouldn’t yell at you for sure. It’s mainly him pretending he only feels obligated to take care of you, but he does call you an idiot a lot less-? For what it’s worth pfff-
In times where you’re not feeling your best, he certainly doesn’t actually mind helping. Once you’re comfortable in bed, he’ll play with the ends of your hair a bit, then sigh. “Dummy, getting sick like this… you’re lucky you have such a loving boyfriend willing to care for you.”
“I am… thanks, sweetheart,”
“Mhm… you don’t need to thank me. Just focus on resting.”
NOW, when you fall asleep!! Not even when you’re sick, but in a “hey I’m kinda tired. Whoops accidentally dozed off” situation alike. These are the moments when he really has no facade to keep up. No sleepiness nor fever clouding his mind either! Just… his normal self.
He really, really enjoys admiring your sleeping face. He doesn’t care if you snore, drool, or sprawl out like a spider when you sleep- he just thinks it’s nice that you can fall asleep around him. In those moments, he’ll look down at your face, smiling a bit to himself.
He plays with your hair a bit, eventually running his fingers over your facial features. Any freckles, moles, lines- under your eyes, your eyelashes, your lips. Maybe even placing a kiss on your face or hand! He just finds you beautiful. Times like this make him feel a bit bad that he can’t bring himself to expressing this kind of affection when you’re awake, but… he just hopes that you being with him- wanting to be with him- is a sign enough that you get what he means.
On days where he’s had a tough time, or has gotten too far in his head- worrying over how little he calls you anything actually kind (even if idiotic pervert is more of a pet name by now-), and how little he brings himself to showing affection like he means it, he’ll get a bit softer than usual.
He gets too flustered to do anything big or sudden- it’s mainly things like saying “weirdo” a bit softer, holding your hand in the hall, and such. Once alone, he’ll continue to hold your hand, resting his head against your shoulder.
“Mitsuba? Are you feeling alright?”
“I’m fine… dummy. What’s wrong with your sweet boyfriend wanting to show you affection, huh?”
“Nothing, nothing!! Just making sure~.”
“Tch, whatever…”
Another thing about soft Mitsuba, just feeling like he should appreciate you-! He takes your picture a lot!! He finds himself feeling soft in gentle, romantic situations- sun sets, fireworks, visits to a lake-! Not only are they perfect spots to take pictures of the scenery, but they’re perfect spots to take pictures of you. The way the sunset changes the color of your hair a bit- the way the color of the firework reflects in your eyes- or the way the slight breeze ruffles your outfit. It’s all so pretty… and photo worthy-
Of course, he’d never tell you that much <33
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wallwriterstuff · 4 years
Get It? ‘Cause Your Old? ||Felix Volturi x Reader||
Warnings: A bit of swearing, some mild angst and mentions of insecurity. 
Words: 2728
Summary: Felix is very touchy about his age, so how is the reader going to show him it really doesn’t matter to them?
Since meeting your mate you had gotten to know him rather well, quirks and all. Felix was a summer baby. He liked to swim in his spare time. He had degrees in graphic design, architectural design and electrical engineering, because (though he had learned since becoming immortal) he still found reading and writing quite difficult and preferred more creative subjects he could use his hands for. He loved the smell of lilacs, but hated the colour purple after coming across Barney the Dinosaur once in a shopping mall where the toy store had a character visit occurring. Your absolute favourite fact about your mate was his age however, and it was your favourite fact because you didn’t really know it.
“Are you kidding me? The Romans! Felix you’re not just old you’re ancient!”
“And you are obnoxious, shortness.”
Felix did not find this fact as amusing as you did.
You had begged and pleaded to figure out when his birthday was, determined to see if you could make one of those Happy Birthday banners where the number was replaced with question marks. He had refused to tell you with a knowing gleam in his eye, his expression stern. He’d found rather creative ways to shut you up. In fact, it had become a habit you realised, that every time you brought up the topic he found some way to silence you.
“I just don’t understand! I don’t want to do anything mean, I just want to make sure he has a good birthday! I mean, you lot never celebrate anything. Who do I have to kill to get some balloons around here?” You huffed, resting your elbows on your knees and dropping your chin into your hands. Since the Guard were away on a mission you had been left alone in the castle for the past three days, the secretaries too temporary for you to seek comfort in and the other vampires too aloof to consider human company any company at all. Santiago was the only exception to this rule, as he trained with Felix often and therefore ended up spending a lot of time with you as a by product of your presence in the training room. You never really saw anything per say since they moved so fast but occasionally, they slowed down to practice techniques and gave you a good view of the complex moves your mate could manage.
“You have to realise that we don’t really place the same value on birthdays as you do,” Santiago reminded you, “To some of us, we’ve had so many they’ve simply lost meaning, for others they are reminders of things we would like to forget.” Your brows furrowed. Who would want to forget their own birthday? Birthdays were so much fun! You spent them with friends and family eating good food and doing things you loved...
“You want to forget your own birthday?” you asked, the confusion evident in your voice. Santiago tilted his head.
“You forget most of us were born when your birth status dictated your lot in life. Some of us were born poor and we lost loved ones young, others of us were forced to marry young.” He pointed out. It was definitely food for thought. Felix had been born a really long time ago and you really had no gauge as to what life might have been like for him as a human; hell, you weren’t even sure Felix remembered what his life had been like. Santiago chuckled, clearly following your line of thought, and you couldn’t help but stick your tongue out at him.
When Felix returned to your side two days later you were quieter than usual. You couldn’t bring yourself to just forget about your conversation with Santiago. If Felix noticed he didn’t say anything but there was an increased amount of physical affection that let you know, in his own silent way, he wasn’t sure what was wrong with you but he wanted you to feel better. Simple things like a squeeze of your hand here and there or a tender brushing of a hand along your hair. It took you almost another week before you cracked.
“Why won’t you tell me your birthday?” you asked, curled into his side as you watched a movie together one evening. Felix tensed ever so slightly.
“Is that what you’ve been moping about the place for? Really?” he sounded both incredulous and exasperated, like he wished you’d drop the topic and couldn’t believe you hadn’t. Your tenacity was something he did want to admire but by god did you obsess over the most trivial things. Bobbing your head you sat up, frowning slightly.
“I was talking to Santiago about it and he said that maybe-“
“You shouldn’t have bothered speaking to any about it. It’s not worth wasting your time over.” Felix said firmly. You recoiled at that, not expecting his tone to be quite so sharp. Maybe Santiago was right and Felix didn’t enjoy remembering his birthday, but if that was the case all he needed to do was say! He didn’t need to get snappy about it. You sat up, turning your gaze away from Felix and towards the fire in the hearth.
“It’s my time, I’ll waste it how I like.” You muttered.
“I didn’t bargain to give you more time as a human for such trivial things, you wanted to finish your degree remember? I don’t see much work going towards that recently since your brain is so occupied by the unimportant.” Felix’s comment was almost snide, and you couldn’t help the hurt that ripped through you. You immediately scooted away from him, pushing up off of the sofa and moving to grab your bookbag. Felix sighed. “Now where are you going?” he asked.
“The library, I’ll sleep there to since I’m wasting so much time elsewhere.” You bit back.
“Now you’re being ridiculous,” Felix huffed, flitting to stand in front of you, “This isn’t something we need to argue about, let’s just – Y/N!” you pushed past him and made for the door, determined that he wouldn’t see the tears welling in your eyes. You knew he hadn’t meant to be so harsh, but his words had implied just how worthless your humanity was to him. You had thought there were perhaps things about your human self he enjoyed; he commented on your warmth when he held you often, and how quiet the room would be without your heartbeat. Was this really the only reason you were as you were? Your education was the only reason he cared about your humanity? You had hoped at least one of your qualities would take the top spot on the list of ‘Top 10 Things to Love About Y/N’!
Felix didn’t follow you, and you didn’t bother to return to your room either, your stubbornness winning out as you did exactly what you said you would. It was Alec who found you, curled up on your side on the sofa in front of the fire. It was the only thing keeping you warm considering you had forgotten a jacket or blanket of any kind but your pride wouldn’t let you go back for one.
“I’m almost certain Felix has a bed in his room that is more than suitable to sleep in.” Alec quipped. You scowled at him, irritated by your inability to get a proper nights rest and the fact Felix had just let you walk away from such a stupid argument. He’d not come to find you either, though you hadn’t exactly gone to find him either.
“We’re fighting.” You grumbled. Alec’s head tilted.
“About what exactly?” he asked.
“Stupid stuff.” You curled up tighter with a shiver. Alec snorted.
“So your resolution is to freeze in the library all night? Are humans selectively stupid?” he wondered.
“Not you to!” you complained, “There’s nothing wrong with being human!”
“Ah, and we get to the crux of the problem.” He chuckled, leafing through the books to decide which he wanted to read tonight. Your scowl only darkened. It was no secret that your humanity was not favoured among the residents of Volterra and you really couldn’t be bothered for another argument with the witch twin about the perks of remaining mortal.
“If you’re here you’re not in your room, right?” you asked. Alec faced you with the most dead-eyed stare you’d ever seen, and if you hadn’t known the boy any better you might have feared for your life in that moment.
“An astute observation, allow me to counter. If I return to my room and find you in it, I’ll show you exactly why it doesn’t pay to be human here.” He promised. You all but ran from the room, leaving your book bag behind as collateral damage, and Felix welcomed you back silently with nothing more than a nod. You ignored him in favour of getting ready for bed, grateful for the warm covers and completely unaware of the way the giant pressed a feather light kiss to your head as you slept with a mumbled apology his pride wouldn’t let you hear.  
It had been almost a month since the day you had met when you were hit by the brainwave that seemed to just…solve everything. It had been purely accidental. You had gone shopping, in need of some new socks, when you saw them. They were nothing spectacular, just plain black with some little green dinosaurs all over them, but the moment you had thought of what a funny little present they would be for your ancient-ass mate you had realised that they could be a birthday present.
Who said Felix needed to tell you his actual birthday? Your stupid fight a few days ago was still causing tension and it needed to be resolved; since the big dummy didn’t want to back down it seemed you (as loathe as you were to do so) would have to. You had everything you needed by the time you arrived back at the castle, completely forgetting what you had gone out for originally of course, and hurried back to your room to prepare your surprise for him. You had had helium balloons pumped up that said Happy Birthday on the side, but you crossed out the birth part and scribbled in sharpie beneath the printed message so the balloon read Happy Birthday we met instead. You had snagged an anniversary banner and some wrapping paper of course for his socks, including a card and some cake for yourself.
You just had to wait for your mate to finish his guard duty for the day.
With your slice of cake in hand, you had curled up on the sofa to eat it and watch some old reruns of your favourite sci-fi shows while you waited, not daring to look up and see his reaction when you finally heard the door open. There was a very long moment of silence where you dared not even swallow before he finally spoke.
“Happy day we met?” he questioned finally. He stood just in front of the door, his eyebrows raised and impressive arms folded. You merely nodded once and held out your present to him in silence. His eyes betrayed his surprise but he didn’t comment on it as he came to sit beside you. He went to open the envelope attached to the colourful paper and you reached out to stop him.
“Present first.” You insisted. Felix’s eyes rolled but he obeyed, tearing away the paper to reveal his dinosaur socks. There was a pregnant pause as he digested the meaning.
“Just open the damn card next.” You huffed. Neither you nor your mate were very good at speaking about how you felt, but writing…well that you could do. Felix took his time, and you knew better than to interrupt him since it took him so much effort to read simple things. You suspected he had never been taught as a human and was probably dyslexic, so when he turned and the Volturi tried to teach him to read he very much struggle; it was less learning and more remembering what words were supposed to look like, and since those words looked wrong reading was not his most favourite thing to do. The silence stretched and you wondered if perhaps you’d written too much in your card, but just as you were about to speak up Felix disappeared from your sight. Your jaw dropped, your eyes bugging slightly. What the hell did that mean? Was that an outright rejection? Did he still not get what you were trying to do?
“Y/N.” his voice was soft behind you, and you turned to find him down on one knee with a velvet box in hand. Your eyes widened and you scrambled to your feet with a dry mouth.
“Whoa whoa whoa Felix I know I just wrote the L word and all but a ring is-“
“Just open it you idiot.” He smiled slightly as you swallowed past the lump in your throat and hesitantly reached for the box. There was a beautiful silver band inside, very plain, but there was an infinity symbol intwined around it that was studded with tiny diamonds that glistened in the light the same way his skin did. Your eyes widened. It was gorgeous, and after the way you’d treated him it felt entirely undeserved.
“Felix…” you trailed off.
“I had it inscribed.” He told you. You very gently pulled the promise ring from its cushion and tilted it till you could see the word he’d had painstakingly etched into the metal.
Felix stood till he was towering over you once more, his touch tender and soft as he carefully slid the ring on to your middle finger. His brows were somewhat furrowed, and he didn’t meet your eyes, but he didn’t let go of your hands either.
“Are you still mad at me?” you asked. Felix sighed.
“I was foolish to ever argue with you to being with, neither of us put forward our arguments clearly enough to see there was nothing to argue about.” he admitted, thumb stroking over your knuckles.
“I’m sorry for being so stubborn, I just wanted to celebrate you…you’re kind of cool so…” you stumbled over your words, blushing slightly. Felix chuckled, his free hand moving up to trace your blush with the backs of his knuckles. You leaned into his touch, understanding the gesture as a silent moment of appreciation for you. While he leaned in to kiss the top of your head, you gazed down adoringly at your ring.
“I shouldn’t have gotten so defensive, I should have told you outright. I really don’t know my birthday since we didn’t have calendars, but I lived as a slave. Every year I prayed to my Gods to deliver me from my servitude, and with every winter that passed I remained a slave.” Felix confessed quietly. You pulled him into a tight hug, burying your face in his chest. It was really no wonder Felix had gotten so defensive, they were not the best memories to have, fuzzy or not.
“I’m sorry,” You mumbled, “I don’t care how old you are, and I won’t bug you about your birthday anymore, I just…wanted you to know how much you meant to me.” His chuckle vibrated through your skull.
“There will be plenty of anniversaries for us to come, shortness. I never meant to hurt you by implying I didn’t care for your human self. There are many things about you I will miss when you turn, but the sooner you do the sooner I can start forever with you…patience has never been my strong suit.” He tilted your chin upward, red eyes boring into yours as his lips inched closer.
“Truce?” you whispered. He hummed in agreement, thoroughly distracted by the way he moulded his mouth to yours in a slow, sweet kiss. With forever at your fingertips you would find plenty of way to celebrate your mate, but for now you would carry on into this blissful little part of your promised forever, savouring the little ways you were learning to love the dinosaur that had decided out of all those he’d met over centuries of existence, you were the one he wanted to keep at his side.  
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chaoticminhos · 5 years
chapped lips
pairing: lee felix x reader
genre: angst. fluff?? bad boy!felix au
warnings: felix gets into fights like a dummy
a/n: requested by anon💞 i’m not super proud of this but i spent like a week trying to get it to a point i’m proud of and i couldn’t, i’m sorry if it isn’t the best, i hope you enjoy it anyway😊 also the title is gross i know i just can’t think of anything else to title it dhdjsksj im sOrRy
lee felix. lee fucking felix, a.k.a the bane of your fucking existence. who did he think he was, sauntering into your school the first day of junior year, wearing a leather jacket and a loose white shirt acting like he owned the place, despite it being his first day at his new school?
the answer is the fucking king, apparently.
disregarding that no one had ever seen him in school, let alone in town before, every girl was throwing themselves at him by the time the first bell even rang. they were babbling about how mysterious and hot he was, practically drooling. you, on the other hand, opted for keeping your saliva in your mouth and dignity in tact, rolling your eyes and telling yourself that he was just another flirt, an unfairly hot and charming fuckboy. as the year progressed, you proved yourself correct.
about a month after classes began, felix took an interest in you. you had been practically invisible to him before, making a point to stay away from him and his already bad reputation, but you could only keep it up for so long.
you were in your 3rd hour history class, one of the (unfortunately) many classes you shared with felix when he first noticed you. generally, you were pretty well behaved, but this teacher always got on your nerves.
your friend raised her hand, “Mr. Kim, may i use the restroom?”
“you had a chance to go before class started, sit down.”
“sir, it’s an emergency-“
“i said no.”
he obviously had no regard for basic female hygiene, and it was pissing you off. you tried to speak under your breath, but your seat was right in front of his desk.
“oh my god, you’re acting like you want her to bleed all over your seats.”
when the words left your mouth, you thought nothing of it. that was, until the students in the seats surrounding you, which included felix, and the teachers eyes snapped towards you.
“excuse me, ms. y/n?” your teacher asked you in a warning tone.
you looked up at him with wide eyes upon realizing he had heard you, and you felt your stomach drop. you rarely got in trouble. you spoke quickly.
“i-i’m sorry sir.”
“i’ll let it go, since you’re always so well behaved, but i don’t want to hear another comment like that coming from your mouth, got it?”
you nodded hastily. you hated being in trouble, which is why you always listened to what teachers said and followed rules.
when the bell rang, you quickly packed your things and made your way to the door, eager to get out of the classroom and away from your least favorite teacher, but right when you were out the door, you were stopped by your least favorite student. lee felix.
his hand darted out to your wrist, nearly making you drop your books.
“didn’t know you could be so feisty, darling.”
your eyes snapped to his, knowing who was speaking before even seeing him, his voice was unmistakable. you tried to pull your wrist from his grip, but he didn’t budge.
“get your hands off me, felix.”
his eyebrows raised and a small smirk appeared on his face, “oh, so you know who i am?”
“kinda hard not to when teachers are yelling at you every 5 minutes and your name is called over the loud speaker every other day for getting into a fight.”
“woah, good girl, where was this attitude when Kim was scolding you?”
your felt your stomach flip at the name he chose. you knew he meant it to be teasing, but it made your face flush red, and felix noticed. using his grip on your wrist, he pulled you closer to him, so your faces were only inches apart.
“oh, you got a thing for being praised?”
he chuckled as your face turned even more red, an amused smirk on his lips the entire time. satisfied with flustering you, he released your wrist from his hand and stepped away, immediately being greeted by a hoard of girls as well as a few of his 8 friends, the other resident bad boys of your school.
“i’ll see you around, princess.”
you felt butterflies in your tummy again at his choice of words, and you cursed yourself for being flustered.
there way no way you had a crush on lee felix.
okay, maybe you had a little crush on lee felix.
throughout the next few months, interactions like this continued to occur, him bothering you and you pretending you didn’t love the way he touched you or the pet names he called you.
don’t get it wrong, you still thought he was a stuck up asshole, but you couldn’t deny that he was charming, and he wasn’t bad to look at either. in fact, he was very, very nice to look at.
you felt a tap on your shoulder in the middle of class, the same class that he had first noticed you in. you shrugged his hand off of you, only for it to return a few seconds later. when you went to shove his hand off of you again, he whined.
you continued to ignore him.
again, no response.
“baby, why are you ignoring me?”
you took a deep breath, turning towards him, “felix, i’m trying to learn, what do you want?”
he smiled upon getting your attention, folding his hands in his lap. you couldn’t help but notice his busted knuckles, hadn’t they just healed from his last fight?
you cursed your cheeks for turning red and you turned back towards the board.
“stop it.”
“what?” the smile was evident in his voice, you didn’t even have to look at him to know he had a stupid grin on his face, “we both know you like it when i talk to you like this.”
your head snapped back towards him, “says who, lee felix? if it were up to me, you’d shut your mouth and keep it closed.”
your snappy remarks didn’t faze him anymore, he had gotten used to it after months of pestering you. he snapped right back.
“why don’t you make me shut up, then?”
you clenched your jaw, turning towards the board again, but you tightly crossed your legs, and it did not go unnoticed.
the last bell had rang and you were packing your bag and waiting for the crowd to die down before you left. as you finished and made your way out the front door, you bumped into somebody, causing you to be shoved into the door frame and drop the books that you were carrying, the ones you couldn’t fit in your bag. you winced, hand moving to massage where your shoulder had collided with the metal door frame.
“oh my gosh, i’m so sorry.”
you looked up to the source of the voice with a small smile.
“it’s no problem, seonghwa, really.”
seonghwa was on student council with you, so you knew each other well enough to make encounters like this not awkward, but you didn’t really know him.
he knelt down to help pick up your books at the same time you did, causing your heads to collide.
you both stumbled back, holding your heads. he gave you an apologetic look and began to say sorry yet again, but you burst into laughter.
“jeez seonghwa, maybe you should have caution tape surrounding you.”
he laughed along with you, moving to pick up your books before offering a hand to help you up.
you gave him a small ‘thanks’ before heading to leave, but he stopped you.
“hey, y/n, actually, are you doing anything? maybe i could take you for coffee or something.” he paused. “you know, to say sorry.”
you smiled at him, “it’s really alright, you don’t have to-“
he chuckled, “i want to, come on. let’s go.”
he led you to his car, opening the trunk and helping you put your things in it. as he went to open the passenger side door for you, a deep voice interrupted the action.
“hey princess!”
you rolled your eyes, turning towards the source of the noise, which happened to be felix and about half of the crowd of friends he usually hung around.
“what, felix?” you sighed.
“aw, come on, baby! aren’t you excited to see me?”
he and his crew walked up to you and seonghwa, so you were no longer shouting across the parking lot.
felix reached out to ruffle your hair before looking seonghwa up and down and asking you, “who’s this?”
“none of your business, felix.”
“someone’s grumpy today, why-“ felix began, only to be interrupted by seonghwa. he stuck his hand out to felix.
“i’m park seonghwa, nice to meet you.”
felix took his hand with the raise of an eyebrow, not bothering to introduce himself in reply, only going back to focus on you.
“he giving you a ride home?”
before you could reply, seonghwa spoke up.
“we actually have a date, so if you don’t mind, we’re gonna get going.”
felix’s eyebrows furrowed in confusion. a date? he quickly composed himself.
“in that case,” he leaned in close to you, “have fun on your date, good girl.”
you pushed him away from you, hurrying into seonghwa’s car and pulling the door shut. you looked out the window just in time to see felix say something to seonghwa with a glare before his friends ushered him away with one last glance at you, but you couldn’t hear what he said from inside the car.
“i’m sorry for him.” you apologized to seonghwa on your way to the café.
“no need, it’s not your fault. and hey, i’m sorry for saying it was a date, i thought it would make him back off. just seemed to make him more adamant, though.” he said with a chuckle.
you sighed, “it’s fine. and yeah, he’s pretty persistent.”
the rest of the ride to the cafe was quiet.
you ordered your drink and went to pull out your wallet, but seonghwa placed a hand over yours, handing the cashier his wallet.
“i’ve got both.”
you pouted, “you didn’t have to pay.”
he laughed at your pout, “i asked you to come, of course i have to pay.”
you two chatted while you drank your coffee, and you had a good time. you were surprised you two hadn’t hung out before, your personalities really clicked.
he dropped you off at your house when you finished, going as far as to comment on how close your house was to the school, and offering to give you rides to and from for the rest of the year.
“oh no, i really enjoy walking, actually, but thank you!”
he nodded, “just know you’ve always got a ride if it’s raining or anything.”
the next day at school, felix didn’t come to his morning classes, not that you were checking or anything. by lunch period, everyone knew that the boy wasn’t there. it wasn’t uncommon for felix to skip classes, but he didn’t usually skip more than a few a day, which is why it was odd that he had missed the entire morning. adding onto that, the 8 other boys he hung around were all at school, which meant no one was skipping with him.
lunch period was louder than usual, everyone trying to figure out where felix was. god forbid his fan girls go a full day without seeing him, right?
you left lunch early, the extra noise in the room was giving you a headache, and headed to your 5th hour class. despite felix missing the morning classes you had with him, you walked to your class (which he was also in) hoping he would show up. to your surprise, he was already there.
more to your surprise, he didn’t greet you when you entered the room. it would have been the perfect opportunity to mess with you; the teacher wasn’t in the room yet, but still he chose to keep silent.
it oddly bugged you that he didn’t say hi to you, even if he would have said it in some annoying way. he barely even looked at you. deciding he wasn’t going to talk, you spoke first.
it surprised you, you had never initiated a conversation with the boy, partly because he was annoying and partly because your heart sped up whenever you two interacted. you felt the need to speak up this time though.
the first thing you noticed was that his knuckles were busted more than usual, and for once, it looked like he might have lost a fight. he had a big purple bruise on one side of his face and a busted lip. while looking at the cut on his lip, obviously inspecting the wound and not just looking at his lips because they were pretty, you noticed that they were really chapped. you hoped he was drinking enough water.
you sat in one of the seats beside him in the very back row.
“felix?” you began softly.
no reply.
you sighed and began to dig through your bag. you knew you had a chapstick somewhere in there. when you found it, you put your hand on his shoulder. he still hadn’t even looked at you again, or at least, he hadn’t looked at you when you were also looking at him.
“felix, your lips are chapped, take this.”
you held the chapstick in front of his face, right above his hands, which were crossed on top of his desk.
without turning his head, his eyes snapped to meet yours quickly before reaching to take the chapstick and leaning back in his chair. he seemed more relaxed than when you had first walked into the room.
instead of applying the chapstick, he fiddled with it in his hands, eyes focused on it with a blank look on his face.
you frowned.
“felix, what happened?”
finally, you got a reply. just not the sort of reply you wanted.
“like you care.”
you were taken aback. he never spoke to you like this.
“i do care! i wouldn’t be sitting here trying to help you if i didn’t care.”
he scoffed.
“felix, i’m serious!” you didn’t know why him denying that you cared about him upset you so much, but you felt your eyes started to well up. “you were gone all morning and when you finally come back you’re all busted up, and you’re not even letting me try to help you!”
“i wasn’t gone this morning, y/n.”
“i was here, in the office. didn’t you notice someone else missing, too?”
you furrowed your eyebrows.
he stared at you for a while before a small smile appeared on his face.
“you didn’t even notice seonghwa wasn’t here, did you?”
you cocked your head to the side, shaking your head. now that he mentioned it, you hadn’t seen seonghwa all day either.
“no, i guess not.”
“yeah, well he was in the office with me.”
“you’re dense, you know that?”
for some reason, your mood was lifted now that he was smiling and teasing you again.
“we got into a fight, y/n.”
“you and seonghwa? but why, you don’t even know each other?”
“we both know you.”
and with that, the bell rang and the teacher walked into the classroom, followed by students a few minutes later.
felix didn’t even once try to get your attention for the rest of that period
school ended, and you were still thinking of felix. any time you passed him in the hallway or saw him in class, he didn’t seem like himself. beyond that, his words kept replaying in your head, “like you care,” “we both know you.”
it bothered you that he didn’t think you cared about him, and it bothered you that he and seonghwa had gotten into a fight, by the sound of it, because of you.
you hadn’t had a chance to ask seonghwa about it, since you didn’t have any afternoon classes with him.
you exited your last classroom and headed towards your locker. before you could reach it, from across the hallway, you saw felix leaned up against it. you smiled, glad he wasn’t ignoring you, but your smile dropped when seonghwa joined him with an angry look on his face.
the hallways were still crowded, so you couldn’t hear what was being said, but it looked like there was about to be another fight. not wanting any more drama, you rushed to your locker and stepped between the two.
as you rushed up, you heard part of the conversation before they stopped talking when you showed up.
“seriously, lee. can’t you see you’re not good for her?”
“i’m trying to be!”
“that’s not good enough!”
you carefully placed your bag and books down on the floor, stepping out from in between them. you finally got a good look as seonghwa, and oh boy, had you been wrong. felix definitely won this fight, too. he had a black eye one one side and a bruised cheek on the other, along with a bandage across his nose.
“what’s going on?”
seonghwa spoke first, “y/n, please tell felix-“
you interrupted him in a panicked voice, eyes on felix.
“oh my god, felix, your lip is bleeding again, i told you to use my chapstick!” you reached your hand up to his lip, running your finger over the rough skin. he brought his hand up and lightly grabbed your wrist, pulling your hand from his face, his eyes moving from yours to seonghwa’s.
seonghwa was looking at you with frustration, “jesus christ, y/n, really? you’re taking care of him?”
you gave him a confused look, “why shouldn’t i be? he’s bleeding and-“
“no,” felix released your wrist and took a step back, “he’s right, y/n.”
seonghwa raised his eyebrows at you, as if to say, “see? even he admits he’s bad for you!” but you turned back to felix, about to speak when seonghwa picked up your things and grabbed your arm to lead you away.
you pulled against his grip, “seonghwa, stop it.”
he had grabbed the same arm that you had banged into the door frame the night before, and him pulling on your arm made the bruise hurt even worst than it already did.
“y/n.” he spoke sternly, “let’s go.”
you pulled against him again, “seonghwa, please stop, you’re hurting me.”
his grip only tightened, “i said let’s go.”
your free hand went up to grab your hurt shoulder, “seonghwa, my arm still hurts from yesterday-“
with one last rough pull from seonghwa, you stumbled away from felix with a yelp. that’s when felix decided it was too much, and his hand found its way around seonghwa’s wrist, the one that was holding onto you.
“she said you’re hurting her, stop.”
seonghwa released your arm and immediately swung at felix with that same hand, knocking him straight in the jaw. felix stumbled backwards, but he quickly regained composure, swinging back and hitting seonghwa in the nose, which from the bandage he had on, you assumed to be broken. his nose started streaming with blood, and before anyone could throw another hit, the principle came rushing over, yelling at both boys and you to follow him to his office.
seonghwa, who was still holding your bag, no longer your books, as he had dropped them when he first went to hit felix, swung your bag off of his shoulder and dropped it roughly on the ground with a glare towards you.
you went to pick up your bag and collect your books, but felix got to it before you, swinging both your bag and his over his shoulders. you tried to argue with him, say that he was hurt and you could carry your own bag, but he wouldn’t listen.
the principle made all three of you sit in front of his desk, you in between the two boys.
“two fights in one day? really, boys? you know bet-“
“sir, i don’t know about the first fight, but felix did not start this fight, he was only defending me.”
“ms. y/n, do not interrupt me again or-“
without realizing it, your hand found it’s way to felix’s.
“no, sir, really, it’s not fair for felix to get into trouble!” you started to tear up, “check the cameras or ask anyone around us, really! he didn’t start it!”
seonghwa scoffed beside you.
“you’re still defending him?”
“she’s defending me because i’m not the one who put hands on her, park!” felix answered for you.
“i wouldn’t have had to if-“
“boys!” your principles voice echoed through his office.
“i’ll review the footage and we’ll talk again tomorrow. as of now, the two of you need to get cleaned up. y/n, you’ve had a long afternoon, go get some rest.”
seonghwa left immediately, storming out the door without saying goodbye to anyone. you, however, decided to stay back and help felix clean up.
he sat on the counter in one of the school bathrooms with you in between his legs, focused on cleaning him up. he said he could clean his wounds himself, but you insisted. as you were wiping the blood of your cheek, you softly spoke.
“felix, why did you two fight in the first place?”
he took a deep breath, shifting his eyes to lock with yours.
“i saw him this morning and i asked how serious you two were, with you going on a date and all. when he said not very, i asked him to stay away from you as anything more than friends. i told him you already had someone going after you and... he hit me. said i wasn’t good enough for you, said you deserve more than me.”
your face flushed at felix’s words, was he confessing to you?
“he told me to stay away from you all together, even as friends. at first i thought he was right, that you’re too good for me, but if i need to be better to be good enough for you, i will.”
“what do you mean, felix?”
“i like you, y/n. a lot. and i know i have a really shitty way of showing it, but i promise i’ll try my best to be what you deserve, if you’ll give me a chance.”
“felix, you saved me from him when he was hurting me, that’s not a shitty way of showing you care.”
a small smiled played at his lips, “who knew the good girl could swear?”
you hit his shoulder, “shut up or i’ll reject you.”
he laughed, a big smile on his face, but it quickly fell. he reached a hand up and gently pulled your jacket off of your shoulder, turning you slightly to see the bruise.
“y/n?” he began, “did he do this to you?”
your eyebrows furrowed, “yeah, he bumped into me and i fell.”
“but it wasn’t on purpose?”
felix let out a breath you hadn’t realized he had been holding in, and he suddenly pulled you close to him, wrapping his arms around you.
“i won’t let anyone hurt you anymore.”
the next day, you walked into first hour to see felix sitting in his usual spot, and for the first time, you smiled and made your way over to him. he greeted you with a big smile.
halfway through class, your names along with seonghwa’s were announced over the loud speaker to come to the office. felix stood first, grabbing your hand and leading you out of the room. neither of you missed the whispers that began when he took your hand.
the principle called the three of you into his office once again.
“as promised, i have your consequences ready. firstly, i rewatched the camera footage of both fights, and in both, seonghwa, you threw the first hit. because of this, i have to give you 2 weeks of suspension, beginning right after this meeting. for you, felix, despite your record, it’s clear you didn’t intend for either of these fights to happen, and it’s clear that the second one was in defense of someone else. however, you did hit back. detention every day after school for a week. and you, ms. y/n, this is your first incident and you weren’t involved with the violence, so i’ll let you off with a warning. you two,” he gestured to you and felix, “back to class. and you,” he pointed at seonghwa, “your parents will be here to pick you up soon.”
you and felix stood and headed back to class, but about halfway there, he wrapped his arm around your shoulders and pulled you into a corner of the hallway where he knew there were no cameras.
you giggled, “what are you doing.”
one arm on your waist, he pulled the same chapstick you’d given to him earlier out of his pocket and applied it, a big smile on his face.
“i cant have chapped lips for out first kiss, now can i, good girl?”
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hongism · 4 years
not your typical flower shop story - chapter 5
➻ Pairing: Taehyung x Reader, Jimin x Reader
➻ Genre: Flower Shop Owner!Taehyung, College!Reader, College!Taehyung, Gang/Mafia!AU Angst, eventual smut, Lovers to Enemies to Friends to Lovers LOL, Strangers to Lovers
➻ Word Count: 5.0k
➻ Rating: M
➻ Warnings: language, talk of guns and weaponry, a bit of blood, guns are present in this chapter
➻ Summary: You always goes to the cute boy next door’s flower shop across the street because hi yes he’s the cutest damn person you’ve ever seen, until one day a guy with tattoos and a severe obsession with the color black shows up in the shop asking for the ‘usual’ and you find out that your cute innocent little flower boy has a dirty little secret.
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You force yourself to step forward. Heavy feet drag you to the edge of the bar. He turns to face you when you’re still three feet from his stool. Your heart nearly stops beating in your chest, blood runs cold, eyes surely bulge out of your skull. A smile is the first thing you see, dark brown eyes hidden behind the soft crescents of his eyelids. Plump lips. White teeth. Crescent eye smile. And –
“There you are, princess.”
A gunshot echoes through the room. You sigh, looking forward to the target only to see that your bullet missed yet again. You lower the pistol to your side with a grimace. The target taunts you: its body-shaped cutout looming in the distance with no bullet marks across its metal surface. A voice rings out behind you to drive the metaphorical knife of defeat further into your chest.
"You're distracted."
"And you're annoying," you grumble in response, repositioning the pistol to aim at the target once more.
"Don't look so surprised. You were told I would want to see you, were you not? Come now, princess, don't get cold feet on me now."
"You're putting too much weight on your front foot. You need to keep the weight balanced so that any recoil from the shot doesn't throw you off."
"You look about as confused as I thought you would. Don't worry, we will have plenty of time to discuss things in the future. Now that we're working together after all. Isn't that nice, princess?"
"Are you listening, Y/N?" Yoongi's voice cuts through the memory. You jerk your head to look over your shoulder, eyeing the silver-haired man. Instead of responding, you try your best to shake the memory away from the forefront of your mind and aim your gun. There is a slight tremor in your hands, barely visible, but audible. A faint clicking that resounds in the silence of the warehouse. 
"I wonder how long it will take for you to abandon me this time. Three months? Two? A week? You've got a record to beat, I know, but try not to make it too snappy. I want to see my princess' pretty face a bit more before you betray me again."
In the moment you had wanted to scream, yell, shout, anything that would be loud enough to get through Jimin's thick skull. Perhaps punching him would have been effective, but all you could do was stand there. Looking dumb and clueless, mouth wide open even though you had had a sneaking suspicion that he would be there.
"Close your mouth, kitten. You'll catch flies like that."
He sounded so arrogant, so confident that he was in the right. You aren't wholly sure what happened to his brain when he had his accident, but something must have gone wrong that the doctors didn't tell you about. The Jimin you saw that night in the bar was not the one you left in the diner. It infuriates you.
All the efforts you've made for him, everything you've done, the money you've raised and spent on him, the time and effort you put into visiting and taking care of him -- all wasted on a Park Jimin who came back as an asshole?
You release a string of curses under your breath then unload your clip into the metal dummy across the room. Every single shot misses except for one: a clear hole in the middle of the dummy's head. You don't lower the gun. You just stand in the same position, gun forward and chest heaving, as tears start to well in your eyes.
It's been eight days since you saw Jimin in the bar, made a deal with Namjoon, agreed to give your life away all to see Jimin again, and yet not once have you stopped to think about seeing him again. Namjoon made a point of keeping you busy, jumping between lessons about everything under the sun day and night. Some of that is your own fault since you told Namjoon that you could handle it and would rather just do everything at once. Maybe your feelings are so pent up that they are ready to spill over.
A hand covers yours on the grip of the pistol. It pushes your fingers aside and takes the weapon into its own grasp. You glance to the left, finding Yoongi next to you with furrowed brows. Concerned. Of course. Everyone seems to be concerned. First Taehyung, then Namjoon, and now Yoongi. Everyone except for fucking Jimin. 
"Let's take a break," he mutters. You scowl at the prospect.
"I don't need a break. I'm fine."
"Say that to the dummy with a hole in his head." 
A scoff escapes your lips. You snatch the pistol back from Yoongi and make quick work of releasing the empty clip and putting a new one in as he showed you the first day of your little "training sessions". 
"That's the point of this, isn't it? Hit the damn target?"
"You haven't been listening to a single word I've said in the past two hours. The point is to manage your surroundings. Not the targets. Scoping out. Not just shooting."
"Can we move on then?"
Yoongi's lips close before another sigh can get out. "What's wrong with you?"
"What do you mean?" You ask. 
"Your hands are shaking, you can't focus, you haven't been listening to a word I've said. Something is wrong."
"It's nothing," you hiss out between gritted teeth. "Let's just move on and start a different lesson." You raise your pistol again, aiming it at the target to fire once more but Yoongi stops you. He places his hand over the gun and pushes it down to your side.
"How about you stop. Just take a break."
"Why do I need a break? Isn't Namjoon sending me on a job today?"
"It's a training job. Not a serious one." Yoongi eyes you. You fidget under his gaze, uncomfortable with the way he seems to be reading your emotions and thoughts with only a stare.
"Well, I need to be ready for it nonetheless."
"Is it about Jimin?"
"I don't know what you're talking about." Your retort gives away the issue, but honestly, it's better than straight-up confirming what Yoongi thinks. 
"Your mission tonight is with him. Did you think I didn't know that? Or notice the conversation you shared last week in the bar?"
"It was hardly a conversation, so don't call it that."
"I don't want to talk about it."
"We can reassign you. It's okay to not be ready for a mission with him. I can ask Namjoon to put you on duty with someone else."
"And do what?" You counter. You let your arm relax at last, pushing the pistol into Yoongi's outstretched hands, and take a few steps back. "Sit around not doing anything?"
"You have been working nonstop for the past week. Maybe you need to sit around not doing anything." Yoongi holsters the pistol in the band of his pants. He has thankfully stopped looking at you, but you still feel the concern radiating off him in waves. 
"Where's Taehyung?" You ask, shifting the conversation.
"Doing his job," comes Yoongi's short response.
"Just put me with him for the night then. I can sit around being useless next to him. Would that make you happy?"
"This isn't about my happiness, Y/N. You joined us. You had the opportunity to walk away once you found out that Jimin was here too. But you didn't. You stayed."
"I didn't think--" You stop yourself, refusing to let the words reach the air between you and Yoongi. "I thought... nevermind. You know what? I'm fine. It's fine. I will go on this damn mission with Jimin, and everything will be fine." You step around Yoongi, ignoring the hand that darts out in attempts to grab hold of yours, and instead make your way towards the door of the warehouse. Footsteps resound behind you. Yoongi is following you, but of course he is because he can't seem to leave well enough alone. 
Stepping out of the warehouse, you are greeted by darkness. Yoongi falls into step beside you despite your cold aura. The two of you walk through the alleyway in utter silence, the only sounds coming from the road before you. Cars whiz to and fro, as fast as your thoughts at the moment. As thankful as you are for Yoongi's silence, it doesn't help get your mind off the fact that you are going to have to work with the new Park Jimin tonight.
Over the past week, you have made many efforts to avoid him. Either he isn't around all too much at the base Namjoon set up, or you did a good job and failed to run into him. You don't want to work with him, but it seems stupid to go to the leader of a gang and say hi I don't like this person, can you not assign me with them? when it's your first mission. 
It's fine, Y/N. It's fine. A simple little mission. One dinner. No guns needed, no hostiles, just gathering intel. It's easy.
Except it's the opposite of easy. You are going to be sitting across from Jimin and have to fake niceties with him as he does the hard work of gathering intel. In other words, you're a decoy for him to use as cover. Isn't that fantastic? 
Yoongi senses your discomfort. He doesn't say anything but you feel him step closer to you, shoulder brushing against yours as you walk. 
"Listen, Y/N," he says after the two of you reach the sidewalk by the road. "You don't have to take this mission. There is no shame in not being ready for it."
"Yes, there is," you grumble. The image of Jimin's taunting grin surfaces in your mind. "If I don't..."
"Namjoon will understand. He's really good at that surprisingly."
"This isn't about Namjoon." You pause, dragging your tongue over your lips, and glare down at the sidewalk as it disappears under your feet. You aren't sure what you're trying to prove. As much as Yoongi is confused, you are too, and there are a million reasons as to why you might be feeling this way. Jimin is at the top of the list. Of course. Of course. He was the only reason you joined. The money was to be for him, and when you confirmed that he was no longer in the hospital and working with Namjoon, the purpose was to be with him. You have a million and one medical bills to pay off because of him. A higher apartment rent to pay because of him. For as long as you can remember, everything you've done has been for him. You always imagined that it would all be worth it in the end, you would get to have closure and happiness again after it all ended, and yet here you are. Way sooner than expected. Far more disappointed than you could've imagined.
You stop in your tracks. Yoongi continues to walk forward a few steps before he notices that he's leaving you behind.
Closure. That's what it's all about: having even just a shred of closure from Jimin.
"I think I'll be fine, Yoongi." You resume your pace and leave Yoongi to catch up with you without explaining your sudden halt. "It's not that big of a job, right? All I need to do is sit there and look pretty for Jimin." There is a tinge of bitterness concealed in your tone, one that Yoongi doesn't comment on because he must know that you're right. As much as you don't like it, you still have to do it. Sure Yoongi said that you could ask Namjoon to reassign you, but if this is your one chance at closure with Jimin, then you need to take it.
The sun is breaching the midpoint in the sky, clouds dissipating and unleashing the heat of the day on you. You increase your pace, and Yoongi follows suit. It's a mystery how he manages to survive the heat whilst wearing all black all day. The two of you reach the front of a grungy bar, the dark wood a looming familiarity before you.
When Namjoon initially agreed to take you to his "base" as he called it (all the verbiage he uses is something you have yet to get used to), you were expecting to leave the bar and go to some super-secret building, but no. Instead, he took you around the corner of the bathrooms in the bar to a simple metal door and told you to go in. Of course, you should've assumed he would have a secret underground base somewhere, but a grungy bar was the last place you thought of.
Yoongi opens the door for you, letting you step in first before following behind, and you sigh when the cool air inside the bar hits you. It's relatively empty, although it's still early afternoon. In your mind, it's not early enough though, because you have to be ready to leave on a mission with Jimin in less than four hours. The anxiety is beginning to build up and bubble in your gut again. If Yoongi notices, he opts not to comment on it this time.
The walk to the door in the back is quick, made quicker by your haste, but you have to wait for Yoongi to catch up anyways since he holds the key to going further down.
"Why are you thinking so hard?" He asks at last while fiddling with his keys.
"I'm not," you argue.
"You have a bad habit of lying, Y/N."
"I'm not trying to..." The words come out quieter than you intended, making it quite obvious how you're feeling. Yoongi's long fingers hesitate next to the doorknob.
"If you're not careful, I'll tell Namjoon to reassign you myself," he mutters as he works the door open. You grimace and look away from the man. A creak resounds when the door swings open, much quicker and more forceful than you were expecting. Yoongi seems surprised as well, a small inhale of shock hissing through his teeth, and he takes a step away from the door.
"You're back!" The voice causes a loud noise to leave your lips, shoulders and body jerking from the surprise. You glance up and find a boxy grin revealing bright teeth. Relief washes over you.
"Taehyung," you greet with a smile of your own. His precious smile is a blessing honestly, and it helps alleviate your anxieties just by seeing it. He's still dressed in his typical casual outfit, along with the white apron from his small flower shop.
"Are you heading out?" Yoongi asks, motioning over the apron.
"Ah, no! I just got back," Taehyung explains. The smile never leaves his lips as he speaks. Yoongi opens his mouth to speak again, but Taehyung ignores him in favor of grabbing hold of your hand. He tugs you towards the descending staircase. "But Y/N, today was slow, so I had some extra time to work on arrangements. I made a really pretty one and thought you might like it, so I brought it back with me!"
Yoongi grumbles behind you, most likely about how he was snubbed, but you can only focus on not tripping down the steep staircase as Taehyung pulls you forward.
“I got a new batch of violets set up at the shop, and I was thinking of giving them to you for your windowsill. But! Then! I had an idea! So I worked on a new arrangement with a whole array of shades of violets. I got some indigo ones along with burgundy and pink ones, so I repotted them. The ones in your window die so quickly so I thought maybe it would be easier for you to have ones that you can water and keep alive for a while.” Taehyung’s enthusiasm is almost infectious, and you continue to smile as he rambles on about the flowers. You don’t have the heart to tell him that you never try to keep the flowers in your window alive. That would be unveiling your little secret about why you went to his flower shop so frequently. Then again, you get to see Taehyung much more often because of your new arrangement here.
Taehyung pulls you all the way down the long flight of stairs, and once you reach the bottom, he turns to you. You aren’t sure whether he’s expecting you to respond in some way but you don’t get to find out because his expectant grin leaves your line sight. He tugs you along, refusing to let go of your forearm. The typically dark underground warehouse is lit up at the moment, a rare sight usually upon Namjoon’s claims that he “thinks better when it’s dark”. Taehyung drags you all the way to his little open office in the corner of the room. The area is shrouded by a multitude of computer servers, a blockade that serves as the walls for his space. Behind all the servers lies a rather bare desk and chair, four computer monitors strung together with wires around them like a spiderweb. And sure enough, there on the desk, is a ceramic flower pot with an assortment of violets in it.
That’s when he finally lets go of your arm, dropping it to motion towards the pot with fervor.
“What do you think? Do you like them?” He asks as you look over the flowers. They’re soft and delicate, small buds and blossoms spread across the green leaves, and all dirt is tucked away from the flowers themselves. You almost reach out to touch the petals but think better of it.
“I love them, Taehyung. They’re really gorgeous.”
“I’m glad! It’s just something small, you know… I figured it might help you in some way maybe?”
“Help me?” You echo, head tilting to the side in question.
“Ah, well, you just – you seem stressed? Ever since joining us. I totally understand; when I first joined, it took me weeks to get settled and used to things. I think I was a high-strung mess for at least two weeks. I figured this might help ease some of that.” He’s even more concerned than when I first came. Great. At least he doesn’t think it’s about Jimin.
“Thank you, Taehyung,” you say with a small smile. “I’m not really good at keeping things alive though…”
“Oh! That’s okay! I can give you a few tips and tricks on how to best take care of the flowers. Maybe tonight after you get back from your mission?” Taehyung clasps his hands together and brings them over his chest. He beams down at you. “I could walk you home? I mean, if it’s not too much trouble… we’re next-door neighbors after all. If you don’t though, that’s perfectly okay!”
“No, no, no!” You refute. “That would be nice, yea.” Especially after the mission. And after Jimin.
“Amazing! I mean, great yes.” Taehyung scratches the back of his neck and turns away from you. There is a ding, then a small whooshing sound that catches both your attentions. He glances over his monitors. “Ah, looks like Emperor sent me a job. I’ll talk to you later, yea?”
You merely nod in response as Taehyung moves to sit down at his desk. It’s at that moment that Yoongi decides to catch up to you two. He clears his throat, and you shift to look at him.
“Speaking of… Emperor asked to see you before your mission.” Yoongi points over his shoulder with his thumb, and you follow his thumb with your eyes. No one is standing behind you so you aren’t sure why you look over there. Nonetheless you do, only to see nothing there except for an empty place. “In his office, Y/N,” Yoongi clarifies as he sees your line of sight.
“Oh yea, of course, duh,” you mutter more to yourself than to him. You move around Yoongi with the intention of going to Namjoon’s office. He catches you by the arm first, brows still furrowed as they were during your training session, and you want to look away.
“You’re leaving earlier than planned,” he says under his breath. He tilts his head away from Taehyung’s little corner, obviously not wanting the other man to overhear. “Star already took care of the reservation, but Emperor wanted to chat with you a bit before you get ready to go.” There is a lingering sense of foreboding in Yoongi’s words, and it feels more like a warning than anything else. As you pull away, you make eye contact with Yoongi and watch the slight shake of his head in confusion. I’m… what is that supposed to mean? Instead of asking for clarification, you merely continue to move away from Yoongi and head for Namjoon’s office with much more hesitant steps.
It only takes one knock for him to welcome you in, the door swinging open a moment after you rap your knuckles against the wood. Except it isn’t Namjoon who answers; rather it’s someone else, a new and unfamiliar face which is a bit surprising since you’ve been in and out of the base for eight days straight now. The man is about as tall as Namjoon, dark hair neatly swept back and held in place by hair gel, and he wears a suit. You weren’t expecting that either, seeing as everyone else you’ve met (aka Yoongi, Taehyung, Namjoon, and Jimin) wear seemingly casual clothes all the time.
“Oh perfect. Just who we wanted to see!” The man greets, full lips stretching into a broad smile, and his eyes fall into soft crescents. He ushers you into the room. Once you’re in, you spot Namjoon. He’s seated behind a large dark wood desk, one that looks quite expensive, in a tall leather chair. You’ve noticed over the past week that he always carries himself with an air of arrogance and pride, and you see it now in the way that he sits. Back rigid and straight, shoulders pushed back, one leg crossed over the other, elbows propped up on his desk.
You step further into the room without any hesitation.
“Have you two met, Miss L/N?” He asks once the door into his office snaps shut.
“Kim Seokjin. Business dealings are my specialty but I also dabble in management and politics. You probably know me better as Star.”
“Oh? Oh, yes, yea I’ve heard the name mentioned here and there.”
“The two of you can exchange further pleasantries at a later time. Right now we need to discuss business.” Namjoon motions to the chairs set in front of his desk, and you hurry to sit down. “We had to adjust the schedule of your mission tonight. Move it up a little. The reservation is now for 5:15 instead of 6:30. Our client told us that things shifted a bit on his side so we made last-minute adjustments. However that’s not exactly what we need to talk about.” The other man, Seokjin, sits down beside you as Namjoon speaks.
“Our client requested further intel,” Seokjin explains further once he’s seated. “Paid a significant amount extra for the information as well. The requested intel, however, requires that you and Moon to do a bit more than just a simple dinner.”
“I made reservations for you and Jimin to stay at a hotel tonight. The same hotel that the man Moon will be gathering intel from, in fact. Don’t worry, the room has two beds so you don’t need to fret about that.”
“Why exactly do I need to go to the hotel with him?” You ask, voice rising as panic surges through you. You were alright with the idea of having dinner with Jimin for the mission, but having to sleep in the same room as him? That’s far different and far more anxiety-inducing. How the fuck am I supposed to spend an entire night with him?
“To keep up appearances,” Seokjin says. “We need the target to believe that the two of you are a married couple on a date. If he’s suspicious of anything then the mission is at risk. I understand you might not enjoy it, but your job is to make sure that Moon’s cover holds. You fail, he fails.”
“I understand,” you whisper. The man’s words certainly add a great deal of gravity to the situation and your part in it. Perhaps your earlier assumption that you would only be serving as a “trophy wife” was incorrect.
“The target typically spends an hour at the hotel bar. We’ve watched his movements and patterns for a while and know exactly when he will be at the bar in the hotel. You and Moon will go directly there after dinner, Moon will gather his intel, and you will make sure that no one suspects Moon of eavesdropping.”
Seokjin laughs a little at your small comment. “Exactly. You and I will get along just fine, Y/N. Now, Emperor, I need to go close a deal with another client, so if you’ll excuse me?”
“Go ahead, Star.” Namjoon nods at the man, and he stands to leave without further ado. You watch him go out the corner of your eye before turning back to Namjoon once he’s gone.
“So how long until I get a fancy nickname like the rest of you?” You inquire with a small tilt to your chin.
“I was under the impression that you didn’t care for our “nicknames”, Miss L/N.” Namjoon chuckles, letting his elbows fall off the desk and relaxing his arms some.
“I just don’t understand the significance of them. I mean, Moon and Star make sense together, but what does Emperor have to do with anything? And why do you use codenames sometimes but not all the time?” You’ve never heard Namjoon call Yoongi or Taehyung by any sort of codename, at least not that you’ve noticed. It’s a strange inconsistency for someone like Namjoon who seems so serious about being right all the time.
“Hm well, perhaps I’ll explain it to you one day. Right now, however, you need to go change and get ready to go. You don’t have long until your reservation after all.”
“And am I supposed to wear just this?” You motion down at your current outfit, obviously being a bit cynical with your words, but Namjoon gives you a once over.
“No. Your outfit for tonight is in the bathroom upstairs. Since we made last-minute reservations for the hotel, we don’t have a set of clothes for you to change into after, but the hotel should provide something for you both.”
You nod along with Namjoon’s words. A whole night with him… not how I wanted to spend my night. I guess I don’t have a choice though. 
“Right… uh, then permission to leave?” You try not to sound too upset with the change of plans. If Namjoon notices the tension in your shoulders or the darkness in your expression, he doesn’t comment on it.
“Permission granted.” Namjoon dismisses you with a shooing motion. You’re eager to get out of the office, although you would much rather go anywhere else than get ready to leave for your mission. Yoongi waits outside the door when you leave; however, he must not be waiting for you because the man from earlier – Seokjin – stands across from him. You nearly run facefirst into Seokjin’s back as you step out.
“Oh!” Seokjin exclaims as you bring up a hand to keep yourself from running into him. “So sorry, I didn’t mean to get in your way.” He laughs and steps out of your way.
“No, no, it’s okay,” you reassure with a small smile.
“Are you leaving already?” Yoongi asks when you move around him as well.
“Uh, yeah, I’ve got to go change and stuff first but then we’re leaving.”
“Isn’t it a bit early?” He questions again.
“We had to make adjustments and change the reservation,” Seokjin explains for you, and Yoongi glances over to him.
“Ah, well I knew that but I didn’t expect it to be this early. Good luck, Y/N.” You and Yoongi make eye contact. He reaches out to press a hand against your arm, an obvious attempt to comfort you in some way, but it doesn’t help you much at all. Instead it only makes you feel weak. Weak for needing comfort over something that seems so trivial and meaningless. You brush his hand off your arm, a small smile crossing your lips. It’s a minimal effort to reassure him, and a minimal effort that doesn’t serve any purpose truly because the gleam of concern does not leave Yoongi’s eyes.
“Thanks. It’ll go well, I’m sure. I trust Jimin.” You utter the lie through gritted teeth. No one cares to call you out for it if they suspect it. There is some truth hidden in the words though. Because, yes, at one point you could easily have said that you trusted Jimin with your life. You did. That night at the diner you proved it. Yet this is where your trust got you. Somehow you can’t quite give up all hope on him. Surely the Jimin you knew back then is still tucked away in there somewhere. As much as you want to avoid him and any form of confrontation, you know what’s most important to you.
You’re determined to do whatever it takes to get the man you knew back. Step one is going on this mission with him and trying your best to trust him again. After all, he’s going to have to trust you to keep his cover. It’s a dangerous game of trust really, and you realize that as you near the top of the long staircase up to the bar. You send a stare down the steps, looking down into the light before continuing upwards into the darkness.
a/n: hello hello sorry this was delayed for a bit!! i didn’t mean to keep you all waiting, this story just takes longer for me to write and prep!! i hope you all enjoy this chapter and the reveals and such, please let me know what you think!
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fe3h-imagines · 5 years
Oh gosh, I just want Felix to be happy. How would he react if his sweet s/o says, "I'll sing for you, comfort you, spar with you, or even just keep you company anytime you ask! Even if I'm super groggy or I'm sick! I wanna be there for you!" (Maybe before he officially asks her out?)
Same here lovely 💜 he deserves the best 💜 sorry this took so long.
I Want To Be There For You (Felix x Reader)
The cold air sent a small shiver through Felix as he made his way from the training grounds to the dining hall.
It's freezing.
Upon hearing soft footsteps, he looked up to find you walking towards him with a warm smile. If the air was as warm as that smile, he wouldn't have to hold back and shivers and shakes from the cool.
"Hi, Felix!"
He gave you a tiny nod and you joined him once you caught up with him.
"Going to eat, finally?"
"I have to eat at some point, (y/n)."
If you didn't know him, you'd think he's being rude. But you knew him enough to know he was attempting to joke with you.
"Okay, snappy," you giggled.
It stayed silent for a bit before you opened your mouth to speak.
"Hey, Felix?"
"Hm?" He grunted. His eyes flicked towards you and met yours before looking back ahead. Your eyes were a pretty (e/c), and he could honestly get lost. It confused him at first because he never had that feeling before, but he grew to just accept it after a while of trying to changed it but to no avail.
"Are you okay?"
The messy haired man sighed. "I'm fine, (y/n)."
You didn't want to push it, but you knew your best friend was lying.
He didn't say anything as you both arrived at the dining hall to retrieve food. Once you got your serving, you waited for Felix then sat down in your usual spots.
The meal was a bit quiet. You wanted to start conversation, but you knew he was training and wanted to eat to get back there as soon as he could. You decided to just accompany him on the way back and stick around to watch.
"You're quiet."
You looked up to see Felix looking at you. He had a faint look of surprise on his face.
"I was just letting you eat so you could go back to your training. I assumed that's what you were doing after eating."
"Hm," he shrugged before taking another bite of food.
It stayed quiet again and once you both had your fill, the trek through the cold to get to the training grounds was started.
"Yes, (y/n)?" He sighed. He was trying not to become irritated, because he knew you were just concerned.
"Please tell me what's wrong."
"I'm fine, (y/n). There is nothing to worry about, so stop wasting your time."
You stopped walking. Felix stopped a few steps after you to turn and look back towards your shocked figure.
"Stop wasting my time...? Felix, you're my best friend how in the name of the Goddess am I wasting my time?!" You refuted.
"Because nothing is wrong."
"You're acting weird, Felix! You're unfocused in class, you spend more time in the training grounds than usual, which is saying something because you are always in there. I actually wonder if you have a spare bed set to sleep on."
His shoulders shifted a bit in a shrug as a faint smile appeared in his face.
"But you're acting off. On missions , you're fantastic. But you seem like you're losing focus at some points. I'm not the only one who's noticed it."
"Yeah? Who else?"
"Sylvain, Dimitri-"
He scoffed. "Of course the boar sees it."
"Seriously? People are concerned for you!"
"And I'm fine! Nothing is wrong!"
Your blood boiled. The cold was long forgotten at this point, along with the studying you planned to do in the grounds as you watched Felix.
"Felix Hugo Fraldarius stop lying to me! I can see right through it!"
"Well whatever it is you're seeing doesn't exist."
"Oh, so now I'm blind?!"
Felix didn't say anything as he turned on his heel to continue walking. He knew you were right. He wasn't "fine".
But how is he supposed to tell you he is having nightmares about his brother? How is he supposed to say he has nightmares that something will go wrong on a mission and you, the professor, and the rest of the class would get hurt? How is he supposed to say that on top of it all, he likes his best friend standing in front of him? How he feels bad for taking you worry? How is he, the strong and independent Felix Hugo Fraldarius, supposed to say he isn't okay?
He walked through the doors to the training grounds to set up new training dummies. He didn't jump when you burst through the doors a minute later.
You were livid. Why lie to you? Yeah, he hates telling people when something is wrong, but you're his best friend who he tells everything to. Why can't he tell you this?
"(Y/n) I'm not in the mood right now-"
"I just want to be there for you!"
He didn't look at you as he continued to set the dummies up.
"Why won't you let me?"
He huffed and turned to face you.
You looked like you were about to cry, and he wasn't good with your tears. At all.
"Look, (y/n)," Felix started. "I know you want to be there for me, I really do."
"T-Then tell me what's wrong... What's so horrible? Did I-I do something?"
"What? No-" he ran his hands over his face and sighed again.
"I'll sing for you, comfort you, spar with you, or even just keep you company anytime you ask! Even if I'm super groggy or I'm sick! I wanna be there for you!"
He looked at you. His heart jumped and his breath tightened in his chest. He felt bad for worrying you so much. Hearing you say that made him feel cared for. Most people just left him alone when he said he was fine, but your concern made him relax enough to tell you. It was all so weird he couldn't describe it.
"I'm having nightmares, (y/n)," your best friend mumbled softly.
You stared at him.
"I'm having nightmares about missions and my brother...," He trailed off.
You looked at him softly.
"That's okay. It's alright to have nightmares and talk about them with someone. You can tell people when you aren't okay, Felix. You don't have to keep this strong and cold type look all the time."
"I've told you that much, so I suppose I should tell you everything."
You tilted your head.
"I don't have feelings like this often, if at all."
It clicked. He liked you.
You gave him a soft, knowing smile.
He sighed in relief, glad he didn't have to say it because he honestly didn't know how.
"I want to be here for you whenever and wherever and for whatever it may be," you spoke quietly with a smile.
He sighed in relief. It felt nice to talk about it and have someone he could talk to, and he was glad it wasn't anyone else but you.
It was silent for a few minutes. Neither of you knew what to say or do.
You liked him back if course, and we're delighted he shared your feelings. But you didn't want to ask him out when he just told you he was struggling with nightmares.
"I don't know what to do next or say," you spoke with a soft giggle and smile.
"I don't either," Felix responded.
"I would be glad to be by your side and be there for you along the road, if you'd let me of course."
Felix thought for a moment then nodded slowly.
"Well, Felix, I'm more than happy to be with you."
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GRABS YOU listen listen LISTEN. headcanons for snuggling the dummies (and doll) 👁️👁️ i have NO SPECIFICS so go absolutely CRAZY!!!!!!!!!!! BONKERS I TELL YOU
snuggling the dummies (& doll) HCS
Slappy is a FIEND for snuggles, he’ll climb onto you and immediately curl into your side, going on and on about his world domination plays while his little hands tightly hold onto you with the most protective aura he can muster.
Snappy will play with your hair and nestle his face into the crook of your neck while you two snuggle, also sneaking a little dummy kiss on your jawline and cheek shsjhs <3 he’s a cheeky bastard
Mary ellen will lay her head on your chest and hold your hand! just humming softly while she enjoys the domestic bliss of it all, and make sure to stroke her hair! she will cry /pos
Dennis likes to talk a LOT during snuggles, and will just bounce from topic to topic while he plays with your hair, and most often the topics are involving you and how cool or cute he thinks you are, but he’s as snug as bug on your lap!
Rocky is a simple man, he’ll sit on your lap and tell you all his old man stories while being curled up against your frame, dummies shouldn’t get cold but with the way he’s practically clinging onto you? you’d think he’s freezing!
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ceegeenyan · 5 years
Soft [3] // Tsukishima Kei x Reader
Part 1: http://ceegeenyan.tumblr.com/post/184038042466/soft-1-tsukishima-kei-x-reader
Part 2: https://ceegeenyan.tumblr.com/post/184104284751/soft-2-tsukishima-kei-x-reader
             It’s been a week since (y/n) joined as the volleyball team’s manager, and the videos she’s been taking were helping Tsukishima and the others a lot.
           She’d sent them the videos via email over the weekend and said that she’ll be sending them every weekend from now on, along with her own notes on what she thought about the posture, form, what could be done better, what was good, what to be careful of, and all of those things. At the end of her attached notes, she added a “great job!” According to Yamaguchi, all of the other members got that message too.
           Tsukishima takes a sip of his strawberry milk juice while analyzing the videos and notes that (y/n) had sent on his phone. He’d been buying the same one ever since she got it for him.
           He found what happened last week weird to him. Sure, she was pretty, he recognizes and even admits that, but was that enough to get him all flustered? Was the blushing and all that really necessary? And above all, he absolutely, with all of his heart and soul, refused to act like Tanaka and Nishinoya. Because that was probably how they felt, right? They get all flustered because Shimizu or (y/n) are too pretty.
           He didn’t want to be like them. But that was probably the case.
           There was no point in denying it to himself anyway. So what if he finds her attractive? Everyone else does too.
           Tsukishima looked at the clock above the blackboard and was met with the time; they still had thirty minutes before the next class, so he figured he’d sleep. He didn’t exactly feel like eating.
           “Hey, hey, hey, Tsukishima-kun!” A voice that came from the entrance of his classroom rang in his ears. He’d pretend he didn’t hear it, but (y/n) would have just pestered him. She walks towards the blond male, a notebook in hand. Without warning, she grabs an empty seat and places herself in front of him, setting her notebook on his table. She wasn’t aware, but all of class 1-4 was staring at her, and now at the two of them. It was just Tsukishima’s luck that Yamaguchi went out to get food.
           “Help me with history!” She says with that big smile of hers that he’d grown accustomed to.
           He wanted to refuse so he could carry on and sleep, but he knew that this girl would just bother him for the rest of the break until he agrees, so what was the point?
           It was hard to decline with that smile looking at him anyway.
           “Aren’t you from class 1-5, milk stand?”
           Her smile quickly turns into a frown, a soft punch landing on the top of his head. “Shut up, stupid giraffe! I’m just bad with history.”
           “Giraffes have long necks, I don’t think I fit in that description.”
           “They’re big as heck, just like you, I think that’s reason enough for me to call you that. Now teach me!”
           “Do I get anything in return?”
           “What about an autograph?”
           “I’ll kick you out.”
           She laughs. “I was kidding, dummy! I’ll get you something later, just help me for now!”
           “Tsukishima-kun,” (y/n) called for him while the volleyball team took a break, “your receives suck.”
           His eyebrows twitched in annoyance at her words and (y/n) saw Hinata and Tanaka laughing from a distance. “You should have worked harder, Tsukishima!” says the bald senior.
           “Is it bad that my body just doesn’t understand how it works?”
           She snickers, giving him a water bottle and a towel. “No. Rather, I’m happy that you even have something you’re not good at. Makes you feel more human, you know?”
           His eyes widen a little at her response. “Then what did you think of me before this?”
           “A tree.”
           That earned her a flick to the forehead.
           “You still owe me, hobbit.” (y/n) grumbles under her breath, but she was sure Tsukishima could hear her nonetheless.
           “I know, I know! Just be patient, Stupidshima! Stupid Treeshima!”
           The rest of Karasuno, especially Sawamura and Sugawara, have noticed for quite some time now how (y/n) and Tsukishima interacted. At first, they were simply surprised that Tsukishima would hold conversations with her, but their playful banters were more than Tsukishima’s usual dialogue, more than he did with the rest of the team—or anyone, really. Maybe it was because of them walking to (y/n)’s studio together, or maybe because she was able to tolerate his snarky remarks and asshole attitude. They didn’t really mind, though. The past week, ever since (y/n) joined the club, Tsukishima has been doing relatively better than before. Was he doing it to impress her? Was he doing it unconsciously? No one knew, but they were grateful nonetheless.
           “Daichi,” Sugawara whispers, “do you think he likes her?”
           The taller male simply smiles. “I don’t think Tsukishima would get into those kings of feelings this fast. At the very most, maybe he thinks she’s pretty, and the fact that they can talk to each other easily makes him feel attracted to her, but no. He doesn’t like her.” He smirks a little, glancing over the middle blocker that was bickering with their new manager. “Not yet, anyway.”
            The stares didn’t go unnoticed to Tsukishima, but he ignores them in spite of the urge to glare back, thinking it would be more fun to tease the smaller female in front of him.
          Well, he’d always tease how much of a shrimp she was, but being a model and all, she was taller than the average female her age. She was definitely taller than Hinata, almost nearing Sugawara’s height. She was probably around 170cm, with her long legs and all. He’s probably been indirectly offending Hinata and Nishinoya whenever he’d diss her height. Well, with a twenty-centimeter difference between them, no one could blame him for wanting to tease her. The way she looks up at him whenever they talk and the way she raises her arm to show him something on her phone was too cute amusing for his own good. Tsukishima looked down at her features again while she looked for something on her phone, the male already forgetting what she was talking about.
          From where he stood, he could see her long lashes and button-like nose. She made a lot of facial expressions while she told her stories and he’d see how her features would move along with her emotions; eyebrows raising, eyes squinting and widening, jaw extending, nose crinkling, all that. He noticed the way her hair framed her face, too—(h/l), (h/style) (h/c) locks cupping her forehead and then all the way down her jawline and neck.
          If he focused a little more, as best as he could with that God-awful eyesight of his, he could see some black, mole-like marks peeking through what is apparently makeup. Whenever he’d look at her from a distance, it never looked as though she was wearing any. Not that it was of any concern to him, but it was definitely a fact worthy of surprise. At least to him.
          He was definitely caught by surprise, though, when she looked up at him with their faces unnecessarily close to each other.
          “Hey, blockhead, are you listening?”
          He feigns a yawn, hoping to get out of the little predicament that he was in. “Your stories make me too sleepy, shorty.”
          Without warning, she punched him in the gut. Not strong enough to cause a bruise, of course, but he’ll definitely feel that for a while.
          “What the fuck—”
          “Listen to me, dumbass! Stupidshima!”
          He couldn’t help but find her angry expression adorable.
          He cursed at himself for thinking so, and he could feel his face warm up. He hopes, if she could see it, that she thinks of it as that of anger.
With a suppressed groan, he manages to cough out his words. “So, what is it?”
          Her face lights up again this time, (e/c) eyes sparkling as she raised her phone again to show him pictures of what seems to be a café. She tells her story like she wasn’t just repeating it.
          “Look, Tsukishima-kun! I found this café near the school and it’s so pretty!” She grins, waiting for Tsukishima’s response expectantly.
          Goddamn it.
          He wanted to tease her, to answer sarcastically, to give her any fucking kind of negative response, but it was hard to do it with a face that happy. He was an asshole, but this—this was too much for him.
          “Yeah,” was all he could say. He was surprised that his bland response didn’t dishearten the girl.
          “It’s not that expensive too, and the food and drinks were all good! I ended up studying there yesterday until it was late.” She says with a rather embarrassed chuckle. She looks back up at him again. “So I was asking if you wanted to go there later.”
          “Uh,” his mind was too blank to think of a snappy retort, and he felt ridiculous when that was the only thing that came out of his mouth. “Don’t you have other friends, (l/n)?”
          He says it in his usual mocking tone, but a huge part of it was genuine concern.
          “Well yes, but I owe you, dumbass.” She replies, a smirk not going unnoticed. “Stupid forgetful Tsukishima, tsk tsk tsk. You’re getting old, aren’t you?”
          He places his big hand on top of her head and squeezed her as hard as he could, earning a loud yelp of pain from her.
          “What the FUCK—”
          “Payback from earlier.” He lets go. “Now we’re even again.”
          He stared as she rubbed the top of her head, grumbling her usual stupid names, and some other insults, for him. “Stupidshima, stupid Treeshima, I hope you die a baldy, Stingyshima, Idiotshima.” He could hear her say.
          “One of those things is just a plain, distasteful insult, hobbit.” He looks away. “Do they have strawberry shortcake?”
          “Well, I sincerely hope you—” she blinks. “Do they have what now?”
          “I’m not repeating myself again, are you deaf?”
          The stupid grin on her face made Tsukishima regret every single decision he has made thus far in his life. The pink showing on his cheeks were definitely going to be a thing of teasing later.
          “I’m taking you there later, Tsukishima-kun!”
          Tsukishima Kei thought that he was going to have a heart attack, and that maybe he was getting old like she said.
          (y/n) was just about to call for Tsukishima’s attention when her phone rang, all eyes now on her. She’d forgotten to put it on vibrate.
          She looks at the team, scratching the back of her neck and smiling apologetically. “Sorry.”
          Sawamura and the others smile at her for reassurance. “It’s fine, (y/n). We’re all just about to go home, anyway.”
          She nods and answers the call. “Hello?”
          It was her manager and he was informing her about a shoot that was moved today. Her heart sank at the sound of his words, but she knew she couldn’t do anything about it. Her expression must have visibly dropped, because now the members were all looking at her worriedly. Still in call, she smiled at them, saying her ‘yes’es to the manager against her will. She was looking forward to going to the café with Tsukishima tonight.
          She kept a smile while facing the team, not wanting to further worry them. “My manager said I have work tonight.”
          “O-oh. But you said you only had work tomorrow and on Friday.” Sawamura was the one to talk for the rest of the team. It was only for a second, but they definitely saw her feeling down. It was the first time they’ve seen her like that.
          “Yeah,” she laces her fingers together, twirling her index fingers, her anxiety getting the best of her. “But they moved the one that I was supposed to do on Saturday to tonight, it seems. Apparently, the director and his team have something important to do over the weekend and rescheduled my shoot.”
          Tanaka frowns. “That doesn’t seem fair, right Daichi-san?”
          “Don’t worry!” (y/n) waves her hands in front of her defensively. “This actually happens a lot.”
          The second-year still has a sour expression on his face. “Well, if you say so, (y/n).”
          She goes over to Tsukishima, scratching the back of her head and avoiding his gaze. “Sorry, Tsukishima. I guess me treating you will be postponed.”
          Of course, Tsukishima was silent. He was probably indifferent about this, and (y/n) felt stupid to have even bothered apologizing. She was most likely, most definitely, the only one who was looking forward to it, and her heart sank a little more. She wasn’t liking this pain, and she wasn’t liking Tsukishima’s silence. She was about to say something else, some stupid, sarcastic phrase, or something, anything, just to avoid the tension she was feeling in the air, the anxiety, and the feeling of emptiness that was now in her chest.
          “I’ll walk you there.”
          She wasn’t the only one surprised.
          “I knew it, you are deaf.” He puts his hand over his mouth, mocking a laugh. But instead of a stupid reply, (y/n) could only stutter. Which she now realizes is more stupid.
          “N-no, well…” her eyes looked everywhere, anywhere that wasn’t him. “Isn’t this… a bother for you?”
          “Of course it is.” He softly punches the top of her head. “And now you owe me double.”
          She was now able to look at him, eyes wide from shock and cheeks a little flushed. She lets out a small laugh, her anxiety now gone. “You’re quite the opportunist, aren’t you, Tsukishima-san?”
          “Shut up, (l/n)-san.” He grabs her bag from her, carrying it along with his own, both with his right hand, before he starts walking. “Let’s go.”
          “Ah, hey—! I can carry that on my own!” She follows after him frantically, before looking back at the team behind her and bowing her head. “Oh, w-we’ll be going now!”
          “A-ah, yeah. Thanks for your hard work.” Sawamura was the first to regain his composure.
          “Take care, (y/n)-chan!” Sugawara waves at her, and the others follow suit. She smiles and waves back before following Tsukishima.
           Tsukishima thought he was being ridiculous.
           Here he was again, accompanying (y/n) like it’s the usual thing to do, and he’s even fucking carrying her bag for her, like a madman.
           He doesn’t need to do it. They both know that. But when she was talking to her manager, when, for a split second, she looked down and her face lost her usual glow from being happy, when she, for a second, stopped being her usual cheerful self, when she could barely look at him and yet tried her best to smile—Tsukishima knew he had to do anything to get her that smile back.
           Her owing him was just an excuse.
           And when her face brightened, God.
           He quietly swore to himself that he would punch the ever-loving fuck out of anything and anyone that would bring back that sad expression on her face.
           “Tsukishima-kun, we’re here.”
           Before he realized it, the walk to the studio passed quietly, again. He cursed at himself for not being able to say anything, but saying something would’ve been more unlike him, wouldn’t it?
           He simply nods at her, fighting the urge to yawn.
           She smiles at him.
           Softly now, not like her usually cheerful and even joking grins, not like her mocking smiles and scheming smirks, and not like the ones she puts on during shoots. This was a new smile, at least to him. She looked like something straight out of a painting, and she was, for lack of a better word, beautiful.
          Tsukishima had to pinch his thighs from inside his pockets to suppress any sort of reaction.
          “Thank you, Tsukishima-kun.”
          She made it sound like she was thanking him for more than just being accompanied to her studio, like she knew about his inner intentions, and that was not good.
           He tries to ignore it though. “Yeah.”
           She grins this time. “By the way, what’s your number?”
           “What, are you flirting with me?”
           “Don’t flatter yourself, ugly.” He couldn’t return the insult. “It’s so you can text me when you get home.”
           He pinched his thigh again, before smirking like he normally does, mockingly. “You’re treating me like a princess, (l/n)-sama. I might just fall for you.”
           “Shut up, what’s wrong with me worrying every now and then? Just give me your damn number, Stupidshima!”
He sighs and pulls out his phone, going through his contacts to find his own number before showing it to her. “Shouldn’t it be the other way around, Ms. Prince?”
           She copies the number in her own phone. “I’ll text you too, then.” Soon, she was done. Phone in hand, she looks up at the taller male again, grinning. “Thanks again.”
           “Yeah.” He hands her her bag, carefully avoiding even the slightest touch from her fingertips, which he had no trouble doing. He muttered a “good luck” with the softest of words that he really doubted she heard.
           “I’m not repeating myself, deaf girl. Now, go inside. You’ll be late.”
           She grins again, surprisingly not making a snarky retort. “Bye, Tsukishima! Take care!” She says, before she finally turns to enter the building. Tsukishima watched as she did, turning to leave only after she got inside. He put on his headphones and unlocked his phone to play music when an unknown number texted him. He knew who it was, though.
             From: [Unknown Number]
          Wednesday, November 3           8:47PM
          I heard you, stupid.           Text me when you’re home or I’ll kill you tomorrow.
          Thanks again.
             Tsukishima was close to death with all the blood rushing to his face.                          
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thefemalethatwrites · 7 years
Lantern (Connor Kent/Superboy x Lantern!Reader)
Request: No.
Prompt: You’re a Lantern Ring user that joins the Young Justice Team.
Relationships: Father! Hal Jordan/Green Lantern x Daughter! Reader, Connor Kent/Superboy x Reader
Warnings: Cursing, Attempt rape, Attempt Murder 
Word Count: 5176
A/N: Idk what I was thinking with this one...Enjoy. I’ve feel like I’ve not uploaded or been active in SO long. 
(Y/N)'s POV "Green Lantern. What are you doing here?” Robin asked as my Dad and I entered through the Zeta tube,
“Team, this is my daughter" Dad introduced me to the mini-leaguers,
"Hi" I smile,
"Another girl!" Martian Manhunter's niece squeal as she came over to me, "Hi. I'm Miss Martian but you can call me M'Gann" she introduced,
"Well hello beautiful" Kid-flash, aka Wally West said as he stood in front of me,
"Hello Wally" I smiled,
"I assume you'll all make her feel welcome and make her feel a part of the team" Dad said, they all nodded
"You don't need to worry GL, I'll make her feel right at home" Wally reassured as he wrapped an arm around my shoulder,
"I'm sure you will Kid. I'll see you later" he said leaving through the zeta tube, I sighed and removed my ring revealing my identity,
"My name is (Y/N)" I introduced,
"You trust us?" Aqua lad asked as they all were shocked, I nodded
"I know all of your identities and backgrounds, yes even yours Robin. And the ring takes a lot out of me" I explain, they hummed
"Plus, I don't actually look like this" I say mentioning myself, they all raised an eyebrow
"Then what do you look like?" Robin asked,
"Classified...For now" I smirked,
"No matter beautiful. I'll show you around" Wally flirted,
"Aw how sweet" I smiled as he wrapped an arm around my waist,
"However, I think I'll have Artemis and M'Gann show me around" I say getting from his hold and in between the two girls, "Us girls should stick together after all" I winked as I placed a hand on each of their shoulders, M'Gann smiled and Artemis smirked,
"I like you. Come on" She chuckled as they guided me through the mountain.
“Alright. Can someone explain to me who this wizard wannabe is?” I asked as I shielded the team, minus Robin, and Mr. Nelson from his magic,
“She doesn’t know who I am?! Everyone knows who I am!” He whined stopping his attack, I raised an eyebrow and dropped the shield
“You must not be that much of a problem if the Lantern Corps haven’t heard of you” I commented as a small smirk pulled at my lips,
“How dare you! I’m Klarion! Lord of Chaos!” He yelled as he stomped his feet,
“Awh has baby Klarion lost his dummy” I teased as I pouted,
“Lantern. This is no place for you teasing” Kaldur scolded, I shrugged before bubbling us again as Klarion attacked again,
“I want that helmet!” He yelled,
“Guys. We’ve got company” Artemis informed us as another man approached us,
“Klarion. I have the helmet” He said, I narrowed my eyes as Klarion stopped and smiled
“Give” He demanded, I dropped the bubble and flew over taking the helmet off them,
“Argh! I’ve had enough of you girl!” Klarion screamed,
“Artemis!” I yelled before throwing the helmet to her as Klarion shot some magic at me, it hit me sending me on to the floor,
“Lantern!” The team yelled, I groaned as I propped myself up on my arms,
“No, don’t lose it now” I muttered, Klarion chuckled as he came over to me,
“What’s wrong girly? Not strong enough?” He tormented, I glared at him, his eyes widened in fear, “What? That’s impossible! You can only be one colour!” he shrieked as he back away,
“Not with me” I retort as a large red hand slammed him into a wall as I got up, I flew over to Wally and Mr. Nelson just as Mr. Nelson was hit with some magic,
“Come on old man. Don’t give up on us now” I say,
“Just give me the helmet and all can be done” Klarion called over, then we teleport to the roof with a bubble around us, I raised an eyebrow
“How are you more than one Lantern colour?” Wally questioned,
“Not now” I replied,
“No, now” Wally demanded, I grabbing him by the collar of his shirt,
“The old man’s just died protecting us. So, use that brain of yours and do something!” I snapped throwing him on the ground, I noticed the bubble breaking so I stood in front of Wally and the helmet, the bubble broke making Klarion laugh before send a large force of magic towards us, I threw up a shield which broke in a matter of seconds making it hit me and knock me unconscious.
Superboy’s POV
Doctor Fate came back with Lantern unconscious in his arms, my eyes widened as I went over to them and took her in my arms, Doctor Fate removed the helmet revealing Wally,
“Now what?” I asked,
“I keep the helmet safe” Wally answered, I raised an eyebrow as Artemis scoffed,
“I meant about him” I reply mentioning the other criminal,
“You look after that. You can barely look after yourself” Artemis tormented as we left the building,
“(Y/N)?” Green Lantern called over as he noticed her form in my arms, “What happened?” he questioned as he checked over her,
“Nothing. I was sleeping” She growled as she got out of my arms,
“Don’t get snappy with me young lady. I can easily remove your rights as a Green Lantern” He threatened making me raise an eyebrow,
“Try it old man. It won’t end well” She hissed before stalking off to the bioship, I raised an eyebrow and followed, boarding the ship to get back to the mountain.
We arrived back at the mountain and headed towards the main room,
“So, you want to explain the whole changing colour thing?” Wally snapped, (Y/N) sighed removing the ring
“I would rather explain when the whole team’s here, so I don’t have to explain things twice” She replied,
“Well, the whole team’s here now. What are you explaining?” Robin asked as he made his presence known,
“She’s not a Green Lantern” Wally informed,
“What?” Robin questioned, clearly confused as the rest of us
“Yeah. She turned into a Red Lantern while we were against Witch-boy” M’Gann explained,
“If you all shut up, I would explain” (Y/N) snapped gaining everyone’s attention, she sighed, “You’re right. I’m not a Green Lantern. I’m a Phantom Lantern. That means I have access to all of the different corps powers. I was granted this ring because I had shown that I had great control over my emotions and had good intentions” She explained, we all stood in our places staring at her, “If you don’t want me on the team, I’ll understand” She muttered, lowering her head avoiding everyone’s gazes
“What are the different corps?” Kaldur asked, she looked up, raising an eyebrow
“Well the Black corps are fueled by death. Red Lanterns draw on rage. Orange Lanterns draw on greed. Sinestro Lanterns, aka Yellow Lanterns, draw on fear. Green Lanterns draw on willpower. Blue Lanterns draw on hope. Indigo Lanterns draw on compassion. Star Sapphires, aka Violet Lanterns, draw on love. White Lanterns use life” She explained,
“Nine corps? That’s why the ring takes a lot out of you, isn’t it?” I asked, she nodded giving a small smile.
(Y/N)’s POV
“Hey loser!” A cheerleader called over making me stop as she and her posse approached me, I noticed M’Gann within the crowd in her human disguise, I hummed, “What do you call this grade?” The squad leader asked as she dangled a piece of paper in front of me with a large red ‘C+’ in the top right corner,
“A pass” I replied making her face turn sour before pushing me into the lockers, I noticed M’Gann wince,
“A pass? Don’t get cocky with me, Nerd. If my parent’s are going to pay for me to go to the best university in the country, then I need to be getting ‘B’s at the least!” She snapped pinning me by the throat making me drop the folder I was carrying, I remained quiet making her scoff and throw me to the floor, “What? Nothing to say?” she spat,
“Hey! Leave her alone!” A male voice called out to her, I looked in the direction it came from to see Connor stalking down the hall towards us, “Hey babe” M’Gann smiled as she approached him,
“Megan, love. Please tell your ‘babe’ to stay out of my business” The leader ordered,
“No one orders me around. So, leave her alone. And get on with your cheer leading” Connor stated,
She scoffed rolling her eyes, “Let’s go girls. You got lucky this time” She hissed before leading the posse, including M’Gann away, I narrowed my eyes at their retreating figures before a hand came into my view, I looked up to see Connor with a small smile, I took his hand and he pulled me to my feet then handed me my folder,
“Thanks” I mumbled, pulling up my bag straps, he nodded
“What was she after anyways?” He questioned,
“I didn’t get the grade she wanted in her homework” I answered avoiding his stare, he hummed,
“Connor Kent” he introduced, I looked towards him to see him extending his hand towards me,
“(Y/N) (L/N)” I introduced shaking his hand.
“Out of all the places. This is the worse one” I commented as I created a small mug of hot chocolate,
“Not a fan of the cold?” Artemis asked as she approached me, I shook my head,
“Hate it. With a passion” I replied before I heard the ice cracking as Artemis’ eyes widened, she pushed me out of the way as she went to shoot the alien device but was vaporised right in front of me.
“Artemis!” M’Gann screamed as my brain register what just happened, I growled getting up, forging a large red sledge-hammer and letting out a yell as I hit the alien device out of the ice,
“Lantern! Get back to the ship!” Kaldur ordered as I shielded myself from its blast, I sighed and ran to the bio-ship, I got inside and was met by M’Gann wailing and Wally throwing a tantrum,
“Shut up!” I snapped as I attempted to get my rage under control,
“Shut up? Our friends have just died!” M’Gann argued as she squared up to me,
“Exactly. That’s why we have to find wherever these things are coming from and blow it up” I demanded as I looked around at the team, she scoffed
“Do you not care?!” She screamed, my eyes snapped back to her as I back her against a wall,
“If I didn’t care, I wouldn’t be here” I sneered,
“Artemis is dead! Because of you!” She retorted and jumped as I punched the wall beside her head,
“You think I don’t know that? I would have been more than happy to be vaporised than spend another moment being judged by you” I growled as I removed my hand and walked to the far end of the ship, away from everyone.
Connor’s POV
I groaned as we all came out of the simulation, I was met by Wolf making me smile slightly as I stroked him,
“(Y/N)?” Artemis questioned gaining my attention, (Y/N) was still unconscious on the table,
“(Y/N)?” Green Lantern repeated as he approached her,
“Don’t wake her. It’ll cause much more damage” Martian Manhunter ordered,
“Why isn’t she waking up?!” Green Lantern snapped,
“Her ring” I muttered,
“What?” He asked as everyone’s head turned to me, I sighed,
“Her ring. It’s a phantom one, it allows her access to all the lantern corps” I informed him, his face fell
“Why didn’t she tell me?” he muttered, I shrugged
“She’s a Black Lantern. That’s the one fueled by death. She died beside me and Wally” Robin stated,
“How do we get her out then?” Kaldur asked as we all formed a group around her,
“You’ll be doing nothing. This is our fault. We’ll fix it” Batman demanded as the rest of the league nodded, “Send us in first” he ordered Martian Manhunter as he, Wonder Woman and Superman prepared themselves.
After a couple hours and many failed attempts, I sighed as the Green Lanterns came out of the simulation,
“How is she so strong?” They questioned,
“That’s it. Send me in” I snap standing up abruptly,
“Connor, don’t. You’ve seen how easily she’s beaten the league” M’Gann said as she stood up,
“They’ve fought her. She needs talking to” I retort as I prepared myself,
“Are you certain about this Superboy?” Martian Manhunter asked as he appeared above me, I nodded, and I was placed into the simulation,
I saw (Y/N) in a black version of her usual suit as destruction and the corpses of the league surrounded her,
“(Y/N)” I called over gaining her attention, her head snapped in my direction as she prepared herself for a fight but dropped it,
“Connor…” She trailed off, looking at her surroundings, “What’s happening?” She asked, I slowly approached her
“The League put us in a simulation, that was meant to fail. When we died, we were brought back into the real world, but your ring kept you here” I informed,
“None of this is real? I haven’t killed the Justice League?” She questioned, I nodded, she looked at her ring and fiddled with it before sighing and removing it.
(Y/N)’s POV
I gasped as I sat up,
“(Y/N)!” Artemis yelled as she tackled me with a hug, which was shortly joined by Wally, Robin, Kaldur and M’Gann, I sighed in relief as I returned the hug the best I could, we broke a part and I stood up,
“Lantern. I would like to apologise on behalf of the whole league” Batman said as he approached me with Dad, Superman and Wonder Woman at his sides,
“Apologise? Do you even know the danger you placed us all in?! What went through your head to think that placing teenagers in a simulation that would be emotionally straining!” I snapped,
“(Y/N), if I knew about-”
“Don’t even give me that crap! If you knew about my abilities, you wouldn’t have placed me in the simulation, but you would have done for the others!” I snapped cutting Dad off,
“Shut up! I quit!” I yelled as I headed towards the zeta-tube,
“Quit? You can’t abandon your duties as a Lantern! And if you do then you’ll still have me reminding you” Dad called after me making me stop and turn to them,
“You’re more stupid than I thought if you think I going to still with you after this” I sneered making his face drop, I glanced towards the team, “It was fun while it lasted” I say before leaving.
“Hey!” The usual cheerleader snapped as she slammed me against the lockers, “Changing your appearance, isn’t going to stop us knowing that you’re a nerd!” She commented, I raised an eyebrow
“And how are you sure that it wasn’t the nerd appearance hiding what I really am?” I asked as I pushed her backwards, her eyes widened as she backed away from me into the group of jocks,
“Are you okay?” One of them asked her, she shook her head and pointed at me, they all turned to look at me,
“What have you done to her?” Another asked as he squared up to me,
“I stood up for myself” I answered as I squared up to him, his face turned dark before swinging for me, I blocked it and raised an eyebrow at him, “I’m curious, what was you planning after you hit me?” I asked as a smirk pulled at my lips, he growled shoving me backwards as I was surrounded by the group of jocks, I hummed “Before we start. Would anyone like to leave?” I questioned none of them moved so I got myself into my fighting stance.
Connor’s POV
I heard cheering and gasps as I made my way to my locker making me raise an eyebrow and pick up my speed, I was greeted by a large crowd, I pushed my way through and came to the centre where (Y/N) was fighting the football captain, with blood running down the side of her face, while the rest of the football team was lying on the floor unconscious,
“(Y/N), stop!” I demanded as I restrained her from attacking the beaten and bruised male,
“No! Let me go!” She growled as she fought against my grip,
“Ha! Can’t even finish what you’ve started without your boyfriend getting involved!” He scoffed, (Y/N) stopped momentarily and somehow managed to break free of my grip, she tackled him to the ground,
“He’s not my boyfriend” She snarled giving him a punch to the face for every word, which caused him to go unconscious, she took a deep breath and stood up, “Anyone else?!” She asked looking at the crowd, no one moved so she picked up her bag and barged her way through the crowd,
“(Y/N) wait!” I called after her but was stopped by M’Gann pulling my arm, “What?” I asked,
“That was Lantern” She whispered, I raised an eyebrow
“What makes you assume that? We haven’t seen her in five months” I questioned,
“Her fighting style, it was an exact replica of Lantern’s. And she has the same name” She explained, I narrowed my eyes at her,
“You went into her mind, didn’t you?” I asked, she avoided my gaze, “Didn’t you?!” I repeated raising my voice a little, she winced and nodded
“I had to make sure I was correct” She reasoned, I shook my head
“You knew not do so! (Y/N) made it pretty clear that she doesn’t want any of us interfering with her citizen life” I snapped,
“Connor, I know but-”
“But nothing! I’m going to go find her” I yell cutting her off and leaving to find (Y/N), I found her on the bleachers,
“What do you want Connor?” She asked looking in my direction,
“I came to check on you” I answered sitting next to her, she rolled my eyes
“Why would you do that? You should be helping the others” She retorted, I sighed
“(Y/N), you’re bleeding, and bad” I stated as I moved her hair from her bloody face, she swatted my hand away,
“I’m fine. Now tell me what’s on your mind, Kent” She demanded making my eyes widen,
“I know you’re Lantern” I replied, she sighed tilting her head backwards,
“Took you long enough. Wait, let me guess. M’Gann told you after she went into my mind” she commented, I slowly nodded
“You knew she went through your mind?” I asked, she chuckled
“She made her presence known” she answered before standing up, “Well, I best get going” She announced,
“Going? Go where?” I asked standing up abruptly, blocking her path, she sighed,
“Don’t worry Connor, this isn’t the last you’ve seen of me” She said giving a small sad smile, “You’re also being manipulated by M’Gann” She informed before walking off,
“What?! Hey! You can’t just say that and leave!” I yell chasing her, “(Y/N)! Answer me!” I demanded, she stopped momentarily turning slightly,
“Goodbye Connor” She replied before continuing her way.
(Y/N)’s POV
“Phantom!” Angela yelled as she tackled me with a hug, I sighed unlatching her from me,
“What have I told you about yelling that name in public Ang?” I asked as I folded my arms and leaned against the wall, she sighed
“Don’t. But what else am I meant to call you? I don’t know your real name” she argued,
“That’s for the better. Trust me” I retort, a chuckle came from behind us,
“You say that every time, P. You’re gonna have to tell us eventually” Jesse commented, I turned slightly to the two males,
“Yeah, that’ll be when I leave” I reply,
“Babe!” Angela cheered as she leaped into Gerald’s arms, I rolled my eyes,
“Ang, you get any news?” I asked,
“Hm? Oh, yeah. There’s one going down tonight” She answered,
“Very well” I hummed,
“Let’s hope the police don’t bust it before we’ve had our fun” Gerald commented, Jesse nodded in agreement.
“You know the drill” I state as we entered the party, they all nodded, and we went our separate ways, Gerald and Angela headed to the dance floor, Jesse headed towards the bar and I was on the stairs/balcony getting a good vantage point on everyone,
‘Blonde girl stumbling with brunet male, heading towards you Jesse’ Angela said through the mind link,
‘I got them doll’ Jesse replied,
‘Keep the pet names to yourself’ Gerald snarled,
‘Awh, sweetheart. Are you getting jealous?�� Jesse taunted,
‘I’m not my brother! Therefore, I’m not your sweetheart!’ Gerald snapped,
‘That was uncalled for!’ Jesse retorted,
‘Enough! Focus on the task at hand’ I ordered,
‘Sorry, Phantom’ They both replied, I raised an eyebrow as a hooded figure made his way towards Angela and Gerald, I was then distracted by two males ‘escorting’ a female to one of the rooms,
‘Angela. I need a hand with this one’ I requested, she made her way up to me,
“Which room?” She asked as I lead her in the same direction as the males,
“This one” I answered as I kicked the door opened seeing the two males unbuckling their belts,
“What the-?” They were cut off as Angela and I pulled them away from the obviously drugged female and on to the floor, Angela comforted the now crying female as I beat the crap out of the two males,
“Don’t ever think it’s okay to rape” I snarled as I straightened my outfit, I turned to Angela and went to say something but was cut off by a scream, Angela’s eyes widened as she rushed out, I followed her we stopped at the balcony and saw that everyone was leaving as the hooded figure stood over Gerald with a katana,
“Gerald!” Angela screamed as ran down to them,
“Angela no!” I yelled after her, I tackled her to the ground as the hooded figured shot an arrow at her from the crossbow they were now holding as well,
“Let me go! Gerald!” She cried, I watched the hooded figure leave so I let go of Angela who immediately rushed to Gerald’s side, closely followed by myself and Jesse,
“What the hell happened?” Jesse asked,
“Where the hell were you?! He needed your help!” Angela yelled squaring up to him before blue lights appeared,
“Sh*t the cops. You two go. I’ll get Gerald safe and given some medical attention” Jesse ordered, I nodded and pulled Angela out of the building and away from the cops.
I arrived at the Shulkin’s clan mansion, aka Gerald’s house, along with Angela and her older brother Jack, Gerald had to become part cyborg to sustain the injuries he had received, we approached his older brother, Hans, who had been the hooded figure attacker,
“What do you want?” He sneered looking us in disgust, Angela said nothing but gave him a large smack across his face leaving a hand print, he raised his arm to hit back but I caught it,
“Think very carefully of your actions. You deserved that smack because you almost murdered your brother” I warned as I stared at him,
“Almost?” Hans questioned pulling his hand from my grip, a chuckle came from behind us making us turn to see Gabe, Jesse’s older brother,
“Yes almost” he smirked,
“What have you done?” Jack demanded as he stood in front of Angela, Gabe shrugged and chuckled before evaporating into his smoke and leaving, “Son of a-Come on lets go” Jack ordered as he pulled out his gun and lead us out of the grounds, our exit was blocked by Gabe, who was resting a shotgun on his shoulder and a smirk plastered on his face, Jesse, who had his hat tilted forward showing one red eye as he held his pistol with a cigar in his mouth, and Gerald, with glowing red eyes and Katana in the holder on his back,
“Gerald” Angela said as she reached out for him only to be held back by me as Jack held a protective arm in front of her,
“Stay back” Jack demanded which made Gabe’s smirk widen, Angela freed herself and ran up to Gerald hitting his chest as she cried, she stopped and looked down to see that Gerald had impaled her with his katana,
“Angela!” Jack yelled, as she staggered backwards into his arms, I stared at Angela before growling and attempted to get the three of them but somehow Jack was managing to hold me back,
“Jesse finished them off” Gabe ordered, Jesse nodded
“With pleasure” He replied, my eyes widened as I ripped my ring that was on a chain around my neck and put it on before shielding the three of us from his ‘dead-eye’ shot, I un-bubbled us and hovered in front of them,
“Get Angela some medical attention” I ordered, Jack nodded and carried his sister to safety, Gabe began laughing
“You’re a Red Lantern?! This is why you couldn’t tell anyone your name?!” He howled, I raised an eyebrow
“I’m not just a Red Lantern” I corrected as I changed into a White Lantern, making their eyes widen “And I’m going to enjoy kicking your arses” I smirked.
I was sat at Angela’s hospital bed as she laid in a coma, Jack sat in the chair opposite me and was currently asleep, I sighed as I shifted slightly before Angela stirred, I sat up straight raising an eyebrow,
“She must have sensed you come in” I commented turning to see Gerald, he stood at the foot of her bed with wide eyes,
“I…I did this” he muttered, I stood up and went over to him,
“You did but it isn’t your fault, it’s whoever was mind controlling you alongside Jesse and Gabe” I reassured placing a hand on his shoulder, a small groan came from Angela making me turn to her
“Gerald…” She mumbled, a smile pulled at my lips before nudging Gerald towards my seat.
‘Think we can get through this without drama?’ Jesse asked making me roll my eyes,
‘Ha! No way’ Gerald replied,
‘I think tonight could be our night’ Angela commented, I raised an eyebrow as my eyes drifted across the crowd of drunk adolescences, my breath caught in the back of my throat when I came across a familiar face,
‘No way…’ I thought,
‘Hm? What’s up, Phantom?’ Angela asked, I turned my back on the balcony railing and sighed,
‘Nothing’ I answered,
‘If you say so…’ She trailed off,
‘Phantom, there’s a dude here looking for you. Black hair, blue eyes’ Jesse informed,
‘What does he want?’ I asked,
‘Dunno, he didn’t say’ he answered,
‘He says he’s an old friend and wants to talk’ Mercy answered, I turned back around to see him talking to Gerald and Angela,
‘Tell him I’m not here’ I ordered,
‘Erm…he says he knows you’re here’ Gerald replied,
‘Of course, he does. Tell him I’ll meet him out front’ I sighed,
‘Wait, you know the guy?!’ Jesse exclaimed,
‘Yeah’ I answered as I made my way outside, I took a deep breath as I approached him,
“Y’know when I said we’ll meet again, I meant that I’d find you” I say announcing my presence to him, he turned around and gave a small smile,
“It’s good to see you too (Y/N)” Connor said as he approach me, I hummed
“Why are you here Connor?” I asked,
“I’ve been trying to find you for the past 7 years” He stated, I folded my arms sighing, “And you’ve been in Gotham the whole time?” He commented letting out a breathless laugh,
“I’ve been in Gotham for the past year. I’ve been here and there for the other 6” I retort,
“(Y/N), why’d you leave in the first place?” He asked, I raised an eyebrow scoffing,
“Are you serious? I left because the league used the team” I snapped,
“It’s changed, Nightwing and Aqua-lad call the shots now. We’re our own team. The league don’t interfere anymore” He argued,
“I don’t care!” I yelled, I sighed running a hand through my hair, “If you’re here to get me to come back you might as well leave” I say, he dropped his head
“(Y/N)…please. Everyone misses you” He pleaded, I raised an eyebrow
“No, they don’t. M’Gann hated me be-You know what I’m surprised if that she’s not here with you” I say,
“We’re no longer together. She’s with Lagoon-boy” He informed,
“Finally realise that she was manipulating you?” I asked, he nodded slowly, “Oh…That still doesn’t change my mind Connor” I say,
“(Y/N) please. I need you” He pleaded again but that pulled at my heart, “It hasn’t felt the same since you left. It’s like there’s a hole” He continued,
“Connor…I can’t…I can’t leave my group here” I sighed,
“Yes, you can!” I heard Angela yell making me look over to them with a disapproving look,
‘Listening on my conversations now?’ I questioned,
‘(Y/N), you’ve helped us all. So, let us help you. You can go back wherever you came from and we’ll continue the work that you started’ Angela bargained,
‘Are you all sure? I’ll still make visits’ I say,
The three of them laughed,
‘You bet partner’ Jesse confirmed,
‘I agree’ Gerald reassured,
‘Of course! And you can only make visits if you bring your boyfriend along’ She taunted,
‘Angela! He’s not my boyfriend’ I defended,
‘Oh, come on. It’s obvious you have buried feelings for him’ She retorted, I sighed shaking my head as I looked back at Connor, who had hope written all over his face,
“Fine. I’ll come back” I say, a smile burst onto his face as he tackled me with a hug, I lost my balance for a few seconds but returned it, as a small smile made its way to my face.
I was stood in the launch bay alongside a couple other members of the team, waiting for Connor to arrive back after the mission, the bioship landed, and members began to file out, M’Gann exited shortly followed by Connor making me smile, while she was greeted by Lagoon-boy, I ran past them, tackling Connor with a hug, I let out a small laugh as he spun me around,
“I wasn’t gone for that long” He commented setting me down,
“What can I say? It was boring without you” I smiled, he returned it before his eyes drifted to Lagoon-boy and M’Gann kissing, I sighed as I turned his gaze to me, I slowly made my way for his lips, nervous of the consequences, he closed the distance between us making me smile as I wrapped my arms around his neck pulling him closer as his hands were on my hips, ensuring that there were no space between our bodies, we pulled away out of breath and smiled at each other,
“Hallelujah!” Dick cheered making us jump apart, “That tensions been there forever!” He commented.
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is this extremely self indulgent? yes, is this possibly also vaguely self ship? maybe.
slappy + snappy with a vampiric! s/o
He is absolute putty in your hands, he’s constantly fawning over your deathly look and your sharp fangs.
He’s the type of guy to enjoy a good gothic look, and will always have something to say when you wear any suits/dresses resembling that culture.
“You look haunting my love, and did you sharpen those pretty fangs by chance?”
and yes he might ask you to try and turn him into a vampire, he’s half joking buuuut.. being a vampiric dummy would be quite interesting!
at first he was a little nervous around you, but once your relationship began to blossom he suddenly becomes this vintage romantic
he starts to incorporate the colors that you wear into his outfits so you guys can match <3
“Don't you look stunning today? Ooh! Let me get my bowtie, it'll match the lace!”
though he’s not fond of watching you drink blood, he absolutely adores you! but he can’t stand the sight of the red liquid.
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LIDYEN LISTEN LISTEN LISTEN hcs of the dummies n dolls snuggling u?? could be platonic or cute or romantic kinda i just wanna know like how they’d snuggle, what they like when they snuggle, big spoon little spoon or fluctuating ykykyk bonus points if the reader is chubby cus ykykykyk i can only imagine being a pillow to these tiny itsy bitsy thingies
IM JUST NOW SEEING THIS BUT YES YES- I did a similar one already but chubby bodies deserve more rep and love than they get <33
The dummies (& doll) snuggling w chubby s/o
for slappy once you’re in that relationship with him? oh baby private time = snuggle time! most of the time his favorite way to lay around with you is to lay on top of you with his head on your chest, he likes to tell people he’s the big spoon but frankly he’s always the little spoon Ahsjsh- poor guy almost always falls asleep instantly with how warm you are! you’ll hear him muttering to himself about soft you are, and him pondering outloud on if this is heaven <3 and it definitely is
Snappy is definitely a PDA kind of guy, and he’s just as affectionate in private! he likes to have everyone know what’s his, and you’re on the top of that list! but most importantly for snuggle time: he always insists on taking care of you first! having you lay down on your stomach while he gets those knots out of your back with those little hands and feet of his, and letting you rant about your day- before ultimately curling up in your arms, he really does enjoy feeling the slight pressure of being held! and if you rub his back? BOOM! he’s out like a light.
Mr Wood is complete putty in your hands during snuggle time, he can put on that tough guy act all he wants but the minute you have your hands on him? he’s climbing onto you like a koala, if anyone else were to coddle him the way you do he’d fuckin’ bite them! but with you? your his partner, his babe, his everything! and nothing gets him more in the cuddle mood then curling up against your side with his arms on your waist.
Mary ellen likes to switch it up a lot with sleeping positions! she’s a bit of a princess sometimes so she’d adore being held or being the little spoon, but sometimes she likes to wrap her arms around you to the best of her ability and snuggle into your soft body, though regardless of position she always likes to use that time to talk about each other’s day, what your favorite part of it was, what your least favorite part is, and the tasks you accomplished!
Dennis doesn’t like to stay up too late so he likes his snuggles early! he’ll also bring snacks with him so the two of you can curl up with each other and eat! and maybe watch a movie or two! he’s not super picky on positions as long as he’s making some sort of physical contact with you, he’s clingy lol
Rocky is a simple guy, he just wants some cuddles with his partner after a long day- the two of you will snuggle up on the sofa and watch either some trash tv or a silly movie, and I HAVE to mention that he loves when you play/mess with his hair, oh and if you scratch his head? he’s addicted.
I think goldie would bite.. and that she has rabies- but once you guys are deep into a relationship I think she’d be willing to cuddle for a while! she’s not a super touchy gal so it’ll probably last 30 minutes, but she clearly does enjoy spending that time with you hdjsjsj.
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