#slbp kai
annicaax · 2 years
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lols. few things never change...to think 7th anniv. is just round the corner....
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yoolee · 2 years
Lately as I have been mindlessly listening to a hundred and a half “I was reincarnated/transmigrated into a book I read/otome game I played” I can’t help but imagine such a story with SLBP as the game in question.
Misc thoughts: Most of these stories have to do with changing one’s fate / avoiding some disaster or doom or fav character’s death and that would be so hard with SLBP from a which is actually one of the reasons why I think it would make a great story. The sort of inevitability of war and its influence is so deeply woven in and it’s not like there are “oh so and so attacked from x river as spring turned to summer in this year” details that could be used. To me such a big theme is just finding moments of meaningful happiness with the important people in your life, and I really like that as a story over a lot of these ‘save the world’ ‘win the war’ ‘overthrow a tyrant’ clear win/lose goals. How would that influence this kind of transmigration story? What would someone who woke up in SLBP have as a goal?
I think it would be interesting because even with knowledge of the supposed inner workings and secrets of characters, and some knowledge of future events, if the protagonist woke up as chef - it’s not like she would have money and influence to act on it. It’d be an interesting challenge, IMO.
Or embracing the more stereotypical storylines you could go:
The semi-serious route of just ‘try to stay alive during warring states era’ which involves NOT being a poison tester perhaps.
The ‘go romance favorite side character (Toramatsu? Tired single dad Kanetsugu? Kansuke?) who didn’t get route’
‘Play matchmaker and find people similar to who nameless chef becomes over course of route because there’s only one of her and you and want all biases to have SOME happiness in their lives’ (protag reincarnated as Umeko? As nameless retainer/vassal?)
Protag realizes they’re in the game only after little brother has left to become a poison tester, and hurries after to get the game back on track (perhaps not knowing which ‘route’ they’re on until they catch up) and then has to you know, not die despite now being extra suspicious
Get unexpectedly attached to a character who wasn’t one of your favorites by virtue of actually experiencing things (eg—Inuchiyo)
Try to find a way to gain enough power and influence that they might be able to actually change things - go try and find Iga and train as an assassin to take out the lords they liked less? Uses the extreme cliche of somehow remembers enough detail about a modern invention or process to develop it (I remember salt being a brief produce plot point in Shingen/Kenshin’s route) but would still have to get around heroine’s agency or lack thereof and availability of resources to enact said inventions.
You could also scrap the idea of protag wakes up as chef and instead have it be like—protag wakes up as one of the lords or named vassals and that solves the influence problem but ups the likelihood of dying in battle or being named a spy problem.
If I were to write it, would probably be the usual slapstick. Go the route of protag waking up as chef, try and keep chef dad alive, leverage childhood friend status to preemptively bribe/lure Inuchiyo over to Kai’s side, maneuver to end up on Yukimura/Saizo prologue path since Kai has the highest concentration of favorites, trying to get Shingen/Kenshin into an alliance (or relationship) trying to develop a business plan for a sweets business (focused on Nobunaga and Ieyasu’s favorites) with maybe Francesco as an investor to try and gain enough mercantile influence for future negotiations.
It would require too much research to rally do well but such is life 😂
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swisssadge · 3 years
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YASSS! Can't wait for it! 🐅
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yamamoto-aimi · 4 years
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KANSUKE?! In Kageie's route??
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otomaoi · 4 years
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The men of Kai
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apfleur · 4 years
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Hehehe. Yukimura, you will be sticking with me until the end; there is no escape. But this also means I will be stuck in this outfit until next year?! Lol.
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dangodaifuku · 5 years
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old comic featuring KAI region been debating with myself whether should i or not post it uncolored
inspired from @mufindesu’s idea
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funsizedbirb · 4 years
So I wasn't planning on joining the latest story event due to it being a revival event but my eyes discovered the advertisement for Yukimura's companion doll and welp... Now I have to play the event. I'm not shooting for Top 100, 300 or 500 but I am going to get the points needed to unlock the doll.
If anyone on would like to add me as an event ally my ID number is: 2558030
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sakura-arashi · 5 years
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"...You gave me Peace... in a lifetime of War..."
The Tiger of Kai: Shingen Takeda 🧡
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uesugi-miu · 5 years
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Sub Chara 2nd Election will take place in November.
Hope Jinpachi's fan will finally be pleased this time~
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nikkipettt · 6 years
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HBD, big dad 
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saizoswifey · 6 years
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A lot of people are asking me if this set is worth the 40 pearls, so here is my answer! 
For me, it was worth it. If you compare these to, say, the birthday story sets, it's honestly about the same price. The major difference is that these really are event-length stories, waaaay longer than the puny birthday stories. However, the items are not as cute imo. (If you do like the items, BONUS for you, right?) 
The underlying theme of both stories is Jealousy. It’s not major or aggressive jealousy and it was a bit more prominent in Saizos story. 
Both stories also involve water. WET SPRITES OF BOTH BOYS IN THESE STORIES. (bless)
!!!!!!!!!!And I’d also like to trigger warn that Yukimura’s story contains a scene with attempted rape of the MC. They lure her away to a remote area and start to accost/touch her before she is saved. So, yeah. Just be aware that if you’re going to buy it but that will trigger you....you will have spent pearls on something you can’t read. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I enjoyed reading both stories! A bonus for Saizo’s story is that you are introduced to a new character. [ETA: I guess this character is not exactly new! Sry guys! But, still bonus to have a story with a character we rarely get interaction with ^^]
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Izumo no Okuni will be showing up in Event Stories in the future, so if you purchase Saizo’s story [and you haven’t seen this character yet!] you’ll just have a leg up on knowing this character already.
If you are a Saizo or Yukimura fan, I don’t think you’ll be disappointed. It was fun to see Saizo so annoyed and jealous, trying his best to keep MC for himself. Yukimura’s was cute, as usual! 
----But Wifey. Is there smut? 
Eh, no, lol. BUT there is a fade to black after heavy makeout in Yukimura’s!!!!
Sooo, if: 
wet sprites 
hot yukkins makeout
jealousy cuteness 
new character
bad ass&scrappy/ready to fight MC (in saizo’s)
Fuma Kotaro <-----------
long stories 
boost in item score
all sound like things that will jive with you, and you have the means to spare the pearls, I’d say go for it! 
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yoolee · 7 years
SLBP KAI REINCARNATIONS (with a Yukimura x MC pairing)
Shingen & Kansuke
Shingen remembers first. He’s in the military, and there’s a moment, when he’s leading his men (and women!) that he just knows. It’s as natural and comfortable as putting on a favorite piece of clothing – the transition between not remembering and carrying all of the memories is effortless.
(Not without some pain over things left undone and promises unkept, but, effortless)
First thing he does is start seeking out the others. Kai was always, ever Kai because of the people who were a part of it, and Shingen was who he was because of the people who surrounded him, he has as much a duty to them in this life as the last.
Kansuke is next! Medical researcher, life has always felt a bit…lacking, like he moves through a fog.
Fog finally, finally lifts when Shingen walks into his lab, grinning.
Mr Emotionless DEFINITELY CRIES bet me on this
Anyway, Shingen finishes his service and starts a business, because there are new ways to lead, and this offers him a better opportunity to get out and about and find everyone.
Like most of the fandom I am 100% onboard with professional athlete!Yukimura
Also possibly went into military after high school, because—not that he isn’t smart, he just has too much energy to sit in lectures and would rather do.
But then, A SPORT, of some kind (I saw judo as a recommendation, yes, good) and like, probably an Olympian because bringing HONOR and GLORY to his country is super Yukimura
Anyway Shingen sponsors him
And, Yukimura doesn’t remember just yet.
Shingen is quietly okay with that – Yukimura wouldn’t be Yukimura if he weren’t a little bit slow ^^;;
But really a big part of it is that he’s very much an in-the-moment person and he always has been, so while other characters grapple with a kind of ‘something is missing’ he just charges on ahead instead of lingering.
Saizo & Sasuke & MC
Saizo hasn’t always remembered, but has always known, to some extent.
Knowing makes him pay attention to things, so he’s paying attention when a screaming bundle is tossed into his arms and that’s how he knows the kid’s name is Sasuke.
Sasuke grows up remembering. Having a sort of double-set of memories is completely normal for him because it’s what he’s always known. He doesn’t talk about it much because he learns pretty early that it makes him different from other kids, who don’t have the same understanding of war and battle and loss that he does.
(But that means they also don’t have the same understanding of brotherhood, and heart, and strength)
Saizo remembers when he finds MC
But like, Saizo is literally the biggest MCxYukimura shipper out there and it’s just not right to reveal himself before Yukimura can
So he just keeps an eye out, to make sure she’s okay and well for when Yukimura shows up.
This includes sabotaging literally every single person who expresses a vague interest in her, because no, she is supposed to be with Yukimura thank you very much.
(He is not worried about Yukimura ending up with someone else – he is pretty confident that regardless of how many lifetimes he has lived since their shared one that in none of them did Yukimura learn to talk to a woman well enough to land a girlfriend - or boyfriend, or anything requiring romance in general)
Anyway, yes, sabotaging love interests becomes like a part time hobby (what is his real job the world will never know, all anyone knows is he always seems to have the cash he needs and a lot of free time)
(Mysteriously, every year during Sasuke’s Career Day at school there is some kind of incident before it’s Saizo’s turn – fire alarms, freak storms, mass food poisoning, bathrooms flooding, a swarming flock of crows in the gym…Sasuke stops asking him to come)
ANYWAY yes, sabotage – which he remembers, with relish, but with a few new modern skills to add to the mix. Phone calls with unfortunate test results, emails that look like they come from people who didn’t send them, photoshop, social engineering to get Instagram passwords, just generally being sneaky enough to get close and steal wallets during date night dinners, etc. etc.
Sasuke, who remembers too, and is incensed that MC would be on a date with someone who isn’t Lord Yukimura, definitely gets in on this too; at least once he plays the part of neglected love child with a particularly stubborn suitor.
Eventually, REUNION. YAY.
All of Yukimura’s teammates are like o.o;;
Saizo’s sabotage habits die hard – if one of them goes to approach MC, they’re going to trip. You know. Accidentally.
MC definitely figures out what he’s been doing but can never ACTUALLY figure out how or the full extent
Yukimura definitely sobs when he sees Shingen next. He’s so sorry he didn’t remember sooner.
Shingen is like, nah, it’s all good, just because my face isn’t pretty enough to jog your noggin
(The following is @han-pan’s fault <3) 
(this of course happens full volume in the middle of filming a sports drink commercial that Takeda Corp is sponsoring)
(Advertisers are like “...well we were gonna go the guy-flirts-with-a-pretty-girl-route for this slot, but he isn’t very good at it and maybe this is why HEY SHINGEN you wanna be in this commercial too”)
(And he’s down for whatever so sure, hey Yukimura, remember how I used to try and teach you things like this--*click click* camera shutters)
(And that’s how the sports drink craze swept the nation because have you seen those billboards omggg)
(MC is just like, “wow you both look so muscle-y”)
(Saizo is like “...did you at least get free samples?”)
Future State
You know that like, no matter where Yukimura/MC live and no matter what the premium on space is, there is always, always a bedroom for Saizo (and by extension, Sasuke)
(Yes he and Sasuke have their own place too)
(But Saizo is a cat, okay. He comes, basks in their sunny little patch for awhile, and then is like ‘yeah okay you two are too saccharine, I’m out’ and he’s gone for a week or three.)
“Hey mom hey dad, why does uncle Saizo he get that room?” “It has the best roof access.” “…we live on the 14th floor of 23…?”
Eventually the kids don’t question it either
Unless it’s to summon him, because you know he just happens to show up any time they ask questions that Yukimura and MC would struggle to answer
Sasuke babysits all the time
Okay but also please imagine, years down the road, Yukimura being concerned that Saizo hasn’t given late-teenage Sasuke Enough Information about Things in Life, and he’s stuttering and blushing and stumbling trying to express this (and Saizo is like, little lord, you have four kids, shouldn’t you maybe not be embarrassed by this still) and meanwhile Sasuke pokes his head in like ‘yeah no don’t worry I read all of Sensei’s guides, I know what I’m doing’ and everyone is HORRIFIED (even Saizo. A little. But also a little proud, probably).
AND FOR @quincette
Fashion mogul Kenshin is not a fan of Corporate Meetings they are full of fuddy-duddies and they are dreadfully dull
So he is staring out the window (OF COURSE)
And look they are putting up a new billboard
And Ooooh he wants to pose in a pretty billboard photoshoot tooooo
Kanetsugu is like wait--what? No, no where are you going get back here WE ARE IN THE MIDDLE OF A MEETING
But of course everyone dutifully follows him out and Kanetsugu is out of luck
Kageie is like 100% willing to pose in this because why not
Yoshichi is SO EXCITED like YEAH let’s DO this photoshoot
Kagetsugu is trying to Not Draw Attention because he knows exactly how pretty he is, thanks, and doesn’t really like playing dress up, which invariably happens when you work for a clothing company and have his pretty face and features, thanks.
(MC is there catering, makes small talk with Kagetsugu and he gets all embarrassed and blushy when she just assumes he’s one of the models)
Hotaru is just wandering around the photoshoot, playing with things he finds, eventually ends up in the rafters playing with the umbrella lighting
He probably accidentally(?) releases the rain curtain in the middle of the shoot because he’s just playing with stuff
So now you have a lovely, rain-soaked Kagieie and Kenshin billboard advertisement for his clothes
(Kanetsugu wonders why it’s so effective - what about wet clothes is really so appealing? Has no one ever had wet socks around here?)
But, of course, it drives sales up like woah.
ANYWAY so begins the Great Billboard Wars of 2017
Also including behind the scenes video adverts, a few magazine spreads, etc & so forth
(Which ultimately culminates in a Shingen+Kenshin photoshoot that sends both of their company stock shares through the roof)
(Also causes a sharp and immediate uptick in hospitalizations due to fainting and blood loss across the country)
(Kanetsugu is just like *sigh* we are a clothing company, this was a clothing ad did you two forget the clothes?)
(It’s probably an underwear ad. Kenshin “Always figured you of more of a boxers man,” Shingen: “Well actually I usually just go com--” Kansuke: “Harunobu, no.”
I live for fluffy reincarnation AUs. Happy families. Happy families everywhere.
More of Lee’s rambles (or click the link in my profile description)
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pumpkunbread · 5 years
Finished Yukimura's Act one and its probably the best written slbp main story I've read so far and I've only done Saizo's and both Masamune acts.
And he's too shy someone please help him this poor guy
Shigezane is next 👌
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voltageslbp · 6 years
The drama and romance of your samurai wedding returns in the NEW Samurai PoV Story Event "The Vows of the Divine Beloved"!
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When Mitsuhide is forced into a political marriage, what fire rages in the heart he long ago gave onto you? Yukimura and his bride-to-be are sent to the fearsome and seductive Uesugi Kenshin as a hostage...but will it be his loyalties or his jealousy that will haunt him the most? As Shingen prepares to be wed, he must face his greatest fear before he can accept your hand...you won't want to miss your chance to see into one of our most valiant hearts!
Finish these three stories before the release of the second half (that's right, Saizo, Mitsunari and Kenshin are on their way!) to collect refined Betrothal Robes suited perfectly to your husband as well as an exclusive bridal hairstyle!
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apfleur · 4 years
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The entire Kai family is together! And Kaede~~! I can finally read your route.
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