#slbp modern headcanon
yoolee · 7 years
SLBP KAI REINCARNATIONS (with a Yukimura x MC pairing)
Shingen & Kansuke
Shingen remembers first. He’s in the military, and there’s a moment, when he’s leading his men (and women!) that he just knows. It’s as natural and comfortable as putting on a favorite piece of clothing – the transition between not remembering and carrying all of the memories is effortless.
(Not without some pain over things left undone and promises unkept, but, effortless)
First thing he does is start seeking out the others. Kai was always, ever Kai because of the people who were a part of it, and Shingen was who he was because of the people who surrounded him, he has as much a duty to them in this life as the last.
Kansuke is next! Medical researcher, life has always felt a bit…lacking, like he moves through a fog.
Fog finally, finally lifts when Shingen walks into his lab, grinning.
Mr Emotionless DEFINITELY CRIES bet me on this
Anyway, Shingen finishes his service and starts a business, because there are new ways to lead, and this offers him a better opportunity to get out and about and find everyone.
Like most of the fandom I am 100% onboard with professional athlete!Yukimura
Also possibly went into military after high school, because—not that he isn’t smart, he just has too much energy to sit in lectures and would rather do.
But then, A SPORT, of some kind (I saw judo as a recommendation, yes, good) and like, probably an Olympian because bringing HONOR and GLORY to his country is super Yukimura
Anyway Shingen sponsors him
And, Yukimura doesn’t remember just yet.
Shingen is quietly okay with that – Yukimura wouldn’t be Yukimura if he weren’t a little bit slow ^^;;
But really a big part of it is that he’s very much an in-the-moment person and he always has been, so while other characters grapple with a kind of ‘something is missing’ he just charges on ahead instead of lingering.
Saizo & Sasuke & MC
Saizo hasn’t always remembered, but has always known, to some extent.
Knowing makes him pay attention to things, so he’s paying attention when a screaming bundle is tossed into his arms and that’s how he knows the kid’s name is Sasuke.
Sasuke grows up remembering. Having a sort of double-set of memories is completely normal for him because it’s what he’s always known. He doesn’t talk about it much because he learns pretty early that it makes him different from other kids, who don’t have the same understanding of war and battle and loss that he does.
(But that means they also don’t have the same understanding of brotherhood, and heart, and strength)
Saizo remembers when he finds MC
But like, Saizo is literally the biggest MCxYukimura shipper out there and it’s just not right to reveal himself before Yukimura can
So he just keeps an eye out, to make sure she’s okay and well for when Yukimura shows up.
This includes sabotaging literally every single person who expresses a vague interest in her, because no, she is supposed to be with Yukimura thank you very much.
(He is not worried about Yukimura ending up with someone else – he is pretty confident that regardless of how many lifetimes he has lived since their shared one that in none of them did Yukimura learn to talk to a woman well enough to land a girlfriend - or boyfriend, or anything requiring romance in general)
Anyway, yes, sabotaging love interests becomes like a part time hobby (what is his real job the world will never know, all anyone knows is he always seems to have the cash he needs and a lot of free time)
(Mysteriously, every year during Sasuke’s Career Day at school there is some kind of incident before it’s Saizo’s turn – fire alarms, freak storms, mass food poisoning, bathrooms flooding, a swarming flock of crows in the gym…Sasuke stops asking him to come)
ANYWAY yes, sabotage – which he remembers, with relish, but with a few new modern skills to add to the mix. Phone calls with unfortunate test results, emails that look like they come from people who didn’t send them, photoshop, social engineering to get Instagram passwords, just generally being sneaky enough to get close and steal wallets during date night dinners, etc. etc.
Sasuke, who remembers too, and is incensed that MC would be on a date with someone who isn’t Lord Yukimura, definitely gets in on this too; at least once he plays the part of neglected love child with a particularly stubborn suitor.
Eventually, REUNION. YAY.
All of Yukimura’s teammates are like o.o;;
Saizo’s sabotage habits die hard – if one of them goes to approach MC, they’re going to trip. You know. Accidentally.
MC definitely figures out what he’s been doing but can never ACTUALLY figure out how or the full extent
Yukimura definitely sobs when he sees Shingen next. He’s so sorry he didn’t remember sooner.
Shingen is like, nah, it’s all good, just because my face isn’t pretty enough to jog your noggin
(The following is @han-pan’s fault <3) 
(this of course happens full volume in the middle of filming a sports drink commercial that Takeda Corp is sponsoring)
(Advertisers are like “...well we were gonna go the guy-flirts-with-a-pretty-girl-route for this slot, but he isn’t very good at it and maybe this is why HEY SHINGEN you wanna be in this commercial too”)
(And he’s down for whatever so sure, hey Yukimura, remember how I used to try and teach you things like this--*click click* camera shutters)
(And that’s how the sports drink craze swept the nation because have you seen those billboards omggg)
(MC is just like, “wow you both look so muscle-y”)
(Saizo is like “...did you at least get free samples?”)
Future State
You know that like, no matter where Yukimura/MC live and no matter what the premium on space is, there is always, always a bedroom for Saizo (and by extension, Sasuke)
(Yes he and Sasuke have their own place too)
(But Saizo is a cat, okay. He comes, basks in their sunny little patch for awhile, and then is like ‘yeah okay you two are too saccharine, I’m out’ and he’s gone for a week or three.)
“Hey mom hey dad, why does uncle Saizo he get that room?” “It has the best roof access.” “…we live on the 14th floor of 23…?”
Eventually the kids don’t question it either
Unless it’s to summon him, because you know he just happens to show up any time they ask questions that Yukimura and MC would struggle to answer
Sasuke babysits all the time
Okay but also please imagine, years down the road, Yukimura being concerned that Saizo hasn’t given late-teenage Sasuke Enough Information about Things in Life, and he’s stuttering and blushing and stumbling trying to express this (and Saizo is like, little lord, you have four kids, shouldn’t you maybe not be embarrassed by this still) and meanwhile Sasuke pokes his head in like ‘yeah no don’t worry I read all of Sensei’s guides, I know what I’m doing’ and everyone is HORRIFIED (even Saizo. A little. But also a little proud, probably).
AND FOR @quincette
Fashion mogul Kenshin is not a fan of Corporate Meetings they are full of fuddy-duddies and they are dreadfully dull
So he is staring out the window (OF COURSE)
And look they are putting up a new billboard
And Ooooh he wants to pose in a pretty billboard photoshoot tooooo
Kanetsugu is like wait--what? No, no where are you going get back here WE ARE IN THE MIDDLE OF A MEETING
But of course everyone dutifully follows him out and Kanetsugu is out of luck
Kageie is like 100% willing to pose in this because why not
Yoshichi is SO EXCITED like YEAH let’s DO this photoshoot
Kagetsugu is trying to Not Draw Attention because he knows exactly how pretty he is, thanks, and doesn’t really like playing dress up, which invariably happens when you work for a clothing company and have his pretty face and features, thanks.
(MC is there catering, makes small talk with Kagetsugu and he gets all embarrassed and blushy when she just assumes he’s one of the models)
Hotaru is just wandering around the photoshoot, playing with things he finds, eventually ends up in the rafters playing with the umbrella lighting
He probably accidentally(?) releases the rain curtain in the middle of the shoot because he’s just playing with stuff
So now you have a lovely, rain-soaked Kagieie and Kenshin billboard advertisement for his clothes
(Kanetsugu wonders why it’s so effective - what about wet clothes is really so appealing? Has no one ever had wet socks around here?)
But, of course, it drives sales up like woah.
ANYWAY so begins the Great Billboard Wars of 2017
Also including behind the scenes video adverts, a few magazine spreads, etc & so forth
(Which ultimately culminates in a Shingen+Kenshin photoshoot that sends both of their company stock shares through the roof)
(Also causes a sharp and immediate uptick in hospitalizations due to fainting and blood loss across the country)
(Kanetsugu is just like *sigh* we are a clothing company, this was a clothing ad did you two forget the clothes?)
(It’s probably an underwear ad. Kenshin “Always figured you of more of a boxers man,” Shingen: “Well actually I usually just go com--” Kansuke: “Harunobu, no.”
I live for fluffy reincarnation AUs. Happy families. Happy families everywhere.
More of Lee’s rambles (or click the link in my profile description)
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pseudofaux · 4 years
HC for modern day Shigezane 😊 Mostly sweet, a little bit spice!
What would be his biggest hobbies (inside and outside the bedroom)?
His idea of a perfect first date?
Random HC with papa!Shige and kid(s) 💕
SHIGEZAAAAANEEEEEE 💕💕💕💕💕 Thank you so much for requesting this! I’m soft soft SOFT just thinking about these!
Shigezane’s outside the bedroom hobbies include fighting evil by moonlight axe throwing (moment of silence for us all imagining him in fits-just-right worn flannel with the sleeves rolled up on his forearms... two more... moments... purrrrrrrrr), going to concerts (his voice isn’t great but he LOVES to sing and loves to party!), and long-term volunteering with organizations like Meals on Wheels and Big Brothers, Big Sisters. He also has an impressive gunpla collection and he’s shockingly good at applying tiny decals and making lines with the ultra fine point markers.
Perfect first date... oh my god, this sweet heart. He’s gonna wanna take you to an arcade. If there’s one in driving distance that has or allows food, he’ll make sure there’s something you like available (even if he has to pack it himself), and when you get there he’ll shyly ask if you know what you want to play or if you want to look around to get the lay of the land first. He will not be able to keep his eyes off you once you start kicking his ass at zombie shooting games. He will gracefully defeat you at MarioKart (years of practice with Masamune and Kojuro but he would not blue shell you even if you ever got ahead of him). He will beg you to DDR with him. He’ll bring you a drink when you catch your breath and think of how to ask if you want to get ice cream after this. His perfect first date is sweet and light, one where you laugh and get more comfortable with him. He’s already so gone on you, he just wants you to feel like you could feel the same someday.  Daddyzane is so, so cuddly with his babies (all babies, but especially his). He checks out all kinds of carriers and wraps with you and gets a wrap in a pattern he really likes, a deep pink with white overlapping zigzags. When babies become toddlers he’s absolutely the dad who uses his phone to capture all their firsts, and also the dad that never deletes the videos where he drops his phone a few seconds in because a toddler nearly fell. He’s a chill but involved and deeply loving dad, he wants his kids to grow up knowing they are the kids he loves most and that he’d do anything to keep them healthy and happy. Maybe not as safe as you would like-- he definitely brings them home from the playground with mysteriously snagged clothes a time or two. But thoroughly, completely, entirely loved.
Bedroom hobbies...
Okay, so those kid videos? Those are just kept in his photo library where they belong. He wants to be able to get to those at the drop of a hat to show his coworkers or dentist or ANYONE WHO ASKS. But there’s a hidden, passcode-locked folder where he keeps tasteful nude snaps of you (ones he’s taken and ones you have generously graciously oh my god has he told you you’re amazing lately sent him), and a few quick videos, too. Making those is a bedroom hobby. He also likes finding porn for you to watch together. And his top nightstand drawer is all massage bars and oils for you to use on each other-- Backrub King.
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uesugi-retainer · 4 years
Modern AU Headcanons - Kageie
Will be tagged as spoilers since some of these are based on information gathered from his MS. Also these are just my personal headcanons, you don't have to agree with me. :3 These are just a few, I might make another post with more if I think of more! :D
Works part-time to help out Kenshin
The hours he works are usually during the night since he doesn't sleep at night
He majors in biology and minors in chemistry -he wants to work with medicine
Met Kenshin when he was out collecting herbs
Occasionally Kenshin helps Kageie look for specific plants/herbs
Ever since their parents' death, Kageie and his little brother have moved into an apartment to help save money
Kageie typically does all the schooling he can online so he can be home with his little brother
He has multiple books on the medicinal uses/properties of different plants/herbs
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buddy-anon · 6 years
buddy!! is it possible to imagine how dating modern au shingen will be? hahaha you drew him once and i miss him so bad T.T
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Dating modern au Shingen
• he now wear glasses. Always have a spare bc he loses them
• soft soft hair as always. behold the bed hair 
• strong. but cannot open the jars so help him plz
• matching bff’s bro bracelets with kansuke
• stress free with more cuddle time
• takes you out on drives on off days. drives so smooth you just. fall. asleep 
• scratch his neck and he will literally do anything you ask. Honestly will do it anyways but … ya know. neck scratches are nice
• will return the favor if u want 
• hands down best cook but cannot bake if to save his life so if you want your kitchen intact don’t let him bake
• can and will buy dosens of roses or whatever flowers you love and fill a whole room with them. if you’re allergic to flowers then it’s something else
• your fav food perhaps. 
• just really fluffy, silly and relaxed this relationship because he doesn’t have the same expectations he had all those hundred years ago 
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guacameowle · 6 years
Which lords are most likely to post thirst traps on IG?
- Nobunaga, sees it as a gift to mankind that he’s letting everyone see his body. Minimal caption. Liberal use of the smirk emoji. More likely to ask someone to take his picture than do a selfie. Black & white filter on his photos. 
- Hideyoshi, his abs are always oiled, the lighting is perfect, half the time he’s smoldering at the camera, the other half he’s winking & sticking out his tongue. Uses the tongue & water splash emoji in his captions liberally. Inuchiyo always calls him out in the comments about posting traps.
- Yukimura, but he doesn’t know they’re thirst traps. He’s just posting pictures of Saizo & himself working out, using it as a progress tracker of sorts, but doesn’t notice all the goddamn thirst he’s causing. Yukimura reading his comments: “Saizo, what does ‘blow my back out’ mean?”
- Inuchiyo, just to compete with Hideyoshi. Flexes shamelessly, he’s proud of his muscles & is going to show them off. His caption is what his workout routine was & what his diet was for the day. Mirror pics are his forte. #DoWork #Gainz
- Shingen, the caption is always some inspirational/motivational/motto that has absolutely nothing to do with the photo but nobody seems to mind it one damn bit. Suits aplenty. The photos with his hair down get more attention. Gets called ‘Daddy’ in the comments a lot.
- Kenshin, he’s always wet, usually from falling in ponds a shower. Smiling seductively in each photo. His spare hand is always touching himself - his hair, his abs, his chest, his neck - he’s going to draw your eye where he wants it. 
- Shigezane, his caption always has some casual/friendly question he wants his followers to answer in the comments. Tries to make his photos seem extremely laid back & relaxed. He’s mastered the unintentional-intentional-thirst-trap.
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oshu-garbage · 6 years
SLBP Maeda Toshiie- Modern AU headcanons
I keep thinking about how Inuchiyo would definitely be a jock if placed in a modern, American AU. So I followed it down the rabbit hole.
He’s not an unintelligent jock, but he doesn’t believe in his intellectual ability as much as his physical prowess
Definitely played on the varsity team for at least one contact sport like football or wrestling
Despite being “popular” amongst the athletic crowd, it doesn’t sour his personality. He’s still the sweet, loyal, playfully rowdy boy he was as a kid
Characteristically earnest in his intentions/emotions, but absolute shite at executing/communicating
Not bothered one way or another about his love life. He’s accepted the “fact” that he loves his childhood best friend who deserves someone smarter and more sensitive than he is, so he “friend zones” (not that it exists) himself
Got a scholarship to play his sport for State University
Gets his degree in something like sports management or maybe kinesiology if he feels like he’s good enough
Absolutely joins a fraternity that he grows to have a love/hate relationship with. He loves the familial, brotherhood aspect. He hates the pressure to live up to the womanizer stereotype. He’d probably go inactive after 3 semesters
After college, Toshiie would start the process to go play his sport professionally
That wouldn’t last long. He’d begin to feel like there was no heart in it and close that chapter of his life
The next chapter would lead to him going to the gym a lot to make up for not training for his sport anymore. He started to notice his physique shrinking and (near frantically) started getting into hardcore lifting and stuff.
Somewhere along the way, Inuchiyo would meet a guy who’d scout him for boxing or, better yet, MMA.
He’d decline at first, but would eventually relent to his heart’s calling. How could he resist the desire to fight and win against strong opponents? He couldn’t
He’s an absolute beast in the ring, quickly making a name for himself
When he finally decides (read: is convinced after many arguments) that his body had been beaten up enough, he’ll use his reputation and connections to open a gym of his own.
Thank you for growing up with American Inuchiyo. He couldn’t have gotten this far without all the support, love, and strength lol
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cavern-of-bells · 7 years
The Lords as Soccer Dads
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Tagging @veggiestreehugger since I didn’t fill this out as a proper ask! This was a fun one!
Nobunaga is the sponsor of his kid’s team. Those kids get all the flashiest and state of the art gear. All of the parents of the kids on other teams roll their eyes whenever his team has a home match. I mean– come on, when in youth sports history has it been appropriate to book Adele to sing the pre-game anthem? Mitsuhide is the referee. Poor guy gets yelled at and threatened on all sides. It’s especially difficult dealing with Nobunaga (his actual boss) when he disputes a call that wasn’t in his favor. Mitsuhide’s daughter always insists on going out for ice cream afterwards, mainly for the sake of making him feel better. Yukimura is the fun coach! (Shingen’s team). The kids on his team don’t always win, as Yukimura tends to get carried away during practice–choosing to perfect certain plays himself, rather than actually working to improve his players’ technique. But no one on his team has any complaints. They are all one big happy supportive family. Nuh-uh. Nooo way. Saizo could not possibly be any less interested in dedicating any of his precious free time to participate in his kid’s dumb team. Well, it’s not the team that bothers him, really. It’s the dumb parents that come along with it. They all gossip about how depressing it is that Saizo has never shown up to support his son even once. His son used to be pretty down about it as well until Saizo once let it slip in an offhand comment something about one of the plays he made, indicating he has been watching the games after all. Masamune is the sponsor for his team. When they first started out, all the children were wary of him, often spreading rumors about the scary, quiet, pirate-man. It didn’t help things that his son was nearly as quiet and stone-faced as he was. With Kojuro’s urging, Masa made several attempts to reach out to the kids, but his forced attempts to look friendlier and the strange candies he offered only caused to increase their caution. All was fixed, however when they realized the true source of all the distrust. Turns out Shigezane was using Masa’s name as a tactic to get all of the rowdy kids to behave whenever he had to drive them around. Kojuro is yet another coach (Masamune’s team!) He’s quite strict during practice, but as a result, all of the kids are quite skilled, and none of them ever have a bad word to say about him. Unless Shigezane has decided to crash practice. Then they all gang up on Kojuro for being such a stick in the mud all of the time. Kojuro sighs inwardly. If Shigezane wasn’t enough of a handful to deal with, Him plus ten or so equally rowdy children is downright impossible. Toshiie is banned from attending all future matches. No exceptions. (You still see him watching from behind the metal fence, shouting about foul plays and trying to pick fights) Nobody should take youth sports so seriously. Hideyoshi is very popular among the kids and parents of his boys’ team. He actually arranges most of the games and events for the league– being one of the more amicable parents among the teams. Very quick to diffuse fights, he’s the only thing that prevented any of Toshiie’s outbursts from becoming all-out brawls. And of course, he was the one to ultimately ban him from coming to any more games. Mitsunari is obviously the coach (Nobunaga’s team). All of the kids absolutely adore him (Why? He couldn’t begin to tell you.) He is very strict and can be pretty brash with his words, but the kids all like the way he is patient and seems to treat them as equals. They do like to play the occasional prank on him, however. His reactions are too damn hilarious to resist. A particular favorite is to misinform him of the meaning of new slang terms. There’s an ongoing contest to see which he will misuse the longest. Ieyasu’s initial reaction to his daughter wanting to join a team was one of abject disdain, but he has since become quite the snooty soccer-mom. Soccer matches and practice are the perfect opportunity to get dirt on all of the other parents (many who are neighbors and colleagues), both directly and through conversations his daughter has with the other kids. He is sure to win the election for leader of the HOA this year. Kenshin was a bit disappointed that his daughter didn’t opt for dance instead, but he is ultimately still a very proud and supportive parent. The only problem was how late he would always be when dropping off and picking up his daughter from practice. It got to be bad enough that Kanetsugu (her team’s coach) had to threaten to kick her off the team if they couldn’t be more timely. Luckily, Kenshin’s daughter was more proactive than he was. She managed to arrange a carpool system for the whole team. However, whenever it got around to being Kenshin’s turn to drive, the whole lot almost always ended up going somewhere else– leaving behind a very irritated Kanetsugu waiting in the field. Shingen is the sponsor for his team. While they are still very well-funded, most of their money goes towards victory celebrations. We don’t need flashy gear! That’s not what makes a real warrior! The kids on Nobunaga’s team often become quite envious. They have lavish celebrations as well, sure– but how come theirs always look so much more fun? And why do they still have parties even when they lose?
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manjuboy · 7 years
SLBP lords modern college au headcanons
I made a shit post about what if the lords were buddies at college and not trying to kill each other over divine rule.
Sorry there���s no MC here cause I wanted to focus on the brotherhoods…but you can insert her in and run with it.
Halfway through, it occurred to me this is centered around yasu’s assholeness and yukkin’s misery.
Inspired by all those slbp modern au headcanons going around on tumblr.
studying medicine? god save the people pharmacology? bioscience? criminal profiling? because evil understands evil criminology consultant?? more like consultancy for criminals
campus Mr White but he works alone bitch/weed lord, kojuro is his no.1 loyal customer.
to mitsubun’s disgust, he’s also an avid reader……of Nietzsche, Dostoyevsky, Machiavelli…so also, edge lord.
has his own room cause no one dares to room with him he’s rich and his granddaddy tadatsugu’s the faculty dean
helps???out in the school infirmary sometimes. yukkin is a regular due to sports injuries. he blackmails yukkin to buy daifuku
literature? teaching??
one time he put out a sign saying he’s looking for a roomie and yasu applied. that day is never spoken of in campus. mitsuhide comes by and is so overly compensating and considerate mitsubun has to agree. they bond over their senpais and live happily ever after. hide says its fate and yasu refers to them as thing 1 and thing 2.
he and mitsuhide are usually seen at the library together. the two nerds.
PR? international relations? psychology??
most loved dorm RA, fav TA.
works at the neighborhood café with masa. they are hella good at baking.
Yasu keeps threatening bribing people to buy the ichigo daifuku for him.
great at food porn photography. he and masa are in charge of the café instagram.
helps out the school counseling office. one time he gave yasu and mitsubun punishment for school property damage by making them babysit at a childcare centre.
got asked to do nude modeling for the art students cause have you seen his bod
sports science? vet??
resident dog sitter/walker, especially for shingen. one time for nobu and one time as a cat caretaker for mitsuhide.
always challenging hideyoshi to an arm wrestling competition ever since he lost.
he and yukkin are gym buddies
politics? business management?
holds the biggest, best parties where everyone gets piss-drunk.
food taster for hideyoshi because hideyoshi cannot trust mitsubun to give honest objective feedback
probably head of student council and holds all sorts of crazy events when he gets bored.
also head news editor and runs the sauciest, juiciest articles.
another literature nut? law? journalism?
his roomie used to be kojuro until he could no longer stand the mountain of trash semi-important documents on kojuro’s side of the room. their room smelled like weed, books and bad poetry
works for the school newspaper and is forced by nobu to sneakily take photos of people. ends up asking saizo for help
sports science? maybe he’s aiming for the national soccer team or some Olympic sport.
gets to knows shigezane when yukkin sleeps over one night after a Halloween party gone wrong.
gets introduced to masa whom he had always thought of as standoffish, until he realizes the guy’s as big a cinnamon roll as himself. they become bros afterwards
he and shigezane secretly feed this rabbit kept for dissection class and smuggle it out one night
idk languages? security management for his intel spy training? maybe he’s just an average guy studying creative writing
secret online smut writer with kojuro. they met at nanowrimo. hey he gets paid for it ok.
mitsuhide gets most of his news sources from saizo.
probably earns extra income as a phone sex worker. rooms with yukkin, so when he does his job, yukkin stammers a lot and plugs in his earphones or seeks shelter with shigezane. until he stumbles upon his secret porn stash
rooms with inuchiyo and has a huge black dog (kurokumo) which he leaves with inuchiyo to take care of when he’s not around.
friends with Nobu cause their dads are old business rivals
saizo references him for his fics
Fine arts? Museum hoarding curating??
Yasu says he should get a My Strange Addiction/Hoarders series starring himself
really good at ikebana. he and yasu each have their own sections in the community garden. sometimes they trade weeding/gardening tips
tadakatsu thinks he’s a fellow masochist in-between yasu’s insults and kanetsugu’s homicidal scolding
idk business? culinary arts?
hideyoshi’s baker partner. yukkin’s his fav customer and he always saves him a donut. though sometimes he wonders why the guy stammers so terribly when ordering daifuku
meets inuchiyo who’s out walking the dogs during his morning jog. he then helps take care of the animals when inuchiyo is busy. Yukkin and shigezane join them sometimes.
the Date and Kai boys like to hang out at his room ever since the porn incident with shigezane and kojuro’s room is just a no-go zone.
gets teased together with yukkin a lot and they both look at each other helplessly wondering why.
shigezane gets suspicious of kojuro’s meetings with yasu, stalks him and worries for his future.
rooms with kenshin, who appreciates the beauty of his poetry and neither of them minds the mess treasures in their room.
saizo interviews him when writing daddy kink
Also, sorry I tried my best but I couldn’t think up more for some of the characters and I haven’t been on everyone’s routes yet.
I shudder to imagine what the chapter titles may be if this were a fanfic: pardon me for Ieyasu’s butting in
noodle brat goes to college, or yasu forgets all about granddaddy tadatsugu’s lectures
pretty boys growing flowers and weed
mitsubun looks for a roommate and accidentally summons a demon
hideyoshi’s baking genius, or yasu tests hide’s delicacies for drugs because they cannot be that good
no one dares to go to the infirmary now
icha icha smut tactics
in which noodle brat is disgruntled people are fearing him less
yukkin is now a drug mule?!?!?!!
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katie-de-lune · 7 years
My modern au headcanon: When Masamune and Shigezane meet Kojuro's new girlfriend they're shocked because this short girl with bright purple hair who looks like she's all ready for Halloween all dressed in black walks in with him. Everyone thinks Kojuro is going through his midlife crisis but this just proves that you should never judge a book by its cover.
Kita, however, adores this new girl of Kojuro's and thinks she's perfect for keeping her baby brother in line.
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listless-days · 7 years
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yoolee · 7 years
Modern AU | SLBP nonsense
SHINGEN. AND NOBU. I have always gotten the impression of respect between them – begrudging, but there. Like recognizes like, but it’s super uncomfortable to look yourself in the eye, you know? ANYWAY. They’re too close to one another, can’t coexist in Sengoku era but modern Japan? Whole different story. Corporate maverick, rising political star, each trying to shape the world through the means they see as the most effective, and OF COURSE that brings them conflict. A lot.
And the media eats that up.
WHAT HAPPENS when you are an economic darling?
You get INVITED to stuff.
And it’s not a competition. Exactly. But if Nobu’s smirk is just slightly triumphant when he’s chosen for the cover of a magazine and Shingen’s only inside, and if Shingen laughs a little louder than normal when his business is asked to sponsor a major sporting event and Nobu is bumped from doing the induction as a result, well, whose to say why, exactly, right?
But invariably, paths cross.
Like, sometimes you just end up in the same arena.
Like a grand, important charity function.
And of course, as the two biggest donors, both of their tables are right up front.
And it’s stuffy.
And formal.
And painfully dull. One of those, self-righteous, self-serving lectures is going on. Everyone is antsy.
And who wants to wear formal clothes? They’re stifling.
And it’s hard to say, exactly, who started it.
(That’s not true – it was absolutely Ieyasu, baiting Yukimura, but, much to Ieyasu’s dismay, no one seems able to pinpoint Yukimura as starting it, when they’re trying to recap later)
IN THE MIDDLE OF SOMEONE’S TOUCHING, and SENTIMENTAL story how the charity saved their life, the punch bowl has suddenly in two pieces.
It rapidly escalates. Tables are flipped to provide cover. Soup spoons are used to create slingshots. Tableclothes are used for camouflage. Chaos reigns, food is flying.
Saizo, we need more plums!
(Yes, dear).
Monkey, cover the rear – allow no man to escape.
You bet! ‘Scuse me miss, do you have a serving tray I could borrow?
Oh Kanetsugu, look at the lovely pattern this soup splatter made – let’s make more!
Kojuro should we get involved?
I would advise against it – have you tried these? They’re quite tasty.
Eventually, MC storms the stage (abandoned by the emcee), takes the microphone and HOLLERS AT THEM TO NOT WASTE FOOD PEOPLE WORKED HARD TO PREPARE THAT.
Everyone is much abashed, and finishes their meals, or what’s left of them (some of them have to improvise on plates, given how many have been broken).
The end.
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pseudofaux · 3 years
Pseu, do you write for Yoshitsugu Otani from SLBP? And if you do, can you give us some headcanons of the man?
I do for you! I'm going to do two three sweet, one three spicy. Can’t help myself, apparently. I hope you see this and enjoy!
(Requests are closed, I am working to fill asks I received earlier this year. I will post a masterlist when they’re all up. Thank you for reading!) The sugar…
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The gentlest of gentleman-- still a man, but endlessly gentle. He doesn't break and go feral, his nature is calm. His flirting is words so soft only you can hear, and his touches are steady. Yoshitsugu is not exactly handsy, but it would be unfair to call him hands off. He is appropriate, touching and teasing enough to support (and thrill) you, but never intending for you to be so flustered you can't enjoy what he is doing. The point is not to fluster you badly, only to make you feel like you are being cared for and courted. It’s important to understand that just because he’s soft with you, he’s not toothless: you wouldn’t have met him if he wasn’t one of Hideyoshi’s most brilliant men, Otani has bite. But the sharp edge of his mind is not something he means to use on you. You are special. It is important to him that you feel special and sure of your place in his esteem. He will never forget anniversaries or your favorite anything.
Just because the sharpness of his mind isn't something he means to direct at you doesn't mean he wants you to make yourself small or dull. He'll be thrilled by verbal wordplay, even the kind that doesn't start out or isn't meant to be flirtatious. Show him your mind! You don't have to be brilliant, you just have to be honest and realistic about what you know of the world. He knows your knowledge doesn't totally overlap and he likes that. Watching you pursue your interests and learn more about the things that make you glow makes him glow. Tell him something he doesn't know and then make a joke about it. You'll be treated to a slow grin and a flash of unspoken fire in his eyes. It's not covetous, but it shows its hunger and it is meant to. He can wait to feast, but he won't keep the fact that he finds you tasty to himself.
You know those quietly confident people, who in modern day can parallel park flawlessly and always pop jar lids on the first try, and aren't obnoxious about it but also don't ever doubt themselves so they keep right on doing things exactly right? That's Otani. If you are anxious, he is perfect for you: his steadiness is unshakeable, he can talk you through your catastrophizing without ever being patronizing, and he will never, ever leave you alone to make things worse in your head if you allow him to be there with you. He knows the way. He just does. You can trust in that, and in him, and in his deep affection for you.
The spice (and the rest of the nice)...
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If you need to be led into the physical aspect of your relationship, he won’t push (he would find that distasteful) but he will nudge you as you take your steps. Small nudges to give you a sense of possible progressions. He’ll slip his tongue in your mouth and his hand behind the back of your neck, both touches gentle but utterly present. If you are holding hands while walking through a garden, he’ll look straight ahead as he slides his middle finger along the inside of your palm and softly says that he is looking forward to seeing this path at night with you. He’s not boring--ever-- but he is never crass. Just the most warmly, gently kind of suggestive, and you are always free to take or leave what he is suggesting.
Likes to switch positions at least a couple times during each round of sex, not because the switch itself is rote or necessary but because he is trying his best not to bore you (sweetest heart!). Craves, again, your honesty here-- he wants you to feel very safe telling him what you like (however you are comfortable telling him) and what you don't. He wants you to be comfortable hearing those things from him, too, but he's as careful with his words as he is with your body. Yoshitsugu doesn't treat you like glass, but you are precious to him and he doesn't want to bend you so hard you hurt. He does want to bend you as far as you like, so please help him satisfy his quiet pride and show him what to do. You don't have to be confident or elegant about it. Just honest. That really is the key for him.
His self-assurance means he will be serious about trying anything you both agree to. Lucky you, you will discover he is an absolute master at both rimming and fingering you. His forearms are strong, and he can keep touching you or gently holding you down (OR BOTH) He reads you just right, with the kind of attention that is mindful of the pressure it might put on you, and since his goal is not to overstimulate you but to stimulate you just right, and thoroughly... 🥴
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yoosungshoodie · 7 years
Since Kojuro is your #1 babe, do you have any modern headcanons for him? Can be as sfw or nsfw as you want!
still owns bontenmaru that turtle will follow him into every next life shut up he talks to him and explains his troubles often 
talks about the plot to his latest book to bontenmaru like the turtle can speak english and give him input on what to do next
always thought date masamune was really cool when he was a kid and his random obsession as a child was the sengoku period
he still has a messy apartment. books are everywhere and he lowkey owns shoujo manga because he’s a fucking dork
everythings the same it’s just that he dresses nice (i’m rejecting his love scramble modern day clothing he looks like a high school coach and i can’t have that)
still owns a kiseru because it’s kojuro and he has a lot of weird quirks even in present day
if he’s not an assistant to a ceo masamune, he’s definitely an author. 
an author who spends 95% of his time writing and forgets to do basic things like eat and go grocery shopping, most likely. it’s not even like he can’t afford it it’s just that he thinks about the idea of leaving the house to just buy food he’d have to spend more time cooking too? and his ass can barely cook? yeah nvm fam we good we can live for five days with just plain rice, no cooking we die like men
set his microwave on fire once because he never knew you couldn’t microwave tinfoil until he moved out and kita no longer cooked for him
nobody knows how but he’s so fucking awful at cooking like he can barely make his own coffee without fucking up and it takes him like two months to get that right alone. he just always somehow fucks it up and that is why no one ever needs him to bring anything ever to a potluck unless he bought it
he’s been writing since he was twenty and it has most definitely been used as a get laid tactic in his young years even if he denies it every time it’s brought up
lowkey writes poems but will never let anyone see it ever it’s hidden under his mattress
kita comes by his apartment once a month to yell at him and then help him clean up while whacking him over the head with his own book because dude you’re thirty, get your shit together.
most likely only has takeout and a ketchup bottle in his fridge. it’s a very empty fridge and it’s entirely his fault because he just forgets to eat a lot or sleep a lot.
falls asleep in random places around his house and is the king of powernaps when he has writer’s block, sometimes he just falls asleep on the floor and he’s an irresponsible fuck with himself all the time
has his hair in a man bun too but usually it’s slicked back af
is a pretty famous author, and he got some of the hype because everyone was really surprised the author of this book actually turned out to be really hot. he gets confused when people call him daddy in the comments of his posts on social media like "i'm not ready to be a father yet"
used to babysit this kid with heterochromia and his really loud cousin as a teenager, and swore he’d protect those annoying kids with his life and they’re like his closest friends they have a bar night about every other week now and is basically their dad
met his mc because they work at the same publishing company and she asked him to read over a manuscript of hers as a favor and he was so impressed he wrote his number on it upon returning it
he asked her out by writing a short story about him asking her out and then e-mailing it to her what a fcking dork and he talked to bontemaru about it 
mc met him at his apartment for their first date and nearly cried because what the fuck and they spent their first date cleaning his apartment instead of eating out
his neighbors file noise complaints once they start dating
he was so fuckin whipped after that he wrote poems about her and he would always go out of his way to visit her whenever he could like “hi u left a strand of hair at my place should i come by n drop it off” 
kita won’t shut up about asking when she’s going to get some nieces and nephews and when he’s going to propose
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otome0heart · 4 years
Followers Celebration ʚ♡⃛ɞ(ू•ᴗ•ू❁)
As I said in the previous post, I’ve decided to join my followers celebration with SLBP Mitsuhide’s birthday (and my own), so, after thinking for a while, I’ve decided to open writing requests to everyone (no matter if you follow me or not (๑ᴖ◡ᴖ๑)). I can do drabbles (or at least, try XD), one-shots, headcanons -tell me if you want this specifically-, etc.
You can:
☆ Send me a prompt and a character
☆ Choose a trope from the list below and a character
And also:
☆ Send me a drawing prompt and a character, though I warn you that I can only draw chibis (I’m not good at proportions so I prefer not to disappoint you).
☆ I can also make Instagram profiles (back to the origins), mood boards and aesthetics, though they might take me more time.
The otome fandoms I’ve written so far are:
✧ Samurai Love Ballad Party
✧ Mr. Love Queen’s Choice
✧ La Corda d’Oro
However, I’m willing to try others as long as I know them (My Forged Wedding, Kings of Paradise -I’ve only played Taki, though-, Be My Princess 1, My Sweet Bodyguard -Katsuragi and Goto- and Ayakashi Romance Reborn).
For other types of media, you can check the anime/manga masterlist I linked below (I’ve written for many others, I have them in my Fanfiction.net profile and Livejournal). Ask me if you’re interested ^^
Here, you can find my otome masterlist, my manga/anime masterlist in my other Tumblr account and the Instagram profiles. If you’re unsure if I’m willing to write for a character, ask me :) My fandoms are a little bit limited, as you see, but I’m always open to broaden my world.
I posted some chibis for Spanish fandoms and mail lists but most of them have been seen only by my friends, I can send you one or two if you want to check them.
-Modern AU
-Arranged Marriage
-Friends to Lovers
-Soulmates AU
-Slice of Life
-Missing Scenes
-Neighbours AU
If you want others that are not mentioned here, ask me ^^
The only conditions are:
♪ SLBP Mitsuhide’s requests will have priority, since his birthday is in 12 days.
♪ Be patient with me, please. Most of the time, I’m a slow writer (working is a pain, but there are bills to pay, so...).
♪ In otome games, I don’t write ships, but MC/character (sorry ^^U), and also, I write in third  person, I hope you don’t mind.
♪ Requests will be closed on 31st May at 23.59 (UTC +2)
I can write most genres but I apologise beforehand because I can’t smut to save my life... I tried once and the result was so embarrasing that I decided to bury it deep in my hard drive where nobody (not even me) could find it.
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eiriasu-sometimes · 6 years
[SLBP Headcanon] Ringing in the New Year with You
Personally, I fell sick on New Years Eve, went to bed around 10pm, and missed the whole thing...... Hopefully, your New Years Eve was more exciting then mine!
Honestly speaking, I just wanted to write a Ieyasu thing. Everyone else came later. OTL I am very biased.
Who do you want to celebrate with?
Featuring the Lords on the Oda side: Ieyasu, Nobunaga, Mitsuhide, Hideyoshi, Toshiie, Mitsunari 
Claims that he wants to spend the time at home, alone
He did ask you to meet at his place though, which means that he at least wants to spend it with you
When you turn up at his door, he surprises you by stepping out instead of inviting you in
Proceeds to drive you to a fancy seaside hotel where he had reserved a nice room for the night
He claims that he won it as a prize from some company lottery, but it’s too convenient and you know better
Before you can squeeze the truth out of him, fireworks explode outside your window
At the same time, he somehow led you to the bed while kissing you in an attempt to distract you
The distraction worked a little too well and both of you end up being too busy to enjoy the rest of the fireworks
(You later find out through a mutual friend that he made the reservation months in advance because he wouldn’t get a room otherwise)
Likes having a good time, showing everyone a good time, and YOU’RE ALL INVITED TO THE COUNTDOWN PARTY AT HIS HOUSE!!
You were put in charge of the dessert table, and he would smirk with pride whenever someone praised a dessert item
Plays a good host for the first hour or so... Then pulls you aside and asks you to escape the party with him when it’s approaching midnight
“What about our guests?!” “What about them? They’re clearly entertaining themselves.”
Whisks you off for a drive
Ends up parked on a cliff beside a beach somewhere
He pulls you up on the roof of his car to enjoy the sound of the waves, your head rested on his shoulder and his arm around yours
It’s frankly a really peaceful way to start the New Year
Except for when you get back in his car and wow aren’t you thankful that it’s dark out and very isolated where you are
Both of you are too old for that outdoor countdown shit™
Instead, both of you unanimously decided a month ago to view the countdown on TV
To make it an extra special night, it was also decided that he would surprise you with dinner, and you’ll surprise him with dessert
It’s honestly a miracle that he managed to keep it a surprise because he would practice the dish over and over again when you’re out, but somehow leaves no evidence
He’ll even throw out the trash before you return just so you wouldn’t find the discarded packaging of the ingredients he’s using
When the day comes, you'll wash the dishes together before snuggling on the couch in front of the TV to watch the countdown
He whispers sweet nothings in your ear as the clock strikes 12
Let’s just say that things got real busy on that couch that night
Seems like everyone and their mother wants to invite him to their countdown party since he’s friendly with so many people
Turns everyone down since he’s got plans with you
Plans to watch the fireworks go off over the lake
Knew that it was probably going to get crowded at the waterfront, and so scouted the place without you knowing just to find that perfect spot
Settled on a nice, open space that’s far away enough to not be overly crowded, but still close enough to get a good view
Makes the effort to pick you up from work/home even though you insisted that meeting up at the location is fine
Hits you with a “Happy New Year” and teases you with kisses immediately after the word “zero” leaves your lips
You’re totally spending your first night of the new year at his place
Got invited to a friend’s party and took you as his +1
Somehow got completely smashed when you looked away for a few minutes
Oh he was just playing drinking games but kept losing and even though all his friends were basically begging him to stop drinking, he started talking about HONOR and KEPT DRINKING INSTEAD
(He was probably already drunk and too far gone)
When the countdown started, he found his way to you
Yelled “LOVE YOU!” after ‘zero’, attracting everyone’s attention
Then he proceeds to kiss you
His breath smells like alcohol but the kiss feels great BUT EVERYONE’S LOOKING
He says that he does not remember what he did the next day, but you know that he knows 
No parties for him; they’re way too crowded and way too noisy
You know him well enough to understand that it’s just going to be another ordinary day for him... And that’s honestly good enough for you too
He did ask you over to his place, which was a nice surprise
He usually asks to go over to your place
After dinner, he settles down on the couch to read a book, and so you sit down next to him to read yours
However, you notice that he’s pretty distracted and constantly glancing at the clock, even though he’s trying not to let it show
When it’s nearly midnight, he grabs your hand and drags you out to the balcony
Fireworks could be seen in the distance, near the horizon
“Happy New Year,” He mutters shyly as he squeezes your hand
He wanted to show you the view - however limited - he could see every new year from his house; it was definitely better this year
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dear-mrs-otome · 6 years
🤷‍♀️ -  What thing that your fandom loves do you just not “get”?
THIS QUESTION IS IMPOSSIBLE because there’s almost nothing that I don’t look at and think ‘Ah, ok I get why someone likes that’. If I were asked upon PAIN OF DEATH though....I don’t know. Maybe I’d say Saiyukkin...not because I’m opposed to shipping them together in the slightest, or don’t think that we need more representation all around, but I also wish more people were happy and content to celebrate and allow men to have close friendships without it having to become NOW BANG EACH OTHER 
🏆 - What do you wish more authors in your fandom would write about?
Ninjas. There is a woeful dearth of ninja content and it makes me so sad T_T
😍 - What is your favourite fic trope?
With regards to SLBP, it’s definitely Modern AU’s and reincarnation stuff. That shit is my jam, because you get to have angst ending with fluff, and imagine and headcanon all sorts of things about who they become!
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