#sleep deprived onion
sleep-deprived-onion · 7 months
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more testament in cool clothes that i wish i owned
they are my evrything
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I love the ending of Glass Onion (spoilers beyond this point)! Miles Bron falls because Helen uses his reckless super fuel to burn down his house and the world’s most famous painting. She makes his failings and his fragility plain to everyone. Nobody can ignore that his presentation as a forward-thinking, brilliant man is a lie. Helen wins because she destroys Miles’ reputation. That is the true power of billionaires. That is how they keep the people that protect them and build them up. When you strip away their reputation, you knock out their supports and bring them back down to earth. You turn their “golden tits” into brass, and nobody will lie to keep suckling on brass. 
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dipplinduo · 9 months
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Kieran's villain arc is 100000000% tied to his intergenerational trauma and this is a hill I'll die on
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shreksstepfather · 19 days
rereading the comic bc its been a while and i just wanna say I adore pontus and GOD this series is killing me . Its killing me dead .
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I'm so happy to hear that you like the comic's progression! That genuinely means a lot to me!
In other words, this was me upon reading these asks:
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janedoeremi · 2 years
Detectives in media I would trust to solve my murder:
Benoit Blanc
Literally 99% of the detectives in anime
Detectives in media I would not trust to solve my murder:
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mariposiel · 2 years
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And I love him for that
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actoflesbiabism · 1 month
I was the only queer person in my masters program which made it a little harder to bond with my classmates, but we mostly found at least some overlapping interest. Sometimes these were big things, like both being immigrants or being baffled by someone else’s relationship drama. Other times they were smaller, like when I got a little over excited by frozen onions. I had just made the discovery that the local grocery store sold extremely cheap pre-cut frozen onions, and promptly bought about five pounds. Of course, being who I am as a person, it never crossed my mind that anyone could hear ‘pre-cut onions for €1 per kilo’ and not lose their marbles a little, so I gleefully informed my classmates of this hidden bounty. The responses generally ranged from polite interest to polite disinterest, but one other girl got it. She was from southern India, and the cuisine from that region uses tons of onions, so when I told her about this cornucopia in the frozen food aisle her eyes lit up. We spent a solid couple of minutes going over which specific grocery store it was, where in the frozen section they were, and just being mutually thrilled about accessible onions. At one point one of our classmates hesitantly asked what was so special about frozen onions and got subjected to the full force of our mutual onion adoration until he beat a hasty retreat. That particular classmate and I were never terribly close, but for that one shining moment we were utterly united.
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beaniebabyfrogs · 2 years
Yes, the real Mona Lisa was painted on wood instead of canvas.
No, Miles Bron did not have a fake copy.
In the context of the film, it had to be real. It was the whole point. Miles is a billionaire who payed the government to let him display the Mona Lisa in his house. It was representative of his greed.
Therefore, the Mona Lisa that Helen burned down along with the rest of the house was real and the Knives Out cinematic universe canonically does not have the Mona Lisa anymore.
Helen’s efforts weren’t for nothing. Miles said that he wanted to be remembered in the same way the Mona Lisa is. But instead of being remembered in a positive light, he will be known as the guy who destroyed the Mona Lisa.
So when Helen burned the painting, she also burned his legacy.
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apricot-antlers · 2 years
Just watched Knives Out and then Glass Onion straight after
I get it now
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I just finished Glass Onion and holy shit I loved that. Although I absolutely adored Peg's character I wish she would've had more of a part. And was I the only one noticing that Peg was absolutely drooling over Helen? It was so blatant and I was actually really disappointed nothing happened there. They didn't even have any interaction. Otherwise I was ecstatic the entire time watching
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bifangirl · 2 years
Wait wait wait I got it
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✨Benoit dans une baignoire✨
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sleep-deprived-onion · 3 months
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unrestrained summer fun
Totally posted on time
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memento-fugaces · 2 years
i think this film and knives out have a kind of defined formula that... is maybe based on calssical tragedy
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jacks-wack-attack · 15 days
Me, pleading on my knees: Please. I've tried everything I can think of. I'll do anything you want. Just leave.
The lingering taste of onion in my mouth: Oh, you sweet child. You think begging will help? What are pleas to a merciless god? The cards have been dealt and this is your fate. Accept what is beyond your control before it consumes you, for too much time is wasted on obsession and regret.
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benoits-neckerchieves · 11 months
k am i tripping from staring at screens too long or did i just write onions in my dissertation 🧅
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gaypinebabe · 2 years
Love laying down on my unbearable hot union's to get my ear and throat pain at least a little under control
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