#sleeping in boats in front of buses
mumblelard · 25 days
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the thunder was so loud this morning it scattered all my dreams or gifts from my familiar
boba brought back this tiny, witchy leaf from her morning hunt and delivered it to me at my desk. i'm putting it in her whisker jar while i figure out what it is for
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pbandjesse · 4 months
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Me and Jess are on the ferry boat back to our hotel. We are real tired. I am thankfully not in as much pain as yesterday. Still hurting but it is not as bad. And today was a lot of fun.
Last night we did get to watch cars and I was surprised by the emotional intelligence and lack of actual racing. The way that little boys seem to like it so much I expected more action and was pleasantly surprised. Don't know about the second and third but the first was solid.
I would sleep okay but not enough. Waking up was really rough. But besides feeling a little out of it we were doing good. I got dressed and ready and was done and waiting for Jess. I was excited to head out.
We had not done the rope drop thing. Instead we slept an hour later and had a slow breakfast. We shared a lot this time. Basically all of today we shared our food. Which is fun. Get to try more things. The only bad part about breakfast was when we got stuck apart because of a big cart blocking the entrance to the area where we were sitting. And Jess's coffee was very bad. But we struggled through.
We headed to the bus. And while we had joked about all the buses being Epcot today, we were a little delayed by the first three buses actually being Epcot. Finally an animal Kingdom came and things were fine. We were starting a little later but that was okay.
I didn't realize how much longer the ride to Animal Kingdom was going to be. So I was extra glad we got seats. There was actually plenty of space on our bus but a lot of people were stuck squished up front because one guy absolutely would not move back. Just completely unaware and that kind of thing makes me a little crazy. Like when people were getting in the elevator before letting people get off. Just super obnoxious.
But it wasn't a bad ride at all and soon we were there!
Again this entrance surprised me. But it was closer to what I thought it would be. Our first goal was to get Jess Starbucks. I decided that in the end I didn't actually want to do the kids scavenger hunts. To many people, to busy. I just wanted to enjoy the experiences of the immersive spaces. And I think that was the right call.
We got Jess her coffee and I got a cake pop. The girl at the counter was really sweet about us celebrating our birthdays. Everyone was today. And it made me feel really happy.
We did a lot today and saw a whole lot of animals. We started with a walk through zoo. We saw hippos and gorillas and meerkats and so many other little monies and birds. The birds were extra fun because we got a big paper with all the birds to help us identify them and I insisted on asking the staff their favorite birds so I could look for those specifically. And it was just really fun.
One of the workers was from Baltimore and she told.me her brother was at the game on Sunday that James was at. Very bad loss. No more super bowl. But Baltimore will recover emotionally I'm sure.
After our exploration and seeing a bit of Asia, and taking pictures, we decided that we could get in the long 55 minute line for the ride on safari.
And this was really awesome. The wait wasn't horrendous, even though it's longs, we talked and had things to look at. I had ran out of line to go fill my water and enjoyed seeing a little.of Africa. I would find out where we could get corn on the cob. And when I got back to Jess we just kept moving and when we finally got to the front of the line we lucked out and got the entire back row to ourselves. Prime animal viewing.
We saw some amazing animals. Giraffes. Elephants. Wild dogs. Zebras. Even the trees were incredible. I wish it was long but it was about 20 minutes and that was great. I loved it and would highly recommend it.
Once we were off and out of the safari area (after stopping to look at the gift store and hugging a cheetah plush for a long time) we went to find the African street corn I saw. We would get two of those and a churro. And at the last second I saw they were selling three packs of baby bell cheeses and I thought that might be nice to have for later.
The corn was incredible. Just such an unexpected flavor. Curry and pepper and some underlying sweetness and I would absolutely have that again. We got to watch some drumming and it just felt like a festival. The whole atmosphere was fabulous and I loved all the small details. The torn signs, the graffiti, the minutia that makes things feel real and lived in. I was pretty blown away.
We decided that we would not go back to the hotel for a break and instead power through and just leave early, have a nap before dinner. And while this was risky I'm glad that's what we decided to do.
We went to dino land. Traded pins. I didn't know there were carnival games at Disney. I didn't want to play any but it was interesting to see. And the prizes were cute.
I didn't realize, or more so didn't remember, that there is a dinosaur ride. The movie Dinosaur. And it's about going back in time to bring one of the main dinos back. And I vaguely remembered going on it and even though it was a "dark bumpy car ride" I convinced Jess to indulge me. It wasn't a terribly long wait and I really wanted to do it.
And I'm so glad we did. The wait was well timed. With dinosaur fossils and videos. The immersion in the storyline was really well done (even if I recognized the actors), I was very excited.
We got to buckle into the time machine car. And I turned to Jess and said that I wished it could be tighter but I didn't know how to do that. And man was that a bit of foreshadowing.
This ride was crazy. It was basically one step below a rollercoaster the way we were being whipped around. It was loud (I'm very glad I suggested Jess put her ear buds in) and dark and flashing. There were animatronics dinos coming from every direction. It was an absolute blast.
But my feet didn't fully reach the ground. My toes did but not my heels. And I wasn't tightly buckled. And with the sides of the car being open I was pretty concerned I was going to call out of the side. So I tilted my body so I could get one foot firmly planted and just really tried to hold on. I was screaming and laughing and it was a rush in the best ways.
We were both shaken up at the end. For different reasons. She hated it. Rated it a 1/10. I absolutely adored it and thought it was the best thing. 10/10. Only downside was the line and the seat belt. Would do it again. She was so funny though telling me about why it was bad because all of her bad points were my good points. I appreciated her going along with me. It was great.
We went and used the bathroom. Washed our hands. I sat in the sun for a bit and oriented myself on the map.
Our next stop was Pandora to see the avatar stuff. We wanted to go to the river ride but the wait was going to be about an hour again. So at least we would start to head over there. And it was a nice walk. It was beautiful out and we were both in a good place. Sore but not to bad. We considered a snack. But as we got into Pandora I was a bit mesmerized. I bet this would be beautiful at night. The plants were amazing. Between the real and the fake it was all integrated so well. Something I have been really appreciating is the music. It transitions from one world/space/country to the next so senselessly while still keeping you immersed. And this was no different. It was so cool. We went to look at the food but I wasn't sure about it. We went in the gift shop and I was excited to see the baby Navi plush. They have so many babies of every character and I have been excited every time we see a "new" one. It is just very fun.
I decided we should go get in line for the river ride. No snack. Even though we probably could use it. And just use that time to scroll on our phones and chat and enjoy the scenery.
As we were standing there waiting, I went in my bag to put my sunglasses away and realized. The baby bell cheeses!! The snack I had saved!! You should have seen how stupidly excited we got about these. We each had one and a half baby bells and shared some of her water and it was perfect. Made the hour so much easier.
Right before we made it to the end of the line my feet and ankles were really bothering me. Standing still hurts a lot more then walking. I took my boots off for a moment to stretch them out and that helped. And then it was time for our river journey.
This ride, on the whole, probably wasn't worth the hour wait but it was worth it because of the animatronic at the end. The ride is a boat, and you are literally going through the woods. And it was beautiful and the music and singing was lovely. But it wasn't particularly exciting. It was just nice. There were some screens, but they were better integrated so it wasn't to hokey. But when we got to the animatronic I was blown away. This thing moved in such a realistic way. Like it took my breath away I could have just sat with it and watched it for so long it was so real. I have no idea who she was. I never saw the movie. But she was incredible.
We got off of the boat and I felt like it was just to soon. I wished there was more. But that was okay, it was time to try the food.
There was a frozen drink that was apple and pear (desert leaf specifically, which Jess had misread early as dessert pear and we were trying to figure out for a long time what that could be and we had a big silly laugh about that) and a cream cheese and pineapple wonton wrapped treat. We got those and found a sunny place to sit.
I really enjoyed my wonton thing. I did not like the drink. It was to sweet. And I love sweet things so that's saying something. Once we were to got sitting in the sun we continued our journey. And headed back to Asia.
Jess wanted my feedback and rating/ranking between the two parks. And I think overall Animal Kingdom is better. The counties were fabulous and felt like like a show case and more real, I loved the animals, I liked that it was less hamfisting movies into the different spots. We also got to see Pocahontas twice! And she was beautiful. I really loved our day.
We would have French fries with spices and Sriracha mayo in Asia. And then wander around into a few more shops. Backtracking to Maharajah where we had started our day. And that's where we called it. Time to go.
We would get back towards the gate and go in the last few gift shops. Jess got a really nice animal Kingdom pin. We went to the last little shop where they had pin trading and had a nice conversation with the girl working that table, just about the concept of pin trading and how it's so nice. And as we were talking I saw in the shop behind her the cheetah backpack from earlier. I had not stopped thinking about it. Jess said I kept bringing it up. So I went back in and after checking online and finding it for the same price, I decided this would be my last plushie of the trip.
We named her Margarine (Margorie as a nickname). And I love her. She's so soft. I was holding her when we headed over to a bench so Jess could wait for me while I ran to a bathroom when we noticed that she still had a security tag on her! The ink releasing kind! Ugh oh. So we had to go back to the shop to get them to remove it and the guy at the counter felt so bad!! He also struggled to get it off but he got his manager and it was all fixed. Margarine was free.
We went and got the bus back to the hotel. And it was right there. No waiting. We had much better luck the rest of the day when it came to that. We got back to the hotel in one piece and we're only mostly dying. Thankfully the bottoms of my feet weren't as painful as yesterday. It was mostly my shins and ankles. Jess had gotten stiff and slow from sitting on the bus but after a few yards we were able to walk about the same pace and got back to the room as my body started burning and I desperately wanted to lay down.
After stripping down and putting away my jewelery I was able to sleep for most of an hour. Jess said I was making funny squeaking sounds which James has also said I do. She thinks I should go back to an ENT. I will consider it.
I felt kind of bad when Jess woke me up. She said it was 6 and I was like AM?? But no. PM. It was time to get dressed again and go to dinner. I got myself out back together and just felt a little quiet inside. We went to take the ferry this time. And we had to speed walk a little bit we made it to the one that was at the dock. And got to Disney springs before 7.
We had a plan. Rings, pins, dinner. Jess wanted a ring that said "baby" and the man who did this one was super fast! 15 minutes!
So while he was doing that we went to look at pins. And talked to the nice old lady at the desk. It was nice.
We had to get to our reservation though and that was about on the other side of the water. So we walked to Summer House. And this was much fancier then I expected. But it was great!
Our waiter was so nice and the food was excellent. We got a bunch of stuff to share. Potato salad deviled eggs, chips and a flight of salsa and guac, cheesy bread, and a split order of gluten free pasta. It was so much food and it was all so so so good.
We got some of it to go for snacks later. And after laughing with our waiter for a minute we headed into the night.
We decided to check out some of the stores we missed. I couldn't stand to be in the candy or m&m store for long it was so sickly sweet and powdery. But we still had a lot of fun.
I really liked the Coca Cola store. I decided to get myself a cup. I know I do not need a cup. But I loved that it looks like a diet Coke can and it has a straw. I have actually been so good with not buying nonsense this trip. I am really happy with all my things so far. And I have said no to many things! I'm having a great time.
We would continue our walk. Going in and out of shops. I liked the Lego store but it was to warm. We would end our journey getting a coffee for Jess to save for the morning. And then we headed back to our boat.
We did get a little lost and turned around. But when we found the exit and the dock the boat was right there and it was an easy journey back.
We are back in the hotel now. Showered and clean and holding it together. We put on a movie, Luca this time, and so far I love the art style. I have no idea what the story is so I am looking forward to how it unfolds. I am also really looking forward to sleep.
Tomorrow we go to HollyWood Studio. I have the least amount of expectations for this one. But I'm excited for the journey. If should be warmer but the wind will be stronger. So I am just hoping for a lovely time.
Sleep well everyone. I love you! Goodnight!
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just-my-fandom · 3 years
Rocky Road P1 (JJ Maybank x Routeledge! Reader)
This is a test chapter. If it gets the attention I want it to, we’ll continue. If not, this will be the only chapter, mainly because of the time each chapter takes since each episode ranges between 40 to 50 minutes.
Chapter 1
Word count: 3,538
Summary; After a hurricane, John B, Y/N, JJ, Pope, and Kiara plunge headlong into danger and adventure when they find a mysterious sunken wreck.
Pairing(s); John B Routledge x Twin Sister! Reader, JJ Maybank x Girlfriend! Reader, Pope and Kiara x Best Friend! Reader
Tag list; Currently None.
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“We’re the Pogues, and our misson this summer is to have a good time, all the time,”
“That’s what, a three-story fall to the deck?” The dark male at the bottom of the house, Pope Heyward, looks up at the brunette boy balancing on the roof before him, “I give you a one-in-three chance of survival,”
John B hums in thought, licking his finger before raising it to the sky, allowing the wind to hit said finger, “Should I do it?”
“Yeah,” A girl with (hair/color) locks and warm, (skin/tone) skin dangles her legs from the roof next to her twin brother, body leant up against the blonde male beside her, “You should definitely jump,”
“I’ll shoot you on the way down,” Pope promises, raising the staple gun in his hand so John B raised his eyebrows, pointing two fingers in a gun motion,
“They’re gonna have Japanese toilets with towe warmers,” A female with dark hair and dark skin climbs out of the unfinished home, looking up at her group of friends, “This used to be a turtle habitat, but, who cares about the turtles, I guess?”
“I care about the turtles, Kiara,” You fake a small pout to your best friend, reaching a hand over the railing to grab her fingers and squeeze,
“Can you please not kill yourself?” Kiara looks up and squints at your brother,
“Don’t spill that beer!” JJ calls up, one arm draped at your shoulders as the other raises his can to his lips, “I’m not giving you another one,”
On cue, John B lets out a curse as the beer can slips from his fingers, dropping and clashing onto the porch of the unfinished home beneath him,
“Smooth,” Kiara mumbles, looking over at a distant shout,
“Hey, uh, security’s here,” Pope states, and you clap your hands, sliding beneath the railing to jump down next to Kiara, JJs hand tapping your back thigh in a motion for you to start running,
“Boys are early today,” John B hops down, feet taking off into a sprint,
Your lips pull into a grin as you follow after your twin brother, pushing past shelves and jumping over paint cans through the constructed house,
“Hey, Gary!” You call, skidding past the older, bigger man, “No hugs for you today!”
You giggle as JJs hands lift your hips to raise you above the gate, his body dropping next to you before his hand takes yours and squeezes, allowing you to hop into the van before he follows after you, laughing,
“Hey, there’s Gary!” Pope calls, JJ leaning out the vans door to hold out a beer can to Gary’s running figure,
“You’re so close! You can do it, there you go!” With a toss, JJ watches the can hit Gary upside the head, “They don’t pay you enough, bro,”
“Okay, that’s enough,” You snort, tugging JJ into the van so the door shut, JJs body dropping next to yours with an excited breath of rushed adrenaline.
“The Outer Banks, Paradise on Earth. It’s the sort of place you either have two jobs or two houses. Two tribes, one island,”
“Alright, this is Figure Eight, the rich side of the island. Home of the Kooks. So guess where we don’t live. And then this is the South Side, or the Cut. Home of the working class who make a living busing tables, natural habit of, drumroll please,”
“The Pogues,”
You lift up the hook to the HMS Pogue, turning to shield the sun from your eyes with your hand. Moving across the boat, you move into where the steering wheel took place, JJ looking at you past his sunglasses and sliding a hand to your bare back,
“That’s Y/N,” John B introduces, “My twin sister and my pain in the ass. Or, blue bird as our father used to call her. Y/N is our mom of the group, somehow keeps us stable and in check from getting arrested three or four times a day,”
“And that’s JJ. My best friend since the third grade. He’s about as local as they come. Latest in a long line of fishing, drinking, smuggling, vendetta-holding salt-lifers who made their living off the water. Best surfer I know. Just, don’t tell him I said that,”
You yelp as your body drops into the water, awaiting for the wave above you to settle before rising above the surface. You snort, JJ stepping off his board playfully so he landed beside you with a hard splash,
“Together they’re known as Outer Banks’ OTP, as Kiara puts it. Been together since seventh grade and still going strong. Of course even with JJ as my best friend, I still gotta hand his ass to himself sometimes,”
“Don’t even get me started on micro plastic,” Sitting at the bonfire, Kiara is quick to shove John B away from the choke hold he puts her in,
“And that’s Kiara, or Kie, as we call her. When she’s not saving turtles or getting a dolphin tattoo with Y/N, she hangs out with us. I’m not really sure why, though. Pope thinks she’s secretly madly in love with my sister and uses us to get to her, but, I can’t see Y/N leaving JJ for even Chris Hemsworth, and that’s saying something,”
“And that’s Pope, the brains of the operation, finalist for the Lucas T. Vanderhorst Merit Scholarship, and the smartest person I know. His fathers this legendary character, Heyward. Anything you wanted on the island, Heyward could get for you,”
“So, that’s my crew,”
“John, Y/N, it’s come to our attention that you both are unemancipated minors living on your own,” The social worker in front of you at her desk sighs,
“No,” You and John B instantly respond, sharing glances before you grimace, “No,”
“I need honesty to help you,” The woman responds, eyebrow raised, “That’s what we want, right?”
“Yeah,” You nod, shrugging, “But we’re being honest,”
“Okay,” The woman leans back, “When was the last time either of you spoke to your uncle,”
You look at your wrist- with no watch- glancing at John B who shifts in his seat, “Uh, thirty-four minutes ago,”
“When was the last time you saw him?”
John B looks at you this time. “Two hours and,” You pause, “Fourty-three minutes ago?”
“Kids, we’re gonna come out there tomorrow to talk to your uncle,” The worker sighs, again, “If he’s not there, we’re gonna move forward with foster care,”
You exhale a sharp breath, hand running down your face.
“Keep an eye for Hurricane Agatha. She’s coming hard and heavy tonight,”
“No phone service?” John B groans as he raises to his feet, body heavy with sleep. His finger flicks the light switch. Nothing. “No power?”
John B exits his bedroom to depart to the living area. On the pull out couch, laid his sister and best friend. While you laid on your back, breaths even, JJ laid on his stomach, arm draped across your tank-top covered chest with his head beside yours,
“Yo, JJ,” John B calls, hand smacking JJs upper back so JJs head snapped up, his movement startling you to lift your own head, “You been outside?”
“I have polio, bro,” JJ mumbles, lips pressed to your shoulder, “I can’t walk,”
You heave a laugh, turning to curl into JJ so his arm slid around your hip and pulled you closer. You finally heave a breath, pulling away from JJ so he moaned in protest, your grin tired as you grab his hand and pull him up with you,
“Agatha did some work, huh?” JJ calls out to John B in the front yard, leaning against the open screen door with a found beer in his hand, and looking at the time, you choose not to scold him for his choice of drink as soon as he woke up,
“Yeah she did,” John B hums, tossing a branch off the boat that was brought out to shore.
“C’mon,” You call, pulling your tank top off so you were left in the bikini you fell asleep in, “Gods telling us to fish,”
“What do we have here?” You lift a hand to shield your eyes, watching Pope turn to look at you from his deck,
“We have a safety meeting,” John B calls, hand at his shoulder in a fake walkie-talkie, “Attendance mandatory,”
“Cant, Pops got me on lockdown,” Pope frowns, JJ scoffing,
“Your dads a pussy, over,”
“Oh I heard that, you little bastard,” Heyward snaps, and you raise your chin with a smile,
“We need your son,”
“And hurricane days a free day,” JJ reminds,
“Who the hell made that up?” Heyward questions, and you furrow your brows in pretend thought,
“Pentagon, I think,” You grin, “We have security clearance,”
“You think I’m stupid?” Heyward questions, stepping forward when Pope drops the hose in his hand and lunges off the porch, landing on the HMS boat with a stumble so your arm wrapped around his shoulders, laughing,
“When you get back, you gonna clean your dirty ass room!” Heyward demands, as you wave, “And I don’t like your friends!”
“Hello, princess,” You lean on the edge of the boat, smiling dreamily at Kiara as she moves to the edge of her boat deck. You extend a hand, helping her step down before turning to look at JJ,
“One day, she’s going to take you from me, I know it,” JJ pouts, and you smirk, leaning sideways so your lips pecked his,
“Nah, I like blondes more,” You grin against his mouth, JJs hand coming up to cup the back of your neck,
“Take your beer before I barf,” Kiara cuts, shoving two beer bottles between you so you leaned back and took one, narrowing your eyes,
“Okay, okay,” JJ stands up, popping the top to his bottle and moving to stand on the edge, “I got this,”
“No, you tried this six thousand times and you failed every time,” You remind, leaning back so the beer that missed his mouth flew past you, John B groaning in disgust.
You reach up to tug at JJs shorts in an attempt to pull him back down, the sudden jerk of the boat forcing JJ off the ledge, your body lurching forward so you hit the edge of the boat- hard- groaning at the pain in your muscles,
“Pope, what the hell?” John B calls, as you lift you head, watching JJ resurface from the water,
“J, you okay?”
“I think my heels touched the back of my head,”
Pope snorts, stepping up, face dropping as he looks down into the water, “Guys,”
“What?” You finally sit up, following your gaze so you cursed, “Holy shit, there’s a boat,”
“No way,” Kiara moves next to you, “Holy shit,” She repeats, “There is,”
John B tugs off his shirt, your legs leading you off the edge so you dropped into the water beside JJ, hand over your nose.
Sure as shit, a boat. An expensive one, that is. Rising for air, you watch your friends talk all at once in hysterics for your finding,
“Did you see that?” JJ calls to everyone, Kiara nodding with a short, “Yeah, I did,”
“That’s a Grady White,” JJ swims up to the HMS boat, heaving himself up before twisting and taking your hand, “A new one of those is like five hundred Gs, easy,”
“That’s the boat I saw when I surfed the surge,” John B states, as you twist the water out of your hair, “Maybe it hit the jetty or something,”
“You surfed the surge?” Kiara asks, roughly, and you squint your eyes with a grin
“You didn’t?”
“Do we know whose boat that is?” Pope asks, heaving a breath of air from how long he held it underwater,
“No, but we’re about to find out,” John B picks up the anchor, saluting you before he jumps back off the boat, allowing the weight of the anchor to pull him down.
He comes back up in short time, hand raising to show you the yellow key in his hand, “I found this motel key,”
“A key,” Your smile drops into irritation, pushing away from the edge to sit down, the adrenaline quick to leave your system,
“Yes, a key, Y/N,” John B lifts himself up,
“Guys, we should report the wreck to the coast guard,” Kiara states, as the boat begins to speed off, “Maybe we’ll get a finders fee,”
“Yeah and not work all summer,” You hum, letting the wind blow dry your hair, “Maybe we should just go find out ourselves. Go to this motel, does it have a name?”
You reach out, taking the key from John B and reading the name before handing it back, “Let’s go lady and gents,”
A sharp whistle, and you look up at the damaged motel, “I thought the Chateau looked bad,” You raise to stand up, waiting for the boat to stop on the edge of the grass before hopping off, “Kie, Pope, keep a lookout,”
“Shouldn’t you stay here?” Kiara asks, eyes glancing to JJ jumping beside you,
“Are you kidding?” You grin, JJs arm sliding around your shoulders before he points up to the motel,
“Let me take you on a tour, sweetheart,” He teases, pulling you towards the steps with John B quick behind you,
“Just be so careful, John B,” JJ turns to grab John Bs jaw, mocking Kiaras demand to your twin brother,
“God, you’re so weird,” John B shoved him away, JJ scoffing as he looks at you,
“What was that about?” He asks your brother,
“I don’t know, maybe she wants us to be careful,” John B protests, and you roll your eyes,
“Or maybe Kiara loves you,” You tease, sliding your own arm around JJs torso as you walked in sync, “Come on, big brother, Kiara totally likes you,”
“If Kiara likes anyone it’s you, babe,” JJ states, “C’mon, we all know she’s secretly gay for you,”
“Maybe,” You hum, grinning as he removes his arm to send a light knock to the door on the key,
“Housekeeping,” He speaks in a high-pitch voice, receiving no answer,
John B unlocks the door, and you pear over JJs shoulder, body slumping in disappointment at the empty, boring hotel room,
“Check the bag,” John B orders, JJ unzipping it, “See if there’s a name on there somewhere,”
“Nope,” You lift the jacket on the stool, “No name,”
John B kneels down, your eyes watching as he pressed random buttons on the safe, “John, try this,” You hold out the sticky note with numbers, and he hums in thanks,
The safe opens with a short hiss, John B cheering out a small “yay” as he pulls it wide,
“Whoa,” You mutter, watching John B pull out a wad of cash and a small hand gun, “Holy shit,”
“What?” JJ steps up, instantly taking the gun and grinning,
“Put the gun back,” John B hisses, raising to his feet, “JJ, seriously!”
“This is a fucking spend gatt, man. Just... bam! Bam!” JJ pretends to shoot, your eyes snapping to the door upon hearing keys,
“Guys- cops!” You hiss, JJ looking at you before following John B to the window,
“Get it open,” John B presses, and the window opens wide, “Go,” You move out and onto the small roof under the window. JJ is quick to follow after, body pressing you against the side of the motel beside the window,
“Can they see us?” You whisper yell, JJs head barely shaking as he turns his head, silently staring at John B on the other side of the window,
A moments pause, JJs hand suddenly dropping the gun in his grip so it clattered off the roof and into the grass. Your jaw clenched as JJ presses himself harder against you, arms tight around your waist so you were nearly invisible to the window,
“You should have forgotten the stupid gun,” You hiss, lowly, JJ shushing you as his eyes flick between yours, then tilts his head to look at John B again. Your head leans forward into JJs chest, eyes watching in terror as Chief Shoupe peered out the window, then leaned away back into the motel room,
Your eyes flutter shut in relief, JJs hands loosening at your hips as your head leans back against the wall, looking back up to meet his gaze, “You’re an idiot,”
“Well that was fun,” JJ comments fifteen minutes later, your body laid across the front of the HMS Pogue, “Could have warned us sooner though,”
“We would have, except Pope was on the math team,” Kiara comments, showing Pope had failed to throw a rock at the window to alarm you,
“You were on the math team?” You glance at Pope, who rolls his eyes,
“The cops took everything like it was a crime scene,” John B speaks up,
“Did you guys find anything?” Pope questions, JJ raising his head before his hands, showing off the gun and the wad of cash,
“Dude, why take that from a crime scene?” Kiara hisses, and your eyes squint as Pope begins to panic about losing his scholarship,
“So it turns out, Scooter is the Grady White owner,” Pope shows up at the Chateau an hour later, pacing in front of you curled in the corner chair, JJ in the recline beside you, “We need to have total and complete amnesia,”
“For once, Popes right,” JJ speaks up, hand leaving your thigh to stand up, “See, I agree with you sometimes, deny, deny, deny,”
“Guys, we can’t keep that money,” Kiara speaks, and you lift your head off your hand,
“I agree with Kiara,” You nod, “We have to pass that off to Lana Grubbs,”
“I agree,” John B echoes, and you raise your eyebrows at your twin brother, “This dude has never had more than forty bucks in his pocket, and all of a sudden he has a Grady White?” John B raises his hands, stepping into the house, “Just sayin’,”
Keggers. A party that brings Tourons, Pogues, and Kooks all together, somehow. They always seem to end with a fight, though. The one thing you looked forward to.
Except when it’s your own idiots who start the fight.
“Did I offer this to you?” JJ raises his eyebrows along with the red solo cup, blue eyes harsh on Topper, the Kook princess’ boyfriend, “Didn’t think so, run along,”
In swift motions, Topper has smacked the beer into JJs face, JJ has lunged at Topper, and within seconds, Topper is drowning John B in the ocean and JJ is shooting a gun into the air.
“That’s enough!” Your shout silences the group. Huh. Okay. “Kooks, onto your side, Pogues!” You jab a finger towards Pope pulling John B up, “Let’s fucking go,”
“Youre not still mad at me, are you?”
Your eyes shift over to the blonde next to you. Hair blowing in the wind, your mind runs over last night events. Today’s event- John B searching the Grady White using stolen scuba gear,
“You brought out a gun, at a party,” You remind, head tilted to look at him,
“Okay, I was saving your brothers ass, just so you know,” JJ leans back, and your eyes run over his face, wide,
“My brother wouldn’t have almost been drowned if you weren’t arguing with Topper,” You protest, voice snipping, “So don’t bring this around on him,”
“Guys,” Kiara cuts, your eyes narrowing in irritation as you look at her, “Someone’s following us,”
“There’s two of them,” Pope squints, staring at the two figures on the boat behind, “And one of thems got a gun- holy shit!”
JJ is quick to grab your arm and tug you into him, free hand grabbing the edge of the boat as you drop onto the floor of said boat, your eyes wide in alert,
“Holy shit guys!” Kiara panics, your eyes pinching shut as JJs hand slid up to your head, his own lifting to look over at the two men shooting constant bullets,
“Damn it, move,” Kiara steps over Pope, picking up the fishing next piled at your feet,
“Kiara, get down!” You squeak, eyes tearing as she threw the net, cutting the second boats engine so John B is able to steer away,
“Oh my god,” You panic, sitting up as JJ follows, his hand sliding from your shoulder to your hip to check for any injuries,
“Okay okay okay. Can you please open the bag? We almost died over this shit,”
You kneel down in front of John B opening the bag, pulling out a container that held a compass,
“Great,” Pope steps back, shaking his head, “We found a compass,”
Your brows furrow as you take the compass, flicking it open so your eyes widened and looked up at John B,
“Dude, what?” JJ asks, “It’s not worth anything,”
“This was dads,” You exhale, throat suddenly tight as JJs face fell and his eyes searched your face, “This- this is dads compass, John B,”
John Bs eyes raise to yours, then up to the group behind you.
Could Big John still be alive?
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paisley-print · 3 years
Near The Water’s Edge:  Chapter One
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After fleeing your abusive husband, you find yourself in the small coastal town of July, North Carolina. Soon you meet Frankie Morales, Air Force Veteran and single dad. As the two of you grow closer, you begin to let go of your past and learn to love again. That is until a strange man shows up in town, and you 're forced to choose between your safety or the safety of the people that you love.
Inspired by the novel “Safe Haven” written by Nicolas Sparks. 
Frankie Morales x Female Reader 
Rating: 18+ / Heavy adult themes eventual smut.
Trigger Warnings: Domestic Abuse, Drowning, Dark Water. 
Word Count: 1744
Note: I tagged everyone who liked the original posts. To stay on the permanent list please either send me a message or write it on the post. Enjoy <3 
Series Master List
Chapter One 
Aggressively American, that was the only fitting description of the place you found yourself in. July was a coastal town located in the southern part of North Carolina. It was pronounced like ‘Julie’ but nobody ever called it that. It had been the farthest place your two hundred dollars in cash could take you; and as the greyhound pulled away, you wondered if you should have chosen Nebraska instead. 
It wasn’t that the town was dirty, quite the opposite actually...it just felt manufactured. Too perfect to be real. The streets were named things like Liberty and Independence. The shop fronts were brick and all along the main street there were American flags and flower pots holding red, white and blue geraniums.
The name Norman Rockwell came to mind. 
As you walked along the main street, you surveyed the many shopfronts. To a passerby it seemed as though you were looking to buy something - in your mind, however, your thoughts were racing.
‘I made a mistake, I know I did.’ You analyzed the last few hours, replaying the memories over and over again as if on VHS; scrutinizing every last detail. ‘He would track me down, find me - by morning. Should I go back? No- it was too late for that.’
It was still early in the afternoon, but finding a place to sleep tonight was paramount. The trip had taken eleven hours straight through. Only ever stopping to change buses and refuel - you were exhausted and your muscles ached. 
‘Food,’ you thought ‘I should eat…’ 
But did you have enough? Depending on how much a motel cost around here, you figured you would only have enough to cover a room for one night. So food would have to wait. 
As you rounded a corner, you were met with the sight of the bay. It wasn’t anything like the brown water in New Jersey, the water here was a deep green. The boats created little swells along the surface, and the sun’s glint off the peaks made it look like the water was filled with emeralds. 
On the left side of the street stood a marina and dockside restaurant. The smell of food made your stomach grumble. On the right side was a series of Victorian style houses, stone pillars and large porches dominated the structures. 
A sign in front of one had caught your attention: American Dreams B&B.
‘Jesus’ you thought ‘they’re really leaning into this whole aesthetic aren’t they?’
A bell on the front door chimed as you entered. The decor of the place looked dated; as if it hadn’t been touched since the 80s. Lots of wood tones and floral patterns. You didn’t mind it though…. it made you feel at home. 
An older woman was sitting at the front desk watching a soap opera on a little TV perched on the counter. She looked up and smiled as you approached. 
“Hello there. How can I help you today?”
“Do you have any rooms open?”
“Sure do, we have three vacancies right now.”
Relief washed over you, “what’s the nightly rate for the smallest?”
“That would be the pink room at $175 a night.”
More than you had anticipated…. “All take it, thank you.”
The woman turned to the computer. The monitor was old and heavy- it looked bigger than the TV. “Driver’s license?”
You hadn’t even thought of that… “I don’t have one, would a birth certificate work?” 
You cringed at the sound of it. Who carries around a birth certificate as identification? It was all you had, so you gave it to her, however you knew that the odd request made you stick out in the woman’s mind. Surely she would remember you if someone came asking…
The woman hesitated but took the certificate, reading it out loud “Summer Emma Sparks.”
You swallowed hard and shifted on your feet, feeling sick. The circumstances surrounding how you secured the certificate flooding your mind...
‘I needed it,’ you remind yourself.
The woman, whose name you found out to be Mae, handed you a key and sent you on your way. Now the plan would be to look for a job, something that worked off of tips. Having as much cash available to take with you at a moment’s notice was important. First, though, you would sleep. 
And as the tide lapped against the boat dock across the street, you slipped into the darkest, soundest slumber you had in years. You were safe for the time being. 
There was something to be said about the little joys surrounding small town life. In New Jersey neighbors barely knew each other, and would even go so far as to avert their eyes or turn their backs when passing them on the street. Here though, people were kind. 
Too kind sometimes, always pressing you with questions...you couldn’t fault them for it though. If you were here under normal circumstances, you would have welcomed such friendly chatter. It almost pained you to be so dismissive, but you needed to be, for your safety and theirs. The less anybody knows about you, the better. 
You set down a tray of empty cups and looked at the clock on the wall, debating whether to take another table. Even though your shift technically didn’t end for another twenty minutes, most of the night servers were already here and the day had been long.
You managed to get a job at the restaurant next to the marina on your second day in town. The owner suggested you start the following weekend, but you persuaded him to let you train that day just so you could get the free meal that they provided with every shift. The tips weren’t enough to buy a hotel room though, and so you had to sleep on the beach that night.
Thankfully, the tips for the last few days had been good, allowing you to buy a week in the bed-and-breakfast. Most of the servers at the restaurant were teenagers who could only work the evenings, allowing you to take as many morning and afternoon shifts as you wanted. Sometimes there would be another server with you, but most days you were alone. You didn’t mind one bit, the dining room was small and easy for you to handle by yourself. 
You had your eye on a few rental properties on the far side of town. A mobile home community offering one bedroom complexes for dirt cheap prices. You were suspicious at first, but after taking a walk through the neighborhood you realized most of the people who lived there were snowbirds or weekend warriors. 
Those residents who did live their full time seemed like you, friendly people who had fallen on bad times. They weren’t the confederate flag wielding, dip spitting, rednecks you first thought they would be; and for that you were thankful. 
“Summer….. Summer.” 
You turned suddenly, remembering that was your name. “Yeah?”
Your boss was holding two containers of soup “do me a favor and put these in the fridge before you go?”
“Of course,” you said, allowing him to pass the containers off to you. 
The fridge was a separate unit out back; it looked like a little shed. From where you were, you could see a full view of the marina. It was set a little farther back than the restaurant. To the left, lines of boats bobbed up and down with the tide. There was a parking lot next to that, then at the very end was a house... or what you assumed was a house. 
Elevated about six feet on stilts and spanning two stories high. It wasn’t anything like the grand Victorians that stood opposite of it. It was unassuming, modern and clean. Your eyes fixed on movement off to the side. Below the house to the right, you noticed a little girl. She had to be no more than three years of age, reaching for something over the bulkhead. A feeling of dread clutched at your stomach. 
‘She’s going to fall’ you thought suddenly. 
Both containers of soup hit the ground and exploded - painting the side of the building. You didn’t even notice as you sprinted down the shelled driveway towards the house. The splash came as soon as you threw open the gate and without even a moment of hesitation; you jumped into the water. 
It was freezing, like little needles pricking your skin from all sides. The salt water stung your eyes like something wicked, but you forced yourself to keep them open. You scanned what was around you, murky green darkness and foliage that reached up from the sand like the tendrils of a kraken. Threatening to grab you and pull you down into its watery depths. 
Your eyes landed on a flash of pink below. With all of your strength you pushed yourself forward, hooking an arm around the girl and bringing you both to the surface. Just as you broke through the world above, you saw a man skid to a stop and reach for the girl in your arms. 
You gasped, and the little girl coughed and hiccuped... then started to cry. It was music to your ears; it meant that she was breathing. You held the girl up as far as possible; the man took her and moved away from the bulkhead. 
“Make sure she’s okay,” you choked, the water assaulting your senses. You tread for a moment longer before the man reappeared and offered you his hand. You took it and he pulled you from the water easily. 
Bracing yourself on the bulkhead you brought your weight over the rest of the way. The man immediately turned his attention back to the little girl, bringing her to his chest and clutching her as she wailed. 
You blinked, hands coming up to rub the salt from your eyes, the world coming back into focus. The man was older, wearing a navy blue baseball cap and a grey flannel. 
His brown eyes still held a spark of panic in them as he looked at you. “I don’t know how I could ever thank you enough….she was right there, then I turned around and….” He held onto her a little tighter and sighed, closing his eyes. The little girl was settling into a mess of sniffles and whimpers. “Don’t ever do that again, baby,” he breathed. 
Tag List For This Chapter Only:
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atlafan · 4 years
My Everything - Part Ten
A Take it Slow Sequel
What happens with Harry and Y/N after he proposes? How will the two navigate the engaged life while also continuing to juggle their jobs, friends, and families? Let’s find out.
Warnings: Fluff and Smut! 6K
You and Harry let Buster sleep in the bed with you that night since you’d be away from him for so long. Niall drove you both to the airport the next morning. You were beyond excited for this trip. You and Harry were pros at flying together at this point. He knew to keep an arm around you while you slept, and he’d keep his head rested on yours.
When you get off the plane you each head into the bathroom to change into some lighter clothes. You brought a light green pair of shorts and a white tank top to wear, and Harry changed into a pair of light blue shorts with a black t-shirt. You both looked very ready for Florida.
“I can’t wait for you to bust out your real Florida clothes.” You giggle. “You know the ones that make you look like a grandpa in Miami?”
“Oh baby, I brought all that shit.” He winks. He reaches into his carry on and hands you your fast pass band. “We need ‘em when we get in line for the buses.”
You both navigate through the Orlando airport, and wait for the bus to your resort. You get on and about halfway through the ride you go into the Disney app to see if your room is ready.
“Oh look! Floor four, room 3000.” You show Harry your phone. “But our luggage most likely won’t be there until later tonight.”
“S’alright, we can at least stick our backpacks in the room for now.”
You hum your response. The two of you were in awe of the resort. You were able to use your wristbands to unlock the door, you didn’t even need to go to the desk in the lobby to check in. There was a note on the little table in the room.
“Listen to this!” You exclaim, and he turns to look at you. “Congratulations on your recent partnership, we thank you for wanting to celebrate your honeymoon with us. Let us know how we can make this experience even more magical for you.”
“That’s cute.” He pouts.
The two of you walk the grounds of the resort just to get familiar with where the pool and restaurants are.
“Alright, so we’re doin’ EPCOT this afternoon?” He asks.
“Mhm, look that’s where all the shuttles come.”
It takes a few minutes to actually get into the park, but once you do you couldn’t be more thrilled. They give you and Harry buttons that say “Just Married” on them for you to wear. You use your Fast Pass to go on Spaceship Earth first. You were mostly excited to get to the World’s Fair so you could eat a ton of the different food.
You and Harry have a lot of fun in Mexico, and go on the Donald Duck ride. You take lots of selfies as you go around from country to country. You ended up eating at a French restaurant that night and it was delicious. You both stayed in the park to see the fireworks and it was beautiful. Harry had his arms wrapped around you, chin resting on your head.
By the time you got back to your room, you were pooped. You both do your nightly routine and climb into bed.
“Oh my god, this is beyond comfortable.” You say.
“What’s on the itinerary tomorrow, sweetheart?”
“We are spending the day at Magic Kingdom. Our first Fast Pass is at Space Mountain. Once we use all three we can add more. Our reservation is at like 9AM, so we’ll have time for breakfast here.”
“It’s gonna be really sunny tomorrow, we’ll need sunscreen and all that.”
“We can also take a break in the afternoon if we feel like coming back for a swim before going back in for dinner. We’re eating in Disney Springs tomorrow.”
“Great first day, hm?”
“It was perfect.” You kiss goodnight and slowly drift off after getting comfortable.
“Are you sure you’re okay with goin’ on this ride? You hate roller coasters.” Harry says to you as you’re in line for Space Mountain.
“I think I’ll be okay. Oh shit…we can’t sit together?”
“It’s a single rider, you wanna go behind me?”
Harry couldn’t help but laugh during the ride when he heard you scream and then start to laugh like you always did.
“I did pretty well.”
“You did, I’m very proud of you.” He kisses your hairline. “What’s next?”
“We are meeting Princess Ariel.” You beam. “She’s my favorite.”
“Sounds good to me. Gives us a chance to really walk through the park.”
There was even more wonderful food to snack on at Magic Kingdom. You both were just having an amazing time. The weather was beautiful and you had no cares in the world. Over the next few days you did everything in the Disney book. You had dinner in Belle’s Castle, you screamed your head off on the Tower of Terror, and opted to let Harry go on the Rockin’ Roller Coaster alone. You took a ton of pictures, especially in front of Cinderella’s Castle. You also tried every Dole Whip you could find in each park. The only thing was that most nights by the time you’d finally get back to your room, you both would be too tired to be intimate. And then in the morning, you’d have to get up, eat breakfast and get to the park. It was an amazing four days, but you were excited to head to Fort Meyers.
Harry rented a car for the two of you, and to the West Coast you went.
“God, that was so much fun, I already wanna plan our next trip.” You laugh. “I think Sarah had the right idea about a group trip.”
“Oh, definitely. We could all stay on resort, drink around the world, it would be great.”
“Maybe in a few years, yeah? It took so long to save up and pay off.”
“I agree, this is something you do once in a while. Thanks for takin’ care of most of the plannin’ for it.” He rubs your thigh. “Wait until you see the place we’re headed, you’ll love it.”
“I’m very excited.” You check your phone. “I was hoping Mariah would have sent us some photos…”
“She said she wants it all to be a big surprise. She’s working on making us a book and all that. Just be patient, baby. Then we can take our time goin’ through all of it.”
“You’re right. Plus, now we can go through all the pictures we just took. The one of you and Goofy has got to be my favorite.”
“I liked the ones you took with Woody and Bo Peep, that was hilarious.”
“Should we stop off at a grocery store before going to the house just to get what we need for the next few days?”
“Good idea, I don’t see us leavin’ too much.” He smirks.
“You know…and I don’t want this to kill the vibe at all…but the day we come back our flight is in the late afternoon, and we’re only an hour from Nannie. I was wondering if maybe she could come have breakfast with us?”
“On the last morning? Sure.” He shrugs. “She won’t mind takin’ the drive?”
“Nah, plus, she’d bring a friend with her. Thanks, I just feel guilty being in Florida and not seeing her, even though we just saw her.”
“No, I get it. I’d wanna spend time with her too.” He smiles. “She was so cute when she danced with me at the wedding.”
“She couldn’t wait to get her hands on you.” You laugh and put your hand over his. “Neither can I. Oh! Seth just texted a picture of Buster, our little baby boy.” You pout and show Harry quick. You can’t help but start laughing.
“Nothing, I just…sometimes I think back, and like, did you ever think Seth would be one of your best friends?”
“No.” Harry laughs. “He really is a great guy, I’m glad he’s in my life.”
“I think he wants to marry Isaac, they could be next out of all our friends.”
“I wanna know what the fuckin’ hold up with Niall and Sarah is. I feel like something’s comin’ soon with them, but I can’t put my finger on it.”
“Sarah’s looking at new schools to work at…she, uh, really wants to get in at a prep school. They may start looking at houses soon.”
“Yeah, Niall mentioned something about that. He really likes living in the city, it would suck to commute like that.”
“I know.” You sigh. “They have a lot to consider. At least Rach and Mariah seem to be staying in the city for a bit longer.”
“I think Mariah wants to have a baby soon too.”
“Oh really?!” You squeal.
“Yeah, she’s mentioned it a couple of times. They haven’t talked about it much, but she wants to be the one to get pregnant and carry it if they do.” Harry chuckles. “Isaac even offered up his sperm.”
“Aw, what a sweetie.” You giggle.
You and Harry go grocery shopping quickly before getting to the house he rented.
“Oh my god.” You gasp as he pulls up.
“The boat’s already at the dock out back too. Got my license online and everything. We’ll be able to go out and enjoy a few rides.”
“Oh, I can’t wait, babe.” You get everything into the house and go outside. “Wow, this is really private.”
“Mhm, we can screw out here and no one would know.”
“Oh, stop it.” You swat a hand at him. You walk down further and feel the sand between your toes. “I can’t wait to swim. The boat is perfect too, honey, well done.”
“Wanna explore the inside?”
You both go back in. It was a simple ranch style home, but it was beautiful. The master bedroom was ginormous and it had a giant en suite. The kitchen was open concept and flowed naturally into a living and eating area. There was a nice patio out back as well.
“It’s perfect, Harry. Thank you.” You wrap your arms around his neck. “So…I spoke with Dr. Mara a few weeks ago, and I didn’t say anything to you, but I switched medications.”
“You did?” He steps back from you. “Seems like an odd thing not to tell me, Y/N.”
“I know, we just had a lot going on. I…wanted to be able to have alcohol for this part of our honeymoon. It was really hard not to get anything in Disney, especially while you were trying a bunch of stuff, but I was afraid of going overboard too soon. I want us to be able to be romantic and have wine and just really enjoy this part of things. Anyways, the new medication I’m on allows me to have alcohol in small amounts.”
“So that’s why you were so adamant about getting wine at the store.” He says in understanding.
“I’m sorry I didn’t tell you. I wanted to see how my mood changed and all that.”
“I literally didn’t notice a difference.”
“I know! So it’s doing its job.”
You both were feeling a bit nervous since you wanted this all to be special.
“Okay, what do you say we put our suits on, and head to the boat. We can bring some of the snacks we just bought and just have some fun on the water.”
“I think that’s a great idea.” You smile.
You put on a cute light blue two piece, and Harry had his yellow trunks. You pack up some snacks and water. You both lather each other with sunscreen, and go down to the boat. Harry uses a map so he knows where he can go. There was a sandbar that the owners of the house told him about.
“There! Where the other boats are parked.” You point out to him. “How do you even know how to do drive this thing?”
“I’ve driven a boat before.” He scoffs. “Have you met me? I’m good at everything anyways.”
You roll your eyes and nudge him. He parks the boat and throws the anchor. You open the bag of baby carrots and pop a couple into your mouth.
“Should we swim? It’s fuckin’ hot out.”
“You’re just full of great ideas today.”
You both get in the water and swim around. You splash and giggle and just have a great time. You both sit out and get some sun as well. Eventually, you go back to the house and Harry grills some veggie burgers for the two of you. As the sun sets, you both change into some warmer clothes, and he gets a fire started in the pit. He grabs some sticks and you get some marshmallows.
“What do you say, want some wine?” You ask.
“Mhm, if you do.”
“I do…I should probably stick to one glass so I don’t get fucked up.” You laugh.
You sit together outside and roast your marshmallows. You clink your glasses and enjoy the sweet red wine.
“Mm, I forgot how good wine tasted.” You giggle.
Harry’s arm was around you. He set his glass on the ground, and tilts your chin up to look at him. He presses his lips to yours and swipes his tongue along your bottom lip. He pulls away and smiles.
“I agree, very sweet.” He leans back and kisses you again. “Is it helpin’ yeh relax at all? I don’t want you to feel pressured.”
“It’s helping, yeah. I know there’s no pressure, I’ll either come back pregnant or I won’t. It could stake a few tries, and that’s fine. This is all just so romantic, I want it so badly.”
“Me too, and when it’s meant to it will.” He assures you.
You both finish your glasses, and it definitely hit you. Your tolerance had gotten really low. You both clean everything up and head inside.
“That was a nice fire.” You wrap your arms around his neck and his go around your waist.
“Mhm.” You get on your tip toes and kiss him.
He walks you into the bedroom and you both fall onto the bed. He gets you far back so your head can rest on the soft pillows.
“You looked so sexy in your swim suit today.” He kisses on your neck and you giggle. “I wanted to take it off with my teeth.”
“Aw, why didn’t you?” You pout. “Tomorrow I’ll put it on just so you can take it off that exact way.” He grinds his hips down against yours and you groan. “Knew you’d like that.”
“I’d love it.” He growls as his hands slide up under your shirt. Your hips buck up towards his. “Tell me what you want, angel.” His eyes were locked on yours now.
“I want to make a baby with you.” You say just above a whisper.
“Fuck.” He says under his breath.
He lifts your shirt off you and practically rips your bra away. He pulls his own shirt off and attaches his lips to your right nipple. Your hand tugs at his hair as he sucks on you. His other hand kneads your left breast. He moves to start kissing down your body, sucking wherever he pleases, leaving behind all of the marks he wants. Your body felt hot all over with every touch he left behind. He tugs your shorts and underwear off, and he licks his lips as you open your legs for him.
“We’re gonna take our time, okay? We have nowhere to be, so we’re in no rush.” He says, planting kissing on your inner thigh.
“Okay. I want this to be really good for both of us, it’s not just about me.”
“Tonight it is, but we have three more nights here after tonight, don’t you worry.”
You gasp when you feel his tongue lick through your folds and up to your clit. He does this a few times just enjoying the way you taste. His hands spread you further apart as he swirls his tongue around your clit. Your hands grip at the roots of his curls. He works two fingers inside you slowly, and it makes your head spin. He was really feeling around, he knew the territory well, but that didn’t mean he wouldn’t still occasionally explore. Plus, he knew you liked the way his fingers would stretch you out.
He nibbles and sucks on your clit as his fingers curl up against that spongey spot. You grind against him and let out soft whimpers. He was giving you exactly what you needed. He knew you were under a lot of pressure. Erica had been trying to get pregnant ever since her wedding, and she had a lot of trouble. She was only three and a half years older than you, and you weren’t sure if you’d run into the same issues.
“Oh fuck, oh my god, shit.” You were panting as his fingers picked up the pace. “Harry, oh my god!” Your head rolls back further into the pillow as you release onto his fingers. He retracts them slowly and sucks them into his mouth. “Get your pants off, now.”
He smirks and gets the rest of his clothes off. He hovers over you as you grip him in your hand. You drag his tip against your clit and folds, almost teasing yourself.
“God, I can’t wait to really feel you again, it’s been way too long.”
“I can’t wait to feel your come inside me again.” You line him up with you and he slowly starts to push in.
You both moan out once he’s all the way in. You clench around him, never wanting him to leave.
“If you do that m’not gonna be able to last long.”
“I’m sorry, you just feel incredible already.”
He smooths your hair away from your forehead and kisses it. He kisses your nose next, and then slots his mouth over yours as he rocks in and out of you. You wrap your legs around his waist and drag your nails down his back as his tongue molds to yours.
You were both sweating even with the A.C. on. It was pooling between your stomachs, but neither of you cared. You both were so caught up in just feeling good. He hooks an arm under one of your legs and drive in a little deeper. It hits just the right spot, and your nails sink into his ass.
“Right there, Harry, fuck.”
He sponges kisses to your neck and bites down on you. You lose it at that and he feels you come around his cock. He drops your leg and pulls out. He grabs your hips and flips you over. He spreads you apart with his thumbs and slides back in. One of his hands grips the back of your neck while the other presses into your hip. You loved this part. Sometimes harry would start out so sweet, make sure you came a couple of times, and then he’d get a little rough.
“How’s this?” He grunts.
“So good, so fucking good, rail me babe.”
He thrusts in and out of you faster and faster, but then he slows down. He pulls out of you again and flips you back on your back.
“What’s wrong?” You out.
“Nothing.” He slides back in. “I just wanna be able to see your face, that’s all.”
You smile at each other as he thrusts in and out of you again. His tip brushes against your g-spot so you grip onto his biceps to relieve some of the pressure building. You groan when you feel his muscles flex.
“Harry, please, I want you to come.”
“You do?” He grunts.
“Yes, please, I want us to come at the same time.”
He strokes your cheek and leans down to give you a kiss as his movements get sloppier. You can’t hold on much longer, but it doesn’t matter because the second you feel his warm come paint your walls, you release again. He moans your name as he continues to fill you up. You clench around him while he slowly pulls out so you don’t lose a single drop.
“You might wanna sit with your legs up for a few minutes, angel.”
You clamp your thighs together the second he’s out. He helps you shift and turn around so you can rest your legs up against the headboard. He sits next to you and looks down at your flushed face.
“How long do you think I should stay like this?” You giggle.
“Don’t know.” He shrugs. “Five minutes maybe?” You reach your hand out and rest it on his thigh.
“That was really nice. I feel like we haven’t been close like that in a long time.”
“I know.” He rests his hand on yours. “Things got really hectic, huh?”
You both slept really well that night. The next morning, Harry fucked you in the shower, and then again while you were trying to make breakfast. You had promised him he could take your swim suit off with his teeth, after all. You both enjoyed the sun and sand on your little private beach.
“I’m gonna dip my feet in the water.” You tell him and he hums his response, not looking up from his book.
Harry stretches and sets his book down. He tips his sunglasses down his nose to properly watch you strut down to the water. As you walk back you notice him looking at you. He makes a “come here” motion with his index finger. You giggle and go over to him, straddling him in the long beach chair.
“You’re hard.” You say into his neck.
“Mhm, can’t help it. My wife is just so sexy.” He grips your hips tightly.
“I could say the same about my husband.”
He reaches between the two of you and moves your bathing suit bottom to the side to rub your slit. His fingers easily slip inside you and you bite down on his neck.
“Can I fuck you our here?” He grumbles as his fingers work your insides.
“Yes.” You breathe.
Your hands roam down his stomach to the top of his swim suit. You pull out his hard cock and line it up with your center. He takes his fingers out of you so you can slip him in. It was the middle day, you two were out in broad daylight, and you were fucking in the open air. Normally you wouldn’t do something like this, but you really did have a lot of privacy.
He rocks you up and down on his cock. You prayed the chair underneath you wouldn’t break. He gets a little frustrated, so he picks you up and lays you on the towel you had laid out between your chairs. You giggle as he puts your legs over his shoulders.
“Tell me this isn’t more comfortable?”
“It is, you’re just cute.”
“Can’t get enough of yeh.”
He sucks on your neck in multiple spots, really making a mess of you. Your bathing suit top loosens from the way your breasts are bouncing up and down and he nearly comes at the sight. He grabs the front of it and rips it away. He dips his head down as he drops your legs to suck one of your nipples into his mouth. You rub your clit as he does all of this and you start moaning out a little louder. He loved when you both would work together like this. He comes inside you just as you release.
After Harry goes inside to grab some waters, he sees you still laying on your back, spraying some sunscreen on your chest.
“What are you doin’?” He chuckles, handing you a water.
“When do I ever get the chance to just openly tan my entire chest? I’m taking advantage of the privacy.”
That night for dinner, you pack up some sandwiches, and harry takes you for a boat ride. You end up giving him a much deserved blow job. The rest of your trip was just sort of like this. The two of you making love any time you felt like it. There was one day you didn’t even really leave the bedroom, you could barely walk by the time you needed to meet your Nannie for breakfast before you caught your plane home. Needless to say, Harry wore you out in hopes of getting you pregnant, and you didn’t mind one bit.
Isaac and Seth had dropped Buster off before you got home so he’d be there waiting for you. You drop to your knees and let him lick your face when you see him.
“My baby! Mummy missed you soooo much!” Harry joins you on the floor with him and hugs him. “Daddy did too.”
“Should we, uh, buy some tests tomorrow?” He asks, petting his boy.
“Yeah, we could. I don’t know how soon you can tell though. We might have to wait a couple of weeks.”
“True, might not be a bad idea to just stock up on ‘em.”
“I’ll go to the drug store tomorrow after work.”
“Ugh, work.” He gets up and helps you to your feet. “Not lookin’ forward to that.”
“Me neither.” You sigh.
“Well, I shouldn’t say that, I just wish we could stay like this.”
“I know what you mean. If I could relive the last two weeks over and over, I would.” You walk over to the living room and gasp when you see the photo album sitting on the coffee table. “Harry, look!” You squeal.
You both sit down and snuggle up with the album. You both get glossy eyed when you look over everything. Mariah did an incredible job, not that either of you were worried.
“Your dress really was stunning, baby.”
“So was your suit.”
You look at each other. It didn’t take long until you were both naked and fucking on the couch.
“Look at how beautiful the castle was at night.” You were showing Niall a ton of your photos.
“The lights look incredible. Sarah’s been talkin’ about going now, I think you put a bug in her ear.” He chuckles.
“You two should definitely go! She loves the princesses and all that.”
“Believe me, I know. We were thinkin’ of going at the end of this summer.”
“Oh?!” You smile.
“Yeah, I, uh…well…” He takes his phone out and shows you a picture of a ring and you gasp. “Do you think she’ll like it?”
“Oh my god, she’s going to love it!” You hug him. “And she’d love a Disney proposal, are you kidding me?”
“She won’t think it’s cheesy?”
“No! She’ll die, oh my goodness.” You hug him again. “This is wild, we’re all so adult.”
“Well, I figured if we’re gonna buy a house together, I might as well put a ring on it before her dad kills me.” He jokes.
“What towns have you guys been looking in?”
“Right now, just the Milton area. We don’t wanna be too far from the city since I don’t plan on lookin’ for a new job any time soon.”
“It’ll be weird not having you across the street, but I understand wanting a home.”
“Do you think you and Harry will start lookin’ for a house?”
“Not anytime soon. We like living in the city.” You shrug.
“What about when you start havin’ kids?”
“Our apartment can handle a child. If we have more, which we probably will, then I’m sure we’ll need to move. But for now we can stay where we are. I’m kind of nervous. Erica’s been having trouble getting pregnant, and…”
“Hey.” He puts his hand on your shoulder. “It’ll happen when it happens, okay?” He smiles reassuringly.
When your period came, Harry seemed more upset than you.
“I guess I just don’t understand how it all works.” He sighs.
“We knew this could happen, we’ll just have to try again when I’m ovulating next.” You give his hand a squeeze and smile. “We need to try not to think about it as much. A lot of people conceive when they’re least expecting it.”
“I know, you’re right.” He kisses your cheek. “We’ll get there.”
Two more months had gone by, and you still hadn’t gotten pregnant. Harry was getting ready to take you away for your birthday. Just a simple weekend at a spa to relax. Your summer had gotten sort of stressful. You had gotten hired as a TL at your old college to teach a class online for the summer. It was going really well, and the class was just about over. Your passion for teaching students about media was growing stronger.
This meant, though, many of your nights had been long. You would often stay in your office after hours to get some grading and other work done. Harry hated it, of course. The stress couldn’t have been helping. It was nearly 7PM, and the office was empty. You just needed to get through some emails from your students and then you could go home to start your much needed long weekend for your twenty-seventh birthday.
There was a knock on the outside of your door. It was Harry with a bouquet of flowers. You look up and smile.
“What are you doing here?”
“Thought we could go to dinner. Dropped Buster off with Niall and Sarah.”
“God, I’m gonna miss them when they’re not right across the street.” You frown. “But I’m happy their offer got accepted.”
“Me too. And what great timing that they’re headed to Disney soon too. They can relax from all the stress they’ve been under. I’m glad they’ve gone through it first, to be honest.” He closes the door behind him and locks it.
“No one’s here, you could’ve left that open.”
“Eh, force of habit.” He shrugs.
You stand up to give him a hug. He looks you up and down. You had a red, short sleeve blouse on paired with a black pencil skirt.
“These flowers are beautiful, thank you.”
“Happy almost birthday, my love.” He cups your cheek with one hand and kisses you.
“I just need to finish up some emails and then we can go.”
You sit back down and he comes around to stand behind you. He starts rubbing your shoulders just as you begin typing. Your fingers stop and your eyes flutter closed. Harry would always be your favorite masseuse.
“You look good enough to eat, you know that right?” He whispers in your ear, sending a shiver up your spine.
You send your last email and turn your monitor off. He spins you around in your chair so you’re facing him. You look up at him through your lashes. For years you had told Harry you’d never have sex in your office. But you were ovulating and extremely turned on.
“So why not have your appetizer here then?”
His eyebrows shoot up. He was expecting you to say no or to tell him anything other than what you just said. His hands drag up from your knees to your thighs, bunching up your skirt to your hips. He grips your panties and takes them off of you. He drops to his knees and puts your legs over his shoulders, pulling you closer to the edge of your seat. His tongue was on you in seconds, but he takes it away just as quickly. He nips at your inner thigh, sucking a very dark mark into your skin.
“Fuck.” You breathe as he does it to the other one.
He licks into you again, getting a very good taste. He drags his tongue up to your clit and sucks on you.
“Harry.” Your head rolls back, and the chair nearly tips over, but he steadies it.
One of his hands reaches up to grip your throat, and your eyes roll into the back of your head as you come on his tongue. He stands up and undoes his pants. He licks his lips when he looks at you, he wasn’t sure what he wanted to do to you first.
“Take me on the floor, please.” You beg him.
“Get on your back then.”
You stand up and lay on the ground. Harry chuckles as he gets on the ground over you.
“Thought you would’ve wanted me to bend you over the desk.”
“No, I want it like this.” His lips ghost over yours.
You gasp as he enters you, and his tongue goes into your mouth. Yours molds to his and he swallows your groans. He carefully unbuttons your blouse so he can cup your breasts over your bra. He was ramming into you, and it felt incredible.
“Oh my god, Harry.” Your back arches slightly. Something about doing it in your office after saying no for so long was really doing something for you. “Holy shit!” You scream as he rubs on your clit. “Don’t stop.” You groan.
“Baby.” He moans. “Fuck, you’re so beautiful like this.”
You wrap your legs around him to pull him closer to you. You knew your back was going to hurt tomorrow, but you didn’t care. He takes his other hand to grab yours, intertwining your fingers. He pins it next to your head. You use your free hand to grip his throat. You were thankful there was A/C in your office, or the two of you would be drenched in even more sweat than you were.
You tighten around him as you come to another release. He squeezes your hand as he comes inside you. Your grip loosens around his throat as you both catch your breaths. He sticks a finger inside you so nothing slips out, and then he grabs your underwear to slide up your legs.
“Hope you won’t be too uncomfortable at dinner.” He says as he helps you up.
“I’ll be fine.” You smile and kiss him. “I love you.”
“I love you too.”
At the end of the month, on their trip in Disney, Niall proposed to Sarah, and she happily accepted. You couldn’t wait to celebrate with them when they got back. The class you taught got amazing reviews in the course evaluations. You were asked to come in for a meeting with the head of the Communication Department.
“Y/N!” Dr. Harrison calls you into her office. You knew her very well. “It’s so good to see you.”
“You too.” You shake her hand and have a seat. “Weird, last time I sat in this seat I was asking you about internships.” You laugh.
“Funny how things come full circle sometimes.” She smiles. “We were very impressed with how well your class went. We haven’t had students do so well with TL like this in a while. A lot of students who take summer courses take them to improve their GPA’s.”
“So I noticed. I had them send me intro videos for their first assignments, and a lot of them said they were grateful my class was being taught.”
“One of our faculty members is heading to another institution next semester. So she’ll only be here for the fall term. We have to start figuring out spring semester courses later this month. She teaches a lot of the film and media courses.” You nod. “You have your MEd, correct?”
“That’s right.”
“We’re going to be searching for a new teaching position soon. I’ve been speaking with the other faculty, you were such a rock star of a student, and we were wondering if you’d consider applying once we open it.”
“What?” You were in shock.
“I know that’s a lot to ask, obviously, you seem to really like your job. You’re good at what you do, but you also seem to be a great teacher. We’d like you to teach more of our students.”
“I…I don’t know…see, my husband and I are trying to start a family, and my work has amazing maternity leave options and benefits. I mean, I could be pregnant now, and if I was that would mean I’d literally just make it to the end of the spring semester, and then I’d be on maternity all summer, and I know being a junior faculty means a lot of-“
“Y/N slow down.” She chuckles.
“It’s just, I essentially get six months off for maternity at my work…”
“I could get you some information about our union benefits. We have nine month contracts and twelve month contracts. Lots of different options. I don’t have kids of my own, but I have to say our insurance benefits are really great. You don’t have to decide anything right now, just know we’d love to have you. We’re going to open the position up at the end of September. At least consider applying, alright?”
On your way home from the meeting you had to pull over on the side of the road to throw up. You had taken the afternoon off from work to go to this meeting, so you go right home. You throw up again the second you get inside, luckily you made it to the toilet.
“What the fuck?” You say to yourself, and then it dawns on you. You get your phone and call Harry. You promised him any time you took a test that you needed to be together.
“Hey baby, how’d the meeting go?”
“Can you come home?”
“Um…uh…I have a client coming soon, why?”
“I’ve been throwing up all afternoon…I think I should take a test.”
“Oh! This shouldn’t take long, could you wait until I get home?”
“Harry.” You groan.
“Okay, take it, but don’t look at the results until I get home, please.”
You go into the bathroom and take a pregnancy test. You had been trying for five months now, and you hadn’t had a symptom like this yet. You stick the test on the counter in the bathroom and go out to the living room. You had so many things to think over. Teaching had just become a new passion of yours, but was this opportunity worth disrupting everything right now?
You sit down and look over the union information Dr. Harrison gave you. You pull up your benefits package from work on your laptop and try to compare the two. The university, believe it or not, actually had better insurance policies. Being protected by a union would also be nice. This was the shitty part about working for a good business. You felt guilty for wanting something new. You were so grateful for everything, but you did the same thing every single day, and it just wasn’t giving you the same fulfillment it used to. You had been there since you were twenty-one, fresh out of college. You were twenty-seven now, maybe something new would be good. Besides that, you knew Niall had one foot out the door. Sarah had gotten a position at a nice prep-school, and he was looking  at some other companies closer to their new house. He needed to be able to move up, and there were no positions opening up any time soon. He had been at Mark It even longer than you. A lot was changing all at once.
You take a deep breath and tell yourself you’ll talk things over with Harry later. A couple of hours later, Harry bursts through the door with Buster. You stand up immediately and walk with him hand in hand to the bathroom. You both look at the test sitting there and take a deep as you walk up to it. Both of your eyes widen when you look at it.
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ourflagmeansdeth · 4 years
haircut / bolin x reader, soulmate au
summary: Your trip to Republic City doesn't turn out as expected, and you and your roommates find yourselves in the middle of Kuvira's attack. Three short vignettes of backstory, all wrapped up with an impromptu haircut and a sweet introduction.
a/n: oh my lord :) this was so challenging and fun to write! the only ideas i seem to ever have are also the ones i don't know how to approach, so writing this was a doozy. i’ve never written any AUs but soulmate aus have always been a personal fave. i hope that yall enjoy this one as much as i do, its less bolin-centric and takes a bit of patience, but i think it's very sweet! thank you for all your support on my previous works as well, it means a whole lot to me <3 additionally, i now have 100+ followers on this blog! thank you so much, yall :) love u all, stay safe!
read on ao3
On your 18th birthday, you got your mark. You woke up eager, jumping out of bed and stripping your sleeping clothes off to see where it had appeared. At first, you panicked— it was nowhere to be seen, rubbing your hands along the backs of your legs and arms, hoping the friction would urge it to surface. After what had felt like hours of checking in every corner of your body in the mirror, you gave up and wrapped yourself in a blanket, walking out of your bedroom in search of your mother.
With tears in your eyes, you hugged your mom as she wished you a happy birthday, taking a deep breath and engulfing yourself in her calming scent. Upon seeing you crying, her face washed over with concern as she asked you if you’d found your mark yet. You talked through your doubts, suggesting that you might not even have a soulmate, and that no mark was ever supposed to appear, and that it just wasn’t meant to be.
“Y/n, don’t be foolish,” she reached for your hand and gave it a squeeze, “let’s check together.”
You pulled the blanket up and turned your ankles, checking on the soles of your feet, your toes. You huffed, pulling it up around your thighs and spinning unenthusiastically for her to check the backs of them. You dropped the blanket down, reaching up to slip it down off your arms.
You exposed your shoulders, your mother lifting your arms to check your armpits, in between your fingers, along your collarbone. She spun you around with her hands, checking the skin on your back. She pushed the hair on your neck forward and placed a finger on the nape of your neck, chuckling.
“Looks like we’re going to have to plan a trip to the earth kingdom sometime soon.”
You hadn’t left the Northern Water Tribe for your entire life until you turned 20. Living with a few childhood friends in a shared apartment, you all dreamed of one day traveling to Republic City and living it up for a couple days, Republic style. The spirits had just arrived in the City, and you all wanted to see them before the government did something to rid them, having heard great stories of large vines and friendly spirits speckled along the bustling streets.
You heard good reviews about Varrick Industries’ blimp flights from the Northern Water Tribe to Republic City, but the technology was just a bit too new (and therefore expensive), and a local fisherman offered to give you all a ride on his boat in exchange for a bit of work during the trip. You had known the fisherman to be a little unhinged, but you didn’t complain.
The four of you planned on staying at an inn not too far from the pro-bending arena, which was a huge deal, since all of you listened to pro-bending matches on the radio together religiously. Every Friday night was an event, where you helped your roommate, Tonauk, cook a large meal for everyone as a celebration of the week’s end. As all of you sat down for dinner, you would discuss your theories for the night’s matches, turning the radio on after you all had finished.
You all had to go out and buy new clothes since your wardrobes were too warm for the weather in the city, modifying a couple items of clothing you never wear, chopping off the sleeves on a lightweight tunic. You figured you could do a bit of shopping while on your vacation, but hey, things were probably cheaper here, anyway. You packed up your bags and wished to have a safe journey, and a nice, relaxing week in Republic City. It felt so strange leaving the one place you’ve been your entire life, but it felt like it was time, and you were ready.
To put it shortly, the trip to Republic City was an absolute disaster. The boat ride over was actually pretty bearable, though— the fisherman had the four of you working the sails most of the time, which was second nature to you, the child of a fisherman. Upon your arrival, you discovered that an angry spirit occupied the room you had reserved at the inn, forcing the four of you to opt for a cramped two-bed on the first floor. It wasn’t the best of circumstances, but you all were determined to see it through and still have a good time.
Where things really went south was when Kuvira arrived. It had been about three days into your vacation, and your roommate Niko insisted on taking a ferry trip to Air Temple Island. It was a gorgeous day and the sun felt so good on your skin, the breeze caressing your face as it flowed past you.
The four of you were absolutely clueless to what was happening in the city— the looks of concern on the Air Acolytes’ faces as you leisurely strolled through on your tour of the island, the crowds of people boarding boats in droves when you arrived back at the ferry. As you walked towards the dock, an Acolyte approached your group and told you to leave immediately, and that the city was being evacuated.
The ferry ride back to the port was probably the most stressed you’d ever been in your entire life. You and Tonauk were waterbenders, but Niko and Kala weren’t, and if they got caught up in some twisted Kuvira shit, you would never forgive yourself if you weren’t able to save them. How should we have known Kuvira was here? How were we supposed to know that “Oh, Kuvira’s coming, so let’s all silently up and leave”? It didn’t make sense, and now you were really in danger, and you felt the horrible weight of putting your friends in this situation. It was your idea to go to Republic City, but you hadn’t thought about the possibility of this happening.
That was when you had heard Niko curse something under his breath next to you, and you looked out across the water. Kuvira was here, alright— and she brought a giant mecha suit that was aiming its arm in front of itself. You covered your ears as the blast that erupted from it echoed across the water. Holy shit.
You were absolutely sure that you were going to die. Since the buses and trams across the city had closed down, the four of you were on foot, making your way to the train station. You all crouched and sheltered yourselves as you heard another blast close by. When the coast was clear, you all turned a corner, happening upon a stressed, scrambled group of airbenders. You hurried to offer a hand to them as they picked themselves off the ground.  It took a while to realize what was all happening in front of you. You saw that you were about 200 feet from the giant mecha suit, which you had assumed caused the airbenders to crash. Holy shit, is that the avatar?
“Excuse me? You’re not supposed to be here.” A stern voice chided from behind you.
“Yeah, what’re some civilians doing around here anyway?” You turned to look at who was speaking: two men, both eyeing your group up as you helped an airbender to their feet.
“We were making our way to the train station. We didn’t know there was an evacuation.” Tonauk defended, stepping forward.
“You didn’t know?” The green eyed one looked at Tonauk in disbelief. “We’ve been evacuating for days— There was a city-wide radio broadcast… that played aloud to the entire city.”
You recalled that you were on a day trip out to a park outside the city yesterday and probably completely missed the broadcast. “Ugh!” you exclaimed, “That’s why our ferry tickets were so cheap.”
“People will really do anything for money nowadays, huh?” Niko muttered.
“You guys went on a ferry?” the taller of the two questioned, disappointment spread across his face.
“Oh, my god,” the green-eyed one chuckled. “They went to Air Temple Island and didn’t know there was a city-wide evacuation? Like, we’re straight up under attack right now.” He gestured to the mecha suit, which had just blasted a building a block away. Kala scoffed.
“Guys?” Oh my god, it really was the Avatar! “We’d love to get to know you, but we uh, have something that we really have to deal with right now,” she forced a smile, gesturing for the two boys to join her. They turned and ran to the rest of their group, circling up to strategize.
Before you could mutter something about how some people in this city are just so impolite, the building next to you started crumbling. Tonauk attempted to shelter the four of you by drawing water up from the sewer cap nearest you, but there wasn’t enough to provide good cover. That was when you were knocked out momentarily by a few bricks that had fallen, coming to seconds later and realizing that you were stuck underneath a pile of rubble. Your hair, grown long for many years despite your mother’s wishes, was now trapped underneath some kind of machinery that had fallen from the building. Your face was stuck against the rubble beneath you. Your arms were free enough to pull the rest of your body from the bricks that held it down, but your head would not budge, your cheek pressed against some kind of electrical unit.
“Hold still!” the green-eyed boy’s voice echoed in your ears as he attempted at moving the weight on top of your hair. “Dammit, I can’t move it! Why do they make these things out of platinum?” he groaned.
“Just cut it off!” you managed to squeak out.
“If you say so,” he began, reaching in his pocket to pull out a foldable knife. You craned your neck to pull your hair taut. With one short swoosh, your head was free, but the man above you didn’t move. “I, uh…” he trailed off.
“What is it?” you picked yourself up, scanning the scene around you, relieved to see that your friends had survived.
A blush spread across his face as he reached an arm up to rest behind his head. Or, was he...? You reached up to press the earth emblem on the back of your neck, now exposed from your new haircut. “Oh my god, turn around.” you ordered him, as he turned, folding his popped collar down. You gasped to yourself as you saw that the water emblem was printed across the nape of his neck. “I, uh…” you echoed him.
“Really need to… get going?” he finished for you, “But I’m really confused, so like, if we both make it out of this alive, my friend Varrick is having a wedding, and you should come.” he turned around and his eyes sparkled, reaching out his hand to give yours a shake. “I’m Bolin. And you are?”
“Y/n,” you exhaled, giving his hand a squeeze. “It’s nice to meet you.”
“You as well,” he glanced over at his group. “Okay, gotta go. Not sure where the wedding is, but come to Air Temple Island if all else fails. See you then!” Bolin gave you a reassuring smile before running off.
You looked behind you, at your friends, who were now staring at you dumbfounded. “Nice haircut.” Kala gave you a thumbs up as you walked back towards them. Bolin and the others ran off down the street, towards the mecha suit.
“So… he’s like, your…?” Niko suggested.
“I… don’t know,” you stuttered, straightening out your tunic. “but I do know that we have a wedding to go to, so let’s get the hell out of here.”
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sambinnie · 3 years
1. Happy Mabon! Every autumn, I forget that the darkness comes clanging down in a great rush in the mornings. One day, I am greeted by a pinking sunrise. 48 hours later, it’s so dark on my run to the river that I have to stop a passing runner and check the time, in case my disturbed sleep sent me dressing and leaving the house at 2am. This summer may not have given us those mornings where it’s so hot I can barely get out of the water, where those early hours feel like full silent days carved out just for me to sit in the light and wait for everyone else to wake up, where the only extra thing I put on to run home is my trainers — I look at my waiting winter gear, neoprene socks and gloves, head torch, two more thickening jumpers, hat, thermal mittens — but every season, every day, is beautiful.
Today we go early for celebrations, and the water is silky, and Orion hangs over us with his phallic sword dangling and Betelgeuse winking on one shoulder. The near-full moon spotlights us and I feel almost ready for the shortening days.
2. Hilary Mantel continues to be a literary god. How does she write with that clarity? How can I ever speak with her calm good sense and wit? 
3. We have two main problems at the moment, as far as I can see. a) What we’re doing (“curating” our lives; twitter spats; purity spirals; division and isolation; wanting ‘debates’ that can only be won or lost; encouraging people to buy more things; trying to buy our happiness; letting marketers tell us how we feel about the world rather than encouraging major moral lessons from throughout the ages to challenge us on our weaknesses; refusing to accept that life is suffering; asking self-care to be a plaster for everything we don’t have) and b) what we’re not doing (joining together to stand against those with more money and power; protecting the people who have even less power and voice than we do as a matter of course; learning from history; protecting nature above all else; prioritising going for walks; learning to repair things and campaigning to make things repairable; having a basic belief in human dignity for all, not just those with whom we agree; accepting that truly, we are all different and no amount of shaming or disgust will change that; working to shape our societies, culture, economies, production, food supplies and communications around improving — not just sustaining — the air, water and land, and fighting to ensure all of those new shapes protect women and children).
Individualism has morphed into something so completely self-destructive that we’ve forgotten we need nature more than anything — literally, more than anything — and we need to unionise and unite and put aside differences and work together even with people we don’t like. 
Because when there are wicked people in power, when it’s genuinely exhausting to think about all the corrupt, venal, toxic, divisive, false, and cruel things they have done since coming to power, those people love to watch everyone below pointing their fingers at one another, saying, You, You’re The Enemy, You’re The Problem, while corrupt populist leaders rub their bellies and chuckle at another promise broken, another mass death on their hands, another building site on a protected forest. Do you understand the stakes here? Do you understand that it’s actual survival? It’s not about being right any more, it’s not about besting someone in the argument. It’s about having decision makers who can not only ensure there is still food to eat and air to breathe, but that relations both within a country and between countries are built on care, and support, and compassion, and believing in human dignity. And while it sounds wishy-washy and hands-clappy it’s the schmaltzy, sentimental truth. It’s the only one, really. 
If we instead continue to believe every single day that my feelings are the most important, that my beliefs are the right ones, that I’ve got to prove those baddies there are evil and awful and wrong, then honestly, what the fuck? If we’re happy to live in a country where hostile architecture is the starting point for all public builds, where we send refugee boats away from our shores, where affiliate links are a career goal, where we haven’t stormed the Daily Mail offices with accounts of all our lovely immigrant friends and family and had a huge feast together and compared our long and tangled family trees, then come on. It’s only a race to the bottom if we all keep running. 
Because, pressingly, whatever the spark of a major global conflict — assassination, fuel shortages, hyperinflation, invasion — the kindling is almost always a populace fed pure hatred for months, for years, until they can’t even taste it anymore but are ready to spew it out again, and are ready to use another populace as the receptacle. And hatred is brewed up in silence and isolation, and in the ashes of bridges burned between disparate groups. 
And on that note, I’m not a conspiracy theorist, mainly because I don’t believe governments are generally competent enough to manage Grand Plans, but it’s annoying that technology and social trends and culture have developed in such a way that no one knocks on anyone’s door for a chat as a matter of course now, that it’s a given that a ringing phone triggers anxiety, that it’s not the norm for cups of tea with your neighbours, that we don’t know each other’s neighbourhoods, that we don’t even talk on the phone, with live words and intonation and synchronised laughter, but in text, in WhatsApp chats, in tapped out words and symbols that we know can be screen-grabbed and misinterpreted, that we know are kept, filtered and sold by the tech companies. It’s not a conspiracy. It’s just a reality that every single one of us can choose to do differently. 
Sometimes exactly the right thing comes along at the right time. All of us here watched About a Boy at the weekend, a film which is so wonkily weighted and oddly rhythmed, but a perfect depiction of everything I’m banging on about here. Hugh Grant’s character likes being alone. He’s happy that way. It suits him. It’s his choice. Then, between one thing and another, he finds himself drawn into a world of a suicidal single mother, a duck-murdering young boy, more single mothers, more tricky teens, plus exes and mothers-in-law and awkward support groups. And it turns out that actually, being with people is better. Being uncomfortable often develops you as a person. Constantly prioritising only yourself produces a waxen, pointless baby. Making shared sacrifices might just be the point of being alive. Remember that to be human is to be flawed. That no one is ever completely right, and no one is ever completely wrong. That the boring stuff makes us feel good, and the glossy stuff, if all we strive for is gloss, doesn’t. 
If you want anything practical, here are the things that have really helped me over the last few years:
Writing a letter or email regularly to my MP, to CEOs of organisations, to anyone I want to communicate my strong feelings and how I’d like things to be done better. Tweeting eats your soul. It’s a horrible myth the media pretends is important. It really, really isn’t.
Inviting people to go in front of me in queues, in traffic, getting on to buses and trains. It lowers my stress levels right down.
Learning the names of my neighbours and people I meet regularly on walks and letting them learn mine. (I definitely haven’t just decided I loathe a neighbour because they cut a bird-hatching tree down in their garden on the last day of the year it was legal to do so. It’s fine.)
Joining a few political parties, and the closest thing I have to a union
Making something, anything — everything can be done with love, and learning to not get sucked into the capitalist conceit of having to make it perfect, sellable, exhibitable is a genuine gift to yourself; making a cake or a film or a coaster and not putting it on social media, letting it be ugly or serviceless and loving it anyway. I felt extremely overwhelmed the other evening, but instead of doom-scrolling I knitted a… I don’t know, something flat and woollen, and it helped to have my hands and eyes working on directionless introspective creation. 
Trying to stop hating. Every time I want to tell a negative story in my head about someone, I attempt to turn it into something positive: how unhappy that person must be, what they must be missing out on. It’s so nauseatingly Pollyanna-ish, and of course it isn’t always successful, and of course every single day brings a hundred thousand examples of cruelty and injustice and wickedness, but the alternative only makes my life feel worse, so why would I indulge that? 
Teaching myself the names of birds, trees, flowers, clouds and constellations. I’m still at the most basic levels on all of these, but the difference one feels in the world when you can name things  — let alone use them and know their stories — is a very real sort of magic. (For that reason I hope to read this book very soon.) This episode of The Cut is also good on the wonder and power of learning the names of the weeds that grow in your nearest pavement crack. 
4. Creating anything is always a gamble, isn’t it, but writing a book you actually like for once and seeing it slowly and beautifully sink to the bottom of a river never to be seen again is ever so slightly crushing. However, it turns out even Thom Yorke feels that way, so I am comforted. 
5. I’m sure I’ve mentioned plenty of these before, but if you want some suggestions of where to find joy, here are my favourites from the last year or so:
I was given Lucy Easthope’s book, When the Dust Settles, for work recently, and I was surprised and delighted to discover the most uplifting, hopeful, human and rightfully angry book I’ve read in a long time. Do yourself a favour and preorder it. I bought this other book for my own birthday, gave it to a housemate to give to me, forgot about it, and was delighted to later unwrap He Used Thought As A Wife. Laughed a lot, cried twice. Marvellous. 
Now even the youngest housemate here can recite John Finnemore sketches and sing the songs. Has also taught them various composers, gods, logical fallacies and gothic story tropes. Also v funny. Oh, Kate Beaton! Her two books (Hark! A Vagrant and Step Aside Pops) are a bit like a comic-book version of Finnemore, but swearier and sexier and utterly unsuitable for all the housemates who have read it and been educated about the Brontes, Katherine Sui Fun Cheung, Tom Longboat, Nancy Drew, Ida B. Wells, Sacagawea, and the Borgias. 
Had to give Inside a restraining order against me for the sake of us all, but Bo Burnham’s Eighth Grade is a masterpiece of writing, acting, sound design and optimism. Spy is dumb action comedy polished to perfection, and Yasujirō Ozu’s Good Morning seems like the inspiration for almost all US arthouse films since 1990, and is also beautiful, funny, thoughtful, and good. 
Taylor Swift’s Evermore, like all brilliant albums, isn’t completely perfect. But most of the songs are. And Hole’s classic Live Through This is still just ideal for turning up very, very loud after a tricky day, for the enjoyment of any neighbours who may have hacked down a bird-friendly tree on the last day of February. 
Watched both series of Liam Williams’ Ladhood when I had a week off this summer, and really relished the location, the intention, and the writing. More please. 
Miles Jupp and Justin Edwards continue to be my comforting bedtime listening in In and Out of the Kitchen. Has it ruined Nigel Slater for me? Well, a bit, but no more than any of us deserved. 
I thought this would be a book I’d mumble through the first chapter of, then let get buried in my To Read pile, never to re-open. Instead, I found Whatever Happened to Margo? laugh-out-loud funny, drily written, and full of humanity. Excellent Women has made me want to read everything written by Barbara Pym, a goal I am slowly but surely working towards. 
6. I’ve spent the last few years trying to find hazelnut trees, and finally found a copse between a car park and a play area, full of nuts the squirrels hadn’t noticed. Now I’ve found them, the spell has been cast and I see hazel trees everywhere, on walks and on pavements and running along motorway slip roads. A tray of green and brown frilled hazelnuts now dries with the laundry. They are so beautiful. 
3 notes · View notes
sirjustice488-blog · 4 years
Innovation and innovations dude
Just 1 mega investment even after long bro, main contractor Mc mama colly with Mamboleo mall as in the link below , Am just a black man
When u have known how to make gadgets as though by being bad as Germans long time can make u come up with the same is a hoax then be good dude and in ya own nation have made the same, so stop the sick thinking that u must live in Eu or America to make the same and with any tribe as now u have witnessed those machines can even be made in grass thatched houses in the slums as in the song link below
Like LG TV made with cut jackfruit piece placed in grade chicken mouth or intestine as in the belly with mango seed or cut pumpkin outside in the boom process and with China alibaba sound system stereo made same way as apple inserted in place of jacfruit or broken parts or spare-parts placed with detergents/soap or cut old rugged cloth pieces and boom ya even small electric appliances like home and office or medical appliances/equipment.
With You-tong china buses made with egg placed inside solutions as named above in a close dark container like water tanks or big super drum or placed not in chicken intestine or mouth but on of a cow like, Kinda, bro and with any big machine like cars or generator as u can pour out charcoal water or purple fruit as well in the cows mouth. With bullet train is cut raw paw paw while tankers is Bringanya dude. Pili pili hoho makes cars which attracts the draws ya attention b4 again it does the reverse and former again and again until walk away from it as one in love with young kids who drive such as its the spirit dude. Milk made cars take the day as breeds a spirit in ya of no concern dude. The new sound systems as in the link below as well made as above but with cut cabbage in the mouth or semi-ripe mango piece in the mouth
Mochanda, magdalin or Minaj, eating that hairy thing in between ya thighs is how much, A fellow tells me roughly $250, i know not whether is truth or lies, give it a comb shave, so it not be rugged but nit to double the amount Girl.
Hair blower technology with rotating red hot filament mouth, so 1 filament stays not so to avoid burning, in a circular manner from below like every 30-60 minutes 4 drones and jets, where it is placed in-front of the armored glass cylinder or metallic cylinder, which has a hollow pas-way in the middle of the siren gas cylinder but not to the behind, as 70% of the cylinder where the heat from the blower accumulates to heat the gas cylinder to be push by cold air from behind to propel the drone forward dude as in the links below
Super drum and big plastic tanks made with city garbage, placed inside ripe cut banana pieces or mango seed both in the boom process as u enclose the garbage in a can or plastic wrapping bags dude.
Clothes as jeans made with cotton wool added much water, detergent placed or cut many samples of plastic containers as well as placed mango seed both in the boom process dude.
I want to be left all alone like missiles in Arsenal as tampered with can detonate as in the song links below
When the self charging battery made in Zimbabwe as in the link below placed in Mini-drones as well don’t atrophies and can reach u to the USA or Eu from another continent above or below the earth routes or even in E-motor bikes eliminates the syndrome of not going up the mountain easily as mentioned earlier, defile that law as it always climbed the hill dude
Getting songs out YouTube and many writings, pretending such aint good 4 them, yet want to blow up the servers as with Lebanon and create another war to take such and make their bro, after long many have forgotten. But happy we are now many nations can face another, no fear as they got equal nuclear power as missiles to sway their such dubious thoughts as above away.
Sometimes when u want to move ahead, he crops up with lame excuses, saying now u belittle his step and no the case, wanting ya to stay around with him as not get to another place. Let me get far so we don’t share that, he wants not, they had marked u from birth to want to eat ya corpse which if u stay a way from them, kinda, is like a poison to them dude. Stop that bro, fight 4 ya life 1st not community, let other die is they cant fight like u, just like with in a shoot out, people don’t save others 1st but their lives 1st, if u want to love another, 1st love thy self properly by even sleeping on the ground 4 the bullet to get no hold on ya. After the whole incident is when u locate 4 ya brother as police reports, in hospitals, jails or Morgue don’t do the reverse as with esp Kikuyu blooded to create a public look they are good bro
U can cut the photo of the siren gas cylinder in the link below to make in the boom process using city Garbage and placing all mentioned to be placed like with mango seed, clothes, artificial stone or water lilies
Pull the rope as with synonymous with Kids Toy cars to start operating even charge ya phone Self-charging generator images Tunisia made dude
Buy shares and make money online dude as in the link below bro
Even yam makes houses in the boom process when dry leave pods of trees like acacia placed as described below. But we know not if artificial made such as above, banana or yam, makes durable bricks or houses as grown 1 and thats the debate which if so, makes every country equal provided they got enough to feed her population b4 setting such for building is artificial made 1 is bristle as soak up by water more easily than grown 1. If so every country equal as with not eaten ones as flower has no repercussion as any nation can make artificial thus making those producing state more poor than those trading on food crops and even tea not eaten but drunk dude, so think on the line bro.
Click the links below to find a glimpse of what made in Uganda, b4 u leap dude
kantaka bus made in Ghana images dude
The seed pod in the link below when inserted or dry wood pulp as timer and biscuits in all solutions makes the above apart from the machines like Condoms, CD, Basins, cups, plates,  plastics, cardboard, chip board, polythene paper, plastics ware, clothes, shoes, toilet papers,saddles etc and more, try with any provided u know the boom process if the procedure u know has faulted dude. When placed in garbage, dough,hay, chaff, cereal or groundnut makes houses as u want from internet photos. Place maize cob and mango seed as well 4 better results or hay. Biscuits when placed in the above solution makes shoes, seat velvet, wood pulp and houses in the link below when placed in Garbage or banana as well as dry vegetation like autumn fallen leaves as plucking leaves from the tree if done as daytime or 1 send to affirm the same can bring curse or take ya to hell, reason 4 promised lands they went to dude as u just pick the deciduous leaves bro
Mkebe of containers of jam or canned products like liqour/soda when placed in any solution as sewer water or garbage makes Fighter jets and even caskets in the boom process. Even the fleshy cut part of a ripe make makes fighter jets like in the link below or blue band, cooking fats and even grenade 4 those jets warhead.
Used drinking water bottles which aint that clear as blackish can or dark outer peel avocado take the place of artificial made gravel to make products in the boom process.
Ripe banana placed inside such bottles above or in cut even ya garden flower made much in boom process make mattresses or vice versa in the boom process bro.
They get to country side, and having the drone as specified in the link below withdraw money as with speed boats on lakes and on down the earth crust fissures as explained below dude
Detergents placed in much water with hay or groundnut outer peel when spare-parts of machines placed makes those cars as well as placing the the leucaena seed pod or the artificial made stone as well as the darkish plastic or glass bottles of soda or liqour as above bro. E.g stoney brownish bottle or green barley bottle thrown away after use as well tusker or plisner bottles.
Even other animal blood, tomato and fruit juices can act as solutions 4making paints when mixed with water in the boom process and even making gadgets as well as their meet. Milk, curdled milks, yorghat as well can do the same job homey.
Taking a big animal like shark or wale as much as elephants or snake the place the above like artificial stone in the mouth or broken glasses as much as the dark stone used to rubber the lower part of ya feet when bathing makes big saucer jets or Dried many colured chilies when u placed as well still makes saucer as in the links below. That chilies can take the place or artificial made stone as state above and even black grape fruit as well as purple fruit bro
Cut flowers or dough solution when u place maize cob or milk makes plastic ware like tooth paste and brush or any plastic ware as chairs or even tissue paper as much as writing pens and materials as book or silk cloth when spider web placed with hay as above or the seed pod dude. When u placed biscuits and glucose makes shoes or tie as much as other clothes as belts and women purses/kibeti.
20 or 50 maize cobs when place like in Garbage solutions makes jets while cans makes fighter jets in the boom process dude or u can place such as oranges, eggs or charcoal as used shoes or broken bottles still gives u the same as old shoes gives ya fighter choppers with detonatives period dude
Milk made vehicles in the boom process are good with commercial vehicles as lorries.
Water bottles or any dark outer peel fruit as avocado inserted in the boom solutions as cut flower makes siren gas inscribed in like armored glass cylinder or metallic cylinder bro
Writing chalk in schools are made with hay, cassava or mango seed placed in boom solution as cut flower or garbage.
When u take reddish flowers even from surrounding flower or tree and place hay with green gram inserted make Black current soda dude in the boom process
Strawberry, dark outer peel avocado, Bringanya or onunga when placed in the boom solutions as Garbage makes passenger drones as in the link below, u placed alongside all the mentioned above as well
When u place used water bottles, bringanya or glass of many kind in cut flower solution or Garbage make gas powered cars, cylinders, airplanes, trains, heavy road making vehicles, tuk tuk and car wheel inflating machine as in the links below
When u place what is placed in the boom process as below to make gadgets in Cattle mouth or fish as well gives u that gadget provided the cattle or fish or any other animal is 20-30 weight of the gadget u wanna make dude. Produces the most strongest machines, they can even be many provided of the weight as mentioned above even with making airplanes as cow does or can make artificial meat cow using 1 to avoid annihilating many to save much cow life 4 future generation as 1 who made many so in the boom process don’t again use the made much to make gadget but pass to another as Mr devil can realize and refute ya plane and even with other boom solutions like mfenesi, good neighbor parable as of Grape or cow bottle grabs ya attention not as u pass while of Jackfruit grabs it and a spirit tells ya to vacate as opposed to of Pineapple which grabs ya attention to make u want to approach go to it dude and many think u love kids and the side effects as its 2 fold with people who love kids much lazy are of dubious like molesting kids when all alone. Leave the little kids alone with Christ bro. Of purple fruit leaves ya mind 1st and 1 mistakes ya as still kidish dude. Of Grapes create a scene of crime around you dude as, kinda, 1 withdrawn gun to shoot. So buying and 1 selling a car to brand him name has reasons and not an easy thing bro as in the link below. Avocado made 1 makes u not to turn ya mind as 1 who loves himself as spirit directs u to buy the same of cattle blood make has that little effect dude. Try with every vegetable to make the same and come out with benefits and side-effects of even of natural and artificial made machines and see which most people like and which nation produce that much to be rich even by removing ya car color and applying of the best results. Aint easy dude, to be rich overnight dude
The whole house or sky scrapper can be made of armored glass with carpet or plastic/wood pulp to hide the glass and even bridges as u tell the devil to do the same. When u place plastic cups or glass counterparts in cut flower solution and place as well the mentioned above and spit saliva or hurl cold milk make such former above in the boom process. Even long lastic roads beneth or inner layers can be armored glass inserted in a the dug trench with hooks that will hold the lami or tar with concrete as the final layer and the same techniques can be used to make Cottage made wood handle beds to hold the mattress to remove the not beautiful mattress holder. Many hooks place at intervals in that if u place the Mattress it holds as in the link below. I mean, kind, prickling hole on the mattress to avoid sliding or collapsing dude. Beautiful bro, a white man seconds Kebi
When u placed metallic cans in the above boom solution of cut flower used in making houses or sky scrapper it makes such or even if u place African drum of the shape in the link below, even when all the placed as above u cut their pictures straight from the net it still do like with the acacia bro
Cut flowers when u placed the above as sewer water even makes roads of ya description in the boom process dude
The 1 who transfigure and messing up with ya airplane ore jet alternator to fall has been solved by no alternator machine as the battery in the below link comes handy to solve the puzzle and even with eliminatin the solar panel in the kit only to switch off the inverter or step up transformer when not in use of u have gadgets or to avoid burning up, Kenyans esp the Luo, Kamba, or kikuyu, innovation is 1 man guitar and we are headed there, post yours as all people has done including this man not societal approach SA
The battery used 3 v illuminate on a 2 volts solar panel with step up transformer to hike it up-to 20 - 30 v which is connected to a solar charger controller to make it at always 12 to charge the same battery lighting up the 3DC bulb. 1st and 4most it has 12- 3 V input and output 3 - 2 V, step down transformer to make the battery current 3 or 2 V to light the above light as in the links below, I lost touch to the link as i explained it previously as it can as well use starter comp to replace the light bulb which also they got as i lost also touch to the link bro
All that is made in the boom process u can place in containers, bottles, tins or can and even in other animal mouth made much in the boom process like rodents, cattle as goat, gazelle or antelope, squirrel ect 4 better matokeo as results when has not been made in the open process like with mini-small home appliances like stereo, tv etc and more.
Motor bikes as in the link below are made with like any 1 fruit piece placed in like gazelle, goat or antelope mouth together with clothes b4 the boom process is done. The fruits can be apple, cut pineapple, pili pili hoho and even bringanya and more which gives different types of motor bikes as even those motor bikes cut diagonal photos mixed with detergents placed on the same mouth makes those motor bikes in the boom process even non-living things as soap bar, women cloth like belts and more makes another brand even with chicken, birds, turkey, duck, lizards, monitor lizards and guinea fowl mouths
The 1 in the link below is either made with, for example, cut tire, timber, charcoal or cassava as well as apple placed in goat mouth.
In the link below is like Bringanya or avocado place in the mouth
The 1 in the link below is like paw paw placed as in the above
The 1 in the below link is like yellow inside pumpkin placed as above dude, the no 4 in the link and more,even E-ones dude
Luo people behavior of being good but wanting from ya in the long run is cut island people blood to warn u of such cause if they were aint around u could would have known. Kitten character KC
WIRA movie shows us in the long run when nation is developed as Eu ones every1 is below the law, no 1 directs 1 as tradition atrophies, where if 1 wants to control ya u simply call the police even wanting from u as cousins yet things are placed in credit 4 every to buy as well as there is insurance payable per week so no excuse 4 wanting from 1 lest the below in the link as well as those people if u meet show ya their manhood names are written as with their laziness they know not they can stop the operation of a country with such lazy kids as them. If chance permit in that they understand not they are marked and killed or women warned against them dude
Most of my postings as in tumblr a/c are still in comment in youtube on Rihanna songs and You can check it out 4 retrieval and storage bro
Sisal as well can be made in boom process as above, much and used in making 1 of the best paints as car they concerns ya not but makes u want to locate the owner who is he b4 u go ya way. Kinda, has bureaucratic appeal as milk but of milk is more shinny
Cut paw paw pieces which is raw or bringanya makes grenades in the boom process as well of fighter jets and tankers when all the placed above inserted dude
Soaps or polish as much as paints or face paints, Inks are made with rubber fluid, cut flower, coconut milk, yams, ripe white guava, milk added with detergents as well as artificial stone or purple colored fruits added like avocado, bringanya or purple fruit then u do the boom process and ya sabuni as soap. U can place the same in dark polythene bags 4 better results dude and with any products made in boom process.
The same way money printed as in the below link and now as we have known Mr white man most lies is the same way they print it anywhere dude,so must be eradicated to be replaced with online cash
Living is islands all alone like Neverland kills ya fast unless the back part of the island compound on the backyard is long more than the front side, brown leather sofa seats breeds longevity, vity are seat as well as leather jackets u can hang on ya bed room wall if u like not the former case, reason why many whites go 4 the same if u did not know 4 ya information bro
The 8 ball pool game played with 2 people can eradicate sport betting and many dubious business youths engage in if u can place money to wait 4 some1 to find and select u to play with specifying amount equal to what u have placed or lower the choice is yours to attract the 1 u want to play with, with less or equal amount u have placed, When he places as u have specified to play at certain time period which u can pause or not as if u specify to take the money or not as much as if he quits or u winning the game cause him as well b4 playing with u, places his cash as u have specified amount to infinity paying via online measures as Momo or M-pesa or as in the links below
1 note · View note
sirjustice487-blog · 4 years
Grown 1 vs artificial 1
Just 1 mega investment even after long bro, main contractor Mc mama colly with Mamboleo mall as in the link below , Am just a black man
When u have known how to make gadgets as though by being bad as Germans long time can make u come up with the same is a hoax then be good dude and in ya own nation have made the same, so stop the sick thinking that u must live in Eu or America to make the same and with any tribe as now u have witnessed those machines can even be made in grass thatched houses in the slums as in the song link below
Like LG TV made with cut jackfruit piece placed in grade chicken mouth or intestine as in the belly with mango seed or cut pumpkin outside in the boom process and with China alibaba sound system stereo made same way as apple inserted in place of jacfruit or broken parts or spare-parts placed with detergents/soap or cut old rugged cloth pieces and boom ya even small electric appliances like home and office or medical appliances/equipment.
With You-tong china buses made with egg placed inside solutions as named above in a close dark container like water tanks or big super drum or placed not in chicken intestine or mouth but on of a cow like, Kinda, bro and with any big machine like cars or generator as u can pour out charcoal water or purple fruit as well in the cows mouth. With bullet train is cut raw paw paw while tankers is Bringanya dude. Pili pili hoho makes cars which attracts the draws ya attention b4 again it does the reverse and former again and again until walk away from it as one in love with young kids who drive such as its the spirit dude. Milk made cars take the day as breeds a spirit in ya of no concern dude. The new sound systems as in the link below as well made as above but with cut cabbage in the mouth or semi-ripe mango piece in the mouth
Mochanda, magdalin or Minaj, eating that hairy thing in between ya thighs is how much, A fellow tells me roughly $250, i know not whether is truth or lies, give it a comb shave, so it not be rugged but nit to double the amount Girl.
Hair blower technology with rotating red hot filament mouth, so 1 filament stays not so to avoid burning, in a circular manner from below like every 30-60 minutes 4 drones and jets, where it is placed in-front of the armored glass cylinder or metallic cylinder, which has a hollow pas-way in the middle of the siren gas cylinder but not to the behind, as 70% of the cylinder where the heat from the blower accumulates to heat the gas cylinder to be push by cold air from behind to propel the drone forward dude as in the links below
Super drum and big plastic tanks made with city garbage, placed inside ripe cut banana pieces or mango seed both in the boom process as u enclose the garbage in a can or plastic wrapping bags dude.
Clothes as jeans made with cotton wool added much water, detergent placed or cut many samples of plastic containers as well as placed mango seed both in the boom process dude.
I want to be left all alone like missiles in Arsenal as tampered with can detonate as in the song links below
When the self charging battery made in Zimbabwe as in the link below placed in Mini-drones as well don’t atrophies and can reach u to the USA or Eu from another continent above or below the earth routes or even in E-motor bikes eliminates the syndrome of not going up the mountain easily as mentioned earlier, defile that law as it always climbed the hill dude
Getting songs out YouTube and many writings, pretending such aint good 4 them, yet want to blow up the servers as with Lebanon and create another war to take such and make their bro, after long many have forgotten. But happy we are now many nations can face another, no fear as they got equal nuclear power as missiles to sway their such dubious thoughts as above away.
Sometimes when u want to move ahead, he crops up with lame excuses, saying now u belittle his step and no the case, wanting ya to stay around with him as not get to another place. Let me get far so we don’t share that, he wants not, they had marked u from birth to want to eat ya corpse which if u stay a way from them, kinda, is like a poison to them dude. Stop that bro, fight 4 ya life 1st not community, let other die is they cant fight like u, just like with in a shoot out, people don’t save others 1st but their lives 1st, if u want to love another, 1st love thy self properly by even sleeping on the ground 4 the bullet to get no hold on ya. After the whole incident is when u locate 4 ya brother as police reports, in hospitals, jails or Morgue don’t do the reverse as with esp Kikuyu blooded to create a public look they are good bro
U can cut the photo of the siren gas cylinder in the link below to make in the boom process using city Garbage and placing all mentioned to be placed like with mango seed, clothes, artificial stone or water lilies
Pull the rope as with synonymous with Kids Toy cars to start operating even charge ya phone Self-charging generator images Tunisia made dude
Buy shares and make money online dude as in the link below bro
Even yam makes houses in the boom process when dry leave pods of trees like acacia placed as described below. But we know not if artificial made such as above, banana or yam, makes durable bricks or houses as grown 1 and thats the debate which if so, makes every country equal provided they got enough to feed her population b4 setting such for building is artificial made 1 is bristle as soak up by water more easily than grown 1. If so every country equal as with not eaten ones as flower has no repercussion as any nation can make artificial thus making those producing state more poor than those trading on food crops and even tea not eaten but drunk dude, so think on the line bro.
Click the links below to find a glimpse of what made in Uganda, b4 u leap dude
kantaka bus made in Ghana images dude
The seed pod in the link below when inserted or dry wood pulp as timer and biscuits in all solutions makes the above apart from the machines like Condoms, CD, Basins, cups, plates,  plastics, cardboard, chip board, polythene paper, plastics ware, clothes, shoes, toilet papers,saddles etc and more, try with any provided u know the boom process if the procedure u know has faulted dude. When placed in garbage, dough,hay, chaff, cereal or groundnut makes houses as u want from internet photos. Place maize cob and mango seed as well 4 better results or hay. Biscuits when placed in the above solution makes shoes, seat velvet, wood pulp and houses in the link below when placed in Garbage or banana as well as dry vegetation like autumn fallen leaves as plucking leaves from the tree if done as daytime or 1 send to affirm the same can bring curse or take ya to hell, reason 4 promised lands they went to dude as u just pick the deciduous leaves bro
Mkebe of containers of jam or canned products like liqour/soda when placed in any solution as sewer water or garbage makes Fighter jets and even caskets in the boom process. Even the fleshy cut part of a ripe make makes fighter jets like in the link below or blue band, cooking fats and even grenade 4 those jets warhead.
Used drinking water bottles which aint that clear as blackish can or dark outer peel avocado take the place of artificial made gravel to make products in the boom process.
Ripe banana placed inside such bottles above or in cut even ya garden flower made much in boom process make mattresses or vice versa in the boom process bro.
They get to country side, and having the drone as specified in the link below withdraw money as with speed boats on lakes and on down the earth crust fissures as explained below dude
Detergents placed in much water with hay or groundnut outer peel when spare-parts of machines placed makes those cars as well as placing the the leucaena seed pod or the artificial made stone as well as the darkish plastic or glass bottles of soda or liqour as above bro. E.g stoney brownish bottle or green barley bottle thrown away after use as well tusker or plisner bottles.
Even other animal blood, tomato and fruit juices can act as solutions 4making paints when mixed with water in the boom process and even making gadgets as well as their meet. Milk, curdled milks, yorghat as well can do the same job homey.
Taking a big animal like shark or wale as much as elephants or snake the place the above like artificial stone in the mouth or broken glasses as much as the dark stone used to rubber the lower part of ya feet when bathing makes big saucer jets or Dried many colured chilies when u placed as well still makes saucer as in the links below. That chilies can take the place or artificial made stone as state above and even black grape fruit as well as purple fruit bro
Cut flowers or dough solution when u place maize cob or milk makes plastic ware like tooth paste and brush or any plastic ware as chairs or even tissue paper as much as writing pens and materials as book or silk cloth when spider web placed with hay as above or the seed pod dude. When u placed biscuits and glucose makes shoes or tie as much as other clothes as belts and women purses/kibeti.
20 or 50 maize cobs when place like in Garbage solutions makes jets while cans makes fighter jets in the boom process dude or u can place such as oranges, eggs or charcoal as used shoes or broken bottles still gives u the same as old shoes gives ya fighter choppers with detonatives period dude
Milk made vehicles in the boom process are good with commercial vehicles as lorries.
Water bottles or any dark outer peel fruit as avocado inserted in the boom solutions as cut flower makes siren gas inscribed in like armored glass cylinder or metallic cylinder bro
Writing chalk in schools are made with hay, cassava or mango seed placed in boom solution as cut flower or garbage.
When u take reddish flowers even from surrounding flower or tree and place hay with green gram inserted make Black current soda dude in the boom process
Strawberry, dark outer peel avocado, Bringanya or onunga when placed in the boom solutions as Garbage makes passenger drones as in the link below, u placed alongside all the mentioned above as well
When u place used water bottles, bringanya or glass of many kind in cut flower solution or Garbage make gas powered cars, cylinders, airplanes, trains, heavy road making vehicles, tuk tuk and car wheel inflating machine as in the links below
When u place what is placed in the boom process as below to make gadgets in Cattle mouth or fish as well gives u that gadget provided the cattle or fish or any other animal is 20-30 weight of the gadget u wanna make dude. Produces the most strongest machines, they can even be many provided of the weight as mentioned above even with making airplanes as cow does or can make artificial meat cow using 1 to avoid annihilating many to save much cow life 4 future generation as 1 who made many so in the boom process don’t again use the made much to make gadget but pass to another as Mr devil can realize and refute ya plane and even with other boom solutions like mfenesi, good neighbor parable as of Grape or cow bottle grabs ya attention not as u pass while of Jackfruit grabs it and a spirit tells ya to vacate as opposed to of Pineapple which grabs ya attention to make u want to approach go to it dude and many think u love kids and the side effects as its 2 fold with people who love kids much lazy are of dubious like molesting kids when all alone. Leave the little kids alone with Christ bro. Of purple fruit leaves ya mind 1st and 1 mistakes ya as still kidish dude. Of Grapes create a scene of crime around you dude as, kinda, 1 withdrawn gun to shoot. So buying and 1 selling a car to brand him name has reasons and not an easy thing bro as in the link below. Avocado made 1 makes u not to turn ya mind as 1 who loves himself as spirit directs u to buy the same of cattle blood make has that little effect dude. Try with every vegetable to make the same and come out with benefits and side-effects of even of natural and artificial made machines and see which most people like and which nation produce that much to be rich even by removing ya car color and applying of the best results. Aint easy dude, to be rich overnight dude
The whole house or sky scrapper can be made of armored glass with carpet or plastic/wood pulp to hide the glass and even bridges as u tell the devil to do the same. When u place plastic cups or glass counterparts in cut flower solution and place as well the mentioned above and spit saliva or hurl cold milk make such former above in the boom process. Even long lastic roads beneth or inner layers can be armored glass inserted in a the dug trench with hooks that will hold the lami or tar with concrete as the final layer and the same techniques can be used to make Cottage made wood handle beds to hold the mattress to remove the not beautiful mattress holder. Many hooks place at intervals in that if u place the Mattress it holds as in the link below. I mean, kind, prickling hole on the mattress to avoid sliding or collapsing dude. Beautiful bro, a white man seconds Kebi
When u placed metallic cans in the above boom solution of cut flower used in making houses or sky scrapper it makes such or even if u place African drum of the shape in the link below, even when all the placed as above u cut their pictures straight from the net it still do like with the acacia bro
Cut flowers when u placed the above as sewer water even makes roads of ya description in the boom process dude
The 1 who transfigure and messing up with ya airplane ore jet alternator to fall has been solved by no alternator machine as the battery in the below link comes handy to solve the puzzle and even with eliminatin the solar panel in the kit only to switch off the inverter or step up transformer when not in use of u have gadgets or to avoid burning up, Kenyans esp the Luo, Kamba, or kikuyu, innovation is 1 man guitar and we are headed there, post yours as all people has done including this man not societal approach SA
The battery used 3 v illuminate on a 2 volts solar panel with step up transformer to hike it up-to 20 - 30 v which is connected to a solar charger controller to make it at always 12 to charge the same battery lighting up the 3DC bulb. 1st and 4most it has 12- 3 V input and output 3 - 2 V, step down transformer to make the battery current 3 or 2 V to light the above light as in the links below, I lost touch to the link as i explained it previously as it can as well use starter comp to replace the light bulb which also they got as i lost also touch to the link bro
All that is made in the boom process u can place in containers, bottles, tins or can and even in other animal mouth made much in the boom process like rodents, cattle as goat, gazelle or antelope, squirrel ect 4 better matokeo as results when has not been made in the open process like with mini-small home appliances like stereo, tv etc and more.
Motor bikes as in the link below are made with like any 1 fruit piece placed in like gazelle, goat or antelope mouth together with clothes b4 the boom process is done. The fruits can be apple, cut pineapple, pili pili hoho and even bringanya and more which gives different types of motor bikes as even those motor bikes cut diagonal photos mixed with detergents placed on the same mouth makes those motor bikes in the boom process even non-living things as soap bar, women cloth like belts and more makes another brand even with chicken, birds, turkey, duck, lizards, monitor lizards and guinea fowl mouths
The 1 in the link below is either made with, for example, cut tire, timber, charcoal or cassava as well as apple placed in goat mouth.
In the link below is like Bringanya or avocado place in the mouth
The 1 in the link below is like paw paw placed as in the above
The 1 in the below link is like yellow inside pumpkin placed as above dude, the no 4 in the link and more,even E-ones dude
Luo people behavior of being good but wanting from ya in the long run is cut island people blood to warn u of such cause if they were aint around u could would have known. Kitten character KC
WIRA movie shows us in the long run when nation is developed as Eu ones every1 is below the law, no 1 directs 1 as tradition atrophies, where if 1 wants to control ya u simply call the police even wanting from u as cousins yet things are placed in credit 4 every to buy as well as there is insurance payable per week so no excuse 4 wanting from 1 lest the below in the link as well as those people if u meet show ya their manhood names are written as with their laziness they know not they can stop the operation of a country with such lazy kids as them. If chance permit in that they understand not they are marked and killed or women warned against them dude
Most of my postings as in tumblr a/c are still in comment in youtube on Rihanna songs and You can check it out 4 retrieval and storage bro
Sisal as well can be made in boom process as above, much and used in making 1 of the best paints as car they concerns ya not but makes u want to locate the owner who is he b4 u go ya way. Kinda, has bureaucratic appeal as milk but of milk is more shinny
Cut paw paw pieces which is raw or bringanya makes grenades in the boom process as well of fighter jets and tankers when all the placed above inserted dude
Soaps or polish as much as paints or face paints, Inks are made with rubber fluid, cut flower, coconut milk, yams, ripe white guava, milk added with detergents as well as artificial stone or purple colored fruits added like avocado, bringanya or purple fruit then u do the boom process and ya sabuni as soap. U can place the same in dark polythene bags 4 better results dude and with any products made in boom process.
The same way money printed as in the below link and now as we have known Mr white man most lies is the same way they print it anywhere dude,so must be eradicated to be replaced with online cash
Living is islands all alone like Neverland kills ya fast unless the back part of the island compound on the backyard is long more than the front side, brown leather sofa seats breeds longevity, vity are seat as well as leather jackets u can hang on ya bed room wall if u like not the former case, reason why many whites go 4 the same if u did not know 4 ya information bro
The 8 ball pool game played with 2 people can eradicate sport betting and many dubious business youths engage in if u can place money to wait 4 some1 to find and select u to play with specifying amount equal to what u have placed or lower the choice is yours to attract the 1 u want to play with, with less or equal amount u have placed, When he places as u have specified to play at certain time period which u can pause or not as if u specify to take the money or not as much as if he quits or u winning the game cause him as well b4 playing with u, places his cash as u have specified amount to infinity paying via online measures as Momo or M-pesa or as in the links below
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sirjustice485-blog · 4 years
siren gas cylinders
Just 1 mega investment even after long bro, main contractor Mc mama colly with Mamboleo mall as in the link below , Am just a black man
When u have known how to make gadgets as though by being bad as Germans long time can make u come up with the same is a hoax then be good dude and in ya own nation have made the same, so stop the sick thinking that u must live in Eu or America to make the same and with any tribe as now u have witnessed those machines can even be made in grass thatched houses in the slums as in the song link below
Like LG TV made with cut jackfruit piece placed in grade chicken mouth or intestine as in the belly with mango seed or cut pumpkin outside in the boom process and with China alibaba sound system stereo made same way as apple inserted in place of jacfruit or broken parts or spare-parts placed with detergents/soap or cut old rugged cloth pieces and boom ya even small electric appliances like home and office or medical appliances/equipment.
With You-tong china buses made with egg placed inside solutions as named above in a close dark container like water tanks or big super drum or placed not in chicken intestine or mouth but on of a cow like, Kinda, bro and with any big machine like cars or generator as u can pour out charcoal water or purple fruit as well in the cows mouth. With bullet train is cut raw paw paw while tankers is Bringanya dude. Pili pili hoho makes cars which attracts the draws ya attention b4 again it does the reverse and former again and again until walk away from it as one in love with young kids who drive such as its the spirit dude. Milk made cars take the day as breeds a spirit in ya of no concern dude. The new sound systems as in the link below as well made as above but with cut cabbage in the mouth or semi-ripe mango piece in the mouth
Mochanda, magdalin or Minaj, eating that hairy thing in between ya thighs is how much, A fellow tells me roughly $250, i know not whether is truth or lies, give it a comb shave, so it not be rugged but nit to double the amount Girl.
Hair blower technology with rotating red hot filament mouth, so 1 filament stays not so to avoid burning, in a circular manner from below like every 30-60 minutes 4 drones and jets, where it is placed in-front of the armored glass cylinder or metallic cylinder, which has a hollow pas-way in the middle of the siren gas cylinder but not to the behind, as 70% of the cylinder where the heat from the blower accumulates to heat the gas cylinder to be push by cold air from behind to propel the drone forward dude as in the links below
Super drum and big plastic tanks made with city garbage, placed inside ripe cut banana pieces or mango seed both in the boom process as u enclose the garbage in a can or plastic wrapping bags dude.
Clothes as jeans made with cotton wool added much water, detergent placed or cut many samples of plastic containers as well as placed mango seed both in the boom process dude.
I want to be left all alone like missiles in Arsenal as tampered with can detonate as in the song links below
When the self charging battery made in Zimbabwe as in the link below placed in Mini-drones as well don’t atrophies and can reach u to the USA or Eu from another continent above or below the earth routes or even in E-motor bikes eliminates the syndrome of not going up the mountain easily as mentioned earlier, defile that law as it always climbed the hill dude
Getting songs out YouTube and many writings, pretending such aint good 4 them, yet want to blow up the servers as with Lebanon and create another war to take such and make their bro, after long many have forgotten. But happy we are now many nations can face another, no fear as they got equal nuclear power as missiles to sway their such dubious thoughts as above away.
Sometimes when u want to move ahead, he crops up with lame excuses, saying now u belittle his step and no the case, wanting ya to stay around with him as not get to another place. Let me get far so we don’t share that, he wants not, they had marked u from birth to want to eat ya corpse which if u stay a way from them, kinda, is like a poison to them dude. Stop that bro, fight 4 ya life 1st not community, let other die is they cant fight like u, just like with in a shoot out, people don’t save others 1st but their lives 1st, if u want to love another, 1st love thy self properly by even sleeping on the ground 4 the bullet to get no hold on ya. After the whole incident is when u locate 4 ya brother as police reports, in hospitals, jails or Morgue don’t do the reverse as with esp Kikuyu blooded to create a public look they are good bro
U can cut the photo of the siren gas cylinder in the link below to make in the boom process using city Garbage and placing all mentioned to be placed like with mango seed, clothes, artificial stone or water lilies
Pull the rope as with synonymous with Kids Toy cars to start operating even charge ya phone Self-charging generator images Tunisia made dude
The seed pod in the link below when inserted or dry wood pulp as timer and biscuits in all solutions makes the above apart from the machines like Condoms, CD, Basins, cups, plates,  plastics, cardboard, chip board, polythene paper, plastics ware, clothes, shoes, toilet papers,saddles etc and more, try with any provided u know the boom process if the procedure u know has faulted dude. When placed in garbage, dough,hay, chaff, cereal or groundnut makes houses as u want from internet photos. Place maize cob and mango seed as well 4 better results or hay. Biscuits when placed in the above solution makes shoes, seat velvet, wood pulp and houses in the link below when placed in Garbage or banana as well as dry vegetation like autumn fallen leaves as plucking leaves from the tree if done as daytime or 1 send to affirm the same can bring curse or take ya to hell, reason 4 promised lands they went to dude as u just pick the deciduous leaves bro
Mkebe of containers of jam or canned products like liqour/soda when placed in any solution as sewer water or garbage makes Fighter jets and even caskets in the boom process. Even the fleshy cut part of a ripe make makes fighter jets like in the link below or blue band, cooking fats and even grenade 4 those jets warhead.
Used drinking water bottles which aint that clear as blackish can or dark outer peel avocado take the place of artificial made gravel to make products in the boom process.
Ripe banana placed inside such bottles above or in cut even ya garden flower made much in boom process make mattresses or vice versa in the boom process bro.
They get to country side, and having the drone as specified in the link below withdraw money as with speed boats on lakes and on down the earth crust fissures as explained below dude
Detergents placed in much water with hay or groundnut outer peel when spare-parts of machines placed makes those cars as well as placing the the leucaena seed pod or the artificial made stone as well as the darkish plastic or glass bottles of soda or liqour as above bro. E.g stoney brownish bottle or green barley bottle thrown away after use as well tusker or plisner bottles.
Even other animal blood, tomato and fruit juices can act as solutions 4making paints when mixed with water in the boom process and even making gadgets as well as their meet. Milk, curdled milks, yorghat as well can do the same job homey.
Taking a big animal like shark or wale as much as elephants or snake the place the above like artificial stone in the mouth or broken glasses as much as the dark stone used to rubber the lower part of ya feet when bathing makes big saucer jets or Dried many colured chilies when u placed as well still makes saucer as in the links below. That chilies can take the place or artificial made stone as state above and even black grape fruit as well as purple fruit bro
Cut flowers or dough solution when u place maize cob or milk makes plastic ware like tooth paste and brush or any plastic ware as chairs or even tissue paper as much as writing pens and materials as book or silk cloth when spider web placed with hay as above or the seed pod dude. When u placed biscuits and glucose makes shoes or tie as much as other clothes as belts and women purses/kibeti.
20 or 50 maize cobs when place like in Garbage solutions makes jets while cans makes fighter jets in the boom process dude or u can place such as oranges, eggs or charcoal as used shoes or broken bottles still gives u the same as old shoes gives ya fighter choppers with detonatives period dude
Milk made vehicles in the boom process are good with commercial vehicles as lorries.
Water bottles or any dark outer peel fruit as avocado inserted in the boom solutions as cut flower makes siren gas inscribed in like armored glass cylinder or metallic cylinder bro
Writing chalk in schools are made with hay, cassava or mango seed placed in boom solution as cut flower or garbage.
When u take reddish flowers even from surrounding flower or tree and place hay with green gram inserted make Black current soda dude in the boom process
Strawberry, dark outer peel avocado, Bringanya or onunga when placed in the boom solutions as Garbage makes passenger drones as in the link below, u placed alongside all the mentioned above as well
When u place used water bottles, bringanya or glass of many kind in cut flower solution or Garbage make gas powered cars, cylinders, airplanes, trains, heavy road making vehicles, tuk tuk and car wheel inflating machine as in the links below
When u place what is placed in the boom process as below to make gadgets in Cattle mouth or fish as well gives u that gadget provided the cattle or fish or any other animal is 20-30 weight of the gadget u wanna make dude. Produces the most strongest machines, they can even be many provided of the weight as mentioned above even with making airplanes as cow does or can make artificial meat cow using 1 to avoid annihilating many to save much cow life 4 future generation as 1 who made many so in the boom process don’t again use the made much to make gadget but pass to another as Mr devil can realize and refute ya plane and even with other boom solutions like mfenesi, good neighbor parable as of Grape or cow bottle grabs ya attention not as u pass while of Jackfruit grabs it and a spirit tells ya to vacate as opposed to of Pineapple which grabs ya attention to make u want to approach go to it dude and many think u love kids and the side effects as its 2 fold with people who love kids much lazy are of dubious like molesting kids when all alone. Leave the little kids alone with Christ bro. Of purple fruit leaves ya mind 1st and 1 mistakes ya as still kidish dude. Of Grapes create a scene of crime around you dude as, kinda, 1 withdrawn gun to shoot. So buying and 1 selling a car to brand him name has reasons and not an easy thing bro as in the link below. Avocado made 1 makes u not to turn ya mind as 1 who loves himself as spirit directs u to buy the same of cattle blood make has that little effect dude. Try with every vegetable to make the same and come out with benefits and side-effects of even of natural and artificial made machines and see which most people like and which nation produce that much to be rich even by removing ya car color and applying of the best results. Aint easy dude, to be rich overnight dude
The whole house or sky scrapper can be made of armored glass with carpet or plastic/wood pulp to hide the glass and even bridges as u tell the devil to do the same. When u place plastic cups or glass counterparts in cut flower solution and place as well the mentioned above and spit saliva or hurl cold milk make such former above in the boom process. Even long lastic roads beneth or inner layers can be armored glass inserted in a the dug trench with hooks that will hold the lami or tar with concrete as the final layer and the same techniques can be used to make Cottage made wood handle beds to hold the mattress to remove the not beautiful mattress holder. Many hooks place at intervals in that if u place the Mattress it holds as in the link below. I mean, kind, prickling hole on the mattress to avoid sliding or collapsing dude. Beautiful bro, a white man seconds Kebi
When u placed metallic cans in the above boom solution of cut flower used in making houses or sky scrapper it makes such or even if u place African drum of the shape in the link below, even when all the placed as above u cut their pictures straight from the net it still do like with the acacia bro
Cut flowers when u placed the above as sewer water even makes roads of ya description in the boom process dude
The 1 who transfigure and messing up with ya airplane ore jet alternator to fall has been solved by no alternator machine as the battery in the below link comes handy to solve the puzzle and even with eliminatin the solar panel in the kit only to switch off the inverter or step up transformer when not in use of u have gadgets or to avoid burning up, Kenyans esp the Luo, Kamba, or kikuyu, innovation is 1 man guitar and we are headed there, post yours as all people has done including this man not societal approach SA
The battery used 3 v illuminate on a 2 volts solar panel with step up transformer to hike it up-to 20 - 30 v which is connected to a solar charger controller to make it at always 12 to charge the same battery lighting up the 3DC bulb. 1st and 4most it has 12- 3 V input and output 3 - 2 V, step down transformer to make the battery current 3 or 2 V to light the above light as in the links below, I lost touch to the link as i explained it previously as it can as well use starter comp to replace the light bulb which also they got as i lost also touch to the link bro
All that is made in the boom process u can place in containers, bottles, tins or can and even in other animal mouth made much in the boom process like rodents, cattle as goat, gazelle or antelope, squirrel ect 4 better matokeo as results when has not been made in the open process like with mini-small home appliances like stereo, tv etc and more.
Motor bikes as in the link below are made with like any 1 fruit piece placed in like gazelle, goat or antelope mouth together with clothes b4 the boom process is done. The fruits can be apple, cut pineapple, pili pili hoho and even bringanya and more which gives different types of motor bikes as even those motor bikes cut diagonal photos mixed with detergents placed on the same mouth makes those motor bikes in the boom process even non-living things as soap bar, women cloth like belts and more makes another brand even with chicken, birds, turkey, duck, lizards, monitor lizards and guinea fowl mouths
The 1 in the link below is either made with, for example, cut tire, timber, charcoal or cassava as well as apple placed in goat mouth.
In the link below is like Bringanya or avocado place in the mouth
The 1 in the link below is like paw paw placed as in the above
The 1 in the below link is like yellow inside pumpkin placed as above dude, the no 4 in the link and more,even E-ones dude
Luo people behavior of being good but wanting from ya in the long run is cut island people blood to warn u of such cause if they were aint around u could would have known. Kitten character KC
WIRA movie shows us in the long run when nation is developed as Eu ones every1 is below the law, no 1 directs 1 as tradition atrophies, where if 1 wants to control ya u simply call the police even wanting from u as cousins yet things are placed in credit 4 every to buy as well as there is insurance payable per week so no excuse 4 wanting from 1 lest the below in the link as well as those people if u meet show ya their manhood names are written as with their laziness they know not they can stop the operation of a country with such lazy kids as them. If chance permit in that they understand not they are marked and killed or women warned against them dude
Most of my postings as in tumblr a/c are still in comment in youtube on Rihanna songs and You can check it out 4 retrieval and storage bro
Sisal as well can be made in boom process as above, much and used in making 1 of the best paints as car they concerns ya not but makes u want to locate the owner who is he b4 u go ya way. Kinda, has bureaucratic appeal as milk but of milk is more shinny
Cut paw paw pieces which is raw or bringanya makes grenades in the boom process as well of fighter jets and tankers when all the placed above inserted dude
Soaps or polish as much as paints or face paints, Inks are made with rubber fluid, cut flower, coconut milk, yams, ripe white guava, milk added with detergents as well as artificial stone or purple colored fruits added like avocado, bringanya or purple fruit then u do the boom process and ya sabuni as soap. U can place the same in dark polythene bags 4 better results dude and with any products made in boom process.
The same way money printed as in the below link and now as we have known Mr white man most lies is the same way they print it anywhere dude,so must be eradicated to be replaced with online cash
Living is islands all alone like Neverland kills ya fast unless the back part of the island compound on the backyard is long more than the front side, brown leather sofa seats breeds longevity, vity are seat as well as leather jackets u can hang on ya bed room wall if u like not the former case, reason why many whites go 4 the same if u did not know 4 ya information bro
The 8 ball pool game played with 2 people can eradicate sport betting and many dubious business youths engage in if u can place money to wait 4 some1 to find and select u to play with specifying amount equal to what u have placed or lower the choice is yours to attract the 1 u want to play with, with less or equal amount u have placed, When he places as u have specified to play at certain time period which u can pause or not as if u specify to take the money or not as much as if he quits or u winning the game cause him as well b4 playing with u, places his cash as u have specified amount to infinity paying via online measures as Momo or M-pesa or as in the links below
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pbandjesse · 4 months
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
Me and Jess are sitting in the Japan pavilion in Epcot after a very very long day. We are waiting on fireworks. I am having such a a great time even though at some points today I was in so much pain I thought I was going to fall apart. But Jess did such a good job breaking up our day and making sure we got a good break. I am having such a fun trip.
We got to bed last night after washing hair and getting cozy. We werent able to get the Disney Plus to log in so instead we watched the story book version of Rapunzel they had in the TV and Jess was asleep before the 13 minutes was up. It took me a little longer but not much.
And it was a pretty great sleep. Excellent excellent pillows. I was tired but I felt pretty good. I would be better once I had some caffeine.
We got dressed and I braided my hair. Jess curled hers a little. And things were good. We were both a little unsure about how cold it was or our shoes but we made our choices and headed to breakfast.
When we got there we realized we could mobile order. So after we figured that out we didn't have to wait to to long before our food was ready. A coffee and a soda helped. It was interesting to learn how the soda cups have an RFID chip in the bottom to track your refills. And we decided that I should get the reusable mug for the week because it will be a better deal in the end. But that would be at dinner. For the morning I got a paper cup, we shared eggs and tater tots and Jess got waffles. It was a good meal and kept us on budget.
I went to use the bathroom and smashed my arm between the stall door and the toilet paper holder and it hurt so much. I was still holding it by the time I got back to the table. Ouch.
But it was time to go. We walked to the bus stop. The line was crazy long. But we were in a good mood and it was fine to wait.
The problem would arise when 6 Animal Kingdom buses came before an Epcot did and everyone was a little frustrated and upset. We were fine but we were also a little stressed. The Epcot buses would be an issue all day. I was very motivated to get to what Jess wanted to get to first before the park opened so I was focused.
The bus we got on was very full and we were a little squished. But it wasn't a long ride and once we got to the park, after going through security and using the bathroom, we got into Epcot! I was so excited.
We needed to get to France to try and get on the Remy ride. I was trying to make Jess power walk. But in the end it did not matter. Because the line was two counties over it was so long! We were not going to wait in that.
(Had to pause for an hour to watch the fireworks. Now we are waiting for the bus)
So instead we started walking around the world. And it was really neat! I knew I would like this one but I only had some small memories of what Epcot was like. For some reason I had completely forgotten it had a water front. And it was like a full circle. Not what I had in my mind. But it was so cool seeing everything.
I liked Mexico a lot. Way more then I expected. The ring carver souvenir stand wouldn't be open until noon so we had time to kill. We would still start in Mexico though with a boat ride where Donald duck was missing.
Here is my honest feedback of all the rides we went on today: Disney needs to not rely on screens. Whenever there were animatronics it was incredible and engaging, from the simple ones to the realistic, it was incredible. But when there were screens filling in for part of the set dressing or storyline it was so stupid. Like just not enjoyable at all. And I'm not talking about the overhead 360 screens that are immersive. I'm talking about the almost TV projector screens. Thankfully not everything is screen heavy.
I really did enjoy our first ride. And just walking around. We decided to head back to spaceship earth to try the ride inside the ball. And it was probably my favorite of the entire day. We had to wait outside for a while but it wasn't a terribly long time. Which is very good because it was freezing.
It ended up being incredibly windy and that wind was icy cold. I am really really glad I wore this fleece because I would have been miserable. My face was so cold. Thankfully the rest of me was fine. I had decided at the last minute to put on tights and that was such a good call. Saved my day for sure.
Jess was still a bit cold. So after our next ride, where we got to learn about living with the land and plant and fish farming techniques, Jess would buy a sweatshirt. She was a lot more comfortable after that.
We got to add to a painting at the festival. Jess did 5 squares of yellow and I did 5 of a grey blue green tone. It was a lot of fun to get to be a part of the art. And we'll get to see it later and know where we helped because I made sure to ask. It was really nice to have an activity.
Back to spaceship earth. This was my favorite ride. I loved that it was going back in time. For some reason I thought it was talking about the future. So I really was just tickled seeing all the different historical scenes and marveled at how the animatronics moved. They took our pictures and used us in a little animation on the screen in our car which was hilarious because we didn't know the picture was happening so we both looked so silly. There was an incredible star part. We went backwards for a little which was probably the most uncomfortable part. But it was just so cool. I loved it.
We would go in a few shops. I got a baby panda that I had such a visceral reaction to. He's pink!! I carried him in my pocket.
And had a lot of fun trading pins. We each had 12 to trade away from what my mom gathered for us. And I think I have made some excellent selections. I am really pleased and it's been a really fun little task.
Jess said that she is enjoying how I'm interacting and looking at the spaces. She's been here so many times so she is mostly just following where I want to explore. Which lead is to see the 360 video about Canada. Which was honestly pretty cool. And it gave us a little break sitting down when no one was hsing the handicap bench. I even slipped off my shoes to stretch my feet in the ground using some of my old ballet stretched and it helped a lot.
We would head back to Mexico to order our rings. Jess got 'mood' and I got 'jesse' and 'soft' (James thought that it would be funny to have a metal ring say soft.) And the woman was really nice. She sent us back inside the Mexico pavilion to pay.
And when we were in there the nice man, Carlos, at the counter pulled out his guitar and played happy birthday at me and then!! He let me go through his social box of pins for trading and I got an orange bird pin from the flower festival last year and it's my most special pin now. He was so sweet. I really appreciated it.
We were struggling with food though. That was for sure the hardest thing today. When Jess has been here for the food and wine festival there were so many options. But there was almost nothing we could have. It either has bread or meat. And it was super discouraging because today was the day we didn't make a reservation for anything. I was at least able to get a grilled cheese and soup and a piece of chiffon mousse. And Jess was able to have some of the soap and the mousse and that held us together. It was actually really fabulous and gave me a second wind for sure. Between the food and the caffeinated crystal lite I brought with me, I was solid for the next couple hours.
We would wander around the world and eventually pick up our rings. Which I love. But my fingers were a little swollen from walking around so I almost got the one stuck on my finger and had a very scary moment but I would get it off before it was a problem. Once my hands weren't so swollen later I was able to wear them no problem. Though I may take a file the the band later because the edge is just a smidge sharp. Still an excellent gift to myself.
Jess would have some risotto from Canada. Which I did not like the texture of but I was glad she got to eat. We would wander in and out of shops and I was having a blast. But I was getting pretty tired. The sun would perk up and the wind would calm down for a bit and it would get almost to warm for a few minutes. But honestly that was not as uncomfortable as the cold had been. I just took off my fleece and was only slightly to warm in my tights.
And that would last for that long. We decided that we were both pretty low on energy. And we should start heading back. I realized that we were maybe 45 minutes past our energy levels and my feet started hurting so wildly bad. My ankle has been rubbing all morning but it got to a spot where I was just. Struggling. And my struggling made me want to speed walk to get to sitting but Jess was all locked up and going very slow. Which was understandable but I was frustrated because my feet were hurting so bad. It felt like standing on knives (little mermaid reference). But we struggled through and got to our bus and it wasn't even a very long wait.
I was thrilled to be sitting. And the sitting helped give me the little bit of relief to walk back to our hotel. We were both so stiff and it was kind of horrible.
Once I was out of my tights and socks and put on my little toe separators things, we both laid backwards on our beds with our feet on the headboards to try and get the blood to not make them swell and I think it helped a lot. After 20 or so minutes of that I turned around and fell asleep.
Jess let me sleep until 5. I was not thrilled about waking up but she was already dressed so it was clear she let me rest longer and so I pulled myself together. Which was tough. I was still very tired. But I got redressed and we had some huge laughs and things felt right again even if we were both just a little prickly.
Dinner would help. We tried ordering the mobile order from our room. But this did not make things quicker. Annoying. I did get my refillable cup and it's great. I think it will be a good souvenir plus cost per use it is absolutely worth it for me. And our dinner of pizza, fries, gluten free chicken strips, carrots, and celery was actually really great. We had so many sauces. And it was fun people watching. A little child even came up to me to tell me a joke and I told her one back. She has been driving her mother crazy repeating the same knock knock over and over. I was glad to give a slight distraction.
Getting back to Epcot was difficult. We had another multiple Animal Kingdom buses but it made even less sense because animal Kingdom closes at 6! It was after 6! Why are they going there? The answer really is they make a loop and will keep picking people up but it was still frustrating.
The family next to us was funny. There tween daughter was a city girl who was being extra and she did a very very bad cartwheel and I clapped for her and it was just so silly. They gave us on waiting for Epcot and went to Disney springs instead. But we stuck it out and the bus would eventually come. Honestly it worked out because the other family near us forgot their backpack in the restaurant and the mom had to book it running across the parking lot. And she made it back in time. Excellent.
We would get back to Epcot at 7. And it was great. We were able to basically walk onto the finding Nemo ride. Which relied on screens way to much but ended in an actual aquarium and that was amazing.
Jess would go take a break and I would explore all the fish and seahorses by myself. I sat in the tank window to watch the dolphins and got to see manatees for I think the first time ever. They were sleeping but it was still really cool.
Despite how tired we had been I was a really doing great. That rest was perfect. We got popcorn. I don't love popcorn that much but Jess does. It was still fun to snack. And we got to go the other direction. Towards Morocco, the UK, Italy, and Japan. And it was so fun.
Japan was probably my favorite store and I showed so much restraint and didn't buy anything. Jess got one blind box. It is a little cat holding a shrimp. Very on brand.
It was getting late. And the fireworks start at 9. The next thing we wanted to eat was a sushi donut and a strawberry mochi. And they were right there. And at this point there was no line! Incredible.
While we were waiting for the order to come out I suggested finding a bench and posting up for the fireworks. I ran away from her to commander the open bench I saw. And once she brought the food over the mochi was so good! It would have been improved by more strawberry pieces but was still excellent. Jess said the sushi donut was just fine. More a novelty but fine.
We aren't sure the bench was right for fireworks. So we kept running around the area to scope out a better place. We sat and waited and I started this post. Which I am now finishing in our hotel room.
In the end it didn't matter where our bench was.
Once the fireworks started we realized we had a building mostly in the way. So a few minutes in we moved closer to stand and watch. And it was. Incredible. Like I was almost crying incredible. It was about 15 minutes and the music and the way they even used the smoke to bounce light and the ideas about human connection and love. They made firework hearts?? I was enthralled. I may not get Mickey Mouse but I get this. And this was incredible.
And that was it. That was the end of the park day. Except not really. We still had to walk across the world to get to the buses. And I was in such a lovely mood I decided to speed run us getting some pictures together. It is a struggle with crowds. But most people were gone and so we found a few places with nice architecture and I snapped some shots and we got to hear the staff silly singing to each other and it was just so much fun.
We got out of the park and got on the 3rd bus. Didn't even have to wait that long. We weren't able to sit together but that was okay. I wrote my post and soon enough we were back. I was in pain again but it wasn't so bad. And now I'm going to take a shower and we are going to put on a movie and we will sleep.
Tomorrow is Animal Kingdom! We better not have as much struggle with the buses. But also we are going to sleep in an extra hour. I am looking forward to a day filled with creatures and critters and Jess says more rides. I am excited.
I love you all so much. Until next time!!
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firethebluesky · 5 years
The Night Watch
Stepping out of the hazardous ruins at night is a most peculiar feeling. After the intense humidity of the sewer-like dungeons, the cold air seems balmy. Of course, temperature is the last thing in your mind right now. There's sweat running down your cheek, blood under your nails, and slime matting your hair to your forehead. With dirty fingers, you coax your hair into a ponytail, letting the cool night air dance across your sweaty skin. A slight breeze blows up from the Portia River, instantly sending chills up and down your spine. Usually, when you're out at night, you bundle up tight, covered in wool coats, furry scarves, and knit hats. But not tonight.
You slowly peel off the top half of your overalls and tie the straps around your waist. Then off comes your dirty, ripped flannel. Upon closer inspection, you notice a long, jagged gash in the sleeve that wasn't there before, which makes you curse worse than Sanwa on a boat. That was your best flannel! Sturdy, yet comfortable. Colorful yet stylish. You wore that shirt with everything. Still muttering profanities under your breath, you promise to sew up the hole the minute you get home tonight, and tie it around your waist as well. You shiver a bit in just your tank top, but at least you're not dying from heat now.
You take a seat on the steps in front of the ruins, stretching your legs out in front of you in an effort to get comfortable. The moonlight illuminates every cut and scrape on your arms and chest, causing you to take inventory of every single one. Most seem inconsequential, save for one rather deep cut in your upper arm. Luckily, Phyllis sent you a first aid kit in the mail a couple weeks ago, and it's just been sitting around, waiting for you to use it. You brought it along, not thinking you'd need it. Yet here you are, blessing the gods and the wonder that is Phyllis for it. Cleaning out the dirt hurts like the devil, and if you didn't think you'd wake up the whole town, you'd be screaming. You wrap a medicated bandage around the wound, and immediately sigh with incredible relief.
Taking a moment to yourself, you lean back, admiring the full moon and glistening stars. You can't help but wonder if there's life beyond the world you know. All your life, you believed that what was left of the world before Peach was just remnants. Leftovers for you to find and use. It never occurred to you that those leftovers might be alive. And yet, not three days earlier, space stations come crashing down around you. Robots come alive with no knowledge of the modern world. Who knows what else could be up there? The uncertainty scares you. There's just so much you don't know.
You sigh and push yourself back up. There's not enough time in the day for you to be worrying about robots and extraterrestrials. There's work to be done. You pull over your pack from where it lay on the ground, and pull out your spoils. You laugh softly. When you first arrived in Portia, delusions of grandeur clouded your mind. You expected to be walking out of the ruins clean and unhurt, arms full of precious gems and valuable metals. Past you would have shuddered at the state of your hands now. Past you would have snorted at the items you choose to pull off of the monsters you fight. Instead of sapphires and rubies, you search for power stones and blood stones. Instead of gold and silver, you look for rusty springs and old parts. Past you would laugh at your excitement over dirty machinery and tools. These days, though, you're finally happy. Hard work makes you happy.
You flip open the flap of your pack, and a wide grin splits your face. The fruits of your labor lay inside: vibrant blue crystals, cans of tempering liquid, springs, wrenches, vials of venom, and more fill your pack to the brim. Silicon chips are tucked into a small pocket on the side of your pack. But what you most proud of is the two industrial engines you found deep in the bowels of the ruins. You nearly died fighting that chemical dropout guarding them, but that iron sword you recently forged really made all the difference. Once you shoved the slimy corpse off of the platform he inhabited, the engines were yours. You wrapped them carefully in the thick scarves you made specifically for them before packing them away in your bag. You dig through your lot for a bit, already picturing all the things you'll make with these new materials. You thumb through the sleeves of the new disc holder you made to hold your data discs, admiring the way each one is proudly displayed behind a sheet of clear plastic. Petra called the holder a "binder", and told you that people once used them to hold important papers they didn't want to get ruined. You found about twenty data discs in there, each one carefully extracted from the corpses of defeated enemies and hidden chests, the slime and blood wiped away before being stored away. You're giddy with excitement over all the things you're going to build. If it wasn't so late at night, you'd rush home right now and get to work. There is this comprehensive grinder you've always wanted to try out.
You're just getting ready to head home when your remember just how disgustingly dirty your new sword is now that it's been through the sewers. You go to open the small pocket on the front of your pack, but realize too late that the last time you cleaned your sword, you forgot to put everything back in order. Tubes of soap, dissolving agent, and wax tumble out onto the ground, followed by dirty rags, a handful of whetting stones, and a small bag of clean cloth strips for waxing. You scramble after all of your tools, and once it's all set up in a somewhat organized fashion, you make quick work of the the blade, cleaning off all the grime and grinding away at the nicks in the metal. When you're done, you make sure you pack all of your supplies away in good order before strapping your sword to your back and setting off towards town.
The minute you step out of the collapsed wasteland, your shoulders drop and you let out the breath you didn't know you were holding. Even at night, you know you have to constantly be in your guard. Who knows what kind of monsters you'll encounter when the rest of the world goes to sleep.
You take your time walking down the cobblestone road into town, admiring Portia at night. Evidence of you and your contributions to Portia are visible everywhere: the Dee Dee stops you used regularly are lovingly maintained, and the street lights you installed brighten the streets and cast a beautiful golden glow onto the facades of the shops crowded around Central Plaza. You pause at the top of the stairs, taking some time to yawn and look out beyond the walls of Portia. Beyond their relative safety thrives a beautiful yet dangerous world. Beyond them lie Bassanio Falls, the Eufaula Desert, Amber and Starlight Islands, the harbor, and the Western Plateau. Portia is so much bigger than you pictured before you came. Now the world seems to be bursting with possibilities. Just thinking about it makes you exhausted. Or maybe you're just tired. Either way, you have to get home before you fall over.
You take a step down the stairs into Central Plaza, but are assaulted by a wave of exhaustion. Picking up your feet is so hard, and the weight of your pack weighs you down. Your eyelids droop dangerously, and in the back of your mind, you know you just have to get to the bottom and then it's a few steps more to the benches you can take a quick nap on. But you're just about to the bottom when your foot slips and you tumble down the last few steps, hitting your head on one of them, knocking you out.
Arlo was absent minded, riding back into Portia from South Block. Sam and Remington were equally braindead in their saddles, focused only in getting back to their homes in the city. As they crossed the bridge, Arlo's mind drifted to the weeks of work and upheaval Albert, Gust, Mint, and their respective teams put into the project. Most vividly, however, to Arlo's surprise, he remembered the new builder. They had truly come to life in the process of building up South Block. They flew back and forth between projects like one of those tiny Skipper birds flew back and forth from flower to flower. It was like watching a whole different person work.
It had taken a few months for them to get used to life in Portia: Arlo didn't think they were used to working so much. The early days were filled with complaining and stomping. They didn't even want to get their hands dirty. But what was so impressive was how talented they were. The new builder easily adapted to new projects and ideas. They put such care and precision into their work. New blueprints never fazed them- anything Presley put them up to, they delivered, time and time again.
Things started to change when the river was poisoned. It was the first project, Arlo realized, where the new builder felt a duty to Portia to help, not simply for monetary gain. They flourished, taking more pride in their work than ever. And now, most recently, he had watched from afar during the bridge project, as they welded together steel shells and frames, built buses and windmills and power generators, and attached cables and lights. South Block was built up at an incredible rate, faster than even Gust, ever the over achiever, had planned.
Arlo was brought out of his daydreaming when Sam let out a gasp. Arlo swept his eyes around the Plaza, looking for danger, adrenaline racing. But what he saw scared him more than a potential threat. The new builder lay on the ground, mechanical parts strewn around them, backpack open and empty. A small dark pool of what looked like blood saturated the ground around their head. The three of them bolted forward, but Arlo got to them first, swinging himself off of his horse, using his momentum to run to their side. He signaled to Remington and Sam to search the area for enemies, before turning his attention to the new builder. He checked them for spinal injuries, and upon finding none, he rolled them over to check for more injuries. A large welt on their forehead indicated a fall, and the sprawl of their supplies meant they fell from a height. Arlo was sure they'd been attacked, especially when he found a bloody streak on the stairs, probably left when they were pushed down. Remington stepped up next to him, startling him.
"They haven't been here very long." Remington's deep voice broke the silence. "The attack must have been recent. Sam's doing her usual perimeter search." Arlo sighed. He was hoping to hear a different verdict from Remington, anything but an attack, but to his dismay, Remington agreed. He nodded vaguely before unclipping his first aid kit from his horse, settling down next to the new builder's side and wrapping their head wound in a bandage. As he did so, Sam came back, shaking her head.
"I got nothing," she said, coming to a stop next to Remington's horse. "It could have been anyone, anything. If they were attacked, whoever did it is long gone, and left no clues to who it was."
Sam's words sent a chill down Arlo's spine. He couldn't imagine someone wanting to hurt the new builder- once you got past their arrogant and egotistical exterior, there was actually a kind, caring, and deeply sensitive interior. They were hardworking and endearing and gorgeous and- what was he thinking?! He couldn't possibly be thinking these thoughts about the new builder, especially not now. He needed to be impartial and focused, not harboring feelings for the new builder. Feelings like that cloud judgement, Arlo thought, thinking back to the time Remington held a crush for Sam, and how anytime Sam went out on her own, he worried and babbled. Arlo wouldn't be like that, he couldn't. Not at the leader of the Civil Corps.
"Should we take them up to the clinic? Wake up Doctor Xu this late at night?" Arlo thought aloud. Sam shook her head in agreement.
"We should-"
But before she could go any further, the new builder stirred and moaned quietly.
You slowly open your eyes, bright golden light streaming in and making your eyes water. You must have fallen asleep on the ground on your way home. But there's something wrong about this. You could have sworn you'd made it to one of the benches, but now you're definitely on the ground. And for as bright as the sunrise is, the sky is awfully dark. And your head, you're starting to realize, is throbbing with intense pain. What happened to you?
A dark shape appears in your vision, then two, then three. They look oddly human, but you can't tell in the light. A voice calls out to you.
"Are you okay?" It's a man's voice, deep and throaty. You open your mouth to speak, but find you can't. You nod instead, sending a sharp pain through your head. You go to sit up, but a hand pushes your shoulder back down.
"Don't move." The voice is distinctly feminine now. "You hit your head on the stairs." You moan again, and you feel a hand in your hair, massaging your scalp. The fingers are large and calloused, and your headache is almost immediately soothed by the rhythmic movements.
"I want to go home," you croak, hoping one of the voices will listen and take you back to your comfy new bed. The hand shifts, rubbing the back of your neck now.
"I'll take you," It's a new voice, though one you know quite well, one you're incredibly attracted to. Your eyes fly open, and you take in the scene around you. It's still late at night, judging by the position of the moon in the sky. The golden light you saw was just a nearby street lamp. Remington is pacing back and forth at your feet, looking deep in thought. Sam sits cross legged next to you, head in hands. Arlo kneels by your head, hand deep in your hair, massaging you gently.
"We can't take her home," Sam protests, looking earnestly at Remington. "They clearly needs a doctor's attention."
"It's just a headache," you say, to no one in particular, really. Remington laughs softly.
"It's hardly just a headache." He says to you. "We think your were attacked coming down the stairs. Doctor Xu needs to assess your condition and make sure there's no lasting damage."
You clear your throat to speak better. "I wasn't attacked. I was just too tired and fell asleep on my feet." And you're about to fall asleep again if you stay here any longer.
There's a moment of stunned disbelief before Arlo bursts out laughing. You hear a vague mumble of "only you" under his laugh. Sam and Remington join in as well, and you feel your cheeks blush in embarrassment. You watch as Arlo and Sam stand, repack your burgeoning backpack, and strap it onto Arlo's back. Arlo comes back to you, and slides his hands under your legs and back, holding you close to his chest as he picks you up. You curl into his chest as he says goodbye to Sam and Remington, sending them home for the night. As he walks away, your feel your eyes drooping once again, this time the gentle rocking motion of Arlo's footsteps lulling you to sleep.
"I love you," you murmur deliriously until Arlo's jacket, not really noticing what you're saying. Arlo's arms tense around you, and his steps falter a bit, and you can hear his heartbeat quicken under your ear. But you fall asleep before you can say anything else.
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memekinky-blog · 4 years
Mount Taranaki - Wikipedia
Whoever wants to climb Mount Taranaki, also called Mount Egmont, should carry accordingly good hiking equipment. Ice axes and crampons are not necessary in summer. It is best to start your hike from Mountain House at the eastern end, then cross the slope of the Manganui Ski Field.
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Shuttle buses run from Stratford, Inglewood and New Plymouth to the National Park. On site information is provided by the North Egmont Visitor Centre (at the end of Egmont Rd) and the Dawson Falls Visitor Centre (at the end of Manaia Rd). Just off the coast, the Sugar Loaf Islands Marine Reserve, with its underwater cliffs, caves and canyons, is a special habitat for marine life. For information on snorkelling and diving, boat exploration and fishing in the area, please consult the i-SITE, Sportfishing and Underwater Club and local diving schools. Entering the bird breeding islands is only allowed with special permission.
The big highlight in the Taranaki region is the sleeping volcano Mount Taranaki. A perfectly conical 2500m high and 120.000 years old volcano, surrounded by rainforest. We advise you to drive once around the entire coastal section, followed by a one or more day trip to the volcano. At the end of your trip, a drive on the Forgotten Highway to the independent Republic of Whangamomona awaits you. Finally, I am finally standing in front of a sign that shows the way in different directions.
The Perfect Mountain -Mount Taranaki for Beginners
Here I also meet the first hikers who are already coming back the way because there is nothing to see in the dense fog.
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I clearly knew that I would not make it to the top But a little bit should be enough.
>If you are into hiking, you should not miss Mount Taranaki.
Your valuable travel knowledge is now in demand.
> In fact, the Surf Highway, as the road from New Plymouth in the north to Hawera in the south is often called, is 105 kilometers long. Those who want to climb the volcano peak should arrive in the months of January to March, then the volcano is mostly free of snow and the ascent is accordingly easier. Read more about campervan hire New Zealand here. Yes, the Manganui ski field is even a very well known among Kiwis. Whether beginner or expert, ski or snowboard, from June to October winter sports enthusiasts can ski the slopes in Taranaki.
Summit hike: 1.600 meters of altitude difference lead to Mt Taranaki
They were about to embark on their honeymoon trip to New Zealand. Now the two report about their tour and their experiences.
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The French Connection - Chapter 6
A HardyxMiller AU
Ellie Miller is left to go on her honeymoon alone after a devastating secret about her fiance comes to light - halfway through the wedding ceremony.  Sitting in St Pancras International in London waiting for her train, she runs into none other than her uni rival/best friend Alec Hardy, on the run from his own recent heartbreak.
They decide to make use of Ellie’s pre-paid trip, rekindling their friendship and escaping real life; yet, it turns out their years at uni are the hardest to outrun. Based on this prompt from @timepetalscollective  
Chapters will be posted every Wednesday and Sunday.  Beta’d by the wonderful @stupidsatsuma
Masterlist  |  AO3
The soft whisper of her name stirred her, making her whimper and hide her face in her pillow.  It was soft, warm, and altogether heavenly; she didn’t want to get up.
“Ellie, we’re here.”
She grunted, swatting halfheartedly in the direction of the voice, wondering dimly why her pillow was speaking.  This is the strangest dream I’ve ever had.
Eyes snapping open she bolted upright, blinking rapidly as she tried to take in her surroundings.  She was seated on an empty coach, against the window, alone but for Hardy who sat next to her – worryingly in the direction she’d just leaned away from.  Was I asleep on him?
He stood, settling his hands on his hips as he waited for her.  “We’re here,” he repeated.  “Time to get off the bus.”
“Did I sleep the whole way?”  She rose as well, turning her back for a moment to discreetly wipe at her mouth, grimacing at the crusted drool before sliding her purse over her shoulder.  “Sorry.”
“S’all right.”  Stepping back he let her lead the way off the bus, alighting onto a sandy carpark where dozens of other tour buses were parked, a steady stream of people walking past.
They fell into step, Hardy gently guiding her towards a vaguely-familiar looking woman wearing a fashionable scarf and holding a clipboard.  She gave them a severe look as they joined the rest of the group, before beginning to speak.
“Bienvenue a Versailles.  Originally a modest hunting lodge built by Louis Thirteen, he and his successors through Louis Sixteen built it up to what you see today, when the family lost it during the Revolution.  What you see in front of you is le Cour d’Honneur, or the Royal Court.  Then we will pass through the Gate of Honor, where we will meet our guide.  Please, follow me.”
Eyes wide Ellie followed the group, breathless as she stared at the gates.  The fence along them was gold, shining brilliantly in the morning sun. It would be imposing on its own, were it not for the gate itself, double the height and topped with beautiful scrollwork and, at the highest point, a crown.
“This is beautiful,” Ellie whispered to Hardy as they crossed in front towards the entrance.  “I’m so happy I’m here.”
When she tore her eyes away to glance at him, he was smiling softly.  “I’m glad.  C’mon.”
“Oh, wow,” Ellie murmured, as they stepped out of the Palace into the gardens.
Hardy hid a smile by fussing with his sunglasses, situating them firmly on his nose to combat the bright sun.  She’d been saying some variation of that for the last hour, all through the tour of the Palace.  Even he had to admit that it was, maybe, somewhat impressive, despite his thoroughly-Scottish Presbyterian austerity.  Of course, it’s no surprise they went bankrupt.  “We’ve got an hour before we’re to be back at the bus – what d’you want to do?”
“Can we walk through the gardens?”  She turned to him, smiling hopefully as if he might actually say no.
“If you like,” was all he said, waiting patiently while she pulled out her own sunnies and fussed with her camera.  “Ready?”
They headed straight, and he let her choose the path, listening with one ear as she chattered on, recapping the tour as though he hadn’t been beside her the entire time, highlighting the parts she’d liked best.
“-oh, but that bedroom!  Can you imagine?  And who could possibly need all that staff!  I mean, I wouldn’t turn down someone to do the cooking and cleaning, I’ll admit, and I suppose it’d be nice to have someone else do the laundry, but still!  How do you live like that and take yourself seriously?  Did they honestly believe that they had been chosen to be treated like gods, that they were so much better than anyone else?  Not to mention-”
“Where are we going?” he cut her off, as they angled off past the third pond.  “I mean, d’you have a direction in mind?  Because if it’s a stroll to take in the gardens you’re after…”  He gestured vaguely.
Ellie blinked at him before glancing around.  “It’s nice,” she shrugged, “but actually, I was heading for le Petit Trianon.  It was Marie Antoinette’s bolthole when court pressures got to be too much.”
He stopped dead to stare at her, before shaking his head and sighing.  “It must’ve been very hard to be Queen of France.”
“Oh, don’t be an arse.”
“What?” he protested, as they continued down the tree-lined path towards the mansion appearing in the distance.  “I’m just saying, not exactly like she had to work for a living!”
Ellie scoffed.  “Clearly you were never a teenage girl, because if you had been, you would not be saying that.  D’you know how vicious women can be?”
“You kidding me?”
“No, I’m not kidding!  She was under tremendous pressure to be perfect.  The other women at Court expected her to have the best of everything, the latest of everything, while the average citizen saw her as an unapologetic spender, wasting money on clothing and parties while they starved.  She was a victim of the French court, and it cost her her life!  It’s easy for men, the expectations of them are minimal at best, but women are expected to be happy and light, a perfect hostess… witty but not too smart, knowledgeable without knowing more than the man she’s talking to, loyal and obedient to someone who doesn’t give a rat’s ass about her dignity or reputation!  We’re supposed to just forgive any transgression, no matter how big, any humiliation or belittlement and just take it with a smile!  It’s utter bullshit, it’s a ridiculous standard, and it’s not fair!”
Hardy stared at her, taken aback.  Her chest heaved, eyes leaking tears, her expression heartbreakingly lost and small.  This isn’t about Marie Antoinette, he realized, watching her lower lip tremble.  “I’m sorry, Miller,” he said quietly, sighing.  “You’re right, it’s not.”
“Don’t patronize me,” she warned, wiping angrily at her cheeks.  “I don’t want your pity.”
“It’s not pity,” he rolled his eyes, before checking his watch.  “Now, we’ve got forty minutes, and it’ll take most of that to get back to the bus.  Let’s go see her hideaway, then get back to the group – I don’t fancy being left behind.”
“My father used to have affairs,” Hardy said apropos of nothing, making Ellie’s gaze snap towards him.
They were seated on a riverboat, the last leg of the tour being a boat ride up the Seine, getting on at Sèvres and sailing up towards the disembarkation point near the Musée d'Orsay, which was only a few blocks from their hotel.  They’d claimed spots at the very back of the boat, and given the light load of the group, were practically alone, most people congregating at the front.
Ellie had been lost in her thoughts, wondering about any deeper symbolism in her desire to look back at where they’d been rather than forward towards where they were going.
“My father,” he repeated, staring determinedly out the back window, “constantly made a fool of my mum.  She always tolerated it, looked the other way, and I’m sorry to say I always thought less of her for that.  That she should’ve gotten out when she could, that she shouldn’t have let him put her- put us through that.”
She tilted her head, trying to wrap her head around her words even as she marveled at his openness; he’d never discussed his home life before.  “I imagine she had no easy choices,” she said diplomatically.
“My point is,” Hardy sighed, glancing her way, “that I’ve seen what happens when a woman just takes what her husband gives her-” his face tightened, suggesting things Ellie didn’t want to unpack at that particular moment, “that it will destroy her.  If your family’s upset in the moment, that’s one thing, but don’t let them carry on too long about if you should’ve handled it differently.  You have to take care of you – your ex isn’t your responsibility.  If they try to tell you to make it work with him once you get back, tell them to get fucked.”
“They’re the only family I’ve got,” Ellie scoffed wryly, shaking her head.  “I mean, I won’t have anything to do with him, but not sure I can get them to stop talking about it.”
He shifted on the bench to face her, pushing up his sunglasses in a surprising display of vulnerability.  “Ellie.  If they’re more concerned about him than they are about you, they’re not worth your time and effort.  Hell, I’ll be your family if you want, or whatever.  Just… don’t let them carry on about it.  The one time my mum tried to leave, tried to get me away from him, her family made us go back.  I never forgave them for it.”
“I’m sorry,” she offered, looking down at her hands.  “That’s an awful thing to have happened.  Thank you for… trusting me with that, I suppose.”
“She was like you, far as I can remember, when I was little.  Bright and cheerful, always looking at the silver lining.  And over time, he and her family dulled the sparkle until nothing was left.  You have to make you a priority, because you can’t trust anyone else will.”
“Thank you.”
Her mobile rang while they were relaxing before dinner, the screen lighting up in time to the jaunty tune it played, vibrating on the desk.
Ellie grimaced, staring down at it.  “Unknown number.  What d’you think?”  She was seated at the desk, inches from the device, but made no move to reach for it.
Hardy shrugged, sitting up from where he’d been sprawled on the bed flipping channels on the telly.  “Send it to voicemail?  Could it be work?”
With a grimace she answered it, holding it to her ear.  “This is Miller.” Almost instantly the blood drained from her face, hand shaking, and his gut knew who was on the other end of the line.
Springing off the bed he eased the mobile from her hand and put it to his own ear, barking, “What?”
“Who’s this?” a confused man’s voice came to him, and Hardy bared his teeth.
“Alec Hardy, I’m a friend of Ellie’s.  Who’s this?”
“Joe Richards, her fiancé.  Can I speak to Ellie, please?”  He said tersely, rather rudely Hardy thought for someone charged with child pornography.
Hardy raised an eyebrow at Ellie, who shook her head violently.  “No. In fact, she’d prefer to never hear from you again.”  That got him a double thumbs up.  “I strongly advise you never contact her- or her family- ever again.”
A pause on the line had him waiting with bated breath, and when the other man spoke, his words were entirely unexpected.
“Did you say Hardy?  As in her uni boyfriend?”
Boyfriend?  “Uh, yeah, that’s me.”  Despite the situation, the corners of his mouth tugged upward, earning himself a confused glare from Ellie.  “What’s it to you?”
“Now listen here, prick, Ellie is my fiancée, and as soon as I beat these charges-”
“If such a gross miscarriage of justice were to occur,” he cut Joe off, “you will leave- wherever it is Ellie lives, and you will run as far away as possible.  Just know that no matter how far you do go, it will never be far enough, and you will always be watched to ensure you harm no one.  Do you understand?”
After a moment, the line went dead, his face tightening as it occurred to him that he might have overstepped.  Handing the mobile back to Ellie, it took all he had not to flinch when she pushed back from the desk and stood.
She stared at him, eyes searching his, and he held his breath, waiting for a verdict.
“Thank you,” was all she said, before closing the distance between them and throwing her arms around his waist, holding him tightly and resting her face against his shoulder.  “I’m so glad you’re here.”
Slowly, scared she might bolt if he moved to fast, he returned the hug and held her close, resting his chin on the top of her head.  “So am I.”  It was nice, having her in his arms, and he felt a vise in his chest loosen.
I don’t want this trip to end.
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letsgoperuu · 5 years
Huacachina, Paracas...
Eine Nacht ging es für uns in die Sonne! Endlich!!!
Lange haben wir überlegt, ob wir auf dem Integration Trip, der von einer Agentur für Studenten, organisiert wird, mitfahren sollen. Da ziemlich viele Studenten von unserer Uni mitkommen wollten und wir auch gern nochmal neue Leute kennenlernen wollten, entschlossen wir uns, mitzufahren. Unsere Reise begann allerdings nicht gut. Als wir uns morgens um 3.30 Uhr trafen und schon in den Bussen saßen, wurde uns nach ca. 45min mitgeteilt, dass es ein Problem gäbe und die Busse nicht losfahren dürfen. Später stellte sich heraus, dass das Busunternehmen angeblich keine Lizenz für die bevorstehende Strecke hatte. Somit mussten 170 Personen wieder aus den Bussen raus und mit Uber an einen etwas entfernten Busbahnhof fahren. Mit ca. 1.5h Verspätung starteten wir dann nicht wie zuvor geplant nach Paracas, sondern es ging direkt nach Huacachina. Ich muss sagen, es ging dann doch überraschend schnell, dass neue Busse organisiert wurden. Huaccachina ist eine Oasenstadt neben Ica und liegt wirklich total in der Wüste. Wo man hinsieht waren riesige Sanddünen. Unser Hostel hatte sogar einen Pool und so verbrachten wir den Nachmittag dort in der Sonne. Gegen Abend ging es zu einer Strandbuggytour. Zu 10. nahmen wir in dem, nur mit spärlichen Sicherheitsgurten ausgestatteten, Buggy Platz. Ich sicherte mir einen Platz ganz vorne. Die Fahrt war wirklich sehr abenteuerlich. Manchmal habe ich mich gefragt, wie die Fahrer sich in den Dünen orientieren oder wie es sein kann, dass keine Unfälle passieren wenn ein Buggy die Düne nach oben fährt und nicht weiß, ob hinter der nächsten Kuppe vielleicht ein andere Buggy ist. An einem Stopp ging es dann zum Sandboarden. Zu Beginn hatte ich echt Respekt davor, kopfvorraus auf einem Holzbrett die Dünen runterzustürzen. Die Guides zeigten uns kurz, wie man eventuell bremsen kann und dann ging es auch schon los. Der zweite Abhang war dann schon etwas größer und steiler. Der letzte Anhang kostete etwas Überwindung, aber es hat wirklich wahnsinnig viel Spaß gemacht. Wir genossen den Sonnenuntergang auf dem Dach des Buggys. Als die Sonne weg war, wurde es dann schlagartig auch kalt. Nachdem wir uns von dem ganzen Sand befreit und geduscht haben, gingen wir zum BBQ. Buffet und 1h kostenlose Getränke war genau das, nachdem wir gesucht hatten. Danach ging es zum Vortrinken und schließlich in den Klub. Am nächsten Vormittag ging es dann nach Paracas, zu den Islas Ballestas. Dort machten wir eine Bootstour und konnten zahlreiche Robben, Vögel und auch einige Pinguine bestaunen. Nach einem typisch peruanischen Mittagessen mit "Lomo Saltado" als Hauptgericht ging es für uns weiter zu der Reserva Nacional de Paracas und zu einem nahegelegenen Strand. Da das Wetter allerdings nicht sehr gut war und es sehr windig war, genossen wir mit unseren Jacken die Aussicht auf den Ozean anstatt zu baden. Jeder war heilfroh, als wir dann im Bus saßen und endlich schlafen konnten weil viel Schlaf hatte wirklich keiner an diesem Wochenende. Die Pisco Verkostung musste leider ausfallen, da wir Samstag früh ja erst verspätet los gekommen sind. Darüber waren wir aber nicht mal so böse, denn nach der Nacht war den wenigsten nach mehr Alkohol zumute.
Obwohl wir am Anfang sehr genervt waren, wie die Dinge abgelaufen sind, war es im Endeffekt eine schöne Reise.
Eins ist auf jeden Fall klar, wir werden zurückkommen nach Huacachina, um die Sonne zu genießen!
Huacachina, Paracas...
For a long time we have considered whether we should go on the integration trip, which is organized by an agency for students. Since quite a lot of students wanted to come along from our university and we also wanted to meet new people again, we decided to go with them. But our trip didn't start well. When we met in the morning at 3.30 a.m. and were already sitting in the buses, we were told after about 45 minutes that there was a problem and the buses were not allowed to start. Later it turned out that the bus company allegedly had no license for the upcoming route. Thus 170 persons had to get out of the buses and drive with Uber to a somewhat distant bus station. With about 1.5h delay we did not start as planned to Paracas, but we went directly to Huacachina. I have to say that it went surprisingly fast that new buses were organized. Huaccachina is an oasis town next to Ica and lies totally in the desert. Where you look there are huge sand dunes. Our hostel even had a pool and so we spent the afternoon there in the sun. In the evening we went to a beach buggy tour. With ten other people we took a seat in the buggy, equipped only with sparse safety belts. I secured myself a place completely in front. The ride was really adventurous. Sometimes I wondered how the drivers orient themselves in the dunes or how it can be that no accidents happen when a buggy drives up the dune and doesn't know if there is another buggy behind the next crest. At one stop we went sandboarding. At the beginning I had real respect for falling down the dunes head first on a wooden board. The guides showed us how to brake and then we started. The second slope was a bit bigger and steeper. The last trail was a bit difficult, but it was really a lot of fun. We enjoyed the sunset on the roof of the buggy. When the sun was gone, it became suddenly cold. After we got rid of all the sand and took a shower, we went to the BBQ. A BBQ Buffet and 1h free drinks was exactly what we were looking for. After that we went for a pre-drink and finally to the club. The next morning we went to Paracas, to the Islas Ballestas. There we made a boat tour and could marvel at numerous seals, birds and also some penguins. After a typical Peruvian lunch with "Lomo Saltado" as main course we went on to the Reserva Nacional de Paracas and to a nearby beach. Since the weather was not very good and it was very windy, we enjoyed with our jackets the view of the ocean instead of bathing. Everyone was very happy when we sat in the bus and could finally sleep because nobody really had much sleep this weekend. The Pisco tasting had to be cancelled because we started late on Saturday morning. But we weren't even so angry about that, because after the night the least of us felt like drinking more alcohol.
Although we were very annoyed at the beginning how things went, it was a nice trip in the end.
One thing is for sure, we will come back to Huacachina to enjoy the sun!
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y3s2-20182019 · 5 years
Study and proposals for the development of Bang Sue.
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The project is the study of Bang Sue, then the design and architecture proposals for it. The project does not focus on a local community in the site but looks at the whole land of the State Railway of Thailand, including the area from BTS Mo Chit to MRT Bang Sue.
The site is very well connected to the whole of Bangkok, and the whole country. So, the “community” under my interpretation is the present kind of community, which people, from anywhere, are connected by common activities, located where the activities happen, not specific to where they live. The proposals area mainly about using the strength of the site, which is its large green patch, as the selling point, and solve the problems in the site, one-by-one, by the designs. The architectural proposal for this final is the mixed-use building, comprised of the public plaza and spaces on the top, and the transit hub on the lower floors. The focal point for the transit hub is to make the waiting more pleasant to the commuters, find the solution that will benefit the people economically and mentally.
This plot of land was given by King Rama 5 to the state railway of Thailand. This massive land was meant to do some good for the transit of Thailand.
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The land stayed had been used for transit functions for a long time. It has the bus terminal and the train junction. Other parts of the land are used as the residential area for the workers, and many parts of it are leased out to be offices, markets, and mall. 
Large parts of it is now a park, the biggest park area in Bangkok and very popular to the people.
Another attraction is Chatuchak Park Market, the well-known shopping district
The land was surrounded by 3 kinds of trains on its 23 sides. The BTS, MRT, and the rail train. It also has one of the country’s main road cutting through one of the corners. The site is very well connected to everything else for a long time. 
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As announced by the government, the land will undergo a significant transformation for the next coming years, it mainly started 4 years ago. 
 They started building the new MRT lines, and they build the new Bangkok Central Station here. 
The State Railway of Thailand also bearing a gigantic amount of debt. The land with the new Central station and the parks have lots of potentials and can make lots of profit to help with that debt. They’re going to lease out many parts of the land to private developers.
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There’re many groups of people there as well. Not only the local residents but also the commuters and the workers as well. 
Everywhere there are people, someone will come and set up a kiosk and try to make money. They’ll find somewhere that’s shaded and has people, then they’ll manage to settle. If they’re not managed properly and has no supporting infrastructure, it will be a mess. 
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In conclusion about the site, 
S: the site is very well connected to the outside. W: but the land is divided to be under different authorities. The parts are fenced up. It’s very hard to walk around in there.  The site has the expressway, rails, and sky rails dividing the space. According to the law, it would be a drawback, but if spaces underneath are developed nicely it could be a very good dope space since Bangkokian needs shading from the sun.  O: There’re lots of communities, residential area, and tourists. So many people are already around here.  T: sadly, the new plan of the government is overlooking the local people completely. They’re going to let private developers monopolize the strategic lands. The new plan is so sad. 
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The first small area to test some idea is the space under the expressway. Different parts of it can best serve different groups of people due to different surroundings. 
Some are best for taxi drivers, public, and fams. 
The first place I started with is the location suitable for friends and family, and try to use the design to fil the missing point in Bangkokian life #me. 
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The design is the picnic space that allows families and friends to come and make some barbeque by the water. 
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The water is used instead of the fence to open up the atmosphere while still allows the control. 
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The design uses the strength of the site to enhance the atmosphere, also tries to solve the existing fence problem. 
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For more information about this design, please find it in my former blog. 
After the test idea, it comes the architectural proposal. 
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The site of the development.
From the researches before, one of the issue here is about the organizations wanted to move Mo Chit 2 Bus terminal away to Rang Sit. Even though the updated news says that they’re not moving it anymore, it reflects the need of that space for something else. 
From that point, I decided that I wanted to design a bus stop in front of the new Bang Sue train Station in order to make everything connected and solve the problems. However, the location is very strategic, so, I studied the TOD guidelines by ITDP first. 
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From the guidelines, I learned about the 800 m radius around the station, which is the 10-minute walking distance and is very important to get developed well. 
There’re 2 important stations here, the BTS Mo Chit, and the New station, so I look at the 800 m circles around these, plan some basic ideas, also try to connect them.
The existing plan by the government is to lease out the big plots of land to some private developers to develop it. 
I propose to make them another way. I’m so tired of writing this, please look at my former block for more information.
The result of the planning is I know where and how the people would approach the building site, who are the stakeholders, and what kind of transportations are needed to be put here. 
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So, the main programs of the buildings are the transit station on the lower floor(s) and topped with public plaza and activities space.
The transit has the Local bus (because...), the vans (The Trans..and ..... because. ....), and  the Bus station for the Transport fgkl;hkl...(some Thai name) 
The regional bus terminal is put at the end of the triangle because it needs the largest space. the aim is to get 25% more capacity than the old station.
The vans are in the middle, and the local bus is the closest to where the daily commuters will approach the building. 
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The plan for the vehicles route, parking, and waiting space are laid out first to make sure that they will all work, then the upper levels are designed to correspond to that. 
After the car paths, the waiting spaces were planned. 
It begins with studies about the existing problems about the transits. 
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For the bus station, I studied the bus station at BTS Mo Chit. It’s very crowded, lots of buses stop there. 
The problems are
-the people who sit cannot see the bus because the people who want to see the bus are standing and blocking the view. 
-some line of the bus doesn’t come that often. Long waits are boring. 
-There’re vendors and buskers. sorry for not drawing this out more clearly. I tried my best but the project is very big, I can’t cover them all with drawings, so many things are still in my head and not drawn out. I need 2 more weeks, and 6 more months to develop. ha ha ha.
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For the vans, people stand in a very long queue. Not all of them will get to get on the next van, but they’re all standing. waiting. looking down on their phones.
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The normal bus terminal is like all the normal terminal. People are forced to sit on some row of benches, forces to face the TVs which are always showing low-quality soap opera. Then there’re the annoying kids on board who keeps calling his beloved mama mama mama mama mama. oh please shut up and let others sleep boi. 
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So, the design of the waiting spaces is intended to keep the commuters in the dope atmosphere, have something pleasant to do, hear, or watch, hopefully, they might start communicating with another human. 
Above is the first design of the building. Lots of attention were put into making all the waiting spaces connected to something. 
however, the first design was too messy, some things we gained from some designs are not worth all the troubles and expenses, and some opportunities were missed. 
Below is the latest developed design. 
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Green roof garden and hangout space, since some area to the roof, will be shaded by the main station in the afternoon. 
The terminals. 
the public plaza. 
and the transit hubs. yay.
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this is not easy to do at all.
Lots of slopes are applied in order to create a not boring waiting space. 
The details are in the diagrams and images below. 
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So many details form the plate above. please read in the image.
The new design of the waiting spaces. Some waiting space is not connected directly to something anymore, but it’s connected at the corridor. 
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The additional explanation about the boat vendors.
They’re on the boat because lots of the dope space here are at the waterfront. They’ll be active at different times during the day, so the vendors should be able to move easily. 
The authority can control the existing of them easily by the easy control of the waterway (the waterway are also used for preventing some revolt from happening here and shut the whole transportation system of the country down).
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The spaces designated for the vendors or anyone who just want to sell something there will be equipped with the pluimbing system to keep things clean, and the seats for eating will be provided to some serious vendors won’t need to bring their own, leave them all here, and make the place very dirty. 
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