#sleepovers are entertaining
foursaints · 3 months
since we're doing sleepover sharings, im the anon who brought up nabakovs letters (me=romantic=the reason me and my ex broke up) and when i saw in the tags that you never got ur copy of veras letters back it reminded me of an ex i dated who, when we broke up, did one of those stupid graffiti things (-- i still love you, please take me back) ON THE SIDE OF MY PARENTS HOUSE (because he thought it would. be romantic???) and STOLE my copy of the bell jar which he and i used to annotate.
IM GENUINELY LAUGHING both in delight & disbelief… the side of your parents HOUSE? by now i’ve learned from experience that the type of boy who will be adorably pseudointellectual with you in the relationship (annotating books! independent theaters! poetry open mics or whatever!) are also the worst people in the universe to break up with. they go insane. that’s how the world stays balanced i think
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space-writes · 29 days
writing share tag
tagged by @winterandwords, thank you! here’s a snippet from an in-progress Obsession fic that, for the first time, isn’t in Vizaeth’s POV, ft @lawful-evil-novelist’s lovely OCs Rhylfein, Nadrak, and Welvryn. (Rhylfein my beloved <3 im always so grateful and delighted to get to play with him~)
no-pressure tagging @foxboyclit @hagscribes @nightwardenminthara and @britta-ashcroft
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“Come on, pretty boy. Look at me.” Illusions collapse in shivering ripples as Viz raises his head. Scars appear on his arms, old and familiar and unsurprising. But the magic doesn’t stop there, as it usually does. It ripples away upwards, and bruises appear on Vizaeth’s face; one on his cheekbone, the other stretching from eye to chin. His eyes are bloodshot. His lip is split and swollen. There’s a fresh new bitemark below his ear. “I’m going to kill him.” Vizaeth’s nails dig into Rhylfein’s hand. “You’re not going to touch him,” he hisses. “He’s mine. I’m his, he’s mine, he wants me and I…and we…” The sudden burst of intensity collapses, and he drops his head back to his knees. “You’re not going to touch him,” he repeats, tonelessly. “I’m going to cut his dick off and feed it to him, is what I’m going to do. Fucking rat bastard.” “What’s that? Thaezyr fucked a rat?” Nadrak calls. He’s grinning over the back of the chair he and Welvryn are sprawled in. He only said it to be a shit, but it has the intended effect. Vizaeth bolts to his feet, fists wreathed in bright teal necromantic energy, and he’s halfway through a blight spell before Rhylfein slaps a hand over his mouth. “Don’t. He’s not worth it.” “Oh, you mean he fucked Mizzrym,” Nadrak says. “That makes more sense. You’d rip yourself to shreds trying to fuck that familiar of yours. Then again, that seems like the kind of thing you’re into.” Vizaeth bites Rhylfein’s palm and in a swirl of red mist, snaps through the Weave right to Nadrak. Nadrak’s eyes go wide and he topples backwards off of both Welvryn and his chair, narrowly missing the table full of food. Viz vaults the chair, drawing an annoyed yell from Welvryn as he steps on him, and drops down to kneel on Nadrak’s stomach, snatching a knife from the table in the process. “Shut your filthy mouth,” he snarls. He’s got one hand wrapped around Nadrak’s throat, and Rhylfein figures they’ve got about ten seconds before they can add drow tongue to tonight’s menu.
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[ID - a red decorative divider]
Obsession taglist: @foxboyclit (ask to be +/-)
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hoodie-buck · 17 days
Buddie headcannon for when they are older and retired. What do you think k they will get up to?
oww i love the thought of them growing old together 🥺
i imagine buck would be a little like red in some ways, still wanting to volunteer and live out his glory days lol. i think both of them wouldn’t be able to sit still for long; they don’t know how to relax 😅
i would love for them to get to road trip and do silly little vacations together! imagine them traveling around the world, sending off postcards to their family along the way. they take little videos everywhere they go to post to an account they’ve made for such trips. and chris is just like “there go my dads again 😏” but he secretly loves it, especially whenever they bring him back souvenirs.
they get a place off the beaten path to settle. they sit on the porch late at nights on the swing, just gliding together and enjoying a peace they never knew they could have 🥲
and just for funsies, girl!dad buddie, and she’s still young enough to go with them on some of these road trips, and chris will join every now and again too.
sleepover asks—ask me anything
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satans-knitwear · 1 year
You'll never guess what... I may have made an impulsive purchase, arguably for the purpose of feeling alive.
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balu8 · 1 year
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Skip and Loafer  vol. 3 /Anime
by Misaki Takamatsu
Seven Seas
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glorious-spoon · 1 year
it's so fucking weird having my younger kid out of the house for two nights (currently he's sleeping over at my parents' as a special treat) because he doesn't usually do sleepovers so periodically i pop my head up from whatever i'm doing and go 'OH SHIT WHERE'S ROWAN I HAVEN'T HEARD HIM IN HOURS' before i remember
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ginshariboy · 9 months
listen friends..................i have an rca capture card, a functioning ps1 and ps2, and silent hill 1 through 4 AND it's spooky season and i'm not saying i 100% will stream silent hill during prime scary game time...........................but maybe!!
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captain-amadeus · 11 months
Jingle and Cedric having a bonding moment out of their skills being underused
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fandoms-writings · 1 year
Hey hey heeey 🥰
I would like to kindly request 🎰🎰
Ok so I love singing, you'll find me singing random bits of songs or commercials or tiktok sounds all living day, music taste is very broad I like indie, movie soundtracks, pop, classical music etc
IN LOVE with cats and lions, I'm an ambivert and I love dressing up, doing crazy make up looks while also almost never leave home and spend most of my days watching movies and series🤭
🎰 Spin the Lottery!
i'm gonna pair you with Sam because lets be honest - he would be singing tiktok audios with you.
He also loves watching you experiment with your makeup looks and does his best to try to convince you to go out with him so he can show you and your makeup skills off to the world.
This, of course, is rewarded with a night in with your favorite take out and movie and - we can't forget - cuddles.
come celebrate with me!
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angelsdean · 2 years
the bunker is huge everyone they know should’ve been living there. the full house-ification of spn is what i want. family sitcom hijinks and an ensemble cast bc oh what was that phrase they love to quote? Family don’t end in blood !!!
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Adult Ollie and adult Ivy having a sleepover
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hoodie-buck · 17 days
So, for the sleepover weekend instead of asking a question I'm gonna tell you something. I looked today cause I was curious and I have over 1500 tabs open between my Chrome and Firefox browser. I use Chrome for my 911 fics and Firefox is for all my other fandoms. I might have a slight problem, lol.
you know what, i can’t even judge you bc i have *checks safari* 527 tabs open on my phone for no particular reason other than i’m too lazy to delete them and always open a new tab 🤣 so at least yours are useful tabs! and hey, bonus points for having them organized by browser!
sleepover asks—ask me anything
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lovevalley45 · 1 month
listen u know i was giving watcher the benefit of the doubt when everything happened a couple weeks ago but i am hitting that most recent announcement with a lil side-eye
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kentosbabes · 1 year
ex-husband Toji who drops Megumi home early so he can say 'I still have 30 minutes with him so you can't kick me out' and he gets to spend time with you. He makes sure to pick him up early as well so you have to invite him in as he waits for your son to get back from school.
ex-husband Toji who still pays for everything whether it's the weekly groceries or funding your shopping trips, his money is still all yours. You don't have a problem with it at all gladly spending whatever you need. He deserved it after fucking up the marriage.
ex-husband Toji who begs you to go on days out with you and Megumi. He can be very persuasive pecking your face all over knowing you'll give in. and you do allowing him to come to the zoo with you and Megumi.
ex-husband Toji who lets himself into the house as you stand in the hallway arguing with Megumi about what shoes he has to wear. 'Hey mama what's going on?' he says walking up to you. 'You son has your stubbornness. you deal with him' you groan out walking into your room, leaving him to deal with the situation.
ex-husband Toji who puts Megumi on his shoulders as you walk through the zoo. You can't help but smile up and link your arm in his as you think about what could be.
ex-husband Toji who comes back to your place to put Megumi to bed. 'is he having a sleepover?' your son says as you brush his teeth as he sits on Tojis lap. You look over to him and he smirks before responding with 'if mama says yes'.
ex-husband Toji who after getting Megumi to sleep, strides towards you as you back up hitting the wall. 'Toji we shouldn't' he only hums in response before bringing your lips to his in a slow but passionate kiss.
ex-husband Toji who pounds into you folding your legs to your chest and still keeping eye contact with you 'God I love you'. You're a moaning mess underneath him, your legs shaking and your nails digging into his shoulders. 'baby girl you better keep it down you dont wanna wake him up'.
ex-husband Toji who ends up staying the night. you wake up to the sound of footsteps running 'what's going on' you say sitting up with Tojis arm still wrapped around you. He only groans as Megumi rushes in and jumps onto the bed.
ex-husband Toji who cooks pancakes for breakfast doing tricks to entertain Megumi as you sip on coffee watching them. He makes sure to give you some extra and a kiss on your cheek. He smirks as he catches onto your staring. 'Dad should stay more often' Megumi says before running off to get ready for school.
ex-husband Toji who drops off Megumi so you can stay in bed a little longer. when he comes back he's back in your room watching you do your make-up. 'He's right you know, you should let me stay more often'.
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ssahotchnerr · 1 month
a bit late but i have a request for protective aaron 😓😓 reader and hotch having a date night and they run into someone who claims to be from the fbi like that one guy who prentiss garcia and jj came across?? maybe they play along for while? i love ur writing btw 💕💕 and congrats on 5k!!
brad's back
let's pretend this hasn't been in my drafts for ages, and what if it is the same guy they came across 🤭 cw; jealous!aaron, bau fem!reader, bar setting, light drinking mentions, suggestiveness, brad LOL wc; 1.2k
Saturday night. Date night.
Aaron and yourself had already finished dinner, and had stopped at a nearby bar for a drink or two before heading home. Jack was at Jessica's for the night, having fun of his own at a sleepover with his cousins.
That meant a wonderfully empty apartment was waiting for you, and all of its advantages.
You were giddy with impatience, eager to head out. As you waited for Aaron to return - he had run to the men's room - out of your peripheral you sensed someone lingering, just a few feet away from where you were sat.
You turned your head, subtly brushing your fingers through your hair so your glance didn't seem purposeful. It was a man in a suit, hair swept cleanly, looking greatly out of place in the casualness of the bar.
But your discreet attempt at observing did go noticed; the man took it as a plausible excuse to approach you.
"You should be careful."
Your eyebrows quirked quizzically, evaluating whether or not his statement was a threat or hopeful flirting. "How so?"
"Saturday night. It's getting late. We're in a high crime area."
You widened your eyes in feigned surprise, "Are we?"
No, you were not.
You quickly deemed him harmless, for now. And while you waited, why not play into it; he obviously had some story going, without a doubt a highly entertaining one at that. Not only, with Aaron due back in a few short minutes, you wouldn't mind seeing his protective side in the slightest.
"But lucky for you, I'm around. I just so happen to be a part of the FBI."
"Really." Your chin pointed downwards, not wasting a second to rack through your brain. He didn't look familiar, and you were quite good at remembering faces. You definitely hadn't come across this man before in practice.
When nothing unveiled, "I didn't catch your name."
Holy shit. You've heard the infamous Brad story from the girls, numerous times, and this had to be him. It had to; he was just as they described: vain, a bit gawky. You quickly stifled the laugh that wanted to burst through your chest. It's been months since, and evidently he was still using the same pickup.
"Brad the FBI agent." You nodded slowly, toying with your drink, fingers on the rim. "That's quite the title. What department are you in?"
"That's classified," he answered, leaning against the counter on an elbow. "I'm afraid I can't tell you that."
"I see..."
Your eyes shot to the side as Aaron approached, landing on him just in time to see him stop in his tracks. As expected, a scowl deepened on his face as he saw Brad talking to you, also taking notice of his close, flirtatious proximity. His feet began moving once again, more urgency in his step.
"You must know Aaron then." You gushed, grabbing onto Aaron's arm and drawing him close as soon as he was in reach, and before he could ruthlessly interrogate Brad. Aaron lightly stumbled in surprise at the sudden pull.
Brad blanched, "I, urm-"
"Aaron," you grinned, "this is Brad."
Aaron shot you a look, one that read: 'And why the hell would I care?' but as he gave you said look, he immediately eyed the mischievous, fiery glint in your eyes. You were up to something.
The tension lessened in Aaron (barely), offering a rather stiff, "Hello."
"Brad," you turned, your hand clutching onto Aaron's bicep, your thumb grazing it calmly. "Aaron's in the FBI too."
Aaron's shoulders relaxed, probably coming to the same realization; he's heard the story also, as Penelope all but sprinted into the bullpen to share the hilarious encounter.
"No, I don't believe we have met." He activated his Hotch Stare, "What department are you-"
"Oh, he can't say. Classified." You interrupted, lips developing into a pout. "Strange, isn't it?"
While Aaron's notorious expression was enough to make Brad squirm, he also put an arm around you, keeping you close. Very close, your shoulder was practically digging into his chest.
Brad forced a laugh, his voice painfully strained. "Actually, it's uh... the big one. In DC."
"The big one." Aaron deadpanned, his brows furrowing more into a hardened line above his eyes. "You mean the J. Edgar Hoover Building?"
"Yes sir, that one." He rushed out, his gaze darting to the side. Probably looking for a quick escape.
"And your speciality?"
A dreadfully, humorously weak answer, "Crime."
"Crime." Aaron repeated, with an undertone of idiot.
"Modern day hero, clearly." You inputted. Aaron's lips twitched, holding back a smile.
"Your Superior is?"
"Superior... you see, I really can't stay. My boss wouldn't be too happy with me giving out the details."
"And you are aware that impersonation can be charged as a criminal offense," Aaron laid it on thick, his tone nothing less than strictly authoritative. "Aren't you?"
Brad opened his mouth to respond. Much to his avail, only silence came out.
"If I were you, I would try to find a better use of your time than using a forged title to pick up women. Perhaps being yourself may work? Although, I believe that needs extensive work as well."
Humiliation glassed over Brad's eyes, a blush rising to his cheeks. He turned on his heel, retreating.
"One more thing."
Your heart skipped a beat. From Aaron's tone of voice, the protectiveness you had anticipated - deep emphasis was about to come to the surface.
"I'm not the only one in the FBI." He spoke with pride in his chest, cocking his head towards you. Aaron's lips also quipped into a smile, whereas a smug look was on your face. "She's more than capable to take care of herself. And if for some reason she couldn't, that's where I come in."
Brad merely stood there, helplessly. From the irritation present on his face, he was completely over it.
"Have a good night."
"That was something, wasn't it?" You stated humorously once Brad was out of earshot.
Aaron snorted a laugh into his drink. "I'll say."
"I wonder how often it's worked." You thought aloud, feeling for those who had unknowingly fallen for it.
"Not enough if he's still using it as a ruse."
"It's kinda sad." While it was well deserved, long overdue and hopefully ceased any future endeavors of his, you still couldn't help but feel bad. Partially bad.
"It is, but he doesn't deserve your pity sweetheart." Aaron's hand fell atop yours, giving your knuckles a gentle pat. "Ready to head out?"
You nodded yes, "I've been ready."
After tossing some bills on the counter, Aaron properly grabbed your hand this time. The two of you headed for the exit, Aaron's hold on your hand tightening - to not lose you amidst the crowd, or for anyone else to make a pass at you.
"Is this the part where I say I can show you what a real FBI agent can do?" Aaron teased, a delightful little smirk on his face as he opened the door.
You laughed. "Whatever makes you happy. And benefits me."
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kekeyw · 6 months
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oasis home | cc build
hi everyone, the long awaited build is ready for download!
this home features 5 bedrooms, 6 bathrooms, a butlers pantry, a large pool and outdoor entertainment area perfect for a getaway and lots of parties!
gallery id: kekeyw
packs used: horse ranch, highschool years, snowy escape, discover university, island living, cats and dogs, city living, get together, get to work, jungle adventures, home chef hustle (most are for live edit objects)
watch youtube video here
download tray files here
cc list below the cut
harrie - brownstone (all), brutalist bathroom, coastal (all), country (all), kwate (all), octave (all), shop the look (all), spoons pt3, stockholm
house of harlix - bafroom, baysic bathroom, baysic, harluxe, jardane, livin' rum, orjanic (all), kichen, tiny traveller
felixandre- chateau pt2, 4, colonial pt2, 3, paris pt3, soho pt1, fayun pt1, pt2, florence (all), grove (all), kyoto (all), shop the look (all)
charlypancakes - chalk, diaper days, the lighthouse, dinna, miscellanea, smol, precious promises
peacemaker - adirondacklove - modernondack, arcadia, bowed living, creta kitchen, futura, hudson bathroom, kitayama dining
pierisim - auntie vera, david (all), domaine du clos (all), mcm (all), oak house (all), teeny weeny, the office, unfold, woodland (all)
the clutter cat - busybee, cozycocina, dandydiary bathroom, dandydiary (all), hellohorses, mellowmini, sunnysundae pt1, 2
greenllamas - the woodwind collection (coffee table)
cowbuild - scandinavian sleepover, blooming garden cafe (hanging wisteria)
bbygyal123 - abstract prints
heybrine - nova bathroom
simplistic - RHrugsII
little dica - delicato, eco kitchen, rise&grind
mrolkan - cool pools
max20 - poolside lounge
my cup of cc - the modernist dining
myshunosun - daria bedroom, freja, lottie bedroom, simmify, lullaby, sona dining
ravasheen - bidet as it may shower tub glass combo, flood saucer light
s-imagination - nota living, japandi tableware
sforzinda - bg curtains
sixamcc - tiny playrooms, boho bathroom
syboulette - bathroom set, candy, caroline, helios, little dino
sundays - amed (runner rug), gaios (throw blanket)
tuds - bble, beam kitchen, brazilian kitchem, caipi, nctr, shkr
emerasims - sanoma collection
awingedllama - apartment therapy inspired stuff v2, blooming plants
mechtasims - kitchen set (ceiling light only)
thank you to all the cc creators: @harrie-cc @felixandresims @charlypancakes @greenllamas @cowbuild @bbygyal123 @heybrine @simplistic-sims4 @littledica @mrolkanyt @maxsus @myshunosun @peacemaker-ic @ravasheencc @pierisim @s-imagination @sixamcc @syboubou @sundays-sims @thecluttercat @tudtuds @awingedllama @mechtasims
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