#sleepy self indulgent sketches.......
hoppinkiss · 2 months
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i drew some sleepy babies
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lukasadss · 6 months
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A moments rest for the king of dreams💤
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anonymocha · 1 month
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retiring this to my blog
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amberluvsbugs · 4 months
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Sleepy soft self-indulgent sketches
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asmoteeth · 1 year
Reviewing study notes for the 15th time at 3 am be like:
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Wanted to do something self-indulgent! I've finished two big exams these last two weeks (on the same subject too!) and it's been exhausting, but it's finally done! Here's some sleepy Wedge as a celebration! 40 notes and I'm putting him to nap
P.S: This Wedge is a little stylized this time! I didn't use any sketch hehe
@lonely-paracosmos @charzllie <- biggest Wedge enthusiasts
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monsoonxskies · 1 year
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Some more Werewolf Renfield sketches! First one will be used in his reference sheet, and the second one was just a self indulgent sleepy boy doodle.
Also I finally came up with a consistent way of drawing him ✨
Yes, I’ll draw him as a human. Someday. It’s just going to be awhile haha
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archandshri · 25 days
The value in comfort characters from Shri - 11/05/2024
Hi Archie and everyone!
(ignore the late blog post *sweats profusely*)
Today I just wanted to talk about comfort characters and the values in them! (and subsequently convincing you to get one if you don't already have one!)
I also want to rant about mine briefly so... sue me!
If you have a comfortable character hopefully this should reassure you of the value in them and if you don't have one - this should convince you to get one!
First I'll explain what a comfort charater is!
Comfort characters (in drawing context):
A character (person or creature or environment o guess???) that provides comfort when drawing them. This can be your own character or another creator's character.
Personal note: I find that a lot of my comfort characters are a mix of traits I either wish I had and/or existing trains from me or other people I know.
The Value in Comfort characters:
Something to always draw:
When you don't know what to draw - you just draw your comfort character!
I also love to think about them/their world/story lines before going to sleep most nights - which is super fun!
Something to practice with:
When doing studies why don't you make it more fun by adding your comfort characters to it? Figure drawing - make the figures your comfort characters! Environment studies? Put your comfort character in there somewhere! I've done that sort of stuff for years!
Value in self-indulgent drawing :
This is something I'm very passionate about and it's the value in self-indulgent drawing. What I mean by this is drawing/sketching just for your own enjoyment!
For example, I went through a massive faze of just drawing my comfort characters having really snuggly hugs or sleepy snuggles
This was completely self-indulgent and it made me so happy to draw this - I just kept drawing cuddles for months and months! It was just so nice and comforting!
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Anyway's, finally time to introduce you to my Comfort characters!
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Here are their character sheets which I'm still adding to
(and ignoring the spelling issues)
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And yes they are all adopted siblings - and I love them dearly
The last note is because they’re comfort characters they don't necessarily have to be the pinnacle of good character design, a lot of choices I make with my comfort characters or for self-indulgent choices. I probably wouldn't make the same choices if I were designing for client work or professional projects.
So keep that in mind! It's okay to make bad character design choices if it means you get more enjoyment from them!
That's all today peeps! I hope I have convinced those without comfort characters to get some!
Hope everyone has some lovely dinners
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skypied · 2 years
sorry this is from a few days ago but i still wanna do the ask meme ;3
(I love the perpetual 3-5 business days ADHD delay on both our sides<3) read moreing bc I refuse to shut up<3
🤡 What’s a line, scene, or exchange you’ve written that made you laugh?
A lot! A lot of the time writing is providing entertainment for myself, and I often make myself laugh tbh! But I have no clue if anyone else finds it funny, mostly bc what feedback I get on things being funny often differ from what I laugh at 🥴 the one I can point to (and will again later in this post) is the goat-wrestling scene in always be this close. I also think all the banter in Morning Routines is funny. There's a shit ton of fun stuff in my wips, but I'm coming back to those.
(unrelated, I just discovered I've on two different occasions, months apart, written the exact same line of dialogue, which is Alberto saying "stop complaining and put your dick in my mouth". The more you know)
✨ Give you and your writing a compliment. Go on now. You know you deserve it. 😉
ouhhhhh uhhhhhh I think I'd say dialogue is one of my strong suits... I think? It's what drives most of my writing, and, while I feel like I'm always making the boys more and more OOC with every iteration, I guess that's one of the things that makes people find my fics in character. Maybe??? I dunno??? (honestly this is the worst kind of question bc for all I know I'm WAY off base). When I first am able to suppress my shame, I think the porn I write is fun and hot (but, y'know, it's 100% self-indulgent and to my tastes since it's a drop in the ocean from my personal spank bank, so again, nervous to state it for a fact)
🧠 Pick a character, and I’ll tell you my favorite headcanon for them.
given how I've rotated these blorbos so relentlessly in an endless drier for 14 months, there are sooooo many, and very few that are fixed in stone tbh. I more go through phases with headcanons, tbh! and I'm getting sleepy, maybe I'll come back and do a separate post if I remember anything special 😴
I can share that one of my current headcanon obsessions is Alberto in a skin tight short tennis dress though. I have this one in mind, bc that was the one that inspired it when a friend of a friend borrowed it to wear and he's a short'n'stout king who's dummy thicc and looked absolutely incredible wearing it. Hopefully I might draw and at some point post ... maybe in a sketch dump along with the two-three other pieces that are just "Alberto on his knees, thighs spread, soft lil tummy out, in cute outfits" hehe
🎢 Which of your fics would you call your wildest ride?
I think always be this close with the Alberto almost getting himself severely damaged in a goat-wrestling match is the wildest. The rest of my fics are either just shameless porn or shameless fluff or writing-for-writing-practice's sake - I rarely write any plots or scenes that get wild. Honestly babe my wildest rides are still wips 😭 and I can't decide on just one so this is almost a ranking
#1 is probably the "discovering Luca's dick glows under the blacklight when they're getting nasty in a club bathroom" which also includes Alberto joking about Luca being into scat (or maybe it's on the cutting room floor) and jokes about dolphins being depraved creatures and Luca's dick trying to fuck Alberto's ear and Luca having a laughing fit over Alberto looking like he's playing a flute while sucking his dick and Luca delighted to discover Alberto likes having his mouth stuffed with his tail. this fic is honestly like 80% done and has been for almost a year, I'm just eternally struggling but I did my once-every-four-month casual perusing and re-discovered that it's a lot of fun and I wanna finish it
the also-80%-done "Luca tries casting himself in a porn" fic. It got away from me and now includes smut and is, oops, 12k. It's not as overtly wild, but I think it's funny, I think it'll be finished soon-ish, and I hope y'all will find it funny, too. If nothing else, laugh at me pls<3
the one doc just titled "train wrecks" which is 3am, Luca in the club spotting Alberto and going
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Luca pretends he's so blackout drunk he's forgotten where he lives so Alberto will take him home, and the rest honestly is just the dumbest banter. Highlights include likening Alberto's dick to a Christmas present, joking about Luca time travelling to groom Alberto to give him even more daddy issues, Alberto calling Luca a bird furry for leaving old food bits in his mouth during makeouts, and a lot more that'd take too much context to explain. but besides being a lot of dumb funny shit what I like about it is exploring the kind of surprising honesty and delightful rudeness you get with complete strangers. I think my fav moment is them small talking to get to know each other more, Luca talks some about his mom being overbearing and a pain in the ass, then when Alberto talks about his parental situation Luca just goes "fuck you, you can’t let me complain about all that stupid shit and then tell me that" and, after Alberto tells details about his dad and Luca offers sympathies, Alberto in return goes "no, fuck you, that sympathy is for your own bad conscience, not me". This one is a lot less finished, due to being mostly dialogue, and needing three sex scenes (and counting maybe???) written out lmao
sandbox is pretty much eternally on hold, but some out of context highlights include:
Alberto's literal "anyways, here's Wonderwall" moment
everyone calling Luca a slut
Giulia calling Alberto "young dumb and full of cum
Luca repeatedly having to tell Alberto off for quoting memes in bed
Alberto's graphic Shrek t-shirt collection
Luca skipping class to suck a guy off during a matiné showing of a war drama
Lorenzo giving Daniela chlamydia when they were young
Luca accusing his parents of being in a swingers arrangement with Giulia's parents
Alberto: recites Luca's Starbucks order - Luca:
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(that's not a joke btw it's literal actual canon)
okay I'm done will sleep now ty for letting me ramble @ u ! 🥰
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runawayballista · 2 years
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some very sleepy sketches of ace trainer teru + attempting to learn to draw pichu for self indulgent rp reasons
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elishevart · 2 years
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All righty,
this little goober wouldn’t leave my mind so here he is with his dad, taking a happy photo and tasting his Dad’s favorite drink.
Hope you like!
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Bonus of them sleeping next to each other in dragon form (couldn’t remember if I posted him)
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lukasadss · 3 months
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I have a soft spot for Dream and Desire getting along idk
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nerdycolorcupcake · 2 years
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Nap time with baes
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humunanunga · 3 years
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Into The Sonaverse, ft. my collaborators’ and my stories and other vague concepts-- Sweet Dreams, Skyfallen, Under the Crescent Moon, Shell Hill and Card Suite.
In order, they’re they/them, they/them, they/her, they/xem, xe/xem and any pronouns. The bottom left’s design is based on an Xtale dream I had once, but I’m thinking that xir aesthetic also works for something like Black Rock Shooter, so I might end up saving xem for a different setting than Monster Crossing.
Under the Crescent Moon is available for purchase here!
I’m gonna quote from an older post, re:gender, but I’ll link that too for anyone who wants to interact with the original post instead.
I remember this post by a cis ally. He was reflecting on his own sense of gender, speculating whether other cis folk would feel as strongly about their gender if they lived in unisex vessels, since they seem so dependent on associating it with anatomy. It got me thinking.
Something I want to explore is how my own relationship with gender could’ve gone differently. I experience very little dysphoria, so there could be timelines where I never made it this far in finding myself, or if I’d actually grown attached to my assigned gender. On the other hand, there could be alternates of myself with stronger dysphoria. I also wonder how much greater a role my body would have played if I were assigned male at birth. Would I feel more invested in feminizing myself, either fully or partially, if I were born with the hormonal inclination to keep the flat chest I always wanted for androgyny’s sake? I started thinking about that while looking back and forth between different versions of my sona, and knowing myself, I’ll likely conceptualize more stories to play around with. I wanna take those as an opportunity to start branching out more with my sonas’ genders.
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samarecharm · 4 years
One of the first things i hc’d about Goro was that he brute forced his way through palaces. Akiras trickster ability allowed him to shuffle through personas like a deck, always compensating for/working with his teams strengths and weaknesses. Goro has only two personas, and with their affinity setups, theres no way hed always be able to exploit every shadows weakness. Like yeah eventually hed find the target and snuff em, but he still had to travel through an entire palace. Alone. With no one to rely on but himself.
So in order to get past certain shadows, he really did just, beat the shit out of it until it stopped moving. Which is funny with little context; but then theres enemies specifically made to piss u off and make ur run hell; the ones who are null to/repel physical and gunfire. Which would be the two things goro really relied on when affinities didnt match up (bless and curse could only get u so far). Hed fight and get fucked up but hed come out on top and able to proceed with his mission. Having to fight like that all the time though is exhausting. All this to say that while Goro REALLY likes fighting, he has no real formal training. Hes unrefined, unrestrained, and filled to the brim with excess energy bc he doesnt know how to properly release it save for beating shadows to a pulp.
Which is why Makoto is so quick to invite him to spars. Shes trained in aikido but i feel like shed dabble in other fighting style (muy thai or maybe even just kickboxing), and she sees someone who would really benefit from being to punch and kick things in safety, without the adrenaline of knowing each fight could be your last. MMA isnt for everyone, but for alot of people who do it as a hobby, its rlly cathartic, and Goro is surprised to find something that gets rid of that antsy, jittery energy he lives with on a near daily basis. More surprised, really, that Makoto is the one in the group who not only approaches him, but welcomes him in an attempt to bond in some way.
And Goro surprises her bc hes like, genuinely willing to listen. He LIKES learning, he likes being able to get better at things; he WANTS to be able to ‘get good’ at whatever THIS is, even if he would never step foot in a ring in his life. So he gives her his undivided attention, listening to the basics she knows of kickboxing she picked up a year or two back, and he goes home to really do research on it himself. He never really manages to beat her (aikido is self defense first and it always manages to ‘kick in’ when shes feeling cornered), but he manages to make her stumble or react too quickly to a block, and he knows to accept these victories when he sees them.
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thebeaniestbabe · 2 years
Just Once
Steven really shouldn't have come over, or even considered coming over, but he was here, he wanted to do what he could.
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A self indulgent self insert fic to contribute to the series that has been carrying me through my finals. Steven stumbles into a relationship, but Marc knows it’s not practical, it can't last. Set before the events of the show, before Steven is aware of Marc. I wrote this in a three hour break between exams have mercy
Steven hadn't planned on falling asleep here, he really hadn't. Then again, he never even planned on staying the night anywhere, ever. But as the two of you lay together, your head tucked against his chest, breath brushing against his skin, he couldn't help it. He deserved a bit of peace, didn't he? A bit of soft. Maybe everything would be okay, just this once. Gus would be alright until morning, and he didn't think he could stand to stay awake for hours on end with so much of you everywhere. He cradled you in a bit closer, encouraged by your sleepy sigh.
Yeah, alright.
Like he had the heart to leave now anyways. With a deep breath, Steven's eyes fluttered shut, and he let himself drift into your warmth.
As reality lurched into view, Marc's eyes snapped open with a hitch of his breath.
This was pretty much it - the worst case scenario. One of them, at least. He looked around the room, her room, taking in as much detail as allowed by her glittering string lights. A desk pushed into a corner, an overstuffed shelf, and a small entertainment system with complementary DVDs and tapes, all between the bed and the door. Emptied takeout containers crowded the only small table. Everything was plush, quilted fabrics and fuzzy carpeting, awash with the lived-in clutter of books, sketches.
Everything was so... soft.
Soft .... damn it.
Steven had left one hand splayed in the valley between her shoulders, the other lost in the curls of her hair. A sharp inhale through his nose betrayed him as her scent overpowered the noise in Marc’s head, their points of contact suddenly becoming white hot.
His fingertips against the skin uncovered by her loose tank, her thumb grazing his collarbone as it rested against the place where the weight of her hand had tugged his shirt away into her delicate fist. His remaining hand was lost in a sea of shea and floral shampoo. It was all too much. And far, far too soft.
How had he allowed this to happen? Usually with Steven in the front, Marc could maintain a hazy sense of what was happening, but these days, he found himself lost completely, stealing away control only at night. It was getting harder and harder. He had noticed when she'd make reappearances in Steven's days, lingering too long in the giftshop for chatter. It wasn't significant at first. How had it gotten this far?
It wasn't like Steven to be bold, to take that first step, but suddenly they had broken their little routine. She had taken him by the hand and pulled him across the park. Marc had practically felt Steven's heart drop when her head came to rest on his shoulder in that moment on the bench.
This was all supposed to be Steven's, only his, but it was getting too close, too real. She had just been a haze to Mark, this wasn't his world, but it was getting sharper, and now she was here, and she was so, so soft. He should have stepped in sooner. This had to end. Why hadn't he already ended it?  
As if she could sense the sudden stillness beside her, she stirred. Mark dared not even breathe. He should look away, he should pretend to be asleep, he should do anything to get out of this before -
Her thumb began stroking lines across his collarbone, her legs stretched and tangled with his, and slowly, she turned to look up into his eyes.
Honey eyes, heavily lidded, melted into her smile, searching for his gaze. It was too late. Marc was stuck. Their eyes met and the world seemed to be moving entirely too fast and painfully slow at the same time.
This was wrong, she wasn't his, she barely knew him, she didn't deserve any of this, he didn't deserve any of this, it was all too much. The thoughts raced, louder now. Did his eyes betray him? Still, he couldn't move them away. Her thumb had reached his face, and the smoldering eyes grew close, too close, before she planted a kiss on his cheek.
His mind crashed. Marc could only watch as her face reddened, her accursed smile somehow sweeter still. A beat later her head nuzzled back into his chest, arms this time wrapping fully around him. A long, soft exhale communicated her full intention to return to sleep, clearly pleased with her adjustment.
Yeah, that'll do it.
He didn't think he'd ever forget the way your voice sounded then. It was heart-wrenching; heavy and almost cracked.
"Y-yeah hey, everything alright?"  The phone fumbled in Steven’s hand as he switched it to the other ear, attempting to press it closer with his shoulder while also not dropping the crate of Tarweret stuffies he'd been tasked to carry downstairs.
Your silence was dreadful. The pause had him stopped in his tracks. What could he do? Anything? God, he hoped he could do something. Something besides being so bloody useless. Breath only returned to him once your voice again reached the speakers.
"Yeah, yeah I'm okay. It's just,"
He heard some shuffling before you continued.
"I could just use some company, if you're able."
Steven barely began to stammer, taking a crack at opening the storeroom door single handedly before you spoke once more.
"I just don't want to be alone tonight. I... I can't."
His heart throbbed. The crate of plush found the nearest table, and his full attention returned to his phone. It sounded like you'd been crying. Quite a lot. But it was late, so late, Donna had pushed him onto inventory again, and he hadn't slept in days, and what was he going to do, just show up to your flat and try to find the words to make you feel better? He was a damned idiot, an idiot who didn't want to make it worse, and not to mention  -
"Yes! Yes, I'm here, I'm here." Breathe, just breathe. The mantra tried to replace his racing thoughts. "Do.... do you want me to come by? Tonight?"
The relief in your voice was immediate. "Yes, yes please. And if it's not too much trouble, maybe you could bring us something to eat?" He could hear a tired smile at that.
The phone changed hands again, almost as if to confirm he was hearing you correctly.  Was this real? Another in a series of bizarre dreams? "Yeah, yeah I can do that." He always sounded so hurried. "I can be there in twenty?"
"That sounds lovely. Thank you so much, Steven."
"Oh no, no need to thank me, it's not a problem really, I'm happy I can help out at all. I'll swing by the Cafe and buzz you when I'm headed up, yeah?" He checked his pockets, ensuring he had his keys and wallet, searching for his phone before remembering he was already using it, but still being sure to nick some of your favorite gift shop chocolates before locking the store room behind him.
"Brilliant. I'll see you soon, then?"
"Yeah, yes, yeah. Definitely. Laters,"
"Laters, Steven."
Marc couldn't take it. He wasn't strong enough for this. He never was. He was just going to ruin it again. He had to. But as her gentle breaths promised to shift to light snores, there was no alternative. A long sigh escaped his lips, and he pulled her in. His chin nestled lightly against the top of her head, and her happy, sleepy purr vibrated into his chest.
He could steal a moment. It would be far from the worst thing he'd done.  
That deep, gravely voice wouldn't allow him more than that. There was work to be done. Debt to be repaid.
"I know." He mumbled quietly, allowing his fingers to resume their petting through her hair and across her shoulders, as if they already knew the routine. Maybe they did.
"Not yet." It was barely a whisper.
Delicately, Marc waited as Steven's everything fell asleep in his arms.
You awoke to the smell of coffee. Strong, bitter. Unusual. You sat up to be greeted by an empty bed, kept company only by the sunlight that gently filtered through your blinds. Had he left already? A slight chill had you dawn a jumper off your dresser. The disappointment welling in your stomach was hard to ignore, but you peeled away the blanket and tottered into the kitchenette to investigate the brew.
Your coffee pot, left to you by a flatmate long gone, previously unused for ages, sat warming upon your counter, gurgling away. You were about to reach for your phone, hoping for an explanatory message of sorts when you noticed the table. Had he cleaned up the takeaway, too? You didn't remember doing it before bed. The mug you usually used for your tea was filled, presumably with coffee, and beside it sat a handwritten note.
But the handwriting was different, print instead of cursive. It had to be his though, who else? Disappointment turned to knots as you read the message left behind.
I'm sorry.
You reached for the note, paused, then crumpled it in your palm. You snatched the mug with your other hand and promptly dumped the dark, vile liquid down the drain of the sink. You pulled the plug of the pot and noted a used mug rinsed and set to dry. Paper-filled fist still clenching, you began to put the kettle on for your tea.
That's it?
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rumblelibrary · 3 years
Hello, it's me again, your friendly neighborhood... Hungarian?!...👀❤️
Can I request a Sebastian Zöllner fic, where he is a coworker of Reader, and there's an obvious sexual tension, attraction in the office, they sit opposite each other, legs touching sometimes, hands touching... Idunno... Things like this 👀🔥 but nothing happened... Yet...🔥🔥
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Never an Enemy [Sebastian Zöllner x Fem!Reader]
Word count: 5k
Warnings: A bad mouthed journalist with strong opinions about art and performance that might offend
Author’s note: Did I let this idea simmer in me for ages? Yes. Did I ever stopped thinking about it? NO.
You hummed softly while the music blasted in your headphones as you made your way up the stairs to the headquarters of the Art Tribune, the art focused magazine you worked for since over a year.
You liked the job even if to deal with artists was hard and the pay check could really deserve an improvement, it was stimulating and surely kept you on the edge. That morning in particular you needed to revise some background stories and just loads of reading to do to work on a new article for an upcoming exhibition. Just the usual fact checking, but you just couldn’t do it at home the day before so you decided to come early and enjoy some peace and quiet at the office.
You arrived at the top of the stairs of the fourth floor with a groan, you told yourself you had to do the stairs because you spent 70% of your life sitting in front of a computer, kind of self care, but brutal. You groaned lightly going straight toward the little kitchen installed for the team when you noticed something in the empty shared room full of desks. It was actually a really nice place with big industrial style windows that let lots of light inside, a very smart environment to work in, with areas where you could relax, free Wifi and loads of facilities. Usually people were put in big desks together, facing each other, trying to push a sort of ‘community feeling’.
Inevitably most of the people created barricades with books, and pictures of their dogs or even empty coffee cups. Yes, all cute and artistic, but do not talk to me.
That’s what also the attitude of the man you shared your desk with on your first day. He whined like a child for twenty minutes, complained he was happy to work alone, followed the assistant of the editor around the office and created a barricade of catalogues between the two of you so thick that you wondered if it was also bulletproof, only to rest his elbows over it half an hour asking if you had the change for the vending machine. Yes, that random man was you colleague and friend, Sebastian Zöllner.
The same that you are witnessing now asleep on the desk, head resting on his crossed arms while a stand of saliva went down on his shirt, wild hair and shoes taken off.
He could be considered an attractive man if he wasn’t a bloody nightmare of a person. You actually worked a lot with him and enjoyed his presence most of the days, your characters folded nicely and you would bounce off his attitude. He was strong on biographies and annoying the shit out of others, so he was always nagging at someone, you included.
You smirked slowly tracing his hair with your fingers, he never looked so innocent and you were always surprised to learn how those messy hair were so soft. It wasn’t the first time you did that gesture, sometimes he did lean his head like this only to be touched like an annoying mewling cat that needs attentions. “Kaffee” He mumbled making you chuckle, such a an annoying brat and he didn’t even open his eyes.
You carried on walking to the little kitchen room to prepare some coffee for you and your desk partner. You shook your head aimlessly as you started wondering why the man is here at this hour and if it was really a good idea to wake him up. To have him awake means to be able to do little to zero.
You watched the coffee get ready, the comforting tune of your morning playlist getting you still on the good side of your mood as you poured the coffee in your mug.
Then you saw it, an arm sneaking in front of you and taking the mug from your hand, you jump scared in a second almost pouring the rest of the coffee on the whole kitchen counter only to encounter Sebastian sleepy figure behind you bringing the mug close to his nose and inhaling deeply the aroma before having a gulp, you stared at him as his jaw clenched, his eyes got a bit teary. “Fucking hot” he whined making you chuckle, he deserved it for stealing it, luckily you were already doing some more for him so he stole your favourite mug but you had some coffee for you left.
You pulled off your headphones leaning them on your neck “No idea you’d be sleeping at the office, weren’t you off on some interview ?”
He shrugged “yeah, well me neither, but interviewing sculptors is always annoying as shit and those are always supersensitive” he said opening the freezer and pulling out some ice cubes from their box and putting them in the coffee mug. “Scheiße!” He cursed as the ice cube landing in the mug caused the coffee to spill onto his white shirt. You pressed your lips tight against each other not to laugh into his face, but he was already pissed off and it wasn’t even proper work time. You watched him lean over the sink trying to wash it off somehow without even bothering to take it off, just adding chaos on chaos.
“Y/N! Do not laugh and try to help me! Beside, the heck are you doing here at this hour?” You rolled your eyes at that comment, but you didn’t indulge him in that request.
“I was just looking for silence”
He nodded like he didn’t believe a single word of it, he was just an asshole and you had to deal with it like it or not. You almost hated how he was so freaking good at writing and that’s probably why many people indulged him. Even you knew his pieces on the magazine and didn’t expect to find out he was so…so Sebastian.
You let out a breathy chuckle taking your mug and making your way to your joined desk letting him wrestle his balance over the kitchen sink trying to get the stain wet and not shower himself in the meanwhile.
You sat down at your spot leaning the mug on side, hands covering your face trying to keep a clear mind letting out a big breath “okay, let’s do this”
You turned on the lamplight on your desk pulling out your laptop from your backpack. As the computer was ‘waking up’ you stared at Sebastian side of the desk compared to yours.
You had like a little citadel of books around you, but it was pretty neat, a little succulent gifted by your friend for your first day at work with the name tag ‘Danny’ on it sitting beside the lamp, lots of pencils and pens of different colours and notebooks to no end. If you had something in common with that beast of a man was that you both still relied on paper for sketching ideas and write down impressions in the moment, then onto the typing.
His side, however, was like a contemporary artwork in itself. Half empty cigarettes packages everywhere, the ashtray filled up, paper inside books and books filled with more papers. Notes everywhere, the damn king of neon yellow post-its, stains of coffee and crumbles of food invert corner, his red laptop showing off like a punch in the eye and his satchel bag always hang or thrown around.
You often wondered if the cleaning stuff just gave up on him. Your lucky guess was that he would probably throw a fit if anything was moved, so everyone just played the blind eye.
He was good at throwing fits.
You watched him come back sitting in front of you, half of his shirt soaked in the attempt to clean it up, he licked his lips picking one empty package of cigarettes looking in it and throwing it away until he found one with still something in it and he lighted his cigarette as he turned on his laptop. You sighed opening the window to let the fresh air not getting you intoxicated.
You went back to sip your coffee and stare at the screen quietly, every now and then your eyes falling onto the little cloud of smoke in front of you.
Sebastian was an attractive man, that was undeniable and you were sure that made him also a successful interviewer even though he was so random and chaotic, when he was silent and collected in thoughts he was indeed a sight to be seen. The dark hair framing his face like he was some cherub, his deep eyes staring into the void of his own words as he typed. He had a sort of decadent look on him.
Slowly the office begun to get filled, people coming here and there to tease Seb about coming early and he just waving his cigarette around asking for silence.
The chief editor shouted getting into his office without even turning around. Seb rolled his eyes looking at you as he pushed the cigarette in the ashtray waving his hand around to dissipate the smoke around him before standing up.
“I wonder how he managed to survive few days without shouting my name” he smirked.
You looked at him and mimicked his smirk.
What a chaotic man.
You had finished your reading by then and started to make a first draft of the article you were meant to work on.
“Y/N!!!” Sebastian voice rang through the office making you jump on your seat and he gestured at you to go with him with a big wave of his arm.
You looked at your screen with an helpless sigh, it seems like you will not write that article anytime soon, you’d better just have slept an hour more.
You stood up following that incessant wave as Seb put his hand on your back to get you in a bit quicker.
“Good morning”
You said as the chief editor nodded quietly “Look Y/N, it is a big favour I have to ask you” he begun frankly as you were beginning to get worried “you did your time with silly articles, so I thought it could be interesting to pair you up with Sebastian to go to tonight’s exhibition of Evita Schnecke”
Your eyes went wide as you looked at Sebastian shrug his shoulders.
“I need somebody to keep the horse with tight rains” Mr Megelbach continued gesturing with his pen at Sebastian and then at you “and you will dip your toes in those big time artists environment, but we really need to make sure Sebastian won’t hurt anyone’s sensibility, her interview has been obtained with lots of hard work”
“Yeah, we all know that hard work” Sebastian whispered in your ear earning a glare from Mr Megelbach who handed you a couple of catalogues from that artist and the invitation.
“So, put on hold your current article for today, make a plan with this train wreck and please make sure he doesn’t show up dressed like that”
“That was unneeded”
“All precautions are always needed with you, and now get out of my office the both of you”
You nodded moving out of the office, you were a bit anxious. Those artists were unpredictable just as Sebastian.
You made your way back to your desk with him as you sat down looking at the invitation. “So, it begins at 9 pm” you said almost understanding why Sebastian shouldn’t be allowed to go unescorted because the invitation on the dress code had: Wear something that talks about your soul. Only that could bring Sebastian to have an aneurism.
“I hate that bitch”
“Seb, that’s not a good start for an article”
He smirked as you said so but shrugged
“I mean it, this woman was born into privilege, she portrayed herself to be this underground rebel, but her simple black dress was a Chanel and her everyday boot Balenciaga, so I don’t trust her for a reason”
You smirked as you could agree with that and showed him the two catalogues the boss gave you
“Choose your fighter”
He groaned so loud he could have stabbed his toe and he leaned over his side of the desk picking one from your hand giving a light pinch on your side “teacher’s pet”. You chuckled softly as he always said that.
“Tell me if you read something that it is not about the performer’s way of life” he mumbled opening it in front of him.
You begun your reading and it was indeed the hell pit of a vey spoiled kid who was told to be the greatest since the first day of life, you picked your notebook and opened it taking notes on things that you could ask about.
Sebastian in the meanwhile lighted up another cigarette rolling it between his fingers mindlessly, his eyes looking above the paper at you every now and then among the little curses in German about the stupid things written there.
After some time it was becoming really a torture to read and you leaned your back on your chair stretching your legs forward for Seb to catch one of them among his.
You smirked as you often joked to him he was like some bear trap with those legs always catching yours.
He put his hand under the table bringing your leg up onto his thigh as you shifted even lower on your seat, his hand touching your ankle mindlessly as he had a talent for little massages like that. He did it the first time a while aback, a summer day where it was so hot and humid that you couldn’t feel your own legs.
So it became a little ritual among the two of you. You had many of those rituals, it was like an unspoken collection of attentions. Like you making the coffee in the morning because he was a grumpy ass. Or him always buying you some chewing gum or little treat when he went to buy cigarettes.
“I guess I am not the only one that needs a restyle���
He said bringing you away by the tenderness those little actions brought to you when he pushed his finger in your Vans shoe deepening a hole that you were trying to ignore from months.
“Seb, don’t do it, I wanted to make them last another season”
“Another season? These can’t last the end of the month, no doubt why your sex life is a train wreck”
You frowned at him taking your ankle off his hand to push on his chair making him roll back thanks to the little wheels underneath it, but he held on the desk and pulled himself closer again.
“What do you even know about it”
He looked at you, eyebrows raising up on his forehead
“Y/N, if I was your boyfriend I wouldn’t allow you to leave the bed that early in the morning to go to the office and that’s a fact”
“Oh, and how on heaven could you detain my passion for this job?” “Well, I can write you a list about it, you can consider it a to do list on your next date” His smirk was so wide, he enjoyed to tease you like that, the bastard, he knew to be an hottie and he always acted like half of the world was up to fuck with him.
“Oh please, do it, I want to see”
You teased him and he leaned in elbows on the table staring at you.
Oh the sexual tension with him was too much, you always went down on this hurricane of remarks, always him mentioning how you need more orgasms or implying it, or even implying how good he is at giving them.
“But be careful, because any act should be performed and not only lived”
You said quoting the artist you were reading about and he whined so hard like you really stomped your foot on his balls.
“Horrid witch”
“Me?” “No, that one”
He huffed and puffed picking another cigarette. Sometimes cigarettes just died on his fingers as he forgot to actually enjoy them more than waving them around.
The artist herself wasn’t remarkable, she used themes seen over and over before, she had a background as performer/dancer and she added painting to that, but more than talent she had an amazing marketing squad. You read her story and her commentaries about living like in a poem, which always sounds pretty easy with a big bank account.
You did all you could to stay neutral even if Seb was going down to massacre the woman, you two shared a bundle of two sandwiches (or better say, your brought a package of two and he was skipping his lunch so you just handed it to him) until you decided to get parted and go get ready at home.
That evening you were waiting for him in front of your apartment, when a taxi stopped in front of you and his figure appeared waving at you to come in on the back. His eyes widened in surprise “Well, well, well, look who got all fancy here”
He smirked as his eyes travelled on you shamelessly, the dress was actually one of those you brought ages ago and never used, also to wear heels felt like new, last time you went to a fancy event almost hard to recollect.
“Just move and let me in”
You said chuckling as you looked at him being so elegant when you noticed it, the price tag on his shirt.
“Seb, did you just buy this shirt?”
“Yes, and I am going to take it back tomorrow”
You looked at him puzzled
“What?” He groaned “I suck at ironing stuff”
You looked at him as a little laugh escaped your lips as he told you not to, but it was too late for that, you shifted closer to him anyway helping him to hide that price tag better behind his neck. Nevertheless the white shirt was really fancy and fitted him perfectly.
As you arrived in front of the gallery you sighed and made your way inside.
The place wasn’t crowded but few eyes turned as you got in.
“Would you like some champagne?” A waiter asked and Seb picked two flutes immediately downing one in a gulp on his own as the other was still in his other hand, he put the empty glass on the tray and then picked a third one handing it to you.
“Drink Y/N or you won’t make it to the end of the evening”
You smirked as he was always over dramatic, but indeed the evening seemed to be made for posh people to show off how cool they are.
You spotted the artist pretty quickly wearing a Valentino bright red dress, she surely had the dancer figure and gestures which gave her some kind of an edge.
"She is all yours"
You looked at Sebastian already half way through his drink, giving you that cheshire cat smirk.
"Are you sure?"
"You know I will insult her in a second if she names her dancing background one more time, I saw the videos, she looked like a three ready to collapse on the ground" he chuckled as you smirked shaking your head at his metaphor, but he is probably right, he is too much biased.
"I didn't notice the open back before" he said referring to your dress as he caressed over your skin with his fingertips making goosebumps raise up your spine.
"What? Am I too sexy for your own good?"
"Probably" he commented not losing a beat to answer you. You were taken aback from a moment, his eyes still down on his hand touching your back before raising up to find yours.
Then he took his hand away and pressed the cold champagne glass against it making you hiss "Now go, I'll check this bourgeois art"
You frowned but you just moved away from him. He always did it, he teased you and then made it a joke. You gave it back to him too, it was your relationship, that's how you balanced it.
"Good evening " you said to her with a smile holding your glass in your left hand before offering your right hand to her "I am Y/N, from the Art Tribune"
She went from neutral to smiling in a second
"Oh, I was waiting to meet you" she said leaning to kiss your cheek, surely she was a woman with charm, with a degree of boldness that made her charming and also, you noticed, extremely touchy-feely with everyone.
"We can define this a sort of retrospective of your previous works, I liked to see the evolution of it" you lied, because you just saw the catalogue.
But that was fair enough to have her go on about her, guess what? Past as a dancer, about how she needed to express herself, how she was her own muse and all the stuff you already read.
"What is next for you then?"
"I want to follow my dream, I have always wanted to found a space with my name where people could rent the rooms to perform dances and arts"
You stared at her. For real? Like there weren't other hundreds in the whole city?
"What will keep you apart from all the others that did this before you?"
"Nobody is me" she smirked like it was clear and obvious.
You asked few more questions, but you were sad to admit Sebastian was right. There wasn't art there, there was just profit, selling a name, a brand.
This saddened you because you met many artists that had less than a chance to make it but double the talent of Miss Valentino Dress.
"Y/N" Sebastian warm hand was on your back as you were downing the last bit of champagne "Come, come ,come quick" he said pushing you away as the artist clearly recognised him but he dismissed her with some insult or whatever he just mumbled.
"Seb, I was working, what the hell?"
"Elke is here"
You still didn't understand, you were puzzled as the reason of that anxiety was still unknown to you.
"Like your girlfriend Elke?"
"Put an ex in front of it" he said looking around frantically
"Oh, I am sorry, I didn't know"
"No, me neither, I thought she was just bashing around, she always did" his arm sneaked around your waist pulling you closer "please, act sexy for once"
You were one second from hitting his guts with your elbow when Elke herself approached.
"Oh, I didn't expect to see you here" she said waving her glass around
"Yeah, well I work for an important Art journal if you remember"
"How could I forget?" she groaned looking at you then as Sebastian's hand rested onto your hip. Really? Was he acting like you were his date?
"Hi, I am Y/N"
You said politely to her and she chuckled "Run when you can, this man is a leech and you don't even know it"
She mentioned it almost casually, but you could feel all the poison implied on your skin, Sebastian's hand giving you a soft squeeze, you had never seen him like this before. He looked like a dog that just got kicked, his back hunched over you lightly both trying to protect you and for protection.
"Well, thank you for your advice, I must be a real torment too because we actually have lot of fun together, I like his unpredictability"
You said it from your heart, you didn't want to insult her or anything, but you felt bad for him. Even if he probably deserved it, to be humiliated like this must be hard in any circumstance, in particular in a place where he is supposed to work and being known.
He looked at you a bit surprised, he leaned slowly pressing a kiss on your temple and you smiled because of that gesture so enveloped in that feeling of tenderness.
"Your shot" Elke said clearly a bit annoyed that you as she just moved along followed by a man that must be her date.
"Lets go out"
You suggested as Seb nodded and just followed for once, he held your hand as you guided him and for once he wasn't talking or commenting anything.
As you went out he sat down on the sidewalk pulling out his package of cigarettes taking out one immediately.
"Hey stand up" you said to him as he looked up at you and you snatched that cigarette off his lips "let's go away"
"Where? Don't we have to stay until she gets naked to dance?"
You smirked "No, we have all the material we need"
You took his cigarette away offering him your hand as he picked it and you guided him.
He was silent, which is rare, when he was silent it meant he was upset in some way, he always had a nice comeback line for everything usually.
His head leaned on side like a scolded child as he slowly laced your fingers together.
You walked across few streets, your heels clicking on the cement until you made it to your final location pulling him inside.
Seb asked looking at the sign, it was a kebab place, your favourite by the way.
"I am hungry" you just said making him lower his head and smile like a kid with cue breathy chuckles.
You ordered for the two of you as he went to sat down putting another cigarette between his lips when the man behind the counter glared at him and he just put it back in the package.
He sat down slouching as you did some small talks with the guys there, you clearly knew them. The soft music from the radio holding the place into a sort of magical aura as his eyes travelled over your naked back once more, the need for a cigarette becoming even more urgent.
You two dressed so elegantly really were so noticeable in the bright lightend place, he smiled to himself thinking it could be a nice painting by Hopper.
You came back offering him his kebab with a soft drink, very thoughtful because he was indeed already a bit high on champagne.
You ate quietly together, it wasn't uncomfortable, your silences were happening often at work and always filled with a sense of common understanding, you leaned your leg up like you always did at the office and rested it on his thigh as you sat sideways beside him. His hand flying naturally on your ankle to give his usual massage, his thumb tracing your skin with imaginary patterns as his other hand held the kebab close to his mouth.
The speaker at the radio announcing next song as Rocket Man by Elton John filled the room with a melancholic vibe. You couldn't help but think the song suited perfectly Sebastian, his being out of this word, out of control.
"Thank you" he said at some point as he tried his best not to ruin his shirt, you looked up at him as he was staring, his eyes telling you something on their own "You have been the best girlfriend I have ever had"
He added with a bitter smile diverting once more his gaze, you smiled back at him, he looked so resigned. Maybe it was the alcohol, but you have never seen him so fragile before.
"I could be"
His eyes darted up to you, his surprise evident as he put down the kebab, the soothing voice of the British singer still giving a dream edge to the moment as he moved closer. You slowly shifted your leg to give him room of movement as his right arm sneaked to rest on the back of your chair closing the space between the two of you.
His lips tasted still a bit of champagne as he pressed them against yours, you kissed him back slowly as his left hand travelled on your thigh pulling you closer to him probably staining your dress because of his greasy hand.
He pulled back almost immediately before leaning onto you again titling his head on the other side. This second time the kiss was more deep, more intense. Your hands slowly cradling his face before pulling back yourself.
He smiled against your lips and you smiled back.
Maybe tomorrow you will regret it like Elke said, maybe not.
Tagged @cazzyimagines @lieutenantn @handmaiden-of-mischief@thesunflowersutra @zemomybeloved@fictionlandslanddreams@charistory @greeneyedblondie44@apparrio @hb8301@whatawildone @rhymerhymerhyme  @thehuiabird @lilith-blackrose @unbeatablecurlgirl@obsidianlaszlo@alindeluce@zemosimp05 @baronesszemo-blackwood @nocapesdahlingLet me know if you want to get tagged to my publications too <3
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