generallyunskilled · 3 years
*finds every DreamSMP and mcyt fan in general under the age of 16 and holds their face in a motherly fashion*
This is not the worst fandom you could have chosen. Stop feeling ashamed for your interests. No matter how cringe you will feel about this in the future, you will look upon the memories you have of this time fondly. As someone who has been a part of fandom culture for nearly a decade, there’s a lot worse you could be doing. And even then, as long as the weird stuff you’re doing isn’t going against a cc’s boundaries or putting you in danger, it’s okay, you’re just a kid. Have fun. Just be safe and remember we’re all people behind the screens. I love all of you. I’m not quite old enough to be your mom but I am old enough to be your cool older sister. You are all my little siblings now. That’s all I wanted to say.
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grace13star · 3 years
hey guys, just a reminder to respect cc’s boundaries. some people aren’t comfortable with family dynamics as well as shipping, and we should be just as respectful as we are with shipping. techno said it’s fine to headcanon, but please don’t try to push him into making it canon. respect him!!
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bubblexgum-b · 4 years
i like how techno went from "yeah... idk if I'll join the dream smp, servers are kinda boring, maybe for like a big event" to "if this server is going downhill I'm absolutely putting up the effort to keep it up, I'll write the plot myself!"
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Tumblr media
What if I started putting my concept art for animatics here? Then let YT suffer? Yeeeah I’m gonna do that.
Sorry my Wilbur looks wonky here, I wanted to try an angle I don’t draw too often.
SO I was thinking doing a Fighter by Jack Stauber animatic. The animatic idea is just
“Ya know how Dream fucks with Ranboo w/ hallucinations? What if he did the same thing with Philza?” and here we go! Philza being confronted with the reality that he isn’t a good dad (which I mean. In the DSMP story he isn’t? Idk.)
I also headcanon Phil got two blows on Wilbur, one across the chest and the final blow beheading him. So that’s why he has that throat slash though. Also gives me a way to force myself to stylize blood.
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miaclemeverett · 3 years
sleepyblur still exists? Nice! o7 for Sleepytwt but at leats I can still have mutuals on this site that like Sleepy Bois Inc
yeah sleepytumblr is as strong as ever i feel
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irishlads-quotes · 4 years
Hi! I see you sometimes reblog my clips of streams, I'm here to say thank you for doing so! I really scout for Sleepy bois related clips in Philza’s stream and it means watching the whole 5 hours stream which can be pretty time consuming 😅 Btw, love your blog :) Glad I can contribute to the Sleepybois content here on Tumblr!
no problem, dude! you’re doing the sleepytumblr community a massive service; i try to watch as much Phil as i can, but god knows i can’t sift through it all like you can
yo followers, go give Gost a follow if you enjoy clips that you’re probably not gonna see anywhere else
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loquacious-zombi · 10 years
My plans are to go outside tomorrow. Probably won't happen.
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wonderangie-blog · 11 years
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generallyunskilled · 3 years
I love how ppl call Technoblade and Wilbur twinsduo even for things where they’re not twins. Shits so funny to me
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eqberts · 11 years
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bubblexgum-b · 4 years
mctumblr smp? 👀 jk, jk...
unless??? 😳
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generallyunskilled · 3 years
Incorrect Sleepy Bois Inc quotes but it’s things me and my siblings have said to each other. Most of these are very recent bc I made a Christmas quote book in my notes on my phone and that’s the source for these.
Techno: put a coat on Tommy, it’s raining out
Tommy: I’ll be fine Techno. I don’t melt in the rain like Wil does
(For context this is irl a joke about my sister bc she’s a Wiccan and we say water will melt her like in the Wizard Of Oz cause she’s a witch)
Techno: I clean and organize things here unlike SOME PEOPLE
Tommy: you’re SUPPOSED to smash a gingerbread house! You smash it and then you eat it!
Wilbur: No! You’re supposed to pull it apart and you snap it, like a civilized person
Phil: I’M going to snap if one of you doesn’t get over here and helps me!
Tommy: you ever get hungry for something, but like something you can drink?
Techno: do you mean THIRSTY?!
Tommy: NO! I’m talking about a completely different sensation!
Tommy: yeah I just kinda do things with no regard to the safety of those around me
Techno: I can tell
Techno: Well yeah I’m the only good kid here
Tommy: how are you the good kid when you regularly got in trouble growing up?!
(I changed some words here. I made it more general bc I originally referenced the fact that my sister used to miss the bus daily in high school and there are no busses in Minecraft)
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generallyunskilled · 3 years
ALSO also
Ppl better not send actual hate to Techno. I swear to god there won’t be words for my anger if that happens. Like yeah we can be sad for the funsies and joke but like, don’t go after him. He’s literally just putting up boundaries. We can still headcanon it, just don’t pester him into bringing it into actual canon.
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generallyunskilled · 3 years
Not to bring up a cursed fandom but.... but
In Supernatural the Winchester brothers have their initials carved into the table of their base bc they had carved them into part of the car Dean drives when they were kids...
All I’m saying is.... that but sbi... 🥺
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generallyunskilled · 3 years
Me liking sbi fd AUs where Phil is a somewhat absent dad bc I relate to that versus me liking sbi fd AUs where Phil is a loving and caring father to cope with the fact I was raised by a somewhat absent father.
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generallyunskilled · 3 years
On the jokey side of things, my literal first response to hearing Techno making it not canon but not yet hearing that he was cool with headcanons was the “I’m panicking, I’m gonna lose my job” sound from tiktok. Cause I was like “oh no I’m the family dynamic fanfic chick here it’s the only thing I can write about”
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