#slight wrightworth?? can be seen as that i guess
kayak-lmao · 10 months
why did I make this
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(Original comic by @punkitt-is-here)
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Absence makes the Heart Grow Fonder - Chapter One
Pairing: Wrightworth/Narumitsu
Rating: Teen and Up
He trailed off, shaking free more twigs and leaves. Looking back to the still very confused Miles, he quickly brightened back up, extending a free hand his way.
“Oh yeah, sorry! I’m Phoenix, my mom works here at the castle.” he said. “I don’t work here though, I just live here. Not here here specifically, but we have our own quarters so I guess it's pretty cool. How about you, did you just move here as well? I don’t think I’ve seen you before.”
Miles nearly reddened at the statement, suddenly realizing just how much time he spent cooped up inside. It wasn’t like he did it on purpose, and it certainly wasn’t his fault there were barely any other children here at the palace for him to play with -- well, except maybe Franziska, but even she could be a little overwhelming sometimes. This was precisely why he was always in his room or in the library, either reading or studying. It was nicer, quieter, and you didn’t run the risk of being shot at by strange, arrow-happy boys.
Even so, he oddly wasn’t feeling all that perturbed over it.
“Ah...no, I’ve lived here my whole life I suppose,” he admitted, accepting Phoenix’s eagerly awaiting handshake. “My name is Miles, a pleasure to meet you, Phoenix.”
“Miles? Hey, that’s the prince’s name, isn’t it?” Phoenix snorted. “Not that I’ve ever met him, I heard he spends a lot of time inside, always reading and stuff--”
Now it was his turn to stop short, as his eyes had fallen upon the stack of books behind Miles. Realization dawned and his mouth gaped, a slight tinge of red falling over his own face, and he released Miles’ hand, immediately dropping into a bow.
“Oh man, I’m sorry, your Highness, I didn’t mean to--I mean, that is--” he stammered, all but tripping over his own words.
“Please, you have nothing to apologize for.” Miles interrupted with a shake of his head. “You didn’t know, and I suppose that’s my own fault. My father always says I need to get outside more often, after all.”
A quiet, awkward moment passed between the two boys as Phoenix stood back up, sheepishly rubbing the nape of his neck. Miles bit his lip, first looking back to the arrow in the target, then back to Phoenix, quite inquisitively.
“...you really can shoot things that far away, huh?”
At this, Phoenix’s bright smile returned and he nodded.
“Yeah, neat isn’t it?”
“I suppose.”
Another quiet moment, this one less awkward and more contemplative. Phoenix pulled another arrow free from his quiver, turning it over in his hand, and beamed over at Miles.
“You wanna see what else I can do?”
Miles met his smile with a much smaller one of his own, although he didn’t know why. He really should be more perturbed, he knew he should,  this boy was impeding on precious study time, but despite that...he found he wasn’t as annoyed as he should be.
In fact, he was more intrigued now than anything. He was nodding, and Phoenix grinned, reloading his bow, and moved to aim at the apple tree in front of them. Releasing the arrow sent it flying straight towards a row of small apples dangling from the highest branch, the stems shortly severing as each and every one of said-apples fell to the ground.
Miles gasped audibly -- without meaning to -- and Phoenix’s grin had grown even bigger, if that were at all possible.
Whether either boy knew it that day or not, that was the start. The very beginning, to a beautiful and wonderful relationship.
Read more on A03!
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