#slightly anachronistic
slabime · 2 months
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easy to tell when im procrastinating bc I start posting here like once a day
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sesamenom · 1 year
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was looking through some of my old art and found my original feanorion designs (minus parts of curufin and ambarussa)
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boltlightning · 7 months
gov swann & james starring in #94 pls
94. last hope
Weatherby Swann had been governor of Port Royal for four years now, well-versed in the mood and timbre of his province, and as such there is simply no reason why this soiree should be as miserable as it is; Great Aunt Dorcas visiting from England is stern and rejective, he could admit, and far from his favorite of his relations, but an event in her honor need not reflect her manner. After exchanging a brief, despairing look with Elizabeth, Swann entertains the idea of calling the night early when the footman announces one Captain James Norrington, hastening in after his patrol. Norrington takes one look around the room, blanches, and promptly turns the whole night around: Swann watches in amazement as he introduces himself to Dorcas — pays homage to all the appropriate guests — picks up the flagging violinist’s instrument and plays a few bars of a rondo in suggestion, setting the quartet to the proper sort of music this time of the evening — handsomely bows to Elizabeth, gallantly invites her to dance — and shortly, all who are able have joined the next set. Bless his heart! After dinner, Swann finds Norrington nursing a glass of wine in a quiet solitary corner, flushed in the way all young people are after so much excitement, and silently raises a glass to him.
send me a prompt, get a drabble ✨
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mike-haters-dni · 1 year
Woah I did it again guys stole this right from the writer's room google drive what do we think
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The biggest wasted opportunity in TGT is that Genya didn't go buck-fucking-wild with her looks once she was not the Queen's servant anymore.
Like, she's a 19yo girl, who has just escaped a very abusive and restrictive lifestyle and is basically a shapeshifter. Homegirl needs to experiment with her looks.
Have a different hair-color every week, just to see which one she likes the best. Try different cuts and styles. Wear pants for once. And if she ends up going back to how she looked before, that's fine, too.
It's a series filled with teenage main characters, it should be about self-discovery, and that includes discovering your visual presentation. Especially with a character who is so defined by her visuals, like Genya.
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jurispotence · 2 months
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seth dickinson your filipino swag is too strong
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I’m only halfway through the episode but Postmodern Prometheus is a MASTERPIECE oh my god I love it
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practically-an-x-man · 7 months
guess who's getting Marvel 1602 in TPB!!!
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aroaessidhe · 1 year
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2023 reads // twitter thread
paranormal YA set in a small town in 2003 where weird things happen that mostly get ignored
a boy is resurrected by his best friend after dying just before graduation. but he’s maybe a zombie now and if he ignores his hunger for flesh an ancient evil might start causing bigger problems
thankfully one of his friends’ aunt is a cop who has no problem helping get rid of some of the local nazis
queer teen friend group, m/m
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holocene-sims · 2 years
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next // previous
june 18, 2021 1:00 a.m. the callahan residence
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alainas-sims · 2 years
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Héctor’s Journal
I wanted to see what all the fuss was about so I asked Holly out to the movies. She always talks about her favorite film stars and I knew that she had been wanting to see the newest film. I’ll admit I was shy at first, but it was a nice date. I held hands with her but lost my nerve and didn’t kiss her. Not yet but maybe someday.
We stayed outside the theater for a little bit, just talking. Holly told me something. She wants to be an actress when she is older. “Oasis Springs is nice, you know, but it just isn’t big enough for my dreams,” she said, a frown on her face.
“What do you mean?” I asked.
“Los Angeles, now that’s the city of stars,” she continued, her expression turning hopeful. “Anyone can become someone if you’ve got what it takes. It’s a magical place.” The way she described it, it sounded so interesting. My head was in the clouds as she held my hand and it felt like a dream.
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seefasters · 9 months
excited for the prospect of a new outfit for eva but also obsessed with the idea that she dresses differently for every protagonist
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vonlipvig · 2 years
drawing period accurate firearms sucks so much. i think this 18th century frenchman should own a glock.
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softersinned-arc · 2 years
@balldwin said: [ TUG ]: the sender tugs the receiver close against them by resting a hand against the small of their back, pulling them flush against their body.
She wakes at the first blush of morning, a sliver of the sky visible from a gap in the curtains and glowing a pale violet. It catches her off guard some mornings, when she wakes here, and if she asked him to move the bed he certainly would, but the moments afforded to her now are precious and rare, and she guards them. She remains still for a long moment, listening for a change in his heartbeat, and when she hears none she turns, slowly, slowly, to face him, taking care not to disturb his rest.
          The older she gets, she’s been promised, the deeper she’ll sleep; as it is now even the subtlest change in the light can wake her. Some part of it is, no doubt, the natural consequence of a long period of adjustment. Even as a warmblood, Astoria loved mornings, and she woke early even on the days she could sleep in. And she would climb quietly out of bed and tiptoe in bare feet across the floor of her bedroom to the balcony, where she would sit, balanced carefully on the railing, her knees drawn to her chest and her arms around her legs and her hair loose as she watched the sun climb and color ripple through the sky.
          A few of the habits of her first life have remained with her—the way she holds her breath as she settles again, watching him for any sign of change, is one of them. But Baldwin sleeps, and after several minutes she relaxes.
          It’s not the first time she’s woken in his bed; she doubts it will be the last. Last night, as she has half a dozen other times, she leaned in his doorway and waited, a crooked smile playing at her lips, her curls damp but drying behind her, wearing a nightgown and nothing else. The woman he had been entertaining, perhaps expecting to stay the night, had stared back at her with open hostility; she looked to Baldwin, obviously expecting some sort of defense, but he’d only laughed under his breath and stood to gather her clothes. Astoria had noted with some pleasure that they were nearby, no doubt left there in anticipation of her arrival.
          (She’d excused herself when he arrived home with her, feeling agitated and ill at the thought of hearing what she knew would follow, and had gone out to hunt, asking the woman to attend to her to have a bath prepared in two hours’ time. He didn’t keep her as a prisoner or demand to know of her comings and goings, and so she took her time, savored the hunt. Perhaps she should have anticipated it but instinct drove her to seek out something, anything that reminded her of his scent, of saddle leather and fire, and it took her out of the city, towards the woods where a pair of highwaymen had settled in for the night. For near an hour she watched them, made noise only to stoke their growing fear. The savagery of their wounds would suggest an animal attack of some kind; she left them with enough blood in their bodies not to prompt suspicions that the attack was the work of wearh and came home with her cheeks flushed and blood soaking the front of her dress, hidden beneath the cloak she kept held closed around her.)
          (She heard the movement on the second floor slow when she entered and she smiled in spite of herself—she had felt his eyes on her through the window when she left and she could feel his awareness of her now, could practically hear the sharp intake of breath when the sweet perfume of blackberries and plums, colored by the heady scent of blood, reached him. As he could no doubt smell when she reached the top of the steps, deliberately taking her time and allowing the wood to creak beneath her feet. As he could no doubt smell when she unwrapped the small bar of white soap and began to wash the blood and dirt from her skin and hair.)
          And when the unwelcome guest was gone, shown out by the same woman who had drawn Astoria her bath, Astoria climbed into the bed beside him without a word and settled in to sleep, pressed close against him, determined to overwrite his lover’s scent with her own. He’d been amused by her jealousy and possessiveness, as he always was, and welcomed it.
          It’s something softer that directs her now. The sliver of light takes on a warmer tone as the sun climbs slowly higher and she settles her gaze on his sleeping face. These days it’s easier to understand what it is she feels for him—desire, certainly, and hunger, and need, and she understands all of this well enough without much thought, though the intensity of what she feels leaves her breathless at times. But there is something else, something that overrides even desire, something warmer. She thinks of the mornings in Henry’s court that she woke alongside Iain and remembers thinking that she understood love and she realizes now that what she felt then was a pale and poor imitation, and that she was a fool to believe she understood much of anything.
          The slope of his nose drives her to distraction. The curve of his cheekbones could make her mad. One morning she found herself so enamored with the freckles on his forearm that she idly began to count them. Yet another morning she searched out the shadows cast by his eyelashes. The sound of his heartbeat, his breath, his blood is a song—and as a witch she heard blood singing to her all the time but as a wearh the only blood that sings is his, slow and sonorous. She used to imagine she heard God in the water around her but this sound is infinitely sweeter than God’s voice could ever be.
          You sound like autumn, she’d told him once, finally finding the words to describe it and delivering them with absolute wonder, like the last thunderstorm before snow. It had been her favorite sound, and she had been certain that after death, she’d never hear it again. That first time she recognized it she cried, leaving streaks of pink down her face that he swept away with his thumb,
          She listens now, and she watches the way his face glows in the warming light. When he wakes she’ll have to share him with the world: he will be a de Clermont again, and everyone and everything will demand his attention. He’ll find the woman she drove away last night, or someone new, to tease out that jealousy again. Or perhaps he’ll focus the staggering weight of his attention on her and revel in the way he can throw her off-balance, like no one else. No; she hadn’t been in love, then, even when she and Iain laid tangled together and made promises they had no hope of being able to keep. She had been infatuated, but it hadn’t been love.
          This—so profound a physical sensation it leaves her weak at the knees, so deep that it reaches into her body and makes a home in her bones—this is love, and it is incomparable. He is incomparable. And when he wakes she will do what she must and share him with the world, and bite her tongue when the urge to tell him that she loves him so much she doesn’t know how she can bear it, to have all of that love inside of her, begins to overwhelm. But in these moments he belongs to her, and only her. He is Mars at rest, fierce even in his slumber like a sleeping lion, and beautiful. She thinks of the artists she loved as a girl, the sculptor her grandfather patronized and the way he could coax the shape of a face beneath a veil from a block of stone, and she thinks that even the most delicately detailed of his creations ugly and crude in comparison.
          She’s about to try and chase another hour’s sleep when his eyes open. The first thing he sees when he wakes is her face, her hair a mess around her and her features framed by that same sliver of light by which she’s been admiring him. Mars gazing upon Duellona, the god at rest beginning to stir. The corners of his mouth quirk upward and the sight makes her breath catch in her throat.
          Someday she’ll tell him everything. Today the words are nowhere to be found, though she lets her lips part as if she hopes they’ll come out all the same—but no words suffice when she wants to tell him that he is her heart and her ribs and her lungs. Baldwin rolls onto his side and tucks an arm under his head as he does, his other hand coming up to take her chin and his thumb stroking a slow and tortuous line along the curve of her lower lip. When her breathing is sufficiently ragged and her cheeks are flushed with pink, he releases her, lets his hand skate over her arm and down to her side before he settles it at the small of her back.
          Gently, he pulls her closer, as close as he can, until they’re chest to chest and she’s staring up at him with wide dark eyes, her pupils blown so wide there’s barely a ring of honey gold left around them. And then he rolls onto his back again and draws her with him, so that her head comes to rest on his chest; he moves his hand again to catch hers and he rests both against his sternum, and when she looks up at him again his eyes are closed as if he intends to fall back asleep. She hooks her leg over his, settles comfortably against him, and he lets out a quiet huff of laughter.
          She could try to speak now, but she thinks it would shatter the peace around them, and so instead she remains silent. She falls asleep again minutes later, with her ear pressed to his chest and her fingers laced into his, and the sound of autumn storms filling her head.
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fingertipsmp3 · 4 months
Save me new writing idea. Save meeeeeeee
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conscious-naivete · 4 months
taking a moment to mourn never seeing the tv show version of holly. how would they have interpreted her fastidiousness? her sense of style and neatness?
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