#sly cooper fan comic
wolfboy9800 · 4 months
Yo what’s up everyone! So I’ve been quiet on it but The Sly Cooper fan Rewrite comic is underway to continue being uploaded. I’ve just got a new Apple Pencil thanks to some generous individuals who I’m going to prioritize 1st. Anyway starting next week I’ll be uploading based on a new schedule. Every 4 weeks I will upload 4 pages, 1 page 1 week, every 5 th week I upload all 4 pages together as a compilation part of a thread, and on the 6th week I’m going to upload 1 reference sheet. These reference sheets include protagonists, antagonists, guards, and lastly Costumes! Anyway the fan comic will upload again but I’ll start after I upload a reference sheet. The 1st one coming up will be Sly Cooper! So be ready starting next week I’ll be back on schedule
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lenny-link · 1 year
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fat cat
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lonephantom777 · 5 months
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Page 3 of "Sins of the Fathers"
As Carmelita finishes off the last wave of Penelope's attack drones and heads up the ramps towards the top floor of the building under construction, she reflects how busting a high-profile criminal like Penelope will help counter the rumors floating around the office at Interpol -- namely, that her integrity as a police officer is in question after the fallout of the whole "Sly Cooper Amnesia" debacle.
She's so caught up in said reflecting that she doesn't see the fuel drums ahead of her until she's almost staring at them. Skidding to a halt, she finds herself wondering why Penelope would arrange the gas barrels in such a pattern, and here of all places...
Yeah, I know, this pic isn't quite as action-packed as the previous one, but I added a bit of world-building here. Namely, that after the events of Thieves in Time, Carmelita's reputation has taken a hit thanks to the fallout of the whole "Constable Cooper" arc. Maybe it's me, but it seems like 1) brainwashing a criminal who took a bullet for you, 2) taking that criminal on as your partner, and 3) having said criminal go back to thievery would be the kind of chain of events that would blow up in your face. After all, it could be easily inferred that said criminal got their memory back and took exception to your attempted brainwashing/gaslighting.
1) Carmelita Fox is copyright of Sucker Punch, creators of the Sly Cooper series.
2) The models used for Carmelita and her Shock Pistol came from the Patreon page of Warfaremachine. ( https://www.furaffinity.net/user/mrwarfaremachine/ )
3) Penelope's attack drones are based on the ones from Wolfenstein: The New Order (though Penelope herself is NOT a Nazi), found on the Steam Workshop page of martianinferno98. ( https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfi.....archtext=drone )
4) The crates and barrels...are either from Steam Workshop, or native to Source Film Maker. All I know for sure is I'm not the one who made them.
5) The explosives hooked up to the barrels are based on CounterStrike: GO's bombs. They were found on Steam Workshop, courtesy of jermacore enjoyer. ( https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfi.....searchtext=ied )
6) The high-rise building that the action is unfolding in was found on the Steam Workshop, courtesy of Anomi. ( https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfi.....htext=highrise )
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flightyalrighty · 1 month
Not sure anyone asked yet but least favourite Sonic character and why? Also any other big interests besides StH? :3
Since you couldn’t answer my other questions, I’ll just ask something unrelated to the comic ><
I think if we're going off of every single canon ever, my very least favorite Sonic character is gonna be Drago Wolf. Plenty of Archie characters fall victim to being too boring or same-y, especially ones from A Certain Era, but Drago Wolf actually just fucking sucks. He was evil in a way that wasn't fun just to make the comic look more "mature." I do like seeing him get punched in the face, though, and thankfully that happened often enough under Flynn's pen.
Now, my least favorite GAME character? That's a tough call. I feel like I could easily pick any of the Zeti besides Zavok (Zavok at least has a neat design). They represent the height of an era where Sonic Team was either playing it safe or trying to appeal to Mario fans while under a lot of pressure and suffering from a tight budget.
Truly dogshit characters. Almost all entirely flat, one-note cardboard cutouts sharing the role of "tacky villain with a gimmick." Awful. But at the very least, they can be made better by better writers. Lost Hex, itself, can get dug into and made into more than it is right now. There may be a diamond yet in that rough.
Now I'm gonna start hating on the wisps because I think they also suck, sorry wisp fans (are there wisp fans). Not in full scathing detail will I get into how much I hate the wisps because I don't think there's much to say about them. I think that, writing-wise, there isn't much to go off of here. They're sentient temporary powers. Hardly characters by themselves. They are so boring and nothing much can actually be done with them. They are made to appeal to the absolute youngest sonic fans and this is done in the least engaging way possible.
Sorry again if anyone out there loves the Zeti or thinks Yacker is the greatest. I'm not sorry if you love Drago Wolf.
Oh wait this question had two parts didn't it. Yeah I love a buncha stuff unrelated to Sonic! I'll list em!
Theme Parks/Themed Experiences
Kingdom Hearts
The Sly Cooper Original Trilogy
Heroes of Might & Magic III (I kinda just obsessively play this sometimes like if I don't have any internet access and have been playing this game for like two decades)
Dead By Daylight, reluctantly
Gargoyles (that Disney animated tv series)
Youtube Poops
^ All I can think of rn
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stormdash2 · 1 month
How Sally Acorn and The Freedom Fighters can work in a Sonic game.
This is a little essay I want to make on how Sally Acorn and The Freedom Fighters can potentially work in a Sonic game.
Brief summary. Sally Acorn is a character from the Sonic the Hedgehog Archie comics, and is especially known for being in the Sonic the Hedgehog cartoon, dubbed by fans as Sonic SatAM.
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The characters of Sally Acorn, Bunnie Rabbot, Rotor the Walrus and Antoine D'Coolette are characters exclusive to this show as well as the spin-off comics. They are part of a group known as The Freedom Fighters, which also consists of Sonic himself as well as Tails. Their goal is to liberate their world from the tyrannical Doctor Robotnik, better known as Doctor Eggman, the main antagonist of the games.
These characters were made for the show, but I believe they can work in the game setting. It just requires a bit of tweaking to have them fit the Sonic Team vision, and this is how I would go about it.
Let's start with the gameplay, as that is the most important part of a Sonic game obviously, or any video game for that matter. Now, obviously in most Sonic games, Sonic is playable. In those games he runs at high speeds, hence his name. The gameplay reflects that perfectly. This has been a thing since the first Sonic game on the Sega Genesis.
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Any games where one of his friends are playable usually have that friend running at high speeds. Examples include Tails in Sonic 2. When he's tagging along with Sonic, he's keeping up with his speed, or on his own, he has to show that same speed in gameplay.
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This continued through the Genesis games with the introduction of Knuckles, and into the Adventure games with characters like Shadow. Some characters do have slower gameplay, like Amy Rose does in Sonic Adventure, but it's still speedy in its own right. Amy definitely has quite a boost in speed by Sonic Heroes.
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The point I'm getting at is this. If Sally were to be in the games, there's two ways to go about it. One way is making her an NPC. Sally does not have the speed or abilities that the game cast have. So putting her in a traditional Sonic level would make her feel out of place.
Could she be given powers? Absolutely. But I feel like it messes with her charm. Her being a normal character should not be a bad thing. No one had a problem with Batman being in the Justice League. Sally has plenty of strengths, even if not in gameplay. She can appear in cutscenes, give orders, or anything. Not every major character in a video game is playable, and that extends to the Sonic franchise. Tikal didn't need to be playable to be important in Sonic Adventure 1 after all.
If anyone was going to be playable in a Sonic level, it would be Bunnie Rabbot. She has the cybernetically enhanced limbs and could speed and power her way through a Sonic level.
However if Sally were to be playable, an option would be to give her specifically designed levels that focus on her slower gameplay. It could even be stealth based. Think about the levels in the game, Sly Cooper. Sally could sneak around and gather intel to assist her team, and use stealth takedowns on enemies, or just fight.
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Another feature would include having Nicole present in some form, either as a computer or in her Lynx form. She can even have a role similar to Omochao in which she would explain the controls or give hints throughout the levels.
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Option two is this. A Sonic RPG. We've already had Sonic Chronicles: The Dark Brotherhood, but I think another Sonic RPG is due. Especially given that Sega owns Atlus, who are famous for the Persona franchise. An RPG is a great way to introduce The Freedom Fighters.
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With an RPG gameplay, you don't have to worry about how characters can keep up or not. Everyone is at an even playing field. This is assuming that it's a turn-based RPG, like Persona, or the original Final Fantasy games. (And Sonic Chronicles too of course).
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Most RPGs don't have that many people in a single party, so you'd still need to pick and choose. Chronicles was generous with eleven characters. So I'll bump it to twelve. My picks would be Sonic, Tails, Knuckles, Amy, Shadow, Rouge, Silver, Blaze, Sally, Bunnie, Antoine and Rotor. We can have cameos from characters like Rosie, Dulcy, Uncle Chuck and Lupe. This in addition to the game characters of course.
The RPG route could be interesting, as it could allow for a mechanic known as The Affinity System. This system has been used in Final Fantasy 7 and Tales of Symphonia, and is particularly featured in Fire Emblem, and even the Sega owned Persona.
The affinity system allows for character bonds to grow through gameplay and side quests. This could be a fun way to show how friendships develop among the Sonic characters, and be a good way to show a bond when it comes to the Freedom Fighters. There's another reason that I will get into in a bit.
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Another idea is to make a fighting game. It would be a Sonic Fighters type deal where characters from across the Sonic Universe could fight. And why limit it there? Sega could feature characters from across the multiverse, which includes SatAM.
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Sega has what it takes to make a Sonic 3D Fighter after all. They have the Virtua Fighter team with nothing to do. Honestly it'd be funny if characters like Akira Yuki or Jacky Bryant made playable appearances.
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Then again, having humans fighting Mobians (or whatever Sonic's game franchise calls these characters) might be troubling. Anyone who remembers the Star Wars characters in Soul Calibur 4 knows from experience how hard it is fighting a small character like Yoda.
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Still, a fighting game featuring Sonic characters can work. It again puts them on even ground, and power doesn't need to match. You see games like Dragon Ball FighterZ or the Marvel vs Capcom games having crazy looking matchups that don't make sense, but it's a game so you don't have to think too hard on it. So long as the characters fit, then it's fine.
Be it a 3D fighter, or a 2D fighter, either way it could be fun to see the Freedom Fighters in a fighting game.
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This mainly applies to the SatAM Freedom Fighters. Anyone from Archie could be troubling given the copyright issues. Not all characters have this, those like Fiona Fox and Mina Mongoose could theoretically come back. It depends on what Sega wants, but if they were willing to bring them back, that would be a plus. Mina and Fiona deserve a better story than they got in Archie Comics, and being adapted by Sega could be the fresh start they need.
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I'm not opposed to other making it into the games, be it Cosmo from Sonic X, or Tangle and Whisper from IDW. They can all co-exist in the Sonic gaming franchise along with other characters.
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Now to get to characterization. There's a difference between Sonic in the games, and Sonic in SatAM and the comics. Japan portrays Sonic as very humble compared to how the West Portray him.
In Archie, Sonic is very full of himself and a bit egotistical. He's very likely to smack talk someone. He's got a larger ego, and plays up the who superhero thing.
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This is opposite of what Sonic Team sees Sonic as. Yes in the Japanese versions of Sonic Adventure 1 and 2, he had something of an ego, and was rude, but he became pretty humble by the end of SA2 and from there, he's had a friendlier demeanor.
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Why do I bring this up? In SatAM, Sally's thing was constantly telling Sonic what to do and keeping him from being immature. Sally wouldn't need to do that in the games because Sonic is already mature, so their dynamic changes.
Also, Sonic is not really one to be bound by this stuff. He's not a superhero type like Western Media likes to portray. (A misunderstanding he has in common with Goku). He always does his own thing.
Now I know I said Sonic's not a superhero, but I will use them to make the comparison. While the Freedom Fighters are duty bound like The Avengers, Sonic and his friends are like The Fantastic Four. They're more explorers than heroes, they just happen to do good things.
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So while Sonic is chill and more mature than in the games, Sally can still find Sonic irritating since like SatAM and Archie, he does what he wants. Difference is that Western Sonic would brag about doing what he wants while Game Sonic just does it without the need to explain himself.
Sonic and Sally would have different dynamic. I can see her trying to get him to do what she wants him to do, but he's giving her a hard time. But he's nicer than Archie, and he's usually more respectful to girls, so he may try to explain himself at some point, only if he wants to.
Romance would not likely be there either. Sega does not want Sonic in a relationship, and honestly if they do go that route for him, he'd likely be with Amy.
I can see Sally crushing on Sonic, but it would be one-sided. He wouldn't return the affection and Sally may eventually give up. But the respect would still be there.
Also bear in mind, if Sally does become part of the games, that doesn't mean she'll be a main character. At most she'd be a side character and only appear when needed.
Backstories would need to change too. Sally may not be a Princess this time around, but Knothole can exist on an island where Sally is the mayor's daughter or something. Keeps it political for her and she is somewhat a Princess. It can even be a nickname.
Roboticization doesn't exist in the games, so Bunnie being a cyborg would either be due to an accident, or it could be an Iron Man situation where she was given robotic limbs. Rotor could build them.
Antoine could just be a knight. He may or may not be married to Bunnie at first, but that's not something I want to see rushed, so it's better off being alluded to. If anything, just say they're dating.
Nicole is tough. The original plans for her was that she was once Mobian, then had her brain uploaded into that computer. She gains a physical form again, but comes back as a child and becomes a daughter figure to Sally.
Nicole could essentially be Sally's little buddy like Tails is for Sonic if they choose to go that route.
Or she could be older and just be Sally's best friend, or even her sister either by blood or via adoption. I would personally go with the adoption route, it adds a bit more to their friendship without having to add too much exhibition.
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It could be a simple game, either one of the classics, because the Freedom Fighters just fit well in those, or modern, which works too. Whether they already knew Sonic or just met him is another thing to consider.
If you go with them already knowing him, it'd need to be done carefully. Like Sonic met them once but didn't stick around. He lost contact with them because they couldn't keep up. Sonic's friends stick around because they could keep up.
But that's their relationship. Sally may not have a deep bond with Sonic, or Tails for that matter, but such is the way it is for Sonic games.
Though going back to the affinity thing I mentioned for the JRPG, theoretically that can be used as an excuse to have romance. Build a bond and slowly have the two fall in love. It doesn't even need to be with Sally though, you can have Sonic fall for Amy. You can have Sonally or Sonamy, and the best part, it doesn't need to be canon. Both can be what-ifs, similar to Final Fantasy when it came to Cloud with Tifa or with Aerith. Or the many possible Fire Emblem pairings.
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This could be Sega just testing the waters to see how romance would be handled. If they want, they can even give Sonic an option to be with Blaze. Sonaze fans should be happy too.
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Even so, let's say Sonic is meant to be with Amy. Personally, I say don't pair Sally with anyone. Though if she absolutely had to be paired with someone, I'd say maybe Mighty or Ray since they're game characters who can fit the Freedom Fighter aesthetics well. (Personally, I vote for Ray. Chipmunk and Squirrel.)
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Oh, and I suppose I should discuss her wardrobe. I'll keep it simple, I don't see why Sega would need to give her clothes, I always found that double standard weird. Why is it okay for guys to go without pants but it's not okay for girls? I don't think any other game or franchise with anthro characters have that issue. Either everyone worse mostly clothes or no one did.
But if Sega feels the need to put clothes on her, then fine, no big deal. Just make sure they look good. Don't force it like the reboot did.
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But that's my take. Sally can work in the games with effort, and Sega just needs to try. The key is getting her popular enough for Sega of Japan to consider her. But Honestly, having Sally in the games would be a great service. Sega has done great services lately, such as bring back Sonic's friends for games like Superstars and promising to bring back older franchises like Jet Set Radio and Streets of Rage.
I know SatAM has a different vibe from the games, but considering Sega's fine with The Diamond Cutters in IDW that do similar stuff like the Freedom Fighters do, and the fact that Sonic Forces had this rebellion thing, Sega's willing to go this route.
Mario has done similar with characters like Pauline in Mario Odyssey and Daisy in Super Mario Bros wonder. Sonic needs to keep up this kind of momentum. Let's keep up this momentum. We'll Rally for Sally as they say.
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Thank you for reading.
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autisticlio · 4 months
In order to get better at drawing the character and furries in general, decided to read through the Sly Cooper comic published by DC comics which was thankfully online on fan sites. While going through it, I honestly really like the pacing throughout and how it explores the characters. I do feel some of the character snouts are kinda small, but in general the colors pop out really nicely. I like the paneling and dialogue, latter especially flowing well.
There’s a segment that I really like where Sly and Carmelita discuss their first time meeting each other. Throughout it, it shows two different sections where it shows what Carmelita recalls, and what Sly does. It’s an interesting way of showing each of their biases. It also made me wonder if Lupin was an inspiration for the series as it definitely also influenced Great Mouse Detective and Sam & Max for example. Either way, fun read.
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legendarywolf2022 · 2 years
The Letter to Pierre Perifel
(To @tbgmoviecoverage from my friend)
Dear Mr Perifel,
First, I want to say I'm your biggest fan of your latest movie The Bad Guys. Also, I am really happy to know that you also worked as an animator on other projects such as the Kung Fu Panda franchise, Rise of Guardians and even Monsters vs. Alien (honestly I think those last are underrated gems).
Anyway I want to apologize for bothering you like this, but since the tumblr "tbgmoviecoverage" canceled "submit and post" section I had no choice, but to ask you directly. Like I said before I really love your movie The Bad Guys. It has everything, charming anthropomorphic characters, heists, action, heartfull moments, really funny jokes and animation style like from manga comic. It's really amazing. But I couldn't help but notice some similarities with another concept I am familiar with. I am not talking about Zootopia, or Robin Hood, heck even not about Lupin the Third or Ocean 11 or any Tarantino's movies. No. The truth is that those similarities don't come from movies. They actually come from the more or less well-known video game franchise Sly Cooper.
Believe it or not there are so many similarities you could even imagine. There are heists, some car chases, foxy love interest on the side of the law (who is pretty much combination of Diane Foxington (be a fox, sassy, flirty with protagonist, sometimes quick to judge but understanding) and Police Chief Misty (temper and similar police status as inspector of Interpol), hero's narrating to us, side character who pretends to be good guy help protagonists until the reveal of him(or her) be the main antagonist who betrays them and put them in jail, villain who pretends to be a samaritan, villain who tries to prove be the greatest thief (there are many villains with different goals so that's why I mentioning it thrice). Some cutscenes have really great comic style, except Thieves in Times, that one is more cartoon style, but it's still cool.
The only difference I think they have (aside from location) are instead of 5 typical stereotypes of villain animals like snake, tarantula, shark, wolf it's actually 3 animals like turtle, hippo and of course a raccoon (who is actually a stereotype for a masked thief). And they only steal from others, because and I quote: "There's no honor, no challenge, no fun in stealing from ordinary people."
Fun fact: 6 years ago there was supposed to be a movie adaptation, but due to Ratchet and Clank movie failure, it never happened. Then there was a tv series idea, but it also ended up forgotten and as for the next game, nothing since Thieves in Times came and that was 9 years ago and it's only a speculation now considering the 20th anniversary is coming this year. But after the success of Sonic The Hedgehog 2 and of course The Bad Guys, being the two of the top movies at the box office in weeks, maybe there is still a chance.
So I am asking you only two questions:
1. Was Sly Cooper one of your inspirations for your movie The Bad Guys? (If you know about this game of course)
2. If there would be a chance of making a movie or tv series adaptation of Sly Cooper, would you take a chance working on it as a director? (Because honestly, there is no other who I would trust with this but you. Like I said, your movie is a great example of how to make a great animated heist movie.)
You don't have to answer that second question if you don't want to. But I still want to know the answer to the first one. Again I apologize for bothering like that, but I assure you this will be the only e-mail you get from me. I just only want to know this. And the rest of my knowledge of Bad Guys production I will learn from a blog on tumblr I just mentioned.
So for final words: Congratulations to your successful movie The Bad Guys and wishing you good luck for future projects like sequel or tv series. You, Aaron Blabey, Damon Ross, Rebecca Huntley, Etan Cohen, all actors, editors, musicians, choreographers, animators, everyone who worked on that movie, you all deserved it.
Sincerely, one of your fans.
P.S. So Long Suckers!🐺😎
Please share this to everyone who will get this letter to Mr Perifel himself to see it!
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gross-gal · 1 year
I talk about media I've been looking at!!!! It's a lot of text so under the read more it goes!!!
I encourage folks to talk to me about things....
I'm actually about to watch Mario movie in a bit so I might talk about that if I got any thoughts!
Otherwise, my movie watches have been pretty dry this year. Recently, I binged all of the Indiana Jones movies with friends and that was a surprisingly fun rewatch. Very gorgeous and hilarious films, which makes me all the more annoyed by the upcoming sequel.
I also rewatched Teacher's Pet with my partner and it made me realize how big of a fan I am of aimless, stupid movies.
First Time Watches Thus Far: Wizards, Up on Poppy Hill, Repo Man, Napoleon Dynamite, Re/Member and In the Mood for Love.
Moon Girl has been amazing and I could see becoming a favorite in the future! I'm very endeared by that show's characters and storylines. Fucking incredible visuals, every artist did an outstanding job. (And I got SOOOO many friends into it thanks to Beyonder hehe)
Finished both season one rewatches of School Rumble and Star Vs. Aaand I'm currently almost finished with Kaiji Season 2.
I also did a rewatch of the Princess Jellyfish anime! Wow the way this wraps up is a lot more unsatisfying than I remember. Still was fun but it all just kinda ends..? Not how I remembered it...
Been loosely watching Molly Mcgee and that show is super cute!
Aaand I'm trying to figure out if I wanna start watching Spectacular Spider-Man, Teen Titans, or Avatar: The Last Airbender.
Finished Princess Jellyfish after so long and that manga made me tear up so much... This maybe has one of, if not, my favorite relationship. And it's message really struck a chord in me.
I'm currently keeping up with Chainsaw Man, Ichinose Family's Deadly Sins, and IDW Sonic.
Undead Unluck I'm still reading but it's kinda been letting me down in this recent arc...
And yes...I'm slowly making my way to finishing Archie Sonic.
Not much here but holy shit!!!! Sonic Team did a visual novel for April's Fools and it wasn't a joke VN????? It's actually good and fun and has a lot of care put into it also the art is fucking great???
Speaking of VNs, took a look at Tokimeki Memorial and Pia Carrot for research. Was frustrating and neat at the same time lmao
Finally, watched a friend playthrough Sly Cooper 1 and 2 and I REALLY wanna play those on my own at some point. Those games are gorgeous, I adore the characters and environment designs. I'm a big sucker for set pieces and Sly has so many...
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paigeoforacle · 2 years
what got you into babs in the first place? what was your first media of batman/batgirl? what was your first comic u read?
This is gonna be weird, but my first experience with Oracle was Arkham Asylum. I was a big Sly Cooper fan at the time so she struck me as Bentley but cooler.
First thing Batman related was.... 2004 Batman show.
First comic? Arkham Asylum: A Serious House On a Serious Earth.
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wolfboy9800 · 4 months
Finally page 14 of Sly TIT Redux is here! Thanks to everyone for their patience and I hope you enjoy and because I forgot to post it on here here’s page 13 as well
DA: https://www.deviantart.com/richiewolf/art/Sly-TIT-Redux-A-Strange-Reunion-page-14-1061498944
NG: https://www.newgrounds.com/art/view/wolfman1998/sly-tit-redux-a-strange-reunion-page-14
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lenny-link · 1 year
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(based on that one long thread on tumblr but i cannot find it for the life of me)
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lonephantom777 · 1 year
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Page 2 of "Sins of the Fathers" As Carmelita breaks from cover and opens fire, Penelope's attack drones open fire. However, Carmelita's athleticism, organic reaction time, and sharpshooting skills end up giving her the edge, and Penelope loses contact with her gun-bots. Quickly realizing that it's time to write off her current hideout and make her escape to another safe house, Penelope charges her newly-hired enforcer with buying her time to get the chopper ready. However, said enforcer hints that a hefty paycheck isn't his only reason for taking such a risky job. Could it be that he has his own agenda...? CREATOR'S NOTES: This was actually the first page I made for the comic, back when it was supposed to be just a few pages. As such, I was still getting a handle on things like speech bubble color and how to add spikes to said speech bubble when someone's shouting. I decided to keep it as is as a measuring stick of how far I've come...and also because by the time I was ready to start publishing, I was too burned out to go back and tweak something as minute as that. CREDITS: 1) Carmelita Fox and Penelope are copyright of Sucker Punch, creators of the Sly Cooper series. 2) The models used for Carmelita and Penelope came from the Patreon page of Warfaremachine. ( https://www.furaffinity.net/user/mrwarfaremachine/ ) 3 Cerberus/The Enforcer is an Original Character concept of mine, created for fan-adventures in the Sly Cooper series and related toons. 4) The model for Cerberus is pieced together from several model packs by Petruz, purchased via their Gumroad page. The exact models will be revealed alongside Cerberus' new look when it's fully revealed. ( https://www.furaffinity.net/user/petruz/ ) 5) Penelope's attack drones are based on the ones from Wolfenstein: The New Order (though Penelope herself is NOT a Nazi), found on the Steam Workshop page of martianinferno98. ( https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfi.....archtext=drone ) 6) The gunfire from the drones is based on Payday 2's muzzle flash effect, a particle that was found on the Steam Workshop page of Nonhuman. ( https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfi.....t=muzzle+flash ) 7) The laptop that Penelope is using came from the Steam Workshop, courtesy of Andr00d. ( https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfi...../?id=644429203 ) 8) The crates and barrels...are either from Steam Workshop, or native to Source Film Maker. All I know for sure is I'm not the one who made them. 9) The muzzle flash and projectiles from Carmelita's Shock Pistol were created by using different elements of the Power Beam particle effect from Samus' blaster. This was found on the Steam Workshop page of Chaofanatic. ( https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfi.....ext=power+beam ) 10) The high-rise building that the action is unfolding in was found on the Steam Workshop, courtesy of Anomi. ( https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfi.....htext=highrise )
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goddamnwebcomics · 5 months
I’ve been thinking alot about these past few pages of DD…especially the one where you said, “I know writing it like that is hard but you just gotta think of your characters as real people and not slaves to your story, themes and allegories.”…And I cannot begin to stress how right you are on this matter…So many people expect us to enjoy that crap for what it is, and it pretty much eliminates any thoughtful discussion or critical thinking. I too hate works that lack nuance and insult the intelligence of their audience, and it’s even worse when the stans or even the author themselves personally tries to “correct” or contradict the narrative’s detractors.
So many webcomics are guilty of making their characters slaves to one of those three mentioned in your quote. Just to give a few examples, you got Sly Cooper: Thief of Virtue, RayFox…hell, even Viktria’s Tree of Life. Comics like those keep trying to push an agenda or a really bullshit narrative that only hardcore fans eat up…though in ToL’s defense, the author doesn’t try to contradict Nigel’s sympathizers from what I can tell, so major points to her on that.
And you’re right, it’s annoying when a webcomic writes like it’s a pre-school show! I mean, the whole ad verbatim “I’m a good person” thing in DD? Literally that’s what Thief of Virtue tries to pull with its insidious “we get to decide who and what we are” nonsense. Like, no…that doesn’t make the “wah-wah-I’m a beleaguered monster” villain or the low-key shitty cowboy cop redeemable at all. It is all akin to that Sonic Comic where the stupid unicorn gives Tails false hope in stopping Robotnik and then is like “If you did that then you’d be no better than him”.
In the case of DD…it feels like a bad isekai manga that just fails to have good writing in spite of it’s somewhat okay art…but also that everything is a goddamn fight in this comic is just exhausting. It’s akin to a comic where it’s all meaningless disagreement and spiteful contradiction with a lack of action.
If I had to slam the Webcomic genre for one thing, it’s the absolute lack of nuance in some of these damned stories…and then Webcomic authors think they can all hide behind the “Don’t like? Don’t read!” card…To hell with that I say; authors shouldn’t get away with their bullshit that easy.
Yeah, you get it really well. It’s not even consistent, you sometimes get nuanced characters like Celesto, Karnak and Jacob in this comic...and then everyone else is like Mookie putting pins on “good guy” and “bad guy” basket. Either use nuance or don’t use nuance! It’s not hard...or maybe it is, IDK.
Man, more I hear about Thief of Virtue I less look forward to it, but I have to do it for the sake of Sly fans everywhere.
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greensparty · 11 months
Stuff I'm Looking Forward to in November
How is it now November? In addition to All Saints Day (Nov. 1), Day of the Dead (Nov. 1-2), All Souls Day (Nov. 2), Daylight Savings Time Ending (Nov. 5), Election Day (Nov. 7) Veterans Day (observed on Nov. 10, officially on Nov. 11), Diwali (Nov. 12), Thanksgiving (Nov. 23) and Native American Heritage Day (Nov. 24) here is what's on my radar this month!
After last year's Elvis biopic, The King's Queen Priscilla Presley gets the biopic treatment courtesy of Sofia Coppola. Opens 11/3.
Director Thom Zimney has done a ton of great docs on Bruce Springsteen including Letter to You as well as Elvis: The Searcher. Now he is turning his eye to Sylvester Stallone. Premieres 11/3 on Netflix.
The Killer 
A David Fincher film is always an event. But when he reunites with Seven screenwriter Andrew Kevin Walker, it's an even bigger event. After a limited release on 10/27, it premieres 11/10 on Netflix.
In 2007's Grindhouse, one of the highlights of the fake movie trailers they had between Robert Rodriguez and Quentin Tarantino's features was Eli Roth's trailer for Thanksgiving about a Thanksgiving-themed slasher film. It took a while, but now Eli Roth's actual feature film is finally dropping on 11/17 (just before Thanksgiving)!
Next Goal Wins 
Taika Waititi is one of the most interesting directors working today. In addition to what he has brought to MCU with the last few Thor movies, his Jojo Rabbit deservedly won the Academy Award for Best Adapted Screenplay. Now he's back with a sports dramedy. Opens 11/17.
May December 
This drama had me at "Todd Hayne directs Julianne Moore and Natalie Portman". Opening 11/17.
Please Don't Destroy: The Treasure of Foggy Mountain
The comedy writing team of Please Don't Destroy have stolen many an SNL show in recent years. Now they are starring / writing their own film produced by Judd Apatow. Premiering 11/17 on Peacock.
Napoleon Bonaparte gets the biopic treatment from Ridley Scott. Opens 11/22.
After his directorial debut with A Star is Born, Bradley Cooper's next directorial effort is a Leonard Bernstein biopic. Martin Scorsese and Steven Spielberg are producers on this as well! Opening 11/22 before a Netflix premiere on 12/20.
Snail Mail Valentine (Demos)
I was a huge fan of Snail Mail's excellent 2021 album Valentine. Now she is releasing an EP of demos and outtakes. EP drops 11/3.
The Beatles' Final Song and Reissues
Possibly the biggest deal for Beatle fanatics since The Beatles Anthology in the 90s is happening this month. Their final single "Now and Then" containing John Lennon's 1979 recording combined with George Harrison's 1994 recordings (when they attempted to record it for Anthology) with Paul McCartney and Ringo Starr's modern day recording. While AI was used for the production, contrary to some interpretations this is NOT a Beatles song created by AI. Single is dropping 11/2. As if this weren't exciting enough, the remastered re-release of 1973's The Beatles 1962-1966 (AKA The Red Album) and The Beatles 1967-1970 (AKA The Blue Album) are being re-released on 11/10. (Review coming soon).
Scream DC Special
D.C. punk legends Scream (the band that Dave Grohl joined as a teen and was in pre-Nirvana) have not released an album in 30 years (Fumble, which featured Grohl re-joining for that album). Now the group is releasing a new album (featuring tons of special guests including Grohl) on 11/10.
NorthEast Comic Con
Over the last few years I've been lucky enough to cover the NorthEast Comic Con, a fun MA-based celebration of comics, collectibles and pop culture. Guests for the Winter edition include Heather Matarazzo, Dave Foley, Kevin McDonald and more. Con takes place at Boxborough Regency (Boxborough, MA) from 11/24-26.
Fake Holidays:
In addition to actual holidays this month, there are also fake or unofficial holidays like Black Friday (11/24), Record Store Day Black Friday Edition (11/24), Cyber Monday (11/27) and Giving Tuesday (11/28).
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slylancey · 2 years
Sly Cooper: A Master Thief's End Issue 1 (FULL COMIC)
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deletarius-draws · 4 years
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Sly Cooper - Some fun Constable Neyla doodles ft. Inspector Carmelita more practice sketches. (Old).
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