vizowrites · 3 years
Okay listen I LOVE the idea of Bombproof and WildFire having a foal, but hear me out.... Blitz and Striker finding a sick, abandoned foal, and while trying to figure out what to do with it, Wildfire just comes over like "Is for me???" And just adopts the foal then and there
Sweet foal baaaaaaaby!! ;-; <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
Quick note!! Through thorough consultation with my team of BlitzStrike horse experts @candycoloredwolf and @slytheringinger300 we have decided that Ember is going to be the name for Blitz's horse and WildFire is going to be the name of the foal she has with Bombproof. Just wanted to kinda make that "official" because otherwise I feel like any future writings I do with refering to the hellhorses is going to get really fucking confusing real fast hahahahaha!! :D
You cannot convince me that the second Ember saw that tiny little thing being all skittish and helpless and in desperate need of some TLC that she wouldn’t instantly trot over to them and start nosing and nickering at them softly, trying to look them over as best as she can.  They would undoubtedly startle at first, as she probably seems like a GIANT to a foal even though she’s not that big herself, but I think after a few gentle nose-nuzzles, the little one would start to realize that the last thing she’s about to do is hurt them.  In fact, it probably doesn’t take too long for the foal to realize that she’s not leaving their side.
.....Yeah, this is definitely the story of how Blitz and Striker went from having one hellhorse, to an entire fucking family of hellhorses.  :D
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chaifootsteps · 3 years
I'm mad at myself for not thinking of this song sooner! What if by Kane Brown sung to Blitz from Striker. It fits them so well esspecially with Blitzs fear of commitment stemming from fear of being hurt so he pushed them away before they can hurt him. So this song done by a persistent Striker who is breaking down this self damaging defense of Blitzs. With a I'm not going an "I'm not going anywhere l."
There were a couple lines in here that made me make an audible oof noise, because that's pure BlitzStrike right there.
See what you miss out on by giving up on country music after 2012?
Honestly, Blitz's whole "fears commitment, pushes people away" deal has me nervous...it's one of those things that's both a cliche and something that happens in real life, and I don't like how people are using it to squawk about how Blitz just needs to accept Stolas's awful treatment of him because that's his true love, clearly. But this isn't about Stolas, this is about Blitz and Striker.
The thing I love about the tone of this song is it's not demanding, it's not forceful, because Striker never really was, not like he very easily could have been. Not with Blitz. Not until they started swapping blows and at that point it was about something else. 
“Well, I hear you, I feel you...”
Striker pointing out, in that same way he pointed out that Blitz is above being some Goetia’s toy scraping to serve bitter sinners, that yeah, Striker could hurt him or leave him or break his heart...but what if he doesn’t? What if he’s not like all the others? What if he kisses Blitz like he’s never been kissed before and it just keeps working out from there? 
What if, Satan forbid, they’re made for each other?
“What if I loved all these what ifs away?”
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crispyjenkins · 4 years
The latest JangObi was fantastic!! Jango is so gone and I love it! Should be interesting to see what happens next. Especially since Boba saw them cleaning each other's weapons.
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(no Boba in this one (°ー°〃) super didn’t know what to do to continue this, but i think i like how it came out. the clones are Jango’s kids, who did not sign up to watch him try to woo a new buir, and yet here they are. takes place at least a few months after the last!
@slytheringinger300 who also wanted more weapons courting!)
  “Not a word,” Jango warns as he leads a smirking Rex into Obi-Wan’s command tent, the man bent over a holotable with Skywalker as they plan the next offensive. Obi-Wan smirks far too sunnily for how haggard he looks, turning to lean on the table and cross his arms as he looks Jango up and down.
  “Oh, I’m sure this has an excellent story.”
  “I said not a word, Kenobi.”
  Obi-Wan mimes zipping his lips and tossing away the key —do zippers even have keys?— before nodding over Jango’s shoulder at Rex. “Captain, please tell me Mr. Fett didn’t sneak past your guards again.”
  “Oh, it’s ‘Mr. Fett’ now?”
  “No, sir,” Rex passes a laugh as a cough. “We saw his approach on speeder, he actually came up to the Shinies on guard.”
  “If I get mistaken for one of my kids one more time, I’m disowning all of them,” Jango grumbles, dropping himself into a chair that’s clearly meant for Obi-Wan, and ignores Skywalker’s undignified snort. 
  And Obi-Wan is just smiling at him, exasperated and fond and not even trying to hide it. “You’ll forgive them for the family resemblance, I’m sure,” he chuckles. “Now, I imagine you have a perfectly reasonable explanation for how you found the location of my men’s current secret mission? Again?”
  Snorting, Jango tosses him a datadisk that he easily snatches out of the air. “‘Was already on planet and made an educated guess, don’t flatter yourself.”
  “Mhm, yes, of course you were. And what is this?” he asks, even as he turns to slot it into the holotable to pull up the map of the separatist outpost on the other side of the planet, that Jango had almost been blown up trying to get.
  Obi-Wan sends Jango a raised brow, but wastes no time in changing their plan of attack, calling new orders to Rex and Cody, sending Skywalker to mobilise the 501st, and it should probably say something that everyone in the tent accepts both Jango’s presence and his intel without question. Hm.
  Only when the command tent is empty and the camp is a flurry of activity on the other side of the canvas does Obi-Wan allow himself to sag, still leaning over the holotable, and not for the first time, Jango wonders how any of the Jedi are even still alive. Skywalker only looks a little worse for wear, but Obi-Wan, and Cody for that matter, look hours off a gundark attack.
  “Where’s Boba?” Obi-Wan asks, not raising his head, and Jango can’t find it in himself to keep up the banter.
  “Fisto is on leave at the Temple,” Jango says, drumming his fingers on the helmet in his lap. “The senior initiates are building their own droids this term.”
  Obi-Wan does chuckle at that, something in the sound easing easing some of the tension from Jango’s shoulders. “I’m sure Kit was thrilled to get his hands back on him, then: no child should be that fluent in Binary.” He straightens and tucks his arms behind his back, parade rest coming far too easily to a supposed peacekeeper. “Why are you here, Jango? If you had the forethought to leave Boba at the Temple—”
  “Where’s your armour, Obi-Wan?” Jango interrupts, leaning back to bask in Obi-Wan’s rare genuine surprise. 
  “I’m wearing it.”
  “Cody was worried, ‘said you’ve been leaving more of it behind.” Swinging up to his feet, Jango leaves his helmet on the chair to settle against the holotable perhaps a little too close to be completely appropriate. “You have a death wish, jare?”
  “The armour certainly isn’t preventing my men, or the Jedi, from dying anyways,” Obi-Wan says, poorly masking his grief as condescension. “I see little reason to keep up the farce that I am anything more than a Jedi.”
  Sighing, Jango grabs Obi-Wan’s right wrist, pulling it between them. “But you’ll leave this?” he asks, thumbing at the edge of the blue and silver vambrace that clashes rather horribly with the white and orange pieces Obi-Wan had apparently decided were the only ones necessary. 
  “Well, it would be rather rude of me to toss away a gift, wouldn’t it?” Obi-Wan manages a small smile down at Jango, and twists his hand just enough to wrap around Jango’s white plasteel vambrace in return. “Now, this is hardly the time to be questioning my fashion sense, ‘lek? I have an army to lead. will you be sticking around for the fun part?”
  As if Jango would leave him on the eve of battle. “Is the fun part not seeing my handsome face?”
  “Hm, I’m afraid to say I see thousands of  your handsome face every day.”
  He sighs and lets Obi-Wan tug him upright. “Fair enough.”
  “Jango!” Obi-Wan shouts, ducking smoothly under a B2 droid trying to take his head off, and doesn’t even need to use the Force to catch the beskad that flies through the air at him. The Shiny who’d had the misfortune of being assigned “Jedi Handler” for this skirmish chokes on his own tongue, almost forgetting to shoot in his shock at the casual display. 
  Obi-Wan catches sight of Jango’s flamethrower out of the corner of his eye, across the battlefield, but he somehow still has time to shout back, “Where is your ‘kad, jare jetii?!”
  Anakin groans loudly somewhere behind him, Force-shoving a whole squad of B1s into the nearest tank. “You lost it again?”
  “Why should I need it, my dear Anakin, when Mr. Fett is so willing to share his?”
  “Generals, is now really the time?!” Cody barks, jetpacking over a rolled tank to land next to Obi-Wan and hand his ‘saber back, radiating embarrassment and fury. “Please save your flirting for your free time, sir.”
  “But of course, Commander,” Obi-Wan smiles, rapping his knuckles on Cody’s shoulder in thanks before reeling back and launching Jango’s beskad back across the droids between them. He doesn’t wait to make sure Jango catches it, trusting the man to sort himself out if he doesn’t, and joins Cody in leading the push against the second wave of droids. 
  Obi-Wan’s Shiny mumbles something about the regulations on fraternisation. 
Mando’a: buir — “parent”, gender neutral jare — someone taking a life-threatening risk, not a compliment; similar to kamikaze but not a direct comparison. ‘lek — “yeah”, short for elek, or “yes” beskad —  traditional Mandalorian curved saber made of beskar. ‘kad — slang short for jetii’kad/e, or “lightsaber”, lit. “Jedi saber” jetii — “Jedi”, pl. jetiise
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barissoffee · 4 years
So in your Anakin is Maces padawan au I like to think that poor cody didnt get off that Scoot free because I feel like Obi Wan would fill in the big brother roll for Anakin now and just imagine the chaos that would happen there. Without the pressures of have to seem like the perfect jedi knight Obi Wan would be way more relaxed and I feel like they would just feed off each others chaotic energy that neither Rex, Cody or Ponds were ready for and Mace is just like now you understand my pain. 😂
oh you are 100% right here hold this 👑
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shadowmaat · 4 years
could you possibly do a part two or a continuation of another chance. I really like your writing and really like your writing.
Thank you! It’s always nice to know people are enjoying my stuff. A follow-up to Another Chance could be interesting and it WOULD be nice to see more of an awake and aware reunion, huh? I’ll give it some thought and see what I can come up with.
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rosesgonerogue · 4 years
I Didn’t So Much Fall in Love - It Kicked Me in the Face
Chapter Nine
Tim hadn’t been sure about meeting Marinette so early in the morning - would he be able to wake up in time? But he wouldn’t miss this for the world, so obviously the solution had been simply not to sleep at all. Tragically his body was used to it at this point, but as long as he had caffeine he would be just fine.
He knew he was stupidly early to their date, but Tim wasn’t willing to waste a single moment with Marinette. He also didn’t have anything to do until his scheduled nap between the coffee date and his first meeting of the day. So, he ordered his coffee - he didn’t even have to speak to the barista, he just gave her the money. Every barista in Gotham knew his order by heart at this point.
The wordless interaction was perfect for so early in the day. Tim paid and sat down to wait for an hour. He hadn’t even gotten his coffee before he spotted Marinette and Leo skipping towards the shop, hand-in-hand. The intense flood of emotions just from seeing the two left Tim flustered - part of him wanted to look away, temper those feelings, but the larger part of him couldn’t, especially when she spotted him and waved. Like the fool he was, Tim flapped his arm back wildly and without abandon. 
“Bonjour!” mother and son called in unison the second the shop door opened. 
“Bonjour!” Tim greeted back before informing the barista, “I’ll be paying for them.” 
“Oh, you don’t have to do that,” Marinette exclaimed. “I asked you out, this should be my treat!” 
“I’ll let you pay for the next date,” Tim offered with a smile. He immediately regretted saying it, blushing lightly. Was the sleep deprivation really getting to him that badly already? 
But, to his pleasure, Marinette just smiled from across the room. “Well, I suppose that means I’ll have to make sure that we have a second date. You know, because I need to make sure we keep everything even.” 
Tim honestly couldn’t bring himself to care about the barista staring at them - if anything went public that they didn’t want to, he had lawyers he could call. Dangerously close to making a fool of himself, Tim turned his attention to Leo and asked in French, “What would you like? I can order it for you.” 
Clearly thinking deeply, Leo said in perfect English, “I would like one small hot chocolate, please.”
“Which muffin do you want? You need something other than hot chocolate for breakfast,” Marinette said, also in English.
“Blueberry, please.” 
Marinette placed her order as well, and Tim was attempting to reel in his shock as they moved to the table.
“So you can speak English already, Leo?” Tim asked. 
“A little,” he said, ducking his head. 
“He likes to practice when he’s alone,” Marinette mock-whispered. “The fact that he used English in front of you means that he trusts you a lot.” 
Something almost felt like Tim got stabbed through the heart, but in a pleasant way. For once, Tim could understand Bruce’s compulsions to adopt every spare child. 
The three settled into a comfortable conversation. Leo was largely content to nibble at his muffin while observing the adults with luminous eyes. Tim somehow got on the subject of his brothers, which Marinette was incredibly curious about as an only child. (If the stories ensured that Marinette could never see any of his brothers in a romantic light, so be it.)
“-and so Dick was trying to get Damian off of Jason, but if we just pulled him, Dick would take a good chunk of Jason’s arm with him. Dick tried tickling, poking, bribing, all to no avail. Jason was convinced that he was going to get rabies from Damian, and we just knew that this all needed to get resolved before Bruce and Alfred got home. Literally two seconds later, Alfred walks in-”
The story was interrupted by a loud crash and someone shouting, “This is a holdup! Everyone cooperate and no one gets hurt!” 
It was just Killer Moth - he was such a joke in Gotham that the barista just kind of looked bored. His garishly purple costume was as atrocious as ever, and Tim even heard the sound of sirens coming closer already. He turned to Marinette with a wry smile and a snarky comment about the man’s costume, but looking at Marinette froze him. 
She had crowded Leo up against the window, body positioned like she was shielding him from something. Her eyes were squeezed shut and her chest was heaving with erratic breathing. 
Looking at her, at the lines of panic in her body, a piece of Tim shattered. All the light and joy he’d been feeling with her was gone, confirming the thought he’d been suppressing for a while.
Marinette didn’t belong in Gotham. It was too much violence and darkness for her to withstand, let alone Leo. Tim’s entire world was poison to the girl he was beginning to love. 
Marinette crushed Leo to her chest, all of her worst nightmares flashing before her eyes. She couldn’t let Leo be exposed to Hawkmoth, he wouldn’t know the horrors of-
His small hand touched her cheek, grounding her the slightest bit. “It’s not him, Maman. We’re safe.”
Deeply inhaling, Marinette though fort a few moments - the butterfly miraculous was securely locked away in the Miracle Box, and Gabriel Agreste was similarly locked away in a maximum security prison. When she opened her eyes, the villain in a frankly offensive costume was being hauled away by the police. She moved away from where she was crushing Leo, and slowly, hesitantly she met Tim’s eyes.
What could she say after having a full-blown PTSD episode? How was she supposed to explain her reaction? “I-”
“Are you okay?” he asked, voice lined with concern. Even though it seemed genuine, he was already looking at her differently. His blue eyes were shuttered, and a part of him closed off from her, likely forever. 
Of course he wouldn’t want to deal with that much baggage on top of a child. Tim was a truly good man, but he was also a CEO with a limited amount of time in his day. They finished their breakfasts, but what little conversation they had was stilted. Leo kept glancing between the two of them, obviously upset by the way the adults were acting. 
When it came time for them to leave, Marinette met Tim’s eyes and offered a feeble smile, even though she felt her heart fracturing in her chest. “I insist you go home and take a nap, Monsieur Tim. You’ve certainly earned it at this point.” 
He smiled back, but it wasn’t without pain. “Don’t work yourself too hard. If I don’t see you before then, I look forward to showing your suit off at the gala. I’ll see you there, won’t I?” 
“I wouldn’t miss it for the world,” Marinette said, attempting to renew her pasted-on grin. “Now come, Leo. We need to say goodbye to Monsieur Tim so he can get a nap in before he has important business to tend to.” 
Leo’s face creased as he glanced between the adults. “Why are you both acting weird? What happened?” 
“Nothing happened, it’s just time for us to leave Monsieur Tim alone,” Marinette said, her smile beginning to collapse. 
Glancing frantically between the adults, Leo looked genuinely distressed. “But you’re supposed to love each other.”
Marinette felt like she was going to pass out right there until she realized that Leo had spoken in the language of the Guardian. Tim couldn’t have understood him, but Marinette already felt exhausted. 
In the same language, she said, “Sometimes it isn’t that easy, Leo. We can talk about this later. Say goodbye to Monsieur Tim.”
The goodbyes were brief, and Marinette felt like she was suffocating as she had to drag her obviously upset son away. She didn’t look back to see him, partially occupied with Leo’s uncharacteristic disagreement, but mostly because she didn’t want to see whether Tim’s sad eyes lingered on them or not. 
@ii-fox-demon @queen-in-a-flower-crown @novaloptr @saphiraazure2708 @iamabrownfox @smolplantmum @redhoodedtoad @loysydark @slytheringinger300 @finallyaniguana @brokenwordsarehard2 @abrx2002 @mystery-5-5 @zalladane @moonlightstar64  @marinettepotterandplagg @black-streak @purplesundaze @maribat-is-lifeblood @the-fusionist @river9noble @chocolatecatstheron @darkthunder1589 @throneoffirebreathingbitchqueen @dast218 @k-poplunardreams @meanids @changelinggarden @ladybug-182 @pawsitivelymiraculous @zotinha456 @tumbling-down-hills-and-stuff @spider-person95 @zestyzealot @toodaloo-kangaroo @kokotaru @kurogaya913 @tis-i-beanbandit  @annapointone @casual-darkness @pheony1882 @tbehartoo @kris-pines04 @thesunanditsangel @constancetruggle @thequeenofpotatoeunicornss @rosalineandrosemary @novicevoice @momothefemur  @theymakeupfairies @casual-darkness @the-one-woman-army
Sorry for the long wait on this chapter! Most of my time was spent writing for Jasonette July, and then I had to move back to college and start my new program, so it's been a little hectic. Anyway, I hope you guys enjoy! If you want more mominette content, take a look at my submission for Jasonette July, How to be a Dad 101!
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vizowrites · 3 years
Does anyone else want to know the story behind Blitz's panic buttons like some of them make sense right like the deranged client button, Stolas. But then you get to some of the others and it just brings about more questions. Like the client giving birth one. Did this happen more than once? Or did it only have to happen once before Blitz was like "nope never again I'm adding a button so this doesn't happen again."
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THANK YOU SO SO MUCH FOR ASKING ME THIS BECAUSE IT'S SOMETHING I'VE MEANT TO MAKE A POST ON BUT I KEEP FORGETTING!! I actually do have a personal headcanon for how these buttons came to be--and that headcanon iiiiiiiiis:
The buttons are in the exact order of the events that caused them to get added onto the panic board. :D
So, in order, Blitz has felt the overwhelming need to get Moxxie, Millie, and/or Loona's attention while in his office because.....bitch needs more coffee, shat his pants, had a horny client, had a deranged client [I love that this one came after the horny client btw :D], had a client give birth, saw a fucking ghost, and--last and debateably least, the most recent addition of Stolas.
I just.....I'm laughing even as I type this, I just can't deal with the implications there are here. XD
So the "More Coffee" button is absolutely no surprise. Blitz has a caffiene addiction and this is actually something that I'm going to be writing up about more in a separate ask so be on the look out for that one in the future if you want to hear more of my thoughts on it!! Then, sometime down the road, he shat his pants--which, honestly, again, I'm not completely surprised by. But THEN we get to "Horny Client" and this actually interests me for two reasons: 1. I love that it's shown but never spoken that Blitz is like.....one of the hottest people in Hell considering how many people either have or are currently wanting to get into his pants, and 2. Blitz didn't want to have sex with the horny client so hard that he decided to install a panic button for when it happens. I think the second one is particularly interesting because it made me realize that for as dirty as Blitz is, and how unabashed he is when it comes to going all in when he does choose to have sex with someone else, he's never really been horny on main himself. I almost wonder if it has something to do with my first reason where he just knows that he can get sex when he wants it, or if he just genuinely doesn't stress out too hard over sex, but either way.....it kinda makes me wonder just how many times he's had to press that button.
And also, I think, adds a whole extra weight to the fact that Stolas has his own button but that's jumping ahead a bit.
Then we have "Deranged Client" which.....yeah. That one's also pretty par for the course. It's Hell, it's kind of expected that most of the Sinners that are going out of their way to pay I.M.P. to take out someone who's still on Earth would fall into that category. XD
But THEN we get to the client giving birth, and the thing that fascinates me about this one is the fact that it means that Blitz has some clients who aren't Sinners, but Hellborn like himself. See, Sinners [the formerly human souls who populate a good portion of the Pride Ring like Angel Dust, Alastor, and the three Vs] aren't able to reproduce. Therefore, if there's a client in Blitz's office who's giving birth, that client has to be one of the Hellborn [an imp, hellhound, succubus, demon royalty, or some other being who has only ever existed in Hell before].....which opens up some very interesting doors. Why would a Hellborn want to kill a random human on Earth?? My personal headcanon for this is that it only happened the one time, and it was a succubus who was trying to get Blitz to kill the human who knocked her up because he refused to pay child support, and she ended up going into labor in the middle of his office from getting so riled up about the whole thing. :P
And then as if the "Client Giving Birth" button wasn't crazy enough to think about, then we get to "Ghost", which just has me like.....how the fuck does that even work?? Ghosts are in Hell?? Though that makes me wonder if perhaps what it is is that, much like how on Earth, we hear stories about humans being able to see the spirits of those unable to pass on, maybe it works in a similar way in Hell with the Hellborn?? So you can have ghost imps and hellhounds and all of the other naturally born denizens of Hell just kind of pop up randomly on people when they're going about their business. If that's the case, that would honestly be kind of hilarious--and it would be an interesting answer to what happens to the Hellborn when they die, as--unlike Sinners--they do appear to have lifespans and naturally age. I'm really interested to hear what you guys think about this one tho!! How do you think ghosts exist in Hell?? :D
-takes a deep breath-
.....And I don't even really want to say too much about the fact that Stolas has his own button, but I think it says a lot that for someone who supposedly went into this "transactional fucking" arrangement willingly, Blitz still found it necessary to install a button to let the other people in the office know that he didn't want to be alone in the room with Stolas anymore.
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vizowrites · 3 years
So here's a thought. Let's go with the assumption that Striker was the one giving the horde riding lessons that Verosika mentions and that's how Blitz and Striker first meet..
Can you imagine the offense that either Blitz or Striker feels and the lessons being called shitty. Or maybe just Blitz reacts to the comment and Striker reacts more to her insulting Blitz by using his full name or bring his sister into the mix even if it was purely for insult purposes. And maybe she's bitter because Blitz got with the man he maxed out her credit cards with.
This is also something that's going to be covered in my Lightning Strikes Twice story hahahahahahaha!! So I think I'll go ahead and save the proper response here for the fic. :3
I'm working very hard on getting it ready for posting!! My goal is to have it drop by the start of October!! :D <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
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chaifootsteps · 3 years
Hey if you're still looking for blitzstrike romance songs From this moment by Shania Twain is a good one God gave me you by Blake Shelton if you want one with a little angst whether that be with blitz dying on a job or something one more day by Diamond Rio is a good one.
Ooh, Diamond Rio! So many good horse barn memories set to them.
This one's gentle and silly and all kinds of things that pair well with BlitzStrike.
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rosesgonerogue · 4 years
I didn’t so much fall in love - It kicked me in the face Chapter Two
Marinette had never made a habit of it, but that night she let Leo sleep in her bed for both of their sakes. She needed him right next to her so she knew he was safe, alive. 
She was awake before him, which was rare, but expected after the events from yesterday - it was a lot for a six-year-old to handle. Without thinking, she reached out, slowly stroking his hair. 
At the sensation, Leo’s eyes cracked open, blue that matched her own. “Maman? Is everything okay?” 
She pressed a kiss to his silky black hair. “Everything is wonderful because you’re with me. Are you ready to get up?” 
He yawned, slowly nodding. “What do we need to do today?” 
“Well, we have an important meeting this afternoon, but until then, what would you like to do?” 
Leo, ever the serious child, though deeply, his eyebrows furrowing. “What is safe and fun in this city?” 
Tapping her chin, Marinette pretended to think just as deeply. “I don’t know, I’ve never been to Gotham before. But you know who has?” 
“Who, Maman?” 
“Uncle Jagged has!” 
Like the sun breaking through storm clouds, Leo’s face cleared, a smile spreading across his lips. “Can we please call him, Maman? He could tell us what we should do!” 
“Ah, how did I get such a brilliant boy?” Marinette asked, poking him in the ribs. “That’s an excellent idea, let’s call him right now.” 
She couldn’t help but smile as she watched Leo talk animatedly on the phone with Jagged. He was an interesting child, with his uncommon seriousness. But in moments like this, Marinette could see the same excitement and vivacity that every child held - it was just contained in his eyes, in the way that his voice was pitched a little higher than usual. She had worried about it for a while, but it wasn’t an issue, it was what made Leo, Leo. When it came down to it, she wouldn’t have him any different than he was. 
Whether his seriousness was a result of her connection to the Miraculous like some of his other quirks, Marinette could never know. But she resolved every day to fill his life with fun and teach him the things that he needed to know. 
Thinking of yesterday, she couldn’t contain her relief that he was okay. Before she knew what she was doing, Marinette had reached out, wrapping her arms around her son and squeezing tightly. 
Somber blue eyes met hers. “Maman, what are you doing?” 
“I just love you so much, I couldn’t stop myself,” she said, pressing a kiss into his hair. 
“Well you can love me after I’m finished talking to Uncle Jagged. It’s rude to interrupt.” 
“Ah, you’re right. Tell Uncle Jagged hello for me, and tell him I’m sorry.” 
Tim paced around Bruce’s office, feeling a bit twitchy. He’d tried to limit his caffeine intake today, but it might have backfired on him. What if he embarrassed himself in front of MDC? He was fairly sure he would just die on the spot.
“So are you guys interested in a bet?” Jason asked with a wicked smile. “Ten bucks says that MDC is actually some old man.” 
“Nah, I refuse to believe that,” Dick said, lightly shoving his brother. “MDC has to be a woman. Look at their attention to detail!” 
“Isn’t that sexist or some crap?” Jason asked. “What say you, Timmy? Have you dug up anything about who MDC is and failed to share with your brothers?” 
“I haven’t found anything,” Tim said, which was true, but not for lack of trying. 
“I didn’t think anyone was beyond Tim’s reach,” Dick said, raising his eyebrows. “But you still know more about MDC than the rest of us. What do you think?” 
“You’re making it sound like I stalk them or something. I just admire their work,” Tim said dismissively. He did know a bit too much about MDC, after all. There were some suspicions, like the fact that they were most likely French, and he’d spent more than a few hours arguing on forum posts about the designer. 
“I will admit, this MDC’s clothes are marginally impressive, but they’re still just clothes. It’s hardly anything worth this level of excitement, Drake,” Damian said, no doubt disgusted by Tim’s display of emotion.
“Are you crazy, Demon Spawn?!” Jason demanded. “MDC is an unparalleled genius! Their work even got me and the replacement to agree on something.” 
“And you will treat them with respect,” Alfred said sternly. “It’s the least you can do after they have travelled all this way for your collective benefit.” 
Damian sulked, but Tim couldn’t be bothered by his normal unpleasantness. He’d been following MDC’s career almost from the very beginning, and now he was going to be part of her clientele. He was meeting her as the CEO of Wayne Enterprises, which was both a blessing and a curse. It meant that he would be playing a part, and therefore infinitely more likely to keep some form of his dignity in tact. However, it also meant that he couldn’t get an autograph without jeopardizing said dignity. 
Dick and Jason were daily spitballing ideals of what they might ask MDC for while Bruce supervised Damian, making sure that any and all weapons in the room were out of sight. Tim knew he was acting a bit… juvenile, but there was something inexplicably exciting and unexplainably important about this meeting. 
That didn’t mean that Tim’s heart didn’t nearly stop beating when the doorbell rang. 
He could hear the door open and close, along with Alfred greeting the guest, directing them to the parlor. It was a woman’s voice, confirming Tim’s long-standing suspicions, and she had a French accent, which made his mind revert back to the previous night. But it was a coincidence, it had to-
Her eyes were a shade of blue he didn’t know existed. It was her, the mystery woman - her son even trailed after her, wide eyes the same as his mother’s. 
She smiled warmly. “It’s a pleasure to meet each of you. I am Marinette Dupain-Cheng.”
@ii-fox-demon @queen-in-a-flower-crown @novaloptr @saphiraazure2708 @iamabrownfox @smolplantmum @redhoodedtoad @loysydark @slytheringinger300 @finallyaniguana @brokenwordsarehard2 @abrx2002 @mystery-5-5 @zalladane @moonlightstar64
I wouldn’t expect something every day, but I have quite a bit already written for this story and I’m excited to see your reactions! Let me know what you think, and tune in next time to see what happens when those two actually get to speak to each other! 
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rosesgonerogue · 4 years
I didn’t so much fall in love - It kicked me in the face Chapter Seven
Tim shouldn’t have felt nervous about his fitting, but his stomach had been in a state of unrest since the moment he walked in and saw her in the kitchen. Just seeing her brought a whole barrage of emotions he didn’t know what to do with.
“Listen to Alfred,” she reminded her son as she pulled off her apron - not that he would need the reminder. 
“Shall we?” Tim asked, offering his arm. Marinette didn’t miss the blush dusting his cheeks, but she also did her best not to draw attention to it, thanks to the matching one she was sporting. 
They walked for a few moments in silence until he said, “So do I need to be blindfolded, or do I get to see the suit so far?” 
“You get to see it. Now is when you tell me if you want me to change anything. It’s not done, by any means, but you’ll get the general idea.” 
He had practically spent his entire life in suits at this point, so in theory Tim should have known what he wanted, or even had some idea of what he was looking for - and he did, if he was just picking one off of a rack. But this was MDC. Of course it would be per-
“Um, I know you’re the fashion expert, but don’t most suits have a lining? Or something like that?” 
“The lining is going to be a surprise. Right now we’re looking at the fit, the style… Basically this is when you tell me if you hate it,” she said, handing him the garments before leaving the room. 
Obviously the clothes were unfinished. The pant legs were unhemmed, the suitcoat’s seams were exposed inside, and there was untrimmed thread everywhere. But as Tim put it on, there was a warmth that accompanied it. Something about the suit just felt right. He wore a stupidly satisfied smile when he let Marinette back in. 
She immediately began circling him, eyeing the whole thing critically, occasionally commanding him to raise his arms, or sit down, or something similar. Finally her face cleared. “I only see a few minor adjustments that need to be made. Do you have any requests, or notes?” 
“Well, I would like it to be lined,” he teased. “But other than that, this is the best suit I’ve ever owned.” 
“That’s what I like to hear,” she said with a smile.
Tim deliberated for a second before saying, “Listen, Marinette. I don’t know if Bruce brought this up to you, but I - we would like to invite you to the Wayne Gala. Childcare is provided for any who wish it, and it’s a masquerade, so you could potentially meet some new clients without compromising your anonymity.”
It wasn’t what Tim wanted to say - the words “date” and “plus one” kept pounding through his mind. 
“I’ll have to figure out a dress, but I would love to,” Marinette said with yet another smile. She was quiet for a moment, looking down before she met his eyes again, hers filled with resolve. “Before the gala, though, would you… You can say no, and this will stay strictly professional. But would you like to go on a date with me? It would just be to coffee, since I don’t have anyone to watch Leo, but-” 
“Yes!” Tim said eagerly, too eagerly. He cleared his throat before saying in a more subdued tone, “That would be wonderful. I would love to join you.” 
If Tim thought her smiles were bright before, now they were positively blinding. “Perfect. It’s a date.” 
Marinette couldn’t help but feel the slightest bit shy after that, but as her hands deftly pinned his suit, every fiber of her being sang with excitement. She had to keep it professional, though! At the moment she was on a job. 
Before she could say something and promptly put her foot in her mouth, she sensed a presence, confirmed by the sharp sound of a backpack hitting the floor. It seemed Damian was back from school, then. In a way she appreciated the presence of someone else in the room, but any relief he supplied was killed when he had to go and open his mouth. 
“So you’ve decided to use Alfred as a babysitter now?” he asked in that cold, superior tone of his. 
“Sir Pennyworth offered, and I gratefully accepted,” Marinette said, carefully pinning exactly where Tim’s suit coat needed to be taken in. “I can assure you that my aim is not to take advantage of anyone.” 
Based on her research, Damian Wayne hadn’t had an easy life. There was little to no information on what his life had been like with his mother, but he resembled a wild animal, suspicious, snarling, and scarred. He may finally be comfortable with his family, but it was clear he felt that Marinette was a threat, and it was doubly clear that he would use whatever means necessary to drive her away. 
But that was no excuse for what he said next. 
“He’s a valuable tool, isn’t he? People probably jump at the opportunity to give more than the asking price to the poor single mother with the adorable child. Or were you legitimately unable to keep his father? You-”
Damian was cut off by Marinette’s hand slapping loudly across his cheek. She shouldn't have moved so quickly, it was almost beyond the average human’s capability, but she couldn’t find it in herself to care. 
“I don’t care what you say about me, I’ve heard it all before. But don’t you dare bring Leo into this. Since you’re so hell-bent on tormenting me with this, I’ll tell you. Leo doesn’t have a father.” 
Tim felt his heart stop at the look in her eyes, equally feral and wounded. Meanwhile Damian seemed… confused. It had to be at that very moment that Jason and Dick stumbled in from taking care of a hostage situation. Dick made to greet everyone, but Jason stopped him, taking in the icy atmosphere. 
“That’s nonsense, one way or another he has to have a father,” Damian sneered, losing a bit of his icy facade. 
“No, Leo does not have a father. There was a man once that took more from me than should be allowed - he took until he broke me. Leo is not that man’s son, he was the only thing the universe could have possibly given me to make up for what was lost. That man has nothing to do with Leo.” 
“Damian, you need to apologize to Miss Dupain-Cheng,” Dick said, face stormy now that he had somewhat of a grasp on the situation. 
Marinette simply held up a hand. “There’s no need, Mr. Grayson. I’ve been called everything he insinuated before, and that was just by people who were supposed to be friends.  But mark my words, Damian Wayne. If you ever insult my  son again, there will be hell to pay.” 
The silence and tension in the room was palpable, and Marinette fought to push down the little part of her that found their fear both satisfying and amusing. Instead she straightened her cardigan and said, “Each of your suits are over there. Go try them on.” 
If she had to hide her smirk from seeing all three of them fleeing with their suits, well, that was her business.
@ii-fox-demon @queen-in-a-flower-crown @novaloptr @saphiraazure2708 @iamabrownfox @smolplantmum @redhoodedtoad @loysydark @slytheringinger300 @finallyaniguana @brokenwordsarehard2 @abrx2002 @mystery-5-5 @zalladane @moonlightstar64  @marinettepotterandplagg @black-streak @purplesundaze @maribat-is-lifeblood @the-fusionist @river9noble @chocolatecatstheron @darkthunder1589 @throneoffirebreathingbitchqueen @dast218 @k-poplunardreams @meanids @changelinggarden @ladybug-182 @pawsitivelymiraculous @zotinha456 @tumbling-down-hills-and-stuff @somebodyspersephone @spider-person95 @zestyzealot @toodaloo-kangaroo @kokotaru @kurogaya913 @tis-i-beanbandit  @annapointone
Note: We're getting closer and closer to the end, but this might not be the last that we see of Leo! I keep getting more and more ideas about what he would be like when he was older, so don't be surprised if this fic becomes a series. Last chapter I had an issue with the tagging, so sorry if that was an issue for y’all. As always, just let me know if you want to be added to the list! Thanks for reading, let me know what you thought! 
Edit: FYI, I really debated on whether or not to put in Marinette’s little scuffle with Damian, but I ultimately decided that it’s a good character building moment, blah blah blah. (It’s self indulgent, like this entire fic. I thought it was an interesting moment, so it stayed.)
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rosesgonerogue · 4 years
I didn’t so much fall in love - It kicked me in the face Chapter Eight
The room seemed empty without the plague that was his brothers. Tim stood silent and still for a few moments longer (long enough to make it awkward) before he cleared his throat. “I’m sorry about Damian, he was out of line.” 
“He was, but I was a little out of line as well,” Marinette said with a sigh. “But you are also not responsible for your brother. I feel like I need to apologize and let you know that it’s okay if you don’t want to go for coffee.” 
“No, we’re still on for that,” Tim said immediately. “As long as you still want to, of course.” 
“I’ll be waiting in anticipation. But I’ve held you captive for too long already, I’m sure you’ve got things to do, naps to take. Unless you have any last minute comments or complaints on the suit?” 
“Ask me that again on a day when I’ve had more than forty-five minutes of sleep. Then I’ll have an incredibly witty response,” Tim said with a smile. “Aside from the lack of lining, the suit is everything I never knew I needed.” 
He carefully took off the jacket while his mind raced. Hearing the way Marinette had phrased her experiences had struck him with the fact that Paris wasn’t nearly as idyllic and safe as they had supposed, and the thought of Marinette in danger was unacceptable. Instead of sleeping, Tim found himself compiling a briefing file on the crime history of Paris, as well as the most important aspects of Ladybug and Chat Noir. Now Tim just had to convince everyone else that some of them needed to go assess the situation in the city itself. There were numerous evidences that Hawkmoth was an issue of the past, but the fact that the whole situation had gone on for at least four years without the League even noticing was… concerning, to say the least. 
Privately, Tim couldn’t help but wonder just how Marinette’s name hadn’t been added to the list of “akumatized” victims. From everything he knew of her, she was fueled by love and passion - she was an unstoppable force of emotion. He couldn’t help but respect her all the more. 
Ladybug was also a mystery. Paris wasn’t in constant danger like before, but she remained active, helping out in day-to-day crime. Chat Noir showed up occasionally, but she seemed to be the only regular hero. 
It was hours before the fittings for Dick and Jason were finished, and then he called everyone in for a meeting. Damian looked incredibly annoyed, a good portion of which was a remnant from his earlier collision with Marinette. Just thinking about the skirmish was enough for Tim to decide he was at least a little bit in love with the woman. Anyone who could put Damian in his place like that was someone to be respected. 
“So what’s up, Timmy? Why the family meeting? It must be serious if even Alfred is part of this,” Dick said, sitting down.
“First I have a question for Bruce. Did the League ever get any kind of distress call from Paris between nine and five years ago?” 
“From Paris? None that I know of. What’s going on, Tim?” Bruce asked, eyebrows furrowed. 
“Sit down boys, there’s been a serious oversight.” 
Tim handed them each a file and sat down, settling in to watch their reactions. 
“Why do you keep looking in the mirror, Maman?” 
Marinette lurched away from the bathroom mirror, cheeks flushing. “I… I was just making sure my hair looked okay.” 
“You look pretty, Maman. I’m sure Monsieur Tim will think so too. When this is done you need to invite him to Paris so you can go on a date without me, like it’s supposed to be.” 
Choking on her spit, Marinette stared at her child. “Leo! Who told you to say such a thing?!” 
“Uncle Kim says that kids aren’t supposed to go on dates.” 
“Well, that’s usually true,” she said, massaging her temples. “But people go on dates to see if they like someone enough to see if they want them to be in their lives forever. If a man wants to be in my life forever, I have to make sure that you like him.” 
“I told you, we’re supposed to know Monsieur Tim,” Leo said, slightly exasperated. “He makes us both happier.” 
“You’re right, and I trust you, but Monsieur Tim and I just need to get to know each other before anything happens.” 
“Fine,” Leo huffed, dramatically throwing himself onto his hotel bed. Marinette couldn’t help but shake her head. Her son was incredibly mature, and sometimes it felt like he could practically see into the future. But she loved the reminders that he was still just a child. 
“Stop pouting, it’s time to go,” Marinette said, shoving him off of the bed. He caught himself with ease - it seemed that he’d been blessed with a natural athleticism instead of her own inborn clumsiness.
The coffee shop was easily within walking distance, and Marinette held Leo’s hand with the strength of a vice - it was Gotham, after all, and they didn’t have the best track record with the city. 
After walking for about a block, Marinette finally brought herself to ask Leo what she’d been wondering since she and Leo had met Tim. “Leo?” 
“What do you mean when you keep saying that we’re supposed to know Monsieur Tim?”
He turned to her, gifting her with one of his rare full smiles, and Marinette barely resisted the urge to smother him in a hug. His blue eyes sparkled with some secret knowledge before he said, “That’s a secret, Maman. You just have to wait and find out.” 
“Leo, that’s not fair,” Marinette said, mock pouting. 
“Monsieur Tim is going to be important to us both, but especially to you,” Leo said plainly. “He can understand you in a way that most people can’t, but he wouldn’t try to pity you or something like that.” 
Whatever she had been expecting, it definitely hadn’t been a reply like that. Marinette found herself rendered speechless for the rest of the walk, her mind racing with the possibilities of what Leo could possibly mean by that. 
They were early, but Tim was actually already inside, remarkably awake for so early in the morning. He sat at one of the tables by the window, and when he caught sight of her he waved wildly. (Marinette couldn’t tease him about it though, she and Leo waved just as enthusiastically.) She couldn’t help but smile. With a start to her day like this, how could it go wrong?
Taglist:  @ii-fox-demon @queen-in-a-flower-crown @novaloptr @saphiraazure2708 @iamabrownfox @smolplantmum @redhoodedtoad @loysydark @slytheringinger300 @finallyaniguana @brokenwordsarehard2 @abrx2002 @mystery-5-5 @zalladane @moonlightstar64  @marinettepotterandplagg @black-streak @purplesundaze @maribat-is-lifeblood @the-fusionist @river9noble @chocolatecatstheron @darkthunder1589 @throneoffirebreathingbitchqueen @dast218 @k-poplunardreams @meanids @changelinggarden @ladybug-182 @pawsitivelymiraculous @zotinha456 @tumbling-down-hills-and-stuff @somebodyspersephone @spider-person95 @zestyzealot @toodaloo-kangaroo @kokotaru @kurogaya913 @tis-i-beanbandit  @annapointone
Here's the next chapter, kids! I already posted about this, but I want your opinion as well. I have at least two more ideas for Mominette fics, would y'all be interested in me posting them? I'm still trying to ride through quarantine without seeing my nieces and nephews, so I need children in my life SOMEHOW. There’s a Daminette one and a Jasonette one. Let me know what y’all think. Also somehow I’ve almost got 500 followers??! I would like to do something as a thank you, just let me know if you guys have any ideas. 
Also I’m totally fine with my brand becoming Mominette. I don’t know how much everyone else in this little niche fandom like it, but I also assume the majority of you aren’t single people in grad school that get lonely. 
Anyway, let me know what you guys think, both for the Mominette fics and what you want for the 500 follower thing once I hit 500 followers! 
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rosesgonerogue · 4 years
I didn’t so much fall in love - It kicked me in the face Chapter Six
Several days later, Marinette was making decent progress on the suits for the Wayne family - she had the bulk of the work finished, thanks to a night of insomnia, now she just had to do the final fittings and line them. It was a bit backwards, but the linings were intricate enough that she didn’t dare do it until she made sure the silhouette was perfect. She hadn’t spent hours hand-painting silk for it to sit wrong inside the suit-coats. 
Bundling up her precious work, Marinette took Leo’s hand, leaving the hotel where a car was waiting for them. 
“Did you bring the tie for Monsieur Alfred, Maman?” Leo asked, a sparkle in his eyes. 
“Of course I did,” Marinette said, showing it to her son. “Do you think he’ll like it?” 
Leo scrutinized the article of clothing before solemnly nodding. “It’s what he needs. He’s… sad.” 
A chill ran down Marinette’s spine - Leo always seemed to know so much more than should be possible. But… “I’m glad that you like to make everyone happy, ma cher.” 
“I want Maman to be happy most of all.” 
Marinette blinked. “But I am happy, Leo. I have you, what more could I need?” 
“You try to hide it, but you get sad sometimes. You want the same kind of happy that grandmere and grandpere have, the happy you get from a person you like a lot. I want Maman to be happy.” 
“Leo,” Marinette murmured, her breath catching slightly. She hadn’t made any attempts at dating since… since Leo came along. In the beginning she’d been an emotional wreck, but she’d put the circumstances of his conception behind her years ago. With love, support, and therapy, she was… okay. 
“We’re supposed to be in Gotham,” Leo affirmed. “It will help you be happy.”
“I’ll…” Marinette faltered, unsure how she was granted such a perfect child. “I trust you, Leo. I’ll look for opportunities. But no one can possibly make me more happy than you do.” 
“Not more happy,” he assured her, patting her hand. “Different happy.” 
That left Marinette blinking away tears when the driver announced their arrival at Wayne Manor. She took the time to thank him before clambering out of the car, Leo in tow. 
None other than Alfred himself greeted them at the door, perfectly composed as always. “Miss Dupain-Cheng, you’re certainly welcome here, but I am currently the only other person home at the moment. The men won’t be available for their fittings for a while.” 
“Thank you, Alfred. And it’s Marinette, please,” she said with a smile. “But this works out perfectly. I wanted to chat with you for a moment or two.” 
“Please come in, then. May I offer you some tea?” 
The three settled down comfortably, Leo gnawing on a cookie as Marinette tried to figure out how to broach the topic of… well, anything. 
“Maman, give it to him,” Leo prompted. 
“You’re absolutely right, Leo,” she said, retrieving a small gift bag. “For you, Alfred.” 
“Miss Marinette, I couldn’t! You are a guest of the Wayne family, you shouldn’t feel obligated to make anything for me!” 
“It was no obligation, I enjoyed it. Besides, it was partially at the request of a mutual friend.” 
He hesitantly opened the bag, gingerly pulling out the tie, his hand shaking every so slightly. It was a beautiful piece of silk, carefully embroidered with intricate peacock feathers, the fabric a deep blue, exactly the same shade as - 
“Duusu,” he breathed. “Is he well?” 
“Would you like to ask him yourself?” Marinette nodded to Leo, who carefully placed a miraculous box on the coffee table. 
“He told me of the other kwami,” Alfred said hesitantly, “and I felt something about you when we first met, but I thought it was just old age effecting me. If you don’t mind me asking, how-”
“Marinette is Ladybug!” Duusu chirped, startling both adults. “You two were taking too long, so Leo let me out.” 
“Duusu, my old friend. It’s been decades.” 
Marinette concentrated on stirring her tea intently, graciously giving the older man the emotional space that he needed and ignoring the tears that were building in his eyes. 
“Alfie! I never thought I would get to see you again!” Duusu chirped, excitedly flying around the man’s head. 
“We’ll give you some time alone,” Marinette said softly, leading Leo out of the room. When the door closed behind them, she patted his head. “You did an excellent thing. I think you just made Monsieur Pennyworth very happy.” 
“We both did, Maman.” 
“We did good, squirt.” 
It wasn’t long before Alfred emerged, cupping the peacock broach in his hands with the utmost care. 
“There is still some time before the family arrives for their fittings. I was preparing to make some desserts to serve with tea. This is not a demand or a request, but if you would like to help, I would not be opposed.” 
“What do you think, Leo? We haven’t gotten to bake since we left Paris. Tikki would probably enjoy some fresh cookies.” 
Before the child could respond, the kwami in question flew into sight. “I think that’s a great idea!” 
For once in his life, Tim got home sooner than expected. A meeting had been cancelled, and his personal assistant seemed more worried about his lack of sleep than normal. Admittedly, he’d spent far too much time researching Ladybug. He couldn’t seem to wrap his head around everything he’d seen, not to mention the fact that the entire city of Paris had been able to keep their heroes a secret, especially as tourism had only increased since her debut. 
There was one thing in particular that Tim couldn't stop thinking about. In all of the clips of Ladybug, (and he had watched all of them), there was one move she repeated not infrequently, a certain pivoting high kick that he had recently been introduced to. It was curious that Marinette was able to execute it so well, but it wouldn’t be the first time a civilian had imitated a vigilante’s moves. It was just… curious. 
Also curious was the smells that greeted him upon opening the manor door. Alfred’s cooking always smelled good, but Tim was fairly certain that this was what heaven was supposed to smell like. He couldn’t help but follow the scent to the kitchen.
“Maman, the frosting needs more color,” a small voice said. 
Leo was standing on a stool, stirring his bowl of frosting carefully enough that his apron wasn’t necessary in the least. Tim felt his heart skip a beat when Marinette turned around to help her son with a smile. Her eyes were soft, and unlike her son, her apron was covered in flour and flecks of batter. He swore his knees went weak when those eyes landed on him and she smiled like he was the sunshine in her life. 
It was the way he remembered his mother smiling at his father.
“Leo, Monsieur Tim is  home. Say bonjour!” she said, pointing. “Why don’t you explain what we’re making?” 
“Bonjour, Monsieur Tim. Maman and I got here early, so we wanted to make treats for your family like my grandmere and grandpere make treats for me when I get home from school,” Leo said, his eyes the only indication of his excitement. 
“So what are you teaching Alfred to make?” 
“We’re making madeleines, a personal favorite of Leo’s. But no one does madeleine like a Dupain-Cheng.” 
Tim glanced around smirking. “This looks like a lot more than just madeleines.” 
“Well, Alfred wanted some tips on making macarons, and… I was raised by bakers, making small batches of anything has never been my strong suit. Luckily, I hear sweets don’t last long in the Wayne household.” 
Neither Marinette nor Tim saw the look exchanged between the butler and the boy, but Alfred was soon clearing his throat. “Miss Marinette, I think Leo and I have things handled here if you would like to begin Master Tim’s fitting.” 
“Are you sure? I can-”
“We’re fine, Maman,” Leo interrupted. “Someone needs to tell Monsieur Alfred when to take out the macarons.” 
Marinette looked surprised. “Well, it seems my son has taken to Alfred. As long as he doesn’t mind, I guess it’s just you and me.” 
“It’s a privilege, Miss Marinette,” Alfred promised. “Go on, you’ve got a job to do.” 
Tim felt inexplicably nervous, and excited, and - did Alfred just wink at him?
@ii-fox-demon @queen-in-a-flower-crown @novaloptr @saphiraazure2708 @iamabrownfox @smolplantmum @redhoodedtoad @loysydark @slytheringinger300 @finallyaniguana @brokenwordsarehard2 @abrx2002 @mystery-5-5 @zalladane @moonlightstar64  @marinettepotterandplagg @black-streak @purplesundaze @maribat-is-lifeblood @the-fusionist @river9noble @chocolatecatstheron @darkthunder1589 @throneoffirebreathingbitchqueen @dast218 @k-poplunardreams @meanids @changelinggarden @ladybug-182 @pawsitivelymiraculous @zotinha456 @tumbling-down-hills-and-stuff @somebodyspersephone @spider-person95 @zestyzealot @toodaloo-kangaroo
Author’s Note: 
This might be the last of the daily updates, but I don’t forsee the rest of the story taking much longer to write. We’re pretty much halfway in, so prepare yourselves. I’m also contemplating writing a sequel when Leo is a bit older, that could be a lot of fun. Let me know if you want to be tagged, or if I missed you! 
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rosesgonerogue · 4 years
I didn’t so much fall in love - It kicked me in the face Chapter Four
No matter how hard she tried, Marinette couldn’t deny the fact that she found Timothy Drake incredibly attractive. But she had to push it down for the sake of professionalism. In all actuality, all of the Wayne brothers were attractive, but she and Tim just… clicked. She wanted to stay here and talk to him, pick his mind about his likes and dislikes. It really did not help that Leo was insistent that Tim got Ladybug red lining. 
Because that was huge. Leo knew Ladybug’s identity, and he was staunchly protective of the heroine because of that. He knew something, or intuited something about Tim that Marinette hadn’t caught onto yet. Leo’s insistence was more than curious, and it consumed enough of Marinette’s thoughts that she managed to avoid pondering the fact that the majority of the family had at least some trace of the Lazarus Pits on them. 
The Lazarus Pits were something that Marinette had only learned about from the book, but the sensation was unmistakable. They were dark, twisted Miraculous magic, a result of a wish born from the Ladybug and Black Cat Miraculouses. It was a magic that was able to heal someone at the expense of their sanity, or sometimes their humanity, at least so the kwamis had reported. But the magic was faded - it had been at least a few years since any of them had interacted with the pools. It had taken her some time to confirm the feeling, but now Marinette was sure of it. If the Wayne family was indeed the “Bat Family,” as Gotham had dubbed the vigilantes, then they were involved in some things beyond even the Justice League. 
If that was the case, then Tim should have been the last person she focused on. He was remarkably free of the vile magic. Even knowing that, as well as Marinette’s responsibilities as the Guardian of the Miraculous, she couldn’t help but gravitate towards Tim.
She really wanted nothing more than to talk to the man for hours, but Marinette couldn’t. It felt like she was with her friends and it was late enough that she knew logically that she needed to leave, but it also felt like she couldn’t help but leave a part of herself behind when she did. But Marinette was an adult, with a job and a child to take care of. Purposely tearing her eyes away from him , she looked at the clock. “Well, it’s getting late, Tim. I’m sure you have important business to attend to, and I have a number of suits to make. It was lovely meeting you, and thank you once again for being so attentive to Leo.” 
“It was my pleasure, Marinette.” 
Slipping away, Marinette couldn’t escape the thoughts and emotions pounding in her mind. The Wayne family was truly an eclectic group. 
Alfred waited for her at the doorway, his posture perfect. “On behalf of the Wayne family, I thank you, Miss Dupain-Cheng.” 
Maybe it was just the residual emotions from the Waynes - because there were many - but now that she wasn’t distracted, something felt… different about the butler. Miraculous. 
“And thank you for all of your assistance, Monsieur. I’m afraid I missed your last name.” 
“Pennyworth, Madame. Sir Alfred Pennyworth.” 
“Well, Sir Pennyworth, I hope to see you again soon,” Marinette said warmly, squeezing Leo’s hand. “Have a wonderful day.” 
“You as well,” he said, inclining his head. 
A car was waiting outside for them, and as Marinette was buckling Leo in, he said, “Monsieur Pennyworth needs something blue like Duusu.”
His eyes were grave - Marinette often thought that she wasn’t capable of possibly fathoming half of the things that went through his mind. Apparently being born to the guardian and wielder of the Miraculous had some side-effects - like his scary accurate intuition. 
“Don’t worry,” she said, ruffling his hair. “I’ll make something special for Mr. Pennyworth. But if he’s blue like Duusu, why is Monsieur Drake Ladybug red?” 
“He matches you,” Leo said simply before becoming fixated on something outside of the car. 
Well. Marinette got to decipher what that was supposed to mean alone, it seemed. 
As soon as the designer was gone, Damian huffed, crossing his arms. “She at least seems marginally capable.” 
“She’s more than marginally capable, Little D,” Dick said, shaking his youngest brother. “She’s MDC.” 
“Are we going to discuss the fact that she’s the tourist from patrol the other night?” Jason asked, lounging across an armchair.
“The one you had to get out of a tree? Why would she-”
“No, the one that took down Scarecrow single-handedly and then managed to kick the replacement in the face,” Jason said, snickering. 
“Are you kidding me?” Dick asked, eyes alight with excitement. “She’s that one?” 
“It was probably just adrenaline,” Damian muttered. “You said she had been looking for her child, didn’t you?” 
“Speaking of the kid, he sees way too much,” Jason butted in. “It’s like he can look into your soul. And you can’t adopt either of them, Bruce, no matter how much they look like Waynes.” 
“There are other options,” Bruce said dismissively. “But if we want to keep our identities a secret, we need to be especially cautious. Tim, I want you to do a background check now that we have a full name. Nothing too deep, she hasn’t given us any real reason to be suspicious yet.” 
“Nonsense,” Damian said with a curled lip. “We should have done a full investigation before she even set foot in Gotham.” 
“Damian, you will show her respect,” Bruce warned. 
“Hey B, do you know anything about a Parisian hero named Ladybug?” Tim asked. “Leo was talking about her like she was a pretty big deal.” 
“The name is familiar. She and a handful of other heroes popped up in Paris a little less than ten years ago. There isn’t much information on them, but they seem harmless enough, leading recycling efforts and such. They’re likely more public mascots than actual heroes.” 
“That would be kind of nice, wouldn’t it?” Dick wondered idly. “What would it be like, worrying about recycling and friendship more than actual crime?” 
“Either the Parisian cops are damn good at their job, or the city is a disaster,” Jason speculated. “The more I think about it, Paris sounds like a great vacation spot. You should take us there on our next family trip, Bruce.” 
“We don’t do family trips,” Damian sneered. 
“You should take us on family trips, Bruce.” 
“Think of all of the family bonding we could do!” Dick exclaimed with stars in his eyes. While they all argued about whether or not a family trip was feasible, or even worthwhile, Tim slipped away to his room. 
His mind was bogged down with visions of blue eyes and a musical laugh. The only word he could think of to describe how he felt was “bewitched,” but Tim felt like that was far from just to the source of the problem. 
It wasn’t long before there was a knock on the door and none other but Dick Grayson pushed his way into the room. “Everything okay, Tim?” he asked, eyes clearly concerned. 
“I’m fine, I just… This is completely embarrassing. I was just… distracted.” 
Dick scrutinized him for a moment before his face cleared. “Oh. Oh.” 
“Don’t make it sound like that,” Tim said, throwing a pillow. “I just… I don’t think I’ve spoken that easily to a woman ever. Marinette… She was amazing.” 
“I did notice that you two were getting along. It’s okay if you like her, Timmie. In case you haven’t gotten the memo, the whole vigilante life doesn’t immediately exclude you from having a love life.” 
“I know, I’ve seen it, but - Ugh, it’s all so confusing. I think I could really, really like her, but she’s too bright, too precious. Gotham would drain the life out of her, just like it does to everything else.” 
Dick thought for a moment before ruffling his brother’s hair. “First of all, I think you’re not giving Marinette enough credit. She’s already been through an attack, and it was with Scarecrow, no less. Somehow she managed to take him down, and she almost took you out too. Gotham’s got nothing on that girl.” 
“I know, it’s just hard to reconcile the Marinette I just met with the one that kicked me in the face,” Tim said, rubbing his temples. “What’s second?” 
“You said ‘first of all.’ That means that you’ve got a second part.” 
Moving to Tim’s doorway, Dick looked back with half a smile. “Second of all, no one ever said you had to stay in Gotham.” 
@ii-fox-demon @queen-in-a-flower-crown @novaloptr @saphiraazure2708 @iamabrownfox @smolplantmum @redhoodedtoad @loysydark @slytheringinger300 @finallyaniguana @brokenwordsarehard2 @abrx2002 @mystery-5-5 @zalladane @moonlightstar64  @marinettepotterandplagg @black-streak @purplesundaze @maribat-is-lifeblood @the-fusionist @river9noble @chocolatecatstheron @darkthunder1589 @throneoffirebreathingbitchqueen @dast218 @k-poplunardreams @meanids @changelinggarden @ladybug-182 @pawsitivelymiraculous
This chapter is short on Leo, which is as much as shame to me as it is to all of you, I’m sure. I fully intend on making up for that later. Let me know what you all think. I’m still fairly new to writing romance, so I could use all the input I can get! 
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rosesgonerogue · 4 years
I didn’t so much fall in love - It kicked me in the face  Chapter Five
Trigger Warning:  There's implied rape in this chapter, kids. It's never discussed or described explicitly, just beware, and keep yourself mentally safe and healthy.
The Wayne family wouldn’t leave Marinette’s head for a number of reasons. Their evident knowledge of the Lazarus Pit was an issue, and there was the fact that their butler was a previous Miraculous user. Tim also happened to have a bruise in the precise spot where she had kicked Red Robin the other day. Too many questions and coincidences were piling up for any one family, it was alarming. 
But the mere thought of Tim was incredibly distracting. A slight blush stole over her cheeks at the mere thought of him. He wasn’t what she had expected of the C.E.O. of Wayne Enterprises. To be completely honest, she had chosen to consult him last so she had time to get in the zone and not make a complete fool of herself. She had to act like a professional! 
But he’d also been kind, so incredibly kind when he had dealt with Leo, and unlike most people, completely non judgemental of the fact that she seemed too young to have a five-year-old. She felt… she wasn’t sure how she felt. She recognized some of the same emotions her younger self had felt around Adrien, but it was also more mature. She didn’t feel like she was going to trip over her tongue every time she spoke to him.
 Luckily Leo was absorbed in scribbling down one of his many ideas in the car, so she was able to try and puzzle some of this out.
Was she really suspecting Tim Drake of being Red Robin? Some of the mannerisms matched, sure, and there was also a possibility of the rest of Gotham’s vigilantes and the Wayne family being connected. It would explain a lot. She hadn’t seen much of Red Hood in action when he’d found her, and she’d seen absolutely nothing of the others, but from what she knew, it fit. It fit eerily well, even the mystery of the butler somehow felt right.
In the hotel room, Marinette and Leo were soon swarmed by eager kwamis. (Initially Marinette had been staunchly opposed to bringing the entire Miracle Box with her to Gotham, but as it was a longer stay, and a dangerous area, they convinced her that they needed to come as well. Secretly Marinette was convinced that they just wanted a sort of vacation.)
“How was it? What were the Waynes like?” 
“Were they handsome?” 
“Gotham is dangerous, are you okay?” 
“We’re just fine, thank you for worrying,” Marinette said warmly. “Duusu, I have an important question for you. Does the name Alfred Pennyworth mean anything to you?” 
The peacock’s face positively lit up. “Oh, did you meet Alfie? How is he? Where did you meet him?” 
“He’s the Waynes’ butler,” she explained, stretching her arms. “So you did know him?” 
“Oh, we worked together for years! He’s my favorite chick I’ve ever had. I would have happily stayed with him for years, but someone stole the brooch,” Duusu said, wilting a bit. “Nooroo and I were sold from buyer to buyer until Gabriel found us.” 
“Can he be trusted?” 
“Alfred? More than any other human I know.” 
Marinette patted the kwami on the head with one finger. “I’ll get a message to him, if you’d like.” 
“Just make sure that none of the Waynes overhear,” Wayzz warned. 
“They aren’t what they seems,” Trixx agreed sagely. 
“But they’re not bad people,” Leo said suddenly, notebook forgotten. “We can trust them when the time comes.” 
A shiver ran down Marinette’s spine as she looked into the eyes of her son. When Marinette was pregnant with him, she had worried endlessly. All previous holders had given up their Miraculous when they were pregnant, but their children were always faster, smarter, and stronger than average. But Marinette was the guardian, which sometimes made her feel like her body was more magic than human. How would it affect her dear child? 
Leo turned out to be the best child she had ever met. He could be mischievous at times, but he was endlessly kind. He was mature for any age, and Marinette often felt magic thrumming through him, though the kwami assured her that he had to be a bit older before that could manifest. All you had to do to see that he was different was look into Leo’s eyes; her son just saw more than other people. 
“I believe you, mon cher,” Marinette said with a smile. “You’ve never been wrong before.” 
“Monsieur Tim is the best, though,” Leo said gravely.. “He showed me their paintings and trophies and books, and it feels like we were supposed to meet him. He’s important.” 
Tim couldn’t help but dive a little too deep into Marinette’s records. It wasn’t the most extensive report he’d ever done by any means, but the more he found out, the more he wanted to know. 
MDC was a saint. She frequently auctioned off commissions publicly for various charities, all respectable and legitimate, and  a good portion of her income was privately donated as well. But more than being a philanthropist, she also regularly organized community service efforts, none of which she connected to MDC’s brand, and all of which she ended up in the thick of, working harder than any other volunteer. 
One particular finding bothered Tim, however. He’d noticed with mixed feelings that there was no father listed on Leo’s birth certificate. That seemed contrary to Marinette’s character, but he very muchh did not want his suspicions to be proved correct. 
It was buried fairly deep, no part of the proceedings were made public - much to his horror, Marinette had still been a minor at the time of the trial. He didn’t know much of the French legal jargon, and most of the records were confidential enough that he didn’t dare go digging any farther. It wasn’t worth causing another international incident. 
The only concrete things Tim was able to learn were, 1.) at seventeen-years-old, Marinette had testified in court, and 2.) the man had been found guilty, and served a sentence that Tim couldn’t help but find too light. It was far too tempting to dig into the man’s past and completely ruin his life on the off chance that the man was ever released, so Tim forced himself to find a distraction. Remembering Leo’s words, that distraction came in the form of a particular Parisian superhero. 
He’d heard whispers of Ladybug, naturally, but he had mentally categorized her as a public mascot, someone that was of very little consequence or threat. There were hundred of PSAs with Ladybug online, and everyone knew about Ladybug Day, a day where everyone participated in some kind of service of kind deed. 
Tim wasn’t sure what he expected to find, maybe the actress’s name, but as soon as he dug any deeper than surface-level, he found himself tangled in a truly impressive firewall. He couldn’t help but be excited - he hadn’t had a challenge like that for quite some time. If Paris was this secretive about Ladybug, there was clearly more to her than meets the eye. 
The firewall took some skill to get around, but he wouldn’t be stopped. When he finally made it past everything, he leaned forward in his chair, eyes riveted to the screen.
@ii-fox-demon @queen-in-a-flower-crown @novaloptr @saphiraazure2708 @iamabrownfox @smolplantmum @redhoodedtoad @loysydark @slytheringinger300 @finallyaniguana @brokenwordsarehard2 @abrx2002 @mystery-5-5 @zalladane @moonlightstar64  @marinettepotterandplagg @black-streak @purplesundaze @maribat-is-lifeblood @the-fusionist @river9noble @chocolatecatstheron @darkthunder1589 @throneoffirebreathingbitchqueen @dast218 @k-poplunardreams @meanids @changelinggarden @ladybug-182 @pawsitivelymiraculous @zotinha456 @tumbling-down-hills-and-stuff @somebodyspersephone @spider-person95 @zestyzealot
Author’s Note: 
I promised you guys some more Leo time, and I delivered! I love hearing your comments about him in particular - kid characters are tricky, but I've had a lot of fun with Leo, and I've picked bits and pieces of his personality from nieces and nephews that I still miss dearly. Let me know what you guys think!
On a slightly different note, I know that Leo’s dad is a different route than most Maribat authors would take. I understand that it’s a sensitive topic, but this is more of a recovery success story. I don’t want to undermine any of the canon characters, and Leo is more of a child of the kwamis than he is his biological father. We’re going to see more of that later, though. This is only really going to be brought up once more in the story. 
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shadowmaat · 4 years
Another Chance, part 2
I wrote a post-Order 66 ficlet a while back and recently @slytheringinger300 asked for a follow-up. Welp, here ya go! ;)
Ben could hear the argument taking place in the cockpit of the Millennium Falcon. Captain Solo was expressing his mistrust over their extra passenger while Leia defended the decision with talk of "war hero" and "Jedi." Luke was doing his best to interject his own opinion, but to little avail. Ben tuned them all out, concentrating on the unconscious man in his lap.
Cody. After all these years, he’d given up hope of seeing him again; the Empire wasn’t kind to its clone troopers, especially now that they were aging past the point of usefulness. He stroked his fingers through Cody’s snow-white hair, which was much shorter than he remembered. There were a few small scars he remembered from skirmishes in the war, and more telling, there was a large purple bruise spreading across his temple. Angry red streaks radiated from a point Obi-Wan knew all too well from the briefings Bail had forwarded to him.
Cody’s breath hitched, and Ben made soothing sounds as he poured a little more of himself into his former Commander. The ship had a surprising amount of batcha and bandages onboard, but they only covered the worst of the wounds Cody had sustained in his foolhardy attack on Vader. An attack meant to protect him.
“Oh, my dear Commander,” he whispered. “What did I ever do to deserve you?”
“Is that really Commander Cody?”
He opened his eyes to see the Wookiee co-pilot, Chewbacca, standing in the doorway. “It is,” he said. “Have you heard of him?”
Chewbacca shrugged. “I’ve heard a few stories,” he rumbled in Shyriiwook. “Commander Tano spoke highly of him.”
Ben blinked. He’d almost forgotten about that particular misadventure of Ahsoka’s.
“Here.” Chewbacca held out a jar. “It’s made with dried rrwii root. Han says it’s ‘superstitious folk medicine,’ but it’s worked for our people for millennia and I know it’s safe for humans.”
Ben took the jar, opening it to examine the mix within. It smelled of deep forests and sunlit meadows.
“Spread it on the wounds.” Chewbacca mimed with a hand. “It promotes healing and relieves pain. The fierce little princess says we should arrive at the rebel fleet soon and their medical frigate will welcome us.”
“Thank you, my friend.” Ben carefully removed the blanket covering a bare-to-the-waist Cody and spread the rrwii compound on the still-raw blaster wounds. Cody shivered and let out a sigh. Ben could sense… relief. The frayed edges of his presence were, if not knitting back together, at least no longer dissolving.
Ben’s chest ached, raw with an unfamiliar sense of hope. He pulled the blanket back over Cody, but kept one hand on his Commander’s chest, reassured by that slow, steady heartbeat. He was starting to sink back into meditation when he felt fingers brush his wrist.
Cody’s eyes were open, although not quite focused.
“Patch?” His voice cracked on the name; their medic from the 212th. “No,” he continued, frowning. “Dr. Niap. What-” His breath caught, eyes going wide and focused on Ben. “You?”
“Hello there.” Ben’s smile wobbled. “It’s been a while, Commander.”
Fingers tightened on his wrist. “You’re here.” Cody coughed, the sound too wet for Ben’s liking.
I’m here,” he agreed, his free hand sliding down to Cody’s cheek. “And we’re on our way to a medical ship to get you some help. No,” he warned, as Cody opened his mouth. “Don’t try to talk. You took a lot of damage when you fought Vader.”
Cody’s expression goes pinched, but he remains quiet. Ben clears his throat.
“Thank you for that intervention,” he said. “I didn’t know… I wasn’t expecting to survive that encounter, you know.”
Narrowed eyes regarded him with an expression he knew all too well.
"I know." He smiled. "Typical reckless Jedi. If I'd known you were there..." His expression faltered. "I would have tried to protect you, too. I'm so sorry, Cody. We should have done more to help you and your brothers."
The frown was reforming on Cody's face. Ben shook his head.
"We never asked the right questions. Especially after Tup. After Fives..." He sighed, blinking rapidly to clear the burning from his eyes. "And when Bail told me about the chips, I should have tried to find you, I should have done- something."
Cody squeezed his wrist. "Stop-" he wheezed.
Ben could guess what he meant: Stop blaming yourself for everything; Bail had said it to him often enough. Or maybe just stop feeling sorry for yourself. That was something he’d heard, too, though the suggestion came a bit late.
"I've missed you, Cody," he said, placing his hand atop the one on his wrist. "Far more than I thought possible."
Cody released his arm, turning his hand to lace their fingers together.
The word was so quiet Ben almost thought he imagined it, but the look in his Commander’s eyes seared right through him.
“Yes,” he said, bringing Cody’s hand up to kiss it. “Love. I meant it. Even after all this time, I still love you.”
Cody’s breath hitched again, turning into a racking cough. Ben shifted the palm resting on that bare, battered chest and splayed his fingers, sending out another pulse of healing energy.
Cody all but yanked their joined hands back down, pressing his own kiss onto the back of Ben’s hand. His lips moved. “Me too.”
Hot tears spilled down Ben’s cheeks. “We’ll arrive at the medship soon,” he said. “Just stay with me, cyare.”
Smiling, Cody closed his eyes. “Yes,” he breathed. “Cyare.”
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