#mandalorian courting customs
jessicas-pi · 5 months
paint bombs, pixie cuts, and elopements........
This is my Sabezra Medieval AU! (it's the sequel to Matchmaking, Mad Science, And Accidental Child Acquisition, which is a TCW/JFO/SWR Medieval AU.) PBPCAE has gone through SO many variations and plans and ideas and four or five times I've thought I might actually have the story 100% figured out until I stumbled over a plot hole and got stuck, but I finally went back to the beginning and thought it out, and i've actually got an ACTUAL plan now, so I'll ramble about it instead of sharing a snippet!
So, the backstory of it is this: Sabine is Viscountess Wren, heiress to Clan Wren. Ezra is an orphan who was found, rescued, and eventually adopted by Kanan (aka Prince Caleb Dume of Jedha) and Hera! Ezra and Sabine meet as children (she's 7, he's 5) in book 1 and get along like a house on fire. After the events of book one, they keep in touch--I haven't decided for certain, but Sabine might actually live in Jedha for a while.
Fast forward in time to the beginning of PBPCAE. Sabine is a young woman, just old enough to marry, and Ursa is discussing potential political matches with her. Now, up until this point, sabine had never ever considered marrying ezra, but then her mom goes and says "Sabine, I may as well be clear from the start. You will not be permitted to marry that Jedhan boy you're constantly running around with."
Sabine's response?
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After some confusion, embarrassment, hilarity, and a trip to Jedha, Sabine manages to convince Ezra that This Is A Great Idea Actually. But there's a problem.
Jedha and Mandalore both have very complicated marriage customs and requirements. And Sabine knows her mother will use any objection she can. So Act 1 of the story is Sabine and Ezra doing a deep dive into Jedhan and Mandalorian law (with the assistance of Cal Kestis, Resident Nerd) and kind of go on a bunch of quests to make sure there can be no nitpicky legal objections whatsoever (i.e. they have to convince kanan to adopt ezra the mandalorian way as well as the jedhan way so that ezra would be considered actual royalty and therefore a good political match), while also keeping it a total secret so Ursa can't step in and stop them. The secrecy leads to some comedy due to Sabine and Ezra both being very bad at making up excuses as to where they've been sneaking off to.
Finally, they've settled every objection, and are preparing ye olde powerpointe presentatione on "Why You Should Approve Of This" for Ursa when a visiting Mandalorian with a bit of a grudge against Sabine sets her up, resulting in an Incident that nearly ruins Sabine's reputation, and causes Ursa to summon her daughter back home.
War breaks out in Mandalore.
Sabine and Ezra don't see each other for two years.
Enter Act 2.
The war ends, and Ezra and his family (which includes young Jacen!) are invited to Mandalore's Winter Court as part of the celebrations. (I haven't decided what plot reason there is for them to be there lol.) Ezra is ecstatic to see Sabine again, though he's a little nervous that two years will make things awkward, especially with their secret marriage plans between them (and the fact that, during their time apart, he came to terms with the realization that he had feelings for her. His friends Luke and Han, who know about the secret, have been giving him (extremely bad) advice on How To Woo Your Future Wife.)
'Tis not to be.
The first news Ezra gets upon arrival is that Sabine is engaged.
To be specific, Sabine is engaged to Carthage, the philandering slimeball son of Gar Saxon---and the same guy who set her up and nearly ruined her two years before. She's not happy about it, but it was part of the conditions of the peace treaty, and so she can't call off the engagement without a mutual agreement.
(Ezra is, understandably, heartbroken. He can't even be happy for Sabine because her fiance is a lousy person!)
Then yet another Incident happens and suddenly the whole Winter Court is convinced that Sabine is carrying on with Ezra behind Carthage's back. Carthage is mad.
Wait a second, Sabine thinks. This could be my ticket out of here.
So, in an attempt to make Carthage upset enough that he willingly agrees to cancel the engagement, Sabine and Ezra play themselves up as a starcrossed romance between a noblewoman in an arranged marriage and the peasant boy who became a prince and who also happens to be her childhood friend---basically they use all the dramatic tropes they can. Half of the Winter Court is scandalized by their behavior, and the other half is like it's the romance of the century!!!!
And when even that doesn't work?
There's always elopement.
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Prompts are finally here!
We've simplified some of the submissions to give creators the opportunity for more broad interpretations, but if you're looking for inspiration you can find all the full unedited prompts below the readmore!
Day 1: Mand’alor Din & Ambassador Luke | Blindfolds
Day 2: Rebellion Era Meeting | Battle Couple
Day 3: Mandalorian Luke and/or Jedi Din
Day 4: Sharing Culture & Traditions | Where you go, I go
Day 5: Identity | Darksaber Training
Day 6: Wedding Date | Mandalorian Courting Customs
Day 7: Tending each other’s injuries | Mudhorn Signet
As always, feel free to combine, modify, or skip the prompts as you see fit. Just be sure to check the rules in our pinned before submitting your projects, and drop an ask if you have any questions.
Dinluke Positivity Week will run from November 13th to the 19th, Sunday to Saturday, so you have a little over 3 months to get your submissions ready! Don't forget to tag us in your submissions!
Good luck and may the Force be with you!
Original Winning Prompts:
Luke teaching Din how to use the Darksaber
Rebellion Luke meets bounty hunter Din
Din accidentally joins the Rebellion (Note: Combined with above)
Sharing Culture / Traditions
Tending to each other's injuries
Battle couple
Luke needs a wedding date to Leia and Han’s wedding
Mandalorian Courting Customs
Mand'alor Din & Ambassador Luke (but make it wholesome)
Identity porn (example: nobody knows The Jedi who saved the Galaxy and Luke Skywalker Rebel Hero are the same guy)
Din making and giving a mudhorn signet to Luke
"Where you go, I go"
Blindfolded Luke giving kisses
Mandalorian Luke and/or Jedi Din
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airlockfailure · 2 years
This isn't a question about a specific OC, but I was wondering what kind of traditions your characters come up with as free men? Do they celebrate "clone" holidays, on dates that are significant, like the anniversary Fox defeated Palpatine? Do they develop wedding and adoption traditions? Just give me all the details please!
So you actually have a head canon I love regarding clone courtship and gift giving. Where a clone will present their love interest with an object of some significance and if the other person accepts it means they're accepting the courting. (I have butchered this summary.) Ever since you posted that, I've had it stuck in my mind that, yes, this is how clones might initiate courtship. I also like the idea of armor being incredibly important for them. A lot of the early ones were trained by Mandalorians after all, and I feel like a lot of those armor based, berserker fighter attitudes and traditions would trickle down, albeit through the filters of Kamino.
Which is why it's so significant for Fox to paint the armor of his shinies, and why it means so much to have them paint his when he's unable to do so. Swapping an sharing armor is an expression of love, maintaining someone else's is an expression of devotion, but it doesn't necessarily have to be romantic devotions. The context is important. Vaughn swapping his higher quality officer's armor with Sterling's faulty shiny armor in order to protect Sterling is a direct expression of romantic love.
Cue wearing his armor all the time, even when he doesn't have to is significant as well. He doesn't open up to people. He doesn't know how. By being allowed to remove his helmet, Delphi is symbolically allowed to intrude on that stoicism and self-restraint. He doesn't have to open up, because she will meet him where he is.
Knockout prefers to remain clothed, armored, etc. as much as possible, with the exception of medical personnel and Howzer. Knockout "playfully" hands over part of his cybernetic arm, which is both practical, because his lightsaber is in there, and an attempt at bridging the rift between them. "I trust you to hold onto what's important to me. It's not armor, but I still require it to function." And of course Howzer gives it back, but he didn't grasp the significance of the gesture because Knockout's older than him, and as I mentioned before, traditions learned by the older clones were filtered through the Kaminoans, who didn't want them to have anything for themselves.
Vaughn notices this more obviously with Sterling. Vaughn is one of the oldest clones, and Sterling (at the start of NAT) is one of the youngest. Vaughn behaves a lot more like a Mandalorian, and an individual, than Sterling does, to the point where Sterling doesn't even know how the clones mourn each other. (Otto later teaches him the Mandalorian remembrance customs.)
Embree found out the date of Dawn's decanting and decided it was going to be celebrated as his birthday. Embree remembers his own birthdays, and knows they're meant to be fun celebrations, and tries to replicate that with the help of the neighbors who are fond of Dawn. Dawn, in turn, plans Embree's birthdays, and they celebrate their children's birthdays as well. But a lot of the clones, unless they were exposed to cultures that celebrated birthdays, wouldn't know what that was, because they were created in labs.
As for holidays... I haven't given them as much thought. I know Fox would not consider his fight with Palpatine something to celebrate, it's a painful, terrifying memory for him. He would probably celebrate the end of the war itself, and the anniversary of clones being granted rights. I could also see Bail, as Chancellor, making both of these events official galactic holidays, so it wouldn't be just the clones celebrating.
Again, I think it would come down to what the individual clone has been exposed to. A line trooper with the 501st will probably celebrate whatever holidays Anakin Skywalker observes, if they ever witnessed Anakin observe any holidays, as they were at war, and I don't think Anakin is the type of person to put things on hold for a party. Ahsoka, who is more likely to notice troop morale, I could see teaching the clones about various holidays celebrated by the Jedi/on Coruscant. So within the Invictus AU, the 332nd clones know a lot more about holidays and celebrations in that context.
Fox was formally adopted by Aren as a Mandalorian, and when he and Riyo eventually adopt children, Fox will use the same Mandalorian custom for them. Pantoran culture is coming slowly out of feudalism (in my mind a strange mix of stuff from medieval Europe and feudal Japan), thanks in part to Riyo herself and Papanoida's desire to be more involved with the galaxy as a whole. Adoption on Pantora is more to preserve family lines and inheritance than it is about raising children and as such, the adoption of adults into failing family lines is quite common. With the growing of Pantora away from feudalism, that is slowly changing, because we all know how Riyo feels about protecting people who have no means to advocate for themselves.
A lot of the clones would want to adopt the cadets and tubies from Kamino. Most of the clones' experiences regarding nat-borns is negative, or at least neutral. It has always been that the clones look after each other, because they all recognize they can't rely on outsiders. Even after the war, among the former CIS planets, there is a great deal of anti-clone sentiment. And plenty of the loyal Republic planets believed clones were just droids shaped like men.
Commander Colt and Shaak Ti (along with the rest of the Kaminoan Security Team) are responsible for ensuring the cadets and tubies are adopted into homes that will actually protect and raise the clones, and aren't just some nat-born weirdos or heaven forbid, slavers. Anyone who is there for nefarious purposes is escorted out (sometimes arrested). This does mean that it will take a very long time to adopt out all the clones who need families. But as I mentioned, the clones have always taken care of each other, whether that group is small or large.
Uhh, and then my brain died. Time for more coffee LOL
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crispyjenkins · 4 years
JangObi soulmate mark au where all Mandalorians know/can sense when someone is marked with their Mandalor [with Jango leading Mandalore as Mandalor after Jasters abdication and no clan wars]
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(this is late because it turned into A Thing. and i love the Thing, but it’s still late.
i combined these ‘cause i got them within a day of each other and i thought, what’s better than an undercover meet-cute? undercover meet-cute with soulmates (ノ*´◡`) also this is a meet-ugly. anyways.
just want to touch on that this ‘verse absolutely includes poly soulmates of many forms and numbers, jangobi just happen to have a mono relationship in this based on the prompts 😌)
 “Your sur'gaankar will not share your symbol, you cannot simply look for a match, kih’vod,” Arla teases, poking at Jango’s bare chest where the head of his roughly-drawn mynock leers at them from over his heart. “Marks are companions, not twins; no one soul should be more important than another, so the Ka’ra gave us two. Who knows what your sur'gaankar's is, it could be of something that hasn’t even happened to you yet.”
  Seven year-old Jango wrinkles his nose down at his soulmark like it’s personally offended him. And it has. “Why the kriff do you get a beskad from your sur'gaankar and I get a bloody mynock?”
  Arla bursts into laughter and hopes their parents aren’t listening.
  “I beg your pardon.”
  The woman’s grin only widens, leaning right into Obi-Wan’s space, and he hadn’t really counted on running into any supercommandos until Sundari. “‘Haven’t seen your crest before,” the woman repeats, knocking on the painted crest on his chestplate. He had let Master Nu pick it for this assignment, he didn’t want to accidentally end up with a known clan symbol and have to explain any familial relation; she had said it hadn’t been used since before the Coruscant Temple was built, so there shouldn’t be any confusion. 
  “And,” she had added, tapping two fingers on the side of his neck, “it matches you rather nicely, doesn’t it?”
  And he supposes it does, a crane wrapped around a spike of wheat, but he now wishes it were something perhaps a bit less memorable.
  “My clan hasn’t been back to Mandalore space in a few generations,” Obi-Wan lies with his best apologetic smile, easily charming the other Mando as he tucks his helmet under his arm and tries to turn back to the ration stall he’d been restocking from. The Keldabe marketplace bustles around them, and Obi-Wan thinks it’s a miracle the woman had even spotted his armour through the crowd, with how tightly species of all sorts press together and jostle them along their way.
  “I’m Kryze clan,” she announces, wriggling around an Esperion to plant herself next to Obi-Wan, giving the rations a passing glance before focusing back on her captive audience.
  He holds back a sigh, pulling up his mental clan map that he had studied on the jump to Mandalore. “I’ve only been planetside for an hour,” he admits with that same smile as he pays for his box of jerky and taps a little salute to the stall owner. “I thought the Kryzes were further up towards Sundari?”
  Kryze bounces along behind him, red hair catching the sunlight quite nicely; Obi-Wan can’t fathom why she’s still following him. “Most of the family is, yeah, I’m the only supercommando. Where’re you from, burc’ya? Your accent sounds funny.”
  He gives a bewildered laugh at that; had she never been to the Core? Both ducking into a dimly-lit tech shop, Kryze waves at the Mon Calamari behind the counter like old friends. 
  “‘Family’s split between Coruscant and Odos,” Obi-Wan decides on, which would explain both his Core accent and why his Mando’a is more slurred than what’s spoken on Mandalore. “You got a first name to go with that clan?”
  Kryze’s smile turns playful, not quite flirtatious, and Obi-Wan wonders if she’s already found her starmark. “Bo-Katan, but Haat’ade can call me Bo. And are you?”
  He raises a brow through a shelf of droid parts. “Am I what?”
  “Haat’ade,” Bo-Katan grins, staying closer to the door while Obi-Wan collects a few upgrades for his speeder. “You don’t seem like a Journeyman Protector, but you’re clearly a fighter. So. Haat Mando’ade?”
  “Can I be Haat’ade if I haven’t answered my Mand’alor’s call even once?” It’s an amusing thought, to be seen as Mando enough to qualify for the ruler of Mandalore’s supercommandos; he doubts Bo-Katan would be quite so kind if she knew he wears their armour in deception. “No, burc’ya, one cannot pick and choose from the Resol’nare. I’m as good as dar’manda out here.”
  Humming in thought, she skips to join him at the counter to watch him try to haggle a lower price on his goods. “To be fair, you said your clan hasn’t been around other Mando’ade in a while, ‘lek? Hells, do you even know who the current Mand’alor is?”
  Obi-Wan doesn’t answer until he knows he’s not being ripped off by the Mon Calamari, and slips his new goggles around his neck. “Only his crest,” he says, and it’s only slightly a lie: the Republic has little to no sway in Mandalore space, he doubts anyone further than Concordia knows the Mand’alor’s full name. “Tell me, are you part of the recruiting committee?”
  Bo-Katan throws her head back to laugh, and it’s a good laugh, bright and sincere, still a little childish at the edges. “No, but I liked the look about you,” she teases, leaning on the counter. “You seemed... warm.”
  He lifts a brow again, wondering if maybe she’s Force sensitive. “I’ve never been called that before.” Which also isn’t exactly a lie.
  “Mm, maybe I just liked finding another redhead.” She smiles and wrinkles her nose cutely. “Don’t think I haven’t noticed that you didn’t give your name, stranger. Secrecy will only get you so far here.”
  “And if I wasn’t planning on staying?” 
  “Then you should still tell me your name because I asked so nicely.” Batting her eyelashes, she sets her helmet on the counter to cross her arms, the Mon Calamari grumbling but not telling them to leave just yet. 
  “Vhett,” Obi-Wan laughs, securing his new parts and his credit pouch in his pack so he doesn’t lose them to the sticky fingers in the marketplace. “Benyamin Vhett.”
  When he looks back at his new companion, her smile has disappeared for a troubled sort of blankness, as she looks at him even more critically.
  Then her surprise and glee is a flash in the Force, so bright it’s blinding as she launches back to her feet, grin returning with such a fury that Obi-Wan doesn’t even stop her from getting right back into his space.
  She must find some sort of answer in his face, because she puts a hand on his cheek with her eyes positively shining. “Utreekov!” she exclaims gleefully, “How could you string me along like that?”
  “I beg your pardon?”
  “It figures you’d be just as difficult as him,” she says, spinning around to snatch up her helmet before grabbing his arm and yanking him back onto the street. “You should have told him when you got here, he— Corellian Hells, is this why he’s been disappearing off into Hutt Space?”
  Something in the Force tells Obi-Wan to hold his tongue, to let Bo-Katan guide him through the market as quickly as the crowds allow — some citizens even bounce out of their way once they get a good look at Bo-Katan. Obi-Wan’s been a Shadow too long to get lost even in a busy city like this, but he still has to concentrate to memorise the path she takes him, out of duracrete into clay and wood buildings that bake under the sun and whisper history far more alive than Obi-Wan is used to.
  She kicks open the door to an ancient-looking cantina that Obi-Wan doesn’t have time to read the name of before Bo-Katan is dragging him bodily inside and shouting over the din, “Mand’alor! I’ve got your sur’gaankar!”
  Something like terror lodges in Obi-Wan’s throat as every commando in the cantina freezes and stops talking all at once, staring at them in the sunlit doorway like the second coming of the Sith. Then all heads snap just as quickly towards a table near the back — all except one man lounging at the table who still stares at Obi-Wan with more than surprise, and this is where Obi-Wan’s entire mission falls apart. This is where every commando realises Obi-Wan isn’t whoever Bo-Katan seems to think he is, this is where they call his bluff and he blows his entire cover, and Quinlan is going to make dick jokes at his funeral.
  Bo-Katan smirks and marches right for the man, pulling a shell-shocked Obi-Wan through the cantina until she releases him to lean over the man’s table— the Mand’alor’s table. Obi-Wan wonders if he can somehow make it out one of the windows before anyone grabs him.
  “So, ori’vod,” Bo-Katan drawls, clearly far from meaning it affectionately, “when were you gonna tell the rest of the Haat’ade that you’d already found your soulmark, hm?”
  Ohh, and there goes Obi-Wan’s breathing. 
  This “ori’vod” blinks, first at Bo-Katan, and then at Obi-Wan, and he just had to be attractive, didn’t he. The Force couldn’t give Obi-Wan one break and make him someone, anyone, that didn’t shine quite like he does in the low-light?
  “I have never seen this man before in my life.”
  Obi-Wan lets out his breath, mentally preparing himself for the whole cantina to descend on him. 
  But Bo-Katan just stares back at the Mand’alor and, Obi-Wan looking around at other commandos, everyone seems to be in disbelief of him, and not— not Obi-Wan. Which is just a strange cherry to top his already frankly ridiculous day, especially when Bo-Katan leans closer to her Mand’alor to squint at him.
  “So he’s just some other ‘Vhett’, then?”
  Obi-Wan licks his lips. “Bo—”
  “No, no, I wanna hear what excuse he tries to come up with when we can all feel it.”
  Embarrassment prickles Obi-Wan’s neck, and feels even less in control than he had a moment ago; he doesn’t remember learning anything about commandos being able to feel things about their leader, but to be fair, he can’t remember much of any of his lessons right now.
  A Mando in gold armour across the table from Jango takes off their helmet, revealing a Rattataki that stares him down with a meaning far deeper than Obi-Wan is privy to just then. 
  “Mand’alor,” they say, tapping their first knuckle over the left side of their chest, and Obi-Wan’s neck prickles again. 
  And then every commando in the cantina does the same, tapping the chest of their beskar’gam and nodding towards Jango, as if one entity, as if they had rehearsed it; the prickle turns to a burn, Obi-Wan darting a hand up to his throat as something shifts in the Force.
  Bo-Katan finally seems to be catching on that they truly don’t know each other, but instead of angry, she perks up and yanks Obi-Wan closer to the table. “He’s from Odos, he has no idea what’s going on,” she says as Obi-Wan stumbles over his own feet. “Congrats, Mand’alor, I found your sur’gaankar for you.”
  Obi-Wan winces before he allows himself to finally meet Jango’s gaze, and doesn’t know what to make of what he finds: a curious sort of trust, disbelief but acceptance, and it’s only when Jango gets to his feet that Obi-Wan realises no one had said his name. That the wheat fronds over his collarbones and around his neck have never bothered him before. 
  That he’s probably going to have to call Quinlan to finish the job in Sundari. 
Mando’a: sur’gaankar — “soulmate”, lit. “picture heart” from sur’gaan “picture” and kar’ta “heart” kih’vod —”little sibling” (’vod’ most often used in fandom as “brother”; ‘kih’ intentionally used instead of ‘ika’) Ka’ra — an ancient Mandalorian story, ruling council of fallen kings, “stars” beskad — traditional Mandalorian curved saber made of beskar. burc’ya — friend (also used ironically or sarcastically) Haat’ade — lit. “true child of Mandalore”, True Mandalorians (slang shortened to Haat'ad/e)  Mand’alor — “Sole ruler”, contended ruler of Mandalore. Resol’nare — “Six Actions”, the six tenets guiding Mando life ‘lek — “yeah”, short for elek, or “yes” utreekov — “idiot,” “fool,” lit. “empty head” ori’vod — “big brother”, either older sibling or a special friend (used here ironically) beskar’gam — Armour made of beskar, “Mandalorian Iron” that was actually probably a steel alloy
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djk-creations · 3 years
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CodyWan Week Day 5: Armor/Beskar’gam @codywanweek
“We are one when together, we are one when parted, we will share all and we will raise warriors.”
In this universe Cody is a Mandalorian and Obi-Wan is still a Jedi General, but they still manage to meet and fall in love. And exchanging vambraces is now a mandalorian marriage/courting custom, because I said so.
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ollovae3 · 2 years
Does the clan have any special funeral customs/different takes on mourning? And does young boba have any connections with bounty hunters (like Bossk or Aurra Sing) through Jango? I love the clan idea!
They do!! Mandalorians usually do funeral pires from what I've read, but Bu'ycyar's clan has a twist for it since they're so settled? Their home funerals consist of wrapping the body in a burial shroud ritually painted with a t-visor and iron heart. After that, they're given a ship burial in their largest, most important lake, and the pyre is lit from the shore when it reaches the lake center.
Anything tying them to the living world (not including armor/weapons) is sunk with them, ranging from marriage/courting gifts to gifts from children and family. Occasionally there's also some of their favorite food and packs of rations if the times allow it?
However, in battle, burials are simpler, and instead the same items sent with the body will be sent off alone once they're returned home.
Either way there's gonna be a BIG celebration of their life afterwards, no matter how long, short, eventful, or uneventful it was!
FOR BOBA. Unfortunately no! Jango had like... No friends at all, and those he DID have had either died, betrayed him, or been killed by his own hand? So Boba's left building connections all on his own, though his father's name was very well known, so with his helmet on, a lot of employers see him as a green version of his buir. ;-;
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leorizanzel · 2 years
Fic Masterpost
After 87 years, I decided to finally do an actual masterpost of my works. Who would've thought!
(All works are Din Djarin/Luke Skywalker unless otherwise noted.)
Completed Works:
No Glory in the West (Rated T): Western AU, Warnings for Graphic Violence
Summary: Texas, 1870 - Din Djarin, a bounty hunter with a mysterious past and the quickest draw this side of the Mississippi, finds a new gig escorting a strange young man to his destination.
Side Story for No Glory in the West: Drive Me, Crazy (Rated E)
Fan art for No Glory in the West:
Luke Skywalker as a U.S. Cavalry officer and the New Edition by @sadiebwrites
No Glory in the West as a manga by @lulollymint
An Endeavor in Civility (Rated G): Canon Divergence AU, No Archive Warnings Apply
Summary: “It is a truth universally acknowledged that a Mandalorian ruler in good standing must be in want of a (Jedi) spouse.”
A very silly short story based on that scene in Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice, because I can and I wanted to do it so I did.
Mornings of Gold, Valentine Evenings (Rated T): Modern AU, No Archive Warnings Apply
Summary: Din immediately looked up to find Luke Skywalker and his beautiful, stunning, gorgeous blue eyes, and beautiful, stunning, gorgeous smile, standing next to their table. Din's heart skittered in his chest—from his horrifically powerful crush or from the caffeine, he wasn’t sure—and he gaped at Luke, unable to reboot his brain and come up with any kind of intelligent response.
Din wondered if he slipped the waitress enough money that she’d just kill him there on the spot.
Figure skating champion Luke Skywalker meets Team USA Hockey Captain Din Djarin at the Winter Olympics, and it all goes downhill from there in the best way possible.
He was a figure skater, he was a hockey player - can I make it any more obvious?
Bright is the Moon, High in Starlight (Rated T): Regency-era AU, Graphic Depictions of Violence
Summary: The Moors of Northern England, 1803: Luke Skywalker, renowned naturalist, receives an urgent letter requesting his assistance in a small village in northern England. When Luke arrives, he discovers a handsome earl and a mystery surrounding his manor that Luke must solve before it's too late.
A Regency-Era fantasy romance with tea, cravats, and monsters.
East of the Sun, West of the Moon (Rated G): Alternate Universe/Canon Divergence AU, No Archive Warnings Apply
Summary: Jedi Master Luke Skywalker returns from a dangerous quest in order to seek the hand of the Mand'alor, Din Djarin.
A response to the prompt "Wedding Dates/Mandalorian Courting Customs" for DinLuke Positivity Week
Works in Progress:
The Once and Future King (Rated T): Canon Divergence AU, Graphic Depictions of Violence
Summary: “Din Djarin, the Once and Future King,” Luke declared, his voice somehow ringing through Din’s head rather than through his ears. It sounded as though another voice spoke over Luke’s own. This man was Luke Skywalker, and yet, was not. “You wield the Darksaber, won in honorable combat, as Kings of Mandalore before you. The Force commands you to seek the Child and save it from its doom, and in doing so, will save the galaxy and reunite your people under your banner. Do you accept your quest?”
The Force delivers a dire prophecy to Din Djarin, demanding he take his rightful place as the king of his people. With the help of the last Jedi, he must gather his closest allies and prevent the worst to come.
Burn with Me, Heaven's on Fire (Rated M): Modern AU, No Archive Warnings Apply (Boba/Din/Luke)
Summary: “Don’t worry,” Boba purred, quickly deciding that they’d have to take charge here. “Just let us take care of you, alright?” He raised his hand out for the young man to take, and as soon as Boba had his hand in his grasp, he pulled him up off the couch and into his arms.
Even in the low light, Boba could tell he had a furious blush on his face. He wondered just how far down that blush could go.
It's a love story, with lots of glitter.
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thewriterowl · 3 years
Oblivious Luke head cannons??? Please? With regular or Dark Din
Luke isn't stupid. He's incredibly intelligent. Bright even. He can strategize better than most, can fix most anything electrical, picks up languages crazy fast, and though he had struggled reading when he was younger he can now inhale a Jedi text in a day and have many things of it memorized.
But my god, is the boy a dumbass.
Some of it streams from Skywalker Genes. Some of it comes from being part of the most disastrous of Jedi Lineages in the galaxy (Mace, even in the Force, will twitch at the memory of them and hopes Luke stays away from Ezra, who is already a hopeless doofus himself or he'd be tainted of Yoda; "rude you are, Windu." "YOUR LINE DESTROYED THE GALAXY" "and looked good they did while doing it, mhmm."). Some believe it may be a twin thing and Leia just took all the brain-cells in the womb. Sometimes, often times sadly, it comes down to him being insecure and dealing with a lot of self-hate.
Mostly, it's just cause he's Luke.
So, despite the fact that Din has said, "I wish to court you." to Luke's FACE, Luke is still, "wow, I can't believe I'm lucky enough to have Din as a friend :D"
Din: I am you friend...but I want to court you.
Luke: You mean you're suing me?
Din: No--
Luke: You want me in politics?
Luke: Er, you mean take me to a game?
Din: My gods, who hurt you?
Luke will go through every other (im)possible reason for Din doing something even remotely romantic, twice, before he could even allow the thought to pass through his head...then he can't even consider that it's something that is true.
Din giving him a gift? Providing him with flowers? Tucking his hair behind his ear? Calling him beautiful? Making promises of having a family together? Slipping a little flirty dirty talk?
Wow! Mandalorians sure are friendly!
Din: Luke, you're beautiful--
Luke: Oh no I'm not? Nice of you to say though.
Din: You must be shitting me. You're so pretty it turns Boba dumber than normal (in the distances Boba huffs out "Hey! that's true but still! words hurt, Djarin!")
Luke: but everyone else calls me ugly?
Din: *kill bill sirens* what
Luke has a bad tendency in saying sad things about himself that leads people going on a homicidal field trip. But this isn't about that! He just doesn't get it. He can't seem to understand that people check him out all the time. That he is being flirted with by everyone who stops him on the street. That Din is frothing at the mouth to just get in his pants and would (and probably has) killed for the chance of marrying him.
Nope. Does not compute.
People are just being nice and polite to him cause he did a little thing (you know, saving the galaxy) and nothing more.
Din probably has to grab Luke's face and kiss him...and Luke is still, "i-is that a custom I wasn't aware of? Do i need to do that to Boba?" (Boba: YES, Din: NO)
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ooops-i-arted · 2 years
Royal Ball with Din Djarin, Cara Dune, and their kids-Prince Grogu and Din and Cara’s first-born daughter, the Princess.
Always one royal function or another, and while royal balls aren't usually Mandalorian style, sometimes offworlder customs are adopted when important diplomats or so on come to visit. Din has to talk to everyone in the palace about toning down the "loud raucous Mandalorian stuff" for a night and bribe them with the promise of a lot of black ale later. Cara gives Paz pointers on etiquette (sourced from her mother, who had ties to Alderaan's court life) just to needle him, but some younger Mandalorians who are genuinely interested in getting along with offworlders come to her for advice too. Even Din relies on her sometimes.
Seeing each other fancied up is a treat ("so is peeling it all off later, hurr hurr" says Cara while Din rolls his eyes) but they find they enjoy this type of function more with their kids. Alanne is old enough to wear pretty dresses now and loves dressing up like Mama, and she and Grogu wear their own royal pauldrons proudly like Mama and Dad. Five million holos are taken of their precious little darlings, and of course they get all the dances they want later. Both from their parents and trusted friends - they have Grandpa Greef wrapped around their fingers and even the Daimyo of Tatooine and his deadly right-hand assassin have been seen bowing and spinning around the little prince and princess with a big smile.
Plus, after a late night everyone is tuckered out, so Din and Cara are thrilled by the fact they'll get to sleep in the next morning. Usually.
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crispyjenkins · 4 years
Prompt where the 212 gets together to paint Obi-Wan’s armor so he would wear it more but at some point our fool gets captured and his captor wears the armor to piss Kenobi off so when the 212 comes in Cody goes absolutely feral when he sees someone else where his general’s armor and Kenobi gets absolutely railed by Cody after.
(i don’t do smut, but i love this idea so so much, i really don’t know why i haven’t come across more painted armour Obi stuff, and y’all have probably realised i’m all about Obi angst, sooo this one was a lot of fun. thank you so much for prompting, lovely! threw in some headcanon mandalorian family and courting culture just for you) 
  Jedi were not made to wear armour, they were not soldiers, at least not before. Cody knows his general picked up clone culture better than most, from the little bits of Mando’a to the importance of Vode An, and he should perhaps be thankful that General Kenobi wears any armour at all, but what good are simple pauldrons and vambraces when Kenobi throws himself against hundreds of clankers without backup on a weekly basis?
  It’s Wupi that suggests it, drunk on Waxer’s rotgut and going grey with how often he has to patch up their general after missions. Boil is mostly amused by Kenobi’s apparent death wish, but he isn’t like their medic, or Cody: he doesn't have to deal with the fallout when Kenobi comes back to the Negotiator so much worse off than his men.
  “Why don’t we give him one o’ yours armours?” Wupi had slurred, half out of his blacks and staring into his cup like it would relieve him of his duty. “S’General’s too nice to lose someone else’s.” 
  Wooley had jerked his attention from his own cup and stared at Cody because that... that wasn’t a bad idea. 
  And because Wupi is too hungover the next day to do anything about it himself, it’s Wooley that starts the task of finding and retrofitting pieces of clone armour to fit their general (their “wonderfully tiny" general, as Wupi had put before passing out in his chair). It takes a few days, bouncing between three different quartermasters and Commander Tano for input on how to wear it over more traditional Jedi clothes, but Wooley finally amasses something close to a full set that they might convince Kenobi to wear, and then goes around giving each member of the Ghost Company a few pieces to paint. 
  Cody tries not to think about why Wooley gives him the chestplate. He tries really hard.
  There’s something to be said about family giving each other armour, of course, Cody doesn’t think Wooley or Boil or Wupi or Waxer are trying to woo their general, and it shows in the pieces of armour they choose to paint, but the breastplate is... forward, when not given in a familial sense, and Cody can’t pretend that he is. Giving it in a familial sense. Kriff. 
  Ghost Company all sit together in the empty mess one night, Cody having strategically made sure their sleeping shifts line up, and they paint the pieces while drinking more of Waxer’s rotgut and pretending they don’t have a battle tomorrow that they might not win. Cody’s men paint each piece to match their own, so that Kenobi’s set is a mix of bits of each of them. They aren’t quite sure how it works for natborn Mandalorians, there were limits on what the Kaminoins let the Cuy’val Dar teach them, but this is as close as they can get to claiming Ken— Obi-Wan as one of the vode. The meaning won’t be lost on him.
  Cody carefully paints his sun rays onto Obi-Wan’s chestplate, the orange crisp and shiny-bright, and he wonders if Obi-Wan knows the meaning of colours on beskar’gam. He seems to know a lot about Mandalorian culture that even the clones don’t, but Cody has never pushed to know more about why, not when it makes Obi-Wan clam up like that.
  Boil finishes quickly, and just as quickly gets completely smashed to the point he’s singing the last raunchy jig they’d picked up planet-side, and it’s almost calming to see him so relaxed. Waxer smiles fondly at his brother and switches his cup for one of water instead, shaking his head at Wooley’s disapproving glare. 
  Cody waits until the others have gone to bed to ask for the medic’s steady hand, to help him stencil a beskar’ta right above the sternum. He isn’t sure if he’s ever seen another vode with a beskar’ta, and perhaps it’s a little presumptuous for Cody to give Obi-Wan one without discussing it with him first, but he can offer no greater protection to his general. The way Wupi doesn’t say anything when Cody carefully paints in the lines says more about his relationship with Obi-Wan than he’d really like to admit. 
  Cody isn’t there when Wooley presents the armour to him, but when Obi-Wan joins them in the hangar before descent planet-side, he wears every piece as if it were the regalia of some ancient royal, and not a cobbled-together attempt to keep him alive. The rest of the 212th hide their stares inside their buckets, and Obi-Wan still wears his outer robe over it all, but Ghost Company all preen at the sight of their general not only protected, but in their colour and crests. 
  Obi-Wan smiles at Cody as they load into the shuttles, tapping a closed fist over the beskar’ta in all-too-knowing thanks. So he knows at least the familial connotations, which doesn’t bode well for Cody’s half hope that that’s all he knows.
  Crys claps Cody on the shoulder with an eyebrow wiggle, and Cody wishes Jango hadn’t taught them a damn thing. 
  Day three without water, even with the Force sustaining him, leaves Obi-Wan more than a little delirious. The Nikto bounty hunter that thought they could somehow convince Count Dooku that they’d captured the famed Negotiator grows increasingly agitated as the hours roll by, and Obi-Wan wishes he had better presence of mind to appreciate it. 
  They have him on his knees and strung up in chains like a barbarian, and stick him with a needle every three hours with some sort of Force suppressor that makes him even more incoherent — Obi-Wan is fairly sure they’re over-drugging him. Actually, perhaps the Force isn’t sustaining him properly; that would certainly explain a lot. 
  The morning of day four in the brig of a ship Obi-Wan can’t remember the make of, the Nikto starts picking through his removed armour, with scathing comments about the colour and fact that it had come from “cannon-fodder slaves that are better put-down than eating up the galaxy’s resources”, and oh, Obi-Wan wishes he could rend them limb from limb.
  “A bastardisation of Mando armour, you know,” the Nikto grumbles, sending Obi-Wan a pitying look when all he can do is grunt angrily. “Look, this even has an iron heart; what poor kriffing fool told you you were allowed to wear such a mark?” Scoffing, the Nikto discards their cloak to slip on Obi-Wan’s chestplate; every last scrap of energy in Obi-Wan screams at the wrongness, and he jerks in his chains.
  The Nikto startles and doesn’t get to fastening the sides as they stare at their prisoner. “You shouldn’t have any mobility left,” they say in part surprise, part anger, getting back to their feet to drag the small medical crate of suppressors back across the room. They kick it open and pull out an almost-empty vial, but don’t get to the needles before a proximity alarm goes off.
  They drop the vial and grab the blaster from their hip, and barely get it up in time for the single door to explode inwards, Ghost Company forcing their way into the room before the smoke has even cleared. And Obi-Wan trusts his men, his family, with every Force-forsaken bit of him, which means he promptly passes out at the sight of them.
  He doesn’t wake in safety, rather with a vibroblade pressed to his throat and a hand twisting cruelly in his hair. His vision is filled with white and orange and warmth, before his brain catches up to what he’s actually seeing, and he focuses on the blank helmets of his men. The suppressors in his system do nothing to hide the molten metal anger that leaks into the Force all around them, and Obi-Wan must look worse than he thought, if Cody’s hand is trembling on his blaster.
  ‘Easy,’ Obi-Wan whispers without moving his lips, Cody giving the smallest of jerks so Obi-Wan knows the message is received.
  ‘Sir?’ Cody shifts on his feet, the Nikto saying something from behind Obi-Wan that’s surely full of gloating and threat, but Cody’s helmet is tilted towards Obi-Wan, his presence fluttering in the Force like a lamp in the dark.
  ‘I’m not quite sure how you’re managing this,’ Obi-Wan admits, with half a thought to the cosmic implication of Cody giving him a beskar’ta, which has meaning even outside Mandalore, outside even the Force. ‘But my lovely captor is weak on their left side, an old injury, I think.’
  ‘He’s wearing your armour,’ Cody all but growls and raises his blaster properly, and the Nikto must sense the change as they nervously fumble the vibroblade and cut through the collar of Obi-Wan’s tunic.
  And Obi-Wan is tired, he’s been in chains for four days with drugs he’s never encountered burning the ends of his nerves and cutting off an entire sense he has never been without, so he looks up until he meets Cody’s eyes squarely. ‘Then relieve them of it.’
  ‘With pleasure, sir.’
Mando’a: Vode An — "Brothers All" (a Mando’a war chant taught to the clones by Jango and the Cuy’val Dar)  Cuy’val Dar — “Those who no longer exist”, group of 75 Mando’ade and 25 others put together by Jango to train the clones beskar’gam — Armour made of beskar, “Mandalorian Iron” that was actually probably a steel alloy beskar’ta — “Iron heart”, the elongated hex-shape common in Mandalorian armour designs (great post here comparing them to katana tsuba). also called ka’rta beskar or “heart of the iron”
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barissoffee · 4 years
On the flipside of Rex wearing Anakin’s body wash— Anakin wearing some of Rex’s clothes? Rex would have to go scream as well.
Anakin trying on Rex’s armour, and let’s just say that in Mandalorian customs that means that they’re courting or something, so while Anakin is having fun saying “look Rex doesn’t this like good on me? 😘” and Rex meanwhile is trying not to die on the spot, holding in his scream, stumbling over his words, cause Anakin looks good as hell, and Echo and Fives seeing them together saying “congrats! it’s about time” thinking that those two are finally together/courting skksk
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rinrinp42 · 3 years
So, since I'm putting the finishing touches on the next chapter of Idiot's Array, I've got a question: what would be a good name for a supplemental? Because I'm also working on turning some notes as to my version of Stewjoni customers into an excerpt from a research paper and I might also do something similar with Mandalorian courting practices and Jedi robes (though that one I kinda want to include images so it's far more ambitious)
It'd probably also be where I rose any moldboards or my art. Maybe other people's if a) people do that and b) people want that
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reynesofcastamere · 4 years
Fractured Comet(2/2)
(A/N: Welp, back into this flaming hot mess we go. Warnings for verbal/emotional abuse, misuse of the Force, intrusive thoughts, toxic communications and mentions of speciesism/dehumanization. Because the Empire sucks. Not gonna lie, some of the dialogue and actions taken in this piece are reeeeallly unpleasant. So I’ve marked that section off with **** for the consideration of those who might want to skip it entirely. Unbeta’d.) 
It takes little time and some effort to reverse their positions, perching her on the edge of his desk in the midst of their...vicious entanglement. Maul takes great satisfaction in the way she clutches his shoulders, how her tongue darts out to wet her full, kiss-swollen lips when they pause for breath. Somehow the first thought of her in these brief interludes of peace is shereshoy. She is fiercely, vibrantly alive in a way that he cannot help but covet. 
“Why are you here?” He follows the blunt inquiry by dragging his teeth down her throat, savouring her shaken intake of air. “Given your many complaints about ‘overblown monologuing’, I would expect you to welcome a less...verbose informant.” By which he means someone who gets directly to the point and doesn’t rub metaphorical fire salt into her wounds on a regular basis. Perhaps he’d missed some pertinent flaw in the agents assigned to handle this particular task? 
“You’re a vital asset to the Rebellion, and a walking target for the Inquisitors.” Which is the truth, but also hardly new information. “The Empire is getting more effective at tracking down Force users. There is...concern that you might be re-considering the arrangement.” Her statements are professional and measured. She’s learned how to lie and conceal her true feelings well, over the years. In another instance, he might have believed her, or at least let her deception pass without comment. Not so right now. Ah. Tano’s superiors are attempting to gauge whether Maul intends to save his own skin at their expense. He cannot help but laugh. “So you were sent as an enticement to dangle before me.” Maul scoffs derisively. “As if I were some Hutt lord to be distracted by a Twi’lek slave girl.” Her lips tighten, and the brief flare of her Force signature tells him that he has struck a nerve. Good. The very thought of it is an insult to them both. “That’s not why I’m here.” Ahsoka retorts, her gaze stubborn in a way that he almost finds endearing. “You’re not getting a different answer just because you don’t like what I have to say.” He hisses when one of her hands darts up lightning-quick, blunt nails digging into his nape. “ And you started this.” She pulls him in until their foreheads meet, breath mingling together in the scant space between them. Presenting herself as the immovable mountain to his wild tempest, though the cracks in the stone run deeper than she will ever admit. ****
“Krayt spit.” He echoes back at her. “Your masters will use every method at their disposal to secure victory. Do not expect me to believe that you’ve never assigned or participated in seduction to succeed in your objectives, Fulcrum.” Before she can cut him off with an undoubtedly sharp response, he continues. “Or perhaps you believe yourself to be the exception?” The focus of his eyes drops and lingers on her lips. “That they would not seek to exploit the flawed perception of your species as exotic toys? How fortunate for them, to have your considerable talents and beauty at their disposal.” He purrs, equally cruel and enticing at once, using the Force to loosen her hold and dip his head, lips brushing the fine line between her jaw and neck. “Why, you’ve even secured the allegiance of a savage monster with your charms.”
She shoves him away with both her hands and the Force, cybernetics screeching against the stone floor. His own power and training keep him upright until he comes to a natural stop, twin hearts pounding with the prospect of a fight. Tano doesn’t reach for her ‘sabres, though. “Stop. Talking.” The voice that issues the order is hard and embittered as she stands, brushing off her clothing and harshly rubbing at her mouth with the back of one hand. As if to remove all traces of him from her body. “Maker, this has to be the worst recruitment pitch you’ve ever given.” There is an invisible pressure keeping his mouth shut. Clearly, she does not expect him to respect or obey her command without reinforcement. In her current estimation, he is an akk dog in desperate need of a muzzle. “The only thing you can actually give me is a lifetime of sharing your misery, because you can’t bear to suffer alone.”  There is a faint trembling in her eyes and limbs. Adrenaline, or fatigue. He catalogues this even as his cold fury breaks her would-be gag. Maul works his jaw a bit, hands primly coming to rest behind his back. He could strangle her for what she’d just done, let it be a lesson of just which one of them has spent years honing pain, fear, and anger into deadly weapons. And yet, he has a point to make that such a gesture would not serve. “I have not forced you into any aspect of this alliance, Ahsoka Tano.” He states, devastatingly soft and certain. “And despite your much-vaunted convictions, you enjoy our...entaglements.” “You actually believe that.” Ahsoka’s voice takes on a hollow quality as she speaks, a single, harsh laugh escaping from her twisted mouth. “Coercion and goading damn well count as ‘force’, last I checked.” Her arms cross, hands clenching the crook of her elbows. “I thought you had at least some sliver of respect for me as a person. Thank you so much for finally being honest, Lord Maul. I’ll see myself out.”  He holds up a hand the moment she takes a step forward, causing her to halt with barely-concealed impatience. **** There is an opportunity here, to correct her assumptions. Most of the voices within his head are practically screaming at him to do so. Her body is not what he desires to possess, even if he finds pleasure in their coupling. He would not spare a second thought if she was inclined to take the entire Rebellion into her bed. Instead, he lets her read what she will from his impassive expression and tightly-leashed control of the Dark Side. “You will want to take that.” Maul indicates the datapad still on the desk. “Intelligence reports from the Kashyyk and Lasan systems. Brother Viscus will comm you to handle the transaction.” He watches her scrutinize him for a few seconds before picking up the offered item and striding past him, maintaining a carefully set distance. For a moment, he hesitates. “Ahsoka-” She’s already slipped out the door and slammed it behind her. He does nothing as her presence steadily retreats. At least, until two pairs of footsteps approach soon afterwards, followed by Saxon’s low curse and Rook’s deadpan statement that he owed her fifty credits. The door flies open again under Maul’s own Force pull, infernal glare boring into his second-and-third-in-command. “Both of you will report to the training hall immediately.” His tone leaves no doubt in their minds that they will bleed before he is done with them, even as they reply with “Yes, my Lord.” And hasten to follow his order. The moment Maul exits the room, it shatters and collapses behind him, dust billowing around his feet . The guards stationed in the corridor are visibly terrified,even with the concealment their helmets afford them. “Organize a repair crew.” He instructs, calm as the grave, paying no heed to their shaking salutes as he stalks past them. What is the loss of one more person, when he has multitudes to rule and an Empire to ruin? (A/N: Ouch. Yeah, any chance of actual smut happening in this fic pretty much flew out the window once Maul started on that speech. Ah well. Good thing I’m not quite done with these interconnected stories yet. Fun sidenote: I did some research on Mandalorian culture&customs regarding relationships, marriage(same-sex and otherwise), courting, and family. While I still think most of  the Mando’ade are capable of being Drama Monarchs on par with a good chunk of Sith Lords, said customs are remarkably chill and simple. Which is why I can easily picture Kast and Saxon just continually side-eyeing these weird darjetiise over the years trying to figure out WTF their deal is and developing a running bet. For the record, Saxon thinks they’re married and just didn’t tell anyone, Kast has her money on them being divorced and not quite over it yet. Anyway, I’ve rambled long enough. Cheers!)
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mneiai · 4 years
My Fanfic Status Updates
Posted WIP:
Everybody Needs Luck - (Star Wars) Obi-Wan travels back in time to his 13 year old body on Melida/Daan and starts changing the galaxy. Time Travel AU. Nield/Cerasi/Obi-Wan, future Jango/Obi-Wan and Cerasi/Satine.
Status: Actively being worked on, have a few new chapters nearly finished. Will probably be getting to a larger time skip soon.
Cuy'kaysh Dar - (Star Wars) Obi-Wan falls on Naboo and flees. Jango sees him fighting Jedi and recruits him to the Cuy'val Dar. Fallen!Obi-Wan AU. Jango/Obi-Wan, Priest/Reau.
Status: Actively being worked on. Have the barebones for a few new chapters.
Biding Time - (Throne of Glass) Dorian's happy ending falls apart and Hollin uses dark magic to send him back in time. Time Travel AU. Valg!Dorian. Many Dorian-centric ships.
Status: Currently just having issues with time constraints because I need to reread the early Manon stuff for the next few chapters and I haven’t yet.
A Dragon in Wolf's Clothing - (ASOIAF) Oberyn's mark fills in--and shows him the true identity of the Bastard of Winterfell, his soulmate. Soulmate AU. Oberyn/Ellaria, future Oberyn/Ellaria/Jon.
Status: Will be trying to get a new chapter or two out soon-ish.
Eventuality - (Game of Thrones) Sequel to Potentiality. Jon and Daenerys die, then wake up in the past in different versions of themselves. Now they face conquering a Westeros very different from the one they so temporarily ruled before. Time Travel AU. Trans!Jon, Genderfluid!Dany. Jonerys.
Status: Currently on the backburner, I don’t want to rush the next few chapters but am not super motivated.
Fire in the Rain - (ASOIAF) Jon brings his girlfriend Sansa home to meet his eccentric (dangerous) family, who still follow ancient Valyrian customs. Modern Westeros AU. Jonsa, Jonerys, Rhaenys/Aegon, others.
Status: I kind of write a little here and there when motivated, so have no idea when a full chapter will be done.
Trinity - (ASOIAF) They loose the War for the Dawn, but Sansa, Arya, and Jon get a second chance. Time Travel AU. Sansa/Elia, Jon/Night's Queen, Robb/Dany.
Status: Omfg I’m so close to being done with this, I’m trying to get motivated to do the last few chapters haha
A Song of Light and Darkness - (ASOIAF) The Targaryens conquered most Westeros with dark magic, now they finally have the key for taking the North. Alternate Fantasy World AU. Many ships.
Status: I’m ngl mostly have updated because it’s one of my friend’s favs. It’s pretty on the backburner right now.
Play the Part of Savior - (ASOIAF) They decide to win the War for the Dawn by stopping the very first one--and Jon ends up back in time in the Bloodstone Emperor's court. Time Travel AU. Bloodstone Emperor/Jon, Bloodstone Emperor/his wife, past Sarella/Jon.
Status: Past me did myself a huge disfavor by skipping a chapter in my draft and not making a note what was supposed to go there, so I’m waiting hoping I’ll remember it.
Broken Pieces Floating By - (ASOIAF) A single night in a haunted house changes Ana’s life forever. Modern Horror AU. Elia/Lyanna, Elia/Rhaegar/Lyanna.
Status: I have a very, very detailed outline for the entire thing, which is a little rare for me, so eventually it will be written.
Cut Strings - (World of Warcraft) Anduin refuses to be a puppet king and instead shakes up the entire political landscape of Westeros. Neutral Stormwind AU. Wranduin, Bainduin, others.
Status: I will probably eventually try to rewrite what I have of this. I was trying to keep it semi-close to canon, but that was before BFA came out and showed us that, yes, it was a boring Sylvanas-is-super-evil plot and not something cool. Now I can just go completely out-there AU with it.
No Peace, No Rest - (World of Warcraft) After Stormwind is destroyed (again), Anduin is taken in by the last people anyone would expect a priest to stay with. BFA AU. Darion/Anduin.
Status: I want to continue this at some point because I love Darion/Anduin and there’s barely any out there and also because I love Anduin and Bolvar being all angsty with their surrogate father-son relationship.
Upcoming Drabbles:
Sequel to my Dark Jangobi Order 66 Drabble - (Star Wars) Obi-Wan resented the Jedi, but he never wanted them to be killed off. And he definitely didn’t want to deal with the fallout of it.
Sequel to my voluntary Integration Obi-Wan Drabble - (Star Wars) Obi-Wan is a model Integrator, which is nervewracking for everyone who knows he was a Jedi.
Sequel to my Mandalorian-from-birth!Obi-Wan Drabble - (Star Wars) Jango’s POV
Requested Soulmate Drabble - (Star Wars) Mandalorians can sense the Mand’alor’s soulmate. It is, of course, Obi-Wan.
Maybe Possibly Upcoming Drabbles:
Terrorist Club AU - (Star Wars) Obi-Wan has a pass to an intergalactic club for terrorists from his time with the Young and he uses it to mess with Vizsla.
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glaciersprings · 2 years
★ — greetings & welcome to 𝐆𝐋𝐀𝐂𝐈𝐄𝐑𝐒𝐏𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒, BUFFY SUMMERS, DIN DJARIN, FEYRE ARCHERON, GENDRY WATERS-BARATHEON, HUNT ATHALAR, KATNISS EVERDEEN, LEXIE GREY, LUKE CRAIN, MAX MAYFIELD, RICHIE TOZIER, SANSA STARK, & STILES STILINSKI !  glacier springs, colorado is glad to have you.  E, please ensure you 𝐬𝐞𝐧𝐝 𝐮𝐬 𝐚 𝐦𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐚𝐠𝐞 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐚𝐥𝐢𝐚𝐬 𝐬𝐨 𝐰𝐞 𝐤𝐧𝐨𝐰 𝐰𝐡𝐨 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐚𝐫𝐞, so that you can be ready and well on your way to being a new citizen of the town.  thank you for joining us and hopefully you enjoy your time here in colorado !  if you need more time, please do not hesitate to message us.
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━━ ✧ have you met BUFFY SUMMERS? they’re a 20 year old CIS FEMALE, SHE/HER whose story started in BUFFY THE VAMPIRE SLAYER. they now call glacier springs home, and live in BLUEBELL HOMESTEADS while working as a GUIDANCE COUNSELOR at EATON HIGH SCHOOL. they currently have dreams of SOME of their life before glacier springs. they can be associated with RIBS BY LORDE. ( abigail cowen // e, they/them, 26, est )
━━ ✧ have you met DIN DJARIN? they’re a 36 year old NON BINARY, HE/THEY whose story started in STAR WARS / THE MANDALORIAN. they now call glacier springs home, and live in WILD ELK CABINS while working as a CAPTURER at NO PAWS LEFT BEHIND. they currently have dreams of SOME of their life before glacier springs. they can be associated with VIENNA BY BILLY JOEL. ( pedro pascal // e, they/them, 26, est )
━━ ✧ have you met FEYRE ARCHERON? they’re a 21 year old CIS FEMALE, SHE/HER whose story started in A COURT OF THORNS AND ROSES. they now call glacier springs home, and live in EAST RIDGE DEVELOPMENTS while working as a TATTOO ARTIST at DRAGONBORN TATTOO & PIERCINGS. they currently have dreams of SOME of their life before glacier springs. they can be associated with YOU SHOULD SEE ME IN A CROWN BY BILLIE EILISH. ( maude apatow // e, they/them, 26, est )
━━ ✧ have you met GENDRY WATERS - BARATHEON? they’re a 25 year old CIS MALE, HE/HIM whose story started in GAME OF THRONES. they now call glacier springs home, and live in BLUEBELL HOMESTEADS while working as a OWNER at STORMLANDS CUSTOM JEWELRY. they currently have dreams of NONE of their life before glacier springs. they can be associated with THE NIGHT WE MET BY LORD HERON. ( tommy martinez // e, they/them, 26, est ) (he lives with arya stark )
━━ ✧ have you met ORION ‘HUNT’ ATHALAR? they’re a 31 year old CIS MALE, HE/HIM whose story started in CRESCENT CITY. they now call glacier springs home, and live in APPLEWOOD APARTMENT COMPLEXES while working as a SELF EMPLOYED at PERSONAL SECURITY. they currently have dreams of SOME of their life before glacier springs. they can be associated with FROM EDEN BY HOZIER. ( chai hansen // e, they/them, 26, est )
━━ ✧ have you met KATNISS EVERDEEN? they’re a 19 year old TRANS FEMALE, SHE/HER whose story started in THE HUNGER GAMES. they now call glacier springs home, and live in OLD EVERGREEN VICTORIAN HOMES while working as a FITNESS INSTRUCTOR at RIDGE-RUNNER GYM & POOL. they currently have dreams of ALL of their life before glacier springs. they can be associated with EYES OPEN BY TAYLOR SWIFT. ( tati gabrielle // e, they/them, 26, est )
━━ ✧ have you met ALEXANDRA ‘LEXIE’ GREY? they’re a 28 year old NON BINARY, SHE/THEY whose story started in GREY’S ANATOMY. they now call glacier springs home, and live in WEST ELK APARTMENTS while working as a SURGICAL RESIDENT at MT. POHEROSE MEDICAL CENTER. they currently have dreams of NONE of their life before glacier springs. they can be associated with SAD BEAUTIFUL TRAGIC BY TAYLOR SWIFT. ( khadijah red thunder // e, they/them, 26, est )
━━ ✧ have you met LUKE CRAIN? they’re a 26 year old CIS MALE, HE/HIM whose story started in THE HAUNTING OF HILL HOUSE. they now call glacier springs home, and live in OLD EVERGREEN VICTORIAN HOMES while working as a UNEMPLOYED at ARTIST. they currently have dreams of SOME of their life before glacier springs. they can be associated with GHOSTING BY MOTHER MOTHER. ( oliver jackson-cohen // e, they/them, 26, est )
━━ ✧ have you met MAXINE ‘MAX’ MAYFIELD? they’re a 20 year old NON BINARY, SHE/THEY whose story started in STRANGER THINGS. they now call glacier springs home, and live in APPLEWOOD APARTMENT COMPLEXES while working as a SHOP STAFF MUSIC STORE at OPEROSE HEART MALL. they currently have dreams of SOME of their life before glacier springs. they can be associated with KILLER QUEEN BY QUEEN. ( sofia bryant // e, they/them, 26, est )
━━ ✧ have you met RICHIE TOZIER? they’re a 40 year old CIS MALE, HE/THEY whose story started in STEPHEN KING’S IT. they now call glacier springs home, and live in WEST ELK APARTMENTS while working as a LEAD DJ at GLACIER SPRINGS RADIO STATION. they currently have dreams of NONE of their life before glacier springs. they can be associated with EVERYBODY WANTS TO RULE THE WORLD BY TEARS FOR FEARS. ( rahul kohli // e, they/them, 26, est )
━━ ✧ have you met SANSA STARK? they’re a 22 year old CIS FEMALE, SHE/HER whose story started in GAME OF THRONES. they now call glacier springs home, and live in OLD EVERGREEN VICTORIAN HOMES while working as a OWNER at WINTERFELL DANCE STUDIO. they currently have dreams of SOME of their life before glacier springs. they can be associated with THIS IS ME TRYING BY TAYLOR SWIFT. ( sophie turner // e, they/them, 26, est )
━━ ✧ have you met MIECZYSŁAW ‘STILES’ STILINSKI? they’re a 20 year old TRANS MALE, HE/HIM whose story started in TEEN WOLF. they now call glacier springs home, and live in ASPEN CONDOMINIUMS while working as a SHOPKEEP at AN ANCIENT DOOR OCCULT SHOP. they currently have dreams of ALL of their life before glacier springs. they can be associated with SCRAWNY BY WALLOWS. ( dylan o’brien // e, they/them, 26, est )
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zzapzzaptasers-a · 6 years
My lazy ass is copy/pasting my first post from a Leia/Boba rp I was doing on Elli/quiy BECAUSE I ABANDONED THAT SITE BUT I WAS REALLY PROUD OF HOW I WROTE LEIA OK
Among fifty million systems, with an untold number of planets circling several hundred billion stars, a standard year had passed since Leia had last seen Han Solo, whole and unharmed, but on each of the planets she had stepped on, a minute had felt like hours. Plans had been made, tortured over, each moment anticipated. Endless credits had been poured into reconnaissance, every favor Leia or Lando had ever accumulated emptied into a single plan that had seemed entirely foolproof, faultless. These plans and other diversions had occupied the endless time for Leia, and yet every moment had felt like an ache, an eon, seconds marbling into eternity to mingle with the stars, gone forever. She had always been in the moment, focused on the business at hand, but always, too, had her thoughts dwindled on the scruff of his upper lip scratching against hers, the chill in the air as he descended into a shallow pit of hell, the forlorn expression in eyes that had always been so consistently defiant. Plagued by nightmares of that look in Han's eyes, of unsympathetic black t-bar visors in green helmets, of planets ceasing to exist and the recycled breathing that followed her without end, exhaustion had courted Leia in Han's place. Sleep was a luxury; a flighty lover who came around for an hour or two at a time, demanding in the worst of places, and never spent the night. Others had voiced concern for her, for the dark half-moons that had taken up residence under her eyes, but she had turned away from them without an explanation.What could she say? What answer would assauge their fears without igniting fresher ones? A prominent leader of the rebellion, shook to her core? Unconscionable. When the time had come, Leia had not hesitated, had not dallied over reluctance or the fear of danger. The leather and metal spiked customized armor had practically fallen into Leia's lap, fitting to her form as if it had been made specifically for her rather than the recently deceased (and somewhat secretly so) Ubese bountyhunter, Boushh. Brown leather sat easily on her curves, diminishing them to near nothing, the helmet scrambling her voice and hiding her hair until there was nothing female about her.  Test missions had proven her unrecognizable -- and, luckily, Boushh's most common partner had been a Wookie by the name of Snoova, which allowed for Chewie to follow her without too many questions being raised.How strange it had been to move among crowds in Coruscant without the feel of creeping, malevolant gazes, each step unidentified feeding her pieces of hope.Infiltrating Jabba Desilijic Tiure's palace had been effortless, an obvious step towards finding and freeing Han. When the borrowed leather boots crossed over into the Hutt's lair, Leia could hardly breath with the anticipation. Somewhere within that hellhole, Han was frozen, captured in his most vulnerable and weakened state and the desire to go immediately to him was strong; foolish, but hard to fight against, even with Chewie standy beside her, always the solid, steady figure to remind her of their myriad assortment of goals.It had all been too easy; the exchange of Chewbacca, the ploy with the thermal detonator and Jabba's laughing compromise. Somehow, she had known the truth even then-- a dark feeling that started in the pit of her stomache and radiated up, hunkering down in the space between her shoulders and dancing across the backs of her arms. Too easy.Too easy.Nothing had gone wrong yet and that in itself was wrong.And then everything had gone terribly wrong all at once.It had only been hours since she freed Han Solo from his carbonite prison, watching him spill from it's melted contents onto the floor like so much liquid instead of man, but already Leia couldn't remember the way Han shivered against her, the way he responded to her touch starved lips, how she felt. Was she relieved? Had her heart hammered in its cage, beating an erratic rhythm against her ribs? Memories she would have like to have kept for darker moments, food for that fatal hope, swept away in the following overwhelming events to leave her terribly alone in a room filled with alien strangers who only laughed when they could be persuaded to look her way.Jabba's inner palace was dark, without windows, all the more to keep the Tatooine sun away, and while the shade did lend it's purpose to the dank, opulent lair, the lack of a breeze kept the air stagnant. It stank -- not only of the beasts that Jabba kept beneath their feet and around the edges of the room (either locked up or on leashes similar in design to the chain kept on her, although some of the less sentient creatures had more room to roam than she did), but of Jabba himself. The mighty gastropod reeked of urine and body odor, mold and particles of uneaten creatures that had escaped his mouth and found its way into the fold of his giant crusting body and when he yanked Leia close, the almost delicate looking collar chafing around her neck, the smell was all that filled her senses, as if nothing in the galaxy existed outside of the rank Hutt. Sweat was quickly becoming a new normal, a constant and unpleasant fact of life that collected itself under the uncomfortable band of her metal bra top, around the tarnished gold hip clasps that kept the ridiculous excuse for a skirt flowing around her legs, and Leia wondered how she had ever taken freshers and baths for granted in all the years she had lived on Alderaan. (For a moment, she considered that she'd be willing to give up the rebellion if only she could have a bath -- a deeply morbid thought she quickly banished, eyes downcast with shame as if anyone present could hear and witness the state of her mind)Lost in thought, it took Leia several minutes to realize she was the topic of tension and several more breaths to realize her whole self was being bartered over -- or pushed off on another. It took herculean effort on her part to appear somewhere in the middle ground of disinterested and angry, to not appear panicked as she listened in to the Twi'lek majordomo contend with the bounty hunter over his payment, and whether or not the price on her head was worth the endeavors of Boba Fett to get Han Solo to Jabba.Boba Fett - how much more manlike he seemed now, in front of her with his hand on his blaster and every inch of him alert, tense, compared to the beast of her waking nightmares. He'd seemed so much more unreal, phantasmal, on Cloud City, that strange floating encampment above Bespin and she stared at him for several long moments, trying to reconcile that image of him with the understandably frustrated man before her. It didn't take long for his head to turn and take her in, as well, and Leia gawked at herself reflected back in that expressionless black visor.His grasp relaxed on his weapon and the stiffness in the palace eased."...Fine." He'd said.It wasn't fine. Guards collected her, not bothering to be gentle with their hands, pressing fingers into the soft exposed flesh of her arms and thighs and Leia fought, thrashed, as they dragged her bodily from what passed as a throne room into the more secluded domestic burroughs of the palace. It wasn't fine.There was no contingency for this, no back-up plan. To be thrown as carelessly into the room of a bounty hunter as she was hadn't been expected or planned for -- everything was ruined by this bizarre outcome.The floor was cooler in his rooms than by the giant Hutt, although Leia could not enjoy it, not even as it soothed the bruises she could already see blooming across her thighs. The door closed behind the retreating guards and locked with a click from the outside and once again, she was forced to blink in the dim lights, trying to adjust her eyesight to the environment around her. Empty. Sparse. Spartan.She hadn't known what she had expected -- something sentimental, perhaps, to use against him? Her eyes skimmed along empty surface after empty surface until, finally, it alighted on the blaster. Suspicion blossomed in her gut, that dark, foreboding feeling arising to the forefront of her mind. It wasn't his primary weapon, of that Leia was certain, but a Mandalorian worth his life would never leave a weapon unattended, out in the open, especially with an unrestrained captive loose. But she was skilled enough with a blaster and she might never get another opportunity like this.Her hand wavers over it, fingers trembling. Could she out-shoot him? He was legendary in his own right and although she had, from time to time, unlikely luck in such situations, Leia doubted she could stretch that luck much further.Torn, she stands over the blaster, fingers stretching and curling reflexively as she listened in the quiet dark for any sign of a return.
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