sweetie-peaches · 8 months
Foolbo cowboy au let’s go
• Sunny and tubbo live on the roads, Tubbo is a skilled bounty hunter, as well as a skilled mechanic. They’ll bounce from town to town, Tubbo will take bounties and repair commissions, and Sunny will charm her way into the townspeople emptying their pockets
• They can’t stay in one place for long however,Tubbo has quite a few bounties on his head himself, considered an outlaw from most law enforcement
• tubbo stole his horse when he was younger, and the mare has served him well since, brown with patches of white all over her
• he stole Sunny’s horse after bartering for hours, deciding that the price he got the man down to was frankly still too high, so he snuck in and stole it, simple.
• her horse is a young black stallion, who Sunny has named “smalltail” put all kinds of clips and beads in his mane.
• small tail has beef Tubbo, Tubbo has beef with small tail, yes he knows it’s a horse. So what?
• foolish is a sheriff attempting to hunt Tubbo down with his kid leo, eventually they find him, and Sunny.
• and tubbo sees him
• he wakes up disarmed and tied to a dead tree, Leo beside him, still unconscious, Sunny peaking out from her pa’s leg as she stares at foolish. Tubbos stare is frankly a lot more concerning, and terrifying. Foolish did not think someone so short could be so intimidating but he sure pulls it off
• eventually for some reason, maybe some outlaws neither foolish or Tubbo are fond of show up. Forcing foolish, tubbo, Leo, and Sunny to flee from their camp. Ending with them fully lost
• they have to make their way back to the nearest town. Foolish and tubbo only claiming this alliance is so they don’t both die out alone
• though their eyes linger on each other at night, lightened by the fire. And when Leo and Sunny are put to bed maybe they find themselves just a little bit closer then before.
• foolish never hated Tubbo, infact he just wanted to do his job and get paid. And he grows so so much fonder when after a long day of riding, Tubbo falls asleep with his head on his shoulder, making foolish his pillow
• and even fonder when he gently picks him up (he’s learned Tubbo is an extremely light sleeper, and bites when awoken too soon) and caries him to his bed roll
• and he can’t even call it fondness anymore, he has to call it love when on a night after Sunny and Leo are in bed. Drunken on moonshine and the bright stars Tubbo confesses his fears, that he isn’t enough for Sunny, that he serves no purpose, that he’ll never be important
• and foolish, equally drunk, listens to him babble, and simply holds him. Rocking him back and forth
• and tubbo looks at him. And his watery blue green eyes are red and teary but oh so fucking pretty. And he’s leaning in to kiss him, and he tastes the salt of tears on his lips, and tubbo and he’s had all the best whiskeys and sugary sweets. But he’s never tasted anything better before
• they fall asleep in each others arms, for the first time in a long time Tubbo sleeps comfortably, and safely
• and he wakes up with a killer headache, and looks and foolish and remembers the kiss.
• and he decides that maybe this detour wasn’t so bad, and maybe the sheriff could be allowed in his life
• (and then they start their own township named fobo and Sunny and Leo argue but eventually become sisters. And tubbo and foolish are happy and everyone’s happy and they all go riding off into the sunset the end)
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phloxclan · 18 days
Moon 120 - 10 years of Phloxclan!
Bleakpaw is apprenticed to Mudfern, Hollowpaw - Brightpelt, and Stagpaw - Crestcrash.
Jump and Badgerswipe are killed by rogues. - Badgerswipe wanted to tell his friends that he'd been made a warrior. Jump offered to tag along as backup, despite Badgerswipe's insistence that these were his friends and he trusted them. - Unfortunately, Badgerswipe's friends weren't alone. Labeled as a traitor by the Antclan warriors, Badgerswipe and Jump were killed.
In retaliation, Amberburst hunted on Antclan's territory, leaving plenty of evidence behind.
Teaselsky and Bluelily recovered Sweettiger’s tail is infected. Smalltail's head injury has healed, but he is left blind as a result.
Dewglade and Auburngale have 2 kits. Buckkit - Brown and white tom with heather blue eyes and long fur, daydreamer, active imagination. Berrykit - Ginger marbled tom with green-yellow eyes and long fur, polite, active imagination.
Moon 121
Almondpaw is apprenticed to Darkpond, Greenpaw to Brindlebud, Pepperpaw to Tawnysnarl, and Gullpaw to Roachstripe.
Quesadilla died saving Auburngale from a fire. Sweettiger died from the infection.
Moon 122
Fringepaw is apprenticed to Clifftimber, Posypaw to Furledfalcon, and Snippaw to Squirrelrock.
Beech joins Starclan. Hollowpaw is taken by twolegs.
Bouncespeckle is expecting kits.
Wolftrail and Piperheart recovered. Groveglide, Clifftimber, and Shiveringstripe injured their legs.
2 more battles with Antclan occur, but there are no major injuries.
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sirus-themonster · 6 months
Here’s some shark breads tha no one asked for but I’m doing anyway!:
African angelshark
African dwarf sawshark
African lanternshark
African ribbontail catshark
African sawtail catshark
American pocket shark
Angular angelshark
Angular roughshark
Antilles catshark
Arabian carpetshark
Arabian catshark
Arabian smooth-hound
Argentine angelshark
Arrowhead dogfish
Atlantic angel shark
Atlantic sawtail catshark
Atlantic sixgill shark
Atlantic sharpnose shark
Atlantic weasel shark
Australian angelshark
Australian blackspotted catshark
Australian blacktip shark
Australian grey smooth-hound
Australian marbled catshark
Australian reticulate swellshark
Australian sawtail catshark
Australian sharpnose shark
Australian spotted catshark
Australian swellshark
Australian weasel shark
Azores dogfish
Bahamas sawshark
Bali catshark
Balloon shark
Banded houndshark
Banded sand catshark
Banded wobbegong
Bartail spurdog
Barbelthroat carpetshark
Barbeled houndshark
Bareskin dogfish
Basking shark
Beige catshark
Bigeye houndshark
Bigeye sand tiger
Bigeye thresher shark
Bighead catshark
Bighead spurdog
Bignose shark
Bigeyed sixgill shark
Birdbeak dogfish
Blackbelly lanternshark
Black dogfish
Blackfin gulper shark
Blackgill catshark
Blackmouth catshark
Blackmouth lanternshark
Blacknose shark
Black roughscale catshark
Blackspot shark
Blackspotted catshark
Blackspotted smooth-hound
Blacktail reef shark
Blacktailed spurdog
Blacktip reef shark
Blacktip sawtail catshark
Blacktip shark
Blacktip tope
Black wonder catshark
Blind shark
Blotched catshark, two different species
Blotchy swellshark
Blue-eye lanternshark
Bluegrey carpetshark
Blue shark
Bluntnose sixgill shark
Blunt-nose spiny dogfish
Blurred lanternshark
Boa catshark
Bonnethead shark
Borneo broadfin shark
Borneo shark
Bramble shark
Brazilian sharpnose shark
Bristled lanternshark
Bristly catshark
Broadbanded lanternshark
Broadfin sawtail catshark
Broadfin shark
Broadgill catshark
Broadhead catshark
Broadmouth catshark
Broadnose catshark
Broadnose sevengill shark
Broad-snout lanternshark
Brownbanded bamboo shark
Brown catshark
Brown lanternshark
Brown shyshark
Brown smoothhound
Brownspotted catshark
Bull shark
Burmese bamboo shark
Campeche catshark
Caribbean lanternshark
Caribbean reef shark
Caribbean roughshark
Caribbean sharpnose shark
Caribbean smooth-hound
Carolina hammerhead
Cenderawasih epaulette shark
Chain catshark
Chilean angelshark
Chilean lanternshark
Clouded angelshark
Cloudy catshark
Coates' shark
Cobbler wobbegong
Collared carpetshark
Combtooth dogfish
Combtooth lanternshark
Common smooth-hound
Comoro catshark
Cook's swellshark
Cookiecutter shark
Copper shark
Coral catshark
Creek whaler
Crested bullhead shark
Crocodile shark
Crying catshark
Cuban dogfish
Cuban ribbontail catshark
Cylindrical lanternshark
Cyrano spurdog
Daggernose shark
Dark freckled catshark
Dark shyshark
Deepwater catshark
Deepwater sicklefin houndshark
Dense-scale lantern shark
Disparate angelshark
Draughtsboard shark
Dumb gulper shark
Dusky catshark
Dusky shark
Dusky smooth-hound
Dusky snout catshark
Dwarf catshark
Dwarf false catshark
Dwarf gulper shark
Dwarf lanternshark
Dwarf sawtail catshark
Dwarf smooth-hound
Dwarf spotted wobbegong
Eastern angelshark
Eastern banded catshark
Eastern highfin spurdog
Eastern longnose spurdog
Eastern spotted gummy shark
Edmund's spurdog
Elongate carpetshark
Epaulette shark
False catshark
False lanternshark
False smalltail shark
Fat catshark
Fatspine spurdog
Fedorov's catshark
Filetail catshark
Finetooth shark
Flaccid catshark
Flagtail swellshark
Flapnose houndshark
Flathead catshark
Floral banded wobbegong
Formosa swellshark
Freckled catshark
Frilled shark
Fringefin lanternshark
Frog shark
Galapagos bullhead shark
Galapagos shark
Galbraith's catshark
Ganges shark
Garrick's catshark
Gecko catshark
Genie's dogfish
Ghost catshark
Ginger carpetshark
Goblin shark
Graceful catshark
Graceful shark
Granular dogfish
Great hammerhead
Great lanternshark
Great white shark
Green-eye spurdog
Green lanternshark
Greenland shark
Grey bamboo shark
Grey sharpnose shark
Grey smooth-hound
Grinning catshark
Guadalupe lanternshark
Gulf catshark
Gulf of Mexico filetail catshark
Gulf smooth-hound
Gulper shark
Gummy shark
Halmahera epaulette shark
Hardnose shark
Harlequin catshark
Hasselt's bamboo shark
Hawaiian lanternshark
Hidden angelshark
Highfin dogfish
Hoary catshark
Honeycomb Izak
Hooded carpetshark
Hooktooth dogfish
Hooktooth shark
Horn shark
Human's whaler shark
Humpback catshark
Humpback smooth-hound
Iceland catshark
Indian swellshark
Indonesian angelshark
Indonesian filetail catshark
Indonesian greeneye spurdog
Indonesian houndshark
Indonesian shortsnout spurdog
Indonesian speckled carpetshark
Indonesian speckled catshark
Indonesian whaler shark
Indonesian wobbegong
Izak catshark
Izu catshark
Jaguar catshark
Japanese angelshark
Japanese bullhead shark
Japanese catshark
Japanese roughshark
Japanese sawshark
Japanese shortnose spurdog
Japanese spurdog
Japanese topeshark
Japanese velvet dogfish
Japanese wobbegong
Kermadec smooth hound
Kermadec spiny dogfish
Kitefin shark
Knifetooth dogfish
Lana's sawshark
Largenose catshark
Largespine velvet dogfish
Largetooth cookiecutter shark
Leafscale gulper shark
Lemon shark
Leopard catshark
Leopard epaulette shark
Leopard shark
Lined catshark
Lined lanternshark
Lined lanternshark
Little gulper shark
Little sleeper shark
Lizard catshark
Lollipop catshark
Lombok highfin spurdog
Longfin catshark
Longfin mako
Longfin sawtail catshark
Longhead catshark
Longnose catshark
Longnose houndshark
Longnose pygmy shark
Longnose sawshark
Longnose sawtail catshark
Longnose spurdog
Longnose velvet dogfish
Longsnout dogfish
Longnose sleeper shark
Lowfin gulper shark
Magnificent catshark
Mandarin dogfish
Mangalore houndshark
McMillan's catshark
Megamouth shark
Mexican angelshark
Mexican hornshark
Milk-eye catshark
Milk shark
Mini gulper shark
Moller's lanternshark
Mosaic gulper shark
Mouse catshark
Mud catshark
Mukah river shark
Narrowbar swellshark
Narrowfin smooth-hound
Narrowhead catshark
Narrowmouthed catshark
Narrownose smooth-hound
Narrowtail catshark
Natal shyshark
Necklace carpetshark
Nervous shark
Network wobbegong
New Caledonia catshark
New Zealand catshark
New Zealand lanternshark
Night shark
Ninja lanternshark
Northern river shark
Northern sawtail catshark
Northern spiny dogfish
Northern wobbegong
Nurse shark
Oakley's catshark
Oceanic whitetip shark
Ocellate topeshark
Ocellated angelshark
Oman bullhead shark
Onefin catshark
Orange spotted catshark
Ornate angelshark
Ornate dogfish
Ornate wobbegong
Pacific angelshark
Pacific nurse shark
Pacific sharpnose shark
Pacific sleeper shark
Pacific smalltail shark
Pacific spadenose shark
Pacific spiny dogfish
Painted swellshark
Pale catshark
Pale spotted catshark
Panama ghost catshark
Papua shorttail lanternshark
Papuan epaulette shark
Pelagic thresher shark
Peppered catshark
Phallic catshark
Philippines angelshark
Philippines ribbontail catshark
Philippines swellshark
Pigeye shark
Pink lanternshark
Pinocchio catshark
Plunket's shark
Pocket shark
Pondicherry shark
Porbeagle shark
Port Jackson shark
Portuguese dogfish
Prickly dogfish
Prickly shark
Puffadder shyshark
Pygmy lanternshark
Pygmy ribbontail catshark
Pygmy shark
Quagga catshark
Rasptooth dogfish
Redspotted catshark
Reticulated swellshark
Roughback catshark
Rough longnose dogfish
Roughskin catshark
Roughskin dogfish
Roughskin spurdog
Roughtail catshark
Rusty carpetshark
Rusty catshark
Saddle carpetshark
Saddled swellshark
Sailback houndshark
Sailfin roughshark
Salamander shark
Saldanha catshark
Salmon shark
Sandtiger shark
Sandbar shark
Sarawak pygmy swellshark
Sarawak smooth-hound
Sawback angelshark
Scalloped bonnethead
Scalloped hammerhead
Sculpted lanternshark
Seychelles carpetshark
Seychelles gulper shark
Seychelles spurdog
Sharpfin houndshark
Sharpnose sevengill shark
Sharptooth houndshark
Sharptooth smooth-hound
Sherwood dogfish
Shortbelly catshark
Shortfin mako
Shortfin smooth lanternshark
Shortnose demon catshark
Shortnose sawshark
Shortnose spurdog
Shortspine spurdog
Shorttail lanternshark
Shorttail nurse shark
Sicklefin houndshark
Sicklefin lemon shark
Sicklefin smooth-hound
Sicklefin weasel shark
Silky shark
Silvertip shark
Sixgill sawshark
Slender bamboo shark
Slender catshark
Slender gulper shark
Slender sawtail catshark
Slender smooth-hound
Slender weasel shark
Sliteye shark
Smallbelly catshark
Smalldorsal catshark
Smalleye catshark
Smalleye hammerhead
Smalleye lantern shark
Smalleye pygmy shark
Smalleye smooth-hound
Smallfin catshark
Smallfin gulper shark
Small-spotted catshark
Smalltail shark
Smalltooth sand tiger
Smoothback angelshark
Smooth hammerhead
Smooth lanternshark
Smoothtooth blacktip shark
Snaggletooth shark
Sombre catshark
South China catshark
Southern African frilled shark
Southern dogfish
Southern lanternshark
Southern lollipop catshark
Southern mandarin dogfish
Southern sawtail catshark
Southern sleeper shark
Spadenose shark
Sparsetooth dogfish
Spatulasnout catshark
Speartooth shark
Speckled carpetshark
Speckled catshark
Speckled smooth-hound
Speckled swellshark
Spined pygmy shark
Spinner shark
Spiny dogfish
Splendid lanternshark
Spongehead catshark
Spotless catshark
Spotless smooth-hound
Spottail shark
Spotted-belly catshark
Spotted estuary smooth-hound
Spotted houndshark
Spotted wobbegong
Springer's sawtail catshark
Starspotted smooth-hound
Starry catshark
Starry smooth-hound
Steven's swellshark
Straight-tooth weasel shark
Striped catshark
Striped smooth-hound
Sulu gollumshark
Taillight shark
Tailspot lanternshark
Taiwan angelshark
Taiwan saddled carpetshark
Taiwan spurdog
Tasselled wobbegong
Tawny nurse shark
Thorny lanternshark
Thresher shark
Tiger catshark
Tiger shark
Tope shark
Triton epaulette shark
Tropical sawshark
Variegated catshark
Velvet belly lanternshark
Velvet catshark
Velvet dogfish
Viper dogfish
West African catshark
West Indian lanternshark
Western angelshark
Western gulper shark
Western highfin spurdog
Western longnose spurdog
Western spotted catshark
Western spotted gummy shark
Western wobbegong
Whale shark
Whiskery shark
White-bodied catshark
Whitecheek shark
White-clasper catshark
Whitefin dogfish
White-fin smooth-hound
Whitefin swellshark
Whitefin topeshark
White ghost catshark
White-margin fin smooth-hound
Whitemarked gollumshark
Whitenose shark
Whitesaddled catshark
Whitespotted bamboo shark
Whitespotted bullhead shark
Whitespotted catshark
Whitespotted smooth-hound
Whitetail dogfish
White-tip catshark
Whitetip reef shark
Whitetip weasel shark
Winghead shark
Yellowspotted catshark
Zebra bullhead shark
Zebra shark
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Тизер для следущего комикса по smalltail (little(fan)tale)
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Largest Street Market in the Amazon Sells Endangered Sharks and Rays
Some body parts are also illegally sold in other countries. In Asia, fins may reach up to US$1,000 per kilogramme
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At 3:30am, we can still find dozens of local fishermen struggling to sell their merchandise near the Ver-o-Peso Market, located in the city of Belém, in the North of Brazil. 'Only R$10 per kilo — anyone?', one of them keeps asking.
Today’s 'bargain' is dogfish or shark. Unlike other fish on display, these have had their heads and fins cut off. 'This one here is known as baby shark', says the man. 'It’s great for making moqueca' [a traditional Brazilian fish stew].
Through genetic sequencing, we find that the fish they are selling is actually smalltail shark (Carcharhinus porosus), a species considered critically endangered by the Fauna Risk Assessment published by ICMBio (Chico Mendes Institute for Biodiversity Conservation).
Brazil's consumption of this type of fish is high. Based purely on import data, around 17,000 tonnes were consumed in 2021, and 13,000 in 2022 (there is no official data on fishing in the country). However, Brazilians are unaware that this kind of fishing involves illegal practices and threatens the species. From a commercial perspective, by-products or other body parts attract the greatest interest.
Continue reading.
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munoart · 1 year
lost shark?? hello what is up with those guys pretty please tell me what you know of them
Oh from what i've learned, which wasnt a ton because I drew them the day I even learned they were a thing and there isnt a ton of stuff known about them. They are a species that only 3 specimens have ever been found and those are all like 80 years old or around that and they have not been observed in the wild at all since those were found. They used to be known as the false smalltail shark but because of positioning of fins and things they became their own thing. They are currently critically endangered to be just called possibly extinct but im a little hopeful thing and I wanna think they might still be out there somewhere. Just with a really low amount of surviving sharks since the ocean is massive. Plus they are pretty cute.
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I used the top picture as my drawing ref for it.
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goatpaste · 5 years
What about scourge where he finds a kit that was abandoned and is just like fuck guess im a dad now
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ah! i actually already have something like this written up in my AU like this
the post is here
i just dont have scourge with anyone for the multiple reasons of i personally just dont have any ideas and its been so long since i read the books i cant even dsgjk remember who exist fully fhfd
but yeah i have scourge with two lil adopted babies
they were named Hazelkit and Smallkit by the queens to helped raise them.
and heres a lil doodle of scourge and his kiddos all grown up, his giant babies and their tiny dad
they’ve taken on the warrior names Smalltail (passing on the prefix name for a third generation) and Hazelbreeze
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Smalltail is a quit lanky warrior who tends to stick to herself. shes a great hunter and very smart. spoken well when she speaks up
Hazeltail is quit the opposite, she is loud and loves to bother everyone especially her dad and sister. she is known as a great warrior who has trained many apprentices 
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Timbermoth, Milkpebble, Burntstar, and Smalltail please! I hope that’s not too much :>
Timbermoth- Don’t let this cat’s gigantic appearance deceive you into thinking they are vicious, they are probably the gentlest cat in the forest! They will always avoid battles where possible and always be the first to offer comfort- 15/10
Milkpebble- A small, slender cat who loves to observe the world around them, they will often by found gazing at thinks pointing out the small details that make them happy, like the shapes of the clouds or how water flows around a stone, 14/10
Burntstar- This is a cat that has had many obstacles in their life and have used their experiences to become a great and wise leader, the other clans often see this cat as a force to be reckoned with and try to make sure they don’t end up on their bad side, although only the cruel tend to end up in Burntstar’s bad books, 14/10
Smalltail- This tiny cat lost their tail when they were younger but they never let those who doubted them get to them, an optimistic and cheerful warrior who is always cracking jokes, despite their small size they often bring back the most prey, 14/10
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daughtersoffire · 6 years
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Smalltail, Elder of Forestclan Mate of Thrushflight, Father to Antfur Smallkit / Smallpaw / Smallnose / Smalltail
               Smalltail was hopelessly in love with Thrushflight since they were warriors, practically swooning over everything he did. Only after Smalltail suffered an accident that cost him the majority of his tail and earned him the name “Smalltail” did they confess their feelings for each other, and had a daughter together, Antfur. After Thrushflight’s death, Smalltail retired to the elder’s den. Smalltail is very optimistic and took Mudpaw under his wing despite the fact that she was despised by the majority of the clan. He took her out to explore the forest while telling her stories from his youth. He’s kind hearted and refuses to grow bitter over his old age, and instead simply looks forward to the time he’ll be reunited with Thrushflight.
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obaewankenope · 2 years
Are there any cool sharks that have sadly gone extinct? Or are in danger of going extinct?
So I've actually gone and signed up for an account on the IUCN website to look into this specifically without spending ten million years trying to find the answer. A short summary of those at risk of extinction and those already extinct below :)
According to the IUCN’s Red List (which basically gives you a run down on how close or far an animal is to extinction), searching “sharks” and narrowing down the search to CR (critically endangered), EN (endangered), and VU (vulnerable), I got 420 hits. Of those, it will include animals that have “shark” in their name; which may include non-shark fish. But I can at least narrow it down a bit further using taxonomy as a means to filter out non-shark animals. This means, for taxonomy, we look for “Chondrichthyes” as a class of animals; aka sharks and rays.
The result then narrows down to 416. These are sharks. And now I can sort the order of results from VU right the way down to CR (lower to high on the concern scale). Since we want to know the most at risk first, I can reverse this sorting so it’s most to least in danger.
There’s been no recently extinct sharks, according to the IUCN’s list, but that’s not to say shark species aren’t at great risk of extinction, or aren’t critically endangered because of a range of reasons. 
So, at the top of the list we have:
Scalloped Hammerhead
Oceanic Whitetip Shark
Hidden Angelshark
Argentine Angelshark
Chilean Angelshark
Humpback Smoothhound
Indian Swellshark
Daggernose Shark
Ganges Shark
Dwarf Gulper Shark
Reticulated Swellshark
Striped Smoothhound
Scoophead Shark
Sarawak Pygmy Swell Shark
Pondicherry Shark
Pacific Smalltail Shark
Borneo Shark
Shorttail Nurse Shark
Lost Shark
Smoothback Angelshark
I’ve excluded rays from this list since they’re a different sub-branch of the Chonrichthyes class to sharks. That gives us 21 sharks classed as critically endangered (aka at risk of extinction) so far on the list. This is only from the first page, by the way. 
Out of the list, one shark is potentially thought to be extinct which is the Lost Shark (good name). Only 3 specimens of the species have been found in Borneo, Thailand, and Vietnam; all are over 80 years old. They were mistaken for a species of Smalltail Shark at first, but now they’re considered to be their own species. As a result, IUCN’s Red List classifies the Lost Shark as CR or possibly extinct.
This made me sad. I need to go cuddle Greg the Mako Shark who lives on my bed to feel better now.
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sweetie-peaches · 7 months
Wild West au let’s go cowboysss
Tubbo was the proudest dad ever when Sunny rode her horse for the first time. Prouder then when she walked or spoke. She could finally ride along with him.
Tubbos life could only be described as nomadic. Moving place to place for work, completing bounties. And running from his past, as much as he loved his little piece of sun, carrying her on his horse was a lot less efficient. Even if he would never mind.
He stole her horse from a rancher. Honestly! He left it tied up so loosely, the dude should’ve expected that someone would take the horse!!
So he brings the young stallion to their camp just outside the town. A pretty thing, if not stubborn. He worried about it’s temperament, considering it tried to kick him in the ass several times on the journey.
Those worries ceased as he introduced him to Sunny. The two bonded through the process of breaking him in instantly. And it was all too soon when she climbed up on his saddle for the first time and urged him along on a simple trot.
She named the young stallion Smalltail
And smalltail hated Tubbo. He swore it was more then just a disobedient horse, the damn thing had it out for him. His eyes were filled with god damn vitriol towards Tubbo.
And Sunny insisted he treat the horse like any other child. Of course
Late at night as Sunny gets ready for bed under the stars, he sings her favorite lullaby, kisses her on the head, and wishes her a good night. He’s moving away, ready to dig into the moonshine he had packed away. Content that his darling girl is sound asleep he hears.
“Paaaaa” Sunny calls from her sleeping pack
Putting daughter to bed successfully failed.
“Yes, poppet?” He asks, looking back over to her. Nightmare? No she wasn’t crying. Maybe she was hungry or thirsty?
“You forgot to say goodnight to smalltail!” She points to the horse. Who was looking directly into his damn soul
“What??” Maybe he heard that wrong, right.
“You forgot small tail! He told me that he gets sad when you don’t tell him goodnight!”
“He told you….” He trails off with a sigh, brushing his hair out of his face. His darling daughter was talking to horses now, that’s normal, “Sunny..” he tries gently “small tail is a horse, I don’t need to tell him goodnight. Do you see me telling Frank goodnight?” He asks.
“Pa…” Sunny’s lip juts out in what is suspiciously a pout. Her eyes watering, damnit. “Please…”
“Hon…alright..” he sighs, getting up reluctantly and walking towards the horse. Who damn well knows what Tubbo is doing. He knows what’s going on here.
“Good night, small tail” he says at the devil horse.
“Say you love him!” Sunny cries out
This is probably the worst moment of his life, he decides. And he’s been in several very very embarrassing situations.
“I love you” he huffs out in a breath. SmallTail snorts, oh if he could strangle a horse.
“There, I said goodnight to smalltail” he says, turning his head towards sunny. Who somehow didn’t look pleased.
“You have to kiss him goodnight too” she says, crossing her arms and looking up at him.
“Seriously- I’m not going to-“
“Pa, please?” She gives him her best puppy dog eyes. He starts to wonder if maybe she’s the mastermind behind all of this.
And maybe Tubbo is a weak man, because he sighs. And pressed a small kiss to the horses head, to be met with small tail licking his entire face in one fell swoop, covering him in horse slobber. Sunny erupts into giggles, he knew it!
“Alright! Goodnight sunny!” He says with a dramatic groan, walking to his sleeping back and collapsing down. Oh his hair was going to be awful tomorrow.
“Goodnight pa!!” She calls out through her giggles.
Scheming little daughter!
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phloxclan · 18 days
Moon 117
Badgerpaw earns the warrior name Badgerswipe.
Snowyfeather and Yellowtalon join Starclan. Petuniakit dies of kittencough.
Teaselsky has yellowcough, Hollyhockpaw has whitecough. Falconfade dislocated a leg. Mudfern, Ghostkit, and Quesadilla recover.
A patrol is ambused by "rogues" at the border and Snowshadow is killed. Badgerswipe finally admits the truth about the "rogues" and himself. - The rogues are actually Antclan cats who are living as rogues so as not to arouse suspicion. It's a way of attacking Phloxclan without declaring war. He was originally from Antclan himself, but joined Phloxclan because he hated living as a rogue. He has no idea why Dripstar, Antclan's leader, has such a vendetta against Phloxclan.
Moon 118
Many ceremonies are held to prepare for the oncoming war with Antclan. - Piperheart, Hollyhockshade, Strikeice, Myrttlefeather, Guppyripple, Squirrelrock.
Falconfade retires.
Dewglade is expecting kits! The timing isn't great, but Dewglade and Auburngale are hopeful nonetheless.
Brush joins Starclan. Sorrelbloom is bitten by a snake and succumbs to the venom. Burrowheart dies of an infected wound.
Poddapple recovers. Crestcrash recovers but has a permanently weak leg.
Badgerswipe twisted a paw, and Bluelily dislocated a leg and has whitecough.
Moledapple brings a single kit to camp. Moledapple claims her other parent was a rogue, but some cats are suspicious that it could've been one of Antclan's rogues. Regardless, Weevilstar refuses to send the kit away. Racoonkit - Dark gray and white speckled molly with pale yellow eyes, daydreamer, morbid curiosity.
Tansyclaw is patrolling and hears an odd noise. Investigating, he finds a young cat who asks to join the clan. Cliffpaw - Black tabby tom with yellow eyes and a scarred tail, 11 moons, strict, moss-ball hunter, apprenticed to Riot.
Moon 119
Clifftimber, Furledfalcon, and Amberburst become warriors.
Robinpaw is apprenticed to Guppyripple and Ghostpaw is apprenticed to Vinepath.
Fiercefern joins Starclan.
Falconfade and Hollyhockshade recover. Auburngale and Piperheart have yellowcough. Wolftrail’s leg was injured in a twoleg trap. Sweettiger’s tail was injured by a dog. Smalltail’s head hurts.
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ok!! what are the warrior names for all of our Flamechasers
I assume Kevin is leader and Elysia is deputy, but do correct me if my assumption is wrong
Absolutely correct! Actually what happened is that Elysia was the previous leader’s deputy, and then they died, making Elysia leader.
Elysia’s first act as leader was to name Kevin deputy.
Elysia’s second act as leader was to declare she was unfit to rule and resign from being a leader, making Kevin leader.
Kevin’s first act as a leader was to name Elysia deputy.
Nobody was actually surprised by this.
AS FOR NAMES we don’t got all of em yet but let me pull out the spreadsheet. note that they’re subject to change.
Kevin: Flamefrost (I guess he’d get named Flamestar as leader?)
Elysia: Flowershine
Aponia: ?
Eden: Grapesong
Vill-V: Spidermolt (that’s an extremely puny one)
Kalpas: ?
Su: Greenfeather (not terribly original sorry)
Sakura: Cherryspring
Kosma: ?
Mobius: Snakefang
Griseo: ?
Hua: Heronflower
Pardofelis: ?
Bonus round:
Klein: Smalltail
MEI: Stormcloud
RIN: Foxflame
Gray Serpent: Grayscale
Veliona: Redfinch
@agenttanuki let’s fill in the blanks soon :3
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loimidraws · 4 years
Phoenix tribe
              brown tom with white paws
             Millicent Sharpclaws
              black/light brown tabby she cat with incredible large claws
              Althea Sunhealer
                            painless cauterize
              white she cat with yellow eyes
                            leaves fire trails
              white tom with brownish paws
                            Fire resistence
              red/brownish tom
                            fire can’t hurt her
              black she cat with a tiny tail
                            generates heat
              white tom with black ears and a very high body temperature
                            fire surrounds her
              she cat with a light brown, black spotted fur
                            can create small sparks in view
              brown spotted tom with brown/blue heterochromatic eyes
                            controls body heat from other cats
              red/brownish she cat with yellow eyes
              Leaf Blast
                            controls fire but can’t generate it
              white-brown siamese she cat
                                          creates and controls fire
                            brown she cat with green eyes
                                          controls fire
                            white-brown siamese tom
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daikawashima · 7 years
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台風が行ったら、チビ達と三角窓全開で走り抜けよう。 夕立ちが怖くて乗らないとかわいそう! #ワーゲンバス #ワーゲン #vwbus #type2 #1960 #ブレットウインカー #smalltail #smallhatch #マンゴーグリーン #mangogreen #1598cc #空冷 #空冷vw #家族時間
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bronzebutwarriors · 5 years
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Leader and deputy of Lake clan!
Fun facts- ColdStar tends to shiver a lot which is why he was named ColdBody when he was a warrior!
SmallTail was originally going to be named SmallFang but an incident with a fox lend to her tail being shorten!
Edit, SmallTail is a female
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