#smass answers
Will u start writing again anytime soon I miss your writing
well, i must say that this gave me more motivation than i've had in months, but i'm still pretty dried up most days other than some role playing. i'm trying, i promise, but even when i can write, it's oc content that people only read when i pester them.
even if i do finish the inserts i have in the works and get new ideas, i don't promise to come back to tumblr. the only guarantee i'll make is that i'll post on ao3, the link is in my masterlist. i honestly might just hang my hat up on sharing my stuff all together.
we'll see how it all plays out, but all i know is that i've greatly decreased the amount of time i spend on this hell site and it's done me some good.
if i can get my mojo back as well as come up with a new name and some rebranding ideas, then maybe it will inject some life back into this account.
thank you for the ask, it does mean a lot.
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yggdrasil-bound · 7 months
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mireyaaaaaaaaa · 8 months
Dora the explorer, solon, SpongeBob, Minnie mouse, jello annabeth
Ik who u are so i shall answer with smass too
Spongebob- pass..?
Minnie mouseee- SMASHHH or smass...?(i cant pass her even if i want to which i dont cuz shes staring at me from across the room)
Jello Annabeth- SMASH(excusee me im the one who introduced her so ofc!)
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firediaz · 2 months
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𝐬𝐞𝐧𝐝 𝐦𝐞 “𝐬𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐡 𝐨𝐫 𝐩𝐚𝐬𝐬” + 𝐚 𝐧𝐚𝐦𝐞 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐦𝐲 𝐦𝐮𝐬𝐞 𝐰𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐚𝐧𝐬𝐰𝐞𝐫 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝟏𝟎𝟎% 𝐡𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐲. // always accepting !
smash or pass + andie nash
"   smass--   "   let's   try   that   again.   "   --pash.   "   what   is   going   on   with   his   mouth?   (   is   it   hot   in   here?   )   eddie   knows   he's   not   drunk   because   he   hasn't   had   anything   to   drink.   .   .   god   ,   is   he   having   a   stroke?
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uuuuuuugh.   he   doesn't   want   to   say   it   but   he   knows   he   has   to.   "   smash.   .   .   "   it's   a   bit   mumbled   but   he   said   it.   it's   out   there   now.   "   but   in   the   most   respectable   way   possible.   for   conversation's   sake   and   all.   "
because   bobby   would   kill   him   if   he   was   listening   to   this   conversation.   but   he   answered   the   question.   now   if   you'll   excuse   him   ,   he'd   like   to   go   crawl   under   a   rock   and   die   quietly   ,   thank   you.
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pistolslinger · 3 years
Smash or pass, Jordie edition
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       “ sma —
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       — ass? 
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       . . .  you look too much like kaz.  pass. ”
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jeanmoreaux · 3 years
Hey! This is negative Nancy anon 😭! Thank you so very much for sharing your thoughts. It felt like a warm hug of comfort 😇
I also don’t read those authors (anymore). But I did grow up reading the Mortal Instruments series, and the original PJO, and I’ve only heard of SMaas. And it’s…just disheartening to see books become a business (yes publishing always has been, but this trend of adding more and more is alarming to me)
As readers, seeing stories you love be so obviously profited off (for whatever reason), is kind of like a wet towel being wrung and wrung but there’s no more to give, and instead what’s left is a raggedy and torn cloth (this is a horrible analogy pls ignore)
I laughed so hard at your comment, let’s go #KazProtectionSquad 🦁🦁🦁
you 🤝 me
being a negative nancy AND part of the KazProtectionSquad
i agree it does feel weird when commodification of a book series reaches a point where titles are just added bc they know it will sell. the stories start to feel forced and a little bit uninspired if the ideas don't flow naturally, i guess. i honestly don't hate the analogy lmao as a reader you definitely feel a little used if you read a book that was clearly only written to profit off of the fandom. as a loyal reader of someone i rather have them branch out and try something new every once in a while. not every side character needs their own trilogy and not every fictional world needs several titles. i really appreciate authors who know when to stop and just let certain characters and worlds rest.
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prideful-sins · 4 years
Obey me, and only me, Mammon X FEM!MC X Leviathan (Commission)
Tags: Threesome, Creampie, Dom! MC, Female MC, Commission piece, Oral and Anal DP, Biting, Scratching Word Count: 4.1K Masterlist | Buy Me A Coffee?
“MC this isn’t fair!” Mammon whined as he knelt down on the floor scrubbing his spilled perfume out of your carpet.
“You should have thought about that before you made the bet” you sat in your bed, snuggled within the covers as you read your study notes, “and it’s your fault the perfume was spilled all over my carpet. As much as I like smelling you I don’t want to smell you all the time… and your brothers would ask what was going on between us if I went around smelling the same as you” it’s true that you’d been sweet on Mammon for a while, but you’d also been sweet on his brother Leviathan, and neither of them had even made a move on you.
“Aw come on! I ain’t about to pass that up but the odds were rigged!” You chuckled at Mammon’s pathetic attempt to weasel his way out of doing work, he had lost a bet yesterday and had to spend today doing whatever you told him. Your orders would have been obeyed anyway, due to your pact, but today you didn’t have to feel guilty about using it.
“Oh please, you lost fair and square you can’t get out of it”
He was interrupted by a knock at the door, Leviathan’s voice ringing out.
“MC?” You told him to come in and the door swung open revealing a semi excited Leviathan. “MC!” As soon as Levi saw you in bed and Mammon on the floor his face dropped, “you said we’d watch that anime together” his half sad face made your heart break, you had promised to spend time with Leviathan today and had completely forgotten due to your bet with Mammon.
“Oh shit, Levi I’m so sorry I forgot…”
His face dropped and his brows furrowed, Mammon sat up on his knees and shrugged.
“Aw well MC, if you’re gonna spend time with Levi then you don’t gotta order me around then, do ya?” He looked so smug thinking he’d gotten out of his orders.
“Order him?”
“Yeah, he lost a bet so I can use our pact to order him around for the day” you smirked and swung your legs over the side of the bed, smugly looking at Mammon’s pouting face.
“That’s too good to pass up!” Levi grinned and sat down next to you, a primal glint in his eye as he thought of ways to torture his brother.
“Woah h- hey! This ain’t fair!” Mammon’s went to stand up but you had other thoughts.
“Mammon, stay there.” His knees gave way and his body slumped back to the floor, a panicked look in his eye that was quickly replaced with submission. Leviathan chuckled next to you as he watched his big brother become so subservient.
“This is almost better than watching anime” Leviathan’s confession caused you to gasp, a very over the top gasp that turned theatrical as you continued.
“Hey this- this ain’t funny!” Mammon’s face was red, obviously embarrassed at his current state of obedience.
“Okay okay, Mammon come here.” You pointed to the floor just before you and Mammon obeyed, crawling on his knees and sitting in front of your legs. You leaned down and cupped his chin with your hand, leaning his head up and looking him in the eye. “I want you to answer me truthfully, in fact, I order to you to answer my next question truthfully”
His eyes darted between yours in desperation, worry within the beads of sweat pooling on his brow. With a hesitant nod he agrees and you continue with a newfound sense of confidence, if you weren’t going to hear their confessions soon, you’d confess yourself and make them know.
“Do you want to kiss me?”
“Y-yes” you smiled and ran your thumb over his cheek.
“Good. Another one” you leaned into his ear and breathed out, the hot air hitting his blushing skin causing a shudder in his own breathing, “do you want to fuck me?”
Mammon took a sharp breath in, his eyes widening as you leaned back to stare into them once again his breath quickening as he tried to resist answering. “Yes…”
You heard Levi cough nervously, a blush creeping on his cheeks as he watched you overpower Mammon in the sexiest way he could think of. You paid no attention to him and continued to look at Mammon, a smile on your face as he shivered under your gaze.
“Then why don’t we?”
“Wh-what?” Both of the brothers were in unison, dumbfounded and just astounded that you would even ask that.
“Why don’t we? I’m tired of waiting for you to make a move on me, and I have both of you here with me now so why shouldn’t I take this opportunity to ask? Now, may I kiss you?” Mammon nodded silently and you closed the gap, connecting your lips together and threading your other hand into his hair and you caressed his chin with your thumb. A soft moan escaping his throat as he leaned into your touch, your hands guided him to stand and pulled him onto your lap before parting ways from his lips and looking over at Leviathan.
“C-can I-“ he stuttered over his words and looked away from you both, his eyes darting around everything they could find in the room while his fingers fiddled around with eachother, “can I j-join?”
“Of course you can, but perhaps you’d like to watch beforehand?” You tilted your head to the side, knowing full well he was into voyeurism and watching you be fucked by Mammon would only turn him on more. Words eluded Levi as he nodded furiously the blush encompassing his entire face, travelling to his ears and down his neck.
Mammon shifted on your lap, eager to continue, and now that he had a taste of your lips he only wanted more. His greed for your body growing with each passing second you weren’t paying attention to him, hands snaking around your back and feeling as much of you as he could.
“Be patient Mammon, you’ll get nothing if you rush” your words dispelled the cloud over his eyes, his hand stopping and taking a fistful of your shirt as his teeth sunk into his bottom lip. “Good boy” you smiled and leaned in to kiss him, his lips coming towards you hungrily as he moaned into your skin.
You ran your hand over his thighs, feeling the fabric of his trousers and slowly edging your way to his growing erection. Going so slow made Mammon squirm, he wasn’t used to holding back but he knew if he tried to push it you’d stop and that was the last thing he wanted right now. His groans only spurred you on to continue, hand fumbling over his belt, undoing it as quickly as you could, your other hand taking a fistful of his hair and pulling him away from your lips so you could kiss and bite on his jawline. A soft yelp escaped his throat as you took him by surprise, his eyebrows furrowing as you continued to attack the skin on his neck with your lips.
His skin was deeply flushed, thighs rubbing together as your hand palmed his erection, massaging it through the fabric of his boxers as Mammon became greedier for your touches. You could hear Levi softly grunting as he rubbed his thighs together, his hardening penis being fondled by the tips of his fingers in a desperate attempt to hold back, he didn’t want to cum prematurely for you.
Your hand pulled Mammon’s boxers down, slow and teasing, revealing him in the worst way for him. Mammon just wanted to be touched by you, his dick was throbbing already just from being palmed, a sweat on his brow as his mewling whimpers served to tell you of his desperation.
“M-MC” you smiled and kissed his jawline once more, a silent act of telling him to be silent while you worked but it wasn’t conveyed well and he continued to whimper your name until you fully revealed him. Mammon’s cock sprang out and bounced against the jacket he was wearing a light gasp echoing from him as you wrapped your fingers around him, thumb flat against the seam of the head and massaging the vein that connected them. You could hear Mammon’s whimpers as you gave him the pleasure he had craved, his breath quickening and eyes glazing over with the self-same lust you had shown him many times before.
“Leviathan” your voice was stoic, demanding, a smass shriek coming from the Avatar of Envy as you got his attention, “undress”
“Y-yes” Leviathan obeyed and got off the bed to undress himself, headphones, jacket, then trousers all falling to the floor until he was naked before you and Mammon. The other demon wasn’t even paying attention, too busy revelling in the pleasure you were giving him as you began to pump his dick with your hand, his breathy sighs an attest to how good he was feeling.
“Mammon.” You pulled your lips away from his jawline, earning a small whine, and removed your hand from his dick, earning an even louder whine. He looked at you with those doe eyes that usually made you weak, but not this time. “Undress.”
“But” you glared at him and his words stopped immediately, tail between his legs and he unwrapped his arms from you and stood up, “yes”
Both of the demons were before you, naked as a newborn babe, and hard for your affections. The sight was one you enjoyed muchly, the men standing before you and desperate for your attention.
“Leviathan, you can undress me” his face lit up and you stood up, Mammon’s souring as he obeyed the order you had given. He had to stand there and stare as Levi got to touch you, hold you, and worst of all, undress you. The greed within him rose to uncontrollable levels as he lightly bounced around on his feet, his hands balled so tight his knuckles drained of blood.
Leviathan was just as eager to touch you, his hands working as quick as they could through his flustered state, fingers fumbling around your buttons and hems until he finally managed to undress you. Clothes ripped off and thrown onto the floor so all of you were naked.
“Mammon?” He was too eager to respond, basically jumping forward as the mention of his name.
“Lie on the bed for me” Mammon obeyed and proceeded to lie down almost too eager to follow your orders now. You looked over at his excited face and smiled before turning back to Levi. “Levi? Sit where you were before” He silently nodded and returned to his previous position. Mammon was now half a metre below Leviathan, and Levi was sitting with his open. Both of them were hard as hell and squirming for you.
“So? What’s the order?” Mammon was becoming cocky and you knew it, smirking as you bent over him, breasts pressed against his shoulder, and lips an inch in front of his.
“I hope you’re hungry” he smiled at your words and nodded fervently, you bit your tongue playfully in response before climbing up onto the bed and placing your groin above Mammon’s mouth, him likcing his lips in anticipation.
“Never been hungrier” his arms wound around your thighs and he pulled your hips down, tongue attacking your vagina in the greediest way he knew, the sudden invasion causing your prideful facade to drop in place of a startled moan, your back arching as Mammon’s tongue darted within and around you, his hands anchored around your thighs and keeping you in place so you can’t accidentally move yourself away from him.
Your breath hitched in your throat, your eyes staring at the ceiling as you moaned out in pleasure, and you felt hands come to your chest. Leviathan had become envious of his brother and his demon form had come out, tal whipping around your waist and maneuvering around your back to bring you in closer. Levi’s finger and thumb pinched the nipples of your breasts as his hands massaged the tender mounds of flesh, the static electricity of Mammon’s mouth and the tender caress of Levi’s fingers coming together and providing you with that pleasure you had been desperate for. The wetness of your juices mixing in with Mammon’s saliva as he ate you out with reckless abandon, his tongue darting around messily but almost calculated as he circled it around your clit, and then your folds, then darting it in and around your entrance, his tongue hitting exactly where it needed to to keep up the pressure of pleasure.
You looked down at Levi, his eyes focused on your contorted face as he massaged your breasts, his tail running up and down your spine as you leaned into the caress of his hands. Every time his tail came to the small of your back a shiver ran straight through to your thighs, causing Mamon to smirk as he ate you. Levi’s lips came to your nipple, licking and nibbling at the buds. Your moans cut through the silent worship the only sounds from the brothers were breathy grunts and pants as they ravaged your skin and flesh.
Your stomach felt like it was curling into itself, a chasm echoing through your body as your arousal grew and grew under their scrutinous gaze. Their mouths and hands working together, turning you into a moaning, babbling, mess as your thighs and stomach twitched with heated anticipation of your climax. They were going to give it to you and you weren’t going to stop them, Leviathan’s tail made its way down your back and grazed over your ass cheeks, passing between them a few times as the slick juices of your vagina made their way further from your cunt.
Your voice rang out a small whine within your speech, “L-Levi?” he smiled against your skin before moving his tail further down, the tip of it at your entrance just below Mammon’s tongue, which was still circling hungrily around your clit and labia. “Wha-”
Before you could finish he inserted the tip of his tail into you, the flesh hitting your walls in the best way possible as he filled you up more and more. As he entered you, you yelped out his name in surprise, earning a jealous growl from Mammon who gripped onto your thighs even more, his white fingernails digging into your skin and dragging down upon your skin leaving red marks in their wake. You felt no pain from this act, the adrenaline of being fucked by these men only masking the pain and filling you with even more pleasure, your hips riding Mammon’s face, hands gripping onto Leviathans shoulder as your own nails dug into his skin.
With each thrust of his tail within you you could feel your orgasm draw near. That unmistakable thrumming within your stomach alerting you that you were a lot nearer than you thought.
“I- I’m-” you heard them both snigger at your confession, an embarrassed blush creeping over your already flustered form as your hips rocked with them. With a few more thrusts of Levi’s tail, and a few more licks of Mammon’s tongue your orgasm washed over you and your entire body shook. Back arching backwards as your vision blurred, fingers digging into Leviathan’s shoulders even more as you cried out in pleasure. No one’s name’s just a muttering of what could have been cries for the lord, any lord, as your climax robbed you of any functions.
They continued to fuck and lick you through your rapturous climax, juices dripping down tail and mouth as your whole body twitched and convulsed. When the high finally wore off your lungs were burning, the climax draining you of cognitive functions as your head fell forward.
“Fuck me, I order you to fuck me” your voice was hoarse and barely heard through the panting of breath but they stopped and obeyed immediately.
“Where do you want us?” Levi was unerringly confident, he wanted more of you and he didn’t care where, his tail slowly pulling out of you in the most teasing way it could, the soft scales dragging against your inner walls causing a shiver to run through your spine.
“Leviathan in my mouth, Mammon fuck me senseless” they didn’t skip a beat and began moving around instantly. Mammon shuffling out from under you and Leviathan prying away from your breasts, the skin aching for him to return but he didn’t, his legs were still spread and his dick standing tall and waiting for you.
You leaned forward, ass in the air as a cool draft alerted you to the juices running between your thighs, and eyed up Levi’s dick. He stared down at you, a deep red on his cheeks as he realised what was about to happen and you leaned further and further down, your hand grasping the base, with nimble fingers lightly touching his skin. You leaned down even further and licked the base of the head, your tongue flat against it and slowly moving up making sure you tasted the entirety of the precum that had dribbled from his arousal.
Mammon’s hand came to the small of your back and you could feel the tip of his dick teetering at your entrance, his head grazing through the wet folds of your pussy, a small spasm echoing through your thighs as your whole body craved him more and more, your hips working of their own accord to push your hole back onto his dick, teasing it into your entrance even more.
You heard a breathy chuckle come from Mammon but you had no desire to turn and jeer, all you wanted was for these men to fill you up from each end. You wrapped your lips around the head of Levi’s dick and rolled your tongue around the warm flesh, his breath hitched within his throat and hips began to go wild, twitching and convulsing as your tongue worked it’s magic.
Mammon’s hips shifted and he began to insert himself within your pussy, his head sliding in and setting fire to each nerve ending it came across. A low, drawling, whine vibrated through your throat into Leviathan’s dick and his head fell back onto the wall. As Mammon sunk himself further within you, your entire body reacted, the heat from your stomach now seeping into every muscle in your body as pleasure encompassed your being through and through. 
Once he was fully within you Mammon’s hands came to your hips, anchoring himself against you with a solid base, and shifted his knees before pulling out of you, another whine escaping your throat, and slowly thrusting.
Your mind went wild, your whole body shivering with waves of pleasure each time the slap of flesh against flesh echoed within the room. Mammon filled you up just right and Leviathan was even more perfect, your tongue working overtime as you bobbed your head in rhythm to Mammon’s thrusts, your hand massaging the lower half of Levi’s cock. His hands came to your hair, thoughts finally within his head as he had composed himself and looked down upon your form. Mammon continued to thrust recklessly, his hips gaining speed with every second that passed as your pussy screamed out in glorious rapture, the pleasure clouding your vision as stars began to blur your mind.
You couldn’t spend too long ravishing within your own pleasure as Leviathan was sat there in front of you, flustered and dishevelled with his cock between your lips, tail curled around the bed and making its way to your thigh whilst his fingers threaded within your hair. You bobbed your head further and further down his cock, your tongue flat on it, base and leaving no vein or crevice of skin untouched as you pleased him. 
Mammon’s thrusting became harder, his tip hitting deep within you, your thighs spasming as your orgasm began to bubble within. His grunts and moans accompanied with the light, breathy, sighs of Leviathan created your own personal soundtrack that you could fuck to for hours. Your jaw started to ache a little but you worked through the pain, your head bobbing up and down as your hand continued to massage the base.
Mammon became more vocal as he continued, his thrusts now unravelling and sloppy as his fingers dug into the soft skin of your hips, his nails dragging along the surface as he leaned down, his hips now closer to yours than ever, his thrusts shallow and direct to your ass. A pair of lips came to your shoulder blade, followed by a tongue and then a soft nibble, Mammon’s fangs brushing against your skin as you moaned deep into Levi’s dick.
“MC, I-” Levi was panting and sweating, his flushed face and half-lidded eyes looking down at you as his hair stuck to his forehead, dishevelled and damp from his pre-orgasm sweat. You hummed an affirmative sound and Leviathan’s hand snaked out of your hair and fell to your shoulder, his fingers digging into your skin and scratching at the surface bringing yet another level of pleasure as you massaged his dick with your tongue. 
Just a few more dips of your mouth and Leviathan was cumming, his hips jerking and twitching as his fingers dug deeper into your skin leaving red “U’s” upon the flesh as his semen shot into the back of your throat. A light gag erupted from you as the liquid seeped down your throat, his moans and whimpers echoing through the air as Mammon continued to bite at your skin and thrust into your cunt.
Once he had finished he sat there breathless, licking up the remnants of his cum from his softening dick you giggled lightly. “Good boy, you did great Levi” he blushed some more and looked away, flustered and exhausted from his climax.
“Guess this leaves just us two, huh?” Mammon voice was cocky and impatient, he grabbed your arms and pulled you up, your breasts bouncing at the shift in position as a startled yelp came from you before he proceeded to thrust harder within your pussy, the slapping of hip against ass louder than before as your moans echoed through the air.
“Hah- hah-” you couldn’t think straight as his teeth came down onto the skin of your neck, his fangs digging deeper than before and sure to leave a visible mark for the rest of his brothers to see. His other hand moved down to your clit, his climax was soon and he sure as hell wasn’t going to be cumming before you were.
“Come on MC” he was even cockier than before, Mammon rubbed circles on your clitoris, the sensation rocking your whole body as your thighs and stomach twitched and spasmed. The uncontrollable heat erupting throughout your body as your orgams snuck up on you, walls clenching around Mammon’s dick as you threw your head back and moaned out his name, juices dripping down your legs and onto the bed sheets as your hips rocked back into Mammon.
You could hear him grunting behind you, noticing how sloppy his thrusts had become after your body calmed itself down from your climax. “Cum for me Mammon, cum for me” he wasted no time in doing so, like he was waiting for you to command him just as you had commanded Leviathan. Your name mumbled into the skin of your shoulder before he bit down once again, hoping to mumble himself from his weak moans and grunts and he came within you, his dick pumping semen deep within as his breaths lingered upon your sweat doused skin.
You both stayed there for a little while, Levi in front of you with his legs sprawled and flaccid dick limp between them, still out of breath with his head leaned back against the wall.
“That was-” you began as Mammon slid himself out of you, his cum dripping from your hole and onto the bed sheets.
“Your back!” There was a panic in Mammon’s tone as you looked around, spotting the countless love bites dotted around your shoulder.
“Don’t worry about it, it’s fine” you slumped down onto your knees and felt the liquids from below upon your skin and sighed, “Mammon, you’re cleaning my bedsheets”
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hereticaloracles · 6 years
Asteroid Files: Tezcatlipoca
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Helios on Tezcatlipoca– Heretics, this life is tough, and we often struggle to know where we belong and our place in the world. More often than not, this leads to some pretty dissatisfying realizations about our lives. So what do we do about it? Well, for that answer, lets look at this week’s asteroid profile!
The Astronomy– 1980 Tezcatlipoca is an eccentric, stony asteroid and near-Earth object of the Amor group, approximately 6 kilometers in diameter. Tezcatlipoca orbits the Sun in the inner main-belt at a distance of 1.1–2.3 AU once every 2 years and 3 months (816 days). Its orbit has an eccentricity of 0.36 and an inclination of 27° with respect to the ecliptic. This near-Earth object has an Earth minimum orbit intersection distance of 0.2455 AU (36,700,000 km), which corresponds to 95.6 lunar distances. The S-type asteroid is classified as an Sw-type by the ExploreNEOs project, and as an SU and Sl-type on the Tholen and SMASS taxonomic scheme, respectively
The Myth– Tezcatlipoca was a central deity in Aztec religion; One of the four sons of Ometeotl, he is associated with a wide range of concepts, including the night sky, the night winds, hurricanes, the north, the earth, obsidian, enmity, discord, rulership, divination, temptation, jaguars, sorcery, beauty, war, and strife. His name in the Nahuatl language is often translated as “Smoking Mirror” and alludes to his connection to obsidian, the material from which mirrors were made in Mesoamerica which were used for shamanic rituals and prophecy. There are few surviving representations of Tezcatlipoca into the present day. Due to the lack of surviving images, some have chosen to describe Tezcatlipoca as the ‘invisible god’. When depicted he was usually drawn with a black and a yellow stripe painted across his face. He is often shown with his right foot replaced with an obsidian mirror, bone, or a snake—an allusion to the creation myth in which he loses his foot battling with the Earth Monster. Sometimes the mirror was shown on his chest, and sometimes smoke would emanate from the mirror. Tezcatlipoca’s nagual, his animal counterpart, was the jaguar and his jaguar aspect was the deity Tepeyollotl (“Mountainheart”).
Tezcatlipoca was often described as a rival of another important god of the Aztecs, Quetzalcoatl. In one version of the Aztec creation account the myth of the Five Suns, the first creation, “The Sun of the Earth” was ruled by Tezcatlipoca but destroyed by Quetzalcoatl when he struck down Tezcatlipoca who then transformed into a jaguar. Quetzalcoatl became the ruler of the subsequent creation “Sun of Water”, and Tezcatlipoca destroyed the third creation “The Sun of Wind” by striking down Quetzalcoatl. In later myths, the four gods who created the world, Tezcatlipoca, Quetzalcoatl, Huitzilopochtli and Xipe Totec were referred to respectively as the Black, the White, the Blue and the Red Tezcatlipoca. The four Tezcatlipocas were the sons of Ometecuhtli and Omecihuatl, lady, and lord of the duality, and were the creators of all the other gods, as well as the world and all humanity.
The rivalry between Quetzalcoatl and Tezcatlipoca is also recounted in the legends of Tollan where Tezcatlipoca deceives Quetzalcoatl who was the ruler of the legendary city and forces him into exile- but it is interesting to note that Quetzalcoatl and Tezcatlipoca both collaborated in the creation of the different creations and that both of them were seen as instrumental in the creation of life. Specialists in Mesoamerican Studies, write that, “More than anything Tezcatlipoca appears to be the embodiment of change through conflict.” His cult was associated with royalty and was the subject of the most lengthy and reverent prayers in the rites of kingship, as well as being mentioned frequently in coronation speeches.
In one of the Aztec accounts of creation, Quetzalcoatl and Tezcatlipoca joined forces to create the world. Before their act, there was only the sea and the crocodilian earth monster called Cipactli.To attract her, Tezcatlipoca used his foot as bait, and Cipactli ate it. The two gods then captured her and distorted her to make the land from her body. After that, they created the people, and people had to offer sacrifices to comfort Cipactli for her sufferings. Because of this, Tezcatlipoca is depicted with a missing foot.
Another story of creation goes that Tezcatlipoca turned himself into the sun, but Quetzalcoatl was furious possibly because they were enemies, he is a night god or due to his missing foot, so he knocked Tezcatlipoca out of the sky with a stone club. Angered, Tezcatlipoca turned into a jaguar and destroyed the world. Quetzalcoatl replaced him and started the second age of the world and it became populated again. Tezcatlipoca overthrew Quetzalcoatl, forcing him to send a great wind that devastated the world, and the people who survived were turned into monkeys. Tlaloc, the god of rain, then became the sun. But he had his wife taken away by Tezcatlipoca. Angered in turn, he would not make it rain for several years until, in a fit of rage, he made it rain fire with the few people who survived the assault turning into the birds.Chalchihuitlicue the Water Goddess then became the sun. But she was crushed by Tezcatlipoca’s words who accused her of just pretending to be kind. She cried for many years and the world was destroyed by the resulting floods. Those people who survived the deluge were turned into fish.
As discussed above, Aztec folklore is rife with parallels, much of the time depicted in deities such as Tezcatlipoca. For Aztec nobility, this “patron deity” is fundamental in the social and natural phenomena justified by religion during this time. Extreme reverence and respect, characterized by ceremonial proceedings in which priests were “to pay homage” to Tezcatlipoca, or where “citizens waited expectantly” for ceremonial proceedings to start under the low hum of “shell trumpets,” were commonplace, especially for this deity. Utter respect from the highest position of Aztec nobility, the king, shown through the figurative and literal nakedness of his presence in front of Tezcatlipoca. The king would stand “naked, emphasizing his utter unworthiness,” speaking as nothing but a vessel for the god’s will. The new king would claim his spiritual nakedness symbolically through words and physical vulnerability, praising Tezcatlipoca with lines such as:
“O master, O our lord, O lord of the near, of the nigh, O night, O wind…Poor am I. In what manner shall I act for thy city? In what manner shall I act for the governed, for the vassals (macehualtin)? For I am blind, I am deaf, I am an imbecile, and in excrement, in filth hath my lifetime been… Perhaps thou mistaketh me for another; perhaps thou seekest another in my stead”.
For kings, lords, priests, and citizens alike, the cyclical nature they observed every day and every year was portrayed not through science or philosophical debate, but utter reverence and respect for the spiritual beings they believed were the cause of these events. It was gods like Tezcatlipoca that solidified this notion, representing both the silent wind, and thunderous war.
Why He Matters– Dear god, there was a ton of information on this one, and I absolutely love it. Tezcatlipoca is a fascinating figure in myth, and there is a lot to unpack here. Tezcatlipoca in the chart is a very Martian influence but mixed with a bit of Uranus. Tezcatlipoca comes across as rage, but a very specific kind- The rage that comes from depression. This also plays into the other aspect of this asteroid god- He is an outsider, one who wants to tear down the system and rebuild it in his own image. Tezcatlipoca wants to change the world- actually, in his view he wants to save it. You see, Tezcatlipoca is dissatisfied with the way the world is, and loathes his feeling of powerlessness. To him, the world is unjust and will not be just until he is sitting at the top of it. In this, he represents both the patriarchy and your place in it, wherever that may be.
In media, you can see plenty of examples of Tezcatlipoca, like Elliot Alderson in Mr. Robot. In the show, Elliot loathes his position in society, and directs his anger at a large multinational company, and ends up committing multiple acts of terrorism in the name of creating a better world. Now while I don’t encourage terrorism (per se) our world keeps getting more and more polarized, and we are seeing a reactive grassroots push from people who see their own personal power slipping away while their world changes drastically around them. This is on both ends of the political spectrum, and both are becoming more and more violent. Tezcatlipoca is representative of both Antifa and neo-nazis. Tezcatlipoca is literally the rage against the machine, and the machine is different to different people.
Additionally, Tezcatlipoca is potently shamanic and encourages us to dive deep into the recesses and pits of our very souls. Tezcatlipoca is a literal mirror that shines a dark light on the worst parts of our personalities and forces us to confront our most terrifying demons, but he also gives us the courage to face them and win over them once and for all.
To find out where he shows up in your chart, go to astro.com, put in your birth details and in the extended options, all the way at the bottom of the next page, there will be a menu of additional objects. Under that is a blank space where you can enter the number 1980, for Tezcatlipoca. Once you have it entered, generate the chart! Where does Tezcatlipoca affect your life? Let us know in the comments below!
Asteroid Files: Tezcatlipoca was originally published on Heretical Oracles
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ze-dominant-demon · 7 years
Smash or pass: Roka, A'raxi, Khoi
The Xaela sighs slightly, “Oh, you would bring the more challenging names Miss Roka. Khoi, I do not know much about him but he is a good looking Au Ra. I would say smash for him. A’raxi is very attractive, but highly dangerous, so she gets a pass as I prefer to be alive afterwords, yes.”
“Roka, you are the hard answer. I am without doubt sexually attracted to you and would enjoy becoming your lover. But I also know things have changed over the last several months between us, and I would also not want to risk our friendship with extra complications from me attempting to get you into my bed. Can I choose both? Yes, Smass. Or Pash.”
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⏱ & ☀️
⏰️ what time of day do you prefer to write? i have no preference, but i guess i'm typically most productive between 6 pm and 12 am? i'm pretty sporadic.
☀️has anyone ever left you a comment that made your day? what did it say? i'm grinning just answering this. i've gotten a good handful of them over time in the form of comments, reblogs, asks, and even some written in bookmarks on ao3. my favorites are the ones that tell me how they felt, the more specific the better. if i had to pick one, it would be the one on love me like you do on ao3. i got a wonderful new friend and a sequel i wouldn't have written on my own from it, and i just get the warm fuzzies when someone says that a story i wanted to tell was just the kind of story they were looking to read.
okay this is embarrassing, but i overlooked the stopwatch emoji before and thought it was a clock for some weird reason, so bonus answer!
⏱️what's the fic you spent the most time on? (was it worth it?) that would be love me like you do, no question. it took me eight months, but it was definitely worth it. it kicked off this blog, and it was my first major venture into smut writing.
thanks for the interaction!
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Hey uh are your requests are open?
i just closed them! save yours, and i'll probably open them up again in may or june. i'll give you a good month's warning.
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I just somehow found your blog while going through gaara fanfics and oh my gosh your gaara stories are so cute and wholesome. I loved it , keep up your work. I can't wait till ur requests are open
aw! thanks anon! i love hearing when people randomly discover my stuff.
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i'm glad you like my gaara content, i absolutely live to write for the man (seriously, that's me in the back, not naruto), but... i wonder what your definition of wholesome is? his birthday one is clean, and somewhere out there could almost be a disney movie, but the love me pair definitely isn't rated e for everyone. 🤣
thank you for telling me!
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your song is...
julia brennan- inner demons
They say, "Don't let them in Close your eyes and clear your thoughts again." But when I'm all alone They show up on their own
send me a ♪ i will put music on shuffle and give you a song and my favorite line from it
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Wow, you started writing at a very young age! That explains why you are so talented.
I always jump at the facts for starters. 🤣
Even though you can learn things from people's writing, I like reading about little things about the writers. I don't know, it's like I get to know them a little bit and interacting doesn't seem as cold 😊
well, i reserve use of the word talented, but i'm very well practiced. reading and writing were my escapes as a kid, and i relied on them heavily because i didn't (still don't) do well socially.
i get what you mean. i do like to learn about the lives of creators because it makes it easier to connect with what they create when there's more context behind it. it's like seeing the recipe that the creator used, and not just the finished product. then the finished product often tastes better when you learn why it tastes that way.
thank you! i really appreciate the interaction.
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starting off with the facts, huh? let's see...
the first story i remember writing was when i was six years old. all i remember about it was that it was about a mermaid, and my elementary school counselor was very supportive of me.
thanks for the ask!
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🧚thanks for the emoji i didn't mention the other idea, it was the 'i don't mind your shadows' request. Proof i sent about 12 asks and one of them was a slow dance scene where shikamaru's sister uses shadow possession so that gaara doesn't feel awkward for being a bad dancer.
oh! well that makes so much sense. good to know you're a returning requester! keep saving those ideas then, and in the future, you can share them with me. give me a few months to catch up first.
edit: how the hell do you manage to hit two of my secret (one not so secret, but still overlooked) indulgences with my favorite character in both of your ideas? the only way you could have nailed me harder would be if you came to me with a beauty and the beast or little mermaid retelling.
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