#smile on your face
euesworld · 2 years
"What is that on your face?!? That!! Right there!! Is that a smile I see?!? How beautiful.."
As a matter of fact, it's the most beautiful thing I have seen in 200 days - eUë
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ratfest · 4 months
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the world is full of beauty that can’t be captured in photos or picture books!
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kimtaegis · 4 months
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nose scrunches & bunny teeth >ᴗ< for @jkvjimin ♡
cr. namuspromised, qdeoks
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dragonskulls · 5 months
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done with the requests, really had fun with the httyd ones specially, thank you all!
tagging the users that requested
@aposterous @avianreptiles @sapphofinch @helsingvania @morp @crypticcrab @bi-pan-whiteout @kratt09 @lynxfrost13 @icecreamsodaaaaa
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on an entirely different subject (and one i haven't talked about in ages but been thinkin about lately :< ),
i legit have no fucking idea what to do with mt. silver. like according to 3 year old notes i sorta named him Red (hahaha like the pokemon trainer. it's like there's a connection here) and i know that he and Glitch butted heads a lot since they're both heavily ingrained into digital technology/video games/evolution thereof/etc, and mt silver/red only, like. kinda "popped up" around the time of creepypasta days (which is why he's called that) but is sort of unidentifiable. like The Eye.
but like. my intention for mt. silver was that - like many other Gifted like Glitch with Polybius (or is it Polybius with Glitch? 🤔) and The Eye with found footage/feeling watched - mt. silver was supposed to be responsible for something, for a phenomenon. and that was supposed to be, like. gaming creepypasta, or actual rogue gaming glitches that are. Concerning. rumors that aren't actually rumors but you'll never see anyone able to recreate it and screenshots are called "fake" and simply become urban legends, etc. but GOD. chinhands. my notes for mt silver are so OLD and i never really was able to articulate how i wanted him to work. drives me nuts
tho i think that might just be a case of assigning too many entities to things that don't need it. like. Glitch literally has the digital world all but covered, except for a whole shitload of stuff he DOESN'T have covered, LOL. obviously Glitch can't be everywhere and in everything at once, that's not how it works. since the Polybius calls the shots around here he's basically fucking around in someone's encrypted spreadsheets one day and uploading UFO dashcam footage the other and idk. just for funsies, makes a JUST DO IT meme edit of The Eye's newest footage of stalking some poor drunk college kid thru an open field. then uploads that to youtube. just for a laff
folds arms. but yeah. Glitch and mt silver/Red were definitely going to be at odds and i think that was sort of a Polybius intention/doing, too. like. Glitch and Red would have been "jealous boyfriends" of Polybius (or so acted like it). god it's so weird and it's so hard for me to try to articulate. but. whatever i do with mt silver/Red, and maybe i won't keep him on the Gifted list, i sure as hell know Bobby Jane doesn't care much for the tech Gifted, doesn't understand them, and they make him very very nervous LOL. and i guess The Eye sorta falls under the "tech Gifted" list but. yanno. gestures. semantics. potato potato, etc
Glitch is cute tho. :< i mean he's. got some Trevor Philips vibes. but he's. i like him :( definitely a favorite with Bobby Jane and Jolene. and to think i'd started tryign to round out the Gifted and some other character aspects and uhhhh... Unconventional Gifted (like The House and The Realtor (who come as a "pair" kind of like Glitch and Polybius but there are a lot of asterisks and addendums and asides to that, so)) and R's trucking company, and THE TWIIIIINSSSS dgkdgkdfgklg but HRGHGH
also just. Smiling Man in general. Marone. how the fuck Marone fits in. how the fuck they actually all met, how long they've known each other or about each other, who hasn't met who, like. i had The Candle Cove Bar and Grille visualized as somewhere up in the butt-ass mountains as one of those local dives/trucker grub stops (see: R (aka The Roadrunner)) and it'd be a pain in the ASS for a city slicker like Bobby Jane to hike all the fuckin way up there in an 8 hr drive just to have his chain yanked on by Bakul for 5 more hours and then be sent back with information that could have been solved in a phone call and this is just the WORST job in the fucking world and i keep getting the feeling poor Bobby Jane here works for the government so on top of being a government official of some kind he's also that very Smiling Man of r/LetsNotMeet fame and he's kind of obsessed with the green scarf his ex gave him a year before they broke up and it's totally not weird at all to wrap it around and smell it and Jolene totally knows that about u bro and it's weird and listen.
he is under. so. much. stress. ALL the time. and he's got Fox/The Voice all up in his ass and head (i mean he's up in everyone's ass and head but that's beside the point) and this one time he literally got down and almost back home and it's been like 16 hours driving and The Voice is like "lol hey wait can you go back bc i need you to find The Stairbuilder in the woods it's kind of important rn" and Bobby Jane's just like. literally i will fly to italy and i will kill you myself right now and he doesn't know how he got saddled to be the Gifted "ambassador" or "leader" (very very loosely used) for North America but he's SO up to here with it rn,
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hezekiahwakely · 5 months
Truly one of those most heinous phenomena that fatphobia has wreaked upon the world is making kids believe at a very young age that smiling makes their faces look fatter (and therefore uglier). Can you imagine anything more existentially soul-sucking than the act of discouraging a child from fucking smiling.
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minbinchan · 9 months
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quokka meets bunny ♡ for @jerirose ♡
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sopekooks · 1 year
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e·the·re·al [ih-theer-ee-uhl]
1. extremely delicate and light in a way that seems too perfect for this world.
for @bubmyg ︎♡
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autumnalmess · 6 months
To anyone struggling with their mental health this holiday season: read Les miserables by Victor Hugo
it won't help, but at least then you'll know about the sewers
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nova-rpv · 4 months
"mm i think i have a consistent artstyle no-" shut up, ms paint mephiles that looks nothing like what i have drawn before is here before us
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meph w a smile and sketch under cut
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norrisleclercf1 · 5 months
His eyes are just so
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sketchy-tour · 5 months
He has!!! ARIVED!!!!!
He's here he's here he's here!!!!!! Safe and sound!!! We sat down and did some coloring together!!!!
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And also made sure he met his new neighbors! Had a nice chat with my childhood stuffed animal! Asking all about what his new home is like. And of course, he had to meet Boober Fraggle!
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Watched some Winnie the Pooh together! I think he really liked it. I hope he felt warm and welcomed in my home. A nice and cozy first day here!
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jkvjimin · 2 months
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KIM SEOKJIN + music videos ↳ happy birthday, kayla! @cordiallyfuturedwight 🤍🌼
(beautiful background art made by @kithtaehyung)
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barneswilsonrogers · 8 months
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👨🏻‍🚀👨🏿‍🚀 SAMBUCKY SPACE AU (inspired by The Martian (2015) and If You Were The Last (2023) 🚀🌍
☆ Botanist Sam Wilson and flight surgeon Bucky Barnes spent eleven months working at Johnson Space Centre before being selected for the Ares III Mission.
The mission has gone very wrong. Their ship is broken, and now they drift between Jupiter and Saturn, finding ways to pass the time as they become more certain that no one is coming to save them. So, they're left with each other, their undeniable sparks, and the universe's most remote date night ☆ Read it on AO3
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Yorki and ‘His Illness’;
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Oda really knew how to drive the knife in when it comes to the story of Yorki and his crew, man…
From the choice of scenes before we get to see the bed-ridden body to the actual real world equivalents, its really rough on the heart.
What we knew about Yorki, from the scenes right before the announcement of his illness getting worse, is both his confidence and his strength.
The scene we get to see is his crew surrounding his brand new bounty, Yorki cheering and proudly proclaiming his joy for it. We see the great swaft of muscles on him, his chest fully exposed and his hair bright and fluffy along his shoulders. His face is clear, his arms fill out his coat, which is important later on, and he holds such a pride that he reminds me quite a lot of Luffy. We see him break up fights, offering advice to his men and we see him joking and drinking alongside his caring crew… and Brook. Brook is always by his side, during the mornings when he brushes his teeth, to the night when they drink side by side. They’re always together.
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[ buff pirate cowboy! ] Until they’re not. Now comes the topic that may be a bit rough, the real life equivalent of what we see Yorki suffering from. I'll list the symptoms and y’all can make what assumptions you wish, and again, I’m not truthfully claiming its any REAL ILLNESS, but I mean simply it is inspired by, acting the same and such. We see a cold compress, so it’s bothering his body temperature. We see sunlit windows, open to the fresh air as if that could help. We see spotting across his face, and hands; small wounds, growing in number. We see his hair, like a mock halo loosely scattered across the pillow he lays in, and it’s stringy now, not glossy or kept. His mouth his covered by a mask, so they believe its airborne/touch. These sound to me, a lot like a certain sickness, one passed by blood which is interesting given the scenes we see before this are Yorki and the members who now are sick, sword fighting with a rival crew. It’s also notable this sickness, and spots of this illness do not show up until the few month mark. Brook would have had to watch he changes wrack his body. Yorki, would have had to watch the changes wrack his body. The doctor states he's unsure what it is, perhaps the plague, but is treating it best he can, as what he believes it to be is unknown. But knowing what we do on old methods of that certain sickness, it would make sense. The mask helps, the spit and body fluids being a factor, but the idea of sunlight and fresh air helping is an olden falsehood. The men come into the room, and Yorki speaks to them through horse coughs, offering words of encouragement and laughing through the mask as they shuffle out. They know the truth of this serious matter, and Yorki does too. They leave, each crying their hearts out for perhaps they did not realize the truthful change until that moment. Brook certainly looks perturbed, staring blankly ahead at the bed. Note, most do not get too close to the bed, standing feet away, and not touching Yorki.
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What a physical change from the man we saw before. But not too much mentally… or has it. He has a mask, mentally and physically still up; he gives them hope, tries, but… they see through it after months of his brushing off of the sickness perhaps.
After everyone leaves, Brook remains to stand, away from the bed until called. Called. Yorki calls to him, stating his name as he always did. “Brook.” “Yes.” And Brook comes closer, but not quite to the bedside, staring ahead with a blank expression. Than Yorki leans over, and grabs his hand, and in a flash of a moment Oda CHOSE for us to see, Brook looks disgusted. He grimences, brow furrowing at the wounded hand that touches him, but than we see what he sees lying in the bed; a weeping, broken husk. Yorki has begun to weep, sobbing as his confident facade is broken and melted away in front of his Vice-Captian. And Brook melts too, dropping to his knees and forgetting all of these ideas of illness, tossing any safety away for his crew and himself just to make Yorki feel seen, or perhaps because of his own need to love his dying partner. He clutches Yorki’s hand, and now we see the true damage the illness has done; Yorki’s wrist is thinner than Brooks. His arm is gaunt, and we see the bone. He is withering away, has been for months it seems, but Yorki always was good at excusing it with a confident smile. But now, in the bed, unable to stand and wracked and eaten away by something we can only claim perhaps as some blood related illness, he weeps before his partner. “Brook-” “YES? My Captain?” “Give them HOPE.”
I’ll just include the rest of the scene here for your own enjoyment.
I could dive into the fact that Brook believes he failed those words, or the fact the crew did not just die of poison, and their deaths were so gruesome the anime had to censor it. The fact Brook continues to “give the crew hope…” or the way he mentions he may not have made it out of the triangle alive.
However! That is for another day.
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softlyella · 7 months
I’m that cheeky horny perv gf that touches you inappropriately in public, wether we're out with friends, on dates, in a crowded elevator….. I just touch you in ways and places that I know will make you needy and embarrassed. And I keep going until you genuinely can’t hide that you’re hard.
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